#this got craaaazy long
meirimerens · 18 days
MEIRI!!!! i am taking a class in art history and i wanted to ask about your favorite paleolithic cave paintings, cause i know you're very passionate about that!
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okay so this is gonna be real hard for me to choose. like reallll hard. but i think i can narrow it down. i don't know how much #info you need or how much Lore you care for me to add, but you've activated my trap card, so now you're stuck in the cave with me, i have the torch, and if you try to leave you won't find your way back. okay. let us start.
at least in the Franco-Cantabrian geographical and paleo-cultural area [this thing], which contains some of the most famous painted caves such as Lascaux, Chauvet, Pech-Merle, Altamira, etc, one main currently reigning hypothesis, because it allows to explain the most amount of [gesture] Stuff Going On, is that cave art exist within a magico-spiritual system of belief of the animist persuasion likely with shamanic elements. The places where walls were painted in the caves, were very, very rarely Living quarters. paleolithic tribes prefered to make camps outside, or just at the very entrance of caves: the depths were Hard to navigate, dangerous, possibly inhabited by predator animals. you didn't got to these places to fuck around; you went because you had a drive, you believed in something about them.
Jean Clottes (one of our main prehistorians in France, who wrote Pourquoi l'Art Préhistorique ?, or "Why Prehistoric Art", translated into english as "What is Paleolithic Art" which is fucking stupid, the "why" is the whole question he's trying to answer in the book, is this guy fucking stupid) identifies 4 main concepts that exist within indigenous, nomadic or semi-nomadic, hunter-gatherer, animist & shamanist societies and peoples, that are widely distributed (as such having "universal" elements) and could, likely, have been found within paleolithic societies, and possibly give us clues to their belief system, which are:
the INTERCONNECTEDNESS: of animal species between one another (explaining the numerous accounts of paloelithic art depiction species together, or separated), and of human and animal: including through mythologies in which humans were created from animal(s), or animal(s) later changed into human(s).
the FLUIDITY of the living world: animal species are recognized as kin, for they can become it; animal species are given, or projected-onto attributes that make a tribe, a clan, recognize themselves in it
the acceptation of the COMPLEXITY of the world: paleolithic people likely had deep, complex mythologies and cosmogonies, which we might Never, Ever, know anything about (this drives me insane.) their language, and their rites, might (have) reflect(ed) an understanding of the complixity of nature, or animals, that sedentary, then later capitalist societies might have lost the nuances of.
the PERMEABILITY of the living world(s). this again is seen in beliefs in the permeablity between human & animal, human a animal, animal as human: this is also where Shamanism might come into play. shamanism(s) rest(s) upon the conceptualization of the world as divided-but-permeable between a physical, living world, and an unseen, spirit world: the Shaman is the mediator, the person who can freely go between these two worlds, to communiate, to heal, to direct, to plead, etc. AND, and this is where it gets real interesting for The Caves: potentially, the belief in the permeablity of the cave rock itself: multiple painted sites might contain hints of a belief in the cave being the place where spirits dwell; and painting them is less "calling" or "invoking", even if there might be some of it, but rather "revealing". the cave itself, maybe, could (have) be(en) considered the place where spirits dwell, and come forth/from. more about that later.
WITH ALL OF THAT IN MIND. at least in the franco-cantabrian area, the placement of cave art is, very Very likely, extremely deliberate. it is not just the art that counts, but where it was made. we can ask ourselves, why it was made here, and not elsewhere. i am picking my answer on this axis. some caves might be so beautifully painted, but are The Vibes here? if the expression of this potential magico-spiritual complex and tens-of-thousands-of-years-spanning(!!!!!!!!!! this is nother thing that's fucking insane btw. did you know we are as close to Lascaux as Lascaux is to Chauvet, another very ornate painted cave. MULTIPLE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS) is visible, or #feelable, let's mention it. now onto the good part
THE NIAUX (pronounced "Nyo") CAVE
reason: i've been there. twice. sobbed both times. came out changed like genuinely. made me go back to uni. the Niaux Cave is located in the Ariège (a-ryeh-juh) département [think smaller than a state bigger than a county] of southern france, in the Pyrénées (pee-reh-neh) mountains making the border with spain.
the almost entirety of the art is concentrated in the "Salon Noir" of the cave.
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now. come close and listen to me. the Salon Noir is some 700 meters from both the modern entrance and the prehistoric one. today, like back then, you have to navigate rough, slippery terrain, crouchspaces, and generally accident-inducing (source: my dad slipped & fell just like our guide warned us about) walking space. for most of the way, the ceiling is 5 to 10 meters above, and the walls relatively close together (but not claustrophobic). the Salon Noir seems to be "indicated" by, on both of its sides, red symbol markings. now listen to me. the Salon Noir's ceiling is twice as high. even with modern lamps, you struggle to see it. now imagine. having walked all the way there, in the Wet, the fire of your torch or your grease hand-lamp to guide you, and suddenly not only can you not see the ceiling anymore, but the rock seems to speak back to you. the echo is intense, in the Salon Noir, way more than anywhere in the lower-ceiling'ed cave. your voice carries on for 5 full seconds, if you sing the rock continues singing after you. did you know? in france and spain, studies have shown that most parietal (=cave wall) art corresponds to particular acoustic features. did they sing? did they play the flute, the drums? did they use lithophones: the stalagtites & stalagmites, hit of small sticks, to make them ring? in the Salon Noir, most of the animals are bisons, as is very common in the franco-cantabrian area. now this is just something fun that our guide told us, possibly nothing more than an interesting coincidence, for its truth would rest on an unproven-hypothesis-within-an-unproven-hypothesis, but did you now that the female bison has the same gestational period as the human? 9 months.
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the bison to the right, with the red markings and the "eyebrows", is my dad's favorite: he says its profile looks like him, with his beard and his big nose, which to be fair, truly it does. in a previous-previous-previous-previous life my dad as an upper paleolithic era bison. this is my dad's paleolithic fursona.
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my favorite is this horsie. see? she smiles.
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so does this one on the left, a protome (= name for the depiction of only the front of an animal, of a human)
PERGOUSET (pronounced per-goo*-zeh) CAVE
(* but the "oo" sound is short)
i'm cheating a little. because this is not painting, it's carving. but i consider sculpture an art, and parietal carving to be as important and interesting as parietal paintings, so. take it or don't!
yeah the whole cave. you'll see why. basically if i think about Pergouset for too long my skin starts melting i foam at the mouth etc. anyways. since the cave is closed to the public, and basically only available to researchers' viewings, it is quite hard to find images of it, so we'll just ball on this one.
Pergouset is located in the département of the Lot, in southwest-central france. this region is Plentiful with caves, including Pech-Merle that is basically next door, and Lascaux 1.5h away. why this one & not any of those two? well. come closer.
