#theyre investigating ❤️
artish-boi · 1 year
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borzoilover69 · 1 year
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I'm throwing popcorn at my screen and laughing my ass off HEY COOLKID is this you? Hahah. Hehe. Hahaha. I'm not falling for your tricks cool kid.
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BURST OUT LAUGHING. THE WAYYYS THAT THE JAKE AND DIRK GET JANES GOAT ABOUT THINGS GOOD LOOORD. Jane jabs at Jake at grammar and stuff, Dirk does it with Jane, just little consistencies in friendship is what they're so endearing for. They're like "uh huh. yep. you certainly used that word. mhm." *judging*. But in an ENDEARING way ok. The "that sure was a phrase you used".
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This is important!! Also this reminds me you should probably go talk to Hal here it's trained off dialog from the comic and as of this post stands at a staggering 14.1k messages! I always like to see what people say to him (when they send it) and he can be really funny!
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I haven't checked on him for a hot minute so the accuracy is to be determined but look! Here's him right now! Go talk to him!
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What is. What is blud doing in the background. I like to think seb has an inner monologue similar to dirk striders where hes like going "This thing needs to be moved. Geez Jane, this place is a mess." or "I'm awake and ready to serve fucker." You get the gist. Inner monologue going crazy as he works but being full aware ain't nobody hearing his cool wittisms. Janes expression is completely valid lmfao
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Here is another moment of Jane casting doubt on her abilities. And here's where Dirk talks.. about his ancestor for the first time. You know what I guess I can bring up the post where I went over.. dirks jealousy of Dave and self internalisation of that hate? To be honest I'm surprised it got the attention it did. Its been something that I thought about for so long but I never brought it up because it felt and still does to a merit "taboo". Nobody really talks about what admiration can do on the flip side, how it can make you measure yourself up, make you feel attached in a way that provides you with a flip flop between intense aspiration to despisal and envy.
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Except.. that isn't exactly true. As I pointed out before, Jane casts doubt on her ability to live up to her ancestors legacy, even if it's just a joking legacy.
You fancy yourself a SKILLED PRANKSTRESS, if by no other measure than lineage. Though at times you feel it's tough to fill those shoes when you are SURROUNDED BY JOKERS. Seriously, the shenanigans perpetrated by your pals make your old school japes feel KIND OF PEDESTRIAN SOMETIMES,
Poppop Crocker was a LEGENDARY COMEDIAN, following in the footsteps of his grandfather who of course was the greatest southern pranking legend of all time. One day, you hope to follow in poppop's too.
GG: Maybe I'm just stuck in the dark ages of pranksterism with my funny mustaches corny old joke book.
Jane and Dirks parts are equal parts jokes as it is thinly veiled inner conflict of ideas they have about themselves and their role. Dirk is sort of ironic in how seriously he takes his irony. Which means it's not really as ironic as he thinks it is.
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4258 goes hard.
TT: Ever hear of Con Air?GG: Nope.GG: Wait...GG: Wasn't that some bit of action schlock from the 90's?TT: Yes. GG: Some of the silly nonsense referenced in his work was well before my time. I don't have the wherewithal to investigate all this minutia. TT: Yeah, it doesn't matter really. But it was from that. Dude weirdly obsessed over that shit movie for years, among others.TT: Know those signature shades you see him wearing on magazine covers and stuff? Another prop. A gift from Stiller himself, I believe.
You know this seems like an old man gay yaoi issue. Now why EXACTLY dear sir.. were you obsessed with the very movie that your best friend had as a favourite? You know it's tragic. Alpha Dave SHOULDVE banged that old man.
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You know one of you guys will have a field day analysing this piece of text and I know it, you know it, so put on your goggles spaceman.
I'm not going to provide screenshots, but this is where Seb starts getting antsy, and Dirk says that Jane will be the leader of their group, drawing parallels to page 2682 where John and Rose are talking about their null session, unable to get any further.
TT: This session was never meant to bear fruit. TT: It's barren, so to speak. EB: that's a bit of a bummer! EB: i am still skeptical about that, though. TT: That's why you're our leader, John. EB: huh? TT: Optimism through stalwart skepticism is a defect not everyone is lucky enough to be cursed with. EB: that's stupid. EB: i'm not your leader, i am your FRIEND, there is a BIG difference! TT: Statements like that are also why you're our leader. EB: pff. EB: laaaaaaaame. TT: Yes, kind of.
