#this is about 2 years later than planned oops hopefully will be doing more
hamsterhusbandry · 4 years
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[i am uk based so will be talking about uk products]
a cage or enclosure for your hamster is by far the most important choice you’re going to make for your new pet and also the place where a large amount of people go very wrong!
| S I Z E |
the bigger the better! if you have the space and money, please go for the largest size cage you can for your hamster.
the absolute minimum cage size i would recommend for all hamster species is 650 square inches, but please aim for bigger!
my syrian lives in a detolf, coming in at approximately 950 square inches, and having kept a syrian in that size cage, could not imagine keeping one anywhere smaller. and so around 1000 square inches is definitely my personal minimum.
| I M P O R T A N T  F E A T U R E S |
as big a floorspace as possible. height, levels and external tubes are NOT a replacement for continuous floorspace.
hamsters are not climbing animals and excessive height and levels are actually dangerous. when adding platforms to a cage you should always ensure the height is not excessive and there are other items to reduce the height of the drop.
cages with tubes are useless at best and dangerous at worst. the tubes are too small for syrians and bend at extreme angles causing damage to hamsters’ spines. the ventilation is also very poor in them and hamsters often choose to nest in them meaning food, pee and breathing hamster all stuck in a very small plastic non-breathable tube.
a cage should always provide a big enough base or enough height to add an appropriate amount of bedding aka at least 15cm. a barred cage with too shallow a tray or a tank style cage without enough height for 15cm of bedding plus a 30cm wheel (for example) are not suitable.
safe and well ventilated. bars should be narrowly spaced, lids and openings should be secure, there should be enough ventilation in tank style or diy cages
| B A R R E D  C A G E S |
a limited number of appropriately sized barred cages do exist to buy in the uk, with a few even available in chain pet shops e.g. the savic plaza hamster and rat cage (not suitable for rats though), available at pets at home (50cm x 100cm x 50cm). there are also quite a few available to order online on zooplus. 
good access to your hamster, with large front opening doors particularly useful
easy to attach and use hanging toys
well ventilated
limits on bedding depth (the cages i recommend still allow for approx 16/17cm)
from what i read, it seems appropriate sized barred cages are a rarity in the usa, especially without modification, so this is definitely european focused and most the decent sized barred cages i see are available on zooplus. 
| T A N K  S T Y L E  C A G E S |
fish tanks are a straightforward option but can be very expensive in the uk when bought new in an appropriate size. they can be found much cheaper secondhand on sites like preloved and ebay, especially if they have a problem holding water which wouldn’t be a problem for us. 
companies such as junglepets do sell tanks specially designed for small animals, they also provide a customisation service and will make tanks to your own preferred dimensions
some tank style cages are also sold as hamster cages by pet suppliers such as zooplus
the ikea detolf is also a popular tank style option and the cage i myself currently use so i am happy to answer any questions about using it. it does require some diy to make it useable for hamsters and it has some limitations but is the cheapest way of getting such a large cage.
allow you to provide very deep bedding providing enough room for even syrians to burrow
more aesthetically pleasing and give a great view of your hamster, especially burrowing. buried tunnels and chambers can also be fun to experiment with. 
very easy to change layout and an infinite amount of options on how to use the space
glass is more escape proof if you have a houdini especially a hamster who chews plastic trays of barred cages
more difficult to attach water bottles/platforms/hanging toys
only have access to your hamster from above which can make taming more difficult so i recommend the hamster is moved to a more accessible area for taming
less well ventilated than a barred cage, ideally the lid should be almost entirely mesh to allow maximum ventilation 
can be heavy and difficult to move
| D I Y  C A G E S |
bin cages made from modified storage boxes are the most commonly found diy cage and have become a popular option for people trying to cheaply upgrade an inappropriate cage. a bin of a good size and depth, especially for a syrian, is very hard to find in the uk and the ones that are are much more expensive than you would think. while they still can be a good option, especially in countries with limited options, i personally think there are better and easier options in the uk
there is obviously an infinite amount of possibilities for diy cages! if you are very handy or have a handy friend or relative who would like to help you, a made from scratch diy cage could be the best possible option! it can be made as big as you like and have all the features you want! be sure to check what materials (e.g. wood or glue) is safe for use with hamsters
| C A G E  C H E C K L I S T |
✔ meets minimum size requirements (using internal measurements) ✔  if barred, bar spacing of < 1 cm for syrians ranging to < 8mm for robos ✔  has enough depth to add a suitable amount of substrate (15cm) ✔  has enough height for a suitable wheel ✔  allows sufficient ventilation ✔ if not provided with the cage, a lid that prevents escape
| U N S U I T A B L E   C A G E S |
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| S U I T A B L E   O P T I O N S |
(i have tried to provide internal dimensions where possible)
detolf (roughly 950 sq inches / 6080 sq cms) ⇨ what i currently use so will answer any questions i can! :) ⇨ a really good size, especially for dwarves! ⇨ relatively inexpensive option (currently £60) ⇨ have to make a lid ⇨ limited height (about 35cms), only just fits a 30cm wheel with no substrate underneath so you have to plan the space carefully ⇨ available from ikea
living world eco habitat ⇨ available in medium (890 sq inches / 5760 sq cms) and large (1440 sq inches / 9300 sq cms) ⇨ quite expensive (£140-£200) ⇨ great sizes, especially the large. the large is the only cage ive seen that i would personally consider upgrading to. ⇨ ready prepared cage thats quick and easy to assemble but some modifications might be needed such as meshing the ventilation holes in the lid ⇨ easy to transport with wheels on the base ⇨ mainly made of wood including the base, may be a problem with chewers or with liquid reaching the base. they sell liners especially designed for use with the cage but other options could be used. with enough bedding and toys syrians will likely be able to reach the lid and could chew that also. airholes in the sides of the cage may also be a problem with chewers. ⇨ available from zooplus (uk)
barney (779 sq inches / 5050 sq cms) ⇨ not too expensive (£60-£70) ⇨ narrow 7mm bar spacing, good for dwarves ⇨ 16cm tray ⇨ some decent wooden accessories included ⇨ available from zooplus (uk)
alexander (820 sq inches / 5250 sq cms) ⇨ similar to barney but bit more expensive (around £80) ⇨ 17cm tray ⇨ a lot of wooden accessories and platforms included, including three houses of suitable sizes for a syrian ⇨ available from zooplus (uk)
savic plaza (780 sq inches / 5000 sq cm) ⇨ the only good option ive found available from a large chain pet shop in the uk ⇨ medium price range (£75) ⇨ comes with accessories but unfortunately most are unsuitable (the wheel and house are both too small, the platform and ramp are both not of great quality and would be best replaced) ⇨ 16cm tall base so allows an okay depth of bedding if completely filled ⇨ large front opening door so great access to your hamster ⇨ available from pets at home (uk)
plus large fishtanks and diy cages!
(this post obviously doesnt cover all suitable cages i just covered a selection of a few im most familiar with! and of course always do your own research from various sources (e.g. forums, youtube, tumblr) and gather opinions before reaching a decision for yourself!)
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aielwasteofspace · 3 years
Knee Jerk Reactions
Or, Its may be 2:30am, and I may have to work tomorrow, but I just binged the first three episodes, and all the bonus content, and damnit I want to talk about it.
So, where do we begin?
Well, The Eye of the World, the first book in Robert Jordan’s fantasy epic, the Wheel of Time, was released January 15th 1990. Published by Tor it-
Fuck that, you wanna know the history of the books, google it. These books are thirty years old, if someone who loves you hasn’t convinced you to read them by now, A) they don’t really love you, or 2) you’re a stubborn bastard. And at this point, why would you READ them. It’s not like there’s a perfectly good adaptation available for easy consumption and-
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Not you. Nobody likes you.
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There we go. That’s what papa likes.
So, yeah. I liked it. A lot.
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A. Lot.
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I’m gonna get this out of the way, right out of the gate, if you’re not caught up, catch up. Spoilers for episodes 1 through 3.
So, first off, is it EXACTLY like the books? You know, word for word, frame for frame?
Shut up.
You’re stupid.
No one likes you.
You’re ruining my fun.
This isn’t for you, it’s for ME.
That’s right, it’s an adaptation baby, so things have changed. You want perfect Wheel of Time? Pick up the books you coward. There’s gonna be some changes around here. It’s not a 1:1 recreation, you shill. It’s tv fantasy in a post Game of Thrones world, and that means… something, I’m sure…
So yeah. There are noticeable departures from the source materials. Some I like, some I’m on the fence about. All of them I can understand.
Case and point, no Fade on the ride to the Two Rivers. Why? Thematically, it makes no sense. The first half of episode one is supposed to ease us into the waters and make us comfortable in the world. Hard to do that with a spooky scary leech man ogling you while your walking the whiskey to town. Seriously look at this
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And tell me honestly you could chill with your homies like nothing happened. Tell me that lie you fu-
Perrin has a wife now. Who dies. By his hand. Oops. Guess what. It serves as an excellent setup for Perrin’s love hate relationship with his axe later on. Because hacking these
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In self defense. Not exactly a cause for inner turmoil. Trauma? Oh, most certainly, but not introspection and wrestling with self doubt.
Mat has… character. Look, I know I’m planning hopscotch on landmines here, but Mat is actually incredibly boring for a vast majority of the first three books. He’s just kind of being jerked along by the PLOT and has no real motivations or deep character. But here? Making his parents shit? Giving him two baby sisters he loves more than anything? Holy hell, not only does this spur his big character moment in the first episode, you know when he runs out of the relative safety of the communal hiding barn because his waste of skin parents ditched their two prepubescent children in the face of an army of eight foot tall animal human hybrids indiscriminately murdering anything vaguely person, table, or bench shaped. You know, that one? The one that sets up his later acts of (reluctant) heroism. Yeah.
There’s a whole five minute foreshadowing of the Tower’s opinions of Wilders when Moirane and Nynaeve are talking about the previous Wisdom.
The inclusion of Egwane as one of the Ta’veren is an interesting choice. One could argue that the plot does bend over backwards to put her into the right place at the right time pretty constantly. Not sure if it was to add to the “Who is the Dragon Reborn “ subplot (that will hopefully be resolved by the end of this season, because let’s be honest dragging it on any longer would just be insulting to everyone) or not but I’m cool with it.
Not sure about Moirane knowing about Ta’Veren in the Two Rivers before getting there. That just seems… contrived? I dunno. Maybe some one will make it make sense to me.
Anyways, let’s talk about actual content now, because Damn. Shits good. The Tone is definitely dark, but not “I can’t see shit!” Don’t worry, the crew on this project understands that when you watch tv you want to be able to actually SEE what’s happening on screen. No, I mean Winternight. That was a thing. That happened. That was… brutal. Red Wedding WHO?
Side note, I’m gonna stop dunking on Game of Thrones, because it’s low hanging fruit, and honestly it’s getting kind of sad.
Anyways, it’s important to note that unlike some mouse eared cheapskates, this scene is filmed on location with practical effects, gently glazed with a fine coat of cgi to give it that special shine. And it looks INCREDIBLE. The Trollocs? Nightmare fuel. Perfection.
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And since we’re talking about perfection, the cast is just asterisk chef’s kiss asterisk. Josha plays sheepish book 1 baby sad boi Rand excellently. Madeleine’s Egwane is so sweet an innocent, Zoe’s Nyaneve is tough as nails, Marcus’s Perrin is a sweet, gentle giant with all the deliberate slowness of a big man who knows he’s big. Barney is a charismatic scoundrel with a heart of gold. Daniel Henney is a portrait of Stoic stone faced strong and silent type. Rosamumd Pike is just… there aren’t enough complementary words in the English language, and I don’t know enough Spanish. Alexandre’s Thom is… look, he’s a sexy silver fox with the voice of a bluesy angle, and that’s all I’ll say about that for the sake of my sexuality.
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Speaking of things that really get me going, if you like beautiful locals, then let me tell ya, every frame of these three episodes is set against the most gorgeous backdrops I’ve seen in any live action fantasy, hands down. I could go on for hours about the beauty of the world this show has brought to life, but instead I’ll just say that this show made me admire the fine details of a shitty mining town, a seedy tavern, and an open field. Nothing but grass and shrubs, and I was mesmerized.
What’s next? The plot? I don’t know. You tell me. I think it exactly the sort of frantic pacing the first book had, every time I found a comfortable position, shit started happening and I bolted upright. I like it so far. I’m excited to see what comes next. Give me all of it now. Shove it into my eyeballs and let me whimper my thanks like the pathetic fanboy I am.
The music was… hit or miss honestly. Some pieces had that sweeping fantasy vibe that Robert Jordan’s epic truly deserves. Some pieces were just okay. When it does hit, it knocks it out of the park, when it doesn’t, it will suffice. I have high hopes. We were promised a 4-album opera for season one, and damnit I want it.
So, how does it stack up with the books?
Honestly, I’ve been dreading answering that question, because it’s an adaptation of my favorite fantasy series of all time, the father of modern fantasy literature, the series that got me through some of the darkest times of my life. I want it to be perfect. And it’s not. I know I was a sarcastic dickhead before, and I’m sorry for that. The hard truth is that there will only ever be one perfect adaptation of The Wheel of Time, and that’s sitting in a place of honor on my bookshelf.
This isn’t a perfect adaptation, because perfect adaptations between mediums can’t exist. Putting a book on screen, as a film or a series, requires changes. Things that the text can imply, foreshadow or just plain tell the reader have to be done differently. A character’s innermost thoughts can’t be conveyed by a few lines. And above all else, the vision will always be that of the director, the editor, the crew, the cast. Things are going to change. They will be different. And with 14 books to get through, a lot will have to be compressed, summarized, or completely cut. Maybe things that I personally think are important. But I can live with that.
I will always have MY perfect Wheel of Time. First editions, given to me by my Mother when I showed interest in reading them. No one can take that from me. At the end of the day, this show is something else. It may not be MY Wheel of Time, but it is NEW Wheel of Time. It’s MORE Wheel of Time, and maybe it’s DIFFERENT Wheel of time. And I’m okay with that. I think everyone who loves the books can agree MORE Wheel of time is (almost) always a good thing.
Show good, watch please. Read book.
So… yeah.
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
so what about an AU where the vets get together for a movie night every Friday, but there ended up being one Friday where everyone but Nanaba and Levi had to back out last minute. It's awkward because the 2 don't spend time alone together ever, and Nanaba ends up getting Levi really drunk and sappy and he confesses to her about how much he loves Hange and spills his secret plan of how he was planning to propose to her :3
“Erwin won’t come as well,” Levi announced, putting the phone down. “He’s sick.”
“Oh?” Nanaba raised an eyebrow. “Should we visit him?”
“He says it’s nothing serious, but he’s afraid it’s infectious.” 
Sitting back on a sofa, Nanaba frowned. “So Mike visits his family, Hange has an emergency at work and Erwin is sick? That leaves only two us, right?”
Levi nodded, not too pleased about the prospect. “Yeah.” 
“Maybe, we should cancel then? Gather next week?”
“Don’t be absurd,” Levi said harshly. “You’ve ordered pizza already and we’ve chosen the damn movie. May as well enjoy it.” 
“Um, yeah, okay.” 
They both fell silent then. Nanaba started the movie and Levi opened the pizza, taking a slice and offering one to her. Nanaba accepted it with an awkward smile. 
Awkward, everything was too damn awkward. 
It wasn’t like she hated Levi, they’ve been friends for years now. Despite that, however, it was the first time the two of them were left alone, without anyone else to mediate. 
Nanaba struggled to find her words, desperate to fill the silence with at least something. She wasn’t the most talkative type, clearly no match to Hange, but she was never this clumsy in striking up a conversation. 
She needed something to ease her nerves, something that would help her unwind and, hopefully, dispel that damn silence. 
“Listen,” she paused a movie, turning to Levi. He stared back, his face as unreadable as always. “I have some wine in the kitchen,” usually, during movie nights they only drank beer. Tonight, though, Nanaba felt like beer wouldn’t be enough to relax her. “Maybe, I should bring it over?”
“Yes,” Levi replied instantly, showing her his own uneasiness. 
Nanaba beamed at him and hurried to the kitchen to get the bottle and glasses. 
Several glasses later, Nanaba was feeling much better. The movie was long forgotten, as she sat on the sofa, hand below her chin, watching Levi’s face. He was almost smilling, and Nanaba was sure that the reason was whatever he was staring at on his phone. 
“Say hi to Hange from me,” she said with a sly expression. 
Levi immediately put his phone down. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just checking the news.” 
“Really?” Nanaba’s smile grew wider, as she moved closer to Levi. The wine truly did its wonders to her. The awkwardness was gone completely. “What were you reading about then? Science news? Maybe, about certain bespectacled scientist?” 
“You’re drunk, Nanaba,” Levi crossed hands on his chest, glaring at her. 
“I’m not,” she argued. She wasn’t drunk, she was slightly tipsy. “Besides, don’t change the subject! Tell me how Hange is doing!” 
Levi sighed in surrender. “She’s doing fine. Whatever shit happened at her lab is already dealt with.” 
“Ah, so that’s how it is,” Nanaba pouted. “She doesn’t have the time to talk with me, but she’s more than fine with texting you!”
“Nanaba, I-”
“No, no,” she waved her hand, almost spilling the wine on the sofa. She quickly caught herself, though. Levi’s murdering gaze helped in that regard. “I understand, you’re just her favorite.” 
“Huh?” Levi looked back at her, his expression as close to surprised as Nanaba had ever seen. “You really think I’m her favorite?”
Oh god. Nanaba covered her mouth, stifling her laughter. Those two were something else. 
“I’m sure about it,” she replied, trying to keep a straight face. Judging by Levi’s frown, it wasn’t working. “Hange really likes you, Levi,” she added, smiling softly. 
“Do you think-” he paused, clearing his throat. “Do you think she likes me, um, more than a friend?” 
“Of course,” Nanaba said without missing a beat. “You’re her best friend after all.”
“Nanaba,” Levi warned in a low voice. 
This time, she couldn’t hold her laughter. Levi snatched the wine glass out of her hand and then smacked her face with a pillow. 
“You’re such an asshole,” he muttered, putting the glass down on the floor.
“I’m sorry, sorry,” Nanaba raised her hands, still laughing. “I just had to. But don’t you worry, Hange adores you.” 
“Alright,” Levi nodded slowly. “It’s- it’s nice to know that. Thank you.” 
“So,” she threw the pillow back at him. Levi caught before it could hit him. “What are you going to do about it?”
“I-” Levi clutched the pillow in his hands. If Nanaba didn’t know better, she’d say he was nervous. “I have a plan. I’m going- well, I’m going to confess to her. On New Year’s Eve.” 
“Oh? And how are you going to do it?” 
“It’s a secret,” Levi said stubbornly. “Erwin helped me plan the whole thing, though. And Mike helped with a speech.”
“There is going to be a speech?” Nanaba squealed, utterly delighted. For that, she could forgive them for conspiring behind her back. 
“Nothing too fancy,” he assured her. “But, um, it’s Hange. I want it to be perfect.” 
“Aw,” Nanaba smacked his arm with a smile. “You’re such a sweetheart, Levi!” 
“I’m not,” Levi told her darkly. 
“You are,” she protested cheekily. “Why didn’t you tell me about your plan, though? I thought we were friends.” 
“We are,” he said, unusually earnest. “But I was afraid you’d tell Hange about it.” 
“Why didn’t Mike tell me then?” 
“Ah,” Levi smirked. “Let’s just say that Erwin pulled a few strings on him.” 
“Of course,” Nanaba huffed, rolling her eyes. 
For a moment, they were both silent. Nanaba fiddled with her phone, while Levi stared straigth ahead, deep in his thoughts.
“Do you think she likes me?” he asked after a while, his voice quiet and unsure. 
“She really does,” Nanaba answered, patting his arm. “As a matter of fact, I even have a proof.” 
“Yeah, Hange clearly likes you more than even her work.” 
“Huh?” Levi frowned. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean, Ackerman,” Nanaba clasped his knee with a grin. “Get your ass of my sofa. Hange will be here soon your drive you home.” 
“But- she was busy!” 
“Clearly not as busy as she thought. I told you were drunk, and she agreed to come instantly.”
“I’m not drunk,” Levi scowled. 
“Oops,” Nanaba giggled. “C’mon, it’s your chance to spend some time alone with Hange. Don’t be a grump.” 
“You’re vile woman,” he retorted, but despite his harsh words, Nanaba could see a smile pulling on his lips. 
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aussiearrow · 3 years
Last Name - E. Phantasmo
A/N: Okay wow, this has been in progress for months with so many changes, so many doubts, so many other things. But it's finally here. Thanks to @bitterendbrutalizer for forever listening to my ideas the last few months and encouraging this to see the light of day sooner rather than later.
If you want to be added to the taglist on this please let me know.
This is part of a series called ' Waking Up In Vegas ' , it started out as a 2 part but as things went along it became a 3 part. So hope you guys enjoy it!
Warnings: I curse a lot so there's a few thrown in, alcohol , elp ( yes he's a warning cause look at him)
Last Name - E.Phantasmo x OFC
" Last night I got served a little bit too much of that poison baby. Last night I did things I'm not proud of and I got a little crazy. Last night I met a guy on the dance floor and I let him call me baby. "
Kal walked through the doors of the airport ready to just get this vacation started already. She must have had the week from hell with dealing with terrible people who consistently told her how she should do her job that she's only done for the past 10 years now but since it wasn't what they wanted to hear it was all wrong.
She met up with her group as she gave them all quick hugs.
"The rest of the group should be here soon." Kasey said as she led Kal over to the seat next to her as the two sat down.
