#also if you saw the first version of this post no u didn’t
stanchett · 1 year
would yall believe me if I told you chapter 5 was finished too? 🤭
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 2 months
intrusive thoughts astro version
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mamoru yamamoto
I’ve noticed earth mars in signs or degrees gets aroused when their sexual partner it’s having a good time, adding that’s because of them.
if asteroid rhiannon (16912) it’s about running away, what would happen if it’s on 12H. ik what about it but 😭 I can’t help it but point it out.
rhiannon (16912) conjunct mercury means escape from situations thanks to their persuasiveness
return venus conjunct natal venus -in venus return chart-: you’re finding your aesthetic/style you feel more comfortable and that vibes with your vibe 😝. also the energy of your sign/house and degree is PRESENT, that’s why during all that period of time you could feel too prideful without hesitation. mine was sag venus 11H 6° (virgo degree), i was feeling a little too optimistic or enthusiastic and cut out people. you’re being kind of truth to yourself?
natal jupiter square return pluto -in venus return chart-: you’re in a period of rebirth and thanks to your lucky nature -natal jupiter- you’re deciding not to end it. wanting it or not, you have this feeling of overcoming things.
when I used placidus system, my moon was in 1H, then I used whole sign system and my moon changed to 2H. for a while I preferred placidus bc I didn’t feel seen by the 2H moon chart. then I realized the 2H characteristics where in front of me the whole time. I wanted to feel understood, 1H moon was comforting the idea that I’m sensitive and feel emotions insanely deep. besides, 2H moon it’s about craving for comfort and security. I was only focused on the financial part, the stereotypical and superficial part. it’s a good thing to compare both charts to analyze how they can guide you.
uranus 12h in Eros persona chart shows u crave for intimacy 😭
idk why every time I end up getting stressed and bored about a friend is when I have mercury square their neptune. -reading note: she’s still my friend, we just have different point of views or forms to process information. the mercury part doubts constantly about others opinions and arguments and they see neptune as impulsive and kind of ignorant, bc their way of believing in things.
referring to the solar eclipse -April 8, 2024- my 3H has been affected -aquarius ascendant-, days after, out of nowhere -I havent had connection with them- I’ve received a voice message from the lilith person I was talking about on my posts, someone I used to be friends and distanced myself away from them. I decided to listened to it on the day of solar eclipse without thinking thinking about this coincidence -solar eclipse, 3H is affected-.
natal neptune sextile transiting venus: i felt like I was high even though I took my tdah pills 😭 I was so in peace? I felt emphatic? transits with your dominant planet have a huge effect on your mood. mine’s neptune and was sextile transiting venus.
I’ve noticed people with saturn 8H are kind of like a libra venus, in a way they’re afraid their love experience won’t be as they dreamed. saturn 8H creates restrictions on sexual attitudes and matters. imo 8H mix love and sexual desires, they need something that would drag them out of their secure space, they’re afraid. they’re late bloomers when’s about their first kiss or etc.
3H stellium at a distant, it’s giving introvert or distant vibes, they try to process things logically and could be a little slow to catch a joke?
I have a friend I thought was mean and in her energy💅, could be described as intimidated. she’s the opposite. when I saw her birth chart it made total sense, coming from an aquarius ascendant -saturn ruled like capricorn-, I had no clue she was a saturn ruled. it always surprises me how defined some rising’s energies can be presented.
sun 4H brings a sense of familiarity, even more when your mars is 4H, you feel more comfortable with them -sun 4H-, they remind you of your family or the vibes.
pisces 7H in solar return chart could tell you’re expecting a lover, doesn’t mean you’re having one 😭 i swear this solar return was like that, I meet a person and then proceed to imagine a relationship with them.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ∗ ࣪ ˖༺ ♡ ༻˖ ࣪ ∗ */ᐠ - ˕ -マ✩ (˶˃ᆺ˂˶)∗ ࣪
♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
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defectivevillain · 11 months
this broken design, ch8
pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Reader
summary: “Dr. Lecter?” You blink a few times, convinced that you’re dreaming. The man’s gleaming eyes and concerned expression seem a bit too realistic to be conjured by your sleeping mind, though. You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen him look worried. You quickly decide that you don’t like it.
“Hannibal, please,” the doctor responds nonchalantly. You stare at him in utter confusion. Just what is happening right now? You thought you were dreaming, but this feels a bit too vivid. “What are you doing out here?”
read the story from the beginning here. [this won’t make sense otherwise.]
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[ao3 version]
apologies, the ao3 folks saw this first and i forgot to post it here 😔
Franklyn’s death is really weighing on you, even as the days continue to pass. Jack all but forces you out of the building, demanding that you take a few days off before returning. Normally, you’d jump at the chance for some free time. However, the last thing you need right now is more time to think. After an unnecessarily heated argument with Jack, he agrees to let you hold guest lectures. Unfortunately, that’s the extent of your current responsibilities. Instead of studying up on murder cases and investigating in the field, you’re confined to the classroom. It’s hard to hide your frustration and you find yourself struggling not to snap at inquiring students.
The newest class of FBI recruits is talented—that’s a given. However, they’re also far too confident in their abilities, which ends up being a hindrance. Confidence and self-assuredness can only take a person so far. When you go over the Garret Jacob Hobbs case with your class, you’re unsurprised to find that no one can produce an answer for how you narrowed in on him as a suspect. You end up having to dismiss the class early—both because of your increasing irritation and the pounding headache you’re beginning to develop. Unfortunately, your annoyed mood doesn’t deter everyone. Somehow, even after you’ve dismissed class and returned to your desk, a few students remain behind and ask you questions. You manage to get through those painfully awkward conversations and, after several minutes, you’re finally alone.
You put a hand on your temple and take a deep breath. The fluorescent lighting in the classroom is always bright, but now, it feels as if it’s burning into your eyes. You close your eyes for a blissful moment, allowing yourself to be submerged in the peaceful darkness. The clock in the far corner of the room is ticking rhythmically, the only sound to accompany the comfortable silence.
There’s a hand on your shoulder. You flinch awake and squint up at your newfound company, only to see Hannibal staring down at you with an indiscernible expression. Pain shoots through your ribs and you realize that the desk is jabbing into your skin. You slowly separate yourself from the desk, despite the compelling urge to close your eyes again.
“Good morning,” Hannibal remarks. You’ve grown to recognize that slight quirk of his lips as his attempt at concealing amusement. “It appears you didn’t get enough sleep last night.”
“What gave it away?” You answer wryly, your voice a bit raspy from your brief, unplanned nap. The lights above are burning into your vision again and it takes several moments for your eyes to adjust to the atmosphere. You take a deep breath and push your slightly-crumpled papers to the side. You can feel Hannibal scrutinizing the materials on your desk. It takes you a few moments to look up at him and realize that he isn’t paying any attention to the rather cluttered nature of your desk—it seems you were just imagining his judgment. You’re still grappling with the strange juxtaposition of growing closer to Hannibal, yet feeling as if you don’t understand him any better than before.
“Nightmares?” He asks.
You nod. “Only the usual blood and gore… murder and mayhem.” You don’t have the courage to expand on your nightmares or admit that you wake up every hour drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. You don’t mention how you have to mechanically walk to the sink and wash your hands, convinced that there’s blood spattered across your skin and staining your hands. You wipe a hand over your face and try to regain some semblance of composure. “Anyways, what are you doing here?” Hannibal rarely visits you at work—and right in your classroom, no less.
“Jack wants to speak with you,” Hannibal answers. “I was told to accompany you.” You idly wonder how well Hannibal took to being told what to do. Pushing the thought aside, you get to your feet and fall in step next to Hannibal as the two of you walk out of the classroom and towards Jack’s office.
“I spotted your name in a TattleCrime article.” Out of all the statements he could’ve used to break the silence between you, that one was an… interesting choice. You turn your head to the side and blink at him. Unsurprisingly, you can’t quite picture Hannibal Lecter sitting down and fervently reading an amateurish gossip tabloid. Perhaps you misjudged him.
“You read TattleCrime?” You ask, trying your best to keep the surprise from your voice. You shove your hands in your pockets and stare straight ahead, knowing you don’t have the energy to perform the socially-mandated eye contact. “You don’t seem the type.”
“It was an… intriguing read,” Hannibal admits. His shoes make slight pattering sounds as they click against the grey resin flooring. A few of your colleagues and coworkers stare as the two of you walk by. It seems that Hannibal is bound to draw attention wherever he goes. You almost feel like a shadow at his side, perpetually cursed to slip under the radar. Well, to others, that would be a curse; to you, it feels like a strange sort of blessing. No one pays you any attention as you walk down the halls of the bureau.
“The piece was rather timid for Freddie Lounds,” you acquiesce casually. The man at your side seems mystified by your comment and, for a few moments, the air falls to silence. You suppose the differences between Hannibal and you are rather pronounced in that regard. You can’t imagine Hannibal standing idly by amidst defamation. 
“She’s written about you before?” Hannibal eventually inquires.
“Many times,” you say with a grin. Hannibal doesn’t smile back. You suddenly feel the need to elaborate. “I don’t care. It’s not like I have the best reputation to begin with.” The rest of your walk to Jack’s office is filled with a tense silence. You’re not quite sure why Hannibal is taking issue with what you said, so you instead give in and let your thoughts wander to other matters.
A minute later, the two of you are standing across from Jack in his office. Jack starts going on a tangent about the Chesapeake Ripper—which you only partially listen to—before turning to ask Hannibal a few questions. You’re a bit embarrassed to admit that you zone out through the majority of their conversation, and it isn’t until the two of them are staring at you that you realize your misstep.
“Yes?” You ask, turning to look at Jack expectantly. The man’s eyebrows are furrowed and he looks mildly irritated at the thought of your distraction. He must realize that you had no intention of genuinely zoning out, because the exasperation quickly fades from his expression.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes.” You frown at him with furrowed brows. That is a rather unusual question for Jack to ask. In your working history with the man, you’ve never once heard him inquire about someone else’s well being in such a straightforward and brusque manner.
“You’ve been quiet,” Jack frowns, looking at you expectantly. “Any thoughts on the investigation? I’d like to hear what you have to say before sending you to Baltimore.” Jack and Hannibal are both looking at you now. You pinch the bridge of your nose and stare down at the floor. Your conflicting feelings must show in your expression, because Jack continues. “Your honest thoughts.” There is significant emphasis placed on the modifier in that sentence. The clock on the wall behind Jack ticks mockingly. Time seems to drag on in this frozen moment. You take a minute to review what you’ve heard so far. 
“I don’t think Abel Gideon is the Ripper,” You finally answer, knowing damn well that the Chesapeake Ripper you’re looking for is standing right across from you. “But it certainly doesn’t hurt to investigate all potential options.”
“Agreed,” Hannibal voices. You’re briefly struck with an intense, inexplicable irritation. Jack glances between the two of you and somehow seems to notice your growing anger. He raises his eyebrows at you. You take a deep breath and try to remain calm. When you’re overstimulated, it’s easy to get angry at other people for simply, well, existing. It’s hard not to get frustrated when you don't have as much control over the situation as you’d like. The reminder of another person’s mere presence—in this case, Hannibal’s—is enough to send you over the edge.
“I’d like to go alone,” you blurt out, quickly glancing at Hannibal before looking at Jack once more. Your boss seems to understand what you’re trying to say and he takes a deep breath.
“Hannibal,” Jack says diplomatically. “Do you mind if we have a private conversation?” Jack asks, his gaze still locked on you even as he speaks to Hannibal. The psychiatrist nods politely and leaves the room. The moment he leaves, you feel all the tension slowly seep from your shoulders. The occurrence doesn’t go unnoticed by Jack, whose brows furrow for a second.
“Are you sure you’re up for this, Agent?” Jack then asks scrupulously. You appreciate that he’s asking, but the hesitant manner in which he does so makes you feel as if you’re a fragile tea cup. Contrary to other people’s beliefs, you’re more than capable of handling yourself. You had done so for years without Hannibal’s assistance and you can continue to do so in his absence.
“I’ll be fine,” you answer quickly and determinedly. You clench your fists at your sides.
“Is there any reason why you requested to go alone?”
“I’m just burned out,” you respond honestly. As much as you enjoy Hannibal’s presence, you feel that you need time alone. You constantly have to monitor everything you do or say in front of the psychiatrist. That necessitated self-awareness, coupled with any preexisting environmental stimuli, can make you feel overwhelmed rather quickly. You don’t utter any of these thoughts aloud, but Jack seems to comprehend the underlying sentiment.
