#things to in Prague
merrigel · 8 months
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
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more-than-ideas · 5 months
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Karel Otto Hrubý - Prague
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libraryofgage · 8 months
A Place Like Steve in a Boy Like This
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three (you’re here!) Harley Quinn One 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One Queen Clarisse (also on the way and also a modern royalty au cuz I got the urge to write one so bad lmao)
This AU was line-jumped on Ko-Fi, which means y'all got it sooner!
If you want to line jump your favorite series, you can learn more here
I hope y'all enjoy this part! It was a lotta fun to write, actually, since I got to talk about folklore I'm more familiar with lol
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
Steve huffs as he kicks a pebble down the street. It bounces a few times before settling on the sidewalk, doing nothing interesting enough to alleviate his boredom. He turns around, squinting against the sun shining in his eyes, and looks at his parents. His mother is speaking quietly to a woman with a shawl around her shoulders, both of them bent over some book that definitely should have been crumbling by now. His father idly taps at bricks on the building next to them, looking relaxed but alert.
Steve glances at the building his parents are avoiding, the one the woman with the shawl walked out of. It’s a pale, faded yellow, the kind that tells him the building is old, old enough to have seen wars and generations pass it by. Shingles line a low roof, but something that’s either incredibly durable wood or stone so old it’s turned brown makes up the vaguely mountain-shaped top that reaches to the sky. Steve studies the building, his eyes wandering until he sees the door cracked open on the side. 
He takes a slow step towards it, checks that neither of his parents noticed, and takes another. This continues until he’s in the shadow of the building, his fingers brushing against the wood. It’s cool against his skin, and the door isn’t nearly as heavy as it looks. He pushes lightly against it, an eager feeling building in the pit of his stomach as he slips inside.
A dimly lit hall made of stone sprawls out in front of him, and Steve hums softly as he passes by the paintings and scraps of scroll that are framed along the wall. He recognizes Hebrew on all the scrolls, but he doesn’t linger long enough to read any of it. Instead, he continues to walk, glancing through an opening that leads into a sanctuary. The opening is to the left of the bema, and he’s momentarily caught by the ark that contains the Torah. He can’t even see the holy scrolls, but something in his spine jerks and he’s overwhelmed by the urge to open the doors so he can gaze upon them. 
He’s already going to get in trouble for slipping inside, though. Maybe he shouldn’t make it worse. Steve grasps this thought tightly, holding it in his mind until he’s able to tear his gaze away and continue walking down the hall. Other than that opening, there’s only one door left at the very end. It, too, is made of wood and opens far easier than Steve expected.
Shafts of sunlight stream in through narrow windows, illuminating dust that floats in the still air of an undisturbed staircase. Steve looks down at the first steps, crouches, and drags his finger carefully over the stone. A layer of dust comes off, and Steve comes to the conclusion that nobody has been up these stairs in a long, long time. 
With a grin, Steve begins to climb. 
The stairs wind up and up, far higher than Steve thinks should be possible given the height of the building itself, but what does he know? He just focuses on climbing, on reaching the top as he passes narrow window after narrow window, breathing in stale air that stirs in his lungs and builds. Strangely enough, he’s not breathless from the climbing, but from something else entirely. He isn’t able to name that feeling until he finally (finally) reaches the top of the stairs. 
As he stands on the top step and looks over the loft spread out before him, he realizes it was anticipation. Like the stairs, this attic-loft is covered in dust, untouched by people for a very long time. A large window is opposite the stairs, allowing sunlight to stream into the area. The space holds a desk, a bed, more books than Steve has ever seen before, and a statue.
Steve stares at the statue, licks his lips nervously, and steps into the room. He doesn’t spare the books or anything else a second glance, instead making a beeline for the statue. It’s huge, towering over the twelve-years-old Steve even though it’s sitting. Its legs are crossed, and its hands are held palm-up just above its navel. The statue is round and smooth, not a straight edge in sight. It doesn’t have a neck, and its head is like a little bump on its shoulders, just big enough to hold triangle-shaped divots for eyes. Carefully placed next to the statue is a small clay jar and a paintbrush.
Without thinking, Steve picks up the jar and looks inside. Golden-hued paint shimmers inside, and Steve wonders how it hasn’t caked over or disintegrated after all this time. He tilts the clay pot a few times, watching the paint slide against the edges, and then looks up at the statue again. At second glance, he sees that the statue’s head is big enough for more than just its eyes. He could probably write on it, too. 