"Rest of the group?" Kal asked her with a confused look," I thought it was just going to be me, you, Jay, Toni, Bea, and Juice?"
"It was until Jay over here said it out loud and a certain headbanger overheard followed by an invitation from Juice which than somehow now Will is coming too and Taiji and who knows whatever other club member or Chaos member or former at this point." Kasey said as Jay cheekily looked over at them.
"I'm sorry I got excited." Jay said.
Kal just nodded while she didn't exactly know any of them, she knew of them when she watched New Japan Pro Wrestling every week to see her friends. And sometimes they would be on the show and they seemed like they were a pretty fun group to be around.
"Okay did they say when they should be here? I think I needed to be in Vegas like yesterday." Kal said as the three of them laughed.
It was soon broken up by a loud commotion at the other end of the airport as they all looked over to see the one who Kal knew as Kenta who she met a number of times and got along with greatly. Kenta laughing as he walked away from Taiji who was picking up his suitcase off the floor with a flushed cheeks as a guy who Kal only knew by his wrestling name El Phantasmo stood there watching him and laughing. Will on the other hand made his way over to the group more so Bea.
"And that would be them." Kasey said as she greeted Will and re introduced the two.
"You're the infamous Kal we hear a lot about yet never seen was starting to think they all made you up." Will said with a laugh.
"Hell of an imagination. I'm Riley. This is Taiji and Kenta." Riley said as Kal offered them all a small smile.
"We've met." Kenta said as he offered her a hug that she returned.
"And you held out on us?" Riley said.
"Do you blame him?" Jay said from behind as he stepped forward to greet them.
The whole plane ride was filled with jokes from the group some of which Kal was included in on. Most were ones that Kal never got due to leaving wrestling to pursue her other passion that was slowly making her unhappy now. All the jokes that seemingly came from a certain group of guys.
Kenta sat next to Kal as he always made her feel welcomed in the group of wrestlers as he was the first one she met aside from Jay and Kasey.
"How's work?" Kenta asked her.
"Starting to feel more like a job if you ask me."
"Oof that bad?" Kenta asked as Kal nodded," Well than that is the last mention of work you'll hear from me this weekend?"
"Mention of what?" Kal said as Kenta laughed.
"Exactly." Kenta said.
The rest of the plan ride went more like the first half. As they got off the plane and checked into a hotel almost all of them decided on dinner and bed so that way they can spend the whole day tomorrow doing what they want to do. And just with Kal's luck her room ended up being right next to Riley and Taiji's room.
" And I don't even know his last name. My momma would be so ashamed. It started off,' Hey cutie, where you from?' And than it turned into,' Oh no! What have I done?' And I don't even know his last name. "
They all decided that it was a pretty good idea to meet up for dinner after everyone got settled in. But to no one's surprise Kasey and Jay decided that they were going to do a bit of a date night. Kal had known Kasey for years having went to school together in Florida. And being there the night she met Jay cause she wasn't sure if it was truly him or not.
When they all met up at the restaurant everyone was talking about things they wanted to do things that didn't exactly excite Kal. Her main goal this trip was to hopefully not remember a single thing by the end of it all.
"What about you Kal?" Kenta asked.
"My goal is to forget about anything I did this trip."
"I mean you definitely came to the right place for that." Bea said with a laugh.
"I'm more than okay with doing that, will you be able to hold off until tomorrow?" Will said.
"I can get started alone."
"In Vegas? Absolutely not. Kenta?" Toni said.
"I'm out, for once. I'm actually tired." Kenta said.
Kal sighed as that meant Bea, Toni, Juice, Kenta were out. Kasey and Jay were off doing whatever.
"What about me and Taiji?" Riley said.
"I wouldn't make her go through that. And while I trust Taiji you'll probably end up just as wasted as her and we'll have a hard time finding both of you in the morning." Taiji said.
"Okay what if they both go with me?" Kal said kind of surprised she even entertained the idea even in the slightest.
"I'm down." Riley said as he shot Kal a smile and a wink.
If it wasn't for Taiji agreeing Kal would have taken it all back but she really did want too enjoy her first night here.
"Than it's settled. After this the 3 of us are going to hit the town. You into strip clubs Kal?"
"Absolutely not. At least not the first night." Kal said as they all finished their dinner.
"So what do you expect to do than?" Riley asked Kal as they said their goodbyes to their friends as Riley and Taiji got the run down of making sure that they all come see them for lunch tomorrow since they certainly won't be making breakfast.
"Drink. Don't care where as long as it's not a strip club. I was thinking of starting at that new place that opened up on the strip and I'm just going to let the night tell me where else I should go." Kal said as she turned to look at them.
"We can go there." Taiji said before Riley could even respond as Kal smiled.
"I like you already." Kal said.
"What about me?" Riley said with a slight pout.
"I think I might be still warming up to you. Ask me tomorrow." Kal said as Taiji laughed as the 3 of them headed down the strip.
"Okay please don't lose anyone, not in Vegas at least." Taiji said as they all sat down at a table.
"We won't Bone Daddy." Riley said in a mocking yet playful tone.
"Who calls someone Bone Daddy?" Kal said as she gave them both a confused look.
"Just a running joke about his gimmick." Riley said with a slight shrug.
"Is there a running joke about you?" Kal said as Taiji laughed causing her to look over at him.
"This guy get a nickname that he didn't give himself? Good joke." Taiji said as Kal laughed and Riley shook his head," At least nothing that anyone says to his face."
Riley threw the closest thing on the table at him as Taiji continued to laugh as they put their drink orders in," We can let Kal here come to a decision on whether or not I get a nickname."
"I think I'd much rather join everyone else and keep it behind your back, makes things that much more interesting." Kal said as she smiled slightly when he looked at her as she sipped her drink.
"How did you meet Kenta?" Taiji asked
'"Yeah how? We've been around him for the past 2 years now, heard of you but never saw you." Riley followed up.
"I met him when Jay brought him to be my date cause I was visiting Kasey when he dropped by unexpectedly."
"You don't wrestle?" Taiji asked as Kal shook her head no.
"Trained a little, but at the same time I was pulling for my other dream job. That opportunity came knocking first and spent the last 10 years doing that."
"You don't seem too thrilled about that." Riley said.
"Cause lately I'm not, it started feeling like a job when new people starting coming in pitching ideas that I tried to pitch for years and since they are younger I guess they decided they were going to listen to them all while treating everyone else like shit." Kal said with a sigh remembering the argument that ensued at the office the night before she left.
"So you mentioned a date with Kenta?" Riley said of course bringing it back to her love life.
"Yeah, we hit it off." Kal said blankly as Riley nodded his head the playful look in his eyes slowly going away," As friends."
Taiji raised his eyebrows as another round of drinks came and went as Riley grilled Kal on her life.
"Okay that's enough. I think I entertained you guys enough. We should go back to the hotel so we can get some rest for tomorrow." Taiji said as he stood up.
Kal booed at him but still stood up knowing that he was right, the way she saw it is if she went to bed now she could get an early start tomorrow. Riley on the other hand had completely different plans and if he could just get Kal to look in his direction he could have it play out.
As the group paid and left the bar, Taiji hailed for a cab. Once one pulled up, Riley made it seem like he 'dropped' something and couldn't find it once Taiji got inside. As Kal turned to help Riley out, he waited long enough to the point the cab pulled away.
As Riley pulled his phone out of his pocket," Oops, must have been here the entire time."
"You're a mess." Kal said as she turned back to see the cab now half way down the road.
"Oh no, looks like we missed the cab. I can get us another one." Riley said as Kal heard the totally did that on purpose tone in his voice.
"Or we can go to that other bar?" Kal said with a hopeful tone.
"Lead the way." Riley said das he held his arm out for her to go first as she smiled mischievously as she walked by him and he followed closely behind.
" We left the club, right around three o'clock in the morning. His pinto sitting there in the parking lot. Well it should have been a warning. I had no clue what I was getting into so I blame it on Cuervo. Oh, where did my manners go? "
It only took a couple of more drinks before Kal found herself hanging onto Riley as his hands wrapped tightly around her waist as they left the club at 3 in the morning.
"Do we have to go back to the hotel?" Kal said as she slurred her words a little bit as she pouted up at him.
"Well where else would we go?" Riley said as he looked down at her.
Kal shrugged," We're in Vegas don't people party until like Tuesday or something?"
Riley laughed," I don't think that's the saying but I'm sure we can come up with something." Kal sat there with a pout as she didn't let go of Riley's arm.
"I'm going to need my arm if you want me to find some place we can go." Riley said.
"No you don't, you're talented with just one hand aren't you? You're cocky about everything else so." Kal trailed off slightly as her eyes wondered the strip completely missing Riley's invitation to keep messing around like that and she can find out.
"Okay let's go there's a place down the street and apparently it's one where you have to keep a close eye on whoever you come in with think you can handle that?" Riley asked her as the two began walking.
Kal tucked herself into his side some more, I think I can handle you."
"Not what I asked but good to know." Riley said as he held the door open for her as they walked in.
Neither of them were completely sure when things started but Riley got protective when Kal who said she wouldn't leave that spot while he went to the bathroom ultimately left that spot and found her way to the bar. It took him well over a half hour to get to her and when he saw a hand on the small of her back daring to go a little lower he shoved the guy.
"What the hell man?" The guy said as Kal turned around to see Riley.
"Where did you go? I lost you." Kal said as he took the spot the guy was just in.
"Chris this is my husband, the one I told you about the wrestler that can kick your ass if you touched me again."
"Husband?" Riley said at first as he slowly caught on," Oh. Did you really tell him that?" Kal nodded her head.
"Looking at you now I'm certain that I made a good choice when I decided not to listen." The guy who was named Chris said.
"Well it's a damn shame you don't believe it. And even more of a shame that I'm not out here to try and prove anything to some random mark in Vegas." Riley said as Kal put her hand on his bicep to get his attention as he looked down at the girl who decided that instead of proving by argument decided to plant a kiss on his lips.
Riley was taken by surprise at first and while he may have felt a little buzzed before, he wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that was still fresh on Kal's lips or just her in general that he now was completely over the edge and absolutely drunk.
By the time they pulled away Chris was no longer around and if you asked the two of them they didn't notice much of anyone else either.
Neither of them wanted to say anything to the other about wanting to end the night and possibly go back to the hotel together. So they did the smart thing and continued to bar hop and make out.
It wasn't until Riley pulled away once as he looked down at Kal," So I'm your husband right?" He really meant it as a joke but in their drunken state it was more of a statement.
Kal looked at her left hand as she showed him it," I don't see a ring."
"We can change that I mean we are in Vegas."
" Today I woke up thinking about Elvis somewhere in Vegas, I'm not sure how I got here or how this ring on my left hand just appeared outta no where. I gotta go, take the chips and the pinto and hit the road. They say ' What happens here, stays here, all of this will disappear. There's just one little problem. "
Kal opened her eyes and immediately shut them with a groan as she slowly regained all thoughts from the night before, but sadly got no where when her head once again started to pound.
She looked at the time and sighed, not only did she probably miss breakfast with everyone but lunch too. As she slowly sat up and put her hand on the bridge of her nose.
She was about to get out of bed when she heard the shower turn off as her eyes went wide. Hoping that the walls were just very thin. But when the door opened to Riley walking through with nothing but a towel around his waist.
"What are you doing in my room?" Kal said as she looked at him.
"Good afternoon to you too. You definitely weren't saying that last night or well this morning. Nice chest by the way, happy I get to see it when I'm sort of sober to remember it." Riley said as he smirked.
Kal rolled her eyes as she looked down to see just exactly what he was talking about as she hurried up to cover herself," I've only been in Vegas a day and I'm already making horrible decisions."
"Well if you already made one, than what's the issue with doing it again? Maybe we both can remember it this time." Riley said.
"Well it seems like you also forgot that I said the whole point of this trip was to not remember anything about it, especially this."
"I'm only joking, I'll be over here getting dressed. You might want to call Kasey. Jay called me like 20 times since this morning and when I picked up he said Kasey has been freaking out cause you weren't answering."
"Well did you tell him that you were with me so she wouldn't freak out anymore?" Kal said as she looked up at him.
"Told him that I haven't seen you since you ditched me and Taiji and didn't get in the cab with us last night." Riley said.
"You did not." Kal said as all he did to answer was shrug.
"Guess you'll find out when you call her."
"I hate you so much." Kal said as she searched for her phone.
Once she finally found it she looked at the screen to see 25 missed calls from Kasey as well as a handful of text messages and a few voicemails. Than there was some from Jay and Bea. As she sighed and pushed Kasey's contact.
It took her all of a ring to pick up," Well, well, well look who finally decides to bring herself to answer the phone."
"Ugh please don't be so loud, my head can't take it." Kal said.
"Yeah, Riley told us that once you join the living you'll probably have a massive hangover after last night. Speaking of Riley, care to explain why he was in your room earlier?" Kasey said in a teasing tone.
"I'd rather not talk about it." Kal said as Kasey laughed.
"That's okay, Taiji filled us all in. So when you're doing rolling around in the sheets together and actually want to be with the rest of us we're meeting in the lobby in a half hour to get lunch somewhere."
"I'll be there." Kal said as they said their goodbyes and hung up. As she laid back down and sighed picking up her hand to run it over her face, she gave a weird look when she felt something cold hit her face.
As she pulled her hand away from her face and looked at it. It all seemed normal until she got to her ring finger, one that was just bare last night was now no longer bare.
"No, no, no Fuck. No." Kal began to say as she quickly put a oversized shirt on and went to the bathroom completely forgetting about the man that was still very much in her room.
"Everything alright?" Riley said as he watched Kal wash her face before looking at her hand again before once again repeating what she said before," Woah hey, care to tell me what's going on?"
Kal stopped her string of curse words as she walked over to Riley and took his left hand where a ring also sat on his ring finger. One that matched hers.
"This. This is what's going on." Kal said as she brought his hand up and just about shoved it in his face.
"Well shit." Riley said as she dropped his hand and sat down on the edge of the bed.
Kal felt so many emotions as she put her head in her hands.
"Kal? We got to talk." Riley said.
"No, not right now. Right now what we have to do is get ready and meet up with our friends."
"So you're going to act like this just never happened?" Riley asked, Kal could hear the hurt in his voice.
Choosing to ignore it, " Yeah I am until we can figure out how to make it disappear. But we aren't telling anyone got it?"
"Yeah got it." Riley said as Kal closed the bathroom door just as he sat down on the bed," Lovely wife I got myself." Riley said with a sarcastic tone that was meant to be under his breath but Kal heard it loud and clear as she got in the shower.
" I don't even know my last name. Oh my momma would be so ashamed. It started off,' Hey cutie, where you from?' And then it turned into, ' Oh no! What have I done?' And I don't even know my last name."
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I’m Fine: An AtsuHina sick fic (Part 1)
@wraithpoison said:
an atsuhina sick fic please <3
This is a request from my other blog! I’m sorry it took me so long. Honestly, I had a lot of trouble with this one for some reason? I rewrote it like three times :/ and this one is actually going to be in two parts too! This part isn’t too AtsuHina heavy, but the next part will be. 
I’m Fine: an AtsuHina sick fic (part 1)
Part 2
Pairing: Sick Atsumu, caretaker Hinata (also caretakers Rin & Osamu)
Word Count: 2,360
Trigger Warnings: vomiting, swearing, stressed Hinata :(
“I’ll be home as soon as I can, Tsumu,” Shoyo frowned at him through their FaceTime. Unfortunately, the redhead was in an airport, sitting at his gate waiting for his flight and not currently with Atsumu. He had headphones in, but they were picking up all of the noise around him and it made Atsumu’s head pound.
“I know, Sho. Try not to worry so much, alright? Imma big kid now. I can take care of a little fever by myself,” Atsumu responded sleepily. He was curled up in a blanket, lying on their couch.
The Jackals were given about 2 weeks off and Shoyo decided to use that time to go visit some of his friends in Brazil for a week. He invited Atsumu, but the latter declined, saying that he wanted to go home and see his mom.
Atsumu got home last night and Shoyo’s flight was set to arrive tomorrow morning. The plans worked out perfectly so that they’d have a week on their respective vacations and a week together.
While Atsumu was driving home last night, he started feeling lethargic and heavy and just overall Not Good. He brushed it off as exhaustion and went straight to bed when he got back, only to wake up this morning feeling worse. It didn’t take long for him to figure out that he had a fever. The sticky sweat that plastered his clothes to his body despite the chills he felt were a dead giveaway.
Shoyo called him when he got settled at the gate. Atsumu tried valiantly to appear healthy, but after 3 years of dating, Shoyo knew him entirely too well to be fooled. Now he was all anxious and trying to magically make the 24 hour journey from Rio to Tokyo happen in less time.
“I know, but I’m just worried. And I feel bad that I’m not there to help you,” Shoyo pouted. Atsumu rolled his eyes.
“It’s fine, Sho. I’ll see ya tomorrow and you can make me better with all the overdue cuddles I’m owed.”
Shoyo’s lips quirked up ever so slightly and Atsumu felt a little better.
“Did you take something?” Shoyo asked.
“Are you staying hydrated?”
“Yes, baby.”
“Did you call Samu and Rin to let them know?”
“I just texted them. They’ll come runnin’ if I need ‘em,” he sighed.
“Do you want me to order you some soup from that one restaurant?”
“What? Sho, no-“
“They’ll deliver! I can do it from here. The airport has wifi and I might have to pay for it but that’s okay and if it means that—“ Shoyo started rambling frantically and Atsumu’s head spun.
“Shoyo, hey. Shut up, will ya?” He chuckled and Shoyo’s mouth snapped shut.
“Sorry, Tsumu. I just wish I was home already,” he looked down. (Atsumu obviously wasn’t with his boyfriend, but if he knew him at all, Shoyo was nervously picking at the hem of his shirt.)
“I know. Me too,” Atsumu replied. Truth be told, he was feeling a lot worse than he let on. At the least, he hoped Shoyo couldn’t tell.
His head felt like it was being squeezed, he was congested, those chills were still pretty prevalent, his body felt like it weighed 1000 pounds and he felt vaguely nauseous.
That’s what he was most afraid of, honestly. He really, really didn’t want to throw up. He’s never liked it; never handled it well. Hopefully he could stave off the nausea, at least until Shoyo got home.
Shoyo looked back up at him and Atsumu wanted more than anything for him to be home right now so he could physically rub away the anxious lines on his boyfriend’s face.
“I’ll be fine,” he reassured. Shoyo nodded.
“I’m gonna take a nap, okay? Yer flight leaves at midnight yer time right?” Again, Shoyo nodded. Perfect. That meant that he’d be home by noon tomorrow. It was about 10 in the morning in Tokyo (so 10 in the evening in Rio), so Atsumu only had to wait about 26 hours for Shoyo to get home. Hopefully, he’d be sleeping most of that time anyway.
“Okay,” he said, “can ya stop worrying? It’s just a little fever.” Shoyo groaned.
“Fine! Fine. As long as you promise to text your brother if you start feeling worse. Please don’t push yourself, Tsum-Tsum,” Shoyo all but begged. Atsumu gaped at him.
“Me? Overwork myself? I’m offended at the implication, babe” he teased. Shoyo rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m serious, Atsumu. You always push yourself more than you should. Don’t do that this time, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I gotcha. Honestly,” he resituated himself, “I’m prob’ly just gonna take a nap and order take out. I don’t feel much like doing anything anyway,” he shrugged. And oops, he probably shouldn’t have said that. Immediately, Shoyo became more suspicious.
“You? Agreeing to rest? Are you sure it’s just a fever?”
“‘Course!” Atsumu forced a laugh and Shoyo’s eyes narrowed. “Have I ever lied to you, baby?”
“Yes,” Shoyo deadpanned, “all the time.” Atsumu bristled.
“Not about anything important, though! And my health is important,” he assured.
“Atsumu, please take this seriously. Fevers are no joke, okay? I know that all too well,” Shoyo said, a serious look on his face. Atsumu wanted to wash it away. He frowned, remembering nationals his second year of high school, watching Shoyo collapse on the court. They may not have been close yet, but it was scary nonetheless.
“I know. And I promise I am taking care of myself, alright?” he said, no longer trying to joke, but simply reassure. He hated causing Shoyo any sort of anxiety.
“I’m gonna go now, okay?” He said and Shoyo nodded.
“Okay. Alright. Take a nap. Stay hydrated. Text Osamu if you need to. Don’t be all proud,” Shoyo instructed.
“Yes, yes, okay. I love you. Have a safe flight,” he smiled. Shoyo’s face brightened and Atsumu felt slightly reassured that maybe, just maybe, Shoyo wouldn’t spend his entire 24 hour journey home worrying about him.
“I love you, too. See you tomorrow,” Shoyo replied and with that, the call ended.
As soon as Shoyo’s face disappeared from his phone, Atsumu sank into the couch and exhaled exhaustedly. Keeping up the appearance that he felt alright took way more energy than he thought.
He curled up on his side and wrapped his blanket tighter around himself. A nap. That’s what he needed. If he was asleep, he could ignore the headache and the nausea and the chills. And hopefully, when he woke up, he’d feel better.
With that thought, Atsumu went to sleep.
Shoyo stared anxiously at the screen that previously had his boyfriend’s pale, flushed face displayed on it. Atsumu was definitely more sick than he let on and Shoyo might punch him later for lying, but for the time being, there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn’t make his trip home any shorter.
Instead of letting panic take hold, he did the next best thing. He texted Osamu and Rintaro.
From: Shoyo
“Did Atsumu text you guys?”
From: Osamu
“Yeah. Sorry your boyfriend’s an idiot.”
