#this got long oop
bloodykneestm · 2 months
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pietro truly feels for this man. ( the one who bought his house just to hardly ever sleep in it. ) in a way, the spirit prefers the peace and quiet his absence provides, the freedom to move about the house without disturbing anyone, but it's... dreadfully empty these days, depressingly so.
he tends to the garden, keeps his backyard neat and tidy as he always did when he was alive, and on this particular evening, he cuts himself a few flowers and assembles a bouquet which he settles carefully in the vase to replace the withered flowers it once held — to cheer himself up. it's only been a matter of minutes since he's completed this task when the new homeowner walks through the door.
he wanders, curiously into the entry way, to greet him without being able to say a word, observing him carefully.
@tewwor liked this for a new muse starter!
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thekavseklabs · 2 years
☾ Which season is your favorite? ★ Name three characters from movies, films, books, shows etc that inspired you in some way.
- Winter! Autumn is a close second. There's too many insects in spring, summer is too hot and unpleasant. Autumn also has an unfortunate amount of bugs (but not as many as spring and most of said bugs are ones i like), but oh, winter, my love. I love seeing my breath in the air and saying I'm a dragon, I love eating snow and ice, i love snowball fights and sledding and shoving snow down my little brother's shirt, i love getting too cold and ending up with a runny nose because it means I had that much fun outside. My house doesn't have electric heating, but I don't mind, because it's fun to stand in front of the wood burning stove and turn around in circles making myself dizzy trying to achieve thermodynamic equilibrium. I could talk for ages about winter.
- Alrighty here we go...
1: Ofelia from Remnant Population- old woman raised in capitalist hellscape finally understands that nothing she can do for that world will achieve as much joy and contentment for herself as simply living for herself instead of someone else. Escaped society and unlearns her restrictive and painful life and thought processes, extends basic empathy and kindness to understand intelligent aliens that approach her better than any of the scientists could because she used her own thoughts and life rather than looking to some kind of rulebook. She inspires me to value myself and understand when it's time to turn away from society and focus on what I need.
2: Menolly from Dragonsong- teenage girl enduring parental abuse tied to her gender ends up with a crippled hand, finally runs away from home to live in a cave and raises several tiny dragons. Ends up independent and confident in herself and eventually makes her way to the career she wanted even though women couldn't be in said career through hard work and support from others, learns to process her trauma and become happy. She inspires me to stick to what I want and love, and take joy in small things, to live my life in a way that my younger self couldn't.
3: Ares from Gregor the Overlander- ok bear with me i know he's just a big fuckin bat. But he spent years in a life bond with someone he truly believed was a good person, and when that person turned around and didn't hold up to his morals, Ares didn't fucking hesitate to drop that guy and instead save someone he didn't know well, but knew was at least trying his best, and was a victim of that old friend's shit. That got Ares banished for turning back on his lifebond, a death sentence, and he knew it would. I read these books when I was really young, and Ares mattered a lot to me. He was one of my first lessons in keeping to your morals even when someone close to you fucks up- that's a surprisingly hard lesson to teach to a child. So, he gets a spot on the list.
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hinamie · 1 month
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i don't normally participate in these redraw challenges but it's megumi so i'll make an exception
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applestruda · 1 year
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Summer, Spring, Autumn, and Winter
(Aka hermit ladys as mucha's four seasons for week 3 of the design challenge)
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lgbtlunaverse · 6 months
This page from the adventurer's bible makes me want to cry
Like basically any neurodivergent dungeon meshi fan, I see a lot of myself in the Touden siblings. But I was blindsided by just how much I suddenly related to Falin in this little comic from the adventure bible's complete version.
It's about the Touden siblings' differing relationships with their parents, and why Laios still holds their treatment of Falin against them, while Falin herself doesn't.
We know that Falin was isolated and ostraziced by their village after she saved Laios from a ghost, displaying her uncanny affinity for magic. Her parents, instead of defending her, sent her away, which angered Laios so much he ran way himself before Falin even left for magic school, hoping to make a living so he and Falin could live together alone.
