#this applies to anything I post even if I don't have a tag to clarify it (I shouldn't have to keep doing that)
mewkwota · 1 year
To keep something very clear:
My Castlevania works are not related to Netflixvania at all.
I strongly dislike that adaptation, and am very uncomfortable with the thought of what I draw for this series being grouped alongside it. Moreso, I am not interested in any discussion on NFCV period, please keep that topic to your own spaces and away from mine.
While I cannot stop you from interpreting my work as you wish, I can keep you from looking at it if I were to find out.
Thanks for your understanding.
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lafemmemacabre · 1 year
Goth 101
🦇 tl;dr version for those who prefer that format
Goth is a music-based subculture that started out in the UK in the late 70s/early 80s and spread internationally from there. It spawned from the UK Punk scene, keeping the DIY ethics but turning the music more melancholic, introspective and experimental.
The music genres that the subculture was built around are (dark) Post-Punk, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Ethereal Wave and a few other smaller subgenres.
While the fashion and other non-musical aesthetics are very prominent and beloved by goths, they're non-essential to the subculture. What defines a goth is the music we listen to.
Our "big 4" bands are The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus and the Banshees. However, 3 out of 4 of those bands are Post-Punk acts (Sisters of Mercy being the exception Gothic Rock band), and while very influential to the rest of the goth music scene, they by no means are the end-all, be-all of what goth music sounds like. The genre has evolved through its over 40 years of existence, creating diverse sounds. Anyone darkly inclined can find something to love, even if it takes a bit of research.
The Dark & Gothic playlist on Spotify is a pretty decent way to get started into goth music. In my old blog I had entire tags dedicated to goth music as a whole, and separately to Post-Punk, Gothic Rock, Darkwave and Ethereal Wave too. I had a few playlists based on popular goth aesthetics here.
The longer description of goth music will include playlists for each bigger goth subgenre, but please keep in mind they're made by me in a way that appeals to my personal tastes for each subgenre. I don't know every band that exists and my personal taste is biased towards the 90s.
Now, to a more detailed introduction to the goth subculture...
🦇 Dark alternative vs Goth
What a lot of people need clarified is that the goth subculture doesn't have a monopoly on the dark alternative world, nor are we the home for everyone sad, spooky and weird who doesn't fit in and might listen to any sort of sad, spooky or weird alternative music.
There are SO many dark alternative music scenes that have nothing or very little to do with the goth subculture. We've influenced a lot of them fashion-wise, but just because they copied us we look alike doesn't mean we're interchangeable.
There's no scale that goes from Prep to Goth and measures how Valid™ your inner darkness is, in which if you're anything below goth then you're a poser and lame. It's perfectly fine and cool to be dark alternative without being a goth. Goth isn't a badge of legitimacy or honor, it's just one specific flavor of dark alternative among so many.
Goth is a very small and obscure subculture despite our superficial hypervisbility (our looks and infamy are hypervisible, what we're actually about is extremely buried underground), and most dark alternative people aren't goths.
🦇 What does it take to be a goth?
There's one rule, and one rule only: LISTEN TO THE MUSIC. You wouldn't call yourself a metalhead without being a fan of Metal music, would you? The same principle applies to goth.
There are many types of alternative subcultures; some examples are fashion-based subcultures, another are lifestyle-based subcultures. A third type of subculture that's very prominent (especially in the West) are music-based subcultures.
Goth is a music-based subculture, just like the metalhead, punk, emo, rivethead/Industrial, hip-hop, rave, K-Pop and grunge subcultures are.
This means that, while the music isn't THE ONLY aspect the subculture has, in order to be a goth you have to listen to goth music, and we have a specific set of music genres that our subculture was built around, so not just anything dark and melancholy will do, as we don't have a monopoly on that, but we do have something closer to a monopoly on a specific sound and musical legacy.
You don't have to listen to goth music EXCLUSIVELY to be a goth, that'd be insane. You don't even have to limit yourself to dark alternative music either. You just have to listen to goth music to a relevant degree and be passionate about it and you're in, the rest is up to you.
This means too that the way you dress has no impact on your validity as a goth, whether you don't have the gothic wardrobe of your dreams yet or you just don't want to dress goth at all. I'm TikTok mutuals with a girl who dresses exclusively in pink-white sweet lolita coords, but who's passionate about goth music. She's a goth, no questions about it. On the other hand, a lot of the influencers you'll see online who look like a lost Addams cousin aren't goths at all, and no house decor or outfit will make them gothier if they don't listen to the music.
🦇 What music counts as goth?
From the previous points I made you probably gathered that Industrial and Metal ⁠– both genres that outsiders usually associate with the goth subculture ⁠– aren't actually part of the goth genre. So, what is goth music?
Goth music developed initially in the UK in the late 70s/early 80s off of dark Post-Punk. Post-Punk itself developed from UK 70s Punk Rock, being also influenced by Glam Rock, experimental electronic music, and many other influences more specific to each band that took part in this musical development (Bauhaus were very influenced by Reggae!).
What characterizes the goth sound are elements such as; being bass-driven rather than guitar-driven (in almost every case), guitars playing more of a decorative or atmospheric role instead of being the main focus (which contrasts starkly against genres such as Metal), preference for voices with a lower vocal range (altos, this is your genre to shine in!), optional use of synthesizers, recurrent replacing of human drummers with drum machines, and common use of lots of reverb and delay effects everywhere for an extra sensation that you're listening to music recorded in a catacomb.
Dark Post-Punk was the starting point of the goth subculture, and from it, all other goth music subgenres developed. Depending on who you ask there's a billion goth micro-genres. In my opinion a lot of those subgenres are rather meaningless (a lot of them are just specific flavors of Post-Punk or Darkwave) but the main 4 subgenres of goth music are:
(Dark) Post-Punk
Gothic Rock
Ethereal Wave
Post-Punk took the standard sound of Punk Rock and its DIY ethics and made the sound more melancholic, romantic, experimental, less angry, and more introspective. Dark Post-Punk in particular was influenced by gothic literature and old horror movies (including their soundtracks, the Banshees created their characteristic guitar sound after the violins in the Psycho soundtrack).
Besides the 3 Post-Punk bands I listed as part of the goth "big 4", there's bands such as Skeletal Family, Twin Tribes, Specimen, She Wants Revenge, Sex Gang Children, Xmal Deutschland, Lebanon Hanover, Cruex Lies, The Secret French Postcards and The Birthday Party.
When goth became slightly more established in sound, Gothic Rock is what happened. Less experimental than Post-Punk, a bit more Rock-based, more decidedly dark and miserable than Post-Punk necessarily is, and finally severed from goth's punk roots. Sisters of Mercy is THE most popular and influential Gothic Rock band; they popularized the use of extremely low baritone vocals and drum machines. Despite existing since the 80s, its popularity peak was in the 90s.
Goth as a whole has its "big 4", but the subgenre of Gothic Rock has its own "big 3", which are Sisters of Mercy, The Mission (UK), and Fields of the Nephilim. Other Gothic Rock bands are Rosetta Stone, Corpus Delicti, Inkubus Sukkubus, Mephisto Walz, Angels of Liberty, Two Witches, Nosferatu, Wisborg and Soror Dolorosa.
Goth going electronic! There's basically two types of Darkwave; the one that's more a combination of Post-Punk + Synthpop (very popular in the past decade), and the one that's more a combination of Gothic Rock + electronic music in general (most popular in the 90s). EXTREMELY danceable, but then again goths can dance to literally anything. This genre has existed at the very least since the second half of the 80s and has never stopped being relevant in the goth scene, save maybe during the Deathrock revival phase.
Clan of Xymox might be the single most influential Darkwave band. There's also The Frozen Autumn, The Crüxshadows, Switchblade Symphony, Collide, Dark, Ghosting, London After Midnight, She Past Away, Drab Majesty and Boy Harsher.
This genre is heavily linked to Dream Pop, Neoclassical Darkwave and Shoegaze. Like with Darkwave there's basically a few styles of Ethereal Wave, I can pinpoint three; the one that's like, regular Goth Rock/Post-Punk but with a lot of extra delay and reverb and other stylistic choices that make it sound, well, Ethereal, dream-like. There's the type that has lots of Folk influences (be it Medieval/Rennaisance-ish type of Folk or "ethnic" type of Folk), and there's one that's synth-based but, unlike Darkwave, sounds like what ketamine must feel like. This genre has existed since the mid 80s but its peak in popularity and relevancy in the scene was in the 90s.
Dead Can Dance is THE most influential Ethereal Wave band, but there's others such as Cocteau Twins (started as Post-Punk, ended up as Dream Pop and Ethereal Wave), Miranda Sex Garden, Faith and the Muse, Lycia, Claire Voyant, Hamsas XIII, Love is Colder than Death, SRSQ, Black Tape for a Blue Girl and Mors Syphilitica.
What about Deathrock, Gothic Metal and Industrial?
Deathrock is goth's American twin, basically. While in the early 80s in the UK morose ex-punks were playing Post-Punk, in the early 80s in the LA Punk scene morbid and brooding punk kids were playing Deathrock; it's closer to Punk Rock in sound than Post-Punk, being more about being spooky and brooding than about being eerie and romantic. Goth is to vampires and witches what Deathrock is to zombies and werewolves.
To summarize the consensus on Deathrock and its place within the goth subculture; it's rare to find a goth who's not also into at least some Deathrock, and even rarer to find a deathrocker who's not into goth. Personally, I think Deathrock is its own separate though very similar thing, but I don't mind Deathrock being lumped in with goth music.
I made a whole TikTok video on why Gothic Metal isn't a goth subgenre, but in summary; Gothic Metal is a Metal subgenre that was somewhat influenced by goth music in its earliest stage of development, but is for the most part a cross between Doom Metal and Death Metal with lyrics inspired by gothic literature. By adhering to a Metal sound it doesn't fit the type of sound goth music has. The goth influences in Gothic Metal were mostly only present in the earliest bands and a majority of the newer acts are completely disconnected from the goth scene.
