#theyre playing cards against humanity :]
happiesthotel · 5 months
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🍎 || sir pentious & friends doodle !!
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whorejolras · 3 months
found the first ever les amis fic i wrote & published (& then took down before i finished it) back in 2015. i went looking for it when i started writing fic again last year and couldn't find it anywhere and stumbled across it today.
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frecht · 1 year
kind of annoyed at my friend :/
#ok so at the cafe at my school theyre having an event thats basically come play board games#and she texted the discord yesterday and said 'who wants to go to this?' and i said yes! i would!#and so i checked in with her bc its this afternoon like do you still want to go? what time should we go ?#bear in mind that she is the one who INVITED evwryone#and she said she has too much work#and i knoww i shouldnt like judge how much work she has but like she had only one class today.#couldnt she have done more of her work earlier considering that she MADE PLANS?????#and i really wanted to go to it i miss playing board games bc usually the only games i can play at school are. uno & cards against humanity#but im from a family who likes weird games my dad finds on Kickstarter (this is a lie only my dad and i play them. my sister and i refuse)#and i only get to play my weird kickstarter games at home!#not that i think theyll have weird kickstarter games :/ but at least itll be VARIETY!!!#SORRY i dont actually like uno and cards against humanity that much. but i need to play something else#i brought fluxx this semester but no one will play it bc they all wanted to play uno and cah first and by the end of those we were tired#they were done to death by like senior year of high school bc theyre the ONLY games anyone will play!!!!#and its honestly an effort to even laugh at any cah jokes at this point . sorry theyre so rarely funny.#and i feel bad bc i have one friend who laughs really easily and so they crack up and im just sitting there like . a corpse#talkin
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I will start an LGBT group in this town with my own hands if I have to
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hulahoopsoupgroup · 3 months
more gaang game night headcanons:
1. sokka HAS to put on his detective hat whenever they play clue. he gets way too into character
2. they forgot that toph can hear peoples heartbeats and after she won a few too many times in a row while playing mafia, they designated her as the narrator
3. they had to bribe zuko with tea to get him to join
4. sokka once challenged aang to a just dance battle and severely regretted his choice after aang chose rasputin
5. speaking of sokka and aang, theyre obsessed with sea of thieves. a little too much. and theyre way too good at the game, to the point where zuko, katata, and toph (acting as an advice giver) dont stand a chance against them. they WILL sink your ship as soon as they see you
6. katara is scarily good at trivia games and the rest of the gaang have zero idea how she knows all of these things
7. at first, zuko didnt really like board games or card games but now the gaang can hear him quietly snickering to himself when he gets a good hand in cards against humanity
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sbk-zgvlt · 7 months
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Guys. I finally finished book 4.
Sebek doesnt go home for winter break, deciding to stay with Yuu and Grim in Ramshackle (He feels left out by Dia 3 and decides to stay back, not willing to put himself through more heartbreak) (Yuu and Grim dont question him when he appears in front of their dorm with a luggage bag)
Sebek wanted to see Dia 3 off when they leave through the Magic Mirror only to get there with Adeuce Yuu and Grim and find out they leave without bidding him goodbye
Adeuce's opinion on Dia 3 are slowly souring
Bump into Jamil and the rest of Scarabia!! Decide to help them with cooking. Idc about that theory that the culinary crucible cards that have their bows not properly done r bad cooks SEBEK CAN COOK AND I STAND BY THIS !!!
heads up! Sebeks previous interactions with Jamil (namely the ceromonial robes vignette) has already skewered his personal opinion on him, so he doesnt get suspicious of him until its too late
Something something about how easy it is for Sebek to love admire and respect someone something something about how he lets it blind him to peoples faults sometimes
SEBEK LOVES IT IN SCARABIA OMGG ITS SO WARM. Those green flames in Diasomnia heat JACKSHIT smh
The carpet likes messing around with Sebek and Yuu has to stop him from trying to set it aflame/lh
When they take to the skies, Yuu takes the time to look at Sebek and Grim and just be. Insanely glad that theyre with them (AUGHHH THEY MAKE ME SICKKK)
Kalim's "mood swings" do NOT mix well with Sebek "autism" Zigvolt. Works well in Jamil's favor because Yuu gets upset on both Sebek and Grim's behalf
The whole thing with Yuu unable to say no because of Jamil's UM and Sebek and Grim scolding them, but the former admits that it leaves a sour taste in his mouth if they leave Jamil without helping for some reason
Try to escape and FAIL spectacularly. Try to call the headmage, and Grim eventually tells Yuu to message Adeuce. Sebek messages Jack ("Why do you even have his number in the first place 🤨" "It is none of your concern, human!")
