#thiamine deficiency
brunchbitch · 1 year
learning about different types of dementia/cognitive impairment in my serious illness, death, and dying class and one of them is wernicke-korsakoff syndrome lmao. it is still WILD to me that i could have caused permanent brain damage from my ed. thank fucking god they caught it when it was still wernicke's encephalopathy.
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mimyclub-blogs · 1 month
Most Common Vitamin Deficiencies in Alcoholics.
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various vitamin deficiencies due to its impact on the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients. Here are some common deficiencies associated with alcohol consumption: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency: Chronic alcohol use can interfere with the absorption of thiamine, leading to a deficiency. Thiamine deficiency can result in neurological problems…
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foodnutritionsposts · 2 years
Health benefits, side effects, source and intake of vitamin b1 (thiamine)
Health benefits of vitamin b1 Thiamine is required for metabolic reactions including the breakdown of glucose and amino acid. thiamine helps to prevent complications in the stomach, small and large intestine, heart, muscle, nervous system and brain. Vitamin B1 may involved in and out of electrolyte flow in muscle and nerve cells and helps prevent beriberi , which involves disorders related…
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strange-aeons · 6 months
hey strange! So I know you’ve fed your cats the Carna4 brand for a while (correct me if I’m wrong or if thats changed) and I’ve been feeding my cat that brand also for about a year now ever since I got him (he’s 2 yo). He recently had a seizure and we discovered its due to his diet lacking thiamine/B1 vitamins. Bc Carna4 has raw fish in its ingredients it cancels out the vitamins and could leave your cat severely deficient, as mine is, according to the doc and the MRI scan. I thought I should inform you bc this has been terrifying and I don’t wish it on anyone or any cat. Pls feel free to message me if you need more info I’d be happy to share! Also my cat is an orange cat and I know breeds and genetics are a thing so maybe your cats are totally fine but I still thought you should know.
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Thank you for sharing this! Wishing your orange boy a full recovery!!
I had no idea this was a thing. I also feed my cats other raw foods and treats with different protein sources but I think after reading this I will diversify their diet even more.
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homeofhousechickens · 7 months
It's 2024 and people think that medicated chicken feed has antibiotics in it. Guess what? It doesn't, it just has amprolium (Corid) which is most definitely not an antibiotic.
Amprolium/Corid is a thiamine analog and works to break the life cycle of coccidia by causing malnutrition via vitamin deficiency. This why if you're also supplementing your chickens with electrolytes it basically nullifies the medicated feed since the chicken is drinking more thiamine (also known as vitamin B) that feeds the coccidia. So if your feeding medicated feed to chicks don't give them vitamins in the water.
I see people sometimes feeding chickens sick with respiratory infections or other ailments medicated feed but the only benefit to feeding medicated feed in this instance is that chick starter is more nutrient dense then other feeds which can be helpful for a sick bird but it's not treating the respiratory infection.
It can also be problematic when fed to certain breeds that require more thiamine in their diet during the rearing process the most common being Leghorns and Silkies. It's not uncommon for medicated feed to contribute to wry neck in these breeds which can get immediately better when switched off medicated feed and giving these affected birds vitamin supplements.
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I think it ~is~ a little ironic that the people who are most health minded and alternative food conscious* are also the most likely to be deficient in niche minerals. "Every American" gets enough thiamine and riboflavin and sodium et al. but unless you actually personally eat enriched grains and fast food and stuff, your American DNA won't help you...
*especially people on gluten free and other diets
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darkmaga-retard · 11 days
A study published last month found that billions of humans across the globe are dangerously deficient in important vitamins and minerals.
“On the basis of estimates of nutrient intake from food (excluding fortification and supplementation), more than 5 billion people do not consume enough iodine (68% of the global population), vitamin E (67%), and calcium (66%). More than 4 billion people do not consume enough iron (65%), riboflavin (55%), folate (54%), and vitamin C (53%). Within the same country and age groups, estimated inadequate intakes were higher for women than for men for iodine, vitamin B12, iron, and selenium and higher for men than for women for magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, and niacin,” the study stated in the ‘Findings’ section of the Summary.
Infowars.com reports: The researchers detailed how lacking these critical micronutrients affects human health.
“Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia, leading to impaired cognition and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness globally, affecting mostly children and pregnant women. Both vitamin A and zinc have a crucial role in immunity, especially for populations facing a high burden of infectious diseases. Folate is needed early in pregnancy to reduce the risk of stillbirths and neural tube defects, and iodine is essential for pregnant and breastfeeding women because of its role in fetal and child cognitive development,” the study said in the ‘Introduction’ section. “Deficiencies in these and other micronutrients collectively contribute to a large burden of morbidity and mortality.”
The researchers estimated the global nutrient deficiencies for various age groups of both genders.
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tsunflowers · 10 months
a lot of people in ooku get beriberi which is a disease I'm not very familiar with so I've had to google it. it's caused by a vitamin deficiency like scurvy but the vitamin people aren't getting enough of is thiamine. that's one that's in whole grains but can easily be processed out. so the nobility in societies where rice is the staple crop were very susceptible to it bc they were eating highly processed white rice. but it feels counterintuitive that processing food would make it worse for you
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thoughtlessarse · 22 days
More than half the world's population faces micronutrient deficiencies, including inadequate levels of calcium, iron, and vitamins C and E, according to a recent study that provides the first global estimates of inadequate consumption of 15 micronutrients critical to human health. Micronutrients are essential vitamins and minerals crucial for bodily functions such as growth, development, and immunity. Although the body needs these nutrients only in small amounts, deficiencies can have severe health consequences, ranging from adverse pregnancy outcomes and blindness to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Previous studies have measured the availability and consumption of micronutrients among populations across the world. However, the latest study conducted by a research team from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) analyzed whether these intakes meet the recommended levels for human health. The researchers also looked at the specific deficiencies affecting males and females throughout different stages of life. The results were published in the journal The Lancet Global Health. "Our study is a big step forward. Not only because it is the first to estimate inadequate micronutrient intakes for 34 age-sex groups in nearly every country, but also because it makes these methods and results easily accessible to researchers and practitioners," said co-lead author Chris Free, research professor at UCSB in a news release. The study compared nutritional requirements with actual intake across populations in 185 countries using data from the Global Dietary Database, the World Bank, and dietary surveys from 31 countries. The researchers then grouped the population based on gender and divided them into 17 age categories, from newborns to those over 80, in five-year intervals. The micronutrients covered in the study are calcium, iodine, iron, riboflavin, folate, zinc, magnesium, selenium, thiamin, niacin, and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and E.
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It doesn't help that crops contain less of these micronutrients thanks to modern agriculture and impoverished soils.
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🌸🌷 7th August 2024
So.. I've also decided to use this blog to post about things I learn out of curiosity in addition to the things that I'm supposed to learn for my medschool homework .
In all honesty, this is just a tactic to be conscious and keep track of the time and things I end up going down internet rabbit holes for .
Yeahh, so for today it turned out to be just Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome..It's caused due to thiamine deficiency that is most commonly seen in chronic alcoholics (and sometimes malnutrition/ cancer)
Thiamine is an enzymatic cofactor that helps the brain produce energy, and when it's deficient, the brain doesn't have enough energy, which can lead to neurotoxicity. This neurotoxicity can cause ophthalmoplegia, along with other symptoms like ataxia and confusion.
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I also stumbled upon this very interesting article on the apothecary system of measures :
Aspirin, codeine, and morphine were some of the drugs commonly ordered in grains as opposed to milligrams.2,8 Aspirin dosing is rooted in this history. The standard adult aspirin dose was 5 gr, or 325 mg in metric, the dose still used today for analgesia. Low-dose aspirin was one quarter of the standard dose, 1.25 grains, which converted to 81 mg. This dosing regimen has persisted to modern times. Although the apothecary system of weights and measures is no longer in official use, its impact is still alive whenever physicians prescribe aspirin 81 mg, serving as a connection to the prescribing practices of generations of physicians and pointing to the hidden and untaught history of pharmaceutical weights and measures.
