#this is a paladin danse appreciation post
wastelandhell · 1 year
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amazinglyegg · 9 months
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Danse eats sushi with a fork
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rosiesatombomb · 3 months
Paladin Danse relationship hcs
Gn reader, sfw, post blind betrayal
It takes a while for Danse to form romantic feelings, he’s still trying to figure out how to live after finding out he’s a synth
He cares about you deeply it just takes him to realize that these feelings are in fact romantic
Once he realizes he just feels bad, in his mind he doesn’t deserve you—he’s not even human
He would never make the first move, he feels so guilty about even thinking about you in a romantic way
Caught off guard when you confess, like way off guard but he’s happy
His self worth is like so bad he needs constant reassurance
He has trouble making any moves at first in the relationship but as time goes on and he realizes his worth he feels more comfortable with it
Danse isn’t exactly super romantic but he does things for you that show that he cares, like cleaning your armor and weapons as well as upgrading them if needed
Danse doesn’t really have like classic dates (thats hard to do in the wasteland) but he likes spending quality time with you, it’s his favorite thing
Wether it be doing quests with you or you just sitting with him while he works on his power armor, he’s happy
He has a hard time verbalizing exactly how he feels about you, he knows how he feels he just can’t get the words out. He gets insanely flustered when doing so
He loves doing things for you, that’s how he shows his appreciation and love
To him, you gave his life purpose after the brotherhood and he’s worried about you almost constantly
If you go on quests without him he can’t get any sleep (he doesn’t get much anyway) and when you come back he just wants to be around you
He’s confident in your abilities but he still cannot stop worrying as much as he tries
He still has a similar routine to when he was in the brotherhood, patrolling wherever you live pretty often
He finds it very hard to relax but eventually gets the hang of it
To him cookings pretty relaxing and he likes to make meals for you when you go off for long periods of time
It’s not always the best but he’s trying
He also likes fishing, and cooking the fish he caught
He ends up liking a kind of domestic life more than he thought he would
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“I got it from here..” Paladin Danse X Reader
(This was the winner and lemme tell y’all, stormy is happy)
Whoever first warned you that expeditions into the wastes would be difficult, seriously understated just how bad it was. Of course, in hindsight it was a stupid thing to be asked for the everyday dweller who had been born in the rotting, broken world around them. A world that was not your own. This was a world that demanded you to be strong, be vigilant, be fearless..but you were so very afraid.
Every ghosting of shadows over your campsite, every slight breeze rustling debris somewhere in the distance filled your body with cold dread- especially at night.
Tonight was no different, naturally. Even strapped in armor, loaded down with enough ballistics to turn a person into something resembling a macabre slice of Swiss cheese, and a stomach that wasn’t rumbling as a horrible reminder of just how famished the wastes left you..you were still scared. However the man in front of you, just mere feet away and leaned up against a post..he was scared too. Perhaps there was some comfort to be found in the mutual fear considering as far as you were concerned, he was the bravest man you knew.
For a brief, decent moment you were able to appreciate the man you found to be a constant companion of your’s. He watched your back when you went scavenging in the remains of the old harbor, meticulously clearing out whatever building you thought looked promising, then when night fell far too fast to retreat back to a settlement, it was he who secured an acceptable shelter to sleep for the night and fortified it with his beloved power armour serving as blockade from any intruding assailants. Even so, he just wouldn’t rest.
Those familiar deep, amber eyes systematically swept the surrounding area with his vantage point out the window. It was a pattern, up for a while..down..sweep from side to side and repeat again and again. It was his training after all, keep those under his command safe in shifts as the darkness of night cloaked whatever hostiles there might’ve been.
There was something different about your beloved friend tonight, or perhaps it was more the fact you finally took to noticing it for the first time. His sharp eyes faltered in their pattern, his body was heavy against where he rested, his head even rested against the wooden post in such a manner that if you couldn’t see his eyes you’d probably assume him to have fixed off. As silly as it sounded, it was then you finally noticed the speckling of silvery grey dappling his rich black hair right above his ears and randomly in his stubble. Danse was getting old..a silly thought in itself but sure enough he was, age wasn’t something he had the luxury of escaping.
That was something only ghouls and you seemed to be able to evade. Alas, Danse was human as far as you knew. He was flesh and blood and aged as was befitting of someone of his higher rank anyways..
“Danse..?” Your voice cut the comfortable silence residing between the two of you, amazingly drawing his attention with a blink that lasted a bit too long.
He didn’t say anything to acknowledge you, he didn’t really have to anyways considering you knew he was giving you his attention by the way those sweet puppy dog eyes locked with your’s, albeit in a tired haze. Exhaustion was no stranger to you, that was even before all the abominations that had befallen your life. So it was no hard task to elucidate the mysterious shrouding of his construction.
“I…” You began to speak up, words cut short when the man in front of you stretched his neck and furrowed his brows- yawning for what had to have been the first time you had ever seen him do so in the many nights you spent alongside him.
“My apologies..” He grumbled, his voice a gentle grumble from the back of his throat- a tone that you maybe liked to imagine was what he sounded like first thing in the morning. Maybe that’s what he would sound like….no such things weren’t appropriate to entertain, Danse didn’t deserve such thoughts even if he had no way of knowing of their existence. “You were saying?” He asked, trying to be nonchalant in the way he desperately attempted to rouse his mind back to full acuity.
You couldn’t help the right press of your lips when you took in his exhausted state. He was always the one to protect, maybe now it was time for him to be protected- if only for a moment.
With an abrupt clear of your throat, you gathered your bearings and rose to your knees from your sleeping bag. After the initial jolt of feeling your blood pressure drop out from the sudden shift to an upright position, you were quick to grab your gun and meet him which thankfully didn’t require much movement in part of the less than spacious shelter you found yourself in. Of course, seeing you stumble even that small bit made your beloved companion scoff under his breath, the tiniest curl of his lips just barely breaking his helplessly tired expression.
“Let me take watch, just for a bit.” You offered, your gun slung over your shoulder and a smile on your equally weary face. Naturally, the stubborn Paladin had every intention of dismissing the offer..however your free hand clasping over his bicep in a gentle grip that shocked the both of you extinguished whatever fire he had about him. “Go rest, I got it from here..” You certainly didn’t..but you’d try for him.
He sighed, looking outside the window then to the sleeping bag. The exchange of glances allowed you to see how the light flickered from the lantern across his features, illuminating not only his freckles but also his newly acquired purple bags under his eyes.
Strange, you didn’t know someone could look like they were kissed by both the moon and the sun.
Deciding his exhaustion would only be more dangerous in the long haul, he buckled with little additional persuasion. “Thank you…I appreciate it. If anything goes wrong, I mean anything..wake me up. I don’t care if you believe it’s just the wind, I mean it.” He instructed, a worried chew of the inside of his cheek enough to signal to you that the apprehension may be for more than just fear for your lives..he knew how afraid you were of the wastes even after proving to be a capable fighter. Perhaps there was more though..
Once you nodded he was quick to finally go lay down, a joint or two of his popping on the way down which only made you chuckle as quietly as you possibly could as not to embarrass him. After that, it didn’t take long for him to fall into a light slumber- leaving you to gaze up out the window and into the vastness of the dark night.
You were afraid..but tonight you’d put your fears aside if it meant he could get some rest.
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
How about the fo4 companions (including DLC companions) reacting to a S.S. who was an Ex-Paladin for the BOS and had killed their team after being ordered to kill a synth child and went AWOL, taking the child under their care as a backstory?
I didn't do Ada or Longfellow because I didn't get to know them very well. We can imagine Ada didn't really give a shit and Longfellow just accepted it. He is old, he has wisdom... and he is probably drunk (for all I know of him)
Cait : "Bad-ass! I couldn't do better myself, kids not kids. But I take it's a warnin'. Dinnae violate yer morality by...not touchin' a child?"
Codsworth : "So this is what you were doing the entire time you were missing?"
"Yes. I was on the Capital side. I was completely disoriented after what happened to Nate/Nora. I had no idea what to do. And I couldn't bear seeing all I knew... altered in that way. I continued walking towards the capital without pausing. I couldn't find anything better on the road, so I decided to join the BoS. Seek out a place to live and some semblance of civilization. But they're all monsters in the end."
"Except for Danse..."
Sole tries to hide their smile, but they shake their heads and return to their solemnity.
"However, the reason I'm talking to you today is that my responsibilities as a General are taking up more and more of my time. I frequently put myself in dangerous situations. Also, the closer I go to the Institute, the more scared I am of never returning. I would not want my other child to be abandoned or without means."
"Do you still have him with you?"
"I hid him close to Sanctuary. I try to see him as much as possible, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. He requires a healthy environment, and Sanctuary has transformed into a haven of peace and tolerance..."
"Don't say anything else! I'd be delighted to look after this little one while you're away! We will always be at home to greet you back."
Sole expected nothing less from their butler, but seeing his joy warms their heart. The child does require a stable environment. Besides, having a location to return to and be welcomed back would be great for them.
Curie : "How dreadful. Betraying your vows by having to kill all of these individuals. Please be sure that I understand. But betraying a vow must be horrifying."
Sole sighs. Curie is only familiar with Hippocrates' oath. They are well aware that the synth cannot consider betraying it. But they appreciate how she handled the story. After all, these murders and betrayals have been weighing on them for a long time, and it feels nice to finally have someone to talk to.
Danse (Post BB) : "This story was told from time to time in the dorms. But I never imagined it was true, and I never suspected for a second that it was you. I now have a better understanding of your situation. But how is it that Maxson has never had a doubt? And why are you back?"
"It was another era, another time. They had not yet performed ADN testing, so how could they have known? And I needed the BoS to get into the Institute. But if you want a completely honest response, they are simply incredibly stupid."
"I recognize it now."
Deacon (romanced) : There were always moments. Sole vanished from his radar for a few days, then reappeared. They were impossible to trace. He now understands. Sole would never have allowed them to be followed in order to expose the location of this synth child's hiding place. And Deacon has more admiration than ever for this person to whom he has now dedicated his life.
Dogmeat : Love the child. Everything else is nonsense. It's a dog. He simply loves the child... and guards him like a mother wolf.
Elder Maxson (romanced) : Cade is formal. The soldier is the same. But how could it have taken him so long to identify them? How could his officer be so careless? He's not sure how to react now. To set an example, he must surely execute Sole immediately. But can he truly? He doesn't have a choice. As soon as Sole returns to the ship, he will arrest them and hand them over to a firing squad.
He doesn't have a choice...
But what if...
