#things like that bc i love patience and i know she's very smart and capable but i also think she's does weird things that are endearing
renthebarbarian · 1 year
Since we all know that the way Ten treated Martha was absolutely foul, here’s how the other Doctors would’ve gotten on with Martha Jones:
One: He doesn’t last two minutes out the gate before saying some sexist and/or racist shit and getting popped in the mouth (he deserves it). She and Barbara would’ve been good friends tho.
Two: I feel like they’d be cordial but not really vibe? Martha asks too many questions because she wants to know everything about everything and Two is just off in his own little world. Their time together wouldn’t last long, but they’d part ways on good terms.
Three: OMG he’d love her!!!! She’s like if you took all the good parts of Liz and Jo and put them into one companion. He’d love explaining things to her because she’s listening intently. They’d just be thick as thieves and Martha would be devastated when Three regenerates into…
Four: As a contrast, I think they’d get on each other’s nerves. Four would never admit it but he wants companions who follow his lead and Martha would challenge him too often or jump ahead. He’d respect her though, and trust her absolutely. Martha would be frustrated with his emotional distance. I just don’t think they’d work.
Five: I think Martha would be sort of a relief to him to have around. Five gets stressed out with so many young people on his TARDIS (Martha’s young too but she acts mature for her age). I think he’d sort of depend on her as a second in command, especially when he’s getting fed up with Tegan’s attitude or Adric’s whining. Martha would be happy to help him out and act as a sort of mediator between him and the others.
Six: I just see these two vibing. Martha puts up with Six’s snarking but also is willing to put him in his place, which he respects. But mostly I just see them palling around and laughing at each other’s jokes. Six also wouldn’t keep her on as tight a leash as other Doctors, because he’d see how capable she is. I really wish I could see these two hang out.
Seven: It absolutely would not work. Martha wouldn’t put up with his mind games and manipulations for a second. She’d be demanding to go home after like two trips, which would really be a shame because they could have some really cool adventures together.
Eight: (keep in mind I’m basing this largely on the movie bc I haven’t listened to the BFADs) This could honestly be so cute. I think Eight could actually fall a little bit in love with Martha because he’d appreciate how caring and sweet she is. I think he’d try to sweep her off her feet and she’d of course go nuts for it and…oh. I think…I ship this??? Wow.
Nine: It’s hard to imagine a more perfect match for Nine than Rose but I think Martha could also be really good for him in this healing period. She could help him forget the horrors of the time war and see the wonder of the universe again through her eyes. He’d also be up front about the whole “I’m the last Time Lord” thing with her so she wouldn’t have to pry it out of him. And he’d value how smart and resourceful she is. He’d never overlook all she has to offer like SOME incarnations…
Eleven: I don’t think this would work. For one thing, Eleven has the attention span of a goldfish. She wants to take everything in and he’s always bustling off to the next thing. Also Eleven wants to be both The Wise Old Sage and The Manchild in the relationship and Martha just wants an equal friendship. She’d never know what page he’s on. I think her time on Eleven’s TARDIS would be short. Eleven would be sad to see her go though.
Twelve: They’d either be best pals or squabble like cats and dogs. Twelve can be harsh sometimes and I don’t know that Martha would be willing to put up with that shit for very long, but she could soften him up over time if she had the patience for it. And I feel like Martha would be one of the few humans Twelve wouldn’t see as an idiot. I just feel like there’d be less toxic codependency than him and Clara. I guess I would say that Martha and Twelve would be terrible when it was bad and like a well-oiled machine when it was good.
Thirteen: It depends on if Thirteen would be willing to open up to Martha or not. Despite her peppy nature, Thirteen can be very emotionally closed off, and Martha has a sense for when people are hiding something from her. I don’t think they’d be a bad team but I don’t think they’d work as well together as Martha and Three or Martha and Nine. It just depends.
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the-blue-phantom · 4 years
Please activate your Farseer brain again and share some headcanons for Fitz and Burrich
Okay, I have no idea if you’re asking for my modern au specifically because that’s when I said my farseer brain was activated or if you meant headcanons for canon, but I’m going to bank on modern au so I hope that’s fine with you! I think at least a fair amount will be more generally applicable, though, just in case you aren’t.
