#theyre so seemingly small but stuff like that is what keeps me interested in a music artist forever
cdmodule · 2 years
Something that drives me insane everytime is albums in which the songs transition into each other, albums that tell a story through the songs, references to other songs by the same artist, entire Albums that transition into each other, it all makes me scream and kick my legs like a teenage girl. Music artists please keep doing this
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
Big Ol Ask Post Pt. 3 I think
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I haven’t drawn anything other than cursed or plain technical stuff w him 😔😔 have these for now but expect more soon!
anon a way back asked what he’d look like next to Overlord being already so big compared to Megs, that’s why you see Lordie if you’re wondering why he’s thrown in that line up!
by the way I have a voice claim for the big purple simp— Jenner from NIMH, he’s so awful but that suave baritone oh it fits too well >:] it’s the ‘humble servant’ line that got to me
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Yep! Pharma is absolutely in this AU—as well as the CFau and Crack one too—and in all, he’s still an estranged medic long since booted from any legal work back on Cybertron.
He lost his credibility and more all those years ago when he found himself willing to do his fair share of cutting corners and hastily concealed malpractice to expedite his dream of getting his name down in the medical books—ultimately impressing his dear Mentor Ratchet, finally, in perfecting long-since banned risky experiments and surgeries—not to mention cruel and unusual temperament with the (supposedly) taboo practice of non-medicinal mnemosurgery.
His ambitions and aggression always got the bet of him, this hasn’t changed since he found himself working in freelance outposts. Light years away from Cybertron, he’s made a name for himself as a Good Doctor—but to his under-the-table black market part-dealing clients, he’s just about as bad as a Crooked Medic can get.
Bounty hunters and Arms Dealers like him for his business, a certain DJD member likes him for the occasional berth company and seemingly never ending supply of fresh T-Cogs—but no one actually likes him for his nasty temperamental personality, save for a young and naive Ratchet once upon a time.
Pharma is a roamer, as of recent he’s been a hard to reach mech—seems as if he’s found a little project to keep himself pretty occupied in the last few decades—something about a breakthrough for aiding the Decepticon Energon Crisis :] him and a small, horrifyingly cheerful surgeon are well on their way to completing their first trial batches, it’s safe to say that their little synthetic mixture will have it’s users sated and compliant.
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they’ve got that amazing ‘new car smell’ those first few weeks, and instead of chittering like an Insecticons or vibrating their wings like a seeker—they beep and squeak, sometimes even honk a horn depending on the baseline altmode coding, to get their Creators’ attention before their vocalizer truly starts to kick online
It’s cute, but loud
Much like a seeker sparkling, they have to reach a certain ‘age’ (upgrade) to be able to transform completely, in between then they’re still able to rev those engines as a warning should they need it, as well as spin their wheels should they need a getaway HEELIES IF THEYRE LUCKY WOOHOOOOO—for seekers they can hover on their thrusters!
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Crusade is actually pretty formal with Megatron. But yeah as a kid, Megs was always known as Carrier, but as Sadie got older and more aware of their surroundings—they definitely came to learn the true weight of that title and the fact that they were the progeny of the faction leader, a fact they should have really held onto with more pride. Not wanting to draw more attention to the already blatant favoritism (and nepotism) Crusade made a switch to addressing Megatron as Sir, My Lord, Lord Megatron, —ect. to better fit in with their fellow troops.
It bothers Megatron more than than he lets on. Crusade shouldn’t have to hide their high ranking as his child, the heir to the faction. Megs is their Carrier and can only order them around for so long, as their Leader however—pulling rank may just allow for their infuriatingly stubborn sparkling to listen to them should a day come where even a Carrier’s plea is dismissed.
Crusade does slip up every now and then and a ‘Carrier’ will slip—often hushed and annoyed though as Megs does like to tease every now and then, gotta remind them that they’re still his baby every once in a while :’)
Optimus however—whenever him and Crusade should truly reunite, will never be called Sire by Crusade, which they so heatedly established early on—Crusade never needed one and they don’t need one now, better to not let the title trigger those long-suppressed emotions. Sure enough though Optimus will get his moment.
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actually no lmfao so you’re good! Eh, I haven’t mentioned much plot w them outside of them and Megs, plus bits of potential interactions with Optimus—so the rest of Team Prime is free game :D
For what I (hopefully will have) planned, their interactions with team Prime will be eh,,,interesting to each their own to say the least. Some more stressful than others BUT let’s not get into that until I’ve worked it out—for now I’ll just mention what they’re dynamics would be like when the drama of Oh Shit Boss Bot You’ve Been Hiding a Kid For HOW LONG has died down.
A usually touch-wary Crusade actually is the one to initiate a hug with Bulkhead, he’s the biggest and warmest and somehow is always happy to see them. Plus he tells cool recaps of Earth films and gifts them strange blobish paintings every now and then, all of which Crusade doesn’t exactly understand, but at least the colors are pretty.
Bee is annoying,,,which is what Crusade would say if confronted if they actually liked all the shenanigans Bee suggest they pull together, prank wars to the max, sparring for fun, video games?, DOUGHNUTS and RACES in the fortress halls??? Ahem. they are a super serious soldier, not a hooligan. But honestly, Bee is the one they seek out the most should they need an adventure, they missed out on a lot of this ‘fun’ growing up on the Nemesis—Bee seems to know how to balance a day of soldiering and dumbassery. sometimes.
Ratchet reminds them a bit too much of their Carrier than they’d care to admit. The medic is an old soul to his very core, perpetually tired but quick to snap into work mode, and sweet if you reallllllly squint. Sadie has been taught from day one to always respect medics, Ratchet obviously takes the cake on I’ve Seen Some Shit and for that alone Crusade both fears and admires Ratchet. Again, growing up on the Nemesis they didn’t have too many bots willing to talk much with them—but Ratchet (after he’s gone through his own lot of therapy, him AND Arcee. good lord) has a never ending pile of stories to share with them. Ratchet may throw in a few more colorful curses than necessary—which is SURPRISING bc Crusade thought they’d heard them all back home, but he’s entertaining and tells Crusade how it is, no sugarcoating. For that Crusade is grateful, there’s been too many half-truths thrown about to them in their recent years :’)
Ghost Prowl freaks them out—why does he deliberately have to be so sneaky?? Crusade has only met Prowl a fleeting handful of times (visits from the Allspark come with meaning, you know) and each time Crusade has been given nothing but odd riddles and poetic nonsense. Kidding. Prowl does like his wordplay’s but his given advice is always well meaning—the most firm and direct message Crusade has been passed though was probably most definitely “ Get those two cowards for mecha you call your Creator’s to stop fooling around with each other and SPEAK—at this rate it’s physically paining me that they haven’t begun Ritus and they’re not getting any younger”
Team Prime adores Sadie, they ask Megatron to see their sparkling photos every chance they catch him. And Crusade. hates it.
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:) have
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We’ve been here before, haven’t we?
