#i have a thing for found families and symbolic monster transformations
jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to...
Random Headcannons about Specfic Character's Heartless Stemming from an AU I have Never Posted About!
(This is under the notion that, for some inexplicable reason, a special Heartless is capable of amplifying any darkness found within someone's heart, so that those with even a little bit of darkness would still create a strong Heartless. Also none of them are explicitly darklings because I like myself some symbolic, abstract monster designs.)
*taps mic*
Sora (who is here and alive btw) has those eldritch horror tentacles he had in that one section of Xehanort's boss fight sprouting out of his back. I just think they're neat.
Roxas is very nobody-like, surprisingly. It makes sense once you consider the fact that replica bodies can't create nobodies. Xion is in the same boat, their bodies are kinda just layin there.
Aqua is constantly melting and dissolving into puddles on the floor, appearing as a large spot of black-blue. She can also move incredibly fast like this. However, it also seems to cause her Heartless... pain.
Lea is really spiky. And on fire, but that was obvious. One noticeable thing is the tear tracks constantly running down his face, which never seem to stop.
Riku is a large bat-dragon-thing. He also has shackles and broken chains on his ankles and wrists. The chains have been mending themselves, however. Whenever he notices, he attacked them relentlessly until they appear beyond repair. The cycle begins anew afterward.
Terra obviously has some elements of the Guardian in his design, but just making him the Guardian again sounds boring to me so obviously I need to give him more trauma.
Kairi evades becomign a hearless due to her heart having no darkness, but she just can’t get what she did for Sora at the end of KH1 work for any of them, and this just makes her feel even more useless.
Xion is a puppet, literally. Her final boss form from the end of Days gets a darker recolor while being held up by strings connected to one of those wooden-puppet-control-thingies. Roxas doesn't like to look at her.
Riku is technically a Heartless and a Nightmare? None of them are Emblem Heartless but he's got the Nightmare symbol between his wings.
Lea is the second largest of the bunch, and has two chakram-looking things circling him at all times. Xion and Roxas fit neatly under him, and like to hide under there.
Aqua gets as much trauma as Terra because the Wayfinder Trio is my favorite so I put them through pain. Her color scheme is very Anti-Aqua :)
Sora is very fast, and he skitters around like a cat. He is also very spiky.
Ven may not of had his heart dragged out of him by the weird heartless, but he is definitely not having a good time. He didn't even recognize Terra and Aqua.... at first. (I swear I love the Wayfinder Trio with all of my heart)
Roxas resembles a... weasel? Ferret? Something like that; no one can put a finger on it. He also has samurai swords, because yes.
Terra is seemingly made up of rock and soil, and it is primarily held together by the bandages left behind from his Guardian form. He is also the largest out of all of them, a little over half the size of that one really big KH2 Heartless boss in the Pridelands. (I can't remember it's name.)
All of the Seasalt Trio Heartless have their number somewhere on their bodies (XIII, XIV, etc.), the Wayfinder Trio Heartless have thier armor represented in some fashion, and the Destiny Trio all have a paupo fruit inscribed on themselves somewhere.
And Isa (who dodged the entire encounter by not being a keyboard wielder) is just trying to keep Ven and Kairi safe after all of this shit goes down. He doesn't have the time or the energy to get into how he is feeling right now (and boy howdy, is it nothing good). After all, the three of them were...
...Those that Remain.
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rashobeast · 2 months
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S5 JESTRO!! Finally finished this after 2 weeks of procrastination. I drew my headcanons for s5 jestro for my silly au/fan season/ headcanons for nexo knights. Basically at some point during s3/4 Jestro finds out he is distantly related to Monstrux which is why Monstrux was so determined to use Jestro as his scheming buddy. Magic in thr Nexo Knights universe is a genetic thing- you either have it or you dint and genes can also play a role in what type of magic you can use. Monstrux comed from a long line of necromancy and while necromancy itself isn't inherently 'evil', it can become evil. Nexo magic is kind of like an anti evil. It can be used to clense evil magic of its negative energy. Although with the forbidden powers it can be corrupted, although this is hard to do.
In s5 Jestro begins to practice his own form of necromancy, which im thinking his little monster fellas could be like puppets and ventriloquism?? Since Monstrox zapped him it kinda activated his magical abilities like Clay. But cuz of his previous corruptions it's still kinda evil on its own. He and Clay combine their magics together and wait for it... Nexomancy!! Clays magic can be controlled without using a weapon or a staff etc but Jestro uses an old staff he and Merlock found when they were researching the origins of necromancy. He doesnt have a shield because he didn't actually graduate from the Knights Academy but after he proves to knights that he doesn't want to be evil any more he becomes an Honorary Nexo Knight. Yes this is literally just me brainrotting Jestro being magic WHAT OF IT?? HES MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER SO I GET TO DO WHAT I WANT WITH HIM!!!
Also Jestros little family crest is a crow. He doesn't actually have an official one cuz orphan and he don't wanna be associated with Monstrux- he already has a few of his characteristics e.g sharp teeth and cat-like eyes. Clay designs him a family crest when he finds out Jestro is gonna be made an Honorary Knight. Why a crow? Crows can symbolise transformation and change, which is kinda symbolic of him changing himself froma villain to helping the knights. Also crows are often associated with death and evil which i think kinda resembles his magic in a way (necromancy is associated with death). Also Claystro both have matching bird crests yayy!!!
Probably will ramble about this au more in future/when i actually have a solid plan for a plot and ruina/clay lore figured out cuz IDK!!
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6okuto · 9 months
Monster mhin headcannons???? Or just mhin headcannons in general I've been starving with the lack of mhin content lately
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gn!reader | mhin time! :3 i'm going to let the knowledgeable and big brained people mostly take care of monster mhin bc I fear a girl like me is silly and less capable...
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as for my limited monster thoughts it'd be nice if their first transformation was done to protect you rather than an involuntary thing and letting it act as a symbol for your growing relationship. but Who Knows at this point
i assume there's some level of lost conscience when they transform So if there's a scene where some part of them refrains from hurting you I Will Start Eating Tree Bark.
Oh...and a scene where they've transformed back and you try to help them...them flinching and confused (though their voice comes out angry? frustrated? at first) about why you haven't run away....letting you cover them and bandage their injuries... 😵‍💫
moving on. they're on the verge of if not threatening people when it comes to co-op games like pico park or heave ho, especially if they're playing with people like vere and ais. no one's ever heard them speak this much someone needs to get them out of there
window seat enjoyer :-)
secretly enjoys when you send posts that remind you of them. the first few times they're like ? what do i do with this. but learn to appreciate it even if they don't actually reply in chat (sometimes if you're like "this is u" and it's Too accurate mhin's like Can you stop no it isn't (yes it is))
"when you're complaining about someone and your best friend is meaner" or however that trend goes. that's them. very direct with saying that person sounds like shit and you should stop talking to them
mhin may not like big, loud festivals, but i think they'd enjoy celebrating things with you alone ^^ maybe eating their favourite dish (tang yuan?)....it'd mean a lot to have someone to share with again
also!! having it for the first time and them mentioning their family and the last time they had it with people... the intimacy of it all...
and !! they reciprocate it!! they do!! they take note of any festivities you say you like, especially one that you wish you could celebrate or haven't in a long time. whether it's cultural, your birthday, your pet's birthday—mhin plans something for you and 'offers' to spend time together that day if you'd like. 'offers' as in shows up and mentions they'll be free some time in the conversation
^ more for the beginning of a relationship (platonic or romantic)... it'll take time, they'd be more direct eventually!
they care for you quietly and by...noticing. folding your laundry and putting it away when they know you're busy. picking up your favourite snacks when they notice you're running out. automatically getting ready to catch you or pull you back when the time calls for it. watching you from across the room at a party and noting where you are and how long you've been gone. that kind of deal
mhin's wary and off-put by being spoiled, but if you're stubborn enough, you'll find them using whatever you got pretty regularly. for example they'll tell you they don't Need a new softer comfier blanket, theirs is Fine, but then the one you buy is the only one they ever want to use. they will pretend like it isn't a big deal if you try to tease them about it
they don't like reading things online and would rather have a physical book. not that i'm projecting or anything of course. they take care of them too and don't lend them to just anybody
i think mhin has actual bookmarks, or would at least like them. they might also use a receipt to mark their page but won't fold the corners...
they always put books back where they found them at the library/book store. if they find one in the wrong section, they'll put it in the right place themself
they can get upset, but don't cry super easily, but that's mostly because they've gotten used to suppressing their emotions. they do their best to channel it into anger instead
mhin isolating themself when they're upset,, conflicted over wanting to be happy and letting themself drown in the sadness. but in the end they hope and survive and will continue to do so
hmm... keeps information of their family and history close to them, but at some point i do think they'd (bittersweetly) share stories with quiet fondness
mhin seems like a silver jewelry kind of person but i just think they'd look really nice with gold earrings while pushing their hair behind their ear...
they see You in formal attire for the first time and keep trying to glance at you the entire night btw. they might not take initiative to compliment you, but if you ask if you look alright, they'll say yes you look nice
...? likes earphones more than headphones. can't tell you why i feel this way
light sleeper. i think. they always know when you can't sleep and they'll stay up with you. if you say you'll go sleep somewhere else so you don't bother them, they're like ..? no.
...affectionate mhin....NOOOOO... it takes so long for them to reach that point it's literally like when a cat finally trusts you and lies next to you/on your lap You Cannot Move Now. You're both obligated to stay here and don't Want to do Anything else.
like imagine cuddling them and they hug you back and their grip tightens in their sleep when you shift around. mhin burying their face into your neck and taking a deep breath. please
if you're an introvert and you both finally get home after a long day out, it's just like. Thank god. and i think they'd understand if you'd rather spend time alone to recover ^^ but depending on the crowd there will be a gossip/complaint session at some point
mhin is one of the top LI's for me when it comes to scenes of like, fixing their collar/clothes. the intimacy of them clasping your necklace, the tension and bated breath because you've never been this close. the surprise on their face when you reach to fix their hood etc.
they enjoy sneaking up on you. they end up in some corner of the room and while you're scanning the crowd to look for them, they suddenly speak from behind you. there's a hint of an amused smile when you jump
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@semifilms @mitskiologist @sweet-milky-tea705 hiii
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aloevhello · 9 months
For the past two Spiderverse films, Miles uses the shoulder touch to venom blast his opponent away and win the battle. It’s likely that Miles would use this technique on the Spot to drain his dark matter and turn him back into his human form. However, I wonder if in BTSV, this expectation gets subverted where instead of Miles using his shoulder touch to create distance, he uses this technique to connect with his adversary by talking things out with the Spot.
At the end of ATSV, the Spot has amassed so much dark matter, he lost all semblance of his human form and is becoming this large, monster-like being who creates destruction in its wake. Considering how much of a threat the Spot has become, Miles can’t simply fight his way out, but instead he must think smarter, something he learned from his battle with Miguel and the Spider Society. This means that Miles would have to appeal to the Spot’s rationality by having a conversation with him, likely in the Spot’s Liminal Space.
There’s also how Miles and the Spot share the same struggle of feeling like they’re not being taken seriously, not being treated as an equal. For Miles, he’s constantly treated as a kid and had his Spider identity be reduced to being an anomaly. For the Spot, he’s been bullied for his inhuman appearance and has his nemesis status being reduced to “a villain of the week,” a diminishing that Miles contributed towards. With Miles undergoing the same treatment, it would lead to him revealing how much he empathizes with the Spot, which would allow the Spot for the first time since his transformation to feel seen. Through this openness, the Spot would realize he doesn’t need to become this large force of nature to be respected, thus allowing Miles to use the shoulder touch and absorb his dark matter to become human again. In turn, if Miles says his iconic “hey” line, it wouldn’t be an act of defiance like he did with Kingpin, but rather a place of connection where it’s more like: “Hey. I see you and understand you.” In a way, it harks back to the original intention of the shoulder touch, founded by Uncle Aaron. While Aaron, admittedly used this technique for flirting, at its core, it’s meant to break the tension and form connection.
