#things in the Other Works Of The Author like uhhh and then the synopsis got that -not a plot description- but a 'a story of x and y...' '
cacaitos · 1 year
no one like step incest manga and mangas w big ass swasticas in the cover to gaslight you abt what the plots about thru the synopsis.
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storiesofsvu · 6 months
🌸 🥤 🐇 🍬 (for the ask game)
do you have any pets? if so post some pics of them!
i do not. had a dog growing up (along with a couple of fish) but nothing now. have kinda been considering it but they can seriously cost so much to take care of, and i also don't drive so getting to and from the vet complicates things.
recommend an author or fanfic you love
everything @tropes-and-tales does is amazing!
and i'll throw in a couple of my fave fics from other accounts:
(Part 2 & 3 of this):
do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts or a mix of both?
mainly reader inserts! i will mix in an occasionally ship every so often, but sometimes it feels awkward to write smut for ships, ya know? lol. i prefer reader inserts
post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
oh god... uhhh... i think i used this last time i got asked a question like this but i don't care lol. Hotch is not this super kinky dom daddy-esque character that y'all (myself included lol) write him as. that man is vanilla as they come.
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preciseprose · 4 years
From Nightmares to Dreams (Part 1/3)
Fandom: The Owl House
Chapter synopsis:  Luz has a horrible morning which Amity helps remedy.
Author’s note: This fic is the first long-form work of fiction I have written in five years and would not have been possible without the encouragement and support of @sterling-jay​.  This fic was inspired, however, by @notbirdofprey​ who asked me: “How do you think Luz and Amity will get together?”  Please be aware that my answer to this question involves a lot of angst on both Luz’s and Amity’s part; and, as a result, this fic is relatively angsty.  I hope you enjoy it.
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Luz jolted awake, feeling dizzy and uncomfortably warm.  She threw her blanket off her and sat up to rub her face.  It was slick with some sort of wetness.  “Oh,” she groaned.  She must have been crying in her sleep.  Again.
Suddenly aware of herself, she looked down at her feet.  King wasn’t there and her door was closed.  He must had left at some point during the night.  She laid back down.  “At least he didn’t see me this time,” she said quietly.
She prodded around her cot for her phone, finding it after a few moments.  She sniffled and wiped her eyes again before powering the phone up.  The right-top corner of her lock screen stated the obvious: “No Service.”  After hesitating for a few seconds, she opened her messages.
She spent a few minutes reading through old conversations with her mom.  It didn’t make her feel better.  If anything, it made her feel guilty.  Her mother’s messages were caring and warm.  She asked if she was having a good evening, if she liked that day’s camp activities, if she was enjoying the food, if she was looking forwards to tomorrow, and so on.  In contrast, Luz’s replies were generally short and impersonal.  A lot of yeahs, yeps, and nopes.  An occasional emoji.  Few genuine responses.
She put her phone down and looked up to the ceiling.  Even with the moonlight streaming in from her window, it was hard to make the beams out.  After a few minutes of holding back, she let herself cry.
“I’m sorry, Mami.  I’m sorry I can’t tell you that I’m okay.  I’m sorry I can’t tell you that I’m safe.  That I’m not missing.  That I didn’t run away.”  Her tears grew heavier.  “I’m sorry I lied to you.  I’m sorry I’m making you worry.  I’m sorry for being a bad daughter.  You’ve always tried to be a good mom and you don’t deserve this.”
Luz cried until her eyes burned.  When she destroyed the teleporter door, she had thought Eda might be able to send her home using magic or by taking her to some special place on the isles.  But several weeks ago, Eda had sat down with her on the roof of the Owl House and explained the gravity of her situation: that the door was the only way she knew of to travel between the human realm and the demon realm, and that without the ability to cast spells she wasn’t sure if she would be able to send her home.
She had only barely stopped herself from breaking down.  It helped that Eda had taken her hands and, looking directly into her eyes, promised that she would do everything in her power to try to return her home someday.  And she had kept that promise so far, spending several hours every other day pouring over books with Lilith.
She wished Eda’s promise was enough to keep her fears under control, but it just wasn't.  She kept a decent face up when around Eda and her friends.  But when she was by herself, she couldn’t keep the act up.  The idea that she might never see her mother again was overwhelming and terrifying.  But even worse was the possibility that her mother might think that she disappeared on purpose.  
Eventually, her eyes ran dry.  Dawn broke soon after.  
“I guess I should get up,” she thought.  After a few minutes of sniffling and wiping her eyes, she rose from her cot, activated a few light glyphs, and dressed herself.  Once done, a realization hit her: “My eyes!  Crying makes your eyes puffy, right?”
The closest mirror was in the bathroom down the hall, but she couldn’t risk running into Lilith or King.  If she ran into either of them, they would ask questions, and Eda would find out and start worrying about her again, and she didn’t want that.  “What do I do?  What do I do?” Luz repeated to herself.
She activated another light glyph to help her think.  The light reflected off a small object lying nestled in the blanket on her cot.  Her phone.  “My phone!” she exclaimed in a hushed voice.  She walked over to her cot, snatched her phone, and unlocked it with a swipe.
“Okay, how bad could it be?”  She opened the front-facing camera.  Her stomach clenched.
Her eyes were bloodshot, and it looked like someone had filed the skin under her eyes with abomination goo.  “No, no, no, no, no.  This is bad, this is so bad.”  She pulled and pushed at the fleshy mounds trying to get them to recede.  Her attempts did nothing.