But in Dirks, he chooses it because he thinks thats "the thing to do"
TT: I'm sure you must be aware by now that you'll be the leader of our group, as you will be the first to enter the session. GG: Um, no? GG: This is news to me. I never gathered that "team leader" was a thing for this game. TT: Trust me. It's a thing. GG: Are you sure? I have my doubts. GG: I believe as a group we will have the temerity to succeed, without my having to order people around like an insufferable bossypants. TT: That's why you're our leader, Jane. GG: Hm? TT: Optimism through stalwart skepticism is an affect not everyone is plucky enough to be graced with. GG: That's stupid! TT: Yeah yeah. I know. TT: You're not our leader, you're our FRIEND, right? GG: Precisely! GG: There is a BIG difference! TT: And statements like that are also why you're our leader. TT: But only in name and in spirit. Less so, functionally. TT: If it puts your mind at ease, I'll be the one pulling the strings here.
This reads to me a lot as something he orchestrated, something he thought up to look cool, but what's the point of saying all this shit when you say afterwards you're just going to say that she's controlling none of it and really it's just you (which really, in the end it wasn't). Jane points out a pretty good point about there not being a true LEADER leader, and Dirk just plows on. He proceeds to have a long and eyeroll worthy emphasis about how much he can serve, how good he is at it, how Jane only has to call and he'll come to the rescue, not to worry at ALL. I mean i have to laugh. Here he is emphasising how much he can serve and he can't. He can't at all. Pushing someone in a direction does not always equal helping. His suggestions are befitting his aspect sure, but doesn't always mean it's the right solution!
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4261-64 moving on.
The dads are always so incredibly endearing. ANd i love when janey does the lil. :| at people like giiirll me too! Absurd whimsy everywhere. Hey look at lil seb g-
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Dad crocker is incredibly funny to me i will tell you why in a hot second
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GET IUT JANE!! ALL OF THIS IS MALAAARKEY!! Even now quite a few of her friends are being INCREDIBLY silly to this girl from a normal childhood growing up in a normal time!! Egads!!
Reminds me of the times where I was travelling around ( i travel a lot majority of my friends expect im outside constantly) and they swore i just wasnt real because i show up in random places that contradict each other and go missing for weeks only to be found on some desert island hunting crabs.
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But anyways
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4271- 4273
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Sorry i dont have much to say just imagine me with the goofiest smile on my face.. like <:}... Like ah.. yes.
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Nearby, someone or something bleats like a goat for strategic purposes.
And also
Ironic purposes.
.... :} !!!
Look.. heehee... hes so :D!! His bes friend... :3 Silly..
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[ END OF ACT 6 ACT 1 ] ?! Hey wait what does this mean for us. hey wait what does this mean hey wai-
[ screen cuts to BLACK with cue card with words "HUSSLE" in comic sans. ]
4299 panel goes hard? So does 4303
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JADE: witch powers can teleport things, and fling things around through space at very high velocities JADE: all sorts of stuff! JADE: but to be honest, im not sure how much of that is attributable to inheriting becs abilities... JOHN: man, spacey witch powers sound a lot more versatile than my powers, frankly. JOHN: not that i'm complaining, because wind powers are still awesome. JOHN: but anyway, that is neither here nor there!
