#this fcking trial
touchlikethesun · 5 months
honestly the greatest epiphany i've ever had is that people are people everywhere you go. it seems really banal to say it like that, and i know many will just shrug it off as obvious, but i do think that if more held that thought in the forefront of their mind, then there would be a lot less suffering in the world. terry pratchett has a great quote about this, and it bears repeating, if ever you find yourself thinking of people as not being people like you, you are wrong. you are wrong you are wrong. people are people, no if ands or buts.
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pjackk · 11 months
Yep another miesrable "F my life" moment just hapened to me i basicaly walked 10 miles up the mountain to get to behind to the gas station to see my plug to buy me my with my favorite delta 8 pipe rocks and grab another 6er of tall boy steelies and i forgot i had my lit pre roll from brunch at the Country Grocerys buffet and i tripped on a congom on they away out and fell directly into a puddle of oil which normaly is fine when i fall and hurt myself ebcause nobody gives a fuck about me but the pants got stained wich is not unusual for me either but this time with motor guel or some shit but my pre roll was smoldering still and it set my ptants on fire so i dive in to the muddy ditch to put wet mut on my body to estinguish the fire and it and it shook the fuck up out of my steelos and the bursted all over me and it put out the fire but now i dont have any booze at all and my delta 7 "Fuck n chill" rocks burned tf up and i dont got nothgin left and my pants were all fucked up so i had to go home thru the woods wihtout them and it was so dark out and my peice of shit phone died even thouhg it was at 27% and i couldnt see shit and i was lost for along time so i decide to go to sleep in the woods to find my way back in day time + the animals sounds were high key scary as fuck so i cover myself in leafs and dirt and sticks and mud and other shit to hide from them and i woke up in the adfternoon still tired as fuck cuz i dont sleep good without some shit to put me asleep like my medicidne prescribed from Dr Maltlikker if U catch my drift lol or Dr thc Gummy lol if u get what im saying and these stupid little cunts with 22 rifles were plinking at me and tlaking about how they wanted to shoot my big ugly rusty head right in the head or to shoot a hole in my nippels so i got up and trioed to get them to stop i begged but htey just kept lauhging at me and shooting at me and it realy hurt my feelings so i pick one up and threw it into the sky then they all ran away screaming which is a classic "Dont fuck with honest joe,because he might try to hurt you or kill you if u piss him of moment" but the miracle of the story if that i went to walk 20 feet to findm y way out and i found my busted as shit old as fuck camry with a litle gas left ive been looking for it for a few days cuz i did a lil cruising when i was blackout and did lots of crazy shit i didnt remember at all but it was all on my story and 100 ppl were snaping and whatsapping me telling me to kill myself when i checked my huwawai thats how u know u had a crazy fcking night when u get that shit!!😂😂 but it had a litle gas left and it wasnt super busted so i was able do get back on I81 and soem stupid fcking crazy ass north carolina motha fuckas are driving insanly as fuck as usual and they keep almost hiting me while im just trying to read my fukcking phone to get rid of all these stupid messages and shit i still dont know how to use the app and its hard to type shit with my hands but eventualy i got back to my fuck buddys houe im crashing there even though he hates me now but i have nowehre left since ive been down on my luck and im realy not able to pay the bills no more with my online black jack/DarkRp trial moderator gigs and basicaly he owes me cuaz i got him 1 pack of menthols back when he was 19 and Sleepy Joe Brnadon banned them since "Freedom to do real shit" was aparently removed from the costitution when he was elected😂 but anywas now im sitting here bored as fuck with nothign at all do do cuz i got nothing to get fucked up wthi and i spent the rest of my meony on shit thats burned and blasted im realy worried i wont be able to sleep tongith since i cant get fucked up and thats when the demons starts to flow in my head i might do something realy bad to myself like pluck out my screws or some shit if u care abotu my which u probably dont my cashuapp is $pjack9 im desprate for another bottle to numb my p[ain away
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Pic of my ride when i found it thankuly it still had gas😋
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Ultimate Genshin Tournament: Finals
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Propaganda below cut
Hot Evil Woman.