From: Rin
“Samu, while you’re absolutely correct and should say so, maybe not right now.”
“Don’t worry, Sho. Samu is an ass, but he’s worried too. We’re gonna go check on that pig later today.”
Shoyo breathed a huge sigh of relief towards the ceiling. Osamu doesn’t show it, but he does care about his brother. And Shoyo could always count on them.
From: Shoyo
“Thank you guys. Let me know how he’s doing?”
“I just got off FaceTime with him and he was putting up a brave front, but he didn’t look good.”
From: Osamu
“Of course he was. I gotcha, Shoyo. I’ll knock some sense into the big stupid.”
From: Rin
“In other words, yes, we’ll keep you updated and make sure that he’s well taken care of. Don’t stress. Just focus on getting home and leave the time in between to us.”
Shoyo did feel better knowing that Rin and Osamu were so close to Atsumu and could check up on him. He’d be okay. So, for the time being, all he could do was wait.
Atsumu woke up to conversation. He squeezed his eyes and shifted around, groaning. Whoever was talking needed to shut up. The tightness in his head hadn’t let up at all and he was absolutely freezing.
“Oh, yer awake. Finally.”
Atsumu scrunched his eyebrows together and blinked his eyes open, only to find his brother and Rin sitting on the love seat next to the couch.
“Samu?” He croaked.
“Yeah. We’re actually here. It’s not some crazy fever induced dream,” he said in his usual monotone.
“More like a nightmare,” Atsumu mumbled. He sat up and the room spun. He moaned and put his face in his hands.
“How are you feeling?” Rin asked him. Atsumu glanced at his phone. It was about two thirty in the afternoon. Twenty one and half hours until Shoyo was home.
“Fine,” he responded, but it was muffled by his hands. “I told you you guys I’d let ya know if I needed ya. Why’re you here?” He looked at them again.
“Shoyo asked us to come.” Rin shrugged.
“‘Course he did,” he sighed.
“Well, it’s a good thing we did. Ya look like shit,” Osamu said bluntly and stood up. He left the room, but came back a second later with some soup and a ginger ale.
“Eat. Then take some more meds and then we’ll get outta yer hair.”
Atsumu stared at the soup for a second and his stomach turned itself over. He really didn’t want to put anything in his body right now.
“Did ya poison it?” He tried to disguise the involuntary curl of his lip off as an insult towards his brother.
“Wha—no, you stupid pig, we didn’t poison it.” Osamu almost yelled, his eyebrows furrowing together. In fact, Atsumu was sure that if he wasn’t feeling so awful, his brother would have yelled and smacked him upside the head. But Osamu also happened to know Atsumu entirely too well.
“It’s from some restaurant that Shoyo told us about. He said it was your favorite,” Rin said, his tone quiet. Probably because Osamu knew Atsumu had a headache and warned Rin.
Atsumu felt his chest twist. Shoyo sent them? And told them about his favorite soup? Atsumu wanted to cry.
“Are you crying?” Rin asked, wide eyed. Oh, maybe he was crying. He couldn’t tell, honestly. His face was hot, regardless.
“Ppppfttt,” Osamu held back a laugh.
“Hey! Don’t be an ass. I don’t feel good and I miss my boyfriend,” Atsumu sniffled. “Need I remind ya of the time Rin was gone for a week and ya whined to me about it nightly,” he shot back. Osamu shut up.
“Just eat it,” was all he said. Atsumu must look at lot worse than he thinks because Osamu wasn’t fighting back. He only did that when he knew Atsumu really wasn’t feeling good—physically or mentally.
Staring at the soup, he couldn’t help the twist of his face again.
“Tsumu,” Osamu sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Does yer stomach hurt?”
Atsumu blushed (or was that his fever?) and shook his head rapidly.
“No! It’s...it’s fine. I’m fine,” he said probably too hastily.
“Don’t lie, please.” Osamu put a hand on his hip and stared Atsumu down. Rin looked between them curiously. Atsumu glared at his brother.
“It’s a little uneasy. But I’m fine,” he insisted.
“Are ya sure you don’t want us to stay with ya until Shoyo gets back?” Osamu asked gently. From the corner of his eye, Atsumu saw Rin’s eyes widen at the abrupt softness coming from Osamu.
Atsumu hesitated. Did he want them to stay? They were offering. It’s not like he was inconveniencing them in any way. Osamu may be a dick, but he was still his brother. And if he was going to puke later, he’d want someone else here. He opened his mouth to say yes please stay I don’t want to be alone, but was cut off by Sunarin.
“Samu, we can’t stay. We promised Akaashi we’d take the twins overnight since they went out of town with Kuroo and Kenma,” Sunarin said. He pulled his lips into a tight line and picked at his fingernails.
Clearly, he didn’t want to leave Atsumu alone. But the Bokuto twins were handfuls at best and nightmares at worst. There was no way that Rin could watch them alone. And Atsumu couldn’t very well go over there and risk getting them sick.
Osamu looked between the two of them and bit his lip.
“Rin, would you mind if—“
“It’s fine, Samu,” Atsumu interrupted. It wasn’t fine.
Osamu’s eyes burned holes into Atsumu’s face. He knew. He knew that Atsumu was nauseas. He knew that Atsumu hated vomiting. Atsumu appreciated it, he did. But he didn’t need his brother to come to his rescue.
“Sho will be home tomorrow morning. It’s fine. I’ll call if I need ya,” he tried to sound confident, but his voice shook. His throat hurt.
Osamu obviously didn’t believe him, the frown on his face and the pull of his eyebrows giving him away. He exhaled through his lips and nodded.
“Okay. But seriously, you can call if ya need to,” he resigned and sat down beside Atsumu on the couch.
Rin and Osamu stayed for a few more hours until they absolutely had to leave. Osamu was still reluctant and it made Atsumu happy when he remembered how much his brother cared, despite the way it looked to outsiders. With another promise to call if he needed to, the two of them left Atsumu alone once more.
He surveyed his body.
Headache? Crushing.
Fever? Scorching.
Body Aches? Heavy.
Nausea? Prevalent.
He moaned and curled tightly in on himself once more. The DVD player under the TV said it was nearly five pm. A little more than 17 hours until Shoyo was home. He could do this. He’d be fine.
He was not fine. He was absolutely not fine.
Atsumu heaved into the toilet, gripping the seat tightly. Everything happened so fast. One second he was asleep on the couch and in the next second he was sprinting to the bathroom, just barely making it before projectile vomiting into the toilet.
The room around him swirled and his throat burned with every aborted heave. What time was it? Would Shoyo be home soon? He felt so so terrible. It was so hot. Sweat covered every inch of his body, making it difficult to keep his hold on the toilet. Despite that, he was still trembling. His fever was probably way too high. He should do something about that, right?
His stomach lurched again and he belched wetly, but swallowed down whatever tried to come up. He refused. The loss of control that accompanied throwing up made him feel helpless and horrible and dammit what was that high pitched whine? It cut through his brain like a knife.
Finally, he was granted a reprieve and gasping, he sat back on his heels. He needed to move, needed to do something while he had the time. If he knew his body at all, he knew this was going to be a long fight that he would inevitably lose. It was such a surprise he didn’t have time to prepare. He wiped at his face.
Oh, he was crying. That was probably the whining that still hadn’t stopped. Pathetic.
Okay, it was fine. He could do this. Grabbing onto the sink, he hoisted himself up on unsteady legs.
In the next fifteen minutes, he managed to grab a blanket, a pillow, his phone, some crackers (not that he really wanted to eat them) and one of Shoyo’s nasty fruity sports drinks. The whole endeavor took way longer than it should have, but all of his movements were sluggish and difficult. It also became blatantly obvious that the battle against his stomach was not one he was going to win.
Just the thought of puking more kept a steady flow of tears streaming down his cheeks the entire trip.
Finally, he made it back to the bathroom and set up camp for the night. Smacking the screen of his phone, he checked the time.
“12:27 am” taunted him. Less than 12 hours. Good. He managed to sleep for around 5 hours.
Nausea swirled in his gut and he whimpered. Several unproductive heaves later, he was left reeling.
Somewhere in the haze of his mind, he thought to contact his brother. He couldn’t open his mouth though. No chance. Then he’d for sure puke. Where was Shoyo? He wanted Shoyo.
He picked up his phone in shaking fingers and sent a slew of what he hoped were coherent texts to their group chat with Osamu and Rin. Slowly but surely, he was losing his grasp on his surroundings, the fever messing with his brain.
Help. He needed help. He was scared.
Disgusting gurgles sounded from his stomach and he choked on a sob. He rested a cheek on the toilet seat, and gagged.
“No, no no no,” he cried, but he couldn’t stop it. He was too sick. Too weak. Too tired. Instead of trying to force it back down, he dropped his jaw and burped. Vomit poured out of his mouth and he sobbed between heaves.
When the fit ended, he collapsed onto the floor, gasping and crying. Why was this happening? Where was Shoyo? Why wasn’t his boyfriend here? Did he get tired of Atsumu and leave him? What about Osamu? Was he sick of Atsumu too?
Of course. Of course they were.
Shoyo. He just wanted his boyfriend. Why wasn’t he here? Why why why what did Atsumu do to chase him away?
Those were the last thoughts that plagued Atsumu’s mind before his surroundings faded away completely.
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kaywinchester · 4 years
Dark Power Pt. 3
If you haven’t already, read Part 2 Here!
Summary: Y/N is starting to notice her abilities more often and so is Sam. How is she going to learn how to control them?
Word Count: 2,656
Song requested for this fic: In Control by Nemesea Listen to it Here!
Another four years passed, Sam and Y/N were still living in the same place. Y/N went to school and Sam had gotten a job as a sales representative at a tech company. Over time he got more and more surprised that he was able to lead a normal life, but he didn’t want to get too comfortable. Sam wired the house with a pretty good security system that he got from work, and he always had a gun kept hidden. Even though he wasn’t a hunter anymore, he still knew how to protect himself and his daughter. 
It was Y/N’s last class of the day and the bell finally rang. She opened her locker and started putting her books in her backpack. “Hey, are we still hanging out this Saturday?” Her friend Emma asked and she leaned against her locker door.
“Yes, definitely. I got my dad to grab the second part of the movie for us!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Awesome! I’m so excited. Well, my mom’s here, see you tomorrow!” Emma waved.
Y/N went through some folders in her locker before someone pushed the door open, hitting the other lockers with a bang, startling her.
“Oops, did I scare you?” Hannah smirked.
Hannah was one of the few people that would occasionally pick on Y/N. For some reason, ever since second grade, she didn’t like her. Y/N didn’t really let it bother her too much, she just did what her dad told her.
“Just remember, you’re better than she is. She’s just trying to make herself feel better. If you let it bother you, she’ll see that and use that weakness to knock you down even more. Kill her with kindness. But, if anyone crosses the line, maybe you can give them a little taste of their own medicine.” 
Sam did teach Y/N how to defend herself when she was old enough. His reason was if she was ever pushed around at school, or walking alone. But he secretly wanted his daughter to know basic self defense in case anything ever tried to hurt her.
“What do you want, Hannah.” Y/N sighed.
“Just wanted to bring it to your attention that tomorrow, Ms. Eller is letting us pick new seats, so you better let me have the seat next to Ashley by the window.” Hannah spat.
“I’ll sit wherever I want.” Y/N simply said.
“Look, we don’t need your smell lingering around where we sit, so I suggest you reconsider.”
“I’m perfectly fine with choosing where I wanna sit, I don’t know why that's such a big deal to you.” Y/N shrugged.
“Those are going to be our seats for the rest of the year, so I want to be comfortable in class. If I were you, sit as far away as possible, preferably by the door.” Hannah laughed.
Y/N was normally unbothered by little comments like this, but Hannah kept going on and on, making dig after dig. Y/N finally had enough and shut her locker door, in the process, all the other locker doors in her row shut like dominoes with a blunt force. Making a loud bang echo through out the hallway. Hannah and her friends stopped and stared at Y/N in shock. The few people in the hallway that were lingering around after school turned towards her as well. Y/N stood there in shock, not knowing what to do or say. She looked at Hannah, knowing she was about to say something to embarrass her. 
“Did you guys see that? Y/N is such a freak!” Hannah shouted.
“I-I didn't do anything.” Y/N stuttered.
“You hear that? Y/N Winchester is a freak!” She called out, as she was also backing up slowly out of fear. 
Y/N adjusted her backpack over her shoulder and ran out of the school.
Sam got home from work and noticed Y/N wasn’t home. Usually she was in the living room on the couch when Sam got home if she didn’t have any sports practice or was with friends. She said she didn’t have anything planned for today, so as Sam pulled out his phone to text her, he got a call. 
Looking at the caller ID, it was Dean. He had kept his number in his phone for all these years, just in case. Sam wanted to call Dean a few different times, but he was afraid he would still disagree with his choices. Dean felt the same way. He wanted to call to see how Sam and Y/N were doing, but he thought Sam would still be upset. But now, Dean needed to talk to Sam, something was going on. 
After staring at the caller ID name for a few moments, he pushed the button and answered the call.
“Hey, it’s uh, good to hear you’re voice again, man.” Dean sounded relieved.
“You too, uh what’s going on?” Sam figured it had to be important.
“Well, I’m in town, relatively near you're place. I’m uh, doing a job out here and I wanted to maybe stop by. See how you and Y/N are doing.” Dean said.
Sam didn’t ever think he would hear Dean say he wanted to come stop by. “Dean, I don’t know, today isn’t good... I-”
“Sam, I know it’s been a while. Last time we talked, we weren’t on good terms. But, that was years ago. I wanna drop all of that and start fresh. It doesn’t feel right not talking to you. I also have something I want to talk to you about.” Dean said.
“Okay. Talk to me.” Sam said hopefully.
“Not here, I’d rather talk about this one in person. Does tonight work?” Dean asked.
Sam started to panic a little. What was Y/N going to think? She doesn’t know what Dean does and what Sam used to do. “Uh, yeah, that’s fine.” Sam said automatically without thought.
“Cool, I’ll be there around 6.” Dean said before he hung up the phone.
Just as Sam got off the phone with Dean, an angry Y/N barged through the front door. Throwing her backpack down. 
“Hey! I thought you didn’t have practice or anything today?” Sam said.
“Sorry, I got caught up at school.” Y/N said as she grabbed a snack. Sam saw through her front, she looked upset about something.
“Did something happen? Y/N you know you can tell me.” Sam asked in a calm tone.
“Kind of.” She shrugged. “It was that girl again.”
“What did she do?” Sam asked.
“She was just concerned about something stupid and she kept making fun of me, and...” She stopped.
“I did something. Something that everyone saw. I didn’t know that I was doing it though. I didn’t mean to.....” Y/N said, sounding choked up.
“Hey, it’s okay. Maybe I can help.....”
“I don’t think you can, dad.... It’s not something normal that happened. I don’t even know what it is.” Y/N explained.
“Can you at least explain exactly what happened, so I can understand?” Sam asked gently.
“So, I was ignoring her words, but then she kept talking. I started to feel really angry, and there was some kind of force, it was like it was inside me and when I got really angry, it just broke free. All of the locker doors in the hallway slammed shut on their own. I didn’t touch anything! They just, moved by themselves. And it happened when I was super mad at her. It happened so fast.” Y/N explained. 
“What’s wrong with me?”
“Y/N/N, nothing is wrong with you.” It broke Sam’s heart to think that his daughter felt this way about herself.
“Clearly something is wrong with me. I’ve always felt different and the other kids can see it too. They know I’m a freak.”
“You’re not a freak, Y/N. You know you’re not. Maybe you are a little different, but who ever said different was a bad thing?” Sam said.
“Maybe, but... why do these things happen? I want to know what makes me different.” Y/N stated.
“Well, we might just have to figure that out. For now, don’t worry about it. As long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters.” Sam didn’t know what else to say. He knew about as much as Y/N did. Of course, he had seen her do similar things in the past but he knew nothing about how she was able to do these things. Y/N let out a small smile and went to grab her backpack.
“I’m gonna go do my homework.”
“Oh, uh Y/N. There’s something I need to tell you.” Sam remembered.
“What is it?”
“Um, you’re uncle is coming over later tonight....”
“Uncle Dean? I thought you guys didn’t talk to each other anymore.”
“Yes, you’re uncle Dean and, we just got in an argument a long time ago and didn't talk for a while. But, he wanted to come visit for a bit.” Sam lied. He still had to talk to Dean about whatever it was he had to say. If it was about what he thought it was, Sam was gonna have to break the news to Y/N about hunting sooner or later. As much as he didn’t want to, he knew it was going to come up at some point.
“That’s weird. Haven’t I not seen him since I was like three?” 
“Yeah, just about. Just uh, go do your homework and I’ll call you when he’s here.”
There was a knock at the door around 6, Sam opened the door to see his brother Dean that he hadn’t seen in years. 
“Hey, Sammy.”
“Dean, hey! C’mon in.” Sam motioned.
The two hugged it out. “How’ve you been?” Sam asked.
“Fine. Just hunt after hunt for me. How bout you?” Dean asked.
“I uh, got a job. Y/N goes to school. Pretty much just normal stuff I guess.” Sam laughed.
“Wow, you actually pulled it off. How is Y/N by the way?” Dean wondered.
“She’s good! Been playing middle school volleyball, pretty decent grades, she’s uh doing good.” Sam smiled. 
The two sat down and talked for a while, catching up about Sam’s life and Dean’s hunting jobs.
“Did you find dad?” Sam finally asked.
“Yeah. He got himself into a little trouble back then, but nothing serious. I was able to help him out. He’s off doing his own thing now.” Dean said.
“Good. Has he uh, ever said anything about us?” Sam questioned. Dean paused.
“He said he misses you. He uh, hoped that you guys are doing well, and that you’re happy.” Dean said.
“Really? Our dad, said that about me.....” Sam was skeptical.
“Yeah, that was a while ago obviously, the last time I saw him.” Dean said. 
Y/N walked down the stairs and stopped when she saw the two sitting down. “Y/N! I was just about to come get you, this is your uncle Dean.”
Dean stood up and looked at his niece. She had grown so much since the last time he saw her. Sam sounded proud of her, she had obviously grown up to be a good kid. It saddened Dean that he hadn’t been around the two of them for so long.
“Hey, Y/N. Uh, you've grown up so much!” Dean smiled awkwardly. 
“Hi, it’s nice to see you.” Y/N said politely.
“I know you probably don’t remember me that well.” Dean said.
“Not really.” Y/N said a little bit shy.
“Hey, I still wanted to talk to you about something.” Dean whispered.
“Yeah, uh. Y/N why don’t you go upstairs for a while and I’ll call you down when dinner is ready.” Sam said. Y/N nodded and went back upstairs. She knew something had to be going on. Her uncle that she hasn’t seen in seven years shows up out of nowhere and wants to talk to her dad? She knew it had to be something important. When she got to the top of the stairs she stopped and kneeled down on the floor to listen.
“So, you know I’ve been hunting still, and I caught a case around town here, but it’s not just one case. There’s a lot of leads.... I’ve been tracking it for a few weeks now, talking to the locals, the police, it’s all very consistent but whatever this thing is, it’s fast. I haven’t been able to catch it.” Dean explained.
“What do you think it is?”
“Looks like it might be a vamp, or a werewolf. I don’t know if it’s one working alone, or a group of them. I might need some help....” Dean hinted.
“No, no, Dean, you know I quit hunting years ago. Solely for the reason that I have a kid now.” Sam said.
“You think I don’t know that, Sam?! Listen, this thing is fast and dangerous. It’s been after almost everything and everyone, and it looks like it’s coming closer to town. I wanted to do this one by myself initially, but I don’t want to have anything happen to you or Y/N.” Dean said sternly.
“Why can’t you have someone else help you with this. I don’t want to get back into this and risk everything.” Sam said.
“I’ve tried, no one else is available and we don’t have much time.” Dean stated.
“Look, Y/N doesn't even know what we used to do.... We have a pretty set routine. What am I gonna tell her, that I’m just going off to fight a monster for a few days and that I’ll be back?” Sam whispered.
“You haven’t told her yet?” Dean questioned.
“Of course not. Speaking of hunting and weird things, there's something else I need to talk to you about.” Sam said.
Hunting? Werewolf? Monsters? Y/N heard it all. Not only was she confused, she was worried. Whatever they were talking about sounded ridiculous but they were dead serious. She didn’t know if she should speak up and ask about it or to just keep quiet. She didn’t know if it would upset her dad. But she wanted to know more about this.
Sam explained to Dean what had been going on with Y/N and the weird things she had been able to do over time.
“I remember that night, that was strange.... So she has some sort of telekinesis or something?” Dean asked.
“No, well, I’m not so sure. But, it sounds like she’s able to move or control things with her mind. The weird thing is, it’s only when she gets angry at something. I want to help her but I don’t know what this thing is in the first place.” Sam sounded concerned.
“I can look into it if you want.... but are you in or out? I need to know now.” Dean insisted. Sam sighed, this was a big deal. A big deal in which he had to explain to his ten year old daughter that monsters were real.
“I’m in. How am I gonna tell Y/N?” Sam let out a breath of stress.
“Do you want me to tell her?” Dean suggested.
“No, it has to come from me. I’ll figure it out.”
“Alright, I’ll see you first thing tomorrow, man.” Dean patted Sam on the shoulder and walked out.
Sam sat there for a moment with his thoughts. This was a big deal. Not only did he have to tell his daughter the news, but she could also be in danger. 
“Y/N, dinner!” Sam called out. Y/N reluctantly came downstairs and took a seat at the table. 
“Did uncle Dean leave?” She asked.