The morning sun was already starting to brighten.  She needed to act fast.  She would need to leave for Hexside within the hour and there was no way she could avoid everyone on her way out.  “What do I do?  What do I do!”
Luz had no idea how to do anything involving her face.  She had never been very interested in make-up and even she had been she didn’t think she could just slap some concealer on her face (not that she had any) and call it a day.  She needed help, fast.
“Okay, okay.”  She looked to the phone in her hand.  “No that’s not going to help, I don’t have service here.”  She tossed the phone on her cot and started pacing around the room.  Muffled sounds began to emanate through her bedroom walls.  The other residents of the Owl House were out of their rooms.
“Oh, I know!”  Luz ran over to her school bag and dredged out the small scroll Eda had given her for her birthday.  “Penstagram!”  She tapped on the scroll and it bounced out of her hand and into the air, unfurled and glowing faintly purple.  She grabbed it, thinking about her next move.
“I can’t ask Gus or Willow for help,” Luz thought, grimacing.  They were already worried about her enough.  Just yesterday, Willow had pressed her about why she had been especially quiet lately.  It took their entire walk home to convince her that she was just stressed about homework and helping Eda learn glyph magic.
She didn’t think she could ask Viney or Skara for help either.  She had gotten to know each girl better through classes at Hexside, but she didn’t really know either of them that well.  And this was a bit too personal to spring on either of them.
That left Amity.
Luz blinked and took a long breath.  She had been spending more and more time with Amity lately.  On one of her better days last week, she had convinced Eda to let her, Amity, Gus, and Willow to have a “Azura Movie Night Sleepover Extravaganza!” at the Owl House after Eda found a DVD player in a trash worm.  She and Amity had ended up cuddling on the couch under a blanket.  And it felt so nice.  
Amity was warm, and soft, and her hair smelt like wildflowers and sea salt, and Luz had been terrified that her heart was going to jab through her chest and explode on Amity’s back.  But eventually, somehow, she managed to fall asleep with her in her arms.  But when she woke up, Amity had already dressed in her day clothes and was eating breakfast with Eda.  Every time she had tried to talk to her since then Amity had kept the conversation short or turned her head away and said she had something she needed to do or gave some other reason to leave quickly.  Luz didn’t know what to think of it.
But that was then, and this was now.  Luz had no one else to turn too, and out of all her friends she figured Amity would be the most likely to know how to deal with her situation.  She pulled up Amity’s profile and sent a DM.
@glyphwitch (07:03:51): Amity I need your help!!!  IT’S URGENT!!!!
@witchchick128 (07:04:27): Luz, what is it?  Are you okay?
@glyphwitch (07:05:11): I don’t have time to explain but I need to get rid of these HUGE bags I have under my eyes (don’t ask please) and I have no idea how to deal with them but I need eda to not find out about them and I don’t know what to do and I thought you might and I just don’t want to worry eda about me so please help me
Luz snaped a picture of her face to Amity and dropped herself onto her cot.  One minute passed.  Luz heard Eda and Lilith having some sort of argument in the kitchen.  They were constantly arguing about one thing or another these days.  Another minute passed.  The argument was now a three-way shouting match between Eda, Lilith, and Hooty.  Based solely on volume, Hooty was winning.
Suddenly, the scroll vibrated against her leg.  She snatched it up and tapped it.  Again, it sprang to life.
@witchchick128 (07:08:34): I’m so sorry, Luz.  Mother pulled me away for a tuft of my hair...
@witchchick128 (07:09:13): So, are they like that because of a magical or non-magical cause?
@witchchick128 (07:09:32): You eyes, I mean.  Sorry, I wasn’t clear.
@witchchick128 (07:09:43): Your*
Luz laughed despite her situation.
@glyphwitch (07:10:12): non-magical
@glyphwitch (07:10:39): I was, uhhh.  crying.  a lot…  but I’m okay now!  really
@witchchick128 (07:11:16): Okay.  Do you have any abrasion ointment from the Healing Coven?
@glyphwitch (07:11:42): no.  I can’t leave my room or the others might see me
@witchchick128 (07:12:15): Alright.  Let me think.
@witchchick128 (07:12:58): You haven’t discovered any glyphs that cast any illusion spells yet, right?
@glyphwitch (07:13:09): no, not yet
@witchchick128 (07:13:41):  Okay, so you can’t conceal your eyes with magic.  But I’ve seen you summon columns of ice before.  Can you use your glyphs to make a bunch of small ice cubes?
@glyphwitch (07:13:53): yeah, I think so
@witchchick128 (07:14:38): Okay, do that.  Then get two of your shirts and use them to make two cold compresses.   Hold them under your eyes for five minutes.  It should make the swelling disappear.  If anyone asks you why your eyes are red, just tell them you were up late reading and only got a few hours of sleep.
@glyphwitch (07:14:56): oh my god, thank you Amity!!!
@glyphwitch (07:15:09): you're the best!
Luz shoved the scroll in her bag, then pulled out a pencil and piece of paper and got to work.  After a few-second’s thought, she drew a moderately-sized plant glyph surrounded by three inter-connected tiny ice glyphs.  She activated the ice glyphs first, creating three tall but slender pillars of ice.  Then, concentrating her intent into her hand, she activated the plant glyph.  A thick vine with several stems emerged from the paper and wrapped its tendrils around each ice pillar, crushing them into small pieces.