Another thing that is poignant about Miles choosing to talk with the Spot is how it acts as a way for Miles to confront his fear of expectations. Expectations is something that haunted Miles since ITSV, as he’s always felt beholden to the expectations of his family, friends, and other Spiderpeople. This fear is best encapsulated in his mural that has the word “expectations” and is overlaid by a rough silhouette of himself. The silhouette is significant as its a blank slate that represents all the unfathomable amount potential Miles holds and the unknown person he’ll become if he’s further shaped by these expectations. It also bares a striking resemblance to the Spot’s dark and sketchy form at the end of ATSV, along with his ability to create holes to other dimensions being reminiscent of the infinite possible people Miles could become. In a way, the Spot is his mural come to life and is now seeking vengeance on its creator for carrying such a burden by destroying those who imposed these expectations in the first place, namely Miles’s dad.
However, ATSV shows how the mural evolved, since it now includes Gwen, Uncle Aaron, Peter B, and the rest of Miles’ Spidey friends. This symbolizes Miles’s mindset on expectations evolving as he now sees this idea as something to live up to, since they’re held by the people who love him. This new mindset is applied to Miles’s parents who, while not on the mural, give him the unconditional support he needs for becoming the person he wants to be. Thus, with Miles getting support from the people imposing expectations on him, he gains self-determination and is not only able to stand up to the Spot, but also has the strength to make amends with him. After all, the Spot lacks the support system Miles has as his parents and colleagues all laughed at him after his transformation. Coupled with Miles not taking his villainy seriously, the Spot is fueled by his own internal expectation to advance his prowess as a villain by furthering his vengeance and losing himself in the process. It’s only when Miles finds the humanity in the Spot by releasing his dark matter, he finds Johnathon Ohn and saves him from this burden. In turn, by finding the humanity in his fear, that’s when Miles finds himself, which fills in his silhouette as he conquers his fear of expectations.
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zarvasace · 7 months
Zarvasace’s LU Stuff
aka Mina’s disability AU. An AU where each Link has a different physical disability, ranging from Legend’s RRMS to Twilight’s transverse deficiency to Sky’s Deafness
First appearance: 10-17-2022
Tag: #disability au (for older posts), #shatterproof
(there is too much to link it all so just a few things)
Series on AO3
Summary post
Original art and introductions for: Twilight, Hyrule, Time, Wind, Wild, Warriors, Sky, Legend, Four
Silly jokes one and two
Four’s chair reference
Crayon doodles
Dazzling Diamond Danger outfit doodle, Four and Shadow doodle, hyrule doodle, legend doodle
bonds physical booklet
Four and Shadow from "Mirror, Mirror, Listen to My Wish", anime-style
Shadow art
Marvelous Misadventures
In a world where "Hero" is a legal distinction given to extraordinary people who have done extraordinary things—a symbol on a driver's license, permission to carry a sword—the goddesses ask much. Magic is rare, magical beings even more so. Is it so strange that those most capable are those who have achieved?
Link Waker can See things: the ghosts on the docks, the feathered wings on a strange man's back. He leaves his home in the Archipelago to go gather the eight blessed others as required by the prophecy the goddesses seem fit to shove at him. It's not as simple a task as it seems.
First appearance: (not on tumblr) 5-17-2022
Tag: #marvelous misadventures
Fic on AO3
Group art
"cover" art
Random art of Wind
1931 Vampire AU
In a post-WWI world, Wind is a centuries-old vampire working with a small team. Little does he know that literally everyone else is magical too.
First appearance: 2-12-2023
Tag: #1931 vampire au
Series on AO3
Summary post
Relationship map
Art of Wind being extra
Art of Wind and Warriors
Doodles of Wind
Art of Sky and Four
Art of Time
Pathfinder Chain
Fake silent movie title cards
Art of Wind and Tetra in 1700s clothes
Character summaries and art as if the Links were present in Pathfinder’s world, Golarian.
First appearance: 4-24-2023
Tag: #pathfinder chain
Linked Nexus (LU Space Crew AU)
Most who work the celestial highways long to find a place that they can call home. Most drift between crews and jobs, whether within the Kingdom or without. Some, however, live for the stars and find home is a cramped ship with engines rumbling the ground beneath their feet, and a crew that’s almost family.
First appearance: 3-1-2024
Tag: #linked nexus (Old tag: #lu space crew au)
First post, summary
Lineup Art
Fic series on AO3
Gift fic!!! Twilight whump
Legend transforming into a bunny animation
Legend looking around mini-animation
Twilight art
Hyrule and Wild art
Sky and Sun video calling art
Deity infodump
Half Fours
Literally just, what if Four was merged into two people instead of one or four?
First appearance: 1-10-2023
Tag: #half fours
Mini comic
First doodles and names: one, two, three, four
Shadow’s relationship with each combination
Red + Vio = magenta
Full drawings for: Magma, Storm, Dust, Haze, Spark, and Mire
Spark doodle, Dust doodle, Spark and Mire together
Magma drawing remastered
Storm and Magma in the forge
Dust and Haze fighting a monster
Darkverse AU
Each hero has a dark reflection. This is about them.
First appearance: 4-21-2024
Tag: #lu z darks au
Mini-comic introducing Depth
Posts with art and information about: Depth, Agony and Lost, Shackle and Nothing, Dire and Madness, Prince and Mirage
First lineup art
Upgraded lineup art (same as above but more detail and a higher resolution)
References for artfight (mostly same as above)
Warriors and Prince, anime style
Misc. Fourdow Art
Four and Shadow take a selfie with Wild's slate
follow-up selfie art, done a year later
Other Significant LU Art
(fics can be found on my AO3, Zarvasace)
tattoo doodles
Fancy Warriors I spent hours on
LU/FE3H crossover art
What I thought the LU boys looked like when I read a bunch of fic but hadn't seen official designs yet
LU group & AU prompt generator
Cute Four doodle (pfp at one point)
LU panel redraw that I'm proud of
Imprisoning War trio for @/skyloftian-nutcase's AU, not technically LU but it will go here.
All the LU boys as mermaids for Mermay 2024
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whentranslatorscry · 1 year
Hitagi Honeymoon, by nisioisin
There was something odd about the name Araragi Hitagi. No matter how I try, it just doesn’t sit right with me. If I were to trace our acquaintance back to our freshman year at Naoetsu Private High School, where we became classmates, I would find that I have known her for almost a decade. Yet every time I see this name, it feels as unfamiliar as if we had only just met. If you ask me to pinpoint whose responsibility this unshakable strangeness was, I can say with absolute confidence that it was none other than mine, still it felt as though trying to force together two jigsaw pieces that don't fit.
Look at the joints; they're practically crumbling.
It was at the hallowed grounds of North Shirahebi Shrine, in the presence of its very god herself, that we swore an irreplaceable oath to bring each other happiness. But once married, there was a hideous sensation, akin to smudging the most precious aspect of a person I hold most dear in my life, the one and only Senjougahara Hitagi, with cheap paints. It was an indescribably disgusting, unsettling feeling.
The wedding gown and white kimono were meant to symbolize something pure, “a canvas ready to be dyed in the colors of our choosing.” This oft-repeated phrase, while understood, felt old-fashioned, archaic to say the least. Moreover, for reasons unbeknownst to me, I had stripped her of her most precious and fundamental possession: her name. The mere thought of this fact felt like a sharp stab, an eternal reminder to accompany me for the rest of my life. Truthfully, the confidence to create a blissful and harmonious home had eluded me.
How unfair, how unjust.
How utterly tragic.
Under such circumstances, it was simply impossible for me to say that I had no sense of guilt.
“It's not bad at all, Koyomi. I think it sounds even better. Araragi Hitagi, see, it rhymes and rolls off the tongue with such ease it's like it's been my name this whole time.”
Although she claimed not to mind, I couldn't help but be painfully aware of the burden imposed on her that should've been equally shared: we were no longer on equal footing, and the intense sense of immorality did not fade as time went on. If anything, my guilt only intensified.
What I mean by “burden” encompasses the need to reapply for a driver's license, passport, and license plate number, among various other things. The name she had carried for a quarter of a century was forcibly and legally stripped away—wasn’t that an unbelievable, unforgivable act of barbarism?
Just like the domestic violence that suddenly emerges after marriage.¹
The life of Araragi Koyomi had always been one of ceaseless battles against all kinds of unreasonable circumstances. So, even now, he should continue to fight for the sake of his family name. But this time, his opponent was not a monster, nor was it a mystery or tale of supernatural transformation, regrettably—it was the country of Japan itself.
Well, it could be argued that there wasn’t much difference between the country of Japan and its world of supernatural creatures, but I can't simply let that claim go unchallenged. As an experienced public servant, someone who had truly sworn loyalty to both the nation of Japan and its people, it was hard to advocate for the immediate abolition of the antiquated custom of married couples sharing the same surname. After being transferred to the FBI for advanced training and subsequently being headhunted for employment, and after buying my own home there, I found myself questioning my own patriotism.
Naturally, if we were to go by logic alone, rather than Hitagi legally becoming Araragi Hitagi, I would have become Senjougahara Koyomi. In fact, I had secretly been working on this plan behind the scenes. At first, everything was going smoothly, but the surreptitiously obtained written documentation was soon discovered by her. Hitagi, that is.
Well done, I must say.
“From the very moment we met, I felt a sense of harmony with Araragi-kun—like we were meant to be together. Also, I don’t want my father's surname to be combined with ‘Koyomi.’”
Setting aside the latter part, even she shared the same sentiment as me in the beginning. No matter how fiercely we fought, it seemed as though we were ultimately conquered by convention.
Although marriage itself is inherently a form of constraint, and whose surname is used is of little consequence, in the end, tradition dictates that the wife takes the husband's last name. This custom has been ingrained in society for ages. Indeed, it may make sense from a logical standpoint, but ultimately, it is not logic that we must bow to in this matter.
As I recall, the family of Hachikuji— the god worshiped within the grounds of North Shirahebi Shrine, where I pledged myself in marriage—all bore the mother's surname, Tsunade. But alas, as the twin-tailed lost god once confessed to me:
“In the end, things didn’t work out well for my family, you see. We’re no longer a family. During my third year in elementary school, my parents divorced and I had to change my name. I wonder what the point of it all was.”
That’s all.
When I first heard her speak of that, I was young and naive, so I played it cool and responded with a smooth and seamless reply. Now that I’ve become a party to the incident myself, I can’t help but ruminate on the workings and procedures of the law.
Even when putting aside the fact that I work in law enforcement, it’s not something that a civil servant should say, but indeed, one might call it quite bureaucratic. I have inherited this occupation of police officer from my parents (albeit reluctantly). I even believe that I don’t need to inherit the family name.
If it were high school Hitagi, especially during her most intense and edgy days, she would have unquestionably shoved a stapler deep into my mouth just to make me Senjougahara Koyomi.
She should have been resolute in not relinquishing her father's name— I guess you could say that she has grown softer over time. Well, whether she’s grown soft or not, I guess she’s grown up, too.
Back in my youth— or rather, in high school, I would have said to myself, “Won’t get married then. We won’t be bound by a little piece of paper. To preserve our names, our identities, we'll live together with two surnames under one roof. Hell, even with Oikura if I have to.”
Though in the end, as usual, it would most likely have led to a not-so-happy but rather bad ending. But inside the mind of twenty-four-year-old Araragi Koyomi, countless unbearable adult rationalizations came rushing in like a storm, saying, “Well, but things don't usually work out that way, do they? When you are a member of society, you must take reputation and position into account, and in the long run, Hitagi might also find it hard to live such a stubborn life. Besides, it's self-evident that various procedures would become troublesome if we don't enter the marriage registry, so, on the contrary, if it's just a matter of a single piece of paper, it would be best not to fuss about it and get it over with.”
