#this hurts ahahhaha
timdoritos · 7 months
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bayulet · 2 months
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k-s-morgan · 25 days
TGSTLTH related
Ok so I decided to do it here cuz I don't know will AO3 allow me to write essay hahahahah 😂😂😂
I don't even know how to start this. I've been reading fics for 13 years straight, like I don't remember the period of my life where I didn't read them cuz I always have some ship active and I'm crazy BL fan. Only a small number of them can make me crazy to the point I don't wanna sleep, eat, skipping my obligations, killing the pain and your sebaciel did everything. I haven't felt like this reading fic..,maybe ever? This is totally another level of me being fascinated by some writer.
I adore sebaciel, I'm in fandom since 2016 but the biggest problem I had with their fics is that - either people go too much OOC with them orr they rush up the things between them, going quickly with sex and feelings. It bothered me so much so I was crawling for good SC fics as crazy!!
After some break with SC, I came back to ao3 and saw your long fic. I started reading it but I dropped it after 3 chapters, I got bored cuz I thought you are gonna just re-type manga and do classic thing which another people do. Quickly, I got disappointed with another one and idk how but I decided to give your fic one more chance and dear lord......that was one of the best thing I have ever read. Maybe even the best.
Like, how smart are you? What's your IQ? Your manage to explain me some things about Kuro plot which I haven't udnerstand by myself. And the way you write Sebaciel relationship. That's everything I have ever wanted. Everything. They have normal conversation and that's it, that's all I need cuz there is everything. I feel electric every time when they talk, fight, do things together, goood the little touches svbjhsdjvbvbvbvbvbsdjvhbdf. I was tense whole fic. I read it for like 10 days, abandon everything until I finished it and now I feel sad ahahhaahha. But you are really something special, cuz I always used to say that manga itself is the best fiction cuz Yana knows the best how to create good Sebaciel energy. You, next to Yana, did the best job. You kept them as they are, never broke the character, and that's what I am most grateful. Slow burn, with drama and angst, love and attention, all misunderstanding, you put all necessary spices for 5 star meal. My fav part is when Ciel told Sebastian to add slamming doors to his most dramatic moments of his life ahahahahahahhaha 😂😂 I laughed like crazy, they are so precious♥ And I really wanted kiss to happen when Ciel lied Sebastian about another demon, that was sooo svbjhsvjhjhvbdf. But okay, you know the best, I trust you fully with this♥
The fact that they are ready to kill each other before they have normal conversation about their feeling is my fetish. I am in love with toxic things. Ciel ready to throw all game just to prove Sebastian that his value is not only his soul, right after he told himself for 1000 times he needs to stay on distance..... I LOVE ITTTT!!! I also need to say that you find PERFECT balance for good plot and romance. Your games and their cases...I just don't know, deep bow for you queen🔥💯After all, you didn't retype drama ahahaha but you manage to keep it canon without changing anything but still adding your spices so it's not ordinary Kuro plot we see every day....
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I just have one question. From time to time, I was like a Bard ahahhaha, so sick of their games and my head hurting me, but on a good way. I am clear about Ciel but what about Sebastian and his disgust for Ciel's nicer, soft, emotional side? I know Ciel doesn't have it a lot, but would Sebastian still be grossed out about it as he was at the beginning of a contract or not? Keeping in mind that he is more and more obsessed with a boy?
So, that's all. I don't know how to use Patreon/PayPal, but for you I'll try cuz I only have credit card and that's all I know ahhahaha, I like to keep money in my hands😂 I'm sad about the situation in your country and all under - war countries. It's not bringing any good for anyone, specially for civilians. I hope you are okay and I wish you alll the best, the good karma must hit you really quickly cuz you made one person really, really happy here♥
Looking forward how will you finish this story, have a nice day❤
PS - this is the longest comment for fic I have ever left ahhaha, it's crazy how you got me sooo hyped up bjcvsdghvbds.
Hi! Ooh, thank you so much for your amazing, wonderful essay! I can't tell you how happy it made me! I think the electricity was already started being cut off when I got it, so I could see I have some really lengthy ask, but it wouldn't load. It was the torture of the most delicious kind :D
Like you, I've been reading fics for ages now, and the moments where I find some fantastic story that won't let me sleep or work or even blink are always the happiest and the brightest spots I remember. So it's extremely flattering to know that my story has become something similar to other people.
