#this is a mess i'm sorry XD
Ok. Here's take two! Wifi, please, do not let me down!
You sent me that AMAZING ask for the wolves. So now, I must return the favor! I don't have writing, but I have little headvannons I got from the.... Four minutes of screentime the boys got XD (and fangirling)
- First of all, PLEASE LOOK AT GRANNY'S EYES!!!!
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THEY'RE SO BLUE!!! AND BRIGHT!!! I LOVE THEM!!! And Big Bad and Kiddy! It was hard to tell since they didn't have as clear shots as Granny did here, but I think BB had gold/yellow eyes, while Kiddy had red/reddish brown eyes. Matching his collar!
- (Ok imma be honest, Granny got the most headcannons out of me by far. You can tell which one is my favorite XD) So, despite how beautiful his eyes look, I'm thinking Granny might be near sighted. During the chase scene, he completely missed the fact that Ella, Munt, and Mumbo hid from him despite being a few feet away. If this is true, it would explain why he goes after old people and little kids. Easy prey. (Though his aim is pretty good too. So maybe he's got a lot of practice throwing knives for some reason? Or his nose tells him where the target is?)
- Which leads to my second headcannon for him. He's the smartest out of the gang. He's the first to point out that something is up (even though everybody was looking at the castle), and the fact that he was asking Ricky what his deal was hints to this. I know that's not much evidence, but with less screen time than the Toon Patrol, what can you do? XD
- The fact that Granny looks out for Kiddy, told Ricky to have a drink with them, and didn't threaten him when he tried to 'go to work' hints to Granny being the 'nicest' out of all these fellas. However, with how confident he seems to be, it could also be a hint to him just not seeing any reason to throw his weight around. Which could be another point to him being the smart guy of the group.
- Opposite to Granny that I saw though, Big Bad not only seems to be the most manipulative with his interactions with Ricky, he also seems to be the most ready to jump to aggression. He was the first bad guy to run into the ballroom when they broke into the castle, and he seems to have a bad habit of getting into people's faces. This might be another reason why he and Granny have a rivalry; Big Bad feels the need to establish his dominance all the time unlike Granny.
- Despite that though, they seem to be able to work together. When Granny ran past the trio, we hear a different howl behind them. Maybe this is Big Bads or Kiddy's way of calling out to Hranny to tell him he needs to re-route himself. Or to find him if they think he's got lost (I bet you ten bucks Big Bad teases him about needing a guide XD)
- Finally, this is more like a possible, albeit dark, idea for why Kiddy seems the more unhinged member. In his story (if we're correct about which one it is), his ending is... Not pretty. (It involves him getting cut open, stones stuffed into him, sewed back up, and then he falls into a well and drowns because the stones weigh him down). And since it's made clear that this stories have played before and will continue to do so, what if Kiddy just... Snapped? And that's part of the reason Granny looks out for him?
But this could also be used in an x Reader context! Kiddy is having a nightmare about his ending, reader wakes him up and comforts him through the night. It hurts and heals my heart at the same time ^^
That's all I got so far. This is no where NEAR as good as your writing, but I hope you enjoy this either way! ^^
(Also, I I the tags on your last post. I'm sorry that lesson was difficult. I hope these, as well as internet hugs, help you feel better ^^ 💛💙❤️)
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I loveeeee the idea of Granny being near sighted! It adds dimensions that the wolves desperately need!! XD 😂😂 And this means his sweet S/O can look after him, a little XD And I'm also obsessed with his knife-throwing- that was pretty hot. (And I'm sure its a lot easier to see when the target is not moving like Ella, Monk and Mambo were). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh! Imagine putting a blindfold on the wolves and seeing if any of them can find you- Granny gets to you in like 3 seconds flat. He's used to relying on his nose! Then he spends the rest of the time (Which to be fair is not long, cuz the other two are still wolves and have great noses) teasing the others.
And I could tooooootally believe that he's the smartest too- like, specifically, in that enquiring/nerdy way. Like, if he was in school he'd be asking the teacher so many questions (Imagine the Bell dings, Big Bad tries to get outta his seat and skedaddle, but Granny raises his arm to ask a heavy question- and everyone in class hates him for it XD), and he probably loves puzzles and chess and stuff like that! I can also seeing him be very observant; He notices shit.
And the nice thing!! Totally agree!! He has a little protective in him ^^ *cough* make him a dad.
Ohhhhhhhh yah. Big Bad definitely has a need to be Boss. I feel like Granny sees this and keeps an eye on him- he knows at once that he could never fully trust this guy. This is normal, though, in the world of villains; Its comfortable. So, no biggie. Also, its just fun to mess with the guy XD
Omg!! Big Bad and Kiddy going *sigh* he got lost again. Timeta go fetch 'em // yeah-yeah-yeah- Oh no, we're making them family. Its the Toon Patrol all over again 😂🤣.