But wait, what’s this? Has Araragi-kun suddenly become so enlightened that he begins to admonish all those ordinary families who have married uncomplainingly and blandly, keeping their own surnames? The times have changed. Nowadays, you can even go by your maiden name at work. Don't be so annoying and nitpicky about it. People like that aren’t popular, you know?
In all honesty, the idea of living with Oikura is tolerable, but the notion of taking Hitagi as a common-law wife is rather unsavory. As a career officer of the Japanese police force and an unofficial member of the FBI, it wouldn’t be surprising if I suddenly died in the line of duty, at least to the same extent as that hellish Spring Break. With the chances of an unforeseen accident being about fifty-fifty, I would rather avoid a situation where Hitagi might be kept from witnessing my final moments due to a bureaucratic technicality like a discrepancy in our last names. I'm sure everyone is well aware of how prone I am to life-threatening situations. No insurance company would ever enroll me in a life insurance policy.
On the other hand, the reverse was also a possibility.
Hitagi worked in the Japanese branch of a foreign financial firm, and you might think her life wouldn't be in any real danger. But she once confided that because she deals with massive amounts of money within the company daily, when she’s seriously out and about, she needs the accompaniment of bodyguards who cling to her like stalkers. I’m not sure if she was pulling my leg, but every time she leaves her home, she carries the latest version of her will with her.
“How strange, I was once swindled out of all my possessions, and now my job is akin to that of a swindler, treating strangers' money as my own and making it multiply incessantly—through stocks, foreign exchange, and cryptocurrencies that I'm not even sure really exist. It's all an enigmatic, ethereal mystery.”
Though her words carried a hint of self-mockery, it was because she had been both a pampered heiress in a mansion and a penniless tenant in a wooden box that she had managed to acquire certain skills. Good or bad, she believed that money was but an illusory thing.
Of course, that's not to say that she could approve of the person she was when she lost her weight and her mother… no, that too was a cherished memory and a cherished trauma.
It could never be forgotten.
These were the life experiences of Senjougahara Hitagi. Could they really be covered up with just my surname? As if erasing her individuality.
“I think the name change is fun, like a game. But why do you care so much, Koyomi? Is it because you're thinking of another person?”
“Another person?”
It's hard to ignore the seemingly lighthearted remark that it's like a fun game, it feels all the more like an attempt to escape reality. But for now, let’s let it slide. So, who could this other person be?
“Shinobu. Although I’m not sure if I can call her a human person. Come to think of it, Koyokoyo, wasn't it during that Spring Break that you cruelly stole her name?”
The endearing nickname I miss so much…
I also used to call her by the nickname “Gahara-san,” but after she changed her surname, I could no longer address her in this way. It’s embarrassing for adults like us to use such nicknames, but hearing that I could never use it again made me feel as if I had been deprived of a basic human right, leaving me in a state of distress.
It was true, no matter how you put it: the King of Aberrations, the iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade— the name of the vampire who has lived for six hundred years.
But it was taken from her, just like life itself.
After losing her prestigious title, the oddity specialist Oshino Meme gave her a new name— Oshino Shinobu.
The man in a Hawaiian shirt said, employing his specialist's surname as a constraint, he would seal her away, deeply and securely.
Which, to be honest, was contradictory and riddled with double standards. Yet, for me, calling her Oshino Shinobu resonated truer and felt more befitting for her as I have known her by that name for longer.
Of course, nobody refers to her as Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade nowadays, but there seems to be a faction of specialists who still call her the “Old Heart-Under-Blade.”
Old Heart-Under-Blade.
What an antiquated name.
“When you think about it, it's a strange and wonderful thing to have the word 'old' added to your name. Don’t you think so, Old Gahara-san?”
“Indeed, if you are going to keep calling me that, I don't want to continue this conversation.”
“I have already experienced the guilt of taking away someone's name… What's going on with this marriage, it's like I'm making the same mistakes over again.”
“It's almost like a de facto remarriage.”
“No, it's a first marriage, actually.”
Although this example exposed the depths of my subconscious, it didn’t entirely resolve the issue which had already taken deep root. It seemed that because I had done it once before, I no longer cared about doing it again now, as if to say that killing one person was the same as killing two. This frightening thought was something that neither Japan nor America would endorse.
Rather, should we not learn from our mistakes?
That had been an emergency measure taken out of necessity for Shinobu, so it couldn’t be said that it was entirely wrong… In this day and age, I can't help but think there might have been another way to do it. It's hard not to question whether my decision to barely keep alive by turning the vampire— the King of Aberrations— that otherwise faced certain death, into my slave, was an immature one, driven by a child's desire for simplicity.
Even as the former Heart-Under-Blade happily gobbles on Mister Donuts in my shadow… And since it's acceptable to use your original family name in the workplace, why then must we discriminate and not apply the same rule to other situations?
With this in mind, I might as well create a business card featuring my Senjougahara pseudonym while at work. I wonder if it's possible to mark your former name on the police officer's guidebook. I'd have to ask Chief Kouga about that next time.
“A seemingly insignificant battle, huh? Ah, yes, an infinitesimally small skirmish indeed.”
“Sounds like you're saying ‘overmorrow's tomorrow.’”
“Even if you were to take the name Senjougahara, it wouldn't make any difference. It won't even make you feel better. It's like we share the same hardships, but it's not the same at all, it's not. The constant labeling of hardships might be painful as well.”
“Do we have no choice but to fight against the state?”
“That’d be quite the unexpected turn of events. Just imagine your high school supporters, they would be flabbergasted as they watch Araragi Koyomi take on the world of politics in a sequel.”
“But I can't overlook those die-hard fans' support. So, should I run for office under the name Senjougahara Koyomi?”
“In that case, to ease the voter process, it might be best to simplify the complex kanji in 'Senjougahara,’ say, using hiragana instead.”
“Must I change my name even if I run for office? Just because it's hard to write. What a troublesome thing, follows me everywhere. But revolutionaries didn't use their real names either.”
“Are we talking about starting a revolution now, like Hanekawa-san?”
“I can't use my real name to run a campaign and cause trouble for my parents. I'm not that unfilial.”
“I wonder about that. It may not be limited to revolutionaries. Nowadays, it seems that a pseudonym one can choose themselves is more valued.”
The conversation had delved into the complicated topic of real names versus pseudonyms… In such an era when anonymity is held in high regard, aren't real names becoming more important than ever? Apparently, in the past, one could not reveal their real name to anyone other than their parents.
“I'm not sure if I can let such a thing be erased on a whim.”
“Was marrying me also on a whim, Koyomi?”
“I retract my previous statement and apologize under the name of Senjougahara Koyomi.”
“You are apologizing under a pseudonym.”
“I apologize under the name of Sen jou ga ha ra Koyomi.”
“Please stop apologizing like a politician. I don't want such a person to be the future chief of the National Police Agency.”
“Your demands are too high for a husband.”
“Philosophy and thought do warrant contemplation, but let's think more about the pressing needs of life, Koyomi. Weren't we supposed to be excitedly discussing our honeymoon destination?”
Right, we were.
Having completed the wedding ceremony, with a god as our witness, and the tedious paperwork, we had finally settled down and arranged a meeting, albeit belatedly, to discuss our long-awaited honeymoon plans.
Although the novel coronavirus could be said to have been eradicated from the earth, given that I currently have a foothold in the FBI and Hitagi is a young leader at the Japanese branch of a foreign firm, we were communicating remotely more often than not. Nevertheless, we both understand the importance of a meaningful face-to-face conversation. After all, it would be impolite not to attend to such a significant matter in person.
Our wedding had narrowly avoided taking place entirely remotely, but fortunately, it was held with only family members present, regardless of any infectious disease-related concerns. It was charming and intimate.
“The only thing I regret is not getting to drag empty cans behind the car; I wanted to try it.”²
“Back in the old days, you would've tied me to the car and dragged me around the city as a public execution. But a honeymoon, huh?”
To begin with, neither Hitagi nor I were particularly fond of traveling; in fact, we both frequently shuttled across the Pacific Ocean. So, the word “travel” doesn't strike a deep chord in me. It's merely a transfer through different places, and it's difficult to attribute more significance to it.
I'd much prefer leisurely chats at home like this—without having to specifically go somewhere.
“I agree. Why not take a short trip then? How about the supermarket?”
“That’s too close.”
“But it sounds so super.”
“Well, you have a point. Supermarket is a pretty bold name.”
“But then, if the honeymoon has no significance, we’d better have not had a wedding at all, since it wouldn't be significant anyway.”
This statement sounds like something the old Hitagi would say—not Araragi Hitagi, but Senjougahara Hitagi.
In fact, many people these days consider weddings to be a grand waste of money, and couples often quarrel during their honeymoon, that’s why “Narita Divorce” gets thrown around as a phrase.³
Nowadays, you might also hear “Haneda Divorce” or “Kanku Divorce.”⁴
“Traveling has a way of revealing a couple's true nature, for better or worse. That's why I think it's a necessary ceremony.”
“A ceremony, huh?”
Surprisingly, Oshino was a man who valued such customs.
We can't take this lightly, then… considering our relationship.
“Speaking of which, that plan to go to Hokkaido to eat crab still hasn't come to fruition.”
“Do you want to go?”
“It’s tempting to tie up loose ends like a completed achievement, but it might not be the best season for that. I'd rather enjoy the best crab in wintertime anyway, that's what I really want.”
It's a tough one. Hokkaido, seemingly near but further than Washington D.C., has gradually taken on the nuance of being saved for our enjoyment during our twilight years. However, since we have refrained from indulging up until this point, it is only natural to savor the finest crab in the ideal setting of Hokkaido.
Yet as we speak, the warming of Hokkaido progresses at a steady pace. By the time we reached our retirement years, would it still be a snowy landscape?
“If we were to travel overseas, I think we should consider Europe or Africa. Including South America, both of us travel to the Americans for work often. Or what do you think about crossing the Atlantic Ocean?”
“There is also Oceania. Why not eat crab in Australia? I think you can't climb Ayers Rock anymore… Maybe New Zealand?”
“Apparently the stars there are beautiful. It's famed as a World Heritage of starry skies, they're even working to register it as an actual World Heritage site or something.”
A bit vague, but hmm.
Come to think of it, ever since high school—no, even before that during her sheltered upbringing, Hitagi has had a profound love for the starry skies. An unapologetic adoration.
If I recall, our first date was also at an observatory.
“In that case, what about revisiting that observatory nearby? It's only a few hours' drive.”
“Might take a bit longer if we dragged a heap of cans behind.”
“We probably shouldn't try that on Japanese roads, you know.”
As a cop, I couldn't pardon this.
The idea of revisiting a dating spot from our youth was not a bad one, but Hitagi didn't seem too keen on it, and she exaggeratedly tilted her head—a gesture straight out of the anime.
"What's up. If there are no lodging facilities, we could rent a camper van or something. The state should…"
"There's no need to bring up the state for that. You should be able to rent a car by yourself, right? Anyway, over there, I go pretty often, usually with my dad and Kanbaru."
While I was training as an FBI investigator, Senjougahara and Kanbaru rekindled their relationship… It's good that she's getting along with her family, which was delicate for a time, but still.
Whether that's how she truly feels or not, at least Hitagi says it's fine with her, but what does her father—and my in-law—think about it?
To have the surname he gave his daughter smeared by some random guy's…
Whoops, gotta stop thinking about it. If I'm not careful, my thoughts get pulled in that direction. The gravity of the issue is too strong.
I'm sure the meaning is just as precious either way, but the name Senjougahara is quite rare, so I can't help but contemplate the loss…
"Rather than somewhere you always go, like the supermarket, it should be somewhere special for the ceremony. If it's too familiar, the memories don't stick as strongly. Shouldn't you make memories of going somewhere you've wanted to, like an observatory? Or New Zealand is good, but wasn't there an amazing one in Hawaii or something?"
