#this is a spoiler-free zone sorry :
lucrezianoin · 1 year
Using the free cam mod on the ascended astarion scene
But because it is ME, this is angst instead of sexy. I bet this is not the result you wanted.
Just checking Astarion's face during the ascended scene because I noticed he often has his eyes close or does not look at Tav like:
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zoning out (I am using free cam mod, so it could be that he was just not animated? but the expression seems quite natural)
And as soon as Tav turns around, eyes closed
You can see it here too:
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I don't know if I can post the whole scene given tumblr rules....
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lizardrosen · 1 year
god, i LOVE listening to umineko theories! this game plays on so many levels so any idea you have is both absolutely buckwild, and completely plausible within the context of the rules we're given.
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stanchett · 2 years
would yall believe me if I told you chapter 5 was finished too? 🤭
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{"It's just a little damage."} {"You don't know what it means to be afraid."}
(To lose parts of your HOME) ---
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{Now that you've come to value it as your HOME.}
IMGs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
{Note: This is a ‘no re-blogs’ post, so you won’t be able to re-blog it ’Likes’ are OK}
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weirdsht · 2 months
What if i have an idea and it's orv's "incarnation kim dokja will be killed at the hands of the person he loves most" BUT it's reader and cale
May Our Fates Intertwine Once More - Cale/Reader
notes: 1. Anon I'm sorry for taking so long to write your req; and 2. I'm sorry to everyone who saw the small preview I posted before and thought it was fluff.
tags: fluff, no gender specified for reader, novel spoiler (sealed god's test), hurt no comfort, angst, death, canon divergence from 620
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
Buy Me Dessert
Navigation Masterlist
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One moment you were next to Cale then the next second you’re standing in the middle of an unknown place with this weird half-transparent blue screen in front of you.
[Quest List:]
[1. Pass the tutorial
2. Launch a widescale attack on the safe zones during the eclipse 
3. Die after fighting a magnificent battle at the hands of the person who loves you the most]
“What the fuck…”
You cursed as you read what the screen says. You tried to see if you could touch it but something else popped up as soon as your finger made contact with it.
[All injuries sustained in this body will be mirrored in your real body!]
“This isn’t my real body? But it looks the same.”
It really does. The only thing that has changed is your clothes. You’re wearing something that fits the image of a deity.
Still confused, you look around you. There’s nothing you recognized. But it does look like you’re somewhere abandoned.
[A message has arrived! Tap here to read!]
You tapped the new overlay that popped up and it instantly brought you to the message.
[Are you enjoying your lover’s original world?]
The anonymous message said. Immediately, you had an inkling as to who it could be.
“What the fuck? You must be that stupid god presence we felt back there.”
[Such brash words while talking to a god… Anyway, are you aware of where your lover is?]
“His around here too right? What the hell did you do to him?”
[Nothing much. His just under my test to overcome his despair. I’m waiting for him to be consumed by it so he can take my hand.]
“Knowing Cale, I'm sure he’ll overcome it. He’d rather die than work with you.”
[That’s where you come in dear.]
You feel like you can hear the god’s vile laughter even through the screen. But you wondered how you’d help meet Cale’s demise. Unless a demon possesses you to the point where you can’t control yourself, you won't do it.
Then it dawned on you.
The mission.
[3. Die after fighting a magnificent battle at the hands of the person who loves you the most]
“HAHAHAHAHAHA! You’re quite witty, aren’t you? On the bright side, I found out Cale loves me the most thanks to you.”
[It’s great, isn’t it? If you don’t do your missions you’ll be stuck here forever. If you do them you’ll die. Whatever you do you love must say goodbye. An instant recipe for despair.]
“We’ll see about that. You might be underestimating me too much.”
You pointed your middle finger towards the screen with messages before closing it.
Getting past the tutorial was easy. Turns out you have an inventory that contains countless supplies of food and other necessities. You also have the ability to summon monsters.
The same monsters your lover told you he fought in his previous life before becoming Cale Henituse.
“Ho? This is interesting. It feels like I’m playing a game of some sort.”
You said no one in particular as you read the descriptions of the monsters at your disposal. You spend the whole day navigating the screen that calls itself the “status window”. According to it, you have the whole day free today as the eclipse will happen tomorrow.
As you take yourself on a tour of your inventory one particular item catches your attention.
[Sword of Liubi Duplicate]
It was your sword. Well, a duplicate of it. It was given to you by Cale after you first met. Clicking on the sword, you read what properties would its copy have.
[A sword replicated from your world. It’s strong, probably one of the strongest swords on Earth 2 despite being nerfed. However, since it’s a duplicate it will only have half of its original prowess. It is still a remarkable weapon nonetheless.]
Some of the terms used like “nerfed” you don’t understand as they don’t exist in your world. But it still gave you a general idea as to what the status of your sword is.
Well, it’s better than nothing.
Plus you think the only time you’d have to use it is when you fight Cale so it’s better that it’s not as strong as before.
“Either way I die huh…”
You mumbled as you stared up at the ceiling of the abandoned house you found. Usually, a person would not be able to stay in such a place so leisurely. However, since the monsters won’t touch you it's a different story.
“What am I getting sad for? I was supposed to die way back! I’m just fulfilling it now…”
It’s the truth. If it wasn’t for your lover and his friends you would’ve died a long time ago. You guess someone bound to die early will die early.
You dismissed the thoughts of your death out of your head. Instead, you focused your energy on thinking about how you would get Cale to fight you so he could complete his mission.
With those thoughts in mind, you slowly fell asleep. 
“Okay, this is kind of fun… but I feel bad since Cale and the others are fighting the things I summoned.”
You’re on top of a building. A good distance away from Cale– no Kim Rok Soo’s safe zone but still near enough to be able to observe what’s happening.
“Is that Choi Han? At first I felt bad for them, but now I feel bad for myself. They’ll finish my babies in no time!”
Observing Choi Han and the others fighting, you kept summoning more monsters. The monsters you summon are regulated by the status window but you still find some joy in doing it.
It is getting tiring though.
You can’t believe you have to keep doing this for 24 hours straight. You’re not even getting paid…
[One (1) of your “Grade 1 Taster Monsters” have broken from the pack]
[Two (2) of your “Grade 1 Taster Monsters” have broken from the pack]
“What the hell? I swear my dearest must have an ancient power that allows him to gather powerful beings. His even stealing away my babies.”
You huffed in frustration as you watched two of your summons go over to Kim Rok Soo’s side.
“Isn’t this whole thing too good for me though? Everything I need to survive is free… And summoning monsters doesn’t cost anything.”
[It's the least I could do for someone bound to die either way]
That pesky god messaged you again.
“Well look at you being Mr. Nice. Are you flirting with me? Sorry, I’m taken.”
For emphasis, you brought up your ring finger that contained your engagement ring. As if flipping the god off.
[Blasphemous as ever. It tempts me to take you as one of my children. Too bad you won’t be able to take in the despair that comes as a price.]
“Yeah yeah. Just shut up. It’s not like I have any plans teaming up with a god.”
Sealed God shut up and you lived the next days in peace.
You have the monsters at your disposal that can do whatever you need them to do. And you have no quest assigned to you aside from that dying one. Your mind has also been at ease as you have a general plan as to how you’ll get your love to fight you one-on-one.
[New Mission Alert!]
[Summon one (1) Electric Eel in Gwangalli Beach]
Gwangalli Beach where is that? You have absolutely no idea. In fact, you’re tired of your status window acting as if you were from this world.
“I’m sure the monster will know where it is…”
Convincing yourself that your summons will know where it is you summoned a flying monster to take you to that place.
Luckily, your assumption was correct. In no time you were where you need to be.
“Status window summon one Electric Eel… Who named this thing? I mean it’s a snake that will be summoned from the sea, and has electricity as one of its powers. But Electric Eel? Seriously?”
After bashing the monster’s name a little, you summoned it.
“I’m sure you already know what to do…”
You mumbled to the monster before going away to hide before someone saw you.
All that’s left for you to do is watch and wait for your entrance.
3 days. That’s how many days it took for them to defeat the Electric Eel.
While everyone was doing that you were watching on top of the building. Your robed dress flows freely in the wind as you do so. There were a lot of instances you wanted to intervene. Wanted to go help the love of your life and the man you considered your brother.
But alas you couldn’t.
The status window with only one quest left reminded you of that every time.
[Are you ready for the final act?]
Sealed God messaged you again. As if laughing at your inevitable demise.
“Just watch my performance. It’ll be spectacular.”
For a moment you were tempted to curse him out as you usually would. However, you decided that if you’re gonna go out today, you’re going out with grace and elegance. It's only fitting as the fiance of a duke’s son.
[Player _____ will be killed at the hands of the person that loves them the most]
[The last arc of the game…]
[Starts Now]
Ignoring the status window, you ride the flying monster waiting for you. It’s the same monster that brought you to the beach before.
“I worked so hard just for you to defeat my baby.”
You gently spoke as you gracefully descended from the monster's back and onto the dead Electric Eel. 
“...That’s your baby?”
Kim Rok Soo mumbled quite mournfully. He was supposed to be your baby after all.
“Wait how are you even here?”
He asked. Looking at you curiously. 
“Oh, I’m the one summoning all the monsters you’ve been fighting. Was it fun? Ah, don’t ask me where they come from though. I have no idea where they came from. I can only summon them.”
You spoke as if there was nothing wrong. As if you guys aren't standing on the opposite sides of the battlefield.
Choi Han, the man you have come to consider your brother, slowly called out to you.
