#this game fucked me up and im sorry if you actually read all my rambling but i appreciate you
4giorno · 6 months
baldies gate is very difficult
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sallufix · 1 year
FINISHED UNWOUND FUTURE!!!... Three weeks ago. BUT LOOK OK to own up for the lazy artwork and it being late, i have a whole Clive animation packed!! Yeah!! 1 minute and 30 seconds!! Uhuh!!! SO. Wait for that and im sure we can think of an agreement. anyways. More commentary and reactions below.
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When i started playing this game i KNEW what was gonna happen. If you squint enough, you can see that i took a break from playing the game (because i started it right after i finished diabolical box.) Thats because ive been delving deep into the fandom and understanding the Layton universe more! So this time around, i knew Laytons backstory, that the plot twist was Clive, the whole thing with Claire, and just everything in general.
Dont worry it didn't spoil the game experience for me, thats what im gonna talk about. Despite knowing EVERYTHING that was gonna happen, i still sobbed like. So hard. Despite knowing the plot twists and the character motives, i still felt reaaally emotional. I just wanna say how amazing that is. Every damn cutscene, ESPECIALLY THE ONES WITH CLAIRE/CELESTE, i like teared up so bad😭😭
I just wanna admire that fact of how even when you already know so much, the experience will always be much different than just ReAdinG ThE pLot oFf THe wiKi. I love how the Layton games subvert expectations so much that you NEED to read every dialogue, you NEED to see every last bit of media, to get the full experience of the story and get rewarded so nicely with indepth references and character arcs.
Ok thats all SORRY FOR THE RANDOM RAMBLING this is like my favorite game in the franchise (mainly because i can actually play it on mobile and that Clive is my bbg) and im both soso glad this game exists and soso fucking ANGRY AND DEPRESSED AND EMO THAT THIS GAME EXISTS. Mention LayClaire infront of me irl. I dare you. I wont be able to hold back my tears. What has this franchise done to me. I'll never be the same.
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gemmasgraveyard · 3 months
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Hi! My name is gemma, im 22 (mdi)
◇300lbs sw active in 2024◇
My account has gotten deleted so many times and it makes me so sad. Backup @riotgrrrlgemma
Sw: 305
Cw:??? Idk I don't have a scale
Gw4: 175
150 is the goal ♡
Or less
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Read for stupid rambles, update frequently
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If you scolled this far thx!
I'm gonna put some stuff here about me, like my favorite music and sh!t like that
I'm 22, a Gemini. Although I don't believe in astrology, I do think a little of it is true. Like,, my moon and rising are so accurate.
Scorpio moon, sag rising
Anyways, I'm a size 22, isn't that crazy?
I remember when I was size 18 and actually to into actually how my teen body changed from size 12 to 18. This was the lowest in my life, I basically just shoved down the way I felt with food. My parent kicked me out because I told them I was as by their partner.
Long story short they don't believe me and never will... so I kept shoving how I felt with food
Now I live alone, I'm happier
Or. Am I. Because like I don't feel anything but guilt and anxiety. I try not shove my face with food but unfortunately I'm not better than I was before.
I'm still so fucking massive and I've been doing this since November. I fucking hate my self.
Sorry to like trauma dumping
Anyway, I always found my outlit to be creativity. I love knitting, painting, crafting, and making diy clothes. Music is another thing I'm trying to dabble in, I love all music and all genres. How can anyone make a horrible song? At least, that's what I think. So much goes into it. It's just such a beautiful thing. Even in the songs that others find bad or corny, I love.
I love smoking w33d and gaming.
I know that sounds corny asf, but honestly, I could spend all day being a gremlin and not binge. I used to play Cold War so much, and because I have anxiety, I would clench my jaw. The way that felt was enough to make me not want to eat.
I want to start going out, but every time I do I feel so ugly and gross. I start to feel guilty just being there. I guess I'm guilty other people have to see me? I don't know. Anyways sorry for dumping this here. But yeah I might just dump my rambling I have in my head.
April 5
Sometimes I think God isn't real then I pray for strength in order to fast and it works.
April 12
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I went out a few days ago. No one worried about how ugly I was because I did my makeup. I am starting a 44h fast. I love the number 4 soooo much. Anyways, I'm almost out of weed and cigs, which is very annoying... just like how my partner wanted to sit down with me and have dinner before he went to work. I tried to just serve him, but he was like almost lecturing me, and I ate. It's okay. Like I said, I'm starting a 44h fast now. I just hope this isn't a problem in the future. Update at 2 pm so my partner made me make breakfast, I'm not upset. I just had eggs, but I was able to make him some eggs and sausage. He went to go pick up his check, and he got me cigs and weed. But he came back with a pizza and was like "oh this is for dinner and maybe tomorrow's breakfast" so glad to have this man in my life but why pizza !
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narwhalandchill · 7 months
a bit more serious/negative note on childes characterization and fandom perception, saw a post where the tone upset me quite a bit
i did do a whole vent/rant/cathartic 2.4k words of writeup on this yesterday which like did help clear my thoughts a lot but in hindsight is way too long to just release by itself so i suppose ill just summarize my thinking now
so i would really appreciate it if a certain subset of childe fans reading his character a specific way (the trauma, identity crisis, dark abyss experiences, etc. - you know the one) could stop acting as if its this like. superior canon proven hoyo intended most real and intellectual way to look at his character and interpret his narrative. as opposed to just one reading of the canon material among others. and im sure most people are civil but ive seen this tone enough to just need to get this off my chest rn.
like im not "missing" something or being "tricked" (what?) by childe or the narrative. its not some naive ignorance about this reading being a thing and the ways people argue for it. ive read his lore. p much memorized it rly. and i simply did not find the arguments that compelling or feel that inserting this additional layer of subjective interpretation atop my understanding of the canon text did much to enhance childes narrative potential or characterization for me.
simply put. applying this super strict irl psychology logic (bc yes a real 14 yo going thru some irl version of ajax' backstory would get severe psychological disturbances as p much given. i know what the DSM-V is) to fantasy game characters isnt how i enjoy engaging with childe or any character really.