He tells Marcile this, but when she goes to Falin, she says she sees things differently. Her father sent her to magic school to protect her form the rest of the village without having to cause a conflict. He didn't explain that, and we actually see her burst into tears when he says it.
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But, well... Laios was gone for a year before Falin went to magic school, and everyone else in the village avoided her. The understanding Falin has with her parents to me looks like one borne out of necessity, she literally didn't have anyone else to talk to.
And this is where we get to the page that made me want to cry
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Like I said, I relate to the Toudens because I'm neurodivergent myself. that feeling of suddenly realizing you're disliked, but not knowing what you did wrong or what you should have done instead? Yeah... that's one I recognize.
When I was around 9 years old, the same age Falin is in this comic, a bunch of kids in my class decided to make a "game" where you lost if you touched me. It was basically the 'cheese-touch' from diary of a wimpy kid, except I always had it and couldn't pass it along. They'd pretend I was poisonous or disgusting and run away from me screaming or gagging. The point was to make fun of me. But my autistic little 9 year old ass thought "Oh I get it! It's tag but I'm always it!" So I... played along. Running at a boy and having him fall on the ground screaming in fake pain because you tapped him is, in isolation, pretty funny.
It wasn't until months into the "game" that I realized it was meant to be meanspirited. That the reason I was the one who was always 'it' wasn't an arbritrary rule but the whole point. Because I was weird and gross. I wasn't in on the joke, I was the punchline.
Falin may have come to understand her parents' intentions, but she didn't always. The adventure bible actually tells us that she at first didn't even notice that the rest of their village disliked her. She clearly knows now, but she had to be told. So when her mom tried to exorcise her, she just saw it as an activity she got to do with a mother she usually didn't get to spend much time with because of her poor health. It's only Laios who notices something is wrong.
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(Sidenote, Laios being hyper-aware of people's poor attitudes towards Falin but completely blindsided when he's in the same spot, like with Toshiro, is also very relatable as an eldest sibling)
It probably also took Falin months, until after her brother had left and she had no one but her parents, to realize why her mother had been doing all those things.
And I know they're not the same. Even misguidedly, Falin's mom was trying to help her, not make fun of her like those boys in my class. (Though, as a queer person who also cares a lot about the queercoding in Falin's storyline, a parent trying to 'exorcise' their child of a fundamental part of them the parent thinks is evil or corruptive? yeah... that's not perfectly wholesome)
But do you know what I did, when I finally figured out the game was always meant to make fun of me?
To me, it looked like I had a choice.
See, those boys eventually figured out I didn't understand that they were being mean to me. I'd laugh every time I managed to catch one of them, I was visibly having fun. And while it no doubt only made me more of a weirdo in their eyes, they never informed me that I shouldn't be enjoying myself. That the point was for me to feel hurt.
So now that I did know, I had a choice. I could either get upset, and let the insult land as it was supposed to. That wouldn't stop them, because making fun of me was the original goal. Or I could ignore it and go on as usual. They had already accepted that I didn't get it, and they weren't gona stop me from having fun, so why should I?
And the thing is that I had... one friend, in that whole class. One person who actually liked talking to me and hanging out with me. I was lonely. And the 'game' provided me with another social interaction, mean-spirited as it was, that I desperately needed. And it was so delightfully simple. Navigating actual friendships as a kid with autism and adhd was so fucking complicated, and I'd never know when I might break an inivisble rule. But I knew the rules to the game perfectly!
Sometimes, if I was chasing one of them, the others would trap him and hold him down so I could tap him. In those moments it actually did kind of feel like I was playing with them, rather than against them. And it didn't change much, they didnt start actually liking me. But they were willing to roll with the fact that I wasn't upset, and I took advantage of that because I needed to.
So you can look at Falin seeing the best in her parents as her being naïve, but I look at this page and I see myself, at first unable to differentiate between playing and being made fun of. And then later, when I did see the difference, deciding not to get mad about it because that'd mean losing that social interaction, and I couldn't afford to.
Like I said, Falin probably first realized this in the year she spent with her brother gone, and everyone else avoiding her like the plague. If she refused to talk to her parents, like Laios did, she'd have no one left.
