#this is about him just. deciding that the only answer 2 ppl giving him advice is bursting into places w zero (0) forethought and declaring
astralleywright · 24 days
how about the rest of the hells? i think laudna, fearne, orym and letters, right? not braius though he's only been here for 6 episodes unless you think that's enough
Chetney sweetie i'm so sorry. here's Chetney
First impression
just ;like. laughter for an hour. that first hour or so after Chet's introduction just one of the funniest moments in the campaign
Impression now
that's peepaw!!! what a wonderfully insane old man. i love him. i'm not sure if Travis even realizes that he made an actually good character
Favorite moment
honestly its probably still him giving the moon box to Orym. one of the first most thoughtful things he did. but also his confrontation with the other toymaker in the Heartmoor
Idea for a story
Unpopular opinion
Favorite relationship
wood genuinely i tried to answer this and then my answer was like. all of the Hells and also Deanna and FRIDA. the heart of the group fr. the Laudna and Chet bestiesisms specifically have been hitting like crazy recently though
Favorite headcanon
he's not Orym's dad. Orym's dad is an actual guy whose last name is Tarrintel. Chetney is Scanlan's dad
i guess i'll do the rest of em too, while you're here:
ranked in order from least to most controversial
First impression
the most adorable, silliest little robit i had ever seen. Sam Reigel you have done it again
Impression now
the most adorable, silliest little robit i had ever seen. Sam Reigel you have done it again -said while crying now
also like. damn. kind of one of the best CR PCs to ever do it
Favorite moment
i'm not original, it's his sacrifice scene. and by that i mean when he and Fearne encounter Otohan in Razora and over their link he tells the others to run, assuming they'll die and Fearne will only be captured. AND THEN THE BANISHMENT. but also his death scene yeah
Idea for a story
I will be haunted by them experiencing Aeor again and Downfall forever
Unpopular opinion
Their following of the Changebringer was in fact them trying to stake their entire identity in another person and have someone to tell them what to do bc they feared their own autonomy! This only really started to change near the end, with his insight check on her and expressing his doubts during the Honesty Trial. but ppl were really committed to defending it as Strictly Good bc they were so desperate for a PC with a simplisticly positive relationship to a god
Favorite relationship
LOVELETTERS... also him and Ashton!! and Deanna and Imogen!!
Favorite headcanon
takes your hand. if FCG had seen Downfall he would have gotten to the speakeasy scene and immediately decided to start playing an instrument. they would have approached Dorian for advice about it and everything. it would have been his new thing, like baking or smoking or having a flesh tongue. i miss them so bad
First impression
i'm going to be honest with the last name Calloway and only having seen her headshot and not actually watched yet she came across as like. an Old Money girl to me SDFDSFVC
Impression now
well. not that! she's actually god's favorite princess and the interesting girl in the world! i love her and want to study her like a bug and listen to her talk about anything
Favorite moment
Everything post shardgate was so good, and her reviving Orym, but I will be honest with you. It's when she gets high as balls on shrooms in the Gloomed Jungle and talks to a beetle she believes is the Changebringer.
Idea for a story
PLEASE LET HER DO UNSEELIE COURT STUFF AND TAKE GLOAMGUT AND THAT FUCKASS SWORD. praying that this diversion they're about to take is more than just 2 combat encounters and back to Vasselheim
Unpopular opinion
please let her be poly and stop obsessing over putting her in traditional monogamous relationships and tropes
Favorite relationship
it might be her relationship with Nana Morri! but also with Orym and Chet
Favorite headcanon
Every time someone makes her fat in their art an angel gets its wings
First impression
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Impression now
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Favorite moment
I have said multiple times that it is impossible to choose and it has never actually been as impossible to choose as this. Do you have a favorite moment of a sunset. Of a breeze on a warm day. It's when she gives Ashton the doll
Idea for a story
an excerpt of the first few pages of What Doesn't Break is out and it is fucking amazing
Unpopular opinion
swordgate was Laudna's anger and grief over the sword AND her desire for power being taken advantage of by Delilah. both played a role, and that desire for power helped spur her to action, but in the literal order of events that grief and anger came first. jokes aside it was Wrong of Laudna to do that, obviously, i don't think anyone actually disagrees, but to pretend it was solely or originally about power is like. ignoring the literal chronology of events lmao.