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rowanelliis · 4 years
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hey hi hello i’m SLATER ( they/them ), twenty-five, currently living my worst life on the left coast ( pst ). i bring to you my twitchy, lonely son, ROWAN. he’s a part-time antique lover, part-time dishwasher, full-time ghost whisperer. ( or something like that,, we’ll get to it later. ) he fills the alone ranger plot, and you can find his bio/questionnaire HERE  &&  some quick stats HERE. follow me under the cut for a TL;DR bio and wanted connections !! @phqextras​
oh hello again ! as promised, here is the summarized bio, bc i get that it’s long and you have shit to do. that said ! if possible, i would really love if you read THE BIO before/instead of this. it’s just,,, better. and better is better.  anyway, here we go !
rowan was born in pleasance to a 22 yo anita ellis and a father who bounced shortly thereafter, but we don’t care about him
he sees dead people! always has. they vary in shape from faded human to amorphous eldritch horror, and they’re supremely unhelpful. they mostly dont talk and the ones who do dont really answer what youre saying, they just say whatever they want. they moan a lot tho. its annoying. he hates them. kinda.
anita was a fraudulent fortuneteller and genuine psychic. she just knew stuff. rowan figures whatever he is, he got it from her.
he loves her sm guys. she was the mf BEST MOM. we’re talking blanket forts. we’re talking homemade stews. we’re talking going to alby’s to try on outrageous outfits they couldn’t afford and then shoplifting some little treasure to delight rowan with on the way out. the BEST.
when he was eleven, he spent an afternoon in the sequoia grove and when he got back he learned that to everyone else, hed been missing for five days
so that was a whole thing
following a years-long downward spiral of her mental health, anita showed up at rowans high school in the midst of a full-on psychotic episode. he was taken away by cps almost immediately and sent to a group home a couple towns over.
when he got back to pleasance at eighteen, she was gone. missing, not dead.
since then hes been devoted to the cause of finding her but its been eleven fucking years and no one else seems to care so he do get down abt it sometimes
his main theory is that it has something to do with the sequoia grove. he thinks that maybe whatever happened to him as a kid happened to her, but on a larger scale.
he currently lives in the house that he grew up in and that his grandparents built, a giant ugly thing that hasnt been updated in any way since the 70s
hes bad at holding a job. hes bad at feeding himself. hes bad at sleeping. hes bad at forming and maintaining relationships. basically, hes bad at being an adult human.
ok so maybe he doesnt see ghosts. maybe his mom wasnt psychic. maybe theyre just crazy. that is a possibility. but its also possible its true. you dont know. leave him alone
ok now the fun part ! here are some connections id like to see for rowan:
actual friends (one or two, three TOPS. hes a loner ok)
i honestly debated whether i wanted him to have any close friends at all but yknow what! hes been in this town for nearly 30 damn years he can treat himself to a friend or two. these would be people who believe him, or at least have an open mind. they could be from way back or more recently. just people he’s comfortable around, and maybe goes to specifically for comfort. he needs a lot more of that than he’s getting.
hookups (past or present)
i think hes kind of slutty?? not in any active kind of way, hes definitely not aggressive or even confident, but he’s so starved for affection that i think he’d have a hard time saying no to anyone offering it. his sexuality is Undeclared but Not Straight, so he’s up for grabs. he’s also weak for...... how do you say..... les milfs. i mean he would never use that word but it is what it is. mommy issues doesnt even begin to cover it. on a related note! if your character is on the amoral side of the spectrum, this guy would be wildly easy to manipulate. just like, brush his hair with your fingers or call him good or whatever. he’s Weak.
exes (maybe one serious, no more than a couple more casual)
here are some great reasons to dump rowan:
will not remember your birthday or anniversary or anything
obsessed w his mom
sometimes sleeps with his eyes open which is creepy as Fuck
usually broke
lives in that fucking house
kissed someone else at your birthday party bc they had really pretty eyes and were standing really close and kinda smiled at him and he got overwhelmed
routinely talks to the air, sometimes aggressively. thinks hes covert abt it. is not.
love interests (look im not actually into planning ships it just felt fair to rowan to balance this out a little)
here are some great reasons to date rowan:
will never, ever laugh at you or make you feel small
will give small, thoughtful gifts for no reason
cute floppy hair, doe eyes
once he feels safe with you, he will do anything for you, any time, forever
lives in that fucking house
you never knew a kiss could make you feel so wanted
maybe he’s special, you know? maybe he’s just something special
( ok that was gay ! now back to your regularly scheduled programming )
people who think he’s crazy (as many as possible tbh)
i know weve got a lot of believers here but honestly,,, even among believers i think hes kind of an outcast. the mf talks to himself. there are like 8 agreed upon stories around town and hes seen waaaaaay more ghosts than that. and non-belevers?? fuggedaboutit. i kinda see this as part of the reason he was rejected from the mystery gang. maybe someone it was like ‘ok im into checking this stuff out but that guys fucking nuts’. idk. what is life without struggle?? without conflict?? boring.
people who are using him for the story (whoever wants)
this could be a writer or reporter, but it could also just be someone whos interested in this kind of stuff. OR again, could be a non-believer who just thinks its entertaining to watch him. could be honest about their motives or straight up manipulating him into thinking theyre a friend or whatever. pretty open, i just think he would be a figure of interest to certain people.
someone who was present when his mom showed up at the high school (someones?)
this isn’t even a connection really so much as just A Thing I Want. i want someone who saw a tiny, angry-crying sixteen year old rowan drag his screaming mother down the hall of the science wing with their own two eyes. student, teacher, visiting alumni, parent or sibling who was at the school for some reason idk. maybe they pitied him and approached him later. maybe it was the thing that made someone decide hes a lost cause. it doesnt even have to ever come up. i just want someone to have that image in their brain. i want them to see it when they see what a mess he is now.
a final note! when rowan was a kid he was pretty open about the ghost stuff, mostly because his mom always believed him w/out question and he didn’t know it was something to hide. after the whole woods incident and the reaction of cps + the cops to his story, he learned to keep that shit to himself. unless he knows your character well, he probably wouldnt have discussed it w them directly. however! anyone around his age might remember the stuff he talked about as a kid or his mom showing up at the school (honestly that was dramatic enough the story may live on in the halls of nwhs today in some form or another). anyone around his moms age (40-50) might know how woo-y and sketchy she and her child were. there are certainly rumors about both of them. also, most people have probably seen him behaving strangely, ie. suddenly rerouting on the sidewalk to walk around what seems like nothing, telling something to fuck off under his breath, or just flitting his eyes over to a seemingly empty space over and over. he really does try to appear as normal as possible, but it’s difficult. i think most people see more than he knows, and more than he would like them to.
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souichioneshots · 5 years
hai! i was wondering if i could have a fic where the reader is already dating souichi, and his family is super shocked at how nice and innocent they seem, but then find out theyre actually extremely morbid and into dark magic and the occult? it honestly just sounds funny to me but that might also be because its 1 am,, thanks!
【I’m sorry i changed the morbid and darkmagic part into horror movies and bugs! AAhhhh i didn’t know how else to nonchalantly add that stuff into the ff!! I apologize!!! Other than that, i tried really hard on this ahhh... Its kind of long too... I hope you like it!! :) WORD; zabuton: cushion used for sitting on the floor (there are probably a bunch misspells and shit in this, i will fix it tomorrow morning, but for now please enjoy!!)】
 Your heart raced as you got closer to the door. You couldn't believe that you were actually going to meet your boyfriend's family for the first time. 
 You and Souichi had been going out for more than a year now, and he felt that it was time that you finally met his family. One day, when you had time before a movie that you two were planning on watching together, he asked you to come over his house.  
 You had never gone this far in a relationship before, so you were extremely nervous. You didn't know what they would think of you, what they expected of you, what they wanted you to be like, and if they would even accept you at all.. 
 You mind span as you thought of all the things that could go wrong the second they looked at you. 
 You wanted to run away. You wanted pretend that you never made plans to go see a movie with him in the first place. But, this had to happen one day or another. 
 You shakily bring your hand up to the door and knock. After a few seconds it opens. Standing on the other side was Souichi. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him. For some reason, he looked more handsome than usual. 
