#thier fashion rocks
nightshade962 · 5 months
I got a few more ideas for possible troll fics and one scene.
1. The scene: ok so a scene I think would be funny is in a fic where JD comes back finds the village and meets a teen grey branch. In where poppy go les through the your not the heartthrob, fun one and so on when she calls John old branch is there obviously recognized him. In true little sibling fashion starts laughing his but off at JD. The snak pack are standing there with their mouths open shocked that's the first time they have seen him truly laugh. Maybe other trolls are there and are shocked as well. Jd see branch's eyes and the the left canine and knows its branch he is both happy and sad. Happy his baby is alive but sad because he's grey. After like 5 minutes branch snaps out of it when Jd goes to hug him but he pulls away just walking away.
2. Story1: kismet has been traveling the world since they where teens. Branch, ablaze, and boom are orphans while trickee and hype have families. Branch grows tired of the bullying he faces every day decide to just leave but he can't go without saying goodbye to the four that care for him. So at one thier hangouts he tells them. Right away boom and ablaze say they are going with him. They have never been adopted. Trickee and hype want to go as well but they have families. Hype mentions it to his mom and dad they decide that hype should go live his life and tell to go with just to come back a visit. Trickee just asked his moms they at first didn't want to let him go and is worried for the other boys they're just 15. But they know their son and that he will just go away so they give him the ok. They come back the village twice a year so trickee and hype can see their family it was on one of those trips the the first movie happened.
They just spend their time traveling and make friends all over the world. Branches colors ce back not as bright as they once were but are still there. They start the band when they are 17. They do pop, rock/punk, and alternative music with a saying that ablaze has been quoted saying 'we sing what ever we want'. Their band surpassed brozone in fame quickly. None of the brothers know that branch is in that band. Kismet is one of flyod's favorite bands but can never get good enough seat to see the faces of the band, he flabbergasted when he finds out who branch is. Floyd still get taken so jd Bruce and Clay have to fine branch. They freak out when they decide to move to pop village ( except Bruce) when branch tells them bye he and rest of kismet is going back traveling. Jealous brozone.
3. Story2: kind like the one above except kismet are bounty hunters/mercenaries. They made a guild that is like a large family. The guild is full of performers that double as bounty hunters, mercenaries, spy, and hakers. This shocks everyone. The bounty hunters are shocked that this big named guild is ran by the little brother of the trolls that hired to find.
4. Story3: ok so I have been reading alot of trolls react lately and i have not seen something like this yet. So everyone are watching the moves and short happens before the first movie. Branch is not happy about it and his brothers are trying to hug touch him such as arm around the shoulders and so on. Brozone and snake pack are just annoying branch. All the other troll are like dudes stop he doesn't like it. Kismet hears branch talk loudly to stop so they come over. Trickee and boom kind of jump on branches back and just start talking.hype grabs his hand just starts talking a mile a minute while playing with branches hand. Poppy try to tell then that he does not like to be touched and brozone is about to kick them off their brother but branch just starts talking and laughing with them. Everyone is shock trolls that the troll that was so angery and didn't want ot be touched is just letting these guys. Once again jealous brozone. After boom and trickee get down from his back ablaze puts his arm around branch and bumps their heads together. Brozone is so mad like why won't their baby brother allow them to do that. The rest of pop trolls are just shocked. Branch's colors brighten up a bit when he's with these guys. Therein two options for how branch responds to who these trolls are you can chose just covering same bases 1. These are my brothers in everything but blood and 2. These are my partner(s) (if you want you can chose one of the other kismet members or all)
That all I have for now I may post more. Once again I suck at writing so feel free to take these prompts and make something grand. I just ask if you do to give me a link to it or the title so I can read it
Until next time live long live large and rock on
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More ideas for a Wendell and Wild TV show
Wendell and Wild picking Kat up by the scruff of her hoodie and flying her around town.
Kat and Raul get roped in to Siobhan's "fashion for world peace event" . Kat rocks a fabulous punk inspired outfit. While Raul makes a colourful suit based off his artwork. Wendell and Wild get involved and have Thier own demonic fashion show.
Comedic episode where a wannabe demon hunter comes to Rust Bank to capture Wendell and Wild, hijinks ensure. Bonus, Wendell and Wild spend the whole episode unaware that thier even being hunted. Too focused on completing some minor task like getting falafel.
A girl from Kat's past comes to RBC as part of the break the cycle program.
Sparkplug accidentally gets out of the underworld and starts causing trouble all over town. Kat and Raul have to catch him before Sister Helly finds out.
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to...
Random Headcannons about Specfic Character's Heartless Stemming from an AU I have Never Posted About!
(This is under the notion that, for some inexplicable reason, a special Heartless is capable of amplifying any darkness found within someone's heart, so that those with even a little bit of darkness would still create a strong Heartless. Also none of them are explicitly darklings because I like myself some symbolic, abstract monster designs.)
*taps mic*
Sora (who is here and alive btw) has those eldritch horror tentacles he had in that one section of Xehanort's boss fight sprouting out of his back. I just think they're neat.
Roxas is very nobody-like, surprisingly. It makes sense once you consider the fact that replica bodies can't create nobodies. Xion is in the same boat, their bodies are kinda just layin there.
Aqua is constantly melting and dissolving into puddles on the floor, appearing as a large spot of black-blue. She can also move incredibly fast like this. However, it also seems to cause her Heartless... pain.
Lea is really spiky. And on fire, but that was obvious. One noticeable thing is the tear tracks constantly running down his face, which never seem to stop.
Riku is a large bat-dragon-thing. He also has shackles and broken chains on his ankles and wrists. The chains have been mending themselves, however. Whenever he notices, he attacked them relentlessly until they appear beyond repair. The cycle begins anew afterward.
Terra obviously has some elements of the Guardian in his design, but just making him the Guardian again sounds boring to me so obviously I need to give him more trauma.
Kairi evades becomign a hearless due to her heart having no darkness, but she just can’t get what she did for Sora at the end of KH1 work for any of them, and this just makes her feel even more useless.
Xion is a puppet, literally. Her final boss form from the end of Days gets a darker recolor while being held up by strings connected to one of those wooden-puppet-control-thingies. Roxas doesn't like to look at her.
Riku is technically a Heartless and a Nightmare? None of them are Emblem Heartless but he's got the Nightmare symbol between his wings.
Lea is the second largest of the bunch, and has two chakram-looking things circling him at all times. Xion and Roxas fit neatly under him, and like to hide under there.
Aqua gets as much trauma as Terra because the Wayfinder Trio is my favorite so I put them through pain. Her color scheme is very Anti-Aqua :)
Sora is very fast, and he skitters around like a cat. He is also very spiky.
Ven may not of had his heart dragged out of him by the weird heartless, but he is definitely not having a good time. He didn't even recognize Terra and Aqua.... at first. (I swear I love the Wayfinder Trio with all of my heart)
Roxas resembles a... weasel? Ferret? Something like that; no one can put a finger on it. He also has samurai swords, because yes.
Terra is seemingly made up of rock and soil, and it is primarily held together by the bandages left behind from his Guardian form. He is also the largest out of all of them, a little over half the size of that one really big KH2 Heartless boss in the Pridelands. (I can't remember it's name.)
All of the Seasalt Trio Heartless have their number somewhere on their bodies (XIII, XIV, etc.), the Wayfinder Trio Heartless have thier armor represented in some fashion, and the Destiny Trio all have a paupo fruit inscribed on themselves somewhere.
And Isa (who dodged the entire encounter by not being a keyboard wielder) is just trying to keep Ven and Kairi safe after all of this shit goes down. He doesn't have the time or the energy to get into how he is feeling right now (and boy howdy, is it nothing good). After all, the three of them were...
...Those that Remain.
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deadnburied13 · 2 years
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1970, In memory of Janis Joplin died October 4 in 1970 at the age of 27.
She was an American singer and musician.
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One of the most successful and widely known female rock stars of her era, she was noted for her powerful mezzo-soprano vocals and "electric" stage presence.
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She appeared at the Woodstock festival and on the Festival Express train tour. Five singles by Joplin reached the Billboard Hot 100.
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Her most popular songs include her cover versions of "Piece of My Heart", "Cry Baby", "Down on Me", "Ball and Chain", "Summertime", and her original song "Mercedes Benz", her final recording.
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Joplin died of a heroin overdose in 1970, at the age of 27.
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A second solo album, Pearl, was released in January 1971, just over three months after her death. It reached number one on the Billboard charts.
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She was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995.
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Rolling Stone ranked Joplin number 46 on its 2004 list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time and number 28 on its 2008 list of 100 Greatest Singers of All Time.
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She remains one of the top-selling musicians in the United States, with Recording Industry Association of America certifications of 18.5 million albums sold.