“Yeah, it’s getting late, but he’s going to be in town for a while. He’s stopping by again tomorrow.” Sam said. Y/N knew though what they had been talking about and why he was there.
Sam placed down Y/N’s plate in front of her as he sat down with his. She stared at her food with a blank stare, zoning out into nothing.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Sam asked.
“Dad..... Are monsters real?”
Requests Are Closed Read Part 4 HERE!
@mersuperwholocked-lowlife @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fearless Chapter 1
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Pairing: Werewolf!Jeon Wonwoo x Vampire!Reader Genre: Romance, Action, Fantasy, Non-Idol AU Warning: Language, mild mentions of non sexual nudity Rating: T WC: 2.8K AU Lore:  Vampire Coven Info/Wolf Pack Info/Lore Info
Chapter List: Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14
“[Y/N] If you sleep any later you’re gonna be late for your shift.” You groaned hearing the familiar voice of your Coven sister, Siyeon. She was always such an early riser. You’d think after a few decades you would be used to it. 
Surprise, surprise, you aren’t. So you simply roll over on your bed and cover your head with your pillow.
“Go bother Yuna, I’m not in the mood Yeonie.” Being the eldest of the female in the Coven, Siyeon had a tendency to mother you all. Despite everyone being almost a century old at this point. The only exception being little Hyunjin who had just been turned a few months ago. The coven life wasn’t the easiest but it was definitely better than being a stray.
You heard a scoff from Siyeon as she continued getting ready for her patrol. “Fine, let Minghao find out you’re sleeping in again. See if I care.” Now that was playing dirty. Minghao was easily the strictest out of the 4 Coven leaders, even without being considered Primus or Venture. He also scared the living daylights out of you. While some members of the clan could walk around mostly silent, usually your ears are good enough to hear them coming. Minghao was a whole different beast, you would never know he was in a room unless he announced his presence. 
With a groan, you threw your legs out from your blanket and onto the wood paneling bellow. You could almost feel Siyeon’s smug smirk as she heard your movement. With a heavy hand you reached up in an attempt to at least sort of get your hair into some semblance of order. Trekking over to your wardrobe and pulling out a good set for your patrol tonight. Patrols weren’t exactly fun, especially with that Stray that’s been wandering around town and the Wolf Pack. Though the Pack had been a problem for months, and by this point you just wanted them to go away so the Patrols would lighten a bit. It’s not like any of you could control what they did during the daytime, it surprised you that those mutts didn’t use that weakness to their advantage. You honestly didn’t know why Soonyoung didn’t just run them out of town, sure your numbers were even but a Vampire was worth at least three of those mongrels. 
“Make sure you’re careful out there tonight. Chan said that they were a bit more active last night.” The warning definitely didn’t fall on deaf ears, the Full Moon was drawing near. They were probably planning something big for that night. Rolling your eyes as you slipped your shirt on, you then turned towards your roommate. 
“You should be telling that to Kevin, not me. He keeps trying to talk to them.” You retorted, returning to your bed so you could pull on your boots before going down to check in with Jun. Being Primus, Jun was generally the one who would let you know your Patrols if Soonyoung was busy. Now Soonyoung wasn’t always busy, but he was usually pretty damn hard to find. With his unending high energy it was always like trying to catch smoke just to have a solid conversation with the Venture. In contrast, Jun was always at the bar and was generally just easier to find. 
Siyeon groaned at your words, and you heard a bit of muttering from the elder female before she stalked out of the room, not bothering to say goodbye. Well, looks like Kevin was gonna get into some big trouble today...oops.
For a minute you just sat on your bed, just kind of debating about staying there and hiding out for the day. Previously, Patrol just consisted of walking around for an hour or so before someone came to tap you out but now, patrols were partnered and could last all night. It had been like this for a few months, ever since the Wolf Pack moved into the woods on the Northern side of town. Sure members of the Fae courts had lived in the area before, and they were troublesome and tricky but they had their own territories on another plane so they would flitter in and out like...well like you would expect of a Faerie. The Wolves, on the other hand, seemed to be hell bent on driving your Coven out. 
Groaning you stood once again and made your way downstairs to the bar. Jun, Keonhee and the new girl (you couldn’t exactly remember her name) seemed to be setting up for the night since there was at least another 30 minutes until open. Keonhee practically beamed at you, waving when he noticed you. He was such a sweetheart, definitely a contrast to the darker interior of the bar with its harsh flashing lights and bass heavy music. You couldn’t stop the small smile from creeping its way onto your face as you waved back. Keonhee nudged the girl, so she would greet you. Her eyes seemed to pierce you like ice, which...to be fair was very fitting as she was of the Winter Court. Her face didn’t bother to change from its neutral and almost irritated look that it always seemed to have, she simply nodded in your direction before continuing with her work. 
“[Y/N]! Good Morning!” Jun greeted, traveling to meet you at the end of the bar. You noticed him patting the female on the shoulder as he passed, as if telling her she did a good job for just meeting your eyes. He was always soft on newbies at the bar. You watched the female tense a bit when his hand touched her, but when the pressure left her you noticed her eyes follow him down the bar.
“So where am I headed tonight?” You questioned, plopping yourself onto the nearest bar stool as Jun reached under the bar and passed you a blood bag. He pouted at your words, seeing him like this you never would have guessed that he was over a thousand years old. The only one who was as bad as him was Minhyuk, maybe that’s what being alive for over a millennia does to you? He didn’t seem a day over 5, or at least in the way he acted. You waited for him to start as you popped a straw into the bag.
“You never come talk to me unless you need your patrol.” He whined, crossing his arms over his chest and only further proving your earlier thought about him acting like a child. You didn’t respond to his whining and simply continued to sip on your blood, AB positive today, not your favorite but at least it wasn’t B negative. You’d have to check when the next Blood Night was, this bagged shit just never really cut it. The Primus continued to pout but spoke again. “You’re with Yuna tonight. The two of you will be going to the Northern residential area near the forests, you’re the closest to the Pack tonight so be careful. I wanted to send another with you but we just didn’t have enough manpower tonight.”
“With people getting nights off so we are all good for the Full Moon, yeah yeah I get it. Yunnie and I got this.” She’d probably complain if she heard the two of you calling her Yuna, for some reason her and Eunbi wanted to go by code names. Saying they didn’t want the wolves to hear their real name or something, just in case they knew any nearby witches. A name was a powerful weapon of course but like...Wolves being smart enough to use them as such was a stupid thought. You thought they were vastly over estimating the brain power of the wolves.
You passed the now empty bag back to Jun for him to get rid of. “Thanks for the snack Jun. We’ll be back before sunrise.”
“Wonwoo-Hyung, you coming out for a run with us?” Glancing over the top of his book, connecting eyes with his Pack brother Jacob. It was just a few days before the Full Moon so everyone in the house was on edge, needing to be out in the woods. Wonwoo was no exception to this. Sure he wished he could just sit at home and read his new book, his wolf wanted to go with his brother. 
Sighing, he picked up his book mark and slid in between the pages of his novel. “Who all is going out tonight?” He questioned, while Wonwoo knew they couldn’t just hide inside he also knew that the Vampires were more on edge the closer the Full Moon got. Those Blood Suckers were ridiculous, did they really think that their little ‘patrols’ were actually doing anything? It was just irritating at this point. Even Seungcheol had had enough of them. The Full Moon this month was going to be the turning point for their rivalry, hopefully with this push they would be able to send the Vampires running and then they wouldn’t have to deal with them sticking their nose into everyone;s business. 
Jacob almost beamed at Wonwoo, if he had been in his wolf shape his tail would definitely have been wagging. “It’s gonna be me, Changbin, Felix and Yubin. Hyunwoo-Hyung was going to come too, but he and Hoseok-Hyung are going to try and sneak into that bar again.” Because of course they were. Hoseok was almost obsessed with trying to get into that bar the Vampires ran. He was convinced that if they could get in then they could have the upper hand, Hyunwoo was probably only going so that Hoseok didn’t get ganged up on.
Wonwoo definitely wasn’t going to complain about going on a run, but he just wished he hadn’t gotten to such a good part in his book. Setting the novel down on the coffee table, the elder wolf stood and stretched. “Well we better get going before it gets too late. Felix and Changbin have classes tomorrow.” Personally Wonwoo didn’t care too much if the younger ones skipped their college classes, he had done it back when he had been in college (of course that had been back in the 30s, and it was a different time back then) but Seungcheol wanted to make sure the younger ones were getting a good education before they really had people start to question their ages. 
Being stuck looking 20 definitely had its perks but the drawbacks were pretty extreme, especially when you were 92 and stuck looking like you’re 20. He’d had conversations humans younger than him, but acted like he was just a dumb kid. It was beyond annoying. 
Jacob’s cheer brought Wonwoo out of his thoughts, the younger boy dashing to go let the others know they could go running. With that energy, no one would have ever guess that Jacob was a 54 year old man. Wonwoo simply shook his head before making his way outside, taking off his current outfit and setting it onto the bench outside the cabin. As the door opened again he waved to greet Yubin, not bothering to cover himself before he shifted into his Wolf form. 
Yubin had been with the pack for a good 10 years, and the pack had all seen each other in various states of undress. At this point they were all desensitised towards it, at least when it came to members of the pack. The only ones who were still shy about the whole coed pack arrangement were the pups, Felix, Changbin, and Vernon. Felix being the worst, being the runt of the pack and had only just turned 20. He was still shy and would usually wait inside the house until the girls had shifted and he would always shift on the other side of the house when any of the females were with them. Wonwoo had to admit it was kind of cute, and reminded him of when Sojung had first joined. 
No one had really known how to treat Sojung, but they could feel the pack bond with her and knew she was one of theirs. It was strange for a few years, up until they had found Sana. Now the presence of the women was just normal, at least for the elder members of the pack. 
Yubin was followed out by Jacob and Changbin, Felix still inside obviously waiting for Yubin to go off. Yubin, knowing this, disrobed quickly and wasted no time shifting. She stalked over to stand near Wonwoo but kept her back towards the house so that Felix would be comfortable enough to come outside. Which he did in fact, practically bolted outside to join his pack siblings in shifting. 
The run started out fairly regularly, The young ones, Felix and Changbin would race off ahead of the pack while Wonwoo would tell them to stick close to the middle with Jacob, and Yubin kept her spot at the back to keep an eye on their rear. Wonwoo loved the feeling of the wind in his fur and the snow beneath his paws as they ran, it was always such a freeing feeling. He heard a few yelps from the pups as they play fought at the front of the group, and he let out the closest a wolf could give to a chuckle. After a good 30 minutes they stopped for a second near the edge of the forest. Wonwoo and Yubin sat just getting a good look up at the moon, why Jacob oversaw a match between Felix and Changbin. It was moments like this that Wonwoo lived for, just the peaceful moments with his family. 
The moment was broken when he heard Yubin begin to growl, casting his eyes away from the moon followed her line of sight and noticed what caused her sudden reaction. With a quick signal to the boys, he quickly got in position to fight just in case the Vampires attacked.
The smaller female looked a bit more on edge while her companion simply looked irritated, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her leather jacket.
“I thought we told you mutts to stay away from this side of town.” She called out, making sure to keep a distance from the quintet of wolves. Wonwoo simply growled in response, This caused the female to roll he eyes, “Oh i forgot, you can’t talk like this. Must be hard. At least I can have access to my abilities all at once. I don’t have to pick and choose like you.” She taunted, almost like she was trying to edge them on. This seemed to make the smaller woman a bit concerned. She grabbed onto her companion’s arm before speaking towards her, but her eyes never left the wolves.
“Unnie, they’re still in the forest. Hoshi would be upset if we provoked them.” This only caused the female to roll her eyes once more, and mutter something about stupid code names. But this did seem to cause the woman to take a step back. 
“Oh come off it Yun-...Yuju. They’re just dumb dogs.” Her words caused Changbin to growl at her, him being a bit more sensitive to the insults. This just caused the Vampire to bare her fangs towards him “If you wanna fight mutt, then come on. No one’s stopping you.” The Yuju girl took a step away from her companion, who seemed prepared for any fight that might come.
As Changbin was just about to take the bait and rush her, Wonwoo positioned himself in front of the younger wolf. His dark brown gaze focused on the female. Something felt off in him as he watched her, but he couldn’t focus on that. Right now his Pack was what he needed to be concerned with. His interruption caused a whine to escape from Changbin, who was obviously willing to fight her. Wonwoo didn’t move though, he simply gestured for Yubin to take the lead in heading back to the house. She complied but gave one last glare towards their antagonists. She was followed by Felix, who hated fighting and wanted to get away as quickly as he could. Jacob gently nipped the back of Changbin’s neck to force him to follow him. Wonwoo waited until the four were far enough away from the two females before he began backing into the forest, not letting his eyes leave the two. As he did, the more aggressive of the duo waved. 
“Bye bye puppies! Don’t go out and get rabies, it’d be a shame to have to put you down.” Obvious sarcasm lacing her voice. While Wonwoo was grateful to be getting away from the female, a part of him wanted to go back if only just to be around her. Which was definitely a strange feeling, but nothing too concerning.
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rookie-ramsey · 4 years
Baby Blues, Chapter 10 (Bryce X MC)
Description: Bryce and MC can handle just about anything. Hopefully, pregnancy and parenting fall into the “just about anything” category.
Preview: Immediately, Emily noticed that her locker was slightly ajar. She opened it, finding herself greeted by a large bouquet of pink and red roses. “Oh…” She held them to her nose. “They smell so fresh! How did you get them here?”
“That’s a secret.” Bryce pulled her in for a kiss. “We met in this locker room, you know.”
“We did.” Emily leaned into his kiss, holding the bouquet in one hand and  her free hand on his hip. “It’s actually pretty romantic.”
Previous Chapter
“Honey, I’m home!”
Bryce sang playfully as he walked into the apartment, closing the door behind him.
“Hi,” Emily greeted, leaning into the kiss he gave her as he sat down. “How was your first day back, Doctor Dad?”
“I assisted on a pretty awesome surgery, but honestly? It felt a little weird being away from you two.” Bryce held his arms out. “Gimme.”
Grinning in amusement, Emily carefully transferred Ava into his arms. “I got her back to sleep at five, then she slept until nine. After that, she ate breakfast, pooped her pants, and went to sleep. Then she repeated the cycle every few hours.”
“Sounds like a fun day.” Bryce cuddled the  baby close. “I showed everyone… and I mean everyone who didn’t run away from me… pictures of her.”
“How dare they run away?”
“Right?” Suddenly, a mischievous grin spread across his face. “Someone has a birthday coming up.”
Emily arched a brow. “Bryce, my birthday is six weeks away.”
“No surprise parties.”
“Did I say anything about a surprise party?”
She eyed him suspiciously. “I know you’re up to something.”
“I never denied that.” He smirked teasingly. “You’ll just have to wait to see what that something is.”
Emily rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t deny her curiosity. “I told my parents I’d bring Ava to visit them at their hotel while they’re in for the week. You wanna come?”
“Sounds fun, but I’ll stay here. I need to talk to Keiki about something.”
“And I’m sure that something is not a surprise party.”
Bryce grinned. “No guessing.” He kissed her goodbye, then surrendered Ava to her. Emily carried Ava out of the apartment, leaving Bryce alone in the living room. He made his way down the hall and knocked on Keiki’s door. When she called for him to come in, he walked in and plopped down in a chair.
“I need your help.”
Keiki looked up from her homework, surprised to see the desperation in her brother’s eyes. “With what?”
“I want to propose to Emily.”
The teen’s eyes widened. “Are you serious? It’s about time!”
“I know. We’ve discussed it before, and we both like the idea of getting married. I want to propose on her birthday.”
“Who knew you could be romantic?” Keiki smirked. “What do you need help with?”
“Help me come up with ideas. I want it to be perfect for her. I need to plan the setup, the location, what I’ll say…”
“And a ring.”
“That, too.”
“Hang on.” Opening her laptop, Keiki typed something. A few moments later, she grinned and showed him something. “You could include Ava.”
Bryce’s eyes widened. “I’m buying that right now.” He left the room long enough to grab his wallet, then ordered the suggested item. “I can start the night with a nice dinner, take her somewhere nice… then show her that.”
“She’ll love it.”
For the next twenty minutes, they came up with ideas until the front door opened. “Guess we have to pause the plans for now.”
A few moments later, Emily stuck her head in the room. “What are you two gossiping about?”
Bryce smirked. “Secrets.”
“How did Ava like visiting your old apartment?”
“Well, she definitely liked the attention from everyone. I don’t think she completely understood Elijah’s explanation of how to play Red Dead Redemption 2, but she liked the performance.”
“Nice.” Bryce stood up and kissed her cheek. “I have to run an errand. I’ll be right back.”
“I could’ve done it on my way home.”
He shook his head, trying not to laugh. “Not this.”
“Where are we going?” Emily asked, eying Bryce and their surroundings as they walked hand in hand to some undisclosed location in the heart of one of Boston’s nicest districts.
“It’s a birthday surprise.” Bryce grinned. “And not what you’re expecting.”
“If it’s a party, we can’t stay out really late.”
“Ava will be fine with Keiki for a couple of hours. Besides, what we’re doing won’t take all night.” He squeezed her hand and stopped abruptly. “Here we are.”
“You’re acting weird.” Emily eyed him suspiciously.
“Am not.” Bryce linked his arm through hers and walked her into the restaurant. He led the way to the front desk. “Reservation for two under the name Lahela.”
“Right this way, sir.” The server led them to a cozy booth in the corner of the restaurant. Once they were seated, she handed them their menus and took their drink orders.
“I haven’t been to a fancy restaurant since the conception of our child. This looks nice.”
“It’s your birthday. I thought we could take a one-night break from takeout or suffering through our bad cooking.”
“I agree.” Emily took a sip of her drink. “I approve any restaurant that gives you a complimentary glass of wine.” She scanned the menu. “I may have to order dessert.”
“It’s your night, gorgeous. Order anything you want.” He reached over and squeezed her hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing her fingertips.
“You’re incredibly sweet. I love you for it.”
“You’re telling me you don’t just love me for my magic hands?” He grinned. “Love you, too. Happy birthday.”
“You’ve said that at least five times today.”
“Cause it’s important. I’m trying to work up some suspense for your surprise. Is it working?”
“Maybe a little,” she teased.
After dinner and dessert, Bryce paid their bill and stood up. “Come on. There’s a couple of things I want to do.”
“What’s that?”
“A surprise.” Taking her hand, Bryce led her out of the restaurant. For several minutes, they walked in comfortable silence.
“Why are we going to work?”
“You’ll see.” He gave her hand a squeeze as they approached Edenbrook. When they entered the building, he led the way through the atrium and into the locker room.
Immediately, Emily noticed that her locker was slightly ajar. She opened it, finding herself greeted by a large bouquet of pink and red roses. “Oh…” She held them to her nose. “They smell so fresh! How did you get them here?”
“That’s a secret.” Bryce pulled her in for a kiss. “We met in this locker room, you know.”
“We did.” Emily leaned into his kiss, holding the bouquet in one hand and  her free hand on his hip. “It’s actually pretty romantic.”
“Just one of my talents.” Bryce squeezed her arm. “The fancy dinner and flowers aren’t your only presents. We have to go home for one of them.”
“We’re going back to our apartment?”
“Yep.” Smirking, he pulled her against his side as they left the locker room. “But let’s make a pit stop.” Easily navigating the halls, he found a supply closet.
“The first supply closet we made out in.” Emily grinned. “And Zaid walked in on us.”
“I remember.” He grinned and opened it. “Oops. How clumsy of me.”
“And how not smooth at all.” Emily tried to contain her laughter as she followed him into the closet. “Hopefully, nobody walks in this time.”
“I dunno. It may be kinda romantic to completely reenact the first time we made out.” Bryce slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. She set her flowers down and wrapped her arms around his neck, meeting his warm eyes in the dim light.
“You’re just full of surprises tonight.”
“Who said I was done? The night’s still young.” Bryce pressed his lips to hers, moving one hand up to cradle her cheek. She closed her eyes and deepened his kiss hungrily, burying a hand in his soft hair.
After several long moments, their lips parted. Emily smiled up at him, inches from his face. “I think that was even more romantic than the first time we made out here.”
“Me too, even if we didn’t get walked in on.” Bryce pushed open the door. “As much as I hate to put an end to this, your next surprise awaits. I need to stop at the apartment first.”
By the time they made it to the apartment complex, stars twinkled in the clear evening sky.  Emily stopped at their apartment entrance.
“Why exactly are we here?”
“Just to get something we need for our walk. Wait here. It’s a surprise.” Grinning, Bryce darted into the building. He returned a few minutes later, pushing Ava in her stroller. She blinked drowsily as Emily touched her nose.
“Hi, sleepy. Did Daddy wake you up from a nap to drag you into his shenanigans?”
“Possibly, but tonight’s shenanigans will be worth it.” Gripping the handles of the stroller, Bryce resumed walking down the sidewalk. “I thought she would enjoy our walk through the park.”
“I think so, too.” She linked her arm through Bryce’s as they approached the closest park. This late, the park’s pathways were empty. Bryce pushed the stroller down the path until they came to a stop at the pond, its water reflecting the soft moonlight.
He applied the stroller’s brakes, then wrapped an arm around his girlfriend. “What do you think?”
“I think it looks nice and peaceful.” She leaned into him and smiled when he kissed her head. “This has been a really nice birthday. What’s my last surprise?”
“You have to unbutton Ava’s sweater to find out.”
“Huh?” Curious, she reached into the crib and unbuttoned the baby’s sweater. She read the print out loud. “Mommy, will you  marry Daddy?” Her eyes widened as the words dawned on her. “Bryce!”