AND THAT LAST ONE?? I don't even have anything to add. Its perfect. Truly brings Kiddy together. I wanna write it so bad XD
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dafry-shenanigans · 6 months
I have no idea wth is happening but i want in-
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Randy: Uh... Is he okay...?
Jake: Yeah don't worry, he'll be fine... I think...
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bleue-flora · 6 months
Wait... Dream was born on August 12, 1999 and Dream was arrested in the Disc Finale on January 20, 2021 soo... wait, wait, wait, that means he was only 21 when he was imprisoned for life in a small lava covered box!... Did I do that math right? 21?! Man was barely able to drink legally in the United States and they gave him a life sentence in a boiling cell with nothing but lava, raw potatoes, a clock, and some books?!... oh my god...
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
Trails of Love Hori's been paving down in the build up for the series' ending
Part II: Decoding the love story being told through other characters
Part One | II. KamiJirou | Part Three ->
.•° ✿ 5. "I̥̰̟͈̣̮͑̑͐̓̌z̴͉̙̲̋͗͌u̶̫̝̒̊̐Ocha" ೋღ
Oh look, time to defeat the raid boss of BNHA: IzuOcha. (I wrote this meta in March, and after reading it now, I didn't feel I needed to change anything, but I added a small bonus section at the end. Hope you enjoy!)
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I have a lot of things to say about why Ochaco was never meant to be the one... but I'll try to stay concise and on topic with regards to this meta. Ochaco appears set up as Izuku's love interest from the get-go, but is that really what Hori wanted to do? I'll be taking a dive into their themes and in part three of this meta, I'll be explaining why the answer to that question has been a resounding: NO!
When I compared the feedback Ochaco got from Aoyama, Toga and Mina about her having a crush on Izuku for wanting to be like him, to Izuku, who didn’t get any feedback for all the times he did the exact same thing and copied Kacchan, it felt very unfair.
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See what I mean? It is completely unfair. And this was such a hard topic for me to navigate and answer for the anon at that time. But then I did some thinking.
Compress, Gentle/La Brava, Kamijirou and finally Kirimina (which came as a pleasant surprise, and for me, cemented Hori's intentions with all of this)... all of these characters have been written to highlight various things about BkDk's relationship.
Then, there is Ochaco's admiration of Izuku and she always gets told it's a crush, and it's so weird of a plot to begin with. This very one-sided "crush" also felt out of place with the rest of the themes going on. I eventually realised maybe we had been looking too closely at the admiration issue all along. By attempting to explain the meaning of the tree and why it's different from this other tree, we didn't see the forest it's connected to and that there was actually something bigger going on that Hori had been crafting.
Scale it back and you’ll see: It’s not that Izuku didn’t get his own feedback about his feelings for Kacchan in the various ways he shows he wanted to be like him, but Ochaco’s conversations with Aoyama and Mina and Toga were his feedback!! It was one of the biggest AHHHHHHHHHHH SO THAT'S WHY pin drop moments I've ever had.
No one was calling him out, because they didn't need to! Calling out Ochaco for that behaviour was all Izuku's same behaviour needed!
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Chapter 15 is the first time Izuku displays this behaviour of wanting to be like Kacchan. In Chapter 48 Izuku trains his movement after thinking of "Kacchan and the others". His movement mimicking Katsuki's is first noticed by Iida in Chapter 52.
We spent so much time worrying what the difference is between Izuku and Ochaco’s admiration, but we tackled the problem all wrong! In fact, we didn’t need to tackle it at all.
Because not only did Ochaco’s crush sideplot serve as a red herring to veil the real love story going on from the average reader, it was also used as another tool to highlight it.
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In chapter 58, Izuku showed off his new movement style and everybody, even Katsuki, noticed it was copying the way Katsuki moves. The fact we get another Ochaco shot of her watching Izuku mimic Katsuki really does add credence to the theory that she noticed Izuku's feelings because he's also copying the person he loves. And if their logic was true for her, then why couldn't it be true for Izuku too? Izuku's mimicry being such a non-issue for 1-A was surely done on purpose for us to see this hypocrisy one day: That her mimicry gets called out as love by everyone, but everyone sleeps on Izuku's own mimicry simply because it's between two boys.
Our take away was never meant to be “what’s the difference between their admiration/love”, but simply that Izuku was both wanting to become like and inadvertently becomes like Kacchan because he loves him so much and a way to keep Kacchan close to him was incorporating both his attitude and movement style into his own.