Favorite relationship
IMODNA obviously but her relationship with Ashton is a very very close second
Favorite headcanon
she's nonbiney :)
Orym haha
First impression
was extremely disconcerted abt hearing Liam speaking in an American accent as my previous CR watch time was almost exclusively C2. where was my littol german boy.
Impression now
i liked Orym well enough but did not find him a particularly engaging character, especially in comparison to his fellow hells, up until their first trip to Issylra. but by the end of that visit I found him intensely interesting! he was spiraling! he was behaving in clearly flawed ways! Liam was saying things both in and out of game that gave the impression he had ideas and a trajectory for Orym besides just kind of like. being stressed and staying the course! I loved the version of Orym we got in Issylra, I found him fascinating, I was so excited to see where he went from there, and then he just kind of disappeared 😭. and Liam started backtracking or specifically nixing many of the most compelling interpretations of Orym's actions then. and it's like okay. 👍. idk what Liam's got cooking for Orym and it's not over until it's over but rn he is kind of back on that original shelf for me
Favorite moment
"That sounds like a threat Orym" "that's what it was" you will ALWAYS be famous
Idea for a story
I would like to know abt his 6 years of traveling after Will died! where did he go. what did he see
Unpopular opinion
i'm pretty sure every opinion i've ever had about Orym is an unpopular opinion LMAO
Favorite relationship
Oh him and Fearne! And Ashton. And i honestly love his and Chet's dynamic
Favorite headcanon
Alma called him a "stoic" child during the Hells visit to Zephrah and ever since I have loved the idea of Orym having been exactly as serious back then. Serious little baby man.
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dancedance-resolution · 6 months
feel free to read beneath the cut if you’re a queer woman ish person who’s had sex with a cishet man before and wants to give me some advice lol
i’ve decided im going to have sex with a cis man to see what it’s like, figure out some gender stuff, and first hand research on how penises work for writing reasons.
on bumble, i found the one in ~50 who doesn’t repulse me! i messaged him:
Hi [Name] - so I’m looking for something really specific haha. I’m trying to figure out some gender stuff, and I’m interested in having sex with a man with a penis. The way this would work for me is we’d meet up somewhere for coffee/lunch, then based on vibes etc, we’d determine if we want to see each other again for that :) Is that something you’re open to?
he said: That’s pretty interesting hahahaha. I might be down for that
we made some small talk (he has a couple of cats and an aussie named darby, he asked me if i like music games books, etc). we both live with our parents but he said “I’ve got a pretty big back seat I guess LMAO”. generally he has been extremely polite and not creepy at all despite the clear implication that i am a “virgin” to men with penises, and he seems friendly too.
it is his birthday this weekend so he is busy (also i’m going on a first date with someone who i’m actually interested in a relationship with on saturday), but he said he will let me know if he’s available for coffee on monday between 4 and 6.
his profile says his main hobby is video games. he’s two counties northwest of me aka lives in hick country and looks a little bit like it but in a very non intimidating way. he doesn’t show off muscles in any photo like so many of these men do, so i’m hoping he’s got a ‘dad bod’ or whatever. (i hope that doesn’t come off as me emasculating fat men; i just like fat ppl generally regardless of gender.)
