#this does not bode well for me
hekateinhell · 1 year
armand is my emotional support violent and violently traumatized lil' guy
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asilverspring · 1 year
oh no i’m finding kieran culkin really hot again
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ferrethyun · 2 years
it’s 8am. i have work at 8pm. i’ve not slept yet. n i’ve been awake since 3pm yesterday
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mosspapi · 6 months
Holy fuck I started trying to read some of my homework that I'm missing and I got like 4 pages in and my brain is now utterly fried. Like it's fucking wild. It's not even like I feel tired or bored or whatever my brain is just like. Literally idk what other word to use than Fried. It's like a fuse short circuited or some shit. Not a fan
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joshpeck · 2 months
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I don't know what ungodly magic they put in Shuri x Namor. Not only can I NOT stop thinking about them, but I also am thinking about all of my old ships.
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beachboysnatural · 2 years
I don’t have the energy to catch up on the dash I’m still in shock
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fatal-blow · 7 months
alright its almost midnight n i got another muscle pain tip: the secret to good posture is to be able to relax as many muscles as possible while doing it. if you need to contract a bunch of muscles to maintain a position, it's not a good position.
subtip: make sure you know what the difference is between tension and relaxation of the muscles. it might seem crazy NOT to know this, but if body tension is all you know, then how do you know what relaxing feels like. not like im speaking from experience
anyways i recommend trying those tense and relax exercises some people use for anxiety.
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faelynfawn · 6 months
For the rarepairs: maybe Scar/Tango?
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I realised quite quickly that I may be incapable of writing a drabble. Have a one shot instead.
There were a lot of unfortunate circumstances that lead to Scar’s current predicament. It was certainly not just Scar’s carelessness compounding into an unlucky series of events, no. Definitely not Scar’s fault at all!
Sure, maybe he should’ve checked his elytra’s durability, but really who remembered to do that? The whole point of mending was that it should repair itself in the background. Why should he have to keep track of it?
And yeah, he probably should carry an Ender chest on him at all times. But he didn’t. He was not the only one who didn’t!
His decision to fly back through the Overworld instead of the Nether was actually not stupid. He had just played a bunch of Decked Out. It was so cold in the Dungeon. He hated the heat of the Nether on a good day. Dealing with that right after Decked Out? No thank you!
All that is to say: his elytra just broke as he was flying home from Decked Out.
Scar landed in packed snow. Which was great in a way, as he would have died otherwise. What was not so great was that he immediately began to freeze. It took him a few minutes to claw his way out, his diamond armour heavy and weighing him down. By the time he managed to get out, he was so exhausted that all he could really do was lay there on the frigid snow.
Things like sub-zero temperatures usually did not affect people on Hermitcraft. Scar’s stupid code made him an exception. He would not die, but he was struggling to move and his ability to think clearly was already slipping.
He did have a wheelchair on him, but it was not able to handle this terrain. He honestly probably couldn’t even operate it even if it could. He doubted he could even move enough to place it down and pull himself up into it.
Which meant that walking was out of the question as well.
He could not even see where the biome ended. All he could see other than endless snow was the sun on its way down and Decked Out in the far, far distance.
Scar needed help.
He tried to fish his communicator out of his pocket but he was struggling to get a grip on it. His fine motor skills were not working, it seemed.
Eventually he managed to pull it out enough for it to be next to him on the snow. He shuffled around so he could see it.
There were quite a few people on world at the moment, but he did not know how far away most of them were. He knew Tango was probably still at Decked Out, he had watched Scar’s runs just now. Even if not he would be close by, more than happy to help, and also he would be very warm.
It took Scar quite a few attempts to pull up Tango’s contacts. Even more to try and hit the stupid call button. Still, he managed it in under a minute, which was pretty impressive with how much he was shaking.
“Hey Scar! What’s up?”
Scar tried to say something like, “Stuck in the snow,” or even, “Help,” but all that came out was a garbled whine.
