#this became a ramble and i hope I kept to my points
mephestopheles · 4 months
Dear gods I love this season of d20. Junior year is just *chef's kiss* fantastic and full of so much anxiety. I keep thinking about Kristen and Cassandra and their relationship. Kristen from the first episode, or maybe the second after she met Helio has spent a lot of time with doubt as her constant companion. She didn't know if she was meant to be Helio's chosen, or that he was worthy of having a chosen. Her doubt led her to studying more, and opening up to philosophy and different points of view.
Creating Yes! was an attempt to find or create her own surety. How can she doubt a god that is just "yes!". But she still doubted, she still questioned everything.
This got long, the rest is under a cut!
And that makes sense, everything her family, her church told her was a lie. It was a perversion of truth to fit their ideals of who is Correct and therefore Good and Deserving, and those who are Wrong, and therefore Bad. And if the "bad kids" actually go out of their way to help people and don't judge anyone for their beliefs or punish others for their failings, then why are they considered "bad".
Of course finding a goddess of twilight and mystery and doubt, makes so much sense for Kristen. With the tools she learned from her friends, those "bad kids" to reach out and not judge, she saved Cassandra.
However, she hasn't saved herself. She's still lost in her own doubt. Tracker has left, amicably or not, that has hurt Kristen, and she's not innocent either. Kristen had a part to play in that relationship splitting, but she's definitely crumbling at this point.
What drew Kristen to Cassandra was her doubt, was her questioning. Her fear and her loss of all those connections that grounded her at the beginning of freshman year. And while Cassandra is correct, Kristen is not alone even in the dark, that Cassandra is there with her, holding her hand (which is such a good line, Brennan omg!) Kristen is having trouble believing in anything.
She believes in Cassandra. Full stop.
Kristen doesn't believe in herself. And she doesn't know why Cassandra believes in her.
It's that ADHD thing, where you feel like you're constantly fucking up in everyway and it's just a matter of time before you fuck up that this person is going to see how much you actually suck as a person. No matter how much you want to stop fucking up, subconsciously speed running it at least accomplishes two things. One) self sabotage gives you an outcome you already know the steps for and the sense of control (false or not) is at least enough to make it feel like a safer choice. Two) it's going to suck when the person you're trying to impress/has control over your grades/ is somehow in a position of authority that believes in you, finds out you are messy, and a failure, and are useless, but at least if they find out fast, you don't have to keep some ruse up.
Kristen isn't conscious of this decision making. Take it from someone who's done it enough to realise that this is what is happening in the background. It sucks so much, and when you don't know you have ADHD it's worse, because all of those are now personal failings.
So of course Kristen has no idea how to relate to Cassandra as anyone other than "the next person I'm going to fail". And she has no idea how to proselytize for any god outside of Helio, and that kind will not work to bring followers to Cassandra. Moreover, Kristen's entire relationship with Cassandra is based on doubt. So while Kalina is correct that promoting the powers found in twilight and mystery, that's not what Kristen sees.
She's still very much a prophet of Helio in Cassandra's robes. She's still using the same kind of spells, and she's so caught up with "how do you show others that doubt is a good thing" that she doesn't see the other options.
And unfortunately that means she's failing, and she feels it. And that doubles her terror. And that's not even including the whole "you're dangerously close to being expelled." Like this would be the instance to literally beseech your god and admit your fear and doubt and Cassandra would understand and would probably be empowered by that connection. It would have the reverse effect with Cassandra than other gods, she gains from doubt and mystery, and Kristen sharing her fears and not knowing how to share Cassandra could be such a good thing for both of them.
But Kristen was raised in an environment where doubt was punished. That was unfortunately reaffirmed by walking away from Yes! because in her mind her doubt of Yes! and that deity's death is her fault because she doubted.
But doubt isn't the reason Yes! died. Yes! died because it was the manifestation of belief in a liminal space by a questioning teen, and should not have had the ability to substantiate something, and wouldn't have been able to outside of the very specific circumstances of a Beardsley nat 20, and the power funnel of a self resurrection. Kristen didn't believe in Yes! Never did. She created it and in that instance stopped believing in it. Yes! Had a slow death of "this is not what I wanted but I don't know how to say that".
I don't know how this is going to turn out for either Kristen or Cassandra, and I'm hoping that there's going to be a reckoning for them, and maybe an understanding between them. Like both are so traumatized. Cassandra is traumatized for losing so many followers to Galicaea and other deities.
So of course she's going to be that much more fixated on getting more followers and making sure that Kristen hadn't left for her girlfriend's goddess. (Ex or otherwise).
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spencerswh0re · 7 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
A/N - HI!! i love love love spencer reid and i spend most of my time reading fanfics of him, so i thought i would give writing some of my own a shot! this is my first fic (recently, i used to write wattpad fics when i was like 12) so bear with me :))
word count - 1,482
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞, 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬, 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐀𝐔, 𝐚 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟.
spencers life had been hard. there was no point in sugar coating it, he’d been through a lot. being kidnapped, developing a drug addiction, his girlfriend being killed directly in front of him and being to prison were only a handful of the things that had gone wrong in his life. and even after all of this trauma, he still managed to stay the same person. or atleast, mostly the same person.
one big thing had changed after prison and his encounters with cat adams. spencer had always been a hopeless romantic, he dreamed of the day he would meet a nice woman, settle down with her, and live out the life he had always wanted. but after dealing with some confusing feelings for a hitman, he had started to lose hope in ever finding love.
spencer was a 39 year old man, and he had still not found his perfect woman, he was starting to think she didn’t exist.
this was why he gave up. he stopped dating, stopped blushing and stammering whenever he met an attractive woman, and instead, he became charming. it became a common occurrence for spencer reid to spend his evenings in the bar, wooing a woman back to bed with him. he would bid them farewell the next morning, and that would be that. and it worked, it kept him satisfied, for a while.
until it didn’t.
the day you walked into the bullpen of the BAU, things changed for spencer reid.
you were beautiful, easily the prettiest girl he had ever seen, you were young, and had this innocence about you, he knew, from the very beginning, that he wanted you.
it was barely a week after you started on the team when spencer realised why he was so attracted to you.
the team was on the jet home from your first case, it had been a relatively easy one, they had caught the unsub in 2 days, and saved his final victim.
“we shouldn’t even be flying in these conditions” rossi had complained, referring to the heavy rain and strong winds “what if we get struck by lightning?”
just as spencer was about to spit out a random fact about flying during lightning, you beat him to it.
“actually, aircraft’s are designed to deal with lightning strikes, modern planes are designed to spread electric currents through the fuselage and funnel them out through the tail, bypassing the plane interior entirely. the last major accident occurred in 1967, when a stray strike caused a poorly-designed plane’s fuel tank to explode, so even if we were to be struck, which is highly unlikely, we’d be perfectly fine” you had rushed it out quickly, and spencer could tell from your blushing cheeks and shy smile that you were embarrassed over your rambling.
“sorry” you said, quietly, looking down at your hands in your lap.
“hey, reid, it seems y/l/n is a mini version of you, maybe we’ll have to replace you” emily had said, laughing lightheartedly. spencer, however, was stuck in place, eyes locked on you. he couldn’t believe it, he had found out earlier in the week that you were 24, just out of the academy, but you had been put straight into a specialised unit based off of your impressive qualifications. he realised, in that moment, that he didn’t just want you in the way he wants other women, he wanted you for real, he was falling for you.
the plane ride went painfully slowly after that.
a few months later, nothing had changed, except for the fact you had made it more and more difficult for him to keep away from you. ever morning, you would walk straight over to his desk, wishing him a cheery "good morning!" before perching yourself down next to his files and asking him about his night.
he had never been one to talk to his co workers about his sex life, but sometimes he would make an exception, because at least he had stories to be telling, but recently, there hadn't been anything to tell.
the night that they got back from your very first case, the team had gone to the bar to celebrate, after everybody had left, he made his was to the bar for one final drink, and to choose his target for the night, however, his plans had been ruined, when he'd seen you, across the bar, talking to some guy. spencer held back a scoff, he was obviously an asshole, he was tall (yet, not quite as tall as him) and buff. you were clearly feeling uncomfortable, and he knew that you had had one too many, and you weren't in the right state of mind. he walked over, told you it was time to go home, and got you in his car.
you were asleep before he could ask for your address.
after fighting with himself a little, he eventually decided to take you back to his place, you took the bed, he took the couch.
after that night, he hadn't been able to be with anybody else, he hadn't wanted to be with anybody else.
"oh, you know, same old, what about you?" he responded.
"nothing much really, um.. I actually wanted to talk to you about something.." you told him
shit. now he was scared, had he done something to make you upset? had he made his feelings for you too clear and made you uncomfortable? had he-
"I uh- I noticed your spock pop figure on your desk, i've got the entire Star Trek box set at home... I was wondering if you might wanna come over? we can get something to eat, maybe get to know each other better?"
he didn't know what to say, this was y/n y/l/n, the girl he had been pining over for months, and she was asking him out? of course he wanted to say yes, that much was obvious, but he hadn't been in a real relationship since maeve, and even that didn't really count.
you were young, and so innocent, he was tainted, his hands were dirty, his mind haunted by the things he had done in prison, he didn't want to corrupt you.
you obviously took his silence as a no, and quickly jumped back in.
"if not that's totally fine too! I just thought it might be fun"
and just as he was about to politely reject you, he looked into your eyes.
innocent, yes. but there was something else, something that reminded him an awful lot of a feeling he had never truly felt. love. he knew then what he had to do.
"that sounds like fun, y/n, ill come over tonight at 6:00?" he responded with a smile.
"yes! yes! my address is 16 cornelia street, apartment 17."
"excellent, ill be there" he said
and he was.
at 5:57, he was waiting outside of your door, holding a bunch of flowers, and wearing an outfit he had spent far to long picking out. he knew it was a casual thing, and he knew you would just be staying home, so he decided to wear something he had never worn before. sweatpants. he had gone to the store to buy them immediately after work. along with a baggy Star Trek t shirt.
when he finally gathered up the courage to knock, you answered almost immediately, and he was speechless.
you looked beautiful, you were wearing a pair of white sweatpants along with a tight grey vest top, your hair was down, and you were wearing an adorable pair of bunny slippers.
when he finally snapped out of his trance, he stuck the flowers out in your direction with a quiet "these are for you"
your response came quickly, and with a smile "they're beautiful, spencer, thank you. I ordered chinese food, i hope that's alright" you said as you walked into the kitchen to find a vase.
not as beautiful as you. he wanted to say, but he settled for a shy nod and a smile instead.
after dinner, the two of you took a seat of your couch and began watching the first movie.
he wasn't satisfied.
he moved a little bit closer.
still wasnt enough.
he considered pulling out the cringey yawning trick, but decided against it, instead, deciding to touch your pinky with his own.
still, not quite enough.
towards the end of the first movie, you mored close enough so that you could put your had on his chest.
"is this okay?" you whispered, so quiet he could hardly hear you over the TV.
"more than okay" he whispered back, putting his arm around your shoulders to keep to close.
he realised, right there in that moment, that he was done with the girls, and the bars, this, right here, with you in his arms, was exactly where he was supposed to be.
A/N - OKAY!! the ending was slightly rushed, I'm sorry, but I'm very very tired and I have class tomorrow, but I wanted to get this done. if you liked it, let me know, send me requests if you want <3
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lostinforestbound · 3 months
I kept thinking about this so I just had to write it out! I also made a little blurb under the cut with a gn!Tav. Let me know your thoughts and feel free to add on!
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Rolan with Early Greying Hair
When he discovers his first grey hair, he's almost devastated.
He's still young, he isn't supposed to greying yet, but it seems the stress of everything he's gone through is catching up.
At first, he started plucking them out when he spots them, willfully trying to ignore the fact he's greying at all. When plucking became a little painful, he tries a little bit of dye instead.
Unfortunately, the dye he used changed the texture of his hair to the point it was noticeable, so he ended up washing it out.
They're more visible on the sides of his temple, so he shifts his hair more loosely in hopes of hiding them.
Of course he's insecure about it! What in the hells will Tav think of it? No doubt they would find it unattractive!
One day, as he shares a bath with them, they finally notice them as they wash his hair.
He feels them gently pull his hair back to get a better look, and he immediately thinks of the worse case scenarios.
He'll speak up, going on a small ramble of how he's tried plucking them out but they keep coming back. He'll promise to find proper dye to hide it better.
He's shocked when he turns his head towards them and see a light blush on their face.
"I actually think it's attractive. Grey looks wonderful on you," They say. He would genuinely think they're joking, but they seem utterly sincere.
Bonus Points: Tav reveals their own gray strands from the stress of their adventure.
The sigh of relief that comes out of his mouth made him realize how tense he was about up until this moment. It embarrasses him how worked up he got over it.
He's still desirable to them; he's always been desirable. He just got too wrapped up in his own anxiety.
Maybe he should stop worrying about how he looks and realize Tav loves him, grey hairs or not. They seem to love the greys, and that's all he needs.
Writing Blurb
Even as Tav massages his shoulders, he can't make himself relax in the hot water he drew up for the both of them.
He's tried everything he could to mask what he identifies as his shame; plucking, dyeing, wearing his hair a different way, but nothing can ever hide the fact that he's greying already.
Gods damn it all, he's still young! At least young enough that greying at his age is strange. His life has been absolute hell, no pun intended, and now it's hitting him with another problem, and he can't catch a break. Of all the hurdles that could possibly be in his way after finally living comfortably, this is the one life decided to throw at him? Absurd! Horrendous!
Tav doesn't know about the greys, and he's worried about them finding out. What if they don't find him attractive because of those pesky hairs refusing to disappear?
He doesn't even notice Tav pausing as they pull his hair back. When he does, he sees them looking at the sides of his temple; his anxiety spikes in that moment. "I've tried plucking them, but they keep on returning," He rambles immediately, trying to salvage Tav's nonexistent disappointment. "The dye I tried almost ruined my hair. I'll look for a better quality one, and then they will-" "Rolan, I love them." Tav interrupts him with a smile, face flushed. The water splashes from how fast he shifts in the basin, staring at them in shock. They continue on, running his fingers through his hair to get a better look and using their other hand to cup his jaw. "Grey looks great on you."
He leans into their palm, sighing. "I thought you would be...I don't know," he says with a small huff, eyes fluttering close. "I find it hot." That makes him bark out a laugh. "Must you always be so vulgar?" "Calling something about you 'hot' is not vulgar! Prude." They tease, kissing his forehead and then his nose, finally landing on his lips afterwards. There will probably be a longer conversation about his previous insecurity when they get to bed, but for now, he knows just how loved he is, greys and all.
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maidragoste · 2 years
I wish that too
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra) x Aegon II Targaryen
Masterlist Serie
Part 3 Part 5
sorry for the delay in updating. Thank you very much for all the support, for the votes, the reblogs and the comments remember that my inbox is open so you can ask me questions or tell me your thoughts on this series. you can also ask me to write something else
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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"What are you reading?" you asked breaking the silence.
You were in your brother's chambers, Aegon. There wasn't a day when you didn't visit him, you always made time to see him or sometimes you forced him to take a walk with you and the children in the gardens, of course, you did this only when the king or your husband was not with you.
"About Daenys the Dreamer"
"Is it interesting?" you inquired hoping your brother will talk to you more. You remembered when he was younger and rambled excitedly about the stories your parents told him. But now you hardly listened to him speak, after your mother's death Aegon had become a quiet child. If you could you would take away all the pain. You were sad that your little brother had to see the horrors of war, he was too young to have to see his family die.
"You can't marry him," said the boy calling your attention "We can escape in your dragon" he kept talking surprisingly to you even more because it wasn't a secret that since he saw Sunfyre burning your mother he didn't like dragons anymore. He tensed up whenever he heard or saw a dragon. He even refused to spend time with the dragon egg you gave him. So for him to propose escaping with your dragon he really didn't want you to marry the king.
"Egg, I have to do it" you tried to caress his face but he pulled away from him and glared at you.
"He killed our mother" he slammed the book shut "You should hate him. You should want him dead. You should fight him but you don't do anything. You just sit next to him at dinner and walk around the gardens. Did you do the same at war while my father, mother, and Jace fought?" As he spoke his breathing became more and more labored. It seemed that at any moment he would burst into tears and all you wanted to do was take him in your arms but you knew he would reject you.
You wanted to tell Aegon that you wish you had fought with your family. Tell him how you thought more than once about getting on your dragon and going to fight together with Jace. How you dreamed of seeing him again, of hugging him and seeing his smile. In your dreams, your brother always welcomed you with open arms. But that never happened, you never left the castle, you never went looking for it. There was no point in telling Egg that because it wouldn't change anything. Your family is still dead and you are still the traitor, the idiot, the coward who did nothing during the war.
"If Jace was here he would be avenging mother" you heard him mutter.