Sebek stops Grim from trying to dig their way out with a spoon, knowing it would be fruitless, and makes him rest
They have the talk with Jamil and the other dorm students !! When Jamil mentions why exactly he needs to be compliant to all of Kalim's wishes, Yuu whispers about how that sounds like someone they know. Sebek tries to ask them what they mean but Yuu says its nothing
Sebek criticizes the Al-Asims and Jamil is surprised by how passionate he is about the topic (Yuu tries their best not to call Sebek a hypocrite with how he's been excusing all of his Wakasama's actions that are CLEARLY hurting him) (Malleus sneezes in Briar Valley)
Jamil also finds out that technically Sebek is a servant as well, although it was by his own will. He questions how Sebek could so easily dedicate his whole life to someone just like that. Yuu agrees, mentioning how his Wakasama doesnt even seem to give him the time of day, which doesnt help
THEY ESCAPE WITH THE HELP OF THE CARPET 🔥🔥🔥 and crash into Octavinelle
Skipping a lot of chapters over here since nothing really changes drastically. Sebek goes with Floyd, Yuu, Grim and Azul to distract Jamil. He plays a board game with Yuu :3
Skipping again, they find out about Jamil's whole scheme and Sebek is CRUSHED to find out that someone he looks up to is actually a bad guy. Jamil once again ignores the teeny tiny guilt he feels upon seeing Sebek's distressed face
Something something about being the one praised for once something something about how Sebek freely gives his love and praise to anyone he believes deserves it and how Jamil feels appreciated even though he wont admit it
Flings them to the edge of the desert, Sebek holds onto Yuu and Grim so he would be the one to get the brunt of injuries upon impact. It doesnt help that its cold
OASIS MAKER 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 Sebek uses his crocodile form to carry Yuu and Grim (Yuu was against it because WHAT THE FUCK SEBEK YOURE INJURED)
Fighting Jamil! Sebek connects with Jamil, servant to servant and all that shit, saying that what he's doing wont change a thing. Starts off insulting him ("SEBEK YOURE NOT HELPING???") before going "Will you really let yourself stoop so low and let them take the last laugh!?"
"You have talent and skill that could make others envious, and you're using them for what? Stealing some title? If it was truly yours to begin with, then prove it! Do you really want to become housewarden through such underhanded tactics?" "I truly admire you, Viper, so don't tell me that I placed my faith in someone so imprudent!"
Jamil scolds him, saying that Sebek of all people should understand why Jamil's doing this in the first place. Tells him that he can help him as well, offering his hand. Sebek doesn't take it
He gets in a bit of a funk after that, not being able to understand why Sebek is just okay with being a servant all his life, getting more aggressive with his attacks while the others try to push him back. He still has his hand stretched out towards Sebek, screaming about how he should understand
Azul tells them theyre running out of time, and Jamils going to be too consumed by his blot for any of them to snap him out of it. Against his better judgment, Sebek grabs Jamil's hand, Yuu barely holding onto Sebek's jacket when they tried to pull him back
FLASHBACK!!! Sebek and Yuu finally acknowledge each others existence when they watch the memories play out. When nearing the end, Yuu asks Sebek why he cares so much about this "Wakasama" when its clear that they dont care for him. Sebek doesnt answer
BACK TO THE REAL WORLD!!! Azul tries to convince Jamil to transfer to Octavinelle, and after some thinking decides to extend the invitation towards Sebek. Sebek immediately refuses. Yuu retorts and says the only dorm Sebek is ever transferring to is Ramshackle. (They look at each other like 🤨)
Jamil tells Sebek that he still doesn't understand why Sebek would want to serve someone his whole life. Sebek tells him that he doesn't need him to understand since it's his own decision anyway. Jamil contemplates on his answer
PARTY!!!! Adeuce and Jack FINALLY arrive and fuss over Yuu Sebek and Grim, still not admitting that they were worried
Yuu realizes that Sebek still didnt answer the question. When they ask Sebek about what happened in the memory Sebek feigns obliviousness
Finally back at Ramshackle,,, the ghosts are RELIEVED to see them again. They usher Sebek into the house, noticing how Sebek is SHIVERING
Before Yuu gets in as well, Lilia pops up, saying that they have something to give them. After he gives them the postcard and disappears, Sebek goes out to shout at Yuu to come inside
Yuu shows him the card and Sebek's face FALLS (YOU SEND YUU A POSTCARD BUT NOT. SEBEK. OKAY I SEE HOW IT IS !!!)
