#think the dumb fucks who own the right only made 10
bishopony · 2 days
Ohhh buddy I have THOUGHTS (This is so long, I'm so sorry)
1. I actually like Twilight better as a unicorn, she should never have became an Alicorn. (And that's coming from someone who first started watching around S5)
2. However, if Twilight becomes an Alicorn then all the Mane 6 should have been Alicorns. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity did just as much as Twilight! Where are their wings/horns?
(That would have been awesome for the rest of the series!)
3. You are 100% right the tree castle is horrible. It's so barren and empty and so clearly made to sell toys. The library was nice and cozy and fit Twilight perfectly.
4. I absolutely hate redeemed Starlight Glimmer. Words cannot describe how much I despise this mare. You mean to tell me Twilight would throw a child into hell but let Starlight I-broke-space-time Glimmer go?? Absolutely not.
(Sunset Shimmer is a thousand times better and everything Starlight wishes she could be)
5. I actually like that Cozy Glow doesn’t have a backstory. Sometimes villains are just evil to be evil.
That being said, they should have at least tried to reform Cozy Glow. At the bare minimum put her somewhere other than (I can't stress this enough) PONY HELL!! She's like 12 Twilight holy shit-
6. Not enough people read the G4 comics. In fact, you should stop reading this ask and go read the comics instead. Most of them are online for free. I recommend The Return of Queen Chrysalis (1-4), Reflections (17-20), and Siege of the Crystal Empire (31-34).
7. MLP G5 isn't actually that bad, but it took too long to get off the ground. By the time it went from mediocre to good, most people didn't care. (Also Hasbro got greedy and G5 paid the price, but that's a rant for another day)
Also G5 should have been it's own thing, with no ties to G4.
8. Celestia and Luna should not have retired. Celestia I can understand, but Luna? Poor Luna just got back to Earth (or whatever the planet's called), no way is she retiring like 5 years in.
9. The CMC all having the same cutie mark was dumb. (And felt like a cop-out. Let my girls be unique!) Also the cutie mark designs themselves are just the ugliest things ever. Did no one teach that designer color theory??
10. King Sombra is best villain. However they should have picked literally anyone else to voice him in Season 9. Or even have the VA do a different voice! It's not even a bad voice, it's just not King Sombra's voice.
11. The Apples and the Pies are not related. Let me ship Marble Pie and Big Mac in peace. Let people ship Applejack and Pinkie Pie in peace.
12. Sugar Belle and Big Mac are a terrible couple. Maybe they were fine off-screen, but all we see is miscommunication. The only way that marriage is ending is in divorce.
13. I actually like that EQG used pony skin tones instead of human ones. That being said, there was way too much whitewashing—just use the pony's actual coat colors. I promise you can give Luna dark blue skin and it'll be fine. (How the fuck did Habro make the character with literally white skin even whiter?? HOW?? WHY???)
14. And finally (holds up megaphone): Just because Applejack and Rainbow Dash were seen together in the end, that doesn’t automatically mean they’re a couple!!!! —Sincerely, someone who thinks AJ and Rainbow are too similar to be a couple.
Ooooo ok cool I also have some thoughts LMAO. long post so read under the cut
I also like Twilight as a unicorn more than an alicorn but I do think it was right for her to become one since it was the climax of her character arc. The problem is that the show was meant to end after she became an alicorn and it went on for several more season :,) I think she was an alicorn for far too long
Not really sure I agree with this since it was only Twilight's destiny to become an alicorn. While it would've been cool to see them as alicorns and the whole mane 6 put forth equal effort to saving equestria, it just wasn't meant to be lol.
i saw someone's AU where the castle looked more like the student 6's tree of harmony and I like that a lot more, THAT'S how you design a crystal tree house ^^'
I like Starlight Glimmer and her unconventional approaches to problem solving, but man she did get off way easy for nearly destroying the world. I mean, idk, community service or something? Also why is Cozy Glow, a child, in pony hell? Why was she trapped in stone? How did the writers think that was an appropriate punishment but other characters like Starlight and Discord get redemptions? ToT
agreeing, no extra notes lol
I have a few of them! I've read the Nightmare Rarity and mirrorverse ones, I really love the comics
Agree with this one as well. G5's issues all come from Hasbro wanting to make even more money off of G4 and not allowing G5 to be its own thing like it should have. Hasbro, a toy company, should have made way more collectible G5 merch instead of the same cheap brushables of the same 4 characters over and over. I also saw someone on twitter make a good point that the G5 show should've aired on disney+ instead of netflix since that's what most families have nowadays. truly, G5 is just a victim of corporate greed
Yeah I always felt bad for Luna for that lol. If Celestia wants to retire good for her, but at least Luna should've have stuck around and helped Twilight. Can't image Ruler of Equestria is something you just get used to immediately, esp as one person instead of two like before
Totally agree, no extra notes
He's not my favorite villain, but he is fun, and they could've gotten a better VA for him lol. Or at least changed the direction for his voice? The VA is skilled and sounds good but the voice was a little too smooth IMO.
Yeah it was never actually confirmed so it's not canon. I wouldn't worry about shipping them cause the show writers clearly don't care lol
It's kind of forced imo. They're two random characters and I think they just wanted to use Sugar Belle again. I don't remember that episode well but ig discord was stopping them from seeing each other? idk they should've just gone straight to each other. just not anything I'm invested in
Agreed, they should've had their actual pony colors if they're not gonna have realistic skin. It was weird that rarity became pure white and luna was lightened so heavily. and why is celestia pink. if they were trying to avoid racially coding the characters they certainly failed that cause it just implies that they're all white
I think some of the writers said it was canon? Or at least implied since hasbro wouldn't let them confirm it outright. I don't like appledash either way, and can just pretend it isn't real lol.
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gassydumbjocks · 7 months
Filthy Animals
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Shawn sighs trying to focus on his algebra book again to study as he hears all the noise coming from the living of the apartment he shared with his roommate.
He couldn't have any worse luck than living with the most sexist, grossest, filthiest, and DUMBEST guy he've ever met, Jaden was watching the football match with his bunch of good-for-nothing bros again, or apes, like Shawn liked to call them, filling the house with the obnoxious sound of their dumb laughs and bodily functions, Shawn swore he couldn't pass five minutes without hearing (or smelling, even from his room) a belch or fart those ogres would let out, and then giggle like toddlers cuz it was so much fun for them.
"BOOOOOUUUUURRRRRPPP" the jock lets a fat bassy belch out after drinking a whole can of beer "Woooh Broo! Hahaha, that was a fucking BEAST! ah?" He says joking with his slob peers as they all agreed while watching the game or commenting about the breast or butt from the cheerleader girls they were dating on.
It was already enough for him, as he made his way out of his room decided to confront him, he found him on the couch wearing nothing but his nasty underwear and a hand under it as he scratched his balls casually, Shawn grimaced.
"Y'all will never behave?! I can hear your disgusting noises from my room, You animals!" He said, almost red from rage, but Jaden simply letted a goofy laugh with the dumb smile and look he always had, same with his dudes.
"Lil bro, relax a bit, we're bonding as we men should do, you afraid to cut the cheese or what?" he smirked as he lifted one of his legs and pointed right at Shawn, he grunted and before the poor guy could do anything "Protein fart bomb!".
The putrid stink of the protein combined with the beer and all that food he and his friends were eating hitted Shawn almost immediatly, making him gag and feeling nauseus, wanting to run to the bathroom and throw up, while Jaden was having a good laugh and fist bumping with his all his bros, some even responding with another fart just to bother Shawn more "Damn i fucking stained my briefs with that one hahaha" Jaden said smiling, and it was no joke as even Shawn could see the brown mark on them, horrifying him.
"Ewwww! STOP YOU BRUTE!" He covered his nose "You are an ANIMAL" he hissed giving him a killer look.
"What is your damn problem?" It was then when Jaden got done with his whines and looked at him "Why dont you fucking relax and start acting like a man? You could even join us if you wanted" He offered, for Shawn's surprise, but the nerd was so mad that he made a disgusted face at the idea of it.
"I wouldn't join a group of slobs without manners who only know how to think with their cocks and fart or belch non-stop like fucking pigs, You are so dumb that you cant even count past 10 or say your own names correctly!" He stated, The jocks made overexaggerated gasping sounds, seeming offended by it, Jaden just stared with a neutral expression, his 'you're dead already' look perforing him deeply. Shawn quite started to fear him once he lost his sudden dose of courage.
"We'll see who ends up being the animal here, lil bro" was all the jock said before focus on the game again, leaving Shawn with a bad feeling running throught his spine as he rushed back to his room.
"Idiot... He just wants to scare me" He said as he seated again in his chair to continue his studying for the rest of the night, A little worried tho, for Shawn he just said the truth, but he didn't know what the immature and stinky athlete could do to him, time after overthinking about it he decided go sleep, unaware of the plan the Jocks at the living were making in that moment.
During the next morning, Shawn woke up around 9 am, so he supposed Jaden would probably be at the gym before his training, he got out his room and walked to kitchen to have some breakfast, but to his surprise he was there, still in his undies as always when he was home , eating some brownies from a plate that was in the table, before smiling at the nerdy guy "Brodaah!, you want some of these? My girlfriend brought me brownies cuz she made some for the annual campus event tomorrow, but i can share" he said, as innocently as he could sound, Shawn narrowed his eyes at him and then at the brownies
"If you farted on them i swear i'll throw them to you" he threatened, Jaden rolled his eyes, grabbing another "Bro, grab some, i didn't put anything nor poisoned them, ya paranoid" He said "I left the white chocolate ones for you, i ate the rest"
The pale guy doubted for a sec, but then he thought that Jaden maybe couldn't even be that smart to think on something to ruin the food, he was the last of his class and his IQ didn't pass over 65.
He slowly extended his arm, and picked up a brownie, he sniffed it before "Smells a bit rare... What did she use to bake them?"
Jaden simply proceeded to shrug "they tasted good to me, just try one bruh! You wont regret" The jock said once again, Shawn looked at it unsure of what to do, after some eternal seconds, he sighed and finally bited the brownie, gulping it down his throat once finished
"Eh... Actually it wasn't so bad-" He got interrupted by a huge growl, coming from his deep gut in his stomach, he held it in pain with a hand, and somehow for some reason he started to feel a bit... Bloated.
"What the hell was in that?!" The nerdy guy looked in horror the taller jock, who just dedicated him an evilish and satisfied grin.
"You'll see, lets just wait it does its effect" He said, Shawn tried to run, but he couldn't move neither "This is bullsh-..SHIOOooOOOUUURRRRPP" a wet then deep and smelly belch made its way out of him out of nowhere, but instead of feeling ashamed, that burp seemed to take all the worry out of him and leaving him on a slacking and relaxed state.
"Cool haha" Jaden approached him, seeing the scrawny boy with a lost look standing there "Now we can start... Where should we... You said we were animals, but what if i tell you you are one too? Man, you even smell worse than me, just sniff your pits!"
Shawn proceed to lift his arm and sniff deeply, he showered daily, but now his armpits immediatly took a fetid and rank odor that could make even the strongest faint.
"And you also said we dont have manners, remember? You dumbass, we both know your fumes are deadly, you love to let it rip bruh hahaha"
That blast made Shawn's pants vibrate at the bass from that fart, with each gas he letted out, his expression seemed more and more relaxed and drool scaped from his lips.
"You forgot you are such a dumb jock" Shawn made a goofy laugh at that as he scratched his butt.
"Such a dumb and gross jock"
"BOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUURRRRRRP" was Shawn's response this time.
"You truly are an animal, dude, so dumb and filthy i cant imagine how you are even able to talk haha"
"Du... Dumb hahaha" A new deep voice came out of his throat, and then he belched again before grinning stupidly.
"Oh and, for the record" he made a pause "I did farted on those brownies, but just yours man, and Bryan could possibly rubbed them in his ass... And Wesley maybe burped on them too, i dunno, just enjoy the extra flavor haha"
Shawn never felt more dizzy or dazed in all his life, not that it mattered now tho, his life now was being a hot dumb and smelly jock, blasting burps and farts as if it was his own breath, it felt good to be dumb, it felt good to act like a man.
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aurana-i · 2 months
I’m genuinely concerned about gw*nriels who say “Gw*n will change Az! He’s a f-boy now, he feels entitled to Elain, she’s his rebound but Gw*n will change him and they will heal together”
Like… are you for real rn?🙈
First of all, have you met f-boys in real life before? Good luck trying to change those, cause girl, you can’t change anyone! No matter how good and light and bubbly and this and that you think you are, sorry to break it to you, but you’re not special. Fboys stay fboys no matter how hard you try.
Second of all, “change”? I will speak words of wisdom of a wonderful SJM man : “You cannot pick and choose which part of her (or him in that case) to love”. When you love you don’t try to change anything in your partner you just learn to accept and adapt. A person changes only when it their own decision. And if Azriel in your opinion is a “fuck boy” then he will stay this way and his lovers should accept it.
If you say that Elain is Azriel’s rebound from Mor, then Gw*n is his rebound from Elain?😃 it’s your logic after all, why would Gw*n be different? Oh, because she’s his “mate”? The mate he didn’t care about for 2 years after her SA? The mate he didn’t give 2 fucks about when she was taken to a blood rate and had all chances at being SAd again and killed? You sure you understand a mating bond correctly? Suddenly, she will be special and heal him in his book (lol, yeah, sure)
Also, most importantly, you really want Gw*n of all fuckin characters in the series, who suffered from the actual SA, to… change… A MAN?! Who is a… FBOY?! ☠️ What is wrong with yall , do you hear yourselves? Do you not realise how messed up this is?
Cut with this saviour complex bs, it’s embarrassing and pathetic 🙄
Honestly, the amount of mischaracterisation of Az , Elain and Gw*n and even Lu*ien from gw*riles and el*ciens I witness every day is astonishing. Let me break it down to you:
Azriel is the opposite of an entitled fuckboy. To be an entitled fboy you need to have an ego and a self esteem the size of a mountain which Azriel doesn’t have.
Elain is not boring, is not weak, is not anyone’s rebound. Elain had a build up for several book already. She’s made, she’s a Seer, she’s an Archeron sister and the loveliest of them all and could bring kings to their knees with just a few smiles. She’s 10 times more important to the books than a random priestess.
Gw*n is not interested in Azriel or in any man.
Lulu is not interested in Elain nor does she in him. The only man she expressed interest in is Az who is obsessed with her.
What in these canon statements can’t you understand? How are Elriels the ones with “no reading comprehension skills” when your dumb statements exist? It’s not like yall are 10 y.o. and we try to explain to you quantum physics in Mandarin, right? The books are really simple to understand but yall prefer to have ships which are based on 10 year old interviews and one BC. What a joke.
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sadaveniren · 9 months
Why none of this matters
Sada's Yearly Post Christmas BG round up I guess?
