#this does look a lot like one of my piece’s for Kaito’s birthday
training-trio-irl · 1 year
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I don’t got anything else to post so here’s a kaito I made more my MacBook icon to match my background!
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Momo Monday, right on schedule!
Alright, got a burger, a coke, and some lovely peace and quiet!
Time for Spoilers, I guess..., where the music's bumpin', the people are jumpin', and the festival's non-stoppin'!
-Oh, what a lovely piano instrumental~! And what a lovely pair, too~!
-Lookin' good, man~!
-Ohhhhhhhhh, boy you're breakin' my heart :sob: :sparkling_heart: :heartbreak:
-Haruka, homegirl! How you doing today?
-Oh, you're not creepy at all, mister.
-Don Kaito doesn't seem to have much investment in his... what seems to be his only employee's wellbeing. ...sadly, it's a lot more common than I thought or would like in this kinda business.
-Oh! ...good taste, dude.
-"...wanna draw me? :3"
-Well, at least he paid!
-Hell yeah, save the balloon, Monkey Man!
-Oh. Let it go free~!
-Oh yes, very lovely Shinichi. That lad'll remember it for years to come.
-She ain't interested man, let it go.
-Hoho! Dog Man strikes! Woof!
-You're barking up the wrong tree, Sononi.
-Ahhhhh, it's Tsuyoshi~!
-"Sorry, I'm the loyal dog type." And other unfunny dog jokes I can make about this situation! "You'd better roll on over to somebody else." "I don't really feel like sitting and staying."
-Natsumi :O?
-...that's like 400 bucks, so...
-Oh crap, Sonoi!
-"I don't really punch people. I'm more of a kick, slash, and laugh kinda guy."
-"I deliver joy, like a party clown. Or Jesus."
-"You too... are a devoted male partner, Tsubasa-san. ...wanna form a Tsu duo?"
-Man... it would be hard to leave a town so full of important memories, huh?
-Ohhhhh, they were gonna get married~!
-Devoted love gang.
-Delicious narutomaki~! :)
-This whole conversation has been "My fiance was the most beautiful woman in the world. :)" and "Ohhhhhh, gosh golly jeepers, I love my wife! :DD" and it's honestly pretty sweet.
-*Sudden realization.*
-Oh, artist guy seems to be still on the prowl for his ideal piece.
-Fucker took Miho-san. Can't have shit in Donbura Town.
-Er uh... I assume that's what this little neighborhood in Tokyo is called.
-It's interesting how Sonoi seems to want to help others as much as he does just straight up murder the Hitotsu-Ki.
-If I know old man Inoue as well as I think I do... ohhhh, this tension will be delicious.
-Wow, Miho is... unnervingly calm under pressure.
-Artist Guy really fell for that, huh
-No fucks given, she made it right out.
-Ohhhhh, that signature "juuuuuust missed them" shot. Inoue definitely wrote that in to rile those in the know right up.
-He ran out like that?!
-Wow. Sonoi's like a weird... opposite Sentai. Instead of egalitarian, he's real high and mighty.
-Wait, why is it suddenly daytime?
-My man's been kicking this guy around for hours!
-...Er uh, is this a day for night shot? Like those old black and white films like Nosferatu?
-Or did Don Momotaro just... will it to be daylight?
-Ayyy, ZyuohEagle
-ToQ1go too~! And Patren 1! Everybody's joining the party~!
-Oooooh, he sees the DonBlaster's power~!
-Oh god, the airhorns jhkhlhj
-Peachy blast party~!
-I'm at a genuine loss for words right now.
-...ok, Robotaro looks awesome, but still!
-What episode are we at? 8? That means there'd be like 42 or so more episodes, right? God.
-Fuck, dude.
-I didn't expect a silly Sentai show based on the tale of Momotaro with a funny black dog fugitive man, a funny blue monkey NEET man, a funny yellow oni mangaka girl, a funny pink bird office worker man, and a funny red man man to be the sort of show where I have to grapple with the ramifications of a hero committing intentional manslaughter, but here we are.
-Tsuki's gonna be in for a long one, lemme tell you.
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magioftheseas · 4 years
Year In Writing (DGRP Version)
2020 was a hell of a fucking year. But I still got several fics out. I’m gonna be splitting them up a little, and will start with the dgrp fics since there’s more of them. Won’t include any nsfw/m-rated stuff just to make things slightly easier on me.
About That Guy (Hope’s Peak Academy Arc-focused)
I guess technically this started in 2019, but it still was the first thing updated in 2020. Written for the Hinata Hajime Project, this fic is a collection of shorts all from other characters’ perspectives regarding...Hinata! And Kamukura. Also World Destroyer. Many characters get focus, including all the sdr2 survivors, so it was quite the experimental piece!
World Constants and Conditionals (sdr2.5)
Written for the Hinata Hajime Fanzine! I don’t actually remember if it was written in 2020, but I assume so? How old can it be, rip... Anyway! Hinata makes the World Destroyer. It’s a prologue, you can say, to the OVA. Comes with a beautiful illustration.
Take Me Back, Back, Back (sdr2/dr3-zhen rewrite)
This is a commission and set in a zhen rewrite by @gothitelle-goddess. It’s a fun time loop idea in which Komaeda tries to prevent Hinata from partaking in the Kamukura Project. Sometimes, it ends messily.
Bumblings of a Brainiac (dr0/Hope’s Peak Academy Arc-focused)
Written for the Matsuda Yasuke Fanweek I hosted. I decided it’d be a lot of fun to write various short fics in which Matsuda interacted with different characters. Includes an AU where he does not die. I like it a lot when he does not die.
The Recollection Of Ryouko (dr0)
Written for the Ryouko Otonashi Memory Week. These are all ficlets to be more manageable, but they’re also all first person. A fun experiment and some of these actually turned out rather well. I’m pleased with myself.