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Janis an Jimmy Hendrix traveled in the same small circle and became very close friends. They also died in similar fashion and they were exactly the same age when they died... 27. Which put them in the infamous 27 club. That's not all between the two, the dates of thier passing are within September 18, 1970. That is a mere 15 days between thier deaths. This closeness in life spawned an admiration of each other's work. Janis and her songwriter used Hendrix as inspiration for her song
"Half🌗Moon" Janis died before the album Pearl was released. She had hand picked amd approved every song on the album.
Below listen to Half Moon.
note : Janis instantly loved this song
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Hi Jen! I hope this is not a dumb question, but is being butch and femme an american lesbian experience only? I'm a (south american) lesbian and have been aware of my identity for a few years now but only got to learn about butches and femmes recently. I don't think my language even have any equivalent terms for these identities. I'm asking you because after finding out about these experiences, I've been wondering if I'm one or the other. How do I know if I'm butch or femme? And is "futch" really a thing or is that just a made-up term? Thank you!
I have lesbian friends (under 30) from Venezuela, Spain, Russia, Finland, Scotland, The Netherlands and all over the US , Canada and Mexico and all use or are familiar with or use butch and femme (although I believe there is a Spanish word that is equivalent I can't remember what that is right now). OF course I know all these women over the internet so it is very possible that their exposure to Western Culture via on line has introduced them to Butch and Femme as a way to describe their experiences in the world. (the perception of them to the world).
You absolutely do NOT have to be butch or femme and the majority of lesbians are not. They fall in the middle and it is just about esthetics (what they enjoy wearing/fashion etc). Butch and Femme is not removeablable with clothing. The innate masculine or feminine degree of Femmes and Butches is pretty noteable. I used the example of a tux. Femmes and Butches can both rock a man's tux but the way they wear it and are perceived in them are dyamically different.
Futch is more about presentation or aesthetics. The clothes one wants to wear for any given day or activity. It is "made up" in the sense that it seems more of a light hearted way for some lesbians to describe how they love wearing thier snap back and basketball shorts but also don't mind a sun dress on a spring day.
IN MY opinion and I am no hisorical expert, butch and femme are not defined by clothing , although tend to wear what suits us --masculine or feminine styles), we are defined by how we are perceived by others. I call it an "energy" for lack of a better word or the space we take up. Sounds all gooey and romantized but as a butch I can tell you, there is one hundred percent a way I am "seen" by others no matter my haircut or clothes.
My movements, the way I exist, makes others THINK that I don't read as "woman" so they immediately and on first notion go to "man". (correcting that once they have a few moments to take a second or third look).
Stastically you are neither butch nor femme. A list of common expereriences other butches I know have had (not an exhaustive or sure fire list) is being mistaken for a man, feeling over whelmingly protective of women, getting double takes in women spaces. As a child or adult getting asked. "are you a boy or a girl"? Men acting like we are "one of the boys"in actions and words. (hint to men who think this.. we ARE NOT). Women having the expectation that we are "tops" or the "aggressors" or even don't want to be touched at all. Fashionwise we do tend towards men's clothing feeling more in line with our confidence and outlook.
I guess, don't really worry about it. You can exist as a well adjusted happy lesbian without ever being or having a connection with butch. I know those butches who always felt they were "doing woman wrong" OR those femmes who were told they are "not a lesbian.. no way" finding the words to describe their experiences and connections with a similar community of women made all the difference if feeling better and more assurred that they were not alone and JUST FINE.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
emmet really did go for the Drama! The Aesthetic! My man you are killing people white jeans are horrific for getting blood stains out of but you do you! Two hidden blades for twice the fun! The single glove! For fashionably punching people! The Dramatic Coat! Nerd. (Affectionate)
And yes! Give ingo a sword! Swords are so good. I want a sword…… I just think they’re cool they go swishy and they go stabby, what’s not to like. I do like that ingo will just pick up a brick or rock if necessary and go real old fashioned. The real Cain instinct I guess?
Anyway they are just so cool! Have a 🍪 or 🍨! Stay cool! Stay hydrated! 💜
THANK YOU!!! Assassin outfits MUST be cool, it is a requirement, and I found it fun and exhausting to mix modern and traditional! Clothes are not my forte 😂 I wear a tank top or t shirt and jeans. I'm basic. Layers? Accessories? I don't know her. Trying to make a cool outfit is NOT my strength 😂😂😂💚
Emmet like. Starches his jeans or something to blood-proof them somehow 😂 he's proud of his heritage and Ingo won't let him shout that theyre assassins from the rooftop so he has to show his pride SOMEHOW. Two hidden blades for twice the fun (mumble mumble something something double battles) and a flair for the dramatic because he deserves it! (Ingo is more dramatic in their every day life but Emmet is THE DRAMA during their assassin work).
Cain instinct but also "finish the job at any cost" 😂 When watching Emmets back, sometimes Ingo doesn't have a chance to do something fancy or reach for something clean- whatever is closest will do. Brick, baseball bat, book. If he can grab it, it's a weapon. He's a bit better at improvising because of it.
AND YEAH, FUCK YEAH, SWORDS!!!! The templars still use them more often than the assassins, so Ingo learned while he had memory loss. The assassins prefer weapons easier to hide (like guns or knives) so using a sword is kind of an outdated tradition. Ingo couldn't take a hidden blade with him when he escaped with Akari/the piece of Eden since the templars didn't have any, so he took a sword instead. They require closer combat but they're quieter. It made it easier to defend her while they were on the run.
Thank you!!!! I wish I were able to focus on one thing consistently because I have like. Comics I wanna draw!!! Things I wanna write!!! But that requires focus and dedication to one thing for a hot minute and I do not have that 😔
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Of Rocks and Robots Halloween Art Contest Winners
We had precisely five entries and five categories so each person gets a prize!
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Funniest Fashion
Winner: Neo
Fred and Minimax switch supersuits
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You win a photo edit of two characters of your choosing
Creepiest Clothes
Winner: @violetsare-tblue
Varian as a frostbitten zombie
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You get a black and white line art of one character of your choosing.
Expertly Excutued
Winner: Syurpchugger
Gogo as Raven from Teen Titans
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You get colored art of any two characters you want.
Creatively Crafty
Winner: @heatherthetiredwriter
Varian as Sokka from Avatar; comic
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You win the 100 word drabble with a prompt of your choosing. (No more than 1 to 3 characters and prompt must be PG)
Ingenious Idea!
Winner: @soreiya
Varian as a Punkpop Prince
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You win the grand prize! This costume will be what Varian wears during Season Two's Halloween Special.
Sadly it'll be awhile before I can get to that episode but I will post a sneak peak tomorrow featuring the costume and you'll be credited in the fic once the episode goes up.
Thanks to all of people who took the time to enter and share thier work. It was a blast! (If I missed anyone please let me know) DM me for prizes.
Hopefully we'll have even more events soon, like maybe a Secret Santa ;) To stay tuned for upcoming events please join us at the discord.
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depravity-disposed · 3 years
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“Oh..~! Excuse me....~”
LLex apologized, almost in a ditzy fashion, his code dictating the nessesary response to such an unmerited, and quite vulgur, complement to the lively lump of his current user squirming up in his inflated middle..
Whatever response, if they did give one infact, couldn’t be heard over the steady sloshing of his artificial stomach, which was little more than an idle bag of gelatinous material designed for short, yet sensual sessions if his partner so desired.. albeit, a bit more cramped than what they’d expected at first.
The apprehension he first felt upon feeling them stir within soon faded away once his sensors had started converting thier movements into a gradual incline of sexual arousal. For a moment, LLex worried about the impending consequences of letting his awareness slip, but little by little, as he soon caught ear of the muffled moaning coming from his bulging gut, he found himself starting to loose to his mounting sexual desires as he began to rock and hump against his user’s tucked away form...
For a while, they both basked to the rhythms of each other’s opposing motions, effectively serving to both get themselves AND the other off at the same time..
Until a light humming of something internal activating slowly caught his attention, his partner’s once lustful movements, now descending into frantic, studderjng spasms as the once moldible interior started to clamp and tighten around them...
“Ooooh noo....” The bot mumbled as he quickly realized what was about to happen, “... I knew this was gonna happen... you accidentally activated my sanitization mode....” LLex informing little too late as his abdomen began to rhythmically compact and contract, not like it wasn’t certainly dooming his now trapped “snack” as a  corrosive, yet sterilizing fluid starting flowing into the cramped area...
Surprisingly, the sensation of, what was essentially his own form of digestion, seemed to grant the same results as when he’d been humping the now shrinking mass mere moments ago, a sudden and deep groan from the mechanical organ making him let out an elongated moan of pleasure as his belly shook like jelly. The cushioning helps proved no match against the desperate flailing of a panicked user, leaving the tucked up person to quake the masticating middle in a flurry of morphing protrusions...