“Hmm. Electronic telescopes on that scale exceed my realm of expertise. But in the end, it seems we come back to America. Another idea is to go all the way to the Arctic Circle to see the auroras.”
“The Arctic. Mm, I wonder if Kagenui-san is doing all right.”
She doesn't live at the North Pole year-round of course, but when I hear “Arctic” she’s the first thing I think of—her and her shikigami. With that shikigami we could go anywhere in an instant... But the days of merrily living with a corpse doll under the same roof ended quite some time ago. Fraternizing with corpses is strictly forbidden nowadays.
The auroras. Not an uninteresting prospect.
I believe they can be observed either in Canada or the Nordic countries. If given a choice between the two, I would lean towards the latter in this case.
How about Finland, often said to be the closest to Europe? Who wouldn't want to taste the cinnamon rolls straight from their birthplace? The progress of women's social advancement in the Nordic countries is also noteworthy, and I assume, with a vague image in mind, that there wouldn't be any stipulation requiring spouses to share the same surname.
And then it struck me.
It struck me like a shooting star.
As I've grown older, my brain has lost its freshness, and such instant inspirations have become all too rare these days. But at this moment, I felt that I had truly been hit by inspiration.
Not merely a shooting star, it could be likened to the brilliance of the Aurora itself.
Too bad about the Finnish licorice, but there was no need to cross the ocean for one. Couldn't there be an equally fantastic location in our very own country for our honeymoon? Although we wouldn’t be able to see any auroras for sure, the destination would more than compensate for it. We could call it a return to our roots.
Nay, there's no other way to describe it other than our roots.
“What? Do you still intend to rebel against our nation?”
“No, no, it's my love for our country! And our honeymoon destination.”
“Let's go to Senjougahara. According to our class president who knows everything, it's one of Japan's most beautiful marshlands for stargazing.”
Next Chapter
Originally: "DV". Refers to domestic violence in Japan, where men who were previously reserved but become violent after marriage are called "DV Men".
Dragging empty cans behind a car is a couple activity, the loud clatter they produce being a symbol of auspiciousness.
Tokyo Narita Airport is the largest international airport in Japan, and a necessary stop for many newlywed couples traveling abroad. However, because some shortcomings or habits of each person are exposed during the trip, many couples choose to divorce after leaving Narita Airport when their honeymoon comes to an end.
Haneda: Tokyo Haneda Airport. Kanku: Kansai International Airport. 
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bestworstcase · 9 months
I urgh, made a reblog earlier on your post about The Shallow Sea, asked a question there which you might have seen and then accidentally deleted it (oops!)
Anyway I wanted to ask do you think the fanus’s struggle for equality will be involved somehow in salem’s villian-to-hero arc? Because fanus and salem (and grimm) are just so heavily connected. She actually had a very great chance with sienna but unfortunately adam killed her.
And also if you could elaborate this salem being the god of animals thing, did she actually created fanus or it’s more about symbolic connection?
An additional note which’s just something I found very interesting. In the opening of v6, adam appears as the leader of white fang while the song goes ‘the river knows to reach the sea’. Besides the chronological order goes cinder-adam-the rest of salem’s force. (Added that rising is a salem song)
oh i. i think about salem and the faunus and grimm only a normal amount. there's more that i've written on the topic than that (among others, i have a relevant post about tyrian and his worship of salem somewhere but i cannot for the life of me find it) but tumblr, u know. 
not directly faunus related but the god of choice post is salient because rwby handles divinity in a very polytheist way, and while the recent alchemy post was just for fun it does also lay out the thematically essential death/resurrection element of salem's immortality with more clarity. 
(my other mythology tin hat is that salem was the original inspiration for 'the warrior in the woods') (<- tangent). 
TL;DR: i think she is the literal, though possibly indirect, creator of the faunus (through her combination of human + grimm into own being; the faunus descend from this harmony of opposites in some way) and that at some point in history, she belonged to faunus civilization and the mythical figure of the 'god of animals' arose through a combination of worship of salem herself + stories she told about the brothers in relation to her transformations.
(notice that the god of animals in 'the shallow sea' resembles darkness in character, and the one in 'the judgment of faunus' resembles light, but both versions are also unrecognizable as the brothers because they interact with their chosen people in a reciprocal manner—faunus choose to be changed in both stories. where ozma uses myth to guide humans toward what his god wants them to be, salem used myth to uphold her idea of what the brothers should have been and what kind of gods deserve reverence.)
the narrative has not ever been shy about making symbolic connections between the faunus and the grimm—like, blake reveals her ears for the first time whilst gazing at and identifying herself with the beowolf trampled underfoot by human huntsmen in beacon's statue. the white fang wear grimm masks because "humans wanted to make monsters of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters." qrow in the faunus WOR episode more or less explicitly describes faunus as in-between humans and grimm.  
(<- which is not necessarily accurate because qrow's narration is chock full of obvious subconscious bias—to the point of straight up saying "honestly, it's not too hard to sympathize" with the perspectives of humans who hunted down the faunus like animals because "seeing something that looks like you and acts like you walk out of a forest and reveal a pair of fangs can be… upsetting" and in no way are we meant to take that as an objective statement; in V1 weiss is unambiguously portrayed as the one in the wrong for hating faunus on the grounds that the white fang is at war with her family's company, a reason that is a lot less shaky than "fangs are upsetting" and yet is (properly) framed as irrational and bigoted.
but qrow's perspective is meant to reveal cultural attitudes, not objective facts, and his overt placement of faunus between humans and grimm is interesting in the context of everything else the narrative does to draw a connection between faunus and grimm)
salem is "your grace" to her followers and ghira is "your grace" as the chieftain of kuo kuana, implying that salem might outright self-identify as a faunus. she wants to secure  sienna khan's alliance (<- a genuine activist) and drops adam (<- a terrorist) like a hot potato after he murders her, she explicitly has no plans to attack menagerie, and menagerie doesn't… seem to have a grimm problem… like at all. zero grimm attacks in kuo kuana across two volumes there and not a single character in menagerie mentions them as a problem.
so rwby is not exactly being subtle. 
generally, i do not think the heavy emphasis put on the white fang arc was solely being overambitious about doing a Racism Subplot; i don't think it's coincidental that the narrative completed the white fang arc and then immediately launched the "salem backstory" arc with the lost fable. the white fang arc sets up for the lost fable and salem's arc is inextricable from the faunus-persecution narrative because she, in every way that matters, IS a faunus herself.
and i think that is very much going to eventuate in V10+ yeah. it's already beginning to—the affirmation of jabber's personhood and overt sympathy afforded to neo and the cat, in tandem with blake's arc in V9 being toward vocally embracing and taking pride in being a faunus as the culmination of her journey out of shame in V1-6 and quiet figuring-herself-out in V7-8, points strongly in that direction. 
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For the ask game: Vigilant and Nightingale. I was particularly interested in hearing about Chantilly Leice and Melka, but feel free to switch around to other characters if you prefer!
WHOOO YEAH I get to talk about Melka! I like their story cause it's somethin different than what I normally write. Vigilant will be under the cut.
Also ignore why the pics are blue, it was to help me find it easier in the massive sea that is my phone album roll. The letter was to also help me and the reader see each different letter is a different conversation.
Nightingale-If the player wasn't the DB, what would they be doing?
CL would be doing what she's trying to do now, put the DragonBorn legacy behind her, focus on her family (hubby, 3 adopted kids and her 3 dogs), keeping them safe and go about her typical business like DBH contracts, being the Listener, Nightingale and Guild Master, building connections for the Theives Guild and occasional jobs for the Companions and EETC. She does it all. She is also the Arch-Mage so she does the rare jobs for them like killing the anomalies or dealing with some rogue wacko wizard (based on cut content I found on UESP). She also does the occasional odd mercanary job for the Bard's College (I expanded upon it on her story and added a new NPC/someone who had a past with her). She takes up odd jobs as well as our player does in game. Currently her goal is to explore every Nordic ruin, every dank dungeon on both Skyrim and Solstheim. She dislikes the Dwemee ruins due to how loud they are (her Lycan senses amplify sounds).
Melka would be doing what they were before they found out they were the DragonBorn, mostly work for the Companions and helping Kodlak find a cure for the Beast Blood. Melka's story is that they aren't from Skyrim, they're from some other unnamed land where humans had to live underground cause above ground had too many dangerous monsters, along with dwindling resources. They eventually leave that place and travel around until finding Skyrim. They love the cold weather and eventually found themself in the company of the Companions. Most of the other ingame guilds aren't their jam nor do they have any interest in them. When Melka finds out some of the Circle are werewolves, they refuse the Blood. In Melka's land, 'transformation magic' is an evil corruptive magic that permanently turns the human it 'infected' into a monster after some time. It's given by a being of higher power (read, NOT a god, not Aedra or even Daedra), and at first it seems good. It gives the human strength, power, all the things they need to survive. But beings of higher power have no interest in bettering humans. The 'boon' uses the humans body as a host, and eventually the 'monster that was always inside claws its way out'. At that point the human isn't human anymore, it's a monster and must be killed like one. Skyrim challenges alot of Melka's previous opinions and views on various subjects, one being transformation magic, aka the Beast Blood. When Kodlak confides in Melka that he along with Vilkas and Farkas want a cure, somethin impossible where Melka is from, they offer their help in any way they can.
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Vigilant-Do your characters follow any religion, deity, do any worship?
CL is very clear in that she does not worship any being, no Aedra, Daedric Princes, beings of higher power like Sithis, ect... However that doesn't change her situation. She is still the Listener, killing souls for Sithis, she's still a werewolf that chooses to keep the blood even after knowing there's a cure, she's still done favours and has various boons from Aedra and Daedric Princes like Mara, Dibella, Kyne, Sheogorath, Sanguine, Meridia and Hermaeus Mora. She's aware doing acts for them is still doing what they want, but she does it 'out of necessity'.
She will place no offerings at alters or shrines, she will not spread the word or teachings of someone, will not bear their symbol, doesn't invoke the name of someone for power, follows no religion, does no prayers. She also doesn't like Akatosh cause she hates being the DragonBorn, so she has a bone to pick with him.
Melka is from a land where there are no gods. Gods are simply faceless beings from a child's bedtime story, they were never real and still aren't. Even coming to Skyrim Melka still doesn't believe gods are real, and, you can't really blame them. Their world was ravaged by monsters, yet these gods of Skyrim have done things to help their followers? Where were the gods in Melka's land? What have the humans done to never be allowed help from these 'so called gods' of Skyrim, or Tamriel, or anywhere? Why did no gods look upon these humans, clearly struggling to survive, their population becoming increasingly low, near extinction levels and never offer them help or made themself known? So Melka is a bit spiteful against gods. For a while they don't believe in Daedric Princes either. But here's the thing about Daedric Princes, they actively make themself known to mortals. They wander among them in disguise, they speak to their followers, they show them their domain and give them power. Sure you could argue some Aedra do the same things, but they certainly don't do it on the same level as Daedric Princes.
Even when told about the Beast Blood, Melka thinks Hircine is nothing more than a being of higher power giving mortals transformation magic and corrupting them. Fighting feral savages doesn't help, it further proves to them the Beast Blood is a curse and that everyone who has it, Kodlak, Farkas and Vilkas included will all fall victim to it. One day they won't be able to turn back, they will be a monster forever.
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foodandfolklore · 1 year
The Enchanted Pig
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Also called "Porcul cel fermecat". This Romanian fairytale can be found in 1890 The Red Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, but there are even earlier non English publications. I wanted to share this story with my Kitchen Witches for two reasons. First, I often see people ask "What can I do with bones?" If you're a Kitchen Witch who uses meat, you can end up with a lot of bones. If you want to keep them for use later, maybe for a craft, I say do it. The other reason why I wanted to share this with my Kitchen Witches is the Pig symbolism. In modern day, Pigs sorta get a bad rap. They're seen as fat, dirty, and lazy. Calling someone a pig is an insult. So it can be hard to associate things like intelligence, family, fertility, patience, and transformation with pigs and by extension Pork. Maybe this story can help.