“Ah,” your boss says with an understanding nod. He folds his hands on his desk and levels you with an inquisitive gaze. Admittedly, it took you years to get used to Jack’s demanding stares. The power dynamics in your professional relationship made you feel as if you had to make eye contact with him in order to show proper respect. Thankfully, you eventually learned that the very notion was false. “Very well. You can go on the mission alone.”
“Thanks, Jack,” you smile slightly, feeling appreciative of your boss and his understanding. Jack Crawford can be rather stringent and assertive at times, but it’s during moments like these when you remember that he cares about your comfort in the workplace.
“And, Agent?” Jack asks. You raise a brow. “Be careful out there.” He continues. You appreciate the warning, but it sounds a bit ominous. Does Jack expect something to happen? You shake off the thought.
“Yes, sir,” You say before turning around, hitherto missing the way Jack’s eyebrows furrow at the honorific. You settle for leaving his office. Hannibal is waiting outside, but you walk past him and make your way back to your office alone.
In the blink of an eye, you find yourself standing before the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. As you look up at the building, the only thing you can feel is a profound sensation of dread. The hospital looms over you ominously, its dreary beige exterior making you feel rather uncomfortable. With each step you take, your resolve weakens. Maybe you should’ve had someone accompany you after all. You shake your head and grip the unnecessarily tall door, before stepping inside. The entrance hall is rather luxurious, despite your knowledge that the building is a government-funded prison. It takes you a moment to locate a sign and find Frederick Chilton’s office. Minutes later, you’re standing in front of an ornate wooden door that rests ajar, allowing you to see into the office. The man sitting at the desk looks up and gestures for you to come in.
“Hello, Dr. Chilton,” You decide to say, before moving to take a seat at the armchair across from his desk. The man’s attention is evidently pulled away from his papers, as he levels you with a scrutinizing gaze. You’re about to introduce yourself before understanding passes over his face and he seems to recognize you.
“The killer in the flesh,” Chilton remarks in amusement, leaning back in his chair and crossing his leg over his knee. You’re briefly struck with a resemblance to Hannibal, before you quickly do away with the thought.  Chilton possesses none of the effortless grace that Hannibal does. In fact, Frederick Chilton’s movements and posture just make him seem like he’s peacocking.
“You’ve been reading too much TattleCrime, Dr. Chilton,” you remember to say, making sure to plaster a smile on your face to lighten the blow. Thankfully, the doctor doesn’t immediately recoil or usher you out of the office.
Instead, Chilton laughs. You curse internally. It seems that your prickly responses have only increased his interest. “Maybe so,” he acquiesces, leveling you with a hungry gaze. You instinctively lean back in your chair. “Care for an hour-long consultation? Entirely free of charge, of course.”
“No thanks.” You respond quickly.
“Most people would jump at the chance to speak with me for an hour,” Chilton remarks casually. At least, you suspect that he wants to sound casual. Instead, you fear he just sounds pompous and arrogant. You have to grip at the fabric of your jacket to keep yourself from saying something you may regret.
“I’m not most people, as I’m sure you’ve realized,” you snap with a little too much venom, before taking a deep breath. Lashing out at him won’t get you any closer to a conversation with Gideon. “Anyway. I’m here to speak to Abel Gideon.” You look at Chilton expectantly. There’s an awkward silence that descends across the space, before the man sighs. He looks you up and down—in a manner that makes you profoundly uncomfortable—before shaking his head.
“Unfortunately, you lack the proper paperwork,” Dr. Chilton smiles sadly. You aren’t fooled—it’s clear that he doesn’t truly care about the inconvenience this will cause you. “I’ll cut you a deal, though. You can speak with him after our consultation appointment.” Is the idea of a consultation with you really so fascinating to him? Despite his desperation, you don’t intend to entertain the thought for even a moment. You’ve met many of Chilton’s type—mental health “professionals” that treat their clients as test subjects. You have no interest in becoming a case study.  
“Thank you for the generous offer, Dr. Chilton,” you say stiffly. “But I’ll have to decline; I’ll be back with that paperwork.” You don’t give him the chance to respond, instead rising from your seat and walking out of the office. You can feel the man’s gaze burning into your skin as you leave. It’s a different feeling than the one you get when Hannibal’s looking; that heated gaze of Chilton’s holds nothing but malice for you and hunger for your destruction. You can’t get out of the building fast enough.
After that catastrophe, you return to the institute and report your findings to Jack, who immediately grows irritated at the thought of you being turned away at the door. You can’t help but agree with him—you had really hoped to get everything finished with one visit. Honestly, the last thing you want to do is go to the hospital again. Unfortunately, it seems you don’t have a choice in the matter. Jack mentions that the paperwork should be ready within a few days and you’re effectively dismissed.
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“Dr. Chilton has taken a rather unprofessional interest in me,” you recount, crossing one leg over the other in your designated chair. You’re back at Hannibal’s office for your weekly appointment. You’re still waiting on that paperwork from Jack, but you know it’ll be ready soon. In the meantime, you’re content to puzzle out just why Frederick Chilton seemed so interested in you. With that thought in mind, you look up at Hannibal.
The psychiatrist is completely frozen. It would be humorous, if not for the aghast expression on his face. Well, Hannibal’s expression is far from aghast—in fact, it’s almost entirely blank— but you like to think that you’ve learned to discern his true emotions.
“Are you alright?” You can’t help but ask.
“Of course,” Hannibal says with a slight smile. You avert your eyes and instead focus on the fire crackling in the fireplace. When you look at Hannibal's desk, you're surprised to find that the sketchbook from before is nowhere in sight. Perhaps he meant to hide it last time. Hannibal’s voice draws you away from your pseudo-inspection of his office. “I was simply taken aback by your choice of words.”
“What?” You frown. “Oh, unprofessional interest? I was referring to Chilton’s insistence on having an hour-long consultation appointment with me. I think he even offered to do it for free.” You shake your head in disbelief.
“You seem to be rather popular amongst psychiatrists and mental health professionals,” Hannibal remarks moments later, after he’s evidently recovered from his prior inexplicable shock.
“Can’t possibly imagine why,” you remark sardonically, finally understanding why Chilton was so interested in you. “I’m living, breathing proof of the failure of social conventions. Who wouldn’t be interested in all this insanity?” You laugh wryly.
“You’re not insane,” Hannibal maintains with furrowed brows.
“I appreciate that, Dr. Lecter,” you answer with a sincere nod. “But if that were the case, then I fear I’d put you out of business.”
Hannibal’s eyes widen, before a slightly amused smile falls onto his face. He clasps his hands and leans forward. You sense the conversation is about to take a turn. “May I accompany you on your next visit to Baltimore?” Hannibal asks politely.
“Sure,” you acquiesce. Secretly, you feel a little guilty for going alone the first time. However, you weren’t hired to be Hannibal’s partner for investigations. For a while there, you felt as if Jack was sending Hannibal with you to supervise you. It seems that isn’t the case, though—at least, that’s what you concluded after your conversation with Jack earlier in the week. “I can’t imagine it will be much fun for you, though.” You admit. The Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane isn’t the most entertaining place on the planet. You can’t quite imagine Hannibal—well-dressed, scholarly Hannibal—standing in those run-down halls. “I disagree.” Hannibal responds, wielding a wicked smirk. You feel a grin growing on your own face in response to his amenability. Hannibal will almost be acting as your security guard, in a twisted way. The thought amuses you far more than it should—so much so that Hannibal levels you with an inquiring gaze. You simply shake your head in response.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, effectively distracting you from the conversation at hand. You frown and ignore the notification, but your phone buzzes again a few moments later and you’re forced to pull it out. Your phone is currently both your work phone and personal phone, although you scarcely use it for personal matters. You get the feeling these sudden notifications are from Jack. Sure enough, when you open the encrypted messaging platform that the BAU uses, you have a few messages from Jack.
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Jack Crawford: Just spoke with Alana concerning Gideon.
Jack Crawford: She was his psychiatrist for a while, and maintains that she has information you may need for your meeting with him.
Jack Crawford: I arranged a meeting for the two of you tomorrow morning.
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You inhale sharply, before typing out a mediocre response and sending it. You place your phone back in your pocket and take a deep breath, feeling the need to keep yourself calm. You’ve been avoiding Alana ever since the incident… You’d rather not see her again. Unfortunately, however, it doesn’t appear like you have much of a choice. Your growing despair must show on your face, because Hannibal asks you about the nature of the messages.
“I have a meeting with Alana tomorrow morning,” you say, rubbing your hands over your face for a moment. You resist the compelling urge to altogether bury your head in your hands. What should you do? You have to attend the meeting, obviously—Jack asked you to attend and you could use more information on Gideon. However, you’re pretty uncomfortable with the idea of going alone. Suddenly, you think of a solution. “I’m normally not the one to ask, but…” You break off, feeling a bit embarrassed as you stare at Hannibal. However, the thought of Alana making any more romantic advances significantly trumps any of your current apprehension. “Will you go with me?”
“Of course,” Hannibal answers without hesitation. You feel the tension slowly leave your body. Suddenly, the world around you doesn’t look nearly as grim and gloomy. You focus on taking a few deep breaths.
“Thank you so much,” you murmur in relief. “...I’m hoping nothing will happen.” Hannibal frowns for a moment, before understanding passes over his face and his expression turns grave. He looks at you expectantly. His gaze is rather demanding—something you haven’t seen him display just yet—and you decide to meet his eyes. There is nothing but honesty in the lines of his face, the pull to his shoulders.  
“Rest assured, I will not let anything of that nature occur,” Hannibal states with absolute certainty. Something about the determination in his voice and the knowing look on his face makes you feel safe. Moments like these make it even harder for you to connect him to the Chesapeake Ripper. There is no grotesque brutality in the gentlemanly way in which he escorts you out of his office after the appointment; there is no hint of ferocious violence in the softly spoken farewell he leaves you with. When you walk out to the car, the night is blanketed with twinkling stars and a full moon. There is beauty in the veiled darkness. You can’t help but think of Hannibal in the same way.
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next chapter
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lowkeychenle · 1 year
Lost & Wayward [NJM] (2)
Description: After the worst couple weeks of your life, you finally break down in the middle of an alleyway. Jaemin hears you and comes to comfort you, and little do you know, he's about to change your life--in more ways than one.
Genre: Fluff/Eventual smut
Content Warnings: I'm thinking maybe I'll put smut in the next part but for now still just fluff sorryyyy
Word Count: 2,833
Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader (Canon!AU so all the Dreamies will be mentioned/appear)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Lost & Wayward Mini-Masterlist
Juliet's Masterlist
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It’s been a couple days since you’ve heard from Jaeseok. You’ve come to enjoy his company, even if it’s only electronic. You also haven’t received any updates from Minji. You try not to worry, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Although not hearing from Jaeseok put a damper on you. You hope Minji will get back to you soon so you can have a reason to text him. Logically, you know he’s busy with something. The man works crazy hours apparently, because he’s always there…wherever there is.
Minji doesn’t call you until the end of the week. She comes with good news, though—you got the job, and you’d be starting the following Monday. In three days.
You debate even telling Jaeseok at all. If he wants to talk to you, certainly he’d do it, right?
Mid-thought, your phone dings.
Jaeseok (6:34pm): sorry i’ve been mia…things have been really hectic here. how are you doing?
Oh, for the love of God. This man was too caring and nice for his own good. You try to think of what to send back, but you draw a blank. You’ll have to just tell him what’s on your mind, apparently.
You (6:35pm): no worries! i figured you were suuuuper busy considering they give you breaks for dinner instead of just letting you go home Jaeseok (6:35pm): clever You (6:36pm): you wish you could be as clever as me Jaeseok (6:36pm): you got me there. any job updates?? i’m on the edge of my seat and i’ve gotten zero texts :( You (6:38pm): Minji called me a little earlier today. i got it!! i’m so freaking excited Jaeseok (6:38pm): HELL YEAH Jaeseok (6:38pm): didn’t doubt u for a second
You pause. You’ve talked to him via text nearly every day, all day except the last few. Unfortunately, you also get attached easily. You can only hope this friendship will last. He’s been the best friend you’ve ever had in the course of a week.
Jaeseok (6:40pm): are you doing anything to celebrate?! this is seriously great stuff You (6:41pm): unfortunately u are the only friend i have…what am i gonna do if u can’t hang bc u’re working Jaeseok (6:41pm): first of all…unfortunately?? i’m so offended right now Jaeseok (6:42pm): and second of all, u don’t need to do anything crazy. just go…get your favorite meal or something. u deserve it You (6:43pm): are u working? Jaeseok (6:44pm): nope. dogsitting for my shithead friend You (6:44pm): come with me
When it takes a few minutes for him to respond, your brain whirls. You shouldn’t have done that. He’s probably only being friendly because he feels obligated. You’re the one who broke down in the alleyway, and the longer you think about it, the longer you wish you could erase that. What he saw was probably the worst version of you. Great.