As for goth's ties to the rivethead subculture (and thus, Industrial music): We've been sibling subcultures since at least the early 90s. Both very, very small and underground scenes that despite being different, had enough similarities in music, idiosyncrasy and aesthetic sensibilities to comfortably band together for the sake of scene viability. That's why you might hear people talking about the "gothic-industrial scene".
Keep in mind too that 80s and 90s Industrial music sounded very different from how it does now (compare your average Grendel or Combichrist song to your average Skinny Puppy or Die Form song). There was a lot less influence of raver music in the rivethead scene back then, and a lot more influence from 80s dark alternative music and New Wave, which are key influences for the goth scene as well.
As told by goth YouTuber Angela Benedict (goth since 1995), every goth back then listened to at least some Industrial, every rivethead listened to at least some goth music, and they all loved 80s New Wave, so DJs at shared club nights had a very easy time entertaining both audiences simultaneously.
🦇 Trivia & other things to know
The term "gothic Rock" was being used in music journalism as early as to describe releases by The Doors and The Velvet Underground, but the word "gothic" there wasn't so much used to point to a specific type of sound at that stage, it was used to imply the mood of the music and that's not where the subculture gets its name.
We don't know for sure why this subculture began to be referred to as "goth", initially the music was called either New Wave (just a darker and more underground variety of it) or Positive Punk. However, one of the potential roots of this name for our subculture is that it comes from an inside joke from members of Southern Death Cult/The Cult about Andi Sexgang (Sex Gang Children) about how he was a creepy little guy obsessed with the macabre and dark romanticism living at the Visigoth Towers, so they called him a "goth goblin" and if he was a goth, then his fans were goths too.
From the comments that the goth bloggers/vloggers I follow get, apparently it's common for baby bats and people interested in the subculture to think that they HAVE to find a goth "type" to lock themselves into, like "trad goth" or "romantic goth" or whatever else, and if they don't, they're a poser. This isn't true at all. Most goths wax and wane between fashion styles and goth music subgenres. These terms are far more useful to describe aesthetics rather than people or music.
If you ever hear people talk about "1st/2nd/3rd wave goth/Gothic Rock"; that's an (in my opinion) outdated and not too functional terminology to differentiate between "eras" of goth music, 1st wave being between 1975-1985, 2nd between 1985-1995, and 3rd between 1995-? That terminology was used widely when I was a baby bat but not so much anymore.
"Baby bat" is what a lot of more established goths call newbies! It's NOT meant as an insult nor to be condescending. It's a loving cutesy term and while of course most baby bats are very young, it's perfectly plausible to be a very grown adult and a baby bat if they just got into goth instead of getting into the subculture as a teen.
Most goth bands are easily found on Spotify except for more underground ones that haven't been active for a while (I have so many beloved bands and songs that just don't exist on Spotify), but the real goth jackpot is at Bandcamp.
Facebook is still useful for one (1) thing and it's for finding goth events; that's where I've found out about gothic fairs, goth nights and gigs; from the largely popular ones in my local scene to the very underground ones.
The song most of the subculture agrees is THE first official goth song is Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus, which was recorded as a singular take. It was the first track the band recorded together, too.
The Batcave is infamous nowadays as a huge goth night club in Soho (London) during the early 80s, owned by the band Specimen, BUT as told by the very people who used to frequent the nightclub, the whole thing has been a little overblown and its current reputation is more legend than fact. YouTuber Gothcast has a great video on the subject that was praised by members of Specimen itself!
Most of the most iconic pioneer goth musicians HATE being referred to as goths or to have their music referred to as such. When the term "goth" was first starting to be used to describe our music and scene it was a pejorative used by outsiders and/or mostly associated with the campier and more "low brow" bands (Specimen and Alien Sex Fiend come to mind). Andrew Eldritch from Sisters of Mercy especially hates it, to the point he refuses to even say the word and refers to it as "the G word". Which is hilarious since he sounded the most stereotypically gothy out of the big 4 and looked like this at the time he started to be a piss baby about it:
Tumblr media
Goth isn't really a "youth" subculture anymore if you ask people within the scene. Unlike people from many other subcultures, goths have a tendency to stay goth far into adulthood (even if covertly). When you go to any events, besides teens and people in their early 20s, you're gonna see plenty of goths in their 40s and older, a few of them will bring their kids along if the event is family friendly.
Besides the obvious chance of many goths being professional creatives (musicians, writers, artists, etc), for some reason A LOT of goths work in tech and healthcare!
Metalheads headbang, they and punks also mosh. What do goths do to vibe to our music together? We dance! We don't dance the same as non-goths but we LOVE to dance to our music, together or solo. There's no established dance styles to adhere to; it's just letting your body flow to the music. Some goth dancing is very intricate, some of it is very simple, it depends on the goth in question. Just in case, this is NOT like the dance gifs of cybergoths/rivetheads under that damned bridge. Think less that and more Wednesday Addams dancing to The Cramps, or the girl from the Night of the Demons movie. Here's some videos about how goths dance:
We fucking love 80s New Wave. No, Depeche Mode isn't a goth band; yes, you'll have to dig deep to find a goth who doesn't ADORE them. The only one I've come across who disliked Depeche Mode liked Soft Cell instead.
Goth IS international! Not just in the sense that there's fans of goth music basically everywhere, but that there's local goth scenes with their own local goth bands everywhere. Outside of the US + Europe + Canada, there's huge goth scenes all over Latin América (our Deathrock and Post-Punk are at times even popular among 1st world goths), and there's also smaller but still present goth scenes in Africa, Asia and Oceania. She Past Away is very much one of THE most popular goth bands in recent years and they're from Turkey.
The goth scene has always been in friendly terms with the LGBT community. Not only are many of our biggest icons LGBT themselves (the whole band Specimen, AVC from Sopor Aeternus, both members of Diavol Strâin, the vocalist from Male Tears, Cinnamon Hadley, and many more) but plenty of cishet goths (especially the men) embrace gender non-conformity and/or androgyny. In most local scenes, goth club nights are held at gay bars/nightclubs, as they don't tend to have privately owned venues. And either way, at any goth night there'll be tons of gay and gender non-conforming goths no matter where they're held. To varying degrees depending on the locality of the scene, gay and bi people are completely normalized in the goth subculture, and gender non-conformity and androgyny aren't just encouraged, but praised and coveted.
There's goths of any religion you can think of, but Neo Pagans are somewhat over-represented in our community compared to the rest of larger society (for better or worse). Funnily enough, very few goths are actually Satanists of any sort. I'd say the numbers go more or less similar to our local non-goth peers. In the West and westernized countries I'd say it goes; majority culturally-Christian atheist or agnostic goths (usually not militant about it), a few practicing Christians of whichever denomination (usually whichever is dominant in the country they inhabit), the rare but entirely plausible Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist goth, and a bunch of Neo-Pagans. Probably one (1) or two (2) actual Satanist goths per state/province/etc, tops.
World Goth Day is celebrated every year on May 22nd.
"Mallgoth" isn't a type of goth in either a musical or fashion sense. I made another TikTok about it, but in summary; it was originally hurled as an insult towards a very specific type of poser; the American kids in the late 90s and early 00s who imitated how goths dressed and called themselves goths while only listening to Nu Metal and maybe the most mainstream Industrial Metal. They tended to congregate at malls and behave particularly obnoxious to everyone there, further ruining our already delicate image (especially at that time).
Cybergoths aren't really goths either. Their music scene is centered around EBM, which is basically slightly darker and slightly more aggressive raver music that may or may not have Industrial influences. And to be honest they behaved like a rapacious invasive species in goth club nights to the point that they almost decimated the actual goth scene and it took us a while to recover from that.
Goths are sometimes perceived as too self-serious but honestly? We love making fun of ourselves and we tend to have a very silly or dry sense of humor. We're just tired of the same cheap and inaccurate jokes made by people who don't know anything about us. The best jokes about goths will often come from goths ourselves; you can only properly make fun of something you understand well! The few times outsiders get it right though? (Sad to confirm that the South Park goth kids are hilarious and I wish they were in a better show) You'll see goths sharing the SHIT out of it, such as me being obsessed with the goths from Ridonculous Race, or the clip below:
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nanjokei · 1 year
further guidance for newcomers coming from reddit
hi arriving redditors. here are some things i don't see most posts mention. this is for people who conquered the baby steps of joining the site. i think they're pretty important! also me clarifying on some stuff i've seen people word very vaguely consistently in their guides
under the cut because it's a chunky set of bullet points! with a few that also discuss how to keep yourself in a safe and fun browsing environment for yourself and others (mostly quality of life)
if you have any questions either send me an ask (anonymously is ok too) or reply to the post
you can enable a custom theme that shows on the web in your blog settings, if you so wish (blog settings > visibility) and then (custom theme toggle to on) this is the classic tumblr experience, but it's ok to want to hide your blog from the public. however you won't be able to link stuff on your blog to people without tumblr accounts
you can find custom tumblr themes by searching resource blogs like theme hunter or just in the tags in general (like "tumblr theme" or just "theme" and see where the other tags you may find to refine your search takes you)
tumblr is currently trying to enact changes to appeal to "new users" that make the website less friendly to its current inhabitants, such as fucking with quality of life and muscle memory and even stuff integral to the culture of the site. if you see people complaining, i highly advise against going "this sounds kind of nothingburger" and assisting in sending tickets to support the drive against such changes
there is a 250 post per day limit. you probably won't hit it though.. maybe? but people used to make post limit blogs (seperate email) for that. but that is for heavy usage users.
