#this chang'e is an icon
egguv · 1 year
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[Touhou + Final Fantasy] Junko More designs: | Reimu & Sanae | Marisa |
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lmkprideicons · 3 months
queerplatonic mei or chang'e icons?
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Here you go!
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loledits · 2 years
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🌱⠀⠀ ⊹ ִ
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theoutcastrogue · 4 months
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RIP William Anders, the Apollo 8 astronaut who took the iconic Earthrise photo in 1968.
Here's why I adore this photo, enormous cliché notwithstanding.
1) Oh this is a stupid gorgeous planet that we have. Look at it! Just look at it! This shot is close enough for earth to be immediately recognisable and breathtakingly beautiful, but not too close: it doesn't invite you to zoom in and worry about silly things like borders, it invites you to take a step back (well the camera took a step back for you!) and take it ALL in, with a different perspective – from a different celestial body, a whole other world.
2) It's not really an earthrise, though. There's no such thing as an earthrise from the moon, because it's gravitationally locked to the earth. So from our perspective it rises and sets, wanes and waxes, and we only ever see one side of it (the other one is famously dark), while from the moon's perspective the earth is either always visible, or (if you're on the dark side of the moon) never visible.
The "earthrise" effect came from the trajectory of the Apollo 8 mission: it circled around the moon, without landing, and as it was moving from above the dark side of the moon towards the light one, the earth slowly emerged into view, and appeared to "rise". This is essentially a trick photo – photography is the perfect medium for deceiving without actually lying. And what a deception!
So why does that matter? It matters because this picture is simultaneously a revelation and an illusion, thus combining the two cornerstones of science, and indeed of that basic stance of curiosity we need to maintain towards the world around us: DELIGHT and DOUBT. They don't sabotage each other, they're complementary!
So that's what Earthrise tells me: question everything, be inspired by everything. Also, we only have one home and we need to fucking share it, and not fucking destroy it. But perhaps that's better illustrated with the Pale Blue Dot and similar.
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bonus pic: The dark side of the moon, with earth in the background. Photo captured by China's Chang'e 5 test vehicle in 2014, from just past the halfway point on its lunar-looping test flight. Isn't it amazing?
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Before S4 I would have thought Pigsy to be a decendant of Zu Baije rather than an reincarnation and this is entirely because Zu Baije was said to have been cursed with never having a happy love life due to the way he'd creep on Chang'e. Which we all know he and Tang are basically married.
I personally hc that Pigsy is more of a decendant, especially with his line in S4 with "The Roast of the Monkie Kids";
Pigsy: Oh, what, you think we're the same, just 'cause we're pigs, huh? Bet you think I'm just a disgusting little monster too."
Pigsy probably grew up with seeing images and critiscisms of Zhu Bajie his whole life. A lazy, gluttonous, lech who didn't even obtain enlightenment at the end of his Journey.
Imagine if your most celebrated cultural icon was pretty much a Aesop-esque caricature of what "pigs" are.
And then imagine you're *related* to the guy. Scratch that; you might BE the guy in a new life 'cus he didn't break the cycle of reincarnation.
Fun fact! In the 17th century fan-sequel "Later Journey to the West"; Zhu Bajie has a son... one he only managed to meet after the Journey because he unknowingly (unwillingly mind you) left Gao Cuilan when she was pregnant. The son is named Zhu Yijie/豬一戒 (meaning "one commandment" a ref to Bajie being named for another buddhist principle, it can also mean "joy").
Imagine if Pigsy came from that son's lineage. A son who grew up with not only an absent father, but also as a half-demon in a family/village that already resented him as a reminder of Cuilan's marriage to a demon. In a time where the life of a demon was valued far less than even an animal. Thats some generational trauma fuel right there.
Pigsy having a birthname that, without doubt, marks him as one of many resentful decendants of Zhu Bajie - hence why he's far more comfortable being called just "Pigsy" even by close friends.
Pigsy, accidentally breaking the cycle of love tragedies by looking fate in the eye and saying he's not his predecesor, and that he'll love who he'll damn well pleases and they will love him back. And if that person happens to be the reincarnation of a super power buddhist deity that the gods can't touch, then thats just good luck. Or Yue Lao laughing to himself as the pig demon and his scholar soulmate meet for the first time, the red string of fate winding around their feet so hard that they tripped over it. XD
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mysticarts · 5 months
Do you have any fun facts abt your OC's? (Any Fandom would do.)