A study of 2015 (since we've lost a lot of resources since BG started)
Shit from 2015 with Evidence
1. She got a nose job while pregnant
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Left: the “night” of the conception*. Right: her at the London 1D show in September, “pregnant”
*Louis didn't go home with Briana she instead spent the night with Calvin, Ashley and Oli (the two were dating) and there’s a pillow fight video of the four of them while Louis "slept upstairs" that @luckyagain found 🤗🤗
2. The Disappearing Christmas bump
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Left: Briana on Christmas 2015 (8 months) Right: Lottie in July 2022.
3. The only bare bump pic we got of her… with her 2016 face
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4. She didn't even use her own pictures to post her baby belly
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Left: Picture of "her" pregnant belly with no mole. Right picture of her stomach post pregnancy with a mole (also, this is just me but while you may be able to convince me there is a belly button piercing with no jewelry on the pregnant belly, as someone who had a belly button piercing AND a pregnancy that's.... the right picture is not what that looked like post pregnancy)
Shit I can't find evidence for* but I saw with my own fucking eyes
1. The fucking changing timeline of her pregnancy in the early dats (10 weeks to 12 weeks pregnant after we bitched about it being too early)
2. Is it a girl? Is it a boy? The Clarks sure don’t know and also Briana did have a baby show- wait no she didn't have baby shower. No baby shower for Briana.
*probably because i didn't bother to reblog it at the time because 2015 was fucking wild and I honestly didn't think I'd need to - you know - archive EVERYTHING. And the few people who did have since deleted/were deleted by tumblr 🙃
Shit that isn't "evidence" but always bears repeating
It's not real
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2. Dirty Dancing Tweet and one of the subplots of Dirty Dancing is a pregnancy thing.
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3. The! Pregnancy! Announcement! Was! About! Larry!
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4. Were they friends? Were they enemies? Who knows! Not us!
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5. This was 2016 but GOD THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. Her post partum attire was WILDLY inconsistent with someone who just gave birth.
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I will forever die at the thought of wearing a fucking mini skirt* so many days post partum holy shit.
*reminder the time period post her birth was convoluted as all hel probably to try and get us confused and mixed up in the future (no i don't think they intended bg to go on this long)
And ultimately... even if you can excuse all that, just remember, she literally can't be the exception for everything.
Thank you for your time please enjoy some of the stuff I wrote about last year:
Believe in the Douis break up rule
You're not crazy or dumb or weakfor being frustrated for this
Try not to let shit affect you!
Some more long posts I made last year
Remember! Time is BG's best friend because people end up forgetting a lot of shit that's happened!
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the-hopeless-haze · 1 year
Glorious Happenings of Happenstance
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Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: mild smut
Summary: You get Aaron to accompany you to a wedding. It's the only night you have together, so you might as well make the most of it. Right? (as requested by Aaron deficiency anon)
You hate your brother.
You don’t, really, you just dislike him right now, dragging your whole family to Boston for a wedding a week before you were supposed to be starting your new job. It was always like that with you two, push and pull, a constant game of tug and war of who was going to outdo the other one. You got the prestigious job but he was getting married. Young - like all the army rats. Dumb. Stupid. It wouldn’t last. But whatever. The hotel is nice, and you managed to escape your future sister-in-law’s bachelorette plans to get a drink at the bar by yourself. Never mind the fact she couldn’t legally drink and neither could your brother. Stupid. Very stupid.
But your parents made it known your input was unwanted and uncalled for so you kept your mouth shut. Maybe you could just be inebriated this whole weekend. God forbid someone tries to talk him out of one of the worst mistakes of his life.
You order a mojito because you’ve been sweltering in the humidity of the Boston summer, but then… you think maybe you won’t need to be drunk on liquor as you see a tall man with jet-black hair sit down on your right, leaving a few empty seats between the two of you. He looks authoritative; like people listen when he speaks; like he could command a room without so much as whispering. He’s too old for you, but fuck it, if your parents had nothing to say about your brother getting married the second he turned eighteen, they can’t say shit about who you end up with.
But still. You’re not staying in Massachusetts, and from the looks of him, you doubt he is either. He must be here on business, still dressed in black dress slacks and a suit jacket in the heat, never mind that it’s almost 10 pm. Although, who knows? Lots of suit types around, although not necessarily in hotel bars.
He orders something strong on the rocks, sipping slowly at the amber liquid. You eye his hand on the glass... and god. It dwarfs it, making it look tiny wrapped in his long fingers.
You bite your lip and turn away, sipping cautiously at your own drink. You weren’t thinking about meeting anyone here, anyway. You sweat off most of your makeup this morning driving to the hotel and your hair was a frizzy mess, soaking up all the moisture from the air it could get. You needed a shower. You just wanted a few drinks alone before turning in for the night. Right?
You’d never had a one-night stand yourself. You didn’t know how those worked, and you thought emotional entanglements before starting as an FBI agent, however brief they were… wouldn’t exactly be a good start to your career. You didn’t want to be missing him, waiting for calls that never came.
Jesus. You need to get a grip. You haven’t said a word to this man. You don’t even know his name.
Scanning him over again, you drink in his dark hair and eyes, thick eyebrows, sharp jawline, and broad shoulders. You’re not being exactly subtle in checking him out as you start to feel the effects of the alcohol loosening you up a little.
So you shouldn’t be as surprised as you are that he catches you.
Aaron noticed you when he walked into the bar, but he deduced that you were tired and wanted to be left alone. A woman alone in a hotel bar that clearly wasn’t here on work, clad in a sundress… you were here to deal with something. Fight with a lover, family member, or friend - someone you were on vacation with. You didn’t want company. And neither did he, really. But now that your eyes met, he feels like you look so familiar, and yet he can’t quite figure out why. You give a small, shy smile and you slide down the few bar stools and tell him your name.
“I’m Aaron,” he responds, using his first instead of his last name to introduce himself. A rarity. You’ve got to be twenty years his junior. Nothing can come of this, he tells himself, trying to ignore the thin strap of your dress that was falling off your shoulder.
“You here for the wedding?” you ask, hopeful that maybe he was some long-distance relative of your brother’s fiancée, that you would somehow be able to run into him again. Celebrate the inevitable divorce.
“Wedding? No,” he answers, eyebrows raising a little in surprise.
Damn it. Couldn’t be so lucky.
“Who’s getting married?” he asks.
“My brother,” you answer.
“Shouldn’t you know who’s in the wedding party, then?” he asks, giving you a small smile, just wide enough to see the hints of dimples on his cheeks.
God. You were half in love with him already.
“I don’t know her side,” you answer, smiling back.
“They haven’t been together long?”
“Nope. Guess.”
“How long? I don’t know. Six months.”
“You think that’s short? Try four,” you say. “He’s going into the army. Straight out of high school. And no, she’s not pregnant.”
“You don’t sound like you approve,” he observes.
“Would you?”
“I don’t know. Stranger things have worked out.”
“I’ve never seen high school sweethearts stay together. And if they do… they’re usually not happy.”
“You’re barely out of high school yourself.”
“I’m 25!”
“Proving my point,” he says, smiling again. “I married my high school sweetheart.”
“I don’t see a wedding ring on your finger,” you point out.
“No. You don’t,” he sighs, taking a swig of his whiskey.
“I’m sorry,” you immediately apologize, hating yourself for your lack of filter. “I shouldn’t have—“
“It’s okay,” he cuts off your apology. “I invited the observation. We… we wanted different things.”
“Isn’t that the way shit always ends?”
Aaron nods, swallowing down the rest of his drink. “What about you? Are you against all marriages or just the shotgun ones?”
“Mostly just those, but I don’t know. I really don’t see the benefit at all,” you shrug.
“Right. So jaded in your old age,” he quips.
You giggle, shaking your head. “I’ll buy the next round?” you offer tentatively.
“I believe it’s the other way around,” he says, flagging down the bartender before you could and adding your next drink to his tab.
You try and fail to ignore the butterflies in the pit of your stomach. “There’s always tax breaks.”
“What?” you ask, caught off guard by his out-of-context statement.
“Filing as married. Tax breaks,” Aaron clarifies.
“Yeah. Health insurance, too. Or, you know, not having to live in the barracks.”
“The joys of marriage.”
You roll your eyes. “How romantic. Spare me. Please.”
“No one’s tying you down, hmm?”
“No,” you say, but you give him a lilting smile, one you hope dares him to try.
“Fair enough.”
“What brings you out here, then, if it’s not to be my plus one to this sham of a wedding?”
“Work,” he replies. “Giving a conference at a college nearby.”
“You don’t have time to come in between?”
You don’t know why you’re inviting him. You don’t want him to meet your family, not like this, anyway. You don’t want to lead him on. It’s the alcohol, maybe, loosening your lips.
“I think your parents would kill me,” Aaron says firmly.
“Right. If they don’t care what my brother does, they shouldn’t care what I do. Bringing you to the wedding would be marginally less stupid than actually getting married.”
He sighs your name, shaking his head. “I can’t in good conscience agree to that.”
“Why not?”
“I’ll never see you again after this.”
“So?” you shrug.
“I don’t intend on starting something I can’t finish,” he says lowly, and you wonder… is that flirting? Is that what he’s doing?
“Fair enough,” you concede. “A little bit too much pressure for something that’s destined to go nowhere.”
“You’re not from here, either?”
“I’m moving for my job,” you tell him.
“Which is?”
You laugh and shake your head. “If I told you I’d have to kill you.”
“Naturally,” he says, smiling against the glass as he lifts it to his mouth. “CIA?”
“You’re serious,” you say, incredulous. “You actually believe I’m joining the CIA?”
“You’ve got a talent for holding a conversation without saying anything,” he points out.
“Takes one to know one,” you shoot back, realizing all you really learned about him was his first name and that he was married and now divorced.
He shrugs. “Good quality to have if for whatever reason you need to go undercover. Also, good quality to have when you’re in possession of vital, secret information. Something to think about.”
“You want to refer me?”
“Smooth,” he grins. “Nice deflection.”
“I’m most certainly not joining the CIA, Aaron, but if that’s what you’d like to follow you around in your fantasies of me, be my guest,” you smile back.
“Since nothing can come of this. All we’re left with, right?”
“It’s a conversation in a bar. Those end two ways. Three, actually.”
“Which are?”
“The people involved in the conversation get a room. Or they leave and never speak again. Or… provided one is a CIA agent and on a covert operation, she may in fact kill the man involved.”
Rolling your eyes, you can’t help but laugh anyway. Maybe it’s the alcohol loosening him up a bit, you don’t know, but you get the feeling he’s not often like this.
“I’m beginning to think you’re paranoid, now. What do they want you for?”
“Some light treason, probably,” he snarks.
You’re not drunk enough that the beginning of his earlier remark escapes you, though. “I take it a room isn’t in the cards for us?”
Looking at you apologetically, he whispers your name before shaking his head. “It’s not fair to either of us. Some people can live their lives like that… but I can’t. If that’s what you’re looking for, I’m sorry. I’m not the man you need tonight.”
Oh, but he is.
You hang your head, blushing. “I’m not… I don’t usually do this, either. I just figured…”
“It’s not because I don’t find you attractive,” he reassures you. “I just…can’t lead you on when I know it can’t last.”
“I suppose that’s fair,” you say, nodding. “There is a fourth way this can end, though.”
“Yeah? I’m all ears.”
“I see you tomorrow,” you grin, downing the rest of your drink. “You’ll still be around.”
And with that, you stand up, kiss his cheek, and you walk out of that bar. And you don’t look back to see his reaction no matter how much you want to.
You know he’s bad news. You know he won’t show up. You know he’s absolutely right, and an attractive man like that must have been through a series of one-night stands after his wife left or he left her and realized they just left him hollow. Didn’t fill the void she left.
He didn’t want you to add to that chapter in his life. And you can’t blame him. You’d be a toxic end to that book if there ever was one.
So when you see Aaron through the windows, who lost the suit jacket, finally, hanging outside of the wedding reception, you think you’re going insane. Hallucinating. Having an out-of-body experience or something.
He was too old to be playing games. Why was he here, hanging on the outskirts like this? It’s not like he was trying to get your attention. You were having a conversation with your cousin who was praying she caught the bouquet, and when you eyed him, you told her that you need some air.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” you say, stepping out of the stuffy reception hall into the cooler night air. “Or out. Not enough balls to actually crash it?”
“I… well. I suppose I’ve been caught,” he says sheepishly, and if the lighting out here wasn’t so bad you’d swear you saw him blushing. “You look beautiful.”
Maybe you do look good, or at least better than the bar last night. You settled on a maroon one-shouldered dress that clung to your curves, paired it with black-heeled sandals and you managed to get your hands on waterproof mascara and eyeliner to beat the humidity.
“Why are you here?”
“It was the fourth option.”
“We’ve reached an impasse, though.”
“We’re down to three options, again,” Aaron nods. “I realized it was prolonging the inevitable.”
“It’s two, Aaron. Room or no room,” you say, a little tense. “There’s no inevitable. There’s just now. You showed up. You showed up now.”
He scoffs, stepping a little closer to you. “You don’t even believe that. All you think about is the future. You think your brother and his wife are destined to divorce so they shouldn’t get married. Why should we start something when we know it’s going to end? That’s what this whole week was predicated on for you. Inevitability. And trying to avoid it and get others to avoid it as well. It’s your whole anti-marriage stance. Why should anyone start what they can’t finish? Right? Why bother with any of it? Why come on to me at all? One day someone is going to leave, by choice or by circumstance.”
“You showed up,” you say again. “Don’t psychoanalyze me, Aaron. You don’t know shit about me. You said so yourself last night.”
“No. I don’t know your last name or your favorite color or what your major in college was. But I know that you’re afraid.”
“Everyone’s afraid,” you shoot back. “You showed up. Why?”
“I… I wanted to see you again. It’s different now. It’s not a conversation in a bar anymore. It’s two people outside of a wedding.”
“Why see me again? Wasn’t the point of not starting to avoid hurting? Isn’t that what we’re all afraid of? Pain? We spend our whole lives trying to outrun it. You don’t like one night stands because they hurt. Because they leave you empty. Because they make you wonder and worry about the what-ifs and the consequences.”
Aaron shakes his head. “It’s not just about that. I thought about this. About us. If we only have the night… I want to do it right. I want to spend it with you.”
“Not in me?” you quip, smirking.
He says your name in a warning tone. “Don’t.”
“Fine,” you laugh. “I take it you’ll actually crash now?”
“Yes,” he nods, looking at you intensely. “I hope you can dance.”
“Dancing’s a dangerous game,” you tease. “Could quickly lead to other things.”
“Not in a room full of your family.”
“You’re a little tapped, huh?” you ask, grinning.
“Fucked in the head.”
He shrugs. “We have one night. I want it. Take it or leave it.”
“I’ll take it, Aaron,” you say, and lead him back through the glass doors of the hall. “You’ll quickly find I’m just as fucked.”
“I think I already knew that,” he chuckles lowly, taking your hand in his.
What kind of man agrees to this? You’ve had boyfriends you’ve had to fight with to meet your family in the first place, and here’s this man, all set to attend a full-blown wedding with your entire extended family. Maybe you didn’t care if it was long-distance at the end of tonight. He seems like a keeper.