you can make as many sideblogs as you want. you are free to divulge whether or not it's you. of course use common sense to gauge whether or not it matters. but side blogs can be anything: maybe you want to categorize things, maybe you wanna make one into a huge fan page/blog for a specific hobby/celeb/show/game/etc, maybe a quieter space, maybe posts you feel don't belong on your blog, maybe even a blog where you reblog resources to exclusively. the possibilities are endless! (maybe not for porn, it's a little harder to skirt by these days even with muh community labels)
a lot of posts are incredibly vague about whether or not you can leave comments on reblogs. i think it truly depends. for example, if it's praise for artwork, i feel like it is truly best left in the tags. the artist can see it still! it shows up in their notifs when you reblog. in comparison, when it comes to funny text posts and pictures, you can comment as you like, but consider TPO (time place occasion). it helps to check the notes (comments only filter) to see if the quip or comment you wanna make has already been made or if OP made further comments later. again, it's a call to use your judgement and everyone has a different tolerance for this kind of thing
i see many people or perhaps most came from LGBTQ+ centric subreddits so i am surprised i'm not seeing this mentioned often: there are unfortunately a lot of terfs here. please stay safe. install shinigami eyes and engage in blocking sprees whenever possible.
in account settings, not blog settings, there is a section called "content you see". it has filtered tags and filtered post content. the difference is filtered tags is specifically for tags, for example, if you want to hide a certain show you don't like, you can have the site apply a peek-a-boo filter on it (this content contains #TAG, as in click to view). you ask, what if the person on my dash doesn't tag it as that? that's fine! it also takes into account the original poster's tags. the OP didn't tag it? then filtered post content might help. MIGHT. it's pretty helpful and unlike twitter's mute list, as far as my experience, it is not broken. for example, if you write [SHOW NAME THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE] in plain letters (with aliases as seperate entries just to be safe) it will filter any post that has the words in the body of the post. pretty useful! use this to curate your dash further or even filter out triggers.
speaking of tags. a lot of people are also vague about this. i'll say it clearly. you can add whatever tags you want to a reblog. there's no limit (aside from character lim per tag)! there's no social faux pas, unless you're being backhanded at someone's creative work, like reblogging just to dunk on it or going "i like the art but not the character" etc. when it comes to your own posts, try to avoid tagging irrelevant tags (for example, if you're making a lot of posts that are tangentially about cardcaptor sakura, think about if it belongs in the tag or not. think of it as whether or not it deserves an OC flair on reddit). again, people's tolerance differs, but especially on older media and slow tags people do not appreciate random tangential text posts (for example "i wanna watch ccs!" and nothing else)
in terms of culture, tumblr has a weird balance between "you can ask for context" and "lurk for 10,000 moar years". i would not know myself. i've been here for 12+ years *shrug* you'll have to gauge it for yourself. most things you can google "[tumblr user] callout" and figure out from there LOL (yes that's usually what happens). i DO encourage trying to garner it from context, especially for terms.
due to the looser moderation(?) on here, LGBTQ+ and other minorities use their own discretion reclaim slurs freely. join in, or put the slurs in your filters. it's fine not to join in as that's your personal comfort, but this is a heads up that the culture is like this since i'm not sure how the moderation is in places like r/196 are. (sorry i used reddit for entirely different things ><)
DO NOT TAG D0NATION POSTS WITH #D0NATION OR ANY OTHER VARIATION. this is SO important. it's best not to tag donation posts AT ALL. tumblr internally flags them and suppresses the post. just reblog silently (d0nate if you can) and move on (censoring just in case lol)
search is useless for finding specific posts. give up before you even try. your best bets are google, asking for help on the dashboard, or just hoping it shows up on your dashboard one day (it probs will, maybe not immediately when you need it though)
i called old tags "slow" but not dead earlier: tags Do Not Die (though some just kind of randomly get wiped or lose posts, idk, it is some post-2018 indexing weirdness) so you can find fanart and posts from 2012 and it's ok to reblog! the essence of tumblr is the continued circulation of people's creations
please do not repost screenshots of tumblr posts unless they are no longer accessible (reblogs locked for example) 😭 i am seeing this happen already. this is the one thing from reddit you're gonna have to let go of. twitter and other place screenshots are OK (probably, some people don't like them). but don't let your page look like one of those r/(etc) post aggregate bots on twitter is what i'm saying. once you explore a tag enough times you'll know what is usually appropriate to post (usually derivative meme templates are OK, but don't overdo it (tho this just falls under "dont spam") (also this is MY personal preference, so if the climate of the tag houses a lot of memes, go ahead!)
in general reposting content that isn't your's is kinda eh. especially reposting people's art without explicit permission. there are art reposters who in the modern day usually ask for permission, of course there are internet spelunkers who repost content from old web and dead sites. there's a lot of nuance, but i highly discourage reposting things you didn't make yourself unless it's stuff like official art and whatnot. photography and other stuff from other people, use your judgement. and as an aside i know "stolen memes" are r/196 and other meme subreddit cultures but it's not exactly appreciated here and i feel like if the reposting gets out of hand tumblr users might get real tired of it. the humor isn't really the same here in that sense, i suggest posting them in a sideblog that archives such things so they aren't lost and/or keeping them in your community tags. ofc no one can stop you!! but the whole highly derivative fried meme thing is very reddit. the culture could not be more different even if we are similar in many ways. i mean this in the nicest way possible >_< if you're not sure, DON'T REPOST.
this is just advice from me, but when liveblogging a show, it's nice to tag it with a unique tag, such as #[your name/nick] plays [game]. i find it's ok to tag series name to some posts that are more substantial, people are happy to see others enjoy what they love, but using a unique tag also helps people track YOUR liveblog since they may save the tag to look at :)
put your age or whether or not you're an adult somewhere where people can see, (and your pronouns too or lackthereof). whether or not if it's on your bio, or an about page, or a carrd. please. it's a matter of curation and safety. some people don't wanna follow minors by accident and vice versa, just as a means to curate their space
people write alt text and image descriptions in the post bodies pretty often. yes it's built into tumblr, but either some people forget or the feature... refuses to work that time. yes it's BROKEN. if you feel like you can contribute alt text for an image in an adequate fashion, go ahead!
try not to reblog people's personal posts. asking people never hurts!
you can restrict non-followers from replying to your posts, or turn off replies all together. as far as i know it's not possible for seperate posts unfortunately, just a blog-wide toggle. when replying to someone specifically, be sure to @ them so they can see it!
for a long time, only the first 5 tags you used in an original post mattered. a lot of people still repeat this, but in my experience this seems to have... changed?? i can't say for sure, but my posts appear in tags beyond the first five. just to be sure, tag the most relevant things first! (or not, if you have your own strategy LOL)
you're free to not tag trigger warnings (it's nice to do it for others tho especially if they ask) but please tag flashing images as such. #epilepsy warning, #flashing, #flashing image, #flashing, etc.
REPORT BOT BLOGS. it blocks them for you anyway. just blocking doesn't do anything for anyone
you can add other people to a sideblog to make it a group blog. this is how blogs with mods work, or even collectives, it has a lot of uses in general so have fun with it! be wary it requires getting someone's email so be safe about that and try to do it with people you trust.
this is advice from me since i noticed after publishing this post that a lot of reddit users don't tag things. you don't have to btw!! but my advice that brightens up the website: if you reblog cool art, writing, music or photography (taken by OP) and you like it a lot, i highly recommend leaving compliments in the tags. we live in an age where creative creation is increasingly unappreciated and people are quiet silent— creators get no feedback therefore no encouragememt to keep creating. this is more like a personal plea, but like to reblog ratios have become DIRE. people are apathetic and scared to interact with people's creations even though on here they are actively ecouraged to. if you like art or fic etc i even more highly recommend you reblog it. likes don't do anything! reblogs = more eyes on it. let's support each other's creative endeavors 🩷
don't fall for the trap of trying to make tumblr into reddit, or trying to recreate the feeling of a subreddit. it's not gonna work. try to adapt. it's easier said than done but lol. rome wasn't built in a day. operate your blog like your own space rather than trying to recreate a hub. the tolerance for trying to change tumblr culture is super low and a lot of people who are much meaner than me will probably try to bully the idea into the ground. and people DO get mean. (like playground namecalling, but people have no reservations about it, so it's stuff that would probably get you banned on reddit)
if your post gets traction and the note notifications annoy you, deleting the original post will make the notifs stop coming. a lot of people reblog the post to keep it on their blog then delete the original to effectively "mute" the notifications permanently.
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crabussy · 5 months
I'm not putting anything in the tags, turn on comments coward. Have you tried to use google lately or any other search engine? they censor a plethora of information and are known to feed narratives based on what certain corporate counterparts want. I would rather hear from a person, or even ai who has the toolset to officially attain information convey a specific point rather than provide some of the most mind numbing journalism articles to ever exist. Scholar is the only good part of google anymore unless you're checking the weather.
hi there! I'm a bit baffled by the tone of this, we're strangers and I don't understand why you felt it was okay to call me a coward over this, but I'm going to try and explain a few things to hopefully clear this up! I'm very sorry you felt upset at the wording of my poll.
first, I have comments off because people kept using my comments to make fun of me, or call me awful things. this was on posts that were apolitical in nature, too. I guess I'm pretty easy to bully. I'm just trying to reduce the number of upsetting comments I see about myself. my comments are off on all posts (unless you've been following me for over a week!). I'm sorry, I'd turn them on for this post if I could but the setting can only be applied across my entire blog. You can totally reblog and put your thoughts in the body of the post though! that way it doesn't get lost in the tags.
next, I realise I wasn't clear about what kind of information the poll was about. I was talking about questions like "what does 'myriad' mean?" or "what is the name of the fruit in this image?" or "are kiwi birds extinct?", all of which I've seen something similar being asked in the comments of posts. I wasn't talking about the more nuanced, complex, important information that needs a lot of explaining. I'm very sorry I wasn't more clear in my post, I'm going back to edit it and clarify after I've posted your ask!