Once upon a time there lived a King who had three daughters. Now it happened that he had to go out to battle, so he called his daughters and said to them:
‘My dear children, I am obliged to go to war. The enemy is approaching us with a large army. It is a great grief to me to leave you all. During my absence take care of yourselves and be good girls; behave well and look after everything in the house. You may walk in the garden, and you may go into all the rooms in the palace, except the room at the back in the right-hand corner; into that you must not enter, for harm would befall you.’
‘You may keep your mind easy, father,’ they replied. ‘We have never been disobedient to you. Go in peace, and may heaven give you a glorious victory!’
When everything was ready for his departure, the King gave them the keys of all the rooms and reminded them once more of what he had said. His daughters kissed his hands with tears in their eyes, and wished him prosperity, and he gave the eldest the keys.
Now when the girls found themselves alone they felt so sad and dull that they did not know what to do. So, to pass the time, they decided to work for part of the day, to read for part of the day, and to enjoy themselves in the garden for part of the day. As long as they did this all went well with them. But this happy state of things did not last long. Every day they grew more and more curious, and you will see what the end of that was.
‘Sisters,’ said the eldest Princess, ‘all day long we sew, spin, and read. We have been several days quite alone, and there is no corner of the garden that we have not explored. We have been in all the rooms of our father’s palace, and have admired the rich and beautiful furniture: why should not we go into the room that our father forbad us to enter?’
‘Sister,’ said the youngest, ‘I cannot think how you can tempt us to break our father’s command. When he told us not to go into that room he must have known what he was saying, and have had a good reason for saying it.’
‘Surely the sky won’t fall about our heads if we DO go in,’ said the second Princess. ‘Dragons and such like monsters that would devour us will not be hidden in the room. And how will our father ever find out that we have gone in?’
While they were speaking thus, encouraging each other, they had reached the room; the eldest fitted the key into the lock, and snap! the door stood open.
The three girls entered, and what do you think they saw?
The room was quite empty, and without any ornament, but in the middle stood a large table, with a gorgeous cloth, and on it lay a big open book.
Now the Princesses were curious to know what was written in the book, especially the eldest, and this is what she read:
‘The eldest daughter of this King will marry a prince from the East.’
Then the second girl stepped forward, and turning over the page she read:
‘The second daughter of this King will marry a prince from the West.’
The girls were delighted, and laughed and teased each other.
But the youngest Princess did not want to go near the table or to open the book. Her elder sisters however left her no peace, and will she, nill she, they dragged her up to the table, and in fear and trembling she turned over the page and read:
‘The youngest daughter of this King will be married to a pig from the North.’
Now if a thunderbolt had fallen upon her from heaven it would not have frightened her more. She almost died of misery, and if her sisters had not held her up, she would have sunk to the ground and cut her head open.
When she came out of the fainting fit into which she had fallen in her terror, her sisters tried to comfort her, saying:
‘How can you believe such nonsense? When did it ever happen that a king’s daughter married a pig?’
‘What a baby you are!’ said the other sister; ‘has not our father enough soldiers to protect you, even if the disgusting creature did come to woo you?’
The youngest Princess would fain have let herself be convinced by her sisters’ words, and have believed what they said, but her heart was heavy. Her thoughts kept turning to the book, in which stood written that great happiness waited her sisters, but that a fate was in store for her such as had never before been known in the world.
Besides, the thought weighed on her heart that she had been guilty of disobeying her father. She began to get quite ill, and in a few days she was so changed that it was difficult to recognise her; formerly she had been rosy and merry, now she was pale and nothing gave her any pleasure. She gave up playing with her sisters in the garden, ceased to gather flowers to put in her hair, and never sang when they sat together at their spinning and sewing.
In the meantime the King won a great victory, and having completely defeated and driven off the enemy, he hurried home to his daughters, to whom his thoughts had constantly turned. Everyone went out to meet him with cymbals and fifes and drums, and there was great rejoicing over his victorious return. The King’s first act on reaching home was to thank Heaven for the victory he had gained over the enemies who had risen against him. He then entered his palace, and the three Princesses stepped forward to meet him. His joy was great when he saw that they were all well, for the youngest did her best not to appear sad.
In spite of this, however, it was not long before the King noticed that his third daughter was getting very thin and sad-looking. And all of a sudden he felt as if a hot iron were entering his soul, for it flashed through his mind that she had disobeyed his word. He felt sure he was right; but to be quite certain he called his daughters to him, questioned them, and ordered them to speak the truth. They confessed everything, but took good care not to say which had led the other two into temptation.
The King was so distressed when he heard it that he was almost overcome by grief. But he took heart and tried to comfort his daughters, who looked frightened to death. He saw that what had happened had happened, and that a thousand words would not alter matters by a hair’s-breadth.
Well, these events had almost been forgotten when one fine day a prince from the East appeared at the Court and asked the King for the hand of his eldest daughter. The King gladly gave his consent. A great wedding banquet was prepared, and after three days of feasting the happy pair were accompanied to the frontier with much ceremony and rejoicing.
After some time the same thing befell the second daughter, who was wooed and won by a prince from the West.
Now when the young Princess saw that everything fell out exactly as had been written in the book, she grew very sad. She refused to eat, and would not put on her fine clothes nor go out walking, and declared that she would rather die than become a laughing-stock to the world. But the King would not allow her to do anything so wrong, and he comforted her in all possible ways.
So the time passed, till lo and behold! one fine day an enormous pig from the North walked into the palace, and going straight up to the King said, ‘Hail! oh King. May your life be as prosperous and bright as sunrise on a clear day!’
‘I am glad to see you well, friend,’ answered the King, ‘but what wind has brought you hither?’
‘I come a-wooing,’ replied the Pig.
Now the King was astonished to hear so fine a speech from a Pig, and at once it occurred to him that something strange was the matter. He would gladly have turned the Pig’s thoughts in another direction, as he did not wish to give him the Princess for a wife; but when he heard that the Court and the whole street were full of all the pigs in the world he saw that there was no escape, and that he must give his consent. The Pig was not satisfied with mere promises, but insisted that the wedding should take place within a week, and would not go away till the King had sworn a royal oath upon it.
The King then sent for his daughter, and advised her to submit to fate, as there was nothing else to be done. And he added:
‘My child, the words and whole behaviour of this Pig are quite unlike those of other pigs. I do not myself believe that he always was a pig. Depend upon it some magic or witchcraft has been at work. Obey him, and do everything that he wishes, and I feel sure that Heaven will shortly send you release.’
‘If you wish me to do this, dear father, I will do it,’ replied the girl.
In the meantime the wedding-day drew near. After the marriage, the Pig and his bride set out for his home in one of the royal carriages. On the way they passed a great bog, and the Pig ordered the carriage to stop, and got out and rolled about in the mire till he was covered with mud from head to foot; then he got back into the carriage and told his wife to kiss him. What was the poor girl to do? She bethought herself of her father’s words, and, pulling out her pocket handkerchief, she gently wiped the Pig’s snout and kissed it.
By the time they reached the Pig’s dwelling, which stood in a thick wood, it was quite dark. They sat down quietly for a little, as they were tired after their drive; then they had supper together, and lay down to rest. During the night the Princess noticed that the Pig had changed into a man. She was not a little surprised, but remembering her father’s words, she took courage, determined to wait and see what would happen.
And now she noticed that every night the Pig became a man, and every morning he was changed into a Pig before she awoke. This happened several nights running, and the Princess could not understand it at all. Clearly her husband must be bewitched. In time she grew quite fond of him, he was so kind and gentle.
One fine day as she was sitting alone she saw an old witch go past. She felt quite excited, as it was so long since she had seen a human being, and she called out to the old woman to come and talk to her. Among other things the witch told her that she understood all magic arts, and that she could foretell the future, and knew the healing powers of herbs and plants.
‘I shall be grateful to you all my life, old dame,’ said the Princess, ‘if you will tell me what is the matter with my husband. Why is he a Pig by day and a human being by night?’
‘I was just going to tell you that one thing, my dear, to show you what a good fortune-teller I am. If you like, I will give you a herb to break the spell.’
‘If you will only give it to me,’ said the Princess, ‘I will give you anything you choose to ask for, for I cannot bear to see him in this state.’
‘Here, then, my dear child,’ said the witch, ‘take this thread, but do not let him know about it, for if he did it would lose its healing power. At night, when he is asleep, you must get up very quietly, and fasten the thread round his left foot as firmly as possible; and you will see in the morning he will not have changed back into a Pig, but will still be a man. I do not want any reward. I shall be sufficiently repaid by knowing that you are happy. It almost breaks my heart to think of all you have suffered, and I only wish I had known it sooner, as I should have come to your rescue at once.’
When the old witch had gone away the Princess hid the thread very carefully, and at night she got up quietly, and with a beating heart she bound the thread round her husband’s foot. Just as she was pulling the knot tight there was a crack, and the thread broke, for it was rotten. Her husband awoke with a start, and said to her, ‘Unhappy woman, what have you done? Three days more and this unholy spell would have fallen from me, and now, who knows how long I may have to go about in this disgusting shape? I must leave you at once, and we shall not meet again until you have worn out three pairs of iron shoes and blunted a steel staff in your search for me.’ So saying he disappeared.
Now, when the Princess was left alone she began to weep and moan in a way that was pitiful to hear; but when she saw that her tears and groans did her no good, she got up, determined to go wherever fate should lead her.
On reaching a town, the first thing she did was to order three pairs of iron sandals and a steel staff, and having made these preparations for her journey, she set out in search of her husband. On and on she wandered over nine seas and across nine continents; through forests with trees whose stems were as thick as beer-barrels; stumbling and knocking herself against the fallen branches, then picking herself up and going on; the boughs of the trees hit her face, and the shrubs tore her hands, but on she went, and never looked back. At last, wearied with her long journey and worn out and overcome with sorrow, but still with hope at her heart, she reached a house.
Now who do you think lived there? The Moon.
The Princess knocked at the door, and begged to be let in that she might rest a little. The mother of the Moon, when she saw her sad plight, felt a great pity for her, and took her in and nursed and tended her. And while she was here the Princess had a little baby.
One day the mother of the Moon asked her:
‘How was it possible for you, a mortal, to get hither to the house of the Moon?’
Then the poor Princess told her all that happened to her, and added ‘I shall always be thankful to Heaven for leading me hither, and grateful to you that you took pity on me and on my baby, and did not leave us to die. Now I beg one last favour of you; can your daughter, the Moon, tell me where my husband is?’
‘She cannot tell you that, my child,’ replied the goddess, ‘but, if you will travel towards the East until you reach the dwelling of the Sun, he may be able to tell you something.’
Then she gave the Princess a roast chicken to eat, and warned her to be very careful not to lose any of the bones, because they might be of great use to her.
When the Princess had thanked her once more for her hospitality and for her good advice, and had thrown away one pair of shoes that were worn out, and had put on a second pair, she tied up the chicken bones in a bundle, and taking her baby in her arms and her staff in her hand, she set out once more on her wanderings.
On and on and on she went across bare sandy deserts, where the roads were so heavy that for every two steps that she took forwards she fell back one; but she struggled on till she had passed these dreary plains; next she crossed high rocky mountains, jumping from crag to crag and from peak to peak. Sometimes she would rest for a little on a mountain, and then start afresh always farther and farther on. She had to cross swamps and to scale mountain peaks covered with flints, so that her feet and knees and elbows were all torn and bleeding, and sometimes she came to a precipice across which she could not jump, and she had to crawl round on hands and knees, helping herself along with her staff. At length, wearied to death, she reached the palace in which the Sun lived. She knocked and begged for admission.
