#things with teteira
celebellysfantrolls · 4 years
Wishlist x3
JESSIE NEEDS A NEW BLACK QUAD, AND OR A PALE TOO. I miss how soft she could be and now more than ever she’s very jaded against letting herself open up again. That or give her someone that sasses back and insists she need company but that THEY are the only one up for the job. It’d be a laid back pitch thing maybe! Now... this is something near and dear to my heart but: I want to get Teteira some quads. LOVE AND ROMANCE. She finally let go of her ideals of the fleet and empire and decided to stay on planet, and now she’s being trained to be a merceinary by her Ancestor’s ghost every once in a while. (That comic I was doing explains this... if someone sends me an ask I’ll lay it out)
MAGIC AND HORROR TERRORS AND SHIFTERS. This is just a blanket wish because this stuff is right up my alley. I have so many trolls to go with this and I just live for the freaky shit
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alterniea · 6 years
✩ o:
HIIII CELE!! i’ve never rped with your children before... but from a quick look i think icarus, and i’ve seen good things about trickshot... AND TETEIRA. HEARD GOOD THINGS ABOUT THAT GAL!! 
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warrentrolls · 7 years
I love Silmae SO MUCH. She deserves more friends!!! Would the mun be willing to tell us about her current friends?
is this so u can like, get a feel for what kind of friends she would like? cuz they’re kind of all over the place…….. cracks my baCK, wHATEVER there’s only like 4 of them i’ll talk about them
Teteira: **BEST FRIEND!!** Tet’s been there for Silmae for like eeeeverything, even putting up with her carnival bullshit while it was happening. They have so much history that, ooc, goes back to before either of the muns were on Tumblr. They’re just a couple of badasses who would kill and die for each other and they have matching slightly magical tattoos on their backs. Teteira’s the reason Silmae’s not still a fucking shut in after everything that went down.
Apodis: childhood friend reunited. They were super close as wrigglers but when things got intense for Silmae she left because she didn’t feel like it was safe for him. He is a good, small boy. But now she’s back! Trying to find that silly attitude she had and get back to being good friends and apologizing for p much ghosting him. He’s so sweet, she doesn’t want to hurt him again.
Raizol: weirdo she met on the street lmAO. She knew the instant she met him that there was a troll in that metal suit. Nobody foolin’ this psychic. She puts up with the bug eating as long as he doesn’t do it around her and she likes his hugs and playing guitar with him, even if she’s still learning. They’re good company for each other and he got her to like genuinely start laughing again. Like he’s a fuckin’ fool but he’s a very stable (physically, not so much mentally dslkghfsg) figure that she doesn’t have to worry about scaring off.
Evgeny: former competition?? She started off hanging out with him because she could get him the locations of people he wanted dead, and because she could doctor his wounds and she was willing to concede a kill to him in favor of getting a SWEET SKULL. Buuuuut then they started hanging out outside of “work” and he’s really fun to her? He’s scary on a level she can’t properly describe without sounding crazy but that doesn’t seem to bother her enough to not be drawn to him.
as you can see for someone who gets easily overwhelmed by highly emotional people she attracts, for the most part, very volatile trolls
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celebellysfantrolls · 4 years
Also three fun facts! One for: Your oldest troll, most used troll, and because I like to be a lil evil: your favorite troll :)
Oldest troll: Tarzue!! - His original personality actually went to my second oldest troll Teteira because when I made them it was for a OCT on DA! I wasn’t comfortable enough to draw guys yet so I made Tet and turned Tarzue into a lovable tech dork. Now he’s been revamped into a troll called Zypher!
Most used: Tripwire!- There are so many points in his life that could have changed his course of life it’s WILD. So many things had to line up just right to get him out of where he grew up and into the fleet, the right people whispering about the mainland military, not DYING in the snow, not dying leaving his village, JUST NOT DYING TBH. He’s been very fun to flesh out and explore his layers and every day I figure out more and more about this bastard.
Favorite Troll:  Teri you’re a monsterSO I’M CHEATING A DOING MULTIPLE 
Jessie: She has tattoos that help her regulate herself. She can get absorbed into her work so having a little health bare on her arm helps her to remember to eat.