LLex couldn’t help but grind against the jerky movements of his suffocating client as his systems quickly started to melt them into little more than a meaty broth, the stew sizzling and popping as what was left was broken down by bio engineered enzymes that effectively turned that person shaped bulge into nothing but a chymeral creamy sludge that could be processed into a considerable amount of biofuel for later....
All the while they screamed from inside, as more and more of them became unrecognizable by the minute, aided by the persistent and steady rocking of thier pred’s hips as, to thier disbelief, he continued to get off to thier hopeless situation...
“Fuuuck.... I never thought.... this could feel.....~” he never trully finished his sentence really, a small belch slipping out, the taste of his partner’s fermenting flesh scattering his mind to the wind as he picked up the pace of his thrusts....
“AH~! LIKE THAT~!! YOU’LL MAKE ME-?!” LLex’s euphoric moan erupting out without warning then as he began to loose control of his faculties before finally tipping over the edge as his prey gave one last hardy kick in an attempt to turn this situation to thier favor...
Of course this only served to allow the android to finally orgasm after all this time, but it also created a hush of hot, thick, and ransid air to force itself up and out to taint the air outside, cutting off the moan, but adding to the already intense pleasure as the bot simply moaned, as best as he could, into the belch as it thundered through his already overstimulated body...
The lingering spasms of his hips and muscles made noticeable cracking sound from the bones finally starting to give way as the user had no doubt expired by now, the lack of air accompanied by the hostile conditions finally catching up with them...
the feeling of satisfaction amazing, as LLex found himself nodding off soon after manually and thoroughly compacting the bubbling protein into a meaty ball that could easily be worked down quicker than it would’ve prior....
LLex lazily smiled to himself, the thought of how he’d just ultimately dominated his lover making him even more aroused as sleepy as he was, no doubt leaving him to dream about the next time he’d planned to experience this outstanding feeling...
But this time, on purpose....~
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Skelies of your choice with an s/o who has a a rather bad childhood in a way (They were bullied alpt when younger ) and still reflects in then now days but s/o was able to overcome it mostly besides randomly becoming sad .
What would the skelies do when they see s/o crying ' out of the blue ' and then they discover why?
Sans: he just sits and listens as he lets SO get it all off thier chest. Sans doesn’t have much to say except that he’s happy they’re the person they are now.
Papyrus: he’ll gently grab SOs face and press his teeth against their forehead. Papyrus murmurs about how brave and kind they are
Star: he’ll proudly exclaim all the good things he can list about SO. Then star finishes off that they were strong enough to become this amazing person despite the bullies. They’ve already won!
Honey: in true honey fashion, he pulls SO into his lap and gust gently rocks as they let it all out. He’s not good with words but he can show his love through actions at least
Red: “yea, well f*ck them”. Your bullies sucked, not they’re gone now. Red will point out that the best revenge is to be happy and leave them all in the dust. Or he could punch them in the face. Red is always willing to throw hands for his SO lol
Edge: he’ll also pull SO close. Edge is doing his best to show his love. He’ll murmer some awkward but hopefully comforting words
Mal: he’ll tsk but SO can tell he’s not mad by the soft expression mal is wearing. Mal runs a soothing hand up and down SOs back as he tells them how much they mean now
Cash: he does his best to get SO laughing again with a few well timed jokes. Cash can’t really do anything about the past but he can help his SO feel better
Oak: oh no. Is SO feeling sad again? Oak is going to flop on top of them and start purring. If that doesn’t work then his answer is the same as sans.
Willow: like papyrus he’s also praising SO for thier bravery. Willow will probably cry a bit with them.
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txdoroki · 4 years
I was wondering if I could ask for a request where the reader is a fashion designer and is hosting like a runway show to show off their designs but a model couldn’t make it/ was sick and they were panicking cause they needed someone to fill in for thier favorite outfit. And so they get either bakugo, Tenya or aizawa (whoever you want to write) to fill in. And after the show, the reader was like 🥺 wow you did such a good job, we should work together again 😊 and the charecter is like sure, but you gotta go on a date with me :))
This could just be like a quick drabble, I just though it would be interesting
I hope this isn’t too much to ask :)) and if you don’t want to do it, no problem. This is my first time requesting anything, so I hope it’s clear enough! Have a nice day, thank you!!!
of course! this is a really fun idea i hope you like what i wrote! it isn’t too much to ask, thank you for the request! have a nice day aswell :)
(includes bakugou, iida, aizawa)
desc: you’re a fashion designer hosting your first show, and the man who was going to showcase the best outfit you had planned called in.... he can’t make it. 
warnings: none
words: 1,275
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your dream of becoming a fashion designer was finally coming true. tonight!
you’d worked so hard for all of this, saving up money since you were 15. 7 years of money saving kickstarted you to your dream, a runway show.
it had a mix of masculine, feminine, and androgynous outfits for your models.
the outfit you were most excited for others to see was one you’d been working on for ages, collecting bits and pieces for it over the years.
while daydreaming about how amazing the show would be, you got a call from the model who would be showing that outfit’s manager. ah fuck.
“hello, miss y/n. i’m sorry to inform you in such late notice that (name of model) has caught a cold, and cannot come in. good luck with your show.”
oh shit. what will you do now??
*now this splits into each character’s section*
the model that the agency came up with instead of the planned, was none other than bakugou katsuki himself. he had a widespread reputation of being aggressive, but he was more just pissy when he showed up.
“the names bakugou. now, who do i owe the pleasure to?” he scoffed, “y/n? cute. for a goddamned puppy.”
what is that even supposed to mean?
you didn’t have time to retort back, instead getting a call that your show will soon be beginning.
“yeah yeah, i know the drill,” he winked, turning away, “hope i don’t disappoint or whatever. not that i give two shits.”
you nervously walked to the seat you saved for yourself, a crowd of people surrounded the runway, including some very famous designer agencies that were on the lookout for new designers to employ.
you took a deep breath as your show began, and so far it all was going to plan!
all of the outfits had the crowd gasping in surprise, taking in the small details that’d be missed if they were not fashion enthusiasts themselves.
when bakugou was next, you were silently wishing and hoping that he’d pull off the outfit. you knew it’d look amazing on him since he’s good looking anyways, but you swear if he fucks up you’ll yell his ear off.
“last outfit for tonight folks, worn by the firey model himself, bakugou katsuki,” the announcer said as bakugou walked out.
he looked better than the original model, and you had to dig your nails into your hand to stay quiet.
once he got to the end of the runway, he struck a pose and walked back.
afterwards, he walked up to you. this was confusing to you, you’ve never heard of models really doing that.
“i made that outfit look so hot, nice designing skills,” he complimented, bringing a small blush to your cheeks, “what? i just told you you had skill, not like i told you you’re hot.” he snickered, “you are anyways though.”
“um yeah thanks,” you figured now would be a good time to ask, “you did very good, you wanna work together again sometime?”
his eyes gleamed with satisfaction, “sure, but you gotta let me take you out to dinner.”
“you heard me,” he winked and pushed a piece of paper with his phone number into your hand before walking away.
you: hii
bakugou: hey;) ill pick you up tomorrow at 7
the agency told you their other models were busy, so you had to have one of your models do their original outfits plus the favorite.
you, obviously, chose the most talented model you had. tenya iida. his family had a long long line of models (see what i did there;)) and he was most definitely the best in your eyes.
when you offered the job to him, he agreed instantly, saying it was good for him to help you as he wanted to convey how responsible he was to his family. 
he took the agreement a little far, even saying that he’d never let you down as that is his duty to fulfill, but you just let him get determined to succeed. it was nice that he was so passionate about modeling, he always made sure to give things his very best.
“this outfit is very creative and well-crafted. good job, miss y/n.” iida gave you two thumbs up before running to get into his first outfit for the night.
iida was extremely talented, always getting the best ratings and reviews from the public. a few times he was put on the front cover of a magazine, gaining him a lot of followers. 
during the few times he walked, he got many cheers from the crowd. many people found him to be insanely attractive, some even came to shows with him in them just for him. you found him so lucky, and it shocked you to find he didn’t have a girlfriend at all for how many people thirst for him.
the way he looked in the ending piece was just- arf arf awooga sexy. you could’ve gotten a nosebleed from how hot he was.
after the show you looked for him, wanting to thank him for the favor.
when you finally found him, he was arguing with one of your other models about how they were there two minutes later than told. it’s very important to the public to be responsible and good at timing. you cannot succeed with trashy expectations, was around what we was saying, but you weren’t really tuned in.
“hey, iida! good job tonight, i really appreciate you working with me so kindly,” you smiled at him.
“of course, y/n! it’s my duty. would you wish to collaborate with me in future business ideals?” 
“hmmm.... on one condition,” you smirked, “you have to go on a date with me!”
