#this img has............. auras
clownkillsyou · 2 years
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there is something wrong with me why did i almost lose my shit looking at this its literally nothing
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cainwhowanders · 7 months
Knight of Hope
How their powers would manifest~ A knight of Hope always has an aura of pure joy around them, especially when they are excited. They are easy to be around and to get along with. The aura can leave users feeling simply overjoyed but whenever the knight leaves their presence the hope fades off.
The Hope aspect is for those who have a big imagination and even bigger dreams. The knight can utilize this and use his creativity to think up endless ideas of what could be needed for the situation. The user can manifest these ideas of pure creativity into physical items. Tier 4-5: Items are of the SMALL variety, only being able to fit in the palm of the hand and being the length of the arm. The Knight has to succeed a 15+ roll with their IMG modifier. Broken items are able to be fixed with ease (10+ IMG roll).
Tier 6-7: Items of the SMALL variety can be made with ease (10+ roll img modifier), MEDIUM items about the size of the knight themself can be made with MODERATE DIFFICULTY 15+ roll with IMG modifier, LARGE items can be manifested with EXTREME DIFFICULTY (17+ with IMG modifier.
Tier 8-9: Items of SMALL and MEDIUM variety can be manifested with ease, LARGE items can be manifested with MODERATE DIFFICULTY (15+ roll), GIGANTIC items can be made with IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY (20+). Tier 10-11: Items of SMALL, MEDIUM, AND LARGE can be manifested with ease. GIGANTIC items can be manifested with EXTREME DIFFICULTY (17+ IMG roll).
Tier 12+: All items can be manifested with ease (10+ IMG roll)
Harness your HopesThe Knight will physically harness his aspect and turn it into a weapon of his choice, whether that be a literal weapon, or a white hot beam of pure hope is up to the user’s imagination. 
Tier 5-6: The knight can summon one weapon at a time, this is very draining and can be done once every ten turns.
Tier 7-9: The knight can summon one weapon with ease and very little drain. The knight can now summon multiple at one time (One weapon every two turns) or if they summon multiple it is the number of items x2 turns before they can summon another weapon.
Tier 10+: Can summon multiple at a time with ease.
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satjsw · 2 years
sun 29th jan, 2023
guys i am literally in shock. everything i have ever wanted has manifested!! ofc it has. i am so obviously the creator of my reality. i adore myself and i adore my life. life is so good to me. i am so blessed. i am so amazing. i am a wonderful person. i am peaceful, i am serene, i am gorgeous, i shine, i thrive, i smile. i am so grateful. gratitude and peace are my natural states of being. thank you thank you thank you!! i love living in the end, i love living in the state of the wish fulfilled. ofc im the one who has it all. ofc im the one who gets everything that they want. life is on easy mode for me. i look like a supermodel, i have the most jaw dropping body, i look amazing in my school uniform, i have everyone staring at me because of my beauty. i receive compliments every day, miracles rain down on me, everyone wants to be my friend and everyone loves me and is obsessed with me. i am a master manifestor, manifesting is too easy for me, i get what i want because i say so, i get it immediately because i live in the state of the wish fulfilled. i am the biggest celebrity in the world, i am signed with IMG models, i am the most adored celebrity in the world, i am the world's highest paid actor, i am the world's highest paid supermodel, i am the world's highest paid media personality, i have hundreds of millions of adoring fans. every celebrity wants to be my friend, i am an A list celeb, i am sought after, i am desired, i am everyone's favourite person. i am dating the love of my life, he is the most attractive person i've ever seen in my entire life and all my friends are obsessed with our love. he is obsessed w me, he buys me everything on my wishlist, he takes me on luxury holidays all around the world and pays for everything, he is protective of me and dominant, he is my favourite person, he is poetic and artistic and always finds heartwarming ways to express his love. loving him feels so natural and perfect, the honeymoon period never ended. he is my soulmate. i am so fulfilled, everything is falling into place for me. it always has and always will. i am divinely guided and connected. i have a glowing magical aura, being around me is like a drug and everyone craves it. i love the way i look, i love my perfect face and i love my dreamy body. i look etheral, i am too good to be of this earth, i am literal perfection. i get love confessions from all the hottest boys i know, it's just part of my daily routine at this point. i am flown around the world and paid millions to attend fashion shows, give interviews to the worlds biggest magazines and do photoshoots. i am every casting directors first choice for every big role, i am constantly nominated for oscar awards and everyone wants me to attend their events. if i attend an event then everyone else wants to be there. i am the one. i am chosen. i allow, i accept, i welcome. i am grateful for my amazing life. i loved being on the cover of vogue, i love being in Netflix's biggest show of the year and being the worlds highest paid celebrity. i love being sent thousands of scripts and roles every day, i love only being offered the best roles and the best oppurtunites in the world. i love being a legend, i love having perfect self concept, i love being on my highest timeline, i love only holding positive beliefs about myself.
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metellastella · 3 years
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Day 3 of @atlagenweek2021 was Unexpected Ally and/or Found Family. In my fic, WMTE, Ty Lee eagerly joins the Gaang as an ally for reasons mentioned above, but season 2 Zuko needs some more convincing.
Outfits are drawn to emphasize the visual similarities between the designs of these two. ^_^
If you need preliminary evidence that my fic is the ultimate Found Family, look no further than the tags:
The Gaang is very much found family for Ty, but Aang struggles, at least with Iroh.
[IMG ID: Ty Lee says to Aang, “All your auras are so bright and pretty!!” He says, “Aw shucks.” Iroh, drawn in the style of the School Time Shipping animated short, comments, “Good is easier to see for some ... and SOME must be conked over the head with it.” He swings a club to literally hit Zuko over the head. Zuko goes, “OWWW, UNCLE!” To the right, the words “Incorrect Quotes from What Meets the Eye” appear, along with my M.S. signature, which looks like Sigma Infinity.]
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kaminobiwan · 4 years
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x ambassador!reader
summary: After a hard day of politicking, you find solace in the presence of your temporary bodyguard.
a/n: Whipped this one up real quick on the road! It’s short and sweet, and I really didn’t have to go that deep into the plot, but I actually quite liked doing the research :-) this was also a request from @aty-cgca7 for some stress-relief and Obi-Wan a couple milestones ago...I hope you like it, Chasity! Here’s my taglist!
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“Karking — animals!”
Obi-Wan regards you with a mixture of trepidation and reverence, fisting his hands at his sides as you storm into your flat. You’ve been ranting about the usual CSA lawyers that had put a crimp in your day, constantly undermining your work to forge a stronger — and less corrupt — relationship with the Republic.
He’s only known you for a couple weeks, but you’re fiery, determined in every sense of the word. Most Galactic senators would cower in intimidation from your capable aura, but lucky for them, Cantonica — just like the rest of the star systems under the fiefdom of the Corporate Sector Authority — was an independent system, and your involvement as an ambassador only saw time in the Senate chamber for lobbyist proceedings. Unlucky for them, however, you’d just been appointed to the Galactic Corporate Policy League, and your position with the public interest group meant you’d be staying on Coruscant for an indefinite amount of time.
And luckiest of all, Obi-Wan had been assigned to your security detail, following a second attempt on your life after the first failed assassination that had introduced the two of you in the first place. Undoubtedly thanks to your recent and untarnished surge to prominence.
Many politicians hadn’t batted an eye at your steady career growth, dismissing you as another pretty face that had risen to power thanks to family connections — and though you did have the legacy of your mother’s father on your side, Obi-Wan knew that it was all you at the root of it. Your hardworking spirit had shown itself quite early when he’d witnessed you earn a spot on the policy group, seemingly playing along with the interests of the cabal, then revealing yourself to be opposed to the exploitative initiatives the CSA had hoped to pass under the willful ignorance of dirty representatives. Obi-Wan had nearly laughed aloud at the reactions of the lobbyists when you’d blocked the unanimous vote needed for a rollback of government restrictions on mining and child labour. More than that, he’d been impressed — you’d shown extreme patience and resilience in keeping your cards to your chest.
And patience, if anything, was Obi-Wan’s most well-known trait. Right after negotiation and dashing good looks.
Today, though, that patience of yours seemed to have worn thin at the hands of the plutocratic attorney generals that had managed to get a large and hardly-legal mining project on your homeworld approved, despite the objections from you and several others. Once the decision was finalized, you’d gathered your things, not bothering to keep the scowl off your face, and headed straight home, leaving Obi-Wan little choice but to follow you inside until the Coruscant Guard that was scheduled to stand post outside your door arrived.
“The second I bring up evidence of treaty violations or unlawful encroachment into other territories, they threaten to cut off our trade routes! I mean, the nerve of them, to toy with the fate of an entire planet like that!”
Obi-Wan’s brows knit together in confusion. “Surely that’s not within their power. Doesn’t Cantonica have agency over its political affiliation?” It’s normal for him to chime in on your thinking-out-loud, your knowledge on the Outer Rim surpassing his own, though on more than one occasion he’s assisted you in cracking a difficult case — but he’s trying to be careful not to press any more buttons than have already been pushed today.
A wry scoff escapes you, grim resignation overtaking your expression. “The entire Corporate Sector is governed by corporations, not the people. Our autonomy is really just for show.” You march to the kitchenette, predictably looking for the same tea you always brew after a challenging session, he’d come to notice. “Even if there were enough citizens that wanted to secede, which there isn’t, the Authority has too much power over our economy. As much as I hate to admit it, without the casinos and racetracks, Cantonica would be bankrupt.” As you nudge more leaves than usual into the steeper, Obi-Wan catches a glimpse of the nearly-empty pouch. Maybe he’d be able to make a stop at the market on his way home.
His thoughts are interrupted by the sudden shattering of your teacup on the floor, a sharp curse leaving your lips.
Your hands are shaking.
In a flash, Obi-Wan jumps to action, ushering you away from the mess of shards and herbs. “Here, let me.”
You let him guide you to take a seat and sit back as he easily guides the scattered fragments into the wastebin by way of the Force, almost no trace of the accident on the durasteel. He turns to you with a pleased smile, but it drops when he notices you.
Your head is buried in your hands, and although he doesn’t think you’re crying behind your fingers, the stress is evident in your weary frame.
He calls your name in question, approaching hesitantly. “Are you alright?”
You drop your arms to show your features, but they’re creased in frustration as you rub your temples. “I’m fine. It’s just a headache.”
Obi-Wan drags a chair to sit beside you, craning down to meet you at eye level. “You know, it’s perfectly normal to need a break every now and then. You’ve had a long day.” You give a little shake of your head in response. “Trust me, no one is immune to their own humanity. I’m sure I’d have figured it out by now.”
