#this conversation is fascinating to me but it's also kind of hilarious you have to admit
fictionadventurer · 5 months
All the tour groups in Springfield should be very proud of me for how well I refrained from sharing all my fascinating Lincoln facts.
#there were so many school groups!#a giant one came in RIGHT AFTER i entered lincoln's cabinet room#part of me was screaming 'children i NEED to tell you about all these idiots and their insane drama!'#a smarter part of me understood that would be super weird#so instead i regaled different individuals of my own traveling party after we had the room to ourselves#then at lincoln's tomb we lucked out in getting there during the ten minutes of the day when school groups weren't there#which meant we got a personal tour from a guide who seemed thrilled to have grown-ups to talk to#he and my dad chatted about fishing for a long while in the entry#it didn't feel disrespectful because it totally felt like the kind of conversation lincoln would have understood and joined in on#and then we went on our way but the guide then chased us down to share all the fascinating lincoln stories as we went along#(shout-out to lefty you were great)#and then a school group found us so we made a graceful exit#but outside a teacher was explaining to a different group about how robert was significant in his own right so he's buried at arlington#and the RESTRAINT i showed in not immediately informing them that he was present at three presidential assassinations! it was rather heroic#and then when we toured lincoln's house the guide (who accidentally made it clear he was a revolutionary war buff)#(which made it a bit hilarious he was stuck with lincoln)#asked for questions before we started and someone asked about lincoln's 1860 election campaign!#aka one of my SPECIAL NICHE AREAS OF OBSESSION!#you cannot imagine how desperately i wanted to tell him ALL ABOUT seward and thurlow weed#anyway it was fun to go back now that i actually know stuff about lincoln#but it was also a bit frustrating because now i know how much they leave out#(though there was cool new info and artifacts)#(the blood-stained piece of laura keene's dress was very morbid and very cool)#also it reminded me that i still have that book on the 1860 election i've yet to read and the hype is so real#presidential talk
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weidli · 2 years
i didn’t know i needed franz diagnosing ivo with midlife crisis but now i have it anyway 
(Schwarzer Advent, 1998)
Ivo: “In den meisten Fällen des Sorgerechtsenzugs entstehen Minderwertigkeitsgefühle.”
Franz: Was hast denn da?
Ivo: Ein Gutachten. “Entstehen Minderwertigkeitsgefühle und starke Depressionen die eine zunehmende Ich-Entfremdung zur Folge haben können.”
Franz: Ahah.
Ivo: Ist das alles, was dir dazu einfällt?
Franz: Ja, es ... Ich-Entfremdung, schön, Ivo! Wir müssen den Mann fassen und nicht therapieren. 
Ivo: Ich versuche uns ein Täterprofil zu erstellen. 
Franz: Was wir brauchen sind Beweise und kein psychologisches Profil, weil uns nämlich die Zeit davonläuft. 
Ivo: Ich möchte verstehen wie der Wenisch funktioniert. 
Franz: Dass einer so ausrastet bloß weil die Frau weg ist. 
Ivo: Und seine Kinder. 
Franz: Andere wären froh. 
Ivo: Ja. Weil du dir nie Gedanken darüber gemacht hast, eine eigene Familie zu gründen. 
Franz: Aber du?
Ivo: Schon. Letzter Zeit. 
Franz: Bist du im Wechsel?
Ivo: Ich frage mich manchmal, was ich aus meinem Leben gemacht hab.
Franz: Ist nicht viel.
Ivo: Ja. Ist nicht viel.
Franz: Nee. Ist nicht viel.
Ivo: Ich freu mich, dass ich mit dir ernsthaft reden kann. 
Franz: Du, das ist völlig normal, dass man in deinem Alter ein Midlife-Crisis hat. 
Ivo: Was heißt in meinem Alter? Ich hab kein Midlife-Crisis!
Ivo: Vergiss es.
Beide: Also.
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We need to talk about the men in MK1
I really don't understand how they managed to make everybody SO BLOODY ATTRACTIVE?!
Even characters like Reptile were made into Boyfriend material.
Kenshi is a babe. That's it. That's the statement - he's a babe. His attractiveness ascends my language abilities to articulate how attracted I am to him in this game.
And Johnny - SO DAMN FINE! They struck the perfect balance of all Johnny's qualities with the features of a young Harrison Ford (which my followers will know has a certain power over me). Also I love that they made Johnny a hot nerd - who doesn't love a man that was ready to just dive into ancient Japanese history during a conversation.
And of course my dear Kuai Liang SERVED LOOKS in this game - I could cut my hand on his jawline...
This game has made me PRIMAL in ways that are dangerous to my psyche... but am I going to stop panting over the thirst traps that are Kenshi Takahashi and Johnny Cage? No.
Under the cut, I'm going to put more details reason's about why and how I want these fictional men to rail me which will probably make more sense to me followers but by all means, feel free to read! (But I will warn, it gets explicit so reader discretion is advised)
The amount I desire these men to dominate me is just unhealthy but let's get back to basics.
So those of you who have followed me for a bit (or I guess just looked at my page) will know that I have loved Kuai Liang and Hanzo since MKX. In MKX, I also had the hots for Kenshi and Johnny but not to the same degree. Then MK11 came out, obviously Kenshi isn't in it. I liked Older Johnny but not younger Johnny. As for Liang and Hanzo, I liked them a lot but not as much as MKX.
Then this DAMN game was released and like the timeline, the whole playing field was reset.
Don't get me wrong, I still love Kuai Liang in this game: he gives off such tender Lover vibes that I just want to stay in his arms ALL DAY. I mentioned that jawline right? I loved him and I love what they did with the familial relationships between him, Bihan and Tomas. When it was first announced that Kuai Liang was going to be Scorpion, I wasn't thrilled since, in my heart, that will always belong to Hanzo. They landed it tastefully but I still miss him as Sub Zero. Overall, I loved Kuai Liang in this game but Kenshi and Johnny were on another level.
Kenshi. KENSHI. The hold this man has over me. I can't tell if I want to be tender with him or animalistic: I genuinely go from "I want to remove his blindfold and kiss his scarred eyes, reminding him how much I love him while softly running my fingers through his hair" to "I want Kenshi to remove his blindfold and tie me to the bed, reminding me that I'm his toy to play with in any way he sees fit while fingering me with his tattooed hands- OH. HIS HANDS. I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I WANT TO SUCH ON HIS FINGERS WHILE HE CALLS ME A GOOD GIRL. I AM SO SUBMISSIVE TO THIS MAN THAT IT'S NOT HEALTHY.