You (6:50pm): sorry if that was weird…i don’t know why i would say something like that Jaeseok (7:34pm): holy shit i’m so sorry! this dog is driving me up a wall and i didn’t see you texted. it’s definitely not weird to ask and i really really wish i could come celebrate with you but i’ll have to raincheck ):
You don’t even have the courage to text him back. Instead, you turn off your phone and toss it to the side. None of this should really upset you—he’s extremely busy. Seeing him that night must have been a major fluke, and you’d rather talk to him via text when he had time versus not at all.
At about 9pm, you get an Instagram update notification that Chenle posted. You click on it absentmindedly, pausing at the photo. It’s Chenle, Jaemin, and Daegal. Jaemin cradles Daegal to his chest and pouts at Chenle.
The caption reads, “I’m gone for three hours, and now Jaemin doesn’t want to give her back…”
For some reason, it makes you stop and think. You like the post, close the Instagram app, and open your messages with Jaeseok.
You (9:12pm): how’s dogsitting? Jaeseok (9:15pm): ahhh my friend came to get her a little bit ago…i need to get a pet
That’s one hell of a coincidence. You slide to the Instagram app once more, noting Jaemin’s blue hair. With your heart sinking in your chest, you shake your head. There’s no way.
No. Way.
Plus, Jaeseok wouldn’t lie to you like that. Not about something like this.
You (9:21pm): maybe try cats…if dogs are too much work for u Jaeseok (9:22pm): plus we all know cats are superior You (9:23pm): i’m gonna go to sleep…we’ll celebrate soon? i start work monday Jaeseok (9:24pm): as soon as i can! promise (:
The start of Monday is absolutely hectic. You get your own office up on the third floor. It’s everything you ever could’ve wanted, and you feel as if Jaeseok really is your good luck charm. Not only is this better than your dream job you lost, but it also pays nearly double what you were making.
It’s only when you’ve settled in that you realize your job is hyper-specific. Yes, you work in marketing, but more specifically, you do NCT Dream’s marketing. You almost choked on your water when you saw that on your paperwork.
And unbeknownst to you, you’d receive a visit from the group later in the day. You’re going through the paperwork the previously employed person left for you when a knock sounds at your door.
Your head shoots up and you allow whoever it is to come in. Mark walks in first, a smile on his face. You try to stop your jaw from dropping, but it gives way slightly anyway.
The other boys—the other six—tumble in the door afterward.
“We like to welcome new staff members,” Mark says, holding out an envelope. “It’s nothing crazy, just a card. But I hope we’ll all work well together.”
You grin, surprised your vocal chords work. “Thank you so much. I’m very excited for the opportunity, and I’m sure I can help you guys achieve great things.”
Your eyes scan over the boys, heart stuttering when you see Jaemin. His dark roots are starting to show through the bright blue, but you’re sure the hair stylists will fix it.
They all introduce themselves to you, even though you’re positive they’re all aware you know who they are, and you follow suit after. Again, you find your gaze wandering to Jaemin. He’s staring right back at you.
They leave shortly after their introductions, leaving you alone in your office to ponder on how to wake yourself up. This has to be a dream, but no matter how hard you pinch yourself, it’s not working.
With coincidences adding up, you decide to test your insane theory about Jaeseok being freaking Na Jaemin.
You (12:23pm): guess what
As you suspect, it takes him quite a while to respond.
Jaeseok (1:35pm): hmmm what You (1:38pm): i met nct dream. like for realllll. but also idk if i’m supposed to tell you that? but you’re my only friend so ig do with that what you will Jaeseok (1:39pm): are we close enough for you to tell me your bias now? i’ve been so curious
You grin. Let the games begin.
You (1:39pm): guess Jaeseok (1:40pm): Jisung You (1:40pm): love jisung, but he is so baby Jaeseok (1:41pm): alright then…no baby men. okay what about Mark? You (1:42pm): you’re distracting me from work with your incorrect answers dude Jaeseok (1:42pm): you always distract me from work. call it payback. andddd can you just tell me who it is??? i’ll just go down the list in age order smh You (1:43pm): ooooh you’re a dream stan too if you know age order. okay okay my bias is Chenle!! i want to be daegal’s mom Jaeseok (1:45pm): chenle?! why him????? why daegal’s mom??????? You (1:45pm): the man has the voice of an angel and a jawline for days. why wouldn’t i want to be daegal’s mom Jaeseok (1:46pm): that’s so foul that you only like him for his face You (1:47pm): and to think i was gonna tell you my second fave too… Jaeseok (1:48pm): tell me immediately You (1:49pm): i’ll just tell you the list in order Jaeseok (1:49pm): i’m waiting You (1:50pm): Chenle, Haechan, Renjun, Mark, Jeno, Jisung, Jaemin Jaeseok (1:51pm): ok now wait a minute because you said no babies but jisung is higher than jaemin??????? make it make sense
Even though he’s all but confirming your suspicion of who he is, you can’t help but laugh. What are the odds? Na Jaemin finds you crying on the street and comforts you? You thought you’d be a bit more upset about this, but in reality, you get it. He was nice enough to want to check in on you, regardless of his fame status and busy schedule.
Either way, you let him stew for a little bit. You actually do have some work to do planning for Dream’s upcoming comeback, so you put your phone away for a while. At the end of your first day, you gather up your things and send a text back.
You (5:46pm): Jaemin is the ultimate baby…that’s not a bad thing!! Jaeseok (5:47pm): but CHENLE is ALSO baby You (5:47pm): he’s a meanie and that’s how i like my men Jaeseok (5:48pm): the longer we talk the more i am convinced u need therapy… You (5:49pm): i’ll have you know i tried that and it didn’t work Jaeseok (5:50pm): jaemin is not more baby than chenle and jisung You (5:50pm): prove it
You grin to yourself as you walk out of your office. Waiting by the elevator, you press the button and scroll through Instagram on your phone. You find the picture Chenle posted from last night and linger on it for a few moments. Could you call him out? That’d be too much, wouldn’t it? He’d probably stop talking to you. At this point, you were happy to say he’s a friend, whether he’s really Jaeseok or if he’s Jaemin.
When the doors slide open, you walk in with a smile on your face until you’re confronted with Chenle, Jisung, and Jaemin. You blink in shock, obviously still not used to being in their presence. Bowing your head, you smile at them before turning toward the front. Nerves poke along your spine the longer you’re in there with them. They’re all incredibly nice, so the intimidation factor must be in your head.
You decide to test your theory a little further. You pull out your phone.
You (5:57pm): i see u cannot. i’m always right, u should know that if we’re friends
Mere seconds after you hit send, you hear something buzz behind you. You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling.
You (5:57pm): hope work isn’t killing u. that would suck to lose my only friend like that
It buzzes. Again.
“(Y/N),” Chenle says.
You clear your throat and glance over your shoulder at him. “Yes?”
“We’re about to go grab dinner. Our manager’s waiting outside if you want to come along with us?”
You look down at your watch, pursing your lips. It’s almost 6pm. You’re not sure if you’re supposed to hang out with them, but when he’s offering so nicely, how could you say no? You exchange looks with Jaemin and Jisung as well before nodding.
“Sure, why not?”
Everything you see about their friendships in videos is true. They have the same personalities on and off camera, which is pretty rare for people in the spotlight.
You didn’t decide the seating arrangement, but you ended up next to Chenle and across from Jisung. Chenle tells you a story about Daegal from the other day, Jisung listens to it even though he’s probably already heard it before, and Jaemin quietly eats his food.
“You know, you elbowed Jaemin in the face in the Broken Melodies performance video,” you tell Chenle.
“His face bumped into my elbow. He shouldn’t have been so close,” Chenle replies, sending a sly grin over at Jaemin. “He’s alright.”
“I can’t believe they left that in there.” Jaemin chuckles, running his fingers through his hair.
You pull out your phone, almost gasping when you see the time. “It’s almost nine.”
“Yeah, we don’t really get a ton of evenings to ourselves,” Jisung says. “I’m honestly surprised we got out as early as we did today.”
You feel bad for them, truly. They barely get a free moment, and here they are, bringing you along for it. By the time 9:30 comes around, the boys prepare to leave. As much as you vehemently say no, Jaemin pays for everyone’s food. You all climb into the van, and the manager drives everyone home. Jisung is the first to be dropped off, then Chenle, and then you.
You sit in the car alone with Na Jaemin, awkwardly avoiding conversation with him. He glances at you occasionally, but he’s too respectful to stare.
“You live by yourself?” he asks, shattering the silence between the two of you.
Thankfully, the darkness obscures your blush. “Yeah, I do.”
“And you usually walk?” Jaemin’s dark eyebrows furrow, his head slightly tilting to the side. “That doesn’t seem safe.”
“I’ve been doing it for years. Really, it’s fine.”
The car stops outside of your apartment building. You go to open the door, but Jaemin reaches out and grabs your wrist. Recoiling in shock, you look between his hand and his face.
“Sorry,” he says, letting you go. “But…I live down the street. You should let me at least walk you home when I can.”
“I appreciate the thought, but I really don’t need that. And the last thing you need is for someone to take it the wrong way.” You reach out for the door handle again. “Thank you for dinner. That was really kind of you.”
He pauses, letting out a small sigh. “Just…don’t worry about my end of things. You shouldn’t be walking home alone. Especially now that you work with us.”
“I’ll consider it. Goodnight, Jaemin.”
As soon as you’re inside your apartment, your phone buzzes in your pocket. You pull it out, a smile forming on your face on its own accord when you see who the notification is from.
Jaeseok (9:58pm): luckily for you, your only friend is still alive. You (9:59pm): ah yes, so lucky Jaeseok (9:59pm): also i don’t need to prove jaemin isn’t a baby, you’ll see eventually. they all do You (10:00pm): who is they? Jaeseok (10:00pm): everyone Jaeseok (10:01pm): but that’s besides the point. i hope you’re enjoying your new job You (10:02pm): loving it. especially considering I spent the whole evening talking to Chenle about Daegal Jaeseok (10:03pm): just chenle? You (10:04pm): wouldn’t u like to know Jaeseok (10:04pm): don’t ditch me for chenle. i will be very upset You (10:05pm): idk…chenle hangs out with me at least…
He should really just tell you. At this point, you have an NDA signed, so it’s not like there’s much you could say to anyone anyway. After hearing the way he talked to you in the car, you’re certain Jaeseok and Jaemin are the same person. Without a doubt.
Now, you just have to come up with a way to get him to admit it. Or you could call him out on it, but that’s nowhere near as fun.
That night, you toss and turn, unable to fall asleep. It seems like you’re not the only one—your phone buzzes against your nightstand.
Jaeseok (12:03am): there’s something i need to tell you.
So much for sleeping tonight…
You (12:05am): it better be good, cuz i’m trying to sleep Jaeseok (12:05am): depends on your definition of good i guess. i think this would be easier in person. can i come see you? You (12:05am): when? Jaeseok (12:06am): right now
Nerves blossom in your stomach at the thought. You stare at the conversation a bit longer than you should before shooting out of bed and trying to make yourself look presentable. Your phone buzzes again.
Jaeseok (12:10am): i really need to see you
You can’t say no to that. Your palms sweat at the idea of him coming to your apartment. At the end of the day, you’re fairly certain Jaeseok is Jaemin. But even if he’s not, knowing you have someone who craves to see you in person is a new sensation for you. It doesn’t matter who he is. He’s your friend.
You text him your exact address.
Jaeseok (12:12am): be there in ten
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glitchyk · 17 days
Little pit crew game or whatever it’s called, since u found this one and had a funky idea.
Try and make yourself and than the three most recent mutuals who have interacted with a random post of yours! I figured random because than it makes it a bit more fair, you know? Even if moots are late to interacting, they still deserve to have a few of the sillies.
Could be their Sona or if you know what they look like irl you could do that too! I’ll start, and also tag those mutuals or anyone else you wanna tag for it, since honestly, I ain’t controlling everything you do.
So basically: make yourself, or a new or alternate version of your Sona or self, and than those three moots
Your mutual isn’t a human/entirely human? Sorry, I’m struggling with the same thing! I’d say just make your best interpretation, or do it for how their vibes feel to you! For example I didn’t know if Sturdy had a Sona so I just sorta went off their vibe and a bit from the colors of their current pfp!
Okay so these are mine
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Welp, I tried :>
Continue the game if you want— or don’t, I’m fine with whatever! Just saw this and figured y’all would like making tiny guys
These are of course mine, and than the three are @tailsbot98761 @anxiouschoco and @sturdyyy-blog
Add in if you wanna!
