#this bee is sorta supposed to represent her
espy-heart · 9 months
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Day 10.
My mom liked eating ice cream more in winter, so i grew up associating it more with this time of year.
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girl4music · 2 years
The Instagram Live watch party hosted by Sarah Catherine Hook and Imani Lewis was great. One of the best things about ‘First Kill’ is how cool and down to earth the cast is. They’re really interactive and engaging with the fans and the viewers. Keeping the buzz going until we get the news that Netflix has renewed for a Season 2. They said they have no update on that yet but should by end of the month.
Sarah Catherine and Imani confirmed that the shower scene was to happen in episode 5 ‘First Love’. So you guys clocked that. Well done. However, the shower scene was not a shower together. They were in separate stalls so it was supposed to be shot like a pining/anticipating scene than anything sexual.
Wishful thinking it was more than that 😊😙 Personally I would have really loved more pining because I feel like the sexual intimacy happens too soon and too quickly. There’s no earning of it and it feels more like pandering. But you know, whatever the actresses are comfortable with doing I’m A-okay with.
Also Sarah Catherine confessed that it wasn’t a real bee like she said it was on the Cherry Tree interview . Only time it was real was when it was crawling on Calliope’s shoulder and on Juliette’s hand. And they did have an animal wrangler on the set. So that was some interesting behind the scenes info with that.
And finally, because so many people were asking about the tree scene in episode 4 ‘First Date’, Imani explained that her and Sarah Catherine had a huge open discussion about everything that was going to happen between Cal and Jules in the tree scene and that it was choreographed by them and their intimacy director so everything was consented to and they were very comfortable with what they did together.
Gracie, Dom, Phillip, Jonas and Aubin made an appearance and they all urged us to keep watching ‘First Kill’ all the way from episode 1 through 8. It’s very important that we keep binging the entire show.
Another thing I feel is significant to mention was they reached $7000 on donations for abortionfunding.
The Watch Party will be posted to the official First Kill instagram account in due time. Keep checking for it.
Oh, also forgot to mention something I found very surprising. They were asked who their characters represented in the Romeo and Juliet adaptation. Sarah Catherine believes Juliette represents Romeo because of her being a hopeless romantic. Valid. I still say it’s definitely Calliope that represents him. But they sorta switch back and forth which is really cool when you consider that it’s a queer adaptation. Meaning that it is taking away gender stereotypes which the Shakespearean original play is rife with. So I think it’s really awesome that they’re both R&J in it.
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cdfreak · 3 years
hey idk if you remember me but i was the 'my friend was addicted to vladimir putin x the reader fic in middle school anon' well i just remembered some other batshit stuff my friends and i did in middle school and i don't know who to tell bc idk if anyone would listen but i figured you wouldn't mind anyway feel free to ignore this if you want but. basically when i was in 7th grade my school decided that as group bonding shit each advisory would make its own flag to represent itself (1/10)
side note: i know not all schools have advisories so i just wanna clarify it was sorta like a prep school version of home room? except we did group bonding stuff together and sometimes ate weird ass snacks n stuff. so anyway we had to make this flag and my advisor was infamously awful bc it was our advisor's first year being a teacher and she didn't know what she was doing. on top of that the kids in the advisory were batshit (me included) we had this one girl who was rich af who always (2/10)
bragged abt how much money her dad made, we had a kid who was sketch and disappeared mid-year and we never found out why (we held a ceremony for him where i played the clarinet in his honor but thats another story), we had one kid who was chill at first but then he started dating a girl who was an ass and we all called him 'traitor' after that, there was me (closeted nonbinary lesbian but still mean and weird af), and of course my friend vladimir putin girl (3/10)
was there too (we were together til the end) and also there was this one girl from a neighboring advisory who was actually pretty chill and she'd come and hide in our advisory bc her advisory didnt like her but she's not important to this story. so the day that the flag-making activity is announced we're supposed to pick the integral parts of our flag and start drawing. we're supposed to have a motto and an animal that represents us. but the day this happens everyone but 2 kids are sick (4/10)