Hori was linking the two concepts of mimicry and romance together with commentary from Mina/Aoyama/Toga while having Izuku do this EXACT THING they were talking about, with Katsuki, right in front of our damn salad!
Because what other characters noted about Ochaco's behaviour... Izuku was also expressing towards Kacchan. (Hori even brought it up again in DvK2 just to remind *everyone* that Izuku is very conscious of doing the exact same thing as Ochaco)
Even if Ochaco later reveals their logic to not be true FOR HER (which I wholeheartedly believe in. BkDk+TogaChaco end game LETS GO), we know for sure this logic has absolutely been true for Izuku. And the feedback Ochaco got also fits Hori’s framework of;
Bkdk -> are the actions
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Other characters -> are the words for their feelings and actions.
Ochaco never was a raid boss to begin with... she only had the appearance of one. All to get BkDK through to the finish line.
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Ochaco talking about "putting the All Might doll away" here used the same verb as "shutting her feelings away" and her scene instantly jumps to Izuku looking at his black whip - a quirk he has also "put away" behind a locked door that represents OFA. Black whip is a quirk which emerged from the feelings he has for Katsuki, that Izuku has also had to "put away" because what happened to him was so traumatic. I think Hori wanted us to see their two stories of "locking something away" were actually the same in essence, and it wasn't just black whip itself that Izuku had to lock away, but also his feelings for Katsuki... because we lost Izuku's POV towards Katsuki after the "I'm too blessed." scene. Most likely to hide the romantic love Izuku feels towards him from the reader.
I realised the same logic of the other couples also applied to Ochaco too a few months ago, while I was putting together this meta about all the ways Hori has indirectly shown readers what Izuku’s feelings for Kacchan are. Hori couldn’t say it outright because of his demographic and the current expectations society has that BL should stay in it's own category and far removed from shounen.
So Hori gave bkdk their moments without a whole lot of context and developed the idea of them simultaneously in another language, by getting other various characters to do the talking. And he used these characters to indirectly spell out bkdk’s love story in conjunction with bkdk’s own behaviour, all for the sake of his big bkdk reveal in the series' finale.
And to think he’s been doing this almost since the beginning blows my mind. (Chapter 15! Chapter 15 was the start of WWKD: What Would Kacchan Do) The man is a genius. A lot of this feels like he had needed to release his feelings about bkdk, so he left these trails of code throughout the manga... and we’ve finally cracked the damn thing.
We did it. We realised Hori’s 2nd language and roundabout method of telling one of the greatest love stories in shounen history. And I’m sure there’s even more examples of it to discover, that all our fandom's talented, keen-eyed bkdks find every day.
If Horikoshi Kohei-Sensei wrote this story because he wanted to cement his mark in jump history, he has deservedly done just that!
Part B - The real ship of dreams
(It felt too good to be true, yet I was quietly hoping...) .•° ✿ 5. TogaChako ೋღ
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Circling back to the first part of this meta, "The Shape of an Eternal Bond" ... Do you remember when I talked about how BkDk couldn't imagine a world without each other, and the sense of an eternity they both exude together? Something that has always been, something that will always be. It seems more themes and feelings we get from bkdk's relationship have now been thrown into the Togachaco fight.
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Ochaco gave Toga what is essentially a marriage proposal to a vampire, and then her wires made the shape of the infinity symbol. Toga expresses to her "I can't stand the thought of you not being in this world anymore." This is 1. so touching 2. bkdk as HELL, and I am certain that Katsuki and Izuku will confess their desires to be together forever before this manga ends.
I mean, this just goes to show you how us bkdks and Hori are literally on the same neural link, and we've been right about his methods of storytelling and how he's leaving trails of love inside these other couples to express concepts that are present in bkdk's own (soon to be) very romantic relationship.
It's a fun thought exercise to look at Togachaco's fight and predict what certain themes of theirs Hori will install into bkdk's talk/feelings they will express to each other... but there is a certain one, other than "forever", I feel very strongly about and will focus on here...
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And that is Izuku's smile.
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Something Katsuki once detested became the thing he most advocated for and longed to protect. His thumbs pointing to himself while talking about smiles... no wonder this had an air of Katsuki, himself, being the biggest reason Izuku smiles. "How could you leave me and choose this for us - a life of no smiling like that?"
At the start of the series, Katsuki couldn't stand Izuku's face or the smile he made at him. Whenever he saw it, he could only think of it as somebody laughing at him, looking down on him... but then DvK2 reframed Izuku's wide smiles at him and turned them into something pure, and genuine, and I think that's when Katsuki started to realise how much he was being loved the whole time.
