#this is SO all over the place im almost embarrassed PLEASE help me refine this im sdfjk
derelicthorror · 3 years
okay welcome to the worst post of all time ! ballas edition
this is the one where i’m mostly leaning towards devils' advocate, because this kind of prompt has a hold on the essay-loving side of me and when i tell you it's got claws i Mean it. i have the post clowning on the more. uh clunky and jerky side of the storytelling for this guy and his entire master plot drafted and in the works but this one got Too Long on its own
also, this post is intended as a jumping-off platform for further takes! think of this as me saying “is the earth flat? discuss” but abt whatever the Heck was going on with ballas. varying perspectives etc., and there are some points that i didn’t consider, so with that said i’m all for some further add-ons! this thing is also Not itemized at all it’s potpourri it’s also like 1k words [general content warning here for verbal and emotional abuse/unhealthy relationships, and likely incomplete analysis thereof; also lots of spoilers from the second dream to the new war]
so, ballas. executor of the seven, one of the last surviving orokin, all-around dubious person - but it seems like from the second dream to the sacrifice to the new war, he looked at the slippery slope from “the wet-socks feeling distilled into a man” to “outright abusive in a pretty unfunny way” and he really did grab the sled there now, im not going to b out here dropping phrases off the bat like "rampant narcissistic manipulation" n stuff bc its. a very particular type of language u are employing when you start pulling out the AP psych terms and slinging them around without justifying or dissecting them and also, while DE was very deliberate in the way they wrote him, he is still a video game man. i do, however, find the way he's written to gradually show his worse traits to be really fascinating. like, from the start you know that this guy is kind of bad news and doesn't really care much about how his actions affect others mostly seeing them by the light of his own ego. re: his treatment of margulis, there's always been this almost? dismissive? tone he takes when it comes to the things she has resolved to do on her own? mostly i'm thinking abt some of the lines you hear whispered in the second dream
"Hush, my wilted love. ... tomorrow, you must renounce before the Seven."
i can almost describe the tone here as condescending? like he takes it for granted that his way is correct and that her resolve is this childish thing that he is brushing aside as silly. and then later, after he personally delivers the death sentence, he still seems to believe it's her own fault (!).
"Seven hands raised. For your apostasy, the judgment is death. Margulis… why?"
and my guy knew why; she was very clear in why she chose death. she loved her children too dearly and held her convictions too fiercely, refusing to bow to the court, but instead of acknowledgement, all you get from ballas’s end is this sting of betrayal beautifully delivered by max howarth (in two words no less!! i love this guy's acting). he conveys so well that ballas's disbelief is because she hurt him with her choice, and that's what stood out to him more than anything else. all the way through his story's end, it's like this perceived failing on her part never stops rankling at him and he never stops blaming everyone for it even long after the fact
ballas has a couple traits that start shining through clearer and clearer every time he makes his appearance. there’s his need for control, there’s his vindictiveness, and there is his ego.
he was in one of the, if not the, highest echelons of orokin society. he was one of the executors; he oversaw the creation of the warframes. his influence was such that he could easily silence a dax soldier without raising undue suspicion. ballas comes from a place of power, and even just factoring in the orokin sense of self-aggrandization and superiority, as well as ballas’s own personal character flaws, that makes for a potent mix of prideful and obsessive with the teeth to back it.
but how does his betrayal of the orokin factor in?? how does he handle the hypocrisy that comes from turning his back on his people, because he hurts really badly when the same thing is done to him?? and he doesn’t. he’s already justified himself in his own head (there’s the ego! there’s a refusal to accept blame!). the rest of the orokin made him do this. it’s only right that he turn on them, because they made him pass judgment on margulis, and margulis made him speak the judgment that the orokin forced on him, and he is the blameless one so why shouldn’t they get what they deserve? this mans does olympic level gymnastics jumping through this many mental hoops
so when a particular dax catches wind of his deceit and ballas finds out, his response is nowhere close to shifty or guilt-ridden or anything that would imply he feels Bad about turning on the orokin. he’s angry, and he’s smug, and it’s the first time we see fully just how ugly this man is. rotted through and through
"I've had lifetimes to plan my defection. You spied on me, intercepted my communications, but I saw your move long before you took it. And so... we come to the consequences."
consequences. like justifiable comeuppance? this isn’t the talk of a man who believes he’s wrong and it’s awful bc he’s like that!! the whole time!! he didn’t have to do any of it to umbra; he could have just killed him on the spot. but he drags it out instead, and he doesn’t let it stop at umbra himself, or even just at isaah. ballas makes it clear that in retaliation, he’s going to wipe out everyone umbra cares about.
"This one, a brother. These three, his children. And on and on, all of these gone to the Jade Light."
altogether so far there’s this unwavering belief that he can do no wrong, that nothing in the world is ballas’s fault, and underneath it there’s this malice that just undercuts the whole thiiiing this man is so ugly im. theres no other word for him hes just Ugly great job DE
the thing abt ballas when it comes to margulis the archimedian is that, from his perspective, he seems to have? , really loved her? now, full stop, the problem is that his idea of love is warped beyond all reason. it isn’t the right kind, and it isn’t the healthy kind, and to say that he could do with a reality check or five is an understatement. ballas’s perspective on margulis can be boiled down to I love her, and she is mine to be loved by me, and I know what is best for her. you don’t see him valuing her decisions or taking into account the things that she wants.
