#this became a complete ramble
ananxiousgenz · 3 months
hey so uh fun and friendly reminder that one of the things kayne refers to john as is "hastur's heart" and i um. that's just. damn. the fucking symbolism of it all
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mxtxfanatic · 6 months
Because I saw that 7seas released the first volume, I'm very curious of what you thought about the disabled tyrant's pet palm fish? I wasn't sure what your tag for it is, assuming you've posted about it here. If you have any thoughts I'd love to hear them since, as of this moment in time, I'm planning on picking up a copy next time I get the chance.
Of course you pick the novel I was conflicted about promoting LOL
So I read it and mostly liked it, like, a majority of the book is comedic and engaging. The beginning really gives a Cinderella-esque romance along with some mild court drama. Definitely a light read that won’t leave you too anxious or in suspense.
However I feel like ableism is baked into the plot in a way that becomes unbearably inescapable around the last 2-300 pages. It sat with me pretty unpleasantly that that love interest’s disability (mutism) is never accommodated in the entire story, not even by the people who love him in the setting, not even by his transmigrating husband who I know for damn sure knows sign language exists even if he doesn’t know it. They could have found some way to communicate with him that didn’t involve him mouthing words, writing, or having people just learn to read his micro-expressions, of which only one person can do so. I was willing to table these reservations because, despite the story pretending like disability accommodations don’t exist, the people who love this character never make him feel bad or less for it. Then those last few hundred pages hit…
Spoilers for some plot stuff: So the biggest issue for me that tipped the ableism into unbearable emerges with the sideplot of the main couple trying for another kid. MC wants a girl because they already have 4 boys (accidental quadruplets), only to discover that LI has been secretly taking contraceptives to prevent another pregnancy for fear that any pregnancy could result in a mute child, as he thinks his mutism is genetic. The couple end up having a good talk where the LI opens up about his insecurities about having a child like him because he knows how lonely it was growing up with his disability. But instead of turning this into a moment where MC could point out that their hypothetical disabled child wouldn’t be lonely because they would have a whole family who loved them—including a parent with the same disability—that LI should not have been isolated because of his disability, that he was the one who was failed not the failure, and that he (and their hypothetical disabled child) will be supported from now on, the author… has the MC agree and stop trying for a kid… Complete missed opportunity and waste of time in the long run, because not long after this it gets revealed that LI’s mutism isn’t genetic, which is why their 4 sons have no speech issues, and they go on happily to have their daughter. End Spoilers.
If you didn’t read the spoilers, then long story short: a side plot with eventual major implications for the main story arc treats preventing the birth of potentially disabled children as a reasonable thing because “those children will be isolated, otherwise,” while neglecting the idea that people—PARTICULARLY LOVED ONES OF THE DISABLED—can simply accommodate said disability. The story simply pretends as if accommodations for mutism do not exist in material reality or even as a concept.
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planetarythorns · 4 days
Every single time someone posts a 4th anni and Bloomfes prediction I die inside a little because something is usually off.
So welcome to my final anni prediction that I've been cooking for the past month and an explanation of my reasoning behind one or two minor massive things
The lineup (IF colorful palette stops chucking curveballs straight at our skulls this year) is going to most likely be An, Shiho, Airi, Ena, and Nene. This is assuming that leaders for anniversary are an every other year thing, and that members of 2nd anniversary cannot have a repeat appearance.
The only character that can possibly be contested is Ena, as Mizuki isn't entirely off the table, just unlikely with the likelyhood of Mizu5 being the next N25 event. (Mizuki being there instead of Ena would also fix the "issue" of this lineup being almost identical to 2.5 anniversary, with the only difference being L/N Miku being swapped for Airi, but eh.)
Now, that's the known part at this point. What people cannot decide on relatively unanimously is who tf is the 3 star. I've seen some people argue on the 3 star being Airi since she just had a lim focus not that long ago, but in my opinion:
The 3 star will most likely be Nene. This is because, if we look at the anniversaries past, the 3 star for an anniversary has been from the unit that gets the focus next anniversary. Anni1 had Kanade as a 3 star, and Anni2 was Mafuyu focus. Honami was the 3 star for Anni2, and Anni3 was Ichika focus. Obviously, this doesn't mean a pattern yet. But it's safe to assume that with Kohane as the 3 star for 3rd anniversary, 4th anniversary is going to be a VBS focus (Unfortunate I know, VBS fans can't catch a break)
So, why does that mean Nene is going to be the 3 star?