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And how could Katsuki possibly not reciprocate those earnest feelings from his special person who helped him find his heroic heart?
And this seems to be something Ochaco has noticed about Izuku? Ochaco, somebody who loves when people smile, noticed how big Izuku smiles when he talks about heroes... but especially the besotted faces he makes whenever he's with Katsuki... Of course she did.
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On the Weekly Shounen Jump cover that featured bnha chapter 394, most of the characters on it are happy and smiling. Izuku isn't, however. That's because he's lost the ability to smile because Katsuki is still dead in the manga... Hori used this jump issue to build on this theme in the manga - that if you take Katsuki away, then away goes Izuku's smile, too.
Because Katsuki's very existence gives Izuku his happiness.
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These two panels were supposed to be compared to each other - "Blood" and "Smiles" are two concepts mirroring each other in Togachaco's story. It's their different love languages. Toga felt like she couldn't ask Saito-kun for blood because he'd never accept her, Ochaco felt like she couldn't ask Izuku for his smile... because he'd also never accept her... she knew this was because Izuku already had somebody who gave him his sweetest smile... the same person who knew him more than anyone.
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Chapter 395's title, 'shiawase no ue ni' was an interesting one that feels nuanced with Ochaco's feelings towards Izuku. It can be read as "Above (my) happiness..." I think this title is describing the concept of prioritising something else BEFORE one's own happiness. It's the perfect concept title for self-sacrifice, like Toga putting Ochaco's life above her own, but could ALSO be referencing Ochaco placing Izuku's happiness with Katsuki before her own feelings for him!!
Ochaco's story, at present, appears to be about putting aside unrequited love for a person she didn't quite understand, and instead placing her efforts into an attainable goal - rescuing somebody's heart from despair, and in doing so, becoming each other's important person. And then neither have to journey through life alone anymore. Ochaco knew this is something Izuku and Katsuki found in each other. In the image above, the girls are looking at Izuku and Saito, who won't turn their way, because they are both looking at a blonde boy next to them. Their "Sometimes Saturday." Katsuki.
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The hidden face as Ochaco says she "came to like" Izuku Midoriya is quite suspicious. It belies what she's saying and she seems to either be hiding something negative or she’s not being truly forthcoming about her situation and feelings for Izuku. There are also themes of envy that finally showed up in Togachaco's dialogue which may be foundation Hori has laid down for the reveal of Ochaco's feelings later, as well. Envy about the attention Izuku received from others as a hero. Envy towards Izuku's innate passion for heroes, and the adoring faces he makes for Katsuki, perhaps.
So this smile that Katsuki has always misunderstood as something negative aimed towards him ended up turning into something... very lovely and important to him, as shown in Izuku's panel and how Ochaco described Toga's smile right afterwards.
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And honestly... if we get little snapshots of the many smiles Izuku has made for Katsuki, while Katsuki is thinking about how adorable Izuku looks just for him when they're talking, I don't think I'll make it out of this bkdk reveal alive. Hori is going to obliterate us with whatever he's got cooking for them.
With all the major bkdk-alike couples now finished, the next post of this meta series will be: Part III, and the conclusion of this meta series ->
Back to Part One
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tac0tesseract · 9 months
Our Lancer team's cockpits as car interiors
Harvester -- HA Tokugawa
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Actium -- SSC Mourningcloak
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SWOOSH II -- SSC Death's Head
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Diamondback -- IPS-N Raleigh
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Halcyon -- SSC Duskwing
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Sam -- HORUS Lich
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Black Baccara (Evolved) -- HORUS Gorgon
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hale-raiser · 1 month
lhale: normally my shoes would be lost by now but these are my favorite boots so they are staying on my feet tonight. on another note, i did lose my bag.. so if anyone sees one laying around..
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blackjackkent · 9 months
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There are too many of them. Karlach has been through many battles, many wars. She can see the way the odds are turned. Balthazar, who would be a powerful foe even in his own right, backed up by almost twenty undead, each of them brought to life with only one course - destruction.
And almost immediately, everything goes bad.
Almost before they have time to blink, Hector is staggered - a burst of corrupting necromantic energy slams into him out of Balthazar's fingers. Karlach can see the pain rocket through him as he is knocked to his knees.
"Gods!" he cries out, and the agony in his voice tears at her heart. "My Lady...help us...please..."
But there is no answer. Even if the Moonmaiden is watching them, she has no power here in this land of dark.
Karlach finds herself moving entirely on instinct, lashing out in all directions as the undead begin to close around them. Higher up she can hear Gale and Shadowheart shouting spells, trying to knock back the tide of horror. But each chink in the oncoming wall lasts only momentarily, and then Balthazar's endless legions are back on the attack again.