“i would love to, thank you, y/n.” 
none of your other models would agree to wearing the outfit, saying their schedules were too packed to fit it in.
you figured you might as well call your friend aizawa, he was hot and good at looking like his ego was too big.
“what do you want, y/n?” he yawned into the phone.
“please, shota, do you mind being a guest in my runway show?”
“what’s in it for me?”
“let me take you out on a date and i’ll agree to being in the show,” you could tell how absolutely serious he was. made you lowkey happy cause you’d been thirsting for him for a while.
“yeah yeah, now get here asap dummy,” you chuckled when he whispered a maybe too loud yay, hanging up the phone.
“y/n, have you got a fill-in for the finishing outfit?” your assistant asked.
“yes, add ‘shota aizawa’ to the list.” you ordered, your assistant immediately scribbling down his name, thanking you as they hurried away.
you knew aizawa would rock it, he was actually the inspiration for the entire piece. many people were confused as they’d never seen him before, but were hoping they would again sometime.
he looked so handsome in it, and you were really happy he wanted to take you on a date. 
after the show you were lost in thought, wondering what kind of date he’d take you on. would it be dinner? or the beach? or the park? or target? you loved target. truly it didn’t matter to you where he took you, even if you would just be at his place for a few hours you were still super hyped.
“let’s go, y/n,” aizawa walked up to you and took your hand, dragging you to his car.
“you’re lucky i took the subway here,” you scoffed, clicking your seatbelt on.
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thecandywrites · 3 years
The Beginning of Stormbreaker Part 2
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So cute. 
Part 2
Rhosland woke up just before sunrise, bright eyed and energized and couldn’t wipe the giddy smile off her face if she tried as she and her twin sister left right at sunrise just as their mother finished baking the overnight bread, and also conveniently just after Drad and Sarg came and delivered more “gifts” to them, Sarg gave Esri a fishing net and fishing lures and lines along with a big set of big baskets so they could keep the fish and whatever else they foraged together as Drad gave each of them the stone timber axes, and a large, thick quilt blanket, so large it would cover three bedrolls. Each square was stuffed with cotton, wool and down feathers so that each square was puffy in the quilt so that they would not get cold in their tent just in case the bitter cold of fall and winter came early, which the girls happily took and hugged those men goodbye as Drad and Sarg helped push as the girls pulled their rowboat to the biggest stream as the women rowed their little boat down the stream that cut through the village, underneath all the bridges  and soon were out to sea before they rowed it north towards Hurricane Breaker until they found the estuary between Skull Screamer Clan and Hurricane Breaker and rowed upstream, happily finding all kinds of fish and seafood in the creeks before they found the perfect camping spot right on the edge of a forest next to a fallen tree that was the perfect bench height and set up camp and ate the fish they were able to easily catch for breakfast with their bread that thier mother had sent them with. 
“So you must have had really good dreams last night, you won’t stop smiling.” Esri teased her sister even though she was in a similar state. 
“I did,” Rhos nodded. 
“Well go on, tell me about them.” Esri requested as she scooted closer to her sister as they sat on a fallen log by their camp fire since they had pulled the little row boat up on shore and the log had been covered in wild, edible mushrooms which the girls readily cut off and were in the process of drying them to preserve them while eating a few of them, cooked in their pot over the fire with their breakfast since one of their bride gifts from the clan had been a few logs of smoked and preserved fat as they had sliced off a few pieces of the cow and hog fat and fried the mushrooms in that in their pot which only made the mushrooms taste even more meatlike. 
“I had a dream that Drad came back from the raid and claimed me as his wife instead of Tar and we built the most perfect house together and we had so many kids and we were just...so happy. And it’s like my intuition is telling me that it will come true.” Rhosland whispered, afraid that if she said it too loudly it would tempt the fates and not come true. 
“That’s funny, because I had a similar dream about Sarg.” Esri beamed. 
“Oooh, and?” Rhos giggled. 
“Oh, very good, I had a dream we sailed out to sea on this big sailing ship and that rocking of the boat made the rutting so much better.” Esri giggled in turn.
“Do you think it will come true?” Rhosland asked. 
“It better! Cause my mind and heart keep telling me it will come true, plus they were both there to see us off and got us both gifts to help us on this hunting and gathering trip and just hugging Sarg this morning felt...amazing.” She insisted with a wistful sigh. 
“Me too, but with Drad obviously.” Rhosland confirmed as the girls continued to eat to their satisfaction for the first time in a long time. 
“Come on, I have a good feeling that we will kill some deer today, we should build a smoker to smoke the meat.” Rhos suggested as they used their new axes and chopped down a good stone timber tree and other kinds of trees and began building a really good smoker out of the wood before they fashioned the bigger baskets to hang off of their hips and immediately started finding all kinds of wild edible berries, cattails and other wild edible plants, edible mushrooms all around them and so many different kinds of herbs for seasoning and medicine and even an abandoned bee hive full of combs, thick with honey which they gladly took all of it that they could reach and harvest before they shot down a couple of deer and drug the deer back to camp and immediately got to work dressing them and putting their meat in the smoker and tanning their hides and then used the net and caught a bunch of fish, gutted and cleaned them and put those in the smoker too. 
It was single handedly the best day they had ever spent gathering because this spot had an overabundance for them and they quickly had to use the dried grasses to make bushel sized baskets for all that they harvested since all the baskets that they had packed were now full as they sat on the log, watching the gorgeous red sunset and just about the time they got done weaving their new baskets and organizing everything into those baskets and put it all inside the tent just as the sun went down- a very thick fog came in from the sea with a chill and settled over them as Rhos and Esri both instinctively went into their tent and rested and for dessert, dined on the honey that they dipped their wild berries into before falling into a restful, sweet sleep, curled up under the wonderfully big, thick, and supremely warm blanket that kept the cold completely off of them as suddenly the winds kept changing in the most bizarre way, blowing in different directions so that it felt like it was blowing in from all sides and picking up speed, making the smoke of their fires take up an odd pattern within the fog itself before it blew in heavily towards from the west again, inland from the sea.   
Meanwhile Tar was disappointed that “his Rosey” had already left for a hunting and gathering trip, so he couldn’t try to lay with her real quick before the raid, he was celebrating as if he had already had a successful raid and noticed that a thick fog blew in that evening but that didn’t deter him or his father or the rest of his family. The next morning, the fog was still excessively thick. So much so that they could barely see the road from their houses but Zash and his sons felt confident in their ability to still use their inner compass and that the fog would conceal them and that they would attack the Rush Fang Clan completely by surprise and it would guarentee their victory over them and set off with their men that morning and disappeared into the unusually thick fog while Orcoth had promised Sarg and Drad that he would keep a careful watch over their mother Grat and Rhos’ and Esri’s mother Shari and assured both women that they would see their children again soon as the three of them kept to themselves as Grat invited Shari to stay with her while her daughters would be away so the two would not get lonely which Shari greatly appreciated as Grat also invited Orcoth to stay as well, to play games and enjoy each other’s company since Grat’s house that Wolvish had built her was still big enough to fit all of them comfortably. 
However- Zash and his sons got hopelessly lost and turned around several times, not even recognizing their own walking paths in the tall grass in the thick fog that soon enveloped them and their raiding party as Zash and his sons were adamant that the fog would clear and that they would find Rush Fangs and ignored and rebuked and rebutted any who had left signs along their path to show that they had been walking in circles before Zash felt confident that he was turning Southeast, when in fact, he was turned Northwest and heading straight towards the much bigger and more fearsome Hurricane Breaker. 
And when the fog did partially clear, they found Hurricane Breaker, their bright golden bronze breast plates glinting in what little sunlight finally was able to push through. Whose shaman had sensed that they were coming and were ready for them and were outnumbering them twenty to one as Drad and Sarg both looked worriedly at each other when they saw that their comparatively smaller raiding party was completely surrounded before the fog quickly enveloped them all again as the clash of warriors played out as Drad did everything in his power to keep Sarg by his side after he saw Tar and everyone in Tar’s family fall to the ground dead from the fatal blows, before he smelled...smoking venison with a hint of smoking fish as the words of his new adopted father Orcoth replayed in his head but it was like he was the only one who could smell it and by this point Sarg and Drad were both injured, almost fatally so and knocked off their horses, as Drad took Sarg on his injured side while Sarg did the same, pushing their injured sides together so they could use their good sides to manage to get out of there and Drad followed his nose in the smell, as the scent itself seemed to be in a wiggly pattern but the wiggly pattern helped both of them avoid the other warriors of Hurricane Breaker as the fog itself was so thick they could barely see their hands in front of their faces but kept them practically invisible as Drad continued to slowly and as quietly as possible, follow the smells as Drad could pick up more on the scent of smoking venison while Sarg could smell the scent of smoking fish stronger as they both followed the same trail of scents until the scent led them out of the warzone and the father away they got, the lighter the fog became so that they could see more and smell more and by now, the scent was very strong and it gave them hope that they were close as they both hobbled towards it and just as the fog thinned out even more, they saw a camp sight, just as Rhosland and Esri were leaving a tent and Drad had never thought Rhosland looked more beautiful in his life. 
