#this applies mostly to reddit btw
seerofmike · 2 years
i've never felt comfortable with the way ppl talk about loba. everyone calls her a cunt and a bitch for being a bad friend to bangalore. like yeah it sucks but like...i think it's more of a bad writing thing than anything else. also mirage is a shitty friend too but i don't see people say anything about that. it's just that the fandom hates woc and trauma victims who don't exhibit squeaky clean symptoms
literally this, especially over on reddit. i think loba HAS acted like a bitch before, but i love her for it, the same way i love bangalore even if sometimes she's a jackass, especially to wraith. to a lot of people though, women being mean=BAD, even though mirage was equally, if not moreso, ableist to wraith. like i've seen people on reddit legit go "mirage has always been such a nice guy", completely ignoring that the season 6 quests were literally dedicated to showing how much of an asshole he was.
but god, i remember s5, the broken ghost. everyone celebrating caustic choking loba out, calling her a bitch for getting their beloved white waifu wattson hurt. then when caustic was revealed to be manipulating wattson and being a traitor...suddenly crickets? suddenly "oh he's so misunderstood and tragic because he doesn't know how to properly convey love". FOH
to be honest though it isn't always as clear cut as women=good and men=bad, trauma victims like you said get treated like SHIT by the apex fandom when they aren't perfect sad babies. during TPS people were cropping one of octane's statements out of context and there was like ZERO empathy from half the fanbase talking about an abuse victim...*acting* like an abuse victim. and then this goes in reverse, too, octane stans coddling him while calling lifeline a cunt for the way she treated him.
like no!!! they were BOTH cunts!!! but also even if you think they handled their situation poorly can we at least extend nuance to the conversation because we know they've both been abu--ah, nope, fandom verdict is octane is just selfish for the sake of selfish and lifeline is controlling for the sake of controlling.
actually ive pinpointed the root cause while writing this, which is that like half of the apex fandom has the comprehension of a brick. since most of the female characters are actually well written nuanced people and most of the male characters are shallow as fuck, that's why there's a deep divide on top of the normal flavor of misogyny. because the apex community takes everything done at surface value and goes "wow loba is a cunt but mirage is my perfect little baby tho"
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muchymozzarella · 2 years
I really dont care about representation, particularly from a FromSoft game That said I was mostly thinking about Mohg's corrupted blood, the disgust the game seems to carry towards him for not being ashamed of himself, and even his interactions with Miquella seem to hit a number of specific homophobic tropes, and in certain areas (Reddit/YouTube) has sort of created an environment that allows homophobia when discussing Mohg, which is more what I was thinking. Thanks for the detailed answer btw!
I think it's kind of tough to apply that sort of framework to Mohg without applying it to basically all Omen, including Morgott, and Morgott doesn't particularly hit any of the notes of queer coding.
I've never seen homophobic discussion when it comes to Mohg and the discussions I observe and take part in, which tells you that his character has 0 impact on whether people will be homophobic - homophobes will homophobe regardless of how good or bad a queer character is. It just depends on where you're looking for discussions.
I also don't think the game itself is particularly against Mohg, when it comes down to it. It specifically goes 50/50 on whether he's a luminary or a madman, and the primary source of hatred / disdain for Mohg comes from Gideon, who turns out to be a Total Dick anyway.
The most honest take on every main boss seems to be found in their remembrances, and Mohg's doesn't really pass judgment on whether he was a visionary or a madman.
"Wishing to raise Miquella to full godhood, Mohg wished to become his consort, taking the role of monarch. But no matter how much of his bloody bedchamber he tried to share, he received no response from the young Empyrean."
It interestingly focuses on his goals, both to become Miquella's consort and a monarch, and how he was never able to achieve them. It isn't even particularly shocked or focused on the fact that Miquella is male or his brother. It's extremely matter of fact, and there's no judgment in his love for Miquella, only that he's got delusions of grandeur - at least in the eyes of those who belittle him.
Idk. I think my takeaway is that Mohg's character doesn't have as many homophobic elements as he has general Terrible FromSoft Character elements and any external homophobia is 100% the responsibility of the homophobe and 0% the responsibility of the character.
I don't really think a fictional character who isn't even the worst character in the game has anything to do with whether people will form environments in which homophobic discussions are allowed to thrive.
Homophobes do that. No matter how terrible a queer character is, homophobic discussions will never happen if you aren't around homophobes.
And genuinely - no amount of bad queer rep will ever affect how homophobic someone is. That's on them.
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automatismoateo · 9 months
I was told by management they can't do anything to help when Muslim men are sexist towards me cause we gotta respect their religion. via /r/atheism
I was told by management they can't do anything to help when Muslim men are sexist towards me cause we gotta respect their religion. Exactly what the title said. I'm a floor supervisor. My job is to make sure people are working and everything is running smoothly. Well, I've been yelled at, dismissed and ignored by the vast majority of Muslim men working under me. One of them screamed at me that cleaning dishes is a woman's job and beneath him. I had my employees rotating for the dishes, it was his turn. I'm trying to be fair. Most of them don't speak english either. Which is another problem. I'm basically doing charades to explain things to them. My GM is also Muslim so he doesn'tcare at all. I'm a Hispanic woman btw. So suffice to say when HR told me it was a cultural/religious believe and I needed to be patient. I'M TRYING TO RUN A DAMN BUFFET! It's not fair to make the women and non Muslims do all the jobs they, as men, refuse to do. Why did they apply to be janitors, to then refuse to clean bathrooms. This is insane. How am I supposed to do my job then?? I know we have to respect people's religion, I'm an atheist (raised chatolic) and I do my best but this is ridiculous. Not to mention they all want to pray at the same time too. Leaving the floor mostly empty cause the GM hired a lot of them too. I've had so many panic attacks when I get home due to stress. Idk what to do anymore. Submitted October 02, 2023 at 07:10PM by BoredWitchCatD (From Reddit https://ift.tt/YTUiN30)
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autisticandroids · 3 years
Okay so this was a while back but im preety sure you had mentioned an au of yours where dean is a serial killer and cas successfully stalks him but i don't think you talked about it more than that and i just really want to hear a bit more bc that idea sounds so tastefully fucked up
okay so. weeks later i finally end up answering this ask. it inspired this post btw. anyway spn is a show that's like. all about justifications, as i said in the post inspired by this ask. it's about having no choice and doing what you have to do. and like there is the phantasy embedded in it, a phantasy that is both indulged and punished. but most importantly it's justified. the monsters are super strong to show how brave our heroes are for fighting them, the main characters let out great wails of grief every time their lady loves are violently ripped from them (even though now they are free to do whatever they want), the narrative twists to show our heroes as correct whatever they do. the fantasy (of being allowed to enact violence, of being free from feminine "control," of being right) comes first. the material construction of the universe of supernatural comes afterward. whatever the fantasy is, the universe of supernatural will provide material conditions to justify its acting-out.
and what this means is that our protagonists, dean in particular, are constantly doing just horrific things, which in any other circumstance would be unconscionable. but the universe of supernatural provides justification for these acts. the point of my serial killer au which i think about so so so much is to ask the question: what if these justifications melted out from under their feet? what if dean was left holding nothing but a lie and the weight of everything he's done?
therefore, the premise of my au is such (under the cut because this baby is long):
john and mary winchester, in the mid seventies, joined a doomsday cult known as the men of letters. the men of letters were rather unusual for a doomsday cult, in that they believed that the apocalypse could be prevented by human behavior. this started as correct living, correct worship, yadda yadda, the kind of behavior and thought control that cults are known for, but with the justification of: if you don't do this, the world will end. eventually, this escalated to human sacrifice. the men of letters managed to untraceably kill two homeless people in the late seventies. but they eventually fell apart. however, a month after john and mary left the men of letters (mostly john's choice, mary still believed), mary died in a house fire. john took it as a sign from god that actually, the men of letters were right, and the world would end unless john himself did something about it. so he took some of the (intensely numerological) theology of the men of letters. and he worked out his own formula. and he applied it to the yellow pages. and started ritualistically killed people to prevent the apocalypse, with his two sons in the back of the car.
now, obviously, this is some kind of grief induced temporary madness on john's part, shaped by the mental abuse he suffered in the men of letters. but the thing is, once you've killed a couple of people to prevent the apocalypse. well. there's this thing called the sunk costs fallacy. john wasn't gonna question his own beliefs after that.