 Without a word he gestured you into the house. His house looked completely different than yours. From the wide entrance to the seemingly never ending hallway. You look down to where everyone's shoes were placed. There were 4 different pairs. You start to worry if you could even handle being around 3 different people in such a small space at the same time. 
 Souichi calls for you and starts to walk down the hallway. You take off your shoes and quickly follow him. 
 You both stop at the open living room door. Inside it stood his family. They were standing around a low table with snacks laid out on it. Their eyes widened when they saw you. You nervously smile and bow before entering. Souichi’s mom greeted you first, saying how it was an honor to finally be able to meet you. You didn't know how to react. You were in shock at how different everyone looked and acted compared to Souichi. It was as if you had stepped into a completely different family’s house.
 You bring yourself back to reality and thank everyone for allowing you to join them that night. They all giggled at your obvious nervousness. You honestly felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
 Souichi's mother asked you to sit down as she handed you a drink. You sat on top of an expensive looking zabuton, and thanked her again. You smile at the fact that they probably took these out just for you.
 Kouichi was the first to break the silence. "So, Y/N. How long have you and my brother been going out?" You put your glass down and reply in a low voice "More than a year..." "Hmm.. more than a year you say. So that’s why he’s been acting so weird lately." “Weird?” “Yeah, getting up early for school and actually trying to make himself look good.” Kouichi teases, making Souichi retaliate back. You watched as the two of them interacted. One teased while the other shyly yet angrily replied back. 
 Suddenly, Sayuri started to whisper to you. "Y/N, can i ask you a question?" You nod a yes "You don't have to answer if you don't want to but... what do you like the most about Souichi?" The room went quiet at Sayuri’s question.
 Souichi stopped arguing with Kouichi and fixed his position in his seat. You had never actually directly told Souichi why you liked him. So this was his first time hearing you response as well. 
 You look at the floor, as your face heated up. Thinking of the reasons why you fell for Souichi in the first place was much more embarrassing than you expected.
 "Well.. I like how... I mean..." You fumble on your words as you try to figure out where to start from. You look up at everyone, close your eyes for a second, and take a deep breath before speaking again. "The reason I like Souichi is because he's really nice to me.." You begin. "He's also super smart and funny and..." You voice trails as his family continues to stare at you. You look at the opposite direction of Souichi and gesture towards him "a-and.. he's really cute..." Souichi's face was bright red by the time you finished talking. He froze in place, completely embarrassed by what you had just admitted in front of his family.
 Everyone except you and Souichi begin to laugh. "You're so cute, Y/N!" Sayuri says, smiling at you. As time passes, the awkward atmosphere slowly started to dissipate, as you were now able to casually converse with everyone. You shared snacks with Souichi, and laughed at embarrassing stories about his younger days. Souichi quickly got bored of the conversation, and left to get the remote for the television. 
 When he was about to grab it, he loudly squeaked “Spider!” Everyone stopped talking and looked in his direction. Souichi slowly backed away as no one moved a muscle. You made a confused face and got up from your seat. You slowly walked over to the spot where Souichi had apparently seen a spider. “It’s a huntsman spider!” You say as you swiftly pick it up. Everyone quickly backed away from you as you turned around, holding the spider on the palm of your hand. “It’s still a baby so it’s small. They don’t have poison in them so there’s no need to be afraid. I’m actually surprised this little guy is here though. They usually only hang out in areas with lots of bugs and easy to catch vermin.. like rats!” You walk closer to them, trying to show that the spider was harmless, but this caused Souichi to speak in a voice higher than Sayuri’s. “O-Okay, Y/N! I think we get it!” You laugh at everyone's reaction and excuse yourself to go outside to release the spider. 
 Before you stepped back into the room, you overheard Souichi’s dad talking about you “She’s a brave one, isn’t she! Is she always like that?..” “She actually doesn’t release them. She likes to collect them.” Souichi says, making everyone gasp at the newly learned information about you.
 You sigh and curse yourself for doing something that obviously made everyone feel uncomfortable.
 When you got back into the room, you crouched by Souichi and whispered. "By the way, it's almost 8.." "Oh? Is the movie starting soon?" Souichi’s mom asks, looking a bit sad at the fact that you might be leaving soon. “What movie are you guys going to watch?” Sayuri asks. "I think it’s called JuOn, right?" Souichi nods, confirming your response. "The horror movie?" Kouichi says in a surprised voice. "Yeah! They’re playing it tonight as a Road-Show special and well.." Your voice tails off, suddenly feeling embarrassed again. "Wait, you like those type of movies too?" He asks, unable to believe that someone as shy and innocent looking as you would like those kinds of movies. "Yeah.. i guess so.." You try to play off his reaction, but Souichi came in and started to talk for you "Y/N is actually a horror movie buff.” You look at Souichi as he starts to spill the secret of your love for horror-related things. “Her taste is kind of bad, but sometimes she picks good movies, like tonight." You cover your face, too embarrassed to look at anyone.  
 In fear that Souichi’s family thinking you were weird, you actually tried to keep your true interests a secret. But, Souichi had to go ahead and blab them all anyways. 
 "Wow... first the bug collection and now horror movies? I never would have guessed you were that type of person, Y/N" Sayuri says, looking at you and Souichi "I guess you could say... you two a match made in hell!" She laughs at her own joke, causing you to slightly cringe. Koichi laughed along, calling Sayuri’s joke dumb yet true. 
 When time came close for you two to leave, Souichi got up and gestured you to follow him. You quickly got up and bowed to everyone. “Thank you so much for having me today. I’m very glad to have been able to meet you.” You happily say, no longer feeling as nervous as you were in the beginning. His family thanked you back and told you to be safe. 
 As you walked towards the door of the house, you quietly laughed to yourself. Souichi’s family was nothing like him. Nothing, except for the obvious fear of spiders. 
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
Consider..Demon!Gerard (he’s such a sweetheart,,calls herbsugar,,darling-also super shady tho)finds the reader dying (mugged maybe?)And brings her back to life(the afterlife??)she lives with him now because thats what happens when a demon saves u ig?Anyways theyre kinda falling in love,,she falls asleep on him on the couch one night,,the next night what do u know things happen and things are said and they end up making out in their underwear in her room,, suuper fluffy,, they fall asleep
Have You Heard the News That You’re Dead?
Pairing: Demon!Gerard Way x Female ReaderRating: TeenRequested By: AnonWord Count: ~2,400Author’s Note: Hi, my name is Robin and I am physically incapable of writing a short story, but this is super super late so I hope that makes up for it! I use the prompt “Everyone has a guardian angel except you. You have a guardian demon. He deals with things in a much more violent fashion, but much more effective.” from @writing-prompt-s as my guide for this one. Also TW: for mentions of death, but if you didn’t get that from the ask, I can’t help you.
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You always knew you were different. You could tell the vibe you gave off wasdifferent of that of everyone else. Dogs growled or ran away when you walkeddown the street. Old ladies would clutch their pearls. If it hadn’t been likethat for as long as you could remember, it would be alarming to say the least.What you weren’t aware of was the fact that most people had a guardian angellooking out for them, and you had a guardian demon.
That’s not to say it made you a bad person, you just had a different way of moving through life. Sure trouble found you more often than others, but you were still having a hell of a good time. That is until the night you stumbled alone out of that bar in a drunken stupor. You’d be fine you reasoned. You were always fine. Until that guy with a knife appeared and you didn’t have any money left to give him and that answer angered him, and then you were bleeding on the ground.
The last thing you saw was a man with black eyes and black hair and a pale face running up, muttering obscenities under his breath, clearly panicked. All youcould wonder was why there was no one to look out for you at that moment.