Yuu tries to ask him whats wrong, but Sebek says that its getting too cold outside and heads in. Yuu stares at the postcard like it just killed their entire family
"M.D." has a #1 hater and it's YUU 🗣️🔥🔥🔥
EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTION FUCKKKK Sebek picks the stone up before Grim does, intending to throw it away only to become curious as to why Grim likes them so much. He pockets it instead
AUHUGHUG FINALLY DONE 😭😭😭 im goign to try and finish book 5 next !!
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foxboyclit · 2 months
I’m mentally sending you many desserts, and hope the rest of this week is much better! For an OC question; what kind of games do you think your OCs would like best?
ty uriel ;-; im having a friend come up this week so i think it will be a lot better, i joked today "since i only have work 2 days theres gonna be a weeks worth of bullshit condensed" lol
im choosing to interpret this as card/board games because i know fuck all about video games
theres a really sweet game called calico thats a puzzle strategy about making a quilt for kitties to snuggle on, and that is 100% Howl's shit. just a cozy game with enough challenge to keep them engaged, where there is a winner but its very low stakes (theyre just happy they made a cat-approved quilt).
its a ttrpg but i think they'd love Shadow of the Demon Lord. ive only played a oneshot for it but the dark fantasy, weird worldbuilding and horror aspects would be very appealing to them
Fae just likes games as an excuse to hang out, so your classics like uno and cards against humanity is what they'd bring. they're a bit of a sore loser and live for the petty revenge opportunities in uno
the Nydallas obviously love sava, because any excuse to flex those manipulation skills with the added layer of flirting is their bread and butter. i also think theyd have a lot of fun with deception: murder in hong kong. its hidden roles, mystery, murder, balls to the wall theorizing, heated accusations, basically everything drow love (also using this as an excuse to post the polygon video for it, because it's my favorite overboard episode to date)
Chena'stra tried to play cards or sava with Ang'dra, and it just ended up in another terrible fight. either because Ang'dra refuses to entertain her or actually beat Chen and she's mad about it. i'll also say House Frival game nights are a lot quieter post-disowning Chen
what do Venny and Lath like to play. how terrible is the shit talking. are either of them sore losers
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fallish · 1 month
i will absoluely take this baton, thank you for tagging @fairlylokai 🥰
1 ) do you make your bed? the truth is i tried for a while and i still do try occasionally but a majority of the time it ends up with me sleeping on top of a comforter because my brain cant put together the effort to pull it back and actually get in. im going to go with no (despite the state of my very made bed that i am currently sitting on at the time of this post)
2 ) what's your favourite number? two-way tie between 58 and 87. iykyk ;)
3 ) what is your job? im a software developer, its kinda a boring title but im getting good at it!
4 ) If you could go back to school would you? it really depends on the day you ask me this one. like generally? fuck no, it was hell on my adhd. on a particularly self destructive day? yeah and i might finish a college application before deciding to sleep on any major life decisions (and then i wont do it! 10pm rule that shit!)
5 ) can you parallel park? yes! i used to be the only one of my friends who could but i live on a street with only parallel parking and i think theyre getting better at it :D
6 ) a job you had that would surprise people? i used to be a camp counselor for one summer! everyone used to always tell me id be bad with kids because i didnt really like them, and i actually tried failing this interview but i guess they needed people, so i got the job. i got on swell with the kids! uh. not so much with the other adults tho. i accidentally made the ice tea spiked at the end of the summer and needless to say i was not invited back. i look back on it fondly :)
7 ) do you think aliens are real? of course. its unthinkable that humans are the only ones around in the whole universe. as they say, life finds a way
8 ) can you drive a manual car? nope. dated a guy who did once, and im ngl i was kinda into it, but i never learned myself.