re: the flaws of ballas’s relationship to margulis, lundy bancroft puts it pretty succinctly: “Genuine love means respecting the humanity of the other person… This kind of love is incompatible with abuse and coercion.” and he failed on all counts, -11/10
margulis as a character has direction. she has wants. she wants to protect her children. she wants to solve the problem of transference. she wants to salvage the survivors of this wreckage before the orokin destroy them all. she is a brilliant scientific mind and a keen force for compassion and by all accounts, on encountering the zariman problem, she makes the children the focal point of her life, even at the cost of her health.
what ballas sees is margulis turning her back on him to make way for the little void demons. and it’s subtle, the why behind his dislike of the tenno. he’s been calling them devils from that hell the entire time, distrustful of them and reluctant to make use of them.
then the new war happens and it’s. so loud and in your face it’s jealousy this man is jealous of a child because he felt it divided margulis’s affection for him and that possessiveness is integral to what makes him such a shriveled up little pest okay.
and the way he just takes his anger at margulis and places it onto the lotus too? the compartmentalizing is almost impressive. the dissonance. i can’t wrap my head around how this character must think, like??? margulis left me for the demon children. margulis rejected me and chose death instead. she is wicked and spiteful and she is the perfect lover and i miss her every day. the lotus is the new and better margulis. she refuses to be the better margulis??? she is wicked and spiteful unlike my perfect lover margulis like ????? the circles??? the loops??? i dont???
thinking abt why he was like that to the lotus at the end as well, in a lot of ways, ballas finally snapping when he feels an imminent loss of control is like? yeah i can see it. his plan of complete dominion did not succeed completely, and where it did he’s immensely unsatisfied with the shallow compliance of the veiled. but where it didn’t succeed, that’s his focal point, and once he’s getting into his head that he doesn’t have what he wants and it’s all because of this scrawny devil child and the Lotus, who rejected his affection - what else is there to do besides rage?
on that note i still cringe thinking about every single thing he says to her it was textbook. the name-calling. the derision. the refusal to accept blame. i was hiding behind my blanket the whole time
re: the whole eat the sun to power a bus ride to tau thing, ballas did??? speak of tau pretty highly i suppose??? speaking of how the sentients were to bear them “a new, promised land.” maybe?? hes like well who else deserves to see the cool new system than ME and ONLY me. if i can’t have my lover and if i can’t have total control of Everything, Ever then i guess it’s time to Jump Ship and start My Own Club of One. Me.
sigh. the sun-eating thing was. i mean at least there’s a flair for the dramatic that never really goes away
there was a lot of yelling and a lot of doomsday grandstanding and at the end of the day im just glad to be rid of sandal-socks steven
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mackenzie-wolf · 6 years
You've got a lot to learn p.4/?
Requested by anon
Becca x Older woman (O/C)
[Warning! Contains offensive language]
This fic has developed a life of its own... Sorry to anyone still waiting on other fics. They're going to happen but... this is just happening first lol
Becca got out of the cab and passed a few bills through the driver side window. Usually the idea of taking a cab would have put her off of even going out that night; but she had no idea what drinking with her colleagues would be like and she didn't want to have her car there as a potential poor-drunken decision.
She walked the few steps down the street and came to the door of the Double Tap, just as a few loud patrons were staggering out. Stepping back to let them pass, she caught a look at herself in the darkened window of a store. Becca smoothed down her casual but elegantly beautiful, white dress and pushed a few locks of her hair back over her shoulder. The half reflection didn't offer her much of a view on her makeup but after the time she had spent on it earlier, she wasn't too worried.
It was out of character for becca to be so nervous before meeting new people. It was something she usually excelled at. Then again, almost everything that had happened over the last few days was out of character for her. As she became sure that she looked a vision of perfection, she found herself lost inside her own thoughts.
'What the hell are you doing becca? It's not like it matters if these people like you.'
A few more steps towards the door...
'No doubt they've already made up their minds seeing as you've been practically glue to the boss the last two days...'
Her hand touched the door handle and she took in a deep breath...
'Not that it wasn't worth it.' Becca smiled to herself before pushing open the door and feeling the warm rush of air strike her face. The smell of old beer and spirits was lingering in the air along with the smell of cheep cologne and inexpensive perfume. Her eyes scanned the place that looked like a breeding ground, for both bacteria and... well, people. Why this place was decided upon for the gathering of her team was unclear. Unless they had seriously less refined taste than she did. A quick glace around the room and becca recognised no one. It was 9:15pm so she definitely wasn't too early. Her eyes scanned the bar, still nothing. Then they scanned the sign over the bar, just to make sure that she had the right place.
In a mix of frustration and concern, becca made her way to the bathroom, trying to escape the loud music, loud patrons and the lost look she obviously had upon herself, standing alone in the doorway of the bar. Once in the bathroom (that was bigger than it had looked from the outside) becca leaned against a wall with a huff. Other women were at the mirror, washing their hands or applying a touch up on their makeup. Becca paid no attention to them and instead, unlocked her phone and went straight on to her social media. She brought up Robynn's profile, trying not to dwell for too long on her picture. She took no time at all in finding her contact info; luckily her number was available. Becca took the number in to her phone and typed out a text.
-Hey, it's becca. Did you guys ditch me? 😉-
-hii. Im here... 💕Becca-
-hi robynn. Its becca. Where are you guys?- Sent. Delivered.