Your brother eyes you from where he stands at the altar. You smile and shake your head, ushering Aaron into the back row with you. You didn’t exactly feel like you needed front-row seats for this.
His future wife, Crystal, she’s pretty, with olive skin, kind brown eyes, and curly black hair, but you’re still just taken aback by how young they are, how your brother will be selling his body and soul for the military in weeks and she’s coming along for the ride. Young love. You remember your first, the neighbor next door, a little older than you. Like everyone with their first love, you swore you’d marry him one day.
But you didn’t.
And you were better off.
Vows spoken. Rings traded. You almost tear up a little, given your recent fight with your mother about this, her saying she was glad at least one of her kids was getting married, that maybe she did have the hope of grandchildren someday. And it’s not fair, not really, to put that kind of pressure on you. You were career-oriented. You were never going to be the kind of woman who easily submit, who did what a man said, who took his last name and gave up the one you used for decades. You were never going to be a woman like Crystal, even when you were younger, and would do just about anything for male validation. Something in your brain was wired to be contradictory when someone tried to box you in.
How can you speak meaningful vows with someone you barely knew? You hear your brother spout something about love and eternal happiness, in sickness and in health, and it’s so easy to promise that when all you’ve seen is their good days.
You don’t have a traumatic background. You just know people leave. And you have always tried to never let yourself be in a vulnerable position. Even here, Aaron is the one who’s got less of a leg to stand on. Sure, his being here was going to lead to some awkward conversations with your relatives, but they were your relatives. He was the one out of place.
Your aunt turns around after the ceremony ends to say something to you, but she stops short upon catching Aaron’s eyes. So it begins.
“Who’s this?” she asks.
“My hooker for the night,” you tell her, deadpan, staring at your nails like you’re uninterested, and it’s so hard not to break out into a smile when you see Aaron blushing in your peripheral, sputtering and trying to come up with an excuse as to why he is sitting next to you other than being a sex worker.
You take it he’s never been with a woman like you before.
And at first, you disliked the odds stacked against you, but now you’re realizing how much fun you can have with this. There’s no need to hide your true colors because you’re both leaving at the end of the night anyway. You can be as unhinged as you want. No reason to play it up, make it out like you’re someone you’re not just so he might ask you out again… because this is it. Lowkey. No pressure.
“Don’t worry, honey, she’s always been like that,” your aunt reassures him, patting his shoulder gently. “Although if you really are a hooker, I’ll take your business card. You’re good-looking and you’ll be a plus one? A dream.”
“I assure you, I’m not a hooker, ma’am,” Aaron denies quickly, stoically.
“That’s what they all say,” you quip back. “Remember how much I’m paying you.”
If looks could kill, you’d be bleeding from a thousand stab wounds right now. But you were having fun, more fun than you’d had with a man in a long time.
“You’re not cute,” he whispers in your ear when your aunt turns back around.
“You wouldn’t be sitting here right now if you thought that,” you retort, starting to feel a little hot under your dress at his lips so close to your skin. “Besides, you should be gloating right now. You’re so attractive that my aunt thinks women would pay you to have sex with them.”
“Right. I’m sorry. I should be jumping for joy at that,” he says sarcastically.
“Exactly,” you nod, smirking at him, taking his snark seriously. “Relax. One night, right? Even if you make a complete ass out of yourself, this is it.”
“When’s the last time you had a good time, Aaron?” you ask suddenly. “No strings attached, good time? Because fine. I don’t know your last name or your major in college or your favorite color either. But if I’m afraid, you’re miserable. You need to let loose. You came here for a reason. I can at least give you that.”
“I just don’t want—“
“Them to think you’re a hooker? Please. First of all, I’m the most frugal bitch alive. They know I didn’t actually pay you to be here or to dick me down later. No one will believe that. And again, Aaron, what the fuck do you care what they believe? They’re never going to see you again. And we’re at a sham of a wedding to top it all off. So… live a little. Have a good time. Tell me some stupid jokes. Dance with me. Have a couple of drinks. And let it go. Whatever baggage you have does not exist in this room if whatever fears I have aren’t supposed to either.”
“You make a good case,” he mutters.
“I know I do,” you grin, pressing your lips to kiss right behind the ear you were whispering in, marveling at how quickly his skin flushes red at your touch.
Both of you stop talking for a moment as the first dance starts, and the couples slowly start to head to the dance floor. “Lover” by Taylor Swift, Crystal’s choice, you guess; and you can’t help but think it’s a funny one. A love song, sure, but almost a cop-out of marriage if there ever was one. “I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover”… but not my husband. Backing away from the thought of forever commitment. I want all your summers but not your last name or your ring on my finger. Nothing to symbolize it, tie me to it.
“Can I have this dance?” Aaron asks you, and you wonder if he’s secretly a masochist. Maybe he likes to be teased and kept on edge.
You nod, though, and let him lead you out into the dance floor to join the other couples.
“Keeping enough room for Jesus?” you tease, looking down at the space between your bodies.
Scoffing, he pulls you closer by the waist, so there are millimeters of space between your bodies now, and you feel your face heat up as his hands stay on the small of your back. “Happy?”
“Happier,” you concede. “How do you know how to dance?”
“I was married before,” he reminds you. “It doesn’t seem like you know how, though.”
“Hmm?” you question, glaring at him.
“Your hands go on my shoulders. Or around my neck.”
“I knew that,” you mutter, placing your hands on his shoulders tentatively, catching his dark brown eyes with yours, shuddering at the intensity he was looking at you with. Taylor Swift continues to croon her undying love and you stare at this man, at this moment in your lifetime, fading away as you’re holding him close, swaying slowly to the music.
Love at first sight doesn’t exist. You rationalized that all away ages ago. Lust, sure. Lust is common, ordinary, every day.
But you know what lust looks like. It’s predatory looks from men across a dusky bar room or it’s wide-eyes, pupils-dilated, unbridled passion, kiss-bruised lips. But you weren’t getting any of that from the way he was looking at you.
And you know you’re going to see those eyes in your dreams, eyes you can glean pain from, eyes trying to reach the depths of your soul to see where you buried your hurt to rest too. Understand you, not the things you tell people when you make small talk like your college major or your favorite color but the things you tell people when they want to get to know you like your stance on God or presidential candidates or… marriage.
You don’t know where the hesitancy came from, all of a sudden, but it’s the intensity of his eyes and the heat radiating from his body and the lights are lower and the song is ending and you’re inching your face toward his and you’re not sure who touched their lips to whose first but his mouth is on yours now, and his eyes finally close. You watch them flutter close, long eyelashes brushing against yours as he lets himself envelop you without a word. You’ve never been kissed like this, so feather-light and without a hint of urgency, like he’s taking his time, like he’ll take the entire wedding reception to explore every square centimeter of your mouth with his own. Being you, though, you don’t have the patience for that, and you bring your hands from his shoulders to clasp around the back of his neck and you get the intensity you crave, parting his lips with your tongue, closing your eyes too, feeling his soft black hair brushing against the sides of your wrists and your bodies are pressed so close and you could get lost here, couldn’t you? - but then you feel someone tap your shoulder, and you break away from him with a squeal.
“Who is this that you’re sucking face with? I’ve never seen him before,” your mother says as you turn around.
“Ask Aunt Linda,” you laugh, trying to regain your composure. “I was enjoying myself.”
“Clearly,” she says, giving you a tight-lipped smile. “Is this some kind of protest?”
“No, his name is Aaron. Aaron, this is my mother,” you say.
“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” he says, reaching out his hand for her to shake, smiling with his dimples in a way you’re sure made his ex-in-laws fall in love with him.
She reciprocates, but she shakes her head at the same time. “I’d prefer to have met you before you were wearing my daughter’s lipstick.”
“We can’t always get what we want,” you grin at your mother. “I think it suits him, anyway.”
“Of course you do,” she says. “Why didn’t you mention you were bringing a date?”
You shrug. “Just kind of happened. Like. You know. The wedding.”
“Oh. So this is a protest. I apologize, Aaron, for you being a part of her juvenile scheme.”
“It’s really not a bother. She’s a pleasure to be around,” he grins.
Your mother laughs. “You two really did just meet, huh? You have no idea.”
“Not very nice, Mom. Don’t scare him away. Maybe I can make this a joint wedding.”
“Hell would freeze over before you get married, darling,” she says, squeezing your shoulder. “Well. Have a good time. But please keep your hands off each other. We’ve got both sets of your grandparents here and we don’t need to be sending anyone into cardiac arrest.”
“Right, Mom,” you say, rolling your eyes as she walks away.
“I see where you get all of it from,” Aaron chuckles softly.
“I see you’re a major kiss-ass even if you’re never going to see my mom again,” you retort, stepping closer to him again.
“No harm in being polite.”
“That wasn’t just polite. That was being a kiss-ass. And you still have lipstick all over your mouth.”
Then you feel his mouth on you again, soft, thorough, warm. “Did I get it?” he asks, still smiling at you.
“You’re ridiculous,” you giggle, then use the advantage you have to hold his face there and pepper kisses across his face, leaving red marks in the shape of you across his skin before he catches your bottom lip between his teeth, kissing your mouth again, letting you take the lead again, squeezing his eyes shut and gripping onto your shoulders like your sand slipping through his fingers.
Because you are.
“I’m going to need to clean this off before I have to meet your father,” Aaron says, laughing. “I’ll be right back.”
Aaron doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing, and he feels like he can’t recognize the man looking at him in the mirror, red lipstick smeared across his face, a seemingly permanent blush on his cheeks blending in with it. The cold water helps cool him down some, but then he thinks about you again, all smirks and quick remarks and the way you read him like a book… and he’s on fire again.
There’s no point in asking you where you’re moving. Even if it’s somewhere feasible to travel, his life and work schedule isn’t something he’d want to burden another woman with.
One night. No expectations except for a good time. That he could do, even if it was for a borderline child wedding not unlike the one he had over a decade ago.
Walking back out he sees you, eyes intense and smile lines formed at their corners as you talked to your brother, glass of champagne in your hand. “Oh, this is Aaron,” you tell him, your hand on Aaron’s back as he reaches you.
“Congratulations,” Aaron says, nodding at him.
“Thanks, man. Where the hell did you come from, though?”
“That’s my secret,” you say, grinning. “You don’t get to know.”
“Is this one going to last?”
“Doubt it,” you shrug. “Is yours?”
“Stop it,” he says, glaring at you. “I know you think I’m making a mistake. It’s already done. I don’t want to hear it anymore, okay?”
“Okay,” you say.
“At least I can keep a relationship longer than four months.”
“It hasn’t really been that much longer,” you counter.
“Well, I proposed instead of ending it.”
“Okay,” you sigh, leaning in for a side hug. “I don’t want to argue either. Go be with Crystal.”
Your brother nods, taking the hint the conversation was over, and Aaron takes the opportunity to sit down with you at one of the tables. “Is this common for you?”
“What? Taking men I don’t know to weddings? Far as I know you’re only one lucky enough,” you say tersely.
“I meant… relationships.”
“Yeah. Maybe. I try men on like I try on clothes. I’m a slut. Is that what you’re trying to get at?”
“No, not at all.”
You shake your head, sipping at the champagne and making a face at it, laughing at the acrid taste and handing it to him. “You can have that.”
“I’m sorry if I offended you,” Aaron says calmly, taking the glass from you, and drinking from it slowly. “There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s good champagne.”
“It tastes like ass,” you laugh, then frown. “You didn’t offend me. Yeah. I’ve had issues with relationships. No secret there. A normal, sane girl wouldn’t have asked you to come here, no offense.”
“A normal, sane man wouldn’t have said yes,” he replies, smiling, squeezing your hand that rested on the table. “Relationship issues are normal. No one in this room or in this city or on this planet has it figured out.”
“Did anyone try to stop you from getting married?” you ask him.
“Her mother wasn’t happy,” he recalls. “My parents figured I would figure it out. We were together through most of high school.”
“But you don’t know at that age.”
“No,” he agrees. “You don’t. Either they’ll be lucky and grow together or they’ll be unlucky and grow apart. But you don’t know unless you try.”
“The odds are—"
“They know that. I knew that. I still wanted to try anyway.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Sometimes,” Aaron admits. “Sometimes I do. I gave her a lot of years, and some of them weren’t good. A lot of them weren’t good, actually, a lot of strain and arguing and worrying about who she was seeing while I was away. But… I don’t know. You live and you learn.”
“Sometimes you do know,” you say sadly.
“Sometimes you try anyway,” he responds, bringing your hand to his lips.
You blink back tears and nod. One night. You can cry later.
Thankfully, the song changes to Cotton Eyed Joe; something ridiculous and impossible to stay down in the dumps for. Aaron glares at you but concedes when you give him a pleading look and you’re able to get him out on the floor to teach him this dance. He looks insane, what you can only imagine as a normally uptight, repressed man learning choreography from you for a novelty song.
Breathless and laughing he kisses you. Again. Again. Again. You don’t care about your mother’s warning and you’re glad he doesn’t either. You get the feeling he’s not one to embrace PDA like this either, but it’s one night for his mouth to be on yours, and the impression he leaves on your parents isn’t going to matter in a couple of hours anyway.
You think you’ll get whiplash from this setlist, the way it switches from upbeat to hopelessly sentimental, but Aaron rolls with the switches, pulling you back to him, swaying you gently to ‘Fade into You’. Resting your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arms around him, you breathe him in. The woodsy scent of his cologne. The slight musk of his sweat. You feel his mouth press a long kiss against the top of your head.
And that’s how it ends, bringing you into a long hug at the trunk of your car the next morning, everything you own behind you. Both of you leaving this city. Heading home. You don’t talk about it. You don’t mention to him that you’d like to see him again. You don’t say anything.
“I’m sorry it had to end this way,” he says quietly, looking up at the sky, the clouds moving quickly overhead, threatening rain.
“Aaron, don’t,” you mutter. “We knew.”
“I know.”
Who do you get mad at for this? When it’s no one’s fault? God? Fate? The universe?
Who do you thank for this? God? Fate? The Universe?
You walk into your new workplace, the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, Gideon, who you interviewed with last week leads you through the building, giving you your badge, gun, and security clearance. It must be counterfeit. No one is this lucky.
Aaron realized why you looked so familiar the second your name was mentioned. He’d seen your file, read it through thoroughly, and noticed your photograph paper-clipped to it, but he was on a plane for a case and then just as quickly he was on a plane to Boston for the conference. Gideon was the only one present for the interview. Gideon was the one to hire you. Gideon was the one to walk you through the building to his desk to introduce himself to you.
You don’t even blink. “Guess it’s a good thing you were polite to my mother, sir,” you say, holding out your hand for him to shake.
Never mind the fact he already kissed you and the entire length of his body was pressed against yours.
“You two know each other?” Gideon asks, looking between the two of you.
“You could say that,” Aaron answers, but he’s only looking at you. There must be a glitch. Maybe Boston was a dream. No. You remember it, too.
“Not the CIA. Close enough, I suppose,” you grin.
“Sure,” he says softly... because he doesn’t know what to say. When he pulled your resume and your background check again he knew to expect you to walk through these doors at 9 am. A couple of hours still wasn’t enough time to prepare. You… were blindsided though.