“Drad?” Rhos asked when she and her sister were brave enough to leave their tent when they woke up to the sounds of a battle as their instincts told them to stay in the tent because it sounded like it was very close by before the sounds faded as if the war zone was traveling farther and farther away before they ventured out, only to be met with the sight of Drad and Sarg, both trying to hold up the other and trying to walk despite their injuries. 
“Rhosland! Help me!” Drad called out to her as she and Esri quickly dropped their axes and ran towards them and helped them back into their tent as a pop up thunderstorm came and started raining and washing Drad and Sarg’s bloody trail away before moving towards the east on the western wind again as Rhosland and Esri both got to work cleaning and dressing Drad and Sarg’s wounds with the herbs that they had found and were turning them into poultices.
“What are you doing here? I thought you guys were supposed to be raiding Rush Fang.” Rhos asked worriedly as she worked on stabilizing Drad’s wounds and to stop him from bleeding out right there in their tent, calling on all of her medical knowledge she had acquired up until that point to help her do so.
“We lost our way in the fog, got turned around several times over but Zash and his sons wouldn’t listen to anyone about it and the fog was so thick, we couldn’t tell where the sun was, let alone where we were going.” Drad answered in staggered breaths. 
“The fog was so thick we couldn’t see our hands in front of our faces and Zash wouldn’t hear of any objections to waiting until the fog cleared to go raiding because they were sure that the fog would help us, instead of hinder us.” Sarg added as he hissed and then grunted and whimpered as Esri set his arm back into place then used a piece of wood and a strip of cloth from her skirts to tie it off to keep it straight as she then used her fishing line to sew up the bigger wounds after cleaning them off through the poultices and their left over cleaned water that they had boiled to make tea with as Rhos was doing the same to Drad’s ankle that he had somehow rolled and twisted. 
“So how did that turn out?” Rhosland asked. 
“I watched as Zash and all of his sons fell, their heads rolling away from their bodies. It was only the smoke of your smoking the venison that I smelled that I followed that saved us, I don’t know if anyone else will survive.” Drad answered honestly as he was hissing and biting back curses as Rhos was doing her best to heal him and set his ankle right and stitch up his bloody leg that had been hacked almost to the bone as she tried to put the blood vessels and veins back together as she pushed them together and stitched it shut.  
“The venison.” Rhos and Esri both said in unison as they realized that that scent could lead Hurricane Breaker to them too before they heard hoof beats in the distance. 
“Don’t make a sound.” Rhos and Esri both breathed in a whisper to Sarg and Drad before they quickly left the tent and took the fishing net and ran towards the river to wash the blood off their clothes before they were surrounded by a group of shield maidens only moments after the blood washed away from them and their campsite and was carried downstream, the blood dissolving completely into the river. Once they saw that Rhos and Esri were unarmed but simply in water up to their chests and barely grunt sized orcs, they assumed that Esri and Rhosland were younglings, barely subadults, struggling with a fishing net as they came to the conclusion that Rhos and Esri posed no threat whatsoever and noticed the axes were purely for cutting down trees, not warfare and thus, they were unarmed which put them at ease. 
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The captain Tilge, a shieldmaiden herself demanded. 
“My name is Rhosland and this is my twin sister Esri, we are on a hunting and gathering trip, we are from the Skull Screamer Clan, but we didn’t see any markers on this land and thought this was unclaimed and neutral land, did we miss a marker or something?” Rhosland asked innocently enough. 
“No, this is unclaimed and neutral land, because mosquitoes and malaria are thick here. So you should be careful. But are you aware that the Skull Screamer Clan attacked us?” Tilge asked them. 
“Who’s us? I assume you’re talking about Hurricane Breaker? Skull Screamer was not supposed to attack you, everyone knows you are much bigger and fiercer clan than even Typhoon Breaker, Zash and his raiding party were supposed to raid Rush Fang which is in the Southeast, that’s what Zash and all his sons were talking about in the great hall two days ago when we left Skull Screamer to come here to go on our fall hunting and gathering trip, we specifically chose this spot because it was in the opposite direction they were supposed to be headed, you can ride to Skull Screamer now and ask our mother, Shari- she is a widow and has no husband or son to raid so that just leaves my sister and I to take care of her, she lives in the mud and mud brick hut right on the outskirts of town. If Skull Screamer came against you, the only thing I can think of is that they must have gotten lost in the fog, once the fog came in from the sea, my sister and I took shelter in our tent and we’ve only come out once we heard the roar of the fight die down.” Rhos explained nonchalantly as Tilge could tell by the way Rhosland was speaking along with her body language that she was speaking truth and trusted her words. 
“We are Hurricane Breaker, and my name is Captain Tilge, and you’re correct. Skull Screamer did attack us and they were clearly lost and must have been out of their minds to do so. Have you seen any of your warriors come towards you? Because the scent of the smoking venison is what brought us to you.” Tilge answered.  
“No, only you, at least so far.” Esri answered as she and Rhosland both shook their heads no with a shrug as they focused on getting the net into position to try and catch something in the water. 
“So since we pose no threat, might we be friends? The fish that we caught earlier should be done smoking by now, would you like some?” Rhosland asked as she and her sister managed to catch a school of fish in their net before they came up on shore, dragging their catch behind them in the net so that Tilge and the other shieldmaidens could see that they were small, still developing and obviously young and far from dangerous. 
“Yes, thank you.” Tilge smiled as she and her group dismounted and let the horses graze nearby as they all took a seat on the big log by the fire as Esri and Rhosland took out the now smoked fish and the smaller pieces of smoked venison replaced them with the new fish they caught after quickly gutting them and gave the shieldmaidens the smoked fish and the smaller pieces of smoked venison as they all enjoyed a nice impromptu meal, using the big, broad leaves of a nearby plant as plates as Esri and Rhosland were sharing what they had gathered so far and casually picked up their stone timber axes and let them lean against the log, between them and the tent and sat with the shield maidens, and felt an uncommon ease and calm in their beings so as not to give any suspicion that they were hiding anything. 
As they shared a meal, Tilge and her other shieldmaidens began sharing with Esri and Rhosland more secrets about the land that they were on, about where to find good mushrooms and what they looked like and what they tasted like and herbs and especially where to find the best shellfish which was in the biggest river more north, closer to Hurricane Breaker as Tilge promised Rhos and Esri that they would tell the rest of the army and the clan that Rhos and Esri were here and to leave them alone and to give them a wide berth in order so that they could hunt successfully and take care of their widowed mother and that they meant no harm which Rhos and Esri greatly appreciated. 
Tilge even told Rhos how there was a wild rose bush nearby that should be blooming and a special group of trees that had special nuts that were very oily, that they called Butternut because once you ate the delicious fruit and found the big nut inside, and crushed and ground up the nuts into a paste and cooked the nut paste, their oil would come pouring out and once it got skimmed the oil from the paste and the oil got cold and solidified, it looked like butter and it was really great for making soap with and that they could make wild rose soap with it since that’s what Tilge and the other women in Hurricane Breaker did when they wanted to smell nice and also found the wild citronella weed and told them about the five other bee hives around them that they could get honey and then use the wax from the hives and the crushed up citronella into an oil to make a special candle that would keep the mosquitoes away too before they told Rhos and Esri about the old cursed cave made of stone that was nearby that was most definitely haunted and not to go anywhere near there and Rhos gave Tilge one of the pearl necklaces she was wearing to signify their friendship and alliance that Tilge happily accepted as Esri gave Tilge one of her carved shell totem bracelets as Tilge gave them a citronella candle to keep them safe from the mosquitos and the malaria that the mosquitos carried and agreed to the alliance as well before Tilge and her warband of shieldmaidens left in peace and happiness with full bellies as the fog soon fully lifted and cleared as they went back to the warzone to pillage from the fallen as those who didn’t fall had run home to tell everyone else the news of the defeat as Rhos and Esri came back into the tent.
“Thank you so much, you handled them perfectly, I doubt they suspected a thing.” Drad thanked Rhosland once she came back in to see him sitting there, with his weapons in hand just in case Tilge and her shield maidens had poked their noses into the tent and once he saw that it was Rhos and Esri, he and his brother put their weapons down and off to the side.  
“You’re welcome, how are you feeling?” She asked.
“Much better, those herbs are helping so much, they’re taking most of the pain away. We would have been lost for sure without you. Thank you.” Drad thanked her.