"It doesn't matter because Jace is dead"
"I wish he was here and you were dead"
Your little brother's words didn't hurt you. If you could take the place of Jace, Luke, Joffrey, or Viserys you would without hesitation. Your brothers did not deserve that tragic end. You got goosebumps remembering how each one died. They had a lot ahead of them. Jace would have been a good king, Luke sooner or later would have learned to sail a ship without getting seasick and would have become a worthy heir to the Driftmark, Joffrey and Viserys were just children.
"I wish that too" the words came out of your mouth without even thinking about it.
Aegon looked at you with wide eyes. He wasn't serious. He loved you. He had only gotten carried away by his anger, he wanted to see your reaction, he was tired of seeing you so calm as if the death of the whole family had not affected you. But he never thought you would tell him that. He never thought you were keeping your pain to yourself.
"I wasn't serious," he said with a broken voice "I don't want you to die. I swear", I hugged you tightly feeling terrible for having made you believe otherwise "I love you"
"Shhh, Egg," you said lovingly as you stroked his hair "Okay, I know you're just mad"
"No, it's not okay" Aegon denied "I'm so sorry. I don't want you to die. I don't want to be alone" it broke your heart to hear the desperation in his voice.
"Listen to me" you took his face in your hands "You're not alone, Egg. I won't let anyone take me away from you or hurt you" you promised with total seriousness "For that I need to be queen. I'm getting married to keep the peace but also to keep you safe, do you understand?" he nodded "I love you" you kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly.
You woke up screaming feeling your skin burning, but I knew it wasn't true that it was just a product of your nightmare… You weren't burning and your mother hadn't ordered Syrax to kill you. It had only been a dream but you could still hear his voice calling you a traitor.
"Hey, hey. It's okay, you're safe" Aemond said taking you into his arms and you clung to him. You're sure you were holding his arm too tightly but he didn't seem bothered by that "Come on, breathe with me, love" your husband's soft voice comforted you as did his arms. "Inhale" he took a deep breath and waited patiently to see you do the same, he saw how your chest inflated "Exhale" you two let out their breath together. Repeated the same exercise again until the prince remembered the presence of the guard "All right, Ser Fell. You may withdraw."
"Good night, prince, princess," the guard said before leaving.
You had not realized that the guard had entered. You shouldn't have been surprised to see him. Ever since your engagement to Aegon was announced, you've always had a member of the royal guard behind you. Today it was Ser Willis Fell's turn to guard your door. Clearly hearing your screams had entered your room in search of an intruder. You felt ashamed. Soon you would be queen and here you were screaming from a bad dream like you were a little girl again. You were hoping you hadn't woken the whole castle.
You also didn't realize that Baelon and Aemon were awake. Your screams woke up the children. They were crying now, clearly scared and upset that you interrupted their sleep. You feel guilty.
"I'm sorry" you let go of Aemond, you noticed your fingernail marks on his arm "Could you hold Aemon while I held Baelon?" you asked and were about to get out of bed when the prince took your face in his hands.
"You have nothing to apologize for or to feel ashamed of" he declared and hoped you could see that he was speaking with total sincerity "I am your husband, I am here to support you. Never be afraid to show your fears to me. I am here" I kiss your forehead.
"Thank you" in another moment you would have smiled when hearing his words but now you felt discouraged. Still those words meant a lot to you, they gave you security and comfort, so you kissed him hoping to convey your feelings. "Now let's calm down those beasts before they wake up everyone"
They both got out of bed and went to the twins' crib. You couldn't help but snort as you watched Aemon quickly seem to calm down just by being in his father's arms. Just as you were about to lovingly complain about how unfair it was that you're going to carry your baby for 9 months and then be a daddy's boy, Aegon, Jaehaera, who was clinging to her father's hand, and Egg just walked into the room. What surprised you the most was seeing your younger brother behind the king.
"Everyone is fine?" asked the king looking at you and Aemond carefully in search of any injury or something out of place. You noticed how Egg also did the same "We were worried"
"We heard your screams" Jaehaera added sadly.
"I'm sorry" you apologized as you rocked Baelon trying to calm him down "I didn't mean to wake you up or scare you. I just had a bad dream"
"Oh, mom used to sleep with me when I had nightmares. That made me feel better" said the little girl letting go of her father's hand to get closer to you and Baelon "We can sleep with you so you feel better" you decided to sit in one of the armchairs so she can see her cousin better.
"I think this is a good idea. So you're not alone ”said your brother speaking for the first time since he had entered the room. Aemond raised an eyebrow at your brother, feeling a little offended that he thought his company of him and wasn't comfortable enough for you. But then he felt like an idiot when he saw the boy's eyes and realized that Egg was actually afraid, afraid that something would happen to you if he lost sight of you.
You looked at Aemond to see if he had any complaints but your husband just nodded seeing no problem, if being around the kids made you feel better then he wouldn't deny you.
"Fine, we can have a sleepover" it wasn't enough for you to say more words for the king to order the guard to bring another mattress.
Then Aemond as he watched the servants arranging the mattresses on the floor and putting on the sheets realized that you weren't looking at him because of the children. You looked at him to see if he was okay with Aegon, the king, sleeping with you. Your bed was big enough for the two of you and the two children but not big enough for one more adult.
He was furious and was about to kick his brother out of him until he saw how relaxed you were as he took Baelon. Baelon finally seemed to calm down and he was afraid that if he took Baelon out of the king's arms his son would become hysterical again. Besides if he made a scene he would ruin everyone's mood. You were smiling as you listened to Jaehaera and Egg argue over which tale is better to tell Baelon. He decided to ignore his anger and join in the conversation, sitting next to you. You leaned your head on his shoulder and smiled at him. A part of him was afraid of your closeness to Aegon but he knew you still loved him. I could see it in your eyes.
The next day when Alicent was looking for her children and her granddaughter, they informed her that they were in your rooms. She went there and entered quietly. She found two mattresses on the floor and all the last Targaryens sleeping together. Aemond was sleeping on your left, hugging you, you were in the center with your brother sleeping on top of you, Aegon was on your right, his face was hidden in your neck, and one of his arms was tightly hugging Jaehaera, who was sleeping on top of him, and with the other, was hugging you, but also Aemond. They were all well glued. Alicent smiles at the scene. It was bittersweet. A part of her was hopeful, she believed that her family and the kingdom would find peace but the other felt resentment at the thought of her sweet Helaena, she had never seen Aegon so happy and comfortable with her and Jaehaera. Why couldn't it have been like this with Helena? What was so special about you that Aegon would settle down and start acting like a decent man?
She sighed and felt like someone was looking at her. She turned her head slightly to find Aemon sitting in her crib in silence. She walked over and took him in her arms. She checked to see that Baelon was still sleeping before heading to the door.
"Do you feel left out? It's okay, we can have breakfast together" Alicent said as she left the room.
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@serendippindots @ultraviollett @akinatrix @papery-maniac @merovingianprincess @hnybitches @m1ndbrand @giulia2372
@blubird592 @alexa4040 @noisyinfluencerstrawberry @bajadotcom @woodandwaxwings @idkjj04 @yor72 @mendes-bae
@lj127 @sustisama @imjustboredso
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dollya-robinprotector · 8 months
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I'll have a little look back and remember how I came up with this current Sona design. The me of 2021 definitely would look at this and go "WTF???". When I search and place old drawings side by side for comparison, It's really been a process of changing my perspective on myself and constantly finding what I want.
It'll be very random and full of my old drawings, so if you don't mind a little rambling, welcome to go under the cut and go back in time with me!
Let's start with this design. As you can clearly see it was based on how I actually look irl, from the outfit, hairstyle to make-up.
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Tbf this was not my first attempt to create a Sona, but it was a huge milestone because it's 2018, the year I got into my dream Art university and left home. My style completely changed, and this Sona showed it perfectly.
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I drew this with my fingers, on my broken phone, to enter a Vietnamese clothes design competition, where we modernized some traditional clothes. What I did here is a modernized Nhật Bình. I won and got my design made into real clothes and sent to me. I'm still proud of it to this day XD
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It was fun! I draw her almost daily, like how I do with Lya and Lyah in this blog. I used her to make friends with other artists. I even created a gender-bent version for her : D
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But the uni life was stressful, especially when I entered my third year and tried to escape my parents' grasp. They were furious and threatened me, I started working extra and do commission to pay for my own living and rent, lessons were hard, and homework and projects were pilling,... As a result, I often use my sona to stress draw.
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It didn't help much, my anxieties and insecurities kept adding to the molten fire inside me, and my overthinking got worse day by day.
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But then at some point, I decided to separate myself from that sona. She turned into one of my many OCs, maybe more special but I no longer see my entire self in her anymore.
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I have to thank my two besties for that. They pulled me out of my darkest moments and stayed with me. They remain to be my only two most important people in this whole world.
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I started to "reuse" the sona appearance into creating many other OCs for many other fandoms I joined (Cookierun, HnK, FGO, KnY, Genshin,...). I had fun jumping between different styles lol.
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The idea for the current design started to take shape when one day I drew her wearing a white delicate dress (I usually just do red) and a see-through sleep dress I just bought.
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Something started clicking.
Then I became an assistant for an Ero Artist. Yup. I started to be exposed to more "sexy" character designs and tbh I just love those. I love drawing female characters already, but there's something something about cute and sexy girls in lingerie... If you know what I mean.
The design slowly became clearer. Cute and pristine-white, see-through lingerie, with little four petals flowers, and little bows, perfect.
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The details still varied. They depended on the style I was using or my mood, whether I wanted to go into details or not. That's the fun of drawing your own design, let's keep it.
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And here we are~ Maybe it's still not final, but I'm happy with it, and that's enough for me now!
If you've been reading this far, thank you and congratulations! I will send you a kiss and wish you a good day~~ Hope you're having fun scrolling on my blog~
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swearyshera · 9 months
Thank you!
This may end up being a long, rambly post because I'm a little emotional. But bear with me.
I am so incredibly thankful for all the love you've sent this week, and it humbles me to realise how much this silly little parody blog meant to people. Thank you for reading, liking, reblogging, commenting, asking, going absolutely unhinged in the tags... I read them all, and they've spurred me to keep going through 32 months, over 5000 posts, 40GB of screenshots and the wildest, most brilliant time of my life.
I'd love to thank people individually, but there's so many of you that I would inevitably miss someone out and that seems unfair! But I will say a special thank you to the She-Ra Uncut team, who I'm proud to consider some of the greatest friends I've made through this fandom, and whether we make many wonderful things, or never make anything again, I hope we can consider each other friends for life.
(Sob story time, feel free to skip!) In 2015, I had a huge breakdown. I was off work for 8 months, in hospital for a week, had therapy twice a week for a year... It was fucking awful. And though I got better, I never really felt like I had a reason to, and that I was just treading water until the darkness came back with vengeance. Then, as She-Ra ended, I made some silly posts that ended up as Etheria Nine-Nine, which led me onto what would become Sweary She-Ra. I had no idea how much this would change my life.
The response to this blog led me to write a script for a She-Ra Uncut trailer, and I loved it. I wrote more and developed a love for the craft, that I wanted to continue. It became a joy, and gave me a dream for the first time I could remember. So I kept writing, I kept learning and improving. In September 2022, I was sat in the Lowry theatre in Salford surrounded by the laughter of an audience watching a play that I wrote. That was the most incredible feeling of my life.
And I wouldn't have had that without thinking "Catra should be allowed to say fuck".
So while, it may be over (and it was pointed out to me that Sweary She-Ra ran for longer than the actual show did!), it's hopefully not the end. I'm very keen to make an audio sequel if I can, maybe several, and I'm not going to disappear into the ether. And hey, I don't know what the future will bring.
But there is a future.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you, everyone.
(PS - Hi Crew-Ra, if you're reading this as I maybe suspect one or two of you may be. I am sorry but also not sorry, but also hire me when the strikes are over 😁. Thank you for making She-Ra, I love you!)
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Baby Daddy chapter 4
Note: another request tied into this story! (I adjusted it a tiny bit, to make it make more sense). chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3
Warnings: fluff/suggestive/angst.
pairing: modern!Sihtric x you (f) x modern!Sigtryggr
summary: A little over one year has passed since you divorced Sihtric, and you had to go shop for a wedding dress… again.
wordcount: 4,4k
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The Wedding.
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'I hope it won't be weird, I understand if it's weird. It's a little weird, right?' you rambled on the phone, 'I'm sorry if it's weird. I'm okay with it, but it's really Odin's request. He wants his dad present.'
'It's fine,' Sihtric laughed at the other side of the line, 'I'll go with you guys, no problem.'
'So it won't be weird? Oh, hey, you can bring your wife too?'
'Eh, yeah, about that,' Sihtric chuckled, 'I, eh, I'm already on my second divorce, pookie.'
'What?!' you gasped and sat down on your couch, 'no way!'
'Yeah,' he sighed, 'it didn't work out.'
'Wha- wait, how long were you even married to her?'
'Like… two months.'
'Oh my god,' you snorted, 'Sihtric! That's a record, even for you.'
'Oh, come on, we married in Vegas. Everyone knew it wouldn't last,' Sihtric said, 'I mean, she hasn't even really met Odin, she only once saw him in passing. I kept her away because I knew it was going too fast too, but you know...'
'Yeah, you're a little impulsive,' you sighed and chuckled, 'Sihtric Kjartansson, you will never change, will you?'
'Who knows, pookie, maybe,' Sihtric laughed, 'but, hey, I gotta head to work. Text me the time and address and I'll be there.'
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You hadn't seen Sihtric in over a year. You tried to maintain contact after your divorce, but you both struggled every time you had to face each other, so you both quickly agreed to avoid each other when Sihtric came to pick up and bring back Odin. And by some kind of miracle it always worked out. You heard from Finan that Sihtric got married again at some point, and you were happy for him. Of course, there was a bittersweet feeling still, but you were happy with Sigtryggr too. And clearly Sigtryggr was happy with you as well, because he proposed, and you had said yes.
And now the wedding was approaching fast. With only one month left to go, you had to go dress shopping, and because you knew your options were limited due to the short time you had left, you went to a store that specialises in these kinds of situations. You wanted to keep it small and simple, and only wanted to take Odin with you, but Odin insisted on being accompanied by his father. To your surprise, Sihtric agreed, and you had to admit that you were a little nervous to see him again after all that time.
And to make it worse, Odin threw a huge temper tantrum before you had to go and he was simply unmanageable. As you really had to leave for your dress appointment, you decided to leave Odin back home with your future husband. You texted Sihtric about the change of plans and said you'd still wait at the agreed spot; the entrance of the shopping centre.
You parked your car in the parking garage and made haste to the meeting point. When you saw Sihtric wasn't there yet, you slowed your steps a little to check your phone. You saw that Sihtric hadn't read your message yet, and for a moment you wondered if maybe he wasn't even going to show up at all, even though that was very unlike him.
While you waited at the entrance, Sihtric parked his car and jumped out. He feared he was running a little late, even though there were still ten minutes left before your scheduled appointment, he still sprinted towards the parking garage exit and jumped up the stairs. He became more nervous with each step he took, and when he finally saw you, waiting at the entrance, his heart skipped numerous beats. You looked up from your phone when Sihtric neared you, and you both couldn't help but smile at each other as soon as you locked eyes.
It seemed like Sihtric had become a whole different man in the time you hadn't seen him. His hair was long, on both sides now, and he had it braided on the top while his loose curls hung majestically in the back. He was wearing a black tight fitted, long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up. And instead of sweatpants, he wore well-fitted black jeans with a brown leather belt, and black leather boots with the laces tied. He looked… sophisticated.
'H-hey,' you smiled, rather stunned at his appearance and your heart beating out of your chest.
'Hey yourself,' Sihtric smiled. 
His smooth, warm voice caused butterflies in your stomach and you both kept an awkward distance for a moment, just looking at each other. Then you both chuckled nervously and leaned in for a hug. Sihtric circled his strong arms around your waist, holding you tighter than necessary, and you were suddenly reminded how absolutely nothing compared to the feeling of being in his arms.
'You look pretty, pookie,' he said in your ear while your arms were circled around his neck. 
You buried your face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his pleasant, familiar scent, completely melting into his embrace, feeling as if this is where you always should be. 
Then Sihtric pulled away, but only slightly, and his hands lingered on your waist as he looked at you, 'How have you been?'
'Not too bad,' you said and stared up into his mismatched eyes, keeping your hands on his broad shoulders, 'you look… different,' you chuckled.
'Different?' Sihtric asked playfully.
'In a good way,' you added, 'you look more… mature?'
'I was always very mature,' Sihtric feigned offence, 'but you're right,' he smiled, 'I guess I did grow up a little. A second divorce changes you, you know?' he said with a serious face, then grinned.
'Yeah, that took me by surprise,' you snorted, your fingers mindlessly plucking the neck of his shirt.
'What?' Sihtric asked and lightly touched your chin with his tattooed fingers, 'that someone was stupid enough to marry me or that the marriage didn't last?'
'Both,' you taunted when he leaned in slightly, and your hands moved to his biceps, 'Christ, have you been working out?' you asked without thinking as you squeezed his toned arms.