“What are you doing?”
He asks, not minding the whispers from the people around you three.
“So that’s what happened to my Dark Tiger… Asking permission to borrow my things would have been appreciated, Your Highness.”
You addressed Alberu first before answering the swordmaster’s question.
“Don’t you still get it? Every play must end with the hero defeating the evil mastermind! And you Kim Rok Soo…”
The sword you summoned on the way here pointed towards your lover.
“You shall be the one who strikes the final blow.”
Kim Rok Soo’s brain connected the pieces. You smile while observing him. And that smile pissed him off.
Because you were smiling as if everything was okay.
As if you hadn’t just announced your death.
“And if I refuse?”
“Then I’ll be stuck here and die. You wouldn’t want that would you?”
“So I just have to kill you here?”
‘And then you’ll return to my arms in our world?’
You knew the silent question that lingered in the commander’s reddish-brown eyes.
Yet you ignored it. Letting him believe that everything will be fine. That you will only die in this world. That nothing will happen to you in your world and all shall be well.
It was for his own good.
The only way for him to not fall into despair once more.
Drawing your sword once again, you beckoned for your lover to fight you.
“Everyone else stay back. I’ll summon another unranked monster if you interfere.”
“Follow what they say and just watch.”
You and Kim Rok Soo said before your powers clashed with each other.
Lightning after lightning struck you. However, your sword blocked most of them. Dodging the ones you couldn’t block.
When it was your turn to attack, you struck your sword towards Cale. Each slash either landed on the Indestructible Shield or was blocked by the Fire of Destruction.
“Your sword is stronger than this. I did not give you such a flimsy thing.”
Cale spoke as you failed to cut through his shield once more.
“Don’t worry this isn’t the one you gave– Ugh!”
A lightning struck you. Cale used it as an opportunity to land more hits.
“I was talking you know? You’re as rude as ever. Anyway, this one is a duplicate.”
Your sword managed to land a cut on the commander’s arm. Everyone else watched the two of you. People who don’t know you were wondering how can the two of you fight while bantering as if your lives aren’t on the line.
But not everyone in the audience didn’t know you. Two people in there knew you very well. 
“I’m going back first. Something about this feels off.”
Alberu told Choi Han who was gripping his scabbard tightly.
“His Majesty is going first?”
“Seems like it.”
You can Cale continued talking as you fight. It reminded you of the small talks he would engage you in as you train.
It reminded you that this is probably the last time you will be able to talk to him like this.
“Ow! That hurts you know!”
A particular attack from the Sky Eating Water rendered you unable to pick up the sword. Cale took this as an opportunity to hold you down using the trees summoned earlier to fight the Electric Eel.
You watch as Cale turns off his Sound of the Wind. He walks towards you at a leisurely pace, picking up your sword on the way. 
“I’m sorry.”
He said and you noticed his hand tremble ever so slightly.
“Don’t be. I’m happy that it’s you. Do you want to know what’s the prerequisite of my death?”
Cale did not answer but you said it anyway.
“I shall die by the hands of the one that loves me the most. That’s what it said.”
The commander’s eyes shook along with his hand.
“That’s why I’m glad…”
Blood spilt from your mouth as your sword stabbed your heart. From the corner of your eye, you could see Choi Han running towards where you are.
Your brother called out to you as Cale let go of his control on the trees in favour of holding you instead. 
There’s still blood spilling from your mouth but that didn’t stop you from smiling at him. Your smile was weak and tired, but it was the best you could do at the moment.
“I’m fine…”
You assured Cale squeezing your hand.
“I’ll be waiting for you in our world. So don’t be sad okay? Remember you have to overcome despair.”
Cale asked you as he cradled your body in his chest.
“I promise.”
You left out the part that you’ll probably be dead or dying when he sees you. 
Weakly, but full of determination you raised your left hand to link your pinkies together. The diamond in your engagement ring shone as you did. Meanwhile, your right hand is being held by Choi Han.
They said that your life will flash in your eyes at your last moments. No such thing happened to you. But you did remember a conversation that you and your lover had prior to this whole thing.
“So you’re birthday is on November 8th? Why are you only telling me this now? There’s so little time to prepare a gift for you!”
“What are you talking about it’s still so far away?”
“No, it’s not! It’s not enough time for me to prepare the perfect gift for you.”
That’s right, today is November 8 in this world. It’s Cale’s birthday…
“In Raon’s castle… My gift is there. He should know about it…”
“You can just give it to me yourself when we get back.”
Cale answered and you almost laughed at his cluelessness.
“...Happy birthday my love. May you always find happiness.”
Those were your last words before you took your last breath. Before your body slowly turned into dust in Cale’s hold.
But Cale wasn’t in despair even as you die.
He may be sad, but he wasn’t in despair.
It was because he was holding onto your words that you’d meet him back home.
That’s how Cale was able to pass the Sealed God’s test.
But why…
Why was the first thing he heard as soon as he came back Alberu’s shouting when he was supposed to be in his castle making preparations?
“_____ wake up. Please wake up.”
Alberu and Raon’s voice rang on his head. 
At that moment. Rosalyn and Eruhaben noticed that he was back. They quickly greeted him before calling over Raon and Sherrit to remove the barrier that surrounded him.
“What’s happening?”
Cale asks as he enters the room where the shouts are coming from.
The sight made him stop in his tracks.
Laying on a grass bed that’s similar to where he was just a few minutes ago was his lover. His fiance.
They were lying there. Bleeding.
On the heart.
Exactly where Cale had stabbed them back on Earth.
A realisation dawned on him at the moment.
You just promised that you would meet him back home.
You did not promise that you would meet him alive.
Cale, the fool, had only assumed you would.
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telvess · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok Poseidon (relationship headcanons) 🔞
My first attempt in writing anything in… eternity. I’m not a native English speaker but trying to improve myself, sorry for all mistakes I've made. I didn’t write any major spoilers but used knowledge from manga. Also + still no clue how tumblr works.
Poseidon is such a adorable idiot.
SFW Not gonna lie, to catch his eye (not to mention eye-to-eye contact) there will be needed someone really specific. Someone similar to him in general, but unique in details. I think Poseidon is really good observant. Just because he’s indifferent to others, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t pay attention. He would notice nuances in behaviour, manners and gestures. His future s/o must be elegant, self-contained and pride. Maybe not in the haughty way but undoubtedly confident in her position as a goddess. Definitely not ‘damsel in distress’ type, she has to have guts to rule her sphere, protect her opinion and status. No other god or goddess shall stick their nose in her business. Unless they’re ready for harsh words or worse. In summary: a less extreme version of Poseidon. On the other hand, I don't think these qualities are enough to draw Poseidon's interest. It’s good base but potential s/o must get under his skin. Intentionally or no, she has to do or say something that would get his attention, and annoy him… He wasn't seeking her subtle chitchat, nor did he want to end up witnessing her fight! Congratulations, miss! You accidentally annoyed Tyrant of the Seas! Choose a burial place. Jokes aside, the best thing s/o can do here is ignore Poseidon. He thinks he wants that, but hey! Looks like he played himself. Now s/o annoys him even more and he cannot understand why. Such a useless bottom feeder and he can’t get over her?
She was like a sea: capricious and unpredictable in nature, always remained resistant to the expectations of others. But sea bend to his will like tamed puppy. He stamp his foot and it humbly part before him. That’s what he couldn’t stand - how little control he had over her, how unbearably free this woman was compared to other gods who ran away in terror as soon as he merely frowned.
Poseidon would catch himself thinking about her in the least expected moments. He used to almost never leave his realm, now suddenly is more present in social life. Still doesn’t care much, usually just staying in loneliness that nobody dare to disturb and observing from distant object of his contempt. As if nothing had changed, yet it did. Probably the only people that would notice he’s different will be Hermes and Hades. When first one won’t act on it nor share his observations, the eldest brother definitely won’t resist to make some ambiguous comments.
— Well that’s unusual of you, dear brother — said Hades. He toyed with his glass of wine, watching carefully Poseidon, who looked as unconcerned as ever. However he honoured him with one short glance. Hades couldn’t stop the corners of his lips to lift up. Did his little brother seem… disturbed? Or was that just his imagination? If Hades could pick one thing out of everything known in the universe that was unshakable and untouched by time or any other matter Poseidon would be his choice. Unaffected stability that did not leave any room for doubt and yet… something… someone push his stern brother out of his safe zone. Hades couldn’t wait to see what else the future may bring to them. He just hoped the intruder will be able to keep up with the challenge.
It will actually take a lot of time for Poseidon to realize that he isn’t annoyed with s/o but himself. Idea of being attached to another person is almost physically uncomfortable. It’s new and suspicious. The moment of understanding is the flash point of the relationship. At this point Poseidon would abandon distant admiration and start acting. He is still slightly annoyed but what’s more irritate him is the absent of that unbearable mouth of s/o. Poseidon would sit next to her or stand much closer at any events. At first she won't notice, but over time she'll start to connect the facts. She’s not dumb. Quiet neither. If she point it out, he may mock her.
— Why don't you just ask me to dance instead of deterring others? It would be a graceful way to start a relationship. Poseidon gave her almost cold look. — Such a audacity — his voice teetered on the verge of indifference - he thought so. She snorted. Her eyes weren’t darkened with anger, sparks of mirth still shone in them. Maybe even more after his refusal. Then she turned to face him and, with a subtle but promising smile, began to close the distance between them. Poseidon remained calm as she came within inches of him. He could feel the warm breath of hers, the smell of fresh air… — You know you want me — she whispered without hesitation. Something unbearably nagging was born in Poseidon’s belly. And that annoying heat under it… almost as someone wounded him. He frowned but didn’t move away. — How are you going to win me over if you can't stop fighting with yourself? — she asked innocently and didn't wait for an answer - just left him on the balcony.