genshin is a fantasy game and fantasy as a genre has always readily sidestepped things like realistic psychological consequences of various heavy experiences in favor of building a compelling narrative whenever necessary. i dont find arguments relating to irl psychology particularly relevant at all on the subject really. if you enjoy this approach, go on, have fun! but please understand that its an interpretation that people can disagree without being "wrong" or failing some arbitrary reading comprehension test.
like the dismissive tone i see from people who simply cannot comprehend that like no, this take isnt some universal truth of hoyos that every person will glean from reading up on childes lore and appearances if theyre big brain and intellectual enough is just... really fucking rude? and alienating.
im not going to go on a like whole ramble on all the things that i personally see very much as hinting towards childes characterization going quite a different direction than this popular heavy self-doubt, psychological angle would suggest. its my interpretation after all, and could be proven wrong the way any interpretation can. but for now ive read his lore for years and looked into every single tidbit that involves him and so far hoyos writing of him hasnt given me any convinving case for changing my view drastically anytime soon. and id just like to be allowed to exist in this fandom space without being randomly jumpscared by posts alleging im reducing his character to this or that just bc i see his greatest narrative potential elsewhere.
theres enough insane shit and incredibly interesting lore relating to his overall role in the story and the cosmic scale of teyvat as a whole to be invested in already. like taking childes character as depicted to us and how in-game content characterizes him at a relative face value as opposed to seeking an implied internal struggle of sth hidden and repressed is me simply finding that take the most unique, fascinating, horrifying, compelling and exciting way to see him instead. thats what i love about him and his character. like im sorry, in my eyes the dark past corrupting innocence and trauma angle has just been done to death already in media. childe can have something actually different and breaking those tropes is what makes him stand out for me!
anyway. this whole situation is not sth i wanna start flaming ppl for or make into some drama, i try my best to stay on my lane and let ppl live even if i disagree w these sorta takes on childe. and i just wish for that grace to be extended towards myself too.
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tonguetyd · 3 months
Hiiiii! I only seeing you reblogged the ask game as well, hope i'm not terribly late. 🫂💖 Also sorry if i'm repeating any question, but may i:
39, Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? 123, What colour are your towels? 140, Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Julie Andrew’s voice: a queen is never late, everyone else is simply early
39, Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Honestly both! I guess I slightly prefer behind it, but more like in a “I am taking this selfie of all of us” kinda way. It’s taken a very long time for me to like how I look in photos but now that I like it, I’m very happy getting in frame!
123, What colour are your towels?
Tan and grey (she’s boring). I do have one teal one from college that’s still kicking but it’s a kinda crappy one tbh, barely holds any water at all
140, Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Ok I happen to have my Bag-O-Sentimental Things near my bed today which has my “You Are OK - Finding Your Way When Life Doesn’t Feel OK” album release book from The Maine and Evan Lucy.
“But The Maine have made peace with their choice, maintaining they’d rather be at the level they are and happy than at the next level and unhappy with how they got there.”
Which HI SORRY IM DRIFT AND IM GONNA TAKE THIS AS A MOMENT TO RAMBLE ABOUT A BAND CALLED THE MAINE! Levynn I am so sorry I’m taking your ask and going on a crazy tangent - thank you very very much you are very sweet
This is literally everything I love about this band in a nutshell bc 1) this is literally a book they put out with their 7th record You Are OK which like. Need more be said on that album title? And they were just like “hey we not only want to do this record but we want to show you our headspace while we were writing it and let you know we see you and this is how we got here.”
2) the reason they can be like “fuck it lets also do a book” is because they have been completely 100% independent since 2011 (cough fuck Warner Bros cough) and it ALLOWS them to have the mindset Evan mentions. They DID the big label and the one hit in 2008. They could have probably been playing arenas and getting radio play on the alt stations long before now, but they aren’t. Which brings me to 3) because they want to do things authentically and not just churn out money.
This is the band that did a FOR FREE TOUR. AN ENTIRE TOUR!! WHERE YOUR TICKET WAS FREE. JUST SHOW UP. They *CALL YOU* when you pre order their record just to say thanks (and sometimes to prank you but that’s a story for another time #BigStimmyEnergy)
They hop down off stage right after the gig and take photos with as many people as they can. I’ve met these guys more times than I could accurately count. My cousins thought I was dating Jared the guitarist cuz I had him in so many of my profile pics on Facebook 😂 I have NEVER done a paid m&g for TM because their whole THING is “we want to meet you too. Come talk to us.” They don’t HAVE m&g, they have Pat the drummer slinging merch or the post-show hangs or walking the line while everyone is queuing. I think it’s harder to NOT meet TM than to actually meet them 😂
They make it SO OBVIOUS that they care and want to have success in the industry yes, but not at the expense of us. And that is so incredibly rare. I never question if the guys in TM are good people - I sometimes question if they think their shit through enough and definitely know they stumble like everyone. But I never question their intentions. Or where their hearts are.
They’d rather be where they are and happy than the next big thing.
I haven’t read through this thing in a while and honestly kinda forgot I had it, so thank you very much for letting me find it again (and sorry for gushing but. They are my faves. band1. Forever.)
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utterdrip · 4 months
oooh if rambling is ok can i say a little something that veers maybe into overthinking territory abt early game astarion like you mentioned... a little farewell take before i stop bothering you fr ahsbdifn but we are vibing so hard on this i think
i think running an astarion origin playthrough at least in act 1 is a really interesting look into how he feels about the people around him, at least in terms of trust that early on. so like, you know how you get the option to confess to vampirism to any companion at any time starting the moment you recruit them? the narrator's dialogue and the confession changes based on your approval with that character. it only takes 20/barely out of neutral territory for origin astarion to think of his relationship to someone as "a strong bond" and he has to roll charisma not to fumble the confession after waiting a while to really trust in their acceptance. which is so sad!! hardly hitting medium approval is still close enough for him to consider the relationship a fairly strong one.
it’s kind of interesting to flip that around and think of his perspective on his relationship with the player character by the same measure when he's a companion, because ur SO right, it genuinely does not take much at all for their connection to overshadow. basically anything he's experienced in a long time. his approval sometimes jumps MASSIVELY just for listening to him and humoring some of his jokes, and being ok with his vampirism on top of that can rocket you straight into high approval. all of that means so much to him, where a lot of his other approval changes dealing with stuff out in the world net you a +/-1 most of the time.