Budding (Hope’s Peak Academy-focused)
Matsuda gets along with not only Komaeda but also the Warriors of Hope. Has a sort of TDP-esque setting where everything is relatively happy. It was part of a trade but was a lot of fun. I love these terrible kids.
Held (sdr2/dr0)
Matsuda Lives Again! An introspective fic about Matsuda’s messy as hell relationship with Junko and with people in general but one that segways into his relationship with Komaeda. Just a lotta codependency with our resident brainiac. Written for the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Scars To Burden (sdr2/dr0)
Ghost!Matsuda harasses Hinata post-canon. I’ve always wanted to write something like this. Hopefully I managed alright, considering this was for a trade in addition to the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Far From Love (sdr2.5)
Komaeda is a bit more stubborn when it comes to staying in his fantasy world, much to the World Destroyer’s chagrin. Written for the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Soul-Crushing (sdr2)
Soulmates AU. However, Komaeda and Hinata are not soulmates despite being the main relationship. Messiness ensues. An old-ass WIP that I randomly decided to complete for Komaeda’s birthday. I was just in a mega yearning mood. A lot of my wips from way back when involve yearning, some to think of it.
Please Take Good Care Of Me (sdr2)
Komaeda’s rendered almost mute after getting attacked by one of the other remnants. Kamukura takes care of him afterwards. Pretty straight-forward. Written for the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Flights and Guilt (sdr2)
Komaeda deals with not just nightmares but also survivor’s guilt. Hinata helps him through this. Also straight-forward. Also written for the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Soft Trauma (sdr2)
A really old WIP that’s a Post-Canon AU, but had been started way before Kodaka even dreamed dr3 up. It’s focused on recovery in which Komaeda struggles but Naegi’s there to help. It’s super messy. Super yearning. Please mind the tags.
You're The Woooorst~! (v3)
Sick fic. Kaito gets sick and who’s there to take care of him but the resident liar? Pretty simple premise. I love Oumota a lot.
Look Look Look (v3)
Saihara and Ouma are hanging out/dating but solely to get Momota’s attention. It doesn’t go well for Saihara, so he breaks things off. I also love Saioumota a lot and want more of that OT3 focusing on the space boy. This is a pretty bitter fic because Saihara is a bitter, bitter boy.
Can’t Even Trust (v3)
Technically Salmon Mode but is really just a non-killing game au. Ouma still exposes Maki as a killer. Kaito still takes Maki under his wing. Ouma is very annoyed by this.
KomaHina Exchange + Week Fics
Between The Sky’s Grasp (sdr2)
Idol!Kamukua and Fan!Komaeda, except Kamukura is going undercover. Written for the KomaHina Secret Exchange. I love idol stuff, especially more dubious idol stuff. So, I was excited to write this one.
For Fools Rush In (sdr2/dr3-zhen)
A Kamukura/Hinata Twins AU in which they split the talents. Kamukura is then assigned babysitting duty for Class 77-B. Also for the KomaHina Secret Exchange, which means there’s a bit of a sibling love triangle going on. A very weird AU, but still pretty fun.
Feelings To Write About (sdr2/udg)
Post-Canon. Komaeda and Hinata play a kids’ board game and then talk about the kids that Komaeda babysat once upon a time. Melancholy, morose, but a bit hopeful. Written for the exchange. I love the kids.
The Sun Sets (sdr2)
Despair!Hinata AU. Written for the exchange. Was definitely a favorite of mine because I love Hinata when he’s villainous. Characterizing him was a blast. It took some inspiration from the song Ready As I’ll Ever Be, which is a good fucking song. I love that song. I even love how this fic turned out.
Reserved (sdr2/dr3-zhen)
Childhood Friends KomaHina during HPA days. Probably one of my favorite things written. It’s angsty and emotional and I’m proud of it. This dynamic of affection and resentment on Hinata’s end was very fun. 
It’s Easier (sdr2)
Soulmates AU set during sdr2. A little self-explanatory. Unsurprisingly, a killing game is not the best setting for soulmates to meet.
Joyous Occasion (sdr2)
Cisswapped/Genderflipped. Hinata is pining for Komaeda while she’s getting married to her sister. Sometimes, you just gotta write gayngst. You just gotta. Gaygnsting Gals.
Twisted Branches Entwined (sdr2)
Talentswap AU. Swap!Hinata and Swap!Komaeda have a sit-down and talk in a post-sdr2 setting. Pretty simple. Kinda clumsy.
The Farce of Hope (sdr2/dr1)
Fantasy AU. Demon Lord Hinata is sent to target Hopeful Hero Naegi and gets distracted by Hapless Healer Komaeda! Definitely a fun idea. I’ve always wanted to write one like it since the Tropical Despair Carnival has a similar idea, I believe. It’s more set-up than a full fic, but I still hope you like it.
Sweet Poison (sdr2)
Chapter 5-focused. Sometimes you just gotta write Komaeda fantasizing about better things with Hinata as he lays on the floor dying. You just gotta.
I Hope Our Future Is Beautiful (sdr2/dr3)
Post-Canon fluff to make up for the largely angsty as hell week of stuff that came before it. Yep. Not much else to say here lol.
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gingerale2017 · 3 years
𝟚| 𝔽𝕖𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
Two years later.
Kai didn't feel like doing anything today. He felt like covering his head with his pillow and going back to sleep. But today was December 21st and a Saturday, which meant that the Blackburns were coming over. Every Saturday of every week of every month, they come over to smooth out the relationship between Blackburn Industries and Commonwealth Products, which were run by Levana Blackburn and his very own father.
Groaning, he lifted himself off the nice and comfy bed; at the same time, his phone vibrated. He grabbed it and flinched when he saw who the message was from.
Selene Blackburn (20 sec ago)
You coming today? Or r u gonna skip? Tell me bc I don't feel like going today?