Have a good day/Night! :)
So I have a lot of LMK ocs, like a A LOT. Some I never even introduced on this blog yet. And I know some people may even forget some of my LMK ocs. So imma draw some of the OC's introduced in the past. So let's start!-
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Jingwei here is Aroace! She never really liked the idea of romance in her head.
Jingwei is Hui Ying and Tai's grandmother! (She found a way to make their father without doing sexual reproduction)
Jingwei is a actual person in Chinese mythology, being transformed into a goddess after dying by drowning, and Transfroms into a bird to try and fill up the sea! (This oc of Jingwei still does that, but does have breaks once and a while)
Absolute Fashion Icon. Jingwei loves fashion. She loves dresses, she loves the pretty hairstyles and crowns, she loves Absolutely anything girly.
When Jingwei died and became a goddess, she was only fifteen years old. Because of this, most Celestials never took her seriously except the workers assigned to her and Chang'e
Due to dying by drowning in the sea, Jingwei regularly cuts her hair short because with long hair, Jingwei can feel the weight holding her down, and Jingwei hates that feeling.
Jingwei was Peng's NUMBER 1 HATER since the moment she saw him. She saw his arrogance and wasn't vibing with it.
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(first pic is younger Daiyu, second pic is Daiyu during the LMK series)
Daiyu is literally a shadow. Like, her body is made up of shadows, sometimes when feeling extreme emotions parts of her body turn into shadows. Most of the time it's her hair.
Daiyu was created by the Chinese God Xuanwu. Xuanwu wanted more workers and maids, so he made people out of shadows, Daiyu was one of these many people
Daiyu was actually taken away from Xuanwu at a young age, as Xuanwu noticed that Daiyu would make a great soilder, so He sent Daiyu away to properly train and become a soilder for the Celestial realm.
For most of Daiyu's life after becoming a soilder, was to protecting the Mother of the West. She graduated as she kid, and spent her teenage years protecting the mother, she never really had a proper childhood. Although she stopped being a guard for the Mother of the West when she was chosen for an important quest with Jingwei and one other.
Daiyu has a lot of battle scars. I mean A LOT of them. But she takes extreme pride in them, She'd tell stories of her battles to more younger kids.
Due to being raised as a child Solider, Daiyu never got to experience feminine things, or enjoy them. Daiyu does try to be more Feminie, but she still feels a bit uncomfortable whenever she is. Jingwei helps her with that though!
Daiyu is Macaque's mother! (Suprise!)
Doesn't like physical touch much. Despite Hui Ying trying to hug Tai sometimes, Tai usually dosent hug or touch anyone, and that extends to family. He usually leaves or makes things for people tp show his affection.
Absolutely loves animals. He protects them with his life. Especially Cats and Dogs. He loves those two animals the most. That's why he usually helps out at the local pet adoption center.
Weird enough, Tai loves classical music. He knew how to play the cello really well at one point, but due to his teachers shaming him for it, he quit. The only time Tai ever pulls out his Cello now is when Hui Ying is sad.
Tai, lucky for him, got his mother's powers, which involve light. Because of this, Tai can sometimes be a menace, turning invisible and pranking people.
Tai was rather taught not to express or show his feelings. He was basically shoved Toxic masculinity since he was a kid. Tai would have been a much bigger jerk if Hui Ying and his dad didn't encourage him to speak his mind and to be himself.
Hui Ying
Funny enough, Hui is terrified of animals. Especially dogs. No one really knows why, but she just is. Tai is trying to make her get rid of that fear however
Hui Ying like her grandmother, absolutely loves Fashion. She loves dresses styling her hair, and all the girly stuff. But also Hui Ying likes to sneak around and be rebellious once in a blue moon.
You know in Tai and Hui's design they have the sun and moon tattoos on their arms? Yeah well, they didn't get those willingly. When they both hit puberty and their powers got heightened, they got those tattoos. However, while Tai's Tattos where celebrated, Hui Ying got reprimanded for them, as the other Celestial Maidens stated that it was a sign of impurity.
Hui Ying usually would hide her tattoos, but when she arrived down to the Mortal realm with Tai to live with Yujin, she would show her tattoos as a attempt to fit in. Luckily enough, it did work.
Loves music! However, unlike her brother, Hui Ying likes Jazz more than classical!