#the duality of arlecchino is so well done #Also her design is insanely attractive (via @rinrinlovee)
#women driven by their own agenda #implied to be fucking insane #people were disappointed she didn't actually kill the kids in her story but listen #that would make her no better than dottore #she's a bad bitch she refuses to run the house on anyone’s terms but her own #i love morally grey characters guys #arle has mystery and intrigue there is no telling what her next move might be #and she has her fair share of tragic yuri #the fact that she is harsh #that there is inherent immorality in her character since she trains orphans to be child soldiers #but the fact that she still cares deeply for her charges #and arle thinks the doctor is despicable and refuses to make deals with him #except one that allowed her to set the children free to take their own path #like i cannot emphasize enough how much depth is in her character #freminet reports that she doesnt like when the children cry #but she still brought him back an emblem of his mother #and told him the truth about why he is in the House #in fact she's deeply appalled when she finds out he's been lied to and told his mother no longer wanted him #she is incredibly perceptive and forward thinking #and fine ill say it shes hot #and she's ridiculously powerful #in her boss fight we dont even kill her. we don't even come close #she was just entertaining us as a test #also i really enjoy a character who can suffer such tragedy and carry it with her in her life #but then is afforded the agency to make it better for herself and everyone who comes after #no child will die for wanting to choose their future #wanderer saying that those who have seen through her cordial facade have disappeared #like how can you NOT be interested in her #i want to know desperately what her grand plan is #i think we as a fanbase moved on way too quickly from the fact that teenage arlecchino #KILLED A FUCKING HARBINGER #also the question of where is arle actually from still remains #what exactly *is* she? (via @stormyrainyday)
girl deserves therapy and hugs and the best life in the WORLD because she went through a lot!!!! wouldn't pretending to be a god for 500 years with no support mess you up? and yet she still kept on going for her people!! she wanted to save her nation from a doomsday prophecy and she DID
After act 5 she deserves the world :(
“If all the people of Fontaine are on one side, and I am on the other…is it not obvious where the scales of suffering should tilt?” NO IT ISNT YOU’RE JUST ABNORMALLY SELFLESS AND INCREDIBLE AND PERSISTENT. Even the Archons praise Furina’s name and say she is a human with strength and capability worthy of an Archon. That’s not even to speak of Focalors. She snapped at Arlecchino when she implied that Furina had done nothing to preserve her people from the flood. Meanwhile every minute she was working to prevent the prophecy. A month after we took her to court and almost got her killed she agreed to help us direct a play, a favor for a favor
Guys, she deserves to win. She endured 500 years of torment and suffering. No hope in sight, just the knowledge that a trial, any trial, might signal the start of her life as herself. She sacrificed herself again and again: her reputation before the people of Fontaine, her happiness during the 500 years of her rule, and her very own divinity. Her trailer is literally just her worst nightmare coming to life. She is finding the joy in life again, slowly. Let’s be a part of that joy. Vote Furina!!!! 
Your honor, they're married and Arlecchino would want her wife to win.
she literally gave up her entire sense of self and sacrificed everything just to save Fontaine… all without ever knowing that she was the human side of the archon. She did everything because of her own sense of justice, because of her love for the people, because even she had to do her all for a chance for them to live on. Furina is the perfect example of what a leader should be, while also being so so very fragile and just…so very human. needless to say, Furina is perfect through being imperfect. So she absolutely deserves this win FURINA SWEEP REAL!!!
she managed to fool an entire nation and even the hydro dragon for 500 years. She literally put up the greatest act in all of history. All for one singular goal. The survival of Fontaine. And what did she give? Everything. Her soul. Her life. She is the epitome of the most amazing character design. And so she absolutely deserves this win!!
she literally was almost assassinated by the one she is up against right now. She literally almost was killed by arle. Literally WHY would you let arle win over our beloved queen Furina? Furina is a victim who is suffering trauma from her. She deserves the win more than arle! Payback for arle traumatizing sweet, innocent Furina…!!!!!
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(image via @deityofhearts)
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tategaminu · 7 days
Some predictions for S7
It seems some people are concerned about Rayla and Callum being separated for half the season when I honestly don't think that will be the case. They have never been separated more than two episodes, you could say "well it could happen now!" but I doubt they would do that in the same season we will fully see them together for the first time.
Now some proof or my own guesses to favour this:
In this screenshot Rayla isn't with Callum, she could be out of frame but I don't think so.
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I'm guessing he went ahead since maybe Rayla's wings weren't working anymore (they said they didnt't last forever if I remember correctly)
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Look how sad he looks, he has no gf to cheer him up over Katolis' destruction.