it just seems like it really doesn't take long for him to think pretty highly of someone, imo! not that he knows how to approach that. for exactly the reasons you said: this is the first time in a very long time people (at least for the most part) aren’t outright dismissing or belittling him, and once his vampirism is out, he’s being tolerated if not accepted after revealing something that could very easily have gotten him killed if trusted to the wrong people. he gets to talk about things he probably hasn’t vocalized to anyone, ever, about cazador and his past and is potentially met with sympathy instead of scorn, and he’s free to joke about comparatively lighter topics like blood tasting menus or his more morbid “best ways to die” conversation. he’s still obviously on edge for so many reasons, but he’s also… kind of happy? vibing? experiencing some manner of positive emotion toward others? it’s so novel and unfamiliar to him to be treated like a whole person with inherent worth AS a person (rather than valued for his utility or some consumable aspect of himself) and have an entire group of people actually looking out for him, just as they reasonably trust him to look out for them, all without some kind of humiliating price tag attached.
like no wonder he’s suuuuper disoriented and flip-flops hard between vulnerability and trying to manipulate people well into act 2, even if he does like them. he just came out of a 200 year You Are Not A Person And Nobody Care You torture matrix and now people are treating him like a person and caring abt him. but he still feels like he has to pull strings to stay on top of things to survive because that’s how the world still makes any sense to him. idk. anyways! thank you again!! 🫡 i super didn’t mean for this to be an essay so like if you read any of that at all. i owe u my life.
anyways hello friendo . i have read all of this i lov u and this ask OKAY PLEASE U ARE NOT BOTHERING ME WHEN I TELL U I LOVE THIS SHIT CMON!!!!!!!
okay so This Hurt Me because like. its true! astarion's main approvals early game are just. accepting him . as he is. his weird ass fucking conversations. not enforcing bitchass szarr's meal restrictions. not putting up with obvious manipulators (dream visitor aside because thats Power that he can use(even if u say u dont trust them tho he doesnt disapprove he just calls u my username LOL)) (u get +5 for threatening mizora and raphael) protecting the rest of ur companions from ppl that want to hurt them. protecting HIM from people that want him. like all of those are +5s/+10s and the only other +5 i can think of early game is letting him open the doors to the barn LOL and abdiraks display
but what im saying is like his main approvals are u protecting him, accepting him, and then like vocally and actively showing this off as opposed to passively if that makes sense. like i think a big part of it is being able to see someone who has no part of his old life, his old horrors, but still knows about them care for him. and also letting him make decisions. i dont like how i phrased it as "let" but idk how else to get that point across lol
like i was saying previously he'd really only been around vampires and those he seduced for centuries --so yeah hes gonna be a little warped. and those vampires were moreso "putting up" with him and he knows it. so to have you, a non-vampire, play along with his more,,, "macabre" conversations must be just. startling. because you two dont even have that common factor of vampirism, yanno? but being open to talking abt what ur companions taste like/how you would want 2 die must just be such a pleasant delight.,,,
"humiliating price tag" broke my HEART NONNIE BECAUSE YOURE SO RIGHT like that is obviously how he thinks of himself and his worth !!! like if u make him bite araj afterwards hes like "i didnt even second guess you telling me to do it. but afterwards it made me realize that im still primed to take orders" which is so-- aughuruhghgurugh.
and honestly i think manipulation is more than just a survival tactic in his life like its just . how he operates. so like u said in act ii where he is seesawing WILDLY between being as honest as he is capable of being to the point of vulnerability vs feeling like he needs to have the "upper hand" in his relationship with the player to guarantee his safety -- honestly i see this a lot in act i with the conversations u can have. because if ur having fun with him and not dismissing him, his last lines of the dialogue always seem like he stops himself midthought and is like "Wait. Must Manipulate" and turns on the charm and i lov it so so much because even earliest of early game in act i u can catch him off guard like that
because thats the thing right is that relationships, to him, early game is very much always going to contain a power imbalance. and its so so sosososooooooooooooooo amazing to see how clearly he was trying to be the one to Hold power, while still Feeling like he's the one being used -- he's manipulating us Into using him for protection, because thats the only thing he thinks he can offer. because relationships NEED to have some sort of offer to be worth it. but i was gonna say its amazing to see how that perception of relationships evolves thru the acts and how act ii confession scene and act iii post cazador scene hes holding himself as an equal to the player
does this make sense listen u ramble i ramble back this is our relationship nonnie
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mandalhoerian · 3 months
bruh my comment was too long to post under the new chapter so i’m sending an ask. saw the ao3 notif and scheduled to read it this fine evening, good thing i was like “lemme scroll on tumblr and see what’s up” because SJFKDJLXBZB the face i made when i saw i was tagged and followed BY YOU? also ma’am 🤚🏻wdym nobody comments like i do. like what do you mean. i have a concerning relationship with receiving praise so i advise you to stfu (affectionately).
my poor girl vera can’t catch a break, loss after loss after loss in such a short period. i just want to give her lots and lots of hugs (consensually). on another note i love that she clocked ada’s intentions right away bc capcom wtf is that writing. one person taking down a whole organization is like sending only one person to save president’s kidnapped daughter (laugh track). let me tell you i have been waiting for this 🤌🏻 vera and ada interacting 🤌🏻 leon being there all charming and naive and trusting people easily 🤌🏻 shai you just get the dynamics of all the characters *so right* 🤌🏻
sorry for the excessive amount of parentheses and emojis let me just find another obnoxiously annoying emoji to spam about the intimacy between leon and vera. 🤧 it’s this one but i’m wiping my snot away from crying about it. the small touches between the two are so tender in this fucked up world 🤧 vera’s hand on his forearm… leon collecting her in his arms, comforting her 🤧 his arm on her shoulder 🤧 i could cry and get a headache from thinking about them. i’m so serious.
(gnawing at the bars of my enclosure) JILL VALENTINE MENTION???? VERA KNOWS HER? WHAT IS THE LORE? I NEED TO KNOW.
how does one end a delirious comment. uhhh. so yeah. i love nttd and vera so much and i’m so happy that it’s back babyyyy.