He makes an effort to think. He attempts to figure out who on his team could handle such a delicate mission for him. Then he finds out. Heylan, the scribe, came naturally in his mind. He is aware that she covered Danse. He had been aware of it, yet he accepted it since he himself was hesitant. Because a large part of him was hoping for a loophole in this tricky situation. Because he cared so much about Danse. And now, once again, a dossier in which his emotions and his responsibilities collide. Is this bad luck? When the scribe enters his quarters, he requests that she close the door behind her.
"This discussion never happened, and if you mention it, I will deny everything and you will face justice."
Haylen had not anticipated such a welcome. She was already worried about appearing before the Elder, her nerves had now reached new heights. But she nodded, waiting for what the leader of her organisation intended to do.
"You will return to the ground and follow Sole's trail, trying to find their allies and visiting their colonies. You must deliver a message from me: "I know, never come back."
Haylen cocks her head to the side, unsure, but she nods once more.
"Good, sir."
"Be really discreet. If you do not send this message before Sole returns to the airport, I will be forced to execute them. Do you realise the significance of what I'm asking?"
"Sir, yes. I completely understood."
"Danse trusted you, Sole trusted you, and so do I. Don't betray that trust."
"Never, sir."
And now all Maxson has to do is wait and hope. He did everything in his power. May fate now look after Sole.
Hancock : "Killing BoS? Help a child? And you were unwilling to brag about it?"
Sole frowns and shakes their head.
"There's more to it than that. I deserted my companions; I betrayed those who had placed their trust in me. They were under my command, and—
"You put your duties as they must be. This ends the debate. Is he all right, the kid?"
"Yes, yes, yes. He lives not far away. I hid him in... well, I hid him. I try to see him as frequently as possible."
Hancock's keen stare falls on them, becoming somber.
"Are you too afraid to tell me where he is?"
His friend, embarrassed, lowers their head.
"Understand! I… For so long, I've lived as a renegade, and I've kept our path hidden. It's difficult to put faith in anyone on this subject."
With a slight smile on his face, the mayor shakes his head.
"You've just pointed out your betrayal, your massacer, and its existence to me. It's odd that you paused right before asking me to send Fahrenheit to babysit."
"Pardon?" Sole and the bodyguard inquire.
"Yes, keeping him secure. So many sacrifices, why not give him a life worth saving?"
"Not in Goodneighbourhood! Never!"
"So what? Isn't this the town of outcasts and fugitives?"
Sole mulls on what Hancock has just said, but they sighs deeply.
"No. This is not the kind of life I want for him."
"So it's better to hide him?"
"I'm not sure, but your girlfriend doesn't appear to agree with your plans."
"Fah is my daughter, not my girlfriend."
Sole's eyes widen in disbelief. Hancock busts out laughing.
"A secret for a secret. Where do you plan on putting down roots, for the kid? I mean, seriously."
Gage : "What on earth does that have to do with conquering the Commonwealth?"
Sole grimace. That was something they should have expected. Gage is unconcerned about his last sock. The past is the past, the raiders are not children of the heart, and Gage's objectives are more essential than humans leaving by the side of the road. Sole does not and will never insist. But one day, like this, Gage returns to them, perplexed.
"You know, boss, I've been thinking about something. You betrayed your old patrol for a child who isn't even human. There may be children present when we invade the Commonwealth colonies. Are you sure you're not going to do it backwards?"
Sole's eyes widen in amazement. Then they softly shake their head and smile.
"No way, Gage, never."
But after that, their lieutenant was shot in the head the moment he turned his back.
MacCready : "Killing BoS and protecting a child synth. Yeah. You like risks, it’s twisted, but who am I to judge?"
He sighs and shrugs.
"Say, regarding the events in Vault 81... I hope you don't hold my view in the same regard, and that you're not planning to gut me in my sleep."
"Did you request that this child die? You were upset that I saved him, but you didn't ask for his death. That's not the same."
"No, I didn't... I didn't mind that you saved him! I'm disappointed that you didn't save yourself for whatever reason!"
MacCready is suddenly interested in his weapon, which he disassembles to lubricate the mechanism.
"However, I am not surprised. In fact, an imbecile capable of giving up healthcare in favor of a child's life may well debunk BoS without guilt in order to rescue one."
"It was my team..."
"That was the motto. The past is gone. Winlock and Barnes were both killed by me. You heard me; I don't pass judgement."
Nick Valentine (romanced) : He had a good time that evening. Conversations about the past, Sole in his arms, starry sky over their heads. But, for once, Sole didn't bring up the pre-war topic. They described this horrific event from their recent history nervously, almost fearfully.
"And the kid, what's he become?" The detective inquires flatly.
"Always safe and hidden. I try to pay him visits every few days. But I'm always worried that he'll be discovered."
Sole looks up to Nick, and he sees their anxiety. He strokes their cheek gently.
"Your secret is safe with me. I will never betray you. In the meanwhile, we'll consider where we can best place the child. Perhaps one of your settlements. I suppose he could be quiet at Sanctuary, and you could stop constantly glancing over your shoulder."
Sole's eyes are now bright with joy. They had already considered it, but because this secret had always been closely guarded, they frequently pondered if it was a poor idea without anybody else talking about it. The fact that Nick agrees with them gives them comfort. Yes, perhaps it's time for this poor child to resume his normal existence. And now that they're thinking about it, they're certain that Sanctuary would be the ideal location.
Piper : "Wow! What a tale! I'm not supporting genocide, but these Brotherhoods are viciously slaughtering anything that isn't like them."
"It was not a genocide."
"A slaughter? Don't try and tell me it wasn't a slaughter."
"Do you intend to write an article about this?"
"No! Absolutely not! I'm not stupid enough to put you and the boy in danger, and it could eventually lead to an open war with the Brotherhoods to expose to them that the Commonwealth Minutemen General is a former traitor to their organisation."
Sole gently shakes their head, a small smile on their lips. Piper's intelligence should never be underestimated. She comprehends things better than anybody else, and they were right to put their trust in her.
Preston : "But really, you had to kill these men back then?"
Sole sadly shakes their head.
"They refused to listen to reason. They'd track me down and kill me. I was his single chance to living a free and happy life. I had no choice."
The Colonel nodded slowly, his gaze fixed on the Prydwen.
"I see what you're saying. And I completely understand your distress at seeing this ship. Okay, if diplomatic visits are necessary, I will make them. Meanwhile, return this sad child to Sanctuary so he can have a decent home. It's a disgrace to keep him among the ruins, fearful, when we can give him a better future."
Sole can't keep a smile from appearing on their lips. They were completely right in telling Preston of everything.
Strong : “Boring. No need so much words. Protecting child. Good. Strong strong. Strong will protect child of human.”
Sole smiled slightly. It felt good to talk about it. And as usual, Strong’s simplistic philosophy reinforced their convictions. And now they have one more ally to protect their child.
X6-88 : Sole is sad now. They have since developed a trusting relationship with the Courser. They had placed their trust in his friendship. They assumed that X6 had progressed past certain phases of the Institute. That he had changed. So, they confided in him about everything. Their companion's reply did not take long. He demanded that Sole hand over the infant to the Institute. There have been relatively few synth children created, and they are extremely valuable for research advancement. Sole refused, as they had before refused to follow X6 in some "homework," but the Courser did not sweep the subject with the back of his hand this time. He made a threat against Sole. He threatened them, and everything about his demeanour indicated that he was serious. He stated thoroughly that it was the final straw. If Sole continued to refuse to behave in the Institute's best interests, they would be judged to have chosen to be an enemy. When Sole refused to cooperate, X6 opened fire, claiming that he didn't need Sole to find the child but couldn't afford to have them in his way. Sole is sad since they have to kill someone they thought a friend.
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simplegenius042 · 6 months
The Repost on Fallout Casting for Megumi Fushiguccicakes for Jujutsu Kaisen Abridged react fic
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"I like gigantic, heaving sophistication. Sopping wet tenderness! And a big! Fat!! Gaping sense of compassion!!!" - Megumi Fushiguro, Episode 5 JJK Abridged (by The Schmuck Squad).
As stated in the first Megumi Fushiguro casting poll post here, the cast options will only include the characters who were in the tie. It is up to you to break this tie once and for all by voting for one of the Fallout characters below:
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Reasons To Why I Believe These Characters Should Be Casted listed below the cut:
Alph Dolen (my Fallout 3 Lone Wanderer OC, faceclaim Sam Blackensee) -> He's got daddy issues.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy/"Cass" (a caravan owner from Fallout New Vegas before the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan worked together to destroy it, Cass drunk her sorrows away at an NCR Mojave outpost, until Ryder showed up to get her contract, though managed to barter her way into getting Cass to give up her caravan name but ensuring she still gets the opportunity to start again. Impressed, Cass journeys with Ryder to New Vegas to find Benny, and Ryder helps her find justice and learn to live. Has a heart condition inherited by her father, John Cassidy) -> Cass has a father who abandoned her, like Toji did to Megumi, and her sarcasm bites.
Danse (from Fallout 4, a loyal Paladin in Maxson's chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, helps Nate get onboard the Prydwen and meet Maxson, a capable ally who warms up to Nate, despite his xenophobic beliefs, has a crisis after finding out his entire life has been a lie when discovering he was a synth the whole time and the group who gave him purpose have turned their back on him. Nate though doesn't give up on him and gets him out of the BoS without being killed, and gives him a place amongst the Minutemen, which Danse was greatly appreciative and grateful for. It's a long journey, but he is letting go of the hatred he had towards others and himself) -> Danse's sarcasm would probably be confusing. Also man understands the importance of BROtherhood, coming from the Brotherhood of Steel. Spends more time getting stronger to avenge his teammates than looking to get hitched.
Miria (from Fallout 2, Finidy's wife after both were caught in the act by Miria's father, Grisham, causing a shotgun wedding, and throughout their journey together they become closer and Miria becomes a rather cool fighter, unlike in canon but the mods are impressive) -> Perhaps the least "Megumi" like person here, but she would call someone out for being stupid probably (she's had to deal with Davin after all).
I've also created and will continue to update (until the first set of cast polling is done) a Master List for the poll results of the casted winners. You can find it right here.
You can find my Fallout OC profiles Master List right here, which also includes a link to the original post where I pitched my react fic idea. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this, chow!
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Tavern Regulars
This post is a master list of the most popular and recurring Original Characters on this blog. As characters are introduced and added to the roster, they will be linked here, with a short blurb to get to know them.
A Thief in the Night: Tiefling Rogue with a penchant for getting herself into trouble and looking for companions that can help pull her back out.
