#this includes myself dw
finalpam8000 · 4 months
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nipuni · 1 year
OH my god we just watched Dr.Who "Human Nature" and "Family of Blood"
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metacrisisdoctor · 2 years
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mia + rose’s s1 hairstyle 💖
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gingerteaonthetardis · 9 months
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holy shit!!! okay, heard y'all loud and clear. time to work out What Would Happen if Twelve Did S2
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my mom owed me like $20 so I just asked her if she'd buy me this nice lounge bra I'd been eyeing so she did and GIRLS. THIS IS SO COMFY
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stupidrant · 9 months
another random thought from me 🤣 I remember from the 2018 game when Atreus and Kratos had to row into Jörmungandr’s mouth to look for Mimir’s eye, and since Jörmie is Atreus’ son, it’s like the equivalent to a dad getting a random Lego out of his child’s mouth LOOOOL “let’s not eat legos please” energy 😭
- 🥀 anon (I’ll hide behind this for now 🫣)
LOLL i always thought it was funny how jormie met and watched his own father grow up when he was a child and then saying “daddy its me!” And atreus is like who tf are you until ragnarok😂
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my-coven-is-claudia · 10 months
because i’m a timepetals girlie first and foremost i guess i have to talk about how some believe that 14’s ending is very much reminiscent of rose’s ending with tentoo’s. and that some aren’t a huge fan of that.
from my perspective 14’s ending is a continuation of journey’s end. tentoo’s ending is all about concluding the doctor’s arc about longing to be human and his desire to settle down with rose: the one adventure he can never have. through tentoo the doctor gets to have that. but 14’s ending doesn’t have that same theme. yes donna says the famous line about the one adventure the doctor has never had but in reality it’s got a lot more to do with trauma and the doctor finally choosing to stop running. this is why i don’t entirely agree with the criticism that 14’s ending is just tentoo’s repackaged because they’re about two entirely different themes. yes they both centre around the doctor getting this impossible happy ending but one’s about the doctor’s desire to be human and the other is about the doctor’s trauma. they’re just not the same and i believe it’s better to view it as an over-arching story with tentoo just being a single example of the doctor not allowing himself happiness, alongside the numerous other sacrifices the doctor has made for the sake of others, and 14 finally giving himself that, concluding the doctor’s overall arc.
the doctor infamously hates endings so him choosing this definitive ending for himself really exemplifies how far he’s come. going back to rose’s ending, although i believe her’s is ultimately a happy one, there is definitely an underlying sense that she’s being pushed to make a choice. ten is very obviously compelling her to choose tentoo despite the fact she hasn’t been given any proper time to think this through. i’ve always read this scene as the doctor desperately trying to give rose this perfect happy ending so that he won’t kill himself immediately afterwards. as long as she gets this unambiguous, definitive fairytale ending with a doctor who can give her the love she deserves then he’ll be fine. then he’ll be alright. in the end, ten sacrifices his own happiness so that rose can have her’s.
14 on the other hand is choosing himself. although he’s choosing an ambiguous fate by settling down with the noble family it’s ultimately a happy one. i think it’s intentional that we don’t know where he’ll end up after this. who he’ll regenerate into next - if he can even still regenerate. this is character development!! instead of pushing donna away like he did rose and trying to chug along like everything’s fine the doctor decides to step into the unknown. he isn’t the same anymore and he might outlive the nobles but what matters the most is that right now he’s the happiest he’s ever been. he allows himself to get to have that impossible happy ending. he’s choosing to stop running - something that the show has been building up to for 18 years: for the doctor to let go of his burden. he’s seen so many chances for him to permanently settle down fly right past him (11 protecting trenzalore, 12 living on derilium for 24 years with river and obviously rose choosing tentoo) but now he’s deciding to stay.