I love writing about smart characters, but most of them are definitely smarter than me! The benefit is that since I'm writing, I can think and plan everything in advance. In real life, I only wish I were as quick-witted and inventive. Alas, the best ideas and arguments come to me when they are no longer needed.
I love slow burns, and I love characters who abhor the idea of expressing their feelings, so Ciel and Sebastian have the most perfect dynamic in my eyes. I feel like I could spend the eternity just enjoying their Gothic world with their games, arguments, plots, and so on. Them antagonizing each other only to instantly team up against the common enemy is my most favorite thing in the world.
As for your question, right now, Sebastian would be thrilled if Ciel were to show a softer and more vulnerable side - at least in relation to him. Well, a part of him would feel the automatic need to mock him for it anyway, some habits don't die easily, but Sebastian's feelings have evolved a lot, plus Ciel is cold more often than he is not. So Sebastian treasures every word of praise, every hint of appreciation and need because they are so rare - he's come to crave them, and he has memorized all known cases of them by heart.
And no worries about supporting me! I really appreciate you taking your time to leave such a fantastic review, it made my day!
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chuluoyi · 4 months
I forgot where I saved the TikTok but it was of this woman and her baby and she sung “shawty a lil baddie….she my little boo thang” and her child started SCREECHING LMAOO
anyway this is dad! satoru <3 tells his baby a joke or sings them a line or goes “got ur nose!” and the baby is hollering with intent to burst eardrums… u two get SO confused HFBDKSN
AHAHHAHA SUMMER i swear your ideas are all gold🥹🫶🏻 that’s so canon like he’s actually and genuinely trying to make his baby laugh or at least giggle but when he screeches instead, gojo is actually so spooked and so heartbroken “why can’t i make him smile?!”
and one time when your baby accidentally bumps into something and wails, gojo tries to soothe him but he keeps crying— and it actually makes his heart hurt to see his little munchkin cry🥺 that he gets glassy-eyed. only when the baby sees him like that that his cries stop and he lets out a little smile instead
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
heya again <3
so...i got some more giftless grandkids thoughts here, written in bullet points because my brain just kept going AHAHHAHA
I’m currently listening to the vocal mashup of the grandkids of waiting on a miracle while im going through the giftless grandkids tag as im taking a break from other aus, it’s very fun and sets the mood somehow AHHAHHA
I’m really glad they have each other and are thriving even without their gifts, and they likely already got used to not having gifts and wouldn’t care, and that’s so real of them
The mashup is making me think of some things tho, ngl AHHAHAH
But anyway, yes, I currently have many thoughts
Was thinking about the reasons for why Casita would crack and fall, considering the kids are close with each other here and the adults (minus Alma oof) are all there supporting them, Bruno included since he never went to the walls
And as I read some of your posts and think about it more, it makes sense
There are several main things that would make Casita crack here—aka the family themselves cracking—would be:
Ofc, there’s still Alma’s pressure on the triplets and her confusion and unintentional hurt towards the grandkids
Most likely how Julieta is hiding the big secret on why they didn’t get their gifts and also their doorknobs
Another is how Pepa and Bruno are also hiding the vision tablet from everyone but specifically Julieta
Still trying to think of other reasons, but those are the main ones, I think
In canon, Bruno had been patching up the cracks, which definitely helped Casita stay up longer, but he never went to the walls here, so how would Casita and the family last until a little after Antonio’s ceremony (assuming we’re still going with something similar to canon timeline)?
Here is where the kids’ good relationships come in, their love and care are helping hold things together, even without Bruno repairing the cracks
The process of Casita cracking would be slower here compared to canon
So what happens when the kids—the main reasons for Casita still being able stand—are faced with the revelation that they could have gotten their gifts back then? Could have possibly avoided a lot of heartache and ridicule and disappointment from the people around them? And the reason they didn’t are because of the adults? Because of Julieta?
They hyperfocus on the bad parts, overshadowing the good parts because its an intense and shocking moment and revelation for them, I think
In the moment of the revelation, that’s likely going to upset them, maybe even break them a little, because why? Why did they—? 
Of course, they’ll later have the full realization that they grew up happier without the gifts, but again, that’s later
Also, pretty sure they focus more on the fact that it seemed like the adults they trusted lied and deceived them in a sense, almost like a betrayal (except ofc its not)
This, too, would connect to how Julieta says in that one giftless grandkids art of yours, “I didn’t want to hurt them—to hurt anyone.”