Taking her hand, Bryce lowered to one knee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little velvet box, opening it to reveal a rose gold ring. “Emily Samantha Harmon… a lot has changed in the past two and a half years. When we met, I knew there could be something between you and me. I never expected we would end up having a baby, but I regret nothing.”
Emily’s breath hitched in her throat. She tightened her grip on Bryce’s hand, urging him to continue.
“Even if we can only have one Dr. Lahela on the surgical floor, I’d love for you to become the Dr. Lahela of diagnostics.” As Emily tried to stifle a giggle, he continued. “More than that, I love you and Ava more than anything. I want to take on whatever challenges we face together. Will you marry me?”
“Yes…” She smiled tearfully and threw her arms around him. “I will, Bryce.”
“Whew. I thought I’d have to bring out the puppy dog eyes.” Bryce slipped the ring onto her finger, then pulled her close for a long kiss. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist. When their lips parted, Emily rested her head on his shoulder.
“You weren’t kidding when you said you had a big surprise for me.”
“Told ya.” Bryce rested his chin on top of her head. “Happy birthday, babe.”
Next Chapter
Note: A nice long chapter to make up for the short ones recently and to commemorate my first OH fanfic to reach 10 chapters! I am getting so damn attached to this story.
Tags: @elephant9998 / @mvalentine / @fortunatelywaywardsandwich / @whatchique / @achalantspitfire / @lahellacute / @virtuallytakenby / @oofchoices / @dang-lahela / @misswhit12 / @drakeismyweakness / @sitsoncornflake / @a-tragical-tale / @bitchloveskcbaseball / @laceandlula / @paulfwesley / @bloomingsivan / @anotherbeingsworld / @vamped99 / @malvolari-take-my-soul / @doctorsurferbro / @loveellamae / @drethanfreakingramsey / @trappedinfandoms / @elladines / @macy-ray85 / @mrsdrlahela / @lucy-268 / @swimmingauthordreamerbonk / @drakewalker04  
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kinksvt · 5 years
baby (m)
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anon: sub minghao (maybe involve some pretty collars and polaroids oops oops)
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→ pairing: sub!minghao x dom!reader (f)
♕ summary: for you and minghao’s anniversary, you decide to surprise him and switch things up.
✱ warnings: pegging, dom & sub roles, overstimulation, uh anal? fingering?
✱ word count: 5.1k
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It was the two year anniversary of you and your boyfriend Minghao today and you planned on giving him something he—hopefully—will never forget.
Since the time you knew him before dating, Minghao was always sweet and gentle. Even in the bedroom, he treated you like a doll and never hurt a hair on your head. He always gives and never expects things in return. Today you wanted to change that.
You had to admit, you have thought of taking charge in the bedroom, to "spice things up" as everyone usually says. You have on many occasions thought about what it would be like to control Minghao, to please him and have him obey your every order. To hear him beg, whine and pled for you to do something already. You could hear it all in your head already, his soft, innocent voice asking you to touch him, ride him-
"Y/N?" A voice said, interrupting your sinful train of thought.
"Yes? Sorry, I zoned out for a bit." You excused yourself, trying to fight the blush that threatened to take over your face.
Your friend looked at you curiously. You were out with your two friends, having breakfast and all you could think about was domming your boyfriend. What kind of weirdo were you?
Minghao was in the studio, helping to record for his group's upcoming album. He had been in the studio all day and sometimes all night for the past week. It worried you a bit because you knew how stressed he gets and how much pressure he feels during the process. So this gift for him would hopefully help in more ways than one.
"So Y/N, how's Miiiinghao?" Your friend said in a teasing voice, moving her eyebrows.
You smiled, "Well," you smirked. "He's good, but today is our anniversary and I'm planning on surprising him." Winking at the end you laughed to yourself, thinking about the plan.
"Ooh," your other friend said, nudging your arm. "And what are you planning you sex demon?"
Laughing, you gently pushed her elbow away. "I don't kiss and tell."
Your friends chuckle and you three continue to eat.
Minghao texted you later on when you were walking with your friends.
[2:41 pm] Haohao: Hey baby, session is going good, hopefully I'll be done before 11 tonight.
[2:42 pm] You: That's great! I have a surprise for you when you get home btw hehe
[2:42 pm] HaoHao: Oh? And what might that surprise involve?
[2:43 pm] You: Looks like you'll have to wait and find out ;) I love you, see you tonight <3
[2:43 pm] HaoHao: You are such a tease. I love you too, see you tonight baby.
You smiled to yourself and continued walking with your friends to your next destination.
And throughout the whole day you had to excuse yourself for daydreaming. You couldn't get the thought of what you'd do to Minghao later that night out of your head for the life of you.
After a long day of hanging out with your friends at various shops and malls, you had finally come home. You carried a few bags that had new outfits, including the one you found to hopefully wear for Minghao when he also came home. You brought your bags up to you and Minghao's shared room, flipping on the light switch and glancing at the clock. It was only 8 p.m and you groaned slightly, you still had 3 hours until he came home. You pondered on what you would do to pass the time. Before you could think, your phone went off, startling you. "Hello?"
"Y/N," a memorable voice said.
"Minghao! What happened? How come you're calling from a different number?"
"My phone died so I asked to borrow Jihoon hyung's phone. I'm just calling to tell you that I should be done in about half an hour!"
"A half hour? It's only 8, how could you be nearly done already?"
"Well, I might've mentioned that today is our anniversary and the boys might've decided to let me go early." Minghao said, followed by a laugh.
"That's great!" You paused for a moment, lowering your voice slightly, "I'll be here waiting for you, baby." Whenever you talked like that to Minghao you knew would effect him and give him a slight hint at what's in store for tonight.
It must have worked because Minghao hummed, something he did when he was flustered or horny. "I can't wait."
With that, you hung up and began getting everything ready. You ran around the room, looking through drawers, putting things away, cleaning and making sure everything looked nice for when your boyfriend arrived.
As soon as you finished, you heard the front door shut, followed by a call of your name. You glanced in the mirror as you wore the new set of lingerie you bought for tonight, a shade of dark blue that Minghao just adored you in. You slowly walked down the stairs, seeing the latter taking off his shoes and stopping in his tracks once he noticed you.
"H-Holy shit," Minghao stuttered, taking in the way you looked—swallowing harshly. He suddenly felt a wave of blood rush down south and he chuckled shyly. "You look amazing, Y/N."
You smiled confidently, "Thank you baby. Now, why don't we go upstairs, and I tell you what my surprise is for you, hm?"
Minghao merely nodded innocently, following behind you like a puppy. At first, you were nervous that you wouldn't be able to get into the dominant headspace. But with how cute and excited Minghao seemed, it made it so much easier. You walked into the bedroom, where Minghao's eyes widened as he stared at your shared bed. On it was a collection of three different types of pretty collars you knew would look good on him.
You two have talked only once, maybe twice, about the things you liked. You expressed things you were into, and so did he. You never forgot that night—after a ton of drinks—when Minghao confessed the kinks of his submissive side. He slurred each word, that he's dreamt of being pegged by you, dominated by you, and collared. You remembered it clearly, despite your mind clouded by the alcohol, because of how much it turned you on to imagine Minghao being the putty in your hands with which you could do whatever you wanted to.
Minghao's mouth opened and closed slightly, clearly at a loss for words.
Smirking, you chose a collar that you noticed peaked his interest. It was a simple pink collar with the words "Baby" engraved on it. You grabbed it and looked at your boyfriend, noticing the bulge in his pants. "Excited?"
Minghao nodded aggressively as he looked up slightly so you could put the collar on. Minghao was more than excited. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears, his cock wouldn't stop twitching and—for the love of god—he couldn't wait to see what else you had in store for him.
"Strip for me," you said after the collar was secured around Minghao's neck. He obeyed and lifted his shirt, taking it off, quickly followed by his pants. You stopped him before he took off his boxers, "Let me." You sunk to your knees, holding eye contact with him as your fingertips lightly traced his hips. Minghao shuddered and his eyes closed slightly. You let your fingers slip under the band of his boxers and began pulling them down painfully slow.
After you were done with being a tease, his boxers were off and you took a moment to admire him. He's so pretty, you thought. You smiled and told him to lay on the bed as you said there was one more thing you needed to get. Minghao laid on the bed, resting on his elbows. "What are you doing!" You heard him shout from the room. He was more than excited—ecstatic, glad that you decided to surprise him—especially like this. His cock was already hard, slightly leaking a bit of precum.
You returned with a polaroid camera. He had a confused look on his face. "This," you paused, "is for me." Knowing Minghao as a photographer on the side gave you this idea. You knew he would be able to appreciate the human's naked body, not seeing it as something so lewd but as something beautiful. Minghao has taken pictures of you during sex before, and you couldn't lie, it turned you on knowing he most likely still has them saved somewhere in his phone. After he showed you the pictures, you actually began to see your body in a different, better light.
"Y-You're gonna take pictures, of me?" Minghao questioned curiously,
You giggled and instead of responding, you held the camera up to your eye and took a photo. A flash temporarily blinding Minghao, making him blink while blushing. "You're always taking pictures of art, and now, I'm gonna do the same." Smiling, you continued to capture Minghao from various angles. One was of his neck and collar, another of him looking at the camera a certain way that made your clit throb, one of his torso, another one of his red-tipped cock, and more. You took about seven pictures, not wanting to waste anymore time. "You ready for your next surprise?"
Minghao nodded, letting out a shuddering breath.
You smirked and put down the camera on the nightstand, near all of the rest of the pictures that was taken. You walked closer to him, climbing on top of him. Minghao's hands instinctively went to your waist and you captured his lips in a kiss. The kiss was soft, yet needy. Both of your tongues gliding against each other with heavy breathing and sloppy noises following suit. You felt his cock brush against your clothed core, making you and Minghao moan softly. Breaking the kiss, you began grinding yourself against his bare cock, loving how hard he was already. Your hands smoothed his chest while he watched your every move, eager to see what you would do next. Minghao gasped as your fingers toyed with his nipples, never knowing how sensitive they really were—nor how much it would turn him on. "You like that baby?"
Minghao swallowed a moan, nodding and pushing his head back into the sheets. "Y-Yes," he whispered.
You continued to grind against him as you leaned down to leave fresh hickeys onto the skin above the collar around his neck. "We're gonna try something new tonight baby." Minghao made a noise, impatiently waiting for you to continue. You stood up and took out a box you had under the bed, filled with the toys you two used on special occasions and whatnot. Minghao sat up and looked at you curiously. His hair was in disarray, his pupils blown notably and light purple hickeys began to develop—thanks to you. You dug through the box and took out a bottle of lube, along with one of the smaller dildos. Minghao's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he connected the dots and realized what was going to happen. "Lay on the bed," you ordered yet in a sweet voice.
Minghao shuffled around the bed and did what you told. You got on the bed in front of him, running your hand up and down his chest. His cock laid against his abdomen, the tip an angry red while his cheeks matched the color. "What are you gonna do to me?" He asked while shifting the pillows behind him so he could watch what you do to him.
With a chuckle, you opened the bottle of lube, slowly spreading it on two of your fingers. "I'm gonna prep you baby." You gripped his thigh, making him open his legs wider. Your middle finger traced around his hole, making him gasp at weird feeling. You shushed him, "I want you to relax for me honey, okay? It's gonna hurt for a bit, but it'll hurt worse if you're too tense."
Minghao took a deep breath, "I-Is there a safe word?"
You smiled at how wrecked he already sounded. "How about red?"
He nodded and told you to give him a moment. Minghao took a couple more deep breaths.
Between those breaths, you decided to help him by taking his length in your hand, making his breath hitch. You slowly stroked him, swiping your thumb across his tip. You used the lube that coated your fingers to slick his cock, hearing his muffled moans slightly. "That feel good, Hao?"
"Y-Yes," he said breathlessly, sounding so cute yet so hot.
You stopped momentarily, to coat your two fingers on your other hand with the lube and continued to stroke Minghao. You wanted to make sure that he would still be able to relax and enjoy both sensations. When you knew he would be fine, you put a few drops of lube on his hole, making him gasp once more.
"I-It's cold," he giggled.
You laughed slightly, "Alright baby, you ready?"
After Minghao silently nodded in response, you slowly inserted one of your fingers inside of him. He winced, trying to focus on the feeling of your hand wrapped around his cock rather than your finger inside of his ass. He had to admit, it did hurt, and feel weird, but he wanted this—and you. The whole situation was new and slightly strange for the both of you but Minghao adapted quickly.
After a couple of seconds, Minghao told you to move. You obliged and slowly began to thrust your finger in him. "You okay, baby?"
He breathed out heavily, "Y-Yeah."
You moved your finger inside of him at a set pace, making sure not to go too fast. "Ready for another?" Your thumb swiped the tip of his cock once more, making him moan before muttering a quiet yes. You added your other finger even slower than the first, nervous that Minghao would tell you to stop because it hurt. But after hearing the whine that tore out of his throat instead, threw those thoughts out the window and sent a wave of pleasure straight down to your core. "That feel good, Hao?"
"Y-Yes. P-Please, a little faster," he breathed out, swallowing a moan.
Smirking, you tightened your grip on his cock, slipping it in between your index and middle finger and stroking him. Minghao whined more, his moans only making your underwater damper. You were so ready to ruin him that it made your loins ache with heat. You looked up at Minghao, seeing his eyes screwed shut and his eyebrows furrowed together while his mouth hung open, releasing quiet breaths. His chest rose up and down, a thin layer of sweat covering it. You pushed your finger further in Minghao, curling ever so slightly. He cried out, grasping the sheets and biting his lip. "You're doing so good, baby." You breathed, stroking Minghao's cock faster.
Minghao gulped, "T-Thank you," he paused afterwards. "W-What should I call you?"
Your brain stuttered for a moment. You hadn't thought of Minghao calling you anything other than your name or a simple pet name. You racked your memories of names subs would call their doms.
Girls can be called master, right? Yeah, who cares? You're in charge. "Call me master, baby boy."
"T-Thank you mast- ah!" Minghao moaned when he felt your fingers curl in him once again and thumb swipe the tip of his cock. He was getting close, feeling all sorts of sensitive to the new feeling. Minghao would've never guessed he could get off with your fingers in him rather than the other way around, but boy could he get used to it.
Your hand continued to work on his cock, moving at the right paces that you knew would help bring him closer to the edge. Your fingers moved in and out of him, going deeper and curling at the right moments. You were a pro, Minghao thought. Of course you would be. You spent plenty of your years single and lonely, only having your fingers to satisfy your needs. He never knew fingers could feel so good..
When Minghao's moans began getting shorter and higher, you warned him. "You can only cum when I say so, if you want to you have to ask. Got it?"
"Y-Yes Master, can I cum?" He looked down at you with cute, innocent eyes.
You smirked, "Only good boys with manners can cum, baby. Hold it." Maybe you were being a bit harsh, but this new role brought out a different side of you that you didn't know you had.
Minghao tried to shuffle away from your hand and fingers, struggling to hold back his orgasm. He whines softly, his head thrown back and his eyes shut tight.
"If you keep moving baby, you won't cum at all." After that, you had pressed another finger inside of him gently and continuing to move in and out of him.
Minghao whined louder, "Please, please, Master, please let me cum." His head writhed against the pillows behind him, his eyebrows and eyes tight together.
Your eyes widened slightly, shocked at how desperate Minghao was. You felt him pulse around your fingers and you thrusted them inside of him faster. His whines were achingly loud, making your clit throb. "Cum for me, baby."
As soon as Minghao heard those words, he released the loudest moan, stilling completely and cum shooting out of his cock. His head pushed against the white pillows, his collared neck exposed as you watched his adam's apple bob. Minghao's mouth hung open, small gasps exiting his throat.
"Such a good boy for me, Hao. Aren't you?" You glanced at him, his eyes shut and chest falling up and down as he nodded slightly.
"Y-Yes, Master."
You hummed as you released your hold on his softening cock and wiped your fingers off. "We're not done yet, baby." Minghao swallowed, sitting up. His eyes were hooded, eyes darker and pupils dilated in a way that made you eager to wreck further. "On your hands and knees." You purred as you grabbed the dildo you had set on the bed before you two started. Minghao did as you asked, facing toward the headboard and waiting for your next command.
"I-I'm a little nervous," he confessed quietly.
You smiled at his honesty, resulting in you leaving a kiss of reassurance on his shoulder. "I'm right here, baby. If anything hurts too much or if you want to stop at any time, please just let me know, okay?"
Minghao looked back at you, biting his lip anxiously. "You wouldn't be mad?" He raised his eyebrows curiously.
You couldn't help but smile larger at his cuteness, "Of course I wouldn't honey. I would never pressure you into doing anything that you weren't comfortable with." Your heart swelled with love for Minghao as you opened the bottle of lube once more and began to spread it along the dildo.
"E-Even if," he trailed off, hesitant to say what he was planning to, "if, you were in the middle of fucking me?"
Your action stuttered for a split second, caught off guard by how innocent Minghao sounded saying something so explicit. "Y-Yes," you replied. "Even if I was fucking you, if you wanted to stop, I would. Just say the word, baby."
"Okay," was all he added before turning back to the headboard.
"Do you think you're ready for this, or do you want my fingers, baby?"
Minghao shuddered at the way you asked, feeling dirty about the whole situation. But he was ready for something just slightly bigger, and his cock twitched at the thought of you fucking him the way he's done to you countless times before. "I-I'm ready," he said.
"Are you sure?" You questioned when you noticed he seemed a little hesitant again.
"I'm sure, I promise."
You nodded silently as you took some more lube and spread it on Minghao's entrance, making him moan slightly. You pressed the dildo against him. It was a smooth light pink dildo that Minghao had gotten you months ago for your birthday, and what you almost forgot was that it doubled as a vibrator too. You looked at the bottom of the dildo, seeing the switches and modes of vibrations it had. You smirked as you eased it inside of him slowly.
Minghao winced, "I-It feels w-weird." Minghao closed his eyes, trying to relax somewhat.
Before you were going to say anything, you let the dildo slip inside of him until the hilt stopped you. "How are you doing?"
"Mm, I'm okay, give me a second." He breathed in and out of his nose, before a moan choked out of his throat.
You had switched the toy on, starting at the lowest setting. You wanted Minghao to feel good and help him ease up. "This should make things feel a little bit better." You ran your hand down his back, gripping his ass.
Minghao moaned aloud again as he bucked his hips forward. "A-ah, i-it feels, s-so good."
You tugged on Minghao's collar, making him choke slightly as you pulled him upwards to kiss him. Minghao held the side of your face with his hand, his head strained towards you as your tongues mingled together. You bit the bottom of his lip, earning a moan from him and making you smirk in return. Your hand snaked down his body, gripping his cock. "M-Master," he breathed, gasping as he felt your thumb swipe across his slit.
"Yes, baby?" You teased, stroking him slowly.
He bit back another moan, "P-Please, m-move it."
"You want me to move the toy in you, baby boy?"
Minghao whined at the pet name, nodding his head shyly. "Please, Master."
You smiled at how obedient he was. You obliged and gripped the base of the buzzing dildo. Slowly, you began to move it out of Minghao and easing it back in. You heard him let out a long, drawn out moan. "Like that?" You questioned, seeing him move his hands and lay on his forearms.
"F-Faster," he rasped. His breathing was heavy, shallow as he gripped the sheets from pleasure of the vibrations inside him.
Doing as he told, you began to thrust the toy inside of him a bit faster. Hearing his moans was making your pussy ache even more, knowing for sure there would be a dark, wet spot on your underwear. Your clit developed its own heartbeat, only beating harder after each moan that slipped out of Minghao's pretty lips. You thought of those lips around your clit, biting back a moan. You wanted this to go faster, faster so that Minghao would cum, then make you cum.
You added a bit more lube to the exposed part of the dildo, pushing it back inside him. You moved the toy quicker, hearing Minghao whine each time the base hit against him. "Fuck, that f-feels so good, Master. P-Please, don't stop." Your finger flipped the switch to the second setting, the vibrator buzzing faster and a bit harsher.
Minghao let out a surprised cry, scratching at the sheets. He let out broken moans, one following after another.
"You close again, baby?" You grabbed the toy and began fucking him even faster, making him moan louder.
"Y-Yes.." he whispered, his face laying against the pillow while his ass was up in the air for you.
"Remember what I told you." You merely said, relentlessly thrusting the vibrator deep inside of him.
"Please! Please, please Master! Can I cum? I-I'm so, close." He begged, looking back at you on his hands with his eyes slightly glossed over while his cheeks developed a dark pink hue.
Minghao's hair was tussled, his bangs covering his eyes, along with his flushed face, you couldn't resist. "Go ahead."
He came with a loud, drawn moan, bordering a scream. His body twitched as he stilled and fall back onto the pillow under him. The room was silent minus Minghao's heavy breaths and the buzzing of the vibrator still inside of him. You turned the toy off, slowly pulling it out of him. Minghao gasped at the friction and sighed when it was out. You cleaned up most of the cum that had landed on the sheets under him, not wanting him, or yourself, to lay in it.
"You okay, baby boy?" Rubbing his back, you shifted next to him to look at his face, making sure you didn't hurt him.
He quietly nodded, "I'm perfect," he said.
You moved closer to him, capturing him in a slow, sensual kiss. He moaned into the kiss as your tongue glided over his. You pulled away slowly, "You've been very good for me, Hao." You got up from the bed, rummaging through the box again and taking out something that was out of Minghao's view.
"Mhm?" He said, waiting for you to continue. You turned to face him again and he visibly and audibly swallowed. "You said that you've wanted me to fuck you before, right?"