'Only the same as I always did,' Sihtric said, a little proudly, 'why? Are you impressed?' he asked and flexed his muscles just to mess with you.
You blushed and decided it was best not to answer his question.
'Uh,' Sihtric suddenly said as he looked around, still holding you close, 'where is Odin?'
'Oh, crap,' you sighed, 'you didn't see my text, did you?'
'Text? No, I left my phone in my car actually,' Sihtric just realised, 'why?'
'Odin threw a huge temper tantrum before we had to go. He didn't want to get dressed, so I had to leave him at home. I hope this day won't be weird now that it's just us?'
'Oh,' Sihtric laughed, 'yeah, that sounds like my son. And don't worry,' he gently cupped your cheeks and leaned in closer, 'it won't be weird. It's good to see you,' he smiled and kissed your cheek.
'It's good to see you too,' you whispered and pushed yourself up your tip-toes to kiss his cheek in return.
'Yeah?' Sihtric hummed softly, before planting his lips on your cheek again.
And you did the same, but then your own and Sihtric's lips trailed further from each other's cheek with each peck, until your lips locked into a sudden, deep kiss. You both got lost in the moment as you nearly devoured each other like starved animals, and you were only brought back to reality when a car suddenly honked somewhere, and you both pulled away, finally leaving each other's arms.
'Fuck,' Sihtric hissed, and he looked down at his feet before he rubbed his eyes and shook his head.
'Shit,' you muttered and wiped your lips, the taste of Sihtric's kiss still lingering on your tongue, 'fuck.'
'I'm sorry,' Sihtric sighed, 'I'm so sorry.'
He looked at you, a little bewildered, and you returned the same look.
'No, I'm sorry, I- I… I let it happen too,' you groaned and hid your face in your hands for a moment, 'fuck. Fuck!'
'This was… I mean, this,' Sihtric stammered, 'it was an accident, right?'
'Yes!' you quickly agreed, 'an accident. T-this won't happen again,' you swallowed hard, 'I mean, it- it meant nothing, right?'
'Oh, no, exactly,' Sihtric nodded, 'this was just… a… yeah, no, it was a mistake. A harmless mistake.'
'Yes,' you breathed, 'no one has to know.'
'No one,' Sihtric said curtly, 'this… this never happened.'
'It never happened.'
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Sihtric followed you closely as you strolled through the store, looking at a head spinning amount of wedding dresses.
'Hi, welcome!' a cheerful employee greeted you both, 'would you like me to assist you by picking out dresses, or do you wish to look around yourself for a moment?'
'I'd like to look around first,' you smiled, after which the employee nodded and told you that if you needed something, you could just call her over.
'So, when is the wedding actually?' Sihtric asked as you continued your hunt.
'Next month,' you said, casually, as you took a dress off its hanger.
'Next month?!' Sihtric stopped walking.
'Yes,' you sighed and looked at him, 'I also wanted to use today to invite you to the party, after the ceremony. Odin wants you there and Sigtryggr doesn't want to exclude you. And neither do I,' you took his hand, 'I understand it if you don't feel comfortable, but we'd like it if you'd be there.'
Sihtric stared at you and slowly bit down on his lower lip, contemplating your invitation.
'Eh,' he scoffed, a little surprised, 'are you sure you want me there?'
'Yes,' you said and squeezed his hand, 'I do.'
'Well, okay,' Sihtric mumbled, 'then I'll be there.'
You smiled at him and your eyes remained locked, both not having the strength to look away, and neither of you pulled your hand away either, keeping your fingers laced. Until the employee startled you, and you accepted her help as you had no idea where to begin really.
The employee told you her name as Sandra, just before she grabbed a few dresses while you waited in the dressing room, and Sihtric enjoyed some fancy coffee just outside of your dressing room. When Sandra returned with a handful of dresses, you were quick to try on the first dress, wanting to get this over with, and you actually liked the dress immediately.
'So,' Sandra smiled as she helped you in the dress, 'it's quite uncommon to bring the groom when looking for a dress.'
'Groom?' you frowned at her as you locked eyes in the mirror.
'The… the guy with you today?'
'Oh,' your eyes grew wide, 'oh! Oh, god, no,' you chuckled, 'no, he's not the… he's not my fiancé.'
'Oh,' Sandra looked stunned, 'I'm sorry, I… gosh,' she blushed, 'sorry, I assumed it was him because I, well, I saw you two when you were just browsing through the store and, well, I don't think anyone could deny the sparks flying.'
'I mean, there is clearly a lot of chemistry between you two. But,' she cleared her throat, realising how inappropriate this was of her, 'I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that. I'm sorry if I saw it wrong.'
'No, it's okay,' you said, anxiously plucking at the lace skirt, 'we, eh, there is history. You're not wrong about the chemistry, I guess. He was my first husband.'
'Oh,' Sandra stared at you, 'oh…'
'He's the father of my son,' you explained, 'my son was supposed to be here too, and he really wanted his dad present, so I invited him. But my son was not having a good day, so I had to leave him at home,' you sighed and laughed, 'the universe works in mysterious ways sometimes.'
'It does,' Sandra chuckled and stepped back, 'well, you can show the dress to your ex-husband,' she smiled sheepishly.
You took a deep breath before you stepped out of the room. And when Sihtric saw you, half of the cookie he was eating fell out of his mouth and he just froze as he stared at you with big eyes. You gave a little twirl and looked at yourself in the mirror again.
'What do you think?' you asked him.
Sihtric forgot how to speak, and he suddenly felt his heart break into a million pieces when he realised he was not the man you were getting married to this time. Up until that very moment, it hadn't really dawned on him. He understood you were getting married, but he just didn't grasp it. Maybe because he didn't allow himself to really think about it. Maybe because he divorced his second wife so soon because he couldn't stop comparing her to you. Maybe because not a day went by he didn't think about you. And maybe because deep down he knew he was still head over heels completely fucking in love with you, and that never changed. Not even when he slutted around after his second divorce, as a way to try and forget you, again, but just like all those times before, it never worked. And now you stood in front of him, looking as beautiful as ever in a wedding dress, and he understood you had slipped out of his hands, again.
'Sihtric?' you turned to look at him when he didn't answer, 'what do you think?'
Sihtric opened his mouth to speak, but he already felt the lump in his throat, and he knew that you and Sandra could see how his eyes were completely filled with tears. Speaking now would only make everything worse. But then he cleared his throat.
'I- sorry,' Sihtric searched his pockets with his hands, 'm-my phone is- I have to take this call,' he lied and got up, trying to walk as composed and calm as possible out of the store.
He held his breath until he was outside and walked around the corner, into the public toilets, where he locked himself in to scream and curse into the void for a few long seconds, before he broke down in tears.
And you were left behind in the store, bewildered and all teared up too as you knew exactly what Sihtric felt, because you felt the same. Sandra helped you out of your dress, which you had said 'yes' to, and as you paid she looked at you. Then she placed her hand on yours, and you looked up.
'Are you sure you're going to marry the right guy, honey?' she asked.
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After your purchase, you were in desperate need of a drink, and so was Sihtric. You were already sipping your beverage at the dimly lit pub when Sihtric found you in a cosy corner, after you had texted him your whereabouts. He had enough time to compose himself again, and you both decided to pretend that nothing that happened earlier ever really happened.
'Wasn't sure if you'd be able to find me,' you smiled when Sihtric neared you.
He sat down next to you, on the couch, instead of taking a seat across the table from you, but you didn't mind it.
'Of course I'd find you,' Sihtric said and he pulled you in for a hug, 'so, eh, you got that dress?' he asked when he pulled away, but kept his arm on the backrest of the couch, and more or less around you.
'Yeah,' you said, 'I liked it and it could be altered in time, I can pick it up in two weeks.'
'Good,' Sihtric smiled faintly, 'you looked beautiful.'
'Thank you,' you nearly whispered.
Sihtric went to order a drink, and you couldn't stop yourself from checking him out as he leaned on the bar. You felt your cheeks redden as you eyed him up. His ass looks amazing in those jeans, you thought, god, a fine ass he always had, but it looks even better now. Your mouth nearly watered as you stared at his toned arms. He definitely changed his workout routine, you thought and squinted your eyes a little, his physique was always insane but this? Those arms? Fucking hell, the way he could throw me around. You bit down on your lip with a sly smile as you imagined how he'd manhandle you in the bedroom, like he used to when you were still together, and god, how you always loved that.
Not that you had anything to complain about with Sigtryggr, but it was just different. After all this time, you still felt that no one compared to Sihtric, and nothing compared to what you had with him. And you'd lie if you said you didn't miss him, and you allowed yourself to fantasise about your ex-husband a little longer as you sat in that pub. What you didn't know was that Sihtric saw your face and the way you looked at him, as he looked up into the mirror above the bar while he waited, and he deliberately leaned in a little more, as he watched you shift on the couch, and a smug smile appeared on his face.
And when Sihtric walked back over with his drink, he placed it on the table while you pretended to be busy on your phone. Sihtric sat down next to you again, turned to you, grabbed your face and then kissed you, hard and passionately. And as if you had been waiting and longing for it, your fingers grabbed at his shirt while your tongues slid into each other's mouth, and you kissed until your lips were bruised.
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The big day was finally here. With mixed emotions you had said your vows to Sigtryggr, who was now your husband, and you considered getting very drunk at the party after the ceremony. But then you saw Sihtric, who congratulated your husband after he had hugged Odin, and then he came over to you.
'Congratulations,' he smiled weakly and kissed your cheek, 'you look gorgeous, pookie, as always.'
'Thank you,' you blushed a little, 'you're looking as handsome as ever.'
And you didn't lie. Sihtric looked dashing in his black tuxedo trousers and black blouse, which was fancy but still casual, as he hadn't fully buttoned his shirt up. You hadn't seen Sihtric since the day you bought your wedding dress, you had only texted every few days, while you never spoke a word about your infidelity to Sigtryggr. And in truth, the guilt was eating you alive every day, especially during the wedding, and you had to fix this.
'Can we talk?' you suddenly asked, and Sihtric nodded.
You beckoned him to follow you, away from the party, and you found quietness by locking yourself with Sihtric in the large restroom area of the venue that was hired for the night. You didn't care that no one could use the toilets for a moment, you just needed a private moment, because you were about to have a breakdown.
'What's up?' Sihtric asked, and frowned when he saw you lock the main door, 'pookie, are you okay?'
'I made a fucking mistake,' you said, and broke down in tears as you leaped into Sihtric's arms, 'I made the biggest mistake of my fucking life!' you cried.
'What? I- wh-' Sihtric stammered as he held you, 'w-what do you mean? Did something happen? Did Sigtryggr… did… did he… find out?'
'No,' you said with a sob, 'I just mean that,' you sniffled and wiped your tears, 'Sihtric, it should have been you!'
'What?' Sihtric stared at you, 'what… what do you mean? I don't understand-'
'Oh, you donkey,' you groaned, and couldn't help but laugh through your tears, 'I should've married you!'
'Me?' he almost yelled, surprised, 'what, again?!'
'I've regretted the day I divorced you ever since we finalised it,' you confessed, 'not a day went by that I didn't end up in tears somewhere, because I hated how I wasn't with you. I should've been with you, always. All that time, Sihtric, it was only you on my mind, every fucking day and every fucking night. I love you… I still love you. I never stopped loving you. And now- now I'm fucking married to some guy who is amazing and treats me like a queen, and I hate how I'm not happy. I hate how I'm not truly in love with him. All because he's not you. Because he's just not you!' you yelled and punched Sihtric's chest, weakly, 'just because he's not you! He's not you, Sihtric! He's nothing like you!' you shouted as you cried, and banged your fists on his chest, again and again, until Sihtric grabbed your hands.
'Then fucking say it!' Sihtric said, his voice raised slightly as his mismatched eyes darted all over your face, and he lowered his voice as he leaned in, 'then say it, pookie. Use your words for me and say it, love.'
'I want you,' you finally said, 'I want you back, Sihtric!'
'Then you're mine again,' he said with a sigh of relief, and pushed you up against the wall, his lips crashing onto yours as you tried to take each other's clothes off as fast as possible.
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Twenty minutes later Sihtric helped you back in your dress again, and then he dressed himself up. When you both looked presentable again, he cupped your cheeks and kissed you soft and gentle.
'I love you,' Sihtric whispered, 'I always have, and I always will. I promise this was the last time I let you get away,' he pecked your lips, 'I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make this work.'
'I love you too,' you smiled and kissed his lips, 'you know it's always been you, and it always will be you. All this time of trying to forget you,' you exhaled sharply, 'I was just denying my feelings for you. We'll figure it out this time,' you said, 'I promise, we'll make it work.'
'I know,' Sihtric said, 'we'll make it work.'
And just as you were about to kiss him again, you were both startled when you suddenly heard someone sneeze in one of the toilet stalls.
'Oh my god,' you gasped, and stared at Sihtric.
You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought that someone had just heard you and Sihtric fuck like wild animals, while you got married to another man only a few hours ago. And you just really hoped that it wasn't your father…
'Just come out already,' Sihtric clicked his tongue, and you both waited to see who unlocked the toilet door and stepped out.
'Osferth!?' you and Sihtric both blurted out at the sight of his red cheeks peeking around the corner.
'I- I'm sorry, I… I,' Osferth stammered as he avoided eye contact, and he nervously plucked the sleeves of his white blouse, 'I- I didn't… hear or- or see anything,' he lied and quickly walked past you, 'God bless you, God bless you both,' he said and desperately tried to open the main door, not knowing it was locked, and he looked like a fly trapped in a cobweb.
Sihtric sighed and stepped towards Osferth, he unlocked the door and held it open for the poor boy, and Osferth ran out as fast as he could.
Sihtric turned back to face you, and you both broke out in uncontrollable laughter.
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'Have you seen my wife?' Sigtryggr asked as Osferth passed him in the empty hallway.
'No,' Osferth lied and kept his head down, and ran even faster than before.
Sigtryggr frowned at the boy's weird behaviour, and he chuckled. Then he continued his way to the restroom, but stopped and hid behind the corner when he saw you and Sihtric walk out. And Sigtryggr felt his heart break when you kissed Sihtric, but at the same time, he also wasn't surprised. That didn't mean he wasn't angry though, and with a sudden fury, he stormed towards Sihtric. He grabbed Sihtric by his shirt and harshly shoved him away from you, 'My wife!?' Sigtryggr shouted, 'you dare to kiss my wife on my wedding day!?'
'Sig!' you shouted, panicked, and you tried to pull your husband's hands off your ex-husband.
'I will not let my wife be touched by a rat!' Sigtryggr shouted and punched Sihtric in the face.
Sihtric, who wasn't afraid of a fight, was quick to adjust to the situation and before you could blink twice, the two men were in a full fist fight.
Finan and Uhtred happened to stumble onto the sudden fight, after they had seen Osferth run past them with terror in his eyes, and they figured something odd was going on. They were quick to break up the fighting Danes, and they didn't know how to compose themselves when they saw you tend to Sihtric, instead of your new husband. Uhtred and Finan both sighed and rolled their eyes when they realised what must have happened, and Finan broke out in a loud laughter when he understood what Osferth must have had witnessed, when he made the connection that you and Sihtric were probably in the restroom together.
Then, Odin ran happily into the entire dramatic event, and Finan was quick to grab the boy and lifted him up.
'Aye, you're staying with me tonight, big man,' Finan said, and Odin giggled.
You gave Finan a look of thanks, and he simply nodded in reply before he left, while Uhtred checked up on Sigtryggr, who said he was fine. When Uhtred left too, and you were alone with the two Danes again, you all stared back and forth between each other.
'So,' Sigtryggr sniffed and wiped his bloody nose, 'you couldn't have decided this a day earlier?'
'I'm sorry,' you said, ashamed, 'I truly don't deserve you, Sig. You're a great guy, but you… you're-'
'Not him,' Sigtryggr said bitterly, and he glared at Sihtric, who had a black eye and a cut lip, 'I know,' he sighed, 'I knew you always loved him. I just felt it…'
'I'm sor-'
'I'll send the divorce papers over as soon as possible,' Sigtryggr sneered, then turned on his heels and walked back to the party, where he'd get drunk until he couldn't walk anymore.
'Are you sure about me?' Sihtric asked after a long silence, 'because you could still fix things with Sigtryggr now, but tomorrow might be too late.'
'I'm sure,' you said, 'I'm sure about you, Sihtric.'