Truth be told, Poseidon wasn’t made for small talks so s/o is doing most of the part and - to provoke a reaction - teasing him a bit. After a while, they both find the silence in their presence pleasant. Poseidon’s seduce tactic would mostly navigate around small gestures such as gifts. However he won’t send them like every normal suitor. If his s/o lives near the ocean or is often near it, she would probably find many beautiful pearls by chance. All of them in her favourites colours of course. Is she basking on the beach? The finest shells surround her. Is she admiring shoal of fish, coral reef or just the sound of the sea? There are no storms. And go on… It’s hard for Poseidon to overcome his pride and openly talk about his desire. When he finally bring himself to it, he’ll sound angry as if he’s doing something unworthy of him. Once s/o assures him that she wants to know more, Poseidon would relax.
— I want you to remind me every day how unbearable I am. How capricious… how impertinent… — she kissed his hand without taking her eyes off him and then put it to her cheek. Poseidon liked the cool touch of her skin — And still watch me with that quiet yet deep fascination.
Yeah, s/o has to make it official by saying out loud how she feels and Poseidon generously accept the offer…
NSFW For Poseidon to be in any relationship, especially romantic is almost impossible. He doesn’t get involved with others because, in his opinion, they’re not worth it. So nobody would force on him arranged marriage. He must be the one choosing that path. That’s why I don’t believe he would ever degenerating his s/o. The reason is simple - he would treat his wife with the same level of respect he treats Hades. Otherwise she wouldn’t be his wife; she cannot be someone less. I also don’t think he would praise her much, probably only when he’s in right mood she would hear complement here and there. His s/o must be good at reading his minimalistic facial expressions and body language. She may notice how his eyes widen in admiration, how he holds his breath for a moment or tightens the jaw muscles when feels really good. He’s not vocal; purrs or growls only on occasion. Poseidon has his moments where he shows desire for s/o. He won’t say it loud but won’t take his eyes off her as she undress in the evening. Yeah, she definitely gonna feel that burning look on her back. The only place where he become caring and warm is in bedroom, in private, far from servants’ eyes. These kind of moments are rare. Mostly because they both take their responsibilities seriously, which means they've been separated for a long time. Poseidon is calm, methodical lover. He’s detail-oriented - would leave no curve or plane untouched from his hands or tongue. He’ll enjoy every sound, shaking and blush s/o make, and act in accordance with the mentioned gestures. Poseidon prefers variants of missionary position to share eye contact though he wouldn’t say no to his s/o if she wants to ride him. In intimidating moment he enjoys challenging her to not close eyes when he thrusts deep into her. He starts with slow and almost annoyed pace that soon becomes raw and firm when they both chase their release. Afterward they usually lay in bed in silent, both satisfied and tired. Poseidon won’t say it loud but he really likes when his wife show him affections at that time. Slowly almost lazily massaging his chest, touching his neck and jaw, putting small kisses on his ear or cheek. Her tender words soft him. Poseidon doesn’t entirely return the favour but when she does all this to him, he caresses her back, pretending to be indifferent.
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velleire · 2 months
Homestead Showcase
What I got from the Homestead showcase live that happened this afternoon at 12PM PT under the cut! If you don't want spoilers, shoo shoo :)
Edit: Link of the video is up on the Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2214041991
This is what I got from the live (sorry for english in advance). If I got anything incorrectly feel free to correct me, my mind goes places easily:
- The Homestead is huge. It's a lot of space. It's like a farm.
30 characters limit to show in the instance (10 of each armor weight).
600 is the new cap of Mastery Points (or at least, it was the number the devs had).
Automatic gathering in one click. There's a chest with a little leaf icon on it to do this. Your party can also use it.
Refined Homestead Materials (used to craft decorations): 300 per week but I guess you can buy an item to refresh it. They talked a lot about how to acquire these but I zoned out lol sorry sorry
You can easily equip different glyphs (the ones you own) for the gathering.
New decorations will be released for annual events (such as Mad King decorations).
You can pet your mounts (important).
They walked around showing each section of the homestead. There's a place for crafting (for the new crafting profession), the stable with your mounts, a river to the skiff, the house, a big area outside, etc. It's very pretty.
You can decorate the mine. All mining nodes are there.
There's an x-ray option to see all your decorations and spot them easily.
I lost it, but someone mentioned in chat M.O.X is in the house (if you have it unlocked).
3 modes in decoration mode: place, modify and erase.
There's a gizmo to move the stuff around. The dev put a carpet floating in the air.They didn't leave it there, so I don't know what would have happened. They also moved stuff upside-down. The carpet could be scaled to be bigger. (This all seems easy and friendly.)
The Wayfinder Table that comes with the expansion (the deluxe ver. I guess) has 4 options of things to put above it (example: board game, war planning, etc. One of these versions had a mini Rytlock).
Some chairs won't be sit-able depending on how you resize them.
There's a flying mode that turns you into a bee so you can fly around. The dev put some trees around while in this mode, so we can decorate the outside as a bee.
There's a decoration skill to copy the last size and position of an item so it's easy to duplicate it if needed.
You can zoom out a lot as a bee to see your decorations from a distance.
You can make sitting spots in random objects. In the live, the dev put a sit position above a rock for the character to sit on (don't know how they called it… mixing a chair and a rock?? I missed it.)
They set a picnic table with food on it. They could move the food around and also resize it.
You can make your alts follow you. More than one. The dev took at least five with them.
There's Day and Night cycles like in the game but you can set the time of the day inside your instance by talking to a kodan NPC.
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kiriiqt · 2 years
In the meantime with the Diluc fic, would you happen to have any spare Scara headcanons?
Like how he reacts to seeing reader taking care of him when he wakes up after losing the gnosis? That was a LONG fall and it looked like he landed on his head, so he was probably knocked unconscious. (RIP his hat) Or tbh any general hc's you have for him if this is too specific! Thank you so much for sharing your hard work with us!
taking care of scaramouche after his fall
- scaramouche is surprised to wake up in one piece, but he's even more surprised to see you there taking care of him.
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characters: scaramouche x reader a/n: thank you so much for requesting! and no worries about being too specific, it actually helps me out. fun fact; scary is one of my favorite characters so I have a lot of spare headcanons about him. as always, feel free to request again if I misunderstood anything. also, this dragged out im so sorry. warnings: kinda angsty, descriptions of illness, sleep paralysis, an attempt at slow buildup of a relationship. some beta, we cling on like signora simps do.
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I kept it vague as to what you and Scaramouche were before the Sumeru Arc, but you two did know each other, and you were working against him somehow.
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Scaramouche spends a long time out of it. He’s not exactly had an easy life, and artificial god-form or not, the gnosis probably did a number on his body and mind - especially when it was taken away. Even with Nahida’s care, his body is incredibly weak, and he’s being plagued by nightmares and horrible memories. He’s essentially as weak and defenseless as a newborn child, and when he finally wakes up, he has to come to terms with the fact that he needs to start over. Again.
You and Scaramouche don't acknowledge each other for a while; His pride has taken a serious beating, and part of him refuses to believe that you're willingly taking care of him. He's sure it's a ploy of sorts, to put him in debt to you, one he couldn't possibly pay off - not that he's planning to. Meanwhile, you're twisting your own thoughts; truthfully, you pity him, but the constant reminder of what he's done in his lifetime - puppet or not - is washing over you like an incoming storm, and not even Nahida's words can alleviate that form of guilt.
You two get into a routine; you make sure he eats, drinks and sleeps, you put him through the rehabilitation program Nahida made, and you keep quiet every morning when his eyes are red and face is swollen from crying. You don't call out his poor excuses, and you don't ask for anything in return for your care. Scaramouche doesn't thank you anyway - at best he scoffs at you, glaring as if you were the one to take his gnosis. Most of the time, he's zoned out - pretending you're not there at all.
A few weeks pass by, and he's finally capable of walking by himself again - his mood seems better, and he's not on the verge of passing out just from crossing the room anymore. He's been outside again, although only on the balcony, but it's improvement, and he thinks so as well. You don't mention it, but it's obvious in the way his lips curl, and the way his eyes light up when the wind brushes past him. It makes a small smile break through your own frown. Still, recovery can be cruel with its ups and downs - and the world wouldn't let you forget that.
It takes a flare up - a bad one - for Scaramouche to finally acknowledge you. Waking up, he's thrown from one nightmare into another, his limbs paralyzed and eyes wide open, hot, searing pain pierces through him like hellfire, and for a second he thinks he's dying. He wants to scream, he needs to, but his throat feels raw and he can't move. His stomach churns at the sight of the world around him distorting, comforting green color bleeding into hues of red and purple; shapes breaking free from the chaos, faces he can recognize, voices he can recognize, pounding on his head like thunder strikes. And then - it stops.
You're gently shaking him awake, placing a cold cloth on his head and explaining something about another fever, but your words barely reach him. Your voice does, though; and while his head still feels as if it's being pounded against a wall, body engulfed in pain, you somehow pulled him out of that waking nightmare. And by the Archons, has he never been more fucking grateful to you in his life.