Can we win this? Is it even possible? Is this the end, after everything?
The rage is coursing through her, each strike landing true, and she holds onto some hope, some certainty that perhaps they might do the impossible yet again...
And then Hector goes down.
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"No!" Her scream is muffled in the noise of battle all around them. "Damn it, soldier-- get up!"
She isn't sure what hit him. One of the large skeletons, most likely, which is bearing down on him with its deaths-head grin, an enormous blade clenched in one hand. She staggers backwards, stands over his body - a furious lioness crouching over her fallen mate, all rage and love and terror.
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But gods, gods...they are still coming.
And she can't fight them all, not even to save him...
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The crowd of undead close around her and she feels despair grip around her heart. Hector, at her feet, spasms with pain; his breath rasps in his chest, a death rattle. All the fury and rage in her does nothing to change the fact...
It can't end like this. It can't--
Her eyes drift upwards, to the platform where Gale and Shadowheart are still standing, both of them equally battered, drenched in acid from one of Balthazar's attacks. Her eyes meet Gale's, and she sees the same despair she feels reflected back at her.
His wrist flicks, a ball of flame appearing between his fingers, and he hesitates.
She understands in an instant what he means to do - and she knows that he's right. And before she can second-guess herself, before she can reflect on what it means, she lifts her voice and bellows above the hissing of the undead.
Gale's head snaps back, and then he twists his fingers in a quick burst of movement and the fireball crashes across the platform.
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Karlach is no stranger to the heat of fire; she has burned alive every day for the last ten years. But the explosion bursts through her like a thunderclap, the concussion hurting as much as the flames, and she is knocked sideways with a cry of pain as the fireball consumes her and all the creatures around her.
As she hits the ground, she hears Hector's scream as the flames consume him, and though she does not want to see it, she turns her head and meets his eyes as he dies.
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It feels as if everything has gone completely still inside her for a moment.
She knew exactly what she was doing, of course. She knew he would not survive the blast, that she herself is barely hanging on through the damage it did. They have Shadowheart, they have scrolls of revivify, they even have Withers if it comes to it... he will come back to her. He has to.
But all that knowledge pales against the true, immediate agony of seeing the life fade out of him in front of her.
"HECTOR!" she screams, and it tears at the burned muscle of her throat. She wants to drop to his side, hold him, beg his forgiveness for causing this to be done to him, but she can't. The fight isn't over, though most of the skeletal force has been decimated.
Balthazar still lives, and it is on him that her rage can expend itself.
In an explosion of movement, she leaps across the platform trailing flame off her armor and out of her hair. And for a moment she almost thinks she sees a burst of fear in the necromancer's eyes before her blade crashes through his skull.
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Blood splatters around her and she swings and swings again, all the rage in her coming to bear on this one target. And she screams with grief and fury and all the pain they have all suffered and do not deserve.
It is a long time before the storm in her cools and she realizes that he is dead.
She comes back to herself knelt at Hector's side, gathering him into her arms. She realizes she has been sobbing; the boiling heat of her tears sizzles on her cheeks. Gale and Shadowheart are standing at a slight distance, watching, each uncertain how to break the silence.
"I'm sorry..." she whispers, pulling his still body against her, running her fingers desperately through his hair, across the burns on his face and shoulders. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I love you... I'm sorry..."
Cautiously, Gale lays a hand on her shoulder, and flinches feeling the now-unusual heat under her armor. "I'm sorry as well," he mutters. "But you were right. It had to be done...we'd never have been able to take the upper hand otherwise."
She shakes away the attempt at a comforting touch, leans forward and presses her forehead against Hector's. Her breath comes in short, stuttering gasps.
Shadowheart steps forward now, crouches at her side. "If... you can give me a moment to prepare a spell... I'll revive him," she says uncertainly.
Karlach lifts her head and glares at the younger woman fiercely, feeling oddly defensive against anyone else's offer of help. "I'll handle it," she mutters. "You just... do what you came here to do..."
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screamingwiththewolves · 10 months
I'mma make a bold statement.
Out of every base character design, Holt Hyde's is the worst. Like his character design, is just bad. His outfit is a mess of things, he's got way too many colors going on, his blue skin is oversaturated af.
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ricksoo · 9 months
IT'S THE YEAR 2024 🔥
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fantomette22 · 2 years
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I'm sorry I know I already asked but I'm the worst XD
Does someone have a plan or some kind of precise methodology ? or is it really random ? x)
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tsundereition · 4 months
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ah right i can already post this lol. tetora and anzu for an enstars lolita fashion collab! when i said "sorry for taking long with the requests, i was busy" it was that i keep getting into collabs, i can't resist the temptation >< i recently got into enstars and lolita fashion is like my favorite thing in life so... it was fun to think what type of coords would fit each character!