The mother of the Sun opened the door, and was astonished at beholding a mortal from the distant earthly shores, and wept with pity when she heard of all she had suffered. Then, having promised to ask her son about the Princess’s husband, she hid her in the cellar, so that the Sun might notice nothing on his return home, for he was always in a bad temper when he came in at night. The next day the Princess feared that things would not go well with her, for the Sun had noticed that some one from the other world had been in the palace. But his mother had soothed him with soft words, assuring him that this was not so. So the Princess took heart when she saw how kindly she was treated, and asked:
‘But how in the world is it possible for the Sun to be angry? He is so beautiful and so good to mortals.’
‘This is how it happens,’ replied the Sun’s mother. ‘In the morning when he stands at the gates of paradise he is happy, and smiles on the whole world, but during the day he gets cross, because he sees all the evil deeds of men, and that is why his heat becomes so scorching; but in the evening he is both sad and angry, for he stands at the gates of death; that is his usual course. From there he comes back here.’
She then told the Princess that she had asked about her husband, but that her son had replied that he knew nothing about him, and that her only hope was to go and inquire of the Wind.
Before the Princess left the mother of the Sun gave her a roast chicken to eat, and advised her to take great care of the bones, which she did, wrapping them up in a bundle. She then threw away her second pair of shoes, which were quite worn out, and with her child on her arm and her staff in her hand, she set forth on her way to the Wind.
In these wanderings she met with even greater difficulties than before, for she came upon one mountain of flints after another, out of which tongues of fire would flame up; she passed through woods which had never been trodden by human foot, and had to cross fields of ice and avalanches of snow. The poor woman nearly died of these hardships, but she kept a brave heart, and at length she reached an enormous cave in the side of a mountain. This was where the Wind lived. There was a little door in the railing in front of the cave, and here the Princess knocked and begged for admission. The mother of the Wind had pity on her and took her in, that she might rest a little. Here too she was hidden away, so that the Wind might not notice her.
The next morning the mother of the Wind told her that her husband was living in a thick wood, so thick that no axe had been able to cut a way through it; here he had built himself a sort of house by placing trunks of trees together and fastening them with withes and here he lived alone, shunning human kind.
After the mother of the Wind had given the Princess a chicken to eat, and had warned her to take care of the bones, she advised her to go by the Milky Way, which at night lies across the sky, and to wander on till she reached her goal.
Having thanked the old woman with tears in her eyes for her hospitality, and for the good news she had given her, the Princess set out on her journey and rested neither night nor day, so great was her longing to see her husband again. On and on she walked until her last pair of shoes fell in pieces. So she threw them away and went on with bare feet, not heeding the bogs nor the thorns that wounded her, nor the stones that bruised her. At last she reached a beautiful green meadow on the edge of a wood. Her heart was cheered by the sight of the flowers and the soft cool grass, and she sat down and rested for a little. But hearing the birds chirping to their mates among the trees made her think with longing of her husband, and she wept bitterly, and taking her child in her arms, and her bundle of chicken bones on her shoulder, she entered the wood.
For three days and three nights she struggled through it, but could find nothing. She was quite worn out with weariness and hunger, and even her staff was no further help to her, for in her many wanderings it had become quite blunted. She almost gave up in despair, but made one last great effort, and suddenly in a thicket she came upon the sort of house that the mother of the Wind had described. It had no windows, and the door was up in the roof. Round the house she went, in search of steps, but could find none. What was she to do? How was she to get in? She thought and thought, and tried in vain to climb up to the door. Then suddenly she be-thought her of the chicken bones that she had dragged all that weary way, and she said to herself: ‘They would not all have told me to take such good care of these bones if they had not had some good reason for doing so. Perhaps now, in my hour of need, they may be of use to me.’
So she took the bones out of her bundle, and having thought for a moment, she placed the two ends together. To her surprise they stuck tight; then she added the other bones, till she had two long poles the height of the house; these she placed against the wall, at a distance of a yard from one another. Across them she placed the other bones, piece by piece, like the steps of a ladder. As soon as one step was finished she stood upon it and made the next one, and then the next, till she was close to the door. But just as she got near the top she noticed that there were no bones left for the last rung of the ladder. What was she to do? Without that last step the whole ladder was useless. She must have lost one of the bones. Then suddenly an idea came to her. Taking a knife she chopped off her little finger, and placing it on the last step, it stuck as the bones had done. The ladder was complete, and with her child on her arm she entered the door of the house. Here she found everything in perfect order. Having taken some food, she laid the child down to sleep in a trough that was on the floor, and sat down herself to rest.
When her husband, the Pig, came back to his house, he was startled by what he saw. At first he could not believe his eyes, and stared at the ladder of bones, and at the little finger on the top of it. He felt that some fresh magic must be at work, and in his terror he almost turned away from the house; but then a better idea came to him, and he changed himself into a dove, so that no witchcraft could have power over him, and flew into the room without touching the ladder. Here he found a woman rocking a child. At the sight of her, looking so changed by all that she had suffered for his sake, his heart was moved by such love and longing and by so great a pity that he suddenly became a man.
The Princess stood up when she saw him, and her heart beat with fear, for she did not know him. But when he had told her who he was, in her great joy she forgot all her sufferings, and they seemed as nothing to her. He was a very handsome man, as straight as a fir tree. They sat down together and she told him all her adventures, and he wept with pity at the tale. And then he told her his own history.
‘I am a King’s son. Once when my father was fighting against some dragons, who were the scourge of our country, I slew the youngest dragon. His mother, who was a witch, cast a spell over me and changed me into a Pig. It was she who in the disguise of an old woman gave you the thread to bind round my foot. So that instead of the three days that had to run before the spell was broken, I was forced to remain a Pig for three more years. Now that we have suffered for each other, and have found each other again, let us forget the past.’
And in their joy they kissed one another.
Next morning they set out early to return to his father’s kingdom. Great was the rejoicing of all the people when they saw him and his wife; his father and his mother embraced them both, and there was feasting in the palace for three days and three nights.
Then they set out to see her father. The old King nearly went out of his mind with joy at beholding his daughter again. When she had told him all her adventures, he said to her:
‘Did not I tell you that I was quite sure that that creature who wooed and won you as his wife had not been born a Pig? You see, my child, how wise you were in doing what I told you.’
And as the King was old and had no heirs, he put them on the throne in his place. And they ruled as only kings rule who have suffered many things. And if they are not dead they are still living and ruling happily.
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ant1m0ny · 2 years
Significance of Hair in Frozen and Frozen 2
(Spoilers for Frozen and Frozen Two btw)
Alright then! After going on an hour long rant to my friends about how beautiful and symbolic frozen is I have decided to make a post about the symbolism and importance of hair in Frozen (obviously this is a thing that many people have spoken about and I am probably going to repeat a lot of what other people have already said but I wanted to give my own personal insight and thoughts into how hair is used to create meaning in Frozen)
So my general idea is that loose hair is representative of the Enchanted Forest and braided hair is representative of Arenwdelle and hair is used to show where the two protagonists Elsa and Anna belong and feel at home (for Elsa the Enchanted forest and for Anna Arendelle (sidetone just realised that Elsa and Enchanted forest both start with an E and Arendelle and Anna both start with an A. Funny coincidence???))
Anyway, let’s start with how Elsa’s hair transforms through the films:
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So, let’s start from the coronation of Elsa, she has her hair tightly done up (and we can assume that it’s in someway braided because in Let It Go it falls out into a plait) it’s at this point that she feels trapped the most I think, she is being made to become the ruler of a kingdom of people who she has been hiding herself from, a kingdom of people who she believes will think she is a monster and her hair helps to demonstrate how restricted she feels. Formal and, as I said, tightly done, a stark contrast to the end of Frozen two when her hair is completely loose when she feels completely free and completely herself.
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And during the banger of a song ‘Let It Go’ she takes her hair out of its formal style as she begins to feel more free and more comfortable in herself, her hair is no longer restrictive but it hangs loosely round her shoulders. However, it is still in a braid, although she may feel more free she is yet to feel truly and home and there is a difference between feeling free in solitude and feeling like she belongs and to her she hasn’t found where she feels most at home and so most likely still clings onto the happiness she felt as a kid when she felt like she was home (before she accidentally hurt Anna and she started to feel out of place and like a monster)
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Her hair stays like that during Frozen Fever, Olaf’s Frozen Adventure and the first chunk of Frozen 2 because she doesn’t know about the Enchanted forest and because she is happy with Anna and the rest of her family she still feels that Arendelle is her home and where she belongs hence why she still wears a braid in her hair, but as we learn in Frozen 2 she still feels like something is missing and she doesn't fully belong
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And for the first part of her being in the Enchanted forest she continues to wear that braid, she meets the fire spirit and the air spirit and she begins to get a sense that maybe she should be there, but she still can’t stand the thought of being apart from her sister and the comforts of Arendelle and so, the braid remains
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It’s when she has to tame the water spirit the the braid finally goes, because this is one of the final steps to her realising that the Enchanted Forest is wear she is meant to be, it is when she tames the water spirit that she is able to be shown the cave where she sees her mother and accepts that she is where she belongs and discovers the truth about herself being the fifth spirit. But her hair is still tied up because she is still trying to hold on, she is still attached to Arendelle even though that attachment is weakening, in fact it isn’t her attachment to Arendelle, it’s most likely her desperation to stay with Anna and her reluctance to leave Anna and the place she has lived her entire life behind
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And there it is!!!!!! When she finally accepts that Arendelle is not her home and that she belongs in the Enchanted Forest the braids vanish and she has her hair fully loose
Anna on the other hand keeps a plait in her hair no matter what because unlike Elsa Arendelle is where she belongs, it is where she is meant to be:
From Elsa’s coronation
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All the way through Frozen one and the start of Frozen two where she wore her signature plaited pigtails
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In Olaf’s Frozen Adventure and Frozen Fever we can still see plaits woven into her hairstyles
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And her main hairstyle in Frozen two, although it is still majority loose, there is still a braid in it
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And like Elsa we also should assume that she has some form of braid in her coronation hairstyle but unlike Elsa it isn't a sign of entrapment and unlike Elsa she isn't scared and miserable, she is content and happy and ready to rule over and protect her home as their queen
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In fact the only time there is no plait at all in her hair is when she first wakes up and her hair is an absolute mess but other than that the braid never leaves her hair, not once and that is because, unlike Elsa who by the end has no braids in her hair and is completely loose, has never felt not at home in Arendelle, she never felt out of place or that she never belonged, Arendelle is where she was always meant to be
(Enchanted forest=loose hair Arendelle=Braids/plaits)
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sunchip99 · 3 months
All that glitters is not golden (magical girl/boy rp)
Nine years ago, the very first magical girl/boy group on Earth made it's debut as Crystal City's own protectors under the guidance of an intergalactic mascot: Mr. Cheeks the 'hamster.' The brave young heroes- relying on nothing but their wands and wits- faced creatures of otherworldly creation. They became a symbol of hope and comfort to a city that once lived in fear of these monsters. However, beneath the cheerful smiles and glittery outfits...existed a crumbling resolve and unresolved trauma caused by the work itself. Defeating the final boss was suppose to be a joyous event. They had after all worked hard for the past 3-4 years cleaning up their beloved home. Yet...that was not the case. Some members blamed each other for the accidents and property damage that occurred during their crusade. Other members had exhausted their patience for working with polar opposite teammates. Then one day, Crystal City's beloved heroes vanished without a trace. With no civilian identity to attach to the heroes, the whereabouts of the magical girls/boys remained a mystery. Some speculated that the heroes had returned to their home planet. Others believed that they had simply retired and lived ordinary lives among them. Whatever their reasoning, there was no reason in digging up the past until...a new evil emerged. The former magical girls/boys hoped that a new set of heroes would emerge so that they could leave the past behind. Working a 9-5 job and saving the world? No thank you. Instead, their old mentor came knocking on each of their doors. Begging his protégés to once again take on the mantle. Will these adult heroes be able to put aside their differences once more to save their world? Or will their bickering doom them all?**Please note: this plot will include comedy, angst, and the found family troupe. I am entirely fine with platonic or romantic relationships between the characters. I have one oc that I really want to use who I think will make a perfect addition. I also plan on playing the role of the mentor/mascot Mr. Cheeks. I can also help play at least 1-2 additional team members.**
This rp plot was inspired by a post made by acepalindrome (attached below). Could you imagine the many things that could occur. Being called back to work in the middle of a battle? Back pain in the middle of battle from years of retirement?? Having to recite an embarrassing chant just to transform?? Maybe side effects from using magical abilities harvested from fallen alien civilizations?? The possibilities are endless.