'Okay,' Sihtric smiled, 'then you're going home with me tonight,' he kissed your lips softly, and then suddenly snorted, 'gods, your second marriage was even shorter than mine, pookie.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @n4tforlife
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selenitesdawn · 2 years
hi! could u write a robin buckley x reader where robin and the reader get paired up to look around the creel house in s4 and robin is just like a huge gay mess and can’t stop rambling LOL? thank u! i love ur work
What a Moment, my first request. First off: Thank you so much ! I love this idea and I hope you love reading this. <3
Thank Me Later
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pairing : robin buckley x fem!reader
warnings : none
summary : y/n had always thought that robin buckley disliked her, since robin just seems to act weird around her. but when they get paired up to explore the house of the enemy, they are forced to talk to each other.
third person pov
Y/n entered the Creel house last, cautiously following the group inside. She was not a big fan of this entire upside down thing and had no experience with the strange stuff going on in Hawkins yet. In fact, y/n had just recently moved here with her family, since her dad got a job in Lindale and the rent in Hawkins was at an all time low. In retrospect, she should have known that something was off about that.
She quickly befriended Nancy Wheeler, since she was also part of the school’s newspaper. They got along really well and it didn’t take long until Nancy became y/n’s person of trust. They would hang out almost every day, sharing their deepest secrets with one another. One of them was y/n’s sexuality, which she kept to herself most of her life.
“You must probably think I’m a weirdo now. God, I’m so stupid-“, y/n started rambling. Nancy cut her off by giving her a tight hug.
“You’re not stupid y/n. And I don’t think you’re a weirdo. Who cares who you love. Boy or girl. It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re happy. I promise.”, Nancy whispered softly, making y/n sob a little.
A few weeks ago y/n also met Steve and Robin at Family Video. She immediately got along with Steve but with Robin it was just different. She really liked Robin from Steve’s stories, but it just didn’t match with the Robin she had met. Whenever the two of them were alone, Robin would either ignore y/n or she would make it painfully clear that she wasn’t interested in y/n’s life. Like at all. All interactions between them just seemed very confusing, so y/n concluded that Robin simply didn’t like them.
“So.. I just moved her from Portland actually.”, y/n told Robin as they waited for Steve to get back.
“Cool… Isn’t that where Steven King was born? I read a few of his novels. Some were really good actually. Carrie and Shining are super popular I think, you probably know them. But this man seems to have a lot on his mind or whatever… Yes. Very unique novels.”, Robin replied.
After that both of them just stayed silent.
Besides that, y/n’s life in Hawkins seemed to be going just fine. Well, until she was with Nancy when Fred Benson died, which started y/n’s inclusion in all of this mess. After that, Nancy decided to tell her everything that had happened in Hawkins over the past years. Although they did tell each other everything, Nancy just thought that it would be best for y/n to not know about all the crazy stuff going on, in order to protect her. But at this point, there was no point in lying any longer. And now y/n was standing inside the house that seemed to be the center of a strange monster killer who just a few hours ago made Max Mayfield float a few meters above the ground.
“Just great..”, y/n whispered to herself as she looked around the abandoned home.
“Hey, guys? You all see that right?”, Max spoke up, pointing her flashlight at an old clock hanging on the wall.
The group gathered around it, all agreeing to seeing it.
“Is this what you saw? In your visions?”, Nancy asked carefully.
Max nodded her head, making y/n let out a loud sigh. ‘This keeps getting better and better.’, she thought to herself.
“I mean, it’s.. just a clock. Right?”, Robin replied while walking towards it. She brushed some of the dust off with her hand. “Like a normal old clock.”
“Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks? Maybe he’s, like, a clockmaker or something?”, Steve asked confused.
“I think you cracked the case Steve.”, Dustin replied sarcastically. Steve just gave Dustin an annoyed look.
“All I know is the answers are here. Somewhere... Okay everyone stay in groups of two. Since we are uneven, I’m going with Steve and Dustin. Y/n, you go with Robin.”, Nancy commanded, making her way over to Steve.
“Woah, wait.”, y/n said as she grabbed Nancy’s arm. “Why me and Robin??”, she whispered.
“You’ll thank me later.”, was the only thing Nancy replied before leaving. She turned around once more to wink at y/n, and with that she was gone.
Y/n turned around to everyone being gone besides Robin, who just awkwardly stood in the hallway. Robin didn’t know what to do, so she just gave y/n a little wave. Y/n replied with a half-hearted smile and made her way to the stairs.
“Let’s go upstairs then.”, y/n suggested, walking up the stairs with Robin following behind her.
As they explored the house together, y/n got more and more scared. It reminded her of some horror movie setting and she just waited for something bad to happen. They entered a room which seemingly used to be a children’s room.
“If I wrote a book…about all of this, do you think it would do good? I think it would do pretty good, I mean no one would come up with the strange stuff that goes on here, right? I mean it’s out of this world. Literally. And I would call it.. let me think…”, Robin started rambling.
Y/n didn’t bother answering, knowing that Robin probably didn’t expect an answer anyways. But in some way she enjoyed Robin’s rambling, it was adorable really.
“I know. I would call it “The Strange Summer in Hawkins”. I mean the first book. There would be multiple of course. Maybe about three or four volumes and each one would have different characters and all. Or the same ones? I mean people would get attached to the characters, it would be stupid to replace them with each book. But some of them would have to.. you know. Die. Sooner or later. I don’t know yet.”, Robin finally said, still walking around the room.
Y/n started going through a box of old stuff, finding nothing that seemed to be helpful. Just a few pictures, some old creepy toys. Nothing out of the ordinary. The whole vibe in this house just seemed off. There were so many spiders crawling around and everything just seemed like it would fall apart any second. Y/n was about to give up searching through the stuff when suddenly she felt a presence right besides her, scaring the living hell out of the girl.
“Found something?”, Robin asked with her head over y/n’s shoulder.
Y/n jumped in shock, accidentally hitting her shoulder against Robin’s throat. Robin stumbled back and let out a loud groan.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”, y/n repeatedly said, putting her hands over her mouth.
Robin just laughed it off, holding her hand against her throat.
“That was my fault, sorry.”, she said while sitting down on a dusty chair.
Y/n collected herself, and sat down on a chair besides her. From this angle Robin was actually really beautiful, she thought to herself.
“You know, I got hit in the throat once before. By some russian guy actually. It was preeetty scary and all. I don’t know if Nancy told you but, there was this thing going on with the Russians and all. Yeah. Pretty scary stuff.”, Robin continued ranting.
Y/n just sat next to Robin, listening to her talking, and talking, and talking. Until she suddenly stopped. Y/n looked over to Robin who now rested her elbows on her knees and started fiddling with her rings. The silence that followed was louder than it should have been.
“I like your rings. They are pretty.”, y/n almost whispered, trying to break the tension.
“You don’t really enjoy talking to me, do you?”, Robin just replied sounding almost frustrated.
“What makes you think that?”, y/n said, furrowing her eyebrows.
“I mean, most of the time it just feels like I’m talking to myself. You don’t really.. try to hold a conversation you know.“, Robin answered, her eyes focused on her hands.
“Well Robin, most of the time it just seems like you don’t even want me to reply. Yeah you talk a lot, but.. it feels like you just don’t care what I have to say.”, y/n commented.
Robin lifted her head and looked into y/n’s eyes for the first time since they had met, making y/n blush a little.
“I’m sorry. I know I tend to ramble a lot when I’m nervous.”, Robin stated shyly.
“Nervous? Why would you be nervous?”, y/n asked sincerely, trying to hold eye contact.
Robin started blushing a little, redirecting her glance towards her hands which were still fiddling with her rings. She didn’t want to embarrass herself, so she just stayed silent. Y/n noticed that Robin tried to dodge the question, so she simply put her hand around hers to get her attention. Robin stopped playing with her rings and looked back to y/n, who was patiently waiting for an answer.
“You’re uhm… I don’t know. You’re just really.. really beautiful I guess. It makes me nervous.”, Robin finally replied, glancing between y/n’s hand on hers and y/n’s face.
“Did you just make that excuse up?”, y/n asked, raising her left eyebrow. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard.
“See, I shouldn’t have said anything. God, I always mess these things up. Now you think I’m weird, right?”, Robin mumbled. She got up and started walking around the room, obviously upset. “I just don’t know when to shut up, it’s like my own curse at this point. And then this beautiful girl walks into my workplace and I just don’t know how to act. So I either say not enough or I say too much and embarrass myself and it’s so, so, so exhausting to be-”
Robin stopped her rant when y/n came up to her, embracing her in a tight hug. Y/n’s arms hugged Robin’s waist, her head rested on Robin’s shoulder. At first Robin got tensed and didn’t know how to react. But then she took a few breaths and finally relaxed inside y/n’s arms, hugging her back just as tightly. They just stood there for a bit, melting into each other.
“I don’t think you’re weird Robin.”, y/n mumbled into the girl’s shoulder. “I think you have a lot to say, and that’s totally fine. It’s interesting. I actually enjoy your rambling, I really do.“
Robin started smiling, feeling her heart race inside her chest. The hug suddenly felt more intimate than before.
“And by the way..”, y/n said as she separated herself from Robin. Their faces were now just inches away from each other. “I think you’re very beautiful too.”
Both girls started blushing wildly, unsure of what to do next. Luckily the decision got taken away from them, as Nancy entered the room.
“Guys, we found-“, Nancy started shouting.
Robin and y/n quickly jumped away from each other, both embarrassed by the sudden interruption. Nancy on the other hand started grinning from ear to ear.
“Sorry. But we found something, you should come with me.”, Nancy told them.
Robin just nodded and quickly walked past Nancy who was still smiling to herself. Y/n just sighed and walked up to her best friend, giving her an annoyed look.
“You planned that out didn’t you?”, y/n asked, rolling her eyes.
“Correction, Steve and I planned that out. And what about it? It seems like our plan worked out even better than we expected.”, Nancy replied smugly.
Y/n just blushed uncontrollably, putting her face inside of her hands.
“Thank you..”, y/n mumbled quietly.
“What did you say? I didn’t hear you.”, Nancy grinned.
“You’re so annoying.”, y/n replied, nudging Nancy’s shoulder.
“I told you, you’d thank me later.”, she grinned, wrapping her arm around y/n’s shoulder. “But now, we really have to go, come on.”
Y/n didn’t know if it were just the dreadful circumstances (including walking inside the house of a creepy killer) that just made her fall in love with Robin Buckley or if it was just her awfully adorable ranting. But in all honesty, she could have cared less. She just knew that the second they got out of this house safely, she would 100% ask her on a date. And let Robin explain what the hell happened with the Russians.
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bluehoodiewoozi · 8 months
LEE JENO + autumn leaves
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1,4k words /// genre: fluff /// warnings: adult language.
In which he confesses as autumn leaves fly by.
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The swing set in the park became your spot somewhere in the middle of your 2nd year. It was on an old playground, barely lit by a single yellow lamp post. Most parts of the playground looked too rusted to be safe, but the swing set hadn’t broken even once in all your months of visiting it.
Jeno always met you there, his smile bright and adorable even on his bad days. 
He often stopped at the playground after his nightly bike rides. He thought meeting you there, on the tired swing set, had been the best stroke of luck of his entire life. 
Soon, it became a tradition to tell you ‘hi’ when he saw you sitting on the swing as he was passing by. Then he started taking breaks every time he got to the playground, hoping that you’d show up as well. And then, before long, the two of you met up there almost every night, talking about everything and nothing, eating convenience store snacks and trying to coax passing stray cats to be your friends (they never did agree though). 
On this night again, Jeno biked through the park, coming to a halt when he saw your familiar figure. 
“Hey,” he called out as he approached and you offered him a smile as you often did. “Isn’t it cold?”
“Just cold enough,” you replied and continued swinging. “How was your ride?”
“A little more slippery than usual,” he admitted and took his usual seat in the swing next to yours, kicking his tired feet a little for some momentum. “There are a lot of leaves and puddles around. I almost slipped twice” He sighed in defeat. “I don’t think they clean the streets a lot.”
You chuckled. “Might have to start carrying around a rake yourself.”
“Do not tempt me,” he joked. “How was your day?” He sat up straighter all of a sudden, eyes wide. “Oh! Didn’t you have that academic writing seminar today? How was it?”
You shrugged. “It was fine.”
He smiled at that. “Wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be, huh?” You nodded somewhat shamefully, well aware of the nonsensical panic you had rambled to him about just the night before. He clicked his tongue. “If only someone had told you so…”
“If only,” you played along and kicked your feet a little harder to swing higher than him. He gasped theatrically at that before following suit. Soon your laughter echoed between the trees, alerting passers-by of your joyful presence. 
As your feet grew tired, however, (much faster than Jeno’s, as much as it pained you to admit), you slowed down again. You watched him for a while as he kept swinging, the cold autumn breeze messing up his fluffy hair. 
“Hey, Jeno?” you found yourself asking. 
He hummed in response. 
“What’s your biggest fear?”
He answered without missing a beat, “Bears.”
You snorted. “What?”
“What?” he retorted, slowing down so he could calmly explain, “They’re freaking terrifying. Why are they so big? Why are they everywhere? Why do they eat everything? You can’t even run away from a bear because it out-runs, out-swims and out-climbs you. Absolutely fucking terrifying.”
“I–” You had to admit he had a point.”Okay, so, I meant from a more psychological, existential point of view. Like, is there some kind of a life event you’re afraid of?” Seeing his puzzled expression, you added, “I’m terrified of life after graduation, for example. The uncertainty of the future.”
“Oh.” He paused to think, staring up at the starry sky. He then nodded and looked at you again. “Bears.”
“Jeno,” you laughed, “I’m serious.”
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled and took a moment to really think about it. “I guess… Confessing my feelings?”
“To who?”
“There just is one person.” He smiled to himself and you felt a pang of jealousy as you realised how much he must’ve adored this person. But then his smile faded, becoming just a quirk of his lips but not quite reaching his eyes anymore. He sighed. “But I don’t think they like me back.”
“Why do you think that?” you wondered. “You’re a great guy.”
He shrugged solemnly. “Maybe. But am I a great guy for them? Am I what they look for in a guy? Or am I just a hopeless romantic who’s never meant to be more than a friend?”
“That’s a depressing thought,” you muttered out loud without really meaning to. “I mean, if you have those thoughts every time you have a crush, will you ever find the courage to actually find someone to spend your life with?”
He groaned at the thought, his head falling back as if it was getting heavier by the minute. “Don’t do this to me. It’s, like, 10 pm. I am not in the mood for a therapy session.”
“Sorry,” you whispered and reached over to pat his shoulder. He leaned his head forward again, resting his cheek against your hand. “If it counts for anything, I think you’re great. I’ll always be your friend, whether you find that someone or not.”
Jeno’s breath hitched at that. “You mean that?”
“Of course.” Even if it kills me inside to never be more than that to you. 
He bit his lip, nearly drawing blood, before sitting up properly and looking you in the eyes. “We can’t be friends anymore.”
Your life seemed to flash before your eyes. “What?”
“Wait,” Jeno lifted a hand, folding all fingers but his pointer, his eyes squeezing shut painfully, “that sounded really wrong. I’m– Uh… Let me try again.”
You weren’t sure you wanted him to try again.
“(Y/n),” he took a deep breath and forced his eyes open again, “I don’t want to be your friend.” 
He paused, trying to find the words to say before you lost all hope in him and walked away. To be fair, you were on the verge of doing just that. He grabbed your hand to prevent you from doing so. 
“I want to be more than that,” he breathed out, his hand shaking in around yours, “I want to be the person whose home you go to at the end of the day, whose bed you take your afternoon naps in, whose arms you run to when you celebrate something. I want to be the person who knows all your favourite songs, all your embarrassing childhood stories, all your favourite snacks. I want to be your person.”
Your brain worked double-time to process the information. With wide eyes, you pointed at yourself. “I’m the person you like?”
He nodded, a tight smile on his face. “I like you.”
“Why?” you couldn’t help but ask, unable to believe someone like him – a varsity athlete, a straight-A student, the face of the university’s soccer team, a man carved by the angels – could have feelings for you at all.
He chuckled. “How could I not? You’re amazing.”
“But… I’m just me and you’re–”
“Don’t pull the rom-com lines on me, please,” he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut. “Just rip the band-aid off and reject me.”
You frowned. “But I don’t want to reject me.”
His eyes opened, sparkling under the streetlight. “You don’t?”
You shook your head and smiled at him. “No.”
“Then…” He let out a noise of confusion as his face scrunched up in thought. “What? You really– You like me back?” 
You nodded and it made him spiral even more. “Are you sure? You don’t have to pity-confess. I’m fine. I’m a big boy. I can handle rejection. Don’t– Don’t play with my feelings like that… They’re–” His voice cracked. “They’re fragile. I’m… fragile.”
“I really like you too,” you confessed, squeezing his hand. “I think you’re amazing too.”
He blinked rapidly, unable to fight the smile appearing on his face. “You– Me– Like– Oh my god, I could cry.” He let out a giddy giggle – much resembling a little kid getting told he could have ice cream for breakfast – before reaching for your other hand as well. Once had both of your hands in his, he cleared his throat. “Then, and I can’t believe I get to ask this, but– uhm– Can I be your boyfriend?”
When you matched his giggle and nodded, he swore he would remember this exact moment for the rest of his life and cherish it as his most precious one: your bright smile and star-filled eyes, complete with the autumn leaves flying by in the background. 
