#this is a joke post but it's also dead serious i have both steel soul achievements and it's because i mastered the art of pausing &
lord-shitbox · 1 year
Beating Hollow Knight Steel Soul: A Guide
part 1: general tips!
if you're about to die hit esc/pause and quit to menu
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datura-foxglove · 5 years
Let’s have your opinions on Hibiki then lol
Oh boy you have opened the floodgates, be ready :D
First impression : Bunny boy! He doesn’t look as eye catching as the first DS MC, but-- ohhh his dialogue options are funny, wait you can choose THAT!?
Impression now : Best. Troll. Ever. At least from Shin Megami Tensei series that I know of. This guy is living of meme live and is unashamed by it. The fact that this guy knows Spanish just to troll people is gold. HIS. DIALOGUE. OPTIONS. DUDE. I have shown some of them on Yamato’s post but here is some of my favorite :
“Yes. Let me die.”
“Awwwww yeaaaahhhh.”
“I call it dead meat!”
“Yamato said he loves me.”
“Be gentle, sweet Fumi.”
“Act sexy for me.”
“ *pants Daichi* “
“Andddd... I’m out.”
There are a lot more, but these are my absolute favorite (and I also have forgotten the rest of them. I really need to replay the game aaaaa---). This absolute mad man keep spouting off joke left and right, rarely showing off his serious side. The only time he doesn’t make jokes is when he is in the heat of battle or someone is in danger. Hibiki also has balls of steel because his courage doesn’t only cover fighting aliens with demons that he tamed, but also approaching people that normal person would think twice to approach (Yamato, Fumi, Keita, etc). Especially Keita, who keep being hostile (unlike Yamato and Fumi who warmed up to him once he showed them that he is a capable person worth their time) Hibiki keeps being friendly, or even goading him off. In this case, Hibiki showed that he is capable of manipulation. Since Hibiki is a blank slate main character as is general to SMT series, we don’t see much of his past. But according to Daichi, he is smart and popular. His dialogue choices that the players choose are what shaped his personality, but since there is dialogue choices for him to have sharp perspective, it’s arguably canon. The fact that in just seven days a normal high school student can represent the will of humankind is amazing, not to mention that he gathered people with enormous possibilities from all kind of lives with just talking and bonding with them, Unlike Persona series where the protagonists have special power as a wild card or destiny for it like the protagonist from the first DS, Hibiki is completely normal human. But he could achieve the same greatness as them (killing the administrator of the universe? In one of the endings he can even became one if he so wished). Just like Ren in Persona 5, Hibiki has too much personality to be truly blank slate protagonist, but what we have in canon is truly lovable. He also loves his newfound friends and will try his hardest to save them all, but in case he failed, he didn’t let their death became a burden to him and instead became even more determined to right what is wrong with the world to return their peaceful days. That is an admirable strength, even if he could be seen as a bit cold sometimes.
Favorite moments : Well, I mean... every trolling moments when he let loose of the meme trash lord within himself is my favorite. But I also love some of the bonding moments he shared with his friends, but of course my favorite is his shared moments with Yamato because I’m biased. Shush.
Idea for a story : Like I said on Yamato’s post, I am trying to write a crossover between DS series and Persona. It will be more focused on Persona 5 and Devil Survivor 2, where Ren can use both Persona and Demon Summoning App and that he is an undercover agent from JPs. It’s still not even have drafts yet since I’m still connecting the dots between the DS universe and Persona, and I also have to replay both games so I can remember the casts from DS series, but I have quite a lot of ideas already.
Unpopular opinion : While I liked the fact that the animation gave us background for Hibiki’s past, I still don’t like the animation. WHERE IS MY MEME TRASH LORD!? WHY DO YOU GIVE US THIS CLASSIC SHOUNEN PROTAGONIST!? I like the name though because it fits my headcanon, so that and his past are what I’m grateful for.
Favorite relationship : If I’m not clear enough from the Yamato’s post, let me say this again. Yamato/Hibiki. YamaHibi for life. I have unending thirst that will be forever unquenched unless the fandom revived somehow. Please revive. I need my daily dose of YamaHibi. Since I already talk long and so detailed about my love for this ship, I will talk more about his friendships. I really love his friendships with Daichi. Daichi is loyal, he is always worried about Hibiki and support him. But he won’t just follow Hibiki if he thought Hibiki is wrong. He will face him and said his opinion, hoping that Hibiki will see things his way or at least think about it. Daichi is also really honest with Hibiki, ranting about his frustration and fear about the world ending yet everyone is fighting. He knew he won’t be as talented as Hibiki or the others like Yamato and Io, but he did his best with what he could do. Hibiki acknowledged that and also supported Daichi. Sure we can be mean to him if we want as players, but since the option to be nice is there that is also arguably canon. Their friendship are one bonded over time and trust, something that I can admire so much.
Favorite headcanon : When Hibiki joined JPs (in my headcanon he will, now shush), he refused to wear the standard uniform because it’s yellow and ugly. He refused to part with his bunny hoodie and after many arguments, Hibiki managed to make Yamato surrender and customized a general’s uniform (the black one that Makoto, Fumi, and Yamato worn) so that it has black bunny ears. At first Hibiki complained that he preferred white but after a battle against a stray demon that drenched him in demon’s blood and gore, he decided that black is more convenient. He still love his bunny hoodie though.
Below is my more spoilery headcanon about the first Devil Survivor, read if you have finished the game or didn’t care about spoiler.