He stared at the phone stupidly and probably smiled a bit too. He had a crush ever since they met two years ago when she claimed to have survived the fire. Once she turned 18, she would take full control of the company as a legal adult.
Kai (sent 4 sec ago)
Yep, I have to, or your aunt will kill me.
Selene (read)
Selene (just now)
Aww, shucks, now I have to go.
Kai (just now)
Sorry :)
Selene (just now)
Gtg, I have to get ready and wear a dress :(((
Kai (delivered just now)
Happy birthday 🎉
Well, Selene didn't see the last message, and she tends to forget that she has a phone from time to time. She's going to think that Kai doesn't remember her birthday. Of course, he remembers. She is turning 16 today, and Kai had a special cake made for her. It was made of chocolate covered with more chocolate and topped with chocolate. Selene loved chocolate.
A knock came from the bedroom door, "Mr. Pierce, the governor, would like to talk to you." Nainsi's sweet voice rang through the door, and Kai groaned some more. Ever since his father got sick, he had been asking to meet up with Kai even more. It was mostly depressing things, like 'Ever since you were a young boy...' and 'I hope that I get to see you become...' it got on Kai's nerves.
"Yep, I'm coming, "
"Mr. Pierce, the Blackburns have arrived." Nainsi pushed the glasses up her freckled nose. She had black hair with a few gray strands with a heart-shaped face, and dark brown eyes. She looked a lot younger than people would normally guess.
"Wheres Torin?" Kai looked around for his father's advisor.
"He couldn't make it, so I took his place." Nainsi was his father's secretary for as long as Kai could remember. She was close to his mother, and he considered her as his aunt. She was there for him when his mother died in that accident so many years ago.
"Okay. And my father?"
"Too sick again."
"So just me." She nodded.
"Great." Kai stepped outside of the large building he called home and greeted the Blackburns. The first one to step out of the car was Levana. The Blackburns we're famous for their power, which is that they could mind-controlling anyone to anything. It was kind of frightening. Levana opened her arms like she expected Kai to hug her. He stayed put.
"My dear Kaito, how lovely it is to see you again. How is your father?"
"Better, thank you." He looked behind her and tried to peek inside the car, but then Sybil and Aimery popped out.
"Ms. Mira, Mr. Park, nice to see you again."
"The pleasure is ours, Mr. Pierce." Then the girl he'd been waiting for claimed out of the car, wearing long black boots, as usual, and a long silky dress that almost reached her feet. And gloves, always gloves. She smirked at him, and Kai could feel himself grow red at the sight of her.
"Selene." The two stared at each other until Nainsi cleared her throat and stepped in.
"Why don't we all go inside. We have a special dish prepared for today-"
"I wonder why," Levana said, cutting Nainsi off. Then she trotted past Kai gracefully, and her minions followed her. Kai met up with Selene and smiled at her.
"Hey," Kai said, and Selene looked at him.
"What's up, dork," she grinned and playfully punched him.
"Oh, not much, except my father keeps on acting like he's going to die and tells me depressing things daily."
"You said that last week!"
"Well, now you can see how my life will never change."
Kai leaned in towards her ear, " Happy Birthday."
"Oh, my stars. I forgot, " she snorted and dug her head in Kai's shoulder, "I forgot my birthday!"
They both began to laugh uncontrollably until Nainsi gave them the death stare, and they tried to stop.
"Did you see that theory of Cinders and Captain Thorn might be dating?"
"Yeah, that's a load of bullshit. All the photos were photoshopped."
"How do you know?"
"They look fake in all of the pictures. And Cinders turned down the rumors herself." Selene looked convinced that when she said this and matched on through the halls. Kai caught up with her.
"Okay, but in real life, the Captain is always flirting with her. That could stand for something."
Seven rolled her eyes, "Since when does Kai Pierce believe in rumors. There are about a million of them circling you!"
"And a million more regarding anything to do with the heroes of New Beijing." Kai looked down at his best friend that he was secretly in love with. A piece of her hair fell out of her updo and into her face. Kai swiped it away, and Selene looked at him with wide brown eyes. Eyes that he fantasized looking at while he leaned in and pressed his lips on hers-
"Hey, are you okay?" Kai snapped out of his faze and blinked.
"Ye-yeah yeah, yes, I'm fine." She blushed and looked away.
"So, you want to steal some food from the kitchens?" Selene looked back at him, but almost as if she was hesitant.
Chapter 2. Hope you liked it <3.
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Tagging: @just2bubbly @salt-warrior @cerenoya @cindersassasin @cosmicnovaflare @rue-velleia (if you want to be added or remove, don’t be afraid to ask 💛)
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elyvorg · 4 years
Speaking of bonus content for Still a Hero, how about some mini summarised scenes of things that happen in the aftermath of the fic? I sometimes think about the interactions Kaito, Shuichi and Maki might have with other characters as their lives begin to go back to something like normal, and some of these ideas have solidified enough to be Definitely How It Happens in my head at this point, so you might as well consider these canon in the fic’s universe.
(Some of this would just work as an epilogue to the general UTDP cult takedown AU even outside of the fic, but most of the scenes are centred around Kaito and what he went through in the fic specifically.)
Telling loved ones
One of the first things for them to do, once the chaos has died down and they’re able to, is let their loved ones know that they’re safe. They had to cut all communication with everyone else and basically disappear for the week-or-so they were on the run.
The first person Shuichi tells is Kaede, of course, whom he’s equally as close to as Kaito. He felt really guilty having just left her out of this whole cult investigation thing, even before he went on the run, but she didn’t know the truth about Maki, so he had to. And then he had to just disappear without telling her despite knowing how much she’d worry, in order to keep her safe and out of things. (If she’d come with them, she’d have been in exactly the same position as Kaito – they might have tortured her, too.)
Then he tells his uncle, who knew he was working on some kind of big, somewhat dangerous case but didn’t know the details and also would have been worried sick and fearing the worst when he suddenly vanished.