“Yes, it worked!” she said joyfully, impressed with herself.  “What next?  Oh right, the shirts.”  She dashed over to her dirty clothes pile, grabbed the two least objectionable shirts visible, then dashed back over to her cot.  Working quickly, she made two compresses using the ice littering the floor, lied back on her cot, and pressed the compresses onto her eyes.
A minute passed without interruption.  Then Luz heard her door handle jiggle, followed by a quiet thud.  She heard it a second time, and then a third.  The fourth time she understood.  King was trying to open the door.  Before she could call out, she heard a solid impact with the door, followed by a metallic click and a final small thud.
The door began to open.  “Luz, get up!  It’s almost time for…”
Acting on pure instinct she streaked out of bed and flew against the door, slamming it shut and screaming, “King, don’t come in!  I’m naked!”  As she spoke, she heard something hard impact the wall across the hall.
“Ow!  Jeez, I get it!  Gross!  How was I supposed to know!?” King shouted through the door.  “I get that you wanted to protect me from a potentially scarring experience, but did you have to slam the door so hard?  I can feel my brain spinning around inside of my skull!  All I wanted to tell you was that breakfast is almost ready!  Sheesh!”
“Sorry, King!  I’m uh, just.  Really self-conscious!  I didn’t mean to hurt you.”  She paused and looked behind her.  In her panic, she had strewn ice everywhere.  She rolled her eyes, sighed, and looked back to the door.  “I woke up a little late, okay?  I still need to get ready.  I’ll be down in like ten minutes.”
“Ten whole minutes!  Really!?”
“Yes, really!  And if you keep talking to me it’s going to take me even longer!”
“Ugh, fine.  Whatever, just hurry up, will you?  I’m starving and Lilith cooked today so breakfast actually looks good for once!”
She heard his little footsteps trod away.  When she was certain he was gone she locked the door and got to work reassembling the cold compresses.
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thesynthesist · 4 years
Alter Ego, Es, Another Silent Conversation
Or: Yelling about videogames about books
This got away from me really fast so uhhh have a cut
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Recently I picked up a little mobile game called ‘Alter Ego’ just to see what it was all about. You’re dropped into a long dark hall, given a quote referencing Freud, meet the character stand in for the Super Ego and start tapping speech bubbles. 
These speech bubbles change what they say over the course of the game based on two things. The first is the results of little personality tests given to you by Es (pictured above the cut), ostensibly the game’s Id stand in. 
The personality tests are to help you know yourself better, but like most personality tests they’re of limited use since there’s a lack of nuance. Never the less you can read the results of these tests in your little study, and each result produces 4 statements based around the result that go into your speech bubble. Not even once was I in agreement with all 4 statements, but that’s alright because the personality tests don’t affect the games outcome in anyway and you can redo them if you want. 
The other thing that changes the content of your speech bubble are the books you read. These are all books that exist out in the world for you to read, all philosophical texts aimed at self discovery. You spend your clicker points to ‘read’ a page, and once you get to a book marked page a new speech bubble with a quote appears. 
This I think, is the strongest part of the game. The quotes are from a larger section of text you can read from your digital copy of the book in your study, about a paragraph, and they’re well chosen for the games theme. It works best if you actually go and read the books, and the game gives you some incentive for it. So that’s what I did. 
Of the 15 books on the reading list given by the gave I’ve read 7 so far and here’s where we get into the first problem with the game, at least from where I”m sitting. Some of these books are impossible to find! 
The third title the game gives you is a book who’s only English translation was published over a decade ago and is out of print. There’s not even an ebook copy. It’s a Japanese book, so I assume anyone who can read it in the original language probably doesn’t have this same problem but Moon Over the Mountain isn’t the only title impossible to track down. The other title I couldn’t find isn’t a book on the main list but is a ‘post-game’ book.
The books and the personality tests draw you along a narrative that’s almost more about Es’s journey of self discovery than your own. Through your journey you galvanize and drive her to one of three endings. There are two ‘bad’ ending and one ‘good’ ending. 
Here’s where the game really starts to tear at the seams. First of all, you have to play the game 3 times to get to the ‘good’ ending. The endings are about the balance between the super ego and the id and it’s pretty obvious what ending you’re going for as you’re only ever given 3 choices. 
The choices I naturally pick are the choices that lead to the good ending of the game, or would have if you were not forced at the end into an ‘interpretation’ of the story that begets one of the two bad endings. 
The second and third time through you’re allowed to skip the personality tests and carry over your results, which takes a lot of the meat out of the story. After the good ending, however, what counts as post game content opens up. 
You can chat with Es and she will recommend further books for you to read and then talk to you about them. I was excited for this part until I was hit with two problems. The first is that unless you wanted to look up the three book titles she gives you before hand, there’s no way to know if you’ll be able to get your hands on the book. The first one I picked is beyond my grasp, but there was no changing it and I had to wait 2 hours to talk the book over with Es. 
After the time I was up, I talked to Es. She asked me if I read the book and like a dirty liar, I lied about it, and we had a chat. I was given a synopsis of the book and asked a simple question to which there were three answers. Like in the story none of the answers convey the nuance I wanted. 
If it seems like the post game content is mostly talking to Es about stuff you’re right! So lets talk about Es. 
Es is sort of the game’s Id stand in, but she also goes on a small journey of self discovery with your help. At the end however, I get the feeling that Es isn’t so much internally self-sufficient and with a deeper understanding of herself than she is in a co-dependent relationship with you. 