“You’re welcome.” Rhos offered as she continued to dress his remaining wounds as Drad and his brother tried to take off their broken armor and most of their clothes so that their many wounds could be attended to before Drad got into his pack and gave Rhosland the rose scented soap. 
“For you.” He said as he offered it to her as she took it and unwrapped it and smiled when the wonderful scent soon bloomed in their tent as she could clearly see the dried pink rose petals in the soap itself. 
“Rose scented soap.” Rhos smiled and couldn’t help but laugh before she used it to help clean his wounds so that they wouldn’t get dirty as the cloth it was wrapped in made the best wash cloth, soft and fine enough to wash the wounds without ripping or damaging them.  
“Thank you.” Rhos offered as she was cleaning off his back. 
“You were supposed use it on yourself though.” Drad offered even though the scent was heavenly and having her dress his wounds was surprisingly intimate this time since it was just the four of them. 
“I will, but your wounds need to be cleaned first, I can’t lose you to infection or gangrene.” Rhos gently countered.  
“If I survived an unwitting attack on Hurricane Breaker, I doubt anything can ever take me from you from now on.” Drad managed to say as Esri’s jaw was on the floor of the tent as she looked to Rhos who was frozen again, but instead of it being fear, it was just pleasant surprise before Rhos simply smiled and leaned forward and pulled him back so he was leaning against her chest and pulled his face to the side and claimed his mouth with her own as her answer as that seemed to settle the matter before she had him sit back up so she could finish cleaning him up as she brushed off any dirt or debris from the bed so he could lay back down and rest as Esri had done the same since the bedrolls were side by side before she got out and went to gather more water before she heard Esri’s giggle before Esri came back out. 
“And?” Rhos asked as they came back to the river to get fresh water and dump the now dirty water away.  
“And my dream came true, just like yours did.” Esri giggled as they got their new empty baskets and went over to the bigger river with the net and found it was teaming with giant mussels, scallops, clams, little lobsters and crabs and other shellfish as both girls used their hunting knives to knock the mussels free from where they were anchored and put them in the baskets that were now practically overflowing before they found a giant catfish in a hole in the water and caught it and killed it and dragged it towards their camp site and started cleaning them up.
When they opened the giant clams and mussels and found all of the mussels completely laden with all these huge, beautiful, bright pearls of all colors but mostly of gold, peacock, black, purple, pink and blue pearls, pink pearls were a sign of passion, but also the deeper the pink and the closer to red, meant signs for a male child, made in love and passion. Purple pearls were was a sign of prosperity and wealth of resources like food, clothing and shelter, gold pearls meant tangible wealth, like gold and other riches. Peacock pearls meant multifaceted protection and care, especially between a bonded pair. Blue pearls were a sign of wisdom and insight, black pearls meant independence and strength, as even most of the clams had pearls too as both girls happily took them and quickly put all the pearls into their pockets which were threatening to overflow before tossing the meat in the pot to cook up a seafood stew again, using what was left of the herbs as flavoring and the other smoked fish to make a good broth before they loaded up their bowls and brought it inside to Drad and Sarg gratefully ate it and sucked it down but refused to eat any more until the girls had their fill which Rhos and Esri appreciated as they did and Drad and Sarg happily ate the rest as Rhos and Esri washed all the pearls that had been in them before they each presented the biggest and finest of the pearls to Drad and Sarg so they wouldn’t have to go home empty handed which Drad and Sarg happily agreed to accept before the girls brought the deer hides into the entrance of the tent to sleep on those so that Drad and Sarg could continue to sleep on their bed rolls comfortably while the large blanket was barely big enough to fit over the four of them sleeping like that. 
“Drad?” Rhos whispered once Sarg and Esri had fallen asleep and were softly snoozing. 
“Yeah?” He answered, keeping his voice to a whisper too.  
“How did you know to follow the scent of smoking venison?” Rhos asked. 
“Rhos, I care for you enough to never lie to you.” Drad began. 
“I trust you enough to know that you never would either.” Rhos answered as Drad smiled as softly as Rhos did the same in the darkness. 
“Two nights ago, right after we parted from the marsh, an old shaman by the name of Orcoth came into the village, he was hobbling and obviously in pain as he walked and I helped him, I took him to my home and he gave me that rose scented soap and he said that it was what I had promised to give you in my heart which only a shaman with great magic could have discerned that, even though I had wanted to give you more than just one bar, I had wanted to get you a whole case but just that one bar was all I needed at the moment and he told me that the day of the raid, that it would be so foggy that I wouldn’t be able to find my way, but that the scent of smoking venison would, and that if I followed the scent, I would find salvation. And that’s exactly what happened. Zash and all of his sons were arguing and bickering the whole time and our whole party got turned around several times so that we didn’t know what way was up and the others were getting irritated by the confusing leadership and then when the fog cleared up partially, it revealed that we were completely surrounded and outnumbered at least twenty to one and then the fog closed in on us as did Hurricane Breaker. And I was just swinging blindly before I got knocked off my horse as did Sarg and once I was on the ground I just kept trying to keep Sarg at my back and when we both got partially cut down, I caught the whiff of your smoking venison and Orcoth’s words were called back to my mind and so Sarg and I followed the scent of the venison, it had the most bizarre route in the fog but in hindsight, the route kept us out of sight and sound of the rest of Hurricane Breaker and just as the scent got strongest and straightened out, we were far away from the warzone and when the fog partially lifted, we were here.” Drad confessed as Rhos remembered the wind in the fog the night before and how the wind had seemed to come in from all sides as she realized now, that it was fate, that even when Zash and Tar led their raiding party astray, that Orchoth knew how to save Drad and knew that because Drad had been so kind and hospitable, that- that, is what saved his life and Sarg’s life and led them straight to Esri and herself. And only a shaman with the gift of true prophecy would have been able to predict that. 
“Well when we get back, I’ll have to meet him and thank him for giving you a prophecy that saved not just your life but Sarg’s as well which I know Esri would be lost without him.” Rhos offered. 
“You will, we adopted each other. He said he had already lost all of his sons and readily adopted me and I- him, after he gave me the soap and told me about today.” He answered. 
“Do you think anyone else in Zash’s raiding party made it?” Rhos asked thoughtfully. 
“I don’t know, I don’t think so.” Drad answered. 
“Well I hope Shadi and Baka have sons then, because otherwise Skull Screamer will be leaderless.” Rhos pointed out tiredly as Drad realized she had a point and realized that if Sarg and himself could get back and as long as no one else in Zarsh’s personal warband had lived, since Drad was himself second in command to Tar who was first born, that he was now the highest ranking survivor and they could claim the status of Warchief and Warlord of the clan and Orcoth would be the clan’s shaman since the other had been killed since Zash had taken his own with him and had died right alongside him.  
Drad realized he could actually start a new clan, with whatever was left of Skull Screamer and whoever else wanted to join, with Rhos as his wife and warchieftess, his one and only. Even if Shadi and Baka ruled in Tar’s place until their sons grew of age. He could start his own clan. All he needed was a name. It needed to be big and grand and fill those who were part of it- with confidence. And those who weren’t, with fear. Something not at all realated to Skull Screamer but something Breaker. Hurricane Breaker was already taken. So was Typhoon Breaker. So...storm? Stormbreaker? Yes. Stormbreaker, that sounded right in his head as he smiled happily and fell asleep to a dream like fantasy of being Clan Chief or even a Warchief, of Rhos being his Clan Chieftess or even Warchieftess and felt confident that it would work, all he need to do was heal, which judging by the way his wounds were already healing faster with Rhos’ medicine than they normally would was the best sign that she would continue to heal him and care for him.
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justalittletomato · 4 years
Nightmare  (sad Dad!Maul drabble)
A/N: sometimes i write fluffy things, sometimes angsty things, but there are those moments where I get some really sad ideas with bittersweet endings. 
Warning: Nightmares, rats, animal death, implied death, panic attack
*Please let me know if there is anything else i need to tag in this
Also as for the lullaby I had this playing as inspiration from the  Promised Neverland  Isabella’s Lullaby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTJjtSP-ORc&list=RDrTJjtSP-ORc&index=1&ab_channel=Lindea 
Synopsis: Nightmares can emulate small fears or concerns but when Maul is involved his nightmares make it hard to tell what’s real and what’s not. 
 It started with a scratch, an odd sound, but then again the palace was full of such occurrences, there were so many places that creaked and echoed.
Likely noises that might disturb his little one’s sleep.  Maul reaches a hand out, hoping to reassure his little one he was near. Instead of the soft purple blanket his hand touched a metal surface. Maul immediately opened his eyes, rather than  the tiny baby there was a  beady eyed rat, its jagged teeth bared at him. The loathful creature screeched  as it gnawed into the trash its fur black and slick with who knows what.
The metal surface was rusted under him, he dared to look around, mounds of trash and decay, the same beady eyes rats scurrying around him. all screeching and fighting another off for scraps.