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notsodailycake · 1 year
I have fallen for you baiting with the Zelink kids, I’m begging to hear something about them
If you need something specific maybe their names and favorite hobbies or who they most take after
Whauwie YES
OK OK SO, so far i have built already how they come to be and all, I'm just working on how life will be like after totk (dont have the game yet, but friends do so imma be asking for sum help)
But so far, we have 2 kids! Both of them are girls, 3 years apart. Older sister is named Sonia (yes in honor of Queen Sonia herself), and the youngest is named Adira
Sonia is more like her dad, especially in terms of looks, but she had inherited her mother's eyes and thurst for answers. She's very energetic and adventurous, and likes helping others
She tends to be the guinea-pig to alot of her sister's projects and creations since she has almost no self preservation. She enjoys it tho, thinking it as a fun activity to try out new things and hang out with her sister. She also enjoys carving things, mainly toys and masks. Most of her sister's toys were made by her when they were around 11 and 8
Although she is usually quite the airhead, and not really the brightest (like her dad, cough-), she definitely inherited her mother's overthinker mind. Doesn't help that she also tends to think little of herself, being the firstborn of the Princess and Hero themselves, alot of people put her under alot of high expectations and although her parents tried their best to show she didn't have to prove her worth, the gossip around town was hard to ignore, doesn't help the fact that her sister has started to become a prodigy to her mom, creating inventions to help hyrule and planning to bring the royal system back when she's old enough
Sonia though, has no intention of bringing the royal life back, nor to continue it. Like her dad she wants to explore, she's fascinated by history and wants to disvover every small relic left unseen. And she wants to travel beyond Hyrule one day as well and help those she comes across her path. But also perhaps, escape the duties and expectations others put on top of her, and perhaps prove herself better then those expectations
She loves her sister tho, despite everything, and will never admit to her how jelouse she actually is of Adira. How jealous she was of Adira of being able to hang out with their mom so much, have so much in common with her, sometimes she wonders if she has anything from her mom other then her eyes
Adira is alot like her mother, especially in the looks department, but she has her father's eyes and thurst for chaos. She's usually quiet, but very sassy when needs be, and although seeming quite shy, she got quite the temperament and wont hold back her tounge
Like mentioned previously she becoms a prodigy to her mom, creating and getting invested on inventions to help hyrule and planning to bring the royal system back when she's old enough. She spends most of her time studying and working on anything technology finding it fun to see what possible outcomes it came give
Although sometimes the pressure is too much, as much as her parents give her the liberty to explore her interests, as she had started to show advancements in her creations and helping hyrule, as well as proclaiming to bring back the kingdom (even tho she was a child when she said that), all eyes were now set on her and she is terrified of any failure, and to disappoint everyone, she usually confides on her sister who never cared of her status and just liked to be around her for her (and well, she felt too embarrassed about it to tell her parents about it, they didn't need to worry about such simple things in her eyes, they already fought the townsfolk so much bc of that, she didn't want to make them dislike her parents bc of her)
She admires her sister alot, looks up to her and wishes she could be as cool as her, as free as her, but she isn't good in any sort of physical activities and is usually just stuck in the lab. And that causes a smidge of jealousy as Sonia is able to bond more with their dad then Adira ever could, she feels like she has nothing in common to her dad other then his eyes and need for chaos (which the second part was something looked down apon by others)
And those are the basics i have so far, there is more but I'm unsure about it for now, and aren't 100% concrete yet, so i wont share at the moment
But before i end this, here are some small fun facts:
Both Sonia and Adira are pure glutons, just like their dad XD. They have cooking sessions together quite often, helping around the kitchen when they can;
Sonia loves horses as much as her dad does, but she is terrified of riding them, because when she was little and riding one for the first time, the person who set settle on didn't do it properly and she fell, head first into a rocky ground, and to add onto it, the horse stepped right onto her pinky. Now she has small panic attacks trying to ride them
Sonia actually used to hate Adira. Since Adira was a rainbow baby, Zelda and Link did kinda get overprotective with her, and accidentally neglected Sonia. That didn't last long after Sonia did cause a whole scene with running away and almost getting killed- but that's likez a whole other story in itself lol (i might make a more detailed post about this later). But after that incident they were able to work things out and Sonia ended up being way more protective over Adira then her own parents
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@technodromes sent: 🍷 // Bishop walking into a wasted Rick? (Probably more likely than I think) Send in 🍷 to walk in on my muse wasted || No longer accepting
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There's a sound echoing in the corridor, bouncing off its metal walls. It's one of the two voices that, while not belonging to any of the Technodrome's permanent residents, have become part of the noises that can be heard more or less regularly inside the mobile fortress.