9 ) what's your guilty pleasure? k pop photo cards 🙈 while I agree that guilt is for the weak, I do think I spend an unreasonable amount of money on those
10 ) tattoos? not yet, but ive got plans. my mom is super against them so while im at home, i cant. when i move out tho, i really want to get a set of wings in honor of ffvii (the first video game i finished)
11 ) favourite colour? i like yellow, like the mustardy kind but im partial to green and black
12 ) favourite type of music? i spend a lot of my attention on the punk/rock so like fall out boy and mayday parade and i listen to a lot of indie shit like glass animals and basement punk like the front bottoms and mobo, and recently im into kpop, particularly zerobaseone. also! i suspenct that no matter what, if i like the rhythm of the rap put in front of me, its highly likely ill enjoy it
13 ) do you like puzzles? i like puzzles so much i made it my job! one could absolutely say i like puzzles lol, me and my sister used to do them a lot and for her last birthday i got her a 10 pack.
14 ) any phobias? im not fond of men with raised voices, but on a lighter note, i wont go more than 5 feet into the ocean because i grew up in jersey on movies like jaws that made me wuite scared of shark attacks
15 ) favourite childhood sport? i uh didnt play sports 🫡 i liked watching hockey though and i still watch nhl hockey now! so that might count?
16 ) do you talk to yourself? oh yeah. all the time. i cant do tasks if i dont talk myself through them. it might not be out loud all the time (i respect public spaces and the quiet associated with them) but theres a constant running monologue i promise.
17 ) what movie(s) do you adore? cheesy answer but i LOVE inception its one of my all time top 5 movies i could watch it in any mood and it would amaze me.
18 ) coffee or tea? i like both, i prefer tea, but im not allowing myself to have either right now. im trying to get myself off of caffeine again because i recently started going back to work and drinking more coffee and what do you know? my migraines made a comeback
19 ) first thing you wanted to be growing up? i wanted to be a famous singer, and sometimes i still want to make music but i dont know, i guess it got away from me at some point. i still make little singing audios and send them to my friends and my mom always says i have a nice voice so the dream stays alive :)
thanks again for tagging! im going to tag @doomcannotbethisadorable @alittlebitofrainbyyourside @sherlockholmeson and anyone who wants to do participate!!
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mdhwrites · 9 months
I've been reading your analysis of Sasha and I would like to ask: You seem to defend that Sasha's actions are of her own fault entirely and that theyre not an indicative of her parents being abusive or negligent.
While I agree that they may not be abusive, shouldn't the fact that you seem to interpret Sasha as someone who has never been told no in her life be a sign that her parents did fail to properly raise her? Considering she's only 13, isn't it fair to place some blame on them? After all, we're mostly a product of how we are raised.
I apologize if I misinterpreted your words in any way.
This is actually a fair response and even in my last post on this, I argued that the divorce DID fuck her up. Hell, that they used too soft of hands to cradle her. By 13 though, especially with such an upbringing, you are starting to be your own person. Deciding what matters to you. Worse yet... Soft hands can't mold. They can't influence properly. So yes, they could have and should have done a better job at stopping Sasha from hardening her self aggrandizing ways but well... Parents make mistakes.
We all do. It's part of being human. And while we may have explanations, very few of us have excuses. After all, your argument effectively pushes the blame to literally ANYONE other than Sasha. After all, why didn't Oum and Bee try to reign in their daughter's friend? Why did Anne listen to Sasha when her parents taught her better? Why didn't Marcy decide to just stop hanging out with Sasha if she was so mean to her so often? Or hell, go broader. Why didn't her TEACHERS ever tell her no? Why didn't other kids ever stop her?
ANYONE could have told her no, made her face consequences, but instead they kept playing her game. Kept letting her live the base idea that she herself constructed.
That's also only IF her parents were soft. I'm theorizing just like anyone else but with what I've seen of people in my life, it's very possible that some other reason might be the explanation for Sasha's behavior. Hell, her youngest appearance has her screaming "Stop right there, EVILDOERS." She likely got that from a show or cartoon and that might have put the idea of her being a hero into her head. Her parents and everyone else thought it was just a kid playing around like kids do and so literally no one but Sasha is at fault.