“What aren’t you telling me, Hotch?” Gideon asks. “Is this going to be a problem?”
“No, not at all,” he says, but he’s still only looking at you. “Can I talk with you? In my office?”
You nod, following him, closing the door behind you, and leaning against it. “Don’t you think you should introduce me to the rest of the team?”
“Why didn’t you mention this?” he asks, standing in front of his desk.
“Why didn’t you? You had a million times to mention you worked for the FBI.”
“When I said CIA…”
“I thought you were being funny. I thought you were a traveling lecturer for like, science or something. I don’t know. The FBI, Aaron?”
“I could say the same for you. Jesus,” he whispers, stepping a little closer to you.
“It’s kind of funny we were out a whole night and it never came up,” you say, grinning.
“Jesus,” he mutters again, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“So what happens now?”
“I don’t know. We work, like adults, and we move on.”
“I don’t know, Aaron. I think someone doesn’t want us to move on,” you shrug. “I can’t sit in here all day. You have to introduce me to the rest of the team before they think I am fucking you.”
He glares at you. “These comments won’t be permitted with the rest of the team present.”
“Jesus. I know when to shut my mouth, Aaron. In private, they’re permissible though, right?”
“I truly don’t know how I’m going to work with you,” he says, trying not to laugh.
“Guess you must be glad you didn’t fuck me before,” you say. “Would’ve been really awkward.”
“Agent… drop it. I do have to introduce you to them. Let’s go.”
But your back is pressed against the door and you know it’s a risk to tease your fucking boss on your first day, but you can’t help yourself because he’s not just your boss, he’s Aaron. The man who held your heels and walked you back to your hotel room, who kissed you outside the door but wouldn’t let you take him inside with you, even though you felt how much he wanted you, too.
You don’t move.
“I need you to move from the door, Agent.”
“I’m ‘Agent’ now? How clinical. We’re still in private, Aaron.”
“If this is how you’re going to play it, I will have you fired.”
“Right,” you say. “Don’t think so.”
“Try me.”
“Is that a threat, Aaron?”
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he mutters. But he’s only looking at your mouth.
“Just kiss me,” you say. “I know you want to. Probably been thinking about it all morning since you realized—"
You’re cut off by his mouth against yours. “Are you wearing lipstick?” he asks against your lips.
“No,” you answer, pulling him closer, tongue against tongue, hips against hips.
“That’s all you’re getting, Agent,” he says. “I expect you to be nothing but professional. That means no teasing, no mention of Boston, no mention that we know each other even if they ask. Noncommittal answers only.”
“Aaron, 'noncommittal' is my middle name,” you grin. “It’s you I’m more worried about. I seem especially talented at weakening that seemingly strong resolve.”
“It’s Hotch in front of the team. Go,” he nods at the door.
“You did a good job with her,” Aaron says to you on the plane. “Liz. The victim.”
You smile, thanking him. “Used to work in a children’s psych hospital when I was doing my undergrad. Lots of child trauma there. Learned how to get to the root of their stories.”
“You’ll be a good addition.”
“You didn’t think so before?”
“I thought you were going to make me lose my mind,” he admits, looking around to make sure no one else was listening. Thankfully, it was an overnight flight. Everyone was asleep, save you two.
“I still might.”
Aaron nods, grinning, dimples on full display. “That you may.”
“What’s going to happen between us?”
“Nothing should.”
“I didn’t ask you what should. I asked you what is.”
“What do you want?”
You laugh. “I mean, Aaron, I’m the last girl to believe in fate, but that was a pretty big coincidence to ignore. And you keep kissing me whenever we’re alone.”
“You keep getting me alone,” he mutters, taking your hand and threading your fingers through his.
“Yeah, it’s my fault you can’t keep your hands or your mouth off me.”
“Shh,” he scolds.
“It’s true,” you say. “Anyway. You know what I want. I want you.”
“I want you, too,” he admits. “But this is a precarious situation and I’m not risking my career just for sex.”
“Aaron. We aren’t going to get any bigger signs from the universe that we need to try this. I’m open to it. We can try this. For real.”
“You believe that? It was fate?”
You laugh. “I don’t know what to believe anymore. Crazy coincidence, if nothing else.”
Aaron looks around suspiciously, kissing your mouth gently when he confirms no one is watching.
Which is nothing how he kisses you later in your new apartment, searing hot against your skin as his fingers circle your clit softly, leaving you to whimper against his mouth. You’re jet-lagged and overly full from breakfast when you landed but you’re wide awake and needy when it comes to him now.
“Aaron,” you whine. “Need you. Now.”
“You have me, honey,” he teases, leaning forward to lay you down on the bed, using the angle to fuck his fingers into you relentlessly. “Better?”
“Fuck,” you say, nodding.
“So wet for me, honey,” he coos at you. “Such a good girl.”
You know you’re embarrassingly close from his ministrations with his hands, so quick to get there from being so worked up since Boston, having to go a whole week hiding this secret, sneaking off into side rooms just to press his mouth and body against yours.
You still don’t expect it to rip through you like that until you’re left shaking and moaning his name. You don’t expect his cock to fill you even better, up to the hilt. You don’t expect him to flip you over so you’re on top, able to watch him blush and whimper from your teasing, telling him he’s fucking up into you so good.
You definitely don’t expect him to suggest round two and go down on you.
Then again. You didn’t expect the man you took to your brother‘s wedding on happenstance to be your fucking boss. That you’re fucking now. Apparently.
“How long do you think we can hide this from a room full of profilers, Aaron?”
“Shut up,” he says, laughing, kissing you, hair all mussed up, making him look deliciously freshly fucked. “You’re good at holding on and holding out.”
“You’re not.”
“Only when it comes to you, honey,” he says, pulling you into him.
“They’ll figure it out because of something you did,” you wager.
“I shouldn’t take that bet,” he says. “But I will.”
And sure enough. When you nearly got shot, and of course Aaron ran to your side, checking you for wounds, kissing the top of your head when he realized you were safe and okay…
Morgan was watching. And it spread through the team like wildfire. Naturally.
“How long?”
“Since Boston,” you answer.
“Wait…” Gideon chimes in.
“Don’t think about it too hard,” Aaron says.
taglist: @mrs-ssa-hotch​
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25shadesoffebruary · 9 months
I have a few people tag me @firstkanaphans @negrowhat in this and when I originally did it I only put Phaya from the sign but I started thinking and I said yeah I got more so here are the others.
1. Phaya from the sign
Idk if it’s the way that Billy plays this character or what but Phaya has my heart. He’s just so annoyingly cute and playful but so smart and curious and he does not like to be ignored and so passionate, it’s endearing really idk.
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2. Mork from Last Twilight
This man is so warm and kind and loving and caring and loyal and and and I could go on and and on I love him so much. Like that man went to jail because his friend decided to put his woodpecker into another birds tree and he fought for his ex girlfriend trust. I’m sorry that man is so fucking warm.
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3. King from Bed Friend
I love this man and his big brown cow eyes so much. He’s just a walking green flag and he so sexy. He is just thoughtful, caring, loving, warm. I want him on every level. Love him
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4. Akk from Enchantè
He a little slow on the uptake but that man is so romantic and kind. And truly was a green flag. And truly just wanted the best for Theo even if he had to put himself on the back burner.
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5. Jeng from Step by Step
JENG WAS A MAN (no pun intended) That man was a CEO of his own business while trying to manage another business that he hated. He was self sacrificing and so kind. I love that tired his best to change when it came to Pat. He made some questionable decisions but I believe he did that because he thought that was best for him. He was loving and caring a I count him as a green flag.
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6. Mark from Love Mechanics
That man went through so much for love. But I love how he was true to himself. I love how self aware he was and I love how he stood up for himself. Mark knew who he was and also knew what he wanted but he also knew that he was fucked when it came to Vee. I would have treated him right.
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7. Ayan from The Eclipse
That man was a menace. But I love how fiercely loyal he was. I love how kind and thoughtful and loving this man was. He just wanted Justice ( and for the school to burn to ashes and for ashes to go the dumpster never to be seen again) for his uncle, he was a heartbroken boy who has lost his one close person in his life and was spinning around lost like a broken compass but he found his north in Akk and I love that for him.
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8. Phayu from Love in the Air
Is this really a surprise to anybody. I mean come on now. That man knew how to stand on business. He knew what he wanted and made sure he got it. Made sure the person he wanted was also on their business. He wanted them to be successful together and love a man that is ambitious. Very loyal and protective but was also completely a simp.
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9. Boeing from Only Friends
This man was wicked for no other reason then the fact that he could be. I was fascinated. Came to ruin lives and almost succeeded to if it hadn’t been for RayMew and them being like ahh back the fuck up off my man. I still think RaySandBoeing threesome should have happen. I would have like to see Boeing and Top kiss but also BoeingTopBoston would have been interesting to see. And I think Boston would have loved it there to be honest but we talking about Boeing here. Anyway that man should have had more screen time so he could fuck up more people lives.
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10. Kinn from KinnPorsche
Listen Linda, that man was most definitely not a green flag and a very dark pink flag but I don’t think he was a red flag. He was just dumb. He’s complicated. But he was kind and thoughtful in his own way. And he tired to be fair to people. But Porsche was on that man mind 25/8 and it’s hard to think when someone is occupying your mind like that. But is he very loyal to a man that did not deserve it. He was caring for his people and was a big simp and I love that for him.
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Tagging: @respectthepetty @smittenskitten @spicyvampire @chaos0pikachu @icouldhyperfixatehim @omarandjohnny @piningintrovert @pondsphuwin and anybody who wants to do it
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davycoquette · 2 months
Thank you for the tag, @drchenquill!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
I always call it a hobby, but almost always prefixed with some form of, "greatest," "most important," or "favorite." I think way of life fits a helluva lot better. I've been writing since I can remember.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
The journal one. I have like 900 I'm actively writing in at this very moment.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
Cormac McCarthy. The love I have for my shitty characters. The agonizing unignorable need to put words on paper or screen.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
The singing one. I am not ashamed of my writing, but I have been taught to be ashamed of my singing lmfao. Which is weird and dumb because singing isn't something I go around telling people I can do decently - I don't tell people, "Oh, I sing," or, "I'm a singer." So, I have nothing to prove on that front, yet... I don't think I could make a peep of noise if someone said, "Sing me a song." Meanwhile, even when my writing's not at it's best, I'm like, "Yeah, I'm a writer. Here's some shit I wrote that isn't good. Sometimes I write good stuff, though."
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
I mean... in the literal sense, sure. A story looks different from the eyes of a character. By the same token, it helps me "understand" when people make choices I've not personally made. I think, for this reason, it's important to write about characters with different belief systems than we have - to write about them as sympathetic people with complex emotions. Not just to villainize or cathartically punish them, but to explore why people do the things they do and what life events might drive them in that direction. But cathartic character murder has its time and place, and who am I suggest what others write? Y'all do y'all.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
I have not used LiveJournal since I was a teen - is it still a thing people use??? That sounds nostalgic and fun. Not sure what FFN is; something to do with fanfiction? I only write original fiction, so that rules it out if so. AO3 is very cool, but the interface isn't my favorite. Also fanfic-heavy, so I never know if I've got a place there. Tumblr always freaked me right the fuck out, but the Writeblr community has proven to be my favorite writing community I've discovered online. And in a very short timespan, I might add!
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
I do not use AO3 but wordcounts can never be high enough 😎
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
Probably too many to count. Little House on the Prairie A Separate Peace The Road Fight Club (recently rewatching this was humbling because it showed me how much of my writerly personality seems to be inspired by the way it rearranged my brain chemicals) Bullet Train (I fucken love this movie) Lawn Dogs Box of Moonlight Harold and Maude (book & movie) Pride and Prejudice (book & movie)
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
I've received some absolute banger compliments, and I don't want to dismiss any in favor of others. My favorite compliments are often ...questions? Just things that let me know people really did read, absorb, and are interested in things I wrote. Also, my love language is when people think about me of their own volition. So, any time people come to me apropos of nothing or say "this reminds me of you/your characters/your writing, I giggle and kick my feet and do a lil' happy dance.
10. What defines your writing style?
Gritty, casual. If it was art, it'd be the kind with the sketchlines still visible. Deep, silly. Visceral, I hope.
Taglist and blank template under the cut!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
10. What defines your writing style?
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
this feels like the equivalent of giving the bat signal in the sky for me to come
shipping papercut is like making a sandwich at subway, u can say it sucks all u want, but my brother in christ, U made it that way, this ship is like one of thee “u can do whatever the fuck u want w these two and u can make it make sense” ship u can possibly have in this fandom, if u dont like papercut, maybe its just UR rendition of it u dont like, pick it up n try it again w different things added to it to see if u like it🙄🙄
this ship is literally at the VERY BASE of it, opposites that compliment each other attracting and high school sweethearts and ur telling me ur not at least a lil interested🤨🤨AND I WASNT KISSING W THE ARTISTIC LIBERTY U CAN TAKE W THESE TWO, they can literally be enemies to lovers, that aloof couple trope, fake dating that turned real, u can even make ur own way on how they got together, u can pick and choose its like an all u can eat buffet, ur not rlly “trapped by canon” here
these r literally two dumbasses together like all the time, just imagine the dumb but sweet things they find themselves doin, and the ppl they annoy, just have a heart
if u like angst, curly was in the reformatory for 6 months after ponys life was quite literally changed forever, curly doesnt quite understand his own emotions, pony tries to see the good in the world while curlys always in trouble, AND THERES OTHERS IF U JUST DIP UR TOES INTO SHIPPING EM, the angst potential is RIGHT there🗣️🗣️
at the very base of this ship, theres nothing wrong w it, theres no weird age gap, they wouldnt be abusive towards each other, and ik some ppl have issues w this but also, but its a rare “not dating within the gang” ship, so u would HAVE to go out of ur WAY to make it weird, literally nothing wrong w this ship
if u love the relationship pony has w the gang, this ship can definitely help u expand on ponys relationship w everyone as a whole and u can show off just how protective the guys can become when it comes to pony in his own romantic relationships, what other ship u know is doin that🤨🤨BARELY ANY OF EM IF U DID NAME SOME🗣️🗣️🗣️
honestly same thing goes w the shepards, theres no other ship where u have angela and tim’s relationships w curly being explored through any other ship
while pony and curly r friends during the outsiders, its obvious they arent THAT close to each other, and so what i find interesting about this ship is that u can imagine their own little relationship actually building up and the trust in each other growing, as time goes on, i just think its cool to see them actually flourish, just make something entirely new because of the other and with each other, in a different way from other ships in this fandom
im a literal suckerrrr for cultural hcs so i love when theres cultural aspects actually shown with this ship i think its so cool bc it can get pretty intimate, like curly showing and introducing pony to parts of his culture???? so intimate actually SO underrated, and thats rlly only something i see done w the shepards and it rubs off on this ship as well and i love it 1000/10 (while we here can i convince u of haitian shepards🤔🤔 /lh)
they have shared experiences!!! yes they r opposites attract but they r also just some guys who r put in the same situation, trying to navigate life and protect each other, together, and even in their personal lives, theres things that should push them away from the other but it doesnt, they r this fandoms ship equivalent of the indomitable human spirit and thats all bc they r stupid lil dudes together
are u not a sucker for a guy whos pretty much been closed off emotionally a good chunk of his life finding someone to share his life w and finally finding learning to chillax once in a while w that person and that person alone cause theyre special to em?? boooooo🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱thats such a good trope
this is like the only ship where u actually have “rival” gangs interacting w each other,,,WHERE IS UR SENSE OF ADVENTURE
every shipper of them is literally so cool, like literally, ive never met a shitty shipper of these two, shipping them is like having a vip pass, and its not even like a huge group of ppl, its a small community, we r like a quiet village, unlike SOME SHIPS HERE🙄🙄
ANYWAYS i rest my case, ur just bein a lil haterrrr
if this aint convince ur friend that they arent at least a lil good, the problem isnt the ship,,,its ur friend,,,drop em immediately, but if this did??? welcome to the cool club
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
How do you fuck up a show about Boba Fett?