i am optimistic! worst case scenario he actually does repulse me and i don’t have sex with him. best case scenario maybe i get him off in the back seat of his car (although i presume its a truck lol) and it sparks some realizations about everything i want it to slash helps me get some answers on those things! also im really really excited to see what a functioning penis is actually like
i don’t know what to do safety wise. my only irl friend is a 2 hour drive away for the next few months and i obviously cannot tell my catholic mother that her lesbian child is meeting up with a man i met on a dating app. she has my phone location at all times though, and ill share my location with my irl friend too so they know what’s going on. im not overly worried about safety??? however if i get in his car for sex stuff that’s theoretically the riskiest part. idk though i’ve never really considered safety on first dates??? like i don’t have a contingency plan for saturday other than having a phone on me, but i feel like bc this guy is a man i need to be more cognizant of safety. so if anyone has any advice on that, that’d be cool
also generally if anyone has been in a similar situation, lmk if you have advice or even just tell me what it was like for you bc im nosy lol. anons are open etc. also sorry if you read all this lol
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spacelesscowboy · 2 years
adam groff. is The Most Character ever. he makes such bad choices. people try to give him advice and he goes. all right then. what’s the most extreme and insane decision i can make with what u just told me. i’m obsessed w him fr.
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mariproducer · 2 years
Do you think Adrien does love Marinette, buts is in denial and realizing that she's Ladybug is the push for him to accept his feelings, or do you think that he will only love Marinette when he learns she's Ladybug?
The way the LS is handled in the show makes it hard for me to give you an answer on this anon, I'll be honest.
On one hand, you have tidbits like the lucky charm bracelets, the album autograph, Adrien's speech about Marinette in Mayura, and the multiple instances where he's visibly comfortable in her presence. On their own, these moments and details can paint a picture that Adrien is in denial for his feelings for Marinette.
Then you have episodes like Frozer, where Adrien decides to rebound with Kagami, instead of Marinette, Weredad, where Adrien doesn't think twice in rejecting Marinette's "love confession", Puppeteer 2, where he feels comfortable telling Marinette he's in love with someone else casually in conversation, and Chat Blanc, where it appears that he only dates Marinette because he knows she's Ladybug and she has a crush on him. For an entire season and a half, Adrien seems to pretty firmly see Marinette as a friend and ONLY as a friend. He never seems to entertain the idea of dating her at all.
Then you have s4, where the few scenes we get between Adrien and Marinette as civilians don't have the same emotional or memorable impact of earlier scenes. The only notable one off the top of my head is the one from Psychomedian, but it feels more like Adrien is laughing AT Marinette, rather than alongside her... way to go love interest, how romantic.
Which leaves us with s5… I'll be honest, Adrien suddenly and explicitly developing feelings for Marinette makes no sense whatsoever. Partially because Adrien and his writing is a master of mixed messages in a bad way and partially because the circumstances that lead to him changing targets is contrived. The reason Adrien reconsiders his feelings for Marinette is because she helped him talk to his father about modeling. Like, let's be real: Marinette's advice of "just talking to him" is actually shitty advice (considering the way Gabriel treats Adrien) and the only reason it works out is because Gabriel had his #win via getting most of the miraculous (when Felix did all the work ahem). And considering that Marinette has helped Adrien in the past (Gorizilla, Christmas Special, NY Special when he's Adrien, Evillustrator, Glaciator, Glaciator 2 when he's Chat Noir), why is it only now that he finally sees her in a different light?
If anything, I would rather have Adrien come to terms with having romantic feelings for Marinette prior to him finding out she's Ladybug. I get that, at the end of the day, Marinette and Ladybug are the same person, but if Adrien still can't see the same qualities that he (supposedly) likes in Ladybug when he's faced with Marinette, then it just feels sort of weird to require him to find out she's LB to push his romantic feelings for her. (and also bc I'm a sucker for the idea of someone having their heart torn btwn two ppl and the LS lends itself well to that idea)
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realcube · 4 years
trying to be nice to their crush hcs
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thank you to 🍦anon for this cute request!