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A/N: the fact that i've been an nctzen since 2019 and this is my second ever uploaded nct fic is a little concerning tbh
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loathsomeloner · 10 months
Down by the Harbour
Cove Holden x Gender Neutral Mermaid!Reader
Summary: A reimagining of the Our Life Beginnings & Always prologue where the MC is a mermaid now!
Word Count: ~6k
Warnings: None other than probably OOC Cove, I'm not confident in my abilities to write characters that I didn't create so-
Authors Note: RAAAAH THIS IS FIRST FIC IVE EVER WRITTEN- This was supposed to come out last week but work absolutely demolished my energy and then my writing got too out of hand and this became so much longer than I anticipated. This was supposed to be a fun little fic but 20 pages and 6000 words later here we are, whoops? Also idk if this is even a bad thing but this fic ended up being a little bit more MC centric than I inteded it to be, as in Cove doesn't really show up until a little bit into the story, apologies if that annoys anyone you can just skip ahead if you wanna see Cove meet the mermaid MC that badly. OH ALSO if anyone is interested in the funky mermaid lore I imagine this universe having feel free to let me know! I'd love to ramble about it! Anyways I've gone on long enough, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the story!!
Likes, Comments, Reblogs, etc etc are very appriciated!!!
When you were just a tiny fry, you found yourself in a gorgeous coral reef that’s become your beloved home. You loved to explore the reef and discover just what was out there in this vast habitat. You especially loved to scour the seafloor and find any items that caught your eye, “treasures” you called them, whether preciously valuable or utterly useless, if it interested you, you’d always pocket it to add to your collection. Finding treasures became your favourite pastime and now as a fingerling you like to consider yourself a “professional scavenger”.
One kind of treasure you especially love to find is those funny little objects that the humans from the surface would leave behind. Your coral reef seemed to be near a human habitat as very often you’d see humans exploring the coral reef similar to how you would. While the humans incredibly intrigued you you always hid away and kept your distance to only observe them from afar, then when the humans left you’d come to collect the treasures they’d leave behind.
While the coral reef was a vast habitat, over the years you’ve learned that even if the reef is safe there are still places you should always stay wary of. One such place was the place you called the threshold, the threshold was where the waters became empty of any healthy coral or fauna and the water became murky and hard to breathe in. All that was left was an empty wasteland that’d send chills down your fins. The threshold was luckily small enough to easily be able to exit if you ever found yourself there, however, what lies past the threshold was the one place you never wanted to find yourself in.
Because that place is where all the monsters sleep.
Sometimes whenever humans were exploring the reef they’d bring these giant monsters with them that would stay at the surface of the water, while they had never caused you any direct harm they still deeply scared you. The monsters would make these awful sounds that’d shake you to your core, and sometimes they’d drop down giant nets that’d steal away the fish and bring them up to the surface. Once in the past, you had gotten curious enough that you nervously followed the monster once it began moving and found yourself deep in the threshold, at some point through the murky waters in the distance you could see more monsters all at the surface. You put two and two together and deduced that whatever this place was was where all the monsters lived, then at that point, your fear got the best of you and you got out of there as fast as you could.
After finding out where the monsters lived you went back home and decided to give yourself a rule to never cross the threshold and never make contact with the monsters lest you find out where the monsters take all the fish they steal. Since then you fell back into your usual routine of scavenging for treasures and hiding whenever humans came near, your comfortable routine lasting for years up to the present…
On this bright and sunny day, you were currently making the rounds across the reef searching the sands for treasure. Earlier today a huge amount of humans visited and explored the reefs, they did bring a monster with them but luckily it was quieter and it didn’t decide to steal any fish. Because of the sheer amount of humans that had visited there were so many treasures you saw them drop, it felt like for every one treasure two more would appear just nearby. You found so many things such as cans, bottles, lines of wire, those masks that the humans would wear, you even found those beautiful silver rings you’d see some humans wearing on their fingers! You’d hit the jackpot today!
Just as you were packing away a pretty net you could use as a shawl you found something had moved in the corner of your eye, when you looked over to see what it was you saw a manta ray tightly wrapped in plastic. The manta ray was shakily swimming through the coral, clearly struggling to navigate due to the plastic restricting its movements. You gasped then put down your bag and quickly darted toward the manta ray to help it, unfortunately, you had moved too suddenly as the moment you got close enough to reach out the manta ray got spooked and quickly began to flee. You called out to it to try and get it to stop but the animal didn’t listen so you swam after it.
Despite being hindered by the plastic the manta ray proved to be a very slippery catch as every time you got close to it it’d slip right out of your grasp and continue fleeing. It was honestly very frustrating however you were determined to help the poor frightened animal. You laser-focused on catching the manta ray which caused you to not notice that the coral and plants were beginning to become less present and that the water was becoming increasingly murky…
Finally, the manta ray seemed to tucker itself out as it slowed its efforts at swimming which let you finally catch it, you smiled in triumph as you finally reached the manta ray and carefully laid your hands on its fins. It thrashed around to try and escape your grasp again but you quickly shushed it while gently stroking its back which thankfully made the manta settle down. Once it was calm you began to get rid of the disgusting plastic, tearing it apart with your sharp claws.
As you tore the last bits of plastic off a deafening rumble had suddenly come from behind you, you barely had enough time to wonder what that noise was until a large shadow ominously passed over you. The shadow made you look away from the manta ray and finally take in your surroundings properly, the waters were a vomit brown and the seabed was completely barren with no pieces of coral or fauna in sight. Horror seeped into your bones and you began to panic as you realized that you had swam straight into the monster’s territory.
You looked above you and lo and behold a monster was moving directly above you, you felt like screaming but clamped your mouth shut in fear of the monster hearing you. This monster was the loudest one you’ve ever heard, making a deep yet scratchy rumbling sound that shook the ground below you. In your fear, you almost forgot about the manta ray until it slapped your hands with its fins before quickly swimming away. You went to get up and follow it but as you did the ground shook under you and suddenly you were scooped up into the largest net you’ve ever seen.
The monster had caught you.
You screamed and tried to get out but the monster’s net had completely engulfed you. Rocks, garbage, and even other fish were caught in the net with you as it dragged across the ocean floor, kicking up sand as it drove on. In your state of panic, you flailed around and got your tail stuck through one of the holes in the net, adding fuel to your panic. You tried everything to get out, but the more you struggled the more trapped you became. 
As the monster continued moving and catching more things in its net you began to hear more monsters in the distance. Not even wanting to imagine what the monsters were going to do with you you doubled your efforts in trying to escape. In your desperation, you had begun to viciously scratch and bite at the net itself to try and break it, even as bits that you’d chew off got in your mouth you spat them out and continued. Finally, you had tugged, scratched, and bitten the net enough that it finally tore and you tumbled forward. You must’ve put much more strength into your escape than you thought as when you broke through the net you caused the entire net to break and nearly snap off, even the monster stumbled a little.
Very unfortunately however, even if you tore through the net a large piece of it was still wrapped around your body. You tried to get it off however the net was tightly wound around you and you were being thrown around by the currents that all the monsters were creating. The entire world was spinning both figuratively and literally, so much so that you felt like you were gonna vomit, and it didn’t help that you were already so disoriented and panicked from the adrenaline before. You felt the net tighten around your body more and more but before you could try to escape again your dizziness had become too great and everything went dark…
How did this day go from great to absolutely horrible in mere minutes???
All you wanted was to just add some new human treasures to your collection but now here you were, washed up on jagged and uncomfortable rocks with your body and tail twisted in all the wrong ways because of this stupid human net! One of your arms was twisted backwards and pinned to your side while the other was bent painfully and pressed into your chest and neck. Your tail meanwhile was bent and twisted in various directions while being simultaneously constricted by the net. Everything felt sore and even the slightest movement would cause shocks of pain to burst throughout your body.
So right now all you could do was just lie there on your back, you still felt exhausted from before so your mind still felt too sluggish to think of a logical escape plan. You huffed and laid your head back against the rock, your mop of wet hair splaying out under you. You seemed to have washed up under some small wooden structure as when you looked above yourself you only saw a bunch of wooden planks lined up together and extending outwards into the sea, so much for trying to pass the time by cloud gazing…
Judging by the little amount of sky you could see when looking to your side it must’ve been pretty late in the evening right now, the sun had been pretty high in the sky when you first got caught (at least you think it was), just how long were you out for?
You felt the ocean water gently wash over the end of your tail, relieving the soreness but only for a brief moment before the tide went back down. A whine escaped your throat, you couldn’t help but wonder if the ocean was deciding to taunt you now, showing just how close to home you were despite being unable to move. Were you… going to be stuck here forever? You could only count the number of times you were on land with one hand, and even then you’ve never been out of the water for this long. Would something happen to you? You had no idea, and that made you increasingly nervous.
You probably shouldn’t wait long enough to find out if something would happen if you were on land for too long, but you were at a loss as to what to do. Your body still hurt and you still couldn’t move, and even if you could move and shimmy back into the water your arms were stuck in a position that made scratching at the net impossible and last time you check you can’t make your neck grow longer so biting the net was also a no go. How were you supposed to get home???
As you wallowed about your predicament the silence was suddenly broken when you heard a loud thumping from above the wooden structure. You immediately stopped what you were doing, your fins flaring out in alert to focus on whatever the noise was. It moved from the start of the structure all the way until the end of it where the sound stopped.
What in the world was that??
Quiet as a guppy, you listened carefully for any more noise to try and figure out what that was. You’ve never heard a sound like that before in the reef, was it a surface thing? You racked your brain to try and think of whatever it could be... Could it be… a human? What would a human be doing here? Aren’t they supposed to be with the monsters? Oh no… What if the human was looking for you to bring you to the monster you escaped from earlier?! You couldn’t let the humans or the monster take you again! Subconsciously the tip of your tail that was sticking out the net silently flailed as you feared being discovered. You need to get out of there right now-
*Hic- Hic- Sob…*
Wait… What was that..?
From the end of the structure was a different sound from before. The noise was quiet, almost like a whisper, you heard something taking in gasps of air in very quick succession along with sniffling and whimpering. Was the human… crying..? Why? What are they so sad about? Your previous fear of being discovered had begun fading away and was now being replaced by great sympathy, you never liked it when things were sad and it was no different with humans. You almost wanted to speak out to the human but you were unsure if revealing yourself would be a good idea.
The human’s cries continued while you quietly listened until a particularly harsh tide rolled up the land and crashed over you and dragged you downwards. You slid down the rocks before abruptly stopping before fully being in the ocean again. The jagged rocks scratched at your back and the sudden movement made your twisted limbs burn with pain and soreness, you couldn’t control the pained cry that left your mouth. Writhing from the pain you had rolled onto your side without realizing, as your bit your lip to try and stop your crying. The pain slowly cleared from your head letting you tune into your surroundings again, it was then that you realized the sounds of crying had completely stopped.
Oh no.
The planks of wood creaked above you as you assumed the human was moving around after hearing you.
“Is someone- hic- there…?” The human said again, their words briefly cut off by a hiccup and sniffle.
You stayed completely silent, not moving a single muscle. The human seemed to be doing the same thing as you couldn't hear any more noise coming from them, well, except for the sniffles and hiccups they still let out. As this silent stand-off continued you found yourself starting to consider properly speaking up to the human.
Back when you’d seen humans in the reef you never really got to hear them speak, you always thought that since the humans were almost always around the monsters the humans would sound similar to them, but it seems to be the exact opposite. This human’s voice… was so… meek. They didn’t sound like a monster trying to find you, they sounded small and sad and… like a fingerling. Just like you.
And just like that the tiny bit of fear that lingered in your head completely crumbled. Gathering the strength you could you rolled to lay on your back again, weakly grunting as you did. Taking a deep breath you puffed out your chest and opened your mouth.
“H…Help..”, your voice came out much weaker and scratchier than you anticipated, you knew you hadn’t exactly spoken words–especially not human words–for a while but wow…
Scratchy and unused voice aside, you listened for any response from the human. However you were only met with silence, strange, did the human not hear you? You shut your eyes and called out for help again, saying it louder this time. Resting your body back down on the rocks you yet again listened for a response, and yet again you were met with nothing. Now you were really confused, they were talking before but were completely silent now, what gives??
You almost went to call out again until you saw a shape in the corner of your eye that wasn't there before. You quickly looked over and saw something peering down at you from over the wooden structure, but just as suddenly as it appeared it darted away. That had to be the human! You heard thumping come from above you until suddenly the sound dashed towards you, the human was running to stand right above you!
You barely had enough time to react when from your side something swung down from the structure. You jumped in reaction and looked over and immediately felt your jaw drop at what you saw. A body like yours, but with two legs dangling down from their hips, there was undeniably a real human being staring down at you.
The human dangled from the wooden structure using one arm to hold themself up, their other arm down at their side, strangely the arm by their side was wrapped in a weird thick pink… thing. You’d never seen anything like it, but the bright pink stood out against the night so much you couldn’t help but focus on it. After a few moments of silence, the human suddenly let go of the wood and dropped down to the rocks, breaking you out of your fascination with the human's strange pink wrapping.
The human stood completely still, they just stared at you with wide disbelieving eyes. They wore a thin white top and thick beige shorts, on their face was something that you’re not entirely sure of what the name is, it was one of those frames with glass in them that you remember finding sometimes in the reef. What really stood out to you from the human was their eyes and hair, both of which were coloured almost exactly like the sea. Looking into their eyes reminded you of the bright clean waters back at the reef, and their hair that gently swayed in the wind made you think of the calm waves you’d see during those rare days where you’d perch up on a rock above the water. Your curious mind almost wondered if they were a human version of the ocean itself, if so maybe that pink wrapping would be their coral.
After you observed the human, you tilted your head at them, the movement startling the human and making them gasp, the action almost making you giggle. The human shook their head then wiped at their eyes with the hand wrapped in pink (which you thought looked slightly uncomfortable) then looked back at you and gulped.
“... Are you real..?”, they asked tentatively. Their voice shook ever so slightly as if tears were gonna start falling from their eyes again at any moment.
You nodded your head in response to the question, even if you felt it was a tad strange, of course you were real! The human took a very slow and careful step towards you, mumbling something you couldn’t hear properly.
The human went silent yet again, but their eyes drifted from your face downwards towards your tail. Suddenly feeling quite bashful underneath the human’s stare, you slightly fidgeted your body which you quickly regretted as soreness sprouted in all your limbs. Right, you almost forgot the twisted state your body was in.
After seeing you fidget the human’s eyes widened, “You’re stuck.”, they thought aloud.
After a pause, the human suddenly walked closer and stopped just next to you. They still looked slightly wary and held their hands up in what you assumed to be a position that tried to make them look more docile. Even so, you couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated by how the human towered over you and you felt your body shrink back. At that, the human sputtered.
“I-It’s okay..! I wanna get the net off you.” They crouched down so they weren’t ominously standing over you.
From here you could see their actual face much more clearly. They had chubby cheeks that had streaks of dried tears running down them, and when you looked up into their sea-coloured eyes they looked slightly red from crying.
The human looked away from you and instead looked over at the net wrapped around your body, they winced at how the net was digging into your skin and reached out. You tried to stay as still as possible as they grabbed a piece of the net with their not wrapped hand, cautiously sliding their fingers under the material to put some space between it and your body. Their hand was ridiculously warm against your cold skin, but they weren’t reacting to the temperature difference.
The human then grabbed another piece of the net with the hand wrapped in pink. They breathed out an “Okay” and suddenly tugged harshly to try and rip the net. Your body shook with the action and you yelped in a mixture of shock and pain.
“Ah- Sorry!” The human said, they continued tugging at the net but a little softer this time. It didn’t necessarily stop all the pain, but the gesture was sweet enough for you to try and keep your cries to a minimum.
Despite the human tugging on the net as hard as they could the net wouldn’t rip. After one extra hard try the human let go of the net and huffed, falling back onto their bottom to sit on the rocks, their cheeks puffed out in an angry pout. 
“I can’t break it.” The human grumbled, and you couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment with them.
You rested your head back on the rocks, then an idea came to mind. You looked back at the human, more specifically their hands. Just like you thought the human didn’t have claws like you did, that’s probably why they had more trouble with the net than you would. If the human didn’t have any claws that could tear the net, then they needed to find a substitute!
With some strain, you rolled onto your side which got the human's attention, they shuffled backwards and watched you to see what you were doing. With your cheek pressed against the rocks, you bent your neck so you could grab one of the jagged rocks under you with your mouth. Once you had one you looked back up at the human, who was just staring at you in confusion. With your limited mobility, you made a slicing motion with the rock in your mouth, and at that, the human got what you were trying to communicate.
“Oh! I can cut the net with the rocks!”, They looked at the rocks near them and almost immediately spotted one they could use. They grabbed it and ran their finger across the jagged edge of the rock, nodding in approval once they deemed it sharp enough.
They reached back down at the net but paused before they tried anything. They looked back at you for a moment.
“Um, please don’t move too much. I don’t want to cut you.”, You nodded and made your whole body go limp.