and he raised his boys to believe it, too, or at least he raised dean to. they didn't tell sam what they did until he was twelve, and sam didn't buy it, tried to call the cops on them several times but in the end, they always prevented him. eventually sam ran off to stanford, where he now lives under a cloud of guilt that he's too loyal to his family to rat them out.
john died a few years back of a heart attack, but dean is convinced it's because he messed up a ritual two weeks before it happened, so it pushed him further into this belief system.
dean's killings (and john's before him) are ritualistic and distinctive, obviously the same killer each time. but they happen anywhere in the united states, seemingly at random, there are inconsistent amounts of time between each one (sometimes as short as days, sometimes as long as years), and there is no particular victim profile. obviously, since our killers are following an arcane mathematical formula to make their choices for them, but the police don't know that.
castiel novak is an unemployed shut-in with a small inheritance which he's living off of, a cryptography degree, and an obsession with all things morbid. he spends most of his time on the reddit true crime forums, playing amateur sleuth. by complete chance, he happens to recognize one of the symbols frequently used in corpse displays by the so-called sioux falls satanic slaughterer (so named because the first time three of his victims were in the same part of the country, it so happened that they were all in sioux falls, south dakota. this was in the late eighties.) as being mostly only used by a little known cult group called the men of letters, which dissolved in the mid eighties.
he only notices this because, as a teen, he had a special interest in cults and fringe religious groups. the men of letters weren't a particularly notable or well known phenomenon; they were small, and a lot like every other cult that formed during the seventies cult boom. (no outsider ever heard about the human sacrifice; there were rumors, of course, but they were garbled, sensationalized, and mixed up with satanic panic fodder.)
(the men of letters' two sacrifices were nothing particularly romantic or fantastical. they first lured panhandler josie sands back to their compound with promises of food and a warm bed when she admitted she couldn't get a bed at a shelter, and was thinking of getting caught shoplifting just so she could be under a roof in the county jail. the men of letters' leader, a man who took on the name alistair, forced his inner circle to dress in the ceremonial black robes he had given them when he initiated them into his nearest and dearest, and which his wife had sewn out of old bed sheets and dyed black with home made oak gall dye. these robes still left black smudges on the wearer's skin occasionally if they sweated too much. josie was laid, bound, on the altar, a slapdash thing constructed over the course of two days from scrap plywood and a couple of milk crates. a rich red tablecloth purchased at macy's for $3.99 hid its ugliness and gave it grandeur. alistair attempted to kill the struggling miss sands by bringing a sharpened kitchen knife down on her bosom and piercing her heart, but, having never killed a human or even slaughtered an animal before, was unaware of the problem presented by the human ribcage. after rather ineffectually poking at the area beneath sands' bosom with his knife while she shrieked in pain and terror for about ninety seconds, alistair tried a different tack, and slit her throat, which worked just fine, and she bled out quite nicely. the second and final victim of the men of letters was a local vagrant named larry ganem, an older gentleman who walked with a limp. he was lured back to the compound in approximately the same manner as sands, but instead of being bound, he was fed stew laced with sleeping pills. even if alistair hadn't slit his throat, he wouldn't have woken up. it's actually arguable whether he was still alive at time of sacrifice; mary winchester (eight months into her first pregnancy), who, as a member of the inner circle, was in attendance, actually tried to take ganem's pulse as he lay on the altar (now covered by a different tablecloth; the red one had turned stiff with sands' blood and been subsequently burned) and found nothing, so it is entirely possibly only sands' death can be directly laid at alistair's feet, and ganem's is the fault of mrs. ellen harvelle, who prepared the laced stew. regardless, these two deaths are lessons in the nature of human evil: it is very rarely skilled, suave, or smooth. it's often slapdash, half-hearted, and just plain incompetent. but that makes it no less grisly. alistair may have begun to drink his own kool-aid, as it were, and escalated this far out of genuine belief that the apocalypse was coming and it was up to him to stop it, but it is far more likely that he sensed the imminent collapse of his little empire, and wanted to bind his subjects to him through the horrors of shared guilt, considering two lives a small price to pay for the continued loyalty of his inner circle. and the tactic worked: the men of letters didn't start to collapse in earnest until almost four years later. perhaps if alistair had continued the killings, the men of letters could have lasted for far longer, maybe even up until the present day. but it seems that alistair, a psychiatrist by training and unused to violence, simply didn't have the stomach for it. unlike, say, john winchester, who before his time with the men of letters had done a two year tour in vietnam, during which he had killed three living, thinking human beings with the american government's go-ahead.)
anyway. castiel is the first person, ever, to make the connection between the men of letters and the sioux falls satanic slaughterer. and once that connection is made, castiel begins to research the men of letters far more in-depth. and he notices something: the theology of the men of letters was intensely numerological, filled with patterns, significant numbers, and even spiritual equations.
castiel thinks of the seemingly random selection of the slaughterer's victims, and has an epiphany.
he cracks all his fingers, and gets coding.
six months. it takes castiel six months to discover an equation that could fit the slaughterer's pattern. it's complex, but also clearly based on several of the men of letters' holy numbers, and accounts for every single one of the killings. it also suggests that there should have been two or three more deaths scattered across the years, but more than likely those did happen, it's just that they weren't reported as part of the slaughterer's portfolio.
but much more importantly, castiel's model can also make predictions. there will be two killings, fifteen days apart, in a city seven hours' drive away, six weeks from now.
so castiel waits. and he books a hotel room. and two months later, he's waiting outside 217 oak street when a shadowy figure climbs up a tree and lets itself into the upstairs window.
dean winchester is feeling particularly all alone in the world when he breaks into maisey banks' home (217 oak street). his father has been dead for half a decade, and he hasn't spoken to his baby brother for twice that. it's not like this whole grizzly saving the world business makes him a lot of friends. so once he's done killing maisey (which is easy, she was ninety three and dying of cancer anyway. she doesn't even wake up when he slits her throat) and arranging her corpse in the appropriate manner, with prayers and sigils, he turns around. and sees a man standing behind him.
smiling slightly.
as he watches dean gut this old woman.
dean freezes.
the man takes a step forward.
"you're very attractive for a serial killer who's been operating since the eighties."
dean is silent.
"family business, is it?"
silence continues.
"i'm not here to report you to police. i'm just here to see if my algorithm worked right."
and dean finally breaks his silence: "what the hell is wrong with you?"
what's fun here is that dean knows (or rather "knows") that he isn't a serial killer. so he finds what cas is doing, this amoral serial killer stormchasing, morally repugnant. because cas has no way of knowing he isn't a regular serial killer.
there's also the fact that that cas proceeds to flirt with him. aggressively. and follows him back to his motel.
but the thing is that dean is all alone in the world. and as cas continues trailing him around, he starts getting, well, flattered. and feeling a little bit less alone.
it doesn't take very long before they fall into bed. even if cas is an amoral stalker with a fetish for what dean considers a distasteful yet necessary vocation.
so. they fall into bed. they fall in love. they make a little life together, in dean's big sexy car. dean tries to explain to cas that he's saving the world. that these people's lives are a necessary price to pay. and cas seems to listen.
of course, castiel doesn't believe a word of it. but he's found that he likes dean. really likes him. and he realizes that the collapse of dean's belief system would destroy him.
so he sets about becoming as complicit in it as possible.
even to the extent where, when dean is hit by a car and ends up into the hospital a day before one killing is meant to take place, castiel agrees to take on the job. (he doesn't actually kill anyone, obviously. but he does use his extensive skill with computers to create three fake newspaper articles which make it look like he has.)
but five years later, something goes wrong. really, really wrong. dean miscalculates the formula. and by the time he checks his work, the actual date of the next kill, as demanded by the formula, has passed. in fact, so have three others. and the world didn't end.
dean collapses. he hyperventilates. all those people. all those people. for no reason. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people. all those people.
cas seems totally unfazed. dean stares at him in shock. but cas just takes dean in his arms, and whispers in his ear: "oh, dean, i never believed in the equation. i love you no matter what you've done."
and dean buries his face in cas' chest.