I’m a big fan of Burrich and Fitz’s dynamic, especially because they do have a father/son relationship but there’s also tension there that gets in the way. But for my ideal dynamic with them there are two traits: 1. “Fitz, I love you deeply and you remind me a lot of myself. But I also hate myself and this will affect our relationship for years to come. 2. That joke that goes “Have you ever kissed a guy?” “Of course” He then failed to elaborate.
I’ll try and keep this relatively organized but it’ll bounce around. Assume its all for the modern au and if anything seems applicable to canon, it probably is.
At no point ever in raising Fitz does Burrich ever look up how to raise a kid
Chivalry: Burrich, children are are like animals, right? Burrich: yes, in a cosmic sense, but not completely Chivalry: well I trust you to raise my son
Burrich does the best he can but sir you should google things
Altho the idea of burrich at a parenting class is hilarious to me
Honestly, I am obsessed with his and Chivalry’s relationship
Fellas, is it gay to leave your girlfriend for a man, because you want to devote yourself fully to him and also you tear up when talking about what a great man he is
Anyway, Burrich is telling Fitz about Chivalry while looking through a photo album and its like “Fitz, your father knew me better than any man had before” *turns page* “And here’s us getting drunk at a party when we were 22″
In my modern au, Chivalry doesn’t die, but I don’t think him and Fitz would have much of a father/son relationship. Maybe more uncle/nephew
Now I’m remembering how Fitz called Patience his mom. Fitz and his mom, his dad (burrich) and his father (chivalry)
I do wonder what Fitz and Burrich’s relationship would be like if the Wit wasn’t there or if the stigma was gone. I wonder about that a lot.
Burrich is an old fashioned guy and by that I mean he has a flip phone he keeps in a belt holster and drives a shitty old pickup that could and should be replaced
He has a wallet filled with pictures of Fitz and also his animals
You know, I think Fitz should have had his hair braided at least once. I think Burrich would be good at braiding, if that isn’t already canon.
I think any gifts Burrich gives Fitz are highly practical. New coat, new shoes, new hat, here are some gloves and socks I knitted with wool I got from the sheep we raised
My personal belief that Burrich is very very handy with fabric crafts for a variety of reasons
lmao Burrich in a quilting circle. he wouldn’t, but its funny to picture
I think if Fitz had had a more normal childhood he’d have done those drawings and projects kids do of their families except its primarily Burrich and the animals
Fitz first got to drive a car at age 10 because they were doing fence maintenance in the pasture and Burrich plopped him in the front seat and said “listen, inch the truck forward when I tell you to” and you know it didn’t go terribly
this is the only reason fitz doesn’t end up in a ditch the first time he tries to drive
Fitz, trying to get his license: “So I need my birth certificate, can you give it to me” Burrich: “Sure its right--hold on” Fitz: “Did you lose it?” Burrich: “Let me call the main house” Fitz: “You lost it didn’t you” Burrich: “You didn’t come with one”
Burrich at parent teacher conferences or helping Fitz with homework is funny to me, too. *insert mr incrediblt math is math scene here*
Fitz in canon never has to explain his familial relations to anyone because everyone already knows who he is but in this au its like “Oh that’s my dad, who isn’t my biological dad, but my biological dad dipped when I was born because my mom--who isn’t my biological mom--was upset because he cheated on her and she was upset because she couldn’t have kids but she’s fine now and she’s my mom and they’re all back and then there’s my uncles--” and the person is like uh huh sure that all definitely makes sense
Burrich is hot, does that make him a dilf?
I think Fitz is one of those kids that would get super super into something for a few months and know all about it and so Burrich is like “is this about your transformers?” and Fitz is like NO i’m talking about power rangers they’re totally different
Fitz but he has modern day teen romance drama
Fitz: Burrich, Molly didn’t like my instagram post, does that mean she hates me? :((( Burrich: what’s instagram
Man this isn’t a headcanon or anything but I’m just thinking about how baller the witness stones thing was with galen. and the end of book 2? when burrich was begging for fitz to stay alive and then it switches to relief over him actually being alive? gets me man
I wonder how much more he would have gone up to bat for fitz if there wasn’t the whole royalty or politics thing. like he goes up to bat for fitz all the time and defends him but sometimes he has to be careful with politics. what would he have been like if he didn’t have those constraints
I could keep going, but its already getting long so I’m going to stop there. Hope this was what you wanted!