You can greet her each day for a login bonus and she’ll chat with you, but she will regularly mention how she’s scared that one day you will leave. She also offers to greet you one of 3 ways, the third is ‘I love you’. You can make her extravagant promises of being together forever. 
This makes no sense to me. Es, presumably has read all the books on the main game’s reading list, quite a few of them deal specifically with the transient nature of love. She also seems to be at least partially aware that she’s a computer program as she knows you live in ‘different worlds’ and occasionally questions her free will. 
Again it’s the lack of nuance that hamstrings this game. If Es could be more a more nuanced person she’d be more worth discussing philosophy with, there would be something to bring you back besides the fact that it’s pretty easy for people to get attached to some pixels and she asked me nicely not to leave. 
The thinness produced by the game’s lack of nuance as it tries to foster this relationship between you and Es along with these philosophical conversations is why I can’t bring myself to explore the post game scenarios that cost me money. If I’m going to talk to someone, I’d rather talk to the author of the books I’m reading. And to quote another game, (quoting another author, Walter Savage Landor) ‘What is reading but a silent conversation?’
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about this askgame,,, pal just answer what you feel like answering rn i wanna know all of em if im honest
hehehhe challenge accepted 
Asks for Fanfic writers 
drop a number and a fandom in my askbox and I’ll answer:
1.      things that inspire you hmmm music, other writers, projecting my own need for relationship lol
2.      things that motivate you uhhh idk I think just wanting people to enjoy their time reading fanfic, because fanfic have
3.      name three favorite writers omg I have so many… chonideno, shippeh, newamsterdam
4.      name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why I know longer have recollection of published works, what are book XD umm I’ve always loved JRR Tolkien bc of his world building, theme of friendships, and kickass imagination and dedication to his work
5.      since how long do you write? August 30th 2019 lol my first fic
6.      how did writing change you? Makes me feel like I’m good at something
7.      early influences on your writing any kiribaku fanfic
8.      what time are you most productive? Probably the evenings/ nightimes
9.      do you set yourself deadlines? I want to… kinda did once but got too stressed when didn’t meet them
10.  how do you do your researches? Mmmm google! And flipping through bnha manga lol
11.  do you listen to music when writing? Either whatever song is setting the mood for a fic or anime lo-fi beats playlists on spotify
12.  favorite place to write cuddled up in 9+ blankets in my bed
13.  hardest character to write tetsutetsu…
14.  easiest character to write Bakugou mfking Katsuki… bc self-projection probably
15.  hardest verse to write the nightmare that baku has in ‘I fall away and you don’t let me go’
16.  easiest verse to write Kirishima naming Baku in “a heroes name”
17.  favorite AU to write haven’t written any other than in the canon world
18.  favorite pairing to write kiribaku
19.  favorite fandom to write my hero academia
20.  favorite character to write bakugou
21.  least favorite character to write uhh I don’t think I’ve run into this problem yet
22.  favorite story you’ve ever written “you’re not some useless idiot in my life, got it?”
23.  least favorite story you’ve ever written “I fall away and you don’t let me go”… idk why I can’t stand that fic, it’s my most popular fic too
24.  favorite scene you’ve ever written post-sports festival spar between kiri and baku from Fated Red…. But that fic also has future scenes I’ve written that are just incredible imao
25.  favorite line you’ve ever written Kirishima gives a laugh and reaches a nervous hand to the back of his neck, “I wanted you to have a good time. Seeing everyone pissed you off already… so I thought you’d rather just go for a walk!”
Bakugou deadpans, “You thought that going up 80 floors is the best alternative for cheering me up.”
“Well you said before you liked mountain climbing, so I figured this was close enough.” >>>>> make myself laugh lol
26.  story you’re most proud of Fated Red, but mostly the unpublished parts I’m trying to bridge the gap to get to lol
27.  best review you ever got all the reviews from sweetonmylove make me cry happy
28.  worst review you ever got I’ve been blessed with such good reviews so n/a
29.  favorite story/poem of another author Heartbeat Thunder by shippeh is 10/10 my favorite
30.  hardest part of writing writing lol
31.  easiest part of writing when the characters talk for you
32.  alternate title for (insert story title) hmmm n/a I like my titles
33.  alternate ending for (insert story title) “you’re not some useless idiot in my life, got it?”--- alt ending has a kiss lol but just didn’t fit in
34.  alternate pairing for (insert story title) n/a, I basically only do kiribaku lol
35.  single story or multi-part story? Single?
36.  one-shot or multi-chaptered story? One-shots for sure… multi chaps are so freaking hard
37.  canon or AU? canon
38.  do you reread your own stories? Omg yes… and wonder how tf I did that
39.  do you want to be published some day? Hmm maybe???
40.  which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series I would have loved to see “If I was Stuck on An Island, I Would Bring You” as part of the mha two heroes movies XDXD
41.  one song that captures (insert story title) I listened to Touch by Kehlani for almost all fics to keep it soft
42.  do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind? Plan but so much changes as I write
43.  would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here) I want to write a small sequel to “you’re not some useless idiot in my life, got it?”
44.  do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? All the time future scenes and I never know how to connect them to what I’ve already written
45.  share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet Kaminari mentions to Bakugou at band practice to “not hurt Kirishima” and he proceeds to be petty by pointedly aggressively caring for kiri… ends in confession
46.  share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet Ground Zero and Red Riot are an inseparable hero team since the beginning of second year at UA, where the provisional licenses extended to allowing student hero pairings on patrol. They have practiced defense and coordinated attacks, and a reassurance where they both know they are safe with the other around. Kirishima loves every minute with his boyfriend, as his partner both in love and as heroes.