Shuichi’s parents, meanwhile… weren’t worrying about him at all. They didn’t even realise he’d been missing. He’s basically used to that kind of thing from them by now, but it still stings.
  Maki doesn’t have anyone to tell. She doesn’t have any family, and her only close friends from Hope’s Peak are Shuichi and Kaito themselves. Meanwhile, of course the orphanage staff (the decent ones who weren’t secretly cult members that have since been arrested) already know what happened, not that they would have been precisely worried about Maki’s whereabouts anyway.
She’s fine with that, though, just so long as it’s over and the kids are safe. It’s not a big deal. She’s used to not having anyone worry about her.
But… a few days after it’s over, she finds herself getting messages from other Hope’s Peak schoolmates, people she’d only really thought of as acquaintances and not friends, saying things to the effect of, “I don’t really know what happened, but I’m glad to hear you’re safe, I was worried when I heard you and your friends were missing!”
That… that means a lot.
  Kaito tells his grandparents he’s safe, of course, but at first he doesn’t really want them to know about the part where their precious only grandson was tortured. Since they’re getting more frail in their old age, and since he’s Kaito, he kind of feels more like it’s meant to be his job to protect them at this point, and so aren’t they better off not knowing?
Shuichi and Maki talk him into telling them, though. Even if they’re older, they’re still effectively Kaito’s parents in a way that most grandparents usually aren’t, so it’s still their job to look after him when things are hard and he needs support. (And Shuichi kind of doesn’t quite have that, and Maki of course never did, so Kaito shouldn’t waste what he’s got.)
Kaito concedes the point and lets his grandparents know after all. When he sees them again, he ends up crying into their shoulders and feeling kind of like he did when he was a kid and his parents had just died – but that’s okay, right? That’s what his grandparents are there for.
His grandparents also make sure to let him know (just like they always do) how proud of him they are. Their grandson is the bravest hero in the whole wide world.
Shuichi and Maki are here for this, but they’re just standing back and watching, since they don’t really feel like this moment is about them. Except then Kaito’s grandparents invite them into the hug anyway – because they’re Kaito’s family too, aren’t they?
Kaito is taken aback for a moment as he hears this, only to continue sobbing with emotion as this becomes a big group hug with him in the middle. Yeah. They are.
(Maki and Shuichi – especially Maki – are more moved by this than they can put into words.)
Shuichi first just reassures Kaede he’s safe over the phone in a hurry while everything’s still kind of chaotic, but he promises to tell her the full story later in person. Before he visits her to do so, he has to ask his friends for permission to tell certain parts of it.
Maki needs to be okay with Kaede knowing about the assassin thing, of course. That’s her secret to keep, and it’s not Shuichi’s place to tell anyone if she’s not comfortable with it.
Now that the cult no longer exists, and knowing that Shuichi trusts Kaede, Maki can finally just about feel safe with others knowing. Shuichi reassures her that he’s sure Kaede won’t think less of her, not once she understands why Maki became an assassin and what she went through.
While he’s explaining everything to Kaede, Shuichi begins this part with “Maki’s an assassin—” but then he stops himself. “No, that’s wrong. She was an assassin. But not any more.”
He also asks Kaito beforehand to make sure he’s okay with Kaede knowing about the whole torture thing. That’s not precisely a secret, but it’s still something Shuichi feels he shouldn’t go telling just anyone unless Kaito’s comfortable with it, since it’s something he needs to deal with at his own pace.
Kaito’s fine with it, though. He trusts Kaede, and he knows that what he went through is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s still pretty early days for him in terms of properly processing it all, but he doesn’t want to run away from it. If Kaede’s getting told the story, she should know the whole story.
Despite Kaede’s initial “oh my god, is he okay?” upon hearing this part, she’s not really at all surprised to hear that Kaito is okay – or, well, as relatively okay as anyone can be expected to be under the circumstances. That sounds just like the Kaito she’s seen and has heard so much about from Shuichi. She goes on to comment that he really is amazing and must care about his friends so much.
Shuichi passes this onto Kaito, because he deserves to hear it. The more people who react to what Kaito went through by being impressed and proud alongside their concern, rather than just seeing him as a pitiable victim, the more it helps everything he learned really sink in for him.
  The birthday hero (plus more Kaede)
Remember how Kaito internally protested at one point during the fic that he’s “almost nineteen”? There was a small element there of him trying to puff himself up and feel bigger than he is – but it’s also not so unreasonable for him to have thought of it that way rather than just calling himself eighteen, because his birthday was only like a week or two away. Shuichi’s investigation of the cult began soon after they graduated, and Japanese graduations happen in March, while Kaito’s birthday is in April.
So Kaito’s birthday comes around while he’s still quite early on in his recovery from everything that happened. Not that that makes him any less determined to celebrate it, of course – and Shuichi and Maki make a point of making it not just a celebration of Kaito’s birthday, but also a celebration of the fact that they all got through that hell alive and safe, and of what an amazing hero Kaito is. (Naturally, Kaito then amends that to be what amazing heroes they all are.)
It’s a pretty small party, mind you. Kaito’s still pretty badly injured, and he doesn’t feel super comfortable having large amounts of people he doesn’t know that well ask probing questions and fuss over him. But one of the few people he does invite is Kaede, because Shuichi’s close to her and she’s been told about everything that happened.
Naturally, Kaede offers to play a few pieces for the occasion and asks Shuichi what Kaito would like to hear – a piano arrangement of one of his favourites from the Planets suite, maybe?
Shuichi suggests something else instead. Kaito hasn’t talked in too much detail yet about what he went through psychologically, but Shuichi’s pieced together some stuff from comments Kaito’s made here and there. So he asks Kaede to play something that evokes the image of heroes – not heroes just easily succeeding without any effort, but heroes fighting through hardships and struggling and feeling like they might not make it, yet still never giving up and managing to do what matters in the end.