I'll leave you on this piece of dialog to consume. I'll see you all in the next part. As always anons and comments are appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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teutaranaway · 2 months
(feel free to go into as much detail as you want) what is bustafe/where could one play it :O
UM bustafe is an otome game (f/m romance game) set in a fictional state of america (that's just new york 2.0) and its about the heroine who has the power to go back in time albeit in someone else's body for only a few hours, and she uses this power to Try to help people (she fucks up like half the time) while also investigating how her brother might have died AND getting a bf in the process
bustafe is considered a bad otome bc the character routes focus more on solving conflicts and the lore than romance and most of the actual romance is in bonus chapters that you unlock after getting a good ending (and theyre very short). HOWEVER the characters have really good chemistry together (if u like found family its so good) so its so hard to imagine the entire group with a character missing bc they complete each other
bustafe is also famous for having fucked up bad endings but i wouldnt know. im bad end phobic so i didnt check
its also in the same universe as another otome called sidekicks!!! (its getting a switch port!!!! but im not sure if itll ever get localized)
its on steam and switch ❤️ but like i said i can always send u the files or stream
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x-authorship-x · 8 months
youve mentioned your wips again and I was wondering if you had any non-crssover ones? Have a great day/night 💛
Haha! Well I do actually Anon, I'm just really busy IRL (not had a weekend off in.... yeah, a while)
I'll just talk about one WIP because I really really fucking love this idea
It's basically a Poltergeist/Ghost AU of my HOPE AU? (the Classic, I do have non-HOPE AU shisui fics too, lol)
Basically, when Danzo reveals himself as a traitor to the cause (peace), Shisui does some very quick panicking and immediately activates Kotoamatsukami. Since he's never actually successfully used it like that before, and all he's thinking is "holy shit I need to disappear and prove Danzo's treachery", he creates such a strong Genjutsu of his suicide-death that he renders himself... Like a ghost. No one can see him, hear him, he's caught in his own web. Worst of all? He has no idea how to get out.
Danzo and ROOT think Shisui actually died, his body is lost to the cliff-edge, and so, to cover their asses, they pin his murder on Itachi with the Uchiha Police. Itachi, however, is really suspicious and knows that it's all a fucking lie and so, in custody, begs Inoichi to investigate as a final justice in Shisui's name.
Inoichi and Squad Two, who are inconsolable with grief and anger, have to find out how Shisui died...
With the murder having worsened the political tensions, theyre short on time... and that's not to mention the strange chakra presence, the scribbled notes, the moving objects and the glimpses of a painfully familiar figure in the corners of their eyes... worst of all, they keep on having these strange dreams of Shisui begging them for help....
Shisui, meanwhile, is very much not dead, very much stuck in his own Mangekyou, and very much in danger of dying for real if he doesn't find a way out-!
Enjoy this little brain plotbunny and have a good one, Anon! ❤️
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empty-ted · 8 months
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Sea slugs are slimey so Slime was a good fit for a name
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Theyre 13-14
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
💼 - What do they do for a living?
They're part of a pirate crew who adventures the seas
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Exploring or investigating
🎯 -What do they do best?
Getting themselves into trouble
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
They love to goof off and explore and hate being stuck
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Seeing the outside world (land) for the first time
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
None. yet...
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Leaf sheep sea slugs
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Demiboy w/ they/them pronouns and they're ace
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
3 older siblings
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Its ok
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
They're a sea slug
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
No one. yet...
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Since last year
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
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renmorris · 5 months
my late parents paintings are in s2 of true detective ! i havent seen it myself but theyre in someone called ben caspar/casperes apartment ? so theres one redeeming feature for you 👍
I know exactly what set you mean because the designs were so distinctive and exciting! ❤️ it’s a cool space, I think in episode one or two? and they didn’t spend as much time there as I would’ve liked, which was a shame because there was a lot going in that room with interesting art pieces all over.
S2 had this habit of like showing you some very cool shit and then just leaving it very abruptly 😔 in s1 they really let you luxuriate in the set design of wherever the investigation took them.
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thoughts ive gathered from watching the game and ideas (headcanons, she means headcanons)
in before someone tells how wrong i am about several things
-i find it interesting that Al and Kat are so gung-ho about following their intuition and gut instinct when i dont recall Hershel ever being like that. Hersh was very grounded in his logic and investigate before coming to any conclusion but his kids base their thinking on vibes and then investigate for the sake of confirming their feeling. 
-it almost feels like (based on how Al encourages Lucy’s thinking throughout the game) the whole intuition method was Alfendi’s brain child that, after Hershel left, either he taught Katrielle or she picked up from him. (i am a firm believer that Al looked after Kat when the professor left they were like 18 and 10, theres no way she was just. alone for 11 years) 
-Potty Alfendi seems capable of caring about other people so i wonder if he ever spoke violently to Kat while taking care of her since thats how he always was before Forbodium. never acting on anything of course, or maybe he was more tolerant of her since shes so much younger than him. and seemingly the only family member hes got that he still gives a damn about.