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How do you learn how to deduce people? If possible, could you do an explanation for one of the ones you did on Reddit? (Btw, love your blog. It’s been very useful in learning deduction of objects. If you remember me, I’m r/eurus-h)
Hi! I definitely remember you, and i love your question
So this question is interesting because it's very broad, it's the whole reason this blog even exists! Asking how you learn to deduce people is a little bit like asking how do you learn to perform surgery. The action of performing surgery is sort of the culmination of studies in multiple disciplines, the knowledge acquired in different sciences, and the practice of multiple different methods, coming together as the surgery is being performed. Similarly, as deductionists we study a lot of different disciplines such as psychology or chemistry, we amass a lot of knowledge in things like body language analysis and microexpression recognition, and we practice many different methods of gathering and processing information like situational awareness and abductive reasoning, all to be applied as we consider necessary when we're actually performing the action of deducing.
That being said, when you learn to perform surgery there's an actual course of general medicine in med school that you need to go through that is mostly the same anywhere you study, and just like that, there are things you need to study in order to learn to perform deduction that are what we could call "universal". These are the very broad strokes, but the general idea is that everything you need to learn in order to deduce can be classified into 5 categories
Mentality deals with the mental state you need to acquire to deduce anything and anyone, you need to be very detatched from what you're deducing in order to avoid biases, you need to rid yourself of any assumptions, you need to constantly check the way you're approaching the deduction in order to avoid jumping to wrong conclusions, etc.
Observation deals with the gathering of information that you're gonna use to deduce, and as you train your observation skills you're gonna realise just how bad we are at paying attention to the world around us, and so keeping this skill sharp is a must
Reasoning is perhaps the most complicated category, and it deals with piecing the things you observe together in order to reach conclusions, and using those conclusions to reach further information
Training is literally what it sounds like, exercises, challenges, ways of testing yourself, pushing your limits, and keeping your skills sharp in order to not lose the habits that you start to build up as you learn to deduce
And finally Knowledge deals with every piece of information you store that can help you make a deduction, it's basically building this encyclopedia composed of different subjects in your head that serves as a data bank you can access when deducing
So as you can see, learning to deduce anything, including people, is a bit of a process, and something you have to build up to. the very first step is to start working on your observation skills, since you can't deduce anything if you don't have a way of gathering data about the world around you that you're trying to deduce. The question itself encompases way too much for me to answer in this ask, but that's why i have this blog (and my other blog Amateur Deductions), to provide people with the information needed to learn this skill, and it's also why i'm working on a bit of a project with a friend to give anyone that wants to learn a much more structured way of doing so (keep an eye out for that, i'll definitely be posting about it soon-ish). To give you a good starting point, look into Situational Awareness and exercises to train it
I hope that gave you a bit of a begining of an idea of how the whole thing works, and some sort of a starting point to get into it, and if you have any more questions, be it more broad or more specific, my inbox is always open
Happy Observing!
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toonstarterz · 5 years
Baseball season is in the air! Thankfully, you don’t need to be a fan of the sport to like this chapter. So long as you enjoy the stupid antics of a bunch of socially awkward teenage girls, there’ll be plenty of fun to be had. And of course, it wouldn’t be Watamote if they didn’t include a bunch of expertly intricated plot threads and natural character development as well. With all of Nico Tanigawa’s passions coming together once again, I can say that this chapter is definitely in top form.
So without further ado, let’s play ball!
Chapter 166: Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Go Cheer
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Tomoko getting flabbergasted just by Katou existing never gets old.
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You know, I always had the impression that Tomoko wording things in the most perverted way was just a gut reaction due to her mind being perpetually in the gutter. But now, I feel like her answer here is just too on the nose to be anything but deliberate. IdiotPerv!Tomoko is hilarious, but TrollPerv!Tomoko is too powerful. 
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Consequently, Tomoko can’t say shit without it biting her in the ass.
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Okada with the save. Sure, she probably didn’t want to look like a slacker from Katou either, but still. If Katou’s the mom friend, then Pineapple-chan’s the exasperated, but supportive onee-san friend.
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I just realized that this is a standard routine with these two: Yuri will say something tactless and Mako will call her name out in admonishment. If this has been going on since they first met, then Mako has boundless patience and/or is the absolute best friend that no person should ever take for granted. Not that 
Yuri does...mostly.
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Y'all can tell that baseball fan Ikko had a blast drawing the backgrounds in this chapter.
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Speaking of which, I’m 212% certain that Komiyama’s role in this chapter is to be the mouthpiece for Nico Tanigawa’s baseball fanatism. Given that it’s technically in-character (for who is basically their self-insert), and baseball chapters can only feasibly happen every hundred chapters or so, I’m fine with the mangakas taking these little indulgences.
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Hey, let the girl live a little! Komi’s gotta cram ten chapters worth of dialogue she won’t get into one.
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Pardon me, Tomoko, but you seem to have left your self-awareness by the entrance to the stadium.
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Naturally, Tomoko hates that Komiyama isn’t making a fool of herself in front of her mom-crush. It’s easy to forget that so long as you don’t set off her berserk buttons, Komiyama is actually quite...normal. Like, being amicable with others and casually humble-bragging is her default state. 
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Nico Tanigawa’s artistic habit of putting nicknames under faces always amuses me.
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There’s being upset, and then there’s being petty. We all know that Tomoko is aware that Itou is in the band, and any other day, she wouldn’t hold that against the girl. But because she’s salty over Komiyama acting cool, her sensibilities revert back to Year-1 Tomoko logic. 
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Now, if I were a more crass person, I could make the assumption that the majority of those underclassmen were a combination of girls admiring Fuuka’s “cool beauty” status and boys wanting to check out an attractive senior girl in a cheerleading outfit, discrepancies notwithstanding. 
But I won’t.  
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Oh yeah, Miho. Based on the above cheers, she seems like your average popular girl, but if you recall, she got a kick out of Katou’s “offers” to Tomoko. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a bit of a mean streak in her.
Btw...armpits? Okay, then...
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You’d think that by now, Tomoko would learn some subtlety before pulling shit like this.     
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Normally, I’d call Tomoko out for shenanigans since I thought she was mostly over the whole “slut-shaming” thing. But given how she wasn’t thinking this when the girls in her class wore cheerleading outfits during last year’s sports festival (that we know of), I can only assume that this is more of Tomoko’s jealousy due to Fuuka’s friendship with Katou.
Either that, or Tomoko just doesn’t want to admit she finds her hot.
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I think we’re all in agreement that Ucchi’s gonna lose massive points for this.
On the other hand, the image of Emoji Girl screaming about Tomoko’s crimes through a megaphone is peak absurdity, and I’ve been laughing my ass off for twelve minutes. 
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In all seriousness, I’m kind of glad that Tomoko is finally getting her way overdue karma for all her skirt-peeping. Sure, it’s all been played for comedy, but that doesn’t change the fact that its sexual harassment, or the fact that she’s more than likely gotten away with it for being female.
It’s all fun and games until your stalker calls you out on it.
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You know...maybe it is Tomoko’s fetish. She’s done it so frequently, and it’s always been portrayed as just another one of Tomoko’s “quirks”. But given the context of all those occurrences, having a skirt-peeping fetish actually sounds very plausible. Thank you, Yuri, for that insight. 
Looking at Katou’s expression, it might be her fetish, too...
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Seeing Tomoko get more and more mortified as everyone keeps dogpiling on her shame makes for quite the cathartic reading. 
Add on to the fact that Komiyama, the biggest perv of all, is the most dignified at this moment just makes this whole chapter an absolute treat.
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Considering that Tomoko basically just got outed as a pervert in the middle of a crowd of spectators, she’s taking this quite well. First-year Tomoko could’ve had a legit panic attack if that had happened, but now, she actually has enough nerve to retaliate. Sure, Tomoko had some decent ammo with the Tanabata wish, so she likely had more guts than she would’ve been, but it’s still impressive nonetheless.
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Sasaki Fuuka–putting a new spin on the term “victim-blaming”. 
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Komiyama can be the reasonable one while Tomoko is the crazy pervert, or Tomoko can be the reasonable one while Komiyama is the crazy pervert.
But the universe just can’t have both be reasonable or perverted at the same time. 