Ofc I followed!!!! I don't remember why I didn't in the first place like but like ???? ur making it sound like I'm some big shot but like pls im a loser who's writing oc fanfiction on the internet and is so lucky and grateful to get people invested in it!!!!! AND YES nobody comments like you do! You're the dream of a fanfiction author ON GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH
ramble below to keep your dashboards clean:
I think we talked about this over on ao3 but honestly re2r's ada just doesn't make sense to me. The FBI cover is logical (when you first think about it), but the way she's immediately pulling a gun on Annette the minute they see her and DECLARING her intentions isn't. She then proceeds to reveal her target is Annette, and then her going with the FBI thing becomes less logical, bc why would Annette hand over the G-Virus sample to the feds, either? It's entirely a shock factor thing revolved around Leon, she's only fooling him -- or maybe, she's fooled Ben like this, too, and was forced to stick to her cover when shit went down, we don't know 😭 why did they do my girl ada like that... (ngl re4r ada supremacy. period.)
But either way, un-truths she would throw as a bone to a "civilian" like Leon would of course be caught by Vera, nugget by nugget, while still making her think "mayhaps the FBI is misinformed????" -- I didn't want to ruin that fine line by Ada going on about Annette making the virus and her being the most dangerous of all "g-virus g-virus g-virus" or whatever because 1) WHY WOULD A SPY DO THAT???? 2) it would surely make Vera go "yeah NOPE" 💀💀
it's so much fun for them to try sussing each other out, Light and L mind games over there while Leon is happily frolicking. not one thought behind those eyes 😭
ALSO LIKE YES THE TOUCHES!!!!!! It's Leon initiating all of them for me 👹👹👹 physical touch taking over when words can't. my favorite thing of all UGGHHHHHHHH THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME IN MY MISERY
ALSO totally not going "actually 🤓☝" as I'm saying this because it's been HALF A WHOLE YEAR + the fic is over 100K words -- Vera knows Jill from post!mansion incident - pre!outbreak, in that ephemeral "investigation" phase of Jill's. I do mention it in the fic that Vera supplies information to Jill (as around that time she's trying to get rid of the weight of all she knows and trying to pass on the "hero's job" to someone else) and they exchange their findings while trying to be careful not to get caught by ppl Umbrella put on Jill's tail. I think I wrote it in passing that Vera was disguised as a secretary and sat back-to-back with Jill on a booth in one of those occasions? She's loosely connected to re3r by having a brief appearance in carlos' police station section in my head, entrusting Jill to him and all and promising to meet up with them in the station once she talks to her dad about it ☹
"delirious comment" WDYM ITS MY LIFEBLOOD THANK YOU 😭
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daisymae-12 · 8 months
URL song game
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters
IM 8 DAYS LATE but tysm @14carrotghoul for tagging me, I had a fun time 🌞 (with additional comments because sometimes I just can't shut up. Also!!! doing this made me realize I don't actually listen to many songs. I can listen to ONE song on repeat for weeks/months, it drives my husband absolutely mad, sorry LOL) D - Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House (love this song)
A - All Too Well by Taylor Swift (If I could only listen to one TS song for the rest of my life it would be this one)
I - I Got You by Nikki Flores (excuse me why the fuck was this taken off spotify 😩 this is 12 year old me's fave)
S - Secret Valentine by We The Kings (was in a band in high school and we played this song & a paramore song for the showcase night. I think you can see the vibes we were going for LOL)
Y - You by Troye Sivan, Tate McRae & Regard (I just really love Troye)
M - Miracle Love by Matt Corby (one of my favourites from him)
A - All my life by K-Ci & JoJo (will never not love this song)
E - Every Second by Mina Okabe (just a cute song)
1 - 1+1 by Beyoncé (I frkn love Beyoncé, she was my first concert! 🥺when is the Australian leg of her new tour 👀)
2 - 20 Good Reasons by Thirsty Merc (CLASSIC, it was either this or 22 by tswift)
(I feel so annoying, sorry if you've already done this or don't care about my ramblings 😂) no pressure tagging @myheartalivewrites @read-and-write- @celeritas2997 @inexplicablymine @heybuddy-drabbles @suseagull04 @gwiazdziarka @cultofsappho @wilmonsfolklore @ashtheraven
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afreakingdork · 1 year
HELLO YES IM SORRY I JUST HAD TO SCREAM AT YOU ABOUT YOUR OWN FIC AND HOW MUCH I LOVE IT please accept these deranged ramblings of an angst-addled mind
“They were worried about his wellbeing for whatever reason” - DONNIE. YOU DUM DUM. THEY LOVE YOU AND YOU LOCKED YOURSELF IN YOUR LAB FOR A WEEK >:c
Donnie reads like he’s so trapped and just trying to ignore it until it goes away :<  Ofc he’s gonna lash out when Leo backs him into a corner
Mikey and Raph are being oddly chill about it all though, are they trying to let Donnie sort through whatever he’s dealing with?  Casual brotherly support and this is probably not the first time they’ve seen Donnie behave like this, Leo just has that *Donnie Sense*  They just seem mostly concerned that he’s physically taking care of himself at the moment, which I know Donnie put on a facade but hhhhhhhhh 
Donatello “I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day I’ll die” Hamato
I love how Donnie thinks he’s calculated out his family’s reactions to things and parsed out the appropriate resources in his mind, and then here comes Leo with a monkey wrench lol
The repetition…Leo…are you actually 12…
Leo: “Look, you know I hate pulling rank as leader-"
Raph and literally all of us: “You really don’t.”
I love how Leo’s trying to convince Donnie to talk to him well after he’s already smashed his grubby gumball hands over all his buttons.  And laughing when Donnie is clearly upset - unfortunately very on brand, lmao ;v; Did he realize just how hard he poked the bear I wonder
“Make me” I can hear him just spitting it out like venom, I got fuckin chills, you KNOW something’s about to give hehehehehe
Ooooh, has Donnie not reached breaking point in a long time? That mental armor can’t protect you from everything Dee.  That, and you’re really good at spinning yourself in circles. There it is, classic Donnie overthink.
Donnie: Go ask your lover!