I see a lot of people relating to the fight between Laios and Toshiro. that frustration when you realize someone you thougth was your friend actually hates you, and they never said anything, never gave you a chance to fix it because you had no idea that you were even doing something wrong! And I can see that, too. But sometimes, when people don't fully hate you, it feels better to go along with the pretending. Because adressing it won't fix it. Because the problem isn't a specific behaviour, it's you. And if they're willing to tolerate you, despite the fact that it's you, then you'll take it. Because other people do hate you, so this is the best you'll get.
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I’m not trying to attack you, but do you know that proshipper means someone who supports and romanticizes pedophilia, incest, and abuse? Your reblog on that post seems to read that you think antis just hate on people for having ships they don’t like. But it’s completely different than that. Just looking on the proshipper side of Tumblr and the internet and you can see people happily shipping children and adults and making nsfw content of such things.
i appreciate that you're not being outright hostile, but i have to say, that on its own put you above basically every anti i've interacted with.
i understand where antis are coming from, i really do. there are a lot of things on the internet that make me deeply uncomfortable, including the minor/adult ships that you mention. i don't want to anything to do with those kinds of ships and i would be happiest if i never saw them again. which is why i'm proship.
nine times out of ten, if i see that kind of ship brought up on my dash, it's because i was following an anti without realizing it, and they brought it up unprompted and untagged, to talk about how bad it is that they exist. they are the ones putting that kind of content in front of my face and making it harder to avoid.
the thing about people who ship those ships is that they're generally very aware that not everyone wants to see that kind of content, and so they tag it. they make sideblogs to talk about it. they don't go out of their way to shove it in people's faces. that means i, and everyone else who doesn't like it, can avoid it.
what antis want is for it to not exist at all. they want the tags to be purged and blocked, and for anyone who uses those tags to have their accounts deleted. and sure, that might get rid of some of it, but do you know what would happen to the rest? it would stop being tagged. people who don't want to see it wouldn't have the tools to avoid it. this isn't just a hypothetical, that's what's happened any time a fan space has tried to do that.
that's not even getting into the rabbit hole of what should be banned and what shouldn't. obviously any content that depicts real children or real life abuse shouldn't exist and shouldn't be allowed to be posted, but basically any platform that people use already enforces those policies, and there's not much of a slippery slope to go down there. if it involves real living breathing people being abused, it's bad. end of discussion.
but the same can't be said for fiction. ask ten antis for a specific list of all the content that should be banned, and you'll get ten different answers. what about kink? what about roleplay? what about horror and murder and anything that involves fictional characters being graphically tortured? what about people using art to process terrible things that have happened to them? what about art that uses dark themes as a horror element? if you just want to ban anything questionable to anyone, that's the line of thinking that gets any mention of lgbt existence banned. and again, this isn't just a hypothetical, this has happened before, and that's generally where it leads.
i know, from personal experience, that antis do, in fact, send harassment to people just for shipping things they don't like. i've gotten accused of absolutely vile shit for shipping two fictional characters who were both consenting adults. i've seen ship wars turn into moral battlegrounds, over ships that an average person wouldn't bat an eye at.
the thing about "romanticization" is a whole other can of worms. the anti logic goes like this: if someone sees something (even if it's very obviously fictional) in a positive light enough times, they will start thinking it's okay in real life, and go on to hurt real people. the problem with that is that it's just. blatantly untrue.
if it were true every horror movie fan would be a serial killer, every person that studies dark media would be an unhinged psychopath, and everyone who is into ddlg would be a pedophile. but they're not. they just aren't. people have directed movies just as fucked up as the darkest shit on ao3, and are still capable of being normal human beings who know right from wrong in real life.
even if someone is that impressionable, scrubbing away the existence of every piece of questionable content isn't going to solve their problem, because they're still going to be vulnerable to con men, scams, and cultists. the only thing that would actually materially help someone like that is developing their own morals and critical thinking.
children are also more impressionable, and there's a lot of content that's not suitable for them, but that doesn't mean that content shouldn't exist. it just means that they should stick to spaces designed for them (which most social media sites, tumblr included, are not) or, if they're old enough to be responsible for their experience online, they, or a trusted adult in their lives, should block and filter out things that they aren't comfortable with.