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As someone who knows jacksh*t about sports, I have to admit that this is an interesting fun fact if it can be applied to the popularity of real-life sports teams and cheer squads.
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I could totally see this becoming a meme in the Watamote fandom. Anyone?
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These moments of zero dialogue, sometimes a whole page’s worth, excel at immersing the reader into the story. Suddenly, you’re not just reading about characters in a story. You’re now experiencing first hand what’s like to be at a baseball game, with a few familiar faces from the band and cheer teams making it feel a lot more lively. 
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If it weren’t for all the wonderful peeps on Reddit, I never would’ve caught that this is the same baseball manager we’re seen periodically since the beginning of the series. You know, the one Tomoko did that fake dub for?
Perhaps I’ll call her...Beta!Nemo. 
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A PSA to all you non-sports fans: You can now pretend to be interested in your favorite high-school teams just by tuning into your local service provider.
Go, Harajuku Makuhari!
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You know, I think I mentioned before that I wasn’t sure what Komiyama’s career prospects were.
Now I’ve got a clue.
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Yo, I could feel that pain from my screen.
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For a second, I thought this was Reina, given we can’t see her eyes and that she’s manspreading (sounds like something she would do). But then I pictured her actually signing up for cheerleading and...yeah, no. 
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Not to sound all pretentious if you already know, but cheerleading really is one of the most difficult, dangerous, and underappreciated sports there is. In addition to all the physical risks, you have to maintain an endlessly cheery disposition, even when it’s hard. That’s why I call it the “customer service job” of the sports industry.
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The go-to method to keep your in-story sports team at peak realism: 
Unwavering mediocrity. 
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As opposed to them hurrying up and win? Quite the pessimist you are, Tomoko...
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As startling as it is to hear these words come out of Tomoko’s mouth, it’s not entirely unfounded. For all her negative worldviews, crude behavior, and general apathy, the one thing that has always been constant about Tomoko is that she knows things can be better and she wants things to be better. She never got the chance to really strive for it back then when she had nothing to latch onto. But now that she’s got friends, Tomoko realizes that she can feasibly make some of those ideals a reality.  
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Their unbridled admiration is sweeter than diabetes.
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Insert long-winded discussion of a related social phenomenon that probably exists, but the author is too lazy to research here. 
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She...didn’t deny it. 
Character development...I guess?
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I was wondering where Tomoko would draw the line on her slut-shaming towards Fuuka. Granted, it’s probably easier to feel empathy when you can see that shit happening from other people rather than yourself. 
But seriously, Katou? Pimping out your friend? You terrify me more and more with each passing chapter. 
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See what I’ve been getting at? Tomoko knows that realistically speaking, her summer is probably not going to be anything extraordinary. Inconveniences will occur, moments of boredom will arise, and missed opportunities will transpire. But as I’ve reiterated time and again, even those “plain” experiences can become delightful memories when shared with those you care about.
That’s going to be a crucial feeling from this point on, it looks like. ‘Cause based on Yuri’s expression, she may have the most difficulty resonating with that kind of emotion. Let's see just how Yuri handles an expanding social circle–Tomoko included–that’s a little more bright-eyed than she is. 
We’re in the seventh inning stretch of Tomoko’s third year, and time will only tell if it ends in a victory.
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
They also didn't want me to speak Korean outside of the house because "in America you speak only English."
(6-17-20) You both like Politics.
You: hi
Stranger: Hello
You: What is something important to you?
Stranger: My job.
You: Mhm how so?
Stranger: Because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to buy a house, save money, and have dinner every night.
You: Very reasonable
You: and grounded
Stranger: Considering that I grew up low-income, it only makes sense that I skimp and save.
You: ah yeah, that helps gives perspective for sure
Stranger: All I can really say is not having food every day isn't fun.
You: Mhm did you grow up not being able to eat every day?
Stranger: Yes.
You: What was that like?
Stranger: Hell.
You: Yeah I can imagine
Stranger: The savior was USDA subsidized cheese.
You: are you us-based?
Stranger: I was. I relocated to South Korea in 2007.
You: mhm was the food insecurity in the SU or south korea?
Stranger: The US.
You: where were you specifically, if you don't mind me asking?
Stranger: Detroit until I was 8, Denver from 8-22.
You: mhm
Stranger: You couldn't pay me to move back to the US, in spite of the fact that my parents always insisted that it was better than Korea.
You: Mhm I'd love to hear anything that you're willing to share
Stranger: Well, what do you want to hear?
You: well, everything lol
You: but I guess we don't have time lol
Stranger: What parts do you want to hear?
You: I never personally experienced food insecurity
You: or the circumstances around that
You: and what your family did
You: and I guess why you moved
Stranger: Food insecurity is hell. My parents simply lived with it and ignored it.
You: as context, I'm guessing your family were immigrants?
Stranger: I moved for job security and so I wouldn't face discrimination in the US. Yes, they immigrated from Korea.
You: mhm
You: I'm not really that familiar with detroit and things, but I feel like the naive question I'm sure you get is what about food banks?
You: or other stuff
Stranger: Not a thing back in 1980s/90s Detroit outside of churches, which my parents stayed away from.
You: ahh I didn't know
You: so I'm guessing subsidized school lunches probably also weren't a thing?
Stranger: Those were, but my parents didn't apply for those until we moved to Denver.
You: sounds really rough
Stranger: They didn't apply mostly for fear of deportation
You: undocumented?
Stranger: They were documented, the documentation wasn't always fully valid.
You: ah..
You: student visa?
Stranger: Green cards.
You: mhm I guess it's just so different it's hard for me to imagine
Stranger: Needless to say, people who work on private railyards don't make much.
You: my goodness
Stranger: About 50 cents an hour back in the 80s and 90s.
You: yeah... I just can't imagine
You: how did your family end up moving to denver?
Stranger: My father's job at the railyard was replaced by a sensor and they were concerned that Detroit was becoming too unsafe.
You: mhm this was the big crime era too?
Stranger: Yes. And we lived in a housing project that was effectively where you went to buy drugs or die.
You: buy drugs or die?
Stranger: Lot of dealers, criminals, and bait apartments in there.
You: okay, was just slightly confused about the wording if they made you buy or something
Stranger: The people in the apartment next to us were dealers.
You: mhm
Stranger: The Detroit PD raided the wrong unit, not theirs.
You: .......
Stranger: And that's why I don't respect the Detroit PD.
You: yeah that's terrible
Stranger: We did get money from them after it was found that they broke the most expensive thing in the apartment.
You: it's just so hard for me to imagine what your parents went through
You: coming to the US
You: and all of this
Stranger: I can provide some more insight if you'd like.
You: anything you want to share is good
Stranger: They had this twisted perspective on American customs and holidays.
You: meaning?
Stranger: They didn't get any of them per-se "right."
You: huh
Stranger: Xmas? Get up at 5 AM and eat a pack of Twinkies. "We're going to work."
Stranger: New year's? Get up at 5 AM and eat nothing. "We're going to work"
Stranger: They also told me to not get good grades, because "Americans don't"
You: huh that's unexpected to me...
Stranger: I got all A+s on the report cards, and even skipped a lot of grades after moving to Denver.
You: mhm good for you!
Stranger: They also didn't want me to speak Korean outside of the house because "in America you speak only English."
You: I'm trying to imagine things through their eyes
Stranger: What are you effectively seeing?
You: uhh very poor, desperate, scared
Stranger: That about summed them up.
You: yeah.
Stranger: Even now, they refuse help from me.
You: mhm... that sounds kinda vaguely asian
You: are they still in the us?
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Still living in Denver, too.
You: what did they do in denver?
Stranger: My mother is a cashier at a Wal-Mart, and my father is a gun salesman, since he became a citizen in 2012.
You: mhm
Stranger: They did let me pay off their mortgage in 2011, though.
You: oh that's good
You: I can imagine your parents being very proud of you
You: are you an only child or with siblings?
Stranger: I'm an only child.
Stranger: I doubt they could ever afford a second.
You: right
Stranger: Hell, they were still paying down the bill from my birth until I was 10.
You: yeah asian-american poverty is just something I'm so removed from it's just I don't even know what to say
Stranger: That was back when Koreans were below Hispanics on the social ladder
You: right... I didn't realize detroit or denver had any kind of korean population
Stranger: Not really, they just ended up in those places because there were jobs.