The Unwanted Prince: Minotaur Paladin who was born as a curse on his father and seeks to become the heir the kingdom deserves.
Crow on the Watch: Human Ranger raised by members of an elite fighting order who now seeks his own purpose in the wider world.
For Lord and Feylands: Lagomore Paladin loyal to her lord and master on a quest to hunt down the woman who humiliated him.
Bandit King of the South: Goliath Fighter recovering from a humiliating loss at the hands of a child and seeking to even the playing field.
The Golden Champion: Human Fighter who turned away from her life as arena champion to lend her skills in combat to the wider world.
Emon’s Muscle Mommy: Orc Barbarian with a love of adventure and excitement that will give you a night to remember if you can survive.
The Drunken Dragon: Tiefling Monk that was raised to be a legendary warrior but now spends her nights drinking and brawling.
The Naughty Changeling: Changeling Sorcerer on a quest to find her absentee father despite numerous sexual distractions.
The Dragons’ Bane: Human Gunslinger with a chip on her shoulder regarding all dragons ever and exterminating them on mass.
A Mind His Own: Ulitharid Barbarian who was seen as a threat by the hivemind and became the very threat they tried to nullify.
A Taste for Passion: High Elf Wizard who made a deal with a demon in order to get even more flavor out of the world around her.
The Danse Éphémère: Tiefling Monk living her best life despite the many loses she’s faced over the years from loved ones to limbs.
The Lady of Pearl: Tiefling Bard with a love for the performing arts and a gift for giving well-paying customers a very passionate night.
The Greatest Showman: Tiefling Warlock with a penchant for overwhelming performances and charm not even a devil can resist.
Bound by Guilt: Tiefling Paladin raised in an oppressive order and living with the grief of losing the one person who loved her.
The Crimson Sorceress: Tiefling Sorcerer who believes she is destined to become a dragoness and all the gifts that come with it.
Bane of the Waves: Tiefling Paladin raised by pirates to have a deep love and appreciation for the sea and all it gives.
The Wandering Flower: Wood Elf Druid who seeks to see all the world has to offer and isn’t afraid to get herself into trouble to find it.
Drowning the Pain: Tiefling Monk burdened with the memories of pain and anguish that he just wants to stop whatever way that he can.
Beauty of the Beasts: Human Ranger whose lust for monsters leads her to pursue more and more dangerous prey to be claimed by.
Escaping the Shadows: Tiefling Sorcerer ashamed by her wicked family and seeking to make a good a peaceful life for herself.
Ice Cold Fury: White Dragonborn Barbarian on a quest to find his true strength and become the dragon he was always meant to be.
The Deathless Knight: Tiefling Cleric so dedicated to his goddess that he stopped aging and has been fighting for centuries for her.
The Pale Huntsman: Tiefling Ranger whose hunts eventually led him to become the adoptive father of a dragon hatchling.
The Faerie Hunter: Tiefling Ranger on a quest to find the Archfey that kidnapped his sisters and banished him from his woods.
The Woodland Warden: Lagomore Druid who has dedicated herself to the protection and nurturing of the woods she calls home.
Hell's Coming With Me: Half-Orc Artificer who single-handedly reignited the industrial revolution and is trying to clean his mess.
Escape From the Pit: Dark Elf Monk raised as a slave in her own home and forced to fight in the gladiator pits and now seeks a new life.
Pride of the Fire Plane: Fire Genasi Monk with a gluttonous taste for lust and power traveling the worlds to add to his collection.
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Danse: It took a hell of a lot of guts to stand up to Maxson like that. Cat: So what are you going to do now? Cat: I didn't plan on spending the rest of my days at this old listening post, but it will have to do. Besides, you're still going to need my help and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you wander the Commonwealth alone. Now... you'd better get back to the Prydwen. In the meantime, I'll start making this bunker more livable. If you ever need me, I'll be right here.
- fuck that noise! i don't care what the Tinpot Despot says, you're coming to live in Sanctuary with the rest of us.
Cat: What about Haylen? Danse: I don't think Maxson knew she was involved, so she'll be safe. I'll contact her and let her know what happened here. It's the least I can do.
- oh good! i really hope the game lets me recruit her.
Cat: Goodbye, Danse. Danse: I hope the next time we meet, it will be under happier circumstances.
- alright, given that the quest hasn't been ticked off yet, i'm guessing i need to go back to the Prydwen if i want to get Danse back as a companion. there doesn't seem to be a Workshop in this place, either, so i can't send him to Sanctuary just yet.
---- i did take another quick look at that computer, though, and got some screenshots of the eldritch stuff. i'm disappointed things didn't end up going that direction, but i can at least add it to my conspiracy wall.
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- found this random dude out taking an air bath or something.
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- back in his box like nothing ever happened.
Cat: Reporting as ordered, Elder. Maxson: This conversation will be the last time we speak about Danse. As far as the Brotherhood of Steel is concerned, he's dead. Do you understand? Cat: You're not going to have him killed behind my back, are you? Maxson: I'm a man of my word, Knight. If he remains invisible to the Brotherhood of Steel, he has nothing to fear. Of course, Danse's execution creates a missing link in our chain of command. That traitor held quite an important position with us. I'm certain that you'll make a fine replacement. His quarters and all his possessions are now yours, including his personal suit of Power Armour. Congratulations, Paladin.
- man, fuck this guy!
Cat: Body's not even cold, and you're already dividing the loot. Maxson: To the victor go the spoils. Being a part of the Brotherhood, you should learn to appreciate that sentiment. Just be aware that a Brotherhood Paladin is expected to be a symbol of integrity to our brothers and sisters. I trust you won't disappoint them... or disappoint me. In any event, we still have the Institute to contend with, and a lot of work to do before we can begin our final assault. While the finishing touches are being put onto Liberty Prime, Captain Kells has identified a potential threat to our operations. Report to him immediately for your next assignment. Ad victoriam, Paladin.
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ghostsbeetle · 2 years
Introduction post
Hey guys, I’m Nick, or you can call me Beetle.
I’m 19 years old, male, and gay.
I’m a mediocre writer (at best) and am trying to write more, as I have recently found my skills to be a bit lacking in terms of things like interactions.
So send me requests (when the ask box is open).
Here are some fandoms I’ll write for:
Resident Evil (mainly)
Red Dead Redemption
Dead By Daylight
Inside Job
Silent Hill
I have more but that’s all I feel like adding rn lol
Characters I particularly like writing about are:
RE: Albert Wesker, Leon Kennedy, Carlos Oliveira, Rebecca Chambers, Jill Valentine, Nemesis/Tyrant/Mr. X, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, Karl Heisenberg, Donna Beneviento, Jack Krauser
RDR: Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Lenny Summers, Sean Macguire, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Josiah Trelawny, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, Kieran Duffy, Hosea Matthews
Slashers: Michael Myers, Ghostface, Harry Warden, Jason Voorhes, Leatherface, Patrick Bateman
Fallout: John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Craig Boone, Robert Joseph MacCready, Sturges, Arcade Gannon, Paladin Danse, Deacon, Butch Deloria, Courier Six
Inside Job: Brett Hand, Andre Lee, Reagan Ridley, Gigi, Ron Staetdler
Silent Hill: James Sunderland, Pyramid Head
Of course, I’ll write just about any character from those franchises within my limits.
I do request that submissions for one shots/fanfics are particularly detailed; for example,  if you say Leon Kennedy, do tell if you mean re2, re4, re6, Infinite Darkness, or Vendetta, the setting, a specific type (plagas!, umbrella!, soft!), gender neutral, fem, male, and the premise. Head-canon asks don’t need to be AS detailed as I’ll use a general summary of that character’s personality to write for it, but I would appreciate a small description.
I will write anything from fluff, to angst, to smut. I'll also do my best to write characters that I'm not familiar with. I WILL NOT write fetish content, proships, non-consensual stuff, real people, abuse, or beastiality. Basically don’t be a weirdo.
That’s about all. I’m in the process of writing two one shots right now so if you can, do leave a request! It would give me much motivation. Love you all <3
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nooklingposting · 2 years
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I posted 926 times in 2022
That's 743 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (4%)
885 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 105 of my posts in 2022
#fallout 4 - 25 posts
#paladin danse - 24 posts
#fallout - 15 posts
#lucien lachance - 13 posts
#skyrim - 13 posts
#fallout 4 companions - 11 posts
#fallout 4 fanart - 9 posts
#redbubble - 8 posts
#oblivion - 7 posts
#brotherhood of steel - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#i do want to say that jack black is phenomenal as bowser but he has so much va experience it would be impossible for him to be bad
My Top Posts in 2022:
A Photograph: commission by @averymerrymoth
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Paladin Danse and my OC Elizabeth find a pre-war camera while on a mission. She managed to talk him into posing with her for a brief moment ❤️
Thank you so much to Merry Moth for the lovely drawing, it's absolutely perfect!
230 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Comission of Hero of Kvatch Sheogorath and Akatosh Martin Septim: by @mister-mizu
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My OC Ivari and her beautiful emperor husband get their happy ending as a Mad God and a Dragon God I'll die on this hill.
249 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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Oh wow a sale on Fallout games! I wonder what options I ha-
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253 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Finished the Oblivion main questline and I just
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307 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm usually an elder scrolls/fallout blog but I feel like I can rant here too so:
I'm just really, genuinely upset for Charles Martinet rn. I know he's said before that voicing Mario can be really straining on his voice, but that doesn't mean we should be using star-power to recast what is, in my opinion, his role.
And I know he hasn't said a huge amount about the casting of the film, but Tara Strong's tweets and his responses to them feel like there's at least some melancholy. I can't imagine doing a job for so many years only to be pushed aside for a mainstream face actor who can't voice act for shit to fill the role.
I've not interacted with Charles Martinet much, but the very few interactions we've had/I've seen? He's been nothing but a lovely and kind soul, and he lives and breathes Mario! It's so rare for someone to be so passionate about a role for so long, and I can't help but feel ike this is such an insult to such a kind man who genuinely enjoys his job.
A thought I've seen a lot is that the 'traditional' Mario voice would be really grating for a full movie - I agree! But that's the beauty of voice actors! Martinet has such an amazing range (insert Skyrim Paarthurnax fact here), and he would easily be able to work with his original voice for the character(s) and mellow them for prolonged speech. He is a great voice actor. And the same can't be said for his replacement.
Maybe I'm just projecting many emotions onto this and making a mountain out of a molehill. But VA's being replaced by 'mainstream' celebrities is already a very iffy thing to do, and it almost feels personal when it's such an iconic role and the original actor is so passionate about the art. Its been bugging me since the cast was originally announced and it hurts even more after seeing Charles' responses on twitter yesterday.