It kind of exemplifies why "If everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe you're the problem," that I think applies well here. Sasha and her blatant disregard for morality is still the core problem here, even if others could have tried to temper it. A lot of morality after all is basic empathy. Many decide not to steal from an abandoned wallet not because it's illegal or the like but because they are empathic enough to recognize that it'd suck if their wallet was stolen and when they got it back, their cards and cash were missing. There's a reason why the golden rule, the thing you rely on when nothing else guides you, is "Treat unto others how you wish to be treated." A moment of asking if you'd be okay with this being done to you.
The thing that makes Sasha so terrifyingly effective though is that she DOES have empathy. It's part of what makes redemption for her possible but she doesn't use it to empathize and treat others kindly when we first meet her. Instead, she finds that nugget of you that means the most, empathizes with that desire to see it blossom... And then twists it as hard as can so that it serves HER. Any argument you give her against her intentions, she'll throw back at you as doing it for your own good like we say in Reunion and she'll shut it down due to her hero complex. After all, her version of the golden rule is "Do unto others what serves me, for my happiness equals EVERYONE'S happiness."
BUT the saving grace of Sasha is that she's not a complete narcissist. A lot of people are pawns but the second you come into her circle, you HAVE to stay. This is how Reunion is in character. She wants things to be the way they were but when faced with the choice of keeping her circle by having both Anne and her die, or letting go, she chooses the latter. It's a break in her personal image that she has to deal with but the price of losing one of those she holds dear is too high for her to pay otherwise. In S2, we see the fallout as she lashes out against this, hates the moment of weakness and thus wants ALL control to fix it and S3 shows it swinging the other way. Sasha is now TERRIFIED of that circle ever being broken again so now she's terrified of Anne's opinion of her, terrified of power when it comes to Anne... And doesn't want this same experience with Marcy, thus why she tries to rationalize her circle with Marcy being permanently broken so she just write Marcy off.
She is the character to me that needed the ten years THE MOST. Needed to craft an entirely new identity to be able to handle proper empathy with who she wants to be versus who she believes she is. Otherwise, she was vulnerable of falling into an equally destructive but inverted relationship with Anne where she is entirely at ANNE'S beck and call.
There's a reason why I REALLY like Sasha, especially since the writing on her is SO GOOD that despite only getting maybe a tenth of the show in screen time, the show actually does explore this stuff and give good reasons each time a transition needs to happen with her. She is the TIGHTEST of the writing in the show and probably the part that most proves that if Matt Braly wanted to tell a story as serialized as ATLA, he seems very capable of it.
And honestly, the show never tries to excuse Sasha so... Why does the fandom? It just wanting to not have Sasha have been a monster? Is it projection? I don't know but it's interesting to me that THIS topic is the one that has had a chain of asks going for as long as my genuine hot take of Marcy and Sasha not individually being main characters.
If it is projection though, maybe take a page from Sasha then and ask what it is you're doing and if it's the right thing. I learned that lesson the hard way coming out of High School. I didn't blame my parents, friends or society though. I hit rock bottom because I was an asshole and made myself better. It wasn't easy, it wasn't simple and I'm STILL dealing with the ramifications of effectively destroying my own confidence and ego back then (you all EASILY see the most confident face I can put on and even then, I try to admit I'm not omnipotent or anything like that.)
But if you really want to redeem yourself and make up for the past, excuses aren't going to do that. Showing you can learn and change does. That you recognize the past and don't want to repeat it. Almost like that's one of the lessons of Amphibia. To face change rather than try to dismiss it or run from it.
Oh, and this will be the last blog I do about trying to excuse Sasha's actions like this (except maybe discussing how Grime actively encourages her worst impulses, either by accident or on purpose) kind of for the reason I stated in the second paragraph. The idea that I could keep arguing why one source doesn't work but that if you're looking for an excuse, you'll find one anywhere around her. Sasha likely did that too before Amphibia so as to never have to change and that's part of my point with this being HER fault.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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pansear-doodles · 1 year
Actually, what games, and style of play would each slugcat like?