Now, we see Rayla and Ronaldo standing up in front of the Banterlodge, why are they here? I think Callum told them to meet there since it's a place both him and Rayla know.
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Why is she in attack mode?
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Looking at the trees it seems Ezran, Aanya and the animals seem to be around the banterlodge. Maybe Rayla sees the katolians coming or Ezran asking Corvus and Soren to arrest Raul and she gets defensive ofc, tho it doesn't seem to be an overly agressive stance.
We have confirmation that Callum and Ezran will have a conflict and Ezran is gonna be mad about Runaan, so maybe Callum defends Runaan here and confesses that he is the one who fred him, making the brothers fight. An upset Callum then leaves with Rancher and Rayla.
My guesses are, Callum and Rayla separate in episode 1 and reunite in late episode 2 or early episode 3 (they tend to "meet" in the second episode lol) maybe ep 2 ends with them meeting and the cliffhanger of Ezran finding out about Ronald.
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Callum, Rayla and Richard arrive at the Silvergroove (perhaps is on episode 3 to parallel season 3) we get the Ruthari reunion and Rayla's trial in the same episode, a confirmed to be a very emotional episode.
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The place Rayla is having her trial on seems to be the lottus pond thing, we only see her, The Keeper (I didn't know moonshadows could have beards okay dude) and the ghosts of the deceased assassins. I'm guessing she will have to be forgiven by them to be accepted back on The Silvergroove and she will need a lot of emotional support, I don't see why Callum wouldn't be there since he was there when she found out about her ghosting so he being there when she gets unghosted makes all the sense.
Callum, Stella and the other ones are out of frame probably watching this, unless this is another place where they aren't allowed.
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I wouldn't be suprised if Rayla doesn't want to go with the trial at all but we get a little callback to this with Callum saying something similar, maybe even more agressive this time.
Now onto the next clue, this oopsie leaked scene by the animation company:
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Stella jugglinga adoraburrs! look how cute!
I'm fully convinced this is a rayllum scene, it screams romance with the flowers and singing baitlings "oh it could be ruthari!" yeah? maybe? but let's look at the clues shall we:
Stella is there, Stella is always with Rayla
Callum and Rayla love adoraburrs
Sneezles is there, Sneezles is always with Callum
There are two lovebirds and Rayllum tends to attract animals (very disney princess/prince if you ask me)
The baitlings are singing, screams Rayllum corniness (kiss the girl!)
Rayla and Callum have something going on with boats
Maybe Callum and Rayla decided to take the rest of the baitlings with them to the Silvergroove (for some reason)
Maybe this scene isn't before the mid season at all and it's at the end! but for now I choose to believe it's kind of the calm before the storm scene. Maybe Rayla and Callum are celebrating her unghosting, before Aaravos starts fcking shit up and they have to leave and go back to Ezran. I don't think this will happen in the way to The Silvergroove because 1) third wheeling Runaan would be uncomfortable and I don't think Callum would prepare this at all in the way unless he wanted to annoy him hard idk 2) Rayla and Callum didn't need to cross water to arrive at TS the first time.
I'm choosing also not to believe this is at the end because them leaving The Silvergroove mid season for them to come back at the end wouldn't make much sense to me unless they are getting married right in this scene mostly because I don't think Rayla and Callum will choose to live in there, at least for now, and this will be the end of the arc not the series so yeah, they could be visiting tho and this could be a chilling ending scene.
In a summary, I don't think rayllum will be separated for a lot of episodes and Callum is totally going to The Shitlvergroove maybe they will get separated again when she gets kidnapped
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listen you can't separate them for much unless it's against their will
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I, um.
I oops'd, guys.
I have been utterly and hopelessly seduced by the clumsy awkwardness of the wittle Donquixote brother.
Idc if he's already ded in canon, I will delulu-AU my Cora-san back to life if it's the LAST THING I EVER FCKIN DO
He is my bb now, and I will ensure he always has smokes, and that his tea is always a reasonable temperature, and that there always be a fire extinguisher nearby in case he sets himself on fire.
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I am stealing him. He is mine now and I will keep him safe.
Anyway yes, new blorbo unlocked, I had a feeling this would happen but not to this degree, I am not okay
It may take some time and a lot of manga-rereading and trial-and-error before I'm one hundred percent comfortable actually writing him, but he has officially joined the other blorbos and my OCs in the rent-free pirate-ship-shaped apartment in my head, where Doffy will remain locked in the brig until he agrees to go to therapy and fcking apologize.