All we can hope is that Charles Martinet is living his best life and knows that many people appreciate his work. But that doesn't change the fact that trying to pull in an audience with a celebrity in this case is a very shitty thing to do.
1,217 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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makahimetenshi · 1 year
Follow me inside the wastelands - Arthur x Female Sole Survivor
This one will be a long fic, with a lot of chapters I already write the concepts, I don’t play as Nora in Fallout 4 since Nate for me is the real protagonist but I liked the ideas of this two I see  on some other fics on the fandom, so I wanted to do my own too
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
  The first thing Maxson thought when Danse presented Nora to him…
Well isn’t this one a beauty?
Really impressive beauty, rare actually, caught his attention like it never did with a woman before.
But besides that, they didn’t talk much, in fact, they didn’t know much about each other.
She was always with Danse as he was her commander office, do task and missions with him, walk around, talk to him on Danse presence mostly…is not like they have events to know each other, the paladin was always around them, guiding her to be a perfect Brotherhood soldier
And she fulfilled everyone expectations, Danse, Ingram, Kells, Maxson…
The teleport machine to the institute? Heck yeah he supervised the whole construction and was around like it was his own masterpiece, but he had seen the woman work and fight for that idea to sucesfully work and bring results.
The infiltration to the institute? Her own brilliant work.
The data leack? Didn’t have any obligation, could just say she coulnt or that the device they gave her didn’t work to do big amounsts of copy, but she did it anyway.
Bringing back to the wastelands an amazing cientific old partner of the Brotherhood? Perfect charisma
Nora was a loyal Brotherhood soldier, Danse instructed her well to be what everyone needed and wanted, and she delivered it with amazing skills, outstanding the Paladin would say, and he would agree too
They knew each other from far, he was his boss, his supervisor, someone she received order and bring results but not much more so despite being Arthur pretty amazed by her habilities and had the curiosity to know her more that opportunity never came to be just because of how big the brotherhood and their organization was.
Well there was that one time…
He knew that on the lowest levels of the Prydwen the soldiers often made…little parties, and some some some times he would join, everybody received him well and didn’t threat him any different, at least at the party, at the other day it was a different story but in the party he was another more, and he was glad for that because he was almost one of the youngest people on that little reunions.
They chat, and drink, and play little silly games and he would enjoy that, no one would try to sneak a secret or try to buy a promotion or recognition, it was really a brotherhood he appreciated with all his heart.
But one time she was in one of this reunions and both were caught in the other gaze, multiple time, despite being sitted in opposite directions
Why she was looking at him? He was indeed looking at her but only because he caught her looking at him…and so several times.
Apparently that night he joined was particulary special because Nora and Danse together bring two sets of drinks called Vim they pick up from a place called Far Harbor so far away from the Commonwealth…slightly different from the Nuka Colas he was used to, different taste but same scent and some some some of that drinks have alcohol so everybody was woozy about it.
Danse and Nora were a good team, they make results and he can appreciate that a lot since they needed help constantly to advance, as far they were together he would not fear for their safety because together they do amazing.
If they have a baby it would turn on one of the strongest soldiers, perfect good clean with no radiation genes from her and also good genes from Danse, strong, tall and bulk.
For a moment he thought what if in some future they…join…together…such an amazing couple would be a great asset to the brotherhood units but that thought was interrupted again because he was feeling a gaze again. Nora was looking at him while drinking an alcohol Vim, sitting in a crate box, Danse was in a totally different place chatting with some friends of him so…he wasn’t around this time
The red light illuminating the place was hiding his blush as he as getting a bit aroused by the hungry gaze of the woman.
Altought he did nothing more than just looking back at her, locking their eyes together.
He didn’t know her much, never talked more than formalities and very planned responses, but can appreciate her beauty and value.
Skinny curved body, rumors says around she didn’t eat much because the fact that the food was kinda radiated didn’t make her exactly sick but it was just disgusting to the taste. He heard once at the dinning room that the woman preffered to drink Radaway that some Rad Sugar Bombs, for a moment he thinked that was weird but didn’t put much effort in a gossip, that would be rude.
It was difficult to see more on the dark and under the red lights, specially if she had a black suit but the way her legs crossed to be sitting intrigue him. Nora had a strong prescence, a luminous aura that cause things in people and he was getting aware of that
Arthur broke eye contact, took a bottle, open it, and made the same as her, stare into her eyes as he drinked, the woman finished his drink in one spit and stare at him, breathing in and out.
One shot of a alcohol bottle? Pretty impressive, even him wasn’t able to do that
As he went down, Nora approached him with a can of purified water, passing it, Arthur look up to her in the red lights amazed by how…attracted…he feeled to her strong presence.
-Drink water Elder or the headache is going to be a pain tomorrow –as she talked Arthur stare at her red painted lips and brown eyes with curled black hair.
She looked like a beautifull housewife from the old books, a true old American dream.
Trying to be subtle, he picked up the can, his fingers touch hers for a moment but instead of getting nerveous they both…stay…with confidence he look from her toes to head, scanning.
When he reach her face he saw she didn’t move, she noticed. Their fingers separate and the woman went back to sit at the crate box and look another place
That was all the interaction they had on the night, not so much later the woman join Danse on the chat with his friend and he left the party, but it was intriguing at least.
Knewing that the team of knight and paladin were so close broke his heart when he made the realization that…she had to execute him.
This was another test to her brilliant and loyalty.
He didn’t want to execute the paladin he knew from so long ago, nearly a good friend more than just a soldier to his cause but…he was a synth, everything the Brotherhood hated and despised, he had the obligation to set the example and do the right thing…not let an spy ran freely in the corridors of the Prydwen, not let a synth carry the sing of the Brotherhood on their chest, not let an abomination have the ranks and sacrifices of the cause…
He trusted in her to execute the mission, a great devotion to the cause was an inspiration to all.
It wasn’t easy tho, when he arrived on the vertibird with his team of guards to the listening post, even she would never admit it,  they were trying to scape together or at least place a lie but…she come to her senses, put the Brotherhood first, and serve herself loyal.
Maxson approached both at the exit of the station, she was nerveous, he was defeated.
First time he see a vulnerable face on her.
They tried to negociate with him, try to make Danse look good for all his time on service but it was useless, all the dawns playing chess in their reunions together wont make him soft, he was firm on that choice.
Farewell, friend.
-Danse please –she begged to him, grabbing his hand and giving a hard shake, the woman voice break as she started to cry, it was a really sad scene all made by his own choices and actions but he woulnt turn down the chance to exterminate a synth from the institute, it was his mission, the mission of the entire Brotherhood, if he failed, the Brotherhood would do it to.
-Its alright, we did our best, you convinced me that I was wrong to be ashamed of my true identity, whatever you decide know that im going to my grave with no anger and no regrets –his old friend smiled at Nora, who was sniffing trying to control her breathing and not burst in a desesperate cry.
Her eyes open, then turn down her head, still grabing Danse hand, it was useless, the man prefferd to die than fail the Brotherhood, he wouldn’t allow her to kill Maxson and run away together like they would peacefully do a few minutes ago. She bite her lip and looked at him, trying to say something.
-Danse i…
-Knight! –Arthur called raising his voice, then something snap at her and turn down the head again, letting the synth hand go.
That was the goodbye
-For the good of the Brotherhood…he needs to die…-said in a deep whisper with the voice broken, the synth completely surrender at his side, accepting his fate, Maxson would never admit this to anyone but he wanted to cry, such devotion and sacrifice for the army that took him as a son so many years ago to turn his back on him almost make him cry
Arthur didn’t want to look at that, the execution of one of his best friends, but he needed to swallow the sorrow and watch.
To not let her fail her mission.
To not let her threason the brotherhood.
To not let her fall in the charms of that abominations, infiltrating in peoples lives messing up with their heads, not let her fall at being alert and smart.
-In this moment im proud of you like im ever going to be –Danse salute her and went a few steps back, Árthur watching every moment, the synth put the knees on the floor and his hand on the back, head down looking at the ground.
Watching an execution was always hard, no matter who it was, a civilian, a criminal, a supermutant, a raider even…but the fact that he was carrying one of the brotherhood uniforms was heartbreaking for Arthur.
Even if he really wasn’t one of his brother he has been for many time.
It was a tense moment, she took a seconds to grab her arm and approatch him.
-Danse…-she whisper, trying to make him get in reason but…
-Ad Victoriam soldier –in the exact moment he said that, Nora blow his head with the laser pistol, she gasped loud and move a hand to close her mouth at seeing the horror, but after realizing what she done she jumped to the ground and went desesperatly to pick up his rolling head.
-Danse! –she screamed as she put a hand inside from the neck and started twisting it, confused the elder approached very carefully that she didn’t enter in a homicidal anger caused by the trauma of killing by her own hand and desition such a close partner…but he wanted to see, he didn’t understand.
What was with this animalistic behavior? Almost cannibal? She was crying and sobbing as wet flesh sounds appeared from the…cripped head…Arthur looked at the body for a second, headless.
Goodbye Paladin, synth or not, ill make someone burn your rest and give you a proper memorial recognition, you were right, you thought you were human and you choose to fight for the brotherhood like that.
It didn’t took long for Nora to find something inside, something sharp and hard, not…organic, it was a hard position to move the hand, she was blind and it was also stuck but after trying and trying hurting his own hands in the attempt…she took it, the synth component, it was there.
She didn’t doubt Danse or Maxson about it, but at least if he needed to die…better not be a mistake.
Arthur watched her blend, curl and cry on the ground, hugging the cripped head and…the synth component, he swallow saliva and turned back, this was…anguish…her feelings were staring to penetrate his hard temper and he cant loose it, he wasn’t allowed to loose his temper no matter what kind of situation…if he didn’t leave he would start crying over the loose of his old friend.
-Ill see you in the Prydwen to claim a new mission, knight –Arthur took a deep mouth of air and…started walking to the ventibird, not even offering her a ride, he couldn’t be seen crying by no one.
He walked in the dry and dead forest to the transport taking big breaths to suppress the need to cry.
At the Prydwen, he sent a squad to recover the body and…did give him a proper memorial after burning it, even if it woul be a great asset to the scribes and cientifics…no…not this one, even if his brothers despised him for being a synth his service would not be forgotten.
Nora in fact, came back to the Prydwen, after that display of sadness and desesperation he expected her to abandon and dismiss leaving the Commonwealth forever but…she was there, to ask for her next mission, with the holotags of Paladin Danse like she was supposed in the beginning to accomplish the task.