Teteira: I never fucking finished that comic for her but she’s now currently training under her Ancestor to help control her powers better.
Areasa: She’s been looking into doing a new line of work, something a lot hotter and persnaps more smithy.
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celebellysfantrolls · 5 years
closet monsters for areasa, failure for jessie, death for teteira
Areasa:Closet Monsters: Does your muse hide any aspects of their personality/life from others?- She does her best to hid her depression from people. Puts all of her energy into being a normal person with smiles and laughs. She also tries to hide her paranoia that’s related to her blood as much as she can. If she gets a cut or even cries it could out her, so she does everything she can to prevent herself from being put in those situations. it’s... made it hard for her to actually cry unless it’s a VERY emotional moment.
Jessie:Failure: Has your muse ever given up on an important dream? - Find out what happened to Taraxi. She hasn’t given it up all the way... but the ambition behind it is a ghost of what it used to be.
Teteira:Death: Name one thing your muse has lost that they wish they could get back.- The sweeps she spent glorifying the Fleet, the sweeps she spent day dreaming about being a hero and legend in the ranks of black ops, the sweeps she spent thinking she would be apart of an entity bigger than the word, only to now see it’s a sham. A machine that only takes, eats, and spites back out those that go in.
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celebellysfantrolls · 6 years
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Hi my name is Celene and the need to make this gripped me as soon as I got home.
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celebellysfantrolls · 6 years
Well, i get to talk about her under the cut at least WOOOO
TLDR: Both Teteira’s Pale and Flush are now empty!! AND SHE’S ANXIOUS ABOUT THE FUTURE!!!!
So awhile ago I retconed her and Tarzue’s relationship, changing it so that it was a nameless teal that was discovered to be a mutant(bright blood) and culled early on (around when they were both 3ish sweeps) she still wears his color as a remembrance type of deal.)
Weylyn was her neighbor and took on a big brother type of roll, still being the one to save Tet when she was kidnapped.and was the one to put her MAJORLY on the path to the fleet, but leaving before he could officially teach her how to use a rifle. He taught her the basics of how to handle a pistol at least but she doesn’t like to use them.
I’ve talked to some friends about this, and I've thought about this for a while, but I’m going to officially retcon Teteira and Jeedat’s relationship.
I made Tet, Taruze, and Jeedat all at the same time about 6 years ago with no idea where they would go, and i locked myself into quads for the purpose of a story. Now with having a blog and Teteira having been/being one of my main muses I feel VERY stuck with her development.
To fix that, i’m going to retcon Her’s and Jeedat’s relationship, they never met each other, don’t know each other at all. 
She’s always been hell bound at this point to go to the fleet but lately she’s had some serious... doubts?? about being able to get where she wants to be. Black ops is a high and dangerous position that an olive is just not going to get to without some serious luck. She could work herself as hard as she can, even to DEATH and not get there and it scares her. 
Now that Jeedat’s letter of recommendation isn’t even a factor anymore it’s shaken her faith in herself to be able to achieve her goal in the fleet, and because of that she’s pushing back her application to go into the fleet. She’s scared of getting thrown to the front lines as fodder, but she doesn’t want to be stuck on Alternia with no path in life. She feels very conflicted and stuck.
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celebellysfantrolls · 7 years
Not 100% canon ends but could be IF steps are taken
Teteira: Breaking up with jeedat either before or during her basic training, meaning she never gets his help in getting to a higher position that olives normally wouldn’t get to. She butts heads with the higher ups to the point that  they work her till near exhaustion with the promise that she’ll get promoted only to be shoved out into a hopeless battler where she’s the last of her platoon to either be taken prisoner and later killed, or mortally wounded and dying on the field alone.
Jessie: Found and arrested by the fleet and basically brain/mind wiped of her whole life save for her knowledge on the rebellion and shoved into a helms column where she remains for god knows how long. She’s force fed blood to keep her alive.
Areasa: Found out to be a mutant and killed on the spot, body getting throw into a ditch never to likely be found.
Eneara: Cult comes back for her and Elijah and she’s ripped away from the life she had tried to make with him and Minosa.  The pillar and Ennion manage to force the two into the fusion ceremony and the twins are set into the same path as their ancestor. Serving the pillar with little real memories of who they used to be.