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neonbrutalism · 6 months
RIP Dead Guy (working title)
Unfinished WIP time.... there's a lot more to this but too many scene gaps to post officially, so here's the first bit for the Tumblrerers.
(Speculative Post-BTSV in which Miguel O'Hara of Earth 928B dies saving the multiverse and defeating the Spot. The Society is in mourning and the Spider-Gang is forced to reckon with their feelings. Complicating matters is that Peter's brought back another Miguel from the multiverse who is obviously not comfortable with how they're projecting all this on to him.)
Why hadn’t Miguel put a chair at his work station? 
Peter cracked his back and peered again at the the symbols on the glowing, orange screens, trying to make sense of whatever organizational system Miguel was using. 
Had used.
He didn’t want to bother LYLA anymore with this. She’d been subdued for weeks – well, almost everyone had been – and Peter wasn’t sure how long AI took to mourn. She did her scans and ran numbers, sure, but it was all without any … snap. 
Peter didnt think she was, well, aware enough to grieve… but he also didn’t think Miguel would put her mourning his death in to her programming. Hell, Peter was pretty sure Miguel wouldn’t have wanted anyone to mourn him at all, the stupid, stubborn, broken bastard. If only Peter had moved faster, had recognized what was about to happen…
But maybe it wouldn’t have changed anything. He saw Miguel’s face at that last moment, before…
There was nothing else for it.
“Hey, LYLA?” 
“Yes, Peter?” LYLA appeared next to him, expression unnaturally blank. 
“Sorry to … bother you? I’m just trying to, uh—“ Peter gestured at the orange screens, “I can’t make webs or tails of this.”
He paused, waiting for a reaction. None came. Miguel wouldn’t have reacted either.
“Anyway, uh, I keep seeing this symbol on certain earths? Looks like a… U?”
“A closed eye,” said LYLA, “After the incident, Miguel cut off any viewing access to mapped earths with… other versions of himself.”
“… Oh,” said Peter, slowly,”I guess he, what, didn’t want the temptation?”
LYLA’s eyes narrowed at Peter, “If you think it would have been tempting for him after what hapoened, you didn’t know him as well as you think you did.”
“Uh. Sorry?”
“Is that all, Peter?”
“Yeah, uh. I guess so. Th—“
LYLA vanished before he could finish thanking her.
Peter shook the interaction off and returned to the screen. He touched the closed-eye symbol. The system pop-up counted 793 locked earths. More than Peter was expecting – but maybe that wasn’t a crazy number, since there seemed to be tens or even hundreds of thousands of Peter Parkers. Had Miguel locked them all manually, or had LYLA done it automatically as their map of the multiverse expanded? 
In the corner of the pop up, there was an Unlock All button. 
He shouldn’t. 
Miguel had once told him, when he asked about seeing versions of Aunt May or Harry, that the only thing that spending time watching the dead live without you in another world was good for was torturing yourself.
Ha. Maybe if Peter had remembered to point out the irony if him saying that, Miguel wouldn’t have…
Fuck it. Whatever. Miguel wasn’t here to tell Peter not to. Miguel was just a miserable, guilt-ridden, self-loathing, dead hypocrite and… and Peter wanted to see his friend again.
He pressed the lock. There was a buzz of haptic feedback and all at once, the eye icons blinked open and Peter found himself looking at dozens of versions of a dead man’s face. 
Plenty of them were scowling, wiping blood off their faces after pulling their masks off or boredly picking at paperwork in an office or laboratory. Mostly they were just familiar in a way that felt like a punch in the gut. Stretched all the way out, slouching in a chair looking crabby or curled in with their hands hooked around the back of their necks, poorly dealing with some emotion or stress or another. Some of them, though, looked … happy. Or, at least they looked happier than Peter had ever seen Miguel, outside of those few weeks he’d spent with Gabriella. He didn’t see any versions of her, though. But still, at least there were some versions that weren’t alone.
One Miguel was standing looking out of a large broken window, expression dark and triumphant while a pretty, asian woman in a lab coat and inexplicably a pair of high top sneakers from 1993 curled her arm around his waist and smiled. Peter decided he didn’t want to know what they looked so happy about. 
A teenaged version of Miguel and a girl – maybe a younger version of that woman in the lab coat – with her hair in purple pom-poms, sat in a bedroom. The girl pulled out a box from under her bed, revealing what looked to be a lot of ancient Star Trek merchandise, smiling like she was a little embarrassed. Peter pushed that node aside too, he didn’t want to intrude on that.
A pink haired woman covered in chitin and with a thousand needle teeth hovered in the air on vibrating wasp wings and chatted happily while Miguel in his spider-suit listened, sitting on the edge of a tall building. Behind them, the sky was dark and filled with pistons and girders – Downtown Nueva York.
And speaking of Downtown Nueva York – an explosion caught Peter’s eye. He pulled the node forward – Miguel, in a different mask but it could hardly be anyone else, was fighting, his suit torn and bloody, not flickering with broken light like the suit Peter knew. Someone else – some kind of cyborg or robot, slammed a whirling metal thresher down on the spot Miguel had been lying less than a second earlier. He was losing the fight. 
Okay, calm down, Peter. Miguel was tough and could take a lot of hits  – he just needed a chance to recover. Miguel, no matter the dimension, was perfectly capable of surviving – until he wasn’t. 
Behind the cyborg … A Green Goblin rose up on his glider, bombs in hand. Miguel looked up at the Goblin and Peter was through the portal to Earth 416647 before he could stop himself.
Peter stared.
This Miguel looked a little younger — or maybe just got more sleep. He was less gaunt, less haunted. Less like he hadn’t eaten or drank in weeks. His hair was little reidder, messy from his mask, curls hanging over his forehead. He had a small scar across his upper lip that the original Miguel hadn’t had either.
Peter realized he’d been staring too long only when Miguel took an awkward step back from him and exchanged a quick, nervous look with the now unmasked Green Goblin. He looked a lot like Miguel too.
Oh… this was Gabriel — his brother. Miguel had mentioned him once or twice. Peter was pretty sure the Original Miguel’s brother was dead — but then again, he’d never really asked.
“Uh — sorry, I’m. Spider-Man.”
“We know,” said Miguel.
“You said that already,” said Goblin.
Peter was struck with a terrible idea. One of his worst. But … the society hadn’t been the same in the past few weeks. A dark cloud had come over it and Peter wasn’t sure how to get it to pass. The fact was, nervous breakdown in the last couple of days notwithstanding, just about everyone had liked Miguel. He’d been their leader, he’d taken care of them and listened and tried to help them. They’d all loved him … 
Not that Miguel would have ever believed that in a hundred years.
But without Miguel, things were kind of falling apart. Not literally, LYLA ran the place like clockwork, but emotionally. Miguel could de-escalate petty arguments and fights that broke out better than any Peter Parker could (because most of the arguments involved at least one other Peter Parker). But now, arguments festered, problems went unresolved and still, every time that Peter went to the cafeteria, he almost picked up some empanadas before he remembered himself.
Maybe … a familiar face would help everyone move on? Or at least return a sense of normalcy until people got used to the idea that Miguel, their Miguel, was gone.
“Right! Right – um,” shit, how had Miguel done this ‘I’m from another dimension’ shpiel? “I’m from another dimension! I’m part of a – uh, strike team? Thing? It’s a few hundred other Spider-People and we travel around the multiverse to help people! And stop anomalies — wait, no, we don’t do that anymore. So just the helping people. That’s why I came to help you fight — well I guess you didn’t need help, you two weren’t fighting – but it’s cool! We have a headquarters! And a cafeteria and a gym. Just … amenities. You should come check it out. Miguel should – uh. No offense, Mr. Goblin, but a Spider-Society is kind of. Spider-centric.”
“Wow,” said Gabriel in a familiar flat tone, “I’m devastated but I think I’ll survive.” 
“Pass,” said Miguel. He turned to leave. 
“Wait!” said Peter, “I’m underselling it. I promise, it’s … really cool. Super elite.”
Miguel raised a skepical eyebrow, “Super elite with ‘a couple hundred’ people?”
“There’s a bazillion different universe, so I mean, it’s all relative.”
Miguel pulled his mask back down over his face, “Yeah, still pass.”
Miguel fwizzed a strand of web (pale, organic, not like the glowing orange Peter was familiar with) to the upper corner of the building and the Goblin kicked his glider’s power on. 
“Wait! Please!” said Peter, his voice breaking a little, “just – just come see it? And then you can come right back! Please?”
The lenses on Miguel’s mask squinted at Peter and then he sighed, “Fine. Okay – Gabri, will you tell Xina I’m …” 
“Being kidnapped by a time traveller?” 
“Dimensional traveller.”
“Whatever,” said Miguel, waving his brother off, “I’ll be home later.”
Gabriel gave a lazy salute and sped off on his glider.
Peter opened the portal to 928.
Miguel — this new, other Miguel — eyed it suspiciously, then stepped through.
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milf-louis · 1 year
I know im late to post my first louis concert experience but i just really wanted to share this so here it is <3
The journey to the venue was pretty uneventful, when we got off the subway a man who worked there asked us if we’re going to the “Tomlinson concert” and gave us directions. On the bus we saw a bunch of really young fans, one of them was wearing a 0neDee shirt and i gave them a dirty look and idc if they were like 10 it felt good! Later on one of them asked if we want to be in their tiktok and wear heart shaped sunglasses… we rejected them so fast lol. So we got off the bus and walked till we saw the venue, screamed a bit, continued walking to the entrance, got past the security and then walked around without a purpose and got something to eat. In the meantime i worked on my sign. We made the mistake of not getting water afterwards and just made our way into the venue. When we got inside the venue tho the second opening act started playing. They were meh. And then we just sat there for a long time doing nothing but staring sadly at the giant poll that would block our view of louis on stage UNTIL the band appeared on the stage and THE CROWD WENT WILDDD the scream they let out made my ears RING AND THEN LOUIS WAS THERE AND HE STARTED SINGING THE GREATEST AND my life felt complete!! My heart was beating so fast and i felt lightheaded i just!!! Couldn’t believe my eyes!! I started screaming the lyrics right away. He was captivating, ethereal, powerful and OWNED the stage!!