Yujin is biologically related to PIF, being her younger sister. Yujin did look a lot like PIF when younger and in past designs, but she grew more into her own person.
Yujin, as you all know, had a emperor as a husband. Until her husband died, leaving her to rule his empire alone. And due to them not having children, Yujin's Husband's bloodline ended.
As much as Yujin loves dresses, her royal duties require her to be outside and walking around a lot. Because of this, Yujin has more pants in her wardrobe than dresses.
You know the horns Yujin has in her design? Yeah, that's her royal crown. It was a gift from DBK, as Yujin was friends with DBK since she was a teen.
Due to committing Several Felonies as a teen, Yujin got kicked out of the Celestial realm, becoming a human. However, Yujin kept on traveling with friends until she found immortality.
before Redson had the Sahmadi Fire, Yujin was the holder of it. However due to Yujin not having a child, the power was passed onto the nest blood relative who had a child, which was PIF's family. Let's just say Yujin cried for hours when she found out.
If you're wondering why Yujin never had a child, it's because she's infertile. She's rather sensitive about the topic, because she always wanted to birth and raise a child.
Shuimu has amnesia, she totally forgot who she was before Tai and Hui Ying freed her from her prison. However, her body remembers. So whenever Shuimu eats noodles, no matter how good they are, she'll throw it up.
Sometimes Shuimu is afraid to talk or that she can't due to being chained underwater by her mouth for millennia. Sometimes even Shuimu dosent know why.
Shuimu feels very uncomfortable around Wukong. Again, her mind may not remember what happened, but her body does. So of course you're gonna feel uncomfortable when the guy who chained you is by you.
Shuimu dosent really know affection, as she never experiences it. That's why whenever she gets treated with affection, she gets suspicious.
Even though Shuimu is close to Hui, she's also a pretty close friend to Tai on his own terms. Tai would usually teach Shuimu about the modern world.
Ling, like her father, has tattoos on her arms! But instead of moon motif, it's waves. However, Ling dosent take pride in this, and regularly uses Glamour to hide them.
Ling loves diving, even at the local beach, she'll wear a normal suit, hop into the water, and not come back up until a few hours later. This is because Ling can breath underwater!
Has a personal vendetta against her magic. Ling refuses to use her magic, and relies on potions and her smarts for combat. Ling is pretty physically strong to!
A professional honor roll student. Ling always had straight A's since grade seven. This isn't because of her parents pressure. Ling strives for good grades to make herself proud, to make herself feel accomplished as to avoid the feeling of loneliness
That's not all of my LMK ocs, but I haven't finished the other ocs lore yet, so yall will have to wait!
So, onto Lackadaisy!
Absolutely a hopeless Romantic. You'll never find more of a hopeless romantic and a hypewoman than Carmen. She'll always support you!
No filter, unless if speaking in German counts. If something happens that Carmen called out, she won't hesitate to say: I TOLD YOU SO!
Funny enough, Carmen dosent like chocolate much! She prefers vanilla flavors over chocolates.
Carmen is a daddy's girl, she loves spending time with her dad it makes her happy. Without her dad, Carmen would probably not know how to weild a gun!
In a sequel series when Nia is a full fledged adult.......Carmen's dead. The reason why? It depends if Carmen ever gets a lover/shipped with someone: Either Childbirth or getting killed by a gang when she tried to protect Nia.
Avis has a small amount of Japanese heritage in her, but her parents hid it as much as possible.
Avis loves anything with Carmel In it. It's one of the main reasons why she named Carmen, 'Carmen'
Avis's Maiden last name was Parr
Elias taught Avis how to weild a gun, just wanting to make sure she's safe. Little did he know that the same gun used to teach Avis was the same gun involved in her death (ooooo lore :D)
Thatll be all! Be free to ask more questions!
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zhauu · 2 months
Something interesting I found while playing Overwatch.
So I was playing Overwatch, CRAZY i know, Overwatch. ANYWAYS, i was looking at some of zenyattas skins and then I realized one of the skins was called Sanzang.
It a took a minute, then it clicked in my brain, ITS A REFERENCE TO THE GREAT MONK TANG SANZANG. So obviously I went to go see if there was more like this skin.
Then I realized, I bought a Roadhog skin a few months back called Bajie.. Bajie? The guy from jttw? ROADHOG IS BAJIE, so I got even more excited then before and went on a HUNT to see if there was more references to JTTW lying within.