She was loyal to the Brotherhood, she would be there.
Not so long later she almost alone with barely her own forces and resources, destroyed the institute, and went recognized and promoted to sentinel, the hightest rank you can archieve in the brotherhood of steel.
Purely based on her results, preservation, and achivemts, the vault woman from 200 years ago turned on the first sentinel in this chapter of the brotherhood, one of the fews in the entire country all by her own sweat and tears.
And she was over there, around, working for the brotherhood
A year later that event she came to his office after scheduling a meeting, with a bucket 20lts of white paint, that impressed Arthur who didn’t understand what the hell was happening but still motherfucking impressive.
--Good morning Elder, me and the Minutemens clean one of the biggest Commonwealth hardware stores from a group of raiders that took it as a post for ambushing caravans and travelers for the tactic position and bussy roads on the wasteland everyday, a very needed route to move between settlements like Diamond City, Cambridge, Boston… we have resources for the next ten years in tools, paint, glues, scews, nails, gas, all kind of chemicals for different uses…
Arthur was indeed, impressed, but the experience talk for him before he can achieve the sentinel victory
-Biut theres more right?
Nora took a moment to calibrate her voice and speak, full confidence.
-As a minuteman general, as well as a Brotherhood sentinel, ask your collaboration with the new adquisition, the brotherhood now have a tremendous operational and good state base in a very important place between very important destinations with a lot of useful resources, I will ask in the name of both groups to…take control over the hardware store, use it as a new permanent base, put troops day and night there and give the control of the zone to the brotherhood, it will help near settlements to feel more secure and get out raiders by making them know that a new big order is there and they aren’t welcome.
Arthur took a big breath by the noise, she sounded so…clear…secure, firm and perfect…This was the kind of news he wanted to hear all the time, this was marvelous, excellent, a very big advance…
Something in his chest hit him hard.
The way she stand still, quiet and being all secure in this very moment…
-Near to Diamond City there are 3 raiders settlement and 2 supermutants if I recover right
-As long as goodneitborght, but I have plans for that place, they are no use and no harm to anyone right now, not us, not minutemen, not civilians, not anyone –Arthur raised an eyebrow, but trust her ideas.
-If we settledown in that new base we can take that groups out with no problem, secure the area and not let them return by placing adecuate protection, like patrols, turrets… -Nora nooded, but then Arthur got an idea that confused him – I know about your…non brotherhood past and  activities but why did you make this operation on your own?
-When you name me sentinel you and coronel Kells told me that I will now make my own projects and missions…and you all will follow my wisdom and choices with thrust –this time Arthur nooded, full of pride and exciment, when he named her sentinel that day he thought…that it was something she didn’t care or understand enough, that I was just anothyter thing that happened since her answer in that moment was so…dry and formal, almost practice, just formalism.
But it was meaningfull, and it give results.
This almost never happends, not with many soldiers, but he wanted to cry at feeling so overwhelmed, this…is what every general wants from their armys and she was giving him that moment.
Right now he was happy of fulfilling sucesfully his mission.
-That’s right, we will follow our sentinels to the end of the wolrd
-That’s why I want to make this statement –now, her voice wanted to keep his attention, and he will, looking at her eyes directly – I did not make this operation to put the brotherhood in a compromise of taking with no option this new base, this is optional, you can take the base as a gift and exploit it…but I also want collaboration
-State your point sentinel.
-I will not place a number or a bid, but the minutemen, and I, for my mens, want collaboration, we want to work out the resources of the hardware store and use them.
Deal, collaboration, with an army ruled by a brotherhood sentinel.
-Very well, sentinel, you own this victory, the brotherhood is going to capture that point, secure it, defend it, equip it and manage it, that point and the locations around, no problem, we can share and trade with the minutemens as most you can
-Also have to use the facilities, theres a lot of industrial machine…like carpenter tools and hydraulic presses and ovens…
-No problem –Arthur could swear he was drooling over the possibilities that just one woman, one soldier, gave the brotherhood with this movement.
-We also want to secure and liberate the roads and paths to the settlements around so the trade and traffic will go smooth to help that people
-It’s a good idea, sometimes I send my own ventibirds to fly up brahamns for free so traders can move from one point to another safely without raiders to menace them, but its expensive and the gas is hard to get to use in on that
-I knew it Elder, that’s way I wanted to capture this post too
Arthur wouldn’t reprimand her at all, since after all she was sentinel and almost didn’t have the authority to defy her but the question wouldn’t harm, he raised an eyebrow and move his hands over his back, stepping in and walking in her direction, this time  she moved  a bit surprised for the sludden change and for some reason the reaction in her beauty looks…adorable.
-May I ask where did you get the funds and resources for this operations?
Nora was confused –funds? Like caps?
-Yeah, that equipment and…
-My minutemens are not mercenarys they are just regular people –now Arthur is confused now –organized group of just civilians
-But the guns and the armor…
-It was all about the ambush and the plan we take them out there, althought I must admit i…used laser bullets from the brotherhood deposits but it was necessary for the operation, I didn’t want to blow the place down with fatmans to kill all the raiders, and the use of regular bullets could cause explosions since theres so much chemical products around….-Nora had the confidence to not get in problem because she was well…a freacking sentinel and she was giving the big offer to the brotherhood anyway, everyone was winning.
-I must say, just for protocol that I will be asking for a investigation about…the founds for you operation, but I also must say thank you very much sentinel Nora, it’s a honor to be brothers together
Nora breath out, not nerveous, they weren’t going to find much more than just departures of laser weapons and laser bullets, same with gammas, even the armors she and the minutemens managed to get it, must admit it was very suspicious and small ethic to steal from the brotherhood to plan a raid with the minutements but that just the way thing developed.
And she was a war hero for destroying the Institute, she deserved it.
-So be it
-Why you didn’t ask the brotherhood for this operation? You are a sentinel, we have the obligation to follow you,  as a sentinel you have the freedom to move on your own as long it is for the good of the brotherhood but I never heard…this is a surprise –Arthur laughted- a very amazing surprise
-Since the beginning the minutemens and i…do things –the woman didn’t understand the question, but he did understand her answer- do things for the people, for everyone
Arthur didn’t expect that answer, and for some reason it moved something inside his chest.
He didn’t know her full story, is true, but right now it sounded…magical
Who was this non radiated goddess of destruction that help people around with a army of apparently angels that doesn’t need caps?
-There wasn’t any brotherhood brothers involved?
-Oh, there are four, they were the only ones with me included with a power armor the rest…
The elder breathed, and then feel brave, he had a lot of emotions in his chest right now, it didn’t have any sense, his logical part asked him for a investigation and how the hell everything sounded so perfect almost like a trap the other one was delighted with the news with her with the results…
He raised a finger and put it over his lips with a chill smile looking directly at her eyes.
-Sentinel, this are all wonderfull news, why don’t we discuss them at a dinner tonight? I believe everything can wait a few ours more
He will investigate, and search, and ask, and validate her words and success.
Arthur was no fool.
-Ehhh sure…-she whisper, nooding without understanding much.
He waited for things so be that way of course, he wanted to be positive too.
Something inside him wanted to believe in her.
-Great, my mans will look after you around 8pm, we can talk about this victory while enjoing a meal.
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
Ya’know, I’m glad that not every companion is bloodthirsty. Asking Danse for his thoughts and he gave me him diplomacy line and it’s a nice reminder that he, at the very least, isn’t a soulless tin can who runs on blood, if there’s the chance to talk it out, he would prefer that option.
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isimpfordanse · 4 years
love is stored in the big buff paladin man
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melisusthewee · 7 years
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Fire Emblem news aside, today has been an exhausting and futile day at the office so I am heading home, and going to plop myself down for continued adventures with post-apocalyptic Buzz Lightyear.
No, really, the look is one thing but Danse sounds to me like someone doing a not quite right Tim Allen impression.
Also since I’m liveblogging my first experience with not just this game but the franchise as a whole, I want to give my impressions on him. I apologize if I get a little long here.
My first experience with Fallout 4 was so drab and short-lived that I wanted nothing to do with anything Fallout related. While my friends and dash were all talking enthusiastically about the game and revisiting older Fallout games, I was just, “Wtf no this game sucks why does everyone love it so much?!”
And what everyone seemed to really love was Paladin Danse. As posts came across my dash of people playing through the game, there was discussion on whether people thought he might end up being a synth or how people felt about his personal quest. So suffice to say… I’m pretty spoiled about him.
Basically what I knew about Fallout 4 came down to three things: run away from Preston Garvey unless you want endless settlement quests; MacCready’s Killshot is/was broken as all hell; and OMG PALADIN DAAAAAAAAAANSE!!!
Because of this, while I eventually gave Fallout 4 another shot, I was determined to get through the first several hours and keep going. Maybe the game would open up as I started to start faction quests and meet more characters? Because as adorable as Dogmeat was in his red bandana and doggles (and as great of a companions as he is), the game was dreary and lonely and very... mundane. But at this point, I only had a couple of quests on my lists: proceed to Diamond City in order to further the main quest, or visit a co-op location and clear it out of raiders in order to help the Minutemen establish a settlement. So really, I only had one quest lol.
I got turned around a little when I hit Lexington as it was a nest of debris, raiders, and feral ghouls, but I re-oriented myself once I came out the other side and kept heading south. Approaching Cambridge was when I picked up the distress beacon and I had the decision then to press on for the main quest or stop and investigate. This was the first time I considered what my character would do. I wasn't really certain so I made the decision that as a player in a game, I should check it out and see what's what.
And that's how Riley Quartermain met Paladin Danse... ha ha. But really, I was all gung ho on that first mission, bouncing along behind in military fatigues and patrolman shades because I thought the image of the two of them coming in to kick ass and take names was hilariously awesome. I am in fact still holding on to Righteous Authority as Riley's energy weapon, although I was a little put off when upon returning to the police station and completing a couple of fetch quests, Danse gives you a field promotion and another quest but still won't go with you. I had to make a decision there, looking at my two quest markers on the map and that's when I stopped thinking as the player and started thinking more as this character of Riley Quartermain. Does she veer back to the north-east in order to find a lost patrol with only Dogmeat? Or does she leave Cambridge and continue on south-east towards Diamond City. What, in this moment, is more important to her?
Shaun was the answer. Danse was a stiff military man and she wasn't all that interested in being actively conscripted. So she moved on. At this point I had the intention of eventually going back to the quest, but that was it.