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gakupo7 · 2 months
hello finnian 😄 how is your day going so far and what have you been up to what is the latest scoop
Hello Nini! 🥳 It was a pretty good day, thankyouuu very kindly for asking, though I am tireeeeddd... In the morning my brother and I had to take the metro and go alllll the way, to the other side of the capital... I had to deliver a... Thang for work. The post officers would take too long, you understand, and it was quite urgent... The taxes, you see...! The taxes... But it is over with now... Mostly... THANK GOD!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
But, it was fun to walk, and I had the chance to read a fair amount while riding the metro, and its a pretty good book, really, the brothers Karamazov; I'm only on the first volume, which, everyone, INCLUDING the writer in the prologue, says it's fairly boring, and just something one has to go through in order to understand the following volumes, but I am not finding it to be that way at all, so far, no... the characters are all such fun, they really have a way of pulling you right in the room with them, I just love imagining them in my mind, they are all different and real, and they talk about interesting topics, that make you think. Even if I don't always understand them entirely...
Well, after work was done for today, I studied a little about the Vitamins... Did you know? Beriberi is a disease caused by Thiamine, AKA B1 deficiency. Well, symptoms seem to range from mental confusion, to tingling, pain, to strange eye movement, paralysis of the lower legs... 1 million different things. Really... A whole basket of unpleasantness... Just a pain in the ass...
I reallyyyy want to clean my room tomorrow... Maybe I will cut my hair also. Oh, Nini... I really want to cut my hair shorter... It's pissing me off today. But, you see, the one day, I just find it to be so wonderful long... And then, the very next one, it just annnnoyyyys me so terribly. And it goes on like this FOREVER... An endless loop... Really... I will have to think about it seriously...
Well, how is your day going so far? &, Got any epic plans, regarding the foreseeable future? Here, the cicadas are singing night and day, non stop... It's so awesome... Do you have cicadas where you live? I hope all is well and wonderful.
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Picture of Little Knight Guy for you, One-Cell-Style
Oh, also... HAPPY AUGUST!!!
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crippleprophet · 2 years
my gf’s med school curriculum is teaching to not give people in the emergency room with vitamin deficiencies due to alcohol complete iv vitamins (a “banana bag”) but rather just thiamine & saline.
this can be an issue for people experiencing alcohol-induced vitamin deficiencies and also potentially for people who may get mistaken for being drunk due to disabilities (such as ataxia).
the idea is that it’d be wasting money to y’know actually fucking treat addicts because the issue may reoccur. policy ofc varies by institution but just be aware if you or someone you know suspect vitamin deficiencies
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mimyclub-blogs · 5 months
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various vitamin deficiencies due to its impact on the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients. Here are some common deficiencies associated with alcohol consumption: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency: Chronic alcohol use can interfere with the absorption of thiamine, leading to a deficiency. Thiamine deficiency can result in neurological problems…
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theanti90smovement · 8 months
i’ve been told that i seem like the type of guy to have a thiamine deficiency
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3. "They're *good* apes, actually."
JOYCE MESSIER - "I don't know about that..." She turns north, to the bombed out buildings lining the waterfront, then shivers slightly.
EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] - No. The tiny apes are doing all they can to be better. It's not their fault.
2. "Who got shot in the head?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Those would be the communists. Generally speaking, 40 million people got shot in the head during the World Revolution. But the communists -- they *all* got shot in the head."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - She's not gloating. It's a relieved celebration.
JOYCE MESSIER - "Oh, and the anarchists too! They shot them well. So well one forgets they even existed."
"Did the communists and the anarchists shoot back?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Did they ever. Before they got shot themselves, they shot two million people."
"Truly a *kerfuffle*."
"That's a tragedy."
"Sounds like they should have shot more people in the head then."
KIM KITSURAGI - "It was a kerfuffle all right," the lieutenant mumbles from behind his notes.
JOYCE MESSIER - "Yes. The *Insulindian Deluge* they call it."
"I had a deluge too. In my head." (Point to your little head.)
"Anyone else get shot in the head -- on the opposing side?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Yes, an acute thiamine deficiency can be exacerbated by alcoholism." She blinks her green eyes. "Exacerbated means 'made worse.'"
"Anyone else get shot in the head -- on the opposing side?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Oh, lots of people. Even the king got shot in the head, or thrown beneath a horse. Or drowned. Accounts differ. It was unceremonious." She shakes her head. "Just as well -- he wasn't actually the king. Just the king's nephew."
"The real king abdicated and lived out a long and productive life as a venture capitalist in Graad."
"Smart king."
"Cowardly king."
"I *loved* that king. Fucking communists..."
"I don't care about kings. Tell me one more thing..."