That's it, that's the post, you may all return to your (ir)regularly-(un)scheduled brainrot, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and I'm sorry you all had to endure that nonsense.
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ying-doodles · 5 months
// webtoon spoilers (ep 140)
I find it funny how in the novel, lloyd blackmails the noble related to the crime before the trial so that he wouldn't cause an uproar in court but here lloyd just brings out the incriminating piece of evidence right in front of him to directly threaten him right there and then??
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and it fcking works?? and he fcking taunts him when he changes his tune by dancing??
man, what a little shxt- 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。
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toastedkiwi · 2 years
Summary: a collection of tweets.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Popstar Evans!Reader
Warning: cheating, mentions of rape, assault. Sex.
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@/evansaremylife guyyyys remember the mugshots? Hot af. Especially Chris’s. And you bet your asses he doesn’t feel in the slightest bit guilty.
@/jamieleemissjackson not her first song after 4 years being about her getting fucked right by Mr. Henry Cavill.
@/yn+henry do you guys not see how happy yn is with Henry? Like compare it to when she was with Harry! SHE WAS FUCKING MISERABLE. and now she’s being treated like a queen.
@/harry123hoe I can’t believe Harry screwed his director and had the FCKING audacity to try and see yn after she was raped and brutally assaulted. No wonder Chris threw hands without any hesitations.
@/bruhsephine I read the court transcripts from the trial and let me just say that yn and Henry are totally trauma bonded. Like he deadass saw her naked in a pool of her own blood. He didn’t know if she was alive.
@/nobodycares their relationship is sus. She was def cheating on Harry w/ henry.
@/henrycavills can confirm that Henry befriended Chris to get to yn.
@/yn4life omfg she’s finally selling the house she had with Harry? And bought a house with Henry which is rumored to be a few houses down from Chris’ Bostonian home?
@/dodgerismydog even though he cheated, that’s outta be rough for Harry to find out that she was pregnant with HIS baby only for her to lose it after something very traumatic to happen and then have another baby with another man that was friends with her brother meaning that they’d hangout probably often two years later.
@/yourmom damn she had a whole ass baby with her brother’s friend after being cheated on. I’m pretty sure hen was the guy she told Harry not to worry about. That’s some baller shit.
@/imabiggerdilfthanu I wonder if she mixes up the names like Henry and Harry are pretty similar. Plus both of them are British.
@/lmmaaaaoooo I can’t wait for this documentary. I hope she trashes Harry for doing her dirty and letting that lying witch speak.
@/chrisevans4lyfe she came out with an album that has 17 songs. The deluxe is rumored to have 24. Like honey has been waiting.
@/Henners she named her baby after her brother and the father of her child. That’s too cute 🥹
@/chrenrytgether4ever if Henry and Chris weren’t straight, they’d totally be together. At least we get to see Y/n with Henry in this reality.
@/anotherusername it’s nice to see that y/n finally popped off on miss Wilde after she mentioned her kid and caught her in a lie.
@/blahblahblah people are shocked that her and Henry are moving a lot faster than when she was with Harry. Well, harry wasn’t giving her what she wanted and Henry has been. Baby— checked. A ring- check. Stability- check. House— check. Wedding— happening soon.
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amethiosspouse · 6 months
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i'm like so deep into my pokemon/milgram hyperfixation and this made me realise something. i cant explain all of my reasonings but i can explain some.
amethio & haruka: -they share the same va -both of them REEK of parental issues (from what i remember, haruka's crime has something to do with his mother. amethio not beating the "gibeon is my father/ancestor" allegations) -amethio and muu also makes sense because both of them are rich (to an extent) and seem to be perceived as "spoiled brats" -ended up giving muu to sango since sango seems just as unhinged as muu
sango and muu: -cocky pink bitches -got that devious ahh smirk -im just going with vibes -was considering amane and sango ngl
agate and kotoko: -seems like a calm nd collected person on the outside -but fcking kicks ass later on (idk i just want agate to go batshit crazy at one point in the story. shes def holding back her true potential) -speaking of batshit crazy, kotoko went batshit crazy at the end of the first trial (dunno if she should be forgiven or not tbh...)