It always amazes Kirishima when he’s surrounded by the flashes of Bakugou’s explosions as he moves around in his attacks. Kirishima sometimes tries to take down his villains as quickly as possible just to watch Ground Zero take down his target with his powerful explosions. They are beautiful and loud.
 But it starts slowly, the inevitable.
 Kirishima begins to come home from patrol with headaches and blaming them on fatigue and hunger. A low ringing sounds in his ears that sometimes continues even to the next day. Some days it’s hard to concentrate. And other days, Kirishima finds himself turning around in confusion with a question of “what?” before he realizes he’s missed what was said to him.
What didn’t he just hear? >>>>>> it’s a kiribaku hoh fic that I’m completely in love with and don’t wanna mess it up
 47.  how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time? 5.. and only two are slow updates
48.  three spoilers for (insert story title) “Faded Red” – Kiri and baku gets OFA, the emotion trigger for deku when he gets kiri quirk is love…, it’s honestly self-indulgent kiribaku slice of life scenes with an undertone of them being fated together….
49.  writing advice I need some lol maybe to remind yourself that this is for you and don’t have to prove anything to others who may not like it
50.  open question to the writer question I want to answer maybe? Will I keep writing and finish fated red and fake it? Answer is yes, eventually, hopefully soon when I stop being blocked and life gets out of my way
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kachinnate · 5 years
these are a few of my faaavorite fics ✨
not that anyone asked for my opinion BUT these are a couple of my… fav deh fics of all time!* they’re all linked to ao3 and i think i have all the authors tagged that i know of that has a tumblr so
*i made this list especially for fics that aren’t, like.. as well known as some of the Popular Fandom Fics, partially bc everyone’s already read them and knows how awesome they are and partially bc otherwise this list would be ten pages long hehe,,, also sorry if you’re seeing this twice, i had to repost bc the links were all broken ?? 
throwing under a readmore bc this is a chunky boy!!!!! keep in mind that these aren’t in any particular order:
in the in-between - chchchchcherrybomb, vinegar-and-glitter (x) [tree bros] – Connor’s turning 27. Evan’s sitting the bar exam. Over and over again. – itsa timeloop au!! i’m not sure if this is a common au or not, but i’ve never read anything else like this before, and ohhhh my god. each chapter is a switch-off from connor’s pov to evan’s pov, and i assume the authors each wrote for one character (?), but oh my god their writing works so well together?? they both have distinct styles and ways of writing but it flows together perfectly,, without spoiling anything, ev and connor’s dynamic in this universe is a lot different to anything else i’ve personally read before, partially because they’re quite a bit older here than in canon (which, while is obviously portrayed, they still are easily recognizable as the characters they are in the musical), and partially because it strays away from the common ��they’re both misfits/not doing great, but connor is worse for wear and evan has to save him’, which i think is rlly nice.. (also, like, never have i ever considered that evan would want to be a lawyer, but after reading this fic not only am i sold on it but i’m convinced 100% that him being a lawyer could genuinely be fuckin canon) (also also, the evan characterization in this? hands down my favorite out of any fic i’ve ever read tbh) the world building is really incredible too - like, i don’t even want to consider this one a fuckin fic bro because it’s like highkey just this incredible novel?? it also has a completed sequel called it’s always been you (x) that i haven’t finished that takes place after the events of this fic, and so far?? also fucking incredible 15/10 i definitely recommend
lapse - cecropia / @wildflowermonet (x) [tree bros] – “For what it’s worth,” Connor says casually, “I don’t think you should die tonight.” – welcome to another installment of ‘kayla read this and immediately couldn’t think about anything else for a solid consecutive 12 hours’!! evan and connor have really wonderful characterizations in this one too - i’m pretty sure i’ve elaborated on it before but literally my favorite thing is when people actually write evan as more than an anxious kid, and omg this author did that perfectly asfjkdsg - you can see the subtle Growth as he gets more comfortable with connor and jared (and all the other deh characters too bc this fic has a lovely fOUND FAMILY FINISH AT THE END EEE) and it’s just. aaaah. *heart eyes emoji*. it’s set in their senior year, and they form an unsteady friendship and learn to lean on each other and figure out the whole ‘having friends’ thing, midway through evan realizes he’s a-pinin’, it’s just. Great. this fic is relatively new too i think so u def def def should go give it a read and give the author some love!!!!!!!!!!!
to have a friend - demistories / @transanabeth (x) [tree bros] – Pretend to be friends with Connor Murphy, who yells at people and skips class to smoke and pushes people and threw a printer in the second grade, for twenty dollars a week.
Evan closes his hand around the bill and then stuffs it into his pocket.