However, this time it's not someone shouting out curses or yelling while engaged in a heated match of sharp jabs. It's not even complaints and grumbles, or gruff but perfectly in tune singing. Instead, it sounds awfully like an endless fit of snickering, too high-pitched and garbled to be normal.
Rick is sprawled on what was once a working table, but now half of the tools are on the floor, together with at least eight bottle of...something. From the smell it's easy to tell that their content was some sort of liquor, but judging from the weird symbols...letters?...written on the label, it's definitely not from Earth.
His shoulders are shaking with irregular bursts of badly muffled laughter, while his arms are stretched in front of him, clumsy fingers tinkering with a weird-looking exagonal device. The front of it is open, unhooked cables tumbling out freely.
An off-tune hum leaves Rick's lips as he drops his chin on the table, tongue sticking out as he tries stick out of the wires back in place. His movements are sloppy, betraying how impaired his eye-hand coordination is, and yet his fingers are unexpectedly steady.
Finally, the thin cable slips inside its outlet and he lets out a slurred "f-f-fuck yeah!"...only to almost jump out of his skin when someone clears his throat behind him.
The scientist spins around, far too quickly for his unstable balance, and topples on the ground before he can even land his gaze on the newcomer. His hold on the device doesn't loosen, but he drags down with him a few tools and an empty bottle, which shatters, sending glass shards all around.
His back and nape hurt, or at least they are supposed to, but his senses are too numbed by the alcohol for him to register the pain. Instead, Rick squints, trying to put into focus the figure while the lights blind him from the ceiling.
Morty? No way. The other is far too tall to be his grandson. Not to mention that he isn't wearing anything yellow, just black and white. And...are those sunglasses?
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"Ooooh, sh-shit, it's the third...pink ball! M-Morty's squishy buddy!" He exclaims as realisation somehow downs on him. "H-Hey, buddy! F-Funny...uhgh...meeting you here! D-Didn't know...W-Who let you in? D-Don't tell me you sneaked in! Y-You old...fox brain!"
Anything else he might have wanted to say is drowned in a mixture of laughter and giggles. Damn, that's good. He needed someone for...he can't remember. But there was something he wants to do...even if he can't remember that either.
...Oh well, he'll just make it up as he goes. As they go.
"L-Let's...W-We...Mort-...Shit, n-not Morty! W-We gotta go!" He starts saying, struggling to get back on his feet. His free hand is already reaching for the portal gun, so when his legs turn out to be too unsteady to hold him up, all he can do is face planting against the chest of Bishop's android.
The words are too muffled and slurred to make sense, but Rick doesn't seem to care. Instead, he shoots a portal right under their feet and they instantly fall through it.
To go where? Now, that is a great question!
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singsweetmelodies · 10 months
Currently thinking about the lyric ‘wondering if I doges a bullet or just lost the love of my life’ with piarles and I don’t know what to do with this but thought you may enjoy
first and foremost: whatever Tumblr is doing to asks on mobile lately is TERRIBLE. it looks completely broken & i can barely read it!! *charles_wtf discord react*
anyways!! hello anon <3333 sorry it's taken me this long to respond! i saw this ask at work, didn't have time to reply, and then, predictably, forgot all about it. i am so sorry. BUT here i am now - better late than never, right?
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SO. omg. this lyric!! 🙏 a banger... ngl it breaks my heart to think about it in a piarles context, but i also love it. "wondering if i dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life" - i could see this as charles POV after a break-up. he's hurting and he's mad but he's also terrified that he lost the one thing that matters even more than ferrari...
ALTERNATIVELY - and you'll have to forgive me for bringing in something a little toxic/cursed here, but this is where my brain is at lately, i'm afraid - this lyric is still charles POV, but he thinks it about max. after a break-up with max (and, spoiler alert... he DID dodge a bullet with that one.) but it was a good dodge, because guess who is there to pick up the pieces and treat him a thousand times better than max ever could... 😉 pierre, of course. and THEY never break up - no, they have a "call it what you want" inspired romance <3333
either way: there is SO much potential for this lyric + piarles, and i adore you for opening my eyes to it!! tysm anon 🤩
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Poor Baz was not prepared for this answer...
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 years
You actually made Cyrano's line after "Tell this to all the world..." make so much more sense for me. It probably becomes a lot clearer with the right actor delivery, but Cyrano trying to momentarily block out the pain and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known and Le Bret still being there to make him face it head on... it's just so good. Thank you for the clarity!