Lastly, you do have a good point. search engines are notorious for picking and choosing information and are very prone to corporate interference. but please, in future, try not to assume the worst about people you don't know! I posted that poll for fun, out of curiosity, and apologised for the lack of nuance in the post. I was quite surprised and hurt at how unkind your wording was, when it didn't need to be at all. you could have conveyed the exact same information without calling me a coward for a choice I made. I understand that this subject is important to you and you might have felt like I was restricting your ability to share your thoughts, which could have influenced the tone you chose, but like I explained, it was for entirely unrelated reasons, to keep myself safe online. I know you might be used to people who do this kind of thing on purpose, or are intentionally abrasive towards you and others, and I'm really sorry if that's the case. It still hurts to hear someone call me names.
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highlordofkrypton · 3 months
Writing - Drafting Process
Clearly, I am avoiding actually writing by talking about writing. I was thinking about the drafting process today, and maybe this can help someone! For me, this process applies specifically to long stories to which I already know the conclusion, not my oneshots or update-as-I-go fics.
Honestly, I only found out that I write this way after my first fanfic. It's something that I do naturally, but with all the fun writing discussions I got to participate in lately, it was a fun exercise to actually break down what I do. It might sound daunting, but I promise that it's not as formal as you think!
I'm absolute a ✨vibes✨ writer, the drafting process is mostly for consistency and making sure I get to the end!
There are many ways to write, so for those who might still be looking for their process or those looking for something new, hopefully this can inspire you.
For larger stories, I always get a surge of inspiration. I usually create a DUMP document where I dump all my ideas. At the very top of the document, I create an outline with the major story segments and then whenever I think of a scene, I add into that outline.
For example, my outline for my ACOTAR Prequel was created in chronological order, but also by location.
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I would also start by adding:
The scenes that come to mind and I have muse to write
The necessary scenes that are either fundamental to character development or plot development
The transitional scenes
So, in that order, I can get a pretty decent idea of what I need to get done.
I also always make character sheets when I write. Not in a formal way, but just a page where I dump anything that I wrote in the story so I remember word for word what I said. That or I'll color code highlight, but a character dump is easier.
It's absolute chaos, but I prefer ideas to be as raw as possible. I'm an emotional writer, so I want to be reminded of it the way it came to me.
The writing starts here for me. The goal is to just write. Don't think, don't question, just write and depending on what medium you're using, drop a comment with notes for your future self to come back to. Sometimes, I'll even add a line between sections that I don't want to write to say "COME BACK AND INSERT TRANSITIONAL SCENE", highlight it or mark it in red.
More often than not, I'll start by writing out the scenes that appear in my mind vividly. For example, in Wildflowers, the first scene I ever wrote was actually Chapter 4. I knew that I wanted to write out Hybern Castle and if you read the scene completely, it was barely edited because it came to me so strongly.
Then, once I've finished writing the "muse driven" scenes, I start writing by importance.
Do not worry about about fleshing out the story. That will come later.
If I'm struggling with finishing, then I usually tag in a beta reader who's job at this point is to answer one question and one question only: "Is this good?" I think a more accurate phrasing would be -- Am I on the right track for this story? I'll do another post for how I work with my beta.
At this point, I only focus on the story and character development. Don't worry about the little details. For long stories, I might choose to print the story out because it helps refresh and reset my brain. It's also easier to read/annotate hundreds of pages this way.
Read through your story once.
Add notes to where you feel the story needs to flow better, either add transitional scenes, or something that need to add or hinder to your character.
Write out the scenes.
Bring in the beta and ask: "Story-wise, is there anything missing? Is there anything about the character that needs to be clarified?"
For example, a question that came up for Wildflowers is why would Tamlin be different from his abusive father and his siblings? He wasn't. Not at the beginning. He would have been raised to look down on humans, so in the second draft, I went back and thought of scenes that would help inform his choice to empathize with humans.
Calling this draft 3 is tentative because you may choose to do multiple drafts of this section. Once I've gotten most of the story down, I will pick one element that I want to focus on editing. I will do a read through and annotate what needs to be fixed for each "element".
For example, I might want to check the consistency of the character physical descriptions, so I will read once focusing ONLY on pieces of writing that contain that. Then, maybe I wanna go back and make sure Rhysand's voice is sassy enough. Another read through focusing ONLY on his dialogue.
I find this method is really great because it allows you to work on that specific element rather than getting overwhelmed with everything to fix.
These are what I usually read through if you're looking for ideas:
Character descriptions
Lore elements
Show vs. Tell
Tense (past vs. present)
Relationship depth (especially for side characters)
One would think this is where I would add foreshadowing but I'm not that organized of a writer. Again, I just go with the ✨vibes✨ and it usually works out.
I call this the final edit because I will probably write forever if you let me. In this draft, I focus on proofreading, grammar, sentence structure and clarity of the writing itself.
Yes, there are typos that usually escape and haunt you forever especially if you're a binder like me.
I also get my beta to help me with this as a second set of eyes, especially to give me feedback on stylistic choices.
I don't know if this helped anyone, but this was fun to write! I like doing guides and thinking about stuff, so yeah, this is usually my process. It takes about 2-3 months if I'm locked and loaded focus-wise.
Let me know if you have questions, I'm happy to help!
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I don't entirely disagree, but I think that what you say about it being impossible to be apolitical would extend to the original poll itself. Ignoring the political climate doesn't make it apolitical. I do agree in that case not posting them at all would be political in a different way. If I might suggest? Perhaps you could simply add a small statement. "Free Palestine" at the bottom of the post, to make it clear. Or add a tag to clarify it is Israeli made, on occupied Palestinian land. Or add a watermelon emoji if you want it to be as innocuous as possible and hopefully not invite people to bring up the politics of it. My kneejerk reaction was discomfort due to the lack of any acknowledgement of a conflict that is impossible to escape. Any mention of Israel is inherently going to bring politics into it, so for people's reassurance and comfort knowing you're not purposefully ignoring said conflict for the sake of your polls (which I think people could uncharitably interpret that as), maybe adding something small to acknowledge it without making it a big show would be a good gesture. Thank you for responding thoughtfully to my prior ask.
Another long reply.
hello there.
unfortunately after reading the other ask I found myself slightly disappointed by the fact that you didn't fully read mod sus' response. Even if you did, one of the main points was "we do not wish to bring genocide into this" this is not a blog about politics. we do not wish to force our opinions, or anything upon anyone else. who I stand for should not affect other's opinions when it's on a blog that is about horror movies and if you have seen them or not. as mod sus suggested, you could simply block the tag "israel" if you do not wish to see movies that have been made by them, this is why the tagging system is in place. bringing politics onto this blog will increase attention from both sides of the matter, whether it be positive or negative, will ultimately block the audience's view of what this blog is actually for, having fun and joy around what the world could only know as, horror movies.
thank you for reading, have a wonderful day.
mod chris
mod L would like to add: the reason we don't add "free Palestine" to posts about movies by Israeli filmmakers is the same reason we don't add "free Ukraine" to posts about Russian films, or "free Tibet" to posts about Chinese films. Individual creatives do not bear responsibility for the actions of their government, and we will not imply otherwise by applying a standard to their films that we do not apply elsewhere.
Mod Sus: This is to not say we ignore or support the on-going conflicts or wars between the countries or groups of people. We merely want to keep this blog free from reminders of these events going on. We hope that can be seen as reasonable to not add the suggested messages or additions into our polls.
We're here just to talk about movies. If you do wish to talk about the problematic or heavy topics related to these movies, whatever they are, you are free to do so in the reblogs. It is part of good media and art critisism to acknowledge its darker aspects too, but you can enjoy (or not enjoy) the art while acknowledging them.
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kakarorin · 9 months
Defending "The Road to El Dorado" from a couple racist claims, or how I, being so cheeky, like to call it: Covering myself in sugar in order to attract some nasty little bugs🐞
For some reason, 2024 seems to be the year when I can't tolerate "The Road to El Dorado is packed with racism" discourse anymore. A couple days ago, I stumbled across a very colourful gifset which encapsulated perfectly all the objectively wrong arguments (save for half... one... one and a half... It depends) I've ever seen people give out to explain why they don't like the movie (@/neechees: If by some unlikely chance you're reading this, I wish we could have talked about it calmly. I'm a very open-minded person, unlike you seem to be). I've seen them SO many times that I think I hit my limit. Long story short, I got defensive, which I regret, shame on me, told the op they were wrong, as they are, op responded, and I got blocked before I could respond back. I honestly don't know why they blocked me after responding. I don't know if they sensed I know much more about the Aztec Conquest than they do, but well... Occam's razor.
After I calmed down, tried to reach to them because I genuinely wanted to talk about it, and failed, I decided I was going to break their post down as minutely as I could, even if just to get it off my shoulders and toss it into the void, and polished what I told one of the people who reblogged op's post saying they were right into this lengthy post. Purely because I love debating about movies I love. And boy, do I LOVE this movie.
Before starting, I'm letting you know that, as far as I know, I'm 100% white. And I'm also from Spain (Europe. Clarifying this for the Americans), which understandably gives me the advantage of having lived (and living) through the subtle remnants of the wretched Spanish Black Legend. Yet none of these two things stopped me from looking up historical papers, podcasts and documentaries (further than YouTube's video essays, I mean) so I could understand that this sort of... slander was indeed, part of that concept. I don't see how being of a particular race or ethnicity gives you the right to speak about recorded history as objective facts without doing your research and applying your critical thinking to it, either. Does op think that just because they're Native-American, as they say (just in case, can't believe anything you read on the internet these days), a person who has spent hours, days, months educating themselves about Hernán Cortés, poor Malinche and the Aztec Conquest from serious sources can't have more knowledge than them? Smh, op, smh. It does give you right over feelings, and obviously, your own experiences, though. Hope you still understand that factual knowledge is an entirely different thing.