Kaede, being Kaede, is able to find just the right piece. She plays it at Kaito’s party while focusing on evoking that particular mood from it like she’s so good at doing… and by the end of her performance, Kaito is in tears.
Kaede’s used to literally moving people to tears with her playing, but that wasn’t quite what she aiming for this time. Given she knows about what happened to Kaito, she’s worried she might have upset him and apologises, as does Shuichi, because this was his idea—
But, no, that’s not it at all. Kaito really, really loved her performance – and it really helped. He’s so overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude that he kind of wants to hug her right now, so he hesitantly asks her if he can do so.
She’s happy to oblige (albeit carefully, because Kaito’s ribs are still a mess). There’s no reason she wouldn’t be – nothing suggests Kaede is hug-averse in general, and here, Kaito is someone she trusts and admires and who really looks like he needs a hug in this moment. Of course she’d be okay with it.
Shuichi watches them hugging while telling each other how amazing they are (because of course they would) and is suddenly overcome with bewildered frustration. “How are you two not already friends? How have you both been two of my best friends for three years and somehow not become friends with each other?”
Kaito and Kaede both pull out of the hug and look at him and are equally bewildered about this. It is quickly concluded that, yeah, they should be friends.
Kaede, being Kaede, declares that this means she should be closer friends with Maki now too. They were somewhat friendly acquaintances already thanks to Kaede just wanting to be friends with all of her classmates, but with Maki having to hide the assassin thing from her, they could never be especially close. But now there’s no reason not to, right?
Maki pretends to be indifferent, but really she’s kind of touched. She’s still not used to the idea that people could ever want to be her friend even after learning the truth about her (Kaito and Shuichi always felt like exceptions, due to Kaito’s ridiculous stubbornness and Shuichi being a fellow sidekick)… but it’s a good feeling.
So Kaede is there for not just Shuichi but for all of them, as a helpful outside perspective on the trauma the three of them went through together. And also as a friend to just relax with when they want to forget about everything that happened and feel like things are normal again.
Sooner or later, Kaito happens to think about Ryoma again for the first time since his hero epiphany – and he promptly and immediately feels like a giant idiot for how undeservedly harsh he was on the guy for the three years they were classmates. Of course it’s not Ryoma’s fault that he’s suffering and struggling with stuff, and Kaito should never have expected him to just deal with it all on his own like it’s nothing!
So as soon as he can after he realises this, Kaito goes to visit Ryoma in prison and apologises for having been that way. He adds that, while he knows he’s not exactly the best option since his track record with Ryoma isn’t something he’s proud of – and it looks like Ryoma’s already got something of a support network going now with former classmates visiting him, which is great! – he’s here to listen if Ryoma ever wants to talk. And he really will listen this time, he promises.
Ryoma is honestly kind of bewildered. He never even particularly noticed Kaito’s harshness, or cared that much about it when he did (since his self-loathing would have made him feel like it was deserved anyway). While Ryoma was always a Really Big Deal to Kaito, Kaito was kind of just another classmate to Ryoma – one who happened to have once been a fan of his, but not really a source of mental strife at all.
(Kaito really wasn’t quite as harsh on Ryoma as he feels like he was, either. Most of the negativity was just in his head, and he only occasionally lashed out and actually voiced it for Ryoma to hear.)
Because Ryoma is so perceptive, he picks up on the fact that Kaito coming to apologise like this seems to be more for his own sake than for Ryoma’s. And now that Kaito’s getting better at actually talking about his issues, he willingly admits that, yeah, that kind of might be true, huh.
Ryoma is also perceptive enough that he noticed that Kaito’s injured, so, despite prefacing it with the comment that this is probably unsolicited of him (his new friends’ nosiness is rubbing off on him, huh), he asks if that has anything to do with this.
Kaito admits that it kinda does and explains the gist of what happened to him – which it turns out Ryoma can kind of relate to, since he has some of his own experience with shitty evil organisations that ruin people’s lives. Maybe this spurs him to actually tell Kaito a bit of what he went through as well, and they find themselves beginning to properly understand each other for the first time.
Ryoma ends the visit by offering that he’s always here if Kaito needs to talk. And… yeah. Kaito might take him up on that sometime.
(Ryoma is Good.)
At some point, Maki, Shuichi and Kaito get invited to come and visit Maki’s orphanage by some of the remaining non-cultist staff members working there. This is mostly because Harumi, the girl who was about to be scouted as Maki’s replacement, really wants to see them.
Harumi was aware to some extent of what she was being scouted for. It had to have been so terrifying for her to know what was going to happen to her with no way of getting herself out of it, not even sure who she could safely ask for help, if anyone. But then suddenly she hears that that’s not going to happen after all, that Maki and two of her friends took down the cult and saved her from that horrible fate. They’re her heroes – so of course she wants to meet them and thank them in person!
The three of them already knew they were heroes in taking down the cult – Kaito makes sure to remind them (and himself) of that regularly – but being thanked by an actual person that they tangibly saved, seeing the huge smile on Harumi’s face, really helps it feel real. Everything they went through, no matter how awful, was worth it for this.
During her big adorable emotional thanks, Harumi gives each of them a hug. Not knowing she shouldn’t, she happens to hug Kaito a little too tightly considering his ribs still aren’t healed, and he can’t help but let out a small gasp of pain despite his best efforts.
Harumi notices that she accidentally hurt him and apologises; he tries to brush it off, but…
“Did… did those people hurt you? The bad ones, who were gonna hurt me?”
Kaito insists even harder that it’s nothing, she doesn’t gotta worry about any of that stuff, everything’s fine now—
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better, you know. I’m not a kid. I know what they were gonna do to me. …S-Some of it, anyway.”
It strikes Kaito just how much Harumi reminds him of Maki Roll. Kids in this orphanage really must have to grow up so fast, huh.