His characteristic banter earns a small quirk of your lips, and he grins as you meet his gaze with a snort. “I don’t know how you do it.” You gesture to him vaguely. “I‘ve no doubt I’d crumble under the pressure of your responsibility.”
“I could say the same about myself in your shoes,” he counters, just as serious. “If I’m being honest, these assignments with you are a bit of a respite in the midst of an intergalactic war.” It’s true, the way he no longer feels antsy at being handed protection duty. It doesn’t feel like being sidelined anymore, not when your presence is as as exhilarating and rousing as battle can be. Though, you’re definitely much more inviting.
The look you give him is agreeable, but still earnest in intent. “Then you’ll be happy to know that I enjoy your company just as much.”
In a second, however, the weariness returns, and your contented demeanor from the exchange evaporates before Obi-Wan’s eyes.
Before he can stop himself, he lays a hand on your shoulder, squeezing in reassurance and hoping it conveys everything he wishes he could say. You lay your own hand on top of his, thumb caressing his knuckles absently. It’s as if you’re a droid, robotic and barely mentally present. Obi-Wan frowns.
Attachments may be forbidden for his kind, but the Jedi Code encourages compassion. Demands it, in fact.
That, at least, is something he can allow himself towards you.
His hand snakes carefully behind your head, leading you to his chest slowly enough that you’d be able to escape him if you wanted to. But you don’t, and his arms encircle you fully as he accepts your body as it moulds into his comforting embrace. Another pair of arms tighten around him, and he feels you release a strong exhale in appreciation, limbs loosening. Your face is nestled against his armor, but Obi-Wan can feel your forehead touching the exposed skin of his neck. He forces himself to swallow down the lump in his throat.
After an eternity that passes in seconds, you extract yourself from his hold with a last smoothing of fingers over the hairs at the nape of his neck, and Obi-Wan holds strong against the urge to lean into your touch. Still, he feels pleasantly warm, and his stomach has a peculiar fuzzy sensation.
“Thank you, General Kenobi.” In an instant, you’re back, perfect and poised like how he knows you to be. Not without the remnants of the day weighing on you, but now there’s a gentler light in your eyes when he searches them. “You’ve helped me more than you can imagine.”
He nods, plastering a composed look on his face. But really, his inside are turning with the imprint of your body upon his. “Anytime, Ambassador.”
A beat passes, and after a moment of barely disguised contemplation, you reach up, cupping his cheek in one hand as you lean up to place a chaste kiss on the other. Obi-Wan freezes in his place, staring after you as you smile at him gratefully before getting up and disappearing into your bedroom.
He doesn’t realize you’ve left a lip print until he’s back in his quarters at the Temple. No wonder why Mace had smirked at him curiously in the hall.
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getallemeralds · 7 years
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dark sonic is 60 kinds of edgy and i love her
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wedreamedlove · 5 years
Official CN Character Profiles
Brought over from Reddit. This contains massive spoilers about the characters up to Chapter 18 (and a bit more).
Papergames released four official character books and a separate bonus one that goes on about the other organizations and minor characters. On the sites that are selling them, some of them have attached more previews of the contents, aka. the profiles of the men.
Chinese players did god's work and transcribed the profiles, so I've translated them.
Interestingly, it looks like the English server names really are their official English names now. No comment on Kiro's name but that's because "L" is tricky in Asian languages.
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[NAME] 李泽言 (Li Zeyan) / Victor [AGE] 28 years old [HEIGHT] 183 cm [BIRTHDATE] January 13 [HOROSCOPE] Capricorn [BLOOD TYPE] A [OCCUPATION] CEO of Huarui (LFG in English) [EVOL] Time Manipulation [VOICE ACTOR] 吴磊 (Wu Lei)
Li Zeyan is the president of the Huarui Group. His personality is decisive and overbearing and his aura can fill a room. In university, he set out to start his own business and within a short 8 years he created a legend in the financial world --- the Huarui business group. Although Li Zeyan is young, he possesses an outstanding business acumen and an ability to carry things out. He is a "capitalist" who is strict and serious towards people and things. However, this sort of man also has a secret identity which reveals a hidden side of his character, which is being the manager and chef of the restaurant Souvenir.
[ABOUT HIM] Only ever talking about rules and regulations, not discussing emotions, and having a crushing decisiveness is Li Zeyan's calling card. He is not a kind philanthropist and he won't waste time or money on meaningless things; his company's interests will always be the focus of his considerations. He is like a lion, born with an emperor's aura, and keeping a foothold at the peak of the world with majesty and dominance.
Li Zeyan has a cold and indifferent outward appearance, but underneath is a soft heart. He is kind and it's his habit to help out a weak person or animal in passing. However, he knows the principle of survival of the fittest better than anyone and so he doesn't choose to help at all times. From the start, he has never been a savior and just tries his best to help the "weak" become "strong".
Li Zeyan's hidden identity is the manager and chef of the restaurant, Souvenir. This is a special restaurant and its business policies are very much in Li Zeyan's style; the food is delicious, but he only serves the people he wishes to serve, and almost no one knows that the odd manager of the restaurant Souvenir and the CEO of Huarui are actually the same person.
[ABOUT THE MEANING OF HIS NAME] At the time of his birth, his mother felt he was the most precious treasure bestowed by the heavens and wished for her own child to be blessed(1). Meanwhile, his father had high expectations for this child and hoped for him to be someone temperate in word and actions(2). In the end, they joined these two beautiful wishes and hopes into one name --- Zeyan.
(1) The word 恩泽 (en ze) is hard to translate but it's basically favor bestowed from a higher being to a lower being (ruler to their officials, nature to humans, etc).
(2) The phrase is 谨言慎行 (jin yan shenxing), which is to be cautious in words and deeds. I chose to translate it as temperate, but it's like being deliberate and knowing right and wrong in your words and actions.
[ABOUT HIS FAMILY] Li Zeyan was born into a happy family. His father was calm and dignified, his mother was lively and romantic, and this let Li Zeyan have a blessed childhood. His mother was a university professor and once went to study abroad in France. When Li Zeyan was 14 years old, she passed away due to an illness and Li Zeyan, who misses her dearly, will sometimes call to talk to his mother up in heaven; he also inherited a romantic and art-loving side from her.
Top1: Work. He is worthy of being first place with respect to this. When he is in a bad mood, he will also use work to dispel his negative mood.
Top2: Cooking. He is an expert in French cuisine, and one of the dishes he prefers is beef stewed in red wine. Marseille seafood soup, and Burgundy grilled snails.
Top3: Art. In his leisure time, he will go to art exhibitions or listen to classical music.
[ABOUT HIS SECRETS] When he was a child, his father adopted a panda in his name at the Lian Yu (Loveland) Zoo; its name was Yan Yan.
When he is anxious, he will choose to look at the nightscape of the city from a high location.
His regular routine is to sleep at 10PM and get up at 4AM to jog. Surprisingly, he's very popular with cats.
His house is decorated with a very expensive piano, but he's not that good at playing it.
"Evaluation? Can I rate my boss? If I have to say something -- he has a first-class business acumen, is incomparably wise, and is a bold leader. I often feel like the disparity between me and him is as wide as the Amazon River! (Can I get a bonus at the end of the year?)" --- Wei Qian (Goldman in English)
"The manager is a very interesting person. Regardless of how other people see him, the young man I am familiar with is someone who hums songs while peeling shrimp, who will stare entranced at the dessert on the verge of being done in the oven, and, when there is no business in the restaurant, he will open a bottle of red wine and eat and talk with me like an ordinary person." --- Mr. Cai (Mr. Mills in English)
"I say, our Li Zeyan is good everywhere, but the only one bad thing is that he's already 28 years old this year, but he still thinks about work all the time. How can this be?" --- Li Zeyan's Aunt
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[NAME] 许墨 (Xu Mo) / Lucien [AGE] 26 [HEIGHT] 180 cm [BIRTHDATE] November 15 [HOROSCOPE] Scorpio [BLOOD TYPE] AB [OCCUPATION] Neurologist / Guest Professor at the Lian Yu University (Loveland University) [EVOL] Copy [VOICE ACTOR] 夏磊 (Xia Lei)
Xu Mo is a well-educated, talented, and quiet young professor. Outwardly, he is the leading scientist in the field of neurology and extremely persistent with scientific studies, but in fact he hides unknown secrets. Although he is gentle towards people, he makes people feel that there is a sense of distance, and it is difficult to really enter his inner world.
[ABOUT HIM] In the eyes of the public, Xu Mo is a young and remarkable neurologist and a guest professor at Lian Yu University. He is serious and persistent towards his scientific research, which is how he's obtained extraordinary achievements. At 26 years old, he has already obtained achievements that most people wouldn't get in a lifetime. There is no other word better to describe him than "genius".
The progress of science is often accompanied by many failed experiments, and towards those failed experiments Xu Mo will feel regret. But at the same time he believes that it is a kind of honor to contribute to a better future for humankind. Under his elegant and gentle face, there hides an inexplicable dark side which is the most deadliest poison.
Xu Mo grew up in a happy family of intellectuals. He was called a genius from birth, but on his 7th birthday his whole family met with a car accident and only he survived. Members of Black Swan saved the dying Xu Mo and ever since then Xu Mo is a member of Black Swan. After coming back from studying abroad, he returned anew to the organization with the code name Ares, and participated in the secret genetic modification project.
[ABOUT THE MEANING OF HIS NAME] Too much time has passed and Xu Mo has almost already forgotten his original name. The "Mo(1)" in his name was once his mother's favorite word. This word represents pen and ink, a literary family, and the black and white world in his eyes.
(1) The word is 墨 (mo) which means ink.
[ABOUT HIS FAMILY] Xu Mo was born from a scholarly family. His parents were highly talented and leading researchers, but their personalities were easygoing and, although their work kept them very busy, they did not neglect caring for Xu Mo. Before the car accident they were a very happy and ordinary family.
Top1: People Watching. He has a curiosity towards new things and occasionally, for the sake of observing humans, he will do some amazing things that do not suit his usual image, such as watching animations.
Top2: Films. He likes to study European classics and some old movies, and he often goes to see movies late at night.
Top3: Drawing. He once used to like drawing, but he's not very good at it. He can only draw very realistic sketches and has no creativity.
[ABOUT HIS SECRETS] His world is black and white and only by your side can he see colors.
He has a memory that doesn't forget anything he's looked over, is good at logic and observation, and is a "God" in the Werewolf game(2).
(2) I believe in English it's more commonly known as the Mafia game.
His sense of taste isn't too sensitive, but it's not completely absent either.