You: mhm
You: so you went through school in denver, graduated, did college, and then moved to korea?
Stranger: I went through high school in Denver, graduated, college fast-tracked from age 14, medical school from 16-22. Then got the hell out of the US.
You: oh my goodness that's incredible
Stranger: I started high school at age 8 due to the district insisting on testing me.
You: yeah um I didn't even realize that kind of thing was possible
Stranger: It is, and its just not common
Stranger: I learned a lot from the books my parents had around the apartment.
You: yeah
Stranger: Since all that they had were my father's textbooks from college and a few legal help books.
Stranger: And operating manuals, and legal documentation.
You: mhm it just sounds like such a whirlwind of stuff to go through
You: anyhow what brings you to the politics tag?
Stranger: I like politics, always have.
You: on omegle? haha ^^
Stranger: I like most politics.
You: ^^ I guess I would have imagined that most ordinary ppl who like politics would be on reddit I guess or something
You: unless they have something strange going for them lol
Stranger: I have nothing going for me politics-wise.
You: hm, but other things?
You: sorry if I'm prying
Stranger: In the medical field, yes.
You: huh?
Stranger: I'm a general practitioner, and a tenured one at that, so I'm among the ~150 important people at the KCDC.
You: oh what I meant is that I'm just surprised someone like you would be on omegle that's all haha ^^
You: since we're pretty trashy here haha
Stranger: Nowhere near as trashy as other people I've encountered
You: mhm maybe
Stranger: Namely the Detroit police department SWAT team
You: >.<
You: so do you have a list of political issues you care about the most?
Stranger: Yeah, mostly not defunding the KCDC.
You: do you get a lot of koreans on omegle?
Stranger: No, I've never encountered another Korean.
You: oh okay
You: yeah I don't think I've ever run into anyone from east asia
You: many from india though
Stranger: In case you're wondering, the KCDC is basically Korea's healthcare provider, and disease/drug regulator.
You: yeah I googled it
You: I thought korea did very well with coronavirus testing
Stranger: We did.
You: why are they trying to defund you?
Stranger: Because they want to stop covering things that many Koreans rely on, such as vision coverage (I benefit from it), as well as coverage of OTC drugs in hospitals.
You: hmm how is there not popular backlash?
You: I thought there was a general political adage that it's easy to give benefits, but hard to repeal them
Stranger: They've kept it under wraps by putting funding changes in fine print.
You: funding charges as in...?
Stranger: Funneling the money into reserves.
You: oh okay, it might be a bit over my head ^^
Stranger: Basically, the KCDC is funded in USD, so we can buy equipment without exchange rate issues, and they view the USD as a finite recourse. Its not, since saving it depreciates the value for us long-term.
You: huuh I didn't know that at all
Stranger: Meanwhile, I have to fight with a government-paid vision provider to get my new glasses.
You: btw why did your parents dislike korea so much?
Stranger: Korea was different in the 70s and 80s. The leaders were totalitarians mostly installed by the US. The economy was garbage, and it was impossible to get a stable job outside of manufacturing or the armed forces.
You: ah okay, thanks for the summary
Stranger: They were middle class in Korea, too. And they left that all for the US.
You: yeah... I didn't realize the exchange rate was so steep back then too
Stranger: Most of the reason they were poor in the US was because of their limited English.
You: Ah okay
You: What kind of conversations do you normally get into here on omegle?
Stranger: Usually something that ends with "the US owns Korea."
You: what?
Stranger: The Republicans in the US have this twisted idea that America owns Korea.
You: huh
You: and you enjoy talking to people like that?
Stranger: No, but I like trying to talk sense into them.
You: ^^;; it sounds like quite an argument
Stranger: And its hilarious to me.
You: ah yeah, I guess people do like the amusement
Stranger: I have spat out coffee laughing at their stupidity.
You: I think people come from very different places ^^
Stranger: To some of them its a foreign concept that people can make more money in countries other than the US.
You: I think it depends in part on people's skill sets
Stranger: They also don't understand how foreign currency works, since, sometimes if they ask about my pay, I give it to them in KRW.
You: lol
Stranger: They think I'm lying because the number in KRW exceeds 350 billion
Stranger: KRW is counted in a strange manner.
You: hm? how so?
Stranger: 1,000 KRW= 1 USD (one cheap meal). 100 KRW= 10 cents (which is the same cost as a burger here), 10 KRW= 1 cent (half a bottle of cola).
Stranger: You have to know it to recognize it on site.
You: huh...
Stranger: We make western money but don't pay western prices.
You: I'm just slightly confused basically
Stranger: McDonald's is expensive here, with a meal being $8.
Stranger: McDonald's is expensive here, with a meal being $8.
Stranger: The only things that really cost western prices are, well... western things.
You: mhm right
You: I feel like cost-of-living in different places is always a little hard for me to grasp
Stranger: I find it amazing that Coke is considered the cheap beverage here and in the US
You: I have a suspicion that in many circumstances people are just buying the bottle
Stranger: Still, I have always viewed it as expensive.
You: I mean if you look at the price of a 2L bottle versus a small bottle?
Stranger: Yes, but, still, too pricey when I was young.
You: the drink itself must be inexpensive to manufacture
You: but the retail price is elevated substantially
Stranger: My parents always viewed it as "why spend a buck on a 2L when Faygo is 75 cents, we can barely afford it as is"
Stranger: Which ingrained it as being a luxury product in my mind
You: lol
You: idk it's cheaper than milk, juice... so many things
You: I feel like it must be bad for public health
Stranger: Faygo is and always has been cheaper
Stranger: Probably because of competition
You: oh we don't have them here
Stranger: Faygo is highly regionalized to Detroit.
You: not distributed in my area
Stranger: In fairness, it helps the cost when its bottled a few blocks from the grocer.
You: I guess that's true
You: but there are always discount soft drink brands too
You: although I was never pressed enough at cash to really look very hard at the difference between a dollar or like 90 cents...
Stranger: My parents had to look carefully at those prices
You: yeah
Stranger: What would be 45 minutes in the grocer for a person who can grab-and-go items would be 1-2 hours for us.
You: mhm
Stranger: Which is why I buy the same three things at the grocer, so I don't need to price compare
You: mhm I feel spoiled because I don't really do much coupon shopping
Stranger: For what its worth, they did get the one symbol of wealth that Korean-Americans viewed as a symbol of wealth at the time.
You: which was?
Stranger: Color television set.
You: oh
You: I think you are around a decade older than me so it's hard for me to compare and contrast
Stranger: I'm 35.
You: yup
Stranger: So, I have faint memories of the 1980s.
You: I was born int he 90's
Stranger: The 90s were a good time.
You: I have faint memories of the 90's lol ^^
Stranger: That was when we got a computer
You: sounds about right
Stranger: My uncle imported KDS systems to the US, so we got that for free.
You: huh
Stranger: KDS became Emachines, a company you might have heard of
You: nope!
Stranger: Your household probably didn't have to buy whatever the cheapest system at Wal-Mart was.
You: uhh I think our first computer was some form of macintosh
Stranger: Which are systems for the wealthy next to Korean imports.
You: yeah it's really interesting to look back at this stuff
Stranger: I sometimes wish I could go back in time, but then I realize that'd effectively be starting from scratch.
You: uh yeah, that doesn't sound very fun
Stranger: There's no real reason to look back on the past for me.
You: yeah I don't really look back this far normally either
You: do you still speak much english in everyday life btw?
Stranger: Yes, on a daily basis. To the point where I still sound American when I speak it.
You: Oh I didn't know that
Stranger: I have no issues with speaking either language, luckily.
You: mhm that really helps
You: how is your social life?
Stranger: Basically zero friends in Korea.
You: aww...
You: is there like a barrier?
You: being foreign or something?
Stranger: No, since I am not foreign in the eyes of either the Korean government nor the people.
You: ah, so you're just saying it's just you? ^^
Stranger: Yes.
You: introverted?
Stranger: Yes.
You: mhm I wish you the best!
Stranger: My parents weren't too hot on the idea of me ever having friends.
You: oh...
You: you're not around them anymroe!
You: seriously, are you doing okay?
Stranger: I'm doing fine.