“Scar?” Tango’s voice was concerned now, “You okay?”
Scar tried so hard to say no to beg for help or anything but he just couldn’t talk. He didn’t know he wouldn’t be able to talk and it was really scaring him. If he couldn’t talk then he couldn’t tell Tango what was wrong and he couldn’t get help and he was going to die and-
“Hey, hey, it’s okay! It’s okay, buddy, it’s okay,” Tango soothed, but it wasn’t okay, “I’m gonna figure out where you are and come find you, okay?”
Oh right, they could do that now.
All Tango would have to do is type a command on his communicator and he would have Scar’s co-ordinates.
The sudden relief made Scar start to cry. Which he hated; it was too cold to cry. He also hated how Tango could clearly hear it, given that he was keeping up a steady stream of reassurances.
Scar was really struggling to understand him. He could hear that he was talking but not what he was saying. It was terrifying. Which made Scar just feel so ridiculous. All of this made him feel ridiculous.
This was hardly that bad of a situation. He was no stranger to his body not responding to him or struggling to understand people or anything. Not to mention, he knew once he warmed up it would go away. It was not like he had died and was now stuck like this for anywhere between a few hours and a few days. It would go away once he warmed up.
Besides, it was his fault he was there anyway.
So he should not be crying and hyperventilating and just making it such a big deal.
He was probably really freaking Tango out.
Well, that Scar understood. He had not heard it through his communicator, either, which was probably a good sign.
He squinted up at the sky and saw Tango gliding down towards him. He looked like a fiery angel descending from the heavens.
Immediately when he landed next to him, Scar felt so much warmer and better. He was able to move enough to try and reach towards Tango.
Tango quickly got the message and wrapped Scar up in his arms. He said something, he sounded like a question, but Scar couldn’t understand him.
It made Scar cry harder. His hands couldn’t close properly so he was not able to clutch at Tango’s cloak like he wanted to. He couldn’t move his arms enough to wrap around Tango either.
Quickly Tango’s tone changed into something softer, more soothing. He rocked Scar lightly as he cried. Which, he probably should have felt a lot more embarrassed about than he did, but he was really happy for it.
It was not long before Scar began to stop crying. He just did not have the energy for it.
Tango’s tone changed again and he pulled back a bit. It was hard to see his face through his still watery eyes, but he was frowning at Scar. He ran a gentle hand over Scar’s face and murmured something.
Scar felt himself being shifted into Tango’s side, just held by one arm instead of two. Tango used his free hand to place down his Ender chest. He shuffled up onto his knees so he could rummage through it, doing his best to keep Scar tucked in close.
He pulled out a shulkerbox from it, which he placed down. A little bit more shuffling and he managed to pull an elytra from it.
Tango moved him so he was laying over his lap. He began to gently undo the straps of Scar’s elytra.
Scar would not be able to use an elytra.
Scar tried to tell him, but he just could not get the words out.
Tango shushed him softly.
It was not long before Tango helped him out of the broken elytra into the fresh one. He broke both the shulker and Ender chest and tucked it away into his inventory. He pressed a rocket into Scar’s hand.
Which, Scar tried really hard to hold onto, but his hand just would not close.
Scar really didn’t like the expression Tango made when he realised Scar would not be able to use the elytra. He pulled away from Scar and for one delirious moment Scar thought he was going to leave him there in the cold.
But no, Tango brought out some deepslate from his inventory and began to build a floor. On it he put a bed. He turned back to Scar and lifted him into his arms. Scar really liked being in Tango’s arms. Especially when Tango carried him. He needed to get carried by him more, it was actually so unfair he was not constantly carried around like a princess.
Tango put him down into the bed and wrapped him up tightly in the blankets. He began to move away again, which was not very nice of him. He was warm and Scar really, really wanted to be in his arms.
Scar must have let out a whine or something horribly embarrassing like that because Tango turned back to him quickly. He walked over, brushed the hair out of his face, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. He said something very soft and gentle before turning back away.