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okay. the pussies & this guy with his penis out cave. what's her deal. Well, first piece of lore is to know that, in the grand scheme of franco-cantabrian paleolithic cave art, human representations are minimal. animals make up the majority of depictions, however, "archetyped" or "stereotyped" human figures that insist on sex characteristics are Plentiful. and within representations of that, "female" archetypes outnumber "male" ones by a lot. basically you cannot cough on a paleolithic "human" depiction without landing on a vulva frankly. many such cases in life as well. one of the hypotheses, which Michel Lorblanchet brings forth in his book La Naissance de la Vie: Une Lecture de l'Art Parietal (from which the picture above is from) is that it could be part of a belief system in which the cave, the whole cave, itself could be a "female" principle or archetype: the whole of the cave a matrix, a uterus. basically its giving, it's giving birth. one of the biggest data point he has for that hypothesis is the Pergouset cave. in the Pergouset cave, carvings of vulvae rhythm a long narrow passage following an underground river. the 3 vulvae could represent that of pre-birth, that of currently-pregnant (with the line in the middle, like the pigmentation line on pregnant belly + carved over a convex part of the stone), and that of currently-actively-giving birth: "vulva 3" is just two streaks in the rock, surrounding a naturally-occuring hole in the rock: as if that feature of the cave itself had been recognized as It's Giving Birth / hereditary voice I Am Your Mother. as you can see on the picture, vulva 1 is all the way back in the #depths, in the #dark, and vulva 3 the closest to the exit, indeed to the light ( -> it's giving birth). now. and this is the insane thing. foaming at the mouth like unwell arms shaking rn. i've had to go pace 4 times since i started typing. in the depths of the cave, the animals that are carved are less (see the numbers on the picture). but also, they're... more fantastic. stranger, more unusual. lacking the realism that is typically associated with parietal art. they're... as if from a dream, an undetermined land of weirdness, of amorphousness. as they get closer to the light, they get more numerous, they proliferate, life crawls the walls: they become also more and more realistic. as we reach the last carved vulva, as it is giving, what is it: giving BIRTH, animals are numerous, abundant, fully formed, their visible selves in the world outside: it is as if the cave itself, the depths of cave itself, gave birth to these animals, formed them inside of itself, let them out from this unknown, amorphous, strange land beyond the stone, where human cannot reach. humans went in, and meticulously, sometimes using a natural relief in the stone for an eye, a feature, "released" the animals from the stone, "revealed" them from their state of hidden-inside-of-the-depths-ness. the whole cave this Mother from which all the animals drawn on the walls emerged.
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5h0w1sh · 4 months
Does Villain Tails has gun holsters he wears around to place his guns at?
His coat actually has pockets inside but u can't really see them. It's where he hides all his weapons but he also uses his tails as like a hammer space for his bombs!!!
This basically means that whenever he walks, everyone can Hear him jingle cause of all his inventions lol
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ghostgirl101 · 11 months
writing for william afton?? Yeah sure I'll get craaaazy ヘ⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠) you can write headcanons of anything, really, I just want to hold this man and be extremely and overly affectionate with him (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠) (and and jealousy trope is so aaaaaa you can write something with that, right??? :33)
William Afton/Steve Raglan Being Obsessed With You Would Include...
A/N: Yeap, let's start with obsessive relationship stuff, and then I'll work on a request for jealous headcanons. Hope this is in character, I tried to make it as accurate as I could with what I could work with from the movie. Requests for the FNAF movie are still open if you want me to work on a scenario; just make sure its no smut and platonic or childhood sweethearts for any of the animatronics/missing children 🙃
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🐰• Well, good luck getting out of whatever craziness you've somehow gotten yourself into. That's the first thing I'm gonna say ._.
🐰• You probably meet William as "Steve," the careers counsellor who asks a little too many personal questions for it to be strictly business-related, but then, he's got to know who you are to find a job that fits in with your life and personality. He seems normal enough, though there is a slight intensity in the way his eyes linger on you for a beat too long, and his questions become more specific and a bit non-contextual.
🐰• By the end of the interview, he offers you the place of a nightguard at Freddy's, giving you his card with a casual half-smile and going out of his way to show you the ropes. Then you start the job, as oddly unsettling and dark the environment seems, and you think that it's the last time you'll hear from him.
🐰• It's not 😏
🐰• Steve knows a lot about you from your files that he went through before, and from what you told him, and he's got a good memory. He copied all the information down, storing it safely at home, going through pictures and any sources he can find about you in some unplaced interest. William's very calm and calculated, and there's no way he'd be found out unless he let it happen or wanted you to find out for yourself.
🐰• So until he's ready to reveal his dark side completely, which will slip out in little actions and hints when you spend time with him, he's simply Steve Raglan, the relatively normal careers counsellor who keeps checking in on you to see how you're getting on with the job, often going out for a coffee to give you "advice" in his breaks. Anything to pry out more information from you, for him to understand what exactly it is about you that intrigues him.
🐰• Is it because you're unusually pretty? Clever? Quirky? To William, you're just a bit different, maybe a bit childish, or mature and deep, dark-humoured? Whatever it is, it caught his attention, which is a good thing, if you want it... and if it's not, well, you're stuck with it anyway.
🐰• You'll notice quite early on that he's a bit odd himself, maybe a bit invasive, possessive, especially for someone you haven't known for that long. If someone looks over at you for a second too long while you're having coffee with Steve, having a conversation that's veered off of references and employee skills to some personal aspect or interest in your life that he's cracked open. You'll see a shot of something dark pass through his blueish gaze before it passes almost as soon as it comes, and you'll know nothing more about it except never seeing that person again. Just another missing person to add to a list.
🐰• Same with if you happen to be seeing anyone; he's got his own ways to scare people off, and if that doesn't work, he'll be forced to do something a little messier. Again, you won't know a thing about it, and there'll be no proof, no body, no big questions. Suddenly your partner has run off on a job out of the country or broken up with you via text... and Steve will be around to "see how you're doing" and to pick up the pieces when you end up spilling more about what's been going on in your life and exposing more vulnerability. It gives William a rush, in a way, to be needed and ran to and relied on when something goes bad, especially if it's you looking up at him with big pleading eyes. He can only smile and squeeze your hand, not letting go for a long moment as you get yet another drink and finally end up getting somewhere closer to a proper relationship.
🐰• Friends start getting a little distant, past lovers end up disappearing and little conveniences in life become more frequent. Wonder why that is?
🐰• Afton has a great memory, and if you tell him you like something in particular, your favourite show or book, he finds the exact thing by chance in the shop and had to get it for you, just to see your eyes light up and smile thankfully. Or he recorded a new episode of your series for you to watch if you come over on one of the nights you're not working, or he's just finished reading that book, come round to his so you can talk about it some more? He always finds a way to get what he wants, and when it's a person, victim or not, the rule still applies.
🐰• You may not be a victim of violence or murder, but he's got an obsession, an unhealthy desire to watch everything you do, everyone you talk to and in your life. He doesn't name a specific reason for it, doesn't think he needs to, doesn't see the point in it. If you ever catch on to that kind of behaviour, he'll just give you a warm smirk and shrug. "Well, because it's you," is his casual response, though you could swear there's something more behind his eyes. "And I care about you, you know?"