In his circle of friends, there is only one person who he replies to. Sometimes he drives a black SUV but he much prefers walking home from the lab.
"Little Xu, ah, he's an especially outstanding young man. It's rare to encounter or even meet a scientist who researches with such intensity, not to mention he's so easy to get along with. There's a lot of young ladies who like him in the institute, but it seems like he has no thoughts towards this at all." --- The Dean (of the University)
"Xu Mo? We've only seen one side, but he looks a lot like the small boy I knew when I was young, but Xu Mo's attitude is much more modest. If that boy is still alive, I hope he's living like someone as likable as Xu Mo." --- Fan Zihang
"We're similar and he's the only one worthy of being my opponent, although he's becoming more and more disappointing. If we were to cooperate, we would definitely be able to control this world!" --- Hades
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[NAME] 白起 (Bai Qi) / Gavin [AGE] 24 [HEIGHT] 181 cm [BIRTHDATE] July 29 [HOROSCOPE] Leo [BLOOD TYPE] B [OCCUPATION] Evol Agent [EVOL] Wind Control [VOICE ACTOR] 张杰 (Zhang Jie)
Bai Qi is an Evol agent, who recently took the initiative to be transferred to the Lian Yu (Loveland) police bureau. Acting as a special officer, he conceals his true purposes and actions. Although his personality is rebellious, stubborn, and intractable but he has his own principles of doing things. This sort of personality constantly gives others a dangerous feeling, so that it is hard for people who have just met him to see him as an Evol agent.
[ABOUT HIM] Bai Qi is a brave and decisive man, and also filled with an utterly fearless and adventurous spirit. Rather than using words, he is more inclined to using actions to express his heart. He is like a wolf, seeming to be alone, dangerous, and he walks through the world doing things his own way. But when he sets his mind on someone or something, he becomes extremely steadfast and loyal, and that will never be easily shaken.
Bai Qi has many informant friends that belong in the gray zone, and he often breaks what's known as the rules of convention. He uses methods that don't look so "just" to achieve his goals. Because of this, there's many people who can't understand him and feel that his actions are inappropriate. Towards all these misunderstandings, Bai Qi doesn't bother to explain and doesn't care. Even if no one understands, he will use his own ways to protect his convictions.
Before he came to the police bureau, Bai Qi had been in the special forces for four years. There, he was tempered to become strong and sharp, and he became a person who could control everything in any dangerous situation. His joining of the special forces symbolizes the difference of his justice compared to his father. He will not give up on someone for any reason. If a sacrifice is necessary, then he will choose to face it alone.
[ABOUT THE MEANING OF HIS NAME] Before the child was born, the Bai family's study was lit up all night long. No one knows what hopes that strict man there once had for his first child. He named his child "Bai Qi" in the hopes that he would be like the Warring States general, Bai Qi, brave and bold and triumphing in every battle.
[ABOUT HIS FAMILY] There were expectations given with Bai Qi's birth, and his father was extremely strict on him. When he was young, and after he was identified as being an ordinary person with no Evol, he was thought of to be a "pointless waste" and was met with extreme indifference. But at that time, he had a gentle mother. His mother loved him dearly but died when he was 15 years old because of a large fire. Bai Qi also has a younger brother and their relationship was very good when they were young, but after their mother died the relationship between the brothers became poor.
Top1: Going for a spin on "Lil' Black". He enjoys the speed and passion of freedom at the edge of the city at night.
Top2: Astronomy. He likes the stars, and once did some research on them. He also really enjoys soaring through the night sky, the feeling of looking up at the stars, and Jupiter.
Top3: Boxing. Bai Qi's secret place is a boxing gym. He's great at all sports, but he likes boxing the most.
[ABOUT HIS SECRETS] He loves to eat beef noodles, spicy things, and normally he eats takeaway or instant noodles; he's not particularly obsessed with delicious food.
He used to like playing single-player fighting games, but recently he hasn't played much.
He doesn't like to wear suits, and even if he has to wear one then he can't properly tie a necktie.
He likes science fiction and magazines with pictures like the National Geographic.
Either he doesn't sleep at night, or he sleeps very early.
"Our boss? Then of course he's someone who can move heaven and earth, omnipotent, a one man army, triumphant in every battle... Sorry, I've omitted 500 words of objective compliments for my bro, Bai Qi, but basically he's the person I admire the most!" --- Hanye (Minor)
"He's a trustworthy comrade and the only person in the special forces who I can completely entrust my back with. It's not because he once saved me in the past, but because he's just this sort of trustworthy man." --- Guzheng (Eli)
"Bai Qi is excellent and one day he will be the "sharp blade" of the special forces. The only pity is that he is too attached to the justice in his own heart, and he's blinded his own eyes. But at the same time I am looking forward to what road his convictions will take him to." --- Commander Lianji (Leto? I believe in English)
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[NAME] 周棋洛 (Zhou Qiluo) / Kilo / Kiro [AGE] 22 [HEIGHT] 176 cm [BIRTHDATE] April 9 [HOROSCOPE] Aries [BLOOD TYPE] O [OCCUPATION] Superstar [EVOL] Absolute Charm / Absolute Control [VOICE ACTOR] 边江 (Bian Jiang)
Zhou Qiluo is an idol who shines like the sun. He was born a child star and it cost him a lot(1) to become a superstar. But he never thought about giving up and he is very strict on the demands for himself and is a perfectionist. Although outwardly he looks like a big kid, the maturity in his heart is not small. In addition to his occupation as a star and performer, he also has multiple identities and a secret goal.
(1) This is a bit vague, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean money. I think it means that it took a lot of effort and things had to be sacrificed for him to become a superstar.
[ABOUT HIM] A cheerful sunlight, extraordinary charm, and an open sincerity. These are the labels for the idol, Zhou Qiluo. An idol's work is very busy, but he never once complains; he just tries to show his best side to the audience. This young superstar understands clearly the ways of the world and the dark side of reality, but he always walks on the path towards the light.
Zhou Qiluo likes an ordinary and everyday life, so he often dresses up in a disguise and goes to the marketplace or takes a walk. At the same time, he also really likes shadow technology(2). He has a natural gift for computer-related things. As a hacker, his skills are above anyone else. He made the name of his master, KEY, which he took on, rise again in the community(3) of hackers, and he became another person who guards the light in the dark.
(2) The word here is 黑科技 (hei keji) which literally means "black technology" but it's a word from comics that means magical and amazing technology which breaks the laws of the world or what cannot be explained with current human knowledge.
(3) The word here is 江湖 (jianghu) which is the term used for a community of martial artists (those who read Chinese novels would be familiar with this), but it can also be used as a term for a community of outlaws, aka. hackers.
Zhou Qiluo also has a mysterious third identity, which is that of Helios in Black Swan. When he acts as Helios, he is silent and decisive. If it weren't for having the same appearance, it would be hard for someone to think that they were the same person. If Zhou Qiluo could be said to be the sun, then Helios is the moon hidden in the night. But regardless of whether he is in the light or the darkness, he is himself.
[ABOUT THE MEANING OF HIS NAME] Once he was called 1562, later he was called 3684, then even later he was called Zhou Qiluo; in his life, any decision is to be made without regrets(4) or turning back. When KEY gave him this name, it was with the hopes that once he made a decision he would keep moving with an indomitable will without being lost and confused.
(4) The phrase is 落棋无悔 (luo qi wu hui). It means to not regret a play (chess move) you make.
[ABOUT HIS FAMILY] He was an orphan who was taken in and raised by Shuang Ye Orphanage. Like the other orphans, he was an experiment of Black Swan.
Apple Box is a Golden Retriever that Zhou Qiluo picked up from an apple box. Apple Box is being looked after in his manager's home.
Cello is a cat that Zhou Qiluo found in a cello box. Cello is being raised in the studio.
Top1: Music. Music is an indispensable part to his life; guitar, cello, drums... in the world of music he can do anything.
Top2: Food. He likes to eat doughnuts, drink Coca Cola, and eat hotpot. He believes his one love and good food can never disappoint.
Top3: Superhero Movies. He likes to watch all kinds of blockbusters, but especially superhero movies. His favorite is the one without superpowers, Batman.
[ABOUT HIS SECRETS] Compared to single player games, he prefers social games. He likes the feeling of playing with other people.
His guitar pick was gifted to him by his master, KEY.
His secret base is a quiet lake near his home. There are carp in the lake.
He likes to eat doughnuts because of a promise in his childhood.
"Our family's Qiluo is naturally peerless and I've never met an artist as naturally gifted as him! As long as this momentum keeps going, he will definitely be able to trend until I retire. The precondition is that he doesn't sneak off to eat!" --- Shen Yuan (Savin in English)
"Kilo is a very gentle child. It's possible many people only see his sunny, bright side, but he has his own weaknesses and sorrows. I hope that one day my child can obtain real happiness." --- Eva Seidel
"When I first saw him, he was only 4 years old, thin and small, and looking like he wouldn't live past a day. But there was a light in his eyes and so I took him away. I didn't see wrong, that the child at that time who yearned for the light would gradually become a sun that could illuminate other people." --- KEY
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✨Eryebes, The Bringer of Change.
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                         ( a continuation of this headc. img cred. )
He was a powerful fae, in tune with the magic that coursed through his blood.
Being a changeling, he could shapeshift, and mastered the ability in his old age. He could become anything, be it tangible or not. His prowess of illusions was also something to admire as they were nigh foolproof, ever failing only because of his own negligence towards details. His Glamour was hailed as one of the greatest that the fae have ever seen, if not the greatest.
To top it off, through methods unknown to all except he, Eryebes somehow managed to come into contact with Life’s Opposite: Yveltal, and gained its favor; a feat previously thought only to exist in myth. This granted him vast powers of decay and destruction. It made him more impervious to injuries himself, even to death. He was Yveltal’s chosen, and thus, a deity in his own right. For his talents and achievements, he was hailed as the pinnacle of all fae.
Those beliefs changed soon enough. What happened next, no one predicted.
Some believe he went mad with power, others think there was more to his actions than what he let on. For whatever his reasoning or lack thereof, Eryebes chose to abuse use his abilities.
He desired to control all of faekind, to dominate all courts and become the only king; the eternal ruler of fairyland. No one knew why. Those who attempted to question him were given cryptic answers or attacked. Yet, he still gained supporters for his cause. The majority of them were fellow changelings.
Their own reasoning for joining varied from sharing his thirst for control over others, disliking how their kind was viewed by the other fae, or being too cowardly to dare fight against him. They formed Eryebes’ army. For a dozen moons, Eryebes and his forces terrorized fairyland. There were countless casualties on both sides.
This atrocious incident was named the “Changeling War” by the fae who survived.