“I-I’ll do it.” – ok this is one of, if not, the first fic i’ve ever read coming into the fandom, so it of course has a rlly special place in my heart!! it’s a classic ‘fake dating au’, also with switching povs between chapters. connor offers evan 20$ a week to be his fake friend, almost follows through with the events of the musical but doesn’t, finds out about evan’s own attempt, and they just sorta… cope together. it’s a lot of second guessing bc neither of them knows if the other considers the other a friend or not, and ofc when the fake dating part comes in that gets amplified by 10 asdfghj. honestly i think it’s a cooler approach to the fake dating au troupe (the chapter titles are increments of 20$, which honestly is equally cruel as is creative) and is so!! heartwrenching!!! it’s been a while since i’ve read it but i’m pretty sure that i bawled at the twist so >’D
the only thing is that this fic isn’t finished and there isn’t an intention for it to be finished from what i know of(?) - the author included a brief synopsis of the ending to tie loose ends and give a sort of closure to the fic, but that absolutely doesn’t take away from how freaking incredibly written it is and doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a read anyway !! i kept up with it while it was a WIP and honestly every time i got the email notification that it updated i dropped everything to fuckin read that shit 😤😤 when i think of deh fics, this is honestly just one of the first that comes to mind for me just bc it was one of the first ones i’ve read, and it just… was so good that i still think about it months after i read the last chapter safkjasf
no comfort in the truth - @nothingunrealistic (x) [kleinsen] – Like everyone in the world, Evan has the last words his soulmate will ever say to him on his skin.
Evan hears a lot of last words during his senior year. – okay if this were an accurate list i’d literally have every drabble soph has ever written down on here but that is entirely beside the point
literally knowing beforehand that this is a kleinsen fic and then reading the summary, u kno this shit is going to be painful ,, honestly this style is one of my fave fic formats (especially when it comes to writing in the canon deh universe) because like ,, it’s simplistic but works really well as a story-telling method?? not everything has to be perfectly strung together and every day doesn’t have to be written out for it to still convey the same like.. impact as a super long fic would, and honestly writing it in like flashes or snippets makes the build up that much more anticipating? bc again when u write within the events of the musical it’s not like u don’t know what’s going to happen,, u can focus less on worldbuilding bc hey, it’s already done for u, and instead write more indepthly about the topic of the soulmate au!! but uhhh REGARDLESS soph is literally the kleinsen matriarch in my eyes, they always write evan and jared w/ Perfect characterization and dynamics and just Ah! this one is angsty, but it has a v nice and hopeful ending, and i *clutches heart* love,,,
nowhere else i’d rather be:  nosecoffee / @nose-coffee​​ (x) [tree bros] – A fake dating au where they’re next door neighbours, Evan bakes, and Connor’s already a little in love with Evan anyway – this one is a series - the first fic kinda Establishes stuff and the second one gets into the whole fake dating thing!! they live in apartments next to each other, evan bakes for connor, they go campin with connor’s family, it’s just….. rlly sweet and i love it
also, it contains this hilarious bit that i haven’t been able to forget about despite finding this fic months ago:
do me a favour - can your heart rate rise a little? - nosecoffee / @nose-coffee​ (x) [treebros]
an au where the hansen family owns an arcade….. honestly what more can i say?? it’s slowburn and treebros and i p much love everything that nosecoffee has written ever so this is no exception obviously
jared and connor vs. the mortifying ordeal of being known - caswell @techconsigliere , puglebug @puglebug (x) [kleinphy] – Jared is admitted to group therapy following the divorce of his mother from his asshole father. What he doesn’t anticipate is that Connor would be there, too. – THE KLEINPHY CONTENT WE ALL DESERVE BEING PROVIDED TO US BY CJ AND EZRA!!! it’s a one-shot with just enough slowburn to keep you 👀 , jared is working through some stuff and after some fumbling connor is w/ him to help him thru it, the end of this fic has my heart aching the entire way through every time i read it and it’s just… *chefs kiss* (i even drew some fanart for it if you’re ever so inclined)
forever going with the flow, but you’re friction - lizzy_stardust_18 @delightfullyanachronistic​ (x) [band trees] – Zoe knew that of all of the things that her mother had expected from the evening, Evan Hansen showing up at her door with his arms full of her drunken daughter was not one of them. – big bet i wasn’t getting through this list without including fiona’s fics, are u crazy??? BUT this one is set a year (?) after the events of canon, zoe’s at a party and evan finds her, and they talk about stuff n’ things - there’s also a sweet moment in there between zoe and cynthia (in which cynthia is Rightfully Skeptical of evan) which is v wholesome and Refreshing because honestly the murphy parents never get written in a good light and fiona does it ~ perfectly ~. lotsa metaphors. evan and zoe are big dorks. evan is a taylor swift stan. what isn’t there to love
i can’t call you a stranger, but i can’t call you up - lizzy_stardust_18 - @delightfullyanachronistic (x) [kleinsen] – Jared fiddled his thumbs. He wished more than anything that he could move to a different seat, but causing a scene at Heidi Hansen’s wedding reception wasn’t exactly high on his to-do list. Besides, he was an adult. He had a job. He ate ramen only three times a week. He could handle a simple social interaction like a real human being. He was lucky that no one else had found their seats at his table yet. It gave him time to gather his wits about him. He drummed his fingers on the table nervously. – jared and evan are forced to talk after the events of canon via sitting next to each other at heidi’s wedding. they argue a bunch bc jared is still rightfully hurt, they discuss TCP and jared’s treatment of evan over the past couple years, they fight it out and then we learn some jared backstory and then there are tears and it ends on a fluffy + hopeful note!! good shit !!!!