Still, he can't do anything; the pain overwhelms his senses, and closing his eyes feels like falling into a dark pit, spinning rapidly, and nausea washes over him again. He's not sure how much time passes, but it feels like an eternity - until, eventually, the pain stops.
Four days, you tell him. The flare up lasted four days; a high fever, but he's experienced it before. Part of him is thankful for not remembering it. You then tell him that it wasn't his first time experiencing sleep paralysis, either; and he wonders just how many times you've seen him like this. You shake your head when asked, another frown on your face. He decides not to pry.
You turn to leave, conversation seemingly over, but stop briefly when he utters a meek "Thanks". So quiet you could miss it, and part of him honestly hopes you did. He doesn't get a reply - but you leave with a small smile on your face.
From then on, things seem to improve between the two of you. It starts awkwardly. Scaramouche, or, Wanderer, as he asks you to call him for the time being, isn’t one to open up, and you’re not too keen on the idea of rambling about your days, when most of them are spent taking care of him or helping the traveler, with very little time left for yourself. Still, you manage to chat somehow - going from smalltalk, to Cyno’s bad jokes, to icebreakers that Nahida suggests - until eventually, conversation flows naturally between the two of you. You begin to bring him out of the sanctuary - in disguise, of course - and on those walks that get longer and longer the better he feels, there is little to do but chat about your lives. You get to experience what he’s like normally, and although he acts like a little shit, it’s nice to see him look a little more alive than he did before.
Nahida still has him under strict supervision, but as long as you’re with him, he’s fine to go out. Well, it could be anyone, really, but Dehya and him are at eachothers throats within minutes, Nilou simply refuses to be near him, and he’s told both Al Haitham and Cyno to go suck it one too many times (and that's among the nicer things he’s said to them). So, he always ends up with you, and you pretend to ignore the self-satisfied smirk that's on his face anytime someone comes dragging him your way. You also pretend to ignore the laugh Nahida is holding back at his antics.
Wanderer becomes a constant presence in your life; always bugging you to give him attention, to do something with him, and most of the time, it ends up with you dragging him off before he accidentally breaks the law (or insults Al Haitham…again). Though, you notice that he’s oddly nice to children and the elderly - not above helping either out, and one time you even saw him playing peek-a-boo with a kid while waiting for you. It made you smile, but you didn’t miss how quiet he got when the mother laughed and picked up the girl, telling her to bid him farewell. The same evening, he wordlessly hugs you, and tells you about his own mother. For a few hours, you two sit together, hidden away from the world for a while.
He’s quickly back to normal, but you somehow feel that you’ve gotten closer. It shows in the way his gaze softens when looking at you, and how his hand occasionally finds yours when no one is looking. You see it in Nahida’s knowing smile, and in how Dehya rolls her eyes, but sends a wink your way when Wanderer looks away. He’s become more protective as well, you notice, as he’s quick to step in to defend you in even the smallest of scuffles. You can’t resist teasing him about it sometimes, and the blush on his face when he tries to deny it with his entire being is one of the best things you’ve ever seen. 
Over time, he’s made himself home in your accommodations, and your heart, and while dealing with his antics and taking care of him is difficult, you’d be lying if you said that you wanted him out. You don’t mind holding him through the occasional flare ups, or picking him up on days when he’s so weak that he collapses, and you make sure to tell him this when he seems to doubt it.
One day, it’s suspiciously quiet in your house, and for a second you’re afraid that he’s run off; but relief washes over you when you see him sitting by your desk, looking at something in his hand. You approach him, and glance over his shoulder to see…a vision. A shining, green gemstone, with an anemo symbol in the middle - somewhere in the back of your mind, you recall Venti’s laugh, and think back on the day on the balcony when Wanderer finally managed to walk that far. How the wind immediately picked up, as if to welcome him back. He’s inspecting it, lost in thought, as his eyes glide over the symbol, and the gold casing around it - the decoration that indicates where the wielder is from. His gaze seems to get stuck on it - teeth worrying at his bottom lip, and you glance down, concerned about what it could mean for him. But, to your relief, the gold isn’t shaped in the style of an Inazuman vision, or a Snezhnayan one; it resembles a leaf, or a teardrop; the one that so many of your friends from Sumeru carry. He snaps out of his daze when you place a hand on his shoulder, smiling down at him; and his expression softens with a sigh.
“I wonder… is this just another way of tying me to a God?”
His voice comes out meek, and you exhale slowly, choosing your next words carefully.
“...How much do you know of the Anemo Archon?”
“Tsk, just that he’s a lazy Archon who practically abandoned his people under the guise of freedom.”
Both of you pause, with you deep in thought, and him glaring at the vision in front of him.
“Well, we could argue all day if it’s abandonment or freedom - but from what I know, he cares about his people, and if anyones really in need, he does interfere. He doesn’t just leave all to suffer”.
Wanderer scoffs, throwing a glare your way. Still, he doesn’t speak for a while, so your words did get to him, you figure. You lean against the wall next to the desk, crossing your arms, gaze falling on the faintly pulsating vision.
Wanderer breaks the silence again. “What does freedom really mean though, when demanded of you by a God?”
Those words sounds familiar, you realize, as you ponder his question. You glance out the window, humming, while he looks at you expectantly. His eyebrows knit together in an offended look when a small smile pulls at the corners of your lips, and he opens his mouth to spew an insult, but you interrupt him.
“I think this means that the ball is in your court. You can take it, use the new power granted to you, and start anew, if you’re ready…” Pushing yourself off the wall, you pick up the vision and turn it in your hand “...or, you can leave it. Entirely behind, or just on the shelf, for another day.”
He looks up at you again, as you slide the vision into his hand with a smile.
“But, I think that the fact that it’s here is enough of a sign already. So what will it be, Wanderer?”
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cakerybakery · 16 days
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The Object of Your Affection
Dub Con warning. Object is being literal here. Very unhinged. Seriously. I don’t know if I call it a dead dove, but it gets weird.
Weird weird.
I literally said I wanted to go outside of my comfort zone and do some weird shit. I don’t even know what kind of kink this is. I consider this a fair warning without spoilers. Good luck if you read it.
I can’t believe you decided to read this. Fuck man. Go hard.
Adam died but he wasn’t gone. His soul, groundless, flittered about hell like litter in the wind. He was garbage, refuse, in a dump called hell.
Stuck wherever the rotting wind blew him. An object or a demon, it didn’t matter. Only dislodged by a jolt. He’d spent a week stuck in a light pole until it was struck and he was freed.
He bobbed along, trying to grab at anything and only grabbed at nothingness.
He’d been tight, pinchy shoes, and the woman who wore them as she was fucked fast and dirty in an alleyway. Adam had moaned and cum in her body as a thick cock of one of descendants rubbed her cunt just right. Only to be dislodged as her ass was slapped.
Adam was the blade of a knife plunging into the heart of some poor screaming bastard, jolted and freed as he was tossed aside so the welder could use his hands and get real dirty.
Eventually he figured he needed to come up with a plan. Maybe instead of being flotsam he could try to jump from person to person, or object, and get somewhere.
But to where?
He was fake balls deep in some chick and wondering what the hell the chick he was in was getting out of this when he spotted an ad on the bus they were riding for the Hazbin Hotel.
Lucifer’s bitch daughter was front and center and he knew, he just knew, if anyone had anything that could do something about his driftwood lifestyle, it was the big bad of hell himself.
The bus jolted and Adam screamed as the strap on he’d been fucking into the chick was now buried way too deep in their pussy.
“Sorry!” The chick he’d just been apologized. “I blanked out for a moment and didn’t see that turn coming.”
Adam just groaned. It was kind of his fault. He didn’t mean to take her over, he’d been aiming for the bus in general, so while he overrode her soul she wasn’t even aware he was there, and he hadn’t been paying attention. He’s just happy he didn’t end up as the strap on. Not how he wanted to fuck a chick. And god knows how long it would be until he was out of it.
“It’s okay. Just be more careful.” He sighed and let her keep going. No point ruining their good time. And it wasn’t bad getting fucked. Besides, he wasn’t planning on staying. The bus turned and he slapped the sinner’s hand hard enough to jolt him free and out a window.
He slipped along on the wind until he landed in some dog thing. Slipping the collar was easy. He dashed through the streets and avoided traffic the best he could. Adam didn’t want to kill the little thing. In fact he slowed to allow the owner time to catch up.
The streets were busy so it was easier to get around as a tiny creature to avoid being bumped.
Wiggling through the gate carefully he ran up the doors and barked until someone opened the door.
The little maid ohhed at him and then at the guy yelling as he ran up the drive that that was his dog.
Adam backed up, mentally apologized the the dog thing, and ran head first into the glass door to dislodge himself.
He got lucky and slipped into the maid. Adam picked the dog thing up and returned it to its owner before dashing into the hotel.
In the last few months he’d been in more than a few sinners who sold their souls. Puppetting the body of the sinner overrode that soul’s contract so he was never bound by the rules that governed the sinner.
But this chick was something else.
Her contract tethered her to her master, yes, but it also seemed to be keeping her mind from falling apart.
She did something no other sinner ever had.
Her mouth opened and she said, “hello.”
He could feel her eye turning. He wasn’t turning it.
She tip tip tipped across the floor quickly. He wasn’t moving her.
The maid giggled maniacally. “Who are you?”
Adam explained who he was, explained what happened, and what he was trying to do.
“I’m Nifty!”
“Well, that’s just nifty, dear. But-“
“I killed you.”
He could see himself in her memory. Being stabbed. The blood as it sprayed out of him.
This was a mistake.