which is what everyone on the internet should be doing. it's what i do, and it's made the internet a much more pleasant place to be. and it's why i sometimes worry for antis mental health, especially teenagers, because they're being told it's right and moral to seek out content that makes them uncomfortable and to engage with the people making it. and that's just. really bad. it's not good for the creators that they're harassing obviously, but it's also really bad for them! it's not healthy to seek out things that make you feel bad, and it's a terrible internet safety lesson to teach minors that it's okay for them to seek out and engage with people making adult content.
individual harassment and crusading is never going to succeed at removing dark content from the internet. it just isn't. at best you might get a small percentage of people who create that content to stop sharing it, at worst you're just going to make people stop tagging it, and either way, you're exposing yourself to things that make you feel bad, when you don't have to.
if you want to materially change the type of content you see, you can. the block button is your friend, use it liberally. same with content filtering and tag blocking.
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fleetinglotus · 2 years
Spiritual Associations 
Lotus Flower
Portrayed in many cultures as a symbol of rebirth & resurrection, the lotus flower holds many other meanings wheter at basic or delved into further. The ways of purity, enlightenment and sanity plays a part. Tis believed in Inazuma, that if one pour all efforts and sits amidst an area of lotus, rebirth shall be attained but also a clean outlook at one’s life. In the end, such plant is considered sacred, it is used in worship even, because it depicts ways of life, ways to rise anew. 
However, one should take note that if performed in formal offerings (aka giving to someone), different color lotus possess different meanings behind what a person wishes to express, here are some known colors.
The red lotus flower signifies love, care, affection, and other romantic feelings.
The white lotus flower symbolizes peace, purity, and calmness.
The blue lotus flower, which is the rarest one, symbolizes a spirit’s victory over wisdom and knowledge.
The pink lotus flower symbolizes spiritual path & enlightenment.
The Snake
Though a spiritual symbol known to the peoples of Inazuma, it is more prominent for the peoples of Sumeru, essentially the desert-dwellers. Generally, the snake symbolize that of transformation, that of change. In some instances it may represents healing, a connection to life force, primal energy. To Sumerians, the snake symbolism offers for a period of transition, pointing ways for one’s personal growth and cultivating powers from the very Earth.
The Snake also possess symbolism directly into dreams. If the animal features itself in one’s dream, it is an invitation to look at important facts or dynamics throughout one’s life to pave way for transformation, to look at positive changes.
Although, it is to note that they are poisonous creatures and may impact someone if negative thoughts are held onto. To heal is to let go of said poison before further damages may be dished out, wheter onto yourself or those around you. It is one of the many animals to be found within Sumeru desert ruins, to be found in form of statues & carved onto walls.  
A snake shedding is one ready to let go, to rise anew akin to that of the Lotus Flower or even, the following animal below.
Like the very snake, the Chameleon is a symbol of transformation but it also carries other meanings, such as adaptability. Albeit a symbol of change, it leans towards towards emotions, the ability to conceal them or expose them at one’s liking, like that of camouflage. It is valued as a symbol of perception, focus amongst others. 
The Chameleon looks for patience, that there should be no hurrying in life. To vow belief on such animal is to embrace slowly what the world has to offer, what to offer to yourself most, to pace yourself. It is to trust in one’s intuition and blend in, wheter to feel noticed or to escape conflict.
Infinity Symbol
Deemed also as the Eternal Symbol. In Inazuman culture, it is a symbol of regeneration, equally similar to the above representations. Even so, the Infinity symbol, due to its shape, forever on loop, looks towards harmony and balance, free from all edges, obstacles so to say. It is a constant connection, where not even Death may sever its eternalized, unceasing existence. 
Meditating alongside such a simple yet empowering symbol, is to understand the universe, to realize that destruction and creation as just as interwoven, for they are also on an endless cycle. While the number 7 is known as the good luck charm, to Inazuman 8 is not only, in essence, the Symbol itself but it is their own lucky charm, essentially because of its symbolism as well.