Leo: lmao bro i have no game wym
Man Leo really fell for that punchline
Sorry fhkajdfsk
Donnie really used Emergency Exit with that shell drop move, Donatello has left the building
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you turn your precious computers off!” - Leo, who has apparently never seen a horror movie
The whole fIGHT I CAN’T EVEN
IT WAS SO WELL WRITTEN OMG y’know how sometimes you read a thing and you’re like ‘i can’t visualize where in space these people’s bodies are’ yeah no, I didn’t get any of that this was so well done I LOVED IT
“We are INSIDE, young man!” - Nice last-ditch effort, bro
I also wonder what was going on in Donnie’s brain during this, but I get the feeling it would be like angry TV static
The voice crack…..Donnie honey im ;A;
Did Reader blanking out their phone screen hurt? Yes.  More than it should have? Probably.  I’m a sentimental baby buhuhuuuu…
Also SIX DAYS???? HAS LEO NOT APOLOGIZED TO READER???? IN SIX DAYS???  Or would it be three? STILL!!!
Lmao I just imagine Leo on the phone with that lovely *wind* sound in the receiver also WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST DONNIE WHY WOULD YOU PHRASE IT LIKE THAT LEO WTF MAN  I mean he’s potentially concussed tbh so I guess he gets a small pass XDDDDD
Leo, forever now: ‘Did we check???’
Also!  You got Splinter’s voice perfectly right (at least that’s my opinion) I love it you did so good <3  Also I’m with Splinter “Did you not think to ask love interest first!?”
“Come here often?” Boi i will smack you myself
My dear Author.  The WHOLE scene with Donnie.  Broke my damn heart.  Again.  You’re very good at that, you know?
Angsty boy sittin alone on a cliff, and being able to visualize how damn tired he is, no energy to react physically until he literally drags himself to his feet, I’M-
And Donnie, honey, you’re very smart but there you go again hypothesizing with not enough data,,,how many different theories have you crafted baby boy,,,
Sometimes u gotta jiggle the Donnie
And then break his brain a lil ;3
Ohhh and THEN THE REALIZATION SETTING IN i loved that SO much, just ‘dear god, what have I done’ which TO BE FAIR I’d have done the same thing if Leo had laughed in the face of my assumed heartbreak
And oof, He’s gonna need some Down Time to recover from this emotional whiplash.  Just needs a good Sit and maybe a lil Cry and maybe when he’s feeling less Raw all three of you need to actually fucking communicate I swear to Pizza Supreme-
Anyways, holy shit, I have some FEELINGS ABOUT THIS FIC
You are AMAZING and I CANNOT WAIT to see what you do next
Shade you absolute animal (/pos)! I cannot believe you wrote me a play by play. I adored every minute of it!
For Mikey and Raph playing it chill, I imagine the brothers all show their love in different ways. Leo might have waited in another instance, but in this one he has a personal connection and intel on what's going on that's driving him a bit nuts.
The "lmao bro i have no game wym" totally destroyed me, full on ugly cackling. That is actually how I intended that laugh to go over! He was thinking "YOU KNOW ME, YOU KNOW I'M SINGLE AS HELL BRO"
Otherwise, I'll keep chugging along and
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Thank YOU and YOU have a good night!
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sinbrook · 1 year
Who is the muscluar big guy from trigun that I keep seeing?
BLESS BLESS BLESS thank you for asking me about Trigun!!
So I think you probably mean Livio?
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Livio and Razlo are my BOYS man, they're my guys. OUGH.
Usually I am Not A Fan of characters being added to the main cast super late in the game, but I think him being introduced a little earlier as a villain superrrr helped me accept him as Part of The Gang. Ya know? He's one of my favourite characters and I just adore him. That being said, it's really hard to talk about him without spoilers. Like, really hard. Actually Trigun is hard to talk about without spoilers! So I'm gonna shove this long ramble nobody is gonna read, under a read more. I'm a kind soul, I'm protecting your dash.
Also total warning, this isn't like... legible, this is the worse way to learn about the character cos im just going "wow it was cool when he did this thing... and also this thing... hes so cool i love him" for too many words.
So I'll address his main sort of... thing, first off. So Livio has dissociative identity disorder, and like, for a lot of it, it's quite clear that Nightow didn't exactly go in with a heap of research on the subject. However, I wouldn't call it a negative portrayal at all. Ofc its not really up to me, but like, he wasn't really portrayed as dangerous because of his disorder. He and Wolfwood have the same backstory, they're dangerous because of The Eye of Michael and those dudes have always been explicitly condemned in-narrative as, y'know, the baddies. It's less "he's bad because he's bad" and more "he does these things because he's been conditioned by a cult from a young age to do these things". His disorder is like... not even a factor. The Eye just likes stealing kids and training them for bad stuff, man. And like, you do feel sorry for them. Both Livio and Razlo have been hugely manipulated by Chapel in particular, who positioned himself almost as a father figure, and certainly led them to believe he cares about them. So like, it's not really surprising he does everything he's asked to, he hasn't really had anywhere else he's felt cared for. Anyway I LOVE Livio's intro in the manga. We're told two guys are coming, Livio the Double Fang, and The Tri-p of Death.
Then these two dudes show up:
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And like... you make the obvious assumption that those are the guys, ya know? Sure looks double-fangy to me. They're then shown tearing through a bunch of intimidating looking dudes to sort of, hype up how strong they are, right? But nuh cos see.
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Livio just comes in and wrecks their shit, picks them both off as though they were nothing.
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and to be fair, they are! He's a very high-level eye of Michael dude ya know?
So yeah, that's our introduction to Livio, fantastic way to show that he's just, like, strong as hell. We learn he's joining the Gung-ho Guns, so y'know, oof, he's now in direct opposition to our heroes, supposed to make you nervous and all. Anyway he and Chapel show up every now and then to just be... y'know... annoying. Try and kill him a lil y'know... that sort of thing.
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It's these fucked up family reunions that we love ya know. This is totally me at Christmas.
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Anyway this time was rlly funny because Elendira rlly said "you three are so annoying pls leave your drama at the door"
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And they DID hahaha. I don't blame them, she's scawy.