The human brought their attention back to the net and grabbed hold of it. They held the net with their wrapped hand and held the rock in their not wrapped hand. Very carefully to not cut you the human slid the rock between you and the net and pressed the sharpest edge of the rock against the net. Then very slowly they began to move the rock back and forth to slowly slice the net. The process wasn’t smooth by any means, the human had to adjust their grip multiple times and make sure they pressed the rock against the net hard enough to actually do something. But the human didn’t give up, and after what felt like ages of cutting, finally, the rock cut through the net!
Once the rock cut through you and the human let out a cheer of triumph, your tail moved in excitement and the human went back to cutting the net, though this time filled with much more vigour after the initial success.
Soon enough with the human's efforts they were able to cut through a large enough portion of the net for them to reach under and tear the rest of the net much more quickly. Once the net was torn enough for you to regain control of your limbs you cheered and rolled over onto your stomach, flailing your tail around to fling leftover pieces of net off of you. 
Finally, your limbs weren’t in pain anymore! Relief washed over your body so strongly you nearly felt like crying. To your side, you heard the human sigh and felt them grab the net from under you and throw it somewhere else. You sprang up from the ground and sat down properly, looking at the human with stars in your eyes you leaned towards them and smiled.
“Thank you..!!”, Your voice was still pretty scratchy but you made sure to sound as thankful and happy as possible.
At the sound of your voice again the human’s eyes widened before they nodded, “No problem.”, you swore that even in the dark you could see their cheeks turn red ever so slightly.
A silence fell over you and the human, both of you looked out towards the sea but neither of you made a move to leave. After the brief pause, the human spoke again while fidgeting with their fingers.
“So… um… You’re really a mermaid?”, they asked. 
You were slightly confused. Mermaid..? You’ve never heard that word before. You looked back at them and tilted your head in confusion.
“Mer…maid?”, you said, pronouncing it very carefully to try and get it right.
The human paused for a moment, they looked just as confused as you were. “You…”, their words trailed off as they looked down at your tail, they looked back at you, “You don’t know what mermaid means..?”
You shook your head to which the human scrunched his eyebrows.
“Never… Heard of… ‘Mermaid’… before.”, you shook your head. The human hummed and then looked out at the ocean before pointing at it.
“You live in the water, right? And you can breathe in it?”, they asked to which you nodded.
“Reef is… my.. Home”
The human mumbled then resolutely said, “So you’re a mermaid.”
You still didn’t understand what that word was, but you honestly weren’t sure how you were supposed to respond, the human had said that you were a “mermaid” so surely you felt like you kind of had to agree with them.
Without waiting for you to confirm or deny what they said you were the human spoke again. “How did you get here? And how did the net get on you?”
The topic change was slightly abrupt, but they did ask a question you could actually answer, so you did.
“A monster.. took me! Grabbed me in.. its… its net. I got away… Bit my way out. But.. my mind.. hurt… so I fell… asleep.”, you explained as best you could, trying to use the best human words you could in the way that made the most sense.
Luckily the human got what you were explaining and nodded along with your story. They turned their body to face the ocean instead of you and rested their arms on their legs.
“Mm. I got here ‘cause of my dad.”, they said, your fins perked up at the mention of the human’s dad. You looked at the human curiously, wanting them to explain further.
The human nodded, but before they began explaining their expression suddenly saddened and it looked like tears were gonna fall from their face again.
“My parents… They don’t love each other anymore.. And- hic- and I had to leave home and come to this- this stupid town!”, tears began to flow out of their eyes again after their outburst which left you internally panicking.
If you were being honest, you weren’t entirely sure what the human was talking about but you still didn’t want to see them cry. Wracking your brain for a way to make the human feel better you got reminded of the manta ray you had helped earlier today, more specifically how you got it to calm down so you could help it.
Hesitantly you raised your hand to the human's seafoam green hair. Then making sure to be as careful as possible so you didn’t spook the human you began to pet their hair. The second your hand touched their head they stopped trembling and froze like a statue.
“I’m sorry…”, you soothed. The human turned their head to look at you with pure bewilderment which made you self-consciously take your hand off their head and drop it back down to your side. Maybe humans didn’t do that to comfort their friends…
Thankfully the human didn’t look angry at what you did, just very perplexed. They sniffled and wiped the new tears from their eyes, mumbling a shy “Sorry” back at you. After that, you and the human settled into another moment of silence, the rolling tides of the ocean becoming comforting background noise.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, sitting next to each other and watching the waves. You could tell that both you and the human were getting tired, your body and mind felt more sluggish and out of the corner of your eye you saw the human yawn and rub at their eyes to try and get the sleep out of them. Yet despite the growing fatigue neither of you moved to leave. You both stayed put right there together, and neither of you really knew why.
“...My name is Cove.”, the human suddenly said. You had gotten so used to the silence that you almost jumped at the sudden noise.
You repeated the human’s–Cove’s–name, liking the way it rolled off your tongue so naturally. The name almost felt familiar though you couldn’t tell why. You smiled and said the name one more time.
“Coove~”, you said it in a sing-song way which made Cove look at you dazzled, and he couldn’t help but return your smile.
You then pointed at yourself, ready to introduce yourself. “You.. Call me-”
“Cove?!”, someone suddenly yelled from somewhere.
You and Cove immediately whipped your heads around to the sound. You didn’t recognize this voice at all, it sounded much older than you and Cove combined. The voice yelled out for Cove again, sounding very concerned, how did the voice know Cove’s name? Oh no, was it..?
Cove looked back at you with fear and a new sense of urgency, “It’s my dad!”, he gasped, confirming your suspicions, “I-I don’t want him to see you! You have to go back home!”, he urged.
Cove’s sudden sense of scared urgency immediately spread over to you making you panic. Even if Cove was sweet and had helped you out of the net that didn’t mean all humans were like that! Who knows what Cove’s dad would be like?? From what Cove had said and how sad he sounded, then his dad must be terrible!
Gathering strength into your body you began hurriedly shimmying further into the water. Cove crawled over behind you and placed his hands on your back, the sudden warmth against your scales making you jolt, though Cove either didn’t notice or didn’t care about your reaction as he simply began to help push you into the water. Eventually, once your whole tail was completely submerged you were able to let the incoming tide sweep you down into the water.
Letting yourself sink into the water, you felt nearly all the tension that had built up exit your body. It was so nice to be back in the water where you belonged. Or, almost where you belonged. You were still deep inside the monster's home and you had to navigate out of there, you could only hope that all the monsters were asleep. But that’s a problem you didn’t want to worry about right now.
Swimming back up to poke your head out of the water, you saw Cove still sitting there at the water's edge. He was checking behind him, presumably watching to see if his dad would show up. Hearing you poke your head out of the water he looked back at you, jolting a bit as you had startled him.
You smiled and raised your hand out of the water, “Goodbye Cove!”, you didn’t want to leave him without saying goodbye.
Cove nervously returned your smile and waved back at you with his hand wrapped in pink, rushing out a stuttered goodbye. After sharing your farewells, you quickly dived back down underwater, ready to finally make your way back home. The water was muddy and the environment was still depressingly barren, making it tricky to navigate, but you weren’t going to let that deter you.
As you were slowly but surely making your way back home, your thoughts kept drifting back to Cove, he somehow managed to feel so strange but so comfortingly familiar at the same time. Everything about him just made your brain go wild with curiosity. Humans had always intrigued you but they always felt too foreign, too invasive for you to gather the courage to speak to them, but Cove wasn’t like that. He felt… nicer. That’s the only way your young mind could put it. You wanted to find out more things about him, his personality, his hobbies, his fears, his dreams, anything you could uncover about him you wanted to figure out.
You wondered if you’d ever see Cove again, you really hoped you would…
Cove stood at the edge of the ocean in a daze, he felt like he was dreaming. Did he seriously just meet a real mermaid?? There’s no way! That person had to be some sort of actor wearing a fake tail and makeup or something. But the tail didn’t look fake… and neither did their fins or gills… Oh jeez, maybe all of Cove’s messy feelings were really getting to him.
Cove was stuck in a tornado of events. First, his parents fighting more, then them breaking up, then his dad saying that they had to leave to somewhere else, then him being brought to this weird town where all anyone does is fish, and now on top of everything Cove has to meet a real mermaid??!! He barely knew what to make of all of this.
He looked to his side and saw the cut-up net he had helped the mermaid out of. When he first saw them all tied up he knew he wanted to help them, but he was so caught off guard by their appearance that he still froze. In the end, Cove was glad he got the net off, the net was coarse and scratchy when he tugged on it, there was no way being wrapped up so tightly in it was painless. The net must’ve come from one of the boats that he and his dad saw when they were exploring the harbour, they looked very similar. Hopefully, the mermaid wouldn’t get caught that badly again.
Cove sighed and kicked at the rocks underneath him, it was only a matter of time until his dad found him here. That sucks, Cove had hoped he could stay away at this secluded dock forever. At least the mermaid got away, Cove wanted them to be his own little secret, besides his dad would probably scare them away or something which could make it so Cove never saw them again. 
“Cove! There you are!”
Speak of the devil. Cove turned around and saw his dad hurriedly make his way over. Once his dad reached Cove he dropped to his knees and quickly gave Cove a once-over to make sure he was okay. Once he knew Cove was fine his dad pulled him into a tight hug and lifted him up. Cove tried to push away from the hug to no avail, groaning at the affection.
“I'm sorry, looking at the boats must’ve been too boring right? Let’s go check out the house now okay? You must be tired, I know I am!”, Cove’s dad laughed as he began to walk back to the main harbour with his son in his arms.
Cove grumbled but conceded, “Fine…”
Cove rested his chin on his dad’s shoulder and took one last look out to the ocean. He wondered where the mermaid was now, they mentioned ‘Reef’ being their home, did that mean there was a coral reef near here and that’s where they lived? Hopefully there was, Cove would love to visit. He had so many questions about the mermaid, but his growing sleepiness made it hard to focus on any of them.
Feeling his eyes finally droop close, Cove could only wonder if he’d ever see the mermaid again. He really hoped so, maybe they’d make this town a not-so-terrible place to live…
Thank you for reading! Forgive me if the writing in this is kind of funky or flawed, I haven't written this seriously in months and I'm trying to get my groove and style back
If this gains enough traction and interest then I might continue this as a fun little series so once again any form of interaction is greatly appriciated and encouraged!!
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faffreux · 8 months
can you tell us about when you fell in love with fawful? :)
Yep. In fact, I'll write a whole mini essay for you so I can add it to the FAQ section of my website coming up shortly LMAO (SINCE I NEED TO FULLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR THERE ANYWAY, RIGHT???) CLICK UNDER THE READ MORE TO SEE IT BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LONGEST THING I'VE EVER POSTED HERE, LMAO.
To preface, I have been a fan of the M&L games going back to the early-mid 2000s when I was a kid. I had no involvement with fandom or anything of the sort back then but I used to hop on my mom's bulky computer and look up fanart and other related content as early as 2004/5 and as a result, ended up captivated by the characters long before I knew who they actually were. (As a result of this, I have the names and art styles of various old M&L fandom creators permanently ingrained in my head and often wonder where they are today since a good deal of them vanished..!) It wasn't until 2006 that I got my first handheld console (DS Lite) and of course, what did I do? Immediately begged my mom to order me a used GBA copy of Superstar Saga. 
When I finally had the game in my hands it was like coming home to a colorful world that I'd been captivated by for so long but never gotten the chance to actually explore until now. The characters felt like old friends and the Beanbean Kingdom as a location felt familiar and comforting to me. (As a side note, Popple quickly became my favorite. Shocker, right?)
I used to sketch various beans in my notebooks as well as on printer paper we had lying around the house. Long story short, I finished Superstar Saga and then a few years later in 2010 I picked up Bowser’s Inside Story and THAT’S WHEN THINGS SHIFTED–
BIS brought Fawful and his personality to life in a way that captivated my imagination like nothing else had prior. He quickly overtook Popple as my favorite character from then on forward… and that’s where it ends! Or.. is it?
Nah, that’s where it gets funky. Life got a little chaotic after that and not only did I stop playing video games altogether for many years, but I also almost completely gave up on art - the one thing I was most passionate about above all and thought I would make a career out of someday. A series of depressing events caused me to lose all hope and motivation for anything I created and the spark I’d kept inside of me for so long all but died out as a result.
We’re going to timeskip again, this time to late 2019. I’d just moved away from home permanently for the first time and had been getting settled in and no matter what I did to make my new apartment a cozy place it always felt like something was missing. My mind would keep wandering to the fact that I never made art anymore despite it having been such a key part of my life when I was younger. I so desperately wanted to change this and over the next few months the frustration only kept growing until on January 1st, 2020, I sat down in the living room with a pencil and paper in my hand and shut my eyes tightly before saying under my breath:
“I do not care what it is, I don’t care how it comes. Just please… PLEASE send me something to bring my art back. Anything… anything at all. I don’t care what I draw, I just want to be drawing again.” And with that, I placed the lead onto the paper and began to sketch…
And from there… a familiar face appeared!
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(Now I could ramble to you about how much I do NOT like this drawing and how off model it is from how Fawful actually looks… but I’ll forgive myself since I hadn’t touched the M&L games in over a decade at this point and had forgotten most of Fawful’s character. And yet?? Here he was.)
How else can I explain it except that in that moment it felt like the pencil in my hand had suddenly become one of these:
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A joy that I hadn’t felt in SO long suddenly filled my entire being and without wasting another second, I immediately went online and ordered both Superstar Saga and Bowser’s Inside Story to replay again. In the time waiting for the games to arrive I had started drawing daily again - sketching out various old characters of mine with dozens of doodles of the bean man stacked in between them all.
There he was… always smiling, always happy to see me, and oftentimes with his arms outstretched as if to give an encouraging hug. When the games arrived I worked through them quicker than I ever had prior - finishing up Superstar Saga in less than a week and subsequently moving onto Bowser’s Inside Story with a LOT of excitement built up for it. 
It was my first day playing and I was having the time of my life! The way Fawful looked in his little grey cloak with that enormous, charming grin of his as he bamboozled Bowser into eating the Vaccuum Shroom had me giggling with joy while words repeated in my brain over and over of: “I need to draw this later, I NEED to draw this later!!!” I WAS EXCITED ABOUT ART AGAIN… AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I was practically hopping in my seat from the happiness I felt in my heart and chest every time Fawful appeared at this point!
This was how it felt until the moment I arrived at the Fawful Theatre and watched as he began dancing on the stage floor. THIS time.. something different came over me. If you’ve felt it before, then you’ll know what I mean when I say that it was like my entire body turned warm all at once, like some sort of flame had been lit inside. I’d never felt it for anything or anyone prior to then, and that's partly why it hit me as hard as it did. I was practically sweating.
Heck, I was so absorbed in my feelings that I had forgotten there was anyone else in the room with me! That is.. Until my roommate at the time spoke up: 
Her: Are you alright? Me: Uhhh… yeah, why? Her: You’re red as a beet. Are you sure you’re okay?
By this time I had realized what was really going on so I reassured her I was fine, grabbed my 3DS, and ran to my room to finish the playthrough on my own so I wouldn’t embarrass myself any further, hahaha.
In the days, weeks, and months following that moment I became dedicated to drawing the best art of Fawful I could possibly create! What started as a challenge to myself to ‘give back’ to the person who’d given me back the ability to create again turned into someone I genuinely could not stop drawing for how much fun I was having doing it. The desire to make better and better art in order to honor him drove me to improve at a speed I never had prior, and soon thereafter I created Jolligig as a way for me to be in this colorful world with him and to express the deepening affection I was feeling for him with every day that passed by.
By some miracle, my prayer had been answered and here it was in the form of a grinning lima bean.
[End of Part 1. Interested in the rest? Yes… there’s more, I’m sorry. Please let me know in the comments. This took a while to write so I thought splitting it up would be best if folks are interested, LOL.]
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anim3-g33k25 · 6 months
Chapter One - Enter Titania
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❝ I don't know you but I think that
we can work together. ❞
↳˳⸙;; ❝ 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲: 𝟮𝟬 ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗:❥
✰ ┊ CH. 1 ┊ ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
In the Beratie, which was a high-class restaurant in the middle of the sea, was quiet with constant chattering from guests all around to check out the beautiful restaurant and amazing food, including a certain (h/c) female that was dressed up to the nines with a (f/c) dress that was adorning her curves.
"Wow. This food is amazing." One guest praised the food quite snootily, which wasn't unknown for this type of restaurant.
"Well with this type of restaurant decor, what can you expect?" Another male voice says and they laugh together. Everything was serene in the restaurant and everyone was having a good time.
"Mi'lady~ Would you care for some more wine?" A flirtatious asked and the (h/c) woman looked up at him with a small smile which made the blonde hair swoon with heart in his eyes.