furthermore, to argue that this conclusion isn’t built up enough and just comes out of the blue i just plain disagree with. in the very first special donna questions the doctor on why it’s always “one last trip” and tells him that they could do normal things like go for coffee and hang out like mates. there’s a million reasons why the doctor ‘can’t settle down’ but to donna settling down is as simple as pie. this shows the extent of her love for him and how at the end of the day she just wants him to be alright. she has such a deep connection with him that she knows that the doctor continuing to run isn’t good for him. secondly, in wild blue yonder there’s a lot of focus put on the doctor’s deteriorating mental state and his desperate wish to be understood by donna but also how deathly afraid he is of opening up. copy-donna points out how they haven’t had a chance to talk and that “It’s always like that with you. Running from one thing to the next” yet again reminding the audience of how the doctor hasn’t stopped running. on top of this we see how the flux and the revelation about him being the timeless child have completely uprooted his sense of purpose and identity. he blames himself for the destruction of half of the universe and it’s clearly ripping him apart far more than anything else has before. he can’t go on like this anymore. finally, in the giggle the doctor admits that he doesn’t believe in himself anymore, how he’s all “sonic, and TARDIS and Timelord” but once you strip that all back, get rid of the toys, there’s nothing left. he literally says “What am I?”
throughout these specials we see the doctor in a state we rarely see, especially for such a prolonged amount of time: he’s directionless. the doctor never really knows where he’s going next but at least he’s excited, at least he feels some kind of thrill. i don’t get that vibe from 14. he doesn’t know who he is anymore, and he needs to figure out who he is. regenerating again wouldn’t fix that.
all that’s keeping him going pretty much is donna. getting to settle down i think is the only satisfactory conclusion for 14 and him dying - even though he was ready to do so - would’ve just been too depressing and might’ve sent out the wrong message. bi-generation recontextualises regeneration as being about birth instead of death. you don’t have to keep running, you don’t have to keep moving on and pushing everything down. you can finally feel what you’ve been ignoring. all that pain, all that anguish, all that love. you can rest now. you can go home. and that doesn’t mean you have to die. doctor who isn’t about tragedy anymore and that isn’t a bad thing. although this version of the doctor getting the impossible happy ending isn’t as bittersweet as tentoo’s ending, it doesn’t make it any less thematically significant. 14 was prepared for his time to be over, more so than most other doctors. but just this once, everybody lives, just this once, he lives
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jessmalia · 2 years
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Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Gina Linetti (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Brittney Pierce (Glee)
North (Rise of the Guardians)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
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weird0strawberry · 10 months
why do so many people like bunny dream? :o i mean hes adorable n all but uh Whats the motivation!! im so sorry if i sound rude im bad at words :D Also i love your art!! you motivate me a lot and i love your art so much!!
HI omg Tysm?? I’m so sry I missed this ask! Affsgsg I’ve been gone a while
for me personally, I used to draw c!dream with sheep ears due to his thing being c!puffy’s “duckling” (which was so long ago holy crap). eventually, they got a lil unwieldy with my style, so I changed them to bunny ears, which also worked well as a metaphor for a particular comic
It wasn’t really any one thing in particular, more like a conglomerate of things about bunnies—the dichotomy of the innocence of a bunny with the ever-present violence c!dream endures in Pandora’s vault; how c!sam was, ultimately, doing something immeasurably cruel to someone who was, ultimately, harmless. After that comic though, I kept it because I felt like it highlighted something important about c!Dream’s nature—he wasn’t always that way. He wasn’t always planning, wasn’t always so tortured, wasn’t always so broken. It kinda became a symbol of marred innocence to me, a way of saying through just the image/sight of them that he has been changed, he was made this way through the experiences he’s gone through. Because he used to be someone one would think was a bunny hybrid. He used to be bright, and happy, and lovable. That’s where he started, and look where he is now.