I think out of all the characters, I was most impressed by the characterisation of Johnny. Don't get me wrong, Mileena, Sindel, Baraka, Syzoth all got the storylines and re-characterisation they deserve but with Johnny I was more impressed because less changed about him. Like I said, I've always been a bit hit-or-miss with Johnny but this Johnny was perfection. Immediately making him a hot history nerd rather than an airhead was brilliant, it gave a depth to Johnny that I've never seen and it played off Kenshi perfectly. It's kind of like when you're with a group of people and a random topic you love comes up and suddenly you go on a 10 minute rant about why it's fascinating before realising everyone is just staring at you in confusion: it made Johnny so much more relatable. Also I love the sense of humour they went for in this game with Johnny. In prior games, I sometimes felt like Johnny was trying too hard to be funny for other people but in this game, Johnny is unintentionally hilarious and his jokes are mostly for himself and I love it. The first time I saw "Ripley!" I genuinely couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes. Also his beloved Hichulli, peak comedy. But let's get to the juicy stuff: HIS DESIGN. YES PLEASE, SIGN ME THE HELL UP FOR IT. I want to just cover his face in kisses. I want him to cover my face is kisses. Also his nose... I mean, I'm sure you guys have noticed that I like prominent noses and Johnny's when I saw his made me go red. MK1 Johnny going down on someone would be an ethereal experience (especially since he never stops talking which I might request a fic for) and part of that experience would be the nose. Just general though, the facial shape, the hair, the nose, the jawline: it all slays, just like Johnny.
So now having read all this, you can see why I don't let myself talk about the men of MK1: I just become a whore. This game opened my eyes to kinks I have NEVER been into cough cough threesome with Johnny and Kenshi cough cough blade play using Sento with Kenshi cough cough recorded sex with Johnny cough cough... In summation: this game has reduced me from a somewhat mentally adjusted young woman to a neanderthal that wants to be breeded by two fictional men called Kenshi Takahashi and Johnny Cage.
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bengiyo · 5 months
My Stand In Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we met Joe, our stuntman protagonist with a terminal case of Bottom Dementia. He is the primary stuntman and stand in for a popular actor named Tong. He met Ming, a younger friend of Tong that has been secretly pining after Tong for years. Ming mistakes Joe for Tong and begins to pursue him, and the toxic yaoi began. We know that in the future Joe dies in a stunt accident and wakes up in the body of another guy named Joe (not confusing at all) and goes back to work at the same company. We left at Ming possibly recognizing Joe by his back again.
Joe, baby boy, if he can't remember fucking you this is a huge warning.
Joe sneezes when he has an orgasm? I really hope Ming remembers this when he inevitably fucks Wahl!Joe.
Joe, asking to tag along with you so he can see another man is another warning.
Keeping it on the DL is also suspect! Joe, it's so painful watching you when I know you're only going to make bad choices!
This Tong guy seems very difficult to work with. Leaving his costar alone to drown is super unsubtle as a metaphor.
Joe, he is flirting with another man in front of you, who is the guy you are asked to resemble.
Joe, he was just flirting with Tong and now he's jealous of you possibly having feelings for other people! He's mad at you for picking up on the flirting. Get out of there.
There's a lot of use of reflections in this episode. If one of you writes about it, please tag me.
Now, Joe, do not take your frustrations out on the other stuntmen.
Does Ming's mom not know he's gay?
I like this girl. She seems pragmatic.
JOE, YOU ARE EMBARRASSING! Why would you flirt like that??
No lube in a bathroom? Oh, BL.
I don't like the "Then stop me" thing Ming keeps doing.
Porsche!!! Welcome back!
I like that Sol wants to reunite because he left on a major misunderstanding, but recognizes that his feelings for Joe are genuine. This conversation about people taking advantage in the industry being a barrier to real connection is fascinating. I hope we see more of Sol, but I doubt Joe sees it.
Okay, legit fuck Ming. Ming showed up hella drunk and Joe took care of him and put him in a bed. Ming beefed with Sol and then dumped Joe on the floor for stinking of alcohol. I do not support these gay wrongs!
Wait are Ming and Joe NOT using condoms??
"You're just a stand-in." Hey, Ming, come outside. We won't jump you.
It's kind of a hilarious casting choice to put Porsche in a show where a gay man has feelings for his sister's boyfriend after his excellent work on You're My Sky. He's not involved in that plotline, but I'm thinking about it.
Well, that was fun, but at least Sol is still breathing.
Joe, are you really saying MING taught you about love? We're giving up on Sol for Ming??
I see. Ming has been very alone for a long time. I see how he became a stuntman.
I respect and support Ming's Lady and the Tramp desires.
I really hope this isn't the last we see of Sol! I feel bad for Joe because it feels like he's not got folks around to push back on Ming's bullshit. They were smart to pick Up for this role because he can make Ming's attempt to treat Joe and play house feel genuine, even if we know it's going to fall apart. Likewise, Phoom does the wounded puppy thing so well. Really impressed with the casting of this show.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 days
Yes or no:
You'd prefer to go to dinner with Chris Colfer and Luke Newton (as friendly threesome) than Darren Criss and Nicola Coughlan (another friendly threesome).
I have been fascinated by this question all day, Nonny. I'm sure you didn't realize the kind of question you were giving me, and it makes sense why anyone coming to my blog would pose the question this way. It seems like an obvious yes, right? No - it's way, way, way more complicated than that. Which is, in turn, why I'm so fascinated with the proposition.
I'm not under the assumption that anyone but myself cares about the answer or how I answer it, or even the fact that I've been kind of deep in thought about it and still can't really give you a definitive answer. But I've honestly been having fun making almost a philosophical quandary out of it.
I think if you look at these four actors individually, the obvious answer based on my blog, would be that if I was asked to go to dinner with one of them - I'd choose Chris.
It makes sense on a few different levels -- I've known of Chris for a very long time now. I've actually met him on multiple occasions. And, while I think one should never over self-identify with a celebrity, I do think Chris and I would have the most in common, and probably (possibly) think the most alike.
But I have a few caveats to this automatic assumption. If you asked me who am I the most comfortable with, individually, I might give you a different answer.
Nicola seems like the kindest soul. I would love to go to dinner with her. We're also close(st) in age and just the fact that she's a woman does put me at ease slightly over the guys.
Darren, meanwhile, makes for an excellent conversationalist. He would also, possibly, be the warmest of the four and do more of the social heavy lifting.
Luke, almost by default, ends up at the bottom of the individual list. Adding to possible social awkwardness is the fact that I know nearly zero things about the guy. I mean, I've known (of) Chris (and Darren) for nearly fifteen years now. And even Nicola I knew of from Derry girls. I didn't even know who Luke was five months ago. Add on top of that the fact that, while these are all incredibly attractive people, Luke might be the one I'm most attracted to? Ooff, talk about my social anxiety being high.
So, if you look at individual comfort level, the pairing of Nicola and Darren makes more sense, and therefore the answer might be 'no' to Nonny's original prompt.
But it does lead me to another interesting question -- why is Nonny's original assumption to a 'yes' a Chris and Luke pairing? While it's very well documented that Kurt is my favorite Glee character, it may not be as obvious, but Colin is not my favorite Bridgerton character. Penelope is. So is the automatic assumption, then, I'd go to dinner with those I'm more physically attracted to over not?
It's so curious.
I mean, Nonny, I won't lie - when I first opened this ask, my initial, gut reaction was -- oh, yup. Yes, that makes sense. And then I started down the rabbit hole of introspection.
If we paired them up differently, there's always an obvious choice for me.
Chris and Nicola (over Darren and Luke), yup, sign me up. That would be hilarious and fun (and maybe my most ideal pairing for dinner). (Though I can see Darren and Luke getting along pretty well? And I just don't think it'd be that awkward.)
Chris and Darren (over Nicola and Luke), yeah familiarity is going to win out on that one. (Also, omg, how intrusive would it feel to spend time with Nicola and Luke?)