So!! I do not remember the order of the songs but everything was amazing, he started off strong and kept it up. He did sound a bit off a few times but im guessing it has to do with the fact that he was tired bc of the previous shows. Anyways!! He literally KILLED KMM I did not want that song to end I couldn’t get enough!! He sounded SOOO good during Bigger Than Me! He hit those notes and you could tell that it’s a song that needs to be played live. Holding On To Heartache was such a moment my god he ate that UP!! That was one of the highlights for me i was really really impressed with how he sounded, he put his soul into that song and it showed! Shed a few tears as well cuz that song just hit different yk.. he did sing two 0neD songs which.. I didn’t sing along to because I genuinely didn’t know the lyrics and wasn’t going to try and remember 😭 so those were kind of the moment i let myself have a break from screaming and jumping. During WAOYF u could just tell the energy in the venue shifted. People were LOUD. As loud as the other one d songs LIKE HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID TO ALL OF US WITH THAT TRACK HE JUST KNOWS. Hearing WMI for the first time was such an experience!! The best way to describe it was nostalgic and just really sweet idk i loved it. Ok. I know I’ve heard copy like a thousand times now but… you guys the recorded version is NOTHING compared to the live version. I could feel myself ascending into heaven with every word it was just beyond words. One of my favourite moments or perhaps THE favourite part of the show for me. WALLS WAS ALSO NOSTALGIC AND I GOT TO SCREAM “you were my because” at louis with my whole heart!!!! That was so so so special definitely one of the moments i will never forget. Lucky Again was literally perfect he again hit the notes and it was perfection. The song that surprised me the most when heard live was probably Angels Fly because he just did it sooo well and had full control over the song it was just such a nice tune to hear live also one of my favourites! .Face The Music is one of the songs that sounds amazing live!! And 505… someone else did inform me that he will cover it but nothing and i mean NOTHING could have prepared me for what i heard that day. I was ON MY KNEES READY TO PLEASE HE was just so hot!!! So effortlessly hot and sexy it was almost too much for my heart. I caught myself shouting “with your hands between MY thighs” … not my proudest moment 😵‍💫 the most shocking moment was back to you ofc. i was losing my marbles when it started playing i was head empty no thoughts except for “what the fuck is happening is this a new track????” And louis starts singing and i am STILL TOO OUT OF IT TO UNDERSTAND THAT ITS BACK TO YOU so my friend had to tell me what song it is and then i was having the best time of my life. I don’t know how he managed to alter it into a rock version so perfectly but it’s not a surprise, anything that louis is involved in is absolute perfection. Out Of My System my beloved!! Could not get enough of it one of my faves. All This Time was another moment that made me emotional because it showed how louis loved performing that songs and put his heart into it. Silver Tongues was also one of my favs and i really REALLY wanted to be closer to the stage at that moment to see his chaotic ass in action 😭. They gave away free monsters when we left and a group of embarrassing people were doing a * karaoke but that’s irrelevant. Overall it was a perfect night and !! i got to meet @berlinini and @bbrox 🫶🏼
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xioyume · 2 years
Request made by: @reiketsunomizunomegami
Request: “So for my request can you please write a headcanon of young severus snape and to his slytherin Girlfriend who is very Powerful, Intimidating, and Strong and she hates Lily Potter, James, Sirius so much because they bullied her Boyfriend.. So one time when They started to pick on him again James beat him and then the Reader suddenly appeared and beat all of them include lily because she doesn't even stop her Boyfriend from hurting snape.. Can u make it Angst and very fluff in the end because the Reader kiss Severus's Lips and Cuddles with him at her room thank you💙”
Notes: Man am I gonna let out all my anger to the Marauders here lmao. Get some snacks cause this is going to be long. I’ll be posting the Spanish version tomorrow or later today, depends on how busy school keeps me. I hope you liked it! 💖
Warnings: angst, fluff, bullying, hallucinations, manipulation, panic attacks, Reader calling Lily out on her bullshit
In which you stand up for young Severus Snape and traumatize some students in the process
Severus and you started dating back in your fifth year at Hogwarts, you became friends during second year
You didn’t believe in the pureblood supremacy going on in the Slytherin house and you were determined to prove everyone that being ambitious and cunning wasn’t equal to evil
However, some Gryffindor boys sometimes made you think otherwise
You weren’t one to hate people that much, but James Potter and his little group always managed to get on your nerves, no matter how much you tried to ignore them
Especially after finding out they bullied the boy you had a crush on
But it wasn’t only the Marauders who made your blood boil; Lily Evans also was on that list
Don’t get me wrong, you used to love Lily since she always was like a little ray of sunshine and everyone liked her
It was actually thanks to you that Severus realized he didn’t like Lily as more than a friend and that he was just confused because she was the first person (outside his mother) that showed him kindness
But after the incident where she was called a mudblood by Snape, your friendship kinda fell apart
Yes, Severus apologized (after a deep conversation with you about peer pressure and realizing he was wrong, also a make out session when feelings got out), but Lily didn’t accept the apology completely
Or maybe she didn’t at all, because she started flirting with the same guy that has been tormenting them since they came to Hogwarts
You couldn’t stand by watching this, so when you spotted the Gryffindors pestering your boyfriend with his “best friend” you decided it was enough
Hiding behind a tree, you watched as the Marauders were chanting about Sev’s greasy hair and his “ugly” nose. All words that you knew were bullshit, since those were your favorite spots to kiss and run your fingers through. You let out a deep sigh as you look at your wand, getting prepared to cast the spells you’ve been practicing for an occasion like this. Once you were ready, you got out of your hiding place and pointed your wand at the leader of the group. And just in time, as you saw the glasses wearing guy gripping your boyfriend by the neck in a threatening way.
“Phantasma!” you yelled and a flash of white came out of the pointy stick, successfully hitting your target.
After a few seconds of silence, James started hyperventilating and sweating. Everyone got close to him and tried to calm him down, but he started screaming about dementors and other deadly creatures that were attacking him; this confused everyone, because no creature was on sight. When they realized that this was your doing, Sirius quickly drew his wand out and went to attack, but you wouldn’t let them win that easily. As quickly as possible, you pointed at him and casted another spell.
“Brachiabindo!” you shouted and a couple of ropes appeared out of thin air, binding Black from hands and legs. Severus watched everything, looking at you in awe as you punished his tormentors. He felt himself falling for you even more.
To make sure the other two remaining didn’t run away to tell a teacher, you casted a hex to stick their feet to the ground. Then, you looked at your redhead “friend”; she wasn’t happy at all about the scene that unfolded in front of her. She took out her wand in an attempt to defend her house mates.
“Expelliarmus”. Evans wand flew away and got lost in the grass. “Is anyone else going to try and defend themselves? Because I would like to try a banishing charm” you said and laughed; oh, how you were enjoying giving them a taste of their own medicine.
After making sure Remus and Peter didn’t have their wands in hand, you approached your boyfriend and kneeled down to be at his level.
“Did they hurt you, my love? Do you need me to take you to the hospital wing?” you asked in a sweet manner, contrasting with your previous behavior. The Slytherin boy shook his head and you let out a relieved sigh.
“What did you just called him?” Lily asked, surprise all over her face and almost forgetting that you single-handedly took down the Marauders. “The two of you are dating?”.
“I’m not surprised that you didn’t know about this information, Lilian”. The girl felt a shiver down her spine when she heard her name coming out of your mouth, realizing your were, indeed, very mad at her. “After all, you only hang out with the same people that have been bullying your so called “best friends” ever since we came here” you spat with anger in your voice and eyes.
“Excuse me? You do realize that he called me a mudblood, do you?”. And that’s when you knew that this was it, there was no turning back.
“And you think that befriending the people that have been abusing him way before that makes you better than him?” you asked in retaliation, standing up from your spot next to Severus and walking up to her. “Didn’t you hear him when he apologized to you and said that he appreciates our friendship more than others’ validation, or did Potter already infect you with his stupidness?”.
Snape got up from the grass and stood behind you, taking your hand in his, and looking at the redhead with nothing more than disappointment in his eyes.
“Oh, is that it? Then why do I always see you happily chatting with Regulus Black and Barty Crouch?” the Gryffindor asked, thinking that she caught you in a lie.
“Because they are part of the few people in our house that do not believe in pureblood supremacy” you answered, feeling proud at seeing the red in her cheeks from the embarrassment. “Besides, being a Slytherin does not automatically make you an evil person; if you were our friend, you would know that”. Evans felt the need to keep talking, even if the three of you, along with Lupin and Pettigrew, knew that she wouldn’t win.
“I am your friend!”. You had to fight the urge to do a facepalm at her stupidity.
“I’d rather stay isolated the rest of my life than have a friend that laughs at my suffering the way you did with my boyfriend” you said, feeling that you could get physical at any moment now. “You’re a bad friend, Lily. And you lost two people that really cared about you”. You turned your back to get your partner and yourself from there when you hear the redhead.
“As if I ever liked being friends with you in the first place”.
When Severus turned around to try and stop you, it was too late; you had already punched her nose and left her sitting in the grass, nose bleeding and crying.
“And believe me when I say that next time I’m going to do worst than this!” you yelled, furious at her words. Before you left, you casted the counter spell for James, since you thought that was enough and a very small part of you felt pity for the bastard. You took your boyfriend’s hand again and you both left them there, feeling defeated and traumatized.
After a long walk through the castle, you found the Room of Requirement and entered, seeing as the place stared to look like a dorm; with a little daybed and a lazy bean bag
The two of you sat down on it, Severus on top of you and you embracing him while stroking his hair. He felt so safe in your arms
He told you countless times how thankful he was for you to be in his life and how much he loved you
You took his face in your hands and looked at him with so much adoration as if he was the moon himself (although he was for you), you pressed your lips together in a passionate, yet delicate, kiss, both of you melting at the tenderness of it
Maybe you didn’t have Lily anymore, but you had each other and your other friends, and that was more than enough
You gave him another peck on his nose, then he gave you one. You kissed his cheek and he kissed yours. You kept going until you started a little war on who could give more kisses. After such a day, you knew he deserved all the love you could give him and you were happy to oblige
If you wish to be tagged in future works let me know <3
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hongcherry · 6 months
I saw your post and i thought of smth like one of the members (in my head it's seungkwan but tbh it can be wonwoo) approaches y/n and dino, who at that point have been a long term couple, to ask for advice on getting more intimate with their partner of a couple of months. Y/n & dino suggest role playing and they list some examples which takes them to a tangent of which ones were their favorites which almost goes out of hand until member clears their throat which puts the blushing couple back to reality. Then y/n does a risky move and questions why member even likes the person, which angers said member until they go on a long loving rant, to which y/n just goes ayt mate chill i don't actually have beef w u i just wanted u to realize the PASSION u have which was really just the secret to y/n and chan's loving relationship bc duh who is lee chan if not passionate. And anw said member thanks them and leaves the two alone to get steamy (how much u wanna write is up to u wink wink)
It can even be a two POV thing like u write about chan x reader and another fic for the wonwoo x reader after his convo w the couple, to satisfy your urge to write :> or u could also NOT do it if it doesn't float your boat hehe just thought I'd put it out there :> anw if ever i get out of writer's block and u decide not to do it i might give it a shot (but at this point it is a very big shot in the dark if im even gonna find the inspiration to write it with still having pending WIPs lol)
Anw just came by to drop some crumbs here thank u for ur time i hope you're having a lovely day :>
different roles, same heart || l.c
💗 Pairing: Dino/Chan x Reader (afab)
💗 Rating/Genres/AUs: M(18+); Fluff (no smut but rated M for the context); Established relationship
💗 Warnings: Mentions of roleplaying and past roleplays
💗 Word Count: 1.1k
💗 Author's Note: Awh, thank you for sharing your idea with me!!! Please feel free to still write your own version if/when you feel up to it! Writing's block is a pain in the ass and sometimes difficult to overcome :c I hope you can get past your funk soon! It's a sucky spot to be in. And oof, I have so many WIPs... 🥴 Thank you again, and happy holidays (if you celebrate)!
seventeen masterlist | main masterlist
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“Roleplaying?” Seungkwan repeats, eyeing you and Chan with a mix of disbelief and puzzlement.
“Yeah,” Chan nods. “You give each other a role, or character, to be and act out a scenario.”
“I know what it is,” Seungkwan huffs and waves his hand in the air as if to dismiss Chan’s words.
“Why do you seem confused then?” you wonder.
“I just didn’t expect that answer,” Seungkwan replies.
You shrug, leaning into Chan as you both sit on the couch. Seungkwan watches you both from the adjacent seat.
“I mean, you can try toys or different positions, or kinks, but we just found roleplaying to be the most exciting,” Chan explains.
“How so?” Seungkwan asks.
“Well, you can embody roles that normally might be inappropriate in real life, but have a thrilling repute.”
“Like a teacher and a student,” you chime in.
Chan smiles and glances at you. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”
You nod, recalling the time Chan punished you for being a disobedient student.
“Or that one time I was a police officer and you were an inmate,” you continue.
“You looked so sexy with half your uniform on,” Chan murmurs, getting lost in the memory.
“The handcuffs definitely added to it too,” you giggle.
“I liked you in the maid outfit as well. All bent ov—”
Seungkwan clears his throat to stop him.
“I get it,” he says, face slightly red from hearing your stories. “But, isn’t it a little embarrassing to play pretend?”
“It’s only embarrassing if both partners don’t commit to their roles,” you say.
“It did feel a little strange at first, but you get into it really quickly,” Chan reassures.
Seungkwan sounds unsure when he says, “I don’t know.”
You purse your lips in thought and move away from Chan.
“Why do you want to get more intimate with your partner? Why do you like them that much to care?” you ask.
Seungkwan’s silent for a moment, but it seems like it’s not for him to consider the reason. It’s more to calm his nerves before he can get too annoyed.
“How could you even ask that?” Seungkwan scoffs, offended. “We may not have been together as long as you guys, but that doesn’t mean what we have isn’t strong. You act as if you know us better than we know each other. They’ve treated me better than any partner I’ve had before and I can see how much they care about me. And I care about them just as much—maybe even more!”
You chuckle softly. “I never doubted how much you liked them.”
“Then why did you ask those questions?” he frowns.
“Because I wanted you to see it’s the passion that drives the relationship,” you explain sincerely. “It’s not about how sexual you are or the duration of the relationship. It’s about the passion you have for each other.”
You glance at Chan when he’s silent only to find him staring at you with a big smile. You can tell from his eyes how much he loves you. Your heart floods with comforting warmth.
Before you get too lost in Chan, you turn to Seungkwan again.
“Even the most vanilla sex can still be thrilling if there’s passion between people,” you expand.
“I suppose that’s true,” Seungkwan says slowly, digesting your words.
“However, there’s still nothing wrong with wanting to spice things up in the bedroom. Just make sure it’s for the right reason,” you smile.
Seungkwan returns the grin, nodding. “Right.”
Chan leans toward you, wrapping an arm around your waist and giving your temple a loving kiss. It’s as if your words reminded him how much he’s devoted to you.