now, that’s why I kept drawing it in comics, but I’ll be honest and say I can’t really speak for the rest of dreblr lol. for writing purposes, it definitely has more to do with the practicality aspect of it—bunnies being agile, appearing weak or innocent at first but being more than u might bargain for—stuff more to do with the actual behavior of bunnies that fit with popular aspects of c!dreams character (I srsly dunno that much abt bunnies sry) but other than that it’s the same basic principle: it highlights something vital to him (heightened speed, jumping, parkour/fighting ability) that was changed, injured, or taken away by his experiences, particularly prison
Also it’s super cute. and we want cute dre
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artheresy · 9 months
Changed my mind, deleted my post, I've decided to abandon the self doubt and ascend to fully realized self indulgence with my Yingxing fic
In the end I'm first and foremost writing this fic for Me. I can include the hcs I want, all the comfort ideas that I want, and whatever else I want to plan!
I can't doubt myself, I must simply be like Yingxing and embrace his attitude to do as I please with confident to rival even the High Elder
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pisspope · 18 days
mae’s rb….. will the zeke fan tboy allegations never cease
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
hi it's me. bulletpoints
job has concluded! barring sudden expansion on the project I think that's gonna be it for my work here. six character cards in total! this leads to
wrists are bit fucked. I'll be putting that thang (creen tablet) in da closet again for at least a month while trying to hold as few heavy objects as possible for the time being
why one month deadline? well it's bc I made an artfight account. I'm fucking doing it this year on god I'll kick anyone's ass I'll kick my own ass. I'll post a link to my acc a week or so before the event starts, meanwhile I'll keep updating my roster and cleaning up this cardboard box I arrived at their door in. do u guys have a spare pair of suspenders I have a really funny joke to make
will be doing it on the creen tablet, unless I make enough to get a new graphic tablet that works with SAI2 inbetween. on that note
ink comms should come back sometimes next week babeyy I need to get back into da groove! miss my G pen it feels like I was close to something last time. I wanna get back to it. but also
I'm writing a fic now. tis the season it seems this happened last year too. but I'll try my best to not disappear off the face of the earth for 3 months running again lol I'll do my best to pace myself, since this is gonna be one of the heftier writing things.
sk8 people and another very specific subset of people will be pleased to know it's a sk8 Real Steel AU. if this means nothing to u carry on. have a good day. to the five people still here I'll probably be brainposting abt writing this so don't be surprised if that comes up here and there
circling back a bit I'm currently 120 USD away from the graphic tablet I wanna get, so that'll be what the ink comms are going toward. otherwise if u enjoy my art and have a spare doller to buy the baku a coffee I'd absolutely appreciate ur support! not mandatory but I'll definitely be very thankful! especially bc
I'll probably phase out the redbubble store some time in the future. at the very least I'll probably stop uploading new things on there while looking for alternative. ohh baby they are doing some wild shit and I want off the ride please. please
but yeah. that's the current plan for things. I've accepted that comics happen when they want to, and I have faith they still want to see the sunlight some time this year. meanwhile we keep busy keep training keep recovering! thank u for ur patience. have a good night take this sharp object
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bones-n-bookles · 1 year
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The Encyclopedia of the Dog: The Most Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to the Canine World, Featuring Over 400 Breeds and Varieties by Bruce Fogle, 1995
Dog breeds book which I accidentally stole from the library as a kid. It does include West Siberian, East Siberian, and Russo-European Laika, and calls Ainu Dogs just that! On the other hand, it calls Canadian Inuit dogs just "[slur for Inuit] Dogs" so.
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hyperionshipping · 1 year
did u know the meta-crisis doctor and rose have a little girl named mia together!!
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Oh my God they had a kid together.... A little baby girl. A babe. Oh that is everything to me
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
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i took a lot more photos than these at the con yesterday but these are the ones i decided were most worth sharing on here in this compilation post so here they are! :D fun fact about the lip gloss idk why i kept putting it on because aside from eating/drinking and the occasional photo i wore my mask basically the whole time i was there and now it has a disgusting smudge on it from me doing that so. that was certainly a Choice i made XD
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snailune · 6 months
wiki how do I stop spiraling about my life once every 2 weeks I'm getting sick of it
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