Scar was placated for a moment. He watched as Tango retrieved some more blocks from his Ender chest and began to construct a makeshift hut. It was definitely function over fashion, although he did include a window. It was maybe three minutes before he hung a soul lantern from the roof and turned back to Scar.
He smiled at him and sat down next to him on the bed. Scar whined at him, trying to wriggle free from his soft blanket prison so he could reach for Tango. Thankfully he seemed to understand because he quickly rearranged the blankets, himself, and Scar. He was leaning against the wall with Scar tucked against his chest, a blanket loosely wrapped around them.
Exhausted after that whole ordeal combined with how safe he felt in Tango's embrace, Scar quickly dozed off.
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moonsnqil · 6 months
i hc that neil hates wearing earbuds/headphones and if he does wear them he only ever wears one side. dude is so used to always being on alert and looking over his shoulder that having the ability to hear his surroundings taken from him makes him uncomfortable
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p3ta · 2 months
gotta send Ryoji Mochizuki
Thanks for the ask! Hope your day's going well, fellow Ryoji enjoyer.
Spoilers below for P2, P3, P4, and P5R.
Send me one of these here!
First, I want to give some thoughts on his character as a whole. For the certain type of character he is (doomed, remorseful harbinger), Ryoji Mochizuki is perfect. I don't think there's a better Persona twist than his reveal as the the Appriser/Death, the thirteenth Arcana Shadow. Just because a twist is easy to see coming doesn't make it less impactful, and I particularly enjoy the way Persona 3 distills information to the player in allotments. Even knowing that, Ryoji managed to surprise me with how much more he was. And fittingly, a lot of Ryoji's characterization bounces back to the P3 Hero, and vice versa.
On top of that, Nyx Avatar is my favorite final boss in the entire Persona series and unsettled me out the first time. I'd still say that Nyx Avatar causes me more fear than the Reaper, who I'd comparatively describe as inciting panic rather than fear.
Ryoji is frequently compared to Kaworu from Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE), and, well. Yeah. I believe I read that in a developer interview that the P3 dev team deliberately took inspiration from NGE but I'm unable to find a source at hand, so don't quote me on that. Between the two, I prefer Ryoji. He is the strongest out of the character type for me.
favorite thing about them
His layers! Ryoji is one of those late game characters who comes in and recontextualizes all the information you've learned thus far. It's why I love watching the Dictionary update throughout a playthrough. I understand why people are put off by the way he's introduced as a serial flirt, but Reload made it much more textually clear that this isn't his true personality, nor his intentions. Ryoji is proto-Teddie (Japanese Teddie, anyway); a fully formed individual who sprang into existence seeking connection. However, where Teddie's isolation and lack of identity are his defining characteristics, Ryoji's are moored in how connected he is with P3 Hero.
Ryoji ultimately only exists because of that connection, that little bit of humanity he's been given, but that's also what prevents him from being fully human. He's had a role to play since his inception, and he can't avoid that even with his newfound connections.
Ryoji's present throughout the entire story. You've got Pharos at the very beginning with the contract running errands for the Velvet Room (I like it more and more that I think about it. Picture Elizabeth or Igor having to explain to this terrifying child what he has to say. Or maybe he knew what to say all along! He has been waiting ten years), Thanatos tearing himself out of Orpheus (by far the best Persona awakening in the series and a textual highlight for what an alien force he is), and a crucial lynchpin event for Yukari's backstory, Mitsuru's backstory, as well as the crucial event for Aigis and P3 Hero.
There is no version of Persona 3 without Ryoji and I'm all the happier for it. Genuinely, if something's confusing with P3's story, there's 90% chance the answer is Ryoji or one of his many numerous forms. The remaining 10% is the Kirijo Group. That said, we don't get a lot of time with Ryoji. Ultimately, he's a part of P3 Hero and you're left to extrapolate exactly how much of each other you believe they've influenced.