Eryebes proved to be too much for any common fae to handle. The powers given to him by Yveltal alone were more than enough for he to wipe out an entire court with little assistance. Yet...there was one fae who stepped forward, revealing an interesting fact: she was blessed by the First Fae, Life’s Origin: Xerneas, and was granted powers of growth and creation. 
She was the only entity that could counter Eryebes’ destruction and nullify it. Her sixth sense was all-seeing, and she was able to determine what was true and what was false in Eryebes’ illusions. The two of them met in a fierce battle that no others could intervene in.
Using a sword created by Queen Viviene, and imbued with Xerneas’ aura, she used it to incapacitate him. She chose to not end his life, having taken pity on him and what she could feel was harbored in his heart, hidden underneath rage and sadness. Perhaps one day, Eryebes’ soul could know peace and not suffering, should the right individual meet him.
So, she instead sealed him away, impaling him with her sword and turning him into a statue. His army crumbled, and the members were gradually hunted down by vengeful fae and slain. Even changelings that weren’t a part of his forces were also targeted. This act has led to changelings becoming near extinct, and for their remaining numbers to overall branch off and disconnect with the rest of faekind.
These events happened over a span of around 10,000 years in human time.
Meanwhile, Eryebes’ petrified form lied in a peaceful but forlorn grove, were his battle with the female fae took place. He still remains there to this day, hidden and forgotten, except to the ancients that remember his name. 
And perhaps, to one other as well...
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rebellect-writes · 4 years
[SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] Jess. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]How did you find us?:[/b] I blame Danni AND Joe.
[b]Name:[/b] Victoria Eden Moreau. [b]Nicknames & Aliases:[/b][LIST]Eden Morrison; Fake ID, obviously. Tori Babe. Vicky. Toria. Psychotic Hell-Bitch. [/LIST][b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Date of Birth:[/b] August 7th, 1977. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual. [b]Occupation:[/b] High school PE teacher, former supernatural and occult hunter.
[b]Species:[/b] Lion. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ERJonp0xx1s/Tnqd6kffXjI/AAAAAAAAArE/NWtjP-3SVXo/s640/002-LIONESS-RESTING%2540body.jpg[/IMG][LIST]If it looks like a lion, smells like a lion and growls like a lion, it’s obviously a domestic house cat ready to bite your face off. Victoria’s animal form is pretty average, there’s nothing remotely distinctive about her. She may look a bit ragged at time, but the large tawny gold cat is hardly going to blend in with the UK scenery no matter what. In her feline form, she weighs in at 400lbs of muscle and tamed aggression and stands at 3’6 at the shoulders. From her nose to the tip of her tail, Vic’s a pretty average 8’3. [/LIST][b]Do you have a hybrid/alpha form?:[/b] [URL=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/136/b/b/__Lioness_Line_art___by_sirius_spirit.jpg]Indeed she does.[/URL][LIST]Her hybrid form is more for show than anything else, just something to give her a little extra kick when her full feline form doesn’t provide her with it. She doesn’t turn into some raging half beast, half woman form either. Standing a little taller than her human form at 5’11, and weighing in at 280lbs, she’s covered from head to toe in golden fur and looks like the perfect mix of feline and human. She has claws in this form, never forget that, and fangs, and oh! She can talk even though it’s a lot more growly than her human voice is. [/LIST][b]Rank:[/b] Adwar. [b]How long has your character been a lycanthrope?:[/b] 24 years (infected at age 9). [b]Mind-Set:[/b] Dominant. [b]Power level:[/b] Alpha. [b]Abilities:[/b] [LIST] [*] [b]Speed:[/b] Like all lycanthropes, she’s fast on her feet and can move faster than the human eye can see if she uses her alpha speed. [*] [b]Strength:[/b] She’s stronger than your normal human. She’s not the strongest lycanthrope out there due to her size, but she can go head to head with a vampire and with a bit of luck, over power them. [*] [b]Durability:[/b] Victoria can heal almost any wound like most shifters can, bar decapitation and wounds caused by fire and silver. Wounds caused by more dominant lycanthropes and vampires heal slower. Almost human slow. [*] [b]Senses:[/b] Vic has extremely acute senses like most shifters. She can sometimes tell when someone’s lying to her face by the change in the other persons scent. [*] [b]Partial Shifting:[/b] She can shift hands and teeth into those of her animal or focus on shifting into a full blown hybrid form instead of a full shift from human to lion. [*] [b]Block A Vampires Call:[/b] It takes a bit of energy on her side but she can block out the call of a vampire up to 900 years old and extend that shielding to weaker werelions. Anything over 900 hurts her too much to block. [*] [b]Shield her Beast:[/b] She can lock her animal aura away and pull off the human vibe to most lycanthropes except from stronger alphas, and in some cases, stronger Master vampires since from her experience, they can force her lion to show itself. She does this on a day to day basis when it comes to her job. [/LIST][b]Face Claim:[/b] Charlize Theron. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://www.topnews.in/light/files/Charlize-Theron5.jpg[/IMG][LIST]Victoria isn’t that outstanding to tell you the truth. She’s almost you’re typical blonde – though she’s got a thing for dying her hair other colours at times. She’s got the curves and the legs but the eyes, they’re not human. As a result of staying in her animal form when she as younger for longer than she should, her eyes are those of her lion’s. Of course, she hides them behind hazel green contacts that she never takes out unless she has to do so, she knows better. She’s pretty slim; and only 5’9, and a half inches tall, weighing in at 140lbs of toned muscle, that it’s pretty easy to work out that she’s fond of working out and keeping fit.
She’s not one for style; Vic just doesn’t understand the appeal of having the latest fashion accessories. Of course that doesn’t mean she doesn’t splash out on things like makeup now and then, but that’s purely for work interviews, she finds it works a hell of a lot better being ‘appealing’ then being herself. Whatever works huh? She’s more comfortable in reliable jeans and t-shirts; a nice pair of boots doesn’t go amiss or a leather jacket. Since she’s hung up her hunting gear though, there are fewer holsters for weapons. When she’s at work, its sports gear. Tracksuits for when it’s cold out, shorts and polo-shirts when it’s warmer.
Identifying marks are a little easier to describe. She has her fair share of scars, though most are long since faded. The most notable ones are what look to be claw marks curving down over her right hip. They’re just three jagged lines really, and she doesn’t talk about them ever. Her second most notable scar was given to her by a hunter that thought he was being clever and had all the time in the world, he put a silver hunting knife through her shoulder and left it there so it burnt her after he’d incapacitated her. Now, she’s not a fan of big tattoos but she does have two small ones of her own. A koi fish above her right ankle, and a small flower on the top of her right foot. The flower was gotten on a whim, but the koi is supposed to represent strength, determination, and persistence in the face of adversity. The only other thing that comes to mind is that her ears are pierced twice on both sides. [/LIST][b]Weapons of Choice:[/b][LIST] [*] Fangs, claws, full blown lion form. It’s fun to get messy! [*] She rarely hunts these days, so she’s hung up her holsters. [*] She does have a butterfly knife she carries regularly. [*] Has a necklace with a small vial of holy water attached. Just in case. [*] A white gold charm bracelet with holy items from different faiths. [/LIST][b]Special Skills:[/b][LIST] [*] She used to – and still does if a hunt crops up that tickles her fancy – ingests holy water to stop vampires from taking a bite out of her. Since she hasn’t hunted anything since late 2008, it’s not going to bother any vampires unless she starts up again. [*] She knows how to fight, mostly brawling and that’s what she relies on. However she’s dabbled in Krav Maga (grade: G1), and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (grade: Purple belt) over the last 10 years. It always surprises people when they learn this. [*] She can speak French and Italian, not fluently but enough to get by, she’s also learning German and in the future, hopefully Spanish unless she forgets. [*] Gets and knows the basics when using guns. She’s more a blade kind of girl anyway. [*] Not a half bad thief, - when she needs the money - if she does say so herself. [*] Did a three year “general” sports course followed by her PGCE and QTS. She’s pretty proud of that, so don’t knock it! [/LIST][b]Personality:[/b]  [LIST]Victoria isn’t actually that loud of a person in most respects, she’s the type of person that would rather sit and wait and have something to say rather than open her mouth and spew a bunch of pointless words just to hear the sound of her own voice. Then again, she was an ‘attack dog’ for a long time, and when you’re beat as a kid to learn how to hold your tongue, things sort of stick to you. When she speaks, she doesn’t raise her voice in anger unless it’s to get a point across – and when she does need to get a point across it’s normally accompanied by a blunt object of some sort if need be -, but she does get listened to. It just another part of whom she is, people just think she doesn’t have something to say when in actual fact; she’s just watching and waiting for a chance to pounce. She knows that she’s not the most relaxed of people, that’s for sure. However when you get past the creepy silence, she does brighten up a bit. She’s a loyal lass and keeps her word, even though she has her trust issues, but she doesn’t always think things through fully. She’s used to bulldozing her way through issues in her life, and then dealing with the fallout afterwards. Protective of what’s hers. Practical and strong willed she’s not likely to be cowed by someone playing mind games; in fact the last time someone tried that, she broke their arm without blinking.
She even smiles, though it’ll often be accompanied with a wiseass remark or comment. It is almost like she’s care free and forgets about all the crap she’s gone through to get where she is today. She’s loving and caring, hell she even cares though it doesn’t normally come off as most would expect it from a she-cat that could snap at a moment’s notice and become a big cat. While it may look like she has no control over her animal side, she’s got it, people have assumed that she has next to none and that has been their downfall. Oh yeah, she’s more than a little mental! If you push her, she’ll push back, only most people seem to forget she’s more on the animal side then most shapeshifters are and she loves that. She’s not afraid of her animal instincts and embraces them to the point that sometimes she doesn’t want to be human anymore but then she sees what she has and pushes to be normal.