I will forever be baffled by how Filoni and Favreau botched Boba Fett's show nor will I ever forgive them for how they did Boba Fett dirty just to be used as a fucking stepping stone for Din and Grogu. Even worse is how Disney refuses to give Temuera Morrison the audience or time to grant him a season 2.
A Boba Fett show on paper should've been the easiest thing in the world. I already made a list of ways how season 1 could've been better. But here's a smaller list.
Boba Fett actually being a crime lord and acts like the ruthless bounty hunter only doing it on his terms
Give us flashbacks to Jango during the Mandalorian Civil War(bonus points. Jango killed Tor Viszla, but Deathwatch refused to give up the Darksaber. By rights Jango is the rightful ruler of the Darksaber and for that very reason is why the weapon is cursed with hints that because Boba is Jango's son, Boba Fett is destined to wield the Darksaber)
GIve us flashbacks of Daniel Logan during Boba's rise as a ruthless bounty hunter and you know, give us the cut Bounty Hunter arc via flashbacks
Keep the helmet on. He shouldn't even take it off for Fennec. If I wanted to see Temuera's face, I would advocate for a Captain Rex show. The mask IS BOBA'S FACE
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Instead of being this dumbed down idiot who's more of a sheriff instead of a Godfather like criminal. Boba is 10 steps ahead of everyone. He knows how this game is played and will use the knowledge he's gained from his father and working with Jabba. Instead of being hunted down by the Syndicate, it's him hunting them down.
A good Boba Fett story is easy, it just needs proper execution.
He just needs to be a darker version of The Mandalorian. Instead of being on the run, he is hunting. Instead of showing mercy, he has little.
Where Din and Grogu are the heroes, Boba and Fennec are the clear seedier and morally grey figures.
Hell just make John Wick in space. Spice Syndicate gets ballsy and fucks up his little kingdom, so Boba Fett dons the helmet and doesn't take it off until he's dismantled the entire syndicate one boss per episode tracking them across their galactic network. And when the syndicate bosses thinks Boba's left them alive, Fennec is there to finish the job. Fennec's role is to assassinate targets that could cripple rival syndicates and enrich their own empire. You can have guest stars and cameos, which would be interesting to see pre-established characters react to his ruthless effective extermination. Hell, maybe some object so strongly they fight Boba Fett so the boss battle of an episode is against a good guy.
Or hell. If the rumors of Mace returning are true, maybe you could center the season around that. Mace Windu is Boba's Moby Dick and he's chasing him throughout the Outer Rim. But when he finds Mace, he's just a tired old man who cut himself off from the force after his failure. When the audience thinks Boba might forgive him and give up his vengeance, BAM! Boba shoots him dead. Boba has no mercy.
I mean this shit isn't hard to outline, which is why what we got was confusing.
Boba Fett in Mando was physically portrayed as even more of a threat than Din and took out SHIPS of stormtroopers single-handedly and morally he was honorable but still grey.
Now all of a sudden he's completely different. He constantly needs a bacta nap. He barely fires his weapons. He is easily duped by everyone. He wants to "rule with respect". He gets duped by everyone. And the out of place Mods.
You know what would've been an easy fix to all of this? No Din Djarin, no Grogu and it's all about Boba and Jango Fett.
Imagine instead of Din and Grogu. The Mandalorian was about Jango and Boba Fett. Jango is the Mandalorian and we see his back story and him training Boba.
It could’ve honestly been a generational story
S1: Jango story that fleshes out his time before the prequels to his death
S2: young Boba post prequels to his escape of the Pitt
S3 Boba’s journey post Pitt to after sequel timeline
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
High School Reunion
Hob wasn't going to go to his 10 year high school reunion. They're dumb and he's moved passed all that high school stuff - he's his own man, with a good life and a good business. He doesn't need to open himself up to that mess. But then he sees that Morpheus "Dream" Endless is going to attend. Hob had such a crush on that cute art nerd.
Dream can't believe that his sister RSVP'ed for him to attend his high school reunion. He hated high school - all those horrible bullies are probably just older bullies. Dream has made something of his art and has a thriving career that makes him happy - high school, and those people, don't matter anymore. Then Tel says that Robert Gadling seems to have RSVP'ed.
Dream remembered "Hob" and for all that he was a jock, Hob was nice to Dream - when someone would knock Dream's stuff to the ground, if Hob was around, he would stop and help Dream gather everything up. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to see him.
Ahh, I can just imagine. The ex-bullies fawning over Dream because now he's handsome and semi-famous. Dream desperately scouring the room for a glimpse of Hob... he feels so overwhelmed and like he's right back in that horrible school all over again, even though people are being fake nice to him.
And then a hand comes down on his shoulder, and someone with a voice like velvet says "hello, darling." And steers him away from the crowds.
Dream finds himself gazing into the gorgeous eyes of Robert Gadling, who has seemingly once again rescued him from a miserable situation. Hob is gently rubbing his shoulder through his suit jacket, and it feels so good.
"I only came here for a glimpse of you. Seems that I wasn't the only one." Hob smiles conspiratorially. "Shall we give them something to stare at?"
Dream dances with Hob all night, and doesn't speak to anyone else, unless he wants to. Hob doesn't let anyone else bother him. He's wonderful, and Dream wants him. So fucking much.
Where better to go for a secret tryst than the cloakroom? Dream takes great pleasure in messing up the racks of fur coats and fancy overcoats. But he isn't really thinking about those people. He's looking down at Hob kneeling between his legs; at his cock disappearing in and out of Hob’s mouth. And he's thinking that he's going to have to make Hob cum his brains out in return so he never, ever leaves.
They do the same thing at the 20 year reunion. Only by then, they have matching rings <3
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ygodmyy20 · 1 year
Okay I finally am getting around to this post! It's the 'Fuck how can mob psycho help me in so many ways god damnit I hate and love this show' post!
Shigeo joining the body improvement club, and everything about this part of his story is so personal to me. I just have to talk about it.
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So as we all know at the start of the story, Shigeo joins the body improvement club to impress Tsubomi. Thats it. Thats the goal. He also joins because he wants to get stronger and not rely on his psychic powers but really like...the main reason is to impress her.
And this isn't new. A character wanting to get fit, lose weight, change some physical part of themselves for a crush is SO common in stories that you barely notice it.
But what I love, what I ADORE is how this progresses and changes.
This gif from an amazing AMV by @thekagepro24 and it just UGH hits me so hard it is so perfect!!! I could watch this 5 second gif over and over and over again
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I just am. I just am dying while running, I just am making progress, I just am enjoying this because I really like it.
This puts everything I feel into visuals (it's so gooooood watch the AMV!!! DO IIIIIIT)
So many times society tells us to change something about ourselves, or we tell ourselves to change for the appeal of others.
Lose weight so people think you're pretty.
Get fit so you can get into clothes that make you look hot.
Get swol to make a person think you're attractive.
You are the one and only you, this is your one and only body. So why are you working out, why do you WANT to get "swol" who are you trying to impress. Is it for yourself? A crush? Society?
I have battled with the above for so long. I come from an athletic background, and did a lot of sports growing up, but I have never been small. I have battled with weight my whole life and had my own shitty bouts with ED.
I have been in therapy, I have read books, I have watched videos, I've been in and out of PT for nearly 5 years because of a lower back and hip pain that NEVER went away.
I never figured out WHY i wanted to exercise. It just always was "To lose weight" because I couldn't get that goal out of my head for years and years and years.
But then I watched mob psycho 100.
And I started a new type of physical therapy.
And was it mp100 or was it the therapy finally working, who can say which did it—probably both—but one day I thought...
....maybe I should just go for a run...for 5-10 mins. Just to see how it feels. It went against all parts of my athlete brain (because 10 mins is too short to see "gains"....which is dumb but whatever)
I thought of Shigeo and how he basically passed out every time he ran for like 2 mins, but he got better. He had to start from 0, well...kinda like negative 5 really. But then he was doing so much not even a few months in!
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35 pushups is so hard!!! You go my boi.
Shigeo started off doing it all for Tsubomi, for others, and even if he really wanted to do it to improve himself I think it was a secondary goal initially. Main goal was to impress someone. Secondary was to get stronger.
But then the marathon happened. And those goals SWITCHED! DURING THE RACE! just....man it hit me. It hit me hard. THAT WHOLE EPISODE IS JUST A LOT FOR ME GOD DAMN
He ran for her initially but he continued running for himself. He continued working at it because he wanted to and in the end, after everything, after confession arc, after all that
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This scene!!! makes me cry happy tears!! look at how happy he is UGH IT JUST IS SO UGGGHHHHHHH
Anyway if you made it this far, know that everyones journey through their body improvement, mental improvement, emotional improvement is different. We all have to tackle it in the way that works for us.
It took me nearly 10 years to start again because of this beautiful anime connecting the right dots in my brain.
Every journey is different, but just keep fighting on and you'll figure it out!
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msookyspooky · 1 year
Fours a Franchise
Part 10
wordcount: 6,437
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(Sorry for the very lengthy wait I had horrible writers block and kinda didn't want to write this 🥲 TW: Massive angst ahead and traumatic situations) 
   Just like that…Just like that, your worst fear came to life. The entire reason why you didn't tell anyone just happened right before your very eyes and there wasn't a single thing you could do about it. Billy and Stu were gone and you were alone in the dark near that dimly lit barn. Randy ran off and never wants to see you again and everything was utterly fucked.
You didn't care at this point if Gale won a court case and took you to trial again or if everyone thought you really were what Stab made you out to be… Prison for possibly being an accomplice to murder or God knows what else they could throw at you wasn't even on your mind as much as it should be.
All you could think of was how the very few people you had left in this world would hate you. How you betrayed Randy even if you were only trying to save him and how he would never be able to trust you again. How Dewey would feel about this betrayal of hiding his sister's murderers or whatever family you had and what they would think. But right now? Randy stung the most because not only were you losing a good friend you've had through thick and thin for 10 years and on and off for 15…You were losing two 6 year olds that you loved. They were the closest thing to kids you had. And their mother, a woman that may not be your best friend, but you liked Karla. She was a friend in your eyes…And you just lost them all by one stupid mistake. One or two tiny mistakes that unraveled everything you tried so hard to hide…One dumb choice that revealed two major dumb decisions you've made; Billy and Stu. 
You were so tired. You wanted to just curl up in bed and sob your eyes out…Even if Stu and Billy stuck up for you; you didn't have them either. Billy barely tolerated you and it was kind of vice versa with how much bad blood you both had…And Stu? 
Stu was there for you a decade ago in his own fucked up way. He cared which was rare for someone like him and you tossed him away. You didn't feel you had a choice! He made so many threats and mistakes that could harm you or your friends in Hollywood. You figured it was best to cut ties! No more guilt, no more shame, no more secrets. Cut ties and pray you never see each other again…But after tonight…You really wish you could curl up into his lap right now and sob your eyes out like he would have gladly done for you a decade ago. Now? Not only were the stakes too high but a decade of you not reaching out stung enough that he moved on…
You were alone. You had nobody and no shoulder to cry on. Your lower lip wobbled as you sniffed hard to try not to cry. 
Randy wanted nothing to do with you…Billy and Stu looked at you as a thorn in their side. You were sure of it and things were too awkward now anyways…Gale was selfish as ever…Dewey changed to the point you couldn't fully trust him…You didn't even know if you could go back to Randy's house for your things. If he'd be willing to talk, even if it was him screaming at you, it was better than this. 
You could only take a few moments to cry; looking up at the sky for a moment to contemplate what to do. Vision blurry with tears.
Then you jerked when someone touched your arm. 
"Hey, there you are I can't find…" Kirby's face fell. "Oh… Are you alright?" 
You quickly nodded and turned away, wiping your tears knowing it's not the place nor time. In fact, time was of the essence now. Something she said made you pause before you turned back around to look at her. "Wait…Can't find who?" You sniffled out a bit trying to even your tone. 
"Randy. I thought he was with you? He told me to wait in the main barn but he never came back and they already killed the opening girl in the movie…Ya know, Stab on the big screen." 
You stared. "He was with me out here but…" You shook your head, mind racing. You thought he would've gotten back to Kirby. You had a sinking feeling at that as you told her. "Let's go back in and see if he's there, alright?" 
Kirby nodded and followed you.
Randy felt that burning in his eyes and a lump in his throat as he tried not to cry. He had to hold it together, damn it! You were the one that did this! You were the one that lied and betrayed everyone!...And with…Them. With those bastards…The fact it was the people that killed your best friends, the guys that shot him, that killed his first love even if it was one sided, that ruined your life and made all of your lives a living hell. It just felt beyond unforgivable.
He stalked to the barn having every intention of telling Kirby to get in the car. To tell her to go drag you back to the car that you all were leaving but…He faltered when he looked at the barn and felt like he could break down any moment. Seeing the crowd of Ghostface's and loud kids. Everything screamed at him that he had to leave…He faltered before marching purposely to his car before he accidentally ran into…Judy. 
Judy looked at him. "Mr. Meeks? Everything alright? Where's YN?" 
He faltered, "Officer Hicks?...W-What are you doing here?" 
"Tracking you and YN while you both were sneaking off without a police escort…Now, where is Miss YN?" 
Randy's face soured at just the mention of your name. "...Don't know." He went to walk off and she ordered him to stay put before turning around and lecturing kids on drinking. The second she did, he stalked away mumbling. "Yeah right. Like Hell I'm staying here." 
He got to his car and looked under it, in the backseat, got in and went through the rules in his head. Breathing out to try and calm himself. "Under the car…Backseat…Rearview mirrors…Lock doors…" 
He felt a huge wave of guilt for a moment at leaving you before sneering to himself. "Stop being soft, Randy…Let Billy and Stu help her. They have all these fucking years." He grumbled to himself as his throat had a lump in it and his eyes burned.
He started his car and went to leave.
Randy didn't even make it halfway as all these angry emotions fueled him and he felt ready to just scream or wail or both. He felt like he never even knew you…His jaw clenched as he got out his phone and while driving down the long gravel driveway…He stared long and hard, almost calling you to rip your ass or tell you to get a ride with Kirby and get your shit and get out of his life. But God, the idea of hearing your voice made him sick. 