monk likes peaceful harvest moon-like farming games survivor likes sandbox games (regardless if theyre peaceful or not) hunter loves rpgs gourmand likes party games like uno and jackbox (or any game where multiplayer is readily available) arti likes fps rivulet likes fluid platforming and speedrunning catered video games (celeste) spearmaster loves puzzle games and also likes tabletop such as dnd saint loves cards against humanity (or any game where they get to freak the fuck out of the other scugs) inv is gamer
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cartoonsaint · 2 years
you mentioned how hlvrai is an interesting form of storytelling and i think thats part of why it got big- same with taz and other dnd podcasts- people like the authenticity of it. theres no big writers rooms working to make it "perfect." its all very in the moment. the actors arent actors- theyre not reading off a script. everyone whose playing a part are equally a part of the storytelling process. everyone is making the script up in the moment, and things happen either to immediately make their friends laugh or make their friends go 'holy shit thats awesome' or (my personal favorite) to give their friends the opportunity to do something cool!
its an honest form of storytelling that we're kinda losing with the way media is so sanitized and washed out and forced to be marketable. like, i struggle explaining hlvrai or dnd podcasts to my friends when they ask what kind of content i watch, because theres really no comparison to it (unless they also engage with that type of content). its like people sitting around a campfire telling stories, just to pass the time and engage in creativity. and i think thats why people like them, theyre just fun and real.
i got a little rambley but overall: i think hlvrai and these types of media are popular because theyre honest
i think there's truth to this, yeah!!! :) there's a lot to be said for stories where the storytellers are present/visible, esp when they're all close-- it's like being invited into their warm, fun little friend group for a little bit, even if it's just to observe. it's a kind of antithesis to the wave of polished and soulless media that has become more and more of the stuff out there in the past ten years (spotless set design, everyone is beautiful and no one is horny, reliance on the Save the Cat method, i don't have enough links to sketch this whole thing out but yes: the number one word is marketability). these are lonely times; stories told by real people in real-time are a breath of fresh air, especially when there's the doubled wild cards of 1. wtf are my friends going to pull out of their asses next and how do i keep this balloon-story in the air oh god and 2. dice-rolling/weird g-mod stuff à la the helicopter heap, etc. it's great fun to see people up against these odds who manage to pull together a semi-cohesive story anyways :)
i don't think we're really losing this kind of story-telling, though it is becoming less visible in a marketability-lowest-common-denominator-blockbuster-content-production kind of way. but you're right that these kinds of practices trace back to telling stories around a fire, or while spinning thread or sharpening flint-- it's deep in our core as human beings. our lives are very different from those of our our ancestors 50k years ago but in the grand scheme of things, we've barely barely changed. we still want those stories. we still want to tell them, too. even as inhuman companies beyond our individual grasps manipulate things far above us, try to distract workers from too-long days at work with stripped-down marketable manipulative garbage, there will always be people making weird, niche art: friend groups who stream goofy improv together, people who write thousands upon thousands of words about their OCs even though only 3 people read it, toby fox in his basement, DnD podcasts with fewer than a fifty listeners, stick figure webcomics updating every day, pre-teens scribbling about sparklewolves in their composition notebooks and shyly sharing a little bit with the other weirdo in their class.
but yeah. especially for those of us who don't necessarily have the energy to create as much as we'd like, story-telling that has the foundations visible, that is honest about what it is and where it's coming from, that has at its core the desire to make one's friends laugh-- it's great! it's fun! it's a good antidote to the big polished crap :)
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"the thing is, its clowns, were all clowns, and how do clowns sing? its a hard queston. clown training has been pretty eye open amazing; ive got a lot of freinds who have done the physical theater school thing, and they all went on about how clown training is the most intense theater traning there is. its not about bending balloons. its not about polka dots. the true clown, the classic clown, is serious business: man at his most exposed, vulnerable, innocent. all the world against him and yet he perserveres in spite of/through his foolishness. an open heart, the holy fool. the holy fool again! the unnumbered card, outside the deck.
honestly a lot of the training seems real similar to buddhist meditation training to me. theres a lot of stop the mind, stop doing things, stop performing and just BE. mind wants to tick tick tick and when you let it youre not so beautiful up there! you can really see it, you can. you can see when someone is not seeing. when they are thinking too much…
the mind running is not so beautiful as the heart beating is.
za told me once about some college basketball coach of hers who viewed coaching as a meditative art, because he was mindless while doing it. lost in the moment. i can dig that…i can dig that my best piano playing happens when i turn it all off too. i dont know where my clown is headed…i feel like ive got my mind off and i can be real honest and true, but whats going to happen when i have to start doing things? its one thing to look someone clean in the eye and see them and be seen, but its another to do that while palming an egg. and another to do it while singing…what a non self conscious thing singing so often is!