My point is that Chris seems to be the key factor here. I do always come back to Chris. I always want to come back to Chris. So, maybe Chris is the one I'd feel the most comfortable with. Which also gets me thinking...
What would a conversation between Chris and Luke be like? I have no idea. Darren and Nicola -- I can see it. I can see the dynamic and see what it would be like, and no doubt, it'd be a lot of fun. But Chris and Luke? What is that conversation? I'm now incredibly curious. And I mean, let's take social anxiety out of it. Maybe it's professional - and a lot of my anxiety is alleviated on a professional level. This particular pairing I have no idea what will happen, and that is fascinating.
And now I'm back to 'yes' on Nonny's original question.
We've come full circle.
Do you see why, now, I couldn't just answer the question? My own psychological make up -- my tendency to overanalyze and ponder every angle has prevented me from giving what should be a very simple answer to a silly prompt. Which probably says more about me than the an actual answer to the question.
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For the ship game: Leopika and Hisoillu! I don't know your ship taste well so I'm just hitting a couple other big HxH ships hrjfjkjkdlgdfk hope you don't mind
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Oh, I don't mind at all, Percy! :)
Hisoillu is... I mean... they are kind of sort of engaged (?) so. Yeah, it makes sense. Also, I can think of no one else in the universe who should be subjected to close proximity with these two on a regular basis hdfhbsdhj. Congrats, you're perfect for each other, just never involve anyone else in what you've got going on ever. Truthfully, I'm kind of indifferent towards it as a ship. It makes sense to me, but it's not something I actively seek out in fanworks I suppose. It's just, yeah, Hisoka and Illumi are together. Happy for them lol. I guess it's mostly because I think murder is their love language and I just... can't see them being romantic with each other in a lot of the more typical ways that characterize many fanworks. Do they want to kill each other, or are they into each other? The answer is both - the murder is an intrinsic aspect of the "being into each other" hdjfbvhd. That said, I think they have a pretty healthy respect for each other, due to probably being evenly matched, I'd say. I think Hisoka genuinely finds Illumi good company, and Illumi readily has fairly casual conversations with Hisoka. Their dynamic is kind of fascinating actually, and I do honestly think they're kind of perfect for each other. Diversity win??? Loss??? I'm honestly not sure lmao
Leopika :') I love the potential for them. Sadly, they don't have all that many interactions in the canon manga, so I would ordinarily say it doesn't make a huge amount of sense, but then we have the 99 anime and the radio skits who seem determined to ship them so hfbgjdhj I have no clue. I'm weird about this ship because I tend to alternate between "yeah they're cute" and "oh god. oh god. them. AAARGGHHH" and experiencing emotional damage hahaha. I am like this with no other ship. It's very strange to me.
The one thing is that I'm extremely picky with Kurapika characterization, in any art or story. If Kurapika doesn't read right to me, I just can't suspend my disbelief. I'm really not big on the "mom and dad" characterization, though no shade to anyone who is.
Peak Leopika dynamic to me takes into account not just Leorio's concern and Kurapika's walls, but also their mutual stubbornness and Kurapika's hilarious tendency to annoy Leorio on purpose. To me, I've always felt that he likes Leorio because he's a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve and values individual lives so strongly, so he kind of checks that he hasn't changed that much when they see each other. I think it's kind of relieving for Kurapika, in a way, to know that Leorio will always be himself - "same old Leorio" kind of deal.
I also think Kurapika is just a little shit hjgbvsjdh
But no, I love that Leorio clearly eases up some of the pressure Kurapika feels, and seems to make him feel better about things- that's probably half the reason he keeps him at arms length. I think affectionate bickering is their love language. I also wish people noticed a little more that it's Kurapika who actually seriously initiated friendship between them, not Leorio. In most cases in the Hunter Exam, it was Kurapika approaching Leorio and showing a clear interest in sticking with him and helping him pass and achieve his dream. I think it's incredibly meaningful that one of the first people Kurapika meets and takes a liking to is this guy who wants to become a doctor - the doctor that Kurapika had left in the first place to go looking for. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to see what role Leorio will play in the current arc (just to have more Leorio, honestly, pls Togashi I miss him...), as I'm sure he will eventually find out about Emperor Time and OH BOY I'm sure that will go over well.
Erm. Sorry for rambling. I had a lot to say apparently...
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epersonae · 4 months
You've made me mad with power. Director's Cut of "I Spit On Your Grave", please.
Obviously I wanted -- no, needed -- to write a fic where Stede finds out what actually happened with Izzy while he was gone.
It is a key aspect of my Bad Ending fic in case I never make it through to where you are that Stede does NOT know, because I think otherwise he would have actually killed Izzy in that fic. I had a lovely long conversation with my therapist about that, both that fic generally and this question of knowing what was done to someone you love who is gone. Because HOOBOY did s2 kick up all my feelings about Ryn's parents, especially their mother; there was a piece of information that I found out after Ryn died that made me so angry I did seriously have a full-blown panic attack about it.
So yeah, I was always going to write something, but part of my writing process especially with shorter works is that I need a hook, something to get me into it -- an image or a sentence, something concrete to pull together whatever messy ideas have been spinning around in the blender.
And of course, I might have written it sooner (and it would have been a different fic) but I did break my leg right before Christmas, and that basically took me out not just physically but also mentally for about two months. I actually started making some notes in late January but I didn't have any stamina to do the writing until late February.
I knew the hook was going to be a bit back from the actual harm -- I've been fascinated by this question of how Izzy never says that "his captain" is actually Blackbeard since way back in my first watches of the show, and then there's kind of a running joke around here about how Stede always leads describing the meet-cute with "so I'd been gut-stabbed" like babygirl what. And the phrase "just happened upon our ship" or whatever that is, when MY DUDE HE'S BEEN FOLLOWING YOU THIS WHOLE TIME. The whole thing has this mix of Izzy having been lying through his teeth and Stede being hilariously oblivious that cries out for something to dig into.
And then I saw this post by @iamadequate1, and OH OKAY. Because weaponized therapy language and isolation in emotional abuse is something that, well. Yeah. Plus it had all the relevant bits of dialogue in one post! Plus I'd been thinking about Izzy as an unreliable narrator for almost two years, and I'd been thinking specifically about people with uhhhhhh a "flexible relationship with the truth" (to use a line from the fic), and a tendency to say different things to different people in order to evade responsibility.
So I made some notes, according to the document history at the end of January, and then probably either went back to sleep or back to watching Perry Mason. Came back to it in late February, and the first two-thirds or so came together pretty quickly and then I got stuck. I knew I wanted something with Stede yelling at the grave, but I'd sort of written myself into a corner where that didn't seem to be happening. (Basically, got to the point where he holds Ed while Ed is crying.)
And then I saw THIS post by @celluloidbroomcloset, and something clicked together about "doggie heaven" and the parallel with Ned Low, and somehow that was the rug that tied the room together. Probably because also they're both dead, Izzy and Ned, and that leads to this question of the impossibility of revenge, and that so much of the time there's just nothing you can do, really, and that also hurts. Even if they're not dead; there's just no point, like what the fuck are you gonna do, exactly? Which is sort of where the Mary parallel comes in, I think, and also not giving Izzy credit for bringing them together, because that's all them.