The number eight characterizes spiritual ascension, to awaken past the 7 stages, the seven heavens, to reach for renewal, all while being equally deemed as a symbol of good fortune.
it holds even meaning within jewelries and fashion. Its multi-layered symbolism adds meaning to several kind of occasions. It is as follows;
A single infinity symbol can be taken as a statement of the eternal love a couple has for one another. When incorporated into a heart, the combined symbolism strengthens the romantic association.
When given to a friend, the infinity symbol represents eternal friendship, indicating that you value their friendship and will hold onto it.
To a graduate or someone coming of age, giving an infinity gift represents the endless opportunities and path ahead of them.
Overall, the Infinity Symbol do not simply refer to Eternity but to Unison/Harmony. To believe in Infinity, into its very number, even outside of Fortune, it is to be free from all external forces that may threaten to find ways within its everlasting Connection, to snap apart one’s progress, personal growth. 
A good enough reasoning as to why, in the end, Wanderer was gifted an Anemo Vision.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Actor Au!
Where Batman and Co. are the most popular TV series and they’re currently filming Jason’s death.
Only Bruce goes so deep into acting he breaks down for real upon the part where he arrives at the warehouse and digs through the rubble for his child.
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evnnkinard · 5 months
thinking about buck either being super sleepy after a long shift, or minorly hurt, or maybe both. and he's in his bathroom, using the counter to hold most of his weight up and staring at himself in the mirror. he's somehow managed to successfully shower, after waving away tommy's earlier worried offer to help, and now he's trying to muster up the energy to grab his razor so he can shave his stubble, but losing more of it the longer he stands there. debates leaving it, knows that with the way he's already feeling, the feeling of it against his pillow is going to be sensory hell and drive him crazy if he does.
and then he startles as tommy knocks on the door, always respectful of buck's space, and waits for buck's quiet consesnt before popping his head in, saying, "evan, are you okay? you've been in here for a while."
buck hums, shoots him a smile that he hopes actually looks like a smile and somehow manages to respond, "m'good. just need to shave and i'll be out."
he looks down at his razor sitting on the counter, misses the way tommy's brows furrow in concern. hears a soft sigh, hears tommy say, "evan," in the way only he can and his footsteps as he crosses the bathroom to where buck's standing. he expects tommy to wrap his arms around him from behind, but instead he's gently but firmly spun around until his back is against the counter and he's staring into worried blue eyes.
tommy rests one hand against his waist, brings the other up to cup his cheek and rubs his thumb, soothing, across his jaw once, twice, and says, "you gunna let me help you now, huh?" and when it looks like buck's gunna protest, says "evan. let me take care of you, please?"
and buck deflates, drops his head to rest against tommy's shoulder, murmurs his consent and then lets his boyfriend take control. guide him and carefully deposit him on the closed lid of the toilet. says, because he's buck, "you- you really don't have to. we can just leave it, go to bed. i-i'll be okay."
he's familiar with the two fingers tilting his chin up in response, and then he's looking into blue eyes again, framed by a raised eyebrow, "yeah? you gunna be able to sleep with it scratching against your pillow?" and buck opens his mouth. closes it. feels his cheeks heat slightly and doesn't respond because they both apparently already know the answer. can't help the way his body, his heart, quietly hums, feels pleased and warm and safe at being known, being seen so well.
"didn't think so, kid," and tommy leans down, presses a quick kiss to buck's lips, and then his forehead, says, "i like taking care of you, okay?" releases buck's chin and moves away before buck can respond. fills the sink with water, grabs what he needs, and then he's back between the space of buck's legs, gets to work, careful, gentle, like taking care of buck is the most important thing he'll ever do.
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powdermelonkeg · 9 months
Thoughts on the thunder wizard again.
Genuinely, I find Gale's relationship with Mystra to be fascinating when you consider all its facets. Unhealthy, imbalanced, definitely poisonous, but also very, very intricate with a lot of blurred edges to it. One of those things where you're both like "wow, what the hell, that's horrible" but also "that makes perfect sense for their characters, and while I would NEVER, I know why they would, and why it happened."