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Anyway what I think I like most about Livio is how like... y'know, sweet he is. He's kinda like Wolfwood in that he's a total sweetheart at his core but life just hasn't let him be sweet, ya know?
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When Jasmine was in trouble, baby Wolfwood didn't even hesitate to run out and save her.
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And Livio was the same, you know? And after The Couch, Livio even says, he wants to live his life like Wolfwood so like, we've got these two dudes with near identical journeys.
From orphans, to initiates, to assassins, to good guy with a gun lmfao. Despite what Livio does, it's really hard to ever hate him, and Razlo, too is extremely sympathetic...
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Like he's got his own motivations and shit he's working through, man.
Anyway I really love during the Elendira fight when hes like, struggling to beat her, how Razlo gives Livio his own sort of hype man experience like the manga flashes back to how hard Livio worked to keep up with Razlo and the Eye, and Razlo is like hyping him up the whole time. It's really nice and wholesome :)
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Anyway his journey from emo cult man to himbo cowboy was fantastic and I love Livio so much, he's a sweetheart.
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And I loved his appearance at the end of the manga, like, showing he was looking after the orphanage and stuff.
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And also this whole scene where he and Vash ate together made me cry.
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drpeppertummy · 4 months
Pls never shut up about sunny share your rambles pls, he's a treasure I wanna eat some good food with him and just be friends ;;;
auauiuoou thankyou my bestest little guy,,,,,,,more random entirely-non-kink-related thoughts haphazardly cobbled together from discord messages (someday i will dig up some actual tummy-themed ones)
sometimes he watches a video on his phone without realizing his volumes up & scares himself. usually only happens at home or at his friends houses & if someones around to witness it theyre like Bro What The Fuck til they realize hes like dropping his phone trying to turn it off. hrs so embarrassed too hes like Im Not An Ipad Baby Im Not!!! hes like Im Not A Tiktok Baby!!!!!!!!! bc u KNOW lauries makin fun of him for it. shes like You Ipad Baby. You Tiktok Baby. I Bet You Watch Cocomelon Fortnite Compilations Loud As Hell At Applebees.
he loves sending his friends emails with URGENT!!!!!!!!!!! as the subject & itll just be some stupid shit but i think sometimes he'll do that & the email will just say "hi" . sometimes he'll do it when hes sitting like 10 feet from somebody & if they happen to be the kind of person who has notifications on & checks their emails right away theyll read it & he'll be sittin there like : - )
sometimes laurie will just pick sunny up & either shake him or squeeze him real hard or somethin of that nature & hes just fine with it. hes very light & malleable like aluminum foil
he Loves singin in the kitchen and the shower and the car and wherever etc. he sings preddy good which is a good thing bc he is Not shy about it hes putting his whole pussy into it doesnt matter if hes got the whole crew hangin around. i was pondering What sunnys singing voice sounds like bc his vocal range is Nuts & he can go high And low & i was thinking maybe he has kind of a billy joel vibe but not Quite. bc his natural speaking voice is a little on the higher side & billy joel is a smidge lower than how i imagine his natural singing voice sounding. i was like "hes somewhere between billy joel & frankie valli" & then i was like Wait Thats Just Uptown Girl. like he Can sing lower & higher if he wants to but thats like his Most Natural Singing Voice is somewhere around there. the higher end of the billy joel range
laurie loves stuffed animals i just Know sunnys trying to win her some big shitty bear at some shitty carnival game
he tries 2 be good with boundaries even tho theres def times when he freaks it. sometimes he overcompensates trying to make up for minor infractions. he likes being on good terms with people. hes one of those people whos like I Need Everyone To Like Me Or Else Ill Die. [but also he genuinely cares its not All him being self centered]. hes ascared of Being In Trouble and Being Bad [which could mean anything from making someone mildly displeased for a moment or completely & totally fucking up an entire relationship] #rsd. but then like he also cant help just totally bein a nuisance 100% of the time
tbh . i think Big Hug is his response to a lot of things. Hes A Hugger
he struggles with analog clocks he'll be trying to read one & hes like ✋Everyone Shut Up Im Focusing😤. i think left & right takes him a second too. sorry i love projecting
i think sunny says Go Piss Girl when laurie gets up to go to the bathroom & she smacks him in the head
any time hes trying to do something hes like running around in circles he always gets mixed up about what he needs to do first and what he needs to do next and where he needs to be headed and what hes supposed to be getting and hes just all over the place & hes straight up just spinning around trying to think. it takes him SO long to get started on something. once he gets going its fine as long as its a familiar task but it doesnt take much to break his focus. its like that sometimes when hes talking too. he gets sidetracked So easily sometimes it takes him like 10 tries to get a thought out before he finally manages to say what he wanted to say bc his brain keeps going on tangents & he starts rambling about other shit
he was the chattiest most outgoing little kid he would be like sittin with his mom at the dmv chattin up random nearby people he would be that kid at school who keeps sucking the sub into a conversation he wasnt shy around strangers At All but if he saw someone in like some big weird costume all of a sudden hes hiding behind moms leg. easter bunny? fuck no. mall santa? fuck no. smokey visits his school? fuck no. halloween? Good God What Is Going On Out There
ADDICTION TW - hes def the type whos gonna get addicted to something when he makes it big. & like he'll get off it before it kills him but theres no WAY hes making it through stardom without getting hooked on Somethin for a while. & he manages to hide it for a while but as soon as someone he cares about finds out he just starts Sobbing hes so ashamed. which is probably a turning point. getting out of it would probably also give him the push he needs to get actual mental health help
he may be wildly insecure about every last aspect of his personality but at least he has no doubt that hes cute. its like hes somehow never absorbed anything bad anyones ever said about short guys or big noses or hairy backs or what have you. He Knows Hes Cute its a simple fact of life
he tends to be interested in women more than men & i wonder if part of that is bc he feels less comfortable with his attraction to men bc hes been shamed for it. like he'll hook up with guys if they initiate it & he'll talk about Cute Guys but he doesnt tend to Seek Out those relations the way he does with The Ladies. part of it is simply that He Loves The Ladies but i think part of it is hes never allowed himself to fully embrace his bisexuality
sunnys the kinda guy to take a giant bite of somethin he Just took outta the oven & be like 🫢 Ih Hot ! hes like 🫢🫢🫢🫢H & lauries like Wow I Wonder How That Happened .