"I think I am good for right now. Thank you for the offer." She says sweetly as she cuts into her strawberry cake and takes a bite. " Of course. A beautiful lady like you needs to quench her thirst." He flirted as he moved closer to her with a small smirk, and (y/n) rolled her eyes at his flirtatious ways, knowing that he was flirting with every other woman in the restaurant.
Everyone went quiet when someone came inside with a beautiful woman and the man stood back up with a straight face, and went off somewhere upstairs to the kitchen, as the couple sat down.
(Y/N) looked over to the couple and her eyes slightly widened as she saw who it was, who was Fullbody, who was the lieutenant commander of Hina. She was hoping that he didn't recognize her because she didn't want to give herself away but just decided to stay quiet and out of the way.
The blonde-haired man came back down the steps and towards the couple with a wine bottle in his hands and started to pour them a glass.
"Wow, that's Lieutenant Fullbody over there." A male guest started in awe and some other guests started to murmur more but (y/n) wasn't paying any mind as she kept her eyes on Fullbody as he ignored them and kept his eyes on the woman then they took a drink of the wine that was served to them.
"Hmm." Fullbody started as he stared at the wine glass quizzically with a smile on his face. "So good!" Then he points his fingers at the blonde-haired waitress as he says smugly "This... flavor... And yes the aroma.. is the unmistakable scent from the soil of Micqou of the North Land." He rambled on as every guest stared at him and he continued, "Bitter with plenty of body, and just a tad sour. This wine... must be... The famous Iturutz Burger Stein." He says confidently trying to impress the lady and (y/n) rolls her eyes.
Just then the waitress slams down the bottle of wine showing him the name of it and Fullbody doesn't notice it at first. "Tell me, waiter, am I right?!" He asked excitedly as he clenched his fist in anticipation.
"Uh-Uh. Not even close, sir." The waiter said bursting Fullbody's confidence and grabbing his hand getting mad at his hand in his face making Fullbody gasp. He then places a spoon in his hand and lets go of it then says "Eat up. This dish is best when it's hot." He finished as he closed his fingers around the spoon, before letting go and starting to walk away leaving a shocked Fullbody. The man then stopped turning his head slightly to address him, "And, sir. My name is Sanji, I'm the sous chef. All the waiters ran off as of yesterday." Sanji finished as he continued to walk. When he went by (y/n)'s table he smirked and gave her a subtle wink when she turned her head to look at him.
The shock on Fullbody's face quickly turned to anger when he heard his date start to giggle underneath her hand which made the other patrons start to laugh and he became even more angry. (Y/N) looked back to Fullbody and couldn't help but to join in on the laughter seeing how embarrassed he looked after being put in his place.
Sanji continued his way up the steps to the kitchen just as another brew was happening upstairs unbeknownst to (y/n).
As (y/n) finished off her wine and cake, and Sanji's constant flirting with her and most of the women in the restaurant (mostly her), Fullbody screamed "Waiter! Hey! Get over here!" Sanji got an annoyed look on his face as he called him a waiter again, and was interrupting his time with the (h/c) haired woman.
Sanji moved to walk toward them as he stated "I believe I've already told you, I'm not a waiter." He stood at his table and then turned to the woman turning on his charms again, as he flirted "What an irresistible beauty you are." He then grabbed her hand holding it in his as he brought her hand up to his lips. "My lady. Would you care to join me elsewhere for a glass of wine?" He flirted heavily which made (y/n) roll her eyes at the sight. Just like a hound dog finding a way to get his lips wet.
She would've fallen for his charms if she didn't see firsthand how much of a flirt he was to every woman that he saw. She was brought out of her thoughts when Fullbody slammed his hand on the table grabbing everyone's attention.
"Hey! What is this?" He asked pointing to his soup angrily which had a dead cockroach in it, that he put in there himself. "Is "bug soup" on the menu today, or did you make it just for me?" He asked trying to get a ride out of Sanji. Everyone started to have a disgusted look on their faces, especially the woman with Fullbody, but it wasn't because of the food but more because of his behavior.
"Bug Soup?" Sanji asked, not where he was coming from. "That's right. What's this bug doing there, waiter?" He asked more smugly hoping that he would treat him better now that he could get the restaurant closed down or ruin their reputation.
"Sorry, sir. Don't know. Looks like he's floating. Then again. Kinda looks like he's drowning. But it's hard to say for sure." Sanji joked which made everyone start to snicker underneath their hands, making Fullbody seethe even more and clench his hand into a fist.
"Don't you mess with me! Waiter!" Fullbody yells angrily as he brings up his fist and brings it down on the table smashing it to pieces and making everyone gasp in horror, and (y/n) stands up in her chair. Sanji says angrily as he got down to his knees to clean it up "You could've eaten it if you took the bug out. It would've been wonderful." He puts his hand on the soup to take out the bug and his hair covers his eyes. "It took three full days of hard work cooking to prepare that soup for you and you wasted it."
(Y/N) eyes softened a little when she heard what he was saying but then they hardened again when she saw Fullbody stomp on his hand angrily, saying "Can't you see that you're biting off more than you can chew?" He says the last part more forcefully as he digs his heel into his hand. Sanji stays quiet as he continues his rant saying "I'm the customer here! Do you understand me?! I'm paying you!"
His lover gets out of her shock and runs over to grab his arm as she pleads, "Stop it! Fullbody!", but he throws her on the ground in rage as he tells her to shut up. (Y/N) couldn't stand by to see anyone else get hurt and with great speed, she was in front of the lady with a dangerous look in her eyes.
"That's enough." She stated calmly as she looked into Fullbody's eyes he looked at her with a questioning look but the rage was still on his face. "And who the hell do you think you are?"
"Can your money truly satisfy your hunger?" Sanji asked in a low tone which made Fullbody look back at him, answering him "Whadya mean?"
"I'm asking... Can it satisfy your hunger?" He asked once again but Fullbody didn't have time to answer as Sanji spun on his hands and kicked Fullbody down to the ground, making everyone shocked at the scene. When Fullbody was on the ground, Sanji picked him by the neck just as the doors opened showing three other people, and some of the chefs came downstairs to see what was going on.
As Fullbody groans in pain under Sanji's touch, Sanji threatens "Don't ever waste food around me again. At sea, if you ever provoke your cook, you're signing your death warrant. Remember that."
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thethickerside · 1 year
I Just Died
Story based off of the song “I Just Died” by Amerie
“Your finger touched my lips
As I tried to explain maybe why you and I
Should hide from such a love affair
My friends think that I'm so insane
To fight this feeling
But my life's at stake
Your embrace, thoughts won't erase
Every now a minute of the day I wait and hope and pray
That you might stay
And now you're moving oh so closely
Killing me so softly, so softly
I just died”
This story contains smut (a lot of angry sex), cursing, drinking, a mild use of drugs, and two delusional and toxic main characters.
(There may be slight spelling errors)
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Part 1
“What happened at the club?”
“Damaris, you’re zoning out.” Her close friends snapped their fingers in my face. Damaris could hear every word she was saying, but couldn’t seem to tear her eyes from the dance floor.
“…you have to get over her.” That single sentence tore her away from the trance. “I am over her.” Damaris snapped. “Look. Don’t start anything. This is supposed to be your fucking night. Don’t let her ruin it.” Her friend said. “Ashanti…I’m fine.” Damaris said before she got up out of her seat and walked towards the bar. She could feel herself starting to overthink. “She probably knew I was fucking here. Fucking bitch.” Damaris tried to drown her feelings in the music that was playing.
The familiar song flowed through her ears, “Tell you what I did last night, I came home, say, around a quarter to three. Still so high, hypnotized—“ she sung to her herself before getting up out of her seat after bar and walking over the dance floor. She began to dance to the sultry beat. Her hips swayed as she began to forget about the fact that her ex was only a few feet away from her. As the song continued, she began to feel someone behind her. “I saw you glancing at me.” The raspy voice said to her. Damaris knew that voice. She turned around swiftly and faced the woman with a scowl.
Letitia Wright looked right at her with a sly smile. “You would want that, wouldnt you?” Damaris asked her. “More than anything…” Letitia replied. “Fuck you.” Damaris spat. “You seem to have some pent up aggression towards me—“ Letitia wrapped her arms Damaris’s waist and pliers her closer. “Of course I do. Who wouldn’t have any after what you did?!” The more Damaris spoke with Letitia, the more angry she became. “Remind me of what I did?” Letitia asked. By this point, Tish had taken off her sunglasses and placed them in her pocket. “It’s been 6 months Letitia. Let’s not do this.” Damaris got out of her grip and started to walk away. “You’re the one who started this. All I was doing was having a good time dancing with a friend.” Letitia stated. Damaris kept walking, trying to find an exit. Seeing that she was about to leave, Letitia walked behind her. “Oh so now you’re leaving? Fucking coward.” By this time, they were outside of the club. “I’m the fucking coward?! I don’t recall being the one who was engaged the whole time we were fucking!” Damaris had turned around and walked up to Letitia, being eye to eye with her. “You must have all the nerve in the world to come up to me and try to reconnect with your corny ass pick up lines.” Damaris rambled. Letitia raised an eyebrow at her and clenched her jaw. “Oh…are you upset??” Damaris tilted her head and pouted while mocking her.
“You have absolutely no right to be upset.” Damaris could feel the lump in her throat grow as her breath hitched. They stood there in silence, the tension in the air being thicker than molasses. “Don’t try and act all innocent, Damaris.” Letitia stated. Her eyes were dark and full of rage. “You knew. You knew all along that I was engaged. Stop trying to pull that good girl persona you have with the fucking press and own up to your shit for once.” Letitia said. Venom was laced in her voice as she scanned Damaris’s figure. “I’m not the only one with a fake persona…aren’t I?” Damaris sated. “You’ve been sloppy with the press lately. I saw those videos of you and Kehlani.” Letitia’s chest rose up and down with fury. “It was quite Christian of you…wasn’t it?” Damaris giggles to herself and started to walk away. “Don’t fucking walk away from me.” Letitia strutted after Damaris, grabbed her arm and turned her around. “Let go of me!” Damaris shouted. “You know you don’t want that.” Letitia said. She pulled Damaris closer. Letitia could feel Damaris reacting to her touch. “Is this what you wanted? Hm?” Letitia was teasing Damaris, and she knew it too. “Don’t tease me. Whatever you think you’re gonna get, it’s not happening.” Damaris was trying to stay composed, but underneath her tough exterior, she was horny and vulnerable. “You seem so sure…” Letitia rasped out. Their lips brushed against each other, while Tish’s hands roamed further south. “Fuck…” Damaris whimpered. “I’ll do what ever you want…just tell me.” Letitia pressed her pelvis into Damaris’s and put her forehead against hers. “Tell me please—“ Letitia was interrupted with a flash of a camera.
“Shit!” She exclaimed. Damaris looked around and saw the paparazzi hiding in the bushes with cameras pointed towards them. “Come on, let’s go!” Letitia took Damaris’s hand and made a b-line for her limo. “Drive please!!” Letitia was slightly panicking, but she couldn’t stop the throbbing in her core. “That was close…” she said. She sat back and looked at Damaris. “…” they both were silent for a bit, just staring at each other. Damaris tried to remain calm as she pressed her thighs together. “I didn’t even think about how the press would probably be there. I’m really sorry about all of this—“ Damaris leaned forward, tilted her head and asked, “Would you stop with the apologies and fuck me? Please?”
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navnae · 1 year
Eddie being able to read minds because he’s a vampire concept :)
“Did you know that I can read minds?” Eddie didn’t know why he wanted to have this conversation but something in his brain kept pushing it to the forefront. Steve looked at him with a ‘yeah right’ expression on his face then shook his head.
“No you can’t.” Steve said before laughing at the idea. Eddie placed his hand on his chest and playfully gasped as if he was offended by Steve not believing him. In all honesty it did sound a little far fetched once Eddie said it out loud but it was the truth.
“I’m disappointed that you don’t believe me, Harrington.” Eddie pouted. He dramatically turned away from Steve and pretended to sob into his hands. Both of them started laughing in unison due to Eddie’s performance. After their laughter died down they went back to talking about random stuff.
As the day went on Eddie could tell something was off about Steve. A few hours ago he was at his happiest, making jokes that he swore were the funniest, rambling about the basketball game that came on last night even though Eddie had no clue what he was talking about, or simply talking about how life was going for him. None of those things were brought up and he slowly became silent throughout the day. Eddie didn’t want to pressure Steve into talking about anything unless he was comfortable with doing so. When midnight came over Hawkins the boys went into Steve’s room to get ready for bed. Eddie swiftly put on his pajamas and made himself comfortable on Steve’s floor with one of his big puffy blankets. Steve stared at Eddie as if he wanted to say something but quickly turned away when Eddie met his gaze. He went to turn off the lights before hoping into his bed and getting under his covers. Eddie laid in the darkness unable to sleep because his senses were always heightened during the night, he could hear, smell, see, sometimes taste every little thing. He continued to twist and turn as he tried to ignore the sounds keeping him up. Once Eddie managed to semi fall asleep Steve’s voice made his eyes flew open.
“Eddie… are you awake?” Steve whispered. Eddie could hear him leaning up in bed and he could feel Steve’s eyes looking down at him even with his back turned.
“Now I am.” Eddie joked. His back was met with a pillow that hit him hard. Eddie turned to face Steve who was dying of laughter at Eddie’s pain. “Ow!”
“That’s for being an asshole,” Steve saint in between laughs. Eddie couldn’t help it and he started to laugh too. At this point both of them were sitting up fully awake. Again just like earlier when silence filled the room Eddie could see Steve’s facial expression because of the moonlight that shined through his window, he bit his lip as he looked at Eddie. He needed to get something off his chest but Eddie didn’t know exactly what until Steve sighed before speaking. “When you said you could read minds you were joking right?”
Steve’s voice cracked slightly as he asked the question. Eddie smiled to himself knowing that Steve probably haven’t stopped thinking about what he said the entire day. He wondered did it make him nervous that Eddie could do that or was it just intriguing to him.
“Nope. I was being completely honest.” Eddie admitted. Steve squinted his still being skeptical about the whole thing. Before Eddie could comprehend what was going on Steve made his onto the floor and sat criss crossed in front of Eddie with his arms folded.
“Prove it.” Steve challenged while tilting his head. Eddie’s eyes widened at the sudden request.
“What?” Eddie blurted out even though he heard exactly what Steve said.
“I said prove it. Prove that you can read my mind right now.” Steve pushed on. Eddie was very tempted to accept Steve’s challenge but right now his senses were going to overwhelm him if he used his powers.
“As much as I really want to show you unfortunately I can’t. There’s so many factors that goes into it and it’s not easy to do-“
“All I’m hearing are excuses because you can’t do it and you were lying this entire time. Is that right, Munson?” Steve interrupted with a snarky remark. Eddie wanted to wipe that smirk off of Steve’s face very badly and there was only one way he knew how.
“Alright Harrington, you want me to prove to you then fine. Think of a number and I’ll say it.”Eddie suggested. Steve went ahead and closed his eyes thinking of a number that he knew Eddie wouldn’t get. A few seconds went by and he finally came up with a number. “Do you have one?”
Steve nodded his head then opened his eyes again. Eddie took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes so he could focus. His body starting tingling meaning that his powers were actually working and they were stringer than ever tonight. Eddie started to get a connection to Steve’s mind he was able to hear faint subconscious thoughts but his main focus was the number. He couldn’t find anything at first until he finally found the number that Steve was thinking of.
“One,” Eddie paused. He needed to fully process the number because Steve thought it would be an amazing idea to pick the biggest one he could find.
“Nope! See I knew-“
“Thousand two hundred fifty eight.” Eddie finished. When there wasn’t a response Eddie opened his eyes to see nothing but shock on Steve’s face. Eddie let out a laugh, at least he didn’t have to see that smirk anymore.
“H-how did you… that’s not- what?” Steve stuttered like never before. Now that Eddie awakened his ability to read minds all of Steve’s thoughts were coming at him like a train. He covered his ears as the voices kept getting louder and louder.
“I told you. Can you perhaps stop thinking for a second. I can hear everything that’s going on in your head right now.” Eddie mumbled. Suddenly the voices stopped and Steve’s face became softer. He looked sorry but Eddie didn’t expect him to know better, it’s not easy to control your thoughts.
“Sorry. It’s just that I didn’t think that you were really able to do it.” Steve said softly. Eddie gave him a small smile.
“It’s okay, I mean I couldn’t believe that I could do it either until one day it happened.” Eddie shrugged. Steve nodded his head and sat there for a second. Eddie couldn’t hear any of his thoughts anymore now that he was fully aware of Eddie being able to. Steve made sure to block out whatever he was thinking.
“If you don’t mind me asking how long have you known that you could do that?” Steve asked his voice barely being above a whisper.
“Honestly, the moment I reunited with you guys.” Eddie remembered that day clearly. The happy smiles and warm hugs that he was greeted with made his heart melt. Most importantly when he could hear what everyone thought about him coming back it added more happiness to his entire being. Steve’s thoughts on that day caught Eddie off guard the most.