Then the Prydwen showed up as Riley and Nick left Fort Hagen and what was an emotional exchange with Kellogg. I wish I'd taken screenshots or captured video because the scene really impressed me as it was the dead of night when I left the military base and the Prydwen was just absolutely gorgeous with its lights and Maxson's voice over the loudspeakers and this fleet of vertibirds flanking it. I knew then that I'd have to go back to Paladin Danse because Riley would be wondering what this all meant. But that would come later. First came Kellogg's memories, and the realization that she'd need either a whole ton of Rad-X and Radaway or proper equipment to venture into the Glowing Sea. To do that, she'd have to explore the Commonwealth and would do so in the company of a former-Gunner-now-hired-mercenary.
The funny thing is, I figured initially that if I were to romance a character, it would be Danse since so many people I knew absolutely adored him. I figured ultimately who I picked wouldn't matter because I'd end up doing it for the achievement only. That Bethesda has started to make improvements and add depth to their supporting characters and companions took me by surprise. Just how well MacCready fit with and complimented Riley surprised me too.
But here I am now, having eventually gone back to Cambridge because there are vertibirds everywhere what the hell is going on, and hey, maybe the Brotherhood of Steel would have access to or knowledge of equipment to venture out into the Glowing Sea. The moment Riley showed up in Cambridge, she noticed there were Brotherhood soldiers everywhere. MacCready did too and did not approve by any means. Now, if anyone had knowledge that would warn someone away from the Brotherhood, it would be him... coming from the Capital Wasteland and all (I've been doing my research!), but Danse seemed like a good guy so they ought to see what he says anyway.
Elder Maxson is of course ABSOLUTELY BAD NEWS HOLY SHIT, and the Brotherhood are jerks. I walked over to Proctor Teagan because I was told he'd have a job for me and was tasked with extorting food from Commonwealth farmers. Wtf hell no! I just came here for the power armour! And that's where I begin to feel bad and I really have to stop myself from metagaming.
Because it is so easy to raise Danse's approval, I'm finding. Put on power armour? Danse loved that. Kill super mutants? Danse loved that. I only finished one Brotherhood quest to recover the mini nukes and I've already opened his first dialogue. And it just kills me. He is this super serious soldier, but when he starts to open up there's emotion to him and he believes so much in the Brotherhood and this noble purpose and is so proud to share it with someone he believes in as much as he believes in you. And I just... knowing what's coming. That line of, "I'm sticking my neck out, bringing you into the fold so quickly. If I'm wrong about you, we go down together." Together. I just... I really don't know how I'm going to feel once the Brotherhood finds out the truth behind Danse. I really don't. Poor Danse... he's a good guy in a horrible organization.
By the way, if you've read all the way to here, I will also share with you my absolutel embarrassment that immediately after my first foray out into the field in my brand new Brotherhood of Steel power armour, I (or Riley, rather) was not accustomed to the limitation in field of view inside the helmet, didn't see a gap in the pavement, and fell right through a hole in a bridge and sank to the bottom of the bay. It was a long and embarrassing walk back to shore.
This is why she is a sniper and not some big hulking tank. Also, from a gameplay perspective, Paladin Danse is a great compliment to Riley in an open area, but he makes her useless in close quarters as she cannot see around him to hit distant enemies.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
Ohohohohoho since you sin so often in these asks, let's up it. How are the fo4 and NV men in bed?
How the FO4 M!Companions are in Bed
Ohohoho let the sinning continue 😈 t'was my pleasure to oblige.
I wasn't sure if you wanted something like, numerical or not, so I just did some headcannons with you/reader in mind, but if you want me to score them like 8/10 or something like that, just lmk and I can make the edit!
And here is part 2 with the M!FONV folks! Also, let me know if you wanna see anyone else, and I will add them!
NSFW under the cut!
Lots of acts of intimacy will need to be initiated by you at the start of the relationship (especially if it’s post-Blind Betrayal), even the more innocent ones, like hugs and hand-holding, but once he becomes more comfortable, Danse wouldn’t want you to be the only one taking the initiative.
He’s somewhat of a switch in the bedroom, mostly he sticks to dominating, but it’s in large part due to the expectation that he, as the (ex)commanding officer, should be the one to take charge in any situation. However, if you do take control, he certainly won’t fight it, and finds later that it’s actually a bit of a relief. Even though he sometimes gets squirmy in a more submissive position, Danse really does enjoy your attention, and on days where he is feeling exhausted, he appreciates the way he can lie back and enjoy the pleasure you’re giving him without exerting the amount of effort he does when he takes the reins with you.
He doesn’t have a lot of experience (if any), but damn, is he a quick learner. Danse's meticulous attention to detail and need to succeed allows nothing of importance to escape his notice. He rapidly learns what it is his that you enjoy, scrutinizing your every expression, each hitch in your breath, every whimper and moan, just to find out what he can do to make you feel absurdly good.
Danse tends to lean towards the intimate side of things, so casual sex really isn’t for him, he feels too vulnerable to share his body and heart with just anyone in this capacity, but once you're there, loving Danse allows you to see a side of him no one else knows exists.
Sex is something remarkably intimate for the (ex)soldier, and he likes to drag it out as much as possible. Long sessions of foreplay precede usually two or three rounds of the real hot and heavy (it's best to keep up with the endurance training when he enforces it, because Danse certainly does, and it shows). He likes to make it a journey, starting with a compliment or declaration of his appreciation and dedication to you, going in for a kiss or two, or more… Strip teases aren't really a good idea for you to get into, given that Danse tends to seize up at the sight of you unwrapping yourself so sensually just for him, just-- just get rid of the clothes and get to the good bits. Danse isn't good with teasing, it tends to make him think you're stalling for some reason, and he'll try and discuss the source of your hesitancy if you give him enough reason to.
Like most everything he does, Danse gets very wrapped up in the act of lovemaking, he stays on target and dedicates all of his energy to his partner and your union. He's really big on eye contact, and tends to be intense and passionate beneath the sheets. This is the most vulnerable he tends to get with you, or anyone, and he’s prolific with his declarations of pleasure, affection, and praise both during and after the fact. That’s not to say though, that the (ex) Paladin is always serious with you in these compromising situations, he does understand that sex is meant to be an enjoyable experience between those involved, and if any awkwardness arises, or sometimes just for the hell of it, Danse may make a few choice comments that are surprisingly humorous. The usually serious (ex)soldier tends to let out a chuckle at some of the strange sounds that may spill from you or him in the midst of pleasure, and he’s not above play-wrestling and sarcastic quips or chucklesome phrases. So, while he puts intimacy above all else when he has the privilege of being with you in such a way, he does see the benefit of letting go and truly enjoying himself in a more casual sense than he’s used to.
Danse wasn’t lying when he told you that you'd need to be patient with him, but he’s much better at this whole relationship thing than he gives himself credit for, and sex is no exception. In the end, he just wants you to be happy, to be comfortable with him, to trust him the way he does you, and if you do, he vows never to let you down. He takes you as you are and learns your preferences as if it’s his first time (and it very well might be), he’s clear with communication and generous with both praise and actions, and he aims never to disappoint.
Beyond just being married, Deacon has been in a few other, less serious relationships, so he’s pretty experienced, though it has been a very long time since he’s had sex with someone that he genuinely cares for. With that in mind, it’s understandable that he’s a little nervous, but once you and him have been intimate a few times, he gets more confident and relies less on humor to deflect his intimacy issues; and instead, he tries to embrace his relationships with you in a way he hasn’t since he was with Barbara.
He’s playful with his partner, especially early on as the two of you work out any kinks (pun fully intended) and/or awkwardness in the bedroom. He likes to kiss in funny places, like on your nose and over your eyelids while you laugh at him, he likes to blow raspberry on your tummy or chest and likes to tease your ticklish spots with his restless fingers. He likes playing, both so that the two of you don't need to feel so much pressure in the moment, and so that he can see that lovely smile of yours all up close and personal, and just for him. Deacon can also be a relentless teaser, cracking a joke, or tickling you just before you've reached your climax, just to make you that much more desperate for it. For him. He loves it.
A boon of Deacon’s is that he’s definitely a switch. If his partner wants to take charge, he’ll happily go along with it, but if you prefer he be the one to take the lead, he enjoys that role as well. It makes him very adaptable, especially as he gets more comfortable with you over time. After that, he’s open to most anything you’d like to experiment with. He always tries to keep sex fun and exciting; so spontaneity, semi-public sex, and role playing are suggested by the spy often.
While some of Deacon’s intimacy issues can make him seem disconnected early on in a relationship, he does eventually come around and try to be more present in the moment as he gets used to this kind of contact again. When this finally does happen, true, serious intimacy still tends to be reserved more for special occasions; and, again, only after he and you have been together for a while. When it does happen though, it’s well worth it.
He tries to keep it under wraps, but Deacon can get really emotional in the midst of sex with a partner he genuinely cares for; and when he's with you, he sometimes even bites through his lip as he tries to hold back an overwhelming slew of “I love you’s,” and other such sentiments before they unwittingly spill from him. He can't catch all of them though, so just keep your ears open for them.
The raider’s had his fair share of sexual partners, most of which he didn’t particularly care for, and all of which he’d never actually loved. This whole… relationship thing is new to him, so you’ve gotta cut him some slack on the finer points of it all, even when it comes to sex.
At first, he’s just as physical, and just as interested in his own needs, as he was before; when he was in his younger years, and with his previous sexual partners. However, when those genuine feelings finally seep into him, when he finds that his need for you is more than just physical, his aims change drastically, in a way that’s completely unfamiliar to him. But ultimately… damn, he finds that he just can’t get enough.
Gage loves to make you fall apart under his touches, loves to hear the way your voice grows husky, to see the way he makes you tremble in anticipation and writhe in overstimulation. And oh, how he just can’t help but leave his marks all over his partner at every chance he gets. You won’t leave the bedroom unmarked after a night spent with Porter Gage.  A neck littered in dark hickeys, hips bruised in the shape of his tightened fingers, chest spotted with reddened bite marks. He wants all the world to know that you’re taken, you’re his.
Gage is shameless in his love, and proud to show you off in public, taking PDA to a whole new level in his glaring and aggressive possessiveness of you, which often leads to; not quite blatantly public, but semi-public quickies in every kind of environment. Though he's not big on showing his mushier side (which he definitely has, despite what he tries to make everyone think) out in the open, when Gage needs you, he needs you, and almost nothing will stand in his way. Any surface of Fizztop is fair game, be it on the balcony, on the bar top, or just classic style on the big, soft mattress. And when it comes to the other boss' territory, it's a personal endeavor of his to have you in each one of their areas of the park. Whether they know or not, he'll leave up to you. He likes to see the way you try and keep quiet as he takes you in shady alcoves, in abandoned buildings, and behind old, run down rides, and he likes it even more when you just can't help but hold back all those delicious pleasured cries he manages to pull from you in those times.