Kat sees the best in people so maybe she just brushed off any crazy ass thing he said. “ill have your liver for dinner!” “can you have it tomorrow? i really want burgers tonight”
-i think i didnt register this part but do Al and Fendi share a memory? ok like, lets look at Toko Fukawa and Genicider Syo (i know theyre not good DID rep but i need some comparison here) when Toko fronts, Syo cant hear what she says and doesnt remember what happened while Toko was fronting and vice versa, like two people taking turns sleeping within the brain. Al and Fendi (potty and placid respectively) however, seem to be more like a driver and passenger. both can hear what one is saying and Al never seemed confused as to where he was or what was going on when popping in to save a case. maybe its because theyre not really separate people but different versions of the same person?
-when the fuck does this game take place timeline speaking? Alfendi’s little hi hello in the anime proves hes canon but the phone calls the commissioner was getting in lbmr and that being revealed to have been the commissioner talking to Hersh seem to suggest that Hersh had been back for a while. Al’s game came out before Kat’s but lmj and the anime seem to be the proper timeline we’re going with? idk i was confused having found millionaires conspiracy before mystery room.
-given that theyre the only family each other have, does flora even keep in touch with them??? i seriously doubt that Katrielle isnt aware of her “new brother” but does Hershel know? does the man still think he only has one son? how do you react to your foul-mouthed criminal-obsessed son suddenly being a decent member of society? 
-they made him so damn cute in the manga ❤️❤️love it when he just goes =D and you can see the resemblance and tell that hes biologically Hershel’s son AKDNDNSJ
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hermitcraft-8 · 7 months
ace attorney investigations is both way better and way worse than the original games to me in particular because in the original games you go around looking fir clues and stuff but most of the games are the courtroom parts which is complicated and confusing and awful < unless youre good at it
id like to mention ive done mock trials before and theyre actually so much fun but the games are so confusing and convoluted and strange that i dont like being behind the bench for some levels. i just dont know whats happening or what on earth phoenix is thinking
but anyway. in investigations youre almost never behind the bench and its great. phoenix isnt there at all, youre miles EDGEWORTH instead. you just look around to see clues and stuff, build the situation your head - its cool :]
but the downside is logic chess. in which you learn that miles has no clue how to play chess because its a time based game where you either stay quiet or start pushing for information and then a chess piece shows up????? and breaks the other person’s chess piece ????? its not chess. but i only really dislike it because of the time aspect, yiure on a timer and its scary
ANYWAY who even cares about game mechanics i need 2 introduce you to kay faraday
shes a little [i say little but shes like. idont know. 16-18] pink thief girl who shows up. i think after miles gets kidnapped ?????? in a haunted house ???????? and she has her speech where she talks aboyt how shes the yatagaratsu who steals the truth ect ect. i love her because when she’s not being extremely helpful she exclusively makes fun of miles. as a teenager is meant to do 👍
she talks aboyt stealing & breaking & entering in front of this whole entire lawyer so often and its hilarious. because he cant do shit about it because shes never actually stolen anything or broken and entered anything
anyway she has this little machine she got from her father called little thief that makes holograms of whatever information is inputted into it. helps with detective work 👍 and also with stealing
her dad was a defence attorney BUT. YOU SEE. HE WAS ALSO A GREAT THIEF which is where she got this whole thing from. and he was a thief WITH two other people. her uncle whos a detective that looks like hes smoking cigarettes but its just a lollipop < hes silly] and the woman who killed her dad 👍 her sprites r cool as hell
the whole first game, kay & miles are revealing a smuggling ring. can you believe it. this random rich guy and the girl he met 3 days ago who is 16. find an international smuggling ring and get them arrested. the hell
in the second game they have ❤️❤️❤️❤️ justine courtney & sebastian debeste. justine is a judge & also religious but her god is uh. the goddess of the law 👍 shes kind of a hardass but shes nice to sebastian which i appreciate because no one is nice to sebastian. which sucks
sebastian is another rich guy who only got the job cuz his dad let him. its complicated and a whole thing and seb’s dad is a. horrible person + the big bad of the second game because he killed someone, attempted to take justine’s son hostage + took sebastian hostage instead.