with the flu. i am one of the kids sick, i think it was the boy who disappeared and traitor who were left behind to fend for themselves. literally everyone even remotely artistically talented is gone on the day we start drawing. the next day we work on the flag we are all gone but the 2 kids have already picked our animal (goats) and our motto (fly like a butterfly float like a bee, which they contributed to caillou yes as in the cartoon character). we need to start coloring in the flag (5/10)
but none of us have any colored pencils except the rich girl but she won't share bc she thinks this activity is below her and so we rummage around in the drawers of the classroom and eventually find 2 crayons and they are like a nice teal color and a shit orange-red (think color scheme like if perry the platypus had an evil twin) and so we start coloring and i don't know this is supposed to be a flag yet bc our advisor has fucked off and not told us its a flag contest so us kids who are (6/10)
only just showing up think it's just some weird craft project and we just start fucking doodling. whatever we want. we write caillou on the flag at least 83 times. i draw a giant squid somewhere in the corner. vladimir putin girl writes a swear somewhere by the goat's head and starts to doodle flowers. traitor returns from a neighboring classroom victorious holding a bag of colored pencils and we can now expand our color scheme. we tie-dye the goat's face. by the time our advisor returns (7/10)
with glitter (idk why she brought glitter we never used it) to tell us its a flag its too late; we have created a monster. she confiscates the franken flag so that we can do no more damage and it is never finished. we think that it is done. but it is not done. it cannot be over, not yet. it is months later when we are walking the 7th grade hall after a shit english class that we find out what the flags were for. we leave the english classroom and find that everyone is out in the hallway (8/10)
looking at something, looking up, looking at what? and me and vladimir putin girl follow their gaze in unison and we see like 20 flags of the 7th grade advisories. they are crisp, clean, and uniform. they are laminated and placed in plastic frames. they hang above the lockers. most of them look pretty fucking good - the advisory of my latin teacher went so far as to create a whole freaking crest. they made it look serious and their animal was a WALRUS. and there, among all of the flags (9/10)
sits our fucked-up psychedelic goat. and the boy who disappeared isn't even able to see it when the other kids lose their shit at the amount of times we wrote 'caillou' on one piece of paper before it was confiscated from us. thx again for listening <3 (10/10)
this was such a trip thank u so much anon. your middle school experience fascinates me to no end. i would love to study you
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loosescrewslefty · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug- Fixing the Powers
I’ve been very much bothered by the way that the writing team for Miraculous Ladybug has been handling powers for a long time now. It might not be as frustrating or offensive as how they sometimes treat the characters and their relationships, but it BOTHERS me. Because it doesn’t make sense that Adults are more powerful than kids just by the grace of being an adult if the magic comes from a kwami and the jewelry and as such the age of the wearer shouldn’t matter as much. And objectively speaking, there as several ‘minor’ miraculouses that seem WAY more powerful than the two that are supposed to be the most coveted, the Ladybug and Chat Noir miraculouses. Also both the addition of the potions AND the distinctions given to some of the miraculouses/kwamis (Such as Pollen being the ‘Kwami of Subjugation’) are just... ODD. So a while back I sat down and charted out a way to ‘fix’ the powers in Miraculous Ladybug, much like I’ve seen others fix plots and characters.
More Clearly based on Yin/Yang, Wu Xing, and the Zodiacs
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I can’t tell you how much it annoys me that Astruc clearly chose these Chinese motifs for the aesthetic, and didn’t bother researching or properly applying any of the theology attached to them to his show. Ladybug and Chat Noir SHOULD be equal, and balance one another out, but they’re not. Instead, Ladybug gets way more power and importance than Chat Noir does. And the Wu Xing Cycle is an important one too, because that’s nature holding itself in check. 