Sariah: Found out by hemoloyal trolls and being kidnapped/outright killed on a long standing suspicion of her NOT being the caste she says. If kidnapped she’s tortured and killed slowly, making sure she admits to being a freak even if the magic over her that makes it so that no one can see her real color doesn’t get broken. Killed outright she’s probably burned because who ever’s done this doesn’t want her mate to figure out JUST who did it.
Icarus: Funny enough, bad end for him is that he DOESN’T die. He’s never able to find his soul box and he’s forced to live out eternity against his will. No matter what he does the demon that cursed him makes sure he isn’t allowed to do any smart shit like sleeping for a thousand years or something. He looses most of his ‘humanity’ and lives as the monster he is.
Halaxi: Is infected by a shadow dropper and is forced to take her own life when she can’t find enough people to perform a cleansing ritual.
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celebellysfantrolls · 7 years
SO, after a lot of debating, and looking back on like A YEARS worth of feelings and such.... I’m going to scrap Tarzue and retcon his whole story. Quads, relations the whole thing.
I felt like he’s just too flat a character that I could do so much more with and because he’s from the original Trio (Teteira, Tarzue, and Jeedat) I’ve had him a long time but he is the least developed out of the three. I’ve felt like this was a long time coming, but he’s my very FIRST original fantroll design and i’ve felt conflicted for a VERY VERY long time about doing this.
I’ve got a plan, but this involves rewriting Teteira’s story a bit and now leaves her without a Moirail.
Weylyn, who was her neighbor, very loosely filled that roll as she grew up until about 3 sweeps ago when he went to the fleet and since then she’s been without one.
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celebellysfantrolls · 8 years
You lived in and loved the trees, but some things you just forget when you were so high up.
The winter months where coming to an end and you could finally use the trees travel once again, the snow melting during the day and clearing the leafless branches of the ice and slush still on the ground. The air was still cold, breath tinted pink as the moons hang low overhead, your mind focused on the tracks of a large boar you had wounded back by your hive.
Smatterings of teal blood blaze against the white of the snow and make it easy to follow, your own footfalls muffled if not entirely silent as your make your trek high up in the skeletal canopy of your forest. The beast’s, tracks were quickly becoming messy as blood loss was taking its toll, indents in the snow showing where it was falling over and struggling to get up.
Hoping from branch to branch you veer north east towards a gully that you knew many animals would take shelter in, thinking that the boar would flee there and make for an easy end to the hunt. The deep cut in the forest floor was dry save for a layer of snow starting to melt, the stream that flowed through it not yet to come till spring was fully set and the snow from the east started its fun off to the sea. 
A whine pulls your attention as you near the gully, teal blood smeared and dabbed all over the tracks and snow leading to the edge of the gully. There on the edge was a indent where the beast had fallen over the edge and must now be at the bottom of the steep cliff side. You felt bad, this hunt having gone on too long and causing the creature too much pain. 
Walking down the length of the thick branch that stretched out over the severe drop below you kneel down and indeed see the boar on its side down at the bottom of the gully some  seventy feet below, an easy climb down and up that you had made several times before.
Jumping from your branch to the one before you bend your legs in preparation of hitting the wooden limb, but are met with a crack and the continued sense of falling. Eyes wide in shock you see the rotten breaking point all too late. t
he long fall was accented by your fruitless and useless scream as you plummet seventy feet straight own, voice cut short as you make impact and your life is snuffed out.
You didn’t look before you lept, 
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celebellysfantrolls · 8 years
Fun facts with Teteira!
- Can’t cook on a stove to save her life but can cook over an open flame no problem! -Extends to using pots and pans ON the fire itself. Woman can cook eggs over a fire but not a stove smh - Can skin and prepare any animal you lay in front of her. -Knows how to track just about every anything that lives in the forest - When she was young she had a very hard time with direct contact, usually only doing it when she was angry. - Has learned to be much better now at eye contact, but has a wicked death glare. - Loves pastries like scones. - Keeps a bunch of blankets in her sylladex, loves to sleep in giant piles of blankets.
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celebellysfantrolls · 7 years
gimme some facts on hutura and teteira
YESSS OKAY HERE WE GO this is going to be kinda long
-English is not her first language! Her native language is actually Finnish!