You woke up in a bed that wasn’t familiar in a room you’d never seen. You sat upand saw your shirt still had the hole from where you’d been stabbed, but yourskin was unbroken underneath. You had been certain you were dying on that street. Was this some kind of weird hospital? Had you been in a coma for years? What was going on?
You got out of the bed and moved quietly toward the door. As you wandered down the dark hallway, you could hear music playing. Following the sound, you found yourself in a living room, where someone, a man with black hair, sat with his back to you.
“‘Scuse me,” you started and he turned to look at you with those same black eyes you saw when you were on the street. “What the fuck?” you gasped asyou backed away. “Where am I? Where did you take me?” You demanded.
He sat down the book he was reading and strode over to you. “My name isGerard. I’m your guardian demon and for the sake of honesty, its my fault you’redead.”
“I’m dead?!” You shrieked. “Demon? Am I in hell?!”
“Not exactly. You’re at my place, which dimensionally speaking, is earth-adjacent… on the hell side. Come sit down, I’ll explain everything.”
“No! I wanna go home!”
Gerard winced. “That’s the thing sugar, this is your home now.”
Gerard had to rush to help you sit down, as your legs seemingly were not working at the moment and you looked like you were about to collapse.
“You see,” he started once you were seated, “most of you humans have guardian angels. A few of you lucky ones get us, guardian demons.”
“How is that lucky? I’m doomed to hell before I even get a crack at life?” Youargued.
“Oh you aren’t doomed, you’re destined to become a demon as well. Knowing you guarding another luck human soul until its time they join our ranks.”
“Then what am I doing here?”
“You weren’t supposed to be dead yet. I fucked up.”
Gerard descended upon you, his face inches from yours. “Oh sugar, didn’t I dowell for the last however many years? Didn’t you have a life anyone could wishfor?”
You didn’t know how to respond, so you just swallowed thickly.
“I thought so,” he said righting himself. “Besides, my duty to you is not relieved now that you are deceased. We need to keep you hidden here so management doesn’t know that I-”
“Fucked up and let me die.”
Gerard glared down at you. “Exactly. But don’t worry sugar, I intend to keeptaking the best care of you. I promise you that.”
Despite Gerard’s explanation of events you still weren’t totally convinced he wasn’t full of shit. That was until he left you alone in the living area for a whileand you snuck over to the window to look out.
His apartment was a couple stories up on a busy street. But instead of the usualbustle of cars and people there were what could only be described as creatures.
Sure some of them, like Gerard, looked human, save for the black eyes, or horns sticking out of their hair. Some looked like something you’d read about in ahorror novel. You watched wide eyed as they passed along the sidewalk belowyou, going about their demonic business.
“Believe me now?” Gerard asked, startling you away from the window.
“Sure,” you said sitting down again. It was all too much to take. “But what am Igonna until my destined death day?”
“Think of it as if its one of those days you called out sick from work so you couldsit and watch hours of TV.”
“I’m doomed to watch Judge Judy and Maury forever?! I mean one day is fine, but for eternity?!”
“No, anything you want to watch, read, listen to, its all at your disposal,” heexplained.
“Will I need to do live human stuff like… eat or sleep again?”
“Totally optional,” he said. “Just like all other carnal needs.”
You just rolled your eyes and went to examine the bookshelf. Not surprisingly itwas filled with books on the occult, as well as a lot on history, art and music.
“’Bout what I expected,” you said running your fingers over the spines of thebooks, “for a demon.” When you glanced up Gerard was watching youintently and it made you shiver involuntarily.
“Help yourself to any of them. I have to go meet up with some associates. Don’tanswer the door if anyone comes around, remember, you’re alive.”
You just rolled your eyes as you pulled a book off the shelf and sat down to read.
You had no idea how long had passed, time being more of a human construct it would appear by the lack of clocks in the apartment. Or maybe they weren’t andGerard’s lack of time management was the cause of your current, or ratherpermanent, state of being.
Eventually you got up and watched the demons on the street for a while, then wandered through the rest of the apartment. Who knew Demons would be so sensible as to have guest bedrooms? The closet will full of clothes that seemed to be similar to the style you like while you were alive. You changed out of the shirt you died in, a thought that made you shudder, and into one that was less holey.
Moving on you noted there was no bathroom, but that made sense given what he had said about things that were “optional”. The kitchen was impressivelystocked with rich foods and fancy wines and liquors. Maybe Gerard liked toentertain? Well he wasn’t doing that impressive of a job of it right now youthought as you found yourself getting bored.
As if on cue, Gerard burst through the door. “Miss me sugar?” He askedas he breezed into the kitchen where you were still standing, feeling slightlyguilty, like you were somewhere you shouldn’t have been.
“Not really,” you mumbled.
“Oh come on sugar,” he said slinking up to you and grazing your cheek with hisfingers, “is that anyway to talk to your roommate?”
You made a disgusted noise and rolled your eyes before pushing past him.
“This is gonna be a fucking long eternity,” he muttered under his breath.
The thing you most enjoyed about not being alive was similar to your favorite part of being alive: sleeping. You would sleep as long as you wanted without any repercussions or judgement from others. Gerard certainly didn’t mind, as this left more time for him to do whatever he wanted since he no longer had to watch over you so closely.
Soon though he realized he missed it. He was fond of you, as he had to be based on the nature of the work, but he always enjoyed making trouble for the people who pissed you off during the day. Now he watched as a dark cloud started to gather over your waking hours, the shelves of books and movies and music no longer drawing your interest like it used to. One evening he walked into the living room to find you staring blankly at the wall.
“Novelty of it has worn off, hasn’t it?” He asked.
“Yea, and the permanence is setting in,” you sighed.
Gerard sat down next to you. “I am truly sorry. You probably don’t believe me,but its true.”
“What happened that night?” You asked as you let your head fall against hisshoulder and he moved his arm so it was around you.
“Remember that guy that was bothering you at the bar earlier in the night?”
“I scared him off, that’s why he left you alone. He found someone else and theywere gonna hook up in the bathroom and I made sure that the whiskey he wasdrinking lived up to its reputation.”
You chuckled at the thought of the douche who had been talking such big game all night not being able to perform.
“I got carried away, but I’ve always hated guys like that,” Gerard admitted.“There really is a special place in hell for them.”
“Good,” you said, as you settled into him even more. A small smile tugged at his lips. “What else did you do for me?”
Gerard reclined to get more comfortable as he launched into his favorite stories of when he dealt out cosmic retribution on your behalf.
“You’re evil, but like, good evil,” you hummed as you slid down so you were laying against his chest. His arms wrapped around you protectively.
The next thing you knew you were being awakened by a hammering at the door. You both sat bolt upright and looked at each other.
“Gerard, you home?” a voice called from the other side.
“Go hide in your room,” he whispered and you hurried off and Gerard went to thedoor.
“Frank, what’s going on?” Gerard asked coolly.
“You got a hot little succubus in there?” Frank asked trying to look past Gerard.
“What’s going on Frank?” Gerard asked again, sounding more exasperated.
“Management is starting to ask about your human. No one has seen her in a while. You still keeping track of her?”
“Of course,” Gerard lied easily. “She’s just been dealing with some shit, so she’sbeen laying low.”
Frank nodded skeptically. “Just looking out for you. I’d hate to have you get fired,that would mean more work for me,” he laughed. “Besides, you know what happens when you get fired.”
Gerard nodded, trying not to let the nerves show. He remembered the last time another demon got fired. He couldn’t sleep for weeks it shook him so bad.
“Alright, I’ll leave you be, I know you got someone in there,” Frank smirked as he left.