“Well, I better head out,” Seungkwan says and stands from his seat to make his way to the door.
You and Chan follow suit.
“We hope we helped you,” Chan says, arm around your waist.
“I’m sorry if I made you mad earlier,” you apologize quickly.
Seungkwan waves his hand again, smiling. “I just got ahead of myself. I understand your intention now.”
Chan holds the door open for Seungkwan, watching as his friend stands in the doorway.
“Thank you both,” Seungkwan says.
“Anytime, Kwanie,” you grin.
“And good luck,” Chan winks.
Seungkwan rolls his eyes playfully and gives you both a wave before leaving.
Chan shuts the door, then looks at you.
“What?” you ask, unsure why he’s staring at you quietly.
“You know, when we were recalling our past roleplays,” he begins and grabs your waist to pull you closer. “I kept thinking of new ones.”
“Oh, yeah?” you smile, arms wrapping around his shoulders. Chan’s eyes dart down to your lips briefly.
“I’m thinking you’re one of my tenants, but you haven’t been able to pay the bill for two months,” Chan says.
You listen attentively, heart already beginning to race with the idea.
“So, you’re my landlord?” you ask.
He nods. “And I come by to get the overdue bills, but you still don’t have the money.”
You smile, understanding where he’s going with his scenario.
“You wanna do that now?” you question.
Sometimes, you’ll set a date to act out your roleplays—giving you enough time to get any materials needed or to prepare to be in a certain mindset. However, this one doesn’t appear to need much planning.
Chan shrugs. “I’m okay with that. Are you?”
“I’m more than okay.”
Chan grins and squeezes your hips. You lean in to kiss him, but he keeps you at arm's length.
“You can save that for later,” he says.
You pout but oblige.
“I’m going to get changed then step out for a while,” he explains.
“How long will you be?” you wonder, eager to get started.
Chan chuckles at your restlessness and moves away from you.
“I think it’d be more exciting if I didn’t tell you,” he replies and moves to the bedroom.
Although you try to follow him, he shuts the door on you and locks it.
“Hey!” you whine and wiggle the doorknob. “Channie!”
“Can’t spoil what I’ll wear. Go to the living room and don’t leave until you hear the front door close,” he instructs.
“You know landlords don’t dress fancy, right?” you huff. You can see the appeal in not knowing what he’ll look like but don’t like the idea of waiting any longer.
“It doesn’t matter. If you see me now, it might affect the scene.”
“Fine, I’m going,” you grumble.
“I’ll see you soon, baby,” he calls out sweetly.
“Yeah, okay,” you say as you leave, mouth in a frown.
You know you’re being an impatient baby, but how can you not be when your boyfriend just proposed a sexy new idea and plans to fuck you senseless? 
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A/N: There will be a aprt two 🫡
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©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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fancylala4 · 3 months
Hi! I see where U reblogged my tangled crit posts 👀
I dont hate it, it just doesnt hit as well as it should. I prefer the barbie version. And I prefer Disney Rapunzel with ROTG Jack because not only they the same age but i find the parallels a bit more fascinating.
I remember seeing a arrow toy Rapunzel themed at Target, just recently I found out she was going to use a bow and arrow beforehand XD much much cooler than a frying pan!
Which begs to question! Why is the franchise so off with its girl characters? Gothel's entire motivation is staying young, Cass ended up a mess, Ariana is underwritten. And Rapunzel barely has another girl her age to hang out with. It's just Cass.
I get it. I disliked the movie at first because of the movie itself and how badly it was written but I started to hate the movie because of the rabid, racist fans and how badly they treated patf just to prop this movie up back in the day. The fandom is still pretty bad from what I seen.
The Barbie version is one of the best adaptations of rapunzel I have ever seen. It’s so good and it holds up perfectly well today except for the animation of course. If you get a chance, you should check out rapunzel’s revenge. It’s a great rapunzel comic and Disney took elements from that version as well.
I definitely agreed that Jack Frost and rapunzel would make a good couple. I liked them way better than him and Elsa and definitely would be way better than creepy dream.
Oh I saw that now in stores and I wonder why they made it when Merida is right there. I did hear that the series writers wanted her to have the bow and arrow but Disney didn’t like that idea. Probably because they wanted her to be helpless and didn’t want her to be taken seriously with a weapon. I remember looking at some Lego sets and I saw that rapunzel had a bow in a set for the series. So I think that rumor was true. Yeah, I would like the bow and arrow way better than that dumb frying pan. I guess it doesn’t matter since rapunzel wasn’t shown as a threat with the frying pan and it was more Flynn’s weapon in the movie.
Yeah, it’s so weird how this franchise is targeted towards little girls and all the female characters in it is just off and can be really offensive. Gothel is a walking outdated stereotype of many, rapunzel has no flaws, gets overshadowed in her OWN movie and couldn’t even drive the plot of the movie! It’s hard to believe this movie was made in 2010, it belongs in the 50s.
I have limited knowledge of the series characters but is cass the one who they made a villain and has blue hair like she’s some anime character? If so, It’s bad because I think I seen people say that she’s a villain because of how she looks and they turned a friendship into a bitter one just in a sake of something dumb. Do the writers think that girls have to be catty to each other or else it’s unrealistic? It’s a weird choice for a franchise targeted towards little girls. Ariana is the queen, right? I think I reblog a post about cultural appropriation in the movie and they mentioned her name. But really? They could have had a good plot point about rapunzel and her getting used to a good mother after what she’s been through. But they thought it was better just to focus on the king, have him be even more abusive to rapunzel than gothel was (reading her diary, following her everywhere and locking her up in a fucking tower after she just got out of one!!) and say that it’s ok because he’s doing it because he loves her.. I also “love” how the queen basically did nothing about this and just say supportive things rapunzel behind the king’s back like that means anything. Disney really needs to hire women for this franchise because this is just embarrassing and sad in this day and age.
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chronicallyday · 2 months
Saturday Sneak Peek of Life Was a Storm Chapter Two
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you may read the first chapter of this modern au/2000s au in the link above. I am absolutely showing my age by referring to VampireFreaks as a social media site lol also the name drop of a band whose founding members went on to create my fave band (PTV)
Here’s a snippet from Chapter Two below:
It was completely accidental. Serendipitous.
Finn had not gone looking for Annie Cresta. She had fallen into his lap. Or more specifically, his inbox.
He didn’t post selfies, despite everyone else posting them. Finn had mostly started using VampireFreaks as a recommendation from a guy he had smoked with outside of a show to post some of his poems on a forum. He wasn’t even goth, but the alt scene had appreciated some of his work that he couldn’t share with Rio.
Finn hadn’t expected someone to message him about a photo he posted to his account. It was a stupid photo he took at Point Pinos. He hadn’t expected someone to comment on the post.
But he almost had a heart attack when he saw the username HeartThiefOfTheSea. That stupid song kept playing his head.
The message wasn’t anything special. They had only sent a less than carrot symbol plus the number three to make a heart emoticon. But Finn clicked on the account anyway and his heart almost stopped again in less than a minute when he scrolled through the photo gallery for the account.
Some punky-bohemian chick that looked like she could be Stevie Nicks’ edgier daughter had sent the comment. The blue and purple streaks in her dark hair had thrown him off for a second, but he would know those green eyes anywhere. They had only been haunting him since he was two months shy of fifteen.
He didn’t have to respond. It was just appreciation for the photo.
But he responded anyway. And that led to them private messaging each other.
“Someone’s up early,” Finn muttered as his desktop pinged with a new email notification for a private message from Annie.
HeartThiefOfTheSea: guess who’s in trouble
FindingEmo: clearly not u if ur messaging me. what did u do?
HeartThiefOfTheSea: snuck out, trespassed to go swimming, but my greatest offense was calling my brother to come get me at 3am from the side of the road cuz I was too lazy to walk LOL
Finn laughed under his breath. As the eldest of his siblings, he was sure there could be a day that he would be getting those calls. For now, he was glad that his sisters were eight years old. The most trouble they got into was eating the sweets and pastries meant for the BnB guests.
HeartThiefOfTheSea: so…what are you doing up? It’s getting late over there isn’t it?
FindingEmo: ur joking right?? I’m not the one that is up at 3am
HeartThiefOfTheSea: yeah but you’re only 3 hrs behind right?
FindingEmo: yeah. so why r u messaging me at 3am
Serendipitous. They had been messaging each other since May and the messages had been mostly small talk about bands they liked until Annie took the plunge and started asking him for some advice and then they got more personal while being cautious of what they shared with an Internet Stranger.
Although Annie could have been more wary. Not that Finn was one to talk. He was sure his parents had considered putting an ankle monitor on him at some point in his mid teens.
Finn had lots of fun turning her into a fan of a band from San Diego called Before Today. He really hoped their plans to tour the East Coast came to fruition so Annie could go to one of their shows.
He really liked one of the lines in one of their songs Pierce The Veil.
We’ll try, still strong in our chains.
Something about the line reminded him of that dream version of himself. Finn still didn’t have the full picture about that Finnick, and while sometimes he couldn’t say he liked that version of himself, there were more days that he felt for him.
HeartThiefOfTheSea: my ex ambushed me while I was hanging out w/my friends. I ran away lol he tried to tell me he wanted to be “friends”
Finn frowned. He hadn’t liked Annie’s boyfriend when she was dating him and his dislike for him only grew after she dumped him.
Nothing rankled Finn more than guys that wouldn’t take no for an answer and tried to guilt their girlfriends into sleeping with them by using their love against them.
Finn had told Annie that she didn’t need to love the guy to have sex with him. If she wanted to have sex just because she wanted to, that was reason enough to take the plunge. But if she was hesitating because she wasn’t ready or because she didn’t feel that kind of attraction to him that she needed to do what was right for her.
Annie had confessed that she had been using the fact that she was Straight Edge as one of the reasons to ward him off. She had to explain to her ex what that even was, but Finn had snorted as soon as Annie told him that she was actually in fact Straight Edge.
Finn and Annie couldn’t be anymore different.
[ can’t say I wanna wait for marriage but idk it feels preferable than losing my virginity to a HS bf that my friends had to convince me to date ]
FindingEmo: pls tell me u kicked him in the balls
HeartThiefOfTheSea: lol no I didn’t do that but I should have. he yanked my arm pretty hard when I was underwater and it kind of scared me. I dipped as soon as possible and I just know my friends are gonna give shit for just leaving
FindingEmo: if u had to bounce u had to bounce…but next time kick him in the balls
HeartThiefOfTheSea: aye aye captain! now why are YOU up late?
FindingEmo: date
HeartThiefOfTheSea: like a date date or a “date” lol
FindingEmo: the latter
HeartThiefOfTheSea: heartbreaker lol
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Hey, um, can I ask something?
I stumbled across this post during my late night tumblr scrolling regarding an apparent clash between the 2012 TMNT and Rottmnt fandoms, mostly in the crossovers they draw/write, about people always slandering the former and calling the brothers toxic & abusive (especially towards Mikey).
[ https://teenagetaleglitter.tumblr.com/post/694408872097710080 ]
They even wrote a 2012/Rise crossover fic of their own as their way to vent about & resolve the debate.
And... It's just- As much as the OP did make some good points, it makes me feel so conflicted now about who's really right and who's truly wrong about the relationships of the brothers from both versions, and my stupid brain won't let me stop obsessing over it until I can get a second opinion. 🤦‍♀️😖
Which is why I'm here now. 😑
I'm only curious, what do you think about this? Can "non-overt" displays of affection still be as impactful and meaningful?
(I'm so sorry if what I'm doing comes across as rude or nosy to anybody. I just really wanted some more insight, I don't want to offend anyone! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️)
I’ll try my best to answer this as best as I can😅 I’m gonna be honest - I didn’t realize how much of a debate there was in the first place until I started getting into rottmnt on tumblr
I actually used to watch the 2012 TMNT and genuinely enjoyed the interactions between siblings in that as well as RiseTMNT because I also saw my relationship with my siblings in them as well. Short answer to ur question; yes, “non - overt” displays can be just as impactful and meaningful as “overt” ones.
Speaking from personal experience as someone with a younger and older sibling; there are ways of showing u care without outright saying u care or u love someone! I actually have a hard time saying that I love someone out loud while my older sibling will literally tell me they love me - that doesn’t mean I don’t care for them or love them just as much; the way I show it will be less obvious to someone looking from the outside, but it’s still there! I may be stubborn and not want to be outwardly affectionate with my siblings but that doesn’t mean i won’t be there for them when it counts.