Not right now. He was too damn hurt and angry.
So…After staring at his starred favorite numbers in his contact list…He clicked on the one below yours…Dewey.
It rang a few times and he felt some righteous anger fuel him. You deserve this. Dewey deserves to know. He deserves to know how much you betrayed them and if he were to take legal action; you brought it on yourself.
As soon as Dewey picked up, Randy rushed out erratically with a crackle to his voice with unshed tears. "You were right…You were fucking right, Dew! T-Those guys…" He cut himself off with a shaky breath and clenched teeth.
Dewey was on the other line. "Randy? Randy, what do you mean? Where are you?" 
"The barn on Dilton Road. It's YN! Goddamn it, Dewey…YN…" He faltered again, just unable to get it out as he cursed under his breath.
"What?...YN?...Guys?…You mean our talk earlier? Did you see them? Who are they? Tell me and I can try to ID them and-" Dewey rambled off like the airhead he was and Randy's entire face scrunched up as he just… Hung up.
He couldn't fight the tears now as he hung up and sat his phone down…He couldn't do it. He couldn't turn you in. He couldn't tell Dewey. He just couldn't fucking do it.
He had his foot on the brake at the end of the driveway…He knew he shouldn't park there which was why he had it in drive and just braked it; ready to slam on the gas at a moment's notice if someone tried something.
…But he just…His lip trembled and he felt nothing but pain in his chest. You were his best friend, you were bonded together through the trauma as survivors, you were his kids' Godmother…At one point, he loved you in his own way…He could admit that to himself a bit. He fell in love with you or at least he thought he did till you both were together for a hot minute and he saw the whole time that you were…Distracted. Now he knew why and knowing it was Billy fucking Loomis on your brain just rubbed salt into the wound. As if him having Sidney wasn't bad enough, he had you too?! He actually did still love you but in a platonic way. He loved you like a sister. Karla was the love of his life and replaced any feeling he had for Sid or you the second he met her. It was something he thought would never happen but Karla did that. He loved you just in a sisterly way now…He might've even been closer to you than his own sister Martha…
…Just for you to do this to him? To hide something so astronomically fucked up? To lie to his face all those years? How many times were you sneaking Stu out of your back door? How many times was he there and Randy had no idea and could've died? Were you even telling the damn truth?! He had no idea and never would and that's what hurt so damn much. He couldn't trust you now.
He was trying so damn hard to reason your side of it but the pain of knowing you lied for more than 13 years and hid their identity from everyone including him stung too badly right now…Stu was at your cabin! Billy and Stu were in your fucking motel! He was only taking your word for it that you all weren't a couple or in cahoots together; he felt like he never knew you at all!
He released a frustrated yell in his car as the pain in his heart felt worse than the bullet wound he got 15 years ago. Worse than nearly dying from Mrs. Loomis 13 years ago…He was fucking devastated. Tears flowed freely as he quietly sobbed a moment before furiously shaking his head with a sniff. 
His voice was heavy and stuffy from crying. "NO!... No, I got kids and a wife…Fuck it! She's working with them? She can hitch a fucking ride too…I can't even worry about Kirby I just gotta get the fuck outta town and take a risk going to my family and fuck this shit!" 
He went to put pressure on the gas but froze when his phone rang. He frowned seeing it wasn't Dewey but an unknown number…It was you using Kirby phone for whatever reason, he just knew it. Probably a manipulation tactic just to talk to him. He hung it up…Then… It rang again.
He rolled his eyes and jerked the phone to his ear. "WHAT?! YN, I'm not fucking talking to you right now! I'm so hurt and furious and-" 
"Ooh…Trouble in the group… Randy?" 
Randy's face fell, the tears in his blue eyes feeling like they dried in an instant as he heard that voice…That damned voice…It sent a chill down his spine as he looked around; hand instinctively on the wheel as he looked around the darkness outside his car. 
"Friendships don't last forever. Sometimes, friends need to be…Cut…Off." 
He sneered as his stomach sank. "...We're really doing this right now? It's been a decade, don't you think it's time to hang it up here? I mean, Roman Bridger and Neil Prescott…You can't get more twisted than that. Pack it up and take the loss, newbie. "
"Oh but Randy. They weren't me. They were too old school wanting revenge as a motive. Mine is more modern." The voice practically purred out sadistically.
Randy rolled his eyes. "What? Fame? Money? Damn, at least Stu did it just because he liked it. You amateur edgey wannabes-" 
"Shut up or I'm gonna take that little bitch YN apart bit by bit and scatter her in your fucking front yard!" The voice angrily snapped as Randy froze. "Yeah…That's what I thought." 
He huffed before swallowing hard. "You're full of shit." 
"Am I?...Hate to call your bluff and you live with that on your conscience. Poor YN…She looks sad and scared. She's gonna die painfully, slowly, remembering that her friend hated her guts." 
He heard his phone pin, looking at it with the killer on a video call as his blood ran cold. He didn't see a killer…He saw you and Kirby walking, and unbeknownst to you both, the killer was a mere few feet away following you. 
"She can't hear you, Randy…Why not just watch the show as I slice her into bits? The final girl finally dies as the side character no one cares about. What a great twist." The voice chuckled darkly.
Randy panicked. "Don't!!" 
They hung up.
He almost instinctively got out of the car but quickly got a hold of himself…He wasn't leaving you. He knew they were baiting but he couldn't leave you. He put on a determined face and backed up faster than he should. Determined to get to you and Kirby. It was hard to see with only his tail lights in the dark before his heart dropped to his gut when he saw someone standing in the road and he didn't brake in time…Backing into them and over them. His car thumped as it hit someone.
Randy slammed on the brakes.
He sat there a moment in shock ... His face terrified…Did he just?...Oh God no…Oh Jesus no…What if he just ran over a teen in a mask drinking out here?...But what if he ran over the killer?...Either way…Dear God, he ran into someone!
He sat there for a moment. His breathing was labored. His palms were sweaty and he had wide mortified eyes.
He almost got out but shook his head. "That's stupid. Don't be stupid." He breathlessly mumbled to himself as his hands shook. He put the car in drive and drove in a sharp u turn so his headlights were on the figure. Slowly creeping to a halt to get a better look. Turning his high beams on to see…A mannequin. A mannequin with a ghostface mask on as its head was showing a blank white face and the mask was almost off its head. It was a goddamn prop and that meant the killer was out here. Somewhere. Watching him. 
Randy shook his head but laughed triumphantly as he drove around it back to the party. "Ha! You thought I'd fall for that?! Fuck you! Fuuucckkk you you goddamn weak ass freak!" Randy exclaimed to himself in his car as he drove. This wasn't his first rodeo and even if they weren't out of the woods. This felt like a giant 'Fuck you!' to the killers' face that they're amateur plan didn't work.
Randy tried getting ahold of his nerves, that tiny win was subdued as he realized…The killer really was here. He had to get you out of here. Anger be damned, he could give you the cold shoulder the whole way, but he still cared and you couldn't die. You just couldn't. 
He recited the rules to himself as he drove. "Rule one: Never say 'who's there?'. Rule two: Everybody's a suspect. Rule three: The killer always has a reason. Rule four: you can never have sex…Damn, ships done sailed." 
He swallowed and parked the car under an old pole light that still had that orange tint they used to have back in the day. Electricity was still being paid on even if the owner didn't live there. There was still farm equipment there in use.
He looked around but left his car. Shakily moving away with that mace you gave him in hand. "Rule five: you can never drink or do drugs…Rule..Rule six: Never say 'I'll be right back'...Because you won't be back…" 
He thought of franchise rules. "Rule one, kills are always more dramatic. Gorey and-" He gagged into a silent scream at the impact of something hitting him. No…Stabbing through him.
Randy faltered as his adrenaline was up but…. A searing pain hit him as he gagged and choked. He couldn't catch a breath and when he did it was a pained gasp for air. It hurt so much. He couldn't scream. Just staggered a few more feet before dropping to his knees in the grass…No one around as they were all in the main barn watching the movie. 
Randy released a cry finally, a groaning pained cry as he reached up to feel what hit him. What made moving feel impossible as he felt warm blood slowly trickling down his back…An arrow. A slim metal arrow that went deep into the back of his left shoulder almost through his collarbone at an angle. 
He was in shock but tried to get up and keep going. He forced it out of his lungs as he staggered as fast as he could. "H-H-Help! H-Help!!" He tried to wail out in a crackling voice. His body was in shock and the pain made it hard to speak before he yelped out again. A crossbow arrow missing and hitting the dirt next to his feet. He stumbled and got behind the wooden pole. 
He was too far from the barn and no one could hear him. He didn't dare even get the arrow out for fear of bleeding to death. He was being hunted like an animal right now…Against all the rules he followed it's like they didn't matter. Instead, he looked at his car and tried to go back. Running as his body could manage. If he couldn't get to the barn then he was getting in his car and going to a hospital.
He went to rush to his car when a sharp ungodly pain penetrated his side as soon as he reached it…A gagging type of gasp escaped his lips as the heat flooded his nerve endings.
He saw the mask, the robe, the knife caked in his blood still in his side before they slowly dragged it out with a tilt of their head. Randy released a strangled cry as that sharp blade slowly dragged over god knows what internal organs and seared pain through his skin.
The second the blade was mostly out; He grabbed the killer out of instinct and body slammed them against the car. His pain was there but his adrenaline was too high to focus on it. This Ghostface is shorter than he was…Robbie, Charlie, Judy, Kirby, Jill, the mom that attacked you the other day! His mind was racing at who this was as he knew he had to fight for his life now. 
As soon as he slammed them off of him and onto the car; they jerked the arrow out of him. He yelled in pain as hot blood gushed out and he instinctively grabbed the area…A feeling he hadn't felt in 13 years since he was at Windsor in that van with Billy's Mother. It knocked the wind out of him, it burned both icy and hot all at once as he dropped the mace from the pain.  They went to stab him and they missed as he was desperately lunging at the ground for the mace. 
The killer went to stab overhead as he quickly twisted on the ground and he sprayed it through the mesh eye holes of the mask. 
He heard a growling groan in a medium pitched voice; he couldn't tell if they were male or female. He didn't care right now! He had to get to the car, get to the phone, get to a hospital! He was going to bleed to death.
He kicked them away and scrambled to the car while clutching his dripping stomach only because it hurt the worst even if that arrow wound could be what makes him lose the most blood. Groaning and gasping with each movement at the horrible pain as he rushed for his life. That feeling of his own hot blood on his fingers…He had hoped he'd never feel it again.
He almost got in the car…Almost made it… when he felt a stab on his back…He couldn't even scream from the pain as a strangled gasp came out before his body fell…It was…He couldn't move, couldn't get up…It hurt so bad! He didn't know if they severed his spinal cord or hit a nerve or the pain was just that bad…
Randy's life flashed before his eyes as the masked figure loomed over top of him. All these images in his mind. His childhood in Woodsboro, him and Martha as kids, his teens and crushing on Sidney while being the dork in town, you moving in and all the fun memories the group had prior, the most traumatic night of his life, him blaming you for Sidney's death and cutting you off, his first time, college, his first girlfriend, all the Ghostface attacks and all of the fun he had with you and Dewey, meeting Karla, their first time kissing and making love and marrying…And Chad and Mindy being born. 
That last thought had him crying openingly. He had tears in his eyes as a croaking whisper sounded from him. He begged for his life. "P-Please! Don't do this…My kids need me, don't do this-" He silently sobbed while trying to backpedal or move or something if his body would allow it. 
He was able to start backpedaling. He almost got to the car door. 
The killer tilted their head almost…Taunting him. Like he actually had a chance. Before he released a gargled scream as the knife plunged into his chest. Over and over again.
You gazed at the sea of Ghostface masks, heard the kids reciting Stab word for word, smelled hay and booze mixed together, felt heat radiating off of so many people in a small space. You instantly felt closed in and wanted to get out…But you couldn't. Not yet.
You moved past people, breaking through the crowd calling Randy's name. A few kids shhed you and you scoffed but ignored them.  
One was particularly pissy and Kirby turned to them with a mocking smile and muttered.  "Spoiler; Billy and Stu are the killers. The end. Fuck off." 
They groaned and cussed you out but you ignored them more. Your eyes scanned the Ghostface masks illuminated by the red party lights…It felt dizzying as you desperately tried to look for Randy's face. 
Kirby told you. "I didn't think I saw his car when we came in here. You wanna ride with me? I'm going back to my place and Jill said she might swing by with the boys." 
You were distracted. Hurt that Randy ditched you…You knew he was upset and didn't trust you weren't the killer but you didn't think he'd outright leave you alone during act 3 like this…Then again, maybe you did but it stung all the same. Your shoulders sagged as you solemnly nodded. "Y-Yeah…I'd appreciate a lift." 
You both walked out and your heart sank as Kirby was right…You didn't see his car…He left you.
Kirby scrunched her face and pointed. "Wait...Hey…Isn't that Randy's car?" 
You looked over at his car now parked in a different spot 20 feet away under the pole light…Practically touching it like he was in a hurry to park it.
You felt this dreadful feeling. Something wasn't right.
Kirby shrugged. "Maybe he just wanted to be under the light more? Ya know, murders and all." 
You knew that was true but you still had a bad feeling. "Stay here." You told her as you walked near the car. You didn't get 5 feet from it when you saw dark liquid in the grass that without the faint orange hue of the polelight you would've stepped right over. You bent down…And touched it shakily. You knew what it was, you felt a sickness overtake you but you still had to check. You brought your hand back up and saw the red on your fingertips. Still wet, still semi warm, and that metallic scent was undeniable. This was blood and god forbid…You now saw smears on the car too. There was a struggle.
'God no. Please don't be him.'
You quickly jumped up and yelled at Kirby. "Call 911! Right now! Get in the barn!" 
"Why?!" She demanded until you showed your blood smeared hand that touched the grass. 
Her face dropped. "Jesus Christ."
She went to do that when some kid yelled frantically. "Hey! Come on! It's this way!" 
You rushed over to Kirby, pulling her out of the way as a horde of teens rushed out of the barn. Rushing towards the area you and Billy and Stu talked at. You had a hold of Kirby's shoulder as you both gave each other odd looks but followed. 
Your heart thumped in your ears and your breathing quickened with each step as fear slowly gripped you more and more with each second. You expected a warning from the killer or some teen dead…Why did you all have to come here?
Kirby went up ahead of you as you stopped and called 911 on your phone. Even if you were the 20th call for this exact reason, you couldn't take that chance. Even a prank you couldn't disregard, and right now, this didn't feel like a prank.
You saw more kids rush past you and right when you went to follow to look at what it was. Kirby rushed to you, blocking the path with all the color drained from her face. 
Kirby begged you, grabbing your arm. "N-No, no, no YN. Don't." She choked out, tears in her eyes. 
You raced forward, trying to see what she was so scared of…And…You saw a human corpse hung by a rope with the barn doors wide open. Dangling 10 feet in the air.