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whmp · 5 months
in case you're just here for the good stuff, i'll be tagging my personal ramblings as #whmpersonal so you can avoid em BUT this is tangentially related to the game project i'm working on, so stick around i guess? tl;dr: i'll probably make a more coherent post where I ask ppl for help (especially artists). also, i'll be more attentive and answer your asks faster, hopefully. : )
anyway, after a bit of a "review" of my creative process (and i guess my uhh way of living in general?) i've noticed that it's a huge clusterfuck. and that it has been since i was a kid. without some external pressure or an imposed structure (like deadlines, parents or strongly worded emails) i just sort of relied on random surges of productivity to carry me through life. on one hand, it's kinda fun: most of the time i'm not doing anything valuable and then all of a sudden i condense weeks worth of work into several sleepless days during which i feel like An Immortal Unstoppable God. lighting bolts shoot from my fingertips, my eyes glow in the dark, and my caffeine-to-blood volume ratio is hovering around 1.
unfortunately, it's not really sustainable. the "not doing anything valuable" stage that takes up most of my time is not me just chilling. it's me freaking the fuck out about not doing anything despite wanting to and finding myself just. not able to. not to mention that some things just need minor, but constant maintenance - at best i'd just forget about them and face the consequences later on. at worst i'd be acutely aware of them while procrastinating, clueless as to what's wrong with me.
couple that with a couple other unhealthy habits, a microscopic attention span and wow, i fit like all the criteria for adhd. i gotta admit i was super sceptical at first when doing any research, since, well. how the fuck am i even supposed to gain any unbiased insight into this. anyway, i spent a stupid amount of money on an official diagnosis (seriously why is this not covered by insurance gsygx), it took a million meetings and tests and i get a piece of paper that says i have add and deserve some medication.
this has also made me realize that i'm spread out super thin when it comes to projects. i love every single one of them, but im going to have to be a bit more realistic in terms of what can remain in "when it's done" limbo and what needs a bit of a push. the whump game is unique in that it's not just me who wants this to eventually get released. so! what this means is that it needs a proper, project structure. not a .txt on my desktop where i keep a backlog of missing features. but must important of all, it needs ~*people*~. this is the first time i took a step back and estimated how much time everything would take me and yeahhhh i was being very optimistic when i said "playable build in 2023" lol. i've been hesitant to ask for help bc 1. i'm stubborn : ) 2. im bad at coordinating stuff 3. i can't pay ppl - like seriously, there is one person making a model for me (if you're reading this sorry i didn't ask if you want a tag but this is just a personal post where i keep yapping) and it's looking so clean and professional,,, you gotta sell this as an asset.
HOWEVER im getting past the mentality of "i gotta do as much as i can by myself". and also taking meds so that im able to focus on tasks (both gamedev-related and others) and actually pay attention to what im doing. which is great news for development! and answering asks! ill be making a dev post where i tag all the ppl and will also ask for help.
that's it. im on a train rn and bored out of my mind so this is why this post exists, sorry. anyway check out this screenshot of a moment in clone high that i relate to deeply.
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essskel · 1 year
my brain is poopoo i forgot to add one thing sorry again 😭
i don't think the scoia'tael could ever change their mind about roche and ves simply because they're wiping out their race. no matter the cause the elves would never forgive them nor would they wanted to cooperate with them in any way unless it's convenient. they can't just say 'oh i was just protecting my country but now im different let me help you' and the elves would forgive them or let them near. they don't need their pity nor they help. the least they can do is leave them alone and help non-humans other ways.
this is the main reason why i can't bring myself to ship rorveth...yes they respect each others abilities in canon but that doesn't erase the fact that roche is still an oppressor (again no matter the motives) and iorveth would only force himself to work with him but never respect him as a person and be "besties". neither would roche tbh because iorveth is no saint and also killed his fair share of innocent people. they fucked up each others lives too much for their relationship to "work" and there's no place in their heart for forgiveness.
okay i won't bother you and your inbox anymore. this is pretty much everything i wanted to say so take care!
Under the cut cause my answer was rambly and I'm trying to save people's dashes lol
Yeah that's pretty much how I feel about the Scoiatael too! I do think Iorveth would eventually accept Roche's help maybe in a military venture if he really needed it and if Roche was genuinely offering, or that they could get past their issues with each other in order to work through a crisis. They do genuinly share a enemy in Nilfgaard, and Roche's inability to see that is his downfall. But then once the immedaute crisis is over... why would Iorveth stick around or even let Roche walk away cleanly?
I just think this is something that can only exist in fanfic, and can maybe be fun or interesting to think about/read about when expanding on the possibilities of their characters, but I personally wouldn't WANT it to be canon, because it would create inconsistencies in both their stories and established motives - which you did say in your last ask, I'm agreeing! (I mean I don't want true friendship/romance, not them being forced to work together. I want that. That would be fun. RIP Iorveth at the battle of Kaer Morhen :( you should have been there king!)
(about your other ask) Idk, I actually don't have any issue with people labeling Roche as a flat out monster. If you're coming at it as someone who's primarily sympathetic to the Elves, it's like you said, it really doesn't matter what his motives or situation was, he was participating in their violent oppression as a leader. He still has a lot of fans who won't acknowledge how evil his work pre-tw2 was, that's a greater problem to me (not talking about you ofc). And Iorveth...lmao other than him be willing to let those women die in the burning building, I can't help but cheer for his bloody methods of justice in ways the Blue Stripes will never get out of me. It's the witcher, everyone's burned a few churches, at least Iorveth was doing it for a good cause 😩
As for Roche, I personally I like him best as a metaphor for armed patriotism - perhaps more historical than modern, but I think both work. Men born into poverty who are coerced into the military by governments that don't value them at all (but like to give them medals as propaganda/empty motivation) while only using them as tool in their violence against other nations/people. Being devalued, abused, covered in blood, becoming a mass murderer all for some paltry veteran discounts and a lifetime of trauma. That's the character work I'd want to see with him, but for future witcher games, I'd be much happier to see Iorveth come back and regain his spotlight, so who really knows.