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heniareth · 2 years
HELLO HI I was meant to be answering your @s but I saw this and veered straight into ya ask box x) SO! For Astalaaaaaaaa beloved Astaaaalaaaaaa can I ask for 15, 18, 27, 29, and 31??? 8D <3
Hi hello!!!!!!!! :D :D :D You can't see me bc I'm behind a screen but I'm waving like crazy!!!!!! Let's go get those asks!! (They're beautiful) But first we got a cut. It got long again U_U It also gets a heavy on the first question with Zevran's self-image (warning for extremely low opinion of himself)
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Astala doesn't think of herself as anything special. She's just... herself. A person with a lot of flaws and some good traits who takes on way too much but doesn't really know how to stop. She's got nice hair, until she has to chop it off. She's tall, can be intimidating, and generally knows how to make her way through life, which helps. But she's also very impulsive and sometimes feels like the proverbial bull in the china shop. Not in specific situations, just in the way she's moving through life, in the choices she's making and the directions she's taking
Zevran meanwhile thinks Astala is the stars and moon above. Yes she has her flaws, as does everybody else, but have you seen her? And have you really looked? She is kind, caring, smart, readily admits when she's made a mistake, knows when to be gentle and when to be rough, she faces the situation head-on and won't budge where it's important. She does what's good and right even at her own detriment. She's joyful and honest, tough, and she's stayed with him and held onto him in situations where he himself would've just abandoned himself in a ditch if he could've.
Because I think Zevran, given that he's lived with himself all his life and has done some objectively terrible things, would start out with a very low opinion of himself. He knows exactly the kinds of things he's capable of, and some of them are truly ugly. How can he then be with someone who's only ever been a well-adjusted person making the most out of the hardships life has offered her? I think Zevran would start out the story full of horror at what he's done (to Rinna in particular) and scared of himself. He's very nonchalant about his stories about murder, and he's probably nonchalant about the assassinations themselves as well, but I bet there are also many he profoundly regrets and feels guilty for. I think he starts out seeing himself as just a person at the fringes of society that nobody would miss if they were gone.
Astala doesn't know Zevran from his time with the Crows. Astala only knows who Zevran has become, who he's turned himself into. And that someone is kind, gentle, smart, funny, someone who places the needs of those he loves above his own and someone who is the most corageous person she's ever known. He's capable and ruthless if he has to be, but he doesn't enjoy it. Even when delivering death he doesn't compromise his victim's dignity. He is someone she is sure will never abandon her; he followed her into the fight with the archdemon, and gave her his heart knowing full well that she might die in that fight. He is constant and reliable, he's passionate and loving. And the man has patience and dedication!! He is respectful and accomodating to her needs and limitations, (not just the baseline of respectful, but going above and beyond). Astala admires his spirit, his resolve and his strength, as well as the depth and tenderness of his heart
So yeah. They are both very good for each other in that regard. They are able to rediscover themselves through each others' eyes and thus gain a brand new and way more positive insight on who they are. The logic behind that is something like "well, they love me and see all of these qualities in me and they are very observant and honest, so... I guess they're right?"
18. Is their any way they disappoint each other?
Oh yes. No romance is all smooth sailing. I haven't strictly adhered to things that only or even primarily dissapoint them about each other, but I've tried (and if it's not something that disappoints it's something that frustrates or angers)
Astala would be disappointed if Zevran continued his work as a regular assassin. The Black Shadow business of dealing with the Crows is different, but the in-game dialogue leaves it pretty clear that Zevran intends to continue working as an assassin after his business with the Warden is over (it's a bit too clearly stated to be a mask, but there is the possibility that he might've said it bc he sees no other equally lucrative option bc he follows it up with "Honestly, could you picture me doing something else?"). Astala would find that disappointing bc he has better options available and bc she would've expected him to be put-off enough by the suffering he causes to at least not pursue assassinations as a professional career anymore.