JOYCE MESSIER - "I prefer the term *risk averse*. King Guillaume was nobody's fool -- he could smell a PR disaster brewing. So he got out alive and his nephew Frissel got shot in his place..."
"Him and tens of thousands of his *wonderfully* fascist kingsmen. It was a *wild* time."
3. "Who got the mineral rights?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "The liberals got the mineral rights." She looks up to the sky, then inland at the crumbling city. "And by mineral rights, I mean *everything*."
"Okay, and by *liberals* you mean..."
"How did the liberals win it all?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Liberals are usually middle-class people, detective. Or the remaining gentry. The beneficiaries of the pre-revolutionary *arrangement*."
"Some were rich enough to stay with the Constitution; with monarchy -- *big mistake*. Others bet on the Revolution, they were called the Ultras, or ultraliberals. They fared well."
"How did the liberals win it all?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "They didn't *win* so much as survive. *We* were the last ones standing when the war ended -- everyone else got shot in the head, remember?"
RHETORIC [Easy: Success] - We -- she's one of them. Of course.
"If everyone got shot, who was there to surrender to?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "To foreign intervention -- the Coalition. Those people *really* took the mineral rights."
"Wait. You just said the liberals already took everything."
"Who are the Coalition?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "The liberals took everything that wasn't nailed to the ground -- the Coalition took the *ground*," she stomps her rubber booted foot. "The ocean, the laws and the people."
"Who are the Coalition?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "The Coalition of Nations. Graad, Mesque, Vesper, Messina, Oranje and Sur-La-Clef -- the armed centre of the world. They landed here and ended the Revolution. It was the *moralist* thing to do."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - There is bitterness in her voice -- tempered with understanding. She is critical, but ultimately understands the cause.
JOYCE MESSIER - "The moralists believe in keeping everything exactly the way it is. They believe in mineral rights -- and not shooting people in the head..."
"At least not in the same *manner and volume* as the others do. They are the long-standing provisional rulers of Revachol now -- the Coalition Government."
"This is their Zone of Control. They embolden the RCM with crumbs of the same law they took. Technically speaking -- *you* are a moralist."
"I don't think I am moralist, ma'am."
"Not just technically -- practically as well. I like what I've heard about these people."
"If that means always picking the option that doesn't commit to anything, then hell yes I am -- and also not."
JOYCE MESSIER - "Of course," she sizes you up. "Not easy to be moderate about *head-shooting* in your line of work."
4. "When was this kerfuffle?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "The Turn-of-the-Century Revolution?" She smiles, mischievously. "Don't answer it -- it's a trick question."
"The Revolution began in '02, on the isola of Graad, though by the end nearly the whole world had gotten involved."
"Who started it?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "It wasn't a *who*, but a *what*. A pandemic of tzaraath, a particularly virulent prion disease, which the authorities in Graad proved unable to contain. Then Mazov came along and overthrew the government."
"What did this tzaraath do?"
"Where did it spread from there?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "It made people overthrow their governments."
"Wow, really?"
"No way."
JOYCE MESSIER - "Of course not. It was a highly infectious microorganism that destroyed brain tissue. The actual causes of the Revolution were material. The pandemic only provided the spark."
"Where did it spread from there?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "From Revachol and Graad? Not far. The world managed to cauterize itself. Mazov's government was overthrown in '08, and the Coalition crushed the Revachol commune two years later. It was *The End*."
"What came next?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Why, you and I, officer--" She spreads her arms, raincoat flapping in the wind. "Our lives in the Zone of Control."
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - Something tells you her life and yours are not that similar. Maybe it's because she has a boat and you have... that necktie? A pair of pants?
"Our lives are very different from each other."
"What is the Zone of Control?"
"What happened in the rest of the world?" (Proceed.)
JOYCE MESSIER - "No doubt -- but we share the same time and position on the planet's crust. That counts for more than you'd think."
"What is the Zone of Control?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "A city state divided into free market zones. Under the *everlasting* interregnum of the Coalition of Nations. And you, of course -- the Citizens Militia."
ESPIRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - The clatter of typewriter keys fills the main hall of a re-appropriated Silk Mill -- Precinct 41. Chad Tillbrook presses ENTER. Outside: Officer *Elfboy* Williams slams the door of an armoured motor carriage...