Gerard went back to your room and found you hiding in the closet. “You’re good.”
“What’s going on?” You asked getting up.
“I’m gonna have to go topside and act like you’re still alive, or else I’m as deadas you.”
“Demons can die?”
“Not exactly the same, but it sure as shit ain’t pretty when it happens,” Gerard muttered.
“I wish I could help.”
“Not your fault, sugar,” he said as he headed back toward the front door. “I gottaclean up my mess for a while.”
“When will you be back?”
“You’ll barely know I’m gone,” he winked.
You spent what felt like forever sitting around, bored and lonely and thinking.Thinking for hours about what Gerard was risking keeping you here, and everything he had done for you your whole life. When the door finally opened again, you jumped up excitedly.
“Hey sugar,” he greeted you with a smile.
“Is everything ok?”
“Yea, we’re good for a while,” he said shrugging off his jacket. “I don’t thinkanyone will be asking questions anytime soon.”
“Good,” you said as you walked up to him and wrapped him in a hug.
Gerard stiffened momentarily, surprised by the affection, but then softened andwrapped his arms around you as well. “You decided you like me then?”
“Maybe it’s just Stockholm Syndrome, but yea, I think I do kinda like you after all. I have really did have the time of my life when I was alive, and I know you’re tothank for a lot of that,” you said before leaning up and placing a kiss on hischeek.
When you pulled back, he was looking down at you fondly. He reached up and ran his fingers along your jaw and leaned in and kissed you deeply. His lips tasted like coffee and red hots, as his arms wrapped around you and held you closer to him. You ran your hands through his dark hair and allowed his tongue to slip in against yours.
You pulled back and Gerard looked at you in confusion until you grabbed him by the collar and pulled him along back to the bedroom. He started to undo the buttons of his shirt as you peeled yours off as well. You pulled Gerard back to you again and your lips met as you tumbled against the bed. Gerard held himself over you as he undid his pants, and you slipped out of yours as well. Clad only in your respective undergarments, you continued your heated make out session, tongues moving together, hands roaming over bare skin, marks left upon necks. After what could have been 10 minutes, or maybe a decade, Gerard pulled back and looked down at you “(YN), I’ve never felt like this before,” he whispered.
“What, demons don’t do emotions?”
“Yea, but not usually love.”
You looked up at him and grinned. “Yea, I think I’d like to spend eternity here with you.”
Gerard grinned and rolled over to your side. You curled against him as he wrapped his arms around you and you both fell asleep peacefully.
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witchcastors · 7 years
An Icon™ Barney Ghost - would love to hear more about ur spooky stuff bc omg boNES??? The only bones I fuck with is chicken bones after i finish my drum sticks ((also dont worry about it ok this ask is just for whenever u feel like u wanna/feel ready to share some of the other spooky stories!! since tensed up telling that story dont feel pressured to tell us until ure ready! I know The Feel honestly i got into witchcraft so i could Deal With Spirits bc honestly?? Ghost™ troubles makes me a croon
I’ve finally got to this message! (I’m trying to keep them in order and I’m very bad at it, I apologize) How are you doing hunny? Ghost troubles are the bane of my existence–something’s always going on with me, lol. Perhaps I should reach out to Iya barney ghost and let him know that he’s reached Icon status? He’d love it, I’m sure. (Insert capt holt’s voice: BooOOnNeEE!!!!)
I’m definitely going to take this ask as an opportunity to go into more detail about him the others I had to deal with that following week. For all of you who are curious as to what she’s referring to, here is part one of the story about one of my paranormal encounters.
After the initial run in with the seemingly terrifying, lanky Creature from Hell at what I’ve named the Indie house, I wasn’t exactly happy with Lise, but I didn’t blame her for it. I just didn’t want anything to do with that house or any of the others in the area (there are 4 highly active haunted houses in those woods, and since then I’ve had a shit ton experiences with two of them in particular, because, you guessed it, I’m a curious dumbass who’s very susceptible to peer pressure)
In fact, after I tell you guys about this story, I can go into some of the crazy things that happened at the Pink house, if you’d like? But, I digress.
So yeah. We eventually get back to Lise’s house–which was about a half hour’s walk through the woods away. That wasn’t fun, our paranoia was at an all time high (mine esp because I was pretty sure the Barney Hell Beast was following us). 
After getting home, Tim was on a roll. He wasn’t really a believer in the whole supernatural area, and he was having quite a good time going over what had happened over and over again. I remember sitting on Lise’s bed with the two of them. We were eating those dreamsicles and the tv was on as background noise, but my focus was the woods. Lise’s bedroom was in the back of the house, and her back wall was basically just a huge window that faced the woods–the same direction that the Indie house was in. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that we were still being watched, (despite kinda knowing that the demon seemed to be landlocked to that house for some reason)
Tim had finally noticed that I was acting weird, and when he asked about it Lise kinda went into a rant about me–so much so that I ended up having to stop her. I didn’t have much control of it then and was very insecure, particularly about my sight (I’ve got what my nana calls a Ghost Eye). He then badgered me about it (ugh I hate younger me for caving in) Regardless! I managed to convince him of my weirdness by going in detail about his nightmares and grandma that I shouldn’t have known anything about. I don’t remember most of the rest of the night, but I know the next day, we had school. And I still. I still couldn’t shake it, the feeling that we were being watched.
It was right after third period. I always met up with Lise because we had fourth together. When I saw her, I knew something was wrong. She looked happy and all, but her aura was shrowded from me. And it was…oozing? Not sure how to explain it. What’s worse, is the ache in my teeth now had a sharp, definable taste: metal. Tinfoil. Just a hint of it. We were by the gym area, too, and I remember feeling like something was watching us from the trophy case area. I grabbed her arm to pull her closer to me to ask what was going on with her, so our other friends wouldn’t hear. She laughed and said I was being stupid. But. As soon as I tightened my grip, I had what I can only describe as a vision? A vision of the night before, of her bedroom. Of that tall, creepy thing in the dark, standing right outside her bedroom. Only, it wasn’t looking at us in the bed. It was facing her closet. I saw it’s elongated limb start to rise, it slinked it’s way up the back deck. Then the vision flashed back to Lise sleeping next to me.
Lise’s face was twisted–not really out of the ordinary, she was very expressive in her sleep. But she was having a nightmare. Back to the window. Apart from his arm, the creature still wasn’t moving. His face had changed though, his too small eyes had grown huge, now they took up over half of his face. He was very focused, so much so that his body was starting to vibrate–I saw more blackness forming, sharp spikes peeling and tearing out of the tops of his shoulders.
Lise snapped me back to reality then. We were standing in the doorway of english and she was whisper-yelling at me to move my ass inside or we were going to be considered tarty, also two other guys were trying to get in. But I was pissed. Lise had done something she shouldn’t have, I just didn’t know what yet.
When we had gotten to our seats, she had asked me what my problem was and I kinda blurted out what was in her closet. Then got yelled at by our english teacher. Waited for a few minutes in silence while Lise looked very upset and uncomfortable. I passed her my notebook, and when she sent it back, I knew we were officially in deep shit
“I may or may not have taken a few bones from the house!”
She was snickering while she watched me read it. I thought I was going to vomit. How stupid do you have to be to take BONES from a HAUNTED HOUSE. When did she even do it?! When we were running from the house? I was so confused. Thankfully, we were then allowed to break off into our jeopardy study groups so I was able to yell at Lise
My other two friends were then given a light rundown, my sag friend hit her immediately and then this bish PULLS OUT ONE OF THE BONES. It was old and small and dingy looking, also the top part of it, that looked like it might have been connected to a hand maybe, had been stained with something. It looked like goopy ink. And the energy around it was a murky green. It made my shoulders tighten and my throat hurt. Not a very good sign.