A source of disappointment and frustration for both of them would be the fact that Zevran wasn't really raised with a community-oriented mindset, whereas Astala very much was. This might lead to several disagreements. They might disagree about where they should live: Astala wouldn't like living in Antiva and visitinging her family once/twice a year for a short time, while Zevran would very much like to return to Antiva. They might disagree about money: Astala is quick to lend a helping hand financially, while Zevran would guard money more jealously bc it's theirs and they need it as well (I ended my last DAO playthrough with surprisingly little money, hence the thought that Zevran and Astala might have it but would not be flush with cash). They might also disagree about how to raise their kids: Astala would want them to grow up in a community like she did, while Zevran would (very correctly) point out that raising children in an Alienage is deliberately exposing them to the most run-down, unsanitary and most dangerous district in any given city (unsanitary bc there's literal sewer water running through the Denerim alienage)
They would also disagree about the necessity or lack thereof to teach their children how to fight. I can imagine Zevran proposing building up immunity to poison (which is pretty useful), and Astala being very taken back that he'd actually suggest that. Astala meanwhile would probably expect her kids to take responsability for those around them just like she does, because they have the resources and talents (depending on the child) to do that. Zevran however would be like please amore they are literally kids and you didn't like taking responsability for everyone either
And, last, something that would disappoint, frustrate and scare Zevran is Astala's tendency to run into the fray without thinking things over. "Was the archdemon not enough for you?" I hear him say as drags her back behind the corner. "There are archers posed on the rooftops and you are not wearing armor!" I'm not saying he's her impulse control, except that sometimes he definitely is
27. What makes you excited about their relationship?
They have each others' backs. They're extremely loyal to each other. They stay together literally 'til death parts them. They're soft and warm and they care about each other so freaking much. They are each others' priorities but they also talk it out when something else arises that has to take priority over the other, and they face it together even though it may separate them for a time (they bear the separation; they are together in the struggle if they cannot be together physically). They are such good friends as well as lovers and partners. They support each other in sickness, fear and war as well as in the quiet routine of daily life. They communicate (seriously. Communication. Please insert that Will Smith meme of him pointing at his wife but pointing at the word communication). They take care to assume the best of each other. Just...
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them?
Ho boy oh boy. Where do I even start? If I made a list, how long would it get?
Only one way to find out. So here's a non-exclusive list of my favorite moments of Zevran and Astala in non-chronological order. Take into account that these are comprised of monents from their story as it exists thus far. Things might change and even get deleted (though I hope these don't):
That one time while traveling to the Landsmeet when Zevran leaves Astala some flowers while she sleeps and then proceeds to grin like a man very bad at pretending he's not in love when he sees her wear them in her hair
That one time when returning from the Circle of Magi that Zevran gets sick because his boots can't withstand the late Fereldan autumn and Astala quite literally drags him to bed. She turns into a veritable mother hen and Zevran is just k.o. bc he's running a fever and oh those are some really warm blankets somebody has draped over him
In Awakening, during the siege, Astala is (understandably) unable to send Zevran letters. Instead of waiting, Zevran packs up and takes the next ship to Ferelden, and arrives at Vigil's Keep before Ilanlas can return from slaying the Mother. More than one warden was tearing up at the reunion
Similarly, Astala jumps at the opportunity when there's Warden business to attend to in Antiva (she is technically still a Grey Warden, although inactive. The business is of the bureocratic nature). She obviously lets Zevran know she's there, and even helps him dismantle the operation of a Guildmaster who was trying to train mage children in the Crow fashion. They gain two adoptive kids out of that adventure
(No but picture this: Zevran and Astala, armor donned, daggers and swords drawn, door kicked down, walking calmly and menacingly towards the poor sod who is in their way. Even more menacingly because they're smiling, being cheesy and generally treating this like a walk through the park. Man, I really want to write older, very flippant battle couple Zevran and Astala now. A sight to behold)
Their wedding is beautiful. Both are terrified, Zevran in true "what if she says no" fashion and Astala because of previous experiences with weddings. Shianni takes the reins of the situation and just sticks them in a room or even binds their hands together so they have a physicall reminder that the other is still there and is indeed fine. As soon as the Revered Mother concludes the ceremony it's like all those fears never existed in the first place. Cyrion cries. Soris cries. Shianni probably does as well. Zevran and Astala don't let go of each other the whole rest of the day
Also, and this is technically not a Zevran and Astala moment, but it kinda fits: after the battle with the archdemon, Astala isn't doing well. Soris and Shianni (and Cyrion to a lesser degree) do their best to take Zevran into their home and integrate him in the tasks around the house, including taking care of Astala. I just really wanted a moment where the Tabris family unanimously adopts Zevran
In the Denerim Alienage, during and after the Unrest in the Alienage quest, Zevran and Astala are still in a will-they-won't-they sort of dynamic. Nessa forces Astala to bring Zevran along when they're out together. Some delicious questioning ensues in which Zevran and Astala long and pine and everybody notices exactly how much they care for one another
Astala introduces Zevran to Taranos and Alarith so that they can all finally speak Antivan and wax poetics about their homeland together
When they settle in Antiva, Zevran and Astala end up becoming the bank of the Alienage on a technicality. Astala once let two hens stay in her garden because the family they belonged to would've had to hand them over to the taxcollectors if those hens had remained in their posession. This snowballs until Zev and Astala's home ends up holding much of the meager wealth in the Alienage. Since these two always have money to pay their taxes, the goods never have to be seized and the Alienage families can later take back what is theirs. This means, however, that during tax season the house looks like a hoarder's nightmare with added livestock. The kids have a lot of fun