“You’re right. My bad for treating you like a kid.” He pauses and glances away. “…Yeah, they hurt me. Real bad.”
(Shuichi and Maki Roll are letting him do the talking here, but around this point, Maki Roll quietly takes his hand and squeezes it. He’s kind of glad for that; remembering it still isn’t easy.)
“Were you scared?”
Kaito fights the instinct to tell her no, that fear that he might not be her hero any more if she learns the truth still present (but much quieter than before). But no, he knows how it works now; he can help her understand, too. “Y-Yeah. I was scared as hell. But—”
“But you never gave up, right?”
Kaito stares at her in bewilderment. “Huh? How do you know that?”
She looks at him like it’s the most obvious thing. “Because you’re a hero! Even when they’re hurting or scared, heroes don’t give up no matter what!”
Dumbfounded, Kaito reflects on the fact that this ten-year-old has a far better grasp on this concept than he ever did until he was almost nineteen.
Man, she really is one hell of a kid. She’s gonna go far.
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curewhimsy · 4 years
More Shiro-Sora things
I haven’t uploaded these tidbits to tumblr yet.
—Catchphrases— Iroha says “nyaa” at times SeeU has a habit of saying “meow” Dex says “woof” sometimes Nigaito’s verbal tic is “gyuu” Miki says “Chun chun!” A lot... to be cute. Haku tends to say “Uwaah!” A lot. Uta’s catchphrase is “Yare yare...” (“Good grief...”) Taya’s catchphrase is “Is that sou, desu ne?” (“Sou desu ne” is basically “Is that so?” in Japanese. I combined the two. —Quirky behavior— Lapis carries around a toy wand and pretends to cast spells. Anon is just... chaotic neutral, in the way Luana and Isadore (OCs) are. She does things like eating Lunchables in the bathtub at midnight in the dark to prove that Lunchables float. Why midnight, and why in the dark? Because she doesn’t want dust bunnies to see her boobs. She’s also a very skilled mime. Kanon is wacky, and chaotic good. Like Luana and Isadore (OCs) but in a different way than Anon. She’s the type of person to immediately press a random button she found that says “Do not press.” She likes to annoy people with sound effects from her slide-whistle. She also likes playing dramatic kazoo. She also has clown skills, like juggling, and the ability to ride a unicycle. Teto is like Fuuko (Clannad) Taya is smart and dignified but... very clumsy and naive as well. Uta is badass, but kind of “chaotic dumb” in certain ways. Sometimes she forgets to do her homework while doing her homework. Don’t ask. Taya loves sweets, and his favorite is strawberry shortcake. He is also a good pastry chef... Uta is horrible at cooking! She is so horrible, that she makes things mega-explode! She is so horrible, she needs Taya to cook for her just so she can get by! Gakupo has some pretty sick ninja skills, just saying. Miki sometimes slips into “animated mode,” where she begins to act like a cute shoujo anime protagonist. Miki also sometimes runs with bread in her mouth when she’s late for school. When Ruko was late for school, she ran to school with an entire plate of breakfast in her mouth! Taya gets completely drunk after just a few sips of alcohol... Haku sure can hold her alcohol. She can beat everyone in a drinking contest... Nigaito is endearingly moe. He likes drawing pictures. Miki sometimes lends him cute manga about hamsters, his favorite animal. Ruby likes starfish for some reason. She always assumes every star-shaped item is supposed to be a starfish... Taya’s recorded voice has a tendency to break headphones. Nobody knows exactly why. Ruko is a very big eater. Akari likes stars. Ruby likes starfish. Piko likes stargazing. Yukari likes star celebrities. Nigaito likes the Big Dango Family song. Ruby tries to convince him that starfish are cuter and proposes the Big Starfish Family. Taya and Momo get into a rather heated argument over whether strawberries or peaches are better. Uta asks herself why she’s surrounded by airheads. Uta buys Taya a strawberry Squishmallow for his birthday. In no time, Taya is able to think of a personality and an extensive backstory for his new plush friend... Uta is impressed. Yukari fakes being mysterious and sophisticated to impress IA. It doesn’t work. —Funny Moments brainstorm!— Group chemistry! Misunderstandings... One time Taya tried playing Uta’s violin instead of his usual cello. He played an earsplitting tune and ended up breaking the violin. Not only does it just break, it comically explodes into little pieces! 46 of them to be exact... Taya mistook one of Akaito’s spicy habanero peppers as a new type of strawberry. He ate it, and it was so spicy that he temporarily lost the ability to speak.
“He’s just standing there... menacingly!” -Len, talking to Rin, referring to Kaito “Why did you set me on fire, Uta? Why didn’t you just write your essay?” -Taya ”Qingxian, I used your clarinet to unclog the toilet...” -Taya ”I am the darkness, I am the edge! I got this bruise falling from the ledge! Oh yeah!” -Zatsune “My voice is just naturally bass-boosted, I guess.” -Akaito ”You make the bass drop in my heart! I want to be together, with you.” -Yuuma, to Mizuki, in front of... everyone ”People all look the same to me. They all have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, arms, and legs. But Taya... you’re different. I can tell your soul apart.” -Uta “Take my hand... I’ll take you to a place where miracles happen.” -Taya. He was practicing lines from a short play he wrote himself. This captures Uta’s heart... “Take my hand... I’ll take you to a place where miracles happen... Now, shall we go?” -Taya, this time for real. He is reaching his hand out to Uta. He is trying to comfort her after an emotional moment. Both of them are about to cry. This is right before he confesses his love to her at the top of a hill under the stars.