With that thought, Steve grabs the paintbrush and very carefully pokes his foot against the statue’s leg. It seems strong enough, so he climbs up, following the statue’s calf to its knee. From there, he carefully holds the paintbrush with his teeth so he can steady himself on the statue’s arm. Once he has, Steve pulls himself up onto the statue’s hands, finding himself at the perfect height to reach its forehead.
Steve holds the paintbrush and dips it into the jar. The brush comes out covered in the gold paint, and Steve pauses, looking at the statue’s forehead.
He remembers a story his mother once told him about this very city, this very building. It involved a statue like this one, a golem, that was brought to life to protect his mom’s ancestors. Steve hums softly and carefully paints aleph, mem, tav on the statue’s forehead. His mom will find it funny when he brings her up here to show her the “golem” he found. 
As he finishes off the tav, giving it a pretty little flourish just for the fun of it, the ground beneath him jerks. No, not the ground. The hands he’s standing on. Steve yelps, losing his balance and about to fall only to be cradled and carefully set on the ground.
Steve blinks, looking up at the golem to see it leaning down and staring at him expectantly. “Uh. Hi,” he says, breathless as he receives a small nod and wave in return. “Holy shit.”
Before he can say more, he hears a familiar voice in the distance shouting, “Steve! Where are you?”
Keeping his eyes on the golem, Steve sets the jar and paint down, scooting back along the floor until he reaches the top of the stairs. “I’m up here!” he shouts, hearing a muffled curse and the slam of a door far below. He sighs and stands, slowly approaching the golem.
“You’re really real,” he mumbles, stopping in front of the golem as he hears someone running up the steps.
He turns just in time to see his father reach the attic, guns at the ready, and panting from adrenaline and the climb. “What the fuck is that?!” he shouts, aiming the guns at the golem without thinking. 
“Don’t shoot it!” Steve yells, barely getting the words out before he’s scooped into the golem’s arms and completely covered by its hands. The world goes dark, and he’s pressed close enough to the golem’s chest that all he can smell is pomegranate and the old ink and paper of Talmud studies. 
“It’s holding you captive, and you’re telling me not to shoot it?!” his father asks. 
“It’s protecting him!” his mother shouts, her voice shrill and panicked enough about his father shooting a golem to make Steve almost laugh.
Steve wiggles around, tapping the golem’s chest. “Those are my parents,” he says, “Please let me down.”
After a few seconds of hesitation, the golem does, carefully and slowly placing Steve on his feet once more. Its hands stay on either side of him, looking ready to pull him back into its protective embrace. His father looks harried, but his mother looks awed as she steps forward. The golem allows her to approach, and she carefully runs her fingers over the golem’s arms. “This is amazing, Steve,” she says softly.
“Can we please step away from the dangerous statue now?” his father asks, taking a step forward only to stop when the golem suddenly stands and towers over him. “Uh, what’s it doing?”
“You’re not Jewish, Rick,” Steve’s mother says, looking over her shoulder. “The golem is a protective figure in Jewish folklore, among other things. It’s most famous stories are about keeping Jewish towns safe from pogroms. It’s wary of you.”
“I’m your husband!” Steve’s father protests, angrily shoving his guns back into their holsters, “And Steve’s father! We should be on the same team!”
“It’s okay,” Steve says, walking over to his father and taking his hand. “I just have to introduce you.” With that, Steve leads his father over to the golem, placing his father’s hand on its arm, and saying, “This is someone you should protect, too.”
After explaining everything, with plenty of interruptions from the kids after they came running back into the living room to escape Uncle Jonathan’s gin, Steve’s parents demanded to see the lab where it all started. 
And now they’re here, standing in one of the lower levels, surrounded by dead vines that still haunt Steve’s nightmares on particularly bad nights. If he’s lucky, he won’t have one of those while his parents are home, but Steve has never really called himself lucky in situations that don’t involve life or death. 
The wall that once held a gate to the Upside Down is nothing more than charred cement, reduced to a jagged line of something Steve really hopes is soot and not, like, disintegrated demogorgon. He carefully makes his way through the vines, avoiding them when he can and holding his breath whenever he has to step on one. 
“Did you know this was a lab?” Rick asks, his voice echoing in the hall ahead of them. 
“Of course, not,” Evelyn replies, and Steve can picture the glare she’s aiming at him. “I wouldn’t have let our son live here if I’d known.”
“Well,” Eddie says, “I, for one, and very relieved Stevie lived here considering several of us would be dead without him.”
“Me, too,” Dustin says.
“Me three,” El says.