Seconds later, becca heard two sharp 'pings' come from the other side of the bathroom, by the mirrors. With a small crease in her brow, becca walked a slow few steps further in, glancing around the corner to catch the full view of the mirrored wall. In the reflection she could see a familiar face, partially obstructed by the other women stood next to her, even if they were much shorter. Becca took a tentative step toward her but stopped herself. Noticing that Robynn hadn't checked her phone yet, still to caught up in what she was doing, becca found herself staring. Robynn was styling her hair and clearly becoming frustrated at the way the brunette spikes were falling. It was cute watching her, her face was a little pink with annoyance and becca could just about make out her clothes through the thrall of women still taking up plenty of space in the room between them. Becoming a little impatient, becca started to push through the small crowd until she found herself at Robynn's back. Unsure of what to even say. Her hand reached up, as if to touch Robynn's shoulder, but recoiled back just as fast. Instead, she pulled out her phone again, making sure to not be seen in the mirror that Robynn's impressive stature was blocking her from. She brought her number back up and with a rueful smile, hit the Call button. As soon as Robynn's phone vibrated -along with the unmistakable theme tune from The Crown and The Flame that becca had to suffer through on countless nights at the house- her hand flew to pick up the phone from where it sat, just next to the sink.
"Hello..." she answered with an impatient tone.
"Turn around." Becca said. Her voice a mix of teasing and flirtation. With that, Robynn spun around on her heel. Coming face to face with becca, Robynn's face softened and a heavy breath deflated her chest.
"Becca. I wasn't sure if you'd make it!" She beamed at her, making the first awkward step toward a hug. Becca matched her step and allowed herself to fall into Robynn's embrace. As her strong arms wrapped around Becca's frame, the rest of the room, the building, the night, seemed to fall entirely away. The smell robynn was wearing was heavenly; both feminine and powerful at the same time. It matched her perfectly. As she took in the next inhale, becca was quickly reminded where they were.
"Uhmm. Could we move out of here?" She giggled. Robynn's arms relaxed around her as they both pulled away. Robynn nodded her head toward the door and the two of them left the bathroom. Pushing through the crowds was easier this time, especially with Robynn taking the lead and making short work of the people in her way.
The two of them found a table near the back of the bar and sat down across from one another. It didn't take more than a few seconds for becca to realise the lack of chairs around the table and the fact that she had heard nothing about anyone else joining them. She took a breath to centre herself before asking the question that was sitting on the edge of her lips.
"So... are the others meeting us here?"
Robynn quickly looked down, trying to hide the embarrassment on her face. She looked up and met Becca's curious gaze. "Uhmm. So, the team I'm in charge of is you and two other people. So when I said 'some of our team'..."
"You meant, just the two of us?" Becca said trying to keep a smile from creeping across her lips.
"I'm sorry, I know that was wrong of me." Robynn said flatly.
"Yes it was..." Becca said sternly, prompting Robynn to look away again. "...but, I don't mind." Robynn's head snapped up to attention and a small grin tugged at the corners of her lips. "You know you could have just said that though. That it would just be us."
"Yeah.." Robynn laughed weakly to herself. "... that was the original plan, but then I kept losing my nerve and then you got that cut... Is it ok by the way?"
Becca lifted her finger that had been rebandaged after her shower. "Its fine, thank you. Also thank you for taking care of it earlier."
"It was the least I could do" She smiled back.
"That reminds me." Becca said, quickly reaching into her small purse. She pulled put the neatly folded handkerchief, free of all stains and already dry.
'I really have to thank milly again for that'
"No way!" Robynn grinned. "This thing was a mess a few hours ago!"
"I told you I'd take care of it. Full disclosure, I actually had no idea what to do. I tried using dosh soap on it..." At that, Robynn grimaced. "...thankful I live with decent people who actually know how to take care of things. So one of them helped me."
"Wow. It must be great to lie with such good... friends." Robynn said, leaving the last word sounding like a question.
"I caught that by the way" Becca said, arching her brow at the blushing woman opposite her.
"Caught what?" It seemed unusual for robynn to sound so bashful but it matched the color on her cheeks easily.
"Yes. They're my Friends." She stated, letting her smile show through all at once.
"So... no...?"
"No, nothing even like that." Becca adjusted how she was sitting. Feeling suddenly more confident. This was a game she was use to playing and never failed to enjoy it. "And you?"
"Oh, no... not for a while..." Robynn almost recoiled in horror at her own words as they spilled out but becca gave a soft laugh before picking up her purse.
"What do you drink?" She asked as she began to stand. Robynn quickly stood first and gave becca a look that wasn't to be argued with.
"I invited you so at least the first drink has to be my responsibility."
"I won't argue with that. Apple Martini, dry. Please." Becca's voice was sounding more full with every word. Her practiced ease on dates was setting in and she finally felt less like she was going to fail at the next turn.
As robynn walked toward the bar, becca found herself staring yet again. It surprised even her how often she caught herself doing that recently. She watched as robynn leaned over the bar and flagged down the bar tender with her charming smile. Becca hardly noticed the chair beside her being pulled out or the man who made himself comfortable in her space.
"Hey there!" He said a little too loud and a little to close. Becca almost jumped at the surprise, but quickly composed herself, giving him a questioning look.
"Can I help you?" She said, clearly sounding uninterested in speaking with him.
"I guess we'll see." He chuckled sickly. "What are you, on a girls night out?"
"Something like that." Becca looked over at the bar to catch another glimpse of Robynn.
"Well you aughta be careful. Looks like your friend might bat for the other team." He said, moving an inch closer in his seat.
"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" He now had Becca's full attention.
"Just that she might be looking for more than a friend..." As disgusting as he sounded, the idea made Becca's heart beat twice as fast. "... and God knows you're too good for all that!"
"Urgh..." Becca sighed dramatically. "...Meaning?!"