Her views on vampires are slightly [i]skewed[/i] however. Having been used by a lion calling master for years, she has a distaste for anything over a hundred years old, sure she can curb her tongue and be civil to the creatures but present her with a lion caller – even Mikhail got snapped at – and she’ll do everything in her power to make it clear that she won’t become another and she won’t allow anyone in the Pride to be one either. This can be displayed in sarcasticness, threats and violence and promises of death. She just doesn’t like the creatures that can bend her like a crazy straw if it suited them. It’s driven by fear, something she’s not exactly sure how to react to and falls back on her more comforting animal nature to deal with it. As far as the rest of the supernatural world, well, as long as they don’t try and harass the Pride or start something they can’t finish with the people she cares about then she won’t bother them. [/LIST][b]Likes:[/b][LIST] [*] Swimming. [*] A good strong drink after a hunt. [*] Taking to the country roads on her bike and just driving until she can't. [*] Making known bullies fear her. Doesn't matter if they're kids or adults or anything else. [*] Spending time in her lion form, she doesn't do it as much as she used to do so. [*] When she can surprise someone by doing something. [*] Reading when she can get five minutes peace, normally during first break at work. [*] Not being dragged into supernatural turf wars, she joined the pride to stop that. [*] Protecting the Jackford pride. Bradon Mackenzie gave her a home. [*] Chinese food. Don’t ask her why, she just does. [/LIST][b]Dislikes:[/b][LIST] [*] Getting a ticket because she’s left her bike in the wrong place. [*] People that don't pull their own weight. You either sink or swim. [*] Being touched in lion form by people she doesn't know. She tends to bite [*] Having to clean her apartment. If it doesn't bother her, she doesn't bother it! [*] Parent/Teacher night. She'd take a feral shifter over that. [*] Doctors and medical types. Being poked and prodded? No thanks. [*] Being cornered. Have you ever seen an angry lion cornered? It's not nice. [*] Vampires that force themselves on others. It's not so bad when it’s voluntary. [*] Poor weapons maintenance. What is wrong with some people? [*] Being told she's over emotional just because she's female. [/LIST] [b]Strengths:[/b] [LIST] [*] Very familiar with her feline form, she shifts quicker because of this. [*] Doesn’t care if she gets hurt. In fact, she’d put herself in the firing line to save people she cares for. [*] Good tracking skills, urban or otherwise. [*] Isn’t easily backed down with threats and tends to laugh when they’re given. [*] Trusts her gut instinct rather than follow others unless she trusts them. [*] Loyal to people she trusts. Sometimes, even to those that just put up enough money. [*] She can hold her tongue and temper in check if she wants. [*] Knows a bit about witchcraft and the herbs used in most healing balms.   [*] Very fast and agile, good for when she’s working with heights in the gym. [*] Still has a fair few contacts from her days as a hunter that she calls up when needed. [/LIST][b]Weaknesses:[/b] [LIST] [*] She has a bit of a one track mind at times. [*] Doesn’t always notice when she’s treading on thin ice. [*] Silver. She may’ve been a lion for a long time, but that stuff still hurts. [*] Comes off antisocial at times. [*] Her anger issues tend to put a crimp in certain things. [*] She doesn't have a good grasp on that 'relationship' thing. It's been [*] Practical in a way, she won’t blink twice at putting someone down if it means protecting others. Even if she's seen as a monster afterwards. [*] Doesn't trust many people at her back. There’s like four people out of billions. [*] Tends to spend a lot of time in her lion form, pushing the limits. [*] Can rarely tame that persistent stubborn streak. [/LIST][b]History:[/b]  [LIST]Thomas and Natalie Moreau never took another hunt once they found out that they were due to have a baby together. They were hunters by blood, marriage and by trade; they did everything to stop the supernatural from infecting their ‘world’ and to keep people safe, but they would not endanger their soon to be daughter and in the august of 1977, their baby girl Victoria was brought into the world kicking and screaming like any normal babe and her parents officially hung up their weapons holsters and retired as hunters. Thomas took on a new job as a property developer that worked in and around Lancaster where they lived, and Natalie worked full time as a house wife. Together they doted on their child as Victoria grew up, giving her anything and everything that she wanted. Like any princess, she even had a pony at one point.
The happy little family however was torn apart just before Victoria’s ninth birthday, as the small farm house that the family owned was torn apart by rogue werelions and wolves, headed by a particularly vicious vampire who seemed to know all about her parents who were shocked by his apparent survival. The scariest thing of all for Victoria wasn’t that lions were everywhere or big werewolves; it was the Asian vampire Khan. The right side of his face was thick with holy water scars, the eye socket a gaping hole and mouth a jagged gash. Khan was one of the very few vampires that had ever escaped her parents, and he delighted on tearing through her mother’s mind and body as a werelion held her father back. When Khan was done with Natalie, he turned his attention to Victoria and forced a rather nasty looking lionman to tear into her young body before simply snapping her father’s neck. She should’ve died, would’ve died except werewolf alpha Jacques Rousseau had other ideas.
The wolf didn't take pity on her, far from it. When Victoria regained full consciousness now and again, she was told that she was Khan's new 'pet'. What better way to scare off hunters than by using the spawn of two fairly vicious hunters against them, it was put to her, before she was told that she had only survived because she'd contracted lycanthropy. Being a young lass, she didn't believe it. She screamed and raged and howled for her parents thinking it was a bad dream. It was only really brought home when Jacques, sick of the whelps screaming brought in a lion to teach her a lesson. Miranda was only slightly less cold than the werewolf, but under orders, she tore the beast from Victoria's body. Over and over, and over. Eventually, Victoria started to submit and forget about being who she really was and it was exactly what Khan wanted. Oh he had his pride and pack of bumbling misfits that had been thrown from their various clans for treasonous acts or for having broken the law, be he didn't have one animal at his command that would do simply as he asked, no if's buts or maybes.
By age 14, Victoria was a feral but suitably tamed little lion. She would sit pretty for Khan when he wanted to make a point in a business deal and she’d attack when given the order. Her first real kill wasn’t a goat or even a chicken; it was a frail old woman that owed Khan housing rent for staying in a housing complex he owned. Victoria snapped her neck and left her body where it dropped much to Khan’s displeasure and as a punishment she was put in the fight rings that one of his acquaintances ran. She tried her best, she really did. She’d gone from a pampered princess as a human, to a killer. Her fall from grace was bloody and violent and was brought to a sudden stop when she was put face to face with a full grown adult and alpha lion in the ring. She survived, but was sold on for being a failure to Master Khan and everything that she had been trained to hold dear.
After being past from vampire to vampire, and even the occasional knowledgeable human that knew of the supernatural and dabbled, Victoria ended up on a black market of sorts, nothing but a lost cause. She was stuck in a small cage for days, surrounded by other troubled souls such as herself, left to starve and in filth. Supernatural species of all shapes and sizes came and went sold off to the highest bidder as slaves that worked, fucked and various other things or prey for something else altogether. She even had a plan; she was going to attack the first handler she could get her hands on and hopefully have one of them kill her. Except, instead of a handler that came through the backstage area, it was something else entirely. He was young enough if a little older than herself, he was scared going by his scent, and he was…attractive for a human stumbling around in the dark. He changed her life the moment she had his scent. He left her alone in a loading bay however, such a hero for being forced into a nightmare of a fairy tale.
Free of the life she knew, Victoria did something that went against everything that had been beaten into her. She ran. For over two years she lived wild and on the move, most of her time in lion form and when she had to return to human form, she stole what she needed to survive on her own. Clothes from washing lines, food from market stalls if a hunt failed and the like, she even went as far for a while as to steal and fence property for money even though she never really needed it. However it worked out for her, though when she noticed that her eyes had stuck as those of her lions, she made it a personal mission to stay in human form more and more to get used to that form again. She even tried to talk to people; mostly farmers or hikers that crossed into her ‘territory’ at the time.
Once she was happy that she could return to being around people, Victoria ended up in Cardiff where she befriended a young couple that had lost their children to supposed gang violence and were so down on their luck that she couldn’t not help them even though she was barely considered an adult herself at the time. What the couple didn’t know was that it was supernaturally related violence that lost them their kids, so Victoria being the stereotypical cat riddled with curiosity looked into for them while she helped fight off bailiffs and other idiots that wanted to break her friends down more. She followed her gut instincts and tracked down the people that had been known as suspects in the community. It was teens mostly, desperate to rebel against the rules that their parents had set down but then she hit a lucky break, a werefox informant came forward to talk to her. Well, it was more warn her away from snooping because things would get ‘unpleasant’. She threw that fox out of a second story window… and then went back to searching.
It took her a year and she was roughly eighteen when she found the person that had ordered her ‘friends’  children be removed – her cat had claimed them as Pride even though she hadn’t known them long at all – and was marginally surprised to find out that it was a werelion male. The dominance battle was brutal; she was only a young woman and not used to the fighting the male easily won and inserted his dominance over her, claimed her as his ‘mate’ even though she’d clawed on of his eyes out with her own fingers. It was a huge leap and all that was really expected of her was to open her legs, be a submissive little waif of a woman that cowered behind the big bad lion. Well, she did as what was expected of her and after he was finished removed his head from his shoulders using the element of surprise. She disbanded the males operation – yes, in some cases she used violence – and the money that had been going towards other things, she sent to her friends before vanishing.
Bouncing around the UK for the next four years, Victoria picked up odd hunts here and there. A fey running a coven of witches and assuming Godhood over a town was dealt with, a Naga in Devon was told to move on because he’d started a turf war with the local snake clan. It was silly stuff really but the payment was ok. She managed to grab a job on an international freighter headed for America, and by the time she was 22 she landed her rear in Flordia. No papers, no money that she could spend easily, she was effectively back to when she was released from that cage by the scardy cat of a boy. It didn’t last long, America was so different and there was a lot of supernatural activity as well as human crime. She made her way as a supernatural bounty hunter of sorts, and not the legal kind most of the time. She was a monster hunting monsters, ironic huh?
Twenty three years old, she was still roaming the USA like she had done in the UK. Only this time she was more well off; and while she wanted to settle down somewhere she couldn’t unless she contacted the Pride that controlled that area. From what she’d seen since she’d actually come to the States, was that most of the USA Lions were a mite traditional, meaning that it was the woman’s job to do all the work. Since she had no interest of being a Pride gofer, she just spent her time on the road, staying in motels for a week or so or squatting in old properties. That’s when she got an interesting hunt, and came across someone she’d never thought to see again. Jothial Chapman. The little boy that had freed her had filled out, he was a man now and if she hadn’t got up close and personal to catch his scent, she wouldn’t have really known that it was him.
Stubborn male pressed her buttons though, and rather than outright kill him, she threw him through a wall and opened herself up to attack from the beast that she was hunting. She almost lost her life that night, and would’ve done so if her lycanthropic healing hadn’t worked its wonders on her battered body. She watched as Jo blasted the creature to nothing but ash and cinders before she even hinted that she knew him. Of course, it came out that she was a werelion and a hunter, and he was a bit iffy about the fact in her mind. Victoria expected him to kill her for being evil, instead they teamed up together and took on the evil that thought it could get past the Witch and the Lion.