If we follow the pattern of the 3 star being from the same unit as the next anniversary's focus member, and assume that An is in fact the 4th anniversary focus, that means the only unit that will be without a focus for anniversary will be WxS. So ultimately, Nene will be the 3 star. (Additionally, if anniversaries are in fact alternating between leaders and non-leaders on lineup, that would mean 5th anniversary would be a Tsukasa focus. Not important to this, just something I find interesting.)
Bloom festival is a whole other clusterfuck. Rin and Rui are in desperate need of a lim, with Rin's last being from Let Your Song Resound, and with Rui's last being from Pandemonium. Rin is going to be on the banner as Bloomfes. One question comes to mind, though…
Will they let an OC be on an anni's banner as a fes card???? The only other time that's happened was 1st anniversary, with Miku and Ichika as colorful festival. The other two had Miku/Luka with Anni2 And KAITO/MEIKO for Anni3. So…it's ultimately unclear. The first Bloomfes being KanaMEI does give me hope that RinRui is possible, but there's truly no way to be sure.
If you read this far you're actually so awesome, ty for reading my 3 am word dump <3 Have a great day :3
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skymothkid · 1 month
it all makes too much sense
ok so I've been getting into the lore of sky even before the 2 embers trailers were released in sky fest but I just realised that auroras concert crosses over with the 2 embers a little too well. In one of the trailers you see that the dawns embers mom is suffering from a type a disease, and that would be the crystallization (that's what its called now according to my brain) that we get when we lose light from krills and crap like that. so in runaway quest when the boy comes back his mom kinda dies and she probably died to said darkness. And in the concert when we were fish or butterflies or whatever its back to how it was before in the trailer and it has the boat and everything. And the dusk ember he's in a fight in wasteland and we see that in the seed in the concert and the seed quest we see that too. Idk about the other 2 and maybe the through the eyes of the child song it may be about when these 2 children felt like before the darkness fell. And queendom may be about aurora and maybe she could've been queen before resh or something. I made up that last part as that was already a part of my lore. maybe I'm going crazy and I'm completely wrong but I'd just like to share with y'all and then move on.
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reineyday · 1 year
thinking about how steve was homophobic and misogynistic in s1 but they gave him a chance to be faced with a demogorgon when people needed help and he stepped up. everyone lauds him for that, and he's become a fan favourite. yet when billy, finally in his right mind after being possessed the whole season, gets the opportunity and chooses to do the same--stepping up to take a killing blow for el--people dont offer him the same grace? why. :(
the biggest (reasonable) argument is always 'billy dying was not a redemption' and it's not, you're right. steve stepping in to whack a demogorgon with jonathan's nail bat wasnt a redemption either; his redemption came with him apologizing to them both, and then working to show nancy that he's a better person as they deal with the fallout of s1, and being gracious about jonathan's presence in nancy's life. he got the chance to show he's changed and managed to redeem himself because he lived, and billy unfortunately didnt. but you cant deny that his final moments proved that the potential for him to change is there, and that makes a difference.
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dootznbootz · 8 months
I feel kind of bad about that post I made talking about how Odysseus would never sacrifice his family to save his own skin while I didn't give a name, I hope that person doesn't feel bad or that they get hate. As I don't want to gatekeep someone's interpretation of the Odyssey but also...while I guess you could claim that he would do that, there's so much MORE evidence as to how he would literally rather be stabbed than see his wife and son have even a splinter
Her rejecting him at first put him in a bad position. Honestly, in an alternate universe, where she didn't accept him or trick him that night, I think the poor guy would've cried himself to sleep again in that separate cot. He'd probably cry to Athena and ask if he did something wrong.
It would probably be an "awkward morning" of Odysseus and Penelope silently doing their things (not bringing up suitors' parents right now. And Odysseus would probably tell Telemachus to not say anything stupid.) and eventually, everything would bubble up out of Odysseus and honestly, I could see him straight up begging her to accept him. Not even caring about how he appeared to others.
Honestly, if she DID take a lover in that time...I think he'd either accept it and just...wander? Around Ithaca as a beggar as he doesn't want to be away from them but if they won't accept him, what else can he do? OR if she had another lover, (War flashback of the shitty retelling where Penelope has an affair) he'd probably kill the lover as let's be honest, Odysseus is basically a Yandere, to put it simply. Touch the wife, you get the knife.
And yeah, he doesn't JUST want his family.
"Oh, he wants to not be in constant danger."
"He just wants to go back to Ithaca."
"He wants to be king again."
Boy howdy, he sure does!!! But if, for example, Penelope and Telemachus for some reason moved to somewhere else? IDK, AU where they permanently moved to Sparta, hanging with Helen and Menelaus, and she didn't remarry or something. He'd be like "Shit, okay, BRB." And go to them. He'd probably have them all go back to Ithaca but still, THEY ARE HIS HOME. They make Ithaca home. Any place is home as long as he has them.