"That you're too pretty to be... you know..." Before he could finish his lothesome sentence, his chair was tipped back, almost sending him crashing to the floor before being caught in a strong grip.
"Actually she's exactly pretty enough!" Robynn's voice boomed at him. Her one hand holding the man's weight in the tipped chair, the other holding both drinks on a tray, still perfectly balanced. "You're in my seat. So could you please take your hateful opinions elsewhere. Anywhere, as long as it's away from my date!" Becca blushed as the declaration was pushed from Robynn's tongue. Holding back the excitement, becca took on an icy glare, aimed at the man who was now scrambling to get up.
"I don't need this..." he hissed between his teeth. "...enjoy eachother. Dykes!"
"Keep walking unless you want your ass kicked by a dyke asshole!" Robynn turned to becca with an apologetic look on her face. "I'm really sorry about that. I hate it when people think they can just..."
"I forgive you." Becca laughed. "But I'd definitely like that drink now"
"Oh, of course." Robynn set down the tray and handed becca tell tall glass. She took her gin and tonic and put it to her lips, taking a gratified sip. The night went on and the two of them began talking more and more. About work at first, then they went deeper. Becca told robynn all about her parents divorce and having to move in with her former nemesis. How it lead to her needing the job and how she was saving up to do something good for a close friend of hers.
Robynn talked about how she was a chubby girl in school. Along with the fact that she was already out as gay and her short haircut, she was an easy target for bullies. Her dad had told her that sometimes the only way to stop a bully is by making them feel as weak as they make others feel. He had bought her some exercise equipment and it wasn't long before she got more interested in it. Body building, cardio, full workout plans were all a part of her daily routine now. Bullies stayed away from her after realising they were no match.
As the night wore on, the bar was quickly emptying. Robynn checked the time on her watch. Realising how late it had become, she tried to stifle a yawn. Becca picked up her glass and finished the last of her drink before suggesting that they leave for the night.
When they stepped outside, the cold air made Becca's head spin a little. Her feet betrayed her as she stepped forward, causing her to sway slightly. Robynn held her arm and Becca's head leaned gently on her broad, strong shoulder. They hailed a cab and robynn held the door open, ushering becca inside. Once the driver had Becca's address, the car started down the street. Warm yellow lights flashed by the window that becca was leaning against, suddenly feeling more drunk than she had done inside.
"Here..." Robynn said, pulling becca closer by her shoulders. "... you can lean against me if you want to." With a tipsy grin, becca let her head fall against Robynn's chest. Her eyes felt heavy as they went the rest of the way home. Robynn asked the cab to wait while she helped becca out of the car and walked her to her front door. Becca fiddled with her keys, unsure of what to say.
"Yeah?" She said confidently, leaning against the door frame of the large house.
"Was this really a date?" She asked almost under her breath. "You said to that guy..."
"Damn, I hope so. I don't think I'll have the nerve to ask you out for the first time, again." She laughed before meeting Becca's eyes. They were shining in the faint light coming through the window of the door. Filled with both curiosity and longing. Wordlessly, the two of them fell in to eachother, their lips connecting in a deep kiss. Robynn's hand cradled the back of Becca's head and Becca's arms wrapped around her well toned hips. It felt like the kiss lasted an eternity, until it ended. Then it felt like no time at all, like it couldn't possibly be enough.
"Do you... do you want to..?" Becca mumbled shyly as she looked up at Robynn's deep green eyes.
"Yes. I really do... but I won't." Becca's gaze fell to her feet with shame. "But that's just because we've been drinking. Maybe next time we can stay sober and see if we still want to?"
"Next time?" Becca teased. "Who said anything about a next time?"
"Oh... I just..." Robynn tried to backpedal.
"You're cute." Becca laughed before standing higher on her tiptoes to plant another kiss on Robynn's full lips. She put her key in the door and opened it an inch. "This was a great night Robynn. Thank you"
"Yeah.. I erm... my pleasure" she giggled.
"Mine too" Becca winked, then walked in to the house, taking one last look at the beautiful woman on her porch before closing the door. Her eyes closed as she leaned her back against the door, letting out a long content sigh.
"Well Well Well..." a voice spoke, making Becca's eyes shoot open. She cringed as she saw all of her housemates sitting in the living room, looking at her expectantly.
"Oh god no..." Becca grimaced, closing her eyes tight again as if it were a a beautiful dream that had just turned in to a nightmare.
"Someone owes us details!" Zack singsonged, causing the rest of them to laugh.
To be continued
@im-still-gonna-fly (I told you I'd get it done 😉)
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yenni19 · 3 years
Chapter 12
(This scene contains sexual language)
Phara looks down at her feet embarrassed as her own mate is right in front of her
Iroku(grabbing her hand): come with me you will be staying at my place from here on out....don't worry about the elders they are judgemental with everyone
Phara(nervous): but we are told to never stay in the mates home only at the communal house set up by the elders
Iroku: well if they want a promising shinobi child...they would have to abide by my rules....no questions asked....and besides I'm the one empregnating you
Phara(turning red): I don't think it's proper to talk vulgar in that way...
Iroku stops and turns to her, he notices through her thin veil she's embarrassed
Iroku: I always talk this way.....besides its not vulgar I'm just straight forward with words
Phara(bowing): My apologies sir...I didn't mean to upset you I'm any way....
Iroku(irritated): stop bowing and apologizing...I'm no king just a strong shinobi...taking on this task was not easy for me either
Phara: we were taught to apologize first even if we did no wrong.....
Iroku: don't treat me as a duty because of who you are....just treat me as a normal person...like a friend
Phara: ok.....I'll try my best
They arrive at Iroku's home, as she enters inside she is shocked at how organized and tidy everything looks
Phara: wow....its so clean....