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anjibooks · 5 years
Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare (Book Review)
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I'm just going to jump right into the review as I am feeling too lazy to really think out an intro, sorry. I have some mixed feelings about this book-- it's definitely my least favorite of Cassie's conclusion novels. Usually she's a goddess at writing the most satisfying and glorious conclusions, but here I found the finale somewhat lacking. The main reason for this is due to the fact that Cassie spent so much time setting up for her Wicked Powers series with the younger characters that there were way too many new issues opened and way too many loose ends created in this book. Like Cassie spent A LOT of time with Ty, Dru and Kit (lol I forgot what his nickname was and was like Chris? That doesn't sound right...) and creating tensions, plot lines and dramas there that are clear set ups for a series that is not this one. Usually Cassie's set ups or hints to other things are more subtle, and flow better with the story, yet this time it just made this book feel like another book in a series instead of a satisfying finale. A lot of people had issues with Clary and Jace's involvement in this book, but I would actually argue their parts were some of the best-- though, I may be completely biased seeing as I live for Jace and Clary. Like wow, wait... maybe I should save that comment for the spoilers section lol, but let it be out there that I have absolutely no issue with my TMI characters being involved in these or future books. So my biggest issue was with all the set up for another series, but the other thing that irked me was something that was supposed to irk me: Horace Dearborn and his biggoted followers. It's not at all subtle what Cassie is alluding to, and while I applaud her for adding her own social commentary, I found the big presence of Dearborn and his followers and what they were working for all together extremely depressing and irritating. Like I get it-- I KNOW that the political situation sucks in America, I couldn't agree with Cassie more on that, but I kinda read books to escape the real world, so reading a situation paralleling with what we're already dealing with just was depressing and irritating (as I already stated many times). This whole thing with the Cohort was also irritating because HOW DID NO ONE COMPARE HIM TO VALENTINE WHO WAS EVIL AND EVERYONE ABSOLUTELY HATES? Like they're the exact same, they even both hated downworlders?? Ugh. People were also making a shit ton of hasty, dumb decisions that got them into bad situations, which irked me as well. Actually, a lot of things just felt rushed in general, it was strange. There was also a LOT of drama in this book, and not the normal of level that felt actually enjoyable-- like a little too much. It just pushed certain things, which made the whole thing feel extremely melodramatic, especially the Julian-Emma situation. Okay, these are all my issues with it, but let me just remind y'all it's a Cassandra Clare novel-- obviously it's good! 8/10 stars, just there were some issues that stood out to me. OF course, it still had all the classic Cassandra Clare blending of action, relationships and characters that made a fantastic novel. It's just that I hold Cassie to on another level for ratings, which isn't exactly fair, but she's proven time and time again that she is a stellar author. Anyway, here's the synopsis: Dark secrets and forbidden love threaten the very survival of the Shadowhunters in Cassandra Clare’s Queen of Air and Darkness, the final novel in The Dark Artifices trilogy. What if damnation is the price of true love? Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters. In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the disease that is destroying the race of warlocks. Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead. What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined. Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love. And here's the spoiler section of my thoughts on the novel: Okay, so I feel like the conflict all came down to Emma and Julian turning into nephilim, and it was epic how they utterly DESTROYEd everything but...I feel like they got off wayy to easy. Like the whole forbidden love has been pushed on us since page 1, but there were no consequences from anyone after the big fight and I felt like it was all too easy. Maybe this is just because I'm biased, but the whole Thule situation where the TDA crew fought felt blasphemous. Like uhhh ONLY the TMI crew can kill Sebastian. And also the fact that it said Julian was fighting toe-to-toe with Jace felt like a joke to me. Like Jace normally is already one of the best warriors there is, but since he has angel blood he is legit like the best fighter. Julian wouldn't stand a chance. Also blasphemous-- Zara using Cortana. Like, no, sweetie fuck off. Oh yeah, and the ending with everyone leaving Alicante was just annoying and an extremely obvious set up for more to come. Like this book would've been SO much better had it not been marketed as a conclusion. Kind of a similar situation to ACOWAR, actually. Basically my all time favorite parts of this novel were with all the old cast, which is bad, I know, but I'm just so partial to those characters. Like Alec proposing gave me the will to live ahh. And then when Clary cries and Jace wonders what he did wrong this time for the proposal! I LOVE THEM. OH MY GOD. lIKE AH. And then Thule Jace showed up and wanted Clary and... excussee me? leave my Jace ALONE. Lol, but seriously, my biggest investment in the next series is still about Jace and Clary... whoops. Thanks for reading, ​Anji
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iiimber · 6 years
I'm on mobile and the rules link isnt working so if this is against them, I apologize in advance, also are you caught up with the manga? Can I please get Shinsou headcanons where his s/o (female or gender neutral please) is injured badly when he wasn't payng attention and he gets enraged but they're all right at the end.
i apologize my links had been funky, but this is within my rules so don’t worry! also YESSSS I’m all caught up and crying– shinsou is so cool ;.) i realize you asked for head canons but this ask got me super inspired so i went ham and made a scenario oof
uhhh btw mentions of blood and impalement; nothing too gruesome and detailed but just a warning
This was supposed to have been a simple in and out mission.
A sudden influx of information on an underground crime syndicate, one that had been reigning havoc for the last few months, had made its way into authorities hands. Where they were located, what their next plans of action was; information that was almost too good to be true helped pave the way to start planning a quick reconnaissance mission.
Eraserhead, known for his ability in stealth and his useful quirk, was to lead the mission. Due to the nature of the task, Aizawa decided it would be wise to have only two others accompany him. A large group for a job based around stealth would not be logical.
He decided on Shinsou, his former student and now pro-hero, first. His technique, matching Aizawa’s with his own, unique flare, would prove useful. If things got too hairy, his quirk could make for a quick escape.
With two heros capable of stealth and subtle technique, the men decided it would be in their best interest to take on someone whose strength could be utilized if need be; and that someone was you.