Random details- Taya is very polite, and selfless. He's always willing to do favors for people. He speaks in polite language. He bows at many occasions (Even in this universe that takes place in the USA, and not Japan.) He is humble as well. These may seem like quirks or obsessions as first, but it stems from his feeling of obligation to do things for people and "not be a burden," because he had friends and teachers who treated him like a burden before. When his anemia caused him to faint or miss classes, everyone treated him as a burden. When he starts hanging out with Uta, she comments on how he feels like a butler and tells him to loosen up, it's okay to be a bit more relaxed, and selfish even. Uta is pretty sarcastic, blunt, and sort of kuudere, so it'll be interesting to see her with the pure Taya Uta just lost her passion to depression, but that's touched on eventually/later She's all like "I hate life" but that's because of depression Taya tries to help out Uta and make her smile but... he ends up upsetting her... When Taya finds out how depressed Uta really is he starts crying for her and saying "I'm sorry..." and Uta is like "Why are you crying? Nothing is your fault..." And Taya apologizes again and says it's a habit that he feels responsible for his friend's sadness. Uta hugs him. "I haven't been able to cry for years, so I'm a bit jealous..." She says. "But... I still don't want you to cry though... I like to see your smile, ok?" Well I think the day Uta finally cries is when something bad happens to her but Taya comes and saves her and then confesses his love for her And then come the waterworks, from both of them! ——— There are magical moments where all 46 characters come together and do or create something. Such as a musical play. Do all 46 characters eventually become a gigantic group of friends? Imagine the 46 of them renting out an entire restaurant... and all taking turns performing karaoke! ——— List the backstories, secrets, sad hidden depth, tragedies, stories... and quirks! The quirks are how we grow to fall in love with these characters before we reveal the sadness. In the novel, it all ends happily... If it ever becomes a game, well... there would be a possible “good end” and possible “bad end”... ... Haku Yowane- Haku’s story is that she’s been lonely and insecure for most her entire life. Neru Akita- Neru’s story is that she has found herself alone and misunderstood for most of her days due to her temper. Miku Hatsune- Miku’s sincere, earnest dreams are crushed and she falls into a deep depression when she is diagnosed with an illness that will progressively damage her vocal chords. Miku never sang for selfish reasons. She sang out of love. She sang to connect others. She now compares herself to a caged bird, or one with broken wings. She wants to write a song about it... but she would rather have her final song be a happy tribute to all those who have helped her. Luka Megurine- Is Luka slowly fading away from this world somehow? Teto Kasane- Is Teto a spirit or something or other? Gumi- Gumi was bullied a lot since she was young, which traumatized her. Now people show her the tiniest bit of dislike, she panics or cries. Meiko Sakine- Meiko’s parents were neglectful, leaving her to have to mature on her own. Lapis Aoki- Is Lapis simply a wish fragment? Merli Aoki- Merli is still traumatized by the tragic death of her parents. Lily- Lily wants to change her image to someone more tame. She originally became a delinquent in middle school due to her parents’ constant fighting. IA- IA’s parents are divorced. It started after her mother had a miscarriage. She would’ve had a little sister named IO. Yukari Yuzuki- Yukari feels very insecure a lot... Uta Utane- Depressed, and doesn’t see much in life. Usually bored and glum. Once a bright girl with lots of dreams. Deep inside, she is passionate and caring, really… Can it be restored? Miku Zatsune- Insecure and hates Miku Hatsune for being more popular than her... Rin Kagamine- Rin has a mysterious connection to Len. Whenever Len is sick, Rin gets sick too. If Len were to die, Rin will suddenly die as well. Len Kagamine- Len has a mysterious connection to Rin. Whenever Rin is sick, Len gets sick too. If Rin were to die, Len will suddenly die as well. Kaito Shion- Kaito is actually an adopted child... not from this world... and doesn’t belong... Akaito Shion- Dell Honne- Dell is usually in a bad mood. He currently lives with a father who barely acknowledges him. He tends to keep it all inside, and he’s really just lonely and needs to find someone to vent to. Gakupo Kamui- Yuuma- Piko Utatane- Piko is a shy and compassionate person, but whenever he opens his mouth, he sounds very strict. He is bad at socializing and making friends, which leaves him quite lonely. On top of that, he is sickly and absent from school often. Piko wishes to make a friend. Mizuki- Nigaito Shion- He is sickly and is usually under the weather... Dex- Daina- Ruby- Taya Soune- Thinks of himself as a burden... Longya Yuezheng- His younger sister Ling nearly got into a tragic accident when they were younger, traumatizing Longya. Ling Yuezheng- She feels lonely that she doesn’t have many friends and is devoting her life to studying. Momo Momone- Is always passing out randomly... SeeU- Has a mysterious illness. Ruko Yokune- Ruko was always insecure about their height, six feet and two inches tall. They always wanted to be petite and feminine, but their body wouldn’t stop growing. Ritsu Namine- Ritsu used to be a bully. He remains to have a tsundere attitude... Deep inside, he has an earnest wish to apologize to everyone he ever hurt. Ruko is one of the few people who understands and knows this about Ritsu. In his childhood, he bullied Gumi for being a “coward.” Now he wants to apologize, but... Miki- Miki is too idealistic. She sees the world through rose-tinted lenses... but what happens when those lenses shatter? Aku Yamine- She wishes to have magic... she hates the state of the world. She hates evil, which is ironic... considering her name is pronounced like the Japanese word for evil. She wishes to cast out the darkness... which is ironic because her last name has the kanji for dark. Because of this, and because she tends to be a nuisance, Aku feels as if she is just a curse. Bruno- Bruno’s mother died when he was young. Clara- Clara was bullied a lot as a child. Iroha Nekomura- Yuu- Wil- Kyo- Akari Kizuna- Cheerful and sweet, and wants to make others smile… even though many heavy thoughts are hiding behind her own smile. Qingxian Mo- Being self-absorbed, Qingxian eventually begins to take advantage of Taya’s generosity and inclination to do favors. She may seem a somewhat spoiled brat, but she is lonely... Anon- Kanon- ——— College dorm antics... ——— Supernatural elements? Does the world have magical properties? How about the characters?