Iroku: what did you expect a mess....if you didn't know I'm very high maintenance...I've been that way ever since childhood...thanks to my mother
Phara: sorry again.......I've heard stories by the other birthers that men were messy....and lacked any sense of cleaning up after themselves
Iroku: sorry to bust your bubble...but I was raised by a very strict woman....she taught me everything I know....and didn't like lazy children...productive children who knew housework was better than a rebellious messy one...or so I was told
Phara(looking around): oh you have books....but there nothing like the ones we read (walks over to pick one up) there more detailed and vibrant in color
Iroku(behind her): yeah they are stories or folktales passed down in paper formats....we like to keep occupied even though we are at war at the moment
Phara(turning to face him): your so tall....and very broad shouldered...(touches his chest) were you always tall even as a kid?
Iroku(nervous): yeah as a twelve year old I look fourteen and when I hit the seventeen mark I looked twenty after that I stopped growing
Phara(taking off her head covering): well...you said to take my head covering off once we were alone....
Iroku(mesmerized): you....look.......beautiful.....your hair is a dirty dark blue with blond tips halfway down (cups her face) your eyes are a refined Grey like the clouds on a rainy day....you even have a beautiful figure......
She kisses him and he receives her kiss, he picks her up and takes her to the bedroom, she takes off his shirt once placed on the edge of the bed
Phara: your chest is so big (grabs his hand) and your hands are larger than mine
Iroku: is that a problem?
Phara(embarrassed): no I was always told that men with large hands.....had a way with women
Iroku(smiling): well let me undress you and you'll find out...I can't hold back any longer
Iroku undresses Phara, she stands there nervous as he undresses himself, she blushes as she stares at his shaft
Phara(tomato red): you are so big how will.....
Iroku: not yet I have to please you first....
He kisses her as she is in a sitting position, Phara moans as he is strumming her insides with his large fingers careful not to make her lose her virginity
Phara(aroused): what are you doing......ahhhh....nnnnoooo....not there
Iroku: let me help you relax Phara....its the only way I'll enter you
Phara(out of breath): ok.....ahhhhhh......I can't take it I feel a tingling sensation
Iroku(stopping himself): good your pulsating against my fingers....time to enter you
Phara(aroused): ok....enter me I can't hold myself back anymore.....
Iroku enters his shaft inside Phara, she stiffens just a little but lossens up as he starts moving inside her, Phara moans as he moves faster causing them both to climax
Iroku(tired): I never expected sex to be this exciting....what about you?
Phara(nervous): it was the loviest time of my life....you had me speachless and you were amazing....I don't want it to end
Iroku(grabbing her and sitting her up): fine I guess we continue where we left off....
He kisses her as he softly pinches her nipples, Phara moans and he chuckles as she enjoys his sexual affection towards her
Phara(moaning): Iroku I feel that funny feeling again....
Iroku: just lose yourself to that pleasurable feeling....trust me it's better than the first....
Phara turns to him kissing him fiercely on his lips, she sits on his lap as she positions his shaft inside her, she moans as she sits on top of his shaft rubbing against it
Phara: I'm pulsating again Iroku....I can't stop moving on top of you....I feel like I'll lose it....
Iroku: it's ok just finish.....keep going I'm almost there.....
They climax for the second time....Phara and Iroku hold eachother as they lay down on the bed
Phara: it was the best the second time around...Iroku....I think I'm falling for you
Iroku: it's ok....I think I love you Phara....
They spend the rest of the evening together in bed with one another
The Uzumakis and Uchihas are in the living room hearing Phara's story
Phara(smiling): for the first time in my life I experienced love so pure and honest. Iroku Minato's father was everything I wanted in a man....honest pure with his emotions....always willing to lend a hand.....and very protective of me....even if it was going to be a short time with the Namikaze clan I wanted to cherish moments like the ones I had with Iroku....but everything changed once I had Minato and Iroku was forced into taking in a wife he never loved....and after that I was forced to leave the clan and sent back to the birthing temple....leaving the product of our love with him.....and his new wife....then a year later I met Rozu my second mate....we didn't see eye to eye but he showed me love in a different manner....by small gestures or small compliments he was a hard shell to crack
Phara goes back to the time she and Rozu met under dire consequences, Phara was with the elders of the Uchiha clan as she witnessed the hier of the clan argue with his father
Rozu(angry): I will lead the clan but with no hier....I don't need a woman telling me what to do father!
Uchiha elder: you need an hier....and the birthers are the up most respected women....she can give you a strong Uchiha child...
Rozu: I said I don't want one so send her away.....for all I know under that head covering she might be ugly....
Irritated Phara took off her head covering, Rozu who wouldn't shut up, stood there in silence as the crowd gasped to see her face
Phara(angry as she approaches Rozu): does this face look ugly to you....because the only ugly thing i see in this room is your attitude...so if I were you I would make a change starting with that attitude of yours
Rozu(mesmerized): you....how dare you....do you know who......
Phara: no I don't know who you are.....but I know one thing....I don't think this arrangement will work out (walking out of the communal home) I'm leaving and going home.......because I'm too ugly for the new leader of this clan
Uchiha elder: please you are our last chance....don't turn us down like every birther has.....we need you to produce an hier....I know my son is rough around the edges but just stay a week....just one week to prove he has a soft side
Phara: alright....a week....but if nothing changes...I'm going home
The elders leave and she is stuck with Rozu....the roughest of the group....but Phara wasn't that innocent girl anymore...after what happened she became cold as well and tougher than most birthers
Phara(walking to her room): I'm going to bed...see you...