but: friday night went to see some lovely georgian singing groups. the trio of men, what an example in performance they were: two of them smiling, and moving their heads with the music, and indicating, and gesturing. subtle, but there. and a bit fake. not that they werent really feeling it, but that insistence on letting us know…this is actually an issue for me, this trust, you have to trust that the audience will get it, you dont have to show them. trust, they are smart and deep. they are…they are? they are. not smart, thats not even the point, its instinctual, theyll know, if youre honest theyll know and feel it with their gut. no mind, just nerves. you cant let someone know that youre seducing them until theyre already seduced. you have to trust thatll happen.
the first two didnt trust it. they were fine, and certainly wonderful singers, but they faked it a little. and maybe people liked them. but for me, it was the third, ah the third.
he stood, he sang. thats all. and he was beautiful.
stand and sing, its the heart not the mind.
i want this first song to be all that, effortless and vulnerable and beautiful exposed joy and terror in the face of god, all of the human heart staring deep into the void and letting us see that fear and wonder. and also with a good backbeat so we can have some cartwheeling.
ok i have an idea!!!!!!"
Dave Malloy, Pointless, 30 January 2007
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
no thoughts except vader and y/n playing cards against humanity and creating a combo that has both of them in hysterics
vader is laughing so hard he has to use an inhaler and y/n cant breath
theyre both clinging onto each other trying to calm down
they look at the combo again after calming down and burst into laughter again
good times (:
LIKE OUR BOY PROBABLY HASN'T LAUGHED THAT WAY IN FOREVER and like it just feels so nice to him,, like i can just imagine while you're in hysterics you're trynna keep him upright so he doesn't pass out from lack of air sbwjqiqon AND WHEN YALL ARE JUST STARTING TO DIE DOWN IT STARTS AGAIN
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soft--dragon · 2 years
we were playing cards against humanity wiTH MY PARENTS
like im not allowed to swear, but playing CAH i am 🥰
im also 16 in less than a month 😨😨 anyway im going to bed gn! hope your okay lovely <3 xx
Pffft L, did you win CAH at least? /lh
Also that's huge!!! The big 16! :D Hope the day goes well hun ^^
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aquadreamsiac · 4 months
had the craziest dream I'll try to write what i can remember. So me and my extended family (karen and co, amy and co, etc) were staying in cornwall in a beautiful old house. we were on a grassy verge near a clifftop, overlooking a gem-like blue sea. karen had loads of really cool tattoos and the kids wanted me to play the nun game with them, karen came to my door to ask if i could play but i think i was packing to leave (or unpacking, i couldnt really tell). the house had beautiful tudor wooden panelling vibes. at one point i noticed scrawled writing on the mirror on one of the walls which continued onto a danity glass jug (looked like a skinny little teapot). I can't remember what the writing said but we were all thinking okay... there's ghosts here for sure. on the top of this beautiful grassy ridge overlooking the sea there were a set of badly dug graves, v rough and ready and fresh seeming, some of which had long plaited ropes of human hair lain by them. we knew somehow that these were the previous guests in the house we were staying at. many of them weren't from england, let alone cornwall, so we were wondering why the hell they'd all been buried together and all in that place in particular? The other part of this dream (using speech to text now so it'll probs be weird) was that we found a jewelry box in the attic room of this house which I found because I was trying to gather my things. it had beautiful genuine diamond brooches and rings diamond encrusted jewelry and it had multiple layers like a double layer chocolate box. The inside was velvet and one of the pieces of jewelry inside of it was a necklace that had an octopus pendant on it made of Jade which had such an enchanted quality about it, when I put it back down in the velvet jewelry box it slid against the walls and looked as if (or maybe it really was) it was moving the way an octopus's legs really do against things, that way that theyre so fluid and slippery. we were looking at it in candle lights and I kept finding tucked in the corners of the box that my mum had put letters and cards in there, i think they were addressed to me? lots of my family members like Amy were putting their own necklaces and pieces of jewelry on the edges of the box and hanging necklaces on stands around the books too like it was becoming our pile of things as well as all of these beautiful diamond pieces and amazing pieces of jewelry that had previously existed in there.
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sicklyglow · 5 years
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