This is long as hell sorry, thanks for sharing your thoughts I appreciate the conversation!!
OH. right yes. Anais. What the hell we needed a followup on their relationship, that could have been so good and hopeful and constructive. Someday !!!!
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justablah56 · 2 years
Pinned Post
Hey there !!! I'm Aether , it/it's :]
@justahopelessbellusromantic is my a-spec side blog
I also run the @dndadscharacterpolls , so if you're interested in that, go check it out !
Im open to art requests ! I make no promises on how long they'll take me or if I'll do them at all tbh- tho please make sure that it's a character I know , otherwise I wont do it , sorry 😅 I've got a list of fandoms I'm in just below the cut if you want to check and see if I know the character youd like me to draw, or you can ask if youre not sure :]
I have . so many dndads character/ship playlists and if you ever want to see if I have a playlist for smthin I probably do and I WILL send them to you btw <3
this is a notice to every individual who decided to actually read my pinned post , PLEASE FUCK SEND ME CHARACTER RANTS/INFODUMPS I WILL LOVE YOU !! I don't even care if I know the character though I'm sure that will help , I just love listening to people talk about things and if anyone decides they want to spout random headcannons or fun facts or whatever about their blorbo/ship/hyperfixation ? please do !! idc if you decide to do it on anon or whatever , just so long as you know you will lovingly be referred to as *character/ship/thing* anon in my brain <3 and if you're asking off anon I'll probably come up with a talking tag for you eventually unless you give me one to use <333
below the cut is mostly just a guide to all the tags I use in case any of y'all want to know those either to find specific stuff or block specific tags :3
I post mostly dndads, rwd, tma, or just y'know whatever, but I'm also interested in/will post about dvc, dungeon meshi, galavant, love and luck, hohr, tmagp, malevolent, monstrous agonies, tss, furry stuff, tpp, ofmd, stellar firma, wtnv, w359, any Riordanverse books, tdp, Pokemon, good omens, toh, amphibia, gravity falls, de:pp, stranger things, cookie run, A:tla, Steven universe, plus probably a few other assorted fandoms that I can't think of rn :]
all my art is tagged under "my art" , and you are welcome to use my art in edits or as a pfp etc . as long as I'm credited :]
"blah's reblogs" is me rbing my own art/other posts that I probably made at some ungodly hour that I still want to be seen
"just blahs" is my talking tag , and "cookies rambles <3" , "icy asks !" , "silly zilly" , "jay !!" , "hi laurie !!" , "cgi says !" and "vik !!" are a few of my friend's talking tags for when they decide to have full conversations in my ask box <3 "tj anon" and "gothweebcleats anon" are exactly what they sound like , beloved anons who occasionally appear to talk about their guys <3
I use the tags "tag games" and "ask games" so if you see some post tagged w that you can probably scroll back through that tag for a minute to see which ask game I'm replying to !
I also tag most art/outfit memes with "art meme" , so if you wanna send me a req please do ! however if I rbed it more than like . a few days before you ask I would like it if you specified which one you're talking abt 😅
"luca my beloved" is the tag for my oc Luca and his partner Mitch, I'm always happy to receive asks abt either of em or outfit suggestions or literally anything tbh dbjdjdjdn I just like thinking abt them and getting questions abt them
"pet posting" is me talking abt my cat and/or dog bcs I love them <3
if you have anything you'd like me to tag , don't hesitate to lmk and I will try my best to make sure to tag it :3
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v-anrouge · 1 year
bestie im feeling like rambling about pokemon again and making it a cross over with TWST,, and i decided to make it your problem; because i'd love it if MC had an actual dragon (koraidon) for a companion, like, i'm (not) sorry but I would not put up with grim at all, especially not when koraidon here is the best companion there ever could be the absolute badass to sentimental ratio of this is great because koraidon is injured when the play first finds it, and it is your companion for the entire game and then further beyond that, you ride on its back everywhere and it overcomes its fears (not going further on details bc spoilers) so that it can protect YOU also, no one (with common sense) would fucking mess with an MC that actually has a guard dragon; imagine if someone even tried and the fucking thing stood up on its front legs, a silent "fucking fight me, i dare you." because koraidon would turn ANYONE and EVERYONE into lunch, anyone can catch those hands/claws (unlike grim who would sell my soul for tuna every day like a fucking dumbass because he didnt read the fine print)
student: GET YOUR DOG pokemon protag MC: it dont bite (its a lie) student: yES IT FUCKING DO
tldr: a life long companion koraidon would put the entire campus back in its place and i love it for that
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tag game
Answer these questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @daughterofhecata, finally doing one of these :>
3 ships: kelly/peter/skinny (ddf my brainrot from hell), bella/leah (twilight my first obsession)... that’s it, only 2.
First ship: gotta be bella/edward, weil, twilight war eine formende erfahrung, nachdem ich ihn mit 12 ungefähr fast 10 mal hintereinander weg im kino gesehen habe. team vampires all the way. aber bella should have had a gf, sorry, i’m wiser now. 
Last movie: ?? probably edgar-wallace-krimi oder ard-scandinoir-production if it counts. letzter film, den ich aus interesse extra geguckt habe, wird sound of metal gewesen sein (it was very good) & ja, natürlich nur für ugly-bottleblond riz ahmed
Last song: antibodies by l.s. dunes. (mr iero is allowed to join more bands besides mcr when they keep putting out albums that FUCK!!! even if they delay the next mcr album i personally VERY much deserve!!!)
Currently reading: - 
Currently watching: brooklyn 99 for no-brain-funsies & wanna rewatch entweder breaking bad (jesse my love) oder suburra (all 3 of them my bebs), werde aber probably zu nix kommen oder actually committen haha
Currently consuming: uh??? lindor-kugeln i guess. 
Currently craving: sleep? being at peace. weniger sorge haben & angst haben & mehr sicherheitsgefühl jobwise (life after graduation ist SO scary!) & maybe irgendwann auch wieder eine ruhige minute zum schreiben. really, really wanna write horrible fucked up ot3 fiction for myself!!!
not tagging anyone!!! this was for me to ramble a little.
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