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ok here we go again.
sooooooo lizard invasion, a conspiracy theory so notorious for being laughably awful, however in one of my story concepts this memorable conspiracy theory become a reality.
a link set to me by kyrstie goes over a story of a person believing that the world is being run by lizards.
Learning the ins and outs of our Reptilian overlords.
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“This election was a nightmare. As the day grew close, I sequestered myself at home. I would not watch the news, read the paper, or visit any site more taxing then CuteKittenOfTheDay.com. I didn’t visit my relatives on Thanksgiving because I knew that turkey and dressing would devolve into torture and debacle. Instead, I hid at home, baked cookies, and binge watched Mystery Science Theater 3000.
It was of course impossible to hide completely from the fallout, but at a certain point I knew things had gone over the edge. I heard stories of little children afraid to go to sleep for fear that Donald Trump would visit in their nightmares. Like a Golem or Frankenstein’s monster, he was poised to strike. I found out that the daughter of a right-wing family that lives next door to me in Connecticut literally thought that Hillary Clinton was a witch—like one newscaster called her—and was going to fly through the window and turn her into a toad. The candidates were called Nazis, fascists, corrupt thieves, even murderers. Who wouldn’t be scared of them?
I will tell you who: David Icke. For the last twenty-five years, this British, white-haired ex-footballer has been preaching an elaborate theory about who really runs the world. He explains this theory, along with its grim endgame scenario, to anyone who will listen, which means he speaks to thousands of his followers in the UK and around the world. His lectures fill enormous auditoriums and sports arenas. He sells books and videos and maintains a robust YouTube presence.
Despite his forays into archeology and the construction of the universe, and despite his surprising erudition about signs and symbols, Icke really believes one thing above all else: that twelve-foot-tall lizards from outer space rule the earth. When he says “lizards,” he doesn’t mean James Carville or someone who kind of resembles a reptile. He means actual lizards.
Thousands of years ago, you see, lizards came to Earth from the planets Orion, Sirius, and Draco. They were intergalactic usurpers and their plan was to interbreed with humans. Not sexually, thank God—by changing our DNA. Once they had transformed most of us weak and defenseless earthlings into their slaves, they would rule.
These Reptilians are not dull-witted things, like, say, pet-shop iguanas. These lizards are brilliant. So brilliant, in fact, that they’ve shape-shifted into the bodies of all sorts of people you may regard as revered and accomplished human beings. Among the lizard elite, Icke includes the entire British monarchy, the Bush family, the Rothschilds, absolutely everyone invited to Bohemian Grove, the Illuminati, Freemasons, most Jews, the Pope, Obama and his wife, and—inexplicably—the country-western singer Boxcar Willie.
The list is far more extensive, but you get the gist of the awesome power these lizards hold over the rest of us. Because it would be difficult for a twelve-foot lizard to fit into a six-foot human body, the lizards have perfected not only shape-shifting but also a hologram technology. You may think you’re looking at Queen Elizabeth, but it’s just a hologram of her. How smart is this!
Maybe such smart lizards, you may think, would do a better job of running this planet then we have. If only the lizards were dedicated ecologists and humanitarians, we might willingly submit to their rule. But sadly David Icke’s lizards are the bad boys of the cosmos: cannibals, pederasts, Satanists. They’re evil to the bone, like Hells Angels with scales. You really wouldn’t want them in charge of anything, even if most of them, being world leaders, are already running the show (except for Boxcar Willie, who hasn’t had a hit for years).
David Icke has convinced me that things can be, and maybe already are, much worse then anyone suspects. So I’m ditching the Democrats and the Republicans, the alt-right and the radical left, the libertarians and the Green Party, and throwing my hat in the ring with the Ickes Party. The Reptilian agenda is a matter of galactic import; human problems seem small in comparison. The first order of business is to build a wall and keep undocumented “aliens” out—and when we Ickettes say “aliens,” we mean aliens. This is, I’m told, our only hope.
Jane Stern is the author of more than forty books, including, most recently, Confessions of a Tarot Reader. With Michael Stern, she coauthored the popular Roadfood guidebook series. The Sterns recently donated forty years of archival materials to the Smithsonian museum, documenting the atmosphere, stories, and history of various restaurants, diners, and regional food events.”
an interesting Idea I thought of is that story isn’t talking about it from a factual point it’s from the point of view of a person thinking that the world is run by lizards, meaning there could be a very high chance that this is a narrative instance of an unreliable narrator, sure they could be right and queen Elizabeth is actually a 6 foot talk lizard using holograms to make herself look human... or there’s a much greater chance that old man Richard is off his meds again and needs to calm down before he tries to see if a human sacrifice will actually summon a demon.
this conspiracy theory stigma around the concept could in some way be used within the story itself, maybe no one knows or believes it’s happening because of how absurd the idea is.
Stern, J. (2016) Monsters for grown-ups, The Paris Review. Available at: https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2016/12/22/monsters-for-grownups/ (Accessed: February 27, 2023).
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Pagan Misconceptions Clarified: Why Krishna, is NOT "Only The Blue-Skinned God, That is The Reason of The Existence of The Hare Krishnas?!"
    Well... Is true that this is two of his well known characteristics, but I think that Krishna is much more than his skin color; and the fervient devotion of his followers.
    Krishna, is too: The God of Compassion, The God of Tenderness; The God of Protection, and... The God of Love!
    Krishna, is the eight Avatar (Incarnation in the material form of a powerful Deity, God; Goddess or Spirit; on Earth) of The God Vishnu; who is the Hindu Deity that belongs to the Trimurti, (The Indian Trinity) who is in charge of preserves; protects and transform The Universe: According to myths... When the world is threatened with chaos, evil and destruction, Vishnu descends to The World as an Avatar; to restore the Cosmic Order. Of the Ten Avatars of Vishnu, two are the most important: Rama... And, Krishna!  It was profesied, than Krishna will killed to his uncle; Kamsa, than was a terrible tyrant; and after his uncle couldn't killed him, he sended monsters to the child; but he defeat them one by one, including to a dark skinned giant demoness than breastfeed him; to the purpose to killed him, with her milk... Krishna killed her too, but his skin ended of being of a black or blue-skinned tone; permanently. (Just in case you was wondering, why his skin color; is showned as pitch black, or blue!) He is of a loving and playful character, and it seems playing the flute as a young man; or as a kid stealing butter to eat, as one of his lovelies mischiefs; showing than life must been live with love and fun, to make it worthy.
    Krishna, is one of the most important deities of The Hinduism; and he is The Main God of The Krishnaism, which is a form of Vaishnavism; (One of the mayor Hindu denominations, which cult is around Vishnu) than is very popular in India... And, beyond!
    Note: Hinduism, is a closed practices too; and if you are really interested in any of his forms, remembered to investigate ever single text; (The Vedas and Baghavad Gita, by start) learn the meaning of the symbols and terms of your desired path, and search a group of Hindus; asked them if you can join, if yes; behave in an respectful way, and take the time to learn by observing to the one than known; (be serious about it) be patient, and... Remember: The real thing, requieres time; but if you are patient, you will get there!
    And now... The other atributes of Krishna!
    The God of Compassion: He consolate to the hunter than mortally wounded him, and married with many women; to helps them.
    The God of Tenderness: When he is depicted in art, (Specially, with Radha) he is seen showing afection in such an tender way... You can feel moved, for how sweet the scene is! (Yes... I found after being a Pagan, than I STILL have a tender side... Go figured!) He is seen with women been attentive, and for all of this... He is, The God of Tenderness!
    The God of Protection: He became de husband, of 16,000 women; than after been rescued from the demon than kidnapp them, couldn't returned to their families; because they were married before, and Krishna; to avoids them misery and humiliations, decided to marry with all of them. (Very thoughtful of him, considering than most people; never desired to get married, with somebody than was married before: He did this, to protected all this women of the awful treatment they could have recieved; for being without a husband!)  In one story, Krishna acted as a charioter of his cousin Arjuna; to protect him during a cruel war, to prevents he got wounded or kill. In another myth, he protected to a woman that was pregnant; when a horrible man pointed his deadly weapon against her, because he wants to kill the baby in her womb; who was one of the last survivors of an enemy tribe. For these stories and more, he is; too... The God of Protection!
    The God of Love: For the aforementioned story of the 16,000 women, than he atracted women with his music and beauty; and than he is generally depicted with his love, Radha... He is considered, as The God of Love!
     Krishna, after participated in an important war to help to his cousin; Arjuna, innagurates a golden city with his people; where all was peace and love, called; Krishna Dvārakā: A beautiful prosperous place in an island, with many flowering gardens and lakes; where the 900,000 royal palaces were made of silver and crystal, adorned with huge emeralds; and he lived with his people; wives and sons in peace, for 36 years... Until, a hunter killed him by accident; and... The city was destroyed, by sinking in the sea. At the time of his death, he have 125 years old, preserving his youthful look. (I can only assumed, than The City was keep alive; by Krishna's Energy and Power, and while Krishna lives; all will be well, so... That explained the destruction of the same, after Krishna died.)
    Sri Krishna, (as he is called, as sign of respect) have many temples through India; so if you have the chance to travel to India, and you don't know were their may be; to see to Krishna, don't worry: There are hundreds of ancient Temples of Krishna! (But, don't worry for that neither; 'cause you only have to investigates, if there is a Krishna's Temple near of your planned route; or, in the same route of your future trip!)
    Krishna Janmashtami, is an Indian Festival celebrating Krishna's Birth; and Holi, is the Festival than celebrates the triumph of good over evil; and at the same time, celebrates the divine and eternal love of Radha Krishna! Both are very colorful, and are the big demonstrations of the love and respect Krishna awakes; in his devotees. (If you want to go, search the festivals date online, and... Starts to prepared for your trip; to India!)
    Curious fact: In Today's Indian Cities of Dwarka and Bet Dwarka, were found satellites towns and an City-State; (The last one underwater) than mades to the archaeologists and investigators to concluded; than the submerged city-state, could be... Dvārakā! The fascinating finding, appeared in an episode of a series of The History Channel; called "Underwater Worlds", and; if you hasn't seen it yet... You have too, if you believe in your heart; than Dvārakā, existed! (...It is really worthy to see it, by the way: I was mad with joy, even hours after the episode ended!)
    In my opinion... Krishna, is a being than embody the supreme qualities of Compassion; Tenderness, Protection, Playfulness, Resilience; but, his major quality... Is Love! And, I'm not talking only about romantic love; but about Love, in general: When he is only a boy, he protects to the inhabitants of his city; he protects and guide to his cousin to do what is right, he put to his grandfather in the throne after being unfairly put in jail; and he even forgived to the hunter than wounded him, before to die. He embody filial love, love for others; love to the ones than makes a big mistake, and is a love than doesn't demand nothing in return; is transparent and sincere, and goes beyond the material love: Spiritual, eternal and pure love; for all!
    This is all, about the God than is revered in India; and in many temples around The World, for his Love and Kindness; towards Humanity: Krishna!
     Have all of you a life of Joy, Love; and of choose always being Kind, first... So Be It!