That being said, at the end of the day, save for the very easy-to-check historical facts (which I will provide sources for if asked, although I believe you can very easily research it yourself), this is my opinion about why "The Road to El Dorado" is regarded as much more racist than it actually is. If you want to give me yours or respond to it, please, by all means, do it. Respectfully and with clear and valid reasons, of course. Otherwise, I'll have to ignore you. Understand that what you read below is the limit of my thinking and reading. Enjoy, or hate. Call me a racist. Send a WHITE meme my way. Up to you.
I'd link you to the post, but I don't feel like it. They blocked me, after all. You can search my blog for it. It's tagged as "neechees". And be sure to read their tags on the post as well, for context. Anyway, here go their "objective truths". Debunking time starts... now:
(EDIT: This is filled with edits. See how my opinion can change and I can clarify or rectify? Anyway, stating the obvious, but I believe Spanish colonization is bad. In any part of the world. I won't give you a single good aspect of it, except for that at least it was based on a different mindset than British colonization. Maybe there are fairly good aspects. After all, they say Romans gave us Spaniards roads and sewage systems. We'd have to take a look at an alternative reality where it didn't happen to make an objective claim. But, believe me, if it had been for me, I'd have pushed Cortés off the ship a good bunch of nautical miles before he reached what is now known as Veracruz, whatever good things he ended up doing. Bear that in mind.)
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1. The cultures are mashed up in one city, that is true. But there is no explicit racist (implying prejudice, discrimination or antagonism, as I understand racism, or as racism is actually defined) motive behind it. I don't think it's done out of unthoughtfulness, either. I'm pretty sure it's just done to leave the place ambiguous, because (tell you more later), with Cortés involved and what went down with him historically, that place is much more meant to be Tenochtitlán than the legendary city of El Dorado. They didn't want to make that so explicit because this is a retelling, after all (tell you more later). I honestly don't see how anyone could think that the resulting city and culture are portrayed in a negative way. Sometimes, I'm not even sure these people were paying attention when watching the movie (if they ever did). In fact, if it weren't for the title of their post, I wouldn't even understand the point in this.
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2. Oh boy, this is exactly what triggered me to say something instead of just putting it on my blog silently. This is how I know the op has ZERO knowledge about the historical event behind it, because they wouldn't say this is right if they did. There is no such thing as a (EDIT:) sufficiently collective "Spanish lie that Native-American (NA) people believed they were gods" (NEVER listen to a Spaniard who claims this. EDIT: Like López de Gómara. They're delulu), this has never had any kind of historical relevance (in the outcome and influence of history, I mean), and the NA people in the movie are not worshipping the white guys because they're white. The whole plot, arriving in a city and being mistaken for a god because your arrival coincided with an ancient premonition in such a precise way that it is fascinating, is exactly what happened to Cortés when he reached the capital of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlán. He was believed to be the reincarnation of Quetzalcóatl, and that's why he could enter the city peacefully and live in it for a short amount of time. The concept of the movie seems to be "What if this, instead of happening to a conquistador (in which is implicit the catholic element) who quickly said he was no god when he realised what was happening (because of the sin of idolatry), happened instead to two atheist looters who are ultimately good-hearted (NOT colonizers, because they didn't try to claim the land or control it) who weren't stopped by the fear to sin and took advantage of the situation?" That's it. The premonition happened to fall on a white man hundreds of years ago (who also came from the east, same place Quetzalcóatl left to and said he'd return from) and so does in the movie story because it mirrors real history, and, again, I fail to see the negative portrayal in all of this because it's certainly NOT because they're white. I think the op also took it salty that I said they had zero knowledge about "the very people they're trying to defend", which I still believe, but this is complex and I'll only explain this if asked. What I meant by that, on the surface, is that NA people also enslaved NA people. I seriously hope op doesn't think NA slavery is more acceptable if it comes from other NA people than white people. Who knows, at this point.
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3. This is essentially right. It's the only thing I think is mostly right, actually. It's no problem for me, though. I love Chel, she's beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to me. But I can understand why it may put someone off. All good. However, I still wanna say that the Aila test is just a way of assessing indigenous women representation as positive and negative, and not the work in itself as problematic if it doesn't pass it. The Lord of the Rings doesn't pass the Bechdel test and I have never seen anyone calling it problematic because of that, nor do I need positive representation (I'm a woman. Sort of. It fluctuates) on it to enjoy it. Although I figure I'd feel the same if I were NA, I can't and won't speak for one. So I still give you that.
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4.1. This is wrong in three ways. First, Tzekel-kan is not "demonized as evil". He is evil. He's not evil because he's NA, he is evil because he killed, he lied, and he abused his power. There are NA people in the movie who are kind and good (everyone but him, I believe), and then there's him. In every race and ethnicity, there are good, neutral and bad people. And people who are sometimes good, and sometimes bad. If all the NA people were painted in a morally white and good way, that special treatment would come off as positive discrimination to me. Why can't he be a sociopathic genocider AND indigenous at the same time without being considered as racist? Does that mean all indigenous people have to be/are morally white? If all the other NA characters were demonized, I'd understand it, but it's the opposite. Also, Tzekel-kan is loosely based off Moctezuma, the (redundant) emperor of an Empire who enslaved other NA people. And, surprise, just like Cortés, I don't think the guy was evil. I think this is probably another reason why they didn't want to make clear the specific culture. I could see the racism if they had tried to directly compare Tzekel-kan with Moctezuma, I would perfectly be able to see the claim that Moctezuma was a sociopathic genocider, and I'd recognise that as racist. But in this case, it's just loose inspiration. Not a parody.
4.2. There was NO genocide in the Spanish NA colonies. There was NO legal slavery, save for a few unfortunate loopholes (tell you more later). (EDIT: careful, I'm NOT defending his monumental fuck-ups or justifying him in any way, just so you know. In my opinion, he was a fair lot more bad than good, but not 100% bad. If you get me) Hernán Cortés did a lot of undeniably wrong things, but he did good things too. I don't think you can say he was a good person, no person who'd say that would be a friend of mine, but I don't think he was a 100% evil person. Just a person, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Still, when he was bad, he was bad. And what op said about that they didn't care enough about him to write his name properly, BOY how that ticked me off. People, for all you hold dear, you have to CARE to know about such important historical figures in order to understand the history behind them and the outcomes of their actions. Especially within such a sensitive topic. It's when stories like this are ignored or forgotten, that history tends to repeat itself. The fact that I care to spell Hernán Cortés well has not the respectful positive connotation they think, either. And despite what you may believe, we Spaniards do NOT think he did everything right and much less that he was a hero. I think some Mexicans think we all do, but I don't know why. Only the most idiotic "fachas" (ultraright people) do.
4.3. One, he was not enslaved (tell you more later). Two, well, since he tried to mass-murder the inhabitants of the city, I... I do reckon putting him away was a good ending. Jesus, he tried to purge the city of citizens HE deemed unworthy in the name of a divine power (=on a religious basis) with the clear intention to wipe them out. It's clearly stated more than once throughout the movie. If you didn't know, by objective definition, the name of that starts with 'G' and ends with 'ENOCIDE'. And when that failed, he actively tried to drive the colonizers to them. Only because of that, he was technically much more of a genocider than the historical Cortés ever was. Are his actions really justified just because he's indigenous? Doesn't he deserve a punishment just because of it? I see "slavery" (if it were. Since enslaving NA in Spanish colonies was illegal at the time, I'd say he was kidnapped, in the strict sense of the word. Bit funny to word it like that) as a punishment more than fitting for his crimes. I think you all should drill this into your head: ANY abusive leader involved in (I can't believe I'm going to say this, but socially unacceptable) murder deserves to be punished in some way independently of his race, ethnicity or religion. This is something I believe firmly, so you have very little room to debate with me on this one. Do try, if you want.
By the way, I LOVE Tzekel-kan to death. Just the way he is. A charismatic, fanatical, sociopathic fictional high priest who tried to cleanse his city in the name of his gods through murder and human sacrifice, a practice that the other NA inhabitants very obviously did NOT enjoy (well, that definitely rings a historical bell). If you hadn't noticed, or perhaps thought it was impossible, let me tell you this: you can actually love evil characters without justifying their actions. It's legal. 100%. Unlike slavery in NA Spanish colonies at the time.
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5. I don't see exactly how spirituality is portrayed as evil. More specifically, I don't see how the movie's actual magic is considered Aztec spirituality. Not a fan nor a hater of Hazbin Hotel, but I've seen one of the demon characters around Twitter using literal voodoo in a very unthoughtfully wrong way. That's a big no-no, in my opinion. And I see a clear difference with this because there is nothing in the stone jaguar magic that single-handedly resembles what Aztec religion actually was. I'm not saying this can't be done in a wrong way with indigenous NA spirituality, nor that they didn't take elements from it (they did), I just think that with all the context behind the movie, here it's just magic that serves a plot function. Aesthetic Aztec/Maya patterns appear here and there, arguably because those are the "places" where it's geographically based (and because Tzekel-kan is loosely based off Moctezuma, who was the religious spiritual leader who received the Quetzalcóatl premonition), but at the end of the day, I don't think it's much more than the fantasy you typically find in a kids' movie. No specific religion was portrayed as evil, no specific gods were portrayed as evil, the magic in itself wasn't portrayed as evil. In the movie, it was black magic because Tzekel-kan, who was evil, used it for evil. Who says that a giant stone cat can ONLY serve evil purposes? I'd use it for good, personally. Maybe transportation. Maybe architecture. Decoration. Festivities. (CW: 26-year-old making a boomer joke) Maybe to instill cordial fear among my neighbours.