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Sogabe, the P3 & P4 mangaka, chose to highlight how similar Ryoji and P3 Hero look. I consider it an essential element of their relationship together.
least favorite thing about them
It'd be cheating to say nothing, wouldn't it? I'd say that his design is easy to mock and hard to get right in fanart. Between Ryoji's forehead and very Axel Kingdom Hearts approach towards long limbs – and legs in specific – the movies did not help with this. I've read reviews saying how the higher budget allowed for the characters to be more consistently on model, and thus look better, but I fervently disagree. That boy is mostly leg. Late 00s and early 10s anime art Looked Like That, though. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a soft spot for some of it.
But I love how Ryoji looks and wouldn't change it for the world. Silly slick-backed hair boy. It is funny how whenever Persona wants a villain with sympathetic qualities, they slick back the protagonist's hair (Philemon and Maruki come to mind).
Reload fixed ("fixed") this anyway but making him much fluffier in his portraits and giving his skin some color! He's achingly soft in that game.
favorite line
There's many iconic ones I could pick but I'm going to go with a new one from Reload:
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It's so small, it's so playful! I like that if you choose to start an exchange he finishes the bit. It says a lot about him in such a succinct way.
Even more so when you consider the reason he came here was for Junpei's sake. Being able to balance joking around while keeping a touch of concern endears me beyond belief. Thank you, Reload.
Junpei & Ryoji. It's not even close. This was the one element I was hoping Reload would show more and I was not disappointed! The dynamic is good for a variety of reasons, but chief among them is that despite Junpei's Persona being Magician Arcana, he is not the P3 Hero's Magician Social Link. Junpei is not the male protagonist's best friend. He clearly wants to be, but his frustration is palpable. The P3 Hero is cool, charming, and everything that Junpei plays second fiddle to, but he won't even acknowledge him. But what if there were a more likeable version of the Hero?
Instant friendship. Those two are besties from day one, where Ryoji has all the qualities but none of the knowledge, and so their dynamic is a much more even one. To me, it indicates how well Junpei and the P3 Hero might have gotten along had he not carried Death inside him for ten years. It's a brief window into another world.
There's also the fact that Ryoji, Death, befriends Junpei so close to when Takaya shoots him and he perishes. His character arc is defined by change, this act being what radically transforms his soul, and what's one of the meanings of the Death Tarot? It's like universal foreshadowing. It's funny to me too that the Magician Arcana Shadow is the one Thanatos tore to pieces. Growth for Ryoji too.
As an aside, I miss the dynamic movements from the PS2 cutscenes. Junpei being so quick to drown Ryoji is nowhere comparable to him covering Ryoji's mouth.
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Hmm. This might take a second. I wonder what pairing I might like with Ryoji. Here's an unrelated picture of Messiah:
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You know, Messiah is one of those Personas that has only grown on me more as time passes. My favorite of the final protagonist ones, due in part to how you have to fuse him yourself. Orpheus, the starting Persona, combined with the power of Thanatos, the penultimate manifestation of the Death Arcana. They compliment each other beautifully, and regardless of if you the player create him, he is always the true final Persona, the final result of the Judgement Arcana.
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They are inevitable.
Of course it's Ryoji and P3 Hero. How could it be anything else? These two make me sick with joy. Death has a clear favorite and in the end, gets to keep him forever.
It's funny, because I can't think of any serious pairing with Ryoji that I wouldn't view as a crack ship? I can't see any version of Ryoji with anyone but the P3 Hero nor can I take that relationship seriously. The only other being Ryoji has an established relationship with is Aigis, and that ship comes across as black comedy. I mean, there's also Ryoji and the P3 Heroine, who he is undoubtedly head over heels for, but I see her as heavily preferring Aigis. Oops.
Wait, I did remember one! Ryoji and Junpei! I'll admit, maybe it's the sheer "dudebro" vibe of their relationship, but people pairing these two was not an outcome I expected from Reload. I've seen it enough to know those who like it aren't joking, either.