And then, with the love faltering for a moment, that’s how Casita falls apart
Also, why am I imagining the kids finding the vision tablet that Pepa and Bruno are likely hiding, making them realize what Julieta is hiding, which then starts the realizations, arguments, and full-on cracking of Casita?
This would then parallel canon with Bruno’s vision too
This means we get to see all the kids trying to figure things out together too
After everything, I can really see Julieta and the rest of the adults gifting the kids their doorknobs again as a surprise—which they will later use to get their gifts too AHAHHAHA YEAHHH
Anywho, ye, just some thoughts I have hehe <33
Literally listened to that bop today so real 😭😭
ANYWAY. Y'all might not now, but Mic here as been helping me in world building for this au 🤭🤭 its gonna be one of the next fics I do, since Mamabel and Werewolf are finished (will be updating today after I finish Mama Isa. And if my wifi will let me <\\\3)
ANYWAY THESE IDEAS?? ARE SO RAD...Triplets being in the spotlight because the grandkids have no gifts, its so sad. But honestly, Alma is just pushing them because she needs to prove that the miracle is ok. Implying that the kids did something. Subtle, but whatever.
Also, the kids are like Mirabel in canon, constantly trying to prove themselves and helping out around town. Meanwhile there's a certain group of villagera who don't even like them. Not all the villagers, but definitely a good chunk. There may or may not be a rather crude mural somewhere in town out of the way. But there :(
But anyway. The kids do have hobbies relating to their gifts! The husbands, feeling guilty, gave the kids presents, gifts to give them something to do since Alma couldn't "assign" them anything (which they were grateful for).
Isabela got some gardening gloves and tools, and is really into gardening and farming, and is always tending to her garden or helping out with the farmers in town. She also tends to all the plants in Casita. Dolores loves to play music, and after Félix gave her first guitar, she was hooked. She has tons of instruments, and actually taught Mirabel to play the accordion; she helps with entertainment, like Camilo. Agustín got Luisa some dumb bells, she actually asked for them. She wanted to strong and still help out, and regulating exercises and mostly helps out with packing and loading or at the quarry.
Camilo was give some costumes and puppies, and he's been into performances and theater since. He also performs for the kids, and plays alongside Dolores often. Mirabel was given new sewing stuff. Instead of Alma teaching her most of what she knew, Agustín helped her, since he knew some, and she kept the fashion and crafts hobby up. She helps repair things around town, and does the occasional clothing repair. Antonio still is finding his hobby, but the grandkids know he really loves animals. They actually suggested Félix get him a pet. So what does he get him? A parrot. Antonio loves that parrot like no other, and he's always around him, trailing behind Luisa.
DESIGNS 🌚🙏🙏 I'll post the family tree later, and maybe draw the triplets because their designs changed but me and Mic are still working in them. But the kids❗❗ Their clothes are very plain and dull, because the seamstress refused to make their clothes any fun. Even Mirabel can only embroider so much, and she rarely has time to do so cause she's so busy helping. But there's some subtle designs <33
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Julieta really did and does mean well in this au, but drastic actions really do cause drastic results in some cases. Her pull those doorknobs was definitely drastic. While the kids are happier and aren't nearly as pressured, they feel inadequate, and like something is missing :(( And then there's vision tablet (that's like over 40 years old 💀), but that's a whole other can of worms.
ANYWAY. AO3 HOPEFULLY LATER MY WIFI IS :((( Also I'll be posting the finished storyboards for the WOOM animatic I'm working on, and then I'll also post the rough video put together with it. SHOUTOUT TO @thefourchimes FOR HELPING ME WITH THIS SHE'S SO COOL <333 should tote check out her aus, they're so cool. ψ(`∇´)ψ
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yingatlas · 8 months
Cuddles For Sin
I was forced to do this by @sinmalssimp
Literally ignored all my other request to write this (I’m cooking I swear guys I just got a bit burnt out)
Sin mal x reader
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Sin Mal feels like the type to act like she wouldn’t care and is above cuddles and lovely dovey stuff but actually loves it once she does gets it
You best believe she is not letting you go anytime soon
If you even try to get up she’ll start whining and kicking up a fuss until you give in and lay back down with her
Sin mal seems like a big spoon to me, like she’s wrap her arms around you and bury her face on the back of your neck
She also likes being small spoon too tho, like feeling your arms wrapped around her as she basks in the warmth gives her a sense of superiority and comfort.