The Wu Xing has four different cycles attached to it; the Creation Cycle, the Destruction Cycle, the Insult Cycle, and the Controlling Cycle. It could have been interesting to lean into this, so that pairing two miraculous heroes together can lead to new powers being unlocked, depending on the two in question, and that if a  Hawkmoth happens, there are two heroes other than Ladybug and Chat who’d be able to step up and confront him.
New Stations/Distinctions for the Kwamis
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It bothers me that the distinctions chosen for the Kwami feel extremely random, and don’t fit together at all. Nooroo is “Generosity”, Trixx is “Deception”, Pollen is “Subjugation”, Wayzz is “Protection”, and Duusuu is “Emotion.” Like, on their own these are fine. But none of them really relate to one another in a way that makes sense, which the Wu Xing SHOULD. As much as it annoys me, I can sorta understand why it would be a bad idea to attach the specific elements themselves to each Miraculous, because then people will expect the powers of that miraculous to relate to that element, which is very limiting. The Wu Xing is about much more than just nature and the elements. It’s also used to reference the passing of time, physical parts of the body, emotions, cardinal directions and so much more. 
But I still feel that the Distinctions for each Kwami and their powers should be presented in a what where it makes sense to see them relating to one another. One way I’ve suggested for people to do this is to include Ladybug and Chat in the consideration and base each of the Kwamis off of one of the Seven Chakras. But another way I like much better is to consider the kwamis in relation to what area their abilities will affect. For Example; Fox- Mind (Wood) Bee- Energy (Fire) Turtle- Body (Earth) Peacock- Soul (Metal) Butterfly- Heart (Water)
These are things you can tell at a glance relate to one another, without limiting the kwamis too much to being one trick ponies. And speaking of limits...
Limits are based on internal balance, not age
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In an effort to make the sage figure that is supposed to be Fu NOT look like he has sand for brains and decided it’d be a good idea to give his chosen heroes a massive handicap against the villain right out of the gate, we’re going to change up the limiter for the Miraculouses. Rather than being based on age, the thing that determines how well you use a miraculous is your affiliation with the element/distinction that the Miraculous represents. Let’s use Kim as an example here. He’s very energetic and driven, so he’d have a great time with either the Bee or the Turtle, but give him the Peacock, the Butterfly, or the Fox, and things will get a hell of a lot harder for him. On the exact flip side, Juleka would be great with the Peacock, Butterfly, or Fox, but would struggle with the Bee or the Turtle.
Having the powers draw off of being able to synchronize with that power/ability due to personality makes sense, and is more true to the concepts that Miraculous Ladybug is trying to present than claiming that it’s because of age. And the beauty of this is that people can grow and change at any point in their life, which means that they can learn and change and miraculouses that they once struggled with can become easier for them to use while ones they once used easily can slip from their grasp if they begin to neglect that aspect of themselves.
More Clear and Understandable Power Pyramid
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This is one of the things that bothers me MOST about how they’ve been handling the powers. We’re supposed to see Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses as the be all/end all, but many of the zodiac miraculouses seem much more powerful than them, and even the Peacock and Butterfly can create opponents that are more than a match for the Lucky Duo. Not to mention the fact that, as I said before, the Lucky Duo itself is imbalanced due to Ladybug getting all the power in their relationship. So the best way to fix that?
Power Pyramid.
By this, I mean that instead of all miraculouses just getting one power and calling it a day, it makes more sense to present the powers as an almost ‘trickle’ effect. To start off, Zodiacs get defined by a single element and whichever side of Yin/Yang they fall on, and get their power based on that. For example, the Dragon. That is a Yang/Earth (Body) Personality, who uses the elements in an aggressive way. Meanwhile, Snake is a Yin/Fire (Energy), so they require someone who comes across as passive, but is actually patient and knows to wait for the precise moment to strike.
Next level up from the Zodiac Miraculouses, we have the Wu Xing/Elemental Miraculouses. Rather than just one power, each Wu Xing Miraculous should get two, one based on it’s “Yin” Abilities, and one for it’s “Yang.” the way I broke it down when I was working this out for examples went like so;
Fox Powers/Mind
Yang- Mirage 
Creates an illusion of the user’s choosing.