Hibiki is the reincarnation of Seth, and a copy of Abel (since I read that Seth is supposed to be Abel’s replacement). Since his soul is so old and unrestrained by distorted desires or doubt, he doesn’t have a Shadow (enemies that appear on the last battle against Polaris). Just like Cain who is cursed to always remember his past and no plant can live on the soil he touched, Seth is cursed (not because he has sinned, but more because of the resonance with Abel’s soul that has descended to hell in fit of hatred and rage) to always be replacement in his family. His parents in the animation never looked at him because all they saw was his brother who excelled at everything. If Abel and Seth met, they will experience the uncanny feeling of staring into a mirror because their souls are so similar, just that Abel’s has already been tainted by demonic power. Cain had never met with Seth or his reincarnation, but he knew about his existence. No one knew about this fact until Yamato discovered it as he was repairing Hibiki’s data on the Akasha Stratum. Will I write this fanfic someday? We will see...
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julianspancakes · 7 years
Kitty Fic Recommendations ➸ 1
So, I read a lot of fics and I wanted to share some (!) of them throughout my time here. The fics listed below can be old or fairly new, so this has no timeline. Neither an order of preference.
Part 2     Part 3
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Behind Closed Doors by The Purple Warlock
Summary :  Ty manages to get Kit out of his room and to get to know people better.
Understanding by The Purple Warlock
Summary :  Kit and Ty think they understand themselves and their worlds, but life decides to shake everything up, meaning that they no longer understand what they used to. They need each other to work out where they need each other to ease their confusion. Friendships and relationships follow.
Pressure by writeyourheart100
Summary :  (LOS SPOILERS!) Kit wanders into Ty’s room at night, feeling the need to fulfill an unspoken promise to Livvy.
The Lights of the Los Angeles Institute by mrsjulianblackthorn13
Summary :  It starts out with Kit and Ty training together. Soon they realize their feelings for each other. This is my interpretation of how they would end up together. Events take place after Lady Midnight.
Quiet All Away by DAIrinchan
Summary :  Kit does his best to hide from the Shadowhunters in their own Institute. Ty wants to meet him properly.
Mortal Melody by DAIrinchan
Summary :  Drabble. Kit finds out what Ty’s been listening to.
Vast Formless Things by DAIrinchan
Summary :  AU? Maybe? Drabble. Sometimes all you have is the people you care about.
Attack Bear by DAIrinchan
Summary :  AU. Which is worse, a school shooting or a school bear attack? Warning: Flippant treatment of serious issues.
Pacified Psyche by DAIrinchan
Summary :  The story of Ty and Kit’s first (and second) kiss. Posted for Autism Awareness Month in April.
Chemistry and Physics by teamfreewill82
Summary :  He was suddenly the first person, in that way, that Ty could look at with true interest, wonderment. He’d never, ever experienced anything like it.
Closed Doors by shadowhunter167
Summary :  Kit hasn’t come out if that room since he went in. He’s stubborn, but Ty knows he can wait him out.
See the World by Aaron Quinn
Summary :  He didn’t talk like his family. Hell he didn’t even look people in the eyes. Well, that wasn’t entirely true; he looked into Kit’s eyes. Kit Rook. The one person he felt close to.. It was a sense of familiarity and recognition. It was something he didn’t know how to explain. Nonetheless, he knew one thing for sure and that was that he could see the world in Kit’s eyes.
Sadness and Stims by AAThanatos
Summary :  Spoilers from LOS so if you haven’t read it skip this! Kit does his best to comfort Ty after tragedy strikes.
Grey Eyes by Storytelling Penguin
Summary :  A tale of an unlikely friendship that grew into something more. Kit Rook and Ty Blackthorn.
Just Hold Me by the Beauty of Nightmares
Summary :  (SPOILERS FOR LORD OF SHADOWS) Ty isn’t dealing well with his sister’s death, but maybe Kit knows a way he can help. Sad, kinda fluffy one-shot for Kitty.
The Stars Belong In Your Eyes by Malecislifee
Summary :  Kit and Tiberius. Discovery of new feelings, adventure and romance and drama. All about Kit and Ty but not only that, Kit forms bonds with other characters, including Livvy.
Hurricane Boy by Malecislifee
Summary :  KITxTY Fluff. It’s been a month and Ty is always sitting outside Kit’s door. One day he asks him inside and Ty seems to have found some comfort in this new boy. And Kit is trying to figure out what’s going on in his head, and he can’t help but find the Blackthorn boy very intriguing.
There Are Snowflakes In The Sky by Black Rose White Fire
Summary :  Ty took a deep breath. “Okay. Well. If you don’t want a book, I understand that too. Sometimes I just want to listen to music. I don’t know what kind of music you like, but I was looking for songs that talked about people who stayed in their rooms, and other people who missed them and wanted them to come out.”
Too Much by teamfreewill82
Summary :  Friends noticed these things about one another, sure, but they didn’t agonize over them in detail as the last thought before sleep.
True North by teamfreewill82
Summary :  Traveling is harder to do when you have someone you don’t want to leave behind.
Hurt Hands and Salved Sandwiches by teamfreewill82
Summary :  Kit supposed he could have refused to accept the offer, the way he had when Julian had suggesting healing him in the car. But he didn’t.
Bees, High School and Autism by 0010001
Summary :  Ty is starting a new school and is worried that he isn’t going to make any friends and that he will get bullied. Luckily he has Livvy with him.
Challenge the Default by elliptical
Summary : "I’m not normal,“ Ty told him a month later, as the pair of them tried to catch frogs outside. He said it with the casual air of someone discussing the weather, or pointing out that a shoelace was untied.
Kit blinked. "Obviously,” he said.
Blues and Purples by tsukkisdinos
Summary :  When Ty realises that he and his sister both like the same guy, things get complicated.
Kitty’s First Kiss by ShadowHunterOfArtemis
Summary :  Just three different perspectives on Kit and Ty’s first kiss. Going into a battle is a perfect time for rash decisions, right?
Waltz Of The Flowers by Fandom_girl21
Summary :  A bunch of firsts in Ty’s and Kit’s friendship/relationship.
Confessions ( Beginning Of Something Beautiful ) by darkartificies
Summary :  Throughout the past month, he learned many things about Shadowhunters, but three things stood clear: One was that Mark and Emma were definitely in a relationship. Two was that he was getting pretty good at being a Shadowhunter, though he’d never admit it. And the third was Tiberius Blackthorn.