“I think Steve and I would’ve found each other even if he wasn’t in Hawkins,” Robin says, nudging Steve’s ribs with her elbow as she grins. “Platonic soulmates can’t he kept apart.”
Steve snorts and stops when he reaches the wall. He looks around and notices the corpse of a demodog a few feet away. Or, well, he thinks it’s a demodog corpse. “Stay here,” he says, tightening his grip on his bat as he takes a step closer to it.
“Hold it right there, young man,” his mother says, her tone bringing him to an immediate halt. “Your father will go towards the monster, and you will stay a safe distance away.”
“Gee, thanks for asking,” Rick mutters, rolling his shoulders as he makes his way over to the demodog corpse. He studies it for a second before just kicking the thing with his foot. Steve nearly jumps in to yank his father back, but stays frozen in place by Robin’s hand coming to rest on his shoulder.
His father kicks the corpse again, and Eddie suddenly asks, “Why do I feel like this is disrespectful?”
“Because it used to be alive,” El offers.
“It’s definitely not anymore,” Rick says, crouching down and using the barrel of his gun to push back one of the petals on its head. “Shit, what’s it need so many teeth for?”
“The better to eat you with,” Steve says, earning a snort from Robin and Eddie.
“And there were how many of these?” Evelyn asks.
“Dozens. Like, multiple packs, and they were all connected by this hive mind kinda thing,” Dustin explains, walking over to the corpse with no fear. “I mean, they weren’t all bad. Dart was okay.”
“He ate your cat,” Steve says.
“Yeah, and then he didn’t eat us in the tunnel.”
“I can’t believe you were facing these things and didn’t use your guns to spare some girl’s feelings,” Rick says, looking at Steve over his shoulder.
“I can’t believe you didn’t just use the golem,” his mother says, frowning as she turns to Steve. “I mean, you know where it is, dear. You know how to bring it to life.”
“A golem? Like…from Lord of the Rings?” Dustin asks.
“You had a golem? Why didn’t you tell me you had a golem?” Eddie asks.
“How did we not think of the golem? Holy shit, we’re dumb,” Robin says, smacking her forehead with her palm.
“I couldn’t trust that it wouldn’t hurt one of my friends,” Steve says, ignoring Dustin for now. “It would only protect me and Robin. If something happened to one of us, it would abandon the kids without question. What’s the point then?”
“Hello! Confused people over here!” Dustin shouts, getting their attention. “What golem?”
“You know,” Robin says, “like…of Prague.”
“No, still lost,” Dustin says.
Steve sighs, about to explain it when Eddie beats him to it. “The golem is from Jewish folklore,” he says, tilting his head as he looks at Steve, “It was created and brought to life by a rabbi in Prague to protect his congregation from pogroms and acts of antisemitism. There are debates on why he had to disintegrate the golem, though. Some stories say it started killing innocent people, others say it fell in love, and others say the congregation were using it to do chores instead of letting it focus on protecting them.”
“Yes, exactly,” Evelyn says, smiling at Eddie and nodding with approval, “The golem doesn’t speak much, but it can answer basic questions. According to it, Rabbi Loew removed its aleph because it requested to go to sleep.”
“Oh, so it just wanted a nap,” El says, nodding as though this makes perfect sense to her.
“You said you had the golem,” Eddie says. “Where?”
“At the house,” Steve replies, watching as his father stands from the corpse and drags Dustin away from it. “I keep it in the locked room downstairs.”
“You said that was your parents’ room,” Dustin says.
“No, you assumed it was, and I never corrected you.”
“Can I see it?” Eddie asks.
Steve looks up, meeting Eddie’s gaze. After a few seconds, he nods once and looks at his parents. “Did you see what you wanted?” he asks, “Can we head back?”
“Yeah,” Rick says, frowning as he nudges a vine with his foot. “I’ll come back later with Ardeth. See if he knows anything that might help.”
“What do we need help with?” Dustin asks. “The portal is closed for good. We closed it.”
“There’s nothing wrong with making sure,” Evelyn tells him, smiling reassuringly before turning back the way they came. “Now that Rick and I are here, we’ll do everything we can to make sure those gates never open again.”
“And if they do,” Rick says, bringing up the rear as the kids follow Evelyn, “we’ll take care of it. You kids don’t need to put yourselves in danger anymore.”
Something in Steve settles at hearing this, his next exhale taking all the stress that had made its home between his shoulders with it. For the first time in a long time, he thinks about something normal. He glances at Eddie and Robin and thinks about going to see a movie with them, drinking at the lake, and just being stupid teens that don’t have to worry about interdimensional monsters.