You stared in so much shock…So much…Shock.
It was like a nightmare…It wasn't real…It wasn't fucking real.
There hanging from the rafters of the barn…Was a corpse that was clearly real…You saw the guts hanging a few feet below them. 
You rushed closer and clamped your hands over your mouth as a terror striken scream erupted from you. It was like you couldn't even control your own body responses now. 
You stared with wide eyed horror at what you saw…As the corpse slowly spun on the rope around his neck…And…When you saw the face. Your knees buckled. You stopped breathing. You stopped thinking. Every horrible emotion you could think of charged through you at seeing Randy Meeks hanging by a rope…Gutted…Stabbed…His eyes wide open and dead. His skin pale white almost blue from blood lose.
You just froze before you felt your breathing become just you hyperventilating. You felt like you should scream again. Scream like those women do in horror movies, some ungodly shriek to the top of your lungs. You felt like you should pass out. You felt like you should faint…But you just froze there hyperventilating as tears sprang to your eyes. You felt a pair of arms hold you close, pulling you to their chest. "Don't look! Please God, YN…Don't look." You heard Dewey choke out as he came onto the scene…You were so distraught you didn't even hear the sirens as you just realized blue and red police lights were reflecting off the barn's metal siding.
Dewey was trying to hold it together for his job but was just as shell shocked as you were. Your eyes stayed wide and unblinking as he held you…This couldn't be real. This couldn't be real!
Kirby put a shaky hand over her mouth as she looked at Randy hanging from the barn.
You suddenly felt a surge of…SOMETHING! Rage, devastation, terror. Something that made you shove away from Dewey and go forward to look. You had to see. What if it was fake? This had to be fake. This had to be fake! A horrible prank or bait or something! You heard Dewey begging you as you got as close as police would allow. They were already blocking off the crime scene…And you smelled the blood from here. You saw his eyes looking through you unfocused and glazed over. The color from his lips and face…And you knew.
You shook your head as tears leaked from your eyes and you put both hands over your face to prevent a wail from escaping. A shrieking pained wail at seeing your best friend like this. 
What snapped you out of it was hearing some teenage boys laughing and taking videos and something in you completely snapped. Without thinking you rushed towards them, smacking the ones phone out of his hands and swinging on him. You didn't give a fuck right now what charges there would be. The disrespect sent you over the edge as Dewey instantly grabbed you and you tried jerking out of his hold. Screaming in rage and wanting to do anything you could to make them stop recording. 
They turned and recorded you with shocked faces and disbelieving grins…And Kirby showed her age, playing the younger generations game by recording them instead. Uno reverse. 
Kirby yelled, hurting at seeing Randy like this too. "Wow, we feel good about ourselves douchebags?! Recording a woman grieving over her friend, you sick fucks! Maybe you're the killers and that's why you're laughing? How's this gonna look on your fucking college application, dicks?!" 
You saw them instantly stop recording, hide their faces and rush away from the crime scene as Kirby yelled after them. "That's what I thought, pussys!!" 
Dewey dragged you away with the help of another cop as Dewey shook you by the shoulders to snap you out of it. "YN!" 
Your lip trembled as you just hugged onto him and he rocked you a bit. You knew how badly he wanted to sob with you as you clung to him and cried against his body. This wasn't fair...This wasn't fucking fair. 
Dewey's voice cracked. "I-I had to hang up from Gale because of Randy calling me. He hung up on me and I rushed here as fast as I could while Gale was setting up stupid cameras in the barn trying to play hero and now she isn't answering …Damn it, Randy." His voice shook.
You realized something…Even in your grief…
Randy's words ran through your head. "No one is safe. Legacy Characters? Cannon fodder at this point. Once the Nostalgia has reached its peak? We're done! Main characters are completely expendable now. Either they die or the most fucked up shit happens to them" 
It hurt so bad. It's like he knew. No one was safe. After all these years, your luck was finally running out. 
Then Stu's and Billy's words rang out.
"Killer did it. Guarantee it. They're setting a trap and you idiots are falling for it." 
"if they're copying us; they'll kill soon. A big one. One that's going to distract people just like you did with the Principle while I entertained my party." 
It hit you…Randy was Principal Himbry. And Gale was supposedly alone in the main barn now setting up cameras.
You jerked away from Dewey and yelled at him. "Gale!" 
His eyes instantly widened in realization as you ran to the barn as fast as you could and he followed behind you. Gun ready as he screamed for his wife. You almost tripped running so fast in the grass as you rounded the corner with Dewey staggering as fast as he could behind you. 
You heard her cry out and saw a masked figure as you didn't hesitate to rush up there with your gun. "Hold on, Gale!" The second you reached up there…You looked around. Gale was scrambling against someone in the hay and you a warning shot. You saw that mask look at you and your adrenaline kicked in as you went to fire again and they dodged behind a pillar. 
You kept your gun aimed while rushing to Gale who stood up.
"You alright?" 
Gale grumbled. "I'm fine just-...WATCH OUT!" 
Dewey yelled your name from below as he finally caught up and heard the gunshots.
You whipped your gun around to fire before dodging a knife. It barely missed slashing you over the face as you gasped and stumbled back. You went to aim again and before you could pull the trigger you felt a heavy boot kick you in the sternum…It knocked the wind from you and sent you flying over the edge of the hayloft. You felt that rush of dropping with you unable to do anything but plummet. You released a pained groan when you collided on top of the drink table. Crashing onto the red cups and the punch bowl toppled over and you laid there in the middle of the table with it broken in half.
Dewey rushed in to you as you told you were fine as quickly as you could. With his gun aimed he was screaming for his wife's name as he went to climb the loft.
You tried to ignore the stiffness in your body as you jerked your gun up too…Right when you saw Gale get stabbed and roll herself off the loft as well. Bouncing off a straw bale before rolling onto the ground. Dewey aimed multiple times as a light went out and wood splintered near the pillars but he missed. You raised your revolver and fired. You saw them jerk and heard a person yell under that mask as they clutched their arm. 
You sneered to yourself and growled out. "Got you now, piece of shit." Before aiming for their head. They ducked in time and fled. 
You pushed yourself up, eager to chase after them. They had to pay…OH, they had to pay! You wanted them dead more than any other Ghostface thus far…You were so sick of this shit and seeing yourself get a shot in felt damn good. Randy would be cheering you on and that thought alone sprung more angry tears to your eyes but fueled determination in you. You pushed yourself up and sprinted to the ladder as Dewey yelled at you not to go as he ran after you.
"Damn it, YN! Don't be stupid!" Dewey's face was angry yet scared. A rare thing for him as he aimed his gun as well in the loft.
You raced to the loft with Dewey behind you just to see no one was there…Cursing to yourself under your breath realizing they had another escape route…A door swinging against the wall. You ran to it. Eager to put the remaining 7 bullets you had into this fuckers head.
You jerked the door open and looked down. The ladder kicked away and laying on the ground and no one in sight. Just cool night air hitting you as you stared. Your face twisted into contempt at the idea of Randy's killer getting away.
"FUCK!" You hissed out as you kicked a nearby straw bale in anger.
You bitterly thought the names of who you thought did this. Robbie and Charlie. They knew this barn and they knew it enough to host this party and to know all escape routes. You climbed down seeing Dewey had already practically jumped off the ladder to get to Gale. You climbed down to the ground and rushed over as you saw she was stabbed in her shoulder.
More cops swarmed in as Dewey looked up and ordered them. "Search EVERYWHERE! Every barn, the woods, cars, everywhere!!" All before his demeanor changed as he looked at his wife in concern. He put pressure on her wound with fear in his eyes. "Put pressure on that. Oh God, Gale. Honey, just hang on-" Dewey mumbled with a pained expression.
Gale put her own hand in place of Dewey's asking. "Did you catch him?" 
Dewey shook his head with a trembling voice. "No. Hopefully your cameras caught something." 
Gale informed him. "They're not the only ones. There's uh…A webcam." She croaked out in some pain. "There's a webcam; it's hidden up there. It was watching me." 
Dewey looked up instinctively and so did you. Your face soured. Just confirming who this was to you.
Dewey wasn't following. "Webcam? W-What webcam?" 
Gale drew out in a shaky breath as she held her bleeding shoulder. "He's recording the murders." 
Dewey still asked with wide eyes. "What?" 
You gritted your teeth, tears still on your cheeks from Randy's death as you drew out. "This time…He's making the movie. Even more than Roman did." 
Gale nodded at your understanding before she grimaced in pain. 
She grew serious as she winced at the pain. Choking out as sirens of an ambulance could be heard down the road. 
"…Get this fucker." 
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sundew199 · 1 month
Nobody asked but here are my favorite anime and why. (I just want to talk about them, leave me alone.)
Attack on Titan: There are probably five hundred or more reasons why this is my number one but I'll just say the main ones. Firstly the story, it's unique and engaging, perfectly timed twists and developments that make you question what the end will be and the overall plot. The characters are so beautifully written, all of them. There is no concrete right or wrong for any of the characters, everyone is morally gray and making tough decisions. The parallels!!! Holy shit there are so many and they're all perfect, I feel like just about every character has a parallel with someone else and it just continues to add depth to the overall story. it does such a great job of instilling hope in the viewer and ripping it away in such a way that leaves you just as lost and empty as the characters. Attack on Titan is a masterpiece of media, not just in anime but overall, nothing will come close to comparing to it for me.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: This show fucked me up, bad. I’ve never been at a loss for words at the ending since AOT. Just like AOT you think the story is about one thing and then it does a complete 180. I'll be completely honest this show is depressing, and I don't say that negatively if that's possible. The way it dives into metal health and morality is just so gut wrenching. I find this show and AOT have a lot of similarities in story telling and characters, you can't help but sympathize with the characters who are "morally wrong". If I'm being honest NGE and AOT are tied for number one.
Death Parade: This show made me appreciate the life I have, to cherish the people around me and not take what I had for granted. It deals with morality like the first two but after death, and it really made me question some of the main and minor characters decisions. It highlights humanity's selfishness and making decisions that benefit only themselves.
Trigun Stampede: I love sci-fi and western centered shows and this is a combination of both. This is defiantly lighter than the first three but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its "darker" themes. The main characters are fun and easily likeable, all having great banter and sweet moments. Of course you can't help but sympathize with the "villain" and why they do what they do (are you noticing a theme lol). It's entertaining and fun while not being overly childish.
Dungeon Meshi: I wasn't expecting to enjoy this one as much as I did, very skeptical in the first few episodes ngl. But it didn't take long for me to really like it and recommend it to friends and what not. The comedy is honestly perfect, it's not in your face and kinda meant to be more of an underline in the main plot, but it's good. The characters are so fucking dorky and dysfunctional and dumb (affectionately) in their own way it really helps the story flow. I was surprised with the depth in the main plot, I really started watching this because people were saying it was lighthearted and fun but I found myself really enjoying the main plot and the overall lore.
please don't ask me "where is this show?" or "what about this show?" these are my favorite and 9 times out of 10 the reason why some of the more popular anime aren't on here is because I haven't finished it, or it's not one of my top 5
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mhaynoot · 1 year
[ tw suicide , suicidal thoughts and intentions - orv spoilers - epilogue joongdok ]
yjh progressed so much and so far through 1863 regression turns not only to cut down the constellations and systems that made him suffer but also to find a way to either save the world or die permanently, whichever came first.
out of all the yjh and the regressions, the one who achieved that goal was the half slain by himself in the 1863rd round, the one who encapsulated all yjh's feelings of "i want to die".
the one that said "i want to live" was all that was left.
yjh remembers renouncing his regression status. his character trait.
"yoo joonghyuk, former regressor."
but he who hated his regression the most, who experienced suffering like no other because of it, chooses again to regress once more to save kdj. he tries not to think why but does anyway when the the scenario nights once again drag on long and agonising.
"are you sure?" people had asked right before the group regression. as if he would have ever brought it up as a suggestion if he hadn't been sure.
was he sure?
yjh closes his eyes.
he remembers renouncing his regressor status. he remembers delcaring not only that he will lived this round - this life - fully but that he will live solely for the ending in which kdj was an anomaly. he remembers kdj too. the little twist to his lips, the downcurved tilt, and his eyes, yjh was always reflected into his eyes. but they only saw him then. "I was twenty-eight, and I was an employee of a game company. my hobby was reading web novels…"
yjh remembers.
"yes, I'm sure."
but more than reliving the hellish nightmares of the scenarios once more, it only completely breaks him when regressing still fails-fails-fails-
(like kdj had told him over and over again)
two years passes by. time is supposed to ease grief. he should have moved on.
yjh breaks into the museum to grab the broken [final ark] with no real plan and fights hsy with his all so she could kill him because that's what he wanted. because yjh wants to fucking die and had tried everything from clutching a gaming mouse to training to talking endlessly with his teacher and sister but still- still he finds no purpose in life after the failed regression.
he imagines that guy yelling at him, calling him a sunfish.
even though he was free from the scenarios, free from the regression skill, can grow old normally with all his loved ones into a happily ever after. in a world surely and carefully forgetting the secnarios, erasing almost everything of that nightmare. today, the night sky is forever dark with only the glimmer of weakened constellations. yjh had saved the world and his companions and his sister and himself. it was everything he had ever wanted. everything that could have ever made him happy.
kim dokja, he grieves and grieves and grieves.
it is only the dumb blind faith and hope of a hacked brained plan that lets him live until he's shooting through space with a faint, infinitely burning wish.
and because of course nothing ever goes right, the ship breaks down and then everything else is breaking down and he's drifting through space in the vast loneliness and hollowness of his own dying stories.
1, 2, 10, 100, 333 days of drifting.
it is the kdj's story that revitalises him again and again as he reads and rereads and reads more and more
until, finally, he could understand kdj just a little more.
he wonders if this is what it means to have a soulmate. to have someone who completed him so much. who is his everything and to know he is everything to that guy too.
they are each other's beginning and end, salvation and damnation, life and death.
and then,
on death's door, he draws his sword. he regrets but he does not give up.
Tumblr media
words echo between his ears in his final moments. that guy was right in the end. of course.
he dreams of fighting and that damn journey to the west remake and he dreams-
his eyes search around, always desperately searching. it's like chasing a ghost. like trying to bridge a bridgless gap between him and-
"where is kim dokja?"
everything in him knows it, knows what happened even if it remained a dream in his memories. the stories vibrantly holding him together was proof enough that he got saved by that bastard. he'll be damned if he ever reveals the truth to biyoo that though.
they crest and bob through the ebb and flow of the wordlines and the universe.
some worlds a peaceful. no scenarios.
yjh wonders if the stardust reincarnated in these worldlines is happy. selfishly, he hopes not and that they'll always wish to come back. to stay. he's already doomed countless worlds for this purpose. spreading this dream of destruction for a single man.
its with these selfish wishes, they drift through space and the brief stops along the way.
some, he leaves faster than others. it depends on how quickly he and biyoo can find a suitable webnovel author. but it doesnt always go all that quickly. authors. they're reclusive annoyances. yjh thinks of hsy and her first appearance and edits the latest update with particularly brutal comments on her prose. so some worlds, they linger on.
somehow, he finds himself on a high building in every world. sometimes they're in seoul but not always. all cities eventually start looking the same anyway. similar but foreign concrete city scapes. large, open skies.
that guy had said the view was beautiful.