A World In Grey and Blue by TheRedKing
Summary :  Soulmate AU where you can’t see the color of your soulmate’s eyes until you see them. or, the one where Kit can’t see grey until a pair of stormy eyes allow him to see the shining steel of the knife pressed against his throat.
Feels So Right by StarGirl06
Summary : Tiberius Blackthorn and Kit Rook have each been harboring some feelings for one another, but keeping them to themselves. Eventually, it has to all come bursting out.
“Ty didn’t laugh very often, and Kit had learned over the past few months of being at the Institute that his smiles needed to be cherished. Kit felt his heart warm at the sight of laughter in Ty’s normally stormy eyes.”
you make it easy by thankyouforexisting
Summary : Kit feels lost without the dark-haired shadowhunter beside him (and when had that happened, that he’d gotten used to his steady presence? He hasn’t even been here for a whole day!), but the girl bites her lip, “I was just joking,” she hesitates, and then turns a beaming smile at Kit, “I’m Livvy, Ty’s twin sister.” She goes on pointing around the table, “And those are Tavvy,” the smallest of them all, a quiet boy who seems to be clinging to - “Dru,” -a short girl who’s hugging him, “and that’s Perfect Diego, who’s a Centurion.”
‘Perfect Diego’ sighs, “Please, I beg you all, stop calling me that.”
Livvy laughs, “Right! Anyway, Kit, you’re welcome to sit down wherever you want and have breakfast; you’re one of us, now.”
“I’m not a Shadowhunter,” he grunts, but quietly, “I just want to eat.”
“Don’t we all,” Julian agrees easily.
something brewing between us by thankyouforexisting
Summary : “You know,” an amused voice says, and Ty freezes, slowly looking up to meet irresistible blue eyes, “I make my coffee hot, but you may just be hotter.”
From his left, there’s the sound of Livvy choking and dropping a spoon.
He flushes, gritting his teeth, “What would you like to order?”
“A cup of you, to go, please, no sugar, you’re sweet enough,” Kit smirks, and Livvy’s giggling now, not even trying to hide it, “And I would also appreciate if you stopped stalking my coffee shop. It just isn’t good to keep meeting like that.”
Ty narrows his eyes, “This war isn’t over until I say it’s over, you truant. One coffee, black like your soul, coming up.” // The Blackthorns have a coffee shop. There’s competition in town. Detective Ty is on the case.
How Beautiful by TheRedKing
Summary :  Livvy grinned wide, and Kit was suddenly struck with how the smile of one twin could feel so different from that of the other. Livvy’s was bigger and brighter, but it just didn’t hold that spark that made his chest feel warm, and full of light. - Kit is now living at the Institute, begrudgingly training to become a Shadowhunter. He would have left already, but his father was dead, and he has no other place to go. His only solace was a dark haired boy who understands the troubles of being an outsider. Kit wasn’t even looking friendship with the Shadowhunters, but he thinks he may have found that and more.
not all of them are so bad by Nitonami
Summary : Kit definitely doesn’t want to be at the Institute, and he definitely didn’t want the Shadowhunter that stayed outside his door after everyone else had left…
…At first, anyway.
Always Back To You by Kitty_trash
Summary :  Ty leaned forward, touching Kit’s hand. Kit’s eyes shot up, looking into Ty’s eyes. “Where do you go?” Ty asked under his breath. To you, always to you, Kit thought.
The Lovelace Bonds by benjaminrussell
Summary :  Ty and Kit carry out a theft and watch a movie.
‘This isn’t what it looks like!’ by MidnightMew
Summary :  Just a pointless little kitty drabble.
Rain and Glass by MidnightMew
Summary : ( LOS- SPOILERS ) Those were simpler times. Times when his parents were still alive. Times when he had no idea that Mark and Helen were different from the rest of his siblings in any way apart from the fact they were older. Times when he didn’t know he was different either, when he still dreamed of the scholomance. Times when he still had his sister, when he still had Livvy.
A long awaited conversation by MidnightMew 
Summary :  Ty finally comes out.
A flame in the pitch black night by MidnightMew
Summary :  Just a pointless little kitty drabble.
Snow Angels by keiththepaladin
Summary :  In which Kit and Ty are in London and there is bickering and snowball fighting.
Ty and Kit’s First Kiss by olivemartini
Summary :  Exactly what the title says.
Windows by olivemartini
Summary :  Some people say that eyes are the window to the soul. And for once, Ty has to agree.
Apologies by olivemartini
Summary :  Ty apologizes to Kit for holding a knife to his throat when they first meet.
Kit’s Explorations of the Institues, With the Help of Ty by olivemartini
From the Shadow                                                                              Summary :  Kit’s trying to leave his bedroom for the first time since he’s gotten to the Institute and realizes he has no clue where to go. Thankfully, Ty is there to help him.
Pancake Day                                                                                           Summary :  It’s Pancake Day at the Blackthorns, and Kit doesn’t get the whole “family meal” thing.
The Weapons Room                                                                     Summary :  Kit picks out his weapon.
Training                                                                                                     Summary :  Kit and Ty in the training room. Kit learns how to throw knives.
On the Rooftop                                                                             Summary :  There’s not much left that scares Kit, but seeing Ty standing on the edge of the roof and staring down at the ground below has quickly skipped ahead on his list of terrible things.
Melting Wings                                                                                       Summary :  Icarus got too close to things he wanted most in the world, and it killed him. Ty kind of knows how it felt.
Cuddling                                                                                     Summary :  Ty doesn’t really know what to do, but Kit’s fallen asleep on  his shoulder and no one’s here to watch, so he might as well just stay put.
Hypotheticals                                                                                               Summary :  They sleep in the same room sometimes.    Not together.    Just… near each other. It’s easier that way.