- She came from a village way up north where adults sometimes flee to stay out of the fleet, meaning she was one of the youngest people up there but learned a lot of life lessons.
- This is also a reason why her violent tendencies are so bad. She was kinda encouraged by the adults to act on them and if she had a problem with someone fight it out.
- Self taught herself how to ice skate and even taught most of the adults up there how to do it.
- Went south because she wanted to see what was there, a indigo that she had grown close to taking her and actually moving back to the city with her to keep an eye out for her.
- Likes to be in the know since she’s used to a tightly knit community, but is starting to get that’s not how it works in the real world.
- Knows about the fleet, just not all the details you would think a troll would know about.
- She’s the one out in the middle of a cold snap blizzard in a tank top and flipflops loving it but dying if it’s warmer than 70F/ 21C
- Can make intricate creations with her ice and was just about forced to do this when she was little to make her learn how to control her powers. It helped in the long run as she can do some things without even thinking of it like making spikes and patches of clear ice on the track when in Durby games.
- Can and WILL be the one to rip someone apart if she finds out they were cheating in a game and got one of her friends killed. And OH BOY there arn’t many people that will be able to stop this force of nature once she’s pissed.
- Knows vaguely about her ancestor. She knows how she died and that she was part of a group of hired mercs. 
-  Gets headaches frequently the closer to Halloween it gets, being really the only time she lets herself take pain killers so that she can still do her normal shit. This is thanks to her ability to see ghosts that she’s suppressed to hell and back, but she can still FEEL the ghosts energy
- Can’t cook in a kitchen AT ALL but is good with an open fire and a cast iron pan????
- She loves scones. Doesn't have that much of a sweet tooth though.
- Has what seems like an endless supply of blankets in her sylladex.
- Always wanted to flap but there just weren’t enough people around to do it so she did a weird single person type of thing. That’s how she learned as much about her ancestor as she can.
-  Ever since she was little she’s wanted to be in the fleet. Her neighbor Weylyn reading her stories of the fleet and the legends people had become thanks to the fleet. She’s wanted to become one of these legends.
- Had Weylyn stayed on planet longer he would have taught her the basics of how to be a kick ass shooter. Not a sniper but she would have been force to be reckoned with long range in the forest.
- Instead she’s opted for rope based weapons/ silent weapons that are light and let her have a whole array of options of shit to do. She’s learned to be fast and user the rope to tie up her target and get the upper hand FAST.
- Not the best with authority right now, but will be better once in basic training. It’s mostly her not liking people talking down to her or thinking they can control her when they in fact should be minding their own fucking business. 
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celebellysfantrolls · 6 years
6, 10, 13 [lets say 5 muses instead of ALL jhasdhg] and 14 !!
6.which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
Longest Would be Teteira at ROUGLY 7 years!
10.which muse is the most fun to write for?
I LOVE writing for Jessie! She comes to me pretty naturally and her snark is really fun!
13.what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
Xefren doesn’t keen to make hand motions with her powers but she feels it lets her focus more on her pushes and pulls
Einsam knows how to make bullets! It’s a last ditch effort thing if she can’t get a shipment from down south in.
Vinasa had kinda wooed the local tiger population and they constantly follow her around when she’s out prowling
Bastion will show off his eyes just fine if asked, but if you try to force him he gets shy.
Zukime has a big notebook filled with names of people she’s met and now many times she’s met them. It helps her know how to talk to them and even has notes on tidbits she’s picked up about them.
14. which muse has the most aus or verses?
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celebellysfantrolls · 7 years
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celebellysfantrolls · 8 years
Olive and gold for Tet and areasa!
Already did Olive!
Gold Potion: …a skill they wish they had, and a skill they couldn’t care less about having.
Tet would love to learn how to shoot. Weylyn, when he still lived in the forest, had promised to teach her but left for the fleet before he could really get into training her. She has a hand gun that she uses in emergencies but was always in awe with Weylyn’s rifle skills! As for for a skill she couldn’t care less for I would say how much of a light weight  she is >u> some could truly call it a skill that she can get tipsy off two shots. but hey, what can you do when you RARELY drink.
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