Like yeah suckers I have a partner who’s literally in love with me and wants to hold me ahahhaha (she mostly likes the comfort of knowing she has you by her side by your own choice)
She will bite you
Like just randomly grabs your hand or any body part of yours and just chomps down
Don’t question why she does it she just does, and it’s not like it hurts…. That much
Looks back at you with a big toothy grin after she does before snuggling back into you
A lot of times she’ll end up falling asleep and normally it doesn’t really matter since it’s purpose was to get you two to relax anyways
If you guys have separate rooms she’ll sneak into your room to cuddle with you.
If you two are in the same room with different beds, her bed/your bed are just nonexistent if either of you are on the other
Anyways Sin loves her cuddles just as much as she loves you (and biting you)
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crguang · 19 days
Just woke up and.. And i like how we love kafka but we want her get hurt in fboy!kafka fic AHAHHAHA
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Tbh i love her so much that i made a shrine and be happy when her trailer(ad) pops up in youtube like shes checking up on me🥰🥰😍(delusional)
STOPPPPPPP I WANT THIS IN MY ROOM SO BAD ITS SO CUTE. i was looking at plushies of her just yesterday too… put her in a salad spinner for me next🙏🏾 i always get the jingliu ads omg ive never seen the kafka one id actually forget whatever i was about to watch
listen…. it’s fine if she deserves it and she does😣 she needs a taste of her own medicine and we’ll see how she likes it
also good morning!!! hope u have a great day
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seiya-starsniper · 2 months
This is me "tagging" you in the WIP title ask game because I SHOULD have tagged you in the first place but my brain is Bad™ and I want to harass you about your wips <3 five-and-dimes
@five-and-dimes my beloved 💖💖💖💖
Ahahhaha you're good friend! I am terrible about tagging people in writing games too, and I've also recently been terrible about doing them on time! But here's all the wips I am *intending* to work on...if I can stop playing Don't Starve for more than a few hours 😅
Updating this post to add the snippets I've already posted from the ask game!
Omegaverse forced marriage (Snippets: 1, 2, 3)
hurt/comfort morphienne (Snippets: 1, 2, 3)
you know I love you right - dreamling (Snippets: 1, 2) FULL FIC HERE
Set The Night On Fire Chapter 3/4 (Snippets: 1,)
Hob gets the Corinthian's skull (Snippets: 1, 2)
Corinthienne hurt/comfort
memory loss hurt comfort prompt
untitled corintheus sad boy song fic
No pressure tagging: @two-hands-toward-the-sun @kydrogendragon @im-not-corrupted @samsalami66 @bazzybelle @softest-punk and anyone else who wants to play, consider yourself tagged by me! 😁
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
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elryuse · 1 year
Joy to my World
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"Y/n do you like candies".
"Y-y-yeahh I do, why"?
"I have some candies in my house, do you wanna come over"?
"Huh? I Guess? Ok I'll come there in a sec".
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"This gummy is one of my favorites, You can have it Y/n".
"Try it Y/n come on".
"N-n-noo I'm good".
"Aishh come on... I've saved some just for you".
"Noona what is actually your plan here"?
"What is that supposed to mean".
"Haish... Come here let us talk in my bed room".
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"Sit over here".
"Listen Y/n. I'm trying to 'SAVE' you. All of this other girls are trying to take you away from me. Irene Unnie, Wendy Unnie, and all of that motherfuker".
"J-joy Noona calm down".
"Noo.. I have enough, I'm not gonna be that pure and simple Joy of red velvet".
"I want to be loved Y/n. I'm sick of getting treated like an outcast. All of my members are having a blast, meanwhile I'm here stuck on my own apartment".
"Noona you killed them, We're not even in your apartment".
"You killed Irene and Wendy, by 'STABBING' their stomach 7 times, before burning them up with a gasoline and a lighter".
"What's so funny Noona".
"HAAHHA You're not even Y/n are you"?
"How do you know"?
"Because I already killed him Ahahahaha".
"You're out of your mind Park Sooyoung".
"Ahahaha Ahahhaha I enjoyed watching him suffer as my knife slowly traveled along his tender skin".
"You can't be saved anymore, I'm getting out of this case".
"No your not officer. You're gonna die here in this same room".