You mean in the adaptation, with the "let me be alone", or in the original French/actual play with his final "Tais-toi !"? I imagine you mean the "Tais-toi !" line, but I wanted to check xD
I mean, that's what I interpreted in the scene. I may very well be wrong, and I'm sure a director could choose to make it about Cyrano not wanting anyone else to come even close to knowing, but the directions I have in my editions don't say anything about the actor having to pretend to be worried or anxious in that affront, but about him having an absent air for instance. I guess that's what made me take it as Cyrano just not wanting to talk about the issue, too focused on his pain even when De Guiche is present. He doesn't seem to want to talk about anything at all nor deal with people and noise through the entire scene, which may be why the José Ferrer version changed the last line to make it a point that he wants to be alone. Actually this scene's mood is one of the only issues I have with the 1950 film, since with the "interruption" of the scene of De Guiche and Richelieu we lose that continuity in which we see Cyrano go from pained to saddened and moody to angry and taking it on everyone else; the final line of José Ferrer asking to be alone seems to be there in part to regain a bit of that mood that was lost imo.
Anyway, returning to Le Bret, Cyrano and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, I'll comment that, while happy for his friend's success the previous night, what Le Bret wants to know and insists on is about Roxane! I find that so sweet, as I find sweet that we see how and even almost exactly when Le Bret starts to piece things together (or that's how I interpret with the "Le Bret (stupéfait): Mais qu'as-tu donc ? Cyrano: Tais-toi!"). And yes, once Le Bret explicitly tells him he seems to be in pain, Cyrano acts haughtily and puts an act again ("(tressaillant et se redressant vivement) Devant ce monde ?... / (Sa moustache se hérisse; il poitrine) Moi souffrir ?... Tu vas voir !"). To be honest, to me it read that Cyrano is so immersed in his own thoughts, hazy with pain, grief and self-hatred, that he kind of hadn't noticed or hadn't spared a thought to the multitude and how he might appear to them in that moment, until Le Bret mentions it. The way he reacts I think works very well as an "expansion" of sorts, or an iteration, of what he does in the first act, both in the entire act (with Valvert and then the last scene) but also in summary what he does when he says the line "(fièrement) Parce... /(Changeant de ton, en voyant que le portier est loin) Que je n'ai pas d'argent !..."; that act, that response, is after all what Cyrano lives on. It's also in some ways how the second act ends, with him slapping the musketeer.
So, despite being tempted for a moment by De Guiche's proposal (which I love!), I interpreted that his more "violent prone" behaviour changed in that moment, when he went from sad and moody to more angry (damn, boy, learn how to process grief in some other way), and he has that exaggerated outburst with De Guiche that he didn't have with the other people pestering him before to cover the pain Le Bret was seeing, to prove that he was himself just as always, "devant ce monde". And Le Bret chastises him as he always does, and Cyrano responds in anger again, insulting him, but Le Bret at this point has a pretty fair idea of what's happened and to Cyrano's "devant ce monde" he counters with his "Fais tout haut l'orgueilleux et l'amer, mais, tout bas, /Dis-moi tout simplement qu'elle ne t'aime pas", which gains him another "Tais-toi!" from Cyrano.
And we actually see Le Bret do just that before with his "Mais enfin, à moi, le motif de ta haine / Pour Montfleury, le vrai, dis-le-moi !"!!! I love that Cyrano puts performance after performance and has everyone fooled, but Le Bret always sees through him. He sees through him and asks him privately, careful of his pride, and I love that Cyrano doesn't lie to him. He tells him the truth!!! When he tells him to shut up that last time, that's almost as good as an answer! And perhaps he is giving an answer to him, since we get these directions: "Il remonte au bras de Le Bret. Ils causent bas" (so sweet, so soft) and "Il montre Cyrano qui cause au fond avec Le Bret".
Again, I think the interpretation of Cyrano saying his "Tais-toi!" because he doesn't want anyone else to notice is coherent! As you say, the actor's delivery and the director's choice would be key in what the expressions mean. I had not thought of it that way before, and I thank you for adding that idea to my reading now!
I just realised I got carried away with the reply. I'm very sorry, I simply wanted to justify a bit my interpretation but also admitting that, although it hadn't occurred to me before, the other was coherent as well. I could have just written the last paragraph xD
Thank you for taking the time of sending this message, it was sweet, and for the gifs of the scenes and quotes and sharing your thoughts on them! I've been having a lot of fun with them and they've made me reread and rewatch parts appreciating them even more, when not with altogether new eyes!
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