It's funny, because they're both soul-taken at the tail end of their friendship (Ryoji with P3 Hero and Junpei with Chidori) so I guess I wasn't looking for it? Then again I can't see Junpei Iori kissing a man in general. If there's a Ryoji pairing that isn't my thing, these two are the Most not my thing.
random headcanon
Ryoji memory backfill!
I've seen multiple interpretations for how Ryoji's sudden transfer, housing, and parental situations were never questioned. I like exploring this for myself, especially from Ryoji's perspective. Ryoji fully believes himself to be human until 12/2's Dark Hour. So, how does he reconcile his own situation?
This headcanon states that whenever Ryoji is prompted to answer on where he lives, what he likes, or where he went to school before, he'll often "backfill" what memories he think should be there. If it's something he should reasonably know, it'll be there.
In-game you can see a couple instances of Ryoji being stumped at simple questions, like where his class trip was going to be, but excelling at others, such as when he asks Mitsuru out to a restaurant date. According to the headcanon, he failed the class trip question because it wasn't something he anticipated, but he knew a date location because it was essential to his personality. Ryoji Mochizuki is a hearthrob, it wouldn't make sense if he didn't. So he does.
I like to think Reload Ryoji's phone is another example of this backfill, though this one spills over into material items. Ryoji thinks he should have a phone and knows he should ask for others' numbers, but when he reaches for it on his first day it isn't there.
His inconsistencies are fun.
Rapid fire small ones: his favorite color is blue, he likes sunrises but not sunsets, and he's good with children.
unpopular opinion
This may be the most unpopular opinion I have in general, but I don't believe Ryoji is bisexual. Or rather, I don't necessarily believe he must be bisexual. It's not like I'm trying to shirk representation, but I think there are so many fascinating ways that you can analyze orientation for a character. Same with gender.
Ryoji, through my interpretation, is someone who could only love the protagonist. And it doesn't have to be a sexual kind of love. There's an entire spectrum of identities in our culture that we've labeled for what Ryoji's experiences could be. It brings me joy to be able to think about how – even if Ryoji knew about these identities – he'd define himself. On top of that, would how he define himself be accurate? Would he have misunderstandings about his own identity?
There tends to be a large backlash when someone even suggests a different label for a character with one widely agreed upon, which means my gender and sexuality thoughts stay hidden away. I'm more than aware of those that insist any hint of same-sex attraction is obviously platonic and fans are reading too much into things. I'd never want to take away from an individual identifying with a character for what a fandom settles on calling them.
Though one note: it's interesting to me that from the collective opinion I've seen, people have latched onto bisexual as a label rather than pansexual despite them ostensibly meaning the same thing. Something something changing social climate. Anyway. Play around with character gender and sexuality. It's good for you.
song i associate with them
Auld Lang Syne.
For old acquaintance be forgot
And ne'er brought to mind
Should old acquaintance be forgot
In the days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll drink a cup of kindness yet
For the sake of auld lang syne
It's a traditional New Year's celebration song. Auld Lang Syne essentially means "for old time's sake". It originates from a precursor to Scottish, and exists as a fossil word inside this otherwise Standard English prose. I find it sweet how this little, historic piece gets to survive through something that redefines it.
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favorite picture of them
Well, that was a lot. If you have a keen eye, you might've already noticed I've been dropping in pictures so I'll keep this part concise.
My favorite pictures of Ryoji are his portraits:
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Sweet. Fluffy. Endlessly endeared by the way his hair flairs out. A much clearer heart shape for his face. Perfection. Special mention to his startled expression. His eyes get small and I get happy, simple as that.
Although, I'll never forgive Reload for dropping his Messiah pose:
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There's an element to this portrait that's a little more unearthly, but earnest. Visually, his eyes are also a clearer parallel to Aigis's in this version.