🐰• This is still William Afton though, and for all he can be surprisingly romantic and thoughtful when he thinks to be to see your reaction, he's a sadistic murderer and kidnapper at the end of the day... and it does start to show through. He can be manipulative as we see in the movie, and a bit arrogant, though I don't think he'd outrightly manipulate you. It's more your surroundings and the people you're with. Maybe he'll dig up some dirt on one of your close friends and put it somewhere where you'll find it and cut off the friendship yourself, exactly how he wanted it. And on the occasions when he gets his hands dirty with those types of people, he will get his hands dirty, and enjoys every minute of it. He taunts and mocks them until their dying breath, hating the thought of someone else holding your attention for longer than he can, which only causes more blood to be washed out of clothes and off his skin before you notice.
🐰• I have the idea of William watching you sleep deep in for some reason, since he's affectionate in his own ways, not majorly into PDA or clingy, since he prefers you being the one to run to him. But in the moments when you're not aware that he's around, like when you're sleeping. He'll trace calloused but featherlight fingers across your face, down from your forehead to your cheek and your neck. There's a beat of tensity where you might think he's tempted to do something extreme, something violent, but it passes time and time again. I think the only time William would be tempted to be harsher and forceful is if and when you ever found out about what it is exactly he does, and try betraying him. He wouldn't kill you, nothing like that, but he'd have to lock you away someplace safer...
🐰• But Afton will cross that bridge when he comes to it. For now, it's just an attentive and dependent relationship that William will keep going for as long as he can, accepting any gesture of affection or admiration or any positive attention in general with open arms and a pleased smirk on his face. Life will be pretty easy for you, everything seeming to go your way, and his, he'll make sure of it. And when you finally uncover the truth behind Steve and meet the real William Afton, he'll expect things to stay exactly the same: bloodied hands, spring locks snapping, glowing grey animatronic eyes or not.
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toouchyyfeely · 2 months
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Jiggly Monstrosity 🥴🥴
One of my classics! I will be uploading all of my older and newer joints in my VIP Telegram group! Ya'll better tap in!
Her ass was craaaazy fat, juicy and jiggly! I got all the angles, plus a long ass follow from her. Lol. This one right here is CRAZY!
$35 entry fee 💸🫰🏾
DM to join
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nouearth · 3 months
happy one year to nouearth!
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okay, to be frank, the one year anniversary passed on the 15th, HAHA. but it's better late than never, right? i got so busy that i forgot to make a post celebrating this mini accomplishment!
it's craaaazy how fast time flew by. i actually never thought i'd be doing this little hobby for so long? i tend to have a habit of abandoning stuff i create online, but i'm glad i decided to stick around for longer because i've met so many amazing people (even though 99% of them are anons) from writing.
for a quick story time, i started this blog because i was reading a ton of miguel o'hara x male reader stories right after seeing across the spider-verse! i couldn't get enough of him, as you can see... it all led me to creating this blog.
one of the main reasons why i did was that i just wasn't really satisfied with the content? majorities of the stories were involving top!reader, and i think we need a healthy balance of both! two weeks later since that movie dropped, viola! i'm here, and my first fic ended up being 'joy-cons' with barry allen, HAHA. but i think my blog received a lot of attention with 'servicing justice' because i remember waking up to 100+ notes overnight, which was crazy to me! and then my fic got flagged and that drastically increased, but we won't dwell on that too much.
now, a year later, and i'm at 3.5k followers! numbers don't really mean much to me, since i'm sure only a handful actually interact and most are abandoned accounts, but i'm appreciative of all the likes, reblogs, comments, asks, and most importantly, patience! i've never felt so much love for my works before (and frankly, i don't think i deserve them, HAHA) but i'm glad a few of my fics can make an impact on someone's life, even if it's just for a few minutes of happiness.
i'll cut it short now, so thank you all so much for one year of making me feel less alone in my little life! i feel like i should do a q&a because that seems fun, but LOL I DON'T THINK PEOPLE WOULD CARE.
now, onto the next year?
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tiktaalic · 5 months
tortured poets review. by song
fortnight: fine. sounds like a song. one of the lana drag ones. the actual lyrical content is nothing special. i would not have made this track one. 6/10
tortured poets department: kind of exactly what you would expect from a taylor swift album called tortured poets department. it's silly. it's got references. it makes you go. girl? already less distinct musically. 3/10
my boy only breaks his favorite toys: the consequence of doing lana drag is that you listen to songs and go this would be a lot better if lana got her chords on it. fundamentally not a song that i can enjoy from taylor allison swift. a song i would respect in lana of video games fame catalogue once she strips it down. not like head turningly strange like tpd just plain and simple middle of the road. 4/10
down bad: this one is unlistenable for me. cant explain why. probably the chorus of down bad. i think it's tooooooo silly too silly by far when taylor swift does how do you do fellow teens vocabulary. 2/10
so long london: i can see the place that this takes on my spotify wrapped. lyrics are fine. good even. this + backing + doing something even the littlest bit different from soft monotone talk singing makes it one of the most memorable on this album by miles. probably not near the top of most memorable in her hundreds deep bench though. can't think of anything to dock it for but it's no belter. 8/10.
but daddy i love him: yeah okay. i love when she does a silly one. i think the instrumentals are nice. i'm having his baby. no i'm not! but you should see your face. easily i would listen to an album that was full of songs to this theme / musicality. points docked because i dont think she knows it's as silly as it is. 7/10.
fresh out the slammer: bored. i just looked at the lyrics and they're passable but they're performed in the most boring possible manner. stupidest name imaginable. i actually might bump it a point or two if the name was different. 4/10
florida: makes me go yaaaaaay florence every time i hear it. taylor's part halsey 2014 core. could have been worse! if i was in charge of cutting tracks i would keep this one. 6/10
guilty as sin: started it went oh i'm docking this one for boring. read the first quarter of lyrics and went oh this is fine? got to second half and went oh i don't care for this. can imagine a world where it's a better song with different backing and emphasis. 5/10
whose afraid of little old me: i dont think it's good necessarily but i love every song where shes like im craaaazy im insane. i think for the concept it's going for it could have been put together differently. 6/10
i can fix him: i like the way it sounds. but could use more oomph. it's so nice to hear guitars though. don't care for the subject matter. 5/10
loml: snooze. boring lyrics. boring performance. 4/10
i can do it with a broken heart: BAFFLING. easily the me / karma of the album. the tonal mismatch is the point but . well. it is what it is. i would like this more if it WAS a barbie soundtrack release i think. then it would have an extra layer of silly. i think this might make my wrapped. unfortunately. 5/10.
smallest man who ever lived: who gives a shit about matty healy. 4/10
the alchemy: head in my hands. head in my hands. football song. it's so over. and we are never going to be so back. 3/10
clara bow: i like the intro. i can't see myself ever doing more than half humming this. lyrics are whatever. fine, passable. 6/10
the black dog: yeah it's fine. no complaints. guitar 👍. 6/10
getyouback: why would you EVER tee yourself up perfectly to be compared to a better song. 3/10
albatross: oh i liked this one on first listen. 7/10.