Both shows actually present different ways that siblings/family can interact with one another - I know in 2012TMNT, raph will constantly argue and throw comments at his siblings, but that never meant he despised his siblings or that he didn’t love his brothers; if anything he’s the one of the most over protective siblings. My siblings and I will also argue often and throw comments just cause we’re angry or annoyed, but at the end of the day it doesn’t take away from how much we care for each other and that we’d defend one another anytime/anywhere. If anything, it also shows how comfortable we are around one another - I can argue but still recognize that my siblings view of me won’t change cause I’m acting out.
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Meanwhile RiseTMNT shows the brothers as openly affectionate and caring, which is still accurate amongst siblings! It may not be often but I’ll still do acts of service or spend quality time with my siblings and have vulnerable moments where I do say how much I care, and this is just as valid in sibling relationships.
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To say that RiseTMNTs version of sibling relationships is healthier than 2012TMNTs version is to be kinda ignorant of the fact that not every familial relationship is hugs and I love yous. I’ve seen my relationship with my siblings reflect the same relationships and interactions in BOTH shows! Both are valid, accurate representations of siblings! Not every healthy relationship between people are the same; and that’s okay!!!! Where some can be open and affectionate, others can be less overt - they both still don’t take away how much siblings actually care or view one another!
(Side note: I know I keep referring to MY siblings and myself, but I’ve also encountered other families/siblings - some outwardly caring and affectionate and some less obvious- and they still had healthy relationships with one another! It all depends on the people/family cause not it’s every one is the same)
I’m not the best at responses like this so hopefully this makes sense🙏
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wonryllis · 11 days
hiiii i don’t mean any harm and this is a genuine question 😭, but i think i saw ur new fic “dear future husband” somewhere and read it already + more chapters..
if u are the og writer, may i just ask why u didn’t complete it with the og template and chapters u already had? personally i really liked the storyline and the past chapters already and was really looking forward to the ending,
but again no harm and im glad u decided to continue it again :))
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what do you mean, this is my story and i am posting it for the first time? how could you have read more chapters of it? are you trying to imply that— JUST KIDDING BUBBY yes you are right!
it was posted on my previous (now deactivated) account @/wonvelvet and since it is basically gone with the account now i wanted to post it here again! there were 21 chapters of it posted previously.
first reason why i didn't complete it with the og everything is like i said i deactivated. secondly, now that i have grown too i didn't really vibe with the highschool setting anymore. thirdly, i wasn't satisfied with the previous chapters i felt they lacked quality especially since i was just going with flow and had no idea how to end it and my humor sucked (still sucks)
so yeah i just wanted to age up the characters, make a new setting, write out better chapters with better humor and give more life to the story and characters. moreover i also planned to write a whole oneshot after they graduated hs like in hs setting but i scrapped the idea and now it'll all just finish in this one setting with written chapters and happy ending and everything <33
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oops that got long sorry baby, im glad you liked and enjoyed it previously and i hope you enjoy the new revamped version as much if not more!! also no you did sound really genuine don't worry about it ^^
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douma-daisy · 2 years
Breaking Limits (Ch. 1)
[Giyuu Tomioka x Reader]
Summary: Struggling with something blocking you from reaching your full potential, you turn to the calm yet powerful water hashira for help. He himself is battling unfamiliar feelings brought on by his constant isolation, or so he thinks. Your best friend, Ailyna (eye-lee-nuh), tries to help the both of you, but is also caught in her own internal battle to move on from a failed mission. All the while, the war against the demons rages on.
Word Count: 3,214
Warnings: canon-level explicitness (injury, death, etc); no explicit spoilers (this may or may not change for future chapters)
All Chapters | Previous | Next (coming soon) | Ao3
Note: This may look familiar because I posted a different version before, but decided to revamp it and change my direction slightly so I have a better idea of where this story will go.
You struggled to maintain your total concentration breathing as you chased a demon through a forest while being pursued by another. Though you wanted to stay focused on the mission, you couldn’t help but wonder if the water hashira, who you were assisting on this mission, was judging your shortcomings as you constantly felt his piercing blue eyes glance in your direction. Giyuu Tomioka was always so calm and collected. Even now as he faced off with a third demon, his face was emotionless and his movements steady.
Compared to him, you felt like a flailing fool, no better than when you’d first picked up a katana. You’d volunteered to go on this mission specifically to show off your skills so maybe he’d agree to help you improve them. You furrowed your brows, determination growing within you. You weren’t going to let this opportunity go to waste. You spun around, and using the momentum of your spin, made your move.
“Water breathing. Sixth form: Whirlpool!” you exclaimed, the air around becoming an extension of your sword, slicing right into the demon and cutting him in half. Then, as he was down, you moved again without rest or hesitation. “First form: water surface slash!” Your blade cut through its neck and it began to disintegrate.
I hope he saw that. That ought to have made a good impression, you thought. You wanted to continue the chase, but an all too familiar pain running through your forearms made you freeze. You dropped your katana, one hand gripping the other arm as you sucked in a sharp breath, finally losing control over your total concentration breathing.
“(L\N)!” you looked up at the frantic call of your name. Giyuu was sprinting towards you. You furrowed your brows. The third demon was still alive behind him. So why was he running towards you? And even more confusing was how the demon had lasted this long against a hashira.
Giyuu shoved you aside as soon as you were within reach, and as you stumbled back, you finally realized why. The demon you’d been chasing had made a u-turn and started charging at you. You gasped as it slashed at Giyuu with its sharp claws, cutting through his uniform and into his chest. Meanwhile, the third demon grabbed his leg and bit it hard.
The clawed demon immediately resumed its initial goal of attacking you. It lunged toward you, but this time you were prepared. Performing another water surface slash, you cut off its head. And just a few moments after, the third demon was decapitated as well by Giyuu.
“Tomioka-san, are you okay?” you asked, rushing over to him as he looked down at his bleeding chest. You reached a hand out to inspect it for any poison. As your hand grazed his skin, Giyuu quickly stepped back.
“I’m fine,” he said. You noted the slightest tremor in his voice and he seemed to hide his face from your view by letting his hair hang over it as he looked down. You wondered if he was trying to hide his pain. “Let’s just go to the butterfly mansion since it’s not too far from here.”
“Oh, okay,” you said. “Thank you, by the way. I can’t believe I didn’t see that demon coming. And I’m impressed that you sensed it somehow. Your perception skills are incredible!” Giyuu shrugged. “And you know… it’d be nice if someone could help me improve mine.”
You waited for an offer, but he didn’t supply any sort of response at all. You frowned but kept walking, joining him in silence.
You’d always looked up to Tomioka. Ever since you met him shortly after he became a hashira and he was sent to rescue you and a few other lower-level demon slayers after you got caught up in a battle with a lower moon. It was thanks to him that everyone on your team lived to see another sunrise.
Much like the one that had just finished when the butterfly mansion finally came into view.
“(Y\N)-chan!” a singsong, if not slightly whiney, voice cried out as you neared the front gate. A girl of about your age ran towards you, tears in her gray eyes and your crow on her shoulder. You hadn’t even realized it had left. “Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Your crow told me someone was injured. Do you need medical attention? You’re not gonna die, are you?” You laughed.
“Ailyna, calm down! I’m fine,” you assured her. “I’m not the one who got injured, Tomioka is.” She looked at you in confusion before Giyuu caught her eye.
“Oh! Tomioka-san! I didn’t realize you were here,” she said. “Wow, you’d think I’d notice a hashira being right in front of me, huh?” She laughed until you lightly elbowed her. She gave you a confused look, but you ignored it.
“Uh, Tomioka, this is my good friend, Ailyna Akashibo,” you introduced. She waved, smiling brightly. He nodded to her, then moved past her toward the entrance.
“Oh, (Y\N), I’m so glad you’re alright,” Ailyna said, wrapping you in a hug.
“Thanks,” you said, starting after Giyuu towards the mansion. “What are you doing here by the way? I thought Kocho-san said you’d be fully healed by now.”
“Oh, I am, actually,” she said, twirling a strand of her long, brown hair, which was put up in two half-up half-down pigtails, as she walked with you. “But Aoi and Kanoe were having trouble with rehabilitation training with some boys who faced a lower moon, so I offered to help before I get my next mission.”
“I see,” you said, “and how’s that going?”
“Wonderfully!” she exclaimed. “For the most part. There is one boar-headed brat who really gets on my nerves.” You tilted your head curiously.
“He keeps talking about fighting people to prove his strength and has insisted I duel him multiple times. He never listens when I try to critique him. I totally get why Aoi and Kanoe were having trouble,” she explained. “Once he even tried blowing up my skirt with one of his breathing techniques just because I mentioned I always wear shorts underneath and he wanted to see if I was telling the truth. Isn’t that ridiculous?!”
“Oh dear,” you said, holding back a slight giggle.
“Right now they’re all res—INOSUKE!”
You jumped at your friend’s sudden shout. Looking over, you saw a boy had tackled Ailyna, and you suddenly understood what ‘boar-headed brat’ meant. He poured a cup of water on her head.
“Ahahaha! I did it! I caught you and I poured the water on you! I won!” he exclaimed proudly, his voice slightly hoarse.
“We’re not training right now! That doesn’t count, you idiot!” Ailyna told him. “Now get off me!”
“Akashibo-san! I’m so sorry! I tried to stop him but I lost sight of him!” a boy with strikingly blond hair whined as he ran towards them, pulling his friend off of her. She stood up and dusted herself off.
“Do you see what I’m dealing with?” she said to you.
“Well, I’m sorry, Ailyna, but I should go check on Tomioka. It’s my fault he got injured after all,” you said, managing to slip away before the girl could catch you.
“(Y\N)!” she called out, pouting as you were already gone.
“(Y\N)? That was the name the half and half haori guy was mumbling about when I saw him the other day,” Inosuke said. Ailyna looked at him with raised brows, her interest quite obviously piqued, “Man, he had a really weird look on his face.”
“Huh?” she said. “What are you talking about? What look?”
“I dunno. It was kind of like the one Shonzitsu makes when the girls are—”
“What? Is he still being weird to them?” she interrupted, turning to the other boy with a fire in her eyes. “Zenitsu, do we need to have another talk about how to act around ladies?”
“N-no, Akashibo-san! I stopped doing it. I swear! I’m a completely reformed gentleman, I promise!” he defended.
“Good,” she said, turning back to Inosuke. “Alright, beast boy, drop and give me fifty for that little stunt you just pulled.”
You found Giyuu sitting topless on a bed with his chest and right ankle wrapped in bandages and his haori neatly folded on his lap.
“Hello,” you said as you entered the room. He looked up, and it must’ve been a trick of the lighting or embarrassment of being shirtless as his face seemed to turn red, but he quickly regained his composure.
“Your friend is very loud,” he noted.
“Ailyna? Yeah, I can’t argue with that,” you laughed. “But anyway, how are you feeling?”
“I’m fine,” he said. “But my uniform was ripped pretty badly. I’ll have to get a new one made.”
“Is your haori okay?”
“Yes, luckily it managed to remain unscathed,” he said.
“That’s good,” you said. “So, listen. I guess I screwed up pretty badly today, and I–“
“We all make mistakes,” Giyuu interrupted. “I’m just glad I was there so that mistake wasn’t lethal. Be more careful in the future.”
“I definitely will, but I was actually also hoping you’d be willing to train with me to help me become better so I’m less likely to make a mistake again,” you said.
“Why would you want to train with me?” he asked. You blinked.
“Huh? Because you’re a hashira!” you answered. “Just like Ailyna trained with Rengoku for a while to learn how to be braver and more sure of herself.” You chuckled as a memory from long ago resurfaced, specifically a memory of watching her scare herself with the electric sparks she created. “She used to be a quivering mess, but now she’s and incredibly powerful demon slayer with a firm grasp on her abilities. Imagine what I could do learning from you!”
“I’m not like Rengoku,” he said.
“Of course not,” you said, sitting beside him. “You’re you. That’s why I’m coming to you and not him.”
“Honestly, (L\N), I don’t think training with me would be anything more than a waste of your time,” he insisted, turning away from you, staring at the hard tile floor.
“Here it is,” Aoi suddenly spoke as she entered the room carrying a small container of a clear liquid and some bandages. “Rub a small amount of this ointment onto the bite mark every six hours for the next three days and apply fresh bandages after each application, even after the bleeding has stopped. Understood?” Giyuu put on his haori to cover his chest and stood up. He took the items from her.
“Yes, thank you,” he said. “I will be going now.”
“Safe travels,” she said. You watched as Giyuu hurried out of the room, frowning.
“Do you need something as well?” Aoi asked.
“No, thank you. I was just checking up on Tomioka since I was his partner for this past mission,” you said.