While looking, I remember that mei had a few new year's skins. So obviously I went to go look, and I saw that one of her skins was Chang'e The moon goddess. Now obviously, I think of Chang'e from LMK because its the only fictional character I know that has that name as well.
Then I clicked on Reinhardt and at first I was sure if what I was looking at was reference to JTTW, So I did some research and found that what I was looking at was infact Sha wujing, a disciple of The Great Monk Tang sanzang.
Now, all I need to find was sun wukong the great sage equal to heaven... It took me so long to put the pieces together, but then I remember that Genji was a disciple of Zenyatta in the overwatch lore. So I quickly ran over to find genji's Icon and there it was. He has a skin called, Divine monkey. NOW OBVIOUSLY this might not be Sun wukong BUT ITS PRETTY DAMN CLOSE.
Anyways, Enough of my yapping. I just wanted to share something that I thought was cool.
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Bottom left image by Raptor07. Bottom right image by Melon22.
Junko. She has no title. She has no last name. She is only Junko, "Pure Fox". That said, she is not a fox youkai, that's just a motif. She was once a Lunarian, but now she is a one of a kind being known as a "sagacious spirit". What that is, even she doesn't know.
Junko has the ability to purify anything. This isn't purity as in "devoid of Kegare", but rather, think of it as removing the impurities in metal. Or it might be returning an object to its godly state, before it was given a name and limitations. So, you could say it's an ability to perfect anything.
She lives for the goal of killing Chang'e. Who is Chang'e, you may ask? She's effectively the Chinese equivalent to Kaguya. Only, instead of being banished from the moon, she used to live on Earth and was banished TO the moon. She and Junko had the same husband: Hou'yi, the legendary archer. Then Hou'yi murdered Junko's son, Bo'Feng. Understandably, Junko was absolutely pissed off. Junko successfully killed Hou'yi in retaliation, but Chang'e escaped. This was thousands of years ago, and Junko's rage has still not been sated. She has made countless attempts on Chang'e's life, but to no avail, as Chang'e is immortal.
Sadly, in the millennia since, Junko has purified her mind of most of her memories. She might not even remember her son anymore. Junko isn't even her real name, which is lost to time. It's gotten to the point very few people know the original Junko, and there are many inconsistent stories surrounding her. Sometimes she and Chang'e are the same person, even.
Still, she's very polite and affable to anyone not named Chang'e. And maybe she'd be polite to Chang'e too but we've never seen them interact. Despite her neverending rage, she is almost always seen smiling and calm. Basically, her anger has looped around to the point she's never angry.
She's not mindless either, she's a cunning strategist, and just because she lives to hate Chang'e doesn't mean she can't take a break and do other things every now and then.
Junko appears as the main villain and final boss of Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. Her latest plan to kill Chang'e wound up causing the events of the previous game, and the game after this one. Her plan was this: Send fairies from Hell throughout the moon, using her ability to purify them into embodiments of life and death itself. This would scare away the Lunarians, and then she would shoot down Chang'e while she was escorted out.
She didn't expect to be confronted by a human, however. She was encountered at the Mare Tranquillitatis, the sea of the moon, which is portrayed in Touhou as an actual ocean. She announced the final battle with her now iconic line: "Chang'e, are you watching?" She was defeated this time, but she didn't give up yet: she had a trump card: an assassin of immense power sent into the Dream World to kill Chang'e. She teamed up with this assassin to fight the protagonist one last time in the Extra stage. Ultimately, she was defeated again, her rage was sated for the time being, and she withdrew peacefully.
She had nothing but respect for the protagonist despite them foiling her plans, as she realized they hated the Lunarians not much less than she does; they were only fighting to save their home. The protagonist, in turn, also sympathized with her over the Lunarians.
Most interestingly, Junko does not hate Reisen Udongein Inaba for her past history with the Lunarians, as Reisen proclaims herself to be an Earth Rabbit now. Junko's even been said to have "taken a special interest in her", whatever that means.
Despite being the main villain and final boss of a Touhou game, Junko has seen a suprising lack of screentime, perhaps having the least reappearances of any main villain of the Windows era, with Utsuho being a distant second place.