chloe sam sophia marcus: outing song ‼️‼️‼️divorce music‼️‼️‼️. nothing too exciting or groundbreaking musically. 5.5?
how did it end: um. it gets points for being #real but not much else. 5/10.
so high school: i think i would like it if it was even a TOUCH less heterosexual. i would cut 3 lines that would turn it into a 6. i can see this song in someone else's hands dominating the radio and me loving that. in taylor's hands i'm giving it a 5/10.
i hate it here: not interesting. next. 4/10
thank you aimee: out of respect for taylor swift's struggles i will withhold comment and rating. -_-
look in people's windows: lyrics aren't bad but it's another one that's not really. doing anything. 4/10
the prophecy: yeah i'll give this one a 7/10. i would have one (1) greige complaint if this was on folkevermore but that's pretty damn solid.
cassandra: passing it and moving on. that's as much as it deserves. 5/10
peter: lyrics get a thumbs up. another 5.5? i could be talked into a six.
the bolter: yes girl commitment issues. 6/10. actually. 7/10.
robin: jesus god this album is too long. i have listened to too much taylor swift tpd to give this any kind of rating.
the manuscript: 5/10. like if woulda coulda shoulda had no beat
thank you for sharing this journey. with me and also taylor swift
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
One night stand pregnancy shenanigans!!
Modern Day AU - Death still challenges Dream to talk to brash Hob Gadling (maybe Hob is an up and coming star//old high school crush//silly reasons business rival) instead of actually settling their specious issues, they have a night, or weekend, of hot fantastic sex...........and one of them falls pregnant.
Because they're idiots and dumb-asses, whichever one is pregnant declines to tell the other and goes through it alone; they could have, and would have (will) fall in forever love with each other if they gave the other a chance, but IDIOTS.
They stay out of each other's ways until bb!Orpheus or bb!Robyn are toddler enough to get lost and run up to their father, who is the safest person they could find to get them back to papa. Because while they might not talk to each other they have no qualms about telling their child how wonderful their other father is, so of course bb recognizes him and goes to his daddy for help when he's lost.
Ommggg I'm imagining super brash, slightly annoying super rich CEO Hob who's business just got craaaazy popular. Dream is a long-suffering executive in the same industry, and they're kinda rivals but not really - anyway, there's a conference. They both attend. Passionate unprotected sex occurs.
And then suddenly Hob disappears. He hands the reigns of the company over to a trusted employee, and vanishes from the industry entirely. Dream is perplexed, and he thinks about Hob a lot (he can't help himself) but he moves on with his own life and goals.
Then one day a few years later, at the big museum nearby, Dream feels a tug on his hand. There's a small boy beside him, looking rather worried and clutching a stuffed duck in his arms. "I lost daddy." He says, morosely. "You look like other daddy. Help?"
Of course it's only a minute before Hob sprints down the corridor and practically snatches Robyn up into his arms. He and Dream are just standing and staring at each other in the middle of the museum, until Dream is like "......other daddy???"
In the museum cafe, Hob gives Dream the lowdown: he realised he was pregnant, managed to convince himself that Dream actually didn't like him and wouldn't want their child, and pretty much ran away. Basically as soon as he had Robyn he realised that he fucked up, but was never sure how he could just. Show up on Dream’s doorstep with a baby. So he stayed away but made sure that he told Robyn all about Dream, so that one day he could hopefully make contact.
Dream sits there with Robyn asleep on his lap while Hob apologises over and over... and all he wants to do is take Hob home, and cuddle both him and Robyn forever and ever. They end up having their first (well, not first, but first after a break) kiss in the gift shop - as Robyn wisely observes: 'yucky!!!'
Then again, he might be saying 'ducky'. Dream has a little bit of catching up to do on toddler language!!
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strawberry-spectre · 4 months
okay i need to hear your FULL thoughts on the spelltine comic!!!!!!
ALRIGHT LETS GOOOOOO (ill be commenting on every page of the comic so its gonna be long)
P1. I absolutely LOVE Whisp here, she's so supportive and so fun and I love how they drew her platonically kissing Valentine when he fell (also the pose she makes is the same as the one Val makes in P6 lol). Idk if the ' after some of the words Valentine says is suppose to be showing his southern accent but I love it. I also love the reference to the Eternal Body Odor pit it's so silly :,) BUT NOTHING BEATS VALENTINE DEAD ON THE FLOOR LMAO- and our queen Drac here looks GOREGOUS and I love how they gave her the pink bat necklace Clawd got her in one of the earlier webisodes its soo cute!!
P2. One of my favourite things on this page is how Valentine went from 'WOULDYOULIKETOBEFRIENDS' to 'I mean-' like its so funny how hes tryna act cool even though Draculaura alr saw how nervous he was lmao, the sparkles and sigh puff thing rly made it so much better. My other favourite on this page is Valentine stressing over that interaction with wide eyes staring into nothing with his hands covering his mouth and stray hairs everywhere, its peak fr. I love how espressive Valentine is LIKE OADFVHNAEGIRJ3GVBAGEIRBVAEIUF
P3. SPELLDON DEBUT LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! he genuinely looks so cool and cute at the same time I LOVE his purple undereye eyeshadow it looks like hes got some heavy eye bags lmao- the way Spelldons just calm and collected meanwhile Valentine is reacting to everything like its the biggest shock in his life ever is so funny and I absolutely love that dynamic. I also love how many necklaces Spelldons got on its so him. My favourite line from this page is 'it's gonna be dead in a few days, like my soul' like ok emo- ITS SO FUNNYDIJVBIEAVGAERU I LOVE HIM SM- I love complaining Valentine hes so silly :,) the way he exaggerates everything is so ugh <3333