Yin- Outfox
Gives the user the ability to convince the victim that anything they’re saying is true.
Bee Powers/Energy
Yang- Nectar
Ability to heal injuries and cure illnesses (not as strong as Miraculous Cure)
Yin- Sting
Causes temporary paralysis
Turtle Powers/Body
Yang- Shell-ture
Creates an impenetrable shield
Yin- Withdraw
Teleportation ability that allows the user to put people and object of their desire in a pocket dimension of their own making for protection.
Peacock Powers/Soul
Yang- Good Spirits
Creates a golem/familiar of sorts that is bonded to a certain person or object and protects them at all costs.
Yin- Soul Search
Allows the user to leave their body and enter another persons to take control of their actions and peer into their memories.
Butterfly Powers/Heart
Yang- Metamorphosis
Creates heroes to fight alongside the user
Yin- Butterfly Effect
Allows a brief glimpse into the future
And then after the Elements, at the top of the Pyramid we have Ladybug and Chat Noir, who get a whopping FIVE power each, but can only access those powers when they are in tune with that aspect of themselves, much like using the lesser miraculouses. For Example, Marinette’s Ladybug Can easily do the Mind, Energy, and Heart powers, but has a much, MUCH harder time with the Soul one, because she tends to read people at face value rather than trying to see beneath the surface. Adrien’s Chat Noir is excellent with the Body and Energy powers, but struggles much more with Mind (linked to one’s creativity) and Heart (Based on people’s abilities to connect with others, something Adrien struggles with after being home schooled his entire life) My idea for the Ladybug and Chat Noir powers look like this;
Ladybug Powers:
Positive Heart- (Healing) 
Miraculous Ladybug/Miraculous Cure
Heals all wounds, restores everything to its proper state
Positive Mind- (Inspiration) 
Lucky Charm
Grants Ladybug an object to help her win
Positive Energy- (Creating) 
Wish Come True
Allows Ladybug to will into existence something of her own choosing
Positive Body- (Protecting) 
Allows Ladybug to recreate both her own suit and the suits of her allies to help them fight (space suits, ice skating form, underwater suits, ect)
Positive Soul- (Life) 
Red Thread
Ladybug has a limited ability to communicate with plants and animals, extending some of her power to them. Also works on humans, if the person trusts Ladybug enough to basically let her see into their very soul.
Chat Noir Powers:
Negative Heart- (Toxicity) 
Cat Scratch
Curses the victim with a lingering sickness that can only be healed by Ladybug.
Negative Mind- (Madness) 
Cheshire Cat
Causes temporary insanity, which varies from victim to victim.
Negative Energy- (Destruction) 
Destroys anything the user touches.
Negative Body- (Weakness) 
Puts the victim to sleep.
Negative Soul- (Death) 
Allows the user to see, touch and summon spirits/ghosts
And that’s the basic breakdown of how I feel the powers of the ML universe SHOULD be handled instead. Feel free to comment with thoughts and inputs of your own and ask questions if any of this doesn’t make sense! ^^
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obeymematches · 4 years
May I please have a matchup? I’m gonna try to write a lot for you since you said longer matchups are better, so bear with me. 
My name is Kristen. I’m 28. I’m tall and pretty chonky. I’m a scorpio and infp. I am sort of the standard INFP. I’m introverted around people I don’t know but act like an idiot around my friends and family (especially my sisters.) I’m kind of a twitter troll too ngl. I’m laid back and super lazy lmfao. I don’t like to wear a makeup or anything like that because it sort of gives off a fake vibe I guess. Like cool if you can rock it. I can’t and look like a pig wearing makeup lmfao. What you see is what you get with me. I’m caring and compassionate. I like to see people happy. I get my parents stuff from the store that they mention that they needed but haven’t got yet. Just simple thing like that makes me happy and feel good too. I wear my heart on my sleeve too. As I’ve got older I’ve been trying to find myself too. I kinda think I’m ace too, but like I said, I’m still looking for myself. Because of me finding myself, I’m sorta new to relationships and dating and whatnot. I had a brain hemorrhage a few years ago, and because of it fucking up with the general function in my brain, I developed depression. I’m super hard on myself. Sometimes I just super hate myself. It’s kinda tough. People like to compare themselves with colors, and I feel like my aura so to speak would probably be blue. Take that what you will. 