EDIT: I've been thinking about this these days and I realised that in the specific stone jaguar "spell", Tzekel-kan needs to toss his poor aide into the mix for it to "activate". That is much more evil than neutral, so maybe I can kind of see this point now. And human sacrifice was part of some of these religions, after all, so maybe it does point towards Aztec spirituality. Still, as it didn't come off as evil to me until I've THOROUGHLY thought about it, I feel like questioning things. Does the "spell" need a human body, or an animal body would have served? The "recipe" doesn't state anything. It's Tzekel-kan who pushes him in. Do ALL the "spells" need a body to "activate"? Maybe not. I feel like maybe I can give you a part of this argument. But still... Hmm. I don't know. We were stuck with an evil religious high priest, but that doesn't necessarily mean ONLY he could use magic. Nor that ALL the magic was evil. But yeah, alright. I can sort of see this now... a bit.
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6. I can give you this... for the most part. Knowing it mirrors history, and that historically, it was white men who rid the NA people enslaved by the Aztec Empire (which I believe is what the people of El Dorado ended up portraying, somehow oppressed by Tzekel-kan's sacrifices) of the Aztec Empire (even if woefully just to take their place), I'm not sure it's so simple. I still don't fully see it as plain white saviour narrative with that background info. In any case, I think my mind can be changed about this with the right argumentation. Surely not by a person who has no knowledge about history. Sorry, op.
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7.1. For my next trick, I'll blow your mind: Cortés was no big bad evil genocider. He wasn't a golden-hearted saint or saviour either. Frankly, I believe most people think he was similar to Christopher Columbus (of whom I don't know as much, but sounds pretty 100% evil to me with what I have) by default. I'm also very certain they watched the movie and took that version of him as a faithful representation, but in reality he was very different. He was short, he was slender, he was way more charismatic, way less solemn and serious, and he had the reputation of a womanizer. He committed atrocities, like torturing and murdering the last Huey Tlatoani for rumours (Jesus, the Cholula massacre), but he also treated most indigenous people with respect (when he wasn't pathologically obsessed with gold), he talked with Moctezuma as if he were his kin, he always tried to negotiate before grabbing his arms, he listened to and followed the advice of an indigenous woman (Malinche). And once he had done the deed, his reputation was sunk, he was stripped of most of his titles and compensation for what he had done (karma? Possibly), and he had practically no say in the new territories. He went there for the gold above all, and all the crimes he committed were in its name. But unlike Miguel and Tulio (this is the reason why they're not colonizers, only looters), he ALSO wanted to seize control of the land for the Spanish Empire. As an anti-colonialist Spaniard, I can't help boiling up in anger every time I see someone call Miguel and Tulio colonizers. They are NOT coloziners, just like we are NOT colonizers. Our country was, hundreds of years ago. The people who claimed that land as theirs and believed that gave them the right to exploit it for centuries were. And believe me, if we're still here and have descended from humble families for more than 5 centuries, none of our ancestors saw a single piece of gold.
7.2. This is part of a broader topic but Cortés acted in the name of the Spanish Empire, who, thanks to Queen Isabella the Catholic and the laws she passed, considered NA people as citizens of the Crown and therefore could not be enslaved (legally), not to mention genocided. Physically genocided, I mean, because the cultural genocide is undeniable. And still, while so many parts of so many different cultures disappeared, some things like the Maya and Nahua languages were kept. Even if little, that means something. I find some comfort in that, especially when you take a look at what happened to indigenous people in British colonies. In relation to this, there's this something that's been haunting Spain since a thousand years ago that gains relevance when talking about this, called the Spanish Black Legend. Basically anti-Spain propaganda coming from other European countries demonizing everything the country had done/does. It started out of rivalry and envy. Nowadays, it's hard to say. This is why Hernán Cortés is always seen as an evil genocider, but not other colonizers like Julius Caesar from the Roman Empire. It also makes my blood curdle because it sticks with us in the most annoying ways possible. While American people tend to think Spain is part of Latin America, European people tend to think we're dumb, don't know other languages apart from Spanish and only like partying, and our collective international sentiment, especially facing other Europeans, is often shame. Ashamed to say you're from Spain, because there's only so many "España mucho fiesta and siesta" a sane person can take from people who only come to your country to raise the living costs, drink, sunbathe and throw themselves off balconies to jump in hotel pools. Look "balconing" up. God I HATE British people. In any case, to wrap this up, this Black Legend is also why everyone believes the Spanish colonization was the same as the British colonization. By norm, the British predated, but the Spanish generated (in America, because the Spanish DID enslave African people), despite all the horrible things it did. Because it did them.
Lastly, and just because it was also part of op's response, I want to say that I have no opinion about what negative impact this movie could have in terms of being a version of the Colombian legend of El Dorado. I don't know anything about that. I don't understand it, either. If someone wants to explain to me in which specific ways making a movie like this about it could be harmful to anyone (not the legend in itself, I think you can see I know as much), please tell me so I can think critically about it and contrast it. But please, specify the harm and consequences so I can understand them.
Jesus, I'm tired, but I want to say you CAN dislike the movie. I don't give two floating specks of dust whether you do or don't. What I do care about is that most arguments people use to say so are wrong, or rather, lack historical knowledge to support them. Or rather, there is historical knowledge which flat-out cancels them out. There IS negative portrayal on the basis of unthoughtfulness (like Chel and the Aila test), but NEVER in a mean way. On the whole, it's not the unsalvageable blatantly racist skeleton that has to be kept in the closet under lock and key that some people think it is. And, by the way, I'm very curious about why I have yet to see the same discourse about Inca portrayal in "The Emperor's New Groove". Feel free to toss it my way in case it exists and it's just I haven't seen it yet.
If you've reached this point, congratulations. Here's a disturbing little fact about me as a reward: this whole fixation that I have started because in 2020 I had a dream about this Hernán Cortés and Tzekel-kan having sex.
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Meet the Mods!
(Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
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Hello world! This is my first time running anything other than a personal blog, so please bear with me djejjfjfjdjd
I go by Mod Meg, or Mod Diane! I'm twenty years old, and go by She/They pronouns!
This blog is for all my Adult Animation writings and headcanons, with a heavy focus on Adult Swim sources (What can I say, I got that Adult Swim autism.)
I focus mainly on X Readers, Headcanons, and shorter drabbles. Although I focus on X Readers, I'm definitely down for almost any character x character. I <3 crack ships so even if it's absurd gimme gimme. If I feel particularly inspired by your request, I may even write more for it!
I'm also a selfshipper and love sharing f/os! Don't be surprised if you see self-indulgent writings about my f/os lol. My carrd with my f/os, along with my kins can be found here: https://megzscribbleznwordz.carrd.co/
Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y-HsaWAuHxIraZFdWOtL3PsW9Fyy_urAUq65ktPfeEQ/edit?usp=sharing
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TERFS/Homophobes/Any phobia of any kind are and will always will be banned. Along with this, any pedophiles and bestiality is not allowed.
I am over eighteen, and am open to writing smut though admittedly have little experience with it. Requests are open but keep my slightly lower skill level in mind! All smut requests must have either a blog listed or be off anon. This is to ensure no minors read/request smut. All anon smut requests, or ones with no attached blog will be deleted!
I reserve the right to refuse any requests for any reason
I'm not putting any limits on the characters I write for, as long as any character with smut requested is 18+ in source!
I write platonic, familial, and romantic bonds! Just clarify which one you're expecting please!
Please include a purple heart (💜) Emoji in your ask if you want to be included in my tag list!
I tag posts based on source and content, if you want a specific character search for (Insert name here) X Reader or (Insert name here) Headcanons. Same applies to source!
Similar to my X Readers, any ships between canon characters will be tagged (Character A) X (Character B)
Smut is tagged minors dni and MDNI, please block these tags if you're a minor!
Listed below are the sources that I write for. I'm aware that some come across as silly, but I myself am silly so if you have a silly request hot damn is it gonna be silly.
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Moral Orel
The Venture Bros
Smiling Friends
Space Ghost C2C / The Brak Show
Your Pretty Face is Going To Hell
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
American Dad
Family Guy
The Simpsons
King of the Hill
Bojack Horseman
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defrostedvertebrae · 6 months
Hey, so originally I thought holothere was a term that excluded human-identifying individuals for the purpose of being a strictly not-human identifying term, but recently have been seeing posts under the tag saying otherwise and that one can use it while still identifying as human…
Could you clarify? I want to know if I should use the term or not and am very confused at this point.
It's strictly for physically non-human identifying individuals, however it presents.
The only way i could maybe see "while still identifying as human" is if we're talking about a system with an alter who is physically nonhuman while fronting, the other alters id'ing as human, or if we're talking about shapeshifting nonhumans, case in which though it's still technically physically nonhuman as humans don't well, transform into other things. Same applies for any other vatiation on humans, like ghouls, elves, or anything that is not human. Same way a Wolf is a non-dog, as close as they might be.
But even then, these examples are physically nonhuman.
Whatever other explanations, holothere by definition is for physically identifying individuals, however that presents, which would exclude fully identifying as human.
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estro-gem · 6 months
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This post is to clarify the rules and boundaries of this blog. Please take the time to read it, it's here to consider everyone's safety!
Ages and interactions (VERY IMPORTANT)
General content-related things
I may edit this with time.
Ages and interactions: No minors
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I don't want minors to interact with the content of THIS BLOG. Many stories and art have mature and suggestive themes that I am not comfortable to share with a young audience.
It is impossible for me know what age you are in reality, but I trust that you will respect my boundaries and refrain from interacting if this applies to you. I have some faith in humanity, please don't destroy it!