Minghao was speechless, mouth opening and closing, unable to form words. You wore a strap-on that you had bought weeks ago in preparation for tonight, and you couldn't wait to see his reaction—which frankly is better than you could've imagined.
Minghao's cock twitched as he recalls the night he confessed that to you. Just a moment ago with the dildo was incredible but having his own girlfriend fuck him? He could feel another orgasm coming already. He nodded his head once he got out of his thoughts, eager for you to be inside of him.
"You're gonna be good for me, right baby?" You said getting back on the bed and positioning yourself in front of him. He nodded as you grabbed a pillow for him to lay on top of. "Good. And I hope you know I'm just as excited for this as you are."
Minghao's face began to blush whilst his ears did the same, a cute habit that you always adored about him. "R-Really?"
You nodded as you spread the lube along your strap. Minghao gulped, letting out a whine. "H-Hurry, p-please. I-I want you, in me already." He said, voice lowering to a whisper as he confessed his needs.
Holding back a moan, you looked at him with a lustful stare. "Desperate for me to fuck you, aren't you baby?"
Minghao moaned at your words, feeling his cock twitch. "Mhm," he hummed.
You did as he so cutely said and gripped his thighs, slowly easing yourself into him. He winced slightly as you watched his face intently, keeping an eye out for any uncomfortable expressions. Neither of you could believe this was happening. Out of both of your comfort zone's yet still feeling somehow natural.
"You okay?" You asked as your strap filled him up to the hilt.
He nodded, his eyes shut. "You can move," Minghao said timidly.
"Are you sure baby?" You were afraid you would hurt him or get too caught up in the moment and hurt him.
"Please, Master, fuck me." Was all he said, his words and voice sending a strong pulse to your clit. Everything that you thought before those words left Minghao's mouth, were long gone. You clenched onto his thighs and began doing as he told you to.
Slapping noises filled the room, along with Minghao's moans with each thrust inside him. You kept your eyes on his, seeing every detail and feature that appeared on his face. "Such a dirty boy for me, aren't you, Hao?"
Minghao threw his head back, letting out a high pitched whine, "Y-Yes, Master. O-Only for you." He said, his mouth gaping open.
It was strange to be on the receiving end of what would usually come out of your mouth when Minghao would fuck you the way you are to him. It was strange, but it gave you a whole new sense and feel of power that left you craving more.
Your hips snapped against his as you took one of your hands and grabbed his length—which was leaking profusely onto his stomach—and began to jerk him off while you fucked him. Minghao's face contorted in a state of pleasure you had never seen him in. He gripped the sheets so hard, you could see the whites of his knuckles. "Such a good boy for me, baby."
Minghao moaned at your words, biting his lip. He was so hard and so turned on and so close to cumming again, it embarrassed him. His hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping your movements. "P-Please," he gasped. 
"Please what, baby?" You asked, slowing down your hips slightly.
"Just, f-fuck me, please." He stuttered, swallowing dryly and letting out a broken moan.
You smirked, "Remember who's in charge here, baby boy." And without saying anything else, you bucked your hips faster. "Like that, baby?"
"Yes, please. H-Harder." Minghao grabbed one of your hands that was on his hip and intertwined your fingers together. 
You smiled, contradicting what you were doing to Minghao at the moment. "You're so cute baby, am I fucking you good?"
He panted, eyes squeezing shut. "Yes! You're fucking me s-so good Master, p-please don't stop. I-I'm close."
You let go of Minghao's hand to move your position. You knew that there was a certain spot in you Minghao would hit when he moved your legs over his shoulders--so that's what you did. You moved his legs onto your shoulders and shifted your position, hopefully hitting inside Minghao deeper.
Minghao yelled, "R-Right there! F-Fuck, I-I'm gonna cum-" Minghao grabbed your arm, gripping it tightly as he shoved his head into the pillow. His hips twitched and he felt his eyes roll to the back of his head. Cum shot out of his cock and onto his stomach, also splashing onto his collar. He let out a whine, developing into a moan that broke as his voice got higher. Minghao collapsed slightly, letting out a huff of breath.
You laughed slightly, seeing him worn out and sweaty, not even caring that he came without your permission. His hair stuck to his forehead, tiny droplets falling onto his cheeks while a layer of sweat covered his bare torso. You slowly pulled out of Minghao, making him wince. You tossed it onto the floor and stood up to make a trip to the bathroom to get a wash rag to clean Minghao up.
When you returned, you took a second to admire him. You quietly grabbed the camera off the bedside table and took a quick photo. Minghao seen the flash and felt your presence and turned to you. He giggled, "That was, probably the best anniversary gift you've ever given me." He said, out of breath.
You chuckled as you approached him, cleaning off the semi dried cum on his stomach. "I'm glad that it didn't go south."
Minghao hummed, "You didn't cum though." He mentioned, taking off his collar and rubbing his neck slightly.
You waved a hand at him, signaling that you didn't mind. "You can make it up to me on our next anniversary."
He smirked, and grabbed your hand, pulling you on top of him. "I'll make sure you can't walk for weeks, baby girl."
a/n: wow i finally posted! hope u guys enjoyed this, i know i did ;)
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yayeetsonny · 5 years
"I really have 3 moms huh?" Baby R/Christen, Kelly, and Becky
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Prompt: "Can you do one with Kelley, Becky, Christen being protective of the reader (since she’s the youngest and also in both teams with them) and acting like her team mom’s?"
This is for @super-market-sun-flowers
I'm so sorry that I've taken forever to get this out I just wanted it to be good haha. hopefully you like it!
-Minor swearing
I finally was able to head back to the locker room after a grueling game against the Portland Thorns. We won the game 2- 1. I was so proud of the team and I was proud of how I played but I was in some serious pain because Midge Purce had fouled me in the 85th minute and when she did she clipped my ankle. I got up and walked it off and was able to play the remainder of the game. I did my best to hide the pain I was in because my "moms" Becky, Kelly, and Christen would totally flip if they knew. See I'm the youngest player on the Utah Royals FC and USWNT, at age 17 and being 4'11 doesn't help much either. Those three in particular baby me a lot. It's very sweet but sometimes it's a little much. 
As I was taking off my cleats I noticed my ankle was a little purple and swollen. Uh oh, Midge got me good.
"Shit." I mumbled, wincing when I went to move it.
"Oh my god. You need ice on that little one." Christen said startling me by her sudden appearance.
"H-hey Christen, it's really not a big deal. I'm okay."
"Then why are you grimacing and looking close to tears?"
"My allergies."
"You don't have any."
"Do too."
"Do not."
"Yes I do."
"No you don't.- okay since we're going in circles I'll just call Becky and Kelly over and see what they want to do."
"Woah wait that's not necessary. Shouldn't I be able to decide what to do about my injury?."
"No. You never take care of yourself when you're hurt or sick and you're the most stubborn person I know."
"I'll make sure I don't exert myself I promise!"
"I don't believe you even a little bit." She said crossing her arms and giving me a look.
"Okay, okay whatever get the other two involved I don't care anymore." I said exasperated
"Kelly, Becky come over here for a sec please."
"Hey what's up?"
"What's up CP?"
"Our kid is hurt and she doesn't want to ice her ankle and thinks that she can take a care of herself."
"I'm 17 years old! I turn 18 in like 4 months!" I said indignantly
"Sush. Let us help you babe. You're hurt."
"I'm fine guys seriously. it's nothing. Look we have camp in a week and I really don't want to jeopardize my chances by making this a bigger deal that it is."
"It'll be an even bigger deal if you don't take care of it properly and over do it at camp. Please just cooperate and ice your ankle." Christen said softly yet sternly. She's always been softer and gentler with me than the others but she has her moments too. Kelly and Becky nodded their heads in agreement.
"Ugh okayyy." I said. They all laughed at my dramatics as Kelly ruffled my hair. Kelly and Christen then proceeded to help me to the bus while Becky carried our things. Once there they insisted on having me sit in the back with my feet on Becky's lap elevating my foot. All of them fussing over me and arguing over what was the right way to ice an ankle.
"Kelly I swear if you hurt her more jostling her foot like that I'll make you hurt." Christen threatened
"Chill Chris I got it." She said
"No you don't you're hurting her."
"Stop being so uptight."
"She's my kid."
"She's my kid too. She's our kid." Kelly said looking a little hurt.
"You're right, I'm sorry Kel."
"They finally were able to agree on the way my foot was wrapped with the ice and let me be. Given it was only after Becky threatened to not let either of them take care of me if they didn't get it together. The look she gave then would have made a grown ass man afraid.
3 hours later//
The girls definitely were pushing it with the whole babying thing, they insisted on carrying me everywhere after we got back to the apartment we shared.
"Chris you can put me down! I can walk." I said, and I know what you're thinking but she's definitely stronger than she looks. She was carrying me to the couch after I woke up from a nap that she insisted on me taking because according to her I was "grumpy"
"No bubs you could hurt yourself more just let me help you. I just want you to be safe."
"I know Chris and I am, with you I always will be." I said laying my head in the crook of her neck.
I know I said them babying me and acting like over protective moms 24/7 was a little much but sometimes it really does make me feel all warm inside. Kelly and Becky had gone out to get food for all of us and would be back any minute.
Suddenly the door burst open and Kelly came barreling in "we're home losers!!"
"Kelly chill, Chris could've dropped our kid." Becky said having noticed that we jumped when they entered.
"Oh, oops my bad."
"Sometimes I feel like Christen and I have 2 kids instead of 1." Becky said rolling her eyes in amusement.
"Hey! I resent that!" Kelly said
"Oh come on Kel, she's only joking."
"I still resent it." She mumbled.
"Okay well let's eat before the food gets cold." Becky said patting Kelly on the back as she continued to pout.
"What's for dinner?" I asked
"Sandwiches from the deli around the corner."
"Oh yes, Antonio's! That place has the best hot sandwiches!" I said eagerly as I attempted to wiggle free from Christen's grip.
"Okay Christen seriously let me down please."
"We just talked about this baby, I'll put you on the couch that's it."
"I'm not a baby!"
"You're acting like it."
"Am not!" I whined
"Point proven." She said giving me a knowing look.
"Listen we love you and you're our kid whether you love it or not. We all know you at least like it 9/10 when we baby you. We're always gonna want what's best for you. Please let us take care of you until we know for sure your ankle is better." Becky said
"Okay, I'm sorry guys I just still have trouble getting used to having people who care about me so much. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed by all the love you guys give me 24/7. I really do appreciate it and love you guys so much." I said getting all sappy.
"Awww you love us!" Kelly said running over and crushing Christen and I in a hug.
"Yeah, yeah. Can we eat now please?" I said
"Oh right, almost forgot." Becky chuckled
1 week later//
Becky, Christen, Kelly and I arrived at camp and met the rest of the team in the meeting room. After going over the plan for the day we were released to do some team bonding.
"Hey Y/N I missed you!" I heard someone say before I was startled by Emily Sonnett jumping on my back. I was able to catch her legs at the last second so she didn't fall but I rolled my already sensitive ankle as I tried to regain my footing.
"Shit, shit, shit." I said as Emily realized something was wrong as she climbed off of me.
"Oh man I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't hurt you did I?" She said looking slightly scared. All of the players on the USWNT, even some of the newest ones knew who my "moms" were and knew that they'd do anything to protect me, even going as far as getting in people's faces sometimes.
"I just lost my footing and rolled my ankle a little no big." I said trying to shake it off.
"You sure? Do you want me to get Christen?" She asked knowing I was closest with her.
"No, no it's all good. Just try not to surprise me anymore." I said smiling at her softly as I walked away.
"Hey kid, you good?" Ashyln said as I walked passed her
"Yeah, yeah all good." I said as I tried to rush away. My ankle was doing much better but still sensitive and was just getting back to 100% I argued with myself on what to do because it really hurt and I was beginning to panic. I knew my moms would be upset if they knew I had hurt it again after we just got here and I- wait, I called them my moms. Huh I didn't even notice. Do I say it out loud too? Does it weird them out? Oh my god wait what if they think it's weird I mean I know they think I'm their "kid" but I've never called them moms out loud before. I began to get lost in thought and was really starting to panic about everything, so much so I didn't even realize I ran right into Christen.
"Ouch" I landed on my butt after running right into her back. She turned around from talking to Tobin and Julie.
"Woah, hey there bubs. You okay?"
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm good. Sorry I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I said refusing to make eye contact, my ankle was killing me
She crouched down so she could look at me and softly grabbed my chin tilting my head up so I'd look at her. "Hey, What's wrong."
"I know you too well to know when you're lying."
"I'm not lying it's nothing, just drop it." I said frustrated
"Woah drop the attitude please."
"I'm sorry, just forget it please."
"Y/N..." she said in a warning tone along with giving me the look
"Okay fine, I may have twisted my ankle when Sonnett jumped on me when she came to say hi." I said hesitantly as I scooted away.
"Well there it is, gotta go bye!" I said attempting to get up and get away before she went into full mama Press mode.
"Uh uh. Don't move, Kelly! Becky!" Christen yelled across the room.
"Oh man." I said laying back and face palming
"Uh oh short stack you gotta help sonnett before Chris, Kelly and Becky kill her." Tobin said in amusement.
Julie just rolled her eyes and said "why am I friends with you guys?"
"Oh shut up, we work together and you love us." Tobin said
"She's right dude you can't get enough of us." I said smugly.
"Woah CP, what's going on?" Kelly said rushing over to us as she saw the look on Chris's face.
"Where's Becky?"
"She's coming over right now what's going on? Is everything okay?"
"Chris will you please relax I'm okay." I said trying to get her to settle down before she went off.
"No stay out of this." She said not looking at me.
"This is literally about me! Come on don't make this a big thing."
"Hush before I-" she didn't get to finish because Becky came rushing over much in the same way as Kelly.
"Woah hey everyone take a breath, let's calm down. Will someone please tell me what this is about?"
"Sonnett hurt our kid!"
"No she didn't! I rolled my ankle when she tried to jump on my back! It's not a big deal I'm fine!" I said aggravated.
"She shouldn't have done that!" Christen said angrily. Becky, Kelly, Julie and Tobin were just looking back and forth as we argued.
"I can take care of myself! Just please don't hurt sonnett it was an accident and she didn't mean to. She even apologized even though it wasn't necessary."
"What she did was reckless and she could have seriously hurt you and herself!"
"Oh my god will you stop being so dramatic?! It's. Not. A. Big. Deal." I was getting increasingly frustrated as the argument went on.
"Oh I'm sorry, I guess you don't care about your safety or anyone else's then?" Chris said raising her eyebrow daring me to say something else.
"I do I just... Chris will you please talk to me about this, without yelling?" I said softly, finally relenting.
"I just want to protect my baby." Chris mumbled helping me up and pulling me against her chest. She ran her hands through my hair and kissed me on the forehead.
"I know Christen, I'll always feel safe and be safe with you protecting me. I already told you that. It won't ever change."
"Get ice on your ankle please. Elevate it and make sure that if you need anything at all you tell Becky or Kel okay baby? I'll tell dawn about your ankle so she can decide what to do."
"Yes mama." I said taking myself and everyone around us by surprise.
"I- I mean, yes Chris. I'll get on that. Where are you going?"
"Well, Sonnett and I need to have a chat so I'll see you later okay?" She said trying to mask the surprised look on her face.
"Don't kill my best friend please."
"Don't worry I just want to make sure she knows not to be so reckless next time."
"Julie Tobin watch out for Em please." I whispered as Kelly carried me away.
"You got it kid." They said in sync
"Come on babe let's get you that ice."
30 minutes later//
"How you feelin kid?" Alex said as she sat next to me on the couch after finishing a game of monopoly deal with Tobs.
"I'm fine I guess it just blows my ankle is back at square one."
"Aw yeah that sucks, but it's not too severe right? So you'll be able to play with us and everything in a few days."
"You're right I'm just glad this camp is a pretty long one. I'll have a real chance to still show what I can do to the coaching staff."
"You're so talented. You have nothing to prove babe."
"Thanks Al that means a lot."
"Of course love. I love you."
"I love you too."
"You wanna play a game of speed?"
"You're on, just know I'm really good."
"Okay whatever you say Alex." I said chuckling
"What you don't believe me?"
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."
"Oh it's on."
"Let's do it."
In the end Alex absolutely creamed me. But the plus side was that it wasn't just me she creamed, Crystal, Mal, Rose, and Sam had all joined in and it was amazing watching them lose just as badly as I did.
"Hey where's Chris?" I said suddenly realizing I hadn't seen her or Emily in over half an hour.
"Don't you mean mama?" Sam said teasing me as everyone else laughed
I blushed as I mumbled "that was an accident. Just forget it."
"Aw come on it was cute!"
"Yeah how come you don't call me and Becky mom or mama?" Kelly said appearing out of nowhere.
"Ahh! Geez you guys gotta stop doing that to me!"
"Aw I'm sorry kid. My bad."
"Seriously where's Chris? She didn't kill Emily did she? I told Julie and Tobin to watch out for her. What if-"
"Woah kid chill out, she's coming over right now."
"Hi bubs. You okay?"
"Yeah ma-Chris, I'm good. You and Em good?" I said catching my slip up. Everyone smirked at me knowingly while Chris gave me a curious look.
"Yeah we're good, you sure you're good?"
"Yeah." I said my voice cracking as I said it... dammit.
"Okay... uh hey guys can you give Y/N and I a minute I wanna talk to her about something." Everyone nodded and got up and went elsewhere, Sam patted me on the shoulder as she left.
"What's up Chris?"
"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting a little weird."
"Well, it's just that I know I slipped up twice now calling you mama and the girls were teasing me earlier and I'm sorry it probably weirds you out. I didn't mean to i swear, I'm so sorry please don't be mad, please don't hurt me I-"
"Woah hey, hey. Shhh calm down you're okay bubs. No ones going to hurt you, we would never. What's that all about? Look at me." Chris said holding my face so I'll look at her.
"I'm sorry I just don't want to weird you guys out. And uh, it's nothing forget I said that." Shit I really let that slip out, well that's a backstory for another time.
"You know I'm not going to do that baby, we'll talk about that later okay? You're okay I promise, there's nothing weird about it. We already see you as our kid. We love you more than you'll ever know and I'd be honored if you decided to keep calling me mama. I'm sure Kel and Beck would ecstatic to be called mom too." She said while rubbing my cheeks soothingly
"Can we finish this conversation with Becky and Kelly?" I asked timidly
"Of course Y/N. They won't mind."
"Kel, Becky can you come sit with us for a minute?"
"Yeah coming!"
"Absolutely!" They both came to sit with us, Becky on the other side of me and Kelly sat across from me.
"What's up kid?"
"Y/N is worried that calling us her moms in a not joking manner will weird us out."
"Wait you really want to call us moms, like for real?"
"Well yeah i see you all as my mommies and I love you so much and wouldn't be anywhere without your love and support."
"I'd be honored."
"Me too."
"Wow really?"
"Of course, we really do love you kid."
"I love you too." I said almost beginning to cry.
"I really have 3 moms huh?"
"Yeah, you do."
"I wouldn't want it any other way."
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luci-cunt · 4 years
Pls tell us about the batshit dystopian trashfire xD
kajsd;flkadsj hello I love you so much (this is so long I’m so sorry I got excited XD)
ok so like, for the tiniest bit of context: this takes place quite a ways in the future, global warming has flooded the world and now it’s made up of 3 kinds of people: rich, poor, and pirates. The poor live in two kinds of cities: 
“floating cities” aka massive boats that actually move around. The ppl who live on these usually fish for a living, or take up jobs scraping the bottom of the massive city/ maintaining the sunken part of the ship. 
and “docks” aka grounded platforms built over now sunken mountains. These are mostly ppl who work by processing the fish/ goods the floating cities give them or mining/ scavenging.
These two have a symbiotic relationship and work together. Docks give fishers supplies they need like metal for hooks or ship repair stuff and the fishers give the Docks food/ deep sea supplies or transportation. Usually Docks and Floats will form highly exclusive relationships, i.e: one dock will only trade with one float and they do not get along with any other docks/ floats. 
Rich people meanwhile live on “Sun Cities” which are actual ships that float in the sky and they do not interact with people on the surface other than deliverers (ppl, usually from Dock cities, that transport supplies up to the Sun Cities/ transport ppl down or up to them)
And finally the pirates, which are pretty self explanatory, they almost always take over any bits of land that survived and make their own little pirate towns. 
With that all out of the way here’s another fun thing!!! So since everyone’s pretty broken up there’s not “government.” The individual cities kind of act like their own independent countries, with their own rules/ shit, so basically if you leave a city you’re in no-mans land where literally anything can happen with no consequences. 
WHICH IS WHY!!!! The Hunts happen. 
The Hunts are these big events usually held by pirates, who maintain massive “biomes” just for these purposes. Sometimes they’re sections of water or sometimes they’re islands. The hunts have varying rules but most of them go like this: there’s 1 Fox and 4 Hounds, the Hounds have to hunt the Fox while they try to complete various goals around the biome/ survive the Hounds hunting them. Goals are usually things like “find clues to uncover a trophy, then escape.” You can’t escape without this item also. 
Most hunts are volunteer events, aka ppl choose to participate because you can win a fuck ton of money and respect from pirates if you win. Though--as a Hound if you win (by killing the Fox before they manage to escape with the item) you split the prize money 4 ways, but if you’re the Fox you get all the prize money, plus the trophy, PLUS the boat you escaped on. 
Another thing: lots of people volunteer, so there’s a slim chance you’ll get to participate--but, if you forfeit your prize money you can be guaranteed a spot on the next Hunt.