“I can take you to him.”
“Good girl, Nifty.” He praised her. Good, violent deranged person, good.
They had to wait through until he returned that evening. “He has a routine. I know the perfect moment to tell him what happened. He’ll never believe me if I just tell him. They never believe me.” Her eye darted around and Adam could see other lost soul like himself stuck to things.
She giggled.
Oh no.
“They’re all asleep and I can’t wake them. Maybe you’ll work.”
She zipped them around for hours. Adam tried to see what was going on in her head but it was all static.
Eventually Lucifer did come home.
Zipping up, Nifty dead stopped in front of him. Lucifer shivered and gave a strained hello. They looked right up at him.
“There’s a second soul in my body.”
“Uuhhh, that’s… nice?” Lucifer responded, unsure.
“See. I told you.” Her shoulders slumped and he could feel the weight of the sadness in her from not being taken seriously.
“Yes. You did.” He and Lucifer said at the same time with differing inflections.
“Uhh, Charlie! Sweetie, your little friend is doing it again.” Lucifer backed up a step uneasily.
Charlie hurried over and cheered Nifty up by asking if she wanted to kill some bugs. Off they went, even climbing in the vents.
Adam complained but Nifty just giggled. After what seemed like forever he could feel their face grin as she looked through a vent straight over a fancy looking bed.
“Almost time.” She ducked back and Adam saw a spell cast in the dirt.
The door opened and he heard the rustling of clothing.
“Nifty?” Lucifer’s voice rang out. “If you’re here come out now and I won’t be angry.”
How often did she spy on Lucifer??
The spell in the dirt glowed.
He heard a sigh of relief and realized the spell was shielding Nifty from Lucifer.
There was more rustling and a drawer opening and closing. Nifty peeked their head up to see again.
Lucifer was completely naked. The vent had a good view of his hard cock and his closed eyes as he touched his chest and dick. Adam couldn’t close their one big eye and he was forced to watch as Lucifer moaned and groped his flat chest.
As a hand slid down slowly to his dick and he pumped it.
Then the buzzing started.
Adam had been transfixed on Lucifer and hadn’t seen the toy.
Lucifer started to tease his ass with the vibrator, pouring a generous amount of lube before pushing it in roughly. “Oh yeah.” He moaned. “Nice and rough. Come on, daddy can take it. Wreck my ass.” He dirty talked himself and fucked himself harder.
Burying it deep inside of him, Lucifer panted.
Nifty undid the latch and Lucifer frozen as Nifty tumbled down onto the bed.
Lucifer let out an indignant scream and tried to cover himself but Nifty was too fast.
“Tag! You’re it!” She shouts and slapped the vibrator deeper into Lucifer.
Adam panicked for a second thinking she was pushing him into Lucifer. Only to realize he was in a dark, warm, space.
Oh no.
He heard Lucifer scream as he/the vibrator was shoved completely inside of him.
“NIFTY YOU CUNT! YOU DERANGED CUNT!” Adam screamed fruitlessly. Knowing he couldn’t be heard.
“Hello?” Lucifer’s voice was muffled. “Is someone there?”
“Lucifer?” Adam tried. “Can you hear me?”
“Yes?… sort of… hang on. I have to get this thing out of me.”
Adam could feel Lucifer’s fingers grasp at the edge of his handle. How Lucifer’s ass squeezed him.
If he could get an erection as a formless invisible soul blob, he’d have one. Lucifer was so tight.
Slowly he was worked out and dropped gently on the bed.
“Okay. What soul is here? And where?”
Adam could see the whole room. The worst part being an object is no direct eyes so he kind of just saw everything. Including Lucifer gaping ass.
“It’s me! You as-“ he almost said asshole, but thought better of it. “Fucker!”
He rolled his eyes. “Oh me! That narrows it down. You’re a bit of a douche bag, you know that? … Adam?”
If Adam jaw could drop it would. “Fuck you!”
“Hey buddy. You survived! Good for you. Now where are you?” Lucifer was looking around the room, not bothering to cover himself.
“Well, you know how you complain about my being a pain in your ass?”
Lucifer’s eyes fell on Adam. “No.”
“You’re a tight bitch. You know that?”
Gold flared over Lucifer’s face. “Oh you fucker! Did you get Nifty to do this?!”
“Ha! No. I don’t like being in objects. I can’t get out unless someone dislodges me. That freak surprised me too.”
They lapsed into silence before Adam asked, “wait, how can you hear me?”
“I’m the king of hell. I have dominion over all the souls in hell. Even the lost ones. I can hear any soul that wants my attention. I don’t usually listen or care. But I can.” Lucifer picked him up. “You know, Nifty kind of interrupted me. How about a little fun before we put you in something more mobile?”
Adam hated that he wasn’t saying no.
Lucifer turned him back on and shoved Adam back into his ass. Adam enjoyed that tight heat more than he should have. He liked the way Lucifer moaned and talked dirty to him.
“God, fuck me, Adam. You’re hitting all the right spots. I wish this was your cock. Fucking me good and deep. I want to feel your cum in me. Making me drip all day.” It didn’t take Lucifer long to cum and he laid there, a moaning mess with Adam still vibrating inside him.
Pulling Adam out, Lucifer had trouble walking straight to the bathroom to clean him off.
“So did you get anything from that?” Lucifer asked earnestly.
“Metaphorical blue balls. I can’t cum but apparently I can get turned on.”
“I got a few more toys we can play with. See if we can get you over that edge.” Lucifer ran is hands over Adam and bit his lip. His dick was already starting to harden again.
“I’d rather have a body back.”
Lucifer hummed and went to the bedside table. “Sure but I’ll have to figure out how. In the meantime. How about meeting my friends?”
He opened a drawer and Adam saw a bunch of sex toys.
Reaching in, Lucifer rummaged around. “I promised you something more mobile right? So let’s save that fleshlight for later, when I can fuck you. If it has a battery can you move?”
Adam tried it and turned himself on and back off. “Seems so.”
“Oh that’s hot. Okay. Butt plug it is.”
Adam didn’t have time to protest as Lucifer knocked him into the new toy. Quickly he found himself back in Lucifer.
“Okay. Now you can have some fun. I’m going to get dressed and go down for some dinner, then look up some spells. Feel free to turn yourself on, it has some speeds and even some small thrusting. Just have fun driving me nuts as I try to keep a straight face in front of everyone. See if you can get off. Feel free to get nasty too. I’m the only one that can hear you anyways.”
“Doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice.” Adam grumbled.
“You can always say no.”
“Well, let’s not go crazy here.” Adam could spend a few hours teasing Lucifer in front of a crowd.
See if he could humiliate the guy. Get him to cum in from of his kid. “Anything off limits?”
“Haven’t found any yet. But how about I mention Nifty got into my room again if I hit one?”
“Fucking deal.”
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homeofwyrm · 3 months
Ive recently stumbled upon your blog and I absolutely love your style, i just wanted to know if you have any art tips?
also any tlt headcannons?
First, my inbox is doing this fun thing where I can see I have stuff in it, but I can't actually see it, so sorry if this is answered super late!
but THANKS! <3 That's very sweet and I really appreciate it :)
You have spoiled me by asking about art so I'm going to put waaaaay to much yapping under the cut to keep this post scrollable.
I have a LOT of TLT head canons, so here's a few: (Spoilers?)
Anastasia can't swim/doesn't know how to swim (Possibly taught how by someone else)
Samael was Anastasia's son (Heard about it once and loved it ever since)
Corona would actually be a pretty good Cav, as far as combat skill goes
Harrow is probably average height, if not a little bit below average, but everyone else is just fucking big.
Art Yapping below:
My art tips will probably sound really boring but honestly, regardless of what style or medium you use, fundamentals are super important. So 3D shapes, proportions, anatomy, perspective (my weakest by far) etc. It's very similar to music where once you learn the basic chords and scales, you can sort of extrapolate on that to create your own sound. Additionally USE REFERENCES! Holy shit, especially when branching out with subject matter, or shape, or just the angle of a hand, references are your friend and everyone should use them. All artists ever in history have used them at all experience levels. Drawing from imagination is awesome and super useful but you have to grow your mental library first to be able to do that.
It's also important to just do it, and to push beyond your comfort zone even if it doesn't come out exactly how you want the first 100 times you do it. At the bare minimum, it's far harder to practice something and NOT improve. Even just drawing boxes and cylinders at different angles is a great way to practice for anything art related.
Probably the most important is to be patient with yourself. Some days you'll feel great about the art you do and it feels easy, and lots of days it will feel impossible and you'll wonder why you can't seem to keep a line straight when just the other day it felt so easy. But those days are just as important. Even from just the time I started posting here, about 80% of these things I've drawn don't end up here because they didn't come out right or how I pictured, but it's still worth it to do them. Friction makes a fire, or whatever.
Anyway, I could talk about this forever, but instead here are some links to stuff I like/use (humanoid/character specific):
Masculine Head reference
Feminine head reference
FrameSet (Media stills)
Proko's art channel. This has a TON of free talks, demos and guest spots that are easy to follow and super informative
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breachverse · 2 years
Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 14 - 10th of February 2023
I didn't think I'd be able to finish it this month considering my hard drive decided to corrupt itself, but, goddamn, I did it.