Uncle Arthur                                                                                              Summary : Kit had never met Uncle Arthur, but he had gotten the gist of the situation from Ty’s uneasiness and Julian’s hushed explanations. And yet, despite all the whispered warnings, he still did not expect to come face to face with raving lunatic.-or-The story of how Kit saves Ty from Uncle Arthur.
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albusofecclesia · 5 years
Drabble -  The Things We Do For a Bit of Coin
An attempt at a hurt/comfort piece with a touch of fluff, while trying to keep it relatively ambiguous. I solemnly do not swear this.
Crossover Mission with Diablo III’s Reaper of Souls expansion content.
Also part of a post-game AU where everything is the same except Shanoa was able to release Dominus' hold on Albus.
95% of Shanoa's dialogue and actions were written by @shanoaofecclesia in past thread we attempted. Permission was given to touch-up and re-purpose her content for this drabble. What a stellar BFF I'm blessed with.<3))
Dark smoke from the lower district wafted into the heavens, choking out the night sky and any solace the stars may have brought to the Westmarch survivors; watching as flaming cascades of shooting hellfire crashed into what little remained of the burning streets. A cacophony of anguished cries and death rattles screeched into the night as every last human alive was silenced by the angel of death's fury.
From inside the chapel on the overlooking terrace, foreign aid contractors worked hurriedly to mend those brought in during the initial wave of darkness, and expected another onslaught of wounded. It was soon to be found that there would not be as many as they expected, for the city was all but reduced to rubble in the last attack. Anything left alive had been turned into a thrall to roam the streets with fallen angels and demonic brethren alike.
The main band of local heroes referred to as the Nephilim, were looked to by the panicking survivors and suddenly overwhelmed with hysterical pleas and cries, questions asking after what hope was left and what could be done against such a powerful adversary.
After serious council with countrymen and comrades alike, the Nephilim departed again to continue their quest to find and stop the wayward angel of death. But not before they outfitted some of the stronger volunteers with powerful items they had found on their journeys, bequeathing such protections to the brave few who would defend the last survivors in their absence.
Haggard and battle worn from a near-sleepless seven days of combat with demons and crazed angels, a rather relieved-looking Albus passed through the front gate of Ecclesia’s grounds.   He sported light pieces of previously-owned ornate plate armor that had been given to him by his demon hunter comrades, the copper and steel glinting faintly as it was moderately tarnished due to excessive use and wear. The tarnish was mostly from his own excursion in Westmarch - and the remnants of demon blood, slimy ichor, and fates only knew what other manner of fowl juices, were plastered all over his armor and clothing.
Something had changed within him; newly raw and powerful, as if his guard had dropped completely away and the usual scholar persona was no more - the hunter side of him having taken over: primal, animalistic, unrestrained. 
Rubbing at his chin that bore a few days worth of stubble on his exhausted face, he let out a sigh of relief at his return home. Crossing the grounds towards the dormitories, he threw open the front doors with more force than intended, a loud bang sounding as he entered the common room foyer.
Shanoa had been busy writing in a leather covered tome - a hobby she has developed during her combat partner’s absence, keeping records of everything she remembered so far and learned, a biography of sort. After her dealings with Dominus and Castle Dracula, Albus - in all his gratitude for her saving him - would not take no for an answer and had insisted that she had earned time off after saving the world. He would take on missions for a while to ensure they had enough money between them to continue to live comfortably. It was an insufferable pride thing for him, but she did welcome the respite that came with not having to fight every single hour of her waking life. 
Thoughts lost in her tome, she’d raised her head and tilted it back as she heard the front doors slam open, summoning a crimson rapier into her grasp on instinct. While she could feel the other aura wasn’t that of an intruder, she did still jump in her seat when Albus warped from the doorway to appear across from her, and was even more surprised to see how different he looked.
“I’m home,” Albus announced unnecessarily after watching her jump a bit in her seat. The grey hood that covered his head did little to tame his even-more-so mussed hair, especially not after he pulled it down. The light was still in his eyes, for he hadn’t quite been broken by the horrors of the mission, but the icy blue had somehow darkened, aging him slightly. His voice was low, a touch on gruff side; matching his otherwise worn-out self. “… And after what I’ve witnessed, I cannot even begin to tell you how good it is to be here."
Shanoa closed her book quickly before getting up. “…Welcome home. I’m glad you’re back and safe.” She stated quietly, dispelling her rapier and setting the book on the coffee table. There was something off about him that gave her reason to pause. “I see you have a new outfit and armors? I thought you preferred your leathers.”
Nodding dubiously at her armor comment, Albus looked down at the light plate that he wore on his arms, legs and chest. "Quite, but look at this little glamour," he replied, then focused for a moment before fiery energy-tendriled 'wings' materialized behind him, giving off no heat from their soft orange light as they further accentuated the wing-shaped adornments on his shoulder armor. "My benefactors insisted that I would need sturdier armor…" A sigh as he focused on his armored hands as he flexed them a few times under his tired gaze. “Were they ever right. I might not be here otherwise. …The things we do for a bit of coin.”  
Concern overtook Shanoa at that comment and she started to round the coffee table towards him. Albus held up a hand to silence any sound or movement she went to make in response, his gaze became serious with intent. 
”-Nevermind that, I have something for you,“ Dropping his travel sack, it made a horrible impact sound as if a couple of huge rocks had hit the wooden flooring. Wincing as he knelt and undid the bag’s drawstring, he rooted around the contents of the bag with taloned hands, a dull ‘clink’ sounding as he grasped at something solid.
Shanoa blinked while looking down at her partner’s travel bag - it looked heavy at first glance, but the sound made it seem heavier. “What on earth do you have in there, rocks?” She teased, folding her arms and tapping her heel lightly on the floor.
Silent, Albus paused for the briefest of moments, glancing at her with light mischief in his eyes before looking off into distance as he focused on feeling between the objects in the dark bag.