Now, this has been mainly a pirate thing, but rich people got word of it and thought it sounded like fun, so now they hold an “Official Hunt” every year, with a massive money prize. 
(this will all be important later, for now tho--)
Here’s some characters: 
the MC: who I don’t have a name or gender for XDD so I’m just gonna call them MC. They live on a Float and work as a fisherman. They’re living with their father and sibling(?) [again sorry this is still very much in the workshop XDD I don’t know who these characters are for sure yet XD]. Their dad is kind of an asshole, but he’s also super old and basically helpless, so MC and their sibling work/ take care of him. MC’s sibling also works as one of the people who maintains the bottom of the boat, which is super dangerous so you get paid a lot of money to do it, so they’ve been fine so far. Unfortunately at the beginning of the story the Sib gets injured, and then fired, and MC’s fishing job will def not cover the medical bills for both Dad and Sib so--you guessed it--they apply for the “Official Hunt.”
Details on MC: they joined the Hunt one: because they want to help their sib but also two: because they want to rub a victory in their dad’s face. What I’m saying is: MC is not exactly heroic, they’re an asshole who saw and opportunity and took it and I love them. 
Lynx: I also don’t have a gender for them, and they’re supposed to be pretty mysterious so all you need to know is that they’ve won the Official Hunt as a Hound 4 times in a row, and have always forfeited their money to be a Hound again the next year. They got the nickname “Lynx” because they’re really fucking good at hunting foxes and known for being merciless. They’re very tempered, barely says more than like, two words in casual conversation and doesn’t really like people. 
Sabertooth: is like Lynx’s partner in crime--they’ve both won 4 hunts in a row and they’ve hunted on the same pack every year, but where Lynx is reserved ST is loud and arrogant. They like the spectacle of the Hunt almost more than the Hunt itself. Basically--they’re a fucking dick. 
Anyways, since this is the “Official Hunt” there’s quite a bit more publicity that goes into it. There’s before and after-hunt interviews/ parties and a lot of rich people oogling over the contestants participating in pre-hunt games like sparring and even mock-hunts where actual foxes and hounds are brought in and given to the contestants and if one of the hounds kills a fox it’s like an omen. (This is also mostly just a way to show off how rich the hosts are, because non-aquatic animals are a luxury.)
Some things to note: there’s actually 2 hunts that happen at the same time during the “Official Hunt” so that if one hunt gets boring the viewers can move to the other hunt. The hunt also takes place on an island, with a big glass wall splitting it in half--one hunt on one side, and another on the other. 
OK I’m so sorry for all this backstory here’s the actual plot akjdsf;lajsdflkj
(one last thing to know): The two foxes get to meet/ know who the other is, and the two packs get to meet/ know who they are from the beginning, but the packs and the foxes are kept separate, each having their own banquet thing, before there’s one big party where everyone is introduced and everyone learns which pack is assigned to which fox. 
Which is why, MC--who’s not one for parties and is just annoyed by all the oogling rich people--slips out for some fresh air and finds a stranger. They chat a bit, find one another kind of interesting. The stranger asks MC why they chose to be a fox of all things, and MC explains that it’s mostly the money, but also--they’ve got a strategy and if they were a Hound it would just make their hands more bloody. 
When the Strangers inquires about said strategy MC keeps it vague but basically says that there’s two kinds of people who Hunt as Hounds: 1. the greedy bastards who know playing the Hound is easier, and just want the money, and 2. the greedy bastards who like the thrill of the hunt and want the money, but also refuse to be prey. Both of these ppl are easy to manipulate, and so all MC has to do is convince at least one of them that if they murder their fellow hounds *before* they kill MC, they’ll get all the prize money to themself, and then MC only has to kill one Hound and escape. 
But the Stranger points out there’s another type of person that choses Hound, and when MC asks what that is, they just walk off. 
Queue the next day, aka the banquet where everyone finds out which pack is hunting which fox and we learn that Sabertooth and Lynx are going to be separated, with each getting their own pack to see who’s the superiors Hound.
This is also where MC realizes that Lynx--aka the bitch who’s been forfeiting all their money just for the chance to hunt over and over again--is the stranger they were talking to last night. 
Luckily though, MC is assigned to Sabertooth’s pack, and MC’s pretty sure Lynx isn’t going to spill the beans about MC’s plan because they probably want to beat Sabertooth--hopefully.
alkjsd;flajksd this is so long so I’m gonna cut it here but yeah, shenaniganary happens :) XDD
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shadowofthelamp · 4 years
Actually, y’know what? I’m gonna do that thing with the first 10 chapters of aip. They’re pretty short but I’m sure I’ll be able to find one bit for each. Commentary in parenthesis.
1- “You’re not cheating on me, are you?”
“Who else would put up with him?” The computer chimed in.
(My characterization of the Computer- and the little confetti comment- comes a lot from In Short Supply, I think. I like him as just, like.... a guy who can’t quit his job because it’s his only function and also he has no body outside of it, but is still going to gripe and make jokes about it. Also Zim’s complete denial for TWO DAYS that he was pregnant and just imagining the Computer getting more and more tired of trying to tell him is great. I do see why people saw this and decided they wanted to hop on and follow for more.)
2- Zim dragged himself up by tugging at Dib’s arms in one fluid motion, before gripping the collar of his shirt in an iron fist and staring down at him, feet planted firmly on top of Dib’s thighs. “You! You did this!”
”It sounds like you did it to yourself,” Dib said, shoving Zim off him on instinct, but that just tightened the irken's grip, nearly clunking their heads together as Dib was tugged forward by his own force. “I didn’t know you could even do that!”
(Trying to convey the show’s physical comedy style in text is really, really hard, but I did my best- both in AIP and in TD. Zim making excuses when he does in fact want the kid is also pretty damn cute.)
3- “I’m starting a log, so we can keep track of progress.” He turned the camera up to show Zim better, and Zim smacked it into Dib’s lap, the phone turning off.
“You will not use your record-y thing to show anyone my true form!” Dib grabbed the phone and held it protectively against his chest.
“Relax, I’m not going to show anyone. This is for my personal notes. Besides, if it’s like an experiment, you’re going to want records, right? Half the city has seen you out of disguise by now anyways.” Zim glared at him, and Dib threw up his arms. “Okay, go grab your disguise, happy?”
(I’m glad that I showed that while they WERE dating, they still had a bit to go when it came to trusting each other, it allowed a bit more development later on.)
4-  “If you’re telling me you actually screwed Zim, I’d rather carve my ears out than hear about it, so I’m going to stop you right there.”
(Yeah, this one’s just funny, no smart commentary here.)
5- The elevator started its descent, and Zim tapped his chin. “This shouldn’t be too bad. I’m an elite soldier, some discomfort for a while is manageable, and I’ll have a new squishy servant to help around the house. Which is more than anyone else around here does!” He called up. “Except for Minimoose. Minimoose is good.”
“I can stop this elevator right now and you can crawl the rest of the way down.”
(More fun Computer dialogue. This one also has Zim totally brushing off the risks, great job Zim.)
6-  “This is insane. I knocked up an alien who forgot how to count.” Dib raked a hand through his bedhead.
(This is one of my favorite lines in the whole fic lmao. I debated so, so hard over including the aging thing for fear of being Canceled or whatever. Even though Dib says they need to go back to it, they never did, oops. AIP Zim is roughly in the 17-22ish range in irken years since I do think they send out smeets while they’re still in the human 13-ish range, so while he’s an adult it’s hard to shift it over to Earth years.)
7-  Gir nodded, eyes flashing red for a moment. “Understood!” He went back to normal, nuzzling his cheek against Zim’s chest. “We’re a big happy family, like those ones on tv where they all yell at each other but hug it out after twen’y minutes!”
(Writing Gir is really fun, he’s got some good lines in this one. You SHOULD be able to roughly trace almost everything he says in my fics to a sort of Gir-logic, filtered through his brain. Also this was the first one to get chapter art, besides the cover!)
8-  If there was an opening on the board, he’d take it in a heartbeat. Hopefully they wouldn’t hold ‘dating the alien he spent years trying to destroy’ against him. No one knew besides Tunaghost anyways, and he’d like to keep it that way. (Tunaghost was herself dating a werewolf and had admitted it to him first, thank you very much, he hasn’t just blurted it out and now they had blackmail on each other like reasonable people)
(I probably should have done something with this, but oh well. It’s a good line. I think it really feels kinda in the... style of the show’s humor I guess? If not directly than in the spirit, at least. Also pregnant Zim with blowtorch was one of the first images I had while brainstorming.)
9- “You’re going to be fine. Trust me, if seven years of living on Earth haven’t killed you yet, especially with about four of them with me actively trying to finish the job, nothing will.”
“You’re just terrible at it.” Zim was grinning again, though, and Dib smiled back. 
“Good thing too. I’d much rather have you here than hanging up on somebody’s wall right now.”
“Ugh, that’s what you had planned?”
“Look, I knew up to the autopsy, everything after that was just details,” Dib said. “It doesn’t matter now.”
“I’d deserve a tank and a spotlight!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Dib nudged him. “What would you have done with me?”
“Hmm… made you into a zombie slave.”
“That’s… actually kind of cool,” Dib admitted.
“The offer is still on the table if you’re interested.”
“I’ll pass,” Dib said.
(This is some fun banter to lighten the mood up a little after Zim got sick.)
10- “Aw, don’t be mean! It’s cute, you’s a big dolly.” Gir had a wide grin as Dib cautiously set Zim down. “No, Gir. Not cute. I am an invader!”
“I mean, he’s got a point. You are kind of adorable.” Dib said, holding down a hand for Gir to high-five, something the robot eagerly did.
The moment was a bit spoiled, however, by the fact that Zim took the distraction of the high-five to kick Dib right in the shin.
(I appreciate it when I nail the comic timing- like I mentioned above, it’s difficult to do in writing.)
Aaaaaand... yeah, there’s definitely a lot that feels sloppy now, but there’s a lot of cute or funny little moments in here too that I didn’t even copy over. I really was putting my all into it, and I feel a little better about it now, after looking for the positives instead of dwelling on the stuff I don’t like as much anymore.
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 166
Honorable mentions:
I always love seeing a student with John’s old ‘loser’/helmet hair lmao it makes me happy
For the first time ever, when I say ‘Remi, pop off queen’ you know I actually mean it lol
Tldr: the high-tiers (can’t really call them “royals” anymore can we) establish themselves and prove their worths as paragons (perfect examples) of what royals should be and i applaud them for it
The amount of joker masks that the superhero posse brought in has to be representation of their power. Isen, the lowest-ranking of the superhero posse brought 1, Remi brought 3, and Blyke brought 3. You might be thinking ‘hey remi is more powerful than blyke’ but we know that he’s been working hard recently and because he only has one more mask than Remi, i think this idea is plausible. so let me believe that blyke is more powerful than remi please.
Nothing to really say about Isen except that he needs a hug
Going to ignore that remi listed cecile as someone she wanted to recruit help from because i would just get my hopes up
Only occured to me now that i could pull off a John and Rei comparison especially after reflecting over episode 150
Arlo and seraphina give off such close vibes and it’s obviously because they got close (or at least intensely familiar) when they were the king and queen and i just- i absolutely love when plots or characters go full circle and reflect (revisit?) the start of the story even though that sounds anti-development, it’s not im just bad at explanations.
WHAT I WOULD GIVE FOR CECILE TO BACKSTAB JOHN not that i don’t like john because i absolutely aDORE him because of his impact on the story, but i just want to see Cecile backstab someone and john is convient
just me talking for a bit, scroll if you want to skip to the actual content i understand ;( :
Okay: so.
I’ve figured out that instead of putting little talkative comments in the honorable mentions like I’ve been doing lately, I can put them here and not feel like total trash and that I’m downgrading the post so that’s fun.
Anyway, sorry if the massive ton of parentheses(?spelling) i'm using is confusing or hard to read. I mean, I won’t fix it, but I hope it’s not too bad ya know
Again: sorry for talking like im texting someone in 2017 it’s an issue, im aware. No one ever says anything, but yeah?? Im sorry???
Im panic-writing this an hour before the new episode drops so hopefully this is up before then, there’s no real hope though it takes me 10 minutes just to transfer this from my google doc to tumblr because i have to manually re-add all of the bold and italics and bullet points. Still not removing this bit tho even if (lmao “if”) it’s late ;)
Talking too much, but whenever you see (?”spelling/grammar/word choice/etc”), that just means that I messed up in that way, but I’m too distracted to fix it. Figured i should say that eventually seeing as i literally do that every post
Next post will not be written in first person at all because i think it makes these feel way too familiar and makes new readers uncomfortable which is stupid but is how i would feel so we’re experimenting. If you’ve never read one of my posts, i just act very informal with everything i do and i just want to say, i'm not in this tightly knit niche group that reads these and that ive been friends with for years. i just. Talk like this. So don’t feel like you’re eavesdropping by reading one of these. I really hope im not an outlier in feeling this way when reading other peoples post because if nobody actually feels this way, im bout to be real embarrased oops.
Im getting the talking out of my system because no talking next post.
Yeah this post is late. But: i stopped for pizza in the middle and my webtoon isn’t loading so im like sitting around waiting for it to
    Now, in this episode particularly, it has occurred to me that I need to give Remi credit where credit is due. I made a post (AN: multiple posts but we’ll ignore that) over a year ago talking about her abilities as queen and- I did her pretty dirty. Not unfairly, but dirty. I basically dissed her a lot and said that she wasn’t a good queen in any sense. And I’ve done this multiple times (AN: ignore last AN) because I can remember at least 2 other times when I just berated Remi over and over for being shit queen.
    I’m not going to disagree with myself in this post (because I didn’t lie), but I want to give her some credit because I do believe she has changed recently and it has affected how I view her as a position of royalty. And, yes, while it is unclear if she is currently technically still a royal, what with John having somehow destroyed the entire concept of Wellston having royals (?), she has been taking the actions and responsibilities that a royal would. So-
    What made me want to write this out was in this episode, episode 166, I really realized/noticed her attitude and actions dealing with and revolving around this whole joker situation (currently more about the fake jokers) was?? Actually productive?? To explain: In this episode, we see Remi approaching a group of low-tiers who are worriedly talking about the joker situation and 1. Analyzes the conversation in reference to the measures she, Blyke, and Isen are taking to prevent the situation, 2. Reassures the low-tiers that qualified help (her, Blyke, and Isen [aka the superhero posse]) is doing the best they can, and 3. Asks if they have any suggestions or ideas that might help them attain their goal. Like?? Hello?? The Professionalism? And the way she didn’t let her disappointment that her previous efforts up until now affect her is a stark contrast from the Remi of the past. I’ve ripped her apart because of just how often her emotions would completely overwhelm any sense she had. So: that stood out. But, anyway, big picture again: This whole short little scene from her was so impressive?
    Honestly, the fact that Remi is going through all this effort to stop the fake jokers and make sure the low-tiers are safe is very different than what we would’ve seen from her in the past. One of the common reasons that I kept saying Remi was a bad queen was because she didn’t care about her responsibilities and didn’t take her authority seriously. There are even examples of Arlo, or others, telling her this (the example that came to my mind was when Remi was warning students about EMBER and Arlo stepped in [and the reason behind the events of this example helps to support my next point] {ALSO (sorry) afternote: I was reading through everything I’ve ever said about Remi’s leadership and I used this exact example in my post “Remi” from just over a year ago}). Another reason that I was against Remi as queen, which ties nicely with the previous reason (this sounds like repetition of like two seconds ago when I said that my last reason would support this point, but it’s not because words), was that she prioritized personal missions over things her school needed her to do. I remember being very pissed around episodes 110-120 because she ignored the big conflicts happening at Wellston in order to track down this separate crime organization (EMBER) and took Blyke and Isen with her (royals)(who were both against the idea). And I know that her reason for doing this is valid and I do respect her for attempting to avenge her brother, and I would have let this slide if she gave one thought or listened to Isen and Blyke at all about Wellston. I know this still sounds bad on my part, but it was many instances stacked on top of each other of Remi being, not just unconcerned, but unknowing, about Wellston’s current state as a school. At that time, Remi was the queen, she was one of the school’s royals, whose job was to maintain order and peace within the school. I couldn’t see any instances of Remi even attempting to do that. That was in the past though, because obviously, things are different now, like I said. Currently, Remi has gone out of her way to dedicate herself to the wellbeing of Wellston, that is obvious in the way she has been talking with low-tiers and unmasking fake Jokers. I only hope that her new motivation isn’t just a phase brought upon her due to her personal relationship/conflict with Joker, with John. I want to know if John ever happens to be dethroned or Remi somehow gets her technical authority back, will she still be dedicated to the school, or is her motive purely situational? I hope not? Because we’ve seen lots of change from her recently what with learning of the low-tiers mistreatment and all, so let’s cross our fingers.
    Regardless, there has been improvement in Remi. In her leadership and dedication. And that needs to be acknowledged. So I am doing it. Yeah. Here you go. Badge of honor for Remi.
    Obviously, most of what I’ve said also applies to Isen and Blyke, who are honestly going above and beyond (especially Blyke), just this section is a response to my previous statements of how Remi is not a good queen, not only for Wellston, just in general. And, again, while I still agree with my evaluation of Remi as a queen in reference to her past self and past episodes, This is a new development I felt obligated to talk about. :).
Blyke’s idea (?word choice confuses me):
Wowee this is a fun one. So: Blyke broke up a fake joker fight in a hallway this episode, and i just have to acknowledge this like I did for remi: props, but anyway, I was very intrigued by the way he handled the damage control like?? He refuses for the fake joker to be unmasked (?grammar) and gives the reason, “I’m not about to show his face so that you all can just gang up on him later!” And: applause. I think that this has occurred to me before, I just never dwelled on that idea, so I was taken off guard by this from Blyke. He was able to understand this and form a plan with how to deal with it? I don’t know about you, but that screams king behavior. Anyway, what Blyke does is take the fake joker to a separate room and unmasks him privately then talks with him as a way to both protect the fake joker’s safety and discourage him from any future stunts like the one he pulled a sec ago. And?? This is so great because, guys, this is liTERALLY the concept of like anger management and behavior therapy?? 
I especially liked how Blyke took the time to hear the low-tier out(something that the high-tiers are really starting to do [technically because of john because john became joker and caused all of this {and since john wanted to destroy the hierarchy because high-tiers didn’t give a shit about the low-tiers in a way he’s achieved his goal, albeit unknowingly}]). And, like i literally just said, by hearing him out, he’s creating yet another bubble of safety around the low-tier because immediately after (okay maybe not immediately, blyke did scold him a bit), Blyke says that whenever the low-tier is being picked on, he can come to Blyke. And NOT ONLY does this whole thing help with the fake jokers issue, but Blyke, along with Isen and Remi, are creating trust and respect between the low-tiers and high-tiers. This is them doing the hierarchy right! They are establishing themselves as leaders and as people that can be relied upon, which is exactly who the royals are supposed to be.
Just want to say: He also talked about how the guy who got attacked should also reflect on his actions, and yes, this deserves recognition, but this has been a common theme, so I didn’t think it was worth really discussing. Blyke got bonus points for this. Extra credit if you will.
    Remi’s idea:
    Back to Remi, but her idea about recruiting John to help get rid of the Jokers? Excuse me? The innovation, the growth, the potential. And, I know this was shut down pretty quickly by Blyke, but I still have to talk about it??? And this section is starting off horribly because there was absolutely no transition or introduction but hello?? 
    Anyway, obviously the fact that Remi would even suggest getting any help from John (Joker) is astonishing. 1. He literally beat up everyone present in the scene 2. Honestly from what john’s doing for all anyone knows, he likes that low-tiers are faking being joker (remi even points this out lmao) 3. Again, he beat everyone up? Not exactly looking good for any kind of compromise. And yet despite these obvious reasons, Remi still lists him as a possible ally. Why?
    Because when she met up with him before he completely dethroned the Wellston hierarchy, she noticed similarities in their goals and their beliefs. She says, and quotation marks mean quote, “When I spoke with him… I really thought both of us wanted the same thing… Just that our methods of approaching the situation were different.” !!!!!!! Remi knows that they really want the same thing: a safe environment for low-tiers. That was the one thing that John kept repeating over and over when they met up and talked (episode 150) (other than the fact that royals are shit but-): he wanted to create a school environment that was safe for the low-tiers. Whether or not that’s his goal now, or if he’s acting with that goal in mind, Remi obviously remembered this the most from their conversation because it seemed so similar to the way she was thinking. And Remi thinks that it would be possible that John would prioritize this over his dedication to his own personal project of destroying the school :).
    Anyway, this whole idea is scrapped by Isen and Blyke who give valid arguments as to why trying to ally with John is a really bad idea, but oh my god the way my heart stopped.
    This section is basically a summary and very quick, but this scene in the comic was riveting because of this. I just don’t know what else to say.