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WIP Update 14 has been released! Chapter 2 Part 2 for both routes have started all the way up to the first chance of a downtime. Though you can't hangout with anyone, except for Hayne, you can now enjoy the limited shop for both the Archangel AND the FBI route, as well as the completed skill training feature.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#14 (10-February-2023)
Alpha - 14
Tons of bug fixes typos and grammar fixes
Added the ability to buy plasma cutter pre-hangout
Added ARC skills training and store (limited)
Added FBI skills training and store (very limited)
Fixed FBI armory not being free. (Everything should now be free)
Tweaked a few of the weapon's descriptions to be available for both routes
Tweaked several weapon accessories token modifiers
Tweaked available accessories for the UTS-15
Added Flash Grenades
Added AR-10 Battle rifle (I know, I'm calling it one)
Added KSG-12 Shotgun
Added RPD Machine gun
Added AK-12 Assault rifle
Alpha - 14
Added Chapter Part restart feature to Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Settings tab to the Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Cheats tab to the Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Hayne's 1st hangout
W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The AA branch (23%) W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The FBI branch (23%) W.I.P.: AA Hangout (9%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (60%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout (9%) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (50%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade (30%) COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 1 of The AA branch (100%) COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 1 of The FBI branch (100%)
Word Count: 656,856 words including codes (Last update was 637,822)
The private testing for this was uploaded last month so technically I managed to get an update out once month but still… it was quite a delay and I'm terribly sorry.
For those who don't know, I had a horrible setback in which my computer's hard drive decided to bork itself and I had to reinstall windows. I lost a small number of data but it took me some time to rebuild my database and retrieve data from my corrupted hard drive. Thankfully, Breach itself is saved due to the number of backups I've made and the precaution of having multiple copies on different hard drives.
More detail on the situation on this post if you want to see the exact problem I was having.
But, all of that is past now and though I am still building up everything again, I was able to get my workspace back in order and thankfully, I've managed to finish this damn update before the end of the month for private testing, and added a few things for the public update.
The update also consists some scenes for the ARC route where if you choose to do the prep work for the grate work or wall work in the tunnels under the bank, as well as some new scenes for the FBI route where [spoiler]if you let Greg escape during the raid, he'll want to meet with you and he'll give you some secrets about the trio.[/spoiler]
I'm sorry it's taken so long, and thank you for being so patient. It's not a huge update, but it features the shop and the skill training system in-game where you can buy and change your gear however you wish, though the FBI armoury is quite limited for now.
Thank you all for your patience.
Much love! ❤️
Link to the CoG Forums post
I also have a Discord server!
As always feel free to drop however many screenshot feedbacks you'd like, either in the forums or in our Discord channel!
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signanothername · 3 months
Sorry if I'm bothering you, but what is Earth Spark? I've never heard of it and I can't find it on the streaming sites I have. May I get a run threw from you please?
Thanks, and of course. You can always delete this. Have a good day/night or whatever time zone you are in.
Hello!! Not a bother at all! Please never fear sending as many asks as you wish! /gen <333 ( I saw your other ask and i plan on answering it too dw <3333)
Earthspark is a Transformers show! Its full name is actually “Transformers Earthspark”
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The show has old transformers characters that have appeared before in the franchise and introduces completely new characters, which means the show has a lot of freedom to explore beyond the usual limits of only having old characters
It plays around with unique concepts as well as explores themes of acceptance, life after war, mental health, gender identities (there’s an explicitly stated nonbinary character in this show called Nightshade <333) and many other moral and social concepts
So far the show has season 1 with 26 episodes, and it recently had its first batch of season 2 released with 10 episodes
It’s a really fun show! Unfortunately the only streaming site you can find it on is Paramount :(
So people have resorted to other methods to watch it, if you would like to watch it yourself, and you can’t/don’t want to use Paramount, you can find helpful links which are provided by fans of the show on this blog @transformers-earthspark
If you’d like to watch it but don’t want any spoilers before you do, I would advise you filter out the tag “earthspark spoilers” or any of its variants so you won’t get spoiled before watching, considering season 2 was very recently released so people are talking about the show nonstop rn
I’d be honest and say that if you want to watch it but know nothing of Transformers as a whole, then you might be a bit lost cause this show explores the aftermath of war that the other shows/comics/games usually present in the franchise
However the fandom is genuinely so very kind and welcoming, and i believe if you were to ask around about the concepts you don’t understand, people would be very willing to help without judgement (feel free to ask me of you’d like too, would absolutely love to help out)
That’s about it! Hope that’s a good run through! Happy watching if you do! <33333
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
Joel Miller X Fem!Reader - Last of Us - Part 7
A/N: read part 1 ! read part 2 ! read part 3 ! read part 4! read part 5! read part 6! Taglist: @midgetpottermills @casssiopeia @flyingmushroomss @amethystwonders11 @hiphopdancer101universe @kiszkawagnerwhore @littleshadow17 @rh1nestonecowg1rl @alm0501 @ch4rcuterie @lodeddiperrodrick @amandalove1355 @laurathefahrradsattel @moshpot24x @middleof-thenight @kettlechips3 @happymakercollectorsworld @alainabooks143 @mikariell95 @superbreadsoul @twd-rocks-blog @livmadsen11 @sage-bun @emmy626 @somenerdyuser @vitavenio @yjnicks @littleshadow17 @honeybunzzzz @thenovelcarnival @shypositivitywritinghorse
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Warnings: dark themes; substance abuse; post-apocalyptic dystopia; death of reader's minor child; probably a lot of non-canon details since I've never played the game; not proofread; spoilers if you haven't seen the show/played the game Word Count: 2132 Abbreviations: QZ = quarantine zone; FDRA "Fedra" = Federal Disaster Response Agency
“Ellie. Please. We have to stop.”
You felt your body weight go slack against the young girl. She grunted, managing to set you down in the stairwell quietly although not gently. You couldn’t blame her - she’d been practically dragging you for the last half mile. Your breathing was shallow and fast, your forehead beading with sweat. 
“Not a good idea,” she whispered back. The effort of dragging your feverishly dead weight had blunted down her feisty comebacks.
What had started as pain from your obviously broken ribs had morphed into something much more dangerous throughout the evening and into the late hours of the following night. You’d almost forgotten about the gash on your hand from where you’d cut it open on the propane truck. The wound had scabbed over by the time you’d come to later that day. If you’d paid closer attention, you probably would have noticed the yellow pus mixed with the dried blood on your hand, a telltale sign of the infection that was now burning through your body like a wildfire. The meager pace you’d set off with had slowed to nonexistent by this point. Unlike the night before, there was no moonlight to aid in your trek. Between the lack of light and your failing health, it was beginning to become clear that the QZ was a distant wish. Your best bet now was to hand over your supplies to Ellie, point her in the right direction, and hope that she would be able to direct someone back to you before the fever took you or an infected found you. 
You said as much to the girl, gesturing weakly to the shoulder straps of your backpack. Her eyes widened in fear, the whites around her irises the brightest points in the dark stairwell you’d collapsed in.
“I don’t know the way,” she whispered back. 
“That way,” you mumbled, vaguely pointing in the direction you thought the QZ was. For all your initial confidence, you and Ellie had doubled back at least three separate times when you’d clearly overshot the QZ. Between Marlene’s unusual route to the rendezvous point and the chaos of the horde’s chase, you had been much more disoriented than you’d realized. You and Ellie were paying for that now - you, perhaps with your life.
“I… I can’t. I don’t know where to go.” Ellie’s protests were weakening, although no less fearful. You squeezed her hand, your eyelids lolling close to shut. 
“You have to, Ellie. I’m sorry, but this is as far as I can go. I’ll just wait here until you can send someone back for me.” 
You sounded much braver than you felt. The fever had sapped so much of your energy that the panic you knew you should feel didn’t translate to your voice.
“How will I know where to send them?” she asked, reaching up to slide the straps of your pack down your arms. You wiggled as much as you could muster, shrugging free of the heavy bag with a sigh of relief.
“On your way out, check the street signs at the nearest intersection.” 
She nodded shakily, gulping down her fear as she rifled through your bag, picking out a few supplies and adding them to her own pack. She handed you the canteen strapped to the outside of your bag. It was near empty - like hers - and you gulped down the last few drops of warm water greedily. 
Feeling yourself slipping towards a feverish sleep, you slid the gun at your waist from its holster, trying to make a show of checking the rounds for Ellie’s benefit. You knew you only had two rounds left. And using them would attract more attention than it was worth. The grim thought of saving one for your own personal use crossed your mind. 
“It’ll be alright, kid. Just take your time. Get to high ground if you get lost, you should be able to see the QZ from there.” 
Ellie nodded, pain and terror written all over her face. For all her spunk, she was still just a kid. Like Gabriel. You gave her what you hoped was a reassuring smile, clinging to the edges of consciousness. She turned away from you, disappearing back down the darkened stairwell in the half-blown up office building and out into the street below. You waited until you heard the soft click of the front door close behind her to let your head fall heavy against the wall as a fever dream took you.
Marlene had been right: it was the largest horde Joel had ever seen. He’d managed to push open the emergency access door carved into the side of the T tunnel an inch or two, his eyes straining against the dark. Even in the moonless night, he could make out the shapes of at least three hundred infected, shambling around the otherwise vacant street where Marlene had managed to shake them by slipping into the tunnel. Without a quarry to hunt, they’d fallen into a state of idleness, shuffling around aimlessly. Careful not to make a sound, Joel closed the emergency access door with painstaking slowness. Swallowed in the total darkness of the tunnel, he flicked on his flashlight and sat on his haunches, considering his options. 