Beyond all of that, Gage prefers to take the lead when the two of you are alone. You’re the Overboss, spending day and night trying to keep the raiders in order, stressing about the park and the feuds between bosses, and the power plays, and the chaos of his fellow men and women of Nuka World. When you’re with him though? He’ll take care of you. He likes it when you give in to him, when you follow his lead, and submit to him being in charge for the night. All you’ve gotta do is listen and follow orders, an’ he’ll make you feel pleasure and release unlike anything you’ve experienced before. If he feels the need, or just if he fuckin’ wants to, Gage’ll have some fun tying you up, maybe using some sensory deprivation, and if you’re into it, he could seriously get into some spanking sessions and other delicious punishments with you. Odds are, whatever you’re down for, the raider will be game.
If there is the occasional night you feel like taking the lead, he’ll humor you, but you’ll have to earn that right through a bit of play wrestling and persuasion. Also, if you blab about that shit to any of the other raiders, Gage won’t be so likely to oblige your wishes again. So just keep that in mind, and he’ll play nice… Or, as nice as you’d expect a raider to.
Really though, anything that sends a thrill through him, he is bound to want to enjoy over and over again with you. An’ with Gage, hopefully you’ve got a bit of a high sex drive, cuz though he may be gettin’ to his later years, he’s got a lot of time alone to make up for. Sure, he coulda had someone almost any night in his earlier years, and even now if he wasn’t with you, but you’re just different. And a hell of a lot better than anything he could remember having with any other mediocre partner he could scrounge up before.
Sure, sex was nice before. It was a good release, made him feel satisfied, and his partners always got something out of it too, but this? This closeness, all the goddamn feelings, your heated touch and the deep look of affection in your eyes, and just the way the expectations of it all have changed.
Now, sex wasn’t just about getting off, about release, but also about that extra shit he never knew about before. That build up, the running of his rough hands over your soft skin, the feel of your lips against his, pushing and pulling, tasting and biting as his passions turn aggressive. The drawn-out sessions that were so much more rewarding when he could watch you fall apart at his actions, and even at his words, as filthy and unrefined as they could be. And it was about what comes after too. His words of praise, and yours, the way you settled in his embrace, falling asleep together, legs all tangled, and an arm thrown over your chest, instead of feeling the need to leave before the moon had a chance to set. SO, depending on the relationship (or lack thereof), Gage's preferences and practices change quite drastically, but believe it or not, the closeness of intimacy really draws him in, once he gets a taste for it with the proper partner. It was unfamiliar, and it would take him quite a bit of practice to get all of it right, to treat you like you deserve. But Gage will be damned if he doesn’t give it a try. It may be strange to him, but already, this whole relationship thing is a hell of a lot better than whatever the fuck he was doing before.
There’s experienced, and then there’s Hancock experienced.
This ghoul knows what he is doing, and for him, he tends not to care what his partner’s experience level is. Whether you're like him and have tried almost everything with almost anyone, or if you're a virgin who’s never even held hands with someone else, he’ll be supportive and communicative the whole way through.
Hancock tends to be more comfortable taking the lead, but really, either way he’s happy. He’s a huge advocate for body worship. He just loves people, or ghouls, or whatever. Whatever body type is in front of him, he’s gonna make them feel absolutely adored. Thick and curvy? He’s burying himself in you and palming every bit of your softness. On the thinner side? He’s tangling his own gangly limbs up in yours as he lifts and tosses you around the bed playfully. Short, tall, muscled, dead “average,” Hancock doesn’t care! He thinks everyone is beautiful and he’s bound to let you know that you are far from the exception, communicating his vast appreciation for you with his words, his lips on your body, his hands running over every part of you, pulling you onto him, or lying atop you, gazing into your eyes, which he’s just bound to compliment as well. With someone he loves, Hancock is a die-hard romantic both out in public, and between the sheets, who could spend hours upon hours singing praises to you with his hands, lips, eyes and voice. And, if time permits it, he does just that.
He tends to derive as much pleasure from pleasing his partner as he does from you trying to please him. So, he’s a very generous lover. If all he does in a session of lovemaking is go down on you for until you're writhing, fucked out mess; he’s happy as can be just to be able to watch your expression change so deliciously to reflect your pleasure as you fall apart under his masterful ministrations.
Hancock just loves theatricality. You do a strip tease for him, and he’ll sit through the whole thing with a wide grin and smoky half-lidded eyes, just waiting for you to give the word so he can get his hands on you. Role playing? He’s game. Let him be the pirate and you can be his company for the one evening ashore before he has to go back out to sea. Or he can be the king, and you can be the needy serving boy/girl. And (of course) the ghoul is down to take a huff of jet, or a few mentats, or even some psycho beforehand if you're into some rough shit, if you're comfortable or want to try it. Pretty much anything one can imagine, Hancock has probably done at one time or another, which makes him dangerously good at the act of lovemaking.
MacCready’s not… Well, obviously he’s had sex a good number of times, (he does have a kid, so, you know) so he’s got experience, but almost all of it was with one person, and he was a bit different back then than he is now. With a new partner, he has to work with some of the nerves that arise with being with someone you really care about again, and so the first few times might not go as smoothly as it will later on. You just need to give him a couple of chances, and he won't disappoint you. It's just... It's difficult getting back into the tendencies and affections of a relationship again, after all this time of being closed off, but once he does, MacCready really is a passionate romantic at heart.
The merc may talk big, but really he would rather you take the lead in bed. That’s partially the reason the first few times might be more awkward, since he tends to believe that he needs to take charge in a new relationship, even when he’s more comfortable in a submissive role.
Once he’s comfortable enough though, MacCready really tries to get back into the excitement and joy of sex with a partner that he cares about. He tends to forget about how much fun it can be, since it was such a source of guilt for him the couple of years after Lucy died. Now that he has you though, that he's re-discovered what it is to be in love, MacCready has found that he can enjoy it again, without those sickening feelings of betrayal seeping in to soil the mood. Now that he's more comfortable, he finds that he really enjoys spontaneous sex, and though he gets nervous in public places (and he will never have sex anywhere he deems dangerous), semi-public sex in a shadowy Diamond City alcove, or in one of the store rooms in Goodneighbor could be a bit of an adventure that he could certainly be on board with.
He likes the feeling of the rest of the world’s responsibilities falling away when he’s with his partner in such an intimate way, so overstimulation and teasing are both fun to explore with him; and though he says he hates teasing, it’s clear that long sessions of his partner repeatedly edging him just drive him wild in a way that he loves to hate. That being said, Mac’s a big fan of oral as well, he does enjoy giving, and he'll do it with enthusiasm, don't get him wrong; but for him, there’s not much better in this world than the feeling of your wicked mouth at work between his legs. His body tends to get lost in the euphoria just as much as his mind, and MacCready ends up being quite squirmy between the sheets, so if his partner thinks pinning him down is necessary, he’ll be game for that as well.
And the boy can be loud. Moans and grunts, whimpers and strangled almost-curses fly from his lips in the throes of passion continuously throughout; and though dirty talk is hardly something he has the capacity to respond to in such times, still, if you whisper any low, sinful words in his ears, it’s bound to send MacCready over the edge you've pushed him to.
MacCready’s young, he’s living in those select few years of his life where he can be irresponsible and dumb, but he’s hardly had the opportunity to be any of those things since even before he left Little Lamplight. If his partner is able to show him just a touch of that excitement that he’s been missing, if you’re able to be carefree, young, and dumb with him, it’ll help the widower work through the guilt he feels at the loss of his first real love, and discover that he can still be happy, even as a man with the responsibilities of a father, as an adult whose dealt with such visceral loss so early in his life; he can still have freedoms, and fun, and love without needing to face any kind of repercussions. Once he realizes this, and gets over his insecurities and feelings of self-reproach in regards to his status as a widower, loving MacCready tends to be an in-the-moment, passionate, fun, lighthearted, and wild experience his partner won't ever want to shy away from.
In this current body, Nick’s experience levels are, admittedly, limited. However, some his memories from before are still intact, and the old Nick had quite a bit of experience in the bedroom to boast, so Nick… Well, the old synth knows what he is doing, even if he hasn’t exactly done it himself, per say.
He’s an old romantic though, so he’s generous and intimate between the sheets, and he immensely enjoys taking his time with his partner; drawing it out to hours of the evening and night with an almost profane amount of foreplay. Regrettably, the synth can’t really experience pleasures of the flesh to the same extent that you can, but that won’t stop him from feeling pride at the sounds he's able to draw from you, your expression as you’re overwhelmed with pleasure, and the way your body writhes in delight at his touch.
Nick really is the epitome of classic Hollywood romance (minus the misogyny), and will revel in some of the more traditional practices and classic aesthetics whilst in the bedroom. He loves the act of undressing his partner, unwrapping you like a gift with his delicate fingers, or watching you shed your layers of your own accord, with his gleaming eyes glued to you all the while; and if you're wearing some lacey lingerie? Forget about it, he’s already suppressing a moan of pleasure just at the mere sight of you.
He's just a sucker for everything that leads up to sex. The romantic lingering kisses at just the right time, touches held on his partner just a little longer than is expected, extended eye contact, make out sessions after dinner that ends in him carrying you to the nearest bed, or else just settling for the closest sofa, desk, or counter top. He’s not opposed to some light roleplay as well. A dashing CEO and his secretary after hours, star-crossed lovers having a night of passion before their families can find out the truth of their whereabouts and affections, a cop with exceptional bedside manner helping a client through their traumas until he finds that his feelings and theirs run so much deeper than he'd thought. Wait... Is that one even really roleplay?
Just picture any spicy scene from a late 1930s film noir, and you’ll have Nick’s sexual preferences and habits pegged. Smoky evenings filled with red wine, fine food, shared cigarettes. Long, romantic walks through a dimly lit city, arm in arm with his coat around your shoulders until he follows you into your home at the end of the night. Drawn out kisses, and wandering hands that would shrivel and die before leaving the comfort of your warm, bare skin. Long, loving stares as you slowly fall asleep beside him in the aftermath of your union, blankets all atangle, heartbeat calming to a sleeping pace from the wild pulsing he'd brought it to only moments ago. Nick's just all pure romance, in the most stereotypical sense, and so long as it pleases you the way it does him, the synth is content as can be.