31. Share anything you would like about the couple!
Why yes I will! :D While I'm still working out their family structure, they will have twins (namely Rinona the whirlwind, who has Astala's curls and Zevran's eyes and Astolfo the serious responsible child, blond like his father and with eyes that nobody can really recognise; Astolfo has his grandmother's, that is Zevran's mother's, eyes); there will probably be another girl that is also theirs biologically, who is also probably younger than the twins. At least one of these kids has taken over the Taint from Astala; probably all of them since it's transmitted through blood. This also means that these kids are technically Grey Wardens, they have none of the duties or priviledges. They just get to hear Corypheus's fake Calling, which will be fun :D
There are also at least two adopted children, both of them Crows and actually siblings before being adopted: Virelio (or Virel) is the older one. He was a regular Crow recruit who got freed by Zevran and, instead of being shipped off to safety by Isabela, he hid and stayed behind. His sister, Perinella, was a mage and had been taken by a Crow Guild Master to be trained as part of his personal mage entourage. Naturally, Zevran discovered Virel hiding in his house, tried to take care of the boy, and got roped right into dismantling this Guild Master's plan. And after all of that, Zev and Virel had established enough of a rapport that he was just like "hey... can we stay?"
There might be more children. There are definitely some of Zevran's ex-Crow associates that are part of the household (and dang it if Astala won't care for them like family too. Alienage rule is: "if they live under your roof they are family. If they don't live under your roof and they need one, invite them in." To Astala, they're kinda like Zevran's equivalent of Doher and Carrel and her gang back in Denerim). There's Mattio, who was supposed to be a Crow assassin but became their accountant (and it's amazing what having access to tax records and the guild's ledger can do for a vengeful ex-Crow). He is quiet and as long as he's thin but wicked sharp. And there's Lusce, who had a personal vendetta against Zevran that she tried to carry out once she learned he was back in town, only to then realise that the real enemy were the Crows as an organization all along. She's kind of gruff and has many biting words at the ready, but her eyes are a bit distant, she's diligent and methodical, and terrifically tough. That girl has been through a lot and clawed herself out of those situations mostly on her own. And now she doesn't have to anymore ^^
Ah yes. The Tabris-Arainai family
Anyways this has very much ran away with me. Do take your time, all ye who read this. It's a veeeeeeeeeery long thing XD XD XD The answer to the first question turned into kind of a love letter from Zevran to Astala and then from Astala to Zevran. I hope you enjoyed this ^^ And thank you so much for asking! I enjoyed myself writing this
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dolliedarlin · 3 years
This has been on my mind ever since I read the backstory of y/n's quirk in the PA series. I have this headcanon I guess, where she graduated high school early {at 16} and finished college early too {at 20} she's now 22 {meaning the bakusquad is slightly older 24-25 I reckon}.. Her age is significant because of her bullying, I think the bullying didn't just stem from her quirk but her also being younger and SHORTER {4’11} they saw her as weak...this is why she didn't even dream of being a pro-hero. I know this is pretty random but I thought I’d share. Ohh, also when y/n was younger she got into UA but never went. {she got in on recommendations} Even now, y/n’s super smart and very capable of being a pro.
-pstttt....imagine the hugs y/n would get with her soulmates being sm taller than her so cute!-
Makes sense for the squad to know y/n's age but I imagine they almost forget because of how mature she is. Plus her age doesn't really effect the way they treats her........One day they may come across some of y/n's documents that reveal she got into UA the same year as the rest of the squad, but she was obviously younger than them. This may or may not fit into your writing since last chapter they showed slight interest in y/n's talents {hero stuff..}.