Unlike Marlene, Joel didn’t know the old T maps well enough to say where he’d end up if he followed this tunnel further down. He felt confident he’d find another egress somewhere - the size of this tunnel and the rusted out remains of side-by-side tracks confirmed that this had been a major thoroughfare before the outbreak. Major routes meant more maintenance, which meant more access doors. How far away the next one was, he couldn’t say.
Walking alone in the darkness for the last two hours had given him enough time alone with his thoughts to consider his best course of action. After the initial horror of realizing you were alone in the open city had dulled somewhat, he’d realized that the chances of you being exactly where Marlene had last seen you were slim. In fact, if you were still alive and mobile, you’d probably be trying to get back to the QZ, which meant in all likelihood Joel had already passed underneath you at some point. He was walking away from the QZ, and you were (hopefully) walking towards it. 
That fact alone probably should have made him turn back. But for some reason - a reason he couldn’t quite explain - Joel’s instincts were tugging him outwards, deeper into the open city. He remembered the snarky response he’d given you the night after he’d interrupted Dirk Reynold’s ambushing you in that abandoned playground: a sixth sense for your well-being. He hadn’t realized it at the time, but Joel was beginning to feel that there was something buried deep in his mind that felt like it was calling out to you. Like radar picking up on a beacon. It didn’t make sense to him - not in the least - but he’d decided to trust it. As he stood up, shifting the weight of his supplies on his back and angling the beam of his flashlight deep into the blackness of the tunnel, Joel Miller realized this was the first time he’d trusted anything in years.
You heard something in the darkness. A piece of rock, ricocheting down the stairs several floors above you. You tried to open your eyes, but your lids felt like lead curtains. It was so dark in the building that you weren’t sure it would make a difference to have your eyes open anyways.
There it was again. Another scuttling, distant clanking. 
You wanted to call out, to ask who was there. Who had found you? Your throat was so dry that the only sound you could make was a weak croak.
More pebbles clicking on cement stairs. Closer now. 
Who’s there?
You licked your cracked, parched lips and managed to swallow thick, stale-tasting phlegm enough to produce actual sounds.
The noise stopped, suddenly. 
Your heart shuddered in its chest. You knew that voice.
Your body responded instinctively, your legs trying to get purchase on the stair underneath you enough to lift you up. You marveled to realize that your ribs didn’t hurt anymore. Your eyes still weren’t open.
“Mama! Is that you? Where are you?”
Some distant and receding corner of your mind yelled out that this wasn’t right. Gabriel was gone. 
You hesitated only a moment before that thought vanished into the fog of fever. 
“Gabriel! I’m here, baby. I’m here!” 
The sound of tiny little pebbles cascading down stairs started again. It was much closer this time, the floor directly above you.
“I’m here, baby!”
Your legs inexplicably crumpled underneath you. You collapsed hard on the stairs, your chin slamming down on the stone and sending a shockwave of pain up into your skull as your teeth smashed into each other. The metallic, salty taste of blood filled your mouth. 
“Mama! Where are you?”
You tried to rise again, your legs slipping fruitlessly on the stone. You vaguely registered pain in one of your knees. The gun you’d been holding loosely in one hand slipped out, the sound of metal on stone ringing in your ears as it bounced down a few steps before sliding to a stop on the landing below. 
Another sound joined the first. A clicking noise. Clicking…
“GABRIEL!” You fought to scream, but your throat didn’t cooperate. Even your body’s instinctual drive was beginning to give way to an iron curtain of unconsciousness. 
Your awareness slipped out of your body as a pair of strong hands grasped you under your armpits. You were vaguely aware of a man’s voice, deep and familiar, calling your name as the world went to black… 
The ache in Ellie’s shoulders had twisted her muscles into rocks. She grimaced, hiking her laden backpack up higher on her back in an effort to relieve some of the pressure. It helped, but only a little. 
Dawn was breaking, an anemic gray haze peeking up over the eastern horizon. Up ahead of her, a wall rose out of the otherwise empty streets. Four stories tall at least, with barbed chicken wire in tightly coiled loops at the top, and watch towers with searchlights lazily sweeping back and forth across the still-dark cityscape below. She’d made it: the QZ. 
Where to go from here, Ellie wasn’t entirely sure. She couldn’t risk going through the maingate. They’d test her for infection. Standard protocol. And even though Ellie knew she wasn’t at risk of turning, she doubted that she’d be able to get a FDRA agent who’d just seen a positive reading on their scanner to listen long enough to avoid being shot. 
No, she’d have to make her own way in. Marlene and the Fireflies used secret ways to get in and out of the QZ, so Ellie would too. The only problem was, she didn’t know where these secret ways were. And she doubted they’d be advertised. Her best bet was to wait and hope that she’d run into someone coming or going through a non-FDRA gate. 
Ellie cast a glance around the buildings close by. FDRA had leveled most of the structures closest to the wall for security purposes, leaving behind a pock-marked landscape of overturned vehicles and rubble. Not many advantageous places to hole up for a day. With daylight threatening to remove the cover of darkness, Ellie had to think quickly. 
She retraced her steps back away from the wall until she was out of range of FDRA’s floodlights. From there, she made her way three blocks to the northeast, circling the wall, keeping close enough to see it but far enough away to avoid being seen. Finally, she settled on a still-intact guard shack posted at the gate of what she thought may have been a parking lot before the outbreak. Now it was mostly an overgrown lot with a handful of RV’s parked haphazardly in one corner. Probably one of the early survivor camps, judging by some of the anti-infected graffiti still visible on the moldy campers. 
Settling down in the guard shack, Ellie took a small, rationed sip of the water she still had left. She’d have to wait until sunset before reapproaching the wall; no one would be going in or out of the QZ in broad daylight anyways. Resigning herself to a day of waiting, she unzipped her hoodie and draped it over her shoulders backwards, using it as a makeshift blanket, her backpack nestled between her legs and her back buttressed against the door of the shack. As she let her eyes drift close, sleep waiting not far behind, she wondered where you were, and if you’d managed to make it til dawn...
read part 8 here **let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters! ty to everyone showing this series so much love! &lt;33
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carmillascrusade · 4 days
hey, welcome back :) ! congratulations on 100+ followers! i saw that youre opening requests again so why not i pop in one!
its for agatha! i dont know if you have watched her show yet but dont worry this is a spoilers free zone!! i was wondering if you would write a fic of her with the reader being in a rivals to lovers kind of thing? the reader also being a powerful and known witch and they just never seen each other in a good light?
in some way or another they had to work together or smth and they started to warm-up to each other, becoming friends and maybe something more?? wink wink
(this is probably kinda long and kinda specific and i'm sorry! its always your call if you wanna ignore this or not so please, do what you want!) have a good day!
Omg don’t. I’ve watched the show like three times already😭 I’m afraid my Agatha hyper fixation is coming back after being dormant for a good few year.
This is my excuse to make an overpowered reader character lmao.
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sugoi-writes · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a Tanjiro's smut? (dom reader)
It's okay if you don't want to as I see a lot of writer considered his age...
Thank you!😘
I gave it some thought, and I'll be doing this.... as a 2 parter! Because I've been having fun with longer works. We're gonna lead slowly into the smut, but I promise it's there/coming. (Heh)
Keep in mind, Tanjiro is aged up and a Hashira, and this fic is spoiler-free for the most part. Featuring a Kakushi, F!Reader. No real trigger warnings other than you recovered from a bad injury, your relationship is low-key, and there's some nudity. Enjoy!
A faint knock comes to the door, making you lift your head.
"Come in!," you proclaim, before the door slides open. Through this, Kamado Tanjiro is revealed to you, carrying a small bundle of wildflowers with him.
You feel your heart swell, as you instantly reach out to to him, anticipating his embrace. Tanjiro is quick to come to you, kissing your cheek as he wraps his free arm around you.
"Ready to be discharged?," he asks, before you shake your head.
"Not quite. Aoi is gathering some medicine together for me to take. As long as I talk it diligently for the next few days, I should be a-okay."
Tanjiro sighs, looking relieved," It's strange to be on the other side of things... especially with a Kakushi getting hurt in my sted."
You laugh, lifting your shirt slightly to reveal the fully closed wound across your abdomen," Right? It's weird for me too... but at least I'm cleared for home rest, for now. And, no more infection to worry about!"
Tanjiro sets your bouquet aside for a moment, his hand tracing over the scar that was soon to form," I know... I'm glad that things are finally looking up again."
You lean up and kiss his cheek, chuckling," I just know that you worried yourself far too much... but, hopefully a day together can put your mind at ease."
Tanjiro presses his forehead against yours, lightly 'head butting' you playfully," It would... it will, I should say. And I'm going to carry you all the way home." You feel your face heat up, childishly shoving him away.
"N-No way!!! Tanjiro, I can walk on my own--!!"
The door opens suddenly, making the two of you jump and seperate quickly. Aoi, not looking to either of you, seems to be juggling multiple things," Sorry for the intrusion: I finally have your medicine!"
You huff, relief flooding your body. The sooner you were out of there, the sooner you could make up for lost time. Tanjiro listens to Aoi's warnings and recommendations, just in case, as she talks away. He knows you tend to zone out when someone is scolding/talking at you like this.
He can't help but want to reach over and hold your hand, but he buried the thought, considering your feelings before outing your sneaky relationship.
When Aoi bids the two of you good day, Tanjiro looks back to you gleefully, offering a hand. You take it gingerly, and for the first time in weeks, you manage to get to your feet without much difficulty.