Tag List (there should be room still! So, if you’d like a tag, let me know!)
@trueghostqueen, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @thoughtfulbreadpolice, @mogami13, @blcksh33p1987, @beawritingbooks, @remus-is-trans, @your-confused-friend, @estrellami-1, @nburkhardt, @vacantwatchers, @yeahhhh-suga, @phantomcat94
@blackpanzy, @ape31, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @plantzzsandpencilzzs, @flustratedcas, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @just-a-tiny-void, @disrespectedgoatman, @fallingleavesinthewind, @nymime, @nectandra, @moomkin77, @nadenia, @resident-disappointment, @copper-arrows, @romanticdestruction, @rowanshadow26
@nadenia, @northernlight-witch, @steddie-as-they-go,
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oriharakaoru · 2 years
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this is the best valentine's present they could have given us tbh
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tomwambsgans · 1 year
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tomgreg + cum
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epavirees · 10 months
the first thing i look at in a man is his heart and the fact that his tits are in front of it is NOT my fault
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stewykablooey · 1 year
he was like a siren in this scene. ‘why dont we talk in private 🫦’ *leans in real close, drops his voice* ‘so listen…how would you like to be all the way out 😉’ ‘dont you worry about it baby i can raise it 😘’ *literally leading ken to danger* ‘come with me 😏 come on 😏’
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ashtonsunshine · 1 year
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The 5SOS Show Prague x
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dailykafka · 9 months
++(adding on the last ask, sorry i just forgot to put this there) it's also the very very VERY weird way they keep talking like the jewish culture was completely erased from the rest of the Europe and the german speaking countries, like we didn't know how there were people fighting and resisting and trying to create communities before and after holocaust. this does NO erase holocaust, and that's one of the most enraging parts for me too: talking like the resistance of jewish people outside israel would somehow negate holocaust and antisemitism. this is fucking bonkers?
during the whole article i was thinking "why would the Germans have ownership of the works of an writer who is from PRAGUE? writing in german does not immediately imply this, and the fact that he was born in Prague does not negate the antisemitism he faced"
Kafka writing about his experience with oppression inside a country where antisemitism was so recurrent does not make him an symbol of the israeli state, and that's mainly what they're trying to affirm. by doing this they're trying to erase the way his works relate so much with the oppression other groups suffer inside other places, including the ones being attacked by the israeli state.
Yes, Israel's whole rhetoric is very deliberately constructed narrative which often raises uncomfortable questions.
And I also agree I think it's weird how there's complete exclusion of the country that Kafka was from (but then again, was he from Czech Republic (because that didn't exist back then) or was he from Austria? That existed in some sort). In any case, Kafka identified with the minority in the Austro-Hungarian empire (Hermann also), that is with Czechs.
What Kafka's nationality was is a tricky subject overall but the reality is that Prague is in Czech Republic so it is Czechs' "responsibility" to preserve Kafka in that city. Israel and Germany are just both weird about Franz Kafka and are trying to have hegemony over his legacy when none of them actually have tangible credibility.
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otrtbs · 1 year
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that's right,, THE goldfinch painting
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THE ONE. THe OnE. from my favorite book of all time everrrr!!!!!
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tchaikovskaya · 4 months
currently rotting in my bed thinking about summer 2019 and how much hope i had for the future and now its 5 yrs later and i have still not Moved On even tho everyone else in my life has and nothing turned out the way i always assumed it would. and how badly i wish i could go back and relive and savor those moments even if i couldnt change the way things thenceforth would unfold
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wotchergiorgia · 1 year
prague, tuesday 17th august 1920
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franz kafka, letters to milena
[text ID: do not let yourself be scared away from me - if it is at all possible in this unsteady world (where, when one is torn away, one is simply torn away and can't do anything about it) - even if I disappoint you once or a thousand times or right now or perhaps always right now.]
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secondus · 2 years
"It's hard for me to find something that's more on brand than losing your medication in the moshpit at the ls dunes show"
Frank and Anthony talking about having a pharmacy at their shows instead of a merch booth, Prague 02/05/23
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will-ruadh · 24 days
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flesh-n-brain-rot · 1 month
so.... Roman Staněk to Redbull next year?
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tomwambsgans · 19 days
it's so funny that the notion of kendall telling greg to spy on and/or seduce tom was such a Thing when s3 was still early in airing.. only for kendall to literally never 1) see tom as a potential threat or significant member of his dad's "side" even during s4, or 2) seem to have any more of a notion of tom and greg's closeness than anyone else does, which is none, bc greg literally does not ever talk about tom to anyone else onscreen
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