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a-gay-little-cat · 8 days
Get to know me tag game! tagged by @mail-me-a-snail
Last song played: erm...... I think it was "Close in the Distance" from the FFXIV OST (his ass has been too busy playing the game to actually listen to music)
Favorite color: PINK! AND BLUE!
Favorite food: fuuuuuck i dont knoooowwwww.... cant go wrong with egg though lets be real
Current fave characters: well... besides my OC, Chanai... this dumbass (magnai ilu i can fix u plscall me)
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Currently watching: bold of you to assume i watch anything
Last movie i watched: i really really dont remember... not one to watch movies a lot tbh! i think the last one i remember is maybe "The Transformers" (1986)
Current obsession: Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward, and thrilling Stormblood expansions up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime.? Sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today!
Last thing googled: literally googling the fcking copy pasta sorry tagging.... uhhhhh... i dunno whoever wants to feel tagged!
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Imagine Varian's staff from Varian's Tangled Trials (something like Kay's version more or less) but it has a HUGE FCKING SPEAR at the floor end and an EPIC GLOWING CRYSTAL with a GOLDEN BASE in the other end.
That, that is what I've been sketching in class lately.
(you're welcome for the idea fanfic writers it is my pleasure)
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Second Chair Spark Ch 13
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Warnings: Language, smut. Fam, I’m 99% sure this is the end of this fic, I don’t really know how to wrap it up otherwise, (plus who TF knew it would end up being 13 fcking chapters?!) I know I don’t want it to end super fluffy cause it’s not that kinda fic, so I guess send in your requests/prompts/even just a character so I have some shit to do this quarantine! Also yes, in this house we stan Liz Donnelly & Rita Calhoun…
A few weeks had passed since the squad had found out about the shenanigans going on at the D.A.’s office, and while there was some teasing, it came to a stop when Casey blew up, admitting to them that it was more than a hook up, you were her girlfriend (and you’d started talking about moving in together considering how much time you were at her apartment anyways). You’d beamed at her, promptly not caring about being in the middle of the bull pen when you pulled her into a kiss, knowing it would make half the squad embarrassed while the other half simply cheered. You still spent most of your time on joint cases, though your case load was nearly to the point that you were practically working solo, but it worked, you had a system by now, barely needing to communicate before a trial started. And those trials were still spent completely torturing the other, playing into each other’s games so by the time you retreated to Casey’s office or the apartment you were both drenched and could barely keep your hands off each other.
Rita would openly groan whenever she walked up to see both of you outside interrogation, Nikki always liked the challenge, and Buchanan slowly started to accept you into the world of lawyers. After you’d wiped the floor with his 5th client, a smirk on your face as you turned back towards the gallery, knowing that no one had been able to break the perp yet, he actually congratulated the both of you, mentioning he must owe you a drink. (Which honestly, you both politely declined, claiming there was too much paperwork to be done).
Despite the detectives and Rita knowing about your relationship, your games in the courtroom were far from coming to a halt, you still used them to trap each other, being so fucking turned on that you’d barely make it to privacy before pouncing on each other. At least now everyone was overly cautious to knock and then wait for at least a vocal reply if not one of you opening the door for them before they entered.
You were currently working together on a sex trafficking ring case that you were obviously taking the cross examination on, Casey had interviewed multiple suspects, edging you on the entire time with the way she inflicted her voice, the raised brow she’d give the gallery that was so obviously intended for you, the way she’d bite her lip while concentrating.  You brought your fucking A game when it came your turn to talk to the mastermind pimp, Casey not missing that you discreetly undid one button lower than appropriate for the courtroom on your shirt. Your hair was loose today, your lips plump with a red lipstick, your voice smooth as velvet as you tortured the asshole who spent years torturing girls. You basically sauntered your way through the courtroom, leading the asshole on, if she hadn’t know any better Casey would think you were even flirting with him past your normal amount. You pulled your usual weakness stance, hands leant against the barrier of the box so the perp could really drink you in, she saw his eyes linger, much longer than normal down your shirt before he stuttered over your question. A few more rounds of back and fourth and he was fucking putty in the palm of your hand, and to be completely honest, so was Casey.
The jury left to deliberate, not giving you enough time to sneak off, especially since Olivia and Elliot kept commending you on how insanely well you’d handled the trial. They’d handed you a wreck of a case (which, on separate occasions, you’d both let them know) and now you were coming out miles ahead of the defence. Before you’d managed to escape the multiple people talking to you, the jury was back, naturally, all guilty.