Shinsou was the one to suggest it; working with you a few times during his time at the agency, to your currently developing relationship, he knew first-hand how strong you could be. Telekinesis like yours was a powerful quirk, and he had faith that if needed, you would be able to assist with fighting if things went south. But, it was supposed to be a simple in and out mission; there would be no need for a fight.
How did it go so wrong?
Eraserhead was preoccupied, roping and punching anyone in sight with vigor; he was getting worn down himself, shoulders heaving every time his fist hit a face. But, his stamina was incredible, and Shinsou knew he would be able to keep his own for the rest of the tussle . The lilac-haired hero himself was growing exhausted, but a quick glance around after roughly kneeing a goonie in the chin showed there wasn’t many left.
Purple hues searched for you, wanting to make sure you were holding up. He had no doubt in your abilities, but it was only in his nature as your lover to worry. His eyes made contact with your frame, body glowing a faint black along with your eyes, holding a roughed up looking man by your quirk before slamming him down hard into one of his partners. The impact made Shinsou wince, but he was glad it was strong enough to knock them down for a good few minutes.
You were panting, but when your glowing eyes met his, an assuring smile crossed your face. The man nodded, sending a tired grin back your way before turning to face the last few guys. He  trusted you would be able to keep yourself safe, he refused to doubt you.
The fight, while exhausting and long, ended. The last of the criminals had been knocked out and bound with plastic zip ties, and all that was left was to call it in and wait for backup. The group had managed to get some more useful intel before Shinsou had been spotted trying to get closer, sadly throwing any opportunity for a one-hundred percent successful mission out the window. It wasn’t all bad, you had something to report at least.
After taking a moment to catch his breath, Aizawa looks towards Shinsou expectantly, fingers pushing damp strands out of his face. “This is the last of them right?”
He nodded, crouching down to alleviate some of the pain in his back; he had gotten kicked pretty hard in the beginning, and only now was the pain starting to sink in. “I counted ten of them when we arrived, one left only a few minutes after we stationed. There was only nine then before we got caught…sorry about that.”
The other man held up a hand, waving his apology off and saying that they should’ve accounted for the squeaky metal walkways above the warehouse. Aizawa took the time to call in and report, requesting for pick up of the criminals and giving a brief synopsis of what aspired during the mission. Shinsou listened for a bit, focusing on stretching the tense spot in his back.
As he was about to turn towards you, a sicking shunck sounded behind him, and a choked gurgle that sounded too much like you.
His head whipped around, blanching at the sight; the man from earlier, the one who had left moments after you had snuck into the warehouse, was holding your neck in one hand–the other behind your back.
Most likely what was shaped like a flesh colored spike protruding from your stomach.
Shinsou watched in what seemed like slow motion, as you coughed violently, blood dribbling down your chin and staining your teeth. A pained cry left your lips he tugged his hand back, leaving a bleeding hole in your stomach. You collapsed shortly after, head hitting the floor with a dull thud.
He could hear Aizawa call out your hero name, though it sounded funny–like Shinsou was underwater. There was the sound of blood rushing through his head, a million thoughts racing all at one; you were stabbed, you were bleeding, you were dying…
…he was going to fucking slaughter the bastard standing above your body.
It happened in a split second. Before Aizawa could even move towards the scene Shinsou sprinted forwards, an animal like snarl leaving his throat as his capture weapons flew forward. The fabric wrapped around the criminals neck, pulling it back with enough strength to send the asshole flying towards him.
The heel of his boot hit the man on the head hard, skin bursting open on impact and leaving him barely conscious as Shinsou began to smash his fists against the man’s face over and over. The feeling of bones shattering and blood bubbling barely registered in Shinosu’s mind. He was seeing red, and there was no way he was going to stop anytime soon. All he knew at that moment was that if you died, then this man would suffer more than you had by the hands of your lover.
There was a cottony taste in your mouth when you awoke, eyes peeling open to the dark room. A strong antiseptic smell took over your senses, making your nose curl in distaste. There was beeping next to you, and a few moments passed before an overwhelming pain began to accumulate in your side.
You let out a groan, head lolling to the side as the sharp pains continued to spark through your body. What happened was still fresh in your mind, and while you should be overjoyed you had actually survived this, the pain was starting to get unbearable.
A cry left your lips, and shuffling from the other side started. You faintly heard someone whisper ‘shit’ and the bed dipped a bit as someone leaned against it.
“It’s okay, I just called the nurse. Can you look at me, baby?”
Hitoshi’s gentle voice was a giant comfort to your pain riddled body, his calloused hands coming up to cup your face. Watery (e/c) eyes glanced to his, taking in his concerned look as he stroked the skin of your cheek gently.
He looked a mess, wild hair flat and dull to match his lifeless eyes; always so tired looking, but you had never seen this level of exhaustion on him. You start to wonder if he was beginning to mourn.
His eyes searched yours for a moment, blurring over with fresh tears that he was refusing to let fall. The pain was starting to fade into a dull ache, your lids closing with exhaustion. A loud sigh left your nose, head lulling into Hitoshi’s comforting hold.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, voice low and raspy as lips met your temple. “I should’ve figured he would come back. It was so stupid of me, so stupid…”
There was a million things you wanted to say to comfort him, but your mouth felt wired shut–all you could do was shake your head and lean further into his touch.
You would find the words to comfort him later, all that mattered right now was his warm body pressing against you as he crawled into the open space of the bed, and your thumping heart.
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