All in all this is a really special fic for me, trying to find this balancing point where things are pretty good for them, actually, but they still need to work through their respective hurts and be properly seen -- fill in all the blanks so they can move forward.
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final-girl96 · 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Thirty-Two
A/N: After having a long conversation with my best friend and her helping pull me out of my anxiety induced overthinking spiral to hell, I have decided to keep the chapter I wrote. I added something stuff, and maybe it so you should know who is talking.
For those confused. Someone on wattpad said they couldn't understand who was and wasn't talking, and it sent me into a spiral yesterday. That is why I deleted it.
But just know that my mental state is still fragile at the moment, so if someone tells me they still don't understand, I will probably do something stupid, like delete the whole story. Anyway, here ya go.
"You good?" Derek nodded and caught the pants that were thrown at him. "Thanks," He said and slipped the pants on. Sidney just looked at him confused and hurt. I knew exactly what was going on. Derek was one of the ghostfaces, but there was no way he killed anyone. The guy might be going to school to be a doctor but he definitely couldn't kill someone. He's too much of a pussy for that.
I started chuckling but not because it was funny. Because it made total fucking sense in a way that didn't make sense. "What's so funny?" Derek asked. "It's always the fucking boyfriend! Makes total sense, but also fucking doesn't because Derek is a fucking pussy!" I looked at Sid and threw my hands up. "He knew who you were the whole fucking time! He knew exactly what you went through, Sid!"
I turned back to the right and pointed my finger at the other person, Derek's partner. The person that had me and Sid in complete shock. "You…you I kind of understand. But not fully. So tell me, why? What's your motive?" I asked. I got a smile and a little laugh from them. One of those laughs that happen when you think back on a really good memory.
"I met Stu a year ago. He walked into the store I was working in and I recognized him right away. Of course his hair was black when I met him and not blond like it is now. I didn't tell him I knew who he was right away. Instead I offered him a place to stay and got to know him." I couldn't help but picture Stu with black hair. I shook my head and continued to listen to them drone on about meeting him.
"Then a week later I ended up confessing I knew who he was. He wasn't too happy about that at first but I was able to calm him down and reassure him I wasn't going to say anything. I found it so fascinating how his mind worked. He told me everything that happened and how he and Billy planned it and how he got away. In that span of time I found myself falling for him."
A part of me didn't want to believe that Stu had something to do with this, but my rational side knew he did. I knew from the very beginning that he had something to do with all this shit. But on the other hand I was also trying to not let my jealousy show. I was trying to make it seem like I didn't give a fuck.
"Well, you know how he is. Ridiculously handsome, caring, a complete goofball. I mean the liver alone joke! How could you not laugh at that?! It was fucking hilarious! He's so charming. I can see why you feel for him."
I rolled my eyes and looked over at Sidney who was giving me a confused look. I could feel the guilt start to bubble up inside of me. I've been messing around with him behind everyone's backs. I keep telling myself I don't want him. I don't want anything to do with him. My brain is the rational one. It's my heart that's stupid. I looked away from Sidney and looked back at the bitch standing in front of me.
"You know, I've been trying and trying and trying…" She took a step every time she said "trying" and was now only a foot from me. She looked me in the eye, anger clear as day behind them. "To get him to see me, but all he sees is you! I've done everything to try and get him to look at me the way he does you. But no…he's obsessed with you!" I wiped off the spit that landed on my cheek.
"I even tried getting rid of that geek of yours! After hearing him talk about Stu the way he did. I couldn't control myself. It was perfect though, don't you think? But of course, YOU had to get in the way. God, I thought he would have been happy but he was so pissed off because you got hurt. He was pissed when you got stabbed too. It's always about you. I've even gotten down on my knees for him."
My hands balled up into fists and I could feel the anger clawing to get out. My jaw tensed and I did everything to keep myself from pouncing on her and ripping her throat out. I could feel Sidney's eyes boring into the side of my head. I spared a quick glance at her and I knew she saw straight through me. I put up this front that I feel nothing for Stu, but she knows. She knows that I'm still in love with him.
I looked back at the bitch that kept running her mouth. She had let out a chuckle. Ine that said she was proud of herself for getting to me. "Oh…does that piss you off? Thinking about me on my knees in front of him with his c…"
she didn't even get to finish her sentence because I jumped at her. Of course, I didn't get my hands around her neck like I wanted because Derek stopped me with a knife to my throat. "Don't even try it," he told me. I looked up at him and then to the knife in his hand.
"Someone's touchy. Did I hit a nerve?" My gaze flicked back to the bitch in front of me. Before I could say anything though Sidney spoke up. "That's why you were always asking about Stu. That's why you wanted to know what he was really like before him and Billy did what they did. What are you getting at here, Hallie? You're doing this because you're jealous of my sister?" She asked, Hallie.
She then directed her attention to Derek, "I don't understand…why? Why are you doing this?" She asked. She had pain in her eyes, begging for him to tell her this was some cruel joke. He gave her an answer just not the one she wanted to hear.
"I did know who you were when we met at that party last year to welcome the freshman. I've actually been obsessed with you since I saw you on the news after what happened. I met Hallie when she came on a tour her senior year of high school. I was a freshman here. We started talking about you two and it eventually got to where she told me she knew Stu and could guarantee that I would be able to meet you because she knew that you two were going to come here," he told her.
"He wanted you and I wanted to get rid of yn," Hallie said. Our attention then turned back to her as she continued. "Make Stu see that I'm better than she is. Oh, and of course there is someone else helping us, but he seems to have pissed off somewhere." She threw her hands in the air.
Taking a deep breath she continued, "Anyway, I told Stu I would help him scare you enough that you'd run into his arms every time he showed up. That we could make the sequel he and Billy wanted. Our other partner had other ideas though and messed the plan up but I guess it all worked out. I promised Stu you wouldn't die but…after yesterday night…knowing that you slept with Stu and he was with you the whole night!"
My eyes casted over to Sidney and she gave me a confused look and I just shook my head. It was stupid to lie when she knew the truth. I've been scared that someone would either find out or that if I decided to tell someone they wouldn't believe me.
I looked away from Sidney and back at Hallie with a blank look. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I haven't seen Stu Macher since he and Billy tried killing us. So if you do have contact with him…then he's just trying to make you do his dirty work. He feels nothing for you and never will. You're just a little puppet."
She screamed, running at me and tackled me to the ground, hands around my neck, and yelling how she was going to kill me. I heard Sidney gasp and say my name. She tried to move forward but Derek wrapped his arms around her from behind and held the knife to her just like Billy had. "Sorry, but I can't let you do that, babe."
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teruthecreator · 1 month
toichiro for ask :3
i know youre doing this to fuck with me but i will try to take this as seriously as i possibly can. just to prove you can never break me
Sexuality Headcanon:
it’s fucking toichiro man
Gender Headcanon:
it’s fucking toichiro man
A ship I have with said character:
josetoi is the classic and that’s basically it. just two guys fucking around in their weird sexually charged antics.
A BROTP I have with said character:
i once had a toichiro character study i was playing with that was gonna involve a scene with reigen and toichiro having a pretty candid, honest conversation about life and i’ve always thought about it. i think reigen could pretty easily cut through the bullshit and be real with toichiro, and as much as toichiro does not respect reigen he can appreciate his brutal honesty.