Rozu(grabs her hand): why would you even want to....I'm liberating you from your duties as a birther...you don't have to be here
Phara: even if i was sent away....another of my sisters would be brought here....and I wouldn't live with myself if you treated them wrong....so id rather stay and play it out to see where this goes
Rozu: why do you care for them....and those stupid head maidens....they obligate you to have sexual relations with strangers like a whore in a brothel....
Phara(turns around and slaps him): we are not whores.....we are birthers made to give birth to children of the clans since we are no longer useful to the Otsutsuki (pulls her arm away) how dare you disrespect our culture
She runs into her room and shuts the door, she sits there crying the rest of the night, she wakes up and makes breakfast only to find a meal ready for her by Rozu
Phara(picking up the note): I'll be back.....had clan meetings...don't wait up for me...your allowed to roam town if you like....with or without your head covering....I won't force you to wear it (sighs and she puts down the note) so he does care....he's such a troublemaker
She heads out to see the town, she was amazed of how many stands there were and how lively the people were
Phara: so where to start.....oh I know the fruit stand
She goes to the fruit stand and picks out mango, strawberries, and kiwi she pays for them and walks around town before heading home, once she gets there she cuts up the fruit and places it neatly on the plate and writes 'thank you' on the note Rozu already wrote on with a smiley face
Phara(smiling): hope he likes it.....
Rozu(behind her as he enters the house): hope who likes it?
Phara picks up the plate and walks over to him, as she gets close she slips and Rozu tries catching her, but instead he ends up on top of her
Phara: sorry for the mess......
Rozu: its fine....I'm not upset
Phara: Rozu your staring at me
Rozu: I know...I can't stop looking...because I want you Phara....right here and now
Phara(admitting): so do I....Rozu....now take me and deflower me.....
Rozu kisses her intently and she kisses back wanting more of him. She moans as he undresses her on the very floor and touches her intimate spot she screams
Phara: oh Rozu...not there im sensitive right now!
Rozu: I want to kiss every part of you....
Phara(gasping): then do it....take me and fulfill my desires
He licks her clitoris making Phara scream in pleasure he lifts her up on his waist and carries her to the room continuing the foreplay
Rozu: why do u captivate me Phara?
Phara(heavily breathing): because Uchiha boy....I'm different from other women...I don't submit easily
He continues by stroking her and she moans at the sensation of it, building up the climax she moans louder as he strokes faster
Phara(on top of him): I can't take it anymore....fill me with your shaft
Rozu(sitting up): then have your fill....I'll enjoy it too
She starts moving as she is already on top of him his shaft hard enough going deep inside her, within minutes they climax as they finish laying together
Rozu(out of breath): Phara.....I want you to run away with me....before you give birth.....I heard about you and the Namikaze guy.....I want to save you from a heartbreak.....I want a life with you Phara.....a family filled with happiness....when I saw you take off your covering I saw a rare beauty like never before....Phara I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you
Phara(facing Rozu): really....you want a life with me....a birther....
Rozu: yes....I won't stand it if you had to go through falling in love again if it's not me.....then you can run away with me and we start fresh
Phara(crying): thank you Rozu....thank you for loving me eventhough we just met
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Can you tell me more about Jubilee and DeLune? Jubilee is your character, right? They both sound like great characters!
hooo ok. ok so. ok so listen. listen.
we gotta get something out of the way realquick: whenever i talk about DeLune and Jubilee–or really just DeLune–i getso incoherent and flail-y i just. i love DeLune so much, she’s been in mythoughts every day for the past month+ no lie
ok so. @fatalcookies​ createdDeLune as an npc for a campaign she’s going to run, in which I’m going to be aplayer, playing as Jubilee Waters, the gayest tiefling you’ll ever meet (as ofyet, there has not been a single game. I’m obsessing over a character i haventplayed as and her girlfriend. i know. I’m ridiculous)
..let’s introduce Jubilee, then DeLune, theni’ll talk a little about their relationship and maaaaybe go into the au’s I’vecooked up for them. that sounds good, yeah let’s do that
Jubilee Waters. she’s from a small mountaincommunity where tieflings are more accepted than in other places. This mountaincommunity is also known for its arts
Jubilee was abandoned on the church ofPelor’s doorstep at birth, and was taken in by one of the people whoworked in the church, a laborer/cook/whatever they needed her to be named MariaWaters.
Jubilee grew up healthy and strong, and wasquick to pick up the ways of both a cleric and an artist; shaping her own hornsinto works of art and also taking up painting as a hobby, all while training tobe a holy warrior who fought in the name of Pelor, god of the sun. She excelledat the healing arts, and it was only because of her desire to help peopleoutweighing her need for glory that she went down the cleric path instead ofthe paladin path. (that and i reallllly wanted to play a cleric, because ihavent yet)
except her mom didn’t want her to go out andadventure, because it was too dangerous. That was a point of contention for along time between them. Jubilee wanted to go out and help people, and hermother wanted her home and safe.
Eventually, Jubilee’s mother passed. Jubileestayed, mourned, and before too long had passed, she was out on the road,heading to destinations unknown in a quest with a single goal: help peoplewherever help is needed. 