P4. ngl when I read 'magician' I immediately thought of the ones in circuses with the pulling bunnies out of a top hat kind and I was so confused- and that look on Spelldons face?? bro knew that he's gonna get dragged into some craaaazy shenanigans. I love how Spelldon expresses his emotions through his eyes but Valentine expresses it through body language. Spelldon trying to talk Valentine out of the potion with him defending the idea is so cute like lover's quarrel before the lover's <33
P5. Bro Valentine talks so much his speech bubbles take up half the page lmao- butttttt I am slightly concerned about the bat wings in the back of the store... but thats nothing compared to the skulls and bones?? ig it makes sense since its MH but I'm still cry-laughing about it :,)) idk what the word is (sarcastic or sassy or smth) BUT SPELLDON'S REPLIES R MY FAVOURITE THINGS EVERRRR 'are you doubting my potion-crafting ability?' 'not in biteology' 'you're really good at that' LIKE UGHHHIFUVHBSIETRBI HES SO FIVBEIRUBNVARIE. Not them planning a date while shopping- also wtf is that Elissabat cutout?? what did they do to her :,0000 (the Murktail sign next to it is giving foreshadowing)
P6. AHHHHHH I LOVE THEM ICE SKATING SMMM AND AS ALWAYS SPELLDON IS ROCKING IT WHILE VALS JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE FJVAEIFVBIEUR HAHAHAHA but you know what's better??? VALENTINE FALLS AND THEY FALL TOGETHERRRRR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY MAKE ME SO SICK I LOVE THEM SM- FIVJBARI first time we see Spelldon lose his cool like damn- WITH THE FIREWORKS TOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Spelldon I see your hand hovering over Valentine, its okay ;))!!!!! I love the layout for this page and P7 sm its so fun to look at and theres so much colours!! and the implication that Val and Spell went 'borrowing' the guy's 'authentic himalayan ice malt' is so SCDFVGBNHJMK AND THAT LOOK THEY GAVE EACH OTHER ORIHVNSIERBNG
P7. NOT THEM FLIRTING AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY MAKE ME WANNA KMS THEYRE SO SWEET- AND VALENTINES PULLING OUT THE FULL NAME- 'you take me to the nicest places, Spelldon Cauldronello' with that U-U face and that clasped hands okay I see you Val, I see you. Favourite thing from this page? def the expectation vs reality chibi, ITS SO CUTEEEEE SPELLDON WANTING TO PROTECT VALENTINE MAKES ME ASCEND TO HEAVEN AND VALENTINE WORRYING OVER SPELLDON IRL TAKES ME THERE- Spelldon confirming that Valentine's accent is bad is so real bro when I watched the movie for the first time I was like '...he's southern??' BUT, THAT LINE 'you don;t do it with me' IS SO SXCDVFGBNHJM like Mr Cauldronello are you jealous?? its okay you can tell me <33 Valentine thinking a fake southern accent made him cooler and added to his ~mystique~ is so SDCFVGB hes so silly :,)) (I thought they forgot to draw Valentine's irises in the scene after bc I didn't realise he was looking up lmao)
P8. Valentine trying to diverge the convosation is so real bro like dw Spelldon knows you don't actually want to make all your emotions go poof, BUT ITS STILL SUCH A CUTE SCENE LIKE HES FINALLY COME TO THE REALISATION THAT LOVE ISNT ALL THAT BAD- crying :,) and when he started to explain how he likes hanging out w Spelldon, how he's glad that what happened happened, and the 'maybe I don't want to give that up yet' UGHHHHHHH MY HEART LEGIT FLUTTERED DCFVGBHNJM AND IT WAS SUCH A HEARTFELT SCENE AND I SCREAMED SO LOUD INTERNALLY and then Spelldon drinks it lmao- like yes! have your future bf worry for a few seconds before going haha jk! love it Spelldon's so CDVFGBNH i love him sm :,))
P9. 'you really think I was going to let you excise your emotions like that?' SPELLDON I LOVE YOU- THATS SUCH A COOL LINE BRO IXJNIJFVNSIUFVBNJDFC and then he hits Val with the 'someone you cared about' line LIKE THEY MAKE ME FEEL SO SINGLE IM HURT- SPELLDON BASICALLY ADMITTED THAT HE CARES ABT VALENTINE AND YES IT WAS OBVIOUS BUT THERES JUST SOMETHING ABT SAYING IT THAT JUST HITS DIFFERENT YKNOW?? ugh I need Spelltine to be my new heart I dont want my human heart anymore :,0. AND THE WAY VALENTINE GRABBED SPELLDON'S SHIRT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the way they looked at each other and the confession of feelings and everything and OH MY GODS THE 'maybe we can make sure it's not working...?' GODS, GODS, GODS- WE?? THE SLIGHT HESITATION?? THE FACES ONLY 10 CM AWAY FROM EACH OTHER??? your honor, they kissed. FUCK- CAN YOU TELL THAT I LOVE THIS PAGE?? THEYRE SO SWEET- KMS-
P10. THE. HAND. GRAB. gosh I can't deal with them- VALENTINE TAKING SPELLDON'S HAND WITH BOTH HIS HANDS IM SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK THEYRE SO SWEET- AND SPELLDON STILL HAS THE ROSE FROM VALENTINESERXDTFCYGUH oh lords they're everything- AND SPELLDON LOOKS AT VALENTINE WITH SUCH SOFT EYES WHEN WILL I HAVE WHAT THEY HAVE?? 'hmm somethings different about you, kieran valentine', Draculaura, he's come to terms with his emotions, he's made peace with the past and present, hes got an amazing bf, hes finally got that happiness, yep, very different :,DDDD
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I love this so much it's the perfect ending, PERFECT. I literally can't even describe how much I love it with the 'and stop holding your hand?', the entire 'well i uh think it'll be cool if you met her- if you wanna thay is' text and EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING IS PERFECTION. ABSOLUTE P E R F E C T I O N. AND THE WAY VALENTINE LEANS AGAINST SPELLDON AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHO NEEDS THERAPY WHEN YOU'VE GOT THIS???? AND SPELLDON BLUSHING IS SO CUTEEEEEE THEYRE SO CUTEE gods I need help-
summary: they are so damn sweet, the comic layout is so good, the emotions was perfect, everything is perfect, I'm gonna die from happiness overload, I feel like a proud mother seeing them finally be together its WSERDTFGYUH if i die and im not holding this under my crossed arms then im not dying fr
thank u for the ask!!
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hoodieseasoned · 1 year
If you're still looking for Empires prompts (I adore your seablings, btw) can we maybe get some pensive Copper King, maybe looking out over the dunes, with a dramatic sky of some kind... I dunno man, I just miss the Copper King and would love to see some art of him. <3
Keep making amazing art!