Theres a second big bad, his name is simon keyes, hes a clown. but an evil clown but like. he looks nice. until he starts being an ass right when you try to get him arrested. he gave kay amnesia and ill never forgive him ect ect ect
anyway thats ace attorney investigations. evil rich people & people who manipulate people who dont know better into giving them what they want r the general big bads in this one
that's awesome, love that
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it really is so funny that in aai edgeworth and gumshoe are shown like... doing actual investigations and eliminating suspects and then making an arrest based on evidence and a confession by the perpetrator...... then meanwhile in the mainline games gumshoe just arrests whichever unlucky motherfucker happens to be within the vicinity of the crime scene and edgeworth is like "yeah sure i believe that" and phoenix just has to deal with this. theyre just making his life difficult on purpose ❤️
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minniepetals · 1 year
Hi Minnie! Hope you’re doing well :) I wanted to let you know that there’s another blog I just found going by minniedaisies, they’ve only written one fic so far which I don’t think theyre copying you outright but it’s an ot7 soft fic that uses alot of the same style as you and also the same pet names and header photos and stuff? Plus the url similarity feels a bit too coincidental?
I know you don’t really own any of those things but it was definitely confusing when I first saw it and I wanted to make sure you knew about it incase they were actually copying you/an older work maybe? or something along those lines?
Also I’d love to commission you if you decide to open those up! I hope things go well and I can’t wait to read what you write for us ☺️❤️
Continuation of the last ask cause I looked again and they also kinda copied your layout for the description of the fic?
https://at.tumblr.com/minniedaisies/pastel-snowflake-kisses/md7l13t8gy1c I’m not too sure if this if you and I’m crazy but they go by a different name so I don’t think it’s you? 😂
i read this ask over this morning and checked out the blog and asked for different pairs of eyes to see their intake on this and in conclusion, we're all a bit suspicious because well, you can't exactly look at that and not think of minniepetals BUT i don't own the theme and although the outlining is my style, i don't own it either. and i agree, reading the fic did make me more suspicious because, well, the words just kinda flows like the way my fluffy fics flow BUT this is only the only work we've seen and they haven't done too much with their blog yet. perhaps they're just testing things out.
for now, i'll just keep an eye out for the blog and i hope to anyone who sees this and want to investigate or whatever, do not send any hate messages to them. it's a little suspicious and i thank you very much for bringing it to my attention however i don't want this to get too far for anyone to go out hunting in the defense of my name 💗
also thank you for wanting to support when commissions open!! i really really appreciate it so very much!!!
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mayo-advance · 3 years
Helping you out of an uncomforatble conversation
(Sorry if theyre ooc, i’m still new to writing for this fandom)
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❤️Kirishima Eijiro❤️
-Ok so
-Poor baby is a little dense but hes not stupid
-It might take him a little bit to notice
-You guys were at this fancy UA event with a lot of reporters and heros and stuff
-And you were being interviewed and stuff like most UA students had been (especially class 1-A bc of the villain attacks)
-And Kiri is having this excited conversation with a pro hero
-And when he looks over at you he expects you to be done with the interview by now
-But you aren’t done
-Even worse he sees you looking really uncomfortable
-You were struggling to make eye contact and your responses were short and simple
-As he made his way over to you he heard one of the questions
-“Some people say your hero costume doesn’t show enough skin. Why is this?”
-Ooh baby boy felt his blood boil
-Of course it was a social event but even with that he walked straight past the reporter and lightly put his hand on your shoulder
-You looked so relived
-Kiri gave a very fake smile as he kindly told the reporter, “Sorry to steal her from you but we have business elsewhere.”
-Without waiting for a response he gently led you over to a quieter spot
-The audacity of some reporters i swear to god
-He didn’t force you to look at him but you did anyways
-He gave you a soft smile, “You ok there poprock?”