Eventually, she meets the group she’ll betraveling with in-game, and she goes on her merry way, eventually meetingDeLune
(I’ve been informed that DeLune probably won’tshow up until about halfway through the campaign, which on one hand makes me :(but on the other hand has built up the Hype of meeting her so much that i thinkwhen Jennie says “and in walks a half elven businesswoman” or somethingalong those lines I’m literally going to burst into tears of joy)
DeLune Candor…im trying to decide how much ican talk about.
you know what? i don’t think any of the otherplayers follow me, so the chances of them seeing this post are slim to none.I’m going in guns a’ blazin’
Her full name, I’ve found out, is Claire DeLuneCandor (which “Claire DeLune” means moonlight so they’ve already got thisgreat sun and moon dynamic going on which makes me Weak)
DeLune Candor is a ~55 year old (or theequivalent in half-elven terms) inventor turned businesswoman who is currentlythe head of a large family business that specializes in trading. The businessis booming, and it’s exclusively due to DeLune being at the head of thebusiness. She tries her best to run an ethical business, she’s a pointy-earedcapitalist, and i love her with my whole heart oh my god
She’s a workaholic, she is Fancy to the extremeand has quite the refined taste. She doesn’t like mincing words, she’svery direct and to the point, and she’s…i was going to say she’s perfectbut she’s not, she has flaws, but she’s so My Type that it hurts me and as suchi tend to gloss over her flaws.  I love her with my entire heart, flawsand all tho?? I say i would die for a lot of characters but i would live forDeLune.
OH HOW COULD I FORGET!!!!the song that inspired this character is this song and the woman singing? Shirley Bassey?? is the voice andface claim for DeLune so you Know I’m all about this song, i’ve probablylistened to it a hundred times. i love that song
DeLune…..DeLune actually has a daughter namedCeleste who is around Jubilee’s age which makes things sorta awkward sometimesbut shh shh its perfectly fine shh it can be funny sometimes, ill get into that in a minute
she’s a huge lover of the arts and thesciences, having been an inventor at one point. the love of the arts manifestsitself in her giving patronage to many different artists and commissioningworks and stuff like that Its Good
hrrmm what else is there about DeLune that ican rant about. god i just. ok i just love her. i love her so much?? and shehurts me sometimes for reasons I’m not sure i can disclose at this point. to besafe I’m not going to go too much into it but…she gave up a lot for thefamily business. and i just want her to be happy and relaxed and without toomuch stress
Their relationship…hoogh
ok so they meet, right. and DeLune isimmediately interested in Jubilee’s horns, because they’re works of art andshe’s intrigued with how they came to be. And when Jubilee tells her that she’sbeen working on her horns since she was ten, and that they still require upkeepand management….DeLune has this “holy shit” moment. bc?? here let mefind a direct quote:
“–these are the work of a literallifetime and peoples’ /lives/ are the work of a lifetime and they can’tmaintain as much focus as this 90% of the time.”
so yes, DeLune takes notice in Jubilee becauseof her horns. And Jubilee like. she saw DeLune and she just got this momentof “holy moly I’m so gay” so like?? They both were somewhat interestedfrom the start, and it just evolved from there.
i imagine Jubilee tried to beat around the bushand be subtle about trying to get DeLune to date her but DeLune saw rightthrough it and was just like “…do you want to date me? is that whatyou’re getting at?” and jubilee was like “yes. yes yes yes please godyes"
and so?? they date??
and things go well!! they click reallynaturally and they enjoy each other’s company. They go to a variety offancy places and Jubilee is terrified each time because she doesn’t want to sayor do the wrong thing and end up embarrassing DeLune, but DeLune teaches herthe basics of fancy etiquette and that puts her at ease
…jennie and i have had a conversation abouthow DeLune just completely roasts someone who dared to make a comment aboutJubilee being a tiefling and honestly i saved that whole conversation and iread it when i get sad bc DeLune utterly destroying someone is just So Good
They have their arguments and theirdisagreements because Something (I don’t know what it is) happens around thesame time they meet each other that puts DeLune on edge and so there’sdefinitely conflict regarding this thing. I don’t know what it is but I know inmy soul that its going to hurt me whenever i find out
Hrmmm what else is there. I mean. they fuck. alot. like a lot a lot. god i love them. i just. god i love them.
and this is a thing that makes Celeste and Jubilee’s relationship kind of tense like?? Celeste doesn’t blame Jubilee for getting involved with DeLune, but she DOES blame DeLune for getting involved with Jubilee. and so
ok we’ve had this scene thought out where Celeste comes into the kitchen one morning to see Jubilee dressed in just a silk robe, hair a mess and out of it’s usual braid, leaning against the counter and drinking coffee. and they make eye contact and then that’s how Celeste gets confirmation that yes, her friend is banging her mom and I’m just over here like god fucking bless. 
honestly I’ve saved that conversation too and it makes me giggle because Jubilee just. she sees celeste and she’s like “hi!! good morning!! do you want some coffee??” and celeste is just. no nonsense like. “Jubilee. were you sleeping with someone tonight?” and jubilee makes this face and it cracks me up every time. 
and jubilee just makes the smallest “yeah” ever and celeste just. “and it was my mother, wasn’t it.” not even a question. she knows. but jubilee answers anyway, with another tiny “…yeah.” and then she just “please don’t be cross with her”
and then celeste breaks out the whiskey despite it being like. you know. breakfast. and god i love this family theyre so dysfunctional but god i love them
what else is there. they may or may not go to a small house in the countryside after everything is said and done, somewhere DeLune can make things and somewhere Jubilee can have a quiet life again. just the two of them, after DeLune gives up the reigns on the family business and god i love them. if there’s anything about them that has almost made me cry it’s this idea of them living a quiet life together, somewhere with a small workshop for DeLune and space for Jubilee and her god.