okay first of all thank you i appreciate this very much i lobe drawing the seablings sm <3
second of all a thing that's very funny to me is that the first two requests i got in my askbox (this included) were both specifically abt empires season 1 pixlriffs hsksksks
I'm guessing there's a drought of copper king content (actually no I'm lying bc i KNOW there's a drought since i spent so long desperately searching through the related tags to find some sort of inspo for a pixl design lol)
anyway here you go
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i did unfortunately forget any and all progress pictures so this is all i have sorryyy 😔😔😔
also the sky is ummmm, interesting to say the least, i got a bit too ambitious at the start and then for some reason the (highly expensive, mind you) watercolor paper i was using decided to act NOTHING at all like watercolor paper so yeh,,, dramatic-ness –100, flatness +50
i am weirdly pleased with the coloring of this tho,,, mainly bc I'm reminded of this old children's storybook i had when i was younger that had art that was similarly painted,,, i should go look for that book
ANYWAY !!! WORRY NOT DEAR ANON !!! i have, after all, gotten ANOTHER request for our dear copper king and i shall try again in hopes for some better results next time :DDD
here i tried taking a normal photo too, i think the addition of my yellow desk lamp light, weirdly enough, adds plenty of vibes to it
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you can kinda see the parts where the paper has started shedding bc of the amount of water i used which is CRAAAAZY considering this was like a really nice brand of paper and quite heavy too !!! i am a tad miffed
a tooootally unrelated question tho: does anyone have any tips and tricks on painting the sky/clouds ????? asking for a friend lol
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aihoshiino · 1 month
Reading spica and about how much Ai wanted a family, specifically twins, sometimes I think about is if she never got into a relationship, how would that have worked...would this girl have gone and adopted twins lol
But even if she only had one child, knowing Ai she would've cherished and spoiled them just as much (still makes me wonder about her reaction from I want twins -> I got one child) Maybe get another sibling for this child...possibilities are so endless, I have an unhealthy amount of obsession over this lovable, amazing character...HELP
I'm going to be fully honest and admit that. i. don't really take anything from the spica epilogue into account when aiposting LSKKNSKSJS. In general, Spica falls flat for me in most regards but the OMG WOULDN'T IT BE CRAAAAZY IF I HAD TWINS SOMEDAY thing is just so hamfisted and so transparently leaning on pre-existing emotional setup from the series it did not earn that I just cannot take it on board as organic, additive characterization LOL. Especially because this idea that Ai always wanted twins/to be a mother full stop… idk it's hard to explain, but it feels kind of gross and in line with the weird misogynistic way Spica handles all the other women, too. I think Oshi no Ko handles Ai's r/s with motherhood in a way I think is really warm and lovely and nuanced but Spica is so shallow it ends up with this really "well of COURSE she wants babies because she's a girl ^_^" ass take on things. KDKSJSSNA SORRY, ANYWAY…. THAT WAS SO NOT WHAT YOU ASKED I'M JUST A HATER
Anyway, the timing of me finally getting around to this ask is funny because I've had second-time mom Ai as a concept on my brain lately… Aqua and Ruby kind of Happened to her and she found an incredible amount of fulfillment in loving and being loved by them, so it's interesting to imagine what a second/planned pregnancy would be like for an older Ai…
I definitely think she would need to be in a long term, committed and happy relationship with someone for it to happen, just because she's so caught up in being Aqua and Ruby's mom that I don't think it would really enter her brain otherwise. But like she says in episode 1, motherhood is so much about creating family and joy for herself and the people she loves and for herself that I do think that if she ever found a second love and they were happy together and in a position to make it happen, she'd want to take that to the logical extent of them having their own kid together. A big family is a happy, busy one, right?
The idea of her adopting a kid is also super interesting… we were chatting about something unrelated on the OnK Brainrot discord when a link was made between Ai being a foster system kid abandoned by her family and Aqua and Ruby being essentially orphaned by her death and it kind of made a little !!! ping in my brain lol. As I've interpreted her, an adult Ai is one who has extremely strong feelings about the responsibility of adults to care for and protect children which leads to her being generally big sisterly/motherly towards kids and teens because she wants to be the kind of adult who was never in her own life. But for some reason, I'd never actually followed that thought through to the idea of her adopting a kid… it's a neat idea though and I think you could do some interesting digging into her own feelings as a kid left behind in the system.
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pigdemonart · 1 year
Didn't get to go see your table at vanpride bc the lineups to get in to the booths areas were too long and I got overheated :( next year I'm gonna plan ahead better.
(I hope you had fun! I really love your bowuigi art ❤️)
Hiii! It's all good! It was very hot out and the amount of people out was craaaazy! I hope youre doing better now though! ;o;)/ I had a lot of fun and was kept very busy for those 8 hours of work hahah! We were very fortunate in meeting kind folks interested in our stuff! I'll take this time to also thank everyone who did stop by! It was so fun meeting you!!
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vitalphenomena · 5 months
NAME : lye
PRONOUNS : they/them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : disco disco disco. IMs make me crazy they're so unreliable. i love talking ooc to plot and shoot the shit about writing. ive also made some incredible true friends through this.
NAME OF MUSE(S) : (chuckles) im not going to do that
BEST EXPERIENCE : four person double date thread with juniphil and romanjo. that was craaaazy @tahitiwoke @ruinaa @withbeasts
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : vagues, godmodding, i don't super love when a mutual is broken without a softblock purely because i don't want to accidentally interact by liking a post/sending a meme and making someone uncomfortable because they broke the mutual and clearly dont want to interact since we're pretty much all mutuals only. nothing else really gets to me anymore, and im hoping to get to a point where nothing at all bothers me considering What This Is.
MUSE PREFERENCES : i think there are thematic consistencies in the stories im interested in telling. bisexuals. men are bad. those are two of the main things that stand out to me
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : short :) we're in an improv troupe and i can only take my turn for so long :)
BEST TIME TO WRITE : when im awake! replies tend to embarass me when i sleepwrite on discord
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : considering there are like 48 of them now, i've probably got something in common with a handful of them. haters think spirit is my self insert, real ones think it's juniper, and only the truly based know that it's burns
TAGGED BY: @citizenstarlight posted and i stole it!
TAGGING: anyone on my affiliates list. im not just gonna tag yall every time just know your place. in addition, anyone else who wants to share, im curious :-)
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freya-captain · 2 years
This is also another old one I’ve sent to someone else before and sorry but I would love to hear your take on this kinda if premise haha
Ok plz hear me out…everything in hotd is the same except omega aegon was disqualified to be king because of his omega status so was sent off to the north to be married and mated to alpha Cregan stark as soon as he was of age they now have several children….maybe viserys and Ali be two ages him far away from flea bottom and the drama or something idk so now aemond is the alpha son next In like and who has equal claim to the throne now and has usurped the throne from rhaenrya…rhaenrya is hesitant about what to do with her options thanks to daemon ..then alpha jace suggest she sends her sons with the dragons broker peace and alliances during their impending war…rhaenrya is wondering if they should skip stark cause he is married to aegon and this may cause conflict but Jace says to send him anyway and says he may had some pull….when pushed on what this is he hesitantly admits that aegons first born son is actually his lol his mother is not impressed by this new info haha
hahaha I’m glad to read this! I couldn't help but picture that Aegon sat by the window of Winterfall watching the snow silently falling (like forgiveness from the sky) and holding his baby, which was the only gift that Jace gave him he got to keep, the only thing left that belonged to him in this foreign, cold land.
I was starting to write this clip when I thought what if let AI give it a go, so that's what ChatGPT gave us and I only did a slight changes. I felt craaaazy.
Jace/Aegon, Cregan/Aegon; Omegaverse
originally written by AI
Winterfell was a cold and snowy place, with the castle surrounded by snowdrifts that seemed to grow taller every day. The great stone walls of the castle were covered in a layer of frost, and icicles hung from the eaves of the roof. Inside, the castle was warm and inviting, with roaring fireplaces in every room that filled the air with the comforting scent of burning wood.
Aegon often found himself sitting in front of the fireplace in his chambers, staring into the flames and thinking about Jacaerys. He would imagine what it would be like to still be with him, to hold him in his arms and to feel his warm breath against his skin like he did in the past. But then he would remember Cregan, his alpha and husband, and he would feel guilty for even thinking about another man.