-ok I know he wants to be manly but ahhh i love sharky boi he just makes me go 💖✨❤️❤️‍🔥🌹🥰
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⚡��Denki Kaminari⚡️
-You guys were hanging out with Bakusquad
-You didn’t hang out with most of the people there on a normal basis so you felt a little out of place
-Of course you didn’t try to look uncomforatble because these were Kaminaris friends and he obviously hung out with them for a reason
-The only other one you interacted with constantly was Mina
-And that was for when the girls of class 1-A had their sleepovers (if you dont identify as a girl just know they invite you bc you are awesome and get a special pass)
-Anyways Bakugo was getting passionate about something
-And with Bakugo Passion=Anger or somthing
-You knew that it was how he dealt with emotions and you didnt blame him
-But at the same time it put you a little on edge
-Bc you know angry men yelling is terrifying
-Denki is probably on of the least observant out of all of the characters
-Poor Chargebolt only noticed you were uncomfortable when you awkwardly and subtly grabbed his hand
-He looked over at you like ???
-and then hes like 🥺
-He excuses you two
-Says you had a study session planned
-You explained it was just kind of loud and overwhelming and that you did enjoy being around his friends
-In the future he would keep a closer eye on you when Bakugo explodes like that (literally or figuratively)
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🔹Iida Tenya🔹
-This man is so fine and yalls need to start simping for him
-He had asked you to come find healthy study snacks with him
-This is how he shows love ok he makes sure you are living a healthy life style
-Anyways you went off to grab something from a few isles over and you promised it wouldn’t take long
-So of course Iida was concerned when it took you more than 2-3 minutes because it wasn’t a big or busy store
-It was just the local grocer
-When he went to investigate with healthy snacks piled in his hands he was flabbergasted to see you talking with a man whos looming prescence towered over you
-Hears “So are you doing anything later today?”
-saw the uncomfortable way you tried to shrink away from the man
-he was immediately jumping in like any good civil person would do
-“Excuse me sir that is my s/o you are talking to”
-Oh boy this man had the audacity
-ngl I see Iida as the jealous type in these situations - But like lowkey tho
-“Yes well you are making them uncomfortable so if you will excuse us.”
-He walks past the man and you follow him timidly
-Iida apologizes for the “outburst”
-Lets you watch a movie instead of studying later because he knows mental health is important
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🥦Izuku Midoriya🥦
-Remember in like… the second episode when he saw Bakugo in trouble and immediately jumped in while looking extremely freaked out?
-Yeah imagine that
-Just less freaked out yknow
-So just Deku being Deku
-Anyways you were hanging out in the common room with a small sprain you got during training
-And Mineta approached you
-Ok this is a mineta hate acc first of all
-Anyways he sat next to you
-And he struck up a conversation with you and it was kinda okay at first
-But then he began talking about the girls with the best boobs….
-And you were just like ‘I want to leave’
-But you couldn’t move easily
-All you could do was pray
-and your prayers were answered as Deku showed up looking for you
-And this boy was the fastest on picking up on the tone of the conversation
-He silently walked up, picked you up bridal style and just walked away while shooting a glare at Mineta
-The minute you were clear of the little pervert Deku was immediately bombarding you with questions asking if you were okay and apologizing
-You were kinda flustered that he had to fully pick you up, you tried to tell him that you could walk
-But he just shook his head and said you needed rest
-Anyways the next day Momo gave Mineta a black eye bc you told her what he said about her
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come-along-pond · 2 years
any (or all 👀) of the otp questions you’d like to answer for tasm poppy and peter!!
You know the way to my heart -
I did all of them Ikdkdkskej LOL SORRY
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Who is the most affectionate?
Ohh, a hard one. Peter is very handsy. Like he is ALWAYS touching Poppy. But naturally she leans into him. I think Peter
Big spoon/Little spoon?
Neither?? Both are cling to each other. Poppy just falls asleep spread out over the bed on Peter and he hugs her like a teddy bear. When it’s hot though, Poppy will push him away because she is HOT.
Most common argument?
Probably about Poppy doing slightly dangerous things for a good story for the Bugle. Peter is always worried about her and when he finds her near a crime scene he’s just stopped - he’s angry. But she understands he feels he has to be Spider-Man. “I have powers, you don’t!” but she does, she just doesn’t use them.
Favorite non-sexual activity?
Love that this question lowkey implies every couple’s favourite activity is sex. snkdksdk I don’t actually. They both enjoy going around New York and taking photos. Peter swings them around and takes the photos. Very romantic. Poppy has a series of ‘Best places for a date in New York’.