A standard infp likes to create, and that’s super true with me. I like to create graphic stuff in photoshop. I like video games and pro-wrestling. I like to watch twitch streams as well. Seeing people be so happy playing video games is a nice feeling. I’ve been a wrestling fan almost my whole life lmfao. When I was in 1st grade, my parents got me a DX shirt for my bday lmfaooooo. I love animals, especially cats. I have 11 cats. (Some of them weren’t supposed to be born but we found out their mom was pregs when we went to get her fixed). I love music. I love stormchasing and learning about weather. I want to go back to school for meteorology. I love learning about my family tree. My mom was adopted when she was young, so I love learning where her possible roots are. I love Japan as a country. I want to visit one day not only for the bomb af wrestling, but to also take in the culture and some of the sights in areas outside of Tokyo. I love geography as a whole as well. When I was a kid, I represented my city in our state geography bee qualifiers. (I was the first girl from my town to rep the city too). I love collecting jewelry and learning about the gemstones in my jewelry. I have a bunch of rocks books. I love learning about the zodiac and how the stars and their formations may play a role in our general personalities. I collect headbands and like the color pink as well. I hope that’s enough for you because I can’t think of anything else. Thank you for taking the time to read this and making my matchup. Have a great day!!~ 
Hi there! ✨
Thank you for sending in a request. Don’t worry about the lenght, I think I got enough information out of it to find you a match! 
(i started replying to your request sooner but i lost everything i wrote, i’m so sorry 🥺)
I think the best match for you is Leviathan! 
This is why: 
Honestly he was fond of you early. 
He reeaallly appreciates that you are not trying to fake anything. Especially him... if you are not trying to put on a facade from the beginning, he would more likely believe that your feelings for him are true, not just a prank or something. Think about that! 💎
He is not a “goody 2 shoes” himself so I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t mind if you spent time with him instead of doing anything else. Altough he wouldn’t tell you that directly, unless you have established a relationship already. 
He would totally troll you back on Twitter though. Be prepared. 
He also adores that you are such a good-hearted person, making him trust you easier. 
I think he would make a pretty decent lover, even if you are not very experienced. I don’t think so he has much experience either, so it would be the two of you figuring everything out. Even if you are ace, he would be probably the last person to judge. He just really loves being able to be with you, okay? He loves his human dearly, no matter what. 
He would also be helping you out with your depression. Anything he can do to help, he will. 
But please make sure to stop him from spiralling into his own negative stream-of-consciousness  🥺 
He would totally enjoy you watching him play his games, but he would insist on involving you in the game as well! Not..Not because he wants to play with you or anything... and it’s okay if you say no... it’s just it’s easier to beat the level if you help him... and it’s like a super rare event .... (please don’t fall for this mumbo-jumbo he just want to play with you) 
Okay it goes without saying that out of the brothers he would be the one to accompany you in Japan. You just have to mention it and he is already packing. 
During some nights, he would adore you talking about your interests. He doesn’t know much about these things but he is more than willing to listen to you! 
Bonus: for you Birthday/Valentines/Christmas he would give you a jewelry with you favourite gemstone!
So that’s it! Hope you enjoyed! 
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sukipershipper · 6 years
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OOOOOF THIS TOOK FOREVER TO DO!! BUT I AM SO HAPPY WITH HOW IT CAME OUT!!   I don't really have much to say on this, but this is just a quick Halloween picture with the main cast and a few others. I probably should list the costumes so people know why I chose them, k, welp here I go.