You: okay ^^
You: I think it's different to be happy and introverted vs. unhappy and introverted, if you know what I mean
Stranger: Not to mention, after I moved to Denver, it became harder to make friends.
You: hm, why?
Stranger: I was 8 and in high school. Take a guess.
You: ah...
You: yeah that threw me for a loop
You: ordinarily I thought most school systems didn't allow their kids to skip too far for well... I guess social reasons?
You: idk if things changed or how things happen on way or another
Stranger: And being Korean in a majority hispanic school didn't help, either.
You: mhm
Stranger: Since that was basically right after the LA riots, which made Koreans and hispanics hate each other.
You: right...
Stranger: I did get bullied for that.
You: :c
Stranger: Metal lunch trays don't feel too good in the back of the head
You: that's terrible
Stranger: And neither does getting tied to a chair with an extension cord
You: I just can't imagine
You: people just...
Stranger: You'd think they'd show mercy on someone effectively half their age and size.
You: yeah
You: also for some reason I thought of denver as kind of like a progressive white place
You: but idk if that's just more recently
Stranger: That's modern Denver.
You: yeah
Stranger: Back then it was a rougher place.
You: mhm
You: I think you have so much in your past
You: it's a lot
Stranger: A lot of people do.
You: mhm
Stranger: Not everyone can have a pretty story filled with bubblegum and rainbows.
You: yeah...
You: it's just sad
You: or well, so many things that America turns a blind eye too
You: even now
You: a kind of semi-willful ignorance
You: in favor of narratives I guess
Stranger: It would've been nice if I didn't have to carry a revolver everywhere.
You: huh you were licensed to carry as a kid?
Stranger: From when I was 18.
You: mhm
Stranger: My parents made me get licensed out of pure fear.
You: mhm
You: idk if it's your generation, your family's socioeconomic status, location, or all of the above, but your story is just so much more raw and dramatic than those of other asian americans I've heard
Stranger: Probably a mix.
Stranger: My experiences are in-line with your average LA Korean in the early 90s.
You: right
You: I just didn't know the differences could be so stark through one or two generations
Stranger: Well, remember, a riot happened that moved the Koreans up the ladder.
You: yeah
You: or maybe there's a rift between asian americans who were hear longer versus the large influx that came in the 90s
Stranger: Probably that, since not a lot came in the 80s.
You: yeah
Stranger: I remember the first time I visited Korea, it was like a different planet.
You: mhm
You: (not that I have any idea lol XD)
Stranger: My uncle took me to Seoul in 1995, which was when I realized that Korea wasn't what my parents made it out to be (they made it out to effectively be a 3rd world country).
You: mhm
Stranger: I'd say it was that visit that made me want to leave the US
You: you went through a lot
Stranger: I do consider some of it to be a lot.
You: have you ever thought about writing it up?
You: idk assembling it into a narrative of some kind?
Stranger: I have, but I'm not comfortable with it being on paper beyond legal documents.
You: mhm okay yeah
Stranger: For example, in the file cabinet next to me I have every single even slightly legal document from when I was born until I was 30.
You: mhm... I should do a better job of getting my paperwork together
Stranger: Just opening it, there's three folders of medical papers.
You: hospital?
Stranger: No, at home. The folders even include every payment on every medical bill from back then.
You: ah I meant, you were hospitalized often?
Stranger: No. Mostly just payments from my birth, as well as vision.
You: mhm
Stranger: The vision papers are expansive.
You: right
Stranger: Considering that I've needed to wear glasses since I was 2.
You: what??
Stranger: Effectively, my vision is garbage, and has been ever since.
You: so it's getting really late for me, but I wanted to thank you for sharing everything that you did ^^
Stranger: Have a nice night.
You: thank you!
You: best of luck with everything and I hope you're able to make more friends!
Stranger has disconnected.
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mephistia-arts · 5 years
19 for salty asks!!
Hey ya, thanks for the ask!
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
(It would actually be what I reblogged from i-love-charles, my latest reblog btw, but I’ll try to answer this with something other than that)
This would apply specifically not on Tumblr but on more “wide” social media, such as Reddit, Instagram and Facebook groups: people don’t want to see the main characters as something other than tough cowboys. They will always hate on you if you depict the characters in a cute or emotional way, or in modern AU, or as fursonas, or even as memes. This is almost what I reblogged, but more towards visual art and people feeling the urge to express they’re bothered by the fun of others.
I try to understand why people think the art I post is bad, because they only comment things like “this is horrible”, so I always answer with something like “I know I’m not the best at drawing but I’m trying to improve, could you say what actually looks horrible on it, so I can take it as constructive criticism?”. The answers are mostly “uhh the art is good, is the idea that is horrible”. That doesn’t make any sense to me.
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maximuswolf · 3 years
Social anxiety, working 100% remote, got an offer for double the salary... but will need to go to the office eventually. Thoughts? via /r/Anxiety
Social anxiety, working 100% remote, got an offer for double the salary... but will need to go to the office eventually. Thoughts?
So about a year and a half ago I had a panic attack in the office of my previous job, which lasted a full day, and I ended with heavy anxiety (non-stop palpitations, some shaking and sweating...) for the best part of the following month. Things never got quite back to normal tho, and ever since I've developed some form of anxiety disorder. I very recently started talking to a therapist (please don't roast me on this :( ), he says it's most likely social anxiety (which makes sense to me) with some agoraphobia sprinkled; but we are still navigating it.
That old job was very stressful and I believe that + me being generally anxious and unresty all my life piled up and triggered this thing for good. Can give more details if it's relevant.
Today tho, I live mostly by myself (one housemate) and work as a software dev for a company that's 100% remote. Pay is good (around 60k), I like my coworkers, manager is chill, I've got my office setup here and no real pressure to leave. I'm kind of indifferent about the job ngl, it's a "pay the bills" thing, I could do it for some years but don't love it. I'm not super bothered about that, I have my own hobbies and I appreciate keeping my job separated from the rest of my life (tho I'll admit, this whole thing made me discover and got me interested on VR-assisted therapy...).
I recently got a contractor offer from a big company in the same field as the current one I'm working on, the job is more or less the same thing (btw don't mind the "legal implications", it's cool), except this second company is offering nearly double of my already decent pay (around 110k). The catch is that it's on their policy that I'm expected to go to the office about 3-4 times a week on normal circumstances (I can do 1-2 days remote).
Of course, right now that does not apply because of covid - all work is remote, and tbh, it probably won't apply for the next 6 months or so at least. But once things get "back to normal" is when it can get hairy - it's a big company and the people from the company that I've talked with about this can't make any guarantees that down the line they could make an exception for me. They still tell me I should accept the offer because "don't worry about it, this covid thing will take a big while and even after it's done, they won't ask everyone to start going straight away". They also tell me it's a chill place to work on.
Right now I have anxiety even on zoom calls, I keep my camera off anytime I can and when it's facetime I'm very uncomfortable, I start having palpitations and my palms get sweaty and shit - I can still manage to finish them and I can present/do pair programming. However, I can totally see myself having panic attacks in the office because that's exactly how this blew up for me.
So here's the thing: I'm just starting therapy now, so it's possible that I could learn to manage anxiety to the point that, when the time arrives, I can start going to the office - but it's possible I can't (I'm still at the point where I struggle to go get my groceries :|). It's possible that they will, when the time comes, like my work enough that they'll just let me continue remote - but no guarantee.
I'm of 2 minds on this - one part of me thinks its an irresponsible risk and that I'm fortunate to be doing good in a very accomodating position right now, also I do enjoy being remote now; on the other, I've gotten to where I am right now by job hopping, it's a very substantial amount, I'll still have some time to get better, and what if it's actually better for me to force myself into a position where I must be more social?
And about he money, is not really that I need more money, I live way below my means, but I value my time a lot and in this regard, I'd make my years worth twice as much. I'm in my mid 20s and I like to invest, so for me big amounts today translate into early retirement tomorrow.
I'm yet to talk to my therapist about this, so this is me in part writting down my thoughts to clear my mind up a bit before that. Also, I'd love to hear from someone that went through something similar as I think it's a bit of a counterintuitive situation.
Thank you all!
Submitted February 01, 2021 at 11:49AM by throaway203478029374 via reddit https://ift.tt/3j74pzm
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occupyvenus · 7 years
@doublehex replied to your post “Actual footage of aegony stans popping a bottle of champagne...”