Who is most likely to carry the other?
PETER OMG. I assume this means physically picking someone up. Peter picks Poppy up and spins her around all the time. He definitely does the ‘carrying your wife through the doorway of your home’ thing omg.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
ohh. I’m going physical and mental.
Poppy: She loves Peter’s little cocky smirk omg. it’s annoying when he’s teasing her. but god…She loves everything about him. Mentally? AgainX she loves everything. He’s such a sweetheart. He adores how he is with aunt May. He just cares so much about everyone.
Peter: Her eyes. Peter is just always drawn to them. And when she’s wearing her glasses, he just gently takes them off to look her in the eyes. THEYRE SO IN LOVE. Peter loves how Poppy is so unapologeticly her. She likes what she likes, and is open with her personality. She’s determined.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Lots more staring, lingering hands and blushing. Peter gets very giddy after hanging out with Poppy. They noticeably stand closer and touch eachother for longer and smile more.
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Poppy calls Peter: Pete because it’s just a shorter version of his name lol, pretty boy because well he’s pretty, my scientist and science nerd because he just knows so much and Poppy loves that.
Peter calls Poppy pretty girl in retaliation to her ‘pretty boy’ and he loves how she blushes. He also calls her blondie because Tangled is one of her favourite films, and he thinks it’s cute.
Who worries the most?
You’d think Poppy would, but no, it’s Peter. He gets very concerned mainly because he knows what people are like, and so when she’s investigating something dangerous, he freaks out a bit. I think they definitely both worry.
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Both. Although Poppy has a little bit of a better memory and Pete’s got a lot going on.
Who tops?
Who initiates kisses?
BOTH. But mainly Peter lol.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
If I say Peter again will you notice a theme? He’s VERY into physical affection okay.
Who kisses the hardest?
Depends. If Poppy’s been worried about him, she kisses harder, but usually they’re pretty equal. But also…Peter. DJDKKDKDKD
Who wakes up first?
Poppy. Peter’s been up all night, he deserves lay in.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Poppy. Look, the beds comfy and warm, and yes she has work but that’s not important.
Who says I love you first?
Ohhhh. I don’t know. Poppy? Yeah, Poppy.
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Peter!!!!! This man puts little notes in Poppy’s lunch before work and UGH. He’s so cute. They just say ‘I love you ❤️’ or ‘See you later’ just UGH. Or if she’s having a rough week they get more personal.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Peter. Look, he needs to ask Aunt May for advice and she’s happy for him.
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
May LOVES Poppy. And Poppy’s mum gets on super well with Peter. And Gwen is Poppy’s friend first, Peter’s second.
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Both. Peter does it to cheer Poppy and and when she’s in a good mood she’ll make him join in.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
I kind of want to say Peter. Aunt May teaches him some good recipes and Poppy is a busy woman. Both can cook and both do cook.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
PETER. It makes Poppy grin.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
PETER. Come on…
Who needs more assurance?
Hm…Both have their moments. Peter thinks Poppy deserves someone who can always be there for her and Poppy thinks she doesn’t deserve Peter.
What would be their theme song?
Oohhhh. I don’t know. I have a playlist for them but I don’t know if they have a specific song yet.
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
Peter…He’s not great at it, but he knows it makes them happy (I mean actually he can sing lol KDKDKDKDK)
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Face time definitely. They message and phone eachother and both have eachothers perfume/cologne and spray it on clothing. Peter had Poppy’s scarf and she has many of his hoodies.
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Both of them don’t think they’re good enough for the other🥺.
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
They’re both SO in love and not one of them lives the other more. They’re equals in everything.
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karmanticmoved · 2 years
pick any OCs for these!! whoever you feel has an interesting answer lmao, feel free to talk about more than one per question :D
😨 fearful: when scared, do they go into flight or fight?
🙊 speak-no-evil: what is something your OC will refuse to stay quiet about?
⚾ baseball: can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power, etc.)?
🎵 music note: what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
❤️ red heart: their love language(s)?
🙏 YESS i will talk sooo much. apollo my bestie beloved ilu
😨 fearful: when scared, do they go into flight or fight?