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characters: tsukishima, kyōtani, sakusa & suna
content warning: swearing & sexual references 
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kei tsukishima 
♡ this is all yamaguchi’s fault (︶^︶)
♡ he found out tsukki had a crush on you bc he mentioned you a lot in conversation so yamaguchi interrogated him for answers then lo and behold, the beanpole had a lil thing for you 
♡ you sit in front of tsukishima in homeroom while yamaguchi sits beside him so when you leaned back and asked him if you could borrow a pencil and he spat back a snarky remark about you being too irresponsible to care for your own pencils, yamaguchi hastily offered you one of his own before scolding tsukishima 
♡ he explained to his clueless friend that being nasty to people isn’t a good way to get them to like you 
♡ so perhaps he should be nicer :)
♡ honestly, tsukishima would’ve just looked yamaguchi straight in the eyes and went ‘no’, if it wasn’t for the fact you shot tadashi the sweetest smile anD PLAYFULLY BLEW HIM A KISS AFTER HE JUST GAVE YOU A DAMN PENCIL LIKE WTF 
♡ after that, he decided to give up his current personality and pick up a new one 
♡ jk jk 
♡ but he had to binge a whole bunch of those youtube psychology videos that are like ‘psychological tricks to make people like you’ and ‘THESE 5 MIND TRICKS WILL MAKE YOU THE MOST POPULAR PERSON *EVER*’!!
♡ spoiler alert: he wasn’t the most popular person but perhaps that was bc he only went to the effort of using those tricks on you 
♡ god bless him; he tries hard, he really does. (not his best, just hard)
♡ but you don’t have to be extremely observant to realise that he’s began acting different around you and of course, it confused you seeing tsukishima being nice
♡ what irritated you was how dismissive he was being of your questions though, as he was clearly trying to lead you to believe that you were crazy and he’s just always been a nice guy 
♡ but as soon as he figures out that he angered you, he’ll instantly switch back to him normal self - draining his mind of the hours of phycology studying he did last night to just pretend like it never happened 
♡ and if he’s feeling flirty, he might be extra mean to you ( ̄︶ ̄)
♡ also he makes a mental note to never take yamaguchi’s romance advice ever again 🙄
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you sighed, removing your hand from your bag after desperately rummaging through it in search of a pencil once again - deja vu. once you accepted that a pencil wasn’t going to materialise out of thin air, you peered over your shoulder and tapped the corner of yamaguchi’s desk, who wore a suspicious grin which you decided against questioning. 
“yamaguchi, do you think i could borrow a pencil again? sorry, this is the last time, i swear. i’ll be sure to get some on my way home after school tod--” 
yamaguchi dropped the line him and tsukishima had rehearsed many times beforehand, while clutching his pencilcase dear to his chest, “woah, (y/n). you’re so irresponsible. sorry, i can’t lend one of my pristine pencils to someone who is too forgetful to remember to buy some; what if you forget to return it to me?” 
tsukishima cringed at how forced it sounded but he couldn’t help but admire yamaguchi's dedication to his role. this allowed tsukishima to swoop in, pencil in hand, “here.” that wasn’t in the script but he panicked! okay, now, eye contact. 
you just sat there and stared at both of them with the most dumbfounded look plastered on your face. what just happened?  why were they both acting like they were in drama class?  and why are they both so bad at acting? they’re both passing performing arts for fucks’ sake!
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kentarō kyōtani 
♡ sorry but i firmly believe kyōtani is the sorta guy to be extra mean to ppl he fancies smh
♡ the rest of them just act (somewhat) like themselves around their crush but kyōtani is himself2 (himself^2)
♡ like one time yahaba found you trembling in your locker bc you had gotten mud on mad dog’s white shoes so he chased you through the hallways of the school, threatening to trek mud on your forehead 
♡ yahaba took it upon himself to investigate as to why kyōtani was so rude to you and he got his answer as soon as he mentioned your name to mad dog and the boy’s face immediately flushed red 
♡ so after practise, yahaba schools mad dog on how to get chicks (⌐■_■)
♡ in short, his advice was ‘good guys get laid’ and for kyōtani’s understanding, ‘good’ and ‘kind’ were interchangeable 
♡ mad dog wasn’t completely oblivious to how he treated you and he was aware that he was far from ‘kind’
♡ although he usually doesn’t listen to people in general, yahaba seemed to know what he was talking about so he figured there was no harm in trying to be nice 
♡ but ngl, he just spent the rest of the day wondering...what is kind?