“That was awhile ago. Do you remember what I was thinking?” Steve asked this time his voice was a little louder. Eddie hoped that Steve wasn’t implying to tell him what he was thinking during that day.
“Not really… I mean yeah kind of but it’s not important.” Eddie tried to move on from the topic but Steve wasn’t going to let that happen.
“Come on tell me!” Steve quietly yelled as he shook Eddie’s arm. The more he talked the more his thoughts started to get loud. Eddie could hear Steve’s voice all around him and it started to become too much.
“Okay! I’ll tell you just please keep your thoughts at a minimum,” Eddie begged. Steve nodded and kept his thoughts at a minimum like he promised. “Thanks. Alright from what I can remember when you first saw me you thought ‘I can’t believe he’s alive’ that’s something you kept repeating in your head. Then there would be times when you thought no one was watching you would-“
Eddie stopped himself from continuing on. The things he felt that day started coming back and he didn’t want to relive it. His stomach fluttered at what he heard from Steve and it wasn’t filtered or something out of Eddie’s imagination it was truly what he was thinking. Eddie snapped out of his thoughts when Steve placed his hand on top of Eddie’s.
“Eddie what would I do?” Steve said softly. Eddie met his eyes. Underneath the moonlight Steve’s features came out so beautifully that it was almost unreal that he wasn’t in a museum somewhere. Eddie looked away for a split second before focusing on Steve again.
“When you thought no one was watching you would look at me and in your head I could hear you say ‘I missed him’ over and over again.” Eddie said quietly. He didn’t know why it affected him that much but the fact that Steve even cared about him made him feel things. Steve’s cheeks had a light pink blush on them as he glanced at his hand on top of Eddie’s then he quickly pulled it away.
“Well that’s not as bad as I thought it would be. At least I wasn’t thinking about something weird.” Steve said nervously. They laughed in unison and the tension in the room was still there. Both of them wanted to say something more but nothing seemed right at the time. Steve had so much going on in his brain that he couldn’t control himself from asking more questions. “Have you ever read my mind when it’s just us?”
Eddie looked away guiltily knowing that he’s definitely done it more than once and it was supposed to be for a joke until every time he read Steve’s mind he would learn something about Steve that ended up being personal. He didn’t want to do it if it meant that he would be invading his privacy so he stopped.
“Yeah but not anymore. It wasn’t my place to do so and it wasn’t fair to you.” Eddie looked down at his hands to avoid Steve’s eyes that weren’t leaving him any time soon. He expected Steve to scold him but that never happened.
“When it’s just us… what do you hear me think about?” Steve asked and he started to move closer towards Eddie.
“Steve I don’t think-“
“It’s okay you can tell me. What do I think about when it’s just us?” Steve asked again. His eyes twinkled with anticipation. Eddie knew eventually this would happens he just didn’t know that it would be this soon.
“When it’s just us you think about ‘what movies should we watch’ or ‘what kind of snacks should we eat’ things like that,” Eddie laughed lightly and Steve joined him. He frowned slightly as he started to talk. “Then when it hits midnight you start thinking ‘I wish he could sleep in my bed’ ‘I want him to hold me while I’m sleeping’ ‘if only things were different’ . “ Eddie said before looking up at Steve to meet his eyes. His mouth was parted meaning that he was speechless for once in his life.
“And you can hear all of that?” Steve asked softly. His entire face turned red and he could feel sweat rolling down the side of face. Eddie felt the energy that came off of Steve it was a mixture of nervousness but it was overpowered by excitement. No matter how hard Steve tried to hide it his body language wasn’t matching with his tone of voice.
“Yeah, I can hear a lot of things. Like whenever I get near you I can heart your heart beating out of your chest, the way your breath hitches when I enter the room, especially when you think things along the line of ‘I want to kiss him until there’s no more oxygen left between us and we suffocate in each other’s arms’. I’ve gathered that you have liked me for awhile now just because of things that you’ve thought about me.” Eddie smiled at Steve’s blushing face.
“Eddie I swear it’s n-not like that-“
“Steve I like you too.” Eddie said happily. He scooted closer to Steve so that they could be face to face now. Steve raised a brow in confusion.
“You do?” Steve asked almost surprised by that fact. Eddie nodded his head in response then slowly started to close the gap between them.
“I do. You’re thinking about how much you want to kiss me right now.” Eddie whispered his breath tickling Steve’s face as he leaned in too.
“No I’m not.” Steve’s voice was barely audible. Eddie laughed lightly.
“I know,” Eddie said softly. He noticed Steve’s eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips and Eddie smirked at that, “Now you are.”
Eddie pulled Steve in for a kiss that lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away. Both boys were smiling from ear to ear and they’ve never felt so happy in their entire lives.
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belovedwhore · 2 years
lucas sinclair x best friend!reader
warnings: smut, fingering, handjob
notes: i’m backkkk, noticed there was no content for my boy lucas so i’ve decided to step up. there’s lowkey a good chunk of plot in this one, it’s really long but worth it (i hope). anyways enjoy, please let me know your thoughts and recommend stuff for me to write like i am bored.
it was friday. tonight was the night of the big championship game at hawkins high. lucas joined the basketball team this year, although he never touched the court during a game. all week he’d been asking, practically, begging you to come watch him.
“cmon you have to come, it’s the championship game,” lucas pleaded as you guys walked through the halls at the end of school.
“lucas, it’s a friday night, i would much rather be at home watching a movie,” you started, “or plucking my finger nails out one by one. literally anything but watching a basketball game.”
“please just come for me, we can hang out after,” lucas begged, “it’ll be fun.”
you pretended to be annoyed, acted like you didn’t want to go but in reality you loved watching lucas. he was hot, like really hot. workouts for basketball really changed his appearance. and whether it was staring at his abs while waiting for him to finish practice so you could hang out or looking at his arms while he was on the bench during games, he always looked good. and how could you say no to that.
“fine. i’ll go, but you’re buying my dinner after,” you said, pointing a finger at him.
you were about to turn around to go home when you felt lucas’s arms wrap around you, lifting you off the ground spinning you around.
“yes, i knew you’d say yes,” he exclaimed while spinning you around.
“okay okay put me down lucas,” you laughed, “if i yak i’m for sure not coming tonight.”
as he put you down he kissed you in the cheek and said, “great, see you tonight,” and just left.
frozen, you watched him get on his bike and leave the school parking lot, still in awe of what just happened. after a few seconds you finally snapped out of your trance and made your walk home.
once you got home, you changed out of your school clothes into something more comfortable, deciding on a pair of random sweatpants and a crop top. you decided to lay down before the game since you and lucas would be out late after. as you began to doze off you thought about lucas kissing you on the cheek, what it meant? was it a joke? did he like you? the questions kept coming until you finally fell asleep.
your eyes fluttered as you woke up from sleep. as you became more aware of your surroundings you realized that it was dark out, rolling over you checked the time on your bedside clock.
“oh shit, no no no no no,” you cursed, rolling out of bed.
the clock read 10:30pm.
rushing out of your room you didn’t even bother changing.
racing over to lucas’s you saw his window light was on. you walked to the doorstep knocking on the door hoping he’d be the one to answer, and there he was.
in a pair of boxers with no shirt on, swinging the door open he said, “hi,” in a monotone voice.
walking inside you started to ramble on the way up to his room, “fuck, lucas i’m sorry i went to sleep after school and totally slept through my alarm”
“yep,” he muttered as he shut the door, “i’m sure you did.”
“lucas cmon i told you i was gonna be there i swear i didn’t mean to,” you said, finally entering his room.
“ok,” he replied flatly, closing his bedroom door.
“can you just come here,” you asked, sat on his bed, “if i didn’t care i wouldn’t have ran here in my pajamas with no bra on, ok? that shit hurt.”
he walked over and sat next to you, looking a little nervous.
“you don’t have a bra on?” he questioned.
you laughed, playfully shoving him, “ha ha very funny. now, tell me about the game.”
“so basically i made the game winning shot,” he said.
“no fucking way,” you exclaimed.
“shhh my parents are sleeping.”
“my best friend, made the game winning shot, for the state championship,” you repeated, processing the information.
“ok well tell me how it happened.” you said, scooting closer to him on the bed.
as he rambled on about the game you were sure to stay engaged with head nods and a lot of mhmms. yet you couldn’t shake the moment from earlier when lucas kissed you on the cheek. and honestly you couldn’t shake him, he was always on your mind. you just looked up at him staring it his face, more specifically his lips. god he was gorgeous.
“hey, you good?,” he asked noticing you staring.
before you could chicken out of it, you quickly kissed him on the cheek, just how he’d done to you before.
“sorry i missed your game,” you apologized, “seriously.”
he looked at you, not like he usually does. this time he really looked at you.
“umm, it’s fine,” he rambled, “not like i could stay mad at you anyways. i mean i did make the game winning shot but it’s always like just a basketball game so like whatever but i did-“
you kissed him again, this time on the lips, cutting off his words. the kiss was soft and slow, you set the pattern and lucas followed, his lips so soft and comforting. even with this one relaxed kiss you felt subtle shocks traveling to your core.
pulling away you just looked up at lucas, subtly biting your lower lip.
“holy shit,” he cursed, looking at you.
“yea,” you whispered as you leaned back in.
your lips connected again, but this time there was more energy in the kiss. your lips moved together in harmony. searching for lucas’s hand you brought it up under your shirt, cupping it around your boob. he abruptly pulled away from the kiss, moving his hand.
“are you sure,” he asked, “you don’t have to do this because i’m really not mad at you because you missed the game.”
“i’m doing this because i want to, ok?” you answered.
“ok ok,” he nodded, leaning back into the kiss.
you guided his hand back to your boob, kneading it with him so he’d know what to do. his hands were rough against your skin, you loved it.
you felt his thumb swipe over your nipple making you moan loudly into the kiss.
“was- was that good?,” he stammered
you nodded frantically, resuming the kiss just wanting to feel his lips once more. this time he kept his hand over your boob, massaging it and swiping his fingers over your bud, each time earning a moan from you. with each moan the kiss became more heated. lucas sunk his tongue into your mouth while you moaned, taking the lead of the kiss. he moved his other hand to cup the side of your face, guiding your head as you kissed.
you reached over to his boxers, palming his growing length over the material. he moaned loudly into the kiss,
“shh, you gotta be quiet remember ,” you told him.
as he nodded you smiled at him, moving to kiss his neck and along his collarbone while pulling his boxers down just enough to release his dick.
“oh god,” he groaned as the air hit his dick.
you wrapped your head around his base and began to move it up and down. trying to hold himself together, he groaned at your touch.
kissing him again you whispered, “you ever got a handjob before?”
he nodded his head, “uh yea, plenty of times.”
“yea uh huh, i bet”
you picked up the pace around his cock, moving up and down faster and this time focusing on the upper half and the tip. from there he became unhinged. his breathing quickened, shifting on the bed he swore as you moved faster, bucking his hips into your hand, chasing his orgasm. it was so hot seeing him like this, so in need of finishing and it was you would made him feel this way.
“lucas, you are so fucking hot,” you told him while kissing his neck.
you sucked softly on the skin near his ears, feeling him shudder under your touch.
“oh shit, i’m gonna- oh my god,” he groaned struggling to keep himself together.
as you quickened your pace you kissed him again, filled with passion and need. the kiss got sloppier as you felt lucas’s breathing become irregular, he panted as he approached his climax. adding more pressure to his cock you pushed him over the edge.
“holy fuck,” he moaned muffled by your lips, catching the string of profanities that left his mouth.
hearing him like this only made the ache in your core grow stronger. you needed some sort of release, finding yourself shifting your legs together to get some friction. lucas noticed this asking,
“can i touch you?”
you nodded getting up from his bed to pull your sweatpants and top off.
“scooch back a little,” you told him as you climbed back into the bed.
he moved so that his back was against the wall and you straddled his waist, sitting in his lap.
“hi,” he spoke softly, eyes taking in your body on his lap.
“hey,” you replied back.
this time lucas was the one to initiate the kiss, guiding your face to his with his hand. he started slow but escalated quickly. it became heated, you grinded your hips on his cock, hearing his breath hitch in his throat. he kneaded your boob, this time rolling your bud softly between his two fingers then pulling.
“lucas please touch me,” you pleaded
taking his free hand he reached into your panties, swiping his fingers through your folds.
“holy shit you’re so wet,” he whispered, dipping his fingers back in.
he found your clit, rubbing his thumb over it granting you what you’d been waiting for.
“fuck,” you moaned loudly, “right there”
obeying your words, he kept the pressure on your clit, circling over it with his thumb. suddenly you felt one of his fingers slip into your cunt. you cursed as your head rolled back, leaving your whole body on display for lucas.
“you’re beautiful,” he said.
he then started moving his finger inside you, pushing it up and curling it against the roof of your cunt. the feeling was indescribable. you kissed him and the kiss was sloppy but you didn’t care. you just needed him.
“faster,” you told him.
just like that he increased the pace inside of you, moving his fingers so fast you couldn’t hold yourself together. you pulled away from the kiss, unable to focus while his fingers pounded into you. it was getting harder and harder to keep quiet, he was driving you over the edge. leaning forward he caught one of your boobs in his mouth, sucking on your nipple and softly biting it. he looked up at you while he was doing this. the eye contact was it for you. you felt the knot in your core come undone, unraveling at the hands of lucas. grabbing his free hand you clamped it over your mouth to muffle the collection of moans leaving your mouth.
“are you done?,” he asked jokingly.
“oh shut up,” you answered, smacking his hand away from your mouth.
the two of you spent the rest of the night cuddled in lucas’s bed, just talking. thank god you missed his game.
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freckles-dean · 3 months
Here are some of my thoughts on Young Royals S3 ep 1-5
I’m just rambling here. This is probably going to be long, all over the place and not well articulated, so bear with me. 
And before I talk about the show, I just need to say that it never ceases to amaze me how incredibly talented all the actors are.
First of all, I don’t blame either Simon or Wilhelm. They are in an incredibly stressful situation. They are bound to make mistakes and I think their actions while being stubborn and lacking common sense are understandable.
I really loved Simon this season and i was so exited there was more of a focus on him. We finally got to some of how everything affected him. It broke my heart to notice he wasn’t the loudest in the choir anymore and then him saying he’s not enjoying music. Side note: Dude had some banger lines this season 
I find it ironic that everything that Wille found attractive in Simon’s in s1 became things that Simon has to shut down in order to be with him
If you told yesterday me that today me was actually okay with an August redemption arc, I would not have believed you. This in no way excuses his behavior, and he still has a lot to work on, but I think it was one of my favorite parts of this season. 
I am not at all surprised by the Erik thing. since s1 I kept wondering when Willie's perfect image of him would come crumbling down, but can’t imagine how devastating it would be to learn that the person who was there for you the most was not this perfect person you thought they were and might not even accept you.
I was rooting hard for Micke and Sara. I knew it was unrealistic that he wasn’t going to hurt her again, but it was still so heartbreaking that he couldn’t pull it together for her. I think there are bigger issues going on than his ADHD that needs to be handled. 
Why does the queen get space and help with her anxieties and grief, but when Wilhelm is struggling he gets no support and is seen as embarrassing and problematic???? 
Why the fuck was it Wilhelm's responsibility to teach Simon what not to do? Obviously, this kid who has never been in the public eye has no idea what he should or shouldn’t do, it almost seems like it was deliberate to get Wilmons relationship to fail idk. It would have been so easy to get something to teach him some basic media training. It's just disturbing how the court had absolutely zero regard for Simon’s safety. 
I’ve seen people talk about Wilhelm being controlling over Simon. Is it acceptable or excusable behavior? Absolutely not, but let me put things into perspective. Wilhelm was raised in an abusive and very controlling environment. His opinions and feelings didn’t matter, and he was told it was love, so it made sense that he would try to do the same for Simon and expected him to go along with it. I think expecting Wilhelm to have healthy relationship skills is unrealistic, and the show never pretended he did. It’s been pretty obvious throughout that Wilhelm consistently projects his feelings and emotions onto other people. 
I still don't know if Simon was breaking up with Wille or not, or they were just trying to frame it that way to scare us (honestly hoping it leads into a more mature conversation), but if he was… Wilhelm had it coming. He hasn’t been handling things very well and is taking it out on Simon, which is just not okay, and he doesn’t deserve that.  
Before this season, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Wille abdicating, cause i still had this fantasy in my head of him as this queer king, but after everything I’ve seen this season, it’s so obvious how much this institution is killing him. He needs to get out and heal from his traumas and find out who he really is without all those rules and pressures.
I don’t even know if I want Wilmon to be an endgame. Obviously, I do, but at this point, I don’t think that’s what’s best for either of them. It’s been very clear this season how much they don’t (at the moment) fit into each other's lives.. Either some major things have to change (Wille abdicating) or they need to split up. I just hope that both boys get a good ending, even if it’s not with each other. 
I don’t know... I’m emotionally exhausted, there are so many plot lines and I really don’t know how they are going to fix everything in one episode.
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