I'm not against minors using this platform! I see wonderful content shared from many talented individuals of all ages, but THIS blog isn't a safe place for children. I don't care "how mature you are for your age," or even if you think my content "isn't even that bad."
I am not comfortable with minors/children interacting on this blog. I won't be able to stop you from doing so anyway, but for what it's worth: Minors, DNI!
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You may ask me anything you want in the ask box, just please know that I, in turn, will respond however I think is appropriate.
Feel free to ask about my AU's and characters within them, like 'how would (character) react to (X)?' and 'what did you mean by (Y) in (title of story)?'
Go ahead and ask hypotheticals!
Asks about very personal info might not be taken seriously.
Asks about spoilers of ongoing works might be have fun hints or a joke instead of an actual answer.
Hate or rage-bait asks will most likely be ignored.
If you submitted an ask that you would like to take back or you would like to have ignored, send another ask to request for it!
By all means, though, have fun in the ask box, I'll answer as soon as I can!
General content-related things
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As mentioned before, I do not condone minors interacting with my content (especially the fanfiction I write). Tumblr is very vast and there's plenty of other safe spaces for kiddies to enjoy!
If you want to make fanart, ship various characters or even share headcanons and theories about my content, BE MY GUEST! I'M FLATTERED! Please tag me if you do~! Just be responsible when posting NSFW content, please, for your own sake!
Please don't steal my stories/art. It isn't even worth stealing, lol.
Let me know if I should tag something specific regard a post, like a "cw" or "flashing lights" or something; it just might slip my mind to add it.
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libellule-ao3 · 6 months
I just finished your fic, and I'm really bummed about the last chapter. I was hoping Ominis would grow up, and we'd finally get some healthy relationship vibes. But man, that ending is messed up! You gotta slap on some 'abusive relationship' tags and maybe drop an A/N to let the young readers know this ain't the kinda relationship to idolize!
Hello Anon,
I'm sorry to hear that you're disappointed and disturbed by the final chapter of my fic ("Obsession", I guess?). I knew an ending where Dark!Ominis isn't purified by redemptive love would receive a lukewarm reception tbh. But it's a conscious choice. Bc no matter how much you love someone, it's not enough to make them a better person if they don't do some proper work on themselves.
Yes, it's disturbing.
Yes, it's dark.
And yes, you're allowed to not like it 🙂
Secondly, I didn't include the "abusive relationship" tag because there are already several evocative red flags. Firstly, the title and tags (dark!ominis, possessive ominis gaunt, various dark themes, dub-con, ownership, manipulation...).
Then there's the summary, which ends with this sentence: "For Ominis, you must honour the promise he never asked of you. Whether or not you like it."
But as I changed it with publishing the last chapter, you may not have seen it. In that case, the last sentence of the 1st chapter clearly sets the tone: "You promised to give yourself entirely to me, so I will take everything from you and demand even more from you."
Finally, I clarified that Dark!Ominis implies a psychological darkness that is reflected in his actions. If these indicators weren't enough to let you know that the relationship is problematic and likely to remain so until the end, I don't think an extra tag will change anything. 🤷‍♀️
What's more, this story is published exclusively on AO3. It is rated "E"(= 🔞) and has the warning 🟧(=The author chose not to warn for content, or Archive Warnings could apply, but the author has chosen not to specify them). Therefore, any additional warning is purely a courtesy by the writer and not an obligation. So the reader accepts all the risks involved.
So, I'm sorry the ending messed you up, but YOU went into reading overtly dark smutty fiction with a dark main character. That's what you got!
Finally, I do not intend to normalise toxic relationships. (I'd do a more general post on the subject because it seems necessary!)
And, I don't think it's up to the authors of fanfic aimed at the over-18s to educate you. The readers of these fics are supposed to be able to understand and appreciate this content in a thoughtful way, which is why I won't infantilise them with the A/N you want.
Although I have to be open to constructive comments, I'd like to stress that I won't accept any criticism based on misinterpretations of my intentions based on containing one of my fic.
Thank you for your attention and for this message, to which I have replied in detail out of consideration for the opinion expressed, and not in a spirit of confrontation. 💐
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
hi all it's been a while and have lots of new followers since i've done this last. not my favorite thing to do but i do have to do it periodically. i will preface this with - i have been over this several times before and answered questions and clarified things before. if you have questions please check our about page and about tag before saying anything.
i respectfully ask that men do not follow this blog.
the reason i post and ask this is that i have far too many followers to manage that boundary by hand, i don't want to try to do that, and it's not even possible for me to tell from looking at peoples' blogs. this is a self-selection thing. if you disagree with this there isn't much i can do about it. i trust you all to make that decision, of whether this applies to you.
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ancientbygone · 1 year
intro post
Copper, 18 years old, it/its pronouns (he/him acceptable; no they/them). made this side blog as a contained space for my own Sleep Token art and ramblings and such first and foremost, as well as others' Sleep Token posts i like.
if you want to support me, consider donating: https://ko-fi.com/copper_sands
autism creature Vessel keychain preorder: https://ko-fi.com/s/3e86930c7f
the basics (racist/queerphobic/etc)
unmasking the band members
RPF supporters/creators
if you romanticize/glorify incest, zoophilia, sexual depictions of children, etc. (fictional or not, either way it's block on sight)
if you use, support, or in any way condone any use of generative AI (images, music, text, anything at all)
strictly/mostly NSFW blogs (if it's just occasional NSFW content that's chill)
taglist & more info under the cut:
DO NOT REPOST MY ART. if you wanna use it for non-commercial means, ask for permission & if allowed, credit me when used. if you wanna use it for commercial means, fuck right off.
my native language isn't english. if i fuck it up i fuck it up.
i do not ship the band members themselves or their stage personas and i find it uncomfortable in general (for myself). i know i listed RPF in my dni but i feel the need to elaborate that for the sake of personal taste, it applies to their stage presence, too.
adding onto the previous point, whenever i talk about the vessels in terms of lore/adjacent, i am talking about them as characters. always. this blog is not for speculating on their private lives, and if you do so, you will be blocked.
i'd prefer not to discuss any of the sexual connotations in the lyrics for my own comfort. i know they exist, i just prefer not to think about them for my own interpretations.
i would appreciate people not leaving NSFW comments on my art, especially the more emotionally heavy stuff, thank you very much! if you really Have to say something, please do it in a separate post or just in a place where i'm unlikely to see it.
even if i might tag my writing as "theories", they aren't necessarily intended as such. if anything, i'm telling a story of my own based on the lyrics. if you try to claim there is one correct interpretation and it's yours, you're getting blocked.
adding onto the previous point (x2), a lot of the time i interpret the lyrics in tandem with my personal life experiences. it will absolutely get a little too real here. if the subject matter is too heavy, it will be tagged with #[subject] and #[subject] tw.
let me know if you want/need me to tag anything specific! either in an ask or in my DMs. don't hesitate to reach out about that :]
in addition to everything, i will be posting about my Sleep Token D&D AU, which is as simple as it sounds and also not at all. it's also very removed from my "main canon" or most of the band IRL, so it's really just me (& @mapleborealis !) fucking around. also, unlike the "main canon", they are a polycule and all kiss with tongue /hj
blog tags (WIP):
#bygone art - my own art
#bygone talks - my ramblings & the more disconnected bits of writing/theorizing
#bygone writes - the more coherent writing/theorizing
#bygone lore - everything related to my version of the lore of Sleep Token, be it art, writing, or anything else
#bygone silly - my memes
#bygone shows - any post of mine related to a personal Sleep Token ritual experience (pics, rambling, etc)
#bygone footage - images/videos/etc of the band, mine or not (credited as much as possible)
#bygone beloved - posts i particularly like and want to archive, mine or otherwise
#bygone off topic - things vaguely related to sleep token or not related at all
#others' [___] - a post of any variety listed above, just made by someone else
d&d au:
#sleep token dnd and #dnd au - general au tags
#dnd au vessel/ii/iii/iv/etc. - character-specific d&d au posts
little clarifying moments:
#espera - tag for vesselettes (hopefully no maskless posts; won't call them vesselettes either)
#sleep token him - separate tag for whatever Vessel and Sleep were pre-Sundowning. you can glimpse more on that in my posts about it.
#sparrowverse (thank you @fivewholeminutes for the name) - everything related to the lore of a timeline alternate to my main lore in which each vessel of Sleep has to kill the one before them to assume their place. outlined in my fanfic "kill the sparrow". there isn't much to it right now but there might be more trust
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OK so I'm stupid and I was reading some things about RP etiquette, and I realized I never have said anything about certain things. So, let's clarify a few things (?)
I don't speak English. Yes I misspell some words in purpose but sometimes I don't realize i misspelled something until some time later. I apologize for some weird, hard to follow phrases. Sometimes I have to search how to say the simplest things(?)
This is a sideblog, and I think I haven't even tell you which my main is lol. It's @appatary8523 and I usually like from there. I don't usually follow RP accounts, but if you see a like or something, that's me (?) (I don't recommend you to follow my main, there's nothing interesting in there). Any pronouns for me is OK, in this Fortnite thing I don't have any specific nickname. Some call me Nolan, some call me Appa, both are OK. If you have a third one, we'll, just let me know you're talking about me (?)
I use (?) a lot. That usually mean something should be taken ironically, in a comedical or ironic way. If you get confused you know what it is, but I think I have controlled my urge to use it at the end of every sentence, I just think it's near(?)
Despite my Nolan baby being straight I have no problem with any other kind of interaction. Tease him, take him to his limit. I don't get annoyed when you annoy him, I think it's funny
I'm also open to shipping. I may be DiamondChance central but that doesn't mean I will force every Montague to interact and likeNolan (?). I'm open, I'll let my boy have fun with whoever crosses his way
This is stated in the pinned post but, still. As you've noticed by now I post a lot of sexual innuendos or innapropiate things. I try to keep things cool, and I tag most of the most suggestive things as #suggestive. If you see something you find uncomfortable don't worry, send me a message and let me know! I don't think I'll post straight up NSFW, if I do, everything will be tagged accordingly.