A fire, a pitiful thing  burned in the center of the underground hovel its flames throwing shadows around, each gnarled and twisted. Its light revealing the decrepit waste that had been his domain for more than 10 years.
Lotho Minor, he was back on Lotho minor.  
He struggled to get up only to fall back down, Maul looked back, the tangled spider body he had fashioned was now a part of him again, twisted and put together in haste, rusted and stitched together like a macabre sketch,  maybe it always was present. He could feel every poke and ache in his bones and skin, ever present and forcing him to claw at his own flesh to rid of it.
He must have dreamed  of his supposed brother.
he had never been to the planet Mandalore.
He did not conquer it with is brother at his side.
His mind was cruel enough to dream up of Y/N. He felt sick.
It seemed ironic that his mind dubbed her starlight,  something to be wished on always out of reach.
It dawned on him that his mind also was twisted enough to conjure up that little one.
Of course he couldn’t have that, his mind was the only thing to both gift and curse him with the dream of  having that little one who smiled when he saw him and reach up with his tiny hands to be held.
He was nothing, he was fear and filth once again. All that spilled from his lips were screams, no words, just pained screaming.  
He gripped at the horns that had long been neglected, grown too long and gnarled and continued to scream.  
He had never left, and nothing could get him out not even dreaming.
The being originally known as Darth Maul crushed yet another rat in his grip, almost mindlessly, letting it weakly gasp its last breath as it went cold in his hand.
He heard another scratch from behind him, this was one sounded different to the screeching of the rats.
He moved away from the pile of bodies he left to rot. The scratch morphed, it sounded odd, like crying, Maul grew angry at it what dared come in here, the sounds emitted from the nearby pile of metal and trash.
Whatever it  was, it was crying.
Not for long.
Maul pulled away at the plates and debris, it was definitely crying, underneath it all a bundle of blankets wriggled  a purple knit blanket with the crying creature inside, Maul growled at it, the crying intensified, the sounds grating his ears.
HE WANTED TO SILENCE IT. He clawed at the bundle, pulling it out from the junk.
A small red face looked up at him wide eyed and teary, Maul snarled at the face causing the creature to scream in terror.  
He screamed back at it.
It again only cried louder, the sounds echoing through the walls of metal and forgotten relics left to rot.  
Maul raised an arm, his claws at the ready  to end its crying once and for all,
“Oh don’t cry little one, Mommy’s here.”
Maul opens his eyes, there’s no fire, or the sounds of scurrying rats, his body isn’t prickling and the room smells of spiced tea.  It is colder than he would like but he is bundled in blankets, their touch soft on his skin, he looks about him the bed is empty. Maul couldn’t breathe and threw off the covers, his legs were metal yes but only two, and not spider like appendages. He covers his mouth to give out a soft cry of relief.
“Shh, little one Daddy’s sleeping.”  Y/n’s voice carries into the room he’s in, Mauls follows it like a lifeline his hands touching the walls to assure himself that this was real.  
She is sitting at the bow window, the pale moon behind her. It’s light not bright enough to illuminate the whole room but enough to bring comfort to a mind plagued by nightmares. She is dressed in a satin night gown that practically glows with the light of the moon behind her, it’s almost a holy sight to the images Maul has had in his mind. Y/N is focused on the purple blanket in her arms,  its tiny occupant whimpering as his mother gently soothes him with a soft lullaby.  Maul grips onto the door, the sound has Y/N look up with an apologetic smile, “Sorry darling someone just…Maul?” 
She moves to stand. He’s gripping onto the door staring at them as if he was seeing a ghost, terrified and with no light in the golden eyes she loved so much. She steps forward  only for Maul to rush towards them and embrace them both, mindful of the small bundle between them, Maul has a hand in her hair and presses his forehead to hers. “You’re real. I didn’t dream it all.” he’s shaking as he weakly coraks the words out.
He recalled the last moments in that dreaded place, he had almost, he sees his child nestled in Y’/N’s arms crying , he had just wanted silence.
She wants to cry now, what tortures did his mind give him? 
“Maul, breathe, just take a breath. Yes, we’re real my love.” She is kissed all over her face, he says something she doesn’t understand and swears that tears are dropping onto her cheeks. Y/N  can hear his breathing get harsher struggling to even let out small gasps, “Maul sit, sit and breath.”
She gently nudged him Maul more or so collapsed  onto the seat by the window and tried to breath. She sat next to him, still holding onto the whimpering bundle with her arm bringing maul close to her so he knows she is real and touching him, “My poor boys are having such a night,” she tries her best to hush them both. Y/N considers another option, “ Maul hold out your arms but remember breathe”
Maul does as asked as Y/N places thier son in his arms, the familiar weight a comfort.  This time he looks at the tiny red face and accepts that his crying right now and finally breaths in fully in a shuddering gasp . He knew what he had done in that hellscape. He r reaches to stroke the little ones face, soft and warm. Something he couldn’t think of harming, he rocks the little one close to his hearts.
This is real. This is now.
The little one still whimpers and maul os still crying silently. his starlight wrap her arms around them both and begins to sing her lullaby for the both of them, not caring as her own tears begin to fall.  
They will talk about the nightmare later, right now all Maul needed was to know was that Y/N and Cress were very real and they were all together.
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 10 - Stir caused as Don Nomura uploads a photo of his father, Nomura Katsuya's corpse.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting another episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome.
J, T: Thank you *1
K: Can we have the topic for this episode, Joe.
J: Yes, 'Don Nomura uploads a photo of his father, Nomura Katsuya's corpse to Twitter. Twitter is on fire with calls to delete it.'
Well, the former baseball manager Nomura Katsuya died on the 11th of February, and the photo of his corpse...Well, we say its his son, but they are not related by blood right? Its Nomura's wife, Sachiko's son (*from a previous relationship*). Well, anyway, they are family right? He took a photo of the corpse (*at the funeral*) and uploaded it to social media. Many voices have been raised saying it looks scary or creepy, so 'please delete it'.  Well, how should we think about this? It was a theme which caught my interest.
T: In Japan, we don't generally do that, do we?
J: We don't. Even with the death of close relatives, we don't tend to take photos, do we?
T: Right, we don't take commemorative photos with everyone gathered.
J: No, we don't. I think we tend to give the deceased more of a solemn send off. But I have lived in America for a little while, I mean, not all American's are like this but, you could say for Christianity, they have quite individualistic funerals. Also, when they say goodbye, they sometimes kiss the corpse and so on. Thats normal, and some people even take photos, but the circumstances might change if someone were to upload a photo to social media for all to see. Kaoru, how do you feel about this?
K: Well, lots of people can see it, so maybe its ok to bothered about it...but i don't really mind.  I mean, its his relative, it might be different if it was a stranger...but he's not just some wierdo. Well..I have a feeling its....????*2
T: I've covered Noumra san while I was a sports journalist, and when I was shown this recent photo, in my heart I thought..hmm, his face looks nice, he looks at peace.
J: I see. Well, opinion is very divided on this, but another thought I had about this one photo is...For a while I was chief editor for the magazine Days Japan. Its a photo journalism magazine, and it quite often included war photos. And in that case, well, for war in the middle east etc, the bodies of people who had died were visible in them, so there was a lot of debate about whether or not we should run them. At that time, one line that we took was that, for example, we would not run photos of people who had died in natural disaters, but in relation to war, we thought we must think about why it happened, and that the bodies might hold a message in relation to that. Obviously, we avoided very grotesque photos, but we did run numerous photos of bodies for this reason. Another thing I also conversely thought is, well at this point I don't know if movies do this, but there is a documentary movie called, 'Utanohajimari', I went to see it recently and was quite surprised. At the beginning of the movie, there is a birth scene, and there was a message warning viewers about the scene, that it wouldn't be censored. It was written that you will be watching it uncensored. So I thought, oh ok, but at the same time, in relation to birth and death, the two biggest events in a persons life, the start and the end...in this country we can't quite express ourselves freely. Its essentially a culture of trying to hide these things...I vaguely thought about this. We can get whatever  information we need to live our lives from all sorts of places, and if we don't have that we are seen as falling behind. But, as humans we need to think about why we are here, why we die, where did we come from, where are we going...well, its getting a bit philosophical, but we are living in a comparatively blinkered fashion in this respect. If you upload a photo like this to social media in a country where this type of thing is always concealed, you don't know if they is gonna be a kind of allergic reaction to it. In music and the arts and stuff, there are themes of death, and other things that we should be thinking about, but I think community in this country is missing these expressions....I mean, this photo is not intended  as a work of art, is it, Nomura san's body? Ive kinda thought about that.
K: I thought so too, you don't see it often do you? There was that...???*3
J: Ah, yes yes
K: There was a lot in that. Compared to that, this is..