As fast as you could disappear from that courtroom you could, barely managing to keep your hands off each other before you reached Casey’s office, her hands buried into your hair, pulling you against her, moaning against your lips. Your hands traced around her body, squeezing her breasts, pinching at her nipples as her hand found its way up your skirt. She chuckled against your lips at how fucking drenched you were already.
“So fucking hot baby girl.” She murmured, pushing you back against her desk. Her tongue slipped into your mouth, gasping against you as you pulled her hopelessly close to you, her free hand reached out, pulling open the top drawer of her desk as she dug around for a second before she managed to get the ring vibe on her thumb. You did you best not to shriek as her hand made its way back to your cunt, fingers buried within you, the vibe directly on your clit as she pushed down against it, rubbing the vibrations in circles as your body shivered against her. Casey could feel your arousal drenching her hand, slicking your thighs as she continued to press against you, her teeth biting into your lips. You pussy pulsating around her fingers when a brash knock on the door interrupted you. You whipped apart from each other, you couldn’t help but drop into her desk chair, not sure if your legs could hold you up right now, Casey hit the button to turn the vibe off as she called a soft ‘come in’.
None other than your boss Liz Donnelly entered the room, and she didn’t look impressed.
“Judge Donnelly..” You somehow managed to pull yourself together before Casey did.
“There’s no need with the  fanciness,” She started, “You both know this building leaks like a sieve, right?” You both nodded, somewhat confused,  “So why is that I am just now finding out that that the two of you have been screwing around for over a year?” You felt your face pale, you could practically feel Casey’s heart stop. 
“Well we..” Liz was quick to cut her off,
“When I told you to figure out whatever the hell was going on between you…this isn’t exactly what I meant!”  You both stumbled over your words at an attempt to respond, “That being said, I’m glad you two finally came to your senses and fucked because we were all going insane having to deal with your bullshit.” THAT certainly thew you both off,
“Elizabeth I…” Casey began,
“Don’t..honestly, I’m happy for you.” She moved a couple of steps back, “Though if you use my courtroom as a goddamn thirst trap for each other ever again I’m charging you both in contempt.”
“Yes…” You both managed out, she was almost out the door when she turned back for one more, 
“And Casey…” Novak looked up at her, “I’m really hoping your hand wasn’t up Gerard’s skirt 5 seconds before I knocked on the door.” Donnelly may have disappeared faster than she came barreling in, but she knew exactly what was going on. You’d both moved so quickly Casey hadn’t removed the vibe from her thumb (at least it was turned off). Everyone knew now…and there was no hiding it…maybe it really was best if you kept your sexual shenanigans at home….but where was the fun in that?!
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newathens · 1 year
like guys be serious. for me to dislike a pjo book it’s gotta be fcking god awful. just look how i devoured trials of apollo. it doesn’t take much to impress me
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emirrea · 11 months
My ramblings on the Genshin 4.2 Archon Quest and Furina's character story (obviously spoilers!!):
- Asjdkglsjfks the archon quest was kinda epic..!! I was feeling like it was just going to be Ei & Raiden 2.0 at first, but them actually killing the hydro archon was super cool. I can't wait to see the effects of there being no hydro archon, if there will be any. Tho going through Furina's story quest... It doesn't seem like people in Fontaine care at all that they don't have an archon now lmao
- Poor Neuvillette tho, having to basically do three jobs at once, being a chief justice, a dragon sovereign and a semi-archon
- I'm rarely this harsh, but I don't like Focalors' design at all lmao. Mainly the front of her dress and how it's showing her skin. Honestly if she had bigger booba I could probably see the appeal of the front of the dress, but with the model that Furina/Focalors has? It just looks weird imo. And I don't even like big booba normally lolllll
- Also, I am so pissed off at the Traveller asjdkslsjf. Even before the quest revealed Furina's past, I felt so bad for her. Girl was literally abt to open up to the Traveller abt everything, only to be pretty much betrayed and put on the stage because she hesitated a minute too long. Not that it was necessarily just the Traveller's fault, but STILL. I felt so horrible for the whole quest, and it was just brushed off like it didn't even matter much.
- I'm a little sad we didn't get to see a dragon form for Neuvi, but I'm so hyped up abt him anyways. He has his powers!!!! It's so cool!!!