List them here...
All 46 characters mysteriously acquires a crystalline “star fragment” sometime during their journey. There are 46 pieces in total. Each character mysteriously acquires one when they are fulfilled. The fragment is from their heart. At a climax scene where all 46 are present, all the pieces are put together to form a beautiful kaleidoscopic star in 46 colors. This crystalline rainbow star can grant a grand wish, any wish... What will everyone agree will be their wish?
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linkstorm-blog1 · 6 years
what is 'i don't know if i'll make it but watch how good i'll fake it'?
the biggest mistake of @soulburnings​’s life, better known as ALTERNATE UNIVERSITY.
so why don’t we break this down and give you a crash course?
a brief history:
Alternate University is a college au consisting primarily of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V and VRAINS cast
this all started when I went to Kasa and said “5 words: Manjoume and Yuuri being roommates”
this au originally started on @sctsunai​ ( Yuuri ) and @blackthvnder​ ( Manjoume )
it has since grown to include @pendulumrisen​, @incantix​, @soulburnings​ and @linkstorm​ ( with characters such as Yuuya, Yuugo, Yuuto, Dennis, Shun, Kaito, the Bracelet Girls, and most recently, Yusaku and Takeru )
there’s one more person coming…soon
it is tagged as “I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it” on all of my blogs ( sctsunai, incantix, linkstorm ) and “Alternate University” on Kasa’s blogs ( blackthvnder, pendulumrisen, soulburnings )
Yuuri is the biggest piece of shit in this au
Year 1
Yuuri and Manjoume
it’s a running joke that Yuuri’s always stealing Manjoume’s food
because he is
Yuuri is always antagonizing Manjoume somehow
Kaito and Yuugo
Kaito puts up with exactly none of Yuugo’s shit
Yuugo gets kicked out of their room…a lot
Yuuya and Edo
neither deserve this
Yuuya is a peace keeper
Dennis and Shun
fight as much as Kaito and Yuugo
Shun tries to kill Dennis at least once every other day
Takeru and Yusaku
sweet fire puppy and his reclusive hermit friend
Takeru apologizes for absolutely anything Yusaku does ever
the whole dorm thinks they’re gay
has his own room
needs a fucking raise
nobody’s seen him in three weeks is he even still alive
Rin and Ruri
Rin is Yuugo control
Ruri is Shun/Kaito/Yuuto control
Ruri cooks food for Takeru and Yusaku
Yuzu and Serena
Yuzu just wants some time alone with Yuuya
but no
no, Yuuri had to decide he’s Yuuya’s priority
Year 2
Yuuri and Manjoume
Manjoume moved out for Year 2
Yuuri didn’t like that and got him evicted from his apartment
Manjoume can never escape
Kaito and Shun
they argue a lot
when Shun’s mad, he puts stuff on the top shelf where Kaito can’t reach it
everyone thinks they’re dating
Rin and Yuugo
Yuugo was assigned to Kaito again originally
Rin shuffled roommates around so Yuugo’d stay alive
Yuuya and Edo
still do not deserve this
Yuuya is eternally suffering
idk if he’s even alive by this point
Takeru and Yusaku
still rooming together
still probably gay
Yusaku never leaves the room so no one realizes he lives there except Yuuya
still blissfully living alone
still done with life
got her own room like a Queen
feels the need to…mother her friends
Yusaku hasn’t forgiven her for The Talk
Yuzu and Serena
still amazing
new addition to the dorm.
transferred from another university when he discovered Yusaku attended this one
probably a stalker
Notable Incidents within the verse:
The Cake Incident
Yuuri bakes Manjoume a cake for his birthday. A carrot cake disguised as a red velvet cake. 
Manjoume hates carrots and never trusts Yuuri again.
The Carrot Incident
Yuuri decides to replace all of the food he’s eaten with carrots.
Manjoume finds his cereal box full of diced carrots and marches down to Yuuri’s class just to chuck the box at his face.
“This was full yesterday!”
The Knife Incident
Manjoume complains a lot. Yuuri has a lot of spare keys.
Yuuri ‘leaves’ his main key behind and Manjoume locks him out of their room.
Yuuri gets in with a spare key, gets some fake blood and makes himself out to be a bloody murderer before going to Manjoume’s room and waking him up with the image of some stranger holding a giant kitchen knife, covered in blood.
Manjoume screams like a girl.
Yuuri whispers “don’t ever lock me out again” and goes to take a shower.
The Pizza Incident Part 1
Manjoume orders a pizza, assuming it’ll arrive by the time he gets home.
He arrives home to only one slice of his pizza left.
Manjoume bitches at Yuuri for eating his pizza.
Yuuri plots revenge.
The Pizza Incident Part 2
Manjoume tries to order a pizza again for when he gets home.
He arrives home to no pizza.
There is only a single piece of pepperoni left in the box.
The Pizza Incident Part 3
The dorm has a homemade pizza night.
Yuuri puts carrot shavings in the shredded cheese.
Manjoume does not realize it until it’s too late.
The Hole
Soulburner has a scarf hole. Playmaker is curious.
Soulburner freaks out when Playmaker jams a finger in the hole for curiosity’s sake.
That means revenge…which leads Soulburner to shove three fingers in the little hole on the back of Playmaker’s belt.
The Talk
Not long after The Hole.
Ruri overhears a snippet of Yusaku and Takeru’s conversation about The Hole.
“You started it!”
“I put one finger in, you rammed THREE INSIDE ME!”
Ruri assumes they’re together and need a talk on safe intimacy.
Ruri accidentally starts a rumor about Yusaku and Takeru banging each other.
She buys them “The Guide to Safe BDSM” and several supplies.
Takeru and Yusaku never look at each other again.
tl;dr: this au is insane and I don’t know how Kasa is still friends with me.
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