♡ after a few messages back and forth with yahaba, he figured that the best place to start was by apologising for - y’know - chasing you around the whole school 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“oi!” kyōtani bellowed through hallway, paying no mind to the students that cast him dirty looks as his sights were locked on you. standing unsuspecting by your locker, stuffing your textbooks into your bag until you heard his deep voice echo through the hall, to which you visibly perked up and began frantically looking around.
he marched towards you, hands in pockets and when you noticed him out of the corner of your eye, you were more than ready to drop all your shit and bolt away. but he didn’t let you as before you were able to take off on your heels, he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around to face him - then he noticed your hands raised in defence by your face and your head hung low.
his heart sank and his grip on your shoulder immediately softened, “i’m not gonna punch you, idiot.” he spat, rolling his eyes and gritting his teeth, trying to appear angry in hopes you’d mistake his light blush for pure rage. 
“i just wanted to say that i felt bad for chasing you through the halls yesterday - you didn’t stand a chance so i guess it was a bit unfair.” he said, frowning as you replied with silence so the duty fell on him to fill it, “and i got the stain out, anyway so.” 
more silence. lovely.
suddenly, he puffed his cheeks out as his eyes snapped to meet yours and he roared, “ARE YOU GONNA FUCKING SAY SOMETHING OR ARE YOU TOO BRAINDE-”
“are you wearing eyeliner?” 
and that was the true story behind why you missed last period, because you and kyōtani had a 30 minute conversation about eyeliner and make-up, then he convinced you to skip the rest of class with him so he could buy you ramen as an apology gift.
so yeah, he figured that perhaps he should try being nice more often.
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he didn’t need someone to tell him to be nicer, he’s just predisposed to attempt to show kindness to someone he is fond of
♡ in his mind, showing kindness, respect and stripping himself of all his personality = the only way to be desirable 
♡ (ofc this takes place before he meets atsumu tho lol)
♡ so it’s not the realisation that’s the problem for him, it’s the execution 
♡ like how is he supposed to be nice without either sounding creepy or condescending? 
♡ *cut to sakusa practising in the bathroom mirror* ‘your hand looks- no-’ he scoffs, flicking cold water onto his face, ‘your hair looks cool- pretty- nice?’
♡ *camera pans to sakusa laying in bed, staring intently at the ceiling while imagining vivid and scarily detailed scenarios about ways he could mess up while talking to you* 
♡ *camera zooms in on sakusa’s face as he manifests a nicer version of himself*
♡ he might - depending on how insecure he is - watch one of those psychology videos or read a wikihow for help
♡ but other than that, he independently tries to alter his personality in order to gain your favour bc..true love ?
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you smiled as a basketball rolled up to your feet during gym class, followed by the sound of someone approaching you and upon raising your gaze, your eyes met sakusa’s unmistakable black ones. his face hovered only a few inches away from yours due to the fact you had both reached down to pick up the ball at the same time.
he quickly pulled himself away, tucking the basketball under his elbow as he adjusted his mask so it properly covered his face to ensure that you didn’t see the light blush slowly spreading across his cheeks. he then proceeded to blurt out what he had been rehearsing for the past few nights, “oh, thank you, (y/n). your hair looks lovely today, by the way.”
you giggled, holding your hands firmly by your side to avoid fidgeting and making it obvious that his sudden comment flustered you, “thanks, sakusa. and, if we’re handing out compliments today, i didn’t know you were good at any sport other than volleyball but you’re doing surprisingly well at basketball.” you joked, your lips slowly curling into a cocky smirk, “though, i don’t think you’d stand a chance against my team.” 
god, you’re such a tease. you make it so hard for him to be nice to you. so, of course, your comment returned his ability to utter almost every sarcastic comment that comes to mind - screw being likeable. “you think so?” he quirked a brow, tossing the ball onto your lap then pacing backwards, “go on, then.”