A NOTP I have with said character:
seritoi sucks and we all know this
A random headcanon:
i don’t know if this is a headcanon, more so just my general thoughts on how i’d think his Imprisonment would go. i don’t think he is ever formally Let Out bc my understanding of his imprisonment is it’s something a lot more dubious than just a typical criminal being apprehended by the cops situation (i see the esper branch as working oftentimes Outside of the jurisdiction and general rules of the government, therefore having their own means for capturing and subduing perpetrators). toichiro was never formally arrested in the books, more that he just kind of fell off the face of the planet and is assumed to have either left the country or be dead. toichiro Could feasibly just leave the containment facility and walk free—there are no legal laws keeping him there. it’s just that, well, they would probably try and stop him if he Did try to leave and that would involve probably beating and/or killing him. plus, i think it’s more of a personal penance for toichiro. he knows he can leave but chooses to stay because he feels this is what he deserves after all he’s done. but, eventually, as toichiro proves to be a good inmate, the facility starts giving him more freedoms. it kind of becomes like a nursing home? where people can check him out for a day or a couple of days at a time, provided he isn’t needed for any missions and is escorted by an agent (most often joseph, who was assigned to his case). he sees the outside world quite often, between his missions apprehending rogue espers with joseph and the gang checking him out to attend big parties and shit. but he also gets the typical prison visits and calls from shou and whoever feels like seeing him. he never becomes able to Leave the facility, but he’s made his peace with that and enjoys his life for what it is.
General Opinion over said character:
world’s funniest and yet saddest anime villain. i used to think about toichiro A Lot, especially in terms of writing him. i think it’s funny how closely you can compare him to teru in the way he talks and his worldview, because it means a grown ass man was having the same powertrip as a Literal Fourteen Year Old. but also that’s like. sad! tfs has a lot of toichiro in it and i got rlly good at writing him and the ways he manipulates people. i don’t think he’s a fundamentally evil person or anything. i just think he kind of sucks and has the capacity to change. mob psycho is literally all about giving kind of shitty people the capacity to change. and i openly welcome the idea of toichiro growing to become a different person post-wd. he’s a fascinating little critter and also just generally hilarious
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toichirofish BLAST
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runespoor7 · 8 months
WWX/NHS for the ship ask?
based on the nature of the questions, I'm gonna say *make a so-so gesture with their hand* kinda.
What made you ship it?
It's not so much shipping as... a mix of "sure why not" and "this could be interesting" and a pinch of "this is funny /chengxian-related".
What are your favorite things about the ship?
As far I'm concerned, there are two flavours I can see.
a) is teenaged shenanigans in Cloud Recesses. Bros helping bros fooling around together. JC is way too stuck-up for this kind of fun, but NHS and WWX have no such compunction! The book has this amazing description of NHS when WWX sees him in the Cloud Recesses, something like "he looked like you could bully him into anything" or something equally side-eyeable. NHS sounds like he would be up to every single of WWX's bad ideas and he wouldn't grouch about it either.
it's about teenaged experimentation, and more than a little it's also about chengxian. (as in, it's hilarious to me when WWX is going after everyone who isn't JC, rip JC; and also it's about WWX running from thinking about JC and what he feels for JC. as usual.)
b) is post-canon stuff, and that part is super interesting to me. WWX was brought up because of NHS; how does he feel about that? (does WWX make a parallel between who he was to NHS, and what WN is to him? does he feel used, is my question?)
NHS has changed since they were kids, but unlike JC WWX wasn't very invested in him back then. Of course WWX is happy by the end of the book, but... if he gets restless, if his life is sated enough that he starts wondering in the direction of NHS... NHS too has become a mystery. One that WWX saw through at the end of the book, sure, but did he really?
I can see WWX poking around NHS, trying to get a picture of who NHS is now, what he's doing. NHS hasn't seemed as taken with WWX as any of WWX's sidekicks flavor of the month LWJ/JC/WN sidekicks... not even in the Cloud Recesses... or did he, back then? did WWX just not really realize because NHS was more timid than them, not as likely to throw himself into danger? it was a long time, though. Even if he once was willing to follow WWX, now he isn't. ...But he did facilitate WWX's return. Why WWX.
What I like about this idea is that WWX comes into it not as sure of himself as usual. NHS is an unknown-dangerous quantity, one who used to be friend-like. WWX doesn't own NHS even a little bit.
I think maybe NHS wouldn't hate playing games with WWX. They're only little games. NHS doesn't have any more secrets or grand plans. But talking with WWX is a thrill all the same - like he still has things to hide! And WWX was always such a fascinating person, charming and fearless.
I see them having pointed conversations over drinks that turn into veiled flirting that turn into something more over time.
I see NHS sighing about sect leader duties, and WWX wanting to nod; still neither of them likes the weight of responsibilities. And it would be poignant, I think, for them to commiserate and yet to feel the gulf that separates them from who they were as teens.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't know what's popular here, sorry.
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camgoloud · 6 days
im sorry im back to yell at you about the magicians again… very much enjoying it so far especially the whole “magic school would be insufferable actually” concept. a classroom full of a billion teenage prodigies all trying to outprodigy each other at the world’s most annoying menial tasks? eugh. getting hives already. no thanku. it reminds me a lot of the scholomance, especially adding in the whole languages thing… idk. very cool.
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also i know it’s unintentional and absolutely not what “straight man” is supposed to indicate in this situation but. this paragraph is So Fucking Funny to me thinking back after finding out Eliot’s gay. what did he need a straight man for hello
okay 1. DO NOT APOLOGIZE please i am going around these days vibrating with the need to talk about these books. yell at me as much as you want i will be so glad to have the opportunity to yell back and also 2. re: brakebills YES. yes exactly. okay so this is a whole-ass trilogy right like i don’t think it’s too much of a spoiler to say that there’s Quite A Lot Of Stuff to them beyond the time quentin spends at brakebills BUT i do find the brakebills stuff really fascinating! because a. i’ll always love a good magic-school story i am not immune to the trope and also b. exactly what you pointed out re: the text’s engagement with the idea that magic school Would Maybe Kind Of Suck, Actually—but at the SAME TIME the idea of it remains compelling both to quentin and to the reader (at least to me)… in my head i always call this the secret history maneuver—when an author manages to simultaneously demonstrate Why This Whole Thing Is Bad And Also, Kind Of, Hilarious When You’re Not One Of The Guys With Their Head Stuck Up Their Ass About It, and, also, make you kind of want to be one of the guys with their head stuck up their ass about it. brakebills does not sound fun! everybody in there is romanticizing their own pain and suffering and the idea of their genius just to make it through the hell they are all putting themselves through for what reason exactly?! and yet at the same time… who among us has never been there. maybe i just needed to chill out a little bit in high school idk. but! there’s just something really compelling about the way everybody at brakebills clearly romanticizes the hell out of their ability to hack it at an Elite Institution and you at the reader are like “okay i get why this is a point of pride for you, insufferable teenage prodigy whose entire identity has clearly been built around the idea of your own academic superiority to The Masses, but also… damn you really live like this? lmao.” and now that you bring it up it is interesting to think about in conversation with the scholomance! like obviously they come at it from very different angles because so much of the scholomance books features the characters explicitly talking and thinking about lowering barriers to scholarship, etc. while everyone at brakebills seems to be all-in on making life as hard as possible for themselves so they can get off on the idea of how special they are BUT in the context of the broader trilogy, some new perspectives you get later on as you meet new characters/quentin grows up some… i think there’s maybe an undercurrent of some similar point being made in the magicians though i’m not really sure how intentional grossman was being about it. and also you’re right about the magic systems being pretty similar re: the integration of so many different languages into the spellwork! though again i think novik is much MUCH more interested in the politics of language than grossman is
and also 3. lmaoooo i love it. quentin (to himself, about eliot): what this boy needs is a role model. a REAL MAN to show him what’s what. i can be that for him [is absolutely NOT capable of being a role model for anyone in the entire world; is also in spite of his efforts not even that much more successful at being a Traditionally Masculine Man than the guy actively trying to be as flamboyant as possible]
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Hey could I ask something , I never watched anything related to jttw , but I would like to read and purchase the novels ,hmm my quistion is , is there any kind of bromance in it ? Hear warming stron friendship ?if yes between which caracters ? , I would be happy if i got the answers of thease quistions , thank you :)
@d-genie Wukong in the first seven chapters is pretty solo all his own as he starts a ruckus but once it finally hits the actual journey, you start to see all the different dynamics between the characters.