We know y/n is quite attractive so I'd only assume people flirty with her all the time and I think it makes the squad pretty uncomfortable even though she's not officially theirs yet. Like imagine another pro-hero seeing her at one of the events and openly being flirtatious with her around them...not good!
How are Dollie? Have you drank enough water today? If not here's your friendly reminder to do so :D! Also I must ask what got you interested in writing?
pheww so sorry that's sm!
{if you like this idea feel free to use it entirely <3}
~Sincerely the "P.A series fanatic anon!"
goodness...you won't believe-
i just love how the series is becoming everyone's it's so wholesome 🥺💕 i just imagine you dolls daydreaming about all these scenarios and it's so cute - you're all such cuties but you all better stop before things get dangerous okie?!
y/n is just too smart and talented, she knew she was better than what those bullies we're trying to bring her down for so she worked hard and look at where that got her? from that experience, she really got to understand the value of hard work and, although, that got her through a lot of hardships in life, she's fallen into a workaholic trap and it's up to the bakusquad to ease her out of it gradually and with all the love and patience in the world. they won't be perfect but it's the thought and their efforts that count most.
just to add onto your scenario there, the hugs: y/n won't feel very comfortable at first but over time, the more the consistently hug her, the more she begins to enjoy it but only from them lol XD as a result, whenever others would get flirty with her in front of the squad, she'd be really oblivious bc she isn't familiar with such cues, this makes whoever is flirting with her get touchy and the instant that happens, she turns cold and shuts them down right away. the squad figure out that they're the only ones that can get that close and touchy with her and it makes them so happy (and smug) you won't believe! it comes to a point where they actually begin to hold back laughter whenever they see y/n get hit on - they know she can handle herself so they just let her do what she does best XD
honestly, you dolls are a fountain of fantasies and i love it, i don't know why my requests are always closed but as soon as i get my life sorted and get the time for myself, i'll let you beautiful people work my imagination however much you lovelies want <3
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hey! I'm an useless insecure lesbian alright and i met this girl, amazing, i might really reaaally like her and she said she does too (liking me back right) but sometimes i have the sudden thoughts of "damn she just said it bc she feels bad for you" or "you're boring her stfu" and how- how do i stop being insecureeee 😔
Hi anon! That is...a great question. One that I struggle with myself sometimes. There isn’t one fool-proof answer or a universal solution, as everyone is different and works through their issues differently. But I can tell you what works for me:
1. Open and frequent communication is the main thing I’ve learned to solve most problems in a relationship. Just by letting her know how you’re feeling you can open up a two way line of communication where you establish trust and she has the opportunity to reassure you that you’re not boring and that she’s being genuine in her affection. There may even be a chance that she shares similar insecurities, you never know unless you bring it up.
2. Trust is a difficult thing to build, especially if you’ve been hurt in the past and made to feel like you’re not worthy of receiving the same love you give. But if your crush’s/partner’s actions match their words (that they like you and care about you and want to give you attention), then you have to trust and believe that they’re speaking the truth. Ask for patience if you need it, and try to trust her unless she gives you a very apparent reason not to. Trusting is really hard to do, but if she really likes you (and I’m sure she does) then you have to start trusting her on it if you want the relationship to work.
3. It’s a long road to build confidence in yourself, and there will be dips sometimes. But if you keep reminding yourself that you are interesting and funny and smart and amazing, that you are worthy of love and are capable of accepting love and even loving yourself, then I assure you that one day you’re going to start seeing yourself the way that she probably does--much like the way you see her.
Hang in there anon, sending a little love your way to give you a head start <3 Good luck!
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httyd-grimmelsgirl · 5 years
I want to do fanfiction in the future, and it's taking me forever to finished what I started bc I am very (not literally) OCD when it comes to my writing. So, here are some of the ideas I had going.
Edit: Forgive me for how silly it sounds. I don't know a lot about what a young, more innocent Grimmel would be like.😊😊 Enjoy!
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{ Stories Lost to Editing }
"...When I was a boy"
Grimmel's father was the most important person in his life, and the ideal father, as well as an ideal warrior. He encouraged his son to perdue his desire to become something greater. Grimmel lived with his father and mother. He was smart, energetic, friendly, imaginative, and crafty. Solving problems was fun for him, and creating was his passion, so he wanted to find an impactful way to use his skills. Grimmel's settlement lived much like other civilizations at the time, like problems with dragons. In this village raids were common, and during each raid in Grimmel's village, Night Furies were with the other dragons. Grimmel was haunted by dragons. It deeply saddened and angered Grimmel that the safety of the village and the world around him could any day go up into flames.