JOYCE MESSIER - "The Zone of Control is the third incarnation of Revachol. After the failure of the Suzerain and the Commune."
"What happened in the rest of the world?" (Proceed.)
JOYCE MESSIER - "Modernity. They developed the marvels of interisolary communication, telematic milieus, radiation, coloured plastics. Meanwhile, in Revachol West, the *aftermath* continues for the fifth decade."
"It's been like this for how long, exactly?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Forty-three years. Hard to fathom, I know."
"What have we been doing all this time?"
"That's it then. Another topic."
JOYCE MESSIER - "The Twenties saw a decade of urban war: West of the river levelled, offshore platforms in flames... Still, it's regarded as an improvement on what came before: '08 to '19 was simply hell..."
"And after that?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "The Thirties? Things settled down in the Thirties. Revachol East transformed itself into the world's largest tax haven -- with the international community's blessing. For the first time in a long time it seemed like things were *going* somewhere."
"Were they?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "No. It was a market mirage fuelled by cocaine and quantitative easing. The Forties *dispelled* it like a cold splash. An isola-wide hangover, you might say. And here we are..." She curtsies.
"Welcome to reality, baby."
Task complete: Get a reality lowdown
Level up!
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - From the looks of it the Fifties haven't been much better for the Zone of Control -- you can see it in her eyes. Days slipping away....
"You don't seem to be thrilled..."
Say nothing.
JOYCE MESSIER - "I've no right to be dissatisfied," she shakes her head. "This shirt is Barbara Muskova. This raincoat is impervious to rain and is guaranteed for a hundred years, my daughters will wear it. No, it's just..." She looks at the crumbling tenements, paint flecking from the stone...
Her voice is almost wistful. "We could have had so much *more*. Every one of us -- if only we'd played it right."
5. "What would you have done differently?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Good question." She cranes her neck: "What would *you* have done differently?"
"I asked you -- who are you in all this?"
"I would have sought a medical solution. Sounds like *tzaraath* drove those people mad."
"I would have killed more -- 400 million -- if that's what it took."
"I would have made off with the mineral rights."
"I don't know what I would have done differently."
JOYCE MESSIER - "And I asked *you*, past-less detective of the Citizens Militia. What insight has acute encephalopathy given to you?"
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homeofhousechickens · 2 years
What makes a chicken more or less difficult to raise?
The same reason a golden retriever is less difficult to raise then a husky. Some animal breeds just have different care requirements.
For example Leghorns are a VERY easy chicken breed to raise.
Leghorns are a fast feathering breed, that means chicks are able to thermoregulate and get off heat faster then other breeds.
They do not really need any special chick starter or supplements to raise them. Leghorns are not really prone to any health issues when they are young.
When leghorns are adults they are nonbroody and very productive so they lay lots of eggs that are easy to collect and hatch.
Leghorns are a bit skittish by nature which means they tend to be great at avoiding predators and surviving predator attacks.
Leghorns also have some of the best feed conversion, this means they need to eat less to produce more then other chickens, so feeding them isnt to expensive.
All of the above would make a leghorn quite easy to raise and even breed. They do have some health issues that typically happen to them later in life but they are one of the most popular egg laying chickens for a reason.
Silkies are more so an intermediate breed. I dislike that they are considered beginner friendly for many reasons.
Silkies need to be on a good diet with good thiamine levels as they are prone to deficiency which can lead to a host of problems but most commonly wry neck that ends up very hard to reverse and treat.
Since silkies are fibromelanistic that means their immune system sucks for the first few months. In terms of building their immune system they will always be behind nonfibro birds of the same age due to the mechanics of fibromelanism. This makes them very vurnerable to cocciodosis outbreaks that wluld even bother your other birds when they are young.
Silkies have the hookless/silked gene this means they cannot thermoregulate as well as a normal feathered birds. That means they are more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. The chicks will sometimes need heat longer due to that as well.
Due to their crest and sometimes beard some silkies become essentially blinded by their feathers making them vurnerable to flock bullying, predation, and starvation. Yep starvation and malnutrition is a COMMON problem with silkies because they cannot see. This means adults can still be prone to wry neck and other issues caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Their fluffy appearance can hide issues very well. If their owner is not picking them up often its very easy to miss things like malnutrition and mites.
Due to all of the above Silkies would be a harder breed to raise then leghorns in my example.
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