"I'mma grab this knife slowly, and I'm gonna fuckin hurt you".
"How do you even got that knife, shit call back up, please help help me".
"Shhhh now now, we're gonna have some fun hehehehe".
"You're a Joy to My World Y/n. You always do ahahaha".
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merakiui · 1 year
dont get me wrong mera— What if…
Vampire yan!azul decide to be present with his darling when the twin successfully convinced him to spend his time with his darling. Azul has to hold his hunger back but his darling say “you can drink my blood if you’re hungry” 👀
sound like a death wish but i would be like that AHAHHAHA IM DOWN BAD FOR HIM
Omg he isn't horny gripping (yet), but instead he is hungry gripping... orz poor Azul. He doesn't want to hurt you, but at the same time your blood smells so delicious. If you offered, how could he possibly refuse?
He might try to object at first just to seem polite, but if you insist that it's okay and that you want him to eat it will be impossible to resist. He wouldn't bite your neck or your wrist because he's too fearful of sinking his teeth so deeply that he tears an artery in your neck or rips into the thin skin on your wrist. He might choose to drink from your thigh instead (since the flesh is naturally thicker there) and he won't risk hurting you too much. It will be like the needle from a shot: a mere pinprick of pain and then it's over.
Azul offers his cold, pale hand to you, telling you to squeeze it if you feel uncomfortable or dizzy, and he will immediately stop. Your hand is always so warm in his. He loves holding it, and his fingers wrap carefully around yours. He'll run his tongue along the patch of flesh on your thigh to moisten it before he, to the best of his ability, sinks his pointed fangs in as gently as possible. He has to force himself to drink only half of his fill because he doesn't want to become too absorbed in the addictive taste of your blood and end up draining your life alongside your precious blood. That would be most unfortunate. If such a thing happened, you would become part of his taxidermy menagerie, and it would pain him greatly to see you there each and every day.
Thankfully, he's just barely able to exercise enough restraint to pull away before you can squeeze his hand, running his tongue along the corners of his lips to gather the rest of the blood that's smeared there. There's a certain predatory glint in his eye that's quick to vanish when he looks at you, now suddenly flustered and shy. He's never fed from a human before, so he tries to thank you sincerely but his phrasing is awkward and he looks so stiff when he stands at his full height. He's oddly cute in that moment. You reach for his face and gently wipe the blood from his chin, smiling as you do so.
Azul watches you carefully, eyes blown wide. He thinks he's just fallen in love.
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asmodelizt · 5 months
And then we get a wholesome scene 🥰🥰
Legitimately can't keep their hands off each other. Goodness, I'm so jealous.
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sweeethinny · 2 years
christmas 1996
This fanfic goes to @startanewdreamam , who always listens to my crazy ideas, and who wrote another one of the thousand prompts I send her ahahhaha as quoted her fanfic, ''He lowers his head to look at Harry, noting absently that in one or two years he won’t need to do this anymore; soon Harry will be his height.'', so here's when James no longer needed to look down to talk to Harry <3
James doesn't know when this happened, in fact he doesn't even remember the last time he needed to look down.
Harry grew up too fast.
He looked at his son getting off the train on Christmas 1996, taller than he remembers leaving him in September, somehow looking more grumpy, hair a little less messy than when he was a kid, arms tanned even though it was winter – thank for his Greek ancestry through James’s mother – and if his eyesight isn't deteriorating, Harry seems to have started growing a beard.
Since when does his boy, his little boy, have a beard?
''Hello,'' he says when he finds him, smiling (thankfully, still like when he was a kid and didn't mind giving his parents hugs) and quickly accepting James’s displays of affection, then handing the bags over to his father to carry. ''The journey seems to have been a lot more tiring than usual,'' Harry cracks his neck, and James notices how his voice fluctuates between low and high.
''Maybe you were just looking forward to getting home,'' James joked, ruffling his son's hair, sadly realizing that Harry is now his height, and messing up his hair is like messing up his own. ''Want me to dress up as Santa this year?''
''I'll save that for next year maybe,'' The boy smiled, shrugging his shoulders. ''Where's Mum?''
''Working on paperwork, she needed to finish by tomorrow, but in order not to be in the office on your first day of vacation, she's doing her best to deliver today,'' James said, seeing Harry nod. ''So, how have the months been so far? No suicidal adventures yet?''