“Come on, Albus, answer–"
After finding what he sought, he had turned and practically slammed down a huge chunk of rock on the table and stood, crossing his arms.
"-Oh. You did bring a rock with you.”
"Apparently that whole thing is a type of rare, unrefined ore.” Tired as all hell, he managed a triumphant smile and tone, glancing at the stone a moment, then back to her and giving a bit of a shrug. “Think your blacksmith would give us a decent finders fee for it?”
Shanoa chuckled faintly and flicked her hair off her shoulder. “I think Eugen could help you with that, just bring the ore with you when we’ll visit Wygol again.” She replied and closed her eyes.
“Then, might I formally request you escort me to Wygol soon? I have other things to trade with the villagers."
One of their two cats, Mister Thomas, mewed quietly as he skittered over, moving to brush against Albus’s legs in greeting. The simple act prompted a genuine smile, and the researcher gently reached down to pet the cat with the palm of one hand. However, one of the scents that permeated his armor must have been too much for the feline’s sensitive nose, for Thomas made a low warning mewl shortly after and turned his back on him. Watching the cat strut off, Albus shook his head and chuckled quietly.
“Perhaps it would be better to bathe first before we go to Wygol - it seems like Thomas is not pleased with your clothes’ scent at all.” Shanoa joked with a faint smile. "So, what tales do you have for me to listen to about your great quest?”
Albus sighed a bit, making a ‘hmph’ noise. “While I don’t blame you wanting to hear tales of my ‘adventures’,  it was far from a joyous romp through the countryside. And it certainly put a lot of things into perspective. …My contacts had previously defeated a powerful demon lord some time ago, but the item that they had sealed their foe into had been stolen… and soon there were rumors of ‘rogue’ angels killing and ‘cleansing’ people in the larger cities in my contact‘s homeland. Very unsettling. In those lands, it is theorized that the people there carry both demon and angel blood in their veins. Really, it is an intriguing concept to consider…”
He tried not to become melancholy as he spoke, but it was obvious that as his thoughts wandered back to his mission he couldn’t help the darkness that flooded over his expression.
“As it were, I was requested to provide support in defending one of the strongholds where remaining survivors had fled to. …The carnage was terrible, I hope to never have to see something so vehemently disturbing ever again. …Legions of the dead littered the streets, there were angels and demons everywhere, battling each other as they fought a three way fight - all sides taking heavy casualties. No place was reported to be safe, and so for tireless nights I lent my aid to stand vigil over and work to secure the city’s trembling and fearful survivors.”
A long pause followed as he let out another sigh, closing his eyes and wincing slightly as he rubbed at one of his temples.
“And then there was the rain of fire on the second night… instantly destroying everything in the lower quarter." Another pause, and he forced himself to look her in the eyes as he spoke of some reassurance. “Thankfully, some very powerful warriors laboured just as tirelessly to transcend even death to set things right again. - I wasn’t needed to help with rebuilding, so here I am, and I think I’ll be staying home for quite some time… until we need money again, but I think we‘ll be set for a while.“ Again he glanced away briefly, then back at her. ”… I think that will suffice for story time for now. Have things been okay here in my absence? Any news worth sharing?“
Shanoa nodded occasionally while listening to his story, thinking that perhaps him not telling her about the mission until afterwards probably was the best idea - just listening to the story made her heart beat faster than usual. “Nothing to report here. I’m glad to see you here safe and without any physical scars, unless you hide them from me.”
“Well, I seriously doubt you're about to help me out of this armor and examine me for scars…” He trailed off, shaking his head as he stopped himself from making his ill attempt at humor sound any more crass than he had intended. It had sounded more innocent in his head. "Really, I'm fine in the bodily sense."
Shanoa stared at Albus as he joked, her eyes narrowing in concern. She did not understand at all what made him joke of what she said, but she was serious about what she said about the scars, just the thought he might be literally hiding something under his sleeve like a scar or a wound made her flinch. Without warning, she reached over and took a firm hold of his chin with one hand, tilting his head from one side to the other as she examined his neck and jawline for any new injuries. Though compliant with her examination, Albus observed her curiously, another weary smile worming its way across his mouth. She wouldn't find anything new to fuss over in his current state of dress.
Satisfied with her examination, Shanoa folded her arms lightly as she relaxed her stance a half-step away from him. “Rest as much as you need. I still receive the odd mission from the villagers, so we won’t be short on money for quite a while. …Wygol can wait for now, you should rest for a while. Even after my journey to the castle, I didn’t rush to the village straight after. But you already know that,”
With a nod, Albus rubbed at his temples again, becoming quite serious as he did so. “Perhaps… perhaps I should rest… there’s something I need to discuss with you, and I’d rather be 'all there’ when I do so. I mean… I’m covered in demon blood, slimy ichor, and goodness knows what other manner of fowl juices. Perhaps you're right, I need a bath and something to eat… before I go completely insane… "
“That’s exactly what I had in mind.”
Though Albus knew he wasn’t in the most pleasant of states to be around, he reached out to rest his hands on her shoulders, aware that the armor somewhat cold to the touch and though the ‘talons’ were blunted they were still capable of doing damage if he wasn’t careful. Taking in the sight of her, alive and well, savoring the relief that her presence brought him.
"…There were a few moments where I feared that I wouldn’t return - and all I could think of was that I might never see home, or, you again."
With such a sentiment uttered, Shanoa took it upon herself to reach over and wrap her arms around her partner to comfort and reassure him. "You're here now, and you're safe. Go and take a bath, wear something comfortable. I’ll prepare dinner tonight.”
“How comfortable? Because let me tell you this armor is pretty heavy.” Expecting a frown, he laughed quietly to himself and turned away to collect his travel pack, quipping 'a light snack will do' as he patted Shanoa on the shoulder while passing by on his way out of the room.