J: Well, its true, in this country birth and death aren't exactly 'taboo', but we deal with it....Well, we are not a particularly religious country, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Kami: As for me..
J: Oh, he's here.
Kami: I saw that photo, the photo of him wearing his uniform, and I was moved.
J: Oh he was moved.
Kami: Mmm, I though 'Ah, its Nomura san', and like, 'Oh, The Swallows (*baseball team) .
J: I see. Instead of Rakuten, right?
Kami: No instead of the Hawkes where he got a triple crown. Like, he was greater when he became a manager. Like with Yakult. He kind of raised those teams.
K: He was worldly.
T: If he'd been wearing Hanshin or Rakuten uniforms it would be a bit....right?
K: Yeah. He'd say, 'No, not those!'.
J: I really think so.
K: I think Nomu san had great power with Hanshin and Rakuten. Later Hoshino san also had a lot of success, but yeah, think Nomu san had great power.
J: He made them, right? The base for a winning team.
K: But of course, the Swallows...
J: Yeah, whatever you say, Nomu san was there, and raised Furuta. At that time, we didn't know how far the word 'ID baseball' would go.
T: Thats right.
J: I think its amazing how that penetrated the world.
Kami: Its amazing how he got a triple crown as a catcher. But he didn't really boast about that during his active years. People are thinking of the Swallows when they see him in uniform now right? Thats what i imagine anyway. He wasn't like 'Look at me!', he was more like one of the team. I feel it deeply, I feel the art.
J: Certainly I think it has that kind of message.  By the way, do you become a god after dying? How does it work? Are you born a god? I've always wanted to know this.
Kami: Gods?  Gods are there from the start.
J: Oh from the start? You are born a god?
Kami: No, we're not born, we just are.
J: Oh its like that?
T: Thats complex
J: I see, thats deep.
K: They already are, right?
J: Yeah
Kami: Gods don't have a beginning or an end.
K: Wow
J: Is that so?
K: I want to try saying that.
J: Right. ..He hasn't even proved once that he's real though.
K: But it means you must be around for billions of years.
Kami: Its not billions of years, im ever-lasting. 
K: Oh, again.
J: Out it comes. He came out with that.
Kami: You guys just can't understand it.
K: No, we can't, not at all.
J: He always says it in a really cool voice too.
T: If i said that to my wife, she would laugh at me so much.
J: 'Im ever lasting too'.
*K laughs*
J: She'll usually say 'whats wrong with you?!'
This is really terrible. So, Kami, you don't die, you are not born?
Kami: Yeh, im timeless.
K: But you have an hourly wage, right?
*J laughs*
J: He has no concept of time but he works for an hourly wage!
Kami: Yes, thats right.
J: He's so stupid.
T: An incredible god.
J: I mean it. A god who needs money, like he needs to eat.
K: Its realistic right?
J: Yes, realistic.
K: He drops in just like that, doesn't he.
J: Im thankful for him...Well i have some sympathy for him, he's ever lasting, but he still has to eat, and earn a living. I don't know if im thankful or not thankful.
Kami: Thats why people call me a cheater.
T: He worries a lot about getting called a cheater.
K: We hear it a lot though.
T: Right, its hitting him where it hurts.
J: He says it everytime, I think if effects him a lot. But like Kami says..wearing a Yakult uniform...right?
K: Yeah
J: And his face looked really peaceful. I think perhaps, living in this country, we are a bit too indifferent towards birth and death.
K: There were probably quite a few young people who have never seen this kinda of thing before, so they won't be used to it if they are seeing it for the first time.
T: Its quite a complicated feeling coming into close contact with death or a dead body like that. When my relatives, or my grandma etc have died...I can't put that feeling into words, when you see them..what is that feeling. Do you have that experience, Joe?
J: Well, yes within my family, or friends. You can't put it into words...
T: Its a kind of lonliness, but not quite..and also a bit frightening. Its very difficult to express...the feeling when a person dies.
K: In those times, its like there is an atmosphere of trying not to say anything wierd. Like, there are certain set greetings like 'Im sorry for your loss'. There's this kind of pattern. I think that creates this kind of atmosphere.
J: Yeah, maybe.....I know a lot of people in bands, and when that type of person dies, thier funerals are quite individualistic..its kind of a relief to see. There are different ways to pay respects or connect with a death, and I think we ought to consider that more. I don't think its right to make death into a taboo.
T: Recently, Uchida Yuya san had a very 'rock' send off, didn't he?
J: Yes, he did! ...so I had these thoughts and picked up on this news.
K: Well, lets finish up here. Everyone please subscribe.
T, Kami: Please.
J: Thank you very much
*1 Im wondering what's the best way to translate 'よろしくお願いします/yoroshiku onegaishimasu'..
*2, 3 These bits frustrate me, as I can hear what he's saying, but i can't seem to figure out what he means. I feel like im missing something really obvious.
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talatomaz · 3 years
its concerning how attractive i find emma as cruella... but i guess its just my love of disney and thier villains, and how much she doesnt give a shit and her punk rock fashion. im seeing the movie tomorrow and as much as im not a fan of the recent movies disney has been recently making and think the movie was unnecessary been making i am very excited. this movie is for the girls and the gays i think
yes, for sure !!
i’m the exact same, anon. i forever loved disney (the villains, especially) and it’s so worth the watch, i think
idk why people are hating on it so much. i thought it was brilliant. and i was also gay panicking the entire way through, so there’s that
hope you have fun watching it tomorrow !!
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hetaliatxtpostz · 4 years
Heck fam uhhh, RoChu, Fruk, and Frapan, plz 💕💕💕
Okay, okay, cool. Yeah. I know I'm getting about late to these, but no time like the present.
Since I already did FrUk in a different post, I'll just do the other two:
I have never personally done anything with ship, but I like it from afar. It makes sense to me. Alrighty:
They have such a long history that one will start trying to explain before just stopping and going "....you understand" and then they do!
Also having such a long history means that they have so many inside jokes/refrences it can be like they're speaking a whole other langauge.
They can, actaully, speak a fusion of Russian and Mandarin that others can't... Ever quite make out.
Both a little sick of how serious things can be, they tend to be more childish with each other, playful even.
Doing silly things like sending each other "quests" to find some "magical artifact" (a certiant flower or rock or toy) and present them in all seriousness when they meet again.
Japan is a popular character for ships, huh? It's cause he looks like a pretty cool guy, probably. Hell, I'd hang out with Japan.
Oh boy do these two talk some philosophy. They can go the afternoon sipping tea and gently turning concepts all around between them.
They're both into fashion, and they use each other as models for ideas/new combinations. While Japan is a little shy, France encourages him to wear bolder looks our if the house.
They're also both into cuisine, and they take turns cooking meals for each other that culminate each month into a "fusion night" where they try and combine thier favorites.
They ALSO swordfight.
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Rocks and Robots Costume Contest!!!
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Yes folks, we're hosting our second event and first ever fandom contest; just in time for Halloween.
The theme of the contest is 'costumes' as in, 'what kind of costume would this/these character/s wear'.
You can choose any character or characters from Tangled, Big Hero Six, or the Fanfic Rocks and Robots and you'll desgin a costume for them to wear.
Feel free to submit your ideas using any medium of your choice; art, edits, crafts, cosplay, writing; ect.
All entries are due by Oct. 30 and winners will be announced on Halloween Night, Oct 31st. That gives you a whole month.
To submit your entries, either @ us at @rocksandrobots on Tumbler or drop your entries off at our Discord in the Event channel.
There will be five categories that you can win, each with thier own prize.
(All entries are automatically considered for each, no need to specify which when submitting)
Funniest Fashion
Most hilarious entry will win a fan edited icon of any two characters of thier choosing.
Creepiest Clothes
For those who want to go the more traditional gothic horror route, the spookiest entry will win a black and white line art of one character of thier choosing. (Please keep all entries PG. No Gore!)
Expertly Excutued
This category is for those who want to show off their impressive technical skills. What are you good at? Sewing? Painting? Making music videos? We wanna see them! Winners will get a colored piece of art work featuring any two characters they want.
Creatively Crafty
Some of y'all are so clever and talented. Don't wanna draw... But rather make sculptures out of food, build a Sims, or knit a plush? Ok go for it! Most 'out of the box' submission will win a 100 word drabble based on a prompt of thier choosing.
Ingenious Idea!
This final category is one you can't really plan for. Season two will have a Halloween episode; but unfortunately it won't be ready in time for Halloween itself. It's still in the planning stages and I haven't decided on who will wear what yet. However, on Nov 2nd (Day of the Dead) I'll post an exclusive preview scene from the story, featuring the winner. Your idea just might make it into the series proper and you'll be credited for it in both the preview and the fic itself.
That's all folks! Have fun with it and be sure to invite your friends along! XD
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