During a raid, Grimmel's father was killed, and he became overwhelmed with grief and hatred, then he became intensely worried about what the future held. He swore he would prove his worth by killing the monsters that plagued their village, especially the exceedingly feared Night Furies. This was because he loved for his family, but he hated the bloodshed more, and he became determined to make a difference.
Later, he found a Night Fury asleep in the woods, afraid knowing it could wake and kill him. He remembered the pain it inflicted on his people, then proceeded to fulfill his oath. When he did, his fear was quenched, and he thought of killing it as a huge victory. His mother eventually found out, and she saw that he was growing to become successful, and was proud that he was the first to kill a Night Fury. Grimmel was instantly praised by the people. He understood what he did right, then sought to use his crafting skills to better his people. 
In his mind, dragons were a danger because of what they caused and the aftermath. There were many villages that were struggling in some way due to dragons' existence. He didn't see any value in dragons. He only witnessed the pain they caused, and that they didn't preserve anything other than their own, who burned, crushed, and feasted on the world. He saw no reason for the world to be destroyed under dragons' reign. 
"...Smartest dragon hunter I've ever met…"
He decided to turn his skills into his career, and he left to work alongside trappers at twenty years old. From here, his life was a long evolution from a boy to a man that made drastic changes. His trapping skills took time to perfect, and the beginning of his career was trying, but he was eventually very successful. Grimmel enjoyed victory and his career was his passion. He didn't enjoy the action of killing, rather what less dragons will result in. He always found fun in a chase and being challenged. He has had his fair share of tragedies, so found joy in little things such as how much easier his job was coming to him, the things he would accomplish, and the friends he had with him. 
If Grimmel ever formed an alliance, he would let the relationship remain mutual, and in some people gained a good reputation. However, if the situation gets testy, he will take courses of action that will eventually help the situation, but look and work like personal goals. He has a worry free attitude and much confidence. His confidence makes him an achiever, but unreserved and seem insolently fearless. He forgets his actions aren't easily accepted, even if with a justification. If he feels taken advantage of, he doesn't care how he comes across to people and can cause his allies to resent him or presume treachery. 
Grimmel was always working to fight dragons and do it better. He created better weapons and traps, and later revolutionizing them. He always thought of a better way to tackle any problem when dealing with dragons, by learning their abilities and how to better combat them. After creating a mind control serum and seeing that it fulfilled its purpose, he wanted to use it, so he would have dragons power as his own. He knew he could improve hunting by applying better use of dragons' abilities to his knowledge and skill. Deathgrippers were some of the most vicious dragons. They were widely known for working in packs, their agility and aggression, they were mindless predators to the extent they never surrender the way most dragons do when overpowered, and their abilities, most notably their venom. Knowing this, he was inspired. Such potential shouldn't go to waist. He eventually utilized their unique venom to numb their minds enough to more easily train and control them. With consistent work and patience, he was able to train them, using them for their natural aggression and abilities for better use then. Grimmel had done greatness in the Trapping Community that other trappers never even dreamed of.
Grimmel earned his title [the Grisly] from being one of the greatest trapper ever, and for his monstrous might and courage. On occasions like when he succeeded in fighting a pack of Deathgrippers and stunning a few by himself. And when he was a boy, he approached a sleeping Night Fury which was unsafe and something no one before him ever dared to do.
"Grimmel! My old friend."
Grimmel never endangered his life, but was not foriegn to taking risks. On many missions, he was comfortable with tackling jobs alone, and often took on tasks that were dangerous. When he had a partner, almost never was a human caught in the crossfire. He was mindful that not only he needed his allies, but they also needed him, and that they were human lives just as just as easily lost as the most innocent souls in the world.
At some point, he met a Tradeswoman, and they encountered each other several times while working in many places. They slowly became friends, eventually fell in love, and joined in marriage. They loved each other tenderly, and she was one other reason he must spare mankind from dragons. His wife revealed the gentle, beautiful, and innocent side of humans. Her compassion, gentleness, and love further solidified his belief that the world needs to live healthy, happy, and in peace. To him, she was like mankind: talented, understood morality, and was able to create, but not without vulnerability. Any day, she could die to a dragon, just like any other innocent person. Several years later, she happened to be shipping dragons, and something came and freed the dragons. The ship was burned down simultaneously, with few survivors, and she died. Grimmel was forever broken by his loss. 