"Let's go, then!" You chime, tugging Tanjiro along as you make your way out from the Butterfly Estate. You smile and bid all of the ladies and girls of the estate well, as they and others wish for your health and prosperity. Again, Tanjiro can't help the look he gives you, one that's so full of love and longing, that he wishes he could just kiss you now. A few of the older girls happen to notice this, gossiping behind cupped hands. But for now, Tanjiro could always wait a little longer...
As the two of you start making the familiar trek to your estate, Tanjiro grins, looking around for any on lookers.
"Okay, it seems the coast is clear.... SO THEN--!!"
You yelp in surprise when Tanjiro scoops you up, before breaking into a light jog. You flail as your arms instinctively loop around his neck,"T-Tanjiro!!! I told you I could walk just fine!"
Your partner just smiles mischievously at you, a glint in his eye," I know... but I have plans for us today! I don't want to waste a single moment!"
You groan, your defeat holding your embarrassment at bay," You're lucky you're so cute when you get like this...," you grumble, leaning your head against him as his pace increases.
You feel your eyes open when you're set down, grogginess overwhelming you.
"I didn't think I was THAT comfy~" Tanjiro teases, ruffling your hair as you groan.
"D-Did I really fall asleep...? Ahh, sorry... the medicine must've worn me out..."
Tanjiro comes to sit beside you on your bed, a hand coming to rest on your thigh," I was thinking... You'd probably want a warm bath, to celebrate being home, right?," Tanjiro offers, making you hum.
"Yeah... a bath sounds nice, actually," you practically coo, stretching as Tanjiro stands.
"Just wait right there, then, and I'll get it going for you--," you tug on the sleeve of his haori suddenly, your face feeling hot.
"A-Actually... if you're going through the trouble, and you're all hot and sweaty too... would you want to join me?"
Tanjiro's eyes widen for a moment, before his face blooms a deep red," W-Well... I don't think that that'd be a very-- uhh-- productive bath..."
And then there were the puppy dog eyes: the eyes that killed Tanjiro every time.
He rolls his eyes, going to ruffle your hair again as he turns to walk away" But I guess we could make that happen. Today is all about you, and what you'd want to do today." You blink, a little surprised. You didn't think he'd finally agree to something like this so easily... maybe you should ask more?
"O-oh... y-yeah, I-- thanks, Tanjiro," you stammer, a grin slowly growing," I-I'll come join once you're ready... okay?"
Tanjiro nods, methodically performing the routine of running your bath, just how you liked it. While he's out of the room, you opt to change out of your hospital attire, finding a comfortable lounge robe. You swallowed your nervous feeling welling up in your throat, as you decided to omit your undergarments. Though this had been far from the first time he's seen you like this... something about this just felt especially intimate to you. That, or you were utterly touch starved by this point. Who could really say?
When Tanjiro calls for you, you make your way to the washroom, to the tub that awaited you. Hot steam exited the room, as Tanjiro was removing his blouse.
He looks to you, face hot as he eyes your robe," S-So, you're already ready, then..." You nod, attempting to be boldn in place of meek," Did you really want to undress me that badly, Kamado?"
Tanjiro could only flush harder, removing the rest of his clothing," And is it a bad thing if I did?" You snort, going to cover your mouth. You read him like a book.
You open your arms out to him, allowing him to walk over and undo your robe fastenings, before he tenderly slides your garment off of you. As he took in the sight of your recent injuries, and your body overall, he's blissfully happy. He's eternally grateful that you were still here, and that you weren't harmed anymore than you were. His hands brushed across your lower back so gently, it was as if he were scared to break you.
"So... anything on your mind?," you prod, leaning against Tanjiro's chest. You loosely wrap your arms around his neck, keeping him close.
He smiles, kissing your cheek as he embraces you back," Just about how beautiful you are, love... but, we should probably go and enjoy the water before it gets cold."
You hum, nodding as he leads you over and helps you in first. For a moment, you both fumble as you try to figure out where Tanjiro should be, before he opts to sit behind you.
You lean back into your lover once he's settled, sighing contently. Tanjiro can't help but mirror your sigh as a powerful but gentle arm hugs you close, squeezing lightly. He inhales, smiling as he fondly recalls your scent," I missed you so much, Y/N..."
You chuckle, looking back to kiss him on his jaw," I missed you too, Tanjiro... but, at least we're together like this versus in a stiff hospital room..." Tanjiro nuzzles into you, breathing you in again.
"Mm-hmm... 'glad to be back at your home, for now."
For a moment, the two of you stay this way, before you feel familiar hands explore your body," Did you want me to wash your back for you?"
You chuckle, knowing it was a very obvious attempt to touch you more intimately. You grind ever so slightly on him, as you look back to him, trying to act coy. You sit forward a bit, biting your lip as you hear him gasp.
"Go right ahead, pretty boy."
You could feel his restraint swaying, as a trembling hand reaches for a washcloth and soap. You couldn't even scold him when the cold soap touches your back; his hands radiated a heat that you were all-too familiar with.
You looked straight ahead, pretending that this had no affect on the current situation. You feel that your attempts are working, as Tanjiro's free hand gently holds your hip, keeping you in place.
"I think you missed a spot, dear..." You muse suddenly. He doesn's get a chance to speak before you're pushing your rump back against him, arching your back," A little lower, I think~?"
Tanjiro was throbbing from your teasing, biting his lip as the cloth ventured lower," R-Right, of course..." You almost felt the need to pout as he held himself back, wanting to wait and not rush into things. Partially, you figure, because you're not fully recovered yet.
The tension was enough to make you squeeze your legs together,"Baby...," you command softly, your voice lowering. Tanjiro's throat runs dry, his hand ceasing its circular path.
You glance back, your eyelids lowered," Did you really miss me...? As much as you said?"
Tanjiro almost looks panicked as he nods," O-Of course! Every day, my love... I couldn't wait to see you--"
"Did you want hold me close?" Tanjiro's lip quivered as your voice seemed to drip with desire " Y-Yes..."
You swivel around a bit, your breasts coming into view as you brushed up against his manhood again," And...did you miss fucking me?"
Between the alluring angle, and the way your voice melded into his mind, he was absolutely melting. Tanjiro's face went through multiple stages of embarrassment and desire, but he ultimately nodded, casting your washcloth aside. You yelp in surprise when he grabs you by your waist, pulling you flush against him. Your breath hitches when familiar, gentle lips kiss at the crook of your neck.
"Without a doubt, Y/N. I want you... even now. Especially now."
You smile, pulling away from him before leaning over the edge of the tub. You can hear his breath becoming more labored as your wet slit was basically eye level with his face," Show me, then... won't you, Kamado?"
Tanjiro's breath ghosted across your bare sex as he leans forward, both hands coming up to knead the flesh of your ass.
"I plan to: full heartedly~"
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hi! call me:
(and if you know me, ricky works just fine too!)
i’m your friendly neighborhood blogger. he/they/it, but neos work too! i don’t have time to care, to be honest.
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no real main theme for this blog, just whatever I hyperfixate on, really! but my interests include
🩵 - comics! mainly read dc and the occasional idw comic (i’d like to read more tmnt and marvel stuff, so please dump your recs in my askbox) but i also LOVE indie stuff so give me any cool ones you find.
my personal recs;
spill zone (fun style, representation, 14+ indie comic. had a lot of fun reading it)
the boy wonder (also fun style, 13+ dc miniseries. really well written and super accessible to people not used to comics, and worth your time no matter how deep-in the understanding of characters you are.)
nightwing: rebirth (loads of fun to me, but i haven’t finished it yet!)
robin lives! (pretty neat! suffers from ‘bruce wayne is an angry parent’ syndrome, but interesting imo)
🩵 - yellowjackets! i’m mainly here for the cannibalism but thank you @the-lonelyshepherd for doing the civil service of getting me to like it. NOT FINISHED WITH SEASON TWO ‼️‼️ NO SPOILERS ‼️‼️
🩵 - poppy playtime! alright i KNOW it’s not the best horror game out there but i enjoy it. unfortunately i do not have a pc and can’t play it though…
🩵 garten of banban (IRONICALLY. I PROMISE. it’s fun to watch the chaos).
🩵 - warrior cats! a recovering warrior cats kid. sorry
🩵 - musical theater! all of it, really, but my personal favorites
(ironically) spider-man: turn off the dark
the lightning thief
in the heights
grease (complicated relationship w grease… the sexism is. sexism-ing)
jekyll and hyde
🩵 - tmnt! mainly 2018 and 2012 — i haven’t seen 2024, much of 2003, or much of ‘87 or the 90s movies. but i want to!
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my thoughts, in general
i don’t have a dni. i’ll block you if you’re weird and that’s it. but with that said;
free palestine.
fuck nazis and republicans.
no rights for anyone until we have rights for all
black lives matter, cops are pigs.
my non-political thoughts that i feel like disclosing;
am i proship? am i antiship? no, i’m a person with a blog who doesn’t care (however for fictionkin reasons i block batcest and turtlecest, but i literally do not care. do what you want.) i do not actively ship anything, so ‘proship’ falls under that umbrella. i just reblog stuff i mildly enjoy— the only couple that consumes MY brain is my ocs.
i don’t believe in “problematic” media. sorry. i do, however, believe in not funding artists that are actively in hate groups, so write your hazmat hostel fanfiction, just don’t buy harry potter merch and we’re good.
i’m not here to get involved in discourse. bring me into it outside of my accord and i’ll block everyone involved unless i really truly care about them.
tag your shit and i don’t really care what you do. just make sure i can filter it and we’re good.
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that’s all!
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