''I'm doing good,'' Harry blinked, a sly grin on his face. ''Are we going to the Weasley house this Christmas?'' There's a pink in his cheeks, something simple and almost unnoticed by James, but then he watches his son bite the inside of his cheek and wonders what's wrong.
''I don't know, Molly didn't tell us anything. Maybe we'll do something over at our house and we can invite them over, or just stay as a family,'' James hadn't even thought about that. ''Something happened? Did you and Ron fight?'' The two cross platform 9 ¾ and join the muggles, walking to where their car was parked.
His 1966 Ferrari was almost as flashy on Muggle streets as if it were flying through the skies, and Merlin forgave him, but James loved all the attention he got.
''No,'' Harry grimaced, putting the suitcase inside the car that was magically made to be much more spacious. ''I just want to know,'' He shrugged, trying to disguise something James still didn't understand.
His son pushed the passenger seat further back, as his legs were now longer and took up more space than Lily's little ones. James looked at it almost sadly.
He understood now the sadness mixed with happiness his parents had watching him grow up, it was a reminder that just as Harry had already lived 16 years of his life, James had lived 36. It was watching two types of aging at the same time.
''You look beautiful,'' It didn't hurt to remind him, and he smiled at his son, taking advantage of the moment alone to shower him with kisses without worrying about complaints. ''You grow up,''
''Hermione said that too... Apparently now the girls want to go out with me,'' James chuckled, at the same time he was amused, his chest hurt. He wanted a child in his arms again.
“Anyone in particular this year?” James started the car, getting out of there and taking the less-traveled route he always took, so he could fly the car without any trouble from muggles nearby.
''Nah,'' But James saw his son blush, looking out the window with intense attention. ''Nobody new.''
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watercubebee · 1 year
I did got the flu BUT good thing is, today I twisted my neck so I gotta rest ahahhaha two birds one stone
Well, not like twisted TWISTED, more like when I was stretching one muscle did it wrong now it hurts
But at least im resting.... Kcnskkckslckldsl
Also, thank you tons for the people wishing me the best health (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽ pals u are the best 🖤🖤
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Hi! I love your posts, and I loved your most recent Malleus post 😭💕!! Reading through Chapter 4 of the Masquerade event also gave me Malleus thoughts, and maybe I'm reading into it too much but I do wonder if Malleus ever feels upset when his powers are described as destructive/monstrous :( Cause in this event iirc there has been instances of characters calling him/his powers monstrous and after that he goes like >:( or :(. But earlier when talking to Rollo he considers his magic to be something like a gift? So to have that be described negatively by others is kinda sad haha but it's also true that his powers can be destructive (as shown in the event).
I also agree on your point regarding what gargoyles mean to him!! I was so happy to see the gargoyle interacting with him 😭 It also made me ultra sad when the gargoyle lost its magic to the flowers cause the gargoyle befriending him probably meant a lot to him. The idea of an eternal friend probably means a lot to someone like Malleus 😭 and I also loved seeing Malleus powerless!! Most people saw him as invincible, so it's nice to see his weaknesses for once haha like him relying too much on his strength and failing to consider the consequences (eg Azul pointing out that if Malleus used his powers like he intended to the tower might collapse)
Anyways sorry for the long ask but I loved reading your thoughts! Have a good day :)
[Reply to this post and this post!]
UWAAHHHH HIIII ;U; I DIDN'T ANSWER RIGHT AWAY BECAUSE I LOVED YOUR ASK TOO MUCH AND I DIDN'T WANT TO GIVE A HALF ASSED RESPONSE ;A; but chapter 7 is coming and I need to at least grace this ask with my gratitude before Malleus comes in.
!!! First of all, I love that point you make about Malleus feeling upset for being called destructive. The game always had that narrative of Malleus being all-powerful, and it wasn't until GloMas that he was always seated on that pedestal. Even then, when the flowers sapped him of his energy, almost everyone continued to view his power as something so great, something so destructive.