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rintarō suna
♡ it was probably those tips on social media that told him he has to be nicer 
♡ and plus he saw terushima get all the chicks and he was just sitting there like ‘where are my bitches at? 🥺’
♡ anyway, all the guys on social media that had girls lining up outside their door always had one thing in common: misogyny  obnoxious personalities !!
♡ and his whole personality was a sacrifice suna was willing and ready to make for just a crumb of cooch  🤲
♡ though you weren’t exactly his crush yet, suna thought you were the best person to carry out this experiment with bc he heard through the grapevine that you had a crush on him so perhaps this would make you happy
♡ he didn’t prepare much beforehand though which he immediately regretted as soon as he approached you bc admittedly, his game plan of ‘be self-assured but friendly’ was a bit vague 
♡ so he basically just had to bullshit through a whole, awkward conversation with you while wearing a forced ‘bold’ smirk which, in reality, looked as though he had just seen tiddies for the first time 
♡ hardly self-assured or friendly 
♡ also, the fact you thought he was playing a prank on you must’ve drastically altered the results of his experiment 
♡ at one point he says something extremely stupid you’d just quit playing along and just blurt out ‘wtf is wrong with you today’
♡ to which he’d be like ‘ahaha, nuthin much bbg, how bout you?’
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you rubbed your temples in order to soothe the throbbing headache suna gave you simply by existing. like yes, you had a crush on him 10 minutes ago - but that was before he came up to you and started acting like terushima on dodgy medication. “oh and your skin is glowing bab--”
“jesus christ, rintarō, shut up!” you cried, gripping the edge of your skirt to prevent your self from delivering a swift punch right to his stupid face. he’s seriously gotten on all your nerves at this point; firstly, by spamming your phone in the middle of the night asking for homework answers (accompanied by cursed memes) as he actually managed to wake you up. secondly, by acting so oblivious to the fact you clearly had a crush on him and now, this!
heat rose to his cheeks in embarrassment as his creepy smile instantly fell right back into his resting bitch face, “this isn’t working, is it?” 
“what’s not working?”
suna scoffed, rolling his eyes - his façade having evidently disappeared. “this.” he sighed, looking around as if someone was going to save him before his eyes finally settled on you and he was reminded of what he wanted in the first place, his sparkle was rekindled for just a moment which caused him to blurt out, “just fuck me already, i’m not asking for much.”
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
I don’t blame people who says Aizawa is a bad teacher or a hypocrite, but you’re an account that I am comfortable sharing this because you also love eraser head. (It’s okay if you don’t want to post it)
Even Aizawa admitted to himself that he is a terrible teacher and mostly forced to teach as based on the vigilantes manga where Nemuri recommended Shota to be a teacher, but what he did to DEKU is somehow relevant for me.
Yes it is true that during the first part he hated Izuku’s guts and regarded him as having no potential but Aizawa was also testing the kid because whichever way watchers should know, Aizawa is right on the fact that Izuku just can’t attack recklessly and impulsively after having such destructive quirk. He did not disregard Izuku’s quirk, he is merely testing the kid to find his other resolve. As for Bakugo’s case Aizawa truly had a hard time disciplining him but he is watching him closely like what Mitsuki (Bakugo’s mom) said, so when All Might took tutelage of Midoriya (and Bakugo) he had no objections because as a HOMEROOM teacher, All Might is the best training for Izuku’s quirk (which is relatively passed onto him)
He is never a hypocrite for teaching Shinso. I don’t see anything wrong about that because I really understand that some training teachers have their own prodigy and he’s a homeroom teacher all he is accountable off is the overlooking at the their hero training which he did well because he focused on the student individual’s strength in the summer camp.
Aizawa also mentioned in a chapter in manga (254) why he expelled students in the past. He knew his capability as a homeroom teacher and he himself knows that he is a terrible teacher hence, re-enrolled them to other school where they would work with a new homeroom teacher. Some may see it as escaping of “escaping duties” but I really think during that time, Aizawa was just thinking what he thinks is best for the students. Afterall, he had proven himself good in manga as someone who really cares for ALL THE STUDENTS.