You've got a wizard who doesn't know what real love is, who thinks he's finally being shown it by the person he adores most. His greatest fantasy, his most potent joy, his most heartfelt aspirations, and they were all offered to him.
And he wants to see what all she's hiding from him, because of course he does. She's the keeper of all things forbidden to him. The empire of Netheril reached magical heights that will never be touched again, and all that knowledge is beyond her curtain. She loves him, right? Surely, if he proves himself enough, she'll let him grasp that power he so desperately wants.
And not even in the power-hungry sense! All that magic Mystra's locked up was accessible during Mystryl's reign. Think of all the answers to theories about the universe that are back there. Every question of "can this be done, and what would it do" would be answered, if he could just bargain hard enough.
She loves him, right?
Surely, if he proves himself enough...
And then, on the other hand, Mystra. Once Midnight, her human personality has been subsumed by the goddess of magic and her duty to the Weave. She has a responsibility to magic, she IS magic.
Then along comes this mortal boy who knows how to handle her Weave. Who doesn't try to wrestle with and dominate, who sings to it. He handles it with such ease and grace—it's not just that he could be Chosen, but he deserves it. To put her Weave in the hands of someone so intrinsically in tune with it, who understands its potential with a wonder like no other. Few enough can handle the raw power that comes with being Chosen, but this one? This one is perfect.
And he adores you. And you adore him, like one would a beautiful butterfly that's landed on their finger. And he's willing to be devoted to you in all things, not out of transaction like most of your worshipers are, but out of love for you, your craft, your magic. You're so deeply and utterly charmed by him.
And it's not like Mystra hasn't walked this path before.
She gives him what he desires, because what he desires is her. And, in a different way, she desires him. She wants him to be her representation in the world. She indulges his adoration with her own presence, and takes indulgence herself in mortal comforts. He's never satisfied with her answers, but who could blame him? She keeps a whole world away from mortals, because she knows what such unfettered power might bring about (again).
And the wizarding prodigy's ambition is lit (again).
And the height of power is reached for (again).
And she stops him (again, again, again).
She does care for him. She doesn't want to see her little butterfly burn himself, and she doesn't want to be the one to ruin those wings.
But then he's not a butterfly. He's a mortal, wielding a weapon of murder, of her murder, and he's brought it to her doorstep because she told him "no." And he's cut himself on it, he doesn't know what it is, but it's hurt him—and it's only a fraction of the hurt it could do to her. How dare he want her help after threatening her?
(He didn't mean to.)
(He only wanted to help.)
(He only wanted. How human.)
She doesn't help him. If he wants to pursue Karsus' weaponry, it's his responsibility, his hubris, that led him to injuring himself on it. She's furious. She's hurt. She's cold.
(What fools these mortals be.)
But then, there's a greater threat to her. Something that could drown the Material in Karsus' failings. And that little boy, who nicked himself on the sword he lifted, still wants her help.
It's a fair trade, isn't it? She'll forgive him, let him into her domain again, if he accepts his punishment and goes into battle for her. He picked up a sword, it's appropriate that he learns to use it in her name, right?
If he was telling the truth, he wouldn't hesitate. If he really wanted to serve her with the Netherese Orb, he would jump at the opportunity to do so. He would have to give up a few petty things in the process, ("petty," she calls mortality, as if family and home mean nothing, as if friends and love are finite. Because to her, they do mean nothing. Because to her, they are finite.) but it isn’t atonement without sacrifice, is it?
It's the tactical move. She's not above hurting one man to save a nation. It's not even the first time she's done it.
(Dornal Silverhand sends his regards.)
If he loves her, he'd die for her, because she'd let him into her paradise. If he doesn't love her, he won't, and she was justified in removing him from her grace.
He doesn't love her. Not anymore.
Does he hate her enough to try to take his dues?
Ambition has always been man's greatest folly.
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ejga-ostja · 8 months
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six of bunny hare rabbits
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thekavseklabs · 2 years
Something i think a lot about and we need to consider and talk about more is autistic joy and appreciation, in general, but what got me on the topic is thinking about how this blog wouldn't exist if it weren't for the autistic people in my life. Without my dad, my mom, my three siblings, my friends, I'd only have a base idea of what the kei could be, I wouldn't have the deep understanding that I have.