However, Junko did return in The Grimoire of Usami. She was present in Shinmyoumaru's hijacking of Reimu's fireworks festival, but Shinmyoumaru didn't invite her. As it turns out, Shinmyoumaru invited Clownpiece, who in turn invited her master Hecatia, who in turn invited Junko. Junko made a big show, taunting the audience and claiming they needed to realize their own mortality and bow down to her power... but quickly revealed this was an act, and considered it just harmless fun. Except without the harmless part. Junko's pure danmaku was so lethal that she was too much for Reimu and co to handle, so Yukari Yakumo had to step in to keep Junko from wiping out the audience. Still, she was very popular with the audience for that very reason.
Junko's spellcards are all as minimalist as possible. Most of them are wave upon wave of simple blue orbs. In some cases they're red and purple curving lasers. They seem to be designed to kill, not to look pretty. She's even made a spellcard that's literally undodgeable unless you can teleport! Still, her using them against you does not mean she hates you: according to her, this are spellcards in their purest form. These spellcards have names such as "Simple Danmaku for Cornering a Trapped Rat" or "Trembling, Shivering Star".
One spellcard of hers that is rather unique, though, is "Lillies of Murderous Intent": she throws grey orbs at you that hit the edges of the screen and explode into beautiful bursts of massive, curving red laser beams.
Oh, yeah, Junko's arch-enemy, Chang'e? She never appears onscreen. She's apparently a prisoner of the Lunarians now. Despite this, she's beloved by the moon rabbits, who pound mochi in her name on a regular basis. We don't know what she thinks of Junko, or how she feels about her hand in killing Junko's son.
Oh, and those purple flames on Junko's back are supposed to reference the nine tails of a mature kitsune. From heron out every final boss will have flames out their back like that.
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doc-avalon · 1 year
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NAME: Rabbit or Hare, when the mystic or divine aspect of an animal is the subject that animal’s name is used, only it is capitalized, so there are rabbits and hares, and there is Rabbit and Hare, depending on the word used in the culture in question.
Some hare or rabbit gods & goddesses are
- Hittavainen the Finnish god of Hares,
- Kaltes, the Siberian goddess of the moon who often took the form of a hare,
- Jade Rabbit, who pounds out medicine on the moon for the Chinese the moon goddess Chang'e
- Ometotchtli (Two Rabbits,) Aztec god of fertility, parties & drunkeness who led 400 other Rabbit gods known as the Centzon Totochtin,
- Kalulu, (Central African) Trickster god.
- Nanabozho (Great Rabbit,) an Ojibwe deity who took part in the creation of the world.
We might also add Frith, the god of the rabbits, in the novel Watership Down.
(Note how many double sounds we have in the Hare & Rabbit god/desses above)
SYMBOLS: Depends on the culture; some are such things as colored eggs, several different glyphs and icons, and the “lucky” rabbit’s foot, which, if done right, should only come from a rabbit caught and killed in a graveyard on the night of the Full Moon on a Friday (New Moon according to some, and some say it has to be raining!) and only the left hind foot is to be taken.
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One very prominent one that stretches from China, through the Middle East, to Europe is the three hares or the three rabbits in China.
The image is so old that its exact meaning is lost and consists of a circular motif that features three hares or rabbits, either chasing each other or running around in a circle. Each of the ears is shared by two animals so that only three ears are shown, forming a triangle.
While common. Its origin and meaning are uncertain; it is also unknown if this image spontaneously sprang up in the places where it appearers or moved from the East to the West or West to the East.
However, the earliest occurrences seem to have occurred in cave temples in China, dating to the sixth to seventh centuries. One of the latest ones is a coin from Iran dated around 1300.
In England, the three racing hares are almost always found next to the Green Man, a symbol known for its links to paganism.
Whatever the case, whether they are rabbits or hares, for critters running around in a circle, they have been able to travel a very long way!
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USUAL IMAGE: Depends on the culture, but pretty much all of them focus on the long ears. Though the Aztecs also give Rabbit fangs!
- First Sunday following the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox; this particular ecclesiastical full moon is the 14th day of a tabular lunation (new moon), and the vernal equinox is fixed as March 21.
- July 4th, date in 1862 on which the story “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” arose with the appearance of the White Rabbit as told by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, during a boat trip on the river Isis (the local name for the stretch of the Thames that flows through Oxford) from Oxford to Godstow with his friend Robinson Duckworth, and the sisters Alice, Lorina and Edith Liddell
- July 27, Bugs Bunny’s Birthday
- The first day of each month; see below.