- The OST during the new boss is awesome. I have no idea what we were actually supposed to do during the fight, especially since I had my lv40 Furina in the team who almost killed everyone, but at least the music was GREAT.
- Childe getting fcking YEETED must've been the best part of the quest tho. Skirk was RUTHLESS.
- I love the little creatures Furina summons with her skill. I just have them follow me around everywhere even if I'm just running around the Court of Fontaine. They are so cute.
- Also, at least based on Furina's test run, she's going to be super strong??? And she's technically not even the archon anymore lmao. I kinda love the idea of her being pretty much the strongest human on Teyvat bc why not. She deserves it after everything. Like technically, canon-wise, there's no reason for her to be any stronger than your average vision-user, but of course gameplay wise she's still expected to fill the role of Fontaine's archon
- I don't like Furina's story quest :/ Sure the thing with Auriel and the crew was kinda interesting (Furina is literally yelling "BOOORING!!" in the background as I'm typing this lmao, girl, it was YOUR story quest), but I wish it was more abt Furina. Like, you know, they could've touched up on the whole thing of the Traveller and co dragging Furina to a trial when she was just abt to open up to the Traveller. Have her and the Traveller build up trust towards each other again for example, while Furina is trying to find her new place in Fontaine as a normal human being. But nope, let's make the story quest mostly abt NPCs, why not.
- Also, Furina getting her vision felt so anticlimactic. I guess getting a vision is rarely treated as something super significant in genshin, but the person known as the former hydro archon getting a hydro vision in front of an audience?? And the reaction is basically "oh yeah, that happened"??? (EDIT: apparently I somehow missed the info that Neuvillette is now the one giving out visions and that Furina's vision was likely the first one he gave, so now I'm crying askdlgldjd. I still have no idea when I missed that part, but it's so cute)
- Anyways, the archon quest was great, Furina's quest not so much, but my opinion on that may have been influenced by the fact that I've somehow gotten way too attached to Furina lmao
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queer-hercules · 2 years
I have a week and a half left of my antidepressant but there’s no refills and this was a trial to see if my nerve pain will get better. Which it has somewhat, I notice I’m doing more.
I’m also noticing I’m happier, or less gloomy now too. I’m humming more during the day and cleaning and even brushing my teeth daily!!!
So I need to talk to my doctor on Monday and hopefully she approves refills so I can continue to take it. It really fcking helps me which is what I’ve been waiting for
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theyoungturks · 1 year
A new report uncovers some very embarrassing details about Rupert Murdoch's latest divorce. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.mediaite.com/news/if-we-lose-this-suit-its-fcking-bad-5-wild-revelations-from-new-report-on-fox-news-and-murdoch/ "Vanity Fair special correspondent Gabriel Sherman published a deep dive on Wednesday into all the latest drama surrounding Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch, 92, and Fox News, just ahead of the network’s landmark $1.6 billion defamation trial. Sherman, known as one of the best chroniclers of the Trump-era and modern American politics, offers a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the Murdoch family and the peril Fox faces in a remarkable piece chock-full of bombastic quotes and vivid color."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230412__BE02MurdochVsCovidAndDivorce by The Young Turks
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astralartefact · 3 months
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ARE YOU READY TO BINGO The Bi-Annual Final Fantasy Fourteen Expansion Bingo Returns
I tried to keep it ~balanced~, but after Myths of the Realm burned me I felt the need to include a pessimistic corner in the lower left.
Thoughts and Explanations below the cut!
Eliminator Gundam
I know we already technically had Mech Suit Fights with the Weapons, buuut.... what if we did it again :) Give her a Gundam!!!
Ill-Advised Azem Lore Drop
They should know better than to go into Azem's Backstory, but I have a feeling they might still make them an actual character. Which I'm squarely against. Do not touch. You will simply not write something that will make it worth it.
Someone Sundered finally knows more than us
aka 'WoL and Friends stop being the Main Character of the Universe for once'-Challenge.
The Forgotten People went to Tural
Aloalo kind of already implied this happened (They left Aloalo but nobody knows where they went and where else could they have gone but across the ocean?) but I also think that it might actually be plot-relevant (more on that later)
The Enigmatic Maiden doesn't make it out of the Expansion
I don't really think she's going to survive this. I certainly want her to but it's just too easy to get rid of her, especially if she is indeed the bad guy of the Solution 9 Arc. Bonus Points if it's a heroic sacrifice as repentance for the wrong she caused, because as we all know the only way to make up for something is to fcking die about it <3!