Thank you for reading all the way through! And thank you again for the ask. I'm not sure if you were expecting an essay, but I think that about sums it up.
Have a picture of Ryoji nui + charm!
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jrueships · 4 days
Paul George on Stephen A. Smith’s Kawhi Leonard jab: “I didn’t like that moment… Kawhi wants to play… We exhausted a lot out of Kawhi this season. So at some point your body breaks you down… I didn’t appreciate that moment. I know I laughed because the situation was lighthearted, but deep down it was like you gotta let that go, Stephen A.”
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Paul George, knight in shining armor
#HE DOES . u know. defend his girlbosses#as a good malewife husband soes#but like... he'll defend them.. five days after the fact#like hes just zoned out during the actual time of necessary defense#thinking about what new gaming chair to buy for himself whilst squinting harshly#i think tauruses and caps get shoehorned into being hashtag Daddies hashtag when it comes to personalities#like yes theyre grounded but that also means they like to duck into their little safety hovels sometimes#if a taurus is in an uncomfortable place/position.. they will often just smile& think abt how much they miss their regular place of comfort#until the moment passes#'oh but theyre so stubborn and loyal! theyll stand up for anyone! all the time!' stubbornness can ironically flucuate#theyre still showing stubbornness! just to the fact that they wanna go home. and they need this moment to pass#and if they bring something up rn.. it will not pass rn#this kind of thinking does not always bode well with fire signs#as much as i love to bully paul .. seeing others do it just isnt the same.. it does not come from a place of love in the end !!#'hes always been a coward-- too afraid to step up and be the bad guy. do the dirty work' no girl hes just a bit stupid#hes literally excitedly told reporters that hes soooo hyped up to try and be the rebound passer guy today#and then one game later hes like 'yea i kinda did too much.. that was.. not good 😔'#like he is doing the best in his mind! his doing bad is not out of bad intent! it's good intent and he is just failing miserably at it#LEAVE MY CRINGEFAIL MALEWIFE ALONE ‼️‼️‼️#MY CANCELLED GIRLFAILURE !!#he just wants to be a trophy husband to a terrifying strange and unusual mystery of a man like isnt that why we wrote dracula#is this not why creepypasta self insert y/n imagines exist on wattpad ?#paul george is just a y/n living in a spiteful world#LMFAOOO#hes so stupid i want to kill him but no one else can kill him but me ok#pg13 years old
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
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poorlittleyaoyao · 2 months
I'm now at the portion of CQL that overlaps with the volumes of the novel that I read last summer, and for all the nonsense brought by the combination of CQL's adaptation changes + reluctance to fully commit to them, I really and truly do prefer these iterations of the characters, especially WWX. I just watched the episode where JC catches him in Qinghe, and it had me chewing on the walls! The show's chronological storytelling let us see their relationship's intensity and tragic deterioration, and it delivers on making this confrontation EXTREMELY FRAUGHT for both of them. JC unleashes 16 years of unprocessed grief and anger as WWX tries his damnedest to avoid it, and the shadow of JYL's death looms over both of them. Even though the dialogue in the novel is nearly identical, the mutual urgency isn't there; JYL is never mentioned (beyond JC reminding WWX that he is the reason JL's parents are dead), and WWX himself has no emotional response whatsoever to any of it, save for an offhand mention that he was nostalgic for the Lotus Pier of his childhood. JC might as well be having an argument with an imaginary WWX in the shower. There's zero tension there. Information has to be revealed and withheld differently with the non-chronological story structure, of course, but there are ways to hint at a character being impacted by and reacting to past experiences without saying outright what those experiences are, and that is simply Not Happening sufficiently for me with anything involving WWX's platonic and familial relationships in the novel. And if you wanted more on the relationships between characters who aren't WWX? lol good luck!
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livefastdriveyoung · 4 months
Tell me why the Mercedes Car Launch felt like divorced parents attending a parent-teacher conference?
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madame-mongoose · 11 months
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