"wake up, yoo joonghyuk."
centuries and world lines drift by.
he was not the 41st yjh and she was not the 41st shin yoosung. they had lived and grown to become the them they are now. had both been touched by that guy and his actions. her more so than him.
sometimes, he gets caught in her visage. on the way she smiled or her eyes gleamed. nebulae dwarfed in comparison. every bit of her father.
more than her eyes and her smiles, it was the way she talked. that slightly annoyed, flippant wit. she talks so much now, babbling, scheming, or just talking for the sake of talking. like she was making up for the years of being pretty much nonverbal. or the years of travelling alone. although, her father had always able been to understand her quite well. maybe it was a connection between parent and child.
yjh didnt try to remember his own child, they were always there. a small swaddled thing. it was a worn out grief. memories so bright it faded. a life too short.
biyoo's dad had said he understood. he had never lost child. had sacrificied himself over and over again to ensure not a single one of his went through that cut fate.
yjh knows that kdj had never experienced it. but yjh understands kdj too.
every world, she finds recent trends in webnovels and the world news and what strange "gimmick" the world operated on. some had game systems like the star stream. some had an old apocalypse lingering. some were in the middle of a breaking world. nothing quite bad enough to not find an author, of course.
he wonders if kdj was thriving in those less peaceful worlds like he thrived in the star stream. yjh selfishly hopes not. hopes that something is irreversibly missing in a life without his companions, without yjh.
even if they only stopped in the world for an hour, biyoo always finds the time to report her findings to him. she settles into the arc beside him and rambles on about how the different systems compared to each other or talks about a popular webnovel and the characters in them. the arcs they go through.
something in his chest loosens at the fimilarity. it wouldnt do to get lost in the memories of another person in someone else but he was a regressor.
maybe she understands that too because she always continues to talk even when he stops responding, stops looking quite at her.
he was glad she was there with him. in this long journey.
in the arc, through the worldlines, on the highest points of city buildings, he edits the story, he adds his own chapters. he finds their memories and their stories and writes it all down. he types with fingers tracing only a singular name.
he reads more.
he writes more.
protagonist, reader, author.
the star stream seems to be finally over. their epilogue was upon them.
that pivotal last chapter had not be written yet. the one where kdj comes home.
yjh settles his hands on the keyboard.
as he enters the stratosphere, as the cockpit burns and lights through earth's blue skies like a shooting star, and he finally breathes in the air his and kim dokja's world again, yjh thinks about his long journey. about his 0th turn. about 1865 regressions. about answers and questions and the future. about his happiness.
the [ark] slams into the ocean. he can already see lee jihye screaming at him in the distance. the rest of his little nebulae wait for him. his little sister looks ready to beat him up.
he looks at them and smiles.
as he's pulled towards his and kim dokja's companions, moved back into their embrace and circle as if he's never left, he thinks about his long journey. about his 0th turn. about 1865 regressions. about answers and questions and the future. about kim dokja.
yjh thinks about every stardust that scatters through the wordlines that he had visited. some of them had been peaceful. some of them less so.
yjh hopes each stardust reincarneted into these worldlines are doing well. that they are warm and eating well and are loved. and, yjh hopes that he could still find the ending where he can love that guy and show it to him too. tell him, eventually.
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I'm conflicted about the Maker as a character. On one hand, he's a great dark reflection to 616 Reed. He's what Reed would be if he never were confronted by the damages his ego might cause (in 616 Reed's case, the fact that it was his ego that made his loved ones change forever, while the accident was Doom's fault in 1610). He is arrogant, selfish, hyper-competent and a super-scientist-genious who, instead of fiding solutions with humanizing elements to the world's problems like 616 Reed does, doesn't care about ethics or morality, instead trying to create a perfect world regardless of how many have to die or suffer for it, whom he doens't spare a second thought for or feel guilt about.
On the other hand, I feel that WHAT he is is more interesting then HOW he became this way and WHY, and I kinda need to know the how and why to fully understand and appreciate him. I've recentely read the Ultimate Doomsday trilogy and the reasons for Reed to turn bad, the turning point to be precise, and what he was plannig exactly were… unclear to me.
His demeanor seems to change according to the writter as well. I've read the first 12 issues of Ultimate Comics: Ultimates and Hickman writes him as calm and condescending, someone who doesn't show his strong emotions, which is great. But after Humphries start co-writing from issue 10 to 12, his characterization and voice change. He is much more extrovert, so to speak, more prone to showing emotions, and he seems more generic. Also, some writers write him as still loving Sue, while Hickman doesn't seem to write him that way (the Maker doesn't show interest for the Sue in Secret Wars and he kills 6160 Sue).
I think what I want to ask is: do you also think the Maker has been inconsistently written as a character? And do you also think that the why he does things and the how he became the way he is are necessary for enjoying/understanding his character?
Oh he's a fucking incoherent mess. As a concept he's great, as an evil Reed under Hickman he's great. As the evolution of Ultimate Reed he makes zero sense.
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Bendis depiction of his "fall" was awful and incoherent. Under Bendis, Reed instantly becomes the type of guy willing to commit cold blooded murder against both his family and other heroes for no real reason. If Reed is pissed about the military controlling everything, why is he trying to kill Peter Parker? Shouldn't he be trying to kill Nick Fury and destroy SHIELD? That at least would make sense, Ultimate Nick Fury is a fucking awful person. Instead he murders his entire family instead of just his asshole dad because... I don't know, he's just evil now. A writer can't write someone smarter than them, and Bendis is just not the guy for tackling the world's smartest heroic mind descending into villainy. Reed's plan is dumb and paper thin.
A better approach would have been that Reed creates minions and has them attack various heroes and SHIELD, but only the attack on SHIELD is genuine. All the attacks on heroes are false flags designed to fail, Reed even has them attack himself and his home to make it look like he's a victim too. Only his dad gets killed because his dad was the one Reed hated. Reed's plan is to kill off the military handlers, and bring the heroes together to solve a threat by themselves, in hopes that everyone will see they don't need to be taking orders from SHIELD. Heroes can solve problems on their own. Reed also wants to reunite the Fantastic Four and thinks that this could remind the other three why they need each other. Of course the other heroes find out that Reed is responsible and attempt to bring him in, with Sue, Ben, and Johnny turning on him being what sends Reed off the deep end. He becomes the Maker and resolves to build a family in his image which will be what he wants them to be.
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Other writers desperately tried to reconcile Ultimate Reed with how Bendis portrayed his fall but it just never worked. Hickman had the right approach, he threw Reed into the City where times passes at an accelerated rate to justify the changes. Maker isn't human anymore, not really. He's been alive for so long that his perspective on everything has changed - or so it seems. It's tough to talk about Maker in Ultimates because Hickman never got to finish his story. No doubt in my mind that the Maker storyline was meant to run for a while, but Humphries understandably didn't want to be saddled with another writer's storyline forever. My recollection is that Humphries worked off of Hickman's notes, and while the execution differed it's possible that some of what Humphries did was Hickman's intention.
Some of what Maker does under Hickman doesn't make sense if Maker is as cold and pure logic-based as he tries to come off as. For example the City is on Earth instead of the moon or whatever because the City needs a "solid foundation" which presumably means Earth like conditions. Ok - why the hell does Maker put his City in Europe? Why not Antarctica or some other remote location? In Hickman's New Avengers, Maker recreates the City in a remote region of South America, which means he had other options. Putting his City in Europe feels like he was itching for a fight. Obviously there was quite a bit of gap in time between when Hickman wrote those two issues, but then there's other odd behavior. Why does Maker insist on humiliating Thor by forcing Thor to serve as his messenger instead of just... sending a message? Why bring Falcon in and show off the City instead of kidnapping world leaders for the same effect? My belief is that Hickman does not intend for Maker to be pure logic. Spite is definitely a big part of what drives him. On some level Maker was clearly itching for revenge and for praise from his former comrades. He wanted to hurt them and impress them, or at least rub in their faces what he had achieved.
Wish Hickman would share what the original plans were, but if Humphries really was working off his notes I could totally buy that Maker was going to be brought down by a need to impress Sue. He'd bring her into the City to brag and flex on her, the jilted boyfriend simultaneously hoping to hurt her for leaving him and win her back, and she would bring him down. Unlikely that Hickman would have Reed outright admit that the way Humphries did, but as an undercurrent to his actions he may not even be aware of himself? Yeah I could buy that. As for why he doesn't care about the other Sues, he spells out in Secret Wars: they're not his Sue.
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Even Hickman has him admit that he's wondered what his life would have been like if he had gotten the life 616 Reed did. Plus there's his whole torturing of 6160 Reed. He could have killed 6160 Reed along with the other three, but he didn't. Instead he turned the guy into Dr. Doom and attempted to break him. Why? What purpose does that serve? 6160 Reed knows Maker hates him but can't figure out why. My theory is that it's because Maker is trying to take a Reed who is similar to 616 Reed and transform the guy into a monster like him. It's his middle finger to 616 Reed. Maker wants to prove that 616 Reed isn't better than him, if Mr. Fantastic had lost his family and been put through hell like Maker had, he would break too. That 6160 Reed is, so far, not a monster like Maker pisses Maker off. It's not logical to keep 6160 Reed around, and doing so leads to Maker's fall.
Hope that long winded rant clarified my thoughts for you. Moving on to the second part, do we need to know the how and why of Maker to enjoy him? Depends on how he's used. Something like Cates' Venom run, no. Maker is just an Evil Reed there, we don't need his backstory to understand that he's a power hungry bastard out only for himself. Per Cates himself, Maker is there because he wanted a dark reflection of the Peter/Mr. Fantastic relationship, and it's enough that Maker is a villain working with a dark anti-hero Venom to help facilitate that. Now in Ultimate Invasion, yes you do need to understand the how and why. Problem is that it's not clear why Maker does a lot of what he does. His creation of the Ultimate Illuminati is explained and makes sense, but what is his endgame? What does he want 6160 to become? I can't tell you. No clue at all what his endgame is supposed to be. Does he want to turn the world into a global version of the City? Does he genuinely want to make a utopia? He seems content to let his underlings run their fiefdoms with a relatively free hand. 6160 America appears to be much more advanced thanks to the technocrats running things. Even allows Howard Stark and Bruce Banner to express misgivings about his rule. Public seems to think he's a great guy, presumably he didn't kill a shitload of people to build his society this time around. We needed more info on what his plans were and we didn't get them.
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Maker is a fun character and also an inconsistent mess. One does not always preclude the other. Now my personal opinion is that he's approaching the end of his lifespan, I think Hickman needs to give him an ending. Whether that's death or something else I don't know, but a confrontation between Maker, Mr. Fantastic, and DoomReed is all that's left to do with him I feel. Hickman is really the only one who has used him to his full potential anyway. Give him a proper send-off to close the door on the old Ultimate Universe as we move into the new one.
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cowprintsillies · 1 year
Fic Update
Update for Ranboo’s Terrible No Good Guide to Freedom: The Long Way Round - Chapter 1 - CowPrintLilies, TheStanleyParableEnjoyer - Generation Loss (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own]
Haha I’m ignoring that i haven’t updated in three months ITS OK BECAUSE IM WRITING NOW AND I WONT BE LONG!! It’s getting done!! Soon to be posted!! Here’s an excerpt from the chapter in progress!!
The walk there is uneventful in a physical sense. Security, thank his lucky stars, hadn’t reared its ugly head yet as it so often did. Charlie wasn’t dumb enough to think it never would- he’d become intimately acquainted with its claws way too many times to think like that- but it wasn’t here yet. 
Emotionally, the walk there may as well have crushed him with a comically large piano and laughed in his face about it. Because something happened and they aren’t talking about it. Ranboo is the most courageous kid Charlie has ever met and probably ever will. Desperation only gets you so far and if that was all that was keeping Ranboo going they would’ve given up loops ago. Ranboo is one brave fucking kid. They had, for all intents and purposes, had to (whether those people came back or not) kill a lot of people to survive. And they had still gotten back up, gotten back to escaping. 
The kid trailing behind Charlie now looked like a few choice words would break them in half. It made something in Charlie’s chest crawl. Something not just happened, something changed. And he is going to fucking kill whoever did it if it’s the last thing he does.
Ranboo trips slightly as the flooring transitions from tile to carpeting.
Charlie doesn’t mention it.
The walk continues like this for the better part of 10 minutes. The odd Employee roamed idly about the floors, and Charlie would lead the way and Ranboo would follow meekly behind- save for whenever they steered Charlie from making a wrong turn. Sue him, he’s new to the whole “keeping his memories thing” and yes he may be a little bit overwhelmed with the whole thing because first of all it makes no logical sense for time to loop around them but then again Showfall Media makes no sense and he’s trying his best to be there for the kid because he gets a horrible familial burning in his collarbone whenever he thinks of what they went through and are still going through-
Ranboo tugs on the back of his shirt before Charlie walks into the side of a cabinet.
-and his internal monologue has become nonsensical rambling. Awesome, real helpful Charlie.
Ranboo is looking at him with the air of a kicked puppy. Or- no, more like the air of someone who just watched someone else shoot a puppy then put it in a meat grinder. Either way Charlie doesn’t like the expression on Ranboo's face. Their eyes don’t belong on someone so young. The poor kid looks like he’s been through the wars. It’s plain trauma. Charlie internally curses Hetch’s name into the dirt, as has slowly become a tradition whenever he thinks particularly hard about the situation. 
Charlie takes a moment to mentally slap himself back into the present moment, however shitty the present moment has proven to be, and takes stock of the surroundings. No immediate or imminent danger, save for himself almost giving himself a new bruise with that cabinet. Charlie then mentally slaps himself again because how had he managed to get so lost in his thoughts to not pay attention to where he was going? He knows first hand that this place is dangerous and he just daydreamed instead of looking out for Ranboo? Some good he’s doing.
First note of order is that they successfully reached the Puzzler’s Wardrobe Set which means that he can finally try and lighten the mood. 
Ranboo had been standing by Charlie, idly looking over the various assortments of clothes, wigs and miscellaneous items in an attempt to completely ignore the whole situation that had lead them here to begin with and had, like he said in his previous inner monologue: settled a growing rock of worry right in Charlie's chest. Whenever they notice Charlie looking at them they physically straighten up to try and look more put together than they clearly were. 
It’s weird. A lot of this situation is weird. Honestly weird is an understatement. Charlie should say something to break the strange silence coating the two of them, and he’s not sure why he can’t. A million words and questions come to mind such as are you ok what happened what did you see how can I make it better, all swirling and twisting together in one mass of fear, worry, anger and care. Everything knots together in his heart and by the time it’s reached his mouth no longer makes any sort of sense. He wants to say a lot of things. 
What's wrong?
Who hurt you?
What happened?
How can I help?
Please let me help you.
It will be ok.
But what came out of his mouth instead is-
“Want to dress up?”
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