Trial Fight on Top of Solution Nine
Come on!!!! They have to!!!
Questionable Armor Design Choices
How many robes that all look the same could they possibly design before someone steps in???
Somebody "Important" (but not too important) dies
I won't count Enigmatic Maiden for this space, even if I mean the same thing by it: They will kill a 'major' NPC (people say the one headed mamool ja prince has death flag vibes) for sTaKeS.
The Twelfth Shard is Involved (even though it doesn't really make sense timeline-wise)
Listen, this is not me being against it - I want this to happen, I think it's a really cool idea to put another Shard's people onto the source - but timeline-wise it doesn't really make sense.
On one hand it does make sense - Heritage Found is specifically described as having been built around the ancient structures there and if those manifested there during the Calamity of Lightning that would line up with the Forgotten coming to Tural and possibly first populizing it around the Calamity of Ice.
The problem is that the Calamity of Lightning was the second overall and at that time the people of the source learned how to create and use tools which... makes this sort of technology a little far-fetched. They still could make it an "The Ascians helped" sort of thing - maybe apart from saving them from it this thing also caused the entire Calamity? - but it would certainly need some amount of handwaving.
They finally talk about the Sun and/or Sundering Meta-Physics
I couldn't decide which one to focus this point on so I just put both. They somehow have never once actually talked about the Sun in any meaningful physical lore way which is kind of weird tbh... Similar to that I just want confirmation how Space Travel works after the Sundering. How far into space does the Sundered Dimensions reach? Could the other Shards see, for example, Dalamud or that other Allagan Satellite that crashed onto the Moon back when it was active? Is the sun we see on different shards the same or are they different suns?
English Localization Moment
The English Localization will just Translate something differently for no good reason and everyone will clap despite that not being a good thing. Could already mark this based on the trailer straight up using entirely different lines.
Y:DA did it better
I will probably find something that Y:DA did better. I'm not here to play fair, I want to win.
Somehow Shaaloani won me over
I will probably not be won over by Shaaloani. We already did arid western. Twice.
Erenville Outfit Change
Surely they keep him in his work clothes on purpose, right? They wouldn't just cheap out on giving him some other clothes, right? Right??
Something Actually Unexpected Happens
I don't know, it doesn't really seem like something on the level of "Fight Zodiarc, now!!!" will happen this time around, but what if they go crazy at Level 97??
Not Enough Krile
They will still find a way to disrespect her, I just know it. I will only mark this square if I'm happy with how they treated her!!!
Enigmatic Maiden's Name is kind of Underwhelming
Some people are saying she might be "Sarah" and that's exactly what I mean, something in the vein of Clive.
Genuinely Well-Intended Ascian
It doesn't have to be a good reason, I just don't want their reason to be "Who cares about these inferior beings!" again.
Is it to late to pray for salt flats?
Listen, if you can do Arid Western for the third time you can do Salt Flats for the second time!!!
The Pessimism Corner
Who Needs Eternal Life, It's Bad Anyways!
To skip the section where I amateurishly ramble about philosophy, let's make this quick:
Seeing that Solution Nine seems centered around offering its inhabitants eternal life without strife, etc. I just... have it in my bones that this narrative goes one step further than Venat and argues that actually, Death, Pain and Suffering makes us stronger or something like that.
And that's the viewpoint of a jealous hater. Who needs Eternal Life anyways!!! Eternal Life is bad actually!!! -3-
idk bad mouthing a thought experiment is just not the strategy to deal with the limitations of the human race that I would proudly theme half an expansion around.
The Writers really want me to like a character but I don't
I nominate Koana but "Sarah" might end up as this, too. In "Sarah"'s case I will just make up a new OC to replace her with though lol you should see what i did with elidibus' chin
Also no I don't care about Haurchefant stop bringing him up as if I did!!!!
I will be reminded of Myths of the Realm
If this happens send help.
Asinine Community Reaction
Come on, we all know they will regurgitate something fine into the ground ("That, I can't remember the smiles that we ceased, but you're not here to hero.") or hate something benign with a passion (they're still harassing every official insta post complaining about hats) - the question isn't if, it's What
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