Sex with Nick is about closeness, it's about his partner, and how much pleasure he's able to draw from you. It’s not just about bringing you to climax, either; as mentioned, Nick likes to draw out the experience of being with you for as long as he can (remember, he doesn't have to sleep ;) and give you something you can think back on with a blush on your cheeks, a smile on your face and a tingle in your spine days after the fact.
Preston's generous in bed, that almost goes without saying, but furthermore, he is a proper gentleman, through and through. He's all about intimacy and connection, trust, and closeness all throughout his relationship, but especially in sex. He’s very communicative, slow and gentle, and his preference is to take his time, focus on his partner, and try to remain romantic and intimate through the whole process.
It’s not often that the minuteman Lieutenant takes time off from his extensive duties, but a couple times a week, Preston makes sure to put aside a few hours to spend just with his partner. He likes the build-up to sex, and always tries to take his time. Sitting down, enjoying a long conversation about anything and everything over a shared meal with his love, holding hands all throughout the meal before cleaning up together, retiring to the bedroom and taking the time to unwrap each other between kisses and caresses, that first touch of bare skin against his… yeah, everything leading up to the act of making love really is this man’s forte.
Preston is relatively experienced, in that he’s had one or two relationships, but neither have been as serious as he might’ve wanted them to be, as serious as it now is with you. Circumstances just weren’t right with them, but it did give him the opportunity to learn about what he enjoys in a partner, and it allowed him time to practice his own skills between the sheets in preparation for when the right person finally does come along.
As mentioned, Preston loves foreplay. He doesn’t get a lot of time alone with the one he loves, so when he does, he draws it out as long as possible, and he wants to be sure that you are properly prepared for him in every sense of the word. He enjoys giving you massages, kissing for long periods of time, maybe pulling you into his lap, or lying overtop you as he does so, and he loves giving oral. Giving you pleasure is as good for him as it is for you. Watching your face contort as you come undone, hearing the sounds of satisfaction pouring from your lips, tasting the most carnal and vulnerable parts of you with a grin of his own plastered over his face. Just, all of it. Preston loves every single bit of you, and his preference is to make you cum even before the main event really gets started.
If his partner is female (and honestly, even if you’re not, that probably won’t stop him from trying) Preston has always liked the idea of having a big family, so if the two of you are really serious, he’ll sheepishly bring up the idea of cumming inside you, if you're okay with it. He also loves body worship and giving praise, Preston is just such a sweet lover, he exists to make the one he cares for most feel loved, and satisfied, and above all things, good; and there’s not much more to it than that.
Participating in dirty talk isn’t really his strong suit, and he often bursts out laughing if he tries to reciprocate, but he does admit, hearing his partner’s breathy voice whispering profanities in his ear definitely tends to make his hips stutter and his breath hitch that much more.
Just as he enjoys the build-up to this most intimate of activities, Preston loves the slow come-down from it just as much, and no matter how slow and gentle he tends to be, aftercare is always a priority of his. He likes to take his time just as much after the fact as he did with the foreplay, often holding you close against him as you catch your breath, still joined with you as you both come down from your high, before slowly and reluctantly pulling away. Afterwards, he tenderly and meticulously looks after you, cleaning you up and getting you some water before settling at your side once again, wrapping his arms around you and whispering praises and declarations of his affections until you both inevitably fall asleep.
For X6, his tactics really are dependent on his partner. He's never done anything like this before you, never even considered it. So, he'll defer to your judgment on all of it. Particularly in the beginning, the communication is almost constant. He wants to know if he's doing everything correctly, if his hands are in the right place, if you like what he's doing with his mouth, if he should try and be more gentle, if you like the sounds that are unwittingly spilling from his lips, and the dirty questions he's asking you lowly through his gritted teeth. X6 likes to excel at whatever actions he's taking, whatever mission he's embarking on, and sex is no exception. If he can't watch his partner fall apart in response to his relentless ministrations more than once (at the very least) in a session, he considers it a failure. As such, you should definitely expect a bit of overstimulation from him, as the courser likes to be thorough in ensuring your pleasure. Whatever it takes.
Once he gets a handle on what you enjoy, X6 begins exploring his own preferences. The territory of his wants, especially in any sort of sexual context, is almost completely unknown to him; so now, here, with you, he decides to cross the threshold of his programming into the more… for lack of a better word, selfish realm of his own desires.
After such an occurrence, X6 decides that he likes to be the one in charge. You being at his mercy… The future Director of the faction that created him coming undone with the carefully calibrated flick of his wrist, or a well aimed thrust forcing his name from your lips… Even the thought of it brings a rare smile to the courser's lips, and a stirring sensation to the pit of his gut. He's never craved a relationship before, never sought after sexual release from another synth or courser, and especially none of the humans he’s known; and even on his own, by his own hand, X6 has never taken action to chase a pleasure he never thought his kind would be capable of, or have any need of. Now though… He finds that he disagrees with Father's statement that synths have no ability to want, because he does. He wants the person he’s with, wants you, like he’s never wanted anything before. The way you make him feel is strange, it’s unprecedented, but it’s also remarkably addicting.
There are some aspects of “lovemaking” that he actually finds himself quite enthralled with. He can get quite possessive of his partner, and he enjoys marking you beneath the sheets with his lips and teeth, on your neck or collarbone, or your thighs and chest as a show of his devotion to you, his claim over you. However, he does understand if you have boundaries, and will try to refrain from marking too high up on your neck where it would be easy for members of the Institute to see, if you ask him to. Though, he must admit, he finds it hard to bite back a wicked smirk when someone does bring up the marks in conversation, and you try to stammer out some excuse that you both know is bullshit. He likes to imagine the look on the Institute doctor’s faces if they were to find out the truth.
A romp in the sack with X6 is really an activity meant for the bolder individuals. He’s a courser after all, a feared and ruthless hunter who's designed to be mission driven, he has unmatched endurance and stamina, an aptitude to please his charge, and the attention to detail to be unreasonably adept at doing so. He can go for hours at a time, and he loves making a show of his proficiency in pleasing you by overstimulating you to the point of tears. Though, he understands better than most what the limits of the human body are, whether the threshold be for pain or pleasure, and he makes sure to never go beyond anything that makes the one he cares for feel uncomfortable or unsafe. No one's attention is more focused on your well-being than his. So, while he’s not overtly familiar with the concept of aftercare, or the softness that comes with it, X6 will try after a rougher session of lovemaking to make sure that his partner is taken care of, that he cleans you up properly and pays special attention to any physical points of concern on you. Your emotional well-being is a bit harder for him to influence, but once you let him know what you expect from him, X6 will do so without question. Often this just results in sticking by your side after the fact, speaking quietly about what he did, and what each of you enjoyed, and sometimes the occasional anecdote will spill from him as he strokes one hand over your arm or side as he holds you to his broad chest. He enjoys your warmth, and your companionship, he's just not always sure what to do with it, especially in the throes of uncharacteristic vulnerability he feels after being intimate.
So, it may take the courser a while to figure out what exactly sex is all about, what he likes, and how to best please his partner, but once he’s there, it’s bound to be thrilling. X6 knows your body better than even you seem to, he has inhuman stamina, he can read your body language like a book, and though his passion is new, it’s different, it’s unknown to him, it’s remarkably exciting. As mentioned, X6’s love isn’t for the faint of heart, and sometimes it requires patience and some unconventional or awkward communication on your part, but no matter his own uncertainty, even in the beginning, X6 will always manage to complete his mission with his partner. Usually a few times at least, before he’s finished with you.
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kiannjwriting · 3 years
Fo4 companions react to a Sole with cybernetic augmentations from before the war and not even thinking to tell them until later in their relationship? Basically, Sole = Cyborg and forgot to say anything about it.
Fallout 4: Companions React to a Cyborg Sole
Hi, anon! Thanks for the request! This has been sitting in my inbox for a little under a week, so sorry about the wait! I hope everyone is having an amazing holiday season! :)
She’s one of the few companions who literally doesn’t care at all. She, herself, is a robot, not a cyborg- a full blown robot. If anything, she may be slightly jealous that Sole is still considered human.
Cait (romanced + platonic):
If you would’ve told her before she trusted you with her life- she’d probably leave. Even if you two are now the closet friends or lovers, she’ll need some time alone. She just needs to think about it and let it all sink in, alone.
I feel like Codsworth probably already knew. He wouldn’t be phased if Sole told him, either way.
Curie (romanced + platonic):
Super curious. Her love of science prompts her to ask every question she can think of and, if you let her, run a few tests. She’s genuinely interested in understanding Sole’s cybernetic parts just as much as she understands Sole’s human parts.
Considering his profession, he doesn’t care at all. He might have a few genuine questions, like why Sole needs cybernetics or what to do if Sole’s cybernetics get hit in combat, etc. But, overall, just adds “cybernetics” to his topics of choice when making jokes.
He loves you no matter what.
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John Hancock (romanced + platonic):
Keeping in mind that Hancock struggles to keep synth doubles out of Goodneighbor, he feels a bit betrayed at first but he doesn’t say anything. Unless he was romanced, he won’t bring up his reservations on the subject. He’ll eventually warm up to Sole and, internally, feel stupid for not immediately accepting their cybernetics.
MacCready (romanced + platonic):
He’s pretty upset. He won’t talk to Sole for a few days while he lets the news sink in. He’ll always be very reserved when it comes to Sole’s cybernetics, but he’ll eventually miss them and want things to go back to the way things were.
Nick Valentine:
Does. Not. Care. Robot grandpa is a walking human-like metal man himself. He just takes Sole under his wing.
Old Longfellow:
Assuming you tell him at a time he’s almost sober, he’ll definitely not like hearing about this. When you guys travel together, he won’t have as much to say and he’ll spend more time in the nearest bar. He may or may not come around, it depends on how close him and Sole are.
Paladin Danse (romanced + platonic):
If he had been told pre-BB, he’d probably feel “forced” to kill you. But assuming this is post-BB, he’d just have a shit ton of questions. He knows he can’t be that judgmental when he’s not even human himself, it’s just tough learning that your friend/lover isn’t fully human either.
Piper Wright (romanced + platonic):
Slightly taken aback, but she’s more offended that Sole didn’t tell her sooner, if anything. She doesn’t care that Sole is a cyborg, but she definitely doesn’t appreciate that Sole didn’t tell her earlier in their relationship.
Preston Garvey (romanced + platonic):
He’s surprised, but is indifferent. He cares about someone’s actions, not the percentage of human someone is.
Porter Gage (romanced + platonic):
He’d be mad, at first. Once he gets over himself, he won’t care. Cyborg or not, Sole is the best overboss the gangs have had since Colter.
He’s a synth, so he doesn’t care.
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