Rinsing his armor off and scrubbing himself clean took the better part of an hour, although at one point he had dozed off for a few minutes while soaking in the tub. After drying off and dressing lightly, Albus heard a faint knock at his door before it opened and he could hear Shanoa’s familiar footsteps, as well as the scampering of several sets of little feline feet.
"Great, you've brought the cavalry," He chuckled while still inside his half-bathroom, mentally envisioning where and how all of her cats would be exploring and positioning themselves in his usually-off-limits quarters. "Just another moment,"
Shanoa sighed quietly to herself, setting a tray with a simple setting of shareable foods; cheese, bread, sliced cured meats, and the odd bit of fruit she had garnished the platter with. Seating herself on the chaise by the window, she stared down at the food somewhat forlornly. Honestly, she was not the greatest chef - her memory loss caused her to forget many basic things and cooking skills were among these basics; she did not want to put more work and pressure on her partner, he had to rest after such an exhausting mission. And while a near hour had passed she had still found herself staring at the ingredients she had intended to use, with nothing coming to mind on how to best prepare them. With a frown, she had slammed a fist gently on the counter, cursing the damned Dominus glyphs under her breath. She knew he would appreciate anything she put together, but she had wanted to put effort into the meal. He'd sounded so tired… She wanted to help.
"Ah, perfect!" Albus beamed at the simple platter, rounding the other side of the chaise while toweling his hair off. Running a hand through to tame his locks into a somewhat acceptable mess he sat next to Shanoa and nodded his thanks. "You’re remarkable, as always."
She just continued to stare at the food, with something akin to visible contempt in her gaze.
"Something the matter?" He asked, slinging one arm lazily over the back of the chaise. Though exhausted and ready to drop, there were things that were more important than falling into a semi-coma-catnap at that moment. Something was bothering her.
“…N-no.” Shanoa muttered quietly and ran a hand through her hair slowly. “…I’m sorry…”
Ah, there she went again with being nearly as impossibly difficult as she claimed he tended to be. Turning in his seat, Albus reached out for her hands and held them tightly in his. Locking eyes with her, he offered a supportive smile and just looked at her silently for a few moments before speaking.
“There is nothing to be sorry for.” He whispered, letting out a soft sigh. His shoulders drooped a bit and he lowered his head, gave it a slow shake, and then looked back up at her. “Thank you for trying. I really appreciate the effort."
To further prove his sincerity, he reached over to the platter and helped himself to the food, soon putting an open-faced sandwich to his mouth with one hand, and offering Shanoa a piece of fruit with the other.
"We can make something tomorrow, together. How does that sound? Could be messy. Or argument-inducing. Or both.” A quiet laugh sounded from him as he continued to keep his eyes fixed on hers, not wanting to look away from his partner, as if doing so would be his last and final time.
Shanoa smiled faintly, accepting the few grapes that had been offered. Before she could say anything in response, several little furry interlopers made their way into their personal spaces, some begging for scraps, others merely curling up wherever they could manage. Albus shook his head at her in mock disappointment at her for letting all of her cats into his room so freely. 
"Alright, if that's how it's going to be," He growled lowly in a joking manner, doing his best to scoop up as many of the cats, as well as Shanoa, into his arms before leaning back into his side of the chaise. Any felines he missed simply climbed back up and over once everyone else had settled into a very fuzzy cuddle puddle. Covered in cats and their cat lady, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep in such a safe and cozy atmosphere, and he did not feel the slightest bit guilty for selfishly clutching her so tightly. 
Nestled comfortably against Albus’ chest, Shanoa thought to herself that it had been nearly a lifetime since he had last sought such close physical comfort from her. Yet considering everything he had been through, she could not begrudge his need to be near another human being. In their youth, he had always been quite hands-on with those he was close with. 
She herself had been hesitant to be alone the first few nights after her defeat of Dracula, opting to sit up in the commons with warm tea and seated near the fire, never having to ask Albus to stay up with her for he had always offered before she could find the words. Admittedly, he had been asleep for most of it. Having either fallen asleep in his own chair while reading or seated near her on the couch, but it had been nice all the same to have someone close nearby during those long, dark nights.
Albus awoke a short time later, startled by vivid recollections of some of the sights he had unfortunately borne witness to during his mission abroad. Shuddering as he recalled the horrors, he buried his face into his hands, having unsettled some of the cats and waking his dozing partner.
“Even the sanctity of sleep has been taken from me…” He muttered, giving a heavy sigh. “If I truly do go mad... again, do me a favour and bludgeon me into unconsciousness.” A dark smirk formed on his face as he craned his neck to look at her in the dimming evening light, recalling something else just as terrible that they both had memory of. “You know, like the last time you were forced to do so.”
Concern awash on her sleepy features, Shanoa shook her head faintly at him. "No, you'll pull through this. Like the last time you had to."  
Their big white cat, Frost, then decided to walk through their line of sight and proceed to try to groom Albus' hair. Despite the persian's resting miserable-face, it was the sweetest he had ever been to the scholar. Two of the other cats were tucked under arms and wherever they could fit around their humans, and the fourth had since sauntered off to who knew where - until the clattering of something falling in the study area.
"Perce, knock it off." Albus grumbled, looking over the top of the chaise to see the bengal cat wandering amongst the papers and artifacts on his desk.
"I think that was the point." Shanoa chuckled, pushing herself up enough to look at see what Percival had gotten himself into. "Mission accomplished."
"Yes, well… you didn't have to let them in here." He continued to mutter, frowning as he was nudged back down by a bossy Frost - who was not at all finished with taming the mussy mass of hair.
"They wanted to see you too. They were concerned."
Confidence was not instilled in him, but he opted to say nothing of it. Albus could endure the feline invasion force a little longer. Especially the grumpy old cat that still persisted in grooming the top of his head.
Shanoa seemed to weigh her next words carefully, shifting over to lay on her side between the back of the chaise and Albus's left side, nestling against him a bit less precariously as before.