They were together a year, hunting monsters that broke the laws of various things, putting themselves in the line of danger. What she failed to act on was the feelings that had stirred in her by being in close quarters to Jo. She never acted on them because she didn’t know how even though they were pretty intimate. She gave him and his creepy familiar the space and time they needed and Jo gave her the same thing. Honestly, Victoria would’ve said something sooner if she hadn’t made herself visible to a vampire that could control lions in the area. The last time she saw Jo was he was drooling into his motel pillow and that marked the end of that. She vanished without a trace using every means necessary to avoid detection. She hadn’t left him out of anger or anything; she’d left him because she was scared that the vampire would use her against him.
She ran from one vampire and lions and into another vampire, and ironically it was another lion caller a year or so later. This one was different though, he was older than anything she’d come across and Mikhail seemed just as surprised that she was a lion working as a bounty hunter. Victoria found herself drawn to this one, he didn’t abuse his people and he claimed New York as his city. Rather than run off again or try and kill him, Victoria struck up a bargain with the vampire master. She’d work for him as security and a hunter if she was needed as long as he didn’t try to call her and bend her to his will. Mikhail agreed and they went their separate ways for awhile. While in New York City, Victoria settled down in her first real apartment. She didn’t want to run anymore, but she had no idea what to do. Making that apartment as her base of operations, she spent the next few years learning how to be normal. She got a job, went to night school, made a few friends that weren’t anything that she was used to. They were simply normal. She did get called in to do some hunts for Mikhail every now and then, but they were neither here nor there.
Then in 2005, she returned to the UK after saying goodbye to Mikhail and the lions that she’d grown used to more confident in herself and happy enough. There was an ulterior motive for her return though; Mikhail wanted her to pass through a place called Jackford every now and again to make sure one of his fledglings in the local Kiss was doing ok and rather than argue or brush him off with a smile and a nod, Victoria agreed on the understanding that she wouldn’t tie herself to one place for so long unless he helped her out finding a reason to stay. By the end of July ’05 she was studying to become a Physical Education teacher after a brief course as a teaching assistant at primary school in York - which wasn't that far from Jackford so it suited her - but maybe she should’ve been clearer in what she wanted huh? She didn't stay there for long and by the end of 2010 she was a full-fledged teacher working at Jackford’s comprehensive high school teaching children about sports and how to stay healthy three days a week and spending the rest of the week bouncing between Pride duty and her own time, which she used as time to search for the odd hunt to keep her claws sharp and she's stayed there ever since ducking and dodging the crazy that was worse than her. [/LIST][/SIZE]
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fy-skz · 6 years
[TRANS] Stray Kids Bang Chan·Hyunjin·I.N, New Song 'MIROH' Individual Teaser Reveal "Rough Charm"
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Stray Kids’ Bang Chan, Hyunjin, and I.N’s individual teasers for their new song ‘MIROH’ have been revealed, showing off their rough charms.
Group Stray Kids, who will release their new mini album ‘Clé 1 : MIROH’ and title track ‘MIROH’ on the coming 25th, have their nation-wide promotion tour ‘HI-STAY TOUR IN KOREA’ schedule, track list news, group teaser images, etc. and are heating up for their comeback with curiosity-inducing teasing contents.
At 12AM of the 13th, JYP Entertainment released 9 individual ‘MIROH’ teaser images through Stray Kids’ official SNS channel. The subjects who mark the start of the individual teaser reveal are Bang Chan, Hyunjin, and I.N, who grabbed attention with their images full of rough charm.
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Bang Chan gave off a defiant aura with his colorful hair color and style. Hyunjin pulled off a refined fashion styling and grabbed attention with his gaze full of fighting spirit. Youngest I.N gave off a chic expression and a strong vibe with red hair and leopard outfit, raising curiosity about ‘MIROH’.
New track ‘MIROH’, like Stray Kids’ debut track ‘District 9’, 2nd mini title track ‘My Pace’, and 3rd mini title track ‘I am YOU’, again had the group’s internal producting team ‘3RACHA’’s Bang Chan, Changbin, and HAN in charge of the lyrics and composition. As a song containing the fighting spirit and ambition of the nine members of Stray Kids as they stand in front of a maze, you will be able to see the members’ trust in themselves and their courage that is larger than their their fear of the maze.
About the new track ‘MIROH’, public music critic Han DongYoon explained, "The hook with a clear melody also raises the magnetism", and American Billboard columnist Jeff Benjamin praised that, ‘MIROH’, It’s a switch, it’s an evolution but it doesn’t feel like you lost what Stray Kids are and that kind of confident, slightly aggressive style you guys are known for", and Japanese Oricon Style’s former Editor and current Entertainment Analyst Tanaka Hisakatsu reviewed that, "Cutting edge sound and deeply appealing vocal, and high-speed rap that gets hotter and hotter, even the rap’s diversity feels impressive, and their great many strong “weapons” became one. It’s hard but has public appeal,” raising expectations ahead of the album’s release.
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Stray Kids participated in the lyrics and composition of all tracks on their new album ‘Clé 1 : MIROH’, proving their solid musical growth. Including said album’s title track ‘MIROH’ there are a total of 8 tracks on the album.
Stray Kids, who entered the music industry on March 25th, 2018 through their debut showcase, became the ‘Rookie Award 8-Crown King’ through award shows and verified their status as ‘2018’s Best Rookie’. As ‘K-Pop New Generation’s Representative Group’, they are also experiencing popularity overseas. On 5/15 at U.S New York’s 'New Jersey Performing Arts Center', LA 'Pasadena Civic Auditorium' on the 17th, and Houston 'Revention Music Center' on the 19th, they sold out all 3 planned showcase dates and added a showcase in New York on the 14th, for a total of 4 show days in the ‘Home of Pop’ America.
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Starting with Thailand on this past January 19th, Stray Kids are in the middle of their first overseas showcase tour since debut ‘UNVEIL TOUR ‘I am…’, having finished concerts in Jakarta in January, Melbourne and Sydney in February, and will perform in Manila on 4/27 and will perform 4 concerts across 3 cities in the U.S in May, meeting their foreign fans.
Ahead of the release of their new album ‘Clé 1 : MIROH’ and title track ‘MIROH’, starting on the 18th until the 25th they will show ‘UNVEIL : TRACK’ videos showing their self-composed sounds in a relay, and on the 25th they will enter their teasing project UNVEIL THE MIROH with their online showcase to celebrate both their 1 year anniversary since debut and the release of their new album. Source: OSEN Translation: Candace @ FY!SKZ ; take out with full credit
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ottertotterz · 5 years
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[img id: 
three tieflings from dungeons and dragons side by side against a white background. on the far right is a tiefling with light reddish-pink skin, long black hair, and horns that go out to the side. she’s labeled as “Harmony Woods”. She’s holding a violin in her right hand and is smiling. she’s also wearing a long blue-grey cloak and has brown gloves, a sleeveless black shirt, and high waisted light blue-grey pants. she also has a tail.
to her left is a pink tiefling labeled “Calla”. she has large curled horns and white-ish grey hair tied up and a scar over her nose. she wears a dark blue half cloak, a long-sleeved light grey turtleneck, and has a long dark blue skirt. her right leg is sticking out of it and you can see she has shorts the same color of her cloak on underneath. she has a light blue pouch with spell components attatched to the front, and earrings the same color. she is casting a spell, signified by the light blue aura around her only visible (right) hand and looks like she’s concentrating.
on the far left is a bright red tiefling labeled “Ariayis”. she has a much more reserved pose than the other two and looks worried. she has two horns, the right horn scraggly and the left horn completely broken off at the base. she has thick, dark red hair in a braid over her left shoulder. around her shoulders is a green and white snake; it’s labelled “Beetle”. shes wearing a long grey cloak that covers most of her body. we can otherwise see a dark green shirt and black pants, with her hands clasped in front of her.
end img id.]
just some tiefs
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
DuckTales 2017 - “The Richest Duck In The World!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Madison Bateman
Storyboard by: Stephanie Gonzaga, Vaughn Tada, Brandon Warren
Directed by: Matthew Humphreys
The calm before the moon-related storm.
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Our episode begins with a flashback to the very day when Scrooge McDuck became the richest duck in the world. selling his entire mine of haveyouseenium to a man named Mr. Zee. Because of this deal, he became the richest duck in the world, and he gets surrounded by a pink aura that spreads across the land. No, not the kind of aura that would turn into a stapler, but an aura that will attract a certain "he" that Mr. Zee describes in a rhyming riddle.
Mr. Zee: He cannot be bought, he cannot be fought, though riches you've got, your life will be fraught, until you have earned the one thing you have not!
Scrooge: Who is "he"?
Mr. Zee: The Bombie! So long, no take backs!
I'd talk about who or what this Bombie is, but the episode makes us wait, too. All we see is Scrooge happily dancing, knowing very well that the threat of the Bombie should be nothing to him. He then looks at something that caused the earth to shake, and he makes a face that can only come before the theme song.
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After the theme song, we cut to the present day, where Scrooge gets to hear the good news about all the money he's going to get from Louie after his successful plan. That is, none of it! Turns out, the title is not referring to the Richest Duck in the World we all know, but his nephew, who, in the Louie Inc. plot's big payoff, has inherited the McDuck fortune against Scrooge's will! Many would expect, including Zan Owlson in the show itself, that this would lead to a "sea monster ate my ice cream"-level tantrum from Scrooge.
Somehow, that tantrum doesn't happen, as he just walks away laughing at this, telling Louie that he can call him anytime to give back his title. Is this really the same Scrooge that went insane over 87 cents? Sure, he knows where the money went, which is half of the reason why he went insane in that episode, but still, this is Scrooge. Maybe he's just that genre-savvy that this will not last.
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While all of this is happening, we finally get something that has some relation to the upcoming Moonvasion, which is still unknown to anyone on Earth. This even includes Della Duck, who is still making space-video-calls to her friend Captain Penumbra, who isn't calling back for some reason. However, nothing can stop Della Duck, so she decides to show off the children that aren't currently doing "complex business deals."
...and Dewey is dabbing. Unfortunately, Mark Beaks is not the only person who is willing to dab in public.
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Unfortunately, Dewey ruins the moment, in an intentional-by-the-plot way, not a "why are they doing this" way, even more by knocking into the camera after trying way too hard to do a backflip. Oh, Dewey. This distresses Della, as she really needs to find someone with a camera! Huey and Webby get distressed as well, as Dewey is getting really excited at his own idea...
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...a special moon-focused episode of Dewey Dew-Night, with special guest "Mom"! Even in-universe, it doesn’t exactly bring that much excitement to anyone, as her stories of being lonely on the moon for a significant chunk of her life are more downers than knee-slappers.
They go back and forth between this show and the main plot, and all that really happens is that Della is led to wonder if Penumbra is really her friend. Also, Webby tries to bring in a real raccoon. There's a running gag with that.