like. jennie killed me with this line:
a small little workshop, pen and paper, and a lover in her bed
…beautiful things they made together
artisan rugs are left back at a different home that she visits,sometimes, when she needs to–and besides it’s not half so beautiful as thesmile on Jubilee’s face when DeLune hand-feeds her a grape and catches atrickle of juice from the corner of her mouth with her thumb
ok so you know how jubilee paints?? she did a portrait of DeLune that she purposely left unfinished to represent that all things are a work in progress and GOD can you tell how much i love them yet they’re so good
but god, all i want is for them to be happy together. that’s all i want. i love them so much it hurts me
ok let’s get into those AUs
ok so. the aus. i made a list here of those aus but on one of them we’ve gotten real deep man
ok so. we havent gotten too deep into vampire/vampire hunter au but?? there’s some choice symbolism
i initially thought of DeLune as the vampire and Jubilee as theperson sent to kill her but they fall in love and run away together. the symbolism would be pretty choice here, DeLune representing the night (as her name means moonlight) and Jubilee with her divine connection to the sun, right
but I’vethought about it some more and the other way is also pretty choice like.
Jubilee as a prominent religious figure who had a fall from grace when shewas turned into a vampire. she fled, disgraced and outcast by the religion she had known for her whole life. and DeLune is theperson sent to hunt her down because in this au she’s probably like a goodwizard or something who knows. and so she finds this vampire and DeLune isgoing to bring her back alive, but they fall in love and run away together. but the SYMBOLISM
….Jubilee’s still a cleric of pelor, right. but now the sun burnsher and she can’t find solace in her god. but you know what light doesn’t hurt vampires?
DeLune, symbolically the moon, giving her light and hope in a way thatdoesn’t hurt her. god i love the symbolism with these two its Good
and. then. the au we got deep in right.
crime boss au
an au where Jubilee is the new cop investigating this mob family, and falls in love with DeLune in the process.
one problem.
DeLune, unbeknownst to Jubilee, is the mob boss. she’s the leader of this crime family. she’s the head of the syndicate, and she knows that Jubilee is investigating her.
She, to her credit, tries to dissuade jubilee, tries to turn her away from her path because she knows that whatever happens, the outcome will hurt her. but Jubilee is bound and determined to make a difference, and she doesn’t heed DeLune’s advice
and Celeste shows up?? and she wants to tear this business apart to get her mom out, and her and jubilee team up because even tho jubilee doesn’t know that DeLune is the head of the mob or that Celeste is DeLune’s daughter, they have similar goals
and how does celeste find her, you ask? well. Jubilee lives in kind of a rough neighborhood, and has had her fair share of shitty things thrown at her, right. after Jubilee and DeLune started dating, all that stops.
so celeste tracks where things aren’t happening to determine where her mother has influence, and finds out that this cop is a link.
and then one day they’re working on something and Jubilee just like. stands up and starts getting ready and she’s apologizing and saying she’s late, and Celeste is like “?? late to what??” and Jubilee replies “I have a date with my girlfriend DeLune”
…and that’s how Celeste finds out just how Jubilee is linked to her mother. and god its so good bc she’s just. shocked. like. no. no this. what. 
and so eventually, in this au, Jubilee goes into somewhere undercover to try and find out more about the mob, and gets caught. she’s cornered, on the ground, surrounded by people with guns, and then there’s the clicking of heels on linoleum and there’s DeLune. and all these people who were being threatening just stop
and DeLune kind of helps her up, dusts her off, and leads her out, all in silence, with only a biting retort to one of the henchmen who protests about Jubilee knowing too much. 
and then. hoo this kills me. when theyre out of there and in the car, DeLune just says kind of quietly “Idid ask you not to dig too deep, darling.”
hooo boy that hurts me
so then DeLune takes jubilee back to her house and celeste is there so there’s a mother daughter reunion, and they go inside and jubilee almost just completely fucking loses it and she’s like “you know? if you were just a part of the syndicate i think i could’vedealt with that. but the boss?!” and then she gets real quiet for a moment and just. “how much of it was real? how much of it was you trying toget another cop in your pocket?“
and so celeste just nopes out of there and DeLune and jubilee have a long conversation where Jubilee is passive aggressive and petty to the extreme. 
like DeLune basically tells her it’s easier to deal with when Jubilee’s angry in response to Jubilee losing some of her anger and getting kind of soft over the course of the conversation. so Jubilee’s like. “she wants me to be angry? fine. i can do that”
so she kicks her out of her house
and then soon after that she goes and she takes all of her things out of DeLune’s house. and DeLune has this heartbreaking line of “If you wish very much to be so utterly removedfrom me, only say the word. I will make certain you never see me again.”
and jubilee doesn’t respond. she just leaves. because she knows in her heart she wants to mend things, but at the moment she needs to process everything that’s happening. she isn’t processing it well bc she doesn’t deal with negative emotions well but she’s trying bless her
and so Celeste and DeLune and Jubilee tear down this mafia right, and then. god i love them. so DeLune and Jubilee agree to give it another shot after another long conversation, and that they’ll meet for lunch sometime and see where it goes
and. like in canon DeLune and Celeste’s relationship is strained at best, and so this au reflects that. but in this au i get confirmation that they definitely 100% make up and that gives me Life
so yes, that’s DeLune and Jubilee. god i love them. thank you so much for asking about them, you have no idea how hard i was laughing when i got this message bc i was like “I ACTUALLY TRICKED SOMEONE INTO CARING ABOUT THESE TWO OH MY GOD” and honestly? writing this up was a delight, thank you again for asking this anon!!!
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