This is kinda a list of my favorite to my least favorite (but still favs) bromances, because I think you could find that kind of enjoyment from any of them.
In my opinion, the strongest Bromance is between all the pilgrims, I think that Wukong, Bajie, & Wujing trío is like the ultimate bromance as within the story anytime they get into some kind of shenanigans together that has both some of the sweetest moments to me, but also the greatest amount of humor. These guys play off each other so well especially when they’re just picking food or if they are pulling pranks and making bets on who can do what. It’s that just kind of camaraderie that builds up after dealing with someone for so long. And you can see like even later on how much Wujing starts to relax around the guys and Bajie builds up his own confidence because he knows he has a backup and Wukong grows in empathy for those around him. These three or without a doubt my favorite interactions.
My personal fav one-on-one relationships would def have to be Bajie and Wukong, I think they are both hilarious and interesting. Hilarious in that they are always bouncing off each other, they have this deadpanned kinda humor from talking about how they would eat each other from one moment to arguing about how to farm a field properly. The range of conversations that these two have is both fascinating and just such a great read to me. They argue over some of the stupidest things and take it as seriously as lectures. Also from all the pranks they pull on one another. Honestly, they see are the most entertaining, and dare I say I think they are the closest to how much they tease and banter as they don't hold back on one other. They are brutally honest and while at first, they try to annoy each other they really come to rely on one another and Bajie shows major respect when talking about Wukong... Bajie just rather die than show that respect to Wukong's face though. Refuses to brush Wukong's big ego by showing how much he looks up to him. But in all seriousness, I think they are probably my favorite just because they can handle each other the best when it comes to both ego and even strength on some level. I think these two get the most obvious growth and you could see how they play off each other.
The next best, Bromance, I can think is Wukong & Sanzang I know that some people don’t see that in the OG novel and I could be a bit biased and how I greatly see the 1986 and 1996 as better examples of that relationship, but I really think that there’s a lot of respect for one another even if they butt heads, you could definitely tell these two are the most dedicated to the mission and each other. At first, Wukong does leave Sanzang unguarded but later on, he becomes so good at making sure that he stays safe and even cries so much throughout the novel if anything happens to him. Also that Sanzang does have an uncanny knack for knowing when demons are close and get very worried but Wukong always says with confidence he can protect them and they continue on… only for him to get kidnapped later. And again that kind of was not listening to the other, and later on that is flipped again. He goes from making fun of Sanzang for crying so much to becoming the actual crybaby and honestly, I really enjoy that transition. And Sanzang isn’t so obvious in his favoritism, but honestly, he is always looking to Wukong for the most guidance, and no matter what he says he does know that Wukong has his back. And I honestly love that we even see in later chapters when he knows that demons or after him, and he does agree with Wukong that they could be going into a trap but he doesn’t want to compromise his own values and humanity just to protect himself if it means he could save someone else. It’s just these two have such different viewpoints, but I still feel like there’s a whole lot of respect and even care between them especially when you see how much they grow because of each other.
The next best relationship I can think is Wujing & Wukong as well. They don’t get a lot of things together they do get some of the best scenes like with Wujing cheering on Wukong or that Wujing is trying to hype up his brother. Honestly, most of their interactions are very sweet if not short-lived. Wukong trusts Wujing so much to protect Sanzang and even says so when he left for the first time. He always trying to look out for the other even if he does tease him every once an a while.
After that, honestly, Bajie & Wujing are hilarious together, especially later on when Wujing definitely gets more outspoken and absolutely demolishes Bajie with his one-liners. It’s like if there’s ever a time to bully Bajie, Wujing is always right there behind the group the show side comments that are absolutely hilarious and just leaves the whole group like “damn that was out of pocket” but honestly it wasn’t. Love these two together, especially when they have to work together, but more so when they just throw jabs at each other.
Next best relationship would be Bajie & Sanzang to me, as as much as I hate Bajie manipulating circumstances to get his way, I also do like how Sanzang really thinks that Bajie wouldn’t lie just because he’s not clever enough XD and like part of him he’s always worried about Bajie especially when he’s fighting other enemies because despite him showing that he can fight really well, he knows that Bajie is also easily trick. These two are both the kidnap duo as they are also both kidnapped at the most. I feel like they both connect in that way they both have a lot of fear and they have different ways of coping with it.
Wukong & BaiLong and Bajie & BaijLong I kind of a tie for me when it comes to the next Bromance because Wukong does have that whole allegorical relationship with BaiLong but also just how much BaiLong looks up to Wukong and clearly respects him and knows that they need him even when BaiLong was the only one left to save Sanzang he took it upon himself to beg Bajie to get him back. And also I just really like that whatever shit goes south Bajie suggests selling the horse, as if this isn’t a dragon that can make his own choices XD I can only imagine Bailongs inner monologue of how he’s going to kick Bajie in his sleep.
Sanzang & Wujing is also a dynamic that isn't explored a lot because despite how much they are together the most (because usually Bajie and Wukong are all fighting Demons) they don’t get to have a lot of dialogue together, which is a shame. I get it it’s like you know, for story purposes you follow the more interesting plot but I like to think these to have the quietest moments and definitely get along the most in that they are both level-headed in situations, though they both can have a temper. It doesn’t lead to a lot of comedy or action, or even philosophical moments but I like to think that these two can definitely get along the most in a quiet setting. Also, the connection I like between them is that Wujing most definitely likely ate Sanzangs past lives, and he feels very guilty for that XD
Sanzang & BaiLong or actually the two that spend the most time together, but definitely have no dialogue between them. And it’s only a level above the last kind of relationship because BaiLong does look at Sanzang as a Master, and actually takes his job very seriously about being a good steed. I like to think that he does try to run away from demons with Sanzang on him but also, he can only do so much pain in his horse form. Also, Bailong being an extension of Sanznag's will and shows how far he is willing to go to get the scriptures.