Since presented as an Omega, Aegon Targaryen II knew he would be arranged to marry some noble lord instead of inheriting lands and titles like his Alpha brother Aemond would. He had never dared to hope that the Alpha would be his Jace, but neither did he anticipate Alicent's decision was to send him north off to the savages. She clearly hoped the marriage could strengthen the alliance between the Iron Throne and the North. The wedding ceremony was grand enough only this was the last time Aegon saw his hometown, no trace of Jacaerys.
Aegon and Jacaerys were closest friends when they were young boys. Over time, their friendship had developed into something more, and Aegon found himself falling in love with Jacaerys. He tried to bury his feelings, to focus on his duty as a husband and as a member of House Targaryen. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't forget about Jacaerys. Not after he gave birth to their child, a brown-haired girl named Stark, who had no blood of direwolf within her but every feature of his young lover.
Sometimes, Aegon would take long walks through the snow-covered grounds of Winterfell, trying to clear his mind. He would breathe in the cold, crisp air and feel the snow crunching under his boots. But even in the peace and quiet of the winter landscape, he couldn't escape his feelings. That's when he started to write letters to Jace.
He never did well with words and spelling, but he wrote and wrote, all in High Valyrian. Not that he worried Cregan may find out about them, nothing in the letter he couldn't show to the public. It's just sweet for him to share a language that he could't speak with anyone else.
Jacaerys wrote back. At first, the letters were filled with stories of what was happening on Dragonstone and news of the realm. But over time, the letters became more personal. They would write to each other almost every day, and the letters became a lifeline for both of them.
As the years passed, Aegon's love for Jacaerys only grew stronger. He found himself looking forward to Jacaerys' letters more and more, eagerly devouring every word as if they were the only thing that kept him going.
But Aegon also felt guilty for his feelings. He knew that Cregan deserved a husband who loved him as much as he loved Jace, and he felt like he was failing Cregan as a husband. He tried to be kind to him, to show that he appreciated him, but he knew that it wasn't enough.
When Cregan Stark discovered their affairs when Jacaery visited the North, he was both furious and disappointed. He felt betrayed and hurt that Aegon had been unfaithful to him. Especially he and Jacaerys already became good friends and trustable allies. He couldn't understand why he would risk everything for someone else.
But despite his anger, Cregan still loved Aegon deeply after their years spent together. He knew that Aegon was struggling with his feelings for Jacaerys, and he understood that it wasn't easy for him to keep those feelings hidden. So instead of lashing out in anger, he tried to find a way to make things work.
When Aegon finally confessed the truth to him, that their first daughter's real father was Jace, Cregan was silent for a long moment, staring at him with a mixture of sadness and anger. But then he took a deep breath and spoke.
"What can I say?" he said, his voice quiet but firm. "I married no ordinary one. I married a dragon. I knew what I was getting into when I chose you, Aegon. I knew that there would be challenges and struggles, but I also knew that I loved you enough to face them. And I still do."
Aegon was surprised by Cregan's reaction, expecting him to be furious and unforgiving. But instead, he saw a deep love and acceptance in Cregan's eyes. They talked for hours, working through their feelings and trying to find a way to move forward.
In the end, they came to a compromise. Aegon would continue to be a devoted husband to Cregan and a loving father to their children, but he would also keep in touch with Jacaerys through letters. It wasn't the perfect solution, but it was enough for them to find some peace and happiness in their lives.
Years went by, and Aegon and Cregan had more children, all of whom were loved and cherished by both of their fathers. They created a life together, one that was built on love, trust, and compromise. And though there were still struggles and challenges, they faced them together, knowing that their love was strong enough to withstand anything.
Until the war broke and dragons danced.
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Because I have to be an ass with that game's premise:
AMC Interview With the Vampire
(Also maybe Twin Peaks?)
AHDHFGFG this is hilarious timing because I was two seconds away from blocking all relevant IWTV tags today (well. yesterday. when I started drafting this)
But unironically I love the cast so much! They’re so good! They really bring the characters to life! I think it’s really cool that Sam Reid got to play Lestat after being a fan of the books for so long and he seems to understand the character so well. Jacob Anderson’s performance is craaaazy! He deserved his flowers after GoT treated him Like That. So I really enjoy getting to see him in a lead role. And shout out to his accent work specifically. I’m really picky about this and idk it’s just mind blowing remembering he’s British bc he does such a good job at sounding not only American but like he’s from New Orleans specifically. The entire cast is just fantastic though.
Writing wise, I am impressed and delighted that they managed to make Armand (already blorbo of all time) somehow even more deranged. They had Assad Zaman out here conveying shrimp emotions with his big doe eyes. S2 specific, I also enjoy their general take on the Théâtre des Vampires, and how they elevated Santiago from such a nothing character to such a memorable stage presence.
Re: Twin Peaks I mean I do unironically just love the show and the movie. I’m a huge David Lynch fan. The mood, the surrealism, the characters, the themes, the music! It’s all so good! Laura Palmer is truly the queen of the dead girl media genre lol
Send me a topic and I’ll have to say something good about it! No hating allowed!
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thatbuddie · 2 months
Yeah and there’s also this thing that i keep seeing where people who i assume just like to hate read will go through buddie posts/blogs and then run back to the “big blogs” on “their side” and send anons saying like, omg these craaaazy buddie shippers have this theory and think this thing is going to happen, and it’s always said in the most dead serious way with a fully bad faith interpretation, and so then the blog who got the anon responds to it as if it’s serious, and it becomes this big long game of telephone and it’s like… literally chill out. Lmao.
i mean yeah, for sure this is something that is happening but let’s not pretend like it’s not something that sometimes we’re guilty of too, you know?
sometimes i see posts talking about “b*ckt**my shippers have this theory and it’s so stupid” and really they can only point to one user or one post that has referred to it and it’s questionable how serious they were.
so yeah i unfortunately think this is something that everyone is participating in.
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archaxwii · 5 months
Only been a couple days and i already got another fic that's craaaazy. This one's a qsmp fic surrounding Hideduo and Fit's boss Madagio
Warnings: Contains; soft vore, fearplay, referenced digestion, mentions of cannibalism & former limb loss
Pac was fucking terrified.
He'd awoken in the middle of the night when he fell from his cozy bed straight onto hard stone. In a cave he knew was far from home the second he laid eyes on a creature of nightmares. In all his time on Quesadilla Island he'd never seen anything like this.
This creature was all white with short fur coating its whole body. It was akin to that of a centaur. It stood on four legs, but also had a pair of arms folded across its chest, and a second set of arms that were shorter and hung limply from its belly. It had no mouth, only a blank, short muzzle and a pair of cold slitted eyes, one yellow and one blue, and pair of cat like ears atop its head. It had a short, stumpy tail that flicked angrily. The worst was its size, it absolutely towered over Pac and was for sure the biggest creature on the island, even bigger than Bad and Foolish. Its shoulders were broad and it looked stocky and heavy, like it could crush him with ease.
He knew what he was the second he saw it.