I AM NOT KIDDING. SHE’S LIKE “I got the rest at home” Sag friend literally turned around in her seat saying “you white girls are crazy” I’ll skip the rest of the day bc, aside from a few snippet visions and little weird things, it was rather uneventful. Until school was over.
The entire ride back with her dad to her house was very stressful. In reality, that thing hadn’t been following us around all day, one of its…familiars(? i can describe it if yall want) was. Which meant the Hell Demon was at her house. Trying to get to the bones she had taken. What if it was waiting for us in her room? What did these bones mean to it? Could it leave if Lise was carrying on of them on her person?
I’m going to end this here now that I’ve given yall a good workup and some background info. If you’d like to hear about my first verbal encounter with this creature, please send me another ask! I’ve already written most of the memory down. Also, if any of you guys want to be notified about this or any of my other encounters, just let me know (I’m going to tag the babes who had left comments on part one just in case theyre still interested, but ill remove their names if they ask) 
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steviesays · 7 years
I agree with that post about the criticism of TLJ vs other films. What did you think of TLJ overall?
oh my god an anon asking me my opinion this is the most exciting thing thats ever happened to me
ok but for real though here we go buckle down folks this is probably going to be long as hell
overall like many Star Wars fans I was unfortunately a bit disappointed with tlj and was shocked with the direction that rian johnson decided to go with both the characterizations of our faves and the plot (both of which I’ll get into in a sec). however this doesn’t mean that this was a BAD movie. I enjoyed the film. yes I said it. I have many major critiques but while I was sitting there watching it, there were moments that I felt deeply for the characters, moments that I wanted to jump out of my seat, and the ending built up to a promising looking sequel that I’m definitely going to watch and tbh thats all that really matters in a movie.
now on to all the parts I didnt like lmao
as for the characterization of most of the main characters, the ones that stuck out to me the most and the ones I’ll get into here are Luke, Poe, Hux, and I want to talk a little bit about Rose. Luke is the one that hit me the hardest because Luke is the OG. everyones number one. LUKE MOTHERFUCKING SKYWALKER. now, my main complaint is the same one that most other people have, he’s too pessimistic and his actions at his Jedi school just dont make sense in the context of his character. how could the person that couldn’t even kill Darth Vader raise a lightsaber to his own nephew? who hadn’t even really done anything yet? as what, a preventative measure? when kylo ren was the first to tell this story in the movie I was like theres no fucking way hes bullshitting but when it turned out to be true???? I was literally taken aback. Luke’s explanation for it as a split second thought was the only way to bring this to the very edge of my believability, but even then, it was very difficult for me to wrap my mind around the character whose whole being is based on forgiveness and finding a way when all hope is lost even thinking about doing something like that and then just giving up when all of it is over. I was actually talking about this moment with my brother (we had a two hour long conversation about Star Wars after he watched the movie that I will also reference when I start talking about Rose) and we both agreed that this moment was a bit forced. he put into words something that I was trying to say all along and it made so much sense, in the movies they were trying to show how kylo ren’s sense of distrust and his anger towards Luke and his family came to be and instead of doing it right by showing it happening in small, subtle actions they decided to just have one huge obvious physical manifestation of betrayal and tbh it was lazy and bad characterization and thats what all the fans saw when the saw the movie and what mark saw when he first read the script
sorry that was long now on to my homeboy poe
I honestly feel like poe was demonized too much in this movie and made to look like some kind of lost kid playing soldier and it really annoyed me ??? like he was one of the top commanders of the resistance and to just have him completely thrown to the wayside like this in this movie just felt like …. why was he even in it? to get everyone killed? same with Finn and rose and honestly while I’m here let me talk about her too since I was going to bring her up later. I might get hate for this but rose honestly felt like a filler character to me. I just dont get any type of differentiation from her than from the rest of the resistance other than the fact that she now has a bit of a backstory. theres nothing particularly interesting about her character. shes just there. I feel like she had a lot of potential and it was just kind of wasted. I also thought the kiss at the end with Finn was ULTRA forced. like they were fine as friends but there was no romantic undertone until that moment like where did it come from and why? it was just there all of a sudden. now heres where my brothers commentary comes back into play because he really enjoyed tlj. he thought the romance was necessary and that it worked. keep in mind this is a straight, single, 25 year old man thats never been in a long term relationship. I think this has a lot to do with how people of different perspectives interpreted this movie. what does everyone else think because so far, on my dash everyone has been SILENT on that kiss. keep in mind im a kylux blog so I follow a lot of that side of the fandom but I do follow a few light side blogs too although many are caught up in the reylo stuff. I really dont think a romance arc is necessary at all but if its put in I want it between characters that actually have good romantic chemistry like Finn and poe or maybe Finn and Rey im holding out for kylux but I know its not happening lmfaooo
anyway onto the last person I want to talk about my cupcake domhnall
now hux hasn’t played a very big roll (seemingly) in the series so far and it was great to see him on screen more in tlj but good god at what cost. in the first movie he was calm cool and collected, a respected general that took shit from no one, and in this he was the joke of the movie taking hits from cringe-worthy jokes and just generally looking the opposite of what he did in tfa. it was honestly kind of hard to see because hux was one of my favorite characters in tfa and domhnall is one of my favorite actors (if you cant tell by my blog) and its just going to be weird to see where they pick him back up again in episode 9
oh my god I just realized I only talked about the characters and haven’t even gotten to the plot yet go grab some popcorn or something I have a lot more to say
first I want to talk about how this movie was set up as a whole. it was separated into three different storylines from the very beginning, Rey and Luke on the island, the resistance’s fight with the first order, and Finn and rose’s plan to invade the first order by themselves. I didn’t like this because it just made it feel too messy and very long. this whole movie was supposed to take place over a matter of a few days, but as it was jumping back and forth, it would be on a scene with Rey and then it would jump back to the resistance and I would be like damn theyre STILL doing this. tlj was a decently long movie but sitting there it felt like it was three hours+
In addition to that, I feel like a way they could have avoided this would be to cut out Finn and rose’s part, include them with the rest of the resistance instead of giving them a side plot that was doomed to fail from the start, and work with that. I really dont understand why it was necessary to separate them at all. their plan didnt work, they got most of the resistance killed in the process, there was no solid reason for them to go on this little adventure other than what? character development? if thats your excuse there are better ways to do it
ok this is the part that I was 1000000000% confused about. Carrie’s death. they had it. they literally had a scene with her dying. they had it ???? and then they Jesus’d her back to life ??????????? I was sitting in that theater WASTING MY TEARS because KYLO FUCKING REN COULDNT PULL THE TRIGGER AND THEN MY MOM DIED and then she lived ?????????? I have honestly never been so confused in my life. if I could have a time machine I would go back to that moment just so I could see the look on my own face because I know that shit was ridiculous. how the fuck is jj going to deal with this in the next movie though? rian LITERALLY had a scene with carrie dying in it. USED IT IN THE MOVIE. said nah fuck jj abrams he can figure this shit out on his own. and brought that bitch back to life. like honestly how much do they hate each other because I really didnt understand the magnitude until I watched that scene.
I cant think of anything else major I want to talk about right now but this is already ridiculously long anyway so if anyone has any questions they want to ask me my ask box and messages are always open!
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vulture-jack · 7 years
I think my problem with not enjoying puzzle games is that I dont get a sense of accomplishment out of figuring out a puzzle.  
I get a sense of inferiority when I struggle with or CANT figure it out.