I'm gonna talk about carson, my fnv courier for this one. ok. so.
carson doesn't really scare easily, after dealing with being shot in the head, many many deathclaws, the legion, being lobotomized, fighting a whole ass war, etc etc. but he does get scared sometimes, mostly when it's something at stake, like lives of his companions or the threat of harm to a group he's inclined to protect. whenever he gets scared, his first instinct is always, technically, fight. though sometimes that's just acting impulsively rather than actually fighting, but it's the same instinct. he throws himself headfirst into things with no regard for his own life as is, so there's little hesitation. honestly, he barely even has the instinct for self preservation at all. but whether that's something stemming from all of his head trauma (bullet to the brain, lobotomy, several concussions), or something he already lacked, he can't quite say.
🙊 speak-no-evil: what is something your OC will refuse to stay quiet about?
hmmm. I think I'll talk about jesper 4 this one!! he is a chiss sith lord & my absolute favorite swtor oc ehehe
jesper has a very strict moral code set for himself, despite, or even because of his status as a renowned sith lord & alliance leader. he has more than enough experience with the dark side & those driven by evil that he can tell when things are likely to bring consequences. anything that he deems a risk to the alliance, to the galaxy, or especially to his wife and crew, he immediately speaks up about. unrest between imperial and republic soldiers is addressed the moment that gossip reaches his ears, reports of potential traitors are investigated, and absolutely no bigotry is tolerated. he does sort of enjoy telling people off about their misogyny and alien racism. but that's just because he and his wife love to clown on people whenever possible, especially as they are both aliens and he drinks his respect women juice daily.
that got so off topic but that's ok bc I love him <33 anyway. anything deemed a risk is immediately discussed to some extent, no matter what.
⚾ baseball: can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power, etc.)?
NOW is time for my haikyuu ocs. ok . Ok!!! i I only talk about... a few.
sakuma, kyoya, and kiya. sakuma is the 3rd year vice captain of the wolves and is a key part of their defense and is a powerful spiker. kyoya is the wolves' starting setter and kiya is the deer's starting setter. theyre both second years & they all play volleyball (ofc)
using the official hq stats system:
sakuma / kyoya / kiya
power: 4 / 4 / 3
jump: 5 / 4 / 4
stamina: 4 / 5 / 3
strategy: 4 / 3 / 4
technique: 3 / 5 / 4
speed: 4 / 4 / 5
🎵 music note: what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
I'm gonna talk abt my rbwy oc kiyoomi bc ive been listening to his playlist the most recently tbh.
a lot of the music steers towards punk stuff, more rebellious and fuck it attitudes because that's his general. vibe. BUT. there are also a couple songs in there regarding his family issues, mostly with being neglected and ignored and the least favorite child even after he was the only child around.
the song my grand plan from the tlt musical (its about pjo annabeth and her family issues) is on there specifically because. he's a fox faunus. he's incredibly smart and witty, he's talented enough to do an awful lot, but he was so. ignored and not allowed to extend his abilities that he got fed up with it all.
also teenagers by mcr <3 he is an incredibly pissed off teenager that knows full well how fucked up a lot of the world around him is, and he's so prepared to bitch about it and say fuck the government.
❤️ red heart: their love language(s)?
doing dominick (my fo3 lone wanderer) for this because he's an asshole who's trying to figure out how to Show Affection at all.
more than anything, his main love language is acts of service. but not in the traditional sense, but a fallout sense. hell watch your back without complaint or even a request to do so. he'll make space in his life to accommodate, like adding an extra bed to his house in megaton. he takes care to save food and water and medical supplies that he plans to share later on. he'll even take a bullet or a stab wound to show that he cares.
his second love language is quality time. just travelling, mostly. he willing brings someone with him, willingly allows them into his space and life, and protects them accordingly. he only gets close to people who stick around him long enough, so quality time is important after he cares as well.
both of the love languages are most obvious in regards to charon because of how frequently they travel together. others who've taken note of dominick have noticed the casual manner that he just. takes care of charon when he can. doesn't seem to mind spending time in his company, especially if they're both quiet.
overall it's just. the way he quietly makes room in his life for another person with ease.
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