“Then shoo! This isn’t a social room,” she said, rushing you out.
Giyuu hurried down the hallway, praying you wouldn’t follow right after him. Not that he wouldn’t love to spend more time with you, but he couldn’t let you convince him to train you. It wouldn’t be too hard for you to do. He had had trouble saying no to you just once. He didn’t know if he had the will to do it again.
As he stepped outside, he saw your friend and the two boys. He wondered where Tanjiro and Nezuko were and how they were doing. It was hard to believe two whole years had passed since he’d first found them on that snowy mountain. He remembered most distinctly the fear in Tanjiro’s eyes while his sister’s life was at his mercy. And, of course, the trick he pulled in an attempt to save her life.
“Tomioka-san!” The sound of Ailyna’s voice ripped him from his thoughts. He slowly turned around and was greeted by her grinning face. “How was the mission with (Y\N)?”
“It was successful,” he said, continuing forward.
“No, I mean like, did anything interesting happen?” she asked, following him.
“No,” he said. “Now leave me be. I’m tired.”
“Why so rude? I’m just trying to be friends,” she huffed. “Come on. Shinobu says you don’t have any, but I can change that.” She smiled again. “So tell me all about it!”
“Stop talking.”
“Why? You’re obviously injured so it’s not like you have a mission you need to do. Let’s–”
“Tomioka! Ailyna! Wait up!” Ailyna nearly tripped at the sudden sound of your voice, but Giyuu swiftly put an arm out to stop her fall. He looked over his shoulder at you.
“Please get ahold of your yapping companion,” he requested.
“Yapping?!” Ailyna exclaimed in disbelief, her cry eerily reminiscent of a certain four-legged fluffy creature. She crossed her arms. “Hmph! No wonder you have no friends.” She stomped off. You sighed.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “She can be a little… much, but I swear she’s the sweetest person you’ll know if you get to know her.”
“I don’t plan on it,” he said bluntly.
“That’s a shame,” you said. “I’m hoping you won’t oppose to us getting to know each other better though.” Giyuu felt his ears start to burn and he looked to the side. “Perhaps as we… train together?”
‘Oh, right. That,’ he thought as the heat dissipated.
“I’d rather not discuss this now,” he said.
“Alright,” you said, and he relaxed. “I’ll just have to come by your estate in three days. You’ll be all better by then so once I convince you to train me, we’ll be able to start right away!” Giyuu opened his mouth to protest only to watch you run off before he could speak.
Ailyna slammed the door as she entered the mansion, grumbling under her breath.
“Oh my, Ailyna-chan. You look angry. Is everything alright?” Shinobu asked, tilting her head.
“Oh, hello Shinobu. I didn’t realize you’d returned already. I’m fine,” she said. Shinobu gave her a doubtful look. “I just… do you know why Tomioka is so grumpy all the time?”
“Why? Are you interested in him?” she asked, the corner of her lips quirking even further upwards than her usual smile.
“Ew. No, not at all,” Ailyna said, scrunching her nose. “Come on, I’ve been here long enough for you to know me better than that.” She giggled.
“I know. I’m just teasing,” she assured her. “But to answer your question: I think it’s because he’s lonely. He��s never gotten along with the other hashiras, even when we try to reach out.”
“That’s so sad,” Ailyna said, frowning. Shinobu nodded in agreement.
“In fact, the only person I’ve seen him actually carry a full casual conversation with is that friend of yours you talk about so much. (Y\N), was it?” she added. Ailyna perked up.
“That’s because no one can resist the warmth and kindness of my best friend,” she stated proudly.
“You always sing such high praises for them. I’ll have to formally introduce myself sometime,” Shinobu said.
“It’s a shame you just missed them,” Ailyna said. “I’m sure they’ll be back though.”
Giyuu sat on his engawa, staring at the small pond in his yard. His estate wasn’t as grand as the other hashira’s homes, and he preferred it that way. It was only fair he have a dwelling befitting of what he has earned, which was much less than those like Himejima or Kocho.
He took in a deep breath, mindful of the bandages wrapped around his chest and the healing scratches they covered. He could still feel the ghost of your hand brushing against his chest before he had moved away. The thought made him blush and he growled, running his hands through his hair and leaning back, wondering what the hell had gotten into him lately.
Whenever you were around, it was like you flipped off some switch that kept him together. He become distracted, clumsy, nervous. Even just the thought of you could make him feel this way. He’d considered it might be love, that he’d formed a crush on you, but he didn’t know you that well. Although he had to admit he did find you gorgeous.
Yes, that was it. It must’ve been an infatuation he was struggling with. He supposed he could only isolate himself for so long before his human craving for socialization caused him to act so out of character. The answer was easy then. He’d satisfy the craving. Just for a little while. You’d asked him to train you, so he would. At the butterfly mansion so he had even more people to interact with. And once this infatuation he had with you stopped, he’d go back to his normal habits.
While you waited for Tomioka to recover, you decided to stay at the butterfly mansion with Ailyna, helping her with her rehabilitation training with the boys.
“Excuse me, (L\N)-san?” Sumi suddenly asked you while you were watching Ailyna demonstrate some sword techniques to the boys.
“Yes, what is it?” you asked.
“Tomioka-san is here to see you,” she said. You raised your brows. It had been two days since you last saw him after he got his injury treated. You had planned on visiting him the next day.
“Oh, well let him back here then,” you said. She nodded and ran off.
“Thunder breathing. Fifth form: heat lightning,” Ailyna said, catching your attention again. You looked up as she showed the move off to the boys. A large strike of lightning shot into the sky as she sliced her sword upwards.
“Impressive,” a familiar voice noted. You looked over to see Giyuu had arrived.
“It is, isn’t it?” you told him, proud of your friend for how far she’s come. “What brings you here?” you asked.
“I thought about what you asked of me and I’ll do it,” he said.
“Really? You’ll train with me?” you asked. He nodded.
“We’ll begin tomorrow morning. I’ve already asked Kocho and she permitted us to do it here as I don’t think my estate is suitable for training at the moment,” he explained. You nodded. “Alright. I’ll see you then.”
“Thank you, Tomioka,” you said. He nodded before rushing off.
“Was that Tomioka? What happened?” Ailyna asked as soon as he was gone.
“He finally agreed to train with me,” you told her gleefully. “I can’t wait! I’m going to learn so much!” Ailyna smiled.
“That’s great, (Y\N)!” she said.“And when you’re done, I want to go on missions together again. I’ve missed you!” She frowned dramatically and you giggled.
“Sounds like a plan,” you said.
“Akashibo-san?” Ailyna turned at the call of her name.
“Yes, Zenitsu? What is it?”
“Inosuke got his snout stuck in his jug,” he said. You both looked over to see the boy holding his mask while Tanjiro pulled on the jug. Ailyna’s eye twitched.
“I’ll talk to you later, (Y\N),” she said as calmly as she could, starting back over to the boys. You turned away as she left, chuckling quietly to yourself as her departure was shortly followed by a grunt from her and the sound of clay breaking.
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p4nishers · 11 months
you get the crown for being the SWEETEST PERSON EVER OMFG
srsly you saying that was so fucking amazing istg I will devote my life to you
yes, tis the return of the besotted anon- again :D and you can call me ro btw- the way you framed it is killing me you’re so polite and no I am not pressured at all
also also ALSO
saw your post on heaven and ITS SO ACCURATE
I feel like at some point, probably the first war, heaven stopped caring about being Good and started being more bothered with being Not Bad. case in point - aziraphale’s trial. they didn’t care that they were murdering an angel- it wasn’t morally wrong to them. all they cared about was their “justification” or more accurately, excuses
which,, makes sense. the whole of heaven is a group of traumatised war veterans in a way- according to certain iterations of the fall, they saw their siblings be cast out and possible mutilated for asking questions about why humans deserved limitations like mortality
they are terrified of god. they are terrified of losing god. [TOXIC MOTHER TOXIC MOTHER TOXIC MOTHER-] they will stop short of nothing to prevent that- and if their experience dictates thinking in support of humans is gonna lead to Consequences? it shows why they’re so callous
getting back to the point, heaven really feels like it gives more fucks about being the opposite of hell than any actual embodiment of good. it makes me think that so many good people- like, vet, saved hundreds of animals, but might not make it into heaven bcs he showed pride, or envy at some point. it js feels like they would care exponentially more about lack of sins than presence of good deeds
heavens version of being good is being inhuman. it’s being selfless, it’s being flawless. it’s finding joy in that, it’s being something impossible. it’s why aziraphale never could be their perfect angel. bcs he was so delightfully human, with all the emotions and conflict it entails
this kinda makes me think about this one hc in a fic, that ppl who go to heaven lose their memories and become angels expendable for the second war.
holy shit how long- either way bye <33 ty for existing 😌
you're actually too sweet at this point i will have a god complex or smth
and wow, what u said about heaven, honestly you couldn't have said it better. i did grow up religious but not in a very strict way, just with a general knowledge of it and the fact that if i didn't believe in it, i was wrong. so what i'm saying with this, is that i don't actually know much about it but you put everything i wanted to say perfectly into words i really thank you for that. when you said "they care more about lack of sins than presence of good deeds" literally blew my mind thank u for that really, i'm glad to hear it all from your perspective
also i hope you slept well and that you'll have a great day. bye ro !!!
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neyxmessi · 1 year
Umm what was your first reaction when Leo joined PSG? How you felt when ney left Barca back then?
Btw i just love ur blog so much<3😩. After my hectic day, i feel so relaxed when I see neymessi photos and videos, their small interactions that u post everyday. I wonder how u manage to find such things. Lots of love 💕
Hey anon! I have to be honest… I was very late to joining the fandom. I never was into soccer/football as a kid! It was like the one sport my dad never really liked, and I could not kick a ball for my life so I had no interest in it. Of course I knew of Messi, Neymar, and Ronaldo though. I even distinctly remember at lunch some of the boys at my school debating on whether Messi or Neymar was better. Yes! Not Messi or Ronaldo. Messi or Neymar. So I literally thought they were rivals as a kid. 😭
I remember one day watching a stream where someone was debating whether Messi or Ronaldo was better, and I decided to decide for myself (I had always assumed Messi was the better player over the years but never really looked into him because I had no interest in soccer/football). I clicked on a YouTube compilation video that compared their skills, and literally Leo made me fall in love with the sport. Sure Ronaldo was good at scoring, but Leo had it all in my eyes. His dribbling was absolutely insane, and for about a week after that I was obsessed with him. At this time he was playing for PSG (which I was confused about because I had never heard of PSG before and knew for a fact he had played for Barcelona). Regardless, I decided I wanted to watch some games to see him play. Only problem was that they didn’t (and still don’t) stream Ligue 1 on regular cable television (which I thought they did bc I didn’t understand the different leagues in soccer and every other American sport is always on cable to watch). So then my obsession kinda fell off from there because I had no idea how to watch him play (now I do lol).
Then the WC comes around, and I swear I was talking to one of my friends about what my ideal “guy” would look like, and Neymar pops up on my fyp. And oh my goodness. He looked so good. And like I knew it was Neymar but also didn’t know it was Neymar? Like I feel like maybe I had remembered the version of him from like 2015 but at the time I couldn't even remember what I had thought he looked like, cause in this particular video he looked absolutely gorgeous LMFAO.
Anyways, after liking that one edit, 10,000 more edits of him pop up on my fyp and now I’m like obsessed with him. And then…. I see a neymessi edit pop up on my fyp. And I literally was like “Messi?? Literally my favorite player ever? Played with Neymar? My new celebrity crush?” And I essentially fell into the rabbit hole of them. So shout out to whoever made that Tik tok edit of them!! This account wouldn’t be possible without them lol!!
So I do my little deep dive, and I just figure that at some point they left the club and then managed to play in the same club again. But then when I found out Neymar left Barca first... for PSG. I was so mad I'm sorry LMAOOOO. I didn't really understand at first what would've prompted him to leave, and ofc the first stories I saw were that he left because he wanted to get out of Messi's shadow (or for the money). So my initial reaction was feeling a bit blindsided, simply because it had seemed like he was gonna stay with the club forever.
Anyways the whole situation bothered me for like a few days (not to a large extent, it just nagged in the back of my mind), but then I found out about the whole Messi photo situation and the reason why he left (or at least why I think he did) made more sense to me. I mean I still do think about the "what if he never left" part, but that's a little too taxing on my brain so I'm just trying to appreciate what I have now LOLLLLLL.
Anyways... that's my story! I am not an OG neymessi girlie unfortunately, but I am glad to be able to revive their old moments for other new people who are joining the fandom!!
So glad you appreciate my blog anon <3. Words like this mean the absolute world to me :)
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