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As the talk show of the century is happening, Zan Owlson gets to learn that going from a manchild to a literal child is not an upgrade. Louie is completely uninterested in her strategies to grow and maintain his newly-gained company. In his new suit made entirely of emeralds, he sits on his giant chair, and trying to find a comfortable position to put his legs.
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Suddenly, Johnny and Randy of the Ottoman Empire show up, still mad at each other. That plotline with the Ottoman Empire's breakup does come up once in a blue moon in this season, and while I wasn't expecting a whole episode on the resolution to that, I was wondering if they would resolve it in this season. Turns out, they will, thanks to Louie convincing them to reunite with a heartwarming speech about comradery.
Just kidding, he offers them 100 million dollars, and they just can't refuse that kind of money even if they hate each other. Plotline over!
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He then turns on his phone to play a song he definitely invested money into: Mo Money, No Problems! This song doesn't appear to have lyrics. I'd say that might be for the best, but that's still some missed potential.
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The vulture capitalists aren't too happy about this recent $100 million dollar investment into the "Bring Back The Ottoman Empire, And Not That One, Djinn" business. Just like they were in the very first episode of this reboot, they suggest cutting funds to the "magical defense" in the unknown-because-Scrooge-struck-it-off-the-maps island in the Herod Sea. Louie agrees, probably just to get these old guys to hush about their nagging.
The very minute they press that button, Owlson shows up to tell Louie that something terrible has happened in the island in the Herod Sea. Louie eventually agrees.
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As for the former richest duck in the world, he's going to try to be lazy like Louie. This potential for a plot lasts about a few seconds. As he's watching the fully funded return of the Ottoman Empire, just like Louie would do, he notices that Johnny and Randy are talking about the importance of work. They technically worked for that 100 million plus whatever else they made from being celebrities, as they did have to make that emerald-studded footstool, though they certainly wouldn't tell the audience that most of that is from one little rich kid.
With that speech about work, he almost immediately gives up the laziness, and sets out to remake his fortune. How? By shoe-shining, just like he did to get his Number One Dime. However, he's going to do this in a modern world where few people wear shoes. Even he realizes the problem with this eventually.
Back to Louie's first big adventure as a gajillionaire, he goes to the island with Owlson and Manny, with Launchpad as his pilot. He even convinced Launchpad to color the Sunchaser green. As Louie sits on his specially made footstool, ordering his headless horse to turn the pages on his magazine, they eventually make it onto the island, where Louie makes a big discovery...
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...Scrooge was hiding yet another bin! It's the other, other bin of Scrooge McDuck, and Louie assumes Scrooge was hiding yet another fortune. Unfortunately, that bin has a big hole, and there's no money to be found. Launchpad suggests they should ask the green guy what happened to it.
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Turns out, that "magical defense" that I thought was a reference to Magica in the first episode wasn't to keep her out, but to keep this guy in! Makes me wonder if that was always the intention for that; considering this show's knack for continuity, I would not be surprised if it was.
This episode introduces Bombie the Zombie to the DuckTales 2017 universe, and to animation in general. The Bombie, as he is called here, originated in the Scrooge McDuck comics as a zombie that gets sent after Scrooge. In this show, his origins are left unknown; he gets treated more like a force of nature that goes against the richest duck in the world.
As they didn't have any weapons to stop this beast, Louie and his employees run away with the help of Louie's plan to fake him out with Manny's fake Louie head. It's just like what he did in the last episode; some tricks are immortal, just like the Bombie is. Speaking of which, Louie decides to do some drastic measures against the Bombie: he calls up Bradford Buzzard, one of the vulture capitalists, to cut funding to the satellites.
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This causes a whole bunch of satellites to fall on the island, causing a dramatic explosion. Hopefully those satellites aren't important, I say fully knowing that it will be a plot point in the next mega-episode.
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Also, it doesn't work, as he ends up on the wing just like that Twilight Zone episode. Unlike that Twilight Zone episode, the Bombie is not willing to just drive some guy bananas, as he breaks in.
This is the last straw for Zan Owlson, who decides to quit her job just as dramatically as that explosion. She decides she’s going to become a better billionaire herself, and she starts with a plan to get this Bombie off of the plane. She tells everyone to grab a hold of something while he opens the Sunchaser's hatch. This causes the Bombie to fall into the ocean.
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Unfortunately, Louie didn’t get the plan in time, as he ends up falling into the water, too. Even though she quit, she still has the heart to try to grab Louie from his watery and/or zombie-caused grave. That’s a neat touch to her character, in the last time we see her in the episode.
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Good news: Louie does ends up living, and he even gets to keep his emerald ottoman. Louie is glad to know that the Bombie is probably stuck in the seaweed, leaving him to be to enjoy it.
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Well, he is stuck in the seaweed, but that's not going to stop him.
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As this threat looms over Louie, Scrooge finally gets one customer. Unfortunately, the customer is the Tenderfeet, who is just as much of a jerk to Scrooge as he was with Louie in that one episode I don't really want to think about.
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Eventually, Louie shows up, running away from the Bombie and converging the two plots. Honestly, not much happened with the Scrooge plot anyway. He indirectly gets Scrooge into situations of harm, as he's getting in the way of the Bombie's undying journey to...murder the richest duck in the world? Come to think of it, if he murders the richest duck in the world, wouldn't that mean he would then go after the second richest, the third richest, and so on? Yeah, maybe this curse doesn't make a lot of sense from the viewpoint of the Bombie himself. Maybe whoever made this Bombie never thought of that.
Scrooge tells Louie all about this Bombie, including his name and that riddle he couldn't figure out. He doesn't really question why the Bombie was able to get out of his magical defenses, because he doesn't get the time to think about that.
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Eventually, Louie's own billboard advertising the new owner of McDuck Enterprises gets broken off, with the giant Louie picture getting his arm broken in a way that suggests pointing to him. Somehow, this gets Louie to figure out that riddle: he just needs to admit that he can't do something.
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Also, Louie offers the Bombie a shoe-shine, which he really needed. That might have been the solution, too. No richest person in the world has figured this riddle out since this "curse" began. Honestly, that is actually believable.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize this means Louie doesn’t want to be the richest duck in the world anymore, and he gives the money back. The aura even transfers over to Scrooge, as if this aura represents more than just the curse of the Bombie. This is a cool bit of symbolism.
The Louie Inc. plot finally reaches its merciful end. I'm not exactly mad, I'm just a little disappointed. I mean, we get a Doofus Drake plot, and a plot where Scrooge loses his money and just kind of accepts it. We did get a good Goldie story out of it, at least.
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Oh yeah, and they give us a cliffhanger for the next episode, kind of undoing any drama that happened in the Dewey Dew-Night plot by revealing that Penumbra actually is friendly enough to let Della know that a Moonvasion is going to happen. One of the plots turned out to be pointless, but hey, we got a Moonvasion to get to!
How does it stack up?
Eh, it's okay. This is another case where I considered giving this a neutral. Unfortunately, I'm still considering it right now, as there's no real reason for me not to give it.
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Next, the season finale.
← GlomTales! 🦆 Moonvasion! →
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yamamuragaku · 5 years
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Yamato Nikaido [white side] RabbitChat
“Well, so that I don’t lose to TRIGGER at maturity, shall I do my best in the live?”
Part 1-5
Part 1: Ichiban Kuji
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, good work.
Why, Ichiban Kuji is going to release IDOLiSH7 goods again…!
Yamato: Good work.
Yamato: Ichiban Kuji, huh? You’re grateful that we can work with them again.
Tsumugi: That’s right…! I’m grateful!
Yamato: What’s happening this time?
Tsumugi: Cushions, acrylic stands, etc.
Original costumes will also be designed!
Yamato: How exciting.
Tsumugi: Furthermore, this time there is also a plan to hold the Ichiban Kuji Awards, and fans get to vote.
Yamato: Oh, this is the first time I heard of it.
Yamato: Are we also doing a live?
Tsumugi: Yes. Actually TRIGGER will also be releasing goods with Ichiban Kuji, so we’ll be having a contest with them at the awards.
Tsumugi: The plan is to hold a live performance with TRIGGER on stage!
Yamato: I see, got it.
Anyway, the Ichiban Kuji Awards is an excuse to hold a live with TRIGGER.
Tsumugi: Yes. I look forward to working with you on the rehearsals and costume fittings.
Yamato: It’s fine with me, but I’m a bit worried about the brocon trio.
Tsumugi: Again with the brocon trio…!
Tsumugi: Riku-san said since it’s work, he’s going to do his job properly.
Tsumugi: Riku-san will surely be fine!
Yamato: Even if you say that, manager, I wonder if it’s really fine.
Yamato: Onii-san will take it easy as usual.
Leave the babysitting to me (lol)
Tsumugi: Babysitting?!
Yamato: Yeah. Sou and Mitsu are adults but they’re still childish.
Tsumugi: Then are you not a child, Yamato-san?
Yamato: I’m very much an adult.
Tsumugi: Sure….
Yamato: What (lol)
Tsumugi: If you’re an adult, then I think you shouldn’t fight with Mitsuki-san and Nagi-san!
Yamato: Oh…?
Tsumugi: W-What?!
Yamato: Shall I become an adult-like onii-san again?
Yamato: Like that time at Halloween (lol)
Tsumugi: Are you making those wisecracks again?!! Ugh!!
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Part 2: Maturity Contest
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, good work.
The rough designs of the costumes have arrived, so I sent them to you!
Yamato: Good work. Thank you
Tsumugi: Here they are!
Yamato: They’re a bit more than I expected though (lol)
Tsumugi: They’re amazing!!
I hear they’re costumes with the image of white knights.
Yamato: Yeah, fine, they’re good
Yamato: Hey Tsumugi-san, don’t I tell you, “Nikaidou Yamato is 22 years old,” every time when it comes to costumes…?
Tsumugi: ?
Tsumugi: There’s a document that lists your ages alongside your measurements….
Yamato: Ah, yeah….
Yamato: So why is there this embarrassing costume….
Tsumugi: Embarrassing?
The billowing cloak is amazing isn’t it?! The crown is also cute!
Yamato: It’s that.
Yamato: What’s with “cute” for a 22 year old man…?
Option 1
Tsumugi: Yamato-san is cute!
Yamato: How did manager’s train of thought become that way?
Option 2
Tsumugi: Is it better if I say cool?
Yamato: Well onii-san is a man, so I’d be happier if you said I was cool.
Option 3
Tsumugi: You hate it?
Yamato: Well, calling it hate, it’s like that. But that’s not what I want to say as a man.
Yamato: Was it on purpose?
What you said, manager.
Tsumugi: They’re my true feelings!