FORM OF WORSHIP: Originally Welsh, the custom has spread and varies from place to place; the essential folk tradition is the saying of either Rabbit or Rabbits, or White Rabbits once or three times on the first day of the month; variations are saying Bunny, or Black Rabbit the last day of the month before going to bed, and White Rabbit on waking up on the first.
This is supposed to bring good luck; however, if you say Rabbit a second time that first day or hear someone else say it before you, it brings bad luck.
This peculiar folk belief, in its many other permutations in the method to be performed, survives to this day.
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GODS & GODDESSES ASSOCIATED WITH RABBITS OR HARES: Eostre or Ostara (Anglo-Saxon) / Chang, ‘e (Chinese) / Ixchel (Mayan) / Hecate (Greek) / Okuninushi (Japan) / Venus (Roman) / Freyja, who had hare attendants (Norse) / Cerridwen (Celtic) / Andraste (Britain) / Holda, who had a whole troop of hares that carried torches for her. (Teutonic.) / Orion, whose hounds chase the constellation Lepus / Windmaker (Sioux) / The Buddha, who, as he was dying, called for all of the animal kingdoms, one the 12 that showed up was Rabbit, earning Rabbit a place in the Chinese Zodiac.
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Brer Rabbit in the Uncle Remus stories by Joel Chandler Harris were all based not on African but Cherokee tales of Rabbit.
Bunnicula carrot-sucking vampire bunny (Deborah & James Howe)
Peter Cottontail (Thornton Burgess)
Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, the Flopsy Bunnies, the Fierce Bad Rabbit, and others (Beatrix Potter)
St. Peter Cottontail, the first and true pope (South Park)
Rabbit, one of Winnie the Pooh’s posse (A. A. Milne)
Uncle Wiggily's subject of stories and an old board game (Howard R. Garis)
The Velveteen Rabbit
Hazel-rah, Fiver, Bigwig, Blackberry, Dandelion, Pipkin, Silver, Speedwell, Hawkbit, Buckthorn, Acorn, and all the rest from Watership Down and El-Ahrairah & the Black Rabbit of Inie (Richard Adams)
The White Rabbit & the March Hare (Lewis Carroll)
One unlucky bunny in Of Mice and Men
Bugs Bunny, the American Trickster god
Frank, the 7-foot-tall apocalyptic rabbit in Donnie Darko
Harvey (actually a pooka) in Harvey
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Walt Disney’s main hero before Mickey Mouse
The Rabbit of Caerbannog from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Roger Rabbit, originally a cynical disillusioned Toon actor (a separate species from humans) who committed suicide in the 1983 novel, Who Framed Roger Rabbit by Gary K. Wolf (no spoiler warning needed, this all happens in the first chapter!). Turned into the very type of stereotypical cartoon rabbit that the Roger of the novel despised in a much more famous film set in 1947 that was totally unlike the novel.
Thumper, Disney’s Bambi
Bunny Rabbit, Mister Moose’s pal from Captain Kangaroo
Crusader Rabbit is the favorite cartoon of Elvis.
The Duracell Bunny Energizer Bunny
Mr. Herriman from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends
The Trix rabbit
Binky Binkenstein from Life in Hell
Bun Rab in Pogo
Captain Carrot, leader of the “funny-animal” superhero group the Zoo Crew
Cutey Bunny from Army Surplus Komikz
Hoppy the Marvel Bunny, a member of the Marvel Family
Max from Sam & Max, “ground level” black and white comic book.
Snowball from The Secret Life of Pets.
Officer Judy Hopps from Zootopia
Alice and Thistle from Alice's Farm: A Rabbit's Tale by Maryrose Wood
And many, many others.
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DETAILS: Most animals are regarded as sacred or manifestations of the divine to some degree or other in the past among some people.
It's easy to figure out the bear or horse for its ferocity or strength, the dog because of its loyalty, the cat because of its mysterious nature, eagles, hawks, and other birds for flight, and even the lowly spider because of its ability to spin webs.
Therefore it stands to reason that rabbits and hares would show up somewhere on the sacred radar screen as well.
The question, I think, is why have these creatures, who are one of the few to serve as pets, pests, and food simultaneously, gained such a prominent place in world myth, legend, and religion while other animals we are closer to show up less, or have less esteem?
Why have they found a place beside so many gods and goddesses that a dog, cat, or horse would more logically fill?