Despite having the opportunity to wed the most beautiful woman in the world, he took the Oath so then he could marry Penelope. And even then, it wasn't "for sure" as he had to race her dad. He did so much simply to have the CHANCE to marry her even though he probably wasn't planning on getting married as he brought no gifts. And he did so much so then he wouldn't have to leave the life they had built together and their young baby.
He could've had ANYONE. Went ANYWHERE. Did ANYTHING and he still wanted THEM.
Like??? Holy shit. This guy would do ANYTHING for them. I mean that's kind of why he's considered to be so "scummy" in how ride or die he is for them and basically a bitch to everyone else. That's what makes him SO different from many of his peers.
Person: Would you rather have your family- Odysseus: Family, always. Person: I didn't even say it yet- Odysseus: I don't fucking care. Always family. Person: Even if it meant you got immortality and a hot goddess for a wife? Odysseus: You act like that's a good thing? That was literally torture. Fuck you. I already have a hot Water Wife™ that I get the privilege to drown in every day. She gave me a wonderful Water Son™ who is the light of my eyes and who I am more proud to be the father of than I am of being the son of an Argonaut Person: Even if I give you a million dollars? Odysseus, acting nonchalant while Penelope picks the person's pockets: As if we can't get that on our own. Person: You'd die? Odysseus: I'll set myself on fire if I have to. Person: ...Okay, new question. Would you rather lose your family- Odysseus: The other option. Always. Person: Even torture? Odysseus: I never said I would like it, just that I would do it. Person: Even yeet a baby?! Odysseus: I'll punt the baby if I have to. It's not like I wanna but I gotta do what I gotta do.
And so on and so forth. You GET IT.
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jemichiart · 4 months
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From time to time people ask for a reference image of Hamramon, so it's high time for me to draw him a proper reference sheet!
I've had him since 2005, and I've made plenty of art of him since then, so I already know his design by heart, but this should be useful for anyone else that wants to make art of my boy. ^^
And just because I feel like it, here are some little images of him cropped from art that's over ten years old now:
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bunnihearted · 3 months
girl seriously read up on some emotional intelligence. this self loathing angsty shit is NOT CUTE! the only men you are attracting are ones that will take advantage of you. you should be comfortable alone!! you are the catch!!
im confused bc im not trying to be cute for u....? im venting... and if u dont think that or who i am is cute then that just means we're different ppl. like when i see someone be self loathing and angsty i dont think mean thoughts abt them, idk my brain just isnt wired to be irritated w ppl for what i think is "living incorrectly". also i do read sm, i read abt everything bc the psychiatric system wont help me even when i've contacted them once a month now for 8 months. but no matter how much i read i cant rewire my brain. plussss loneliness affects and damages your psyche.... thats a real thing actually 🥴 anyway... whatever i didnt know what to say to this so i just started rambling.. my bad 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Crafting a world is os fun. At first it was gonna he a grey hellscape and it still is but now if you dig the stones are colourful and if you look in the right dusty crevices there are corals. And there's possums. Because if course there's possums. sometimes an alive god nearby glances at this dead one and the dead god cries
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not to be the guy to compare two popular new netflix shows to each other, but y'know what? yeah, i am a little upset that wednesday is more popular than 1899. don't get me wrong, i don't hate wednesday, i did genuinely enjoy watching it, but 1899 changed me. it left me thinking about the story and the characters and the mystery. what we know, what we don't know, what's gonna happen. those are all things a good mystery show makes you think about. wednesday didn't make me think about any of that.
wednesday is a fine show. but i think it's getting all the extra hype that 1899 actually deserves.
plus 1899 has more languages and andreas pietschmann, so like-
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kotaerukoto · 3 months
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chat I'm asking this seriously genuinely for realsies what did Junko mean by this
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wickershells · 4 days
sorry to be one of these people but. if you watch more than two films a day do you pay attention to what it is you're watching. can you digest them a little bit
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duskwod · 4 months
what the sneef... I'm snorfin here...
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mnonep · 5 months
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Hopefully I'm not too late but I did the dialogue meme as well o3o)7 such a fun and cool template by cereovo!!
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lazaruspiss · 3 months
sometimes i just remember that im liable to get like. weirdly personal on this blog. my sibs are blocked on here but not my main so like. if i wanted to cry out into the void it would probably end up here? weird thought. i have many weird thoughts tbf.
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tariah23 · 4 months
They’re still on Twitter calling Naruto the worst mc out of the big three simply because he was having panic attacks over Sasuke and gazing up at the stars thinking about him I see.
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