Long ass elaboration that got way to deep and a little A LOT to self-analysis…y below the cut.  
Solving a puzzle in a puzzle game feels like something im SUPPOSED to be able to do because SEEMINGLY everyone else can, if the game was THAT hard no one would buy it or praise it or recommend it because two few people would be able to beat it and have the full experience, so I’m just stressed and constantly feel like my intelligence is coming into question if I can’t get through it?  If everyone else can get through it, and I can’t, what does that say about me? Fucking EVERYONE has beat Portal. Except me. And no one even really talks about how HARD Portal is.  Except for me. So puzzle games tend to make me feel like shit.  For a number of reasons, I tend to just. Give up. A lack of motivation, getting no joy out of the puzzle aspect and seeing it as a chore, it not being the way I typically enjoy exercising my thinking muscles, etc etc.
 And even if I CAN beat those puzzles, its a stressful as fuck experience through the whole damn thing. Like taking a standardized test.  Even though thats not the case?  I feel like I’m being tested and I hate taking tests because I don’t celebrate good grades so much as feel they are expected of me.  If I do poorly or even “average” C level I feel like a failure.  The negative emotions I got from low grades WAY overpowered any positive emotions I got from good grades. Good grades = relief that I didnt get a bad grade and i didnt ruin my future and my parents wont get mad at me.  And this same feelings accompanies puzzle games.  If I CANT do it, then I feel like shit about myself and get a nice helping of lowered self confidence and heightened insecurity.  If I DO do it, then its nothing to celebrate because its part of the game, everyone who plays this is supposed to be able to do this. Tons of people already did this.  Its not really an accomplishment to me.  I know this is a flawed way of looking at things, but every time I encounter puzzle games or people recommending puzzle games to me because “No but this ones really good!” Im like…it doesn’t matter.  
Every time I hear someone talk about the sense of accomplishment they get while playing puzzle games I’m like “God I wish that were me”.
And if you want to comment on this like “No you should finish X its really good!” Im going to get mad at you. I won’t say I’m mad at you, I won’t ACT like I’m mad at you because I know in reality I’m just an irritable fuck who takes things way too personally, and I try to act according to that knowledge and not take it out on people who dont deserve it. But I’m going to be irritated as fuck. 
Unless its super fucking easy or environmental and not the core draw of the game, I have no interest in subjecting myself to that stress. Puzzle games are STRESS to me. Its not their fault or the developers fault I’m insecure as fuck but that doesn’t make me enjoy the experience. 
The kinds of puzzles I don’t mind are the simple ass ones that show up in Uncharted, for example. But some of those even stumped me and if the whole, or even half the game was those, I wouldn’t play them, and theyre frequently my least favorite parts of a game.  
If finishing a puzzle is easy and i manage to finish it i might get a little bit of “yay i did it” but its usually more like “yay thats over now let me climb some shit or shoot some guys or see a new location”.  
Puzzles don’t make me feel smart and accomplished, they pretty much do the exact opposite.  
I’m more likely to say “Im not smart” these days because I’m so sure other people are going to reach the same conclusion that I feel like I need to beat them to it. That somehow, if they at least think I’m self aware of my own flaws, they wont think as little of me. Isn’t that fucked up?  Thats fucked up, though.  
 I know that its all bullshit, too, though?  Like I know a puzzle game does not measure my intelligence, and that my “intelligence” does not measure my worth. I know that society has fucked up ways in which it values “intelligence” and places worth upon people for factors out of their control.  I know that measuring peoples worth by their “intelligence” is fucked up.  I’m not educated enough on the topic to speak on it at length like I know what the fuck I’m talking about, but I’m aware of these realities.  I would not hold another person up to these standards which I hold myself do.  My failures to do certain things reflect negatively on me, but do not lesser OTHER PEOPLE who share my same failures in my eyes. 
But I was also raised in this society and it did fucked up things to my brain and trying to unlearn them and get a healthy state where I can play Portal without feeling like my worth as a human being is on the line is harder than just being aware of those fucked up things. 
And I don’t really know Puzzles in games bother me so much, considering I feel accomplished when I beat a small army that was giving me hell.  Even though its the same thing.  Tons of other people can beat those enemies, and at a higher difficulty, and probably faster and more efficiently. But I don’t care. Thats fun an engaging and rewarding. A puzzle is a boring chore at best, and a stressful unwanted hit to my self esteem at worst. Its literally homework. Its literally school to me. 
I think it might have something to do with the rigidity of puzzles and their answers?  You have to figure out the one answer, or the one path to that answer.  The answer is the solid, concrete goal and you gotta figure out what is usually the ONE way to do that. Whereas with killin small armies of mercenaries, i know what the answer is. Get them all dead. How I do it is my business, and I get to feel creative and tackle things MY WAY.  I get to be smart MY WAY.  Because real life puzzles arent often “heres a complicated set of things that a person set up with one or two answers, figure it out”, its usually like.  “Heres a problem created by circumstances, and theres probably a ton of ways to get what you want, do what you gotta do, and because you WANT IT, you have the motivation to give a shit”
If all im getting out of puzzles is an advanced PLOT, then I’m just gonna get pissed and look up a lets play so i can see someone that doesnt hate puzzles because puzzles make them hate themselves for me. 
This is why games like Portal can hold me at first and lose me later when its really obvious that theres just something I’m missing, and god I’ve been stuck in this room for so long that its killed any interest I have to continue playing this game, but I’m going to carry around this badge of “No I didn’t actually beat Portal 1 OR 2 ok, I got STUCK.  Leave me alone please I know im a disgrace, you dont have to tell me.”
Puzzles then become harder because I have no motivation to solve them.  I’m sure there are plenty of puzzle games I COULD BEAT but since I have no desire to or gain any real sense of accomplishment from them, I have no motivation to put my brain power into it when I could be playing another game I don’t have to force myself to enjoy because I feel like “Should” because this is what “Smart” people do and if I want to be “smart” then I should do stuff like this. 
That and im so used to games where puzzles are an obstacle keeping me from where I want to go, the distractions from everything else I love about a non puzzle oriented game. 
So while a puzzle game might have a great story, characters, aesthetic, etc.  I will never WANT to play it.  I might wish I ENJOYED it but I just do not have an interest in dedicated “Puzzle games”.  
TLDR I grew up one of those “smart kids” who found myself slowly slipping behind through highschool, hit hard as fuck in college, and now feel like I’m mostly behind everyone else in terms of study, life and motivation, im insecure as FUCK, and puzzle games hit that nerve like a goddamn mallet. Wow this got WAY FUCKING DEEPER than I wanted it to. 
TLDR Shorter Edition: I’m really fucking insecure. 
Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong with puzzle games or the people that play them.  I am a firm believer in the idea that just because a play style or format isn’t for me, doesn’t mean its bad and shouldn’t exist, ( I’m lookin at YOU, people who complain when a game is a tightly controlled linear narrative. I LIKE those, go play the bazillion other games that ARENT those.) 