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 2: “I am typically regarded as a joke” - Livingston
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Anyways... rip Colin, no idea who that was.. obviously Okay well I think we are out of the first impressions stage of this game and I think I've done an okay job of not making a strong impression one way or another, except to DeNara who I've been talking to most consistently since the start of this game. Except for today lmfao I was NOT active on purpose but I'll try to get to that in this confessional. I saw that the tribe went on a call so I decided to join and chit-chat with the girlies of this tribe and I've gotta say.. I'm lowkey disappointed to learn that despite being a returning player, everybody else on the tribe is friends with each other. Aside from Mo it sounds like they all know each other one way or another and I'm kinda left out of that connection. Even though they might not all be friends, it is a bit uncomfortable to be in a call with people where you know NOTHING they're talking about and you're not catching any of the jokes or references to other games. Also, I noticed that the personalities kinda blended together and these aren't people that I'd get along with in other orgs I play, so.. oops. One highlight of the call was that Nik was talking about Rachael and they were saying that Rachael got rid of them, I believe. Basically just talking about how they view Rachael differently because of that I guess? I was kind of in and out during that. But then DeNara posted IN THE TRIBE CHAT when it was just us three plus Kailyn on the call that Nik was spilling tea... and it was just. so. cringe. Idk if Nik or Kailyn noticed and the fact that everyone else was acting so nonchalant makes me think I missed something but either way I was on mute howling bc of second-hand embarrassment. As far as my current position, I do feel a bit comfortable with where I'm at because although I AM uncomfortable being left out of the friend group, normally I thrive early game when I get underestimated. I'm trying to just not make waves and stick to whatever plans come my way and hopefully people don't view me as a threat. Every time I'd leave and rejoin the call everybody was talking about totally normal IRL stuff so it doesn't seem like people are playing the game yet, but last round I did make a bit of an alliance with DeNara for the time being. Despite feeling like an outsider, I'm going to just continue to look at the positives of every situation because as a pessimistic person by nature, I'm inclined to feel doomed in any scenario. But this is my redemption season. I'm not here to get tenth place, I'm here to win and this season will prove itself to be an uphill battle and I'm just getting started. Tumblr Survivor has always felt like the story of Sisyphus and the Boulder to me. Look into the deeper meaning of the story and I promise a lot of the details do kind of relate to me and my character throughout my run in this community, but the general idea is that I've been tasked with a chore of having to push this heavy boulder up a neverending mountain in Hell. As a returning player, I've faced a lot of hardship when I could've just gotten the outcome I want the first time, and each return to Tumblr Survivor, I've pretty much done worse and worse since then. I'm ready to finally push that fucking boulder out of the underworld and bring myself back to the playing field I deserve to be on. For now, I'm just going to keep pushing.
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So glad we won that first immunity. Why am I not surprise to see a unanimous vote for the first tribal. Even a self vote.... hopefully we win again today 
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I’m already over this tribe. Keegan and Liv are the only fun ones to talk to, Joey I think tries but also doesn’t. Also low key hoping people don’t know too much about Svalbard cause if people know about Rachael and I being close that could be a problem. I’m not letting my work schedule get in the way of my activity, but it’s a bad sign to me when I’m of the most active people on the tribe. I should be the baseline, not the gold standard
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I think our Tribe is a bit laid back. Not much interaction, not really that engaging. I hope Jake and Kevin did a good job at the challenge, I don't want to go to Tribal again. The typhoon here passed, I hope Tribal passes too!
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Woo we got out the main inactive person. Although really my entire tribe is quiet and lowkey inactive, but Jake and I talk a lot in PMs which is good. Also Stephen is doing his best with timezones so I know he wants to play bc he's always on when he is able to be on. The next biggest inactive person on the tribe is Kevin, but he instantly volunteered to do the challenge so yay I guess. If we lose though, he is still an option to go in my mind. I'm not trying to make too much of a plan because we could win this challenge and then I'm going to try to open the vault because if we come in first I will have 10 chips. But I still need to figure out if it costs 10 chips to open the vault or if you're just not allowed to look at it until you have 10 chips.
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You want a confessional, well here it is. Nothing has happened. To be honest, I’ve barely even spoken to anyone today. Or yesterday for that matter. It’s also been quiet in tribe chat.
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I finally got my tribe on a call. Most of them joined in, at least for a little bit so that was nice. The only person that wasn't on call was Ben, which kind of paints him as the outsider of the tribe right now. 
...five seconds later
I want to get to know Mo better and maybe set up some sort of alliance with them, but they are so spotty with when they are on, it is difficult to keep a conversation going. I am not chill enough for this game yet lol.
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ok. so like that's annoying. that challenge was supposed to be fun but jake is making a big stink. and like yeah i'm mad too but like it's over and it's just a game it's not like actual money lol. also, i don't really care if we go to tribal. makes you stronger. whatever. i'm sure he's a nice person but like i think he's just mad he lost. whatevs. 
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Nik and Rachael did our challenge and won. Thank goodness it wasn't me! What my tribe will soon come to realize is I am basically useless at challenges. Rip me.
...five seconds later
Yay! Mo finally asked if I wanted to work together! Took them long enough ;-) jkjk I am excited to finally start playing this game
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So after a heated and undeserved loss - sorry Dan I know we talked about it but I'm sticking to my guns - I start packing my bags. All of a sudden Stephen wants to target John, John wants to target Timmy; and nobody is throwing my name out there... Like... Hello? I just got into a public fight with production, shouldn't I be target number one? And now, Xavier and I are the swing votes... How the hell did the worst Tumblr Survivor Player and a 45 Year old man end up stuck in the middle? What the hell even is this season?
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WE LOST AGAIN. So now which alliance to choose?! 
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I can't believe this round. I should be the target, why - why am I not the target? I lost the challenge. I yelled at production. I am the easiest vote, but nobody is voting me! What is happening?? Timmy and Stephen made an alliance chat with Xavier and I to vote John. John and Kevin are working together to vote Timmy. Xavier says - "Jake tell me what to do!" Timmy and John are both telling me everything the other one is saying to each other, and it's amazing. I have no idea how Xavier and I are voting tonight. On one hand, you have Stephen and Timmy who seem like a really strong duo. But Stephen trusts me a lot, and if I vote out his closest ally than I'll go down that list - which could be trouble in case of the inevitable swap. John is MY closest ally, but if we vote him out the team is much more united. Do I play for ME or do I play for WE? I'm 95% sure the vote is going to be 4-2, and people are going to be blindsided.
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“Theres three tribes! Means we’re less likely to have back to back tribals” -_- sure jan. So we lost again, blergh, looked like an annoying challenge. The tribe is still pretty muted, who knows whether they’re voting for me or not. I made a 4-man alliance with Timmy Jake and Xavier, which i do want, but we’ll have to see if everyone is legit. The two bad possibilities are if everyone is actually voting me for various reasons (timezone, round one oopsie, etc.) or if the real vote is jake for arguing with dan. idk, time will tell. From my POV the vote is John, pretty randomly just based on the fact of who competed in the challenge.
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Hiiiiiii So I am very excited to be back in the game again. I very much enjoy my original tribe especially Andrew. We already have a Pennsylvania alliance with Stephanie and I think that that is good groundwork to have moving forward should we ever lose a challenge we already have three that are tight in at seven so if we hear anything about any of them targeting us we can do something about it. I like Livingston a lot and Joey but I can’t tell if Joey is 14 years old or not and that kind of bothers me. I am v excited to get with Kevin and see where me him and Andrew can go 
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Winning is great, but we need to lose the next one or it’s gonna be a weird spot if the first swap is at 18, although it is very possible that it’s at 16. I don’t want to go into a swap with all the agency being with Luxor, or us having the most players because in both cases we get painted as the targets. Bad news all around
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I have yet to confess but here goes! I feel very good on my tribe. We seem to be doing fairly well at comps so far and I would love to continue to miss Tribal as much as humanly possible. I have talked to everyone on my tribe in some capacity but I am not trying to be the one to initiate like alliances and shit before we even have to attend tribal. I just wanna be chill and lay low while also being a good member of the tribe whom people like. Keegan and I have a mutual agreement to make sure each other gets far. I got first boot in my last game and he has never made single digits here in Tumblr Survivor so let's change that. One fear with working with Keegan is that he knows how I play. I played his game, Forest of Horrors, and got rocked out at the Final 7. Keegan has since told me that I was runner up for Player of the Season. I am typically regarded as a joke in this community but Keegan is someone who knows how I play and respects how I play. This game is an entirely different scenario so I am going to likely try to keep my connection up with him.
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So the vote seems like it's going to be John Coffey. I'm quite sad about it for a few reasons. He is really nice and I know we work well together in games and he is a very loyal player. Also, Jake had an entire temper tantrum last night after results and that was just extremely annoying. But, Jake is more active and talks to me more while John is a rare sighting. Tbh I would rather it be Kevin but I think they're getting a pass since they participated in the challenge...always next tribal because knowing this tribe it's a strong possibility. I swear if the next challenge is a music video though I will punch a wall since that will be my death sentence since I do not participate in those. I never feel comfortable so I just don't. If we go to tribal as a tribe of 5, that might not be that good, so just really hoping that that is not the next challenge.
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ok here's the tea guys. i am pretty solid in my tribe right now. after this vote tonight there 5 of us, and 4 of us are in an alliance, which is good. HOWEVER, i'm solid with the 3 people separately. that's put me in a good spot for a tribe swap/merge. obviously we're like years away from a merge. but we could tribe swap soon. we shall see! 
0 notes
vegetacide · 4 years
Tagged by @gumnut-logic  :)
1. Would you rather accessorize with scarves or necklaces?
Scarves,  cause I like soft stuff to snuggle and hide my face in.
2. How old were you when you first saw mountains? (Or if you haven’t seen mountains, what do you imagine they’re like?)
Smokey Mountains on a road trip... erm.. in my mid teens I guess...
3. Do you make your bed in the morning?
It a habit I recently started when we first went on lock down to help me get my day started... prior to that.. hell no as I would just be crawling back into them later.
4. What type of stories did you like as a child?
Book wise when I was little.. anything my Dad would read to me at bedtime...As a teenager it was Sci-fi, fantasy and romance and hopefully all in the same book. 
5. What was the most exhilarating experience of your life?
Hmm ...no idea so will pick some at experience at random... sailing through a sun shower in St. Thomas on one of our honeymoon excursions to see sea turtles in their natural habitat. ...
Snorkeling for the first time in the ocean..
Skiing down a winter slope when I was a kid and somehow not managing to kill myself (I suck at skiing) 
First day we brought my daughter home from the hospital.. feels surreal as I sit here to think the 5 year old softly snoring beside me was once sooooo small and it was ONLY 5 SHORT YEARS AGO.  Dude, when they say the little years go by fast.. they weren’t kidding..
Oh.. and of course walking down the isle and somehow not tripping over my feet and face planting in front of my family and friends as I was shaking like a leaf caught in a hurricane having a mild panic attack and worried I was going to fuck up somehow.
Okay, so the last one was more terrified than exhilarating but.. meh...
6. Do you agree with the concept of exotic pets?
Here in North America... if the thing was born in the wild.. it should stay in the wild...unless under the extreme circumstances of animal rescue when the animal can’t be returned to the wild..   If it was breed in captivity and is not on the endangered species list and wont eat you or rip your face off...say like a hedge hog which is oddly enough considered exotic where I am.. then its okay but only if the owner can provide a loving, healthy home.  (wolf hybrids,  tigers, ligers, and other exotic large cats are the exceptions as no one can care for them properly unless specialized training has taken place and you have like a billion acres of land for them...basically any animal that has not been domesticate over hundreds of years ... leave em alone... )
7. Describe your feelings about maths.
Necessary evil...enough said. 
8. When was the last time you finished a book?
Do audio books count? If so.. in March right before lock down.  Listened to a lot of books on my travels to and from work..   Currently I am able to actually pick up a hard copy and I am working my way through Crazy, Rich Asians.   Good book!
9. What’s a small way that you’ve been kind recently?
All the things I have done recently have just been what is expected of a normal human being with responsibilities so I cant really say.. erm.. made an extra meat loaf for my Dad so I know he is eating well... collected his beer bottles for return cause they just started excepting them again.. 
Started making my husband lunch as he was recalled to work... Do his laundry cause he usually does it for himself...
I haven’t really be out much in the world lately and as I said.. basic stuff. 
10. What new hobby/activity have you always wanted to try?
And got to the bottom and I think I fucked this up... oh well.. lmao.. so on to the questions I was supposed to answer...ooopppsss..  gonna leave the other answers above cause I spent the time to write em.. 
Oooh, and now I have to ask questions…
1. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?  
Falling Lakes aka  Plitvice Lakes National Park  in Croatia cause it looks beautiful and would be the closest thing on Earth to being in a fantasy novel..  
2. Favourite pasta shape?  
No favourite shape.. just spoon sized cause spaghetti is messy
3.What do you need to do everyday to keep your mind and body working well?
Wake up... lmao
4. First ever fandom and why? How old were you?
This is a surprisingly hard question to answer as I have loved many things over the years.. I have always loved cartoons going back as far back as I can remember and later in life comic books and anime  so will answer this by first fanfictions  and first community.... 
Well.. first fanfiction i got hooked on reading was for Sailor Moon..age..erm... high school so like maybe grade 9ish..  At that point I had always loved cartoons but Sailor Moon really sucked me in. 
First I wrote and will never see the light of day... Biker Mice From Mars and/or G.I.Joe...cant rightly remember which came first and I am a huge Snake Eyes fan.  
First posted... DBZ I believe under another name.. and ermm.. no, I wont tell. 
First community I joined... Dragon Ball Z on here in fact.. and within the last few years.   I am still a DBZ fan but I jumped the fandom community wagon and joined up with a bunch of Thundernerds and completely fell down the rabbit hole.
And I am being vague about the age for a reason.. lol   
5.Deserted beach or snazzy night club?
Beach! 100% Sand between the toes,  the sound of the water lapping up the shore.. the smell of the salt in the air.. the sun on my back and my sandals dangling from my finger tips.. ahhhh perfection. 
6. Do you find it easier to talk to people online or offline?
Online.. cause there is security in anonymity. 
7. What do you think is the aim in your life? What do you ultimately want to achieve?
Wow.. talk about a soul baring question.. lmao.. I don’t know.. to be remembered and looked back on kindly.   To be better then those before me and to not make the same mistakes.. to be a good mom to my daughter and to not fuck her up to bad. (I answered this one out of order.. meh)   
8. Coolest Thunderbird
....well this one should be an obvious answer. lol
9. What is your absolute favourite topic to talk about?
My interests.. which are vast and varied. 
10. Do you have an embarrassing story to share?
How I fucked up this questionnaire.. lol 
okay so now for questions to ask,..if I understand this right that is what i am supposed to do now... hmm
1. Favourite dessert.
2. What would you rather...fine dining or eating around a camp fire?
3.  Favourite past time outside of here?
4. If you were a video game character, who would you be? Why?
5. Flight or invisibility? 
6. In the case of a zombie apocalypse what would be your escape plan and what would you do to survive? 
7. If you could go on a road trip anywhere in the world.. where would you go and what car would you be driving? 
8. Who would be in the seat beside you? 
9.  What would you rather... watch a thunderstorm or close the blinds
10. What 10 questions would you come up with if you could ask anyone anything?  (Ya, I so cheated there mu ha ha a ha) 
Feel free to answer.. or not. Open to anybody just copy and paste the last 10 questions.. not the whole thing like I did... oops... cause that would be wrong.. Oh and if you made it all the way down here after this long ass ramble .. GOLD STAR FOR YOU!  :) 
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sheilarice1 · 4 years
(Silver Death- Part two)
I only trust Winter:
I have been in the big shed for about 3 hours and I come out when Tony is in the small shed that is directly above the larger one. The thing is the tunnel to get to the underground shed is a draining grate in the small shed so no one would suspect it.
When I flip the grate open Tony points his hand gauntlet at me, and very slowly lowers it when he realizes it's me.
"Don't go down there."
"What's down there?"
"Nothing that concerns you."
"I'm gonna check it out"
"Good luck with that. It's just a hollow shaft that drops 50 feet. And is too small for your suit to fit."
"Never mind then."
"I'm going to start supper. Are you coming or not?"
We cross the yard in silence, which Stark behind me by a few feet tense and ready for a fight that hopefully never comes.
Walking into my house I see someone cooking spaghetti. Their back is turned to me but judging by the hair it's Scarlett.
"What kind of sauce are you making for that?"
"Huh? Sauce?"
"The stuff that goes on things like spaghetti."
"Oh. Um I wasn't planning on putting any on. I don't know how to make any and I didn't find sauce in the cupboards."
"I can teach you if you want."
The next 15 minutes contains Scarlet and me collecting ingredients and putting them into a sauce pan to mix and cook together.
"The noodles are done. We need to drain now."
Standing in the entry way for the living room and alerting everyone by my presence by clearing my throat I mutter
"Supper is ready. Come get some if you would like."
They all come into the kitchen and sit at the table that I set while waiting for the noodles to cook, and keeping myself at least 2 feet from Scarlet so I don't scare or accidentally harm her.
"Dig in."
They all watched me as they dug in and I didn't even attempt to get anything to eat. Truth is I don't eat very often, that and I prefer not to eat with anyone near me.
Thor goes for seconds and Steve starts glaring at him.
"You should let her eat, or at least ask if she's going to before getting more.
"I'm not hungry. Besides I ate lunch."
"Silver you should eat."
"I'm fine Winter. Thank you for worrying though."
As everyone finishes I clear plates and try to ignore their glances and hushed whispers.
"Bucky. Who is she?"
"A friend."
"Like a friend that's going to murder us in our sleep? Or a friend that's not going to try and kill us?"
"No I'm not going to kill you."
"You can hear us?"
"Yes Widow I can. I am enhanced."
"How so?"
"You don't have to worry about it. I'm not going to hurt anyone here."
Winter starts to laugh. Then starts to stop until he looks back at Widow.
"WINTER! Seriously, contain yourself. I am being truthful by the way, unless they try to hurt me."
No one knows what's going on. I have known Winter since I was 5. When I was taken by HYDRA. He knows me better than I know myself.
My mother was silenced by a bullet going through her head.
Without anyone other than a practical 5 year old resisting, they took me.
I had a bag over my head, and my arms strapped down so I couldn't use my powers. The bag they put on my head didn't disappear when I turned invisible. And the cuffs holding my hands and legs were fireproof. No amount of heat would melt them.
When the bag was pulled off my head I was put into a room. Then dragged from that room to one with targets, knives, bows with arrows, guns, and swords.
The man escorting me room to room handed me a knife. I threw it. And it hit and killed someone. He handed me a sword and I killed everyone that was in that room. All while invisible. Then the Soldier came in. He called my name. And I walked up to him. Scared of what he would do I tremble.
He noticed and picked me up and pats my back, calming me.
Winter has known me for almost 19 years. He has words that control him. And I have mine. He knows me better than anyone, he trained me he pushed me to my limits then he would take care of me. He was like my brother.
He knows that unless I have been ordered to kill, I will not unless it's in self defence.
"Wait. Why are you laughing?"
"B-because Steve she hates killing and yet Natasha thinks she's gonna try to kill us! Ha!"
"Winter. Shut up."
"Sorry," pant, pant "Silver."
"What do you mean she hates killing? If she was HYDRA she should live to kill."
"Well Widow, I must have been a horrible HYDRA agent because I hate the amount of blood on my hands. Considering that I have killed more people than Winter."
"Silv you okay?" Bucky has a worried tone to his voice.
"Fine why?"
"Your hands are smoking"
"Oh. Oops"
"Your enhancing?"
"Yes Stark. I can make fire as an enhancement. Along with I have very good hearing."
After a couple minutes a few of them go to find their sleeping accommodations. I stand in the living room alone at dusk watching Stark through the window of the shed. Banner is of to one side talking to Stark. I will have to watch the video camera clips later.
I start to go through what has all happened today until;
"The jet! We should go get that!"
"Yah. Probably." How long had he been standing behind me? I thought I was alone.
"You're um, Hawkeye right?"
"The one and only."
"Oh yah."
After Hawkeye finds the team and I go tell Stark and Banner who are in the shed and about 20 minuets of walking through a field we reach the jet. The whole group came to help.
Winter and I should be able to do this ourselves.
"You get left I'll get right."
"You read my mind Jamesy."
"That name? Again?"
"Yup!" I popped my 'P' as I said it.
With a little bit of muttering he grabs his wheel and starts to lift. Together we manage to get it unburied and a lot less stuck. With the others watching as we did so.
Hawkeye gets the jet started and we all climb in. Their aren't enough seats and Winter is the only one here that trusts me so I stand behind him and hold onto his seat but end up falling during the bumpy lift off only to land someone's lap. Looking up I see Captain America staring at me while holding me in his arms- so I won't fall? He's looking at me weird.
By the time we get back to my yard the jet is starting to lose power. I tell Hawky to open a door so I can get out to open the doors to the big shed. He looks at me like I'm crazy considering the sheds above ground are small but does it anyway. When I jump out of the jet I realize that I haven't done this in awhile. Landing in a roll I run to the shed where my hidden door is. I slide down and open the bay doors. The big shed is about the size of my front lawn. If we needed we could fit 2 quin jets and still have room for other things in there. When Hawkeye and Widow set down the jet Stark walks out of the jet and heads straight to me. And starts yelling- due to the fact he's on one side of the shed and I am on the other- "how did you get this shed built like this?"
"Stole your blue prints for your lab thing about a year back and made the plans better."
"You need a better fire wall. No offence to JARVIS he competed with me when I was there."
"There where?"
"Hacking your computer."
"He was telling me to- hey! Stop touching that!"
Banner and Thor had started to walk around. Banner being the polite man he is wasn't touching anything on my work benches just looking with his eyes. Thor was picking up pieces of equipment and throwing them back randomly making the work benches messy and and occasionally missing the benches so that the parts end up on the floor.
Trying to keep Thor away from my creations I click a few buttons on my control panel to set off an electric charge to directly where he is standing. It was only a small shock but enough for him to get the point. I ushered everyone out saying that they could do repairs in the morning.
Stark realizes I lied to him
"You said this was a 50 foot drop with no ladder. There is clearly a ladder there and my suit could easily fit down this shaft."
"I lied. Big deal. I didn't want you in my stuff."
"Does that mean you don't trust me?"
"The only one I trust here is Winter."
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