You make it seem as if only J0nerys shippers bought into it. BryndenBFish thought it was a legit interview at first, and he was someone that has poured over most of GRRM's interviews. The way the interviewer wrote his responses were very cleaver. And it was written by no means a Jonsa shipper, because the Jonsa answer was just one small part about it. Get off your high horse and take a chill pill.
How about you get off my post and take a red pill that takes you back to reality? 
I do not make it seem like only J0nerys shippers bought into it. I specifically made fun of the specific group of people (mostly J0nerys shippers) who used this interview as “prove” to debunk Jonsa and celebrated the “death of the delusional crackship” before getting all their facts straight. Yes, while the Jonsa passage was only a small part of the interview, I made fun of the people who only cared about this “small part” and made a big deal about it. Weak reading comprehension, much? Would explain a lot of things. 
As a lot of other people, I didn’t dismiss the interview right away either, that would be just as biased as buying into it without any further questions. I thought maybe the “interviewer” had some personal connection to GRRM and he did them a solid by talking with them. I read the entire thing, while considering the problems that arise with automated translation and compared his statements with some he’s made before. I actually took my time to apply some critical thinking skills before forming a final opinion. The post was not directed at people like BryndenBFish (btw, what’s with the appeal to authority? People can’t think for themselves unless someone with supposed “higher credentials” gives them the green light to do so?) who did the same thing, who wasn’t sure about it’s legitimacy, but actually looked into it before drawing any final conclusions, but at the gullible, biased idiots who never learned to not believe everything they read on the internet. So what is your point exactly? 
Btw, I retain the right to make fun of the people who didn’t even bother to look into it before making hateful, condescending, snarky posts because there were so many things that should make everyone capable of critical thinking at least a bit sceptical: 
An exclusive interview with a high-caliber author is published on some random, unknown blog? 
Why didn’t a “professional journalist” sell that thing to some news media, actually making some profit with their supposed profession?
Why wouldn’t the author at least take one picture with grrm?  
One tiny little google session would’ve showed that this “interview” wasn’t picked up by any verified news outlet. 
Neither westeros.org, nor the asoiaf wikia picked it up either. They’re usually pretty fast with that. Most interviews show up a few hours after they were published. Maybe because the administrators have connection to grrm and his pr-team themselves and are aware of any upcoming interviews? 
The interview has no links to grrm’s blog, twitter, his official website and their was no mention of that interview on all these outlets either. 
The interview was ill-formatted and the blog itself looks rather shitty. Not a sign of professionalism. 
Why would GRRM agree to making interview that was only going to be published in Spanish? Why would GRRM agree to making an interview with such a low-profile outlet at all? 
Those were at least a couple of things that seemed fishy about the circumstances of the “release”. If that wasn’t enough to at least raise one of your eyebrows, there are couple of things about the content that an attentive reader could/should have noticed:
George is praising D&D? After politely redirecting any questions about them with neutral answers? After throwing some epic shade at them not two months ago? (Like, he has no time to watch “his own show”, but fangirls about another? Sick burn, george.)
GRRM has never outright denied any fantheories. Here he takes strong stances about Azor Ahai and Jon’s endgame romantic partner. This isn’t about me being a pressed shipper, it simply isn’t in line with his previous reactions to questions like this. Do you remember the dubious, unambiguous way he talked about S@nsan in the past? He didn’t confirm it, he didn’t completely deny it. He 
While we’re at the topic of the jonsa-passage, he contradicts himself numerous times here alone, for example: Well, in my books Jon Snow is dead ... but to find out about his possible relationship with Dany you have to keep reading. Any romantic relationship is very unlikely, because they only share a siblingy bond ... but Jon and Sansa don’t even have that. Like, what? Sounds awfully like a rehash of your usual anti-jonsa arguments, don’t you think? The creator of the whole series has no more to say than your average redditor? 
Btw, Grrm honestly reacting to a question involving his original outline? When has that ever happened?  
I remembered that Medusa interview, I don’t remember any news about it being fake. But in this interview it’s presented as fact and common knowledge?  
GRRM answers a question about Arya by talking about how she isn’t like Sansa? Sounds less like him and more like your typical reddit douchebag. 
Btw, he talks about revenge and it’s downfalls, but doesn’t bring up Lady Stoneheart? A character about whose non-inclusion in the show bugs him so much, he talks about her significance to the narrative every chance he gets? 
At one point he emphasized that Jon is dead in the books, but later doesn’t correct the “interviewer” when she calls Jon a king? How is Jon a king in the books, btw? Or would GRRM really confirm in an interview that Jon will become KITN in the books too? Seems like an obvious mix up of book and show canon to me. 
Another instance of this is him taking Cersei as an example that women can rule in Westeros, when talking about Asha. In the books, Cersei does not rule in her own right, she rules through her son. This is no correct comparison to Asha becoming queen of the Iron Islands, at least not for current book-canon. And Goerge doesn’t discuss show canon. 
Just in general, many, many answers don’t hold up to the usual intellectual level displayed in his interviews.  
He says Jon Snow isn’t a hero, that every question about right and wrong depends on which side you are own, - which sounds a lot like him - but “regarding Dany, deserving something because you're a good person doesn’t mean you will obtain it?” Biased, much? 
GRRM confirms a couple of characters as bisexual, some very surprising candidates included, but doesn’t mention those who have relationships with both men and women in canon like Ellia, or even Jon ?
George names a rather specific release date for Winds of Winter? 
Those are only a few things I remember. If I went through this glorious clusterfuck one more time, I’m sure to find more. There are so many things in this “interview” that stick out, but in the name of fairness, let’s look at some of the things that seemed convincing:
Some passages successfully copied Grrm’s way of speaking. 
Some statements were in line with grrm’s usual style of answering spoilery questions. (You have to keep reading, the show is the show and the books are  the books etc)
No one could be batshit crazy enough to seriously fake an interview with GRRM. 
Sry, if all these red flags didn’t lead you to even do a bit of investigating, if instead, your first reaction was to make petty posts about “jonsa being dead” and “grrm killing jonsa” you deserve to be made fun of. Should I give you a pat on the back for focusing solely on the few things that seemed legit, while completely dismissing everything that pointed to the opposite?
Sry not sry, but after being called “delusional” for shipping Jonsa, despite bringing up a bunch of compelling arguments, while your strongest argument against it is screaming DELUSIONAL!!!,  after being told “to seek professional help” thousands of time, I have absolutely no problem with pointing out the mass delusion that these assholes suffered from the last day. Payback’s a bitch. I actually made another post about why this whole surreal situation is so endlessly funny to me, and it has nothing to with people “who AT FIRST thought this as a legit interview”, before taking a closer look and realizing that it’s most likely forgery (like your weak argumentative shield BryndenBFish did). 
It’s because of the sheer hypocrisy and the delicious irony: 
J*nerys-stans and co were so desperate to discredit us “delusional crackshippers” that they took some random interview on some random blog with  zero credentials, something that seemed fishy to anyone who took 5 minutes to clearly think about it, but instead they just swallowed it like a bowl of dramatic rice, because they were so excited about proving that other people are “delusional” and I just can’t. This morning there were dozens of posts celebrating that the “delusional jonsa stans will finally shut up about their delusional crack ship” and now they’re the ones whining about being called delusional and how unfair and inappropriate that is and, fuck, payback’s a bitch. Like, you gotta appreciate the fucking irony of the situation.
Never forget the blessed Halloween of 2k17 when antis got a taste of their own medicine. The dramatic rice remember.
Now pop in the blue pill and go back to the matrix where jonsa-shippers are the “delusional” ones, who only see what they want to see”. That’s the only place where you people can still pretend that jonsa-shippers are the ones who lack critical thinking skills. I’ll be enjoying the view from my high horse, thank you. 
Actual footage of you, thinking you can get one over me with that weak ass comment.
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cedar-woods · 4 years
Desperate for advice
Hi reddit. This is my first ever time posting something so personal. I am looking for advice as I am becoming desperate.
My husband (35M) and I (33F) have been together for almost 10 years. We are deeply in love and basically can never get enough of each other. We love doing everything together.