I'm an adult, I don't feel veeeeery comfortable having suggestive interactions with minors for OBVIOUS reasons. It's OK to tease Nolan, he may reply a thing or two, but, don't make it TOO weird/explicit/something. I'll ask your age (if you don't have it in your pinned) in case your muse wants one of those nasty things with Nolon. Any other interaction is OK.
Nolan is an ignorant and disrespectful slut who will say the meanest things. BUT that does not represent my opinion. If you feel I'm being to harsh with your character (or you feel it's a personal attack) let me know, I don't mean to cause you discomfort or hurt you.
Whatever canon Nolan did applies for my Nolan. He stole the slap juice vault? Yes. He's suspected for conspiracies surrounding loot llamas? Nobody has been able to prove anything. My headcanons are about his past (previous to his debut lol) and to his present, living in the C5S4 map lol
ANY interaction you have with this blog will be taken in character unless you start with the // or parenthesis or something that allows me to me know you are talking to me (Mun, Big Nolan). If you send me a message without any of those things, get ready to get a reply from Nolan (little Nolan (?)) .
If a post starts getting/is planned to get a bit long I'll most likely pick a title to it and tag it, so you can blacklist it. I know it takes lot of space in your dash. My apologies!
I don't hate you. If I don't reply or I don't send you starters or I stop answering something it's because I'M SUPER SHY. I apologize for that too, I just, have no idea of where to stop(?
And I think that's all? Sorry I just went like "Woah real" and I felt like to make this post. Sorry for all the weird Nolan posting things, sometimes I think of things and I go like "yea it fits him (?)"
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advertisesouls · 4 months
mobile friendly rules
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For starters, my name is Solar, I'm 32, and I use they/them for my pronouns! Thank you so much for taking an interest in Xifeng and my blog. As stated on my pinned post, I do not condone anything that V.ivziepop has done or continues to do and I consider myself to be unaffiliated with the fandom. In addition, my blog will likely always be a work in progress, so there might be things that change occasionally. if there's a major change, I'll be sure to make a post about it. Also, before you interact, you should note that there is a dead dove do not eat warning on Xifeng.
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general etiquette
The standard rules of RP apply here: no infomodding, metagaming or godmodding. I will not tolerate any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, acephobia, ace erasure, or other discriminatory behavior or language. In that same vein, I don't condone proshipping, and if you support it, then please do us both the favor and kindly hardblock me. I do not want to hear your justification as to why proshipping should be allowed on this, or any, platform. Since I use "dead dove: do not eat" for Xifeng, I'm obviously fine writing most dark topics, however I will not write anything involving incest, minors being harmed / abused / etc, or anything along those lines as those topics largely make me uncomfortable. Hardblock me if you condone writing these topics, thank you.
Update 7/1/2024: As I've recently had a spate of sexual themed asks thrown my way by anons that have made me largely uncomfortable given Xifeng's history and prior trauma, I'm going to have to ask for people to not sexualize my character. This includes, but is not limited to, calling her "mommy", asking her to step on your character, sending her sexual things (she's practically a married woman and is very monogamous even in Hell), etc. I do not want Xifeng's character to be reduced to essentially a sexual object, either, since she can, and will, show why she is Alastor's right hand woman without hesitation. Thank you for your understanding and also respecting this addition!
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my personal triggers / triggers in general
I must ask, for my own comfort, that if you'd like to follow me that you be mindful and tag for the following subjects: adultery/cheating/infidelity, domestic abuse, gaslighting, sexual harassment, and alcohol abuse/alcoholism (this is stemming from angry drunks — I am otherwise fine with casual drinks in threads.) Since I know that Hazbin Hotel has a ton of uncomfortable subjects and topics, I'd like to clarify that I'm fine interacting with those who may write Vox, Valentino, and other similarly written characters. I've been appropriately warned about them beforehand and am aware of how they act. I do not expect you to water them down when interacting with me, either. To go back to the dead dove do not eat warning I've been mentioning, Xifeng's story deals with parental abandonment from her father, her mother making ends meet with prostitution, being orphaned after her mother was murdered, attempted sexual assault from a stranger forcing himself on her, an accomplice to Alastor's serial murders, cannibalism, love as cannibalism, among other topics. Please keep in mind that if these, or other triggering, topics come up in threads that I'll be tagging for them accordingly!
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reply speed/etc
Besides that, please be mindful that I am only here to have fun. This is a hobby and will be treated as such. Please do not badger me for replies (a small reminder here and there is fine, however!) I suffer with chronic pain and fatigue and also have to be my mom's caretaker 24/7, so I may be away from my PC at times. I also suffer with ADHD, major depressive disorder, and general anxiety and my spoons are virtually nonexistent most of the time. As always, thank you so much for your patience.
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Please do not use me as a meme/aesthetic resource. Also, I'd prefer that if you don't intend on sending a prompt in to me that you reblog from the source instead. In addition, please do not drag me into drama as I don't have the time nor spoons for it. If there is someone that I'm interacting with that is a legitimate concern, please privately message me and I'll make my own determination from there. I'm pro-callout to a degree, but only when there's irrefutable evidence in the callout itself. In regards to shipping, I'm open for platonic ships (familial, friendly, antagonistic, etc) as romantic shipping is highly unlikely to happen due to how I romantically ship Xifeng with @praeteritus-memories' Alastor and we've plotted extensively for them to where I consider Lu's Alastor to be both a main and exclusive because of this.
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specific dni
Another thing that I would like to emphasize is if you interact with or condone the actions of the following, then please, hardblock me as well: aku, damon / omen / rxgelord (eyesofbluebitch/burnyoubastard), hearty, zero / kign typo, myers, loke / neku, & miles.
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dontlookheswatching · 8 months
(Note: I LOVE reblogs!!!!)
Hello hiiii I've been inactive for MONTHS, I kinda forgot I had a blog that's 'under construction' and I decided to add a info page about myself for now until I start posting doodles and such. I've been apart of the creepypasta fandom ever since the early 2000's, when it was first starting out and becoming popular, and I've decided to ACTUALLY become apart of it, as someone people may hopefully know and recognize me for by my art contributing to the community. I also have tags to help people move around my blog easier because I tend to reblog a lot. #gaymer art is any art I draw. #Gaymer ramble is when im talking about something. #Gaymer reply is when im replying to an ask. And lastly, #rb just stands for something I've reblogged. #gaymer writings mean something I've written, such as a short story. This blog will have quite gruesome/explicit themes at times. It's Creepypasta after all. I will mention things quite frequently like abuse, sex, and drug use. I will probably have art and posts that may hint at sexual themes/NSFW, but I will say I will not be posting actual NSFW art or writing on this blog. The most you might see in my art are hickeys an a characters neck or suggestive hand placement, nothing much more than that. My writing or other posts that aren't art may be more detailed about it, but again, I will not full on write the actual sex scene itself, only what would possibly lead up to it and afterwards. In a basic summary, if any of this makes you uncomfortable, I will be making a tag on my blog for this kind of stuff, you can block the tag or me in general, for your own comfort. I don't mind. I'd rather everyone be comfortable and sure of what they're looking at and expecting when scrolling through my blog or finding my things. I want to clarify even though these themes will be mentioned on my blog such as abuse or rape, I DO NOT support any of this, as a victim of a few of these things myself. Here's a list of things that will be mentioned or shown in art on my blog: -Abuse(Mental, physical, verbal, and child abuse) -Sexual assult/Rape -Sex -Drug use(Weed included in this category) -Self harm/Suicide -Violence -And possible extreme gore ---
-I am always open to dms, and I can also be contacted via discord!
-You can call me Max, friends can call me Ben, and I go by he/him. I don't mind other nicknames as long as they aren't insults ^^
-My requests and ask box will most likely be open 24/7, but as said in my bio, I'm a slow poster and It might be months in-between updates, maybe weeks if I have time, it usually depends on my schedule. I don't typically do writing prompts or anything like that, but there might be a few exceptions in the future -My main interests will not be fully discussed and addressed most of the time due to this being a Creepypasta blog but don't be shocked if you hear a reference, quote, or straight up topic about the following; •The Walking Dead •Wings of Fire •Spongebob(yes I still watch SpongeBob and I'll say it proudly ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹) •Stardew Valley •Music •Movies/Shows •The Legend of Zelda (I'm a huge geek so don't ask about it unless your fine with a REALLY LONG post-😅) •I have terrible memory so I have no idea what else to add so expect the unexpected I guess🤷
-If not already obvious, this blog will MOSTLY be Creepypasta, but don't be shocked to find something different😋
-Please dni if you; are transphobic/homophobic, disrespectful to ships that aren't popular, engage in politics, easily triggered by the themes that will be used in my blog(Drug/alcohol and sexual themes. I want you all to be safe and I don't want to cause anyone hard times with my blog) or rude in general. I want my blog to have a safe vibe where people can find enjoyment and comfort rather than aggression and forced opinions
-A few of my ships that might have you apply to my dni include Jeff and Ben (they're both adults in my au and hc's, please refrain from pushing your opinions and hc's onto me for this, thank you) and Liu and EJ. These will perhaps be the two main ones on this blog, but I have several others as well. I am a multishipper, and therefore fully support and like other ships, such as Toby and E.J, and it may be possible to find such art consisting of different ships throughout my blog. Again, please dni if you are against any of this.
If you have any questions about my blog or for me, don't be afraid to ask! Have a safe and wonderful day/night and take care, your all loved and appreciated by someone no matter what!❤️❤️❤️
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