"It's… worrying to see you like this." She admitted reaching across him to pet the grey fluff of Mister Thomas that had nested in the crook of Albus' right arm. "You've never faultered quite like this before, but I am certain you will pull through. You were there for me even after recovering from Dominus' hold on you, so if you need anything, please just ask."
Albus grew uncharacteristically humble and quiet as she spoke, his usual radiated pride and self-assurance quelled once more.
“You know," He began softly, looking at her pointedly for a moment before letting his gaze wander out into the falling darkness outside. "When we were children, nothing gave me more purpose than looking out for the timid young girl you once were. I wanted to be strong and dependable, for you brought about this desire to become a sort of knight in shining armor… that seemed to persist well into adulthood in some ways, didn‘t it?” A chuckle escaped from under his breath after his slight revelation on his stubbornness in looking out for her, and then remembered that he had been wearing not-so-shining armor hours earlier.   “I have never stopped wanting the best for you, even now that you have since grown into a brave and strong warrior capable of taking care of herself. You are your own hero now, and I am so very proud of you for all you have accomplished." The arm he had around her squeezed once in emphasis, and the returning look in his eyes was that of complete adoration for both she herself and the things she was capable of. "You completed the mission we had been groomed for our whole lives; defeating the Dark Lord and saving humanity. And on a more personal note…you brought be back from the edge of oblivion. …If anything, you’ve been my protector. And for that, I… I owe you everything.”
"You owe me nothing, Albus." Shanoa replied softly, a little shy at the slew of compliments peppered into his ramblings. She hugged him tightly with her one free arm and smiled to herself. "We're here for each other, just like we always have been. I couldn't ask for more."
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violaswimmer · 8 years
Well, Shit. (A Voltron Fanfiction: Chapter 2)
Here is Chapter 2! I haven’t started on Chapter 3 yet but I promise it is on the way! I’m SO SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER THE LAST TIME. Hopefully the ending to this chapter isn’t as bad? Maybe! Anyway! Enjoy!
Want to read the first chapter? Here you go!
Lance is left behind on the Galra ship with Prince Lotor as his personal torturer. Lance isn’t holding up well and the rest of the team have to act fast if they want to save him in time. 
Chapter 2: Well, What the Hell.
It had been a long time. Or it felt like a long time. But the steel that had covered Lance’s emotions was still there even though he was sure that his body could take no more.
Prince Lotor visited Lance often. He shoved tiny metallic needles into every place he could think of. The needles had long thin tubes attached to them. They could send electricity or drugs through them into Lance. Both were extremely painful but between the two, Lance would take electricity any day. Sure it messed up his body but the drugs, they were worse. Lance would be seizing in pain for hours unable to think, hear, and barely able to breathe. It felt like someone was pushing on his chest, stabbing every part of his body while burning it at the same time. After every session Lotor would ask him questions which Lance either answered with snide remarks or nothing at all. But Lance’s lack of cooperation made Lotor even more excited.
Lance had learned this: Prince Lotor is nothing like his father. Sure Zarkon was scary but he wasn’t very patient. He would rather fight head on than take the time to plan every detail. But Lotor, Lotor could wait and that was even more frightening. He was methodical and manipulative. Crazy and smart. In some ways he was definitely worse than Zarkon ever was.
Lance was aware that his body was getting worse, the cut on his head also come with a sizable bump which throbbed like a never ending drum beat on his skull. The vision in his left eye was completely gone now although he was getting used to it. His back hurt and itched all the time. The skin on his back was rough from the burns and every small twitch was agony. His hands and arms were littered with small deep cuts from the needles. Some were healing while others were new, blood dripping onto the floor. He couldn’t feel his legs anymore. He was in a constant state of pain and numb but it didn’t bother him much anymore. The pain kept him awake and aware. If he was getting out of this, and that’s a big if, then he’d bring back with information of his own.
Lance had gathered this about Lotor:
 1. He was Zarkon’s son that Zarkon didn’t like very much
2. He was on his way to meeting the witch druid lady after Voltron beat Zarkon’s ass in that last fight
3. He had a harem of aliens 
4. He was really creepily obsessed with Allura.
 Lance himself was obsessed with Allura cause she’s beautiful but not like this guy. If he got out of this he was going to apologize from every flirty thing he ever said to her.
But right now he was more concerned about the Lotor in front of him. The weird thing was that Lance was pretty sure he was hallucinating or dreaming. Lance couldn’t really tell which, if there was even a difference.
“Your team abandoned you. They’re never coming back.” Lotor said.
Lance shook his head, it throbbed painfully but the pain kept him awake. It kept him sane.
“Why would they? You’re just the jokester. The comic relief. You don’t have a special skill. You’re nothing to them! You’ve said it before! Shiro is the leader. Keith is his favorite and the best pilot of his generation! Compared to him you’re nothing but a cheap replacement for him, for Shiro’s favorite pet! Hunk is a genius and a kind soul. He deserves a better friend than you. And Pidge? She’s the smartest person, a genius beyond her age! Allura is the princess and the only one who can control the castle. Coran is the only one who can take care of the castle, he’s smart and kind. They all have their thing. They all have a purpose. But you don’t. You’re worthless.” Lotor spat at him, enraged.
Slowly his face began to change. Lotor quickly faded away and was being replaced by someone else. Himself. Lance was staring at himself. He was going crazy. The hallucination shouted at him, continuing to yell all the thoughts that Lance had kept under check. That Lance had tried to conceal.
“WHY DO YOU EVEN BOTHER TRYING TO PROTECT THEM?! They haven’t done anything for you! They tell you to SHUT UP, to FOCUS, they don’t WANT you! They don’t even NEED YOU! GIVE IN! YOU WOULD BE BETTER OFF DEAD!!”