Thomas: So for people who have seen Project G-1, they'll know what he is, for people who don't, he went as, what I like to call, Kaiju Gordon XD, he probably had to get permission from the big guy to do so Percy: He went as the Flying Scotsman, I want to think that Percy is actually a huge fan of Scott and wanted to go as him for Halloween. He had to borrow Gordon's old LNER uniform and get these little plastic dishes as well for the smoke deflectors. James: He went as a clown, mainly to scare all the little kids because he knows how terrifying clowns can be to kids (James is such an ass XD), but the big reason he did was because a bee stung him on the nose (again) and the red nose stuck out so much that his original costume idea wouldn't work so he went as a clown instead (These next ones are gonna have the thoughts I had when I was doing these, the other three had a bit more story behind them whilst these next ones don't) (RIGHT SIDE) Henry: He's a sort of fish, I mainly based his design off of Nami from league of legends, which was a much harder job to do than most people think. I also struggled to land on a color scheme for him. In the end I went with Light Green/Blue and then Navy Blue for the other details. Gordon: I actually really struggled with his, my main idea was to have him look steampunk-y but my original idea was to make him a full on clockwork robot, which of course, turned out to be too complicated and I didn't want it to fully consume my time frame so I decided to just go with the one side of the face gone steampunk-y while the rest was kept to look more Victorian-esque Edward: Ok, so this one was actually my favorite to do, he ended up looking more like a Labrador than a wolf but I think it looks Okay. My main inspiration for him was actually the werewolf from the Goosebumps story 'Werewolf of Fever Swamp', where he sorta had this sport-y bad boy look, I kinda did that to Edward but he still looks sort of...innocent, but oh well, there's always next year. Nia: Now, I know her costume just seems a bit stupid but hear me out, I wanted to try and capture Nia representing her culture, and originally I wanted her to be some sort of animal, but I also wanted her outfit to be 'original' so I tried doing her in Kenyan Tribal clothing, and she came out looking pretty cool I'd say. Rebecca: Now her's seems plain BUT I actually based her costume after the clothing people wore to the Royal Wedding (or just royal casual wear in general I guess?), and seeing that she is of British ethnicity, I thought it fitted, also, the original clothing Idea I had her in didn't look as well as I thought it was going to. (Also she's doing a couple dress up with Scotsman) Rosie: So if any of you have seen those Mafia girl outfits, that was basically what I was going for for Rosie. Her costume was the easiest out of all of them because of how simple the outfit was. Scotsman: To go along with Rebecca's outfit, I put Scott as a British royal guard. There isn't much else for me to say on him sorry. (LEFT SIDE) Toby/Henrietta: Both of them decided to do something in the spirit of Dia De Los Muertos. I actually discovered that while doing this, there is actually a meaning behind the colors, the Red means 'The Blood of life', Yellow represents 'Cempazuchitl which are marigolds that symbolize death', Pink means 'Celebration' and Orange represents 'The Sun'. Which I find very interesting. Duck: Okay so I thought it would be funny for Montague or...Duck to go as his namesake, honestly I have nothing else to say on that other than I thought it'd be funny Emily: Okay, so Emily's costume was actually pretty difficult. My main idea was to make her a forest princess, but it was difficult trying to find a good reference to try and base her costume off of so I decided to just stick to a plain princess costume, Sorry Em's (Betcha Gordon still found it attractive XD) Donald and Douglas: Decided to put them in a twin monster costume, and I decided to put them in Blue, their original color before their black livery. Oliver: Okay, so this was supposed to be a reference to Project G-1 as well, in particular, the scene where Oliver and Duck become...transformer like creations and end up fighting each other and Oliver dies... but it ended up looking more like Dr. Kahl's robot, which honestly I don't mind but I would've liked it to look more like the robot from G-1 --------------- And Here we are, hope you like it! All characters presented here belong to Mattel/HiT Human Designs are Mine
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