This was Fit's boss. No wonder he was terrified of him.
"Pac, do you have any idea what you've done?" It spoke despite having no mouth.
"I-I no, I'm sor-is this about Fit?" He stammered nervously, eyes wide as the full moon.
The beast took a lumbering step closer to him." I permitted that man to come to that island for one purpose, and one purpose only. To acquire player data for me, and instead he spent his precious time befriending the likes of you and these other pathetic islanders." He growled.
"But I thought he did get-"
"In the year he was there all he managed to acquire was a meager five people's data, of what?! 33? 35? That's an embarrassment for a person of his caliber!" Madagio snarled.
"I'm sorry for distracting him! We just...grew so close, I even gave him my own data!" Pac offered fearfully.
Madagio snorted, stepping forward and bending down to be right in Pac's face." Aww, how noble of you, truly you were such a big help to the cause." He said sardonically.
Pac swallowed nervously as the creature completely filled his vision.
"Look- p-please don't hurt Fitch, he doesn't deserve it!" He pleaded.
In spite of not having a mouth Pac almost felt the beast was grinning at him." And who said I was going to hurt him?" His arms darted forward and tightly gripped Pac's shoulders, causing him to yelp." I still need him to complete our work, but he needs to not have any pesky distractions until I can get my revenge, so you need to be out of our way." With ease he lifted Pac off the ground, the jackalope wriggled in its grip but its hold was firm.
"W-what are you going to do to me? I can help- I promise!" He begged, not wanting to be taken away from his family.
"I'm sorry Paccy, but I can't have you distracting my worker. Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit~" Pac's heart dropped as a line split across the beasts muzzle and a wide, slavering maw breathed hot against his face.
A long, thin tongue flicked against his face, trailing thick saliva through his fur. The beast wasted no time sticking Pac's head in his mouth. He shrieked with fear and tried to jerk away but Madagio held him still with ease as he slicked up his face and pushed him further in.
He bucked his head upward, trying to dig his sharp antlers into the roof of the creatures mouth, but it didn't even seem to notice his efforts. Ice trailed down his spine as he realized he wasn't making it out of this.
He remembered the terror of being torn into by Cell, but this was nothing compared to that. Having his leg ripped open was infinitely better than being stuffed into this all encompassing heat, able to do nothing but stare into the darkness he would inevitably be taken into. He couldn't fight, couldn't move, couldn't do anything but watch.
Madagio shoved his shoulders in its mouth, loving the taste but wanting to get the job done as quick as possible. It's been such a long time since he had a proper meal...
Pac was met with the yawning abyss of Madagio's throat and he fruitlessly tried to squirm away.
"Please don't do this, I have two kids to look after!" He whimpered. Madagio simply huffed and swallowed heavily, sending Pac face first into his crushing gullet.
His tongue was lapping at his belly now, already halfway inside the monstrous beast.
Pac couldn't tell if the hot wetness on his face was from saliva or if he was crying. Another pulse and he was in to his hips, only his legs flailing on the outside. He could hear the slow, steady heartbeat of his devourerer, hammering in that his efforts didn't faze the beast whatsoever. His heart sunk impossibly lower.
The clawed paws now moved to grip his legs to hold them still as it swallowed again. Now only his paws were left in the open air. Just barely, over the sound of his own racing heartbeat, he could hear the labored breathing of Madagio's lungs. At least his death required some effort.
Madagio shoved the little paws inside and Pac's fate was officially sealed. Another swallow and the entirety of Pac's being was encased in the monstrous creature's throat.
Only a couple more swallows had his face pressed against the tight sphincter sealing off his final resting place, and with one hefty final gulp he slid through and dropped into the beasts belly.
His new prison was hot, but not sweltering, and large enough to not be cramped. It would almost be nice were he not about to be food for a monster.
Pac was full on sobbing now as he curled into a ball. To spend his whole life running, living in the shadow of Cell, only to be devoured by some mad cat as a punishment, for something Pac had nothing to do with. It was bitter irony at its finest. He should've let Cell eat his heart, stop his suffering so he didn't have to live in this hell.
Rage swept through his chest, and he uncurled himself and bashed his horns as hard as he could against the soft plush of the monsters stomach.
To his horror, no wound was made, the attack bounced off harmlessly. Despite the tears in his eyes and the terror coursing through his veins he clawed and pounded his fists against the walls of his prison.
Nothing was effective.
What did he do to deserve this?
Madagio hummed and stretched his arms and front legs. It felt good to be filled with something after so long being empty. He hadn't got to experience this since Vacuus was depleted of energy and his friends all perished.
He could hear the little rabbit crying and could certainly feel his efforts to harm him, but couldn't bring himself to care. Pac wouldn't be hurt unless Fit failed him again, and he was certain with his boyfriend's life on the line he would be sure to do his job correctly this time. His little arms rubbed at his belly, a vain attempt to calm his companion.
Fit was due to show up to his cave anytime. For now, Madagio was keen to relax and enjoy the angry squirming of his prey as he tired himself out.
When Fit finally arrived it was around midday. Pac had given up his fight and was now either asleep or curled up trying to be as still as possible.
Madagio was reclined on the floor of his cave, paws splayed out like a real cat, now wearing his little cape that covered absolutely nothing but was fun to wear. His side arms still rubbed at his companion, even if he didn't appreciate it.
Fit stood straight as he faced his boss, despite Madagio's relaxed composure.
"Glad you could finally make it, little one, I thought you'd keep me waiting here forever." He mused, leaning forward to lay his head in his paw.
"My apologies, boss. Could I...ask why I've been brought here? Have I not gotten enough data? I'm certain I can get more!" Fit questioned, hoping his voice didn't give away his nerves.
"Oh you most certainly can, and you will, if you want your little boyfriend back." Madagio said it so casually, but a chill went down Fit's spine.
"What...do you mean by that?" He near whispered. He had a feeling he already knew, by the way he was petting his slightly distended stomach, and if he looked close he could almost see something squirm from within.
"Don't worry, I've got him tucked away somewhere nice and safe, but you've got to do a good job if you want him back, or I might decide to keep him." Madagio didn't break eye contact as he brought his other paw down to pat softly at his belly. A mouth formed across his muzzle and a long tongue flicked out, licking deliberately over his lips and sharp teeth.
Fit was stunlocked. Almost too scared to say anything, his eyes drifted down to the beasts still-moving stomach.
There was nothing he could do to the creature, with no weapons and Madagio being so much bigger than him he was incredibly outmatched.
Madagio tilted his head, looking mildly bored." Tell you what, I'll be nice. You get me some data by the end of the week and I'll give you some time to chat with your little jackalope, that sound fair?" His tone suggested that Fit's answer didn't really matter to him.
"O-of course, sir." Fit shuddered, dipping his head slightly. He was terrified to anger his boss, worried that any wrong move and he'd never see Pac again.
"Wonderful, be good for me." With a wave of his paw, spots blacked out Fit's vision and he collapsed on the floor.
When he awoke he was home, and Fit felt more alone than he ever had.
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