Lance tried to shut him out. But how many times had he stared at his own face. How many times had his own face yelled his worse fears? I guess this is a new way to look at the phrase beating yourself up, Lance let out a small laugh. Then the laugh grew louder. And the worst part was it that he couldn’t tell if he was laughing or crying. But he said nothing back. He just laughed and laughed as tears streamed down his face.
Keith was pissed. It had been one week and three days since they left Lance behind on a galra ship where they were doing god-knows-what to him right now. Keith had never NOT liked Lance, in fact he’d say they were friends, although he knew Lance wouldn’t say the same.
Keith had been concerned for weeks before they left Lance behind. Maybe months. Ever since the wormhole gone wrong when the lions were split up. Lance had become quieter, didn’t say as much, and didn’t joke as must. He lashed out at Shiro during the mission where Keith learned about his past and being part galra. But afterwards when he confessed to the group Lance was the first person to tell him it was fine, the first one to say anything.
“Yeah so what?” Lance said, standing up from the table.
Keith was shocked, honestly with the way things had been going between the two of them he expected something else.
“What? This is serious! I’m part Galra, like the species that ruined the whole universe.” Keith practically shouted.
Lance looked unfazed.
“Well yeah but you’re still Keith, you have been the entire time. It’s not like you’re any different then you were before. You’re still the best pilot with a stupid ass mullet. It’s just that you know more about yourself now. So like, congrats I guess.” Lance smiled.
He walked away from the table waved to the rest of the stunned faces around the table.
“I’m gonna take a swim, you guys have fun getting over your angst!” Lance shouted over his shoulder while he left the room entirely.
After that they were fine for the most part, Keith hadn’t thanked him though. He regretted that now. After that Shiro had gone missing. Keith was in shock he couldn’t think but Lance had grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him to face him directly.
“Keith, I know you don’t want to think about it right now but you’re the leader now. We need to focus. We’ll find Shiro, don’t worry too much.” He said. 
Yeah they had butt heads and thank god Keith didn’t need to be leader long, they found Shiro after three days, but Lance was still quiet and still not himself. Keith was worried. But he never said anything, never talked to him. They were always doing something else, after this mission I’ll talk to him, but something always came up. Always.
That’s what Keith most regretted. Or maybe it was the look on Lance’s face when he threw him and Pidge over the edge into the vent before the ship exploded. Lance’s face was expressionless, eyes hard and smile sad. He knew exactly what he was doing and Keith hated it. He was an idiot. Now he had to get him back.
It wasn’t like they were sitting around sulking this entire time but Allura had insisted that this time they needed help, allies that could help bring Lance back. They needed ships and plans. But it had been too long, it was taking too much time.
Keith barged into dining room where everyone was gathered discussing something that was related to the plan to get Lance back. Hunk was pale as he was these past several days, worry had etched wrinkles into his forehead that never went away. Pidge was concentrated on the details refusing to think of anything else so her mind didn’t wander to places that she’s rather not think about. Shiro had his full attention on Allura and Coran but he wore a frown that had not strayed from his face. They looked over at Keith, shocked as he slammed his hands on the table.
Everyone looked back shocked, Allura was staring at him looking a little scared, Shiro and Coran were stunned into silence, Pidge and Hunk looked concerned.
“What-what do you mea-?” Allura began before Keith slammed his hands back down on the table.
“I mean that Lance is on a Galra ship and has been for a week and three days suffering god-knows-what and the hands of some asshole and we are just sitting here coming up with plans!” Keith paused to release a breath before continuing hopefully sounding a bit calmer, “Why did you order us to fall back? Why did we abandon him? Why do we need allies to take down a small fleet when we have never had trouble doing that before?” Keith asked, he was practically pleading with her.
Now everyone was looking at Allura, even Coran looked at her with curiosity. Allura’s breath hitched a bit but she took another breath that went down a bit smoother. Keith didn’t like being so aggressive but he was pissed and needed to know.
Allura swallowed before she spoke.
“The reason that we needed to leave is because I recognized the ship that was taking Lance. It was the ship belonging to Prince Lotor.” She said.
Coran gasped, finally understanding.
Pidge spoke quickly, “Who the hell is Prince Lotor?”
“Pidge, language.” Shiro said softly.
She let out a huff. Muttering under her breath about Keith saying the words ‘asshole’ and ‘hell’ two seconds ago. Shiro ignored her.
Allura continued.
“Prince Lotor is Zarkon’s son, although I understand that they were not close. When Zarkon was the black paladin, he and my father were close. It was natural that the children of said men would play together. Lotor was a kind child at first. We rather liked playing together. But something changed in Lotor, he became disturbed as he got older.” She took a breath before continuing, “He would, torture creatures. He said he was playing with them but I knew what he was doing. One day he killed a child we were playing with. He claimed it to be an accident but we knew better.” She paused.
“Obviously Lotor was sent away from his father to a faraway planet that helped Galra who were too aggressive or that is what Zarkon claimed. That’s where Lotor stayed. I heard it only got worse from there. However Zarkon was also acting strangely and then he betrayed the paladins. I was told he began to change after his wife, Prince Lotor’s mother, died.” Allura finished.
“After we awoke from our 10,000 year sleep I tried to catch myself up on all I could. I learned about Zarkon as best I could and Lotor. He has become ruthless. Kidnapped species all over the galaxy to keep as glorified pets. Tortured prisoners, disobeyed every order Zarkon ever gave him, was given his own fleet which is known for not losing a single battle. In some galaxies Lotor is known as the planet killer. So that day we… left Lance I knew we couldn’t fight him, down one paladin and already under attack. So I ordered us to fall back. If we can get a few more allies to stand with us we can take him long enough to get Lance off that ship and back home.” Allura said looking into Keith’s eyes.
“I beg you, give me a few more days. We will save him and bring him home. I promise.” Allura looked each and every one of them in the eye making sure they knew exactly how serious she was. Keith’s only concern was if Lance could last that long.
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