Yamato: Ah, I see.
Then do you also think of me as an adult? (lol)
Tsumugi: No comment!
Yamato: Hmmm (lol)
Yamato: What do you think adults are like, manager?
Tsumugi: Huh…?
Tsumugi: Um, like TRIGGER…? Their overall aura…?
Yamato: Ahh, so it’s TRIGGER.
How sly, manager.
Tsumugi: W-what do you mean sly?! ><
Yamato: It’s because of Yaotome and Tsunashi-san right? Kujou is still a kid though.
Tsumugi: TRIGGER’s costumes have the theme of black knights, so I think Kujou-san also has TRIGGER’s sexiness this time…!
Yamato: Well, so that I don’t lose to TRIGGER at maturity, shall I do my best in the live?
Tsumugi: Yes! ><
Yamato: When it’s over tell us who was the most erotic (lol)
Tsumugi: There you should’ve said mature!!
Part 3: Costumes and Rehearsal
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, good work at the Ichiban Kuji Awards rehearsal today!
I think your cloak was too big and it was hard to move in, but…. How was it?
Tsumugi: I think it needs a few improvements to make it easier to move in, but if there’s anything else please tell me.
Yamato: Thanks, manager.
Yamato: I get nervous when it looks like the sword and the mic cable will get entangled.
The cloak is heavy, but not enough to bother me.
Tsumugi: Thank you for your feedback!
After all they are props around your neck..
Tsumugi: I will work to improve it!
Yamato: You don’t have to do that much! The others can also move about fine.
Yamato: Don’t worry so much.
Tsumugi: Sorry….
Thank you for your kind words.
Yamato: Anyway, I saw everyone’s costumes, but it’s not just mine, everyone’s costumes were amazing (lol)
Tsumugi: The costumes this time were each exquisitely designed, they’re wonderful!
Yamato: Nagi is half-Japanese so those sorts of things look good on him.
Tsumugi: I know!
The large ribbon and feather also looked good on him.
Yamato: What did you think of TRIGGER’s costumes, manager?
Tsumugi: Umm…
Option 1
Tsumugi: It looked strong!
Yamato: I’m starting to get it (lol)
Yaotome feels like a last boss.
Option 2
Tsumugi: It looks like they popped out of a picture book!
Yamato: Definitely.
Kujou somehow feels like a queen (lol)
Option 3
Tsumugi: It was fluffy!
Yamato: Tsunashi-san’s costume? It was amazing.
Even though the decorative feathers went down to his feet, I was surprised at how nimbly he moved.
Yamato: Speaking of which, aren’t your impressions too abstract, manager? (lol)
Tsumugi: Actually I didn’t want to reveal my secret, but I was trying to imitate some people! lol
Tsumugi: Regarding TRIGGER’s costumes, Tamaki-san said, “it looks strong,” Riku-san said, “it looks like they popped out of a picture book,” and Kujou-san said, “it was fluffy”…!
Yamato: I get Tama and Riku, but Kujou really said “fluffy”?
Yamato: He’s usually cold and aloof, but onii-san is kind of relieved that he says age-appropriate responses.
Tsumugi: Kujou-san’s speech and way of thinking are really mature,, it’s amazing.
I was really taken aback.
Yamato: Kujou doesn’t show his true self often.
Tsumugi: If Yamato-san thinks he is aloof, I guess it must be so!
Yamato: When I’m with them, it throws me off….
Tsumugi: Nagi-san told me you and Tamaki-san were messing around! lol
Yamato: We weren’t messing around (lol)
Tama was meddling around so I gave him an adult-like response.
Tsumugi: They’re part of the costume, so please don’t break the props ><
Yamato: I know, but…. That Nagi….
Tsumugi: I didn’t see a Christmas tree!
It looks really good. You also decided to wave your cape during the dance!
Yamato: Manager, I’m not following.
Tsumugi: What…?
Part 4: Talking About Goods
Yamato: Manager, do you have time?
Tsumugi: Yes! What is it?
Yamato: Well, you know the Ichiban Kuji poster?
Tsumugi: Yes!
Yamato: I realllly hate that it’s hung in the bathroom….
Tsumugi: Whenever you go to the bathroom you can see everyone looking cool! lol
Yamato: No, consider my feelings when the cool me looks down at me doing my business?
Yamato: I’ll feel down, right?
Tsumugi: That’s not it!
Aren’t you happy that we have so many goods?!
Yamato: No no no no
Option 1
Tsumugi: Who do you think hung the poster?
Yamato: It’s probably Tama or Nagi (lol)
Option 2
Tsumugi: Are you going to take it down?
Yamato: No, I have mixed feelings about taking it down….
When I think about the others’ faces….
Option 3
Tsumugi: Let’s add more decorations!
Yamato: That’s fine, but let’s stop at the bathroom and toilet (lol)
Yamato: Ah, Riku came
Tsumugi: Riku-san?
Yamato: Riku handed me Nagi and Mitsu’s cushion, and his own acrylic stand (lol)
Tsumugi: Ah, so he gave you some goods!
Tsumugi: Actually, Riku-san was sad that your room didn’t have anything, Yamato-san, so he told me he was going to give you some goods!
Yamato: It’s fine if my room is just a place where I can sleep….
Yamato: Well, I’ll accept his feelings (lol)
Tsumugi: Certainly…!
I think Riku-san wanted to share the joy of everyone’s goods releasing.
Yamato: Idols should have these experiences huh.
Yamato: I went to the living room just now, but aren’t they playing with the goods too much…
Tsumugi: What happened?
Yamato: My cushion was wrapped up in red and green tinsel.
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Part 5: Towards the Awards
Tsumugi: Good work, Yamato-san.
The Ichiban Kuji Awards performance is finally tomorrow…!
Yamato: Good work, manager.
Yamato: Well those guys are fine. They also calmed down after the briefing.
Tsumugi: I see.
I had fun watching the wonderful performance.
Yamato: TRIGGER also had a steady live.
Tsumugi: TRIGGER never makes any mistakes….
They always deliver the best quality.
Yamato: We’re still a bit messy (lol)
Tsumugi: Y-you still have room for growth! ><
Yamato: Occasionally, Sou and Mitsu watch TRIGGER’s live DVDs in the living room, but as expected they’re amazing.
Yamato: “NATSU☆Shiyouze!” is completely TRIGGER’s now.
Tsumugi: “NATSU☆Shiyouze!” huh….
Yamato: Manager, don’t worry about it.
Mitsu properly talked to TRIGGER, and this matter is resolved.
Tsumugi: Yes…. I also like it! TRIGGER’s “NATSU☆Shiyouze!”
Yamato: Me too. When I listen to them sing it, I feel good now.
Option 1
Tsumugi: Gaku-san’s shouts are wonderful!
Yamato: He performs the song with enthusiasm.
As expected of the Most Desired Embrace No.1 (lol)
Option 2
Tsumugi: Kujou-san’s singing is cool!
Yamato: His singing is naturally strong.
I was surprised at how much his voice fits the song.
Option 3
Tsumugi: The way Tsunashi-san’s voice fits the song is the best!
Yamato: That’s the Ero Ero Beast for you. Of course it fits (lol)
He’s a man who suits the ocean.
Yamato: It’d be great if we could openly sing it at karaoke someday.
Tsumugi: Indeed. I think it’d feel great if we could sing it at something like the closing party!
Tsumugi: But still, there’s an air of everyone not wanting to touch on this matter.
Yamato: Even though Mitsu talked to them about it, the truth can’t come out.
It’d be difficult for TRIGGER.
Yamato: At the closing party after the awards tomorrow, sing it for us, manager (lol)
Tsumugi: M-me…!? I can’t!! ><
Yamato: If you don’t do at least this, those guys will also hold back (lol)
Tsumugi: I-I’ve never sung enka in front of other people before….
Yamato: Let us hear your enka warble, manager.
Yamato: Tsumugi-chan can play Kujou, Banri-san can be Tsunashi-san.
The president plays Yaotome (lol)
Tsumugi: Banri-san is good at singing so it’s fine, but my father’s singing is hellish…
Yamato: I look forward to it.
Tsumugi: Y-yamato-san…!! ><
Screenshots courtesy of @rabbit-library.
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jtvis · 5 years
Neon Love
  (Mood Music)
On this dark moonless night the stars are pulsating with a tenacious ferocity, I lay in the arms of my love at the end of the road atop a mountain looking down at the city. The rising humidity blurring the lines between land and sky like an aura has surrounded the city. A gentle gush of wind runs over her smooth body as it rustles my hair, I look into her eyes that hold the…
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orokinarchives · 5 years
Fleet Footed
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17 December 2014 – 24 December 2014
On Wednesday (17 December), the alert became available and was set to run for a week. The Tenno received an inbox message from the Lotus.
Inbox message: Fleet Footed
You have learned well, Tenno. Through countless assaults into enemy space, you have wreaked havoc among our foes. But our enemy has learned as much about us as we have about them. They are adapting. Their newest trick? Speed. Using lightweight aura mods, specialised Grineer can now match your speed and cover large distances with ease. I am telling you this because you will encounter these soldiers on your next mission. There is an emergency broadcast that I need intercepted immediately. The Grineer will try and stop you. You will show them that it takes more than speed to defeat the Tenno.
—The Lotus
The mission was a Mobile Defence on the Grineer Galleon tileset on Mars. A Conclave rating restriction of 700 was in place. Rollers and Arson Eximus units were present in high numbers, and the Eximus aura granted greatly increased movement speed to Grineer units in range. Completing the mission would reward a point. After three points were acquired (by completing the mission 3 times), the Tenno would receive an inbox message from the Lotus, containing a Tolling sigil.
Inbox message: Success!
We have recovered vital information from the messages you intercepted. Take this with my thanks.
—The Lotus
After that, the Conclave rating restriction was lowered to 500. Earning 3 more points rewarded the Tenno with a Stratos emblem.
Inbox message: Mission Accomplished
You went above the call of duty today, Tenno. The skill you displayed will inspire your fellow warriors. Wear this, so that they will know what has been achieved here today.
—The Lotus
[Navigation: Hub → Events → Tactical Alerts → Fleet Footed]
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ghoshanunay · 5 years
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Launched In US, Spots 12 GB RAM + 512 GB Internal Storage
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus launched in USA last week with Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and will be available for sale from 23rd August 2019. Expected to launch in India by Q4 this year at cost Rs.78,100/- (approx).
The device is available in Aura Glow, Aura White, Aura Black and Aura Blue. Galaxy Note 10+ has a 6.8-inch Dynamic AMOLED display with  3040 X 1440 pixels resolution and 498 ppi. The…
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