And definitely, the least developed relationship is Wujing & BaiLong with absolutely no dialogue, and very little time spent together. Make sure they had one conversation during the whole medicine arc but otherwise, it’s pretty low-key as they just acknowledge and respect one another funny enough. Wujing is the one to confront Bailongs cousin and one of the arcs. I think these two could get along very well being very straight men but they just never get a chance despite them being more prone to the water.
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tkblythofficial · 8 months
Aha a new video with a different editing POV. Me likey. Boy, isn’t human behavior fascinating and human relations even more so? I’ll say my thesis statement - is to try and get under the skin of RT.  I know we are definitely not imagining things between them. So the question is what is it between them. Why do they have such attraction. This is beyond co-stars, friends, buddies, you name it. We have already done a fabulous job processing these two but now we need to deconstruct them. Are they truly in the burgeoning stages of something deep or are they simply two empathetic people meeting in platonic joy?
R always looks impressed with T. Even simple whistling or him shooing away an airplane. Surely her bf has some skills to amuse her unless she’s a deeply kind person being complimentary. X for doubt but further I think comparisons with other co-stars might provide extra clarity.
Omg, she’s biting her lip. Ohhh, to be in her brain right now: psychologically a little heavy, he says. Maybe, she and Tom had very deep conversations about their characters, which tied into another commentor who indicated that it was through rehearsals that the true depths of their feelings where revealed. Like they were using their characters to say what they truly wanted to say but why? Tom already did that in that Vanity fair interview as himself. Rachel spent most of the press tour singing his praises. Why use Lucy Gray and Snow as avatars then. Any deets?
Agreed! Tom was surprised and unsure what to say. It was such a huge out pouring of emotion from her or maybe he didn’t want to say anything after the way that KISS interview went. I wonder what order this was. Also, her outpouring was so obvious that maybe concerns about Js reaction might have popped in his mind. Remember that 1 million hit interview.
He wanted her. Does she want him and in what way?
When T likes someone (in non-attraction way), he’s polite not as playful. There’s an interview with T and Hunter  and his body language was very neutral. I get the sense, Hunter is more fond of him.
I think we’re in the beginning stages of something deeper :) but for now, they’re enjoying the bliss of their friendship
1. She’s very impressed with him in generally and I think it’s because like she said herself “he’s going to be so famous” so she’s happy to know him!
3. I think it’s easier to express feelings when it’s not coming from you but “someone else”, example Coryo and Lucy Gray. Like R and T having deep convos about what their characters would do and say is more safe than having a convo about themselves and their own feelings. So R would say, “Lucy Gray would love if Coryo kissed her full of passion!” And T would go “Yeah! Coryo would tongue kiss her and hold her face!” But in reality, they’re voicing their own desires onto their characters.
4. T was speechless and got flustered. I wish we knew the order of interviews too. T always did interviews with J that day too so he kept in respectful with R lol
5. R wants him but she seems conflicted! J has a hold on her
6. T and H are more friendly vibes! I think they’re equally fond of each other but aren’t playful. My friend (not the tarot one!!!) said the actress who plays Clemmie might have a crush T but he’s not interested at all lol. I found that hilarious.
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in2thenewworld · 7 months
Hi 👋🏻😊 hope you dont mind me sending my request here instead of PMing you; I'm curious who you'd pair me with :3
I'd like a matchup for a male DMC character. My pronouns are she/her.
Appearance: I'm 5'3", got a full figure body with a round face. I have mid back length, dark chocolate colored hair with down turned eyes of the same color. Under my left eye are 2 freckles that look exactly like this -> : <- I usually wear comfy clothes, but will dress up if I need to. Most of the time I just wear a tshirt with pj pants, or leggings with a tshirt.
Personality: I am introverted, possibly an INFJ, I am more emotional than logical, and am a Gemini
Interests: I like to read, write, and basically do anything creative; I like working with/using my hands to make something, or to help someone out (giving massage, need first aid, etc.) I am also a foodie, love looking up recipes to try and love to cook/bake.
What I look for in a partner is someone who has a sense of humor, knows how to have fun and when to be serious, can make me smile, and are kind-hearted or compassionate. They can be introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted, it dont matter to me as long as I feel I could vibe with them and talk to them about anything.
My love language is physical touch and quality time. I don't really have an ideal date, just staying home with either a cooked meal or takeout would be fine with me as long as I'm with my partner.
heya! however you prefer to send the info is good! and thank you again for the matchup you wrote, i absolutely adored it 🥹
anyway, let’s get into it!
hope you’re alright with a chit chat or monologue, because I’m loading your match!
…ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु��⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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Nero first met you during his off time between jobs at home in Fortuna. You would probably bump into each other by chance. I can imagine a scenario of you helping out a group of children who were lost perhaps? Nero knows how to help them get back home, so he jumps in to assist you. Then, once it’s just the two of you after all of that, you spark up a conversation, and funnily enough, there’s certainly a spark.
You cross paths a few more times before you eventually decide to make the first move. You bring him a small variety of baked goods when you swing by to ask the big question, and Nero tries to play off like he’s much cooler about the whole thing than he really is.
Nero’s sense of humour often comes in the form of poking fun and being a bit of a tease. You can also make him laugh pretty easily. That being said, he knows when to turn it off, so that’s not an issue.
You can talk to Nero about absolutely anything. He won’t tell a soul if you don’t want him to, and he’s got a level enough head to give good advice to others. Sometimes he might be the type to offer solution before comfort, though, so if you’d rather the latter, you might have to tell him.
Nero would go to hell and back a million times for his loved ones. He’s got a kind heart, and he’ll do almost anything to make you happy. His tone when he speaks with you is softer than with anyone else. It’s almost funny. Alright, it’s hilarious. Nico rinses him to death for it, but she’s always on the receiving end of his sarcasm, so it goes both ways really.
Nico would totally get along with you, though. You’re around her a lot by association with Nero, and if you enjoy hands on tasks you might find yourself in the garage as a project partner quite often.
Nero is totally here for the chilled home dates. He finds it comforting to have this space with you that you can call your own, so there’s not many places he’d rather be. He’ll let you choose the food and a movie, he’s just happy to be there.
Sometimes he’s away for a long time on missions… Luckily, you’re always there to welcome him home with your affection and some form of small gift, favour or a date planned. He brings you back souvenirs too if he gets a job in a new, fascinating place. Think of it as making up for lost time. (You also spend a lot of time together post mission because you’re patching up his wounds and insisting that a massage will ease all of the tension and aches that come from fighting. Not that he’s complaining, he welcomes your touch.)
I hope this is to your liking! :) and to my followers, what do we think of the slight format change?