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stacysafam112ablog · 2 years
The Horror that is "The Lake"
“The Lake” by Tananarive Due poses an interesting question. What (or who) is the monster in horror movies. In “The Lake,” one may think that the monster is the lake. However, upon reading the story further, the audience can realize that what is even more horrifying is the atrocities that Abbie has been inflicting to her students. This is quite similar to another work that we discussed, Eve’s Bayou (1997). While one may think that the horror is the magic and voodoo that is prominent in the film. . However, what is scarier and more riveting are the family secrets and the betrayal that is enacted by Louis. Interestingly enough, Abbie’s physical transformation throughout the story and episode may be a symbol of how her inner ugliness is manifesting itself in bodily form. Furthermore, I think this story conveys the idea that Abbie is a predator in more than one way. She is a predator in a more literal sense in that she eats catfish and raw meat. However, she is also a predator in that she goes after underage boys in a situation in which she is in a position of power. 
It was also interesting to see that the genders were reversed in that in many instances and depictions of predatory behavior and pedophilia, it is usually a man who is the perpetrator against a young girl. However, in this piece of work, it is a woman preying on a young boy. I think this decision showcases that abuse can be practiced by anyone and can happen to anyone, regardless of gender. I think another thing that really stood out to me is the way that Abbie describes the boys, or better yet, the way that she describes the students who don’t fit her standard. I think thai really solidifies how twisted Abbie really is and adds to the horror of the story. Another thing that was disturbing was the way that Abbie talked to the students. It definitely seemed as if she knew exactly how to manipulate boys to get them to do what she wants… almost as if she’s done this before. Lastly, I found the vivid descriptions of how Abbie falls in love with the lake to be a dive into her psyche and her inner demons. The last thing that I want to say about the story is that I found myself wanting to know more about Abbie and the Lake. I would have loved to see this as a longer story or maybe even a novel!
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Footnotes on Foes #3
As a fan of greek myth, I find the story of Medusa fascinating, in no small part because its a thematic clusterfuck that likely resulted from a few different stories getting sandwiched together.  Lets untangle some of these threads (mostly based on different versions I’ve heard, and how they bare relevance on the whole heroes slaying monsters thing): 
Medusa was a priestess of Athena who had an affair with Poseidon ( One of Athena’s main rivals regarding the founding of Athens) and defiled one of the goddess’s temples in the process. Unable to take revenge upon her uncle ( who was both family and a god) Athena curses Medusa to be a horrid monster. She also cursed her sisters for some reason.
Medusa was beautiful and was assaulted by Poseidon,  again unable to take revenge on her uncle ( but far more sympathetic this time) Athena makes it so that no man can ever touch or even LOOK at medusa again. After her death, Athena takes medusa’s head as an emblem on her shield/breastplate (not literally mounting the head there, how weird would that be?) as a symbol of her silent scorn #girlboss
The hero Perseus is tasked with killing Medusa by a king who wants him out of the picture in order to marry his mom. The gorgon in question is set up like all good mythic greek monsters, insurmountable by brute force and requiring a clever trick to overcome. (Mirror shield, give or take winged sandals and helm of invisibility).  Perseus, the mad lad, actually gives the king what he wanted, ending up turning him to stone in the process. What’s weird is how little Poseidon or Athena really feature in this tale (not at all and as vague guide respectively), which you think they would given how invested they are in Medusa’s creation. 
D&D also does this thing of making one signature monster into an entire species, trying to give a lone individual an ecology that somehow makes sense ( how do medusae reproduce and raise young?) 
Personally I’m very fond of the Theros god Pharika, mistress of venoms and cures as an origin for Medusae, much like how I have my Yuan-ti, Medusae are the results of a potent transformation brought about by alchemy and the snake goddess’s blessing, allowing the bearer to not only remake their own flesh in her image, but violently transmute the matter of others with but a glance. This allows you to treat a medusa’s appearance both as a random act of divine interference or as the culmination of some mad venom-mage’s ascension, much like lichdom. 
A helpful follower with more in-depth knowledge of greek mythology sent in this: 
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Which makes total sense, and is inline with everything I know about Ovid (the transformation kink should have given it away), and while I knew about the “Medusa and her Sisters were born of Typhon+ Echidna” version, I failed to mention it in detail. My bad. 
I had multiple mythology books growing up as a kid and ALL of them mentioned the Medusa transformation chain of events. Weird that all these different writers decided to include Roman literature as an inseparable part of Greek Mythology, though I’ve no doubt that I’ve stumbled upon some classics major’s pet peeve.  
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the-littlest-goblin · 3 years
*shows up to @essek-week 6 days late with all the prompts shoved into one fic*
based on this post by @slayerscake​
Essek, for all his magical skill, had very little experience being a fighter. But you pick things up when you travel with a group that gets in as many scrapes per day as the Mighty Nein—you don’t necessarily learn how to fight well, but you certainly learn how to fight alongside the Mighty Nein.
While Jester is a cleric, try to go unconscious near Caduceus. 
“It’s not that she refuses to heal,” Fjord explained gently as he inspected the gash across Essek’s sternum for signs of poison. They were all a bit paranoid now since discovering that their previous monster encounter had, unbeknownst to them, injected a slow-acting venom into every bite. “She just prefers to take the enemy out first. It’s a strategy thing, you know. Save the healing for after the fight, once the danger’s gone.”
Essek turned his gaze over to Jester. In their post-battle huddle, while Caduceus hummed a healing prayer for the group and Fjord dressed Essek’s wound, she was several yards away helping Veth saw off one of the beast’s talons as a trophy.
 Fjord continued, “Of course, if you’re like, actually dying in front of her, she’ll heal you. I mean…” he trailed off. Sure, Essek hadn’t exactly been dead-dead when he’d collapsed next to Jester during the fight, but he wasn’t far from it. The last, ironic thought he’d registered before consciousness slipped away was how fortunate it was to fall in battle right next to a cleric. As his eyes fell shut, it was with anticipation that he would be up again in a second to rejoin the fray. 
When he had finally awoken, it was Caduceus’ face smiling over him, not Jester’s, and the ferocious monster had long since been turned into a carcass.
Fjord sighed and sat back on his heels. “Just, maybe next time, if you have to go down, try to go down closer to Caduceus.”
“Noted,” Essek grumbled, watching with nauseated fascination as his skin knit itself back together in time with the melody of Caduceus’ spell.
When in doubt, polymorph.
“I am a bit surprised you don’t already have this in your repertoire. I have found it to be incredibly useful.”
Essek shrugged, shoving off the automatic sting of embarrassment that came with admitting ignorance. He didn’t need to feel that way around Caleb.
“Well, I have rarely found myself in a position to fly over rough terrain or transform a terrifying monster into a sloth. Until now, that is.” 
Caleb laughed lightly. “Such is the adventuring life, I suppose.” He smiled, taking a break from flipping through his spellbook to look up at Essek. Even this brief moment of eye-contact felt so charged with energy that Essek had to avert his gaze, the sense-memory of guilt welling up in his throat threatening to choke him. The intensity of Caleb’s undivided attention was still difficult for him to bear. His fingers twitched to rub at the burning spot on his forehead. Instead, he gripped his pen tighter. 
“Here.” Caleb flipped his book around to show Essek the page dedicated to the Polymorph spell, covered in transmutation runes. Essek recognized a few of the symbols in passing. “This should be easy for you to copy down. Then we can practice a bit. I think you’ll find casting it on yourself makes for a rather enjoyable pastime.”
Buff the lesbians. 
Essek’s eyes darted between Caleb and Caduceus, unsure how to interpret this piece of advice. “Um, can you be more specific?” 
Caduceus blinked at him, seeming confused. “Specific how? You mean like, which spells you should use on them?”
“No, I meant specific as in to whom you were referring. I just…” Essek glanced awkwardly around the table. Most of the group was distracted, digging into the enormous feast provided by Caleb’s clowder of feline servants. They were all worn out from a long day of hard travel and enjoying the warm reprieve of the tower.
Essek cleared his throat, trying to discreetly lower his voice without making it obvious that he was being secretive. “I have not exactly been given a briefing on all of your individual sexual preferences.”
“Oh, I can fix that!” Jester cut in. Apparently Essek’s attempts to be clandestine had failed, as they always seemed to with this group. “Caleb is—”
“That is alright, thank you,” Essek swiftly cut her off. His cheeks were already burning red-hot. “Can you please just tell me who ‘the lesbians’ are in this circumstance?”
He could feel Beau’s glare boring through him all the way from the other end of the table as she stared incredulously over her magical flask of whiskey. “You should really be able to figure that out yourself, man.”
Squishy wizards stay away from fights.
“Stay. Here.” Yasha’s growl was twice as terrifying as the insectoid beast screaming over their heads, and Essek was pretty sure the force from her shoving him behind the rocks was going to leave just as big a bruise as getting smacked by the creature’s tail, if not bigger. “Hide.”
“I was trying to help,” Essek muttered, a mixture of shame and indignation pushing him to defend himself to her.
“I know. You can help by staying alive.” A hint of softness entered Yasha’s gruff voice, although its effect was mitigated when she hefted up her massive sword. Essek instinctually slunk away from the arc of the blade. “Fighters get close, wizards hang back. That’s how we do things in this family.” She smiled at him, and another layer of the ice around Essek’s heart melted. “That’s how we keep you and Caleb from snapping like twigs. Save the close-range spells for when things are really desperate.”
Essek nodded his affirmation. Yasha turned and began running back into the melee, letting out an almighty roar. Just before she went out of range, Essek reached out his hands, whispering the incantation and twisting his fingers around the fabric of time that surrounded her large frame. Yasha paused for a moment as the effects of the Haste spell hit her, then turned to flash Essek another smile and a thumbs up.
That’s how we do things in this family.
You have to look sexy when using spells.
“I really do not understand the purpose of this.”
“We’re just trying to help you out!” Veth grinned at him mischievously. Somehow, the ghost of a goblin’s snarl showed through her straight halfling teeth. “Every good adventurer knows aesthetics are crucial to effective spellcasting.”
“That’s not—”
“Plus, we’re not fighting in the cold anymore,” Jester added. “We don’t want you to get overheated in the middle of battle.”
“That… really isn’t an issue.” But he knew resistance was useless when it came to these two. Resigned to his fate, Essek dutifully lifted the mantle over his head and began undoing the fastenings of his cloak. 
Outer layer discarded, he lifted his arms up half heartedly to show his self-appointed image consultants the results. “Is this satisfactory?”
“Hmmmm,” Jester tilted her head to the side, considering him. “Can you try rolling up your sleeves?”
“I’m not taking off my shirt!”
“No one asked you to!” Veth hopped off her chair to circle around Essek, studying him with an intensity she usually reserved for things she was about to shoot. “Now, show us your stance.”
“My what?”
“You know, your sexy fighting stance.” Veth stopped in place, whipping out her crossbow and striking a dramatic pose. 
“Um…” Essek attempted to mimic her, one hand on the meteorite pendant that served as his arcane focus, the other reaching out as if he were about to cast a spell. “Like this?”
Jester tapped a finger to her lips thoughtfully. “You know, now that I’m thinking about it, that tank top did look really good on you, Essek.”
Essek put his head in his hands.
If you get charmed there is going to be a very high chance of Beau punching you to snap you out of it. 
A constellation's worth of stars swam in Essek’s vision, pain bursting through his head like a reverberating drum; he could feel the nasty bruise blooming at his temple where Beauregard had struck him. Blinking away the stars, he turned just in time to see Beau’s fist heading towards him once again, this time making expert contact with his jaw. The force of this second blow sent him hurtling toward the ground, knocking the wind out of him. 
Amid the pain, a sense of clarity slowly came over him, cutting through the pleasant, misty haze that had overtaken his faculties. It gave him just enough presence of mind to scream an indignant, accusatory, “Ow!” at Beau.
She flashed him a cocky grin, seemingly amused by his tone. “Look man, this is what happens. Get charmed, get hit. Now square up.” 
Essek held up one hand in an attempt to stave her off, gasping for breath. The buzz in his brain was receding; somehow, Beau had punched the spell’s effect right out of him. “No really, I’m fine now, it worked—”
But she was already going in for another punch. Helpless to stop her, Essek braced himself for the hit, thinking that if nothing else, he had to admire her thoroughness. 
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