He developed a positive view on all mankind. He met many people with varying personalities and views, learning to appreciate humanity's potential to do justice, aside from obvious exceptions. He met various trappers and warriors who proved the capability of humans, and knew of some people that used their knowledge and skills to attempt helping people and other creatures. Even if it was an occupation he didn't understand fully, he respected it, understanding the importance of their choices and the way they chose to utilize their skills. While his wife revealed a reason to love humanity, the warriors revealed reasons to respect the might and importance in it. He believed whether someone fought for self gain, or for others, whether to destroy, or to protect, if the dragons were being defeated, a brighter future was to come. 
A dragon trapper named Eir Stormheart formed a partnership with Grimmel. She was attempted using chemistry and making a concoction to control dragons. He provided dragons for her experiments, and perfected the serum for her. Eir believed it was her creation simply because it was her idea. Later, they went on an exploration, and stumbled upon a Changewing nest. Grimmel ran knowing there was no chance of survival, and he has a mission to complete. In Eir's mind, she was betrayed, and she believed her serum, bridles, and dragon was stolen. Grimmel was disappointed to have left her, believing she had died.
Grimmel is a well spoken, talented, unorthodox man with well developed strategy building, gentlemanly attitude, and a courtly sense of authority. He stands tall, and speaks with emotion and in metaphors. Grimmel is also a very observant individual, and is satisfied with many things in his life. He has always found fun in a chase and being challenged. He was living for something more than killing dragons, but his claims and determination were the only proof of that, for he evolved into a hardened, less sympathetic man bent to eventually freeing the world. It was the pain and struggle of himself and others that led him to kill dragons in order to resolve most problems that people endured. 
"...This young chief will bring me the Night Fury."
By the time he had ended his quest to eliminate the Night Furies, he had earned the respect of the commoners for his "contribution". He was widely known in the dragon trapping community, Even at sixty years of age he was active in the trapping business. Many people respected him and his talent, which is what led the Warlords to acquire his assistance. He did what the Warlords requested, to rally the dragons, to kill the Night Fury, and to put Berk in their place for their insolence against what his father fought for and all the pain they caused the world by helping dragons.
When he discovered that the Berkians were dragon savers, he didn't respect them at all, especially after apathetically risking the lives of others for the dragons. He knew they would eventually be noticed and snuffed out by their many enemies. To him, they spit in the face of his ancestors and those that fought for the safety of the greater things in the world. Anyone that was proven to be an enemy of his, he has no respect for and is careless of how or why Berk should be recognized. He may attempted being friendly to his enemies, but can't help being scandalous.
He knew the Berkian's would act aggressively towards him before having a chance to begin a negotiation, because the Berkians past actions were enough to prove that they were intolerant of outsiders and would strike. He simply waited for them to strike. He saw no need to explain himself why he hunts dragons, he wasn't one to explain apologetically or change his beliefs, for he understood his justification. much less to Hiccup, an enemy, who asserted his way on others, and Grimmel knew of the chaos Berk spread by releasing dragons. He so only mentioned that killing dragons was widely accepted as an "act of courage" among those that haven't yet accepted dragons. So was comfortable with killing dragons, and was only faced with harming people when someone was a direct threat.
Grimmel believed in eliminating the threat before irreversible damage was done. Grimmel was not one to betray for self gain because what is to gain when there is no alliance to gain from. The Warlords didn't know this, but knew of his unmatched talent in the art of trapping. When he came to Berk, taking a Night Fury wasn't hassle. He knew of the Night Fury's nature and capabilities. When he had Berk's Alpha, he knew that if it had human friends, it was trained, and could even in it's most vulnerable state, escape or order an attack. Grimmel pointed a weapon at the beast, ending the reign of the unholy offspring. But before he could, the Dragon Riders unexpectedly came and saved the dragons.
When the end came, he was not going to let Hiccup live to protect dragons. He wanted to be very sure Hiccup's vision would die with his own, and for the safety of mankind. For his people, for his father, and the one he, Grimmel, loves...
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~Swan Grisly
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