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about to get dinner, but!! gib 👁️ (please)
well considering I literally just threw a snippet of So Cries the Wolf in your direction I really should talk about this one, huh.
for starters this shit is currently going through so many revisions on the spot. it started out as a general plan, got a more detailed plan, got a full plan complete the ending, and then the plan blew up so now I'm kind of racing along like that one gif of Gromit the Dog on a model train laying down tracks as I go
there's definitely some conversations I had ideas of and managed to slot in, but also several conversations and ideas that no longer fit. I was also getting stressed about making sure all the questions were answered by the end of the story and yknow what - I've decided not to do that. not everything gets a nice tie-off or an explanation. I have a collection of ideas for me as to why certain things happened, but bringing those answers up in the story in a natural way is just not feasible. when the story is finished, I can sit down and explain, or I'll leave it to readers to debate over. if people do. it'd be hilarious if So Cries the Wolf had a theory channel, I'd eat that up
I can't really remember what inspired me first to write SCtW. I wanted something supernatural and horror, which isn't an area I'm used to, but that's part of the challenge on it. at the time I was very new to the DCA fandom and Eclipse figures were fascinating to me. like, these two guys could make a whole new guy! often imposing and terrifying. I wanted to make an Eclipse. but what kind? what setting? well, why not spooky flesh-n-blood demon? I'd seen mers, monsters, angels after all. and now I'm 47.7k words into some of the wildest shit I've written in a long time
kinda mad you didn't pick a passage for me because oh my god there's so many. let's go with this scene from Chapter 3:
Caught mid-step, Eclipse hesitated. Their brow furrowed as they lifted one of their hands to their eye-line, as if seeing the circling red silk for the first time.
“No,” they said quietly. “They were not part of the design. These were given to us.” That absolutely piqued your attention.
“Given to you?”
“Yes. A gift. A reminder.”
“A reminder for what?”
“...We have forgotten,” Eclipse murmured, his voice dropping and hollow. This was new, very new for you. This was regret on his face. Sympathy turned your stomach over, urging you to approach and lay a hand on the demon’s arm. He didn’t pull away, not immediately at least. But the snarling teeth returned and he stalked back to the edge of the circle.
this was one of those moments where I was on the train, I had nowhere to write anything down, but my brain just slapped a short exchange of lines between Y/N and Eclipse and I had to type into my notes app to write in my document later. since it came to mind fairly early on, I couldn't use it right away, but I knew it would take place during a heart-to-heart between the pair and it sure did fit in perfectly
this one I enjoyed firstly because that was the first little point where it's suggested Eclipse has memories from the DCA. like yeah, technically the ribbons don't belong to Eclipse, they belong to the boys! but the ribbons ended up on him. same with the memories.
secondly fun because we got our first look at soft Eclipse. he's definitely gotten a lot softer in the last two chapters, but at this point we'd just had grouchy, griping, physically violent Eclipse. they'd been throwing temper tantrums up the wazoo, the main emotions they'd shown had been anger, irritation, and general brattiness. this got to be the first moment of their wall coming down, and it felt right that it got wound in with the ribbons - something that wasn't a physical part of them, but instead from outside
Montague gets stomachaches from peanut butter. unfortunately, Montague loves peanut butter. Y/N has had to endure a number of various days where Monty decided to snaffle one of their sandwiches and ended up on the sofa in demon doggy discomfort
...I did three years in circus club. take a solid guess what I was most proficient with.
jokes aside, I do a lot of hiking, so I know general forest navigation as well as animal tracking. I've learned about septic tanks by staying in cabins (way more luxurious than Y/N's but still off the water grid). I absolutely adore reading up about myths, fables, legends, cryptids, seeing who overlaps with what (okay that's less of a 'what I know' and more of a 'what I want to know more about constantly'). I know birds. I fuckin LOVE birds. and cats.
I know some things, and all of them go off in different directions, so I never feel like I can say I know everything about one thing. but a lot of the little things help with bigger things I don't know about (ish)
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xplrvibes · 7 months
alright im half way thru and here are my thoughts so far:
1. I truthfully don’t know any of the controversy around joe rogan, i just know he’s hella popular for being controversial and he’s someone i’d be on edge to have a convo with bc what i have seen is he questions everything and he isn’t afraid to let you know he doesn’t agree. but snc seem to really like him and vibe with him and it does seem super out of the blue for joe to want ghost hunters to come investigate his place (I hope this isnt a set up). either way, sounds interesting.
2. that contract from o-park mall is challenge worthy. they spelt colbys name entirely wrong (misspelt his last name and used his nickname and not his legal name) making it null and void from my understanding. i would also say the same abt sam as they used a nickname not a legal name. A good lawyer could wiggle them out of that if they cared.
3. loved hearing colbys take on religion. im the same, i’m not so much religious as i have a relationship with God. i think thats way more important than being in a religious community. and i also feel the same way about just knowing there’s something else out there. also interesting he was the only one on the table who doesn’t have dreams of dying. chop that up to trusting in God and not being afraid bc he knows God has the perfect plan and everything is in control, or just generally not afraid to die for other reasons, who knows. definitely fascinating, either way.
alright i’ll be back in 1.5hr hours with part 2 comments. I probably missed a bunch of stuff i could’ve commented on but these are my standout comments.
- aussie anon
I finished the podcast late last night and then immediately went to bed without really doing a deep dive into my thoughts on the whole thing (aside from a few choice areas that stuck in my brain and had to be discussed in dm's last night lol), so I'm going to use your reviews to sort of start my own review, and then will probably finish up with an additional post later on side thoughts - cause I have a lot lol.
1, The thing with Joe Rogan is that he kind of plays both sides of the fence, in terms of not just politics, but pretty much anything going on (he will have on conservatives and liberals, will have on atheists and people like snc, will have on scientists and then people who believe in UFOs, etc) and so he tends to be very controversial because of that. I don't listen to him, his viewpoints on certain things aren't really my cup of tea and he has in the past said some stuff in his pursuit of riding the fence that was not good and gross and everything, so this is not me defending him or whatever - but at the end of the day, he has the most listened to podcast on earth and love him or hate him, is a household name. Them being invited on his podcast, being treated very well by him, and then him keeping in touch with them and inviting them out to his comedy club is objectively a big deal for them and their visibility and they aren't going to turn that down because twitter - who has pretty much made it clear they lowkey hate snc anyway lol - have an issue with the collab.
I actually found that part of the conversation interesting, because the whole thing came about because his daughter was a fan of theirs, which I just find kind of hilarious and random. Imagine how many people of notoriety and fame they meet or could potentially meet because those peoples' teenage children are fans.
2, I don't think they would actually get arrested for showing up at that mall at this point in their careers, anyway - most malls do not have the uumph to take shit like that truly seriously, and both S & C have made it public that they've been back in there since (one time right after the release of their book, Colby went into their Barnes and Noble with his mom and illegally signed a few of the books on the shelf and posted about it all over his instagram lol). But it is objectively kind of hilarious that they are "banned" from entering the mall and yet they've had consumer products in three of their stores (B&N, Hot Topic and Zumiez), and have had their faces on the store fronts of two of those three.
3, I strangely found that interesting as well, and I normally tend to zone right the fuck out when people talk religion (sorry, all). I was raised Catholic but am not religious these days in my own life, although I certainly do believe that something else has to be going on, hence all the ghosts and stuff. But for whatever reason, hearing others talk about religion always makes me feel wildly uncomfortable - I think it's just feeling like that's something personal and so different from person to person and I just don't like feeling like I'm intruding on their privacy by hearing it (even if they are offering it up freely), if that makes sense? I don't know, I'm just weird about those conversations in general.
But I find it interesting when these two talk religion, firstly because of the content they make and how it would tie back into their own personal belief system, but also just how interesting it is that this is one of those areas where they kind of balance each other on opposite sides of the scale, and yet somehow come together perfectly at the end. It's an interesting phenomenon with them.
Also, all of them talking about dying in their dreams and Colby just piping in with "I've never died in my dreams 😃" like go off, you sweet little just happy to be there king.
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