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Is it their fertility? Their seeming ability to survive in a world where almost everything else seems to want to eat them? Their speed? Their agility? Perhaps it’s that they remind us of ourselves.
Small creatures in a larger hostile world with no allies and the companion of nothing, yet able to survive and multiply.
It’s a thought, and if that is the case, it seems that our ancestors might have been on the money; a recent study has shown that rabbits and hares are not as closely related to rodents as was thought but are, in fact, closer to primates.
Perhaps it’s just those ears.
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jeffinstitute · 6 months
What Countries have Landed on the Moon
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What countries have landed on the moon ? In the vast expanse of space exploration, landing on the moon stands as a monumental achievement for humankind. Over the years, several countries have ventured into the cosmos to leave their mark on the lunar surface. This SEO-optimized long-form article takes you on a journey through the nations that have successfully landed on the moon, unraveling the cosmic feats that shaped our understanding of the universe.
1. United States - The Trailblazers
Setting the Stage: Apollo Missions The United States takes center stage as the pioneer in lunar exploration. The iconic Apollo missions, led by NASA, saw astronauts like Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon during Apollo 11 in 1969. This historic achievement marked the first human steps on the lunar surface, solidifying the U.S. as a space exploration powerhouse.
2. Soviet Union - The Early Triumphs
Luna Program: A Soviet Saga Before the United States, the Soviet Union made significant strides with its Luna program. In 1959, Luna 2 became the first spacecraft to reach the moon, making the Soviet Union the first to impact the lunar surface. Subsequent missions, like Luna 9 in 1966, achieved the first successful soft landing and transmitted images from the moon.
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3. China - A Rising Lunar Power
Chang'e Missions: A New Era In the 21st century, China emerged as a formidable player in lunar exploration. The Chang'e missions, named after the Chinese moon goddess, have made substantial contributions. Chang'e-3 in 2013 achieved the first soft landing since the Soviet Union's Luna 24 in 1976, showcasing China's advancements in space technology.
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4. India - Chandrayaan Chronicles
Chandrayaan Missions: Indian Aspirations India, too, has left its mark on the moon with the Chandrayaan missions. Launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Chandrayaan-2 in 2019 aimed for the lunar south pole, showcasing India's commitment to exploring uncharted territories on the moon.
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5 Japan - Smart Lander
Moon (Slim) missions: Japanese space agency (Jaxa)
Although a Japanese robot has successfully landed on the Moon, the mission may only last a few hours due to issues with its solar power system. Near an equatorial crater, the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (Slim) gently touched down on the lunar surface in January 2024. https://www.youtube.com/live/SU53KT6x4IQ?si=TDTh2MFMe1eIlkWF
Conclusion: What Countries Have Landed on the Moon
In conclusion, the moon, once an unattainable celestial body, has witnessed the footsteps of explorers from multiple nations. The United States, the Soviet Union, China, and India have each played pivotal roles in advancing lunar exploration. Their missions have not only expanded our understanding of the cosmos but have also set the stage for future lunar endeavors.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Have any other countries attempted moon landings besides the United States, the Soviet Union, China, and India? - While these four nations have successfully landed on the moon, other countries, including Japan and European nations, have conducted missions to orbit the moon and explore its surface without performing manned landings. - Are there plans for future moon landings by other countries? - Yes, several countries, including the United States through NASA's Artemis program, Russia, and China, have ambitious plans for future moon landings. Collaborative efforts and international partnerships are also being explored for lunar exploration. - How many manned moon landings have occurred to date? - As of the latest information, there have been a total of six manned moon landings, all conducted by the United States during the Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972. Read the full article
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lmkprideicons · 1 year
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aroace chang'e icons - personal headcanon
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misdollface · 2 years
•[Monkie kid Icon]•
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(Hi Hi! Recently got into Monkie kid and finished the season 3)
(and I will post the second part for the twisted wonderland header soon😥)
(I was very busy because school and work)
(I'll post some extra stuff tomorrow 😊)
(anyways Have good day/ night and stay safe (*˘︶˘*).。*♡)
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sunwuking · 2 years
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Chang'e icons from s3e7
feel free to use
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editswhite · 3 years
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Enjoy!! I made these for myself for pride month so I decided to share it with ya’ll too!!
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lookngforward · 4 years
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⠀⠀⠀⇁over the moon icons₉ 🌙
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𔘓 ╯watch it on netflix!
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