It really surprised me how much I fell in love with Malleus saying to Rollo that he thinks his magic is a gift. Like ;u; that's now in my top 5 favorite Twst quotes. We've always been told Malleus is powerful, Malleus is untouchable. And when he does talk sometimes. The way he talked about his inhuman athletic ability to Riddle in his Union story and says that he doesn't really need an island companion to help him. I think that's a prime example of that arrogance (although he may have thought he stated it as fact, he didn't consider the social connotation). So when Malleus talked about his magic like a gift that he wants to share with the people that he cares about, it really touched me? 😭😭😭 It was such a humble response. It wasn't like, "No, I like magic because I feel powerful with it." No, he acknowledges his power, he knows about his power... but he considers it a gift, and he wants it to be a gift that he doesn't use to show off but a gift that he wants to share to those he holds dear to. It's one of the most beautiful allusions to a Disney media (the 3 fairies and their gifts to Aurora) and it was just so touching. 😭 And we have to take note that 1 in 10 people are mages (according to the Twisted Wonderland light novel), so being born with magic truly is a gift. And with such a statistic, mages would unsurprisingly be arrogant about having such a power. NRC people in particular are very individualistic and prideful and part of that comes with the power. But Malleus' view on his magic is pretty humble, and it's endearing. And not only is it humble, you can see that he values his gift. And to be told that the thing you value is destructive? That hurts.
Oh yes the gargoyles AHAHHAHA it's so juicy to think about someone's favorite hobby or favorite things and wonder why it is their favorite. Sometimes, there's just no rhyme or reason, and other times, there's a deeper story behind it that you don't know. I like that you point out the part about Malleus relying too much on his strength and not knowing the consequences. It really does come with being viewed as powerful ;A; when everyone's counting on you, you always tell yourself you have to deliver. It's such a heavy burden for him to carry, and the interesting part is that Malleus isn't aware that he's carrying something heavy on his shoulders. True, he's carrying the weight of a future crown, but he doesn't realize the pressure of not only being a crown prince but also a powerful mage. He pushes himself to be the person people expect, without thinking that he needs to take care of himself. Quite literally, he's going through the gifted child phase and sooner or later, he might go through the gifted child burnout.
In a way, I want him to go through what live action Maleficent went through: her wings being cut. Her wings were her pride and joy, it was a show of her power. And I want Malleus to be brought down, to learn and grow from being on the ground, before he gets his "wings" back and soars to become an even better person fit to rule Briar Valley.
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shootos-blog · 10 months
that 3 am motivation is something else ahahhaha
aahhaa im literally a person who went "starting a blog would be weirdly fun :- )" one night and then fell asleep because i literally cannot stay up late, even if my life depended on it. I went *sNooork mimimimii sNORK mieiemei* 2 seconds after that thought... I guess i should tell you who i am first before i tell you more embarrassing stuff about me.
mY REAL name is "???" but my nickname is "shooto" (pronounced: shoo-two). I have almost 20 different nicknames,,,, but the thing is..., im not even popular or anything. People just listen to my name once and go "tHaT'S tOo hARd To rEmEmBEr uGHhHHGgGGh". (like,,, okay bro). One of my nicknames is literally "roach"... FLIPTY FLOPATY "ROACH"??. Life's hard when people are stupid :- ( <----- (someone should quote that ahahahahu2e97) also i dont know if you can tell by now but for me grammar and proper english is something that i find WAY TOO TIME CONSUMING (well, on a laptop) *thumbs down emoji*
anywayssss, im the type of person who screams (because they're happy) when it rains. BUT HEAR ME OUT, rain + autumn + gilmore girls + iCED COFFE AAAAAA + PINTEREST MY BABYYYYY = best combo in the history of combos. i wont go out of my way to fist fight or 1v1 you if you disagree BUT i will automatically go "they're either a boy (because real men would've agreed) or someone who doesnt find happiness in the small things >:- (" in my mind. (not out loud because i dont want tO hurt your feelings).
But im also VERY weird ahha. like for starters, i got those tiny plastic babies (a yellow one and a blue one) and i PAINTED THEM AHHAHA. i made the blue one into PAPA SMURF BAHAHAHA,,, AND THE YELLOW ONE IS A MINION NDIHBICSDFH#@&%$ people were very weirded out but i dont really care as long as it makes me go "aAHAHAHHA" i'll show pics of them if i get 4 comments💪🔥
anyways uhhhhh i'll talk more in another post because like,, yEah
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dionysus2xborn · 11 months
LOVE when a song I already like for another ship works even better for another. Thinking Henry/Richard/Francis feels and thoughts. Def adding this to the fic (i had it in mind when writing parts of the "I love you, though you hurt me so." if ya couldn't already tell.) I swear the "his hand, his hands" loops in my head when writing ahahhaha
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