But we do have problems in the bedroom, we are both aware of it and we both want to fix it. We are always open and honest about our feelings and we really wanna make it work. However, I feel I am the main culprit for the situation. Penetration sex is incredibly painful for me, which means that I don't feel like having sex any more and drive has gone significantly down because of this.
Let me explain how we got to this point. When we started going out, I had very low self-esteem. I had been single for 2 years before we got together and had very little sex during those years, just a few casual occasions here and there, but nothing special or worth mentioning.
When we got together, I wanted sex all the time. We had a bit of trouble at the beginning because he's very well endowed and my vagina was quite tight, I guessed for the lack of sex I had before. But we started having sex more and more and the tightness passed and we had great sex from there on.
Like I said, I used to want it all the time, more so than him, to the point that I would get frustrated when he wouldn't want it. We then started having less and less sex. I then was diagnosed with a mild depression due to anxiety and stress at work that explained my lower sex drive. I started going to therapy, and CBT helped a lot in general, but didn't do much for my sex drive. However, I was determined to have sex with my husband, because I love him so much and we both think sex is a really important part of any healthy relationship.
But when we started trying having sex again, I started to feel an incredible pain when he would try to penetrate me. A stabbing pain that I couldn't get past through. So I went to the doctor. And they told me that it was all in my head and there was nothing wrong with me. That I just needed to relax and use more lubricant. But I knew it was not in my head. The pain was real and I had no lubrication issues. But the pain it was unbearable. Like when you pour alcohol on an open wound.
I kept going to different doctors until I was diagnosed with a disorder called lichen planus, which affects mucus areas like the inside of the cheeks and the vagina. That condition explained the pain, but none of the treatments I went through helped. Mostly creams I would apply in the affected area. Nothing would take the pain away. The more we tried, and the more it hurt, the more frustrated I would get. He was understanding and loving, but I could feel his frustration as well, that I couldn't give us what we wanted. He's been nothing but loving, caring and understanding, but I know this is affecting him a lot.
We also went to sex therapy, and I started doing dilators therapy, but even with that (which I religiously did every day) the stinging pain would still prevail.
To top it all off, I also have trouble giving him head, because my jaw locked off a long time ago, and since then I am not able to open it enough and keep it open for a long time because it hurts a lot as well.
So with no penetration possible, no oral sex possible (which I love to give him btw, but it's just so painful!), and with no anal sex possible because neither of us is really into it, I am a bit at a loss as to what to do.
I will keep looking for doctors that hopefully will be able to help me, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask the lovely reddit community to see if anyone has gone through similar problems and how they went about fixing or dealing with them.
Thank you for reading this far.
submitted by /u/lovingwifeneedshelp [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/sexover30/comments/gkrju0/desperate_for_advice/
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mc-dude · 7 years
grandma’s snkincare (snail skincare) routine
got an anon asking about my skincare routine, so here it is!
note: I have very dry (not oily) skin and am not prone to cystic acne (ever since I did accutane in college.. which seems to have nuked whatever ability my face had to produce horrible cystic acne.. horrific, but effective i guess). i mostly just get hormonal acne breakouts around my lips/chin area and closed comedones on my forehead/chin (those are like little hard bumps that never turn into pimples, just stay... bumpy)
the resources i use to optimize my routine when i was starting out are reddit.com/r/skincareaddiction (yes, i know it’s reddit but everyone on there are just wonderful supportive women so it’s Safe) and reddit.com/r/asianbeauty which specializes in asian products mostly catered for sensitive skin (which i have).
i guess the biggest thing i realised that really helped me out when choosing products was that my skin wasn’t oily because i have oily type skin, it was just oily because my skin was so dry that my body was overproducing oil to compensate for how dry it is. sounds counterintuitive, i know, but it really changed the game once i stopped nuking my skin with drying ingredients and learned how to moisturize properly.
anyways! after much trial and error my current routine is:
remove shitty makeup with micellar water. i use this shit i found in germany but any micellar water will do they’re basically all the same and will take off makeup super efficiently. idk how well it works for eye makeup since i don't wear any but for bb cream and foundation it works great!
cleanse with Hada Labo Tokyo Gentle Hydrating Cleanser which I found out about on that asianbeauty subreddit i mentioned above. it’s really great for dry skin and doesn’t have any fatty alcohols which I realised my skin was sensitive to. sometimes people’s skin love fatty alcohols! just not mine lol.
every other day use Paula’s Choice 2% BHA. this is what gets rid of my closed comedones (the little bumps on forehead and chin) and keeps them away. chemical exfoliants are much more gentle on your skin and will actually benefit you way more than a physical exfoliant (aka something like apricot scrubs.. ow!) in the long term as physical exfoliants will cause small micro-abrasions and increase the amount of wrinkles on ur face over time. also they are super drying!
use my Curology (this is my referral link lol give me that $$ discount) mix of 8% Azelaic acid (a chemical exfoliant for improving skin texture aka my skin is super smooth and nice feeling all the time), 1% Clindamycin (a minor antibiotic for preventing acne), and 0.25% Zinc Pyrithione (an antifungal thing for getting rid of acne). I just found out about Curology like a month ago and holy shit, it’s amazing. It’s $20/month for access to an actual Dermatologist that you can message every day if you want who will send you personalized prescription cream for you to use on your face every day. Trying to get an appointment for a dermatologist in the US takes like, a year for where i am so this is a lifesaver. i’m loving their service so far and will continue to use for a long, long time. the first month has a trial btw that’s only $5 so you can try it out and see how you like it. most dermatologists on there will respond to you within one business day. super awesome! i just read that they don’t ship out of the US, unfortunately, so if you need another option.. vv
if you can’t afford the monthly curology thing or its not available where u are, i would recommend replacing this step with another AHA type acid like The Ordinary 10% Azelaic Acid Suspension or Paula’s Choice 10% AHA. Finding which acid works for you is just trial and error, but don’t apply it that frequently or else your moisture barrier will be damaged and your skin will get tight and oily once again. I would recommend starting using it once every 3 days and then working your way up from there if needed. These might seem expensive but I have a 10% AHA bottle that has lasted me for like.... over a year. so it’s actually really cost effective lol.
after my curology mix I then break out the SNAIL MUCUS! this is a recent addition that i honestly am loving so much. I’m using corsx Advanced Snail 92 All-In-One Cream after my chemical exfoliant which helps to heal old & new acne scars/wounds and improve the feeling of my skin to give it a sorta healthy glow. it basically just helps accelerate healing, so if you have a healing pimple area it will disappear wayyyy faster with this on than without. it’s amazing! thank u snails! i slove (snail love) u!
after, if I’m really needing some more moisture (bc my skin dries out so much in the winter time in this dry dessert environment i find myself in), I use Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel which is another fatty-alcohol free moisturizer for sensitive, dry skin. i love this! it’s so cool feeling too, like sticking your hand into a lovely little pillow of moisture. my dermatologist on Curology recommended this to me and i can’t get enough. this is kinda expensive tho so if u can find a cheaper alternative than go for it (and also let me know lol)
last and not least, if I have a pimple that needs to Go I will gently pop & drain it (ew) and then apply a hydrocolloid bandage on top, which basically are made for gross wounds like burns and things that are very.. liquidity.. and will basically suck out all the liquid from the pimple and make it heal super fast. honestly if i pop a pimple the night before and slap on of these on it’ll usually be flat and well on its way to healing when i wake up. this is the best discovery ive had in my years of skincare and it’s a total gamechanger. i get the duoDerm ones which come in a pack of 10 sheets that I just cut little squares from. they are super duper cost effective. one box will last like over a year! super good investment tbh. also if i have a particularly bad pimple that doesn’t go away over night sometimes i’ll just leave it on throughout the day and if anyone asks what happened ill just be like ‘oh, i stabbed myself with a pencil’ or something and ppl will just shrug. sometimes i’ll also just be like ‘i got a giant pimple’ and people will nod empathetically, also. it depends on who u are as a person
and that’s my routine! remember when adding new products to always test it out before slapping it all over your face to see if it’ll break you out or if you’re allergic to it. i’m really bad at this tbh but i’ve seen so many horror stories of people just developing horrible cystic acne from new products so remember! to! patch! test!
if you have any questions feel free to send me an ask! 
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