Theoretical exo-anthropology, exobiology, the understanding of the planet they live on, how it formed, the star they have, the path to becoming what they are, I wouldn't have that. I wouldn't have the cannibal nickname if it wasn't for my sibling, I wouldn't know what kei building structures look like without my dad, I wouldn't know about the flora or fauna if it wasn't for my sister or friends, I wouldn't know that K'war has black deserts, I wouldn't know how religion affects kei culture, the psychological and physiological effects of major or even subtle aspects of kei culture or history, none of it. Even if I had these people in my life, I wouldn't have it if I didn't ask them about the things they loved. If I didn't encourage their joy in regards to their special interests.
Idk where I'm going with this. I guess I'm just trying to say... Encourage autistic joy. Adhd joy. If you see a friend or loved one express a hyperfixation or special interest in something, ask them about it. Even if it doesn't seem like a big thing. Even if it isn't relevant to your interests. Ask, encourage, listen, and when they say "I'm getting off topic" say "No, keep going". They'll tell you shit you would never know otherwise, and I know all my followers are creative. If you're creative, you'll hear what they say and you'll have an idea. Boom, inspiration. Worldbuilding, simple character ideas, whatever it is. You stand to gain from encouraging joy in knowledge, and even if you didn't, you should do it anyway because they deserve it. :)
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sad-leon · 1 year
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Part 12! Hugs :D
You know that feeling when its the littlest thing that breaks you down? Like you could beat anything that comes your way, but a simple, menial task is what causes you to break down? That's how Leo's feeling
Masterpost || Next
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mingwrites · 1 month
Yunho + Watch ⌚ because everytime I see watches I think of how incredibly pretty it'd look on Yunho's big slender hands 😔
babe your thots are valid and i’m here to validate them…
you had always noticed your boss’s hands. they were incredibly sexy on their own, not to mention the expensive rings and watches he adorned them with-symbols of his power and wealth. sometimes you would sit at your desk and think about his hands-the way they were so big and capable, the speed with which they moved when he typed, how they would be able to fill you up so easily…
no more fantasizing, not now that you were getting the real thing. mr. jeong had you sat upon his desk, your legs forced far apart as two of his long, slender fingers disappeared within your core. he looked focused, like he was just doing his job, making you unravel to the point of ecstasy in his less-than-humble office. “dirty girl,” his low voice resonated just above a whisper. “i bet this is what you think about all day at your desk, hm?” just then, his fingertips pressed against your sweet spot just right, and the coil inside you snapped.
your pussy spasmed and throbbed as you came hard before your boss. he watched your expression, moans harmonizing with yours as he continued thrusting his fingers into all the right spots. then something caused him to look down, and when you saw the look of surprise, you knew what had happened. the man chuckled, looking back at your face. “do you always squirt or are my fingers just that good?”
as your orgasm began to subside, he removed his fingers and quickly sucked them clean before he let out a disappointed groan. “shit, baby, you ruined my new watch.” you looked at the flashy object, probably worth thousands, and covered your mouth, mortified. it was dripping with your pleasure, thickly coated in the sticky substance along with most of the man’s arm. “don’t worry, doll, this can be fixed,” he assured you. “but i never knew you’d be such a dirty, messy little slut.”
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courfee · 3 months
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prompt #46 "Sirius is showing Regulus’ baby pictures to James and Reg is MORTIFIED" for the @marauderswithpalestineproject !! 🍉
thank you @kat-m-toast for the donation (and the prompt, which was just SO up my alley, i loved it) and also thanks to everyone else who donated and participted! 💕
and as a bonus a little closer look at those baby pictures :)
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knightinink · 10 months
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“Again, with the horn?”
I was thinking about this & something tells me if Fizz used the horn every morning, Ozzie would eventually get used to it & sleep through it. It still works on Ozzie because the horn isn’t the only thing Fizz uses to wake him.
He has various things.
All of them extremely obnoxious, but unapologetically & fittingly Fizz.
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