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its-harrypooter · 8 years
slytherpuff relationships 3
Request: Hi! Could you do a hufflepuff (female) x slytherin (Male) but the puff is actually a lot shy at first (when slytherin is hitting on her) cuz she doesn't really believe that he's actually interested and stuff, but when she got trust on him she's very talkative and that type of person whos quiet but could start a revolution if they wanted? Please?
of course hun! ok so this sounds super cool so im gonna do it
Hufflepuff is the type of girl who would be the centre of attention among her friends
shout to be heard
sing and dance terribly or just put on a show
but would literally die if she was called to answer a question in class
slytherin was super cocky
basically the stereotypical slytherin
he didn't hate being in slytherin
but he wished his Ravenclaw friends would trust him a little more
he kinda liked to flirt with everyone
and by everyone we mean 
that one Hufflepuff girl
at first he started because he thought it was funny
talking to anyone other than the people she talked to normally gave her mild anxiety
I mean obviously he doesn't like her
he's just doing it for the laughs
ha ha ha so fuckin funny
but when she started getting used to his remarks and flirting
she would hit back with the most badass comebacks
sometimes if she was having a bad day shed just hex him
it actually made her more confident in her charms and she was top of the class
most of the time the other Slytherins cheered her on for her hexs
over time she started to build more confidence in general
and the slytherin kind of went from “yeah shes cute I guess its funny how shes all flustered”
to “did you see her with that transfiguration charm that was so fuckin cool bloody hell it was pretty hot”
they became friends sorta
it would be “coincidental run-ins”
like “oh I saw you walking towards this hallway and there's nothing down here except for that cupboard and the library I was not expecting you here whaaaaat so you wanna study together or..?”
and shed laugh because ok but I saw you pack up your things super slow so that you could walk out the door at the same time as me
so our little puff has started to think that maybe he does want to spend time with her outside of class
so she asks if he wants to go up to the observatory later
and he's there 13.45 minutes early
but when she gets up
she sees him sitting there
and hes drumming his fingers on his leg and checking the small time piece he got from his muggle-born friends on his wrist
and he's looking up at the sky and running his hand through his hair
and he looks so
and then theyre sitting there
for hours just talking
and to his surprise
she does most of it
and he just listens
because this girl has only ever talked to me when I've talked to her
and here she is telling me about the Great Depression from her muggle studies class
and how if theyd just done this then it would have been a little better for all those families who needed to work
and slowly
slowly slowly
he's falling in love for her
this seemingly quiet girl who hexed him every time he told her she looked nice today
and the girl who would stumble on her words when he said she looked good in green
and the girl who wasn't able to answer questions in class because her mind just blanked
this was a whole new side to the same girl
the girl that made him want to start dancing with her when they cheered for the quartet in the painting to keep playing their terribly off-key notes
and the girl who watched the owls disappear into the sky before she yelled “I love you, bird!” and then pointed to the owls in owlery “AND YOU! AND YOU! AND YOU! YOUVE ALL WON A TELEVISION!”
the girl who stood up during their study session in the library and whisper shouted “I hate this” before walking out
the girl who talked for hours about all the time shed spent in muggle London over the break and everything shed learnt
“there are these boxes and you can press a button and it saves an exact replica of whatever you're looking at”
“look this is my shoe, this is the ground at one of the parks in London, this is the sand at the beach we went to one time.... im not very good at using them yet.”
and the slytherin is laughing because even he remembered cameras from his muggle studies class in second year
but he lets her talk
because shes just so chatty
and theres no way to stop her
so he lets her do her thing
“A PHOTOGRAPHER! Thats what the little box is called!”
and he doesnt even bother to correct her
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers crave you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, acquaintances, or peers, they ever ask me how I’m able to get so much better done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might resonate confusing, but realistically, parties with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least , not when we’re is currently working on something that excites us. In reality, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling acts were supposed to be doing.( Why soak the recipes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard casket and a disassembled vacuum cleaner ?)
Most beings with ADHD have to work 10 epoches harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and era administration abilities skills that other people develop naturally over occasion. While drug can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we offer more self-conscious attention to life hacks, remembrance maneuvers, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial arrangements … because we have to .
GIF via Checkoofilm/ YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own professions, perhaps because were built to tackle imaginative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont necessary to discover the same ploys that we do, they can benefit from them. In information, Id “re saying that” ADHDers have some of best available advisory opinions and rehearses for get stuff done even if we dont ever listen to that admonition ourselves .
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity gratuities from beings with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from TAGEND
1. Habits are concepts you get free of charge. So get into ’em .
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I ever start my period with meds, then a shower, then breathes, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are virtually self-automation, which represents less brainpower spent on the interesting thing.
2. Always have a backup( or two, or three) and know where to find it .
I deter additional cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my luggage at all periods. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about maintaining my phone charged.
3. Remember and alertings: love them and use them .
I even have a repetition 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I involve the reminder more than Id like to admit.( Also: IFTTT initiations to automate activities and sync between apps and accounts draw life behavior easier .)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2. “
4. Keep a calendar, and planned in the time it takes for “youve got to” do events .
If it takes you additional time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre projecting your daytime too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage .
Do you get sleepy claim after lunch? Then perhaps dont dive into that intense assignment at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done subsequently? Then do that. Anatomy out what works for you, and follow that planned .
6. Find your tempo and stick with it .
Even if youre not the slow and steady category, a regular blueprint of sprint and remain can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting trounces in my manager to create a lilt, ” says Tv columnist/ director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever rationale, it helps me think through occasions in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/ YouTube.
7. Stir a schedule. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another .
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do index on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger activities get their own rolls where they get broken down into smaller and smaller factors. The rolls also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over attainment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Weighing your progress in a tangible road can assist you seem more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small-time .
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine lift, then they are able to fake it by lodging a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English teach, provides an example: I can speak that breathtaking online fanfic IF I get three articles graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring characters into a game .
I use a fitness watch which checks how many steps I take in a daylight and how many flights of stairs I clamber. Its fun to prepare the numbers go up , says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning scribe. She also reports her daily term count on Twitter, so that people are able to cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring material. Just get it done. It’s faster that room .
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the assignment, instead of on the time itll go for get onto done which, tells be honest, is perhaps less era than you think.( Of direction, although there are I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done .)
12. The more you give occasions pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them . Find a route to keep it fresh . Im a addictive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red-faced notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I differentiate all my emails as “read, ” then use an IFTTT trigger to prompt me later of things that is really require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If occasions decline your knowledge, visual clues can help .
You are well aware that mantra, “Out of view, out of mind? ” For parties with ADHD, that’s reasonably literal to a fault. So it makes it possible to stick events right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them . When I was in college, I videotapeed a postcard to my accommodation door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning castes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain , not against it . Do you tend to lose your keys in the shower? Then make a new residence for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your impulses. Use their impetu to your advantage . And on that note
15. Embrace your peculiarities and find a way to draw them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A mint of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having person tell us whats the right way to do stuffs. For illustration: If someone else leaves me a directory of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their thought, it exclusively reaches me disappointed and confused. I have to create my own to-do inventories in my own method even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a end. Move around. Do a bit dance . Movement helps your intelligence get better. As alluring as it is to made the emphasis on discernible actions, its just as important to not do occasions and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little interval can give you a lot of new view .
I use a portable movable stand table and a duet of bluetooth headphones so that I can mostly dance in place and write at the same duration. My partner reputes I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a era . Its important to abide when youve reached the object of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a respite, and come back to it fresh the next day . This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you ability through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/ YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and be transmitted to others .
“My peers are well aware that in exchange for abiding all the things I do that reach me little dependable, they get a guy who are in a position think outside the box, that can create on the operate, that can wear numerous hats at once, ” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately following chat rather than on email. Give your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Retain your seeing on the reward, but f orgive yourself and others . Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy hitting yourself up .( Youre not going to help anybody else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either .)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but remain flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, “re coming” with a new programme, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which fetches me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson TAGEND
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for the purposes of an good productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inescapable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a mentality. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and continue feeling things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business seek, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or plainly recollecting to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable clue, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
The post What 8 successful ADHDers crave you to know about how they get stuff done. appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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