Blaming Aizawa for the events in 1A is practically uncalled and irrelevant, might as well just say the entire UA should be held accountable. He just had a poor decision making most especially when the truth about Kurogiri is revealed. However, even though he is not the best teacher, I can safely say that Aizawa is a decent and good teacher.
v v v long post ahead
yes anon!!!!. not my biased self speaking... he is not as great as other teachers, but saying shouta is a terrible teacher is uncalled for. he is a decent prof for me. made some mistakes, helps his students. it’s decent.
i firmly believe aizawa and all might are better example as a pro hero than teachers.
(Gonna point some of his mistakes in my perspective as a former teacher under the cut)
he was strict for a reason but he showed his care for all the students during the fight in manga (not gonna say since its spoiler) even aizawa himself knows he is terrible at teaching but at least he is trying😂
i also heard fans saying that because momo, tenya and todoroki are from rich and well known prohero family aizawa never bothered to scold at them. AGAIN IT IS WRONG TO SAY THAT.
momo, iida and todoroki...yes rich and families are known for being heroes but they practically never did anything to trouble aizawa so why else bother them? during their test, aizawa gave advice for todoroki and momo which considerably helped them.
aizawa��s way of teaching is to give harsh critiques and let the student have their own resolve. but as a former student and teacher speaking, it is both right and wrong to have that approach.
it’s definitely okay to let them figure out their own resolve (HAPPENS A LOT IN MED SCHOOL PROFS ARE HARSH HUHU) but it is important to somehow give them base and foundation before actually figuring out their so-called own resolves. i think it’s what aizawa lacks the most AS A TEACHER. but then again his entire character build up clearly says he’s not for teaching.
he was also called a hypocrite for teaching shinso but they aren’t picking on all might for mostly focusing on deku nor endeavor only wanting to focus on shoto. it’s not wrong to have their own prodigies because at the very least aizawa helped overlook his students like what he did in the summer camp and like what all might did in student practicals.
not just aizawa but all might, endeavor, nighteye and even gran torino have personal decisions on closely training those selected kids
aizawa WAS the only teacher who called the entrance/admission test irrelevant for non-physical quirks. HE KNEW IT WAS A PROBLEM SO HE HELPED SHINSO TO BE ON HERO DEPARTMENT bc he know the kid’s opportunity to be a pro hero in the future. he experienced that himself, although his quirk is powerful it was completely non-physical that is why his and shinso’s ability are less likely to be recognized. coz i agree the quirk admission test was somehow iffy... there should have been psychological quirk test too but i understand the point where fans tell that “it’s a student’s job to take advantage of their quirk rather than complain in the disadvantages of having a non-physical quirk.”
I agree on that statement but as a former student myself, i think reconsiderations should have existed coz there are probably lots of great students in general course department (like shinsou).
—and tbh... aizawa and kakashi are often the teachers who are regarded as ‘terrible ones’ but i don’t think so.
im not gonna point out kakashi’s but im gonna say aizawa’s role as a homeroom teacher. back in highschool, ive homeschooled in japan for 2 yrs due to personal reasons and i can say that based on their culture in japan and asia countries in general have a different approach on homeroom teachers.
homeroom teachers in japan are technically the ones who overlook the students, ppl who argued that aizawa should train them is irrelevant because all might is their combat and hero training teacher. aizawa is not meant to teach, but rather supervise.
which is why aizawa (as the homeroom teacher) and all might (the hero training teacher) are the ones who had council with parents because technically, aizawa is responsible for the students safety. HOWEVER....
manga spoilers on the cut
some anti aizawa fans are totally wrong to blame everything in him for 1A always being in dangerous circumstances because after reading the on going manga, they have no damned idea AT FIRST who the league of villains is responsible of. THE ENTIRE UA SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, not just aizawa I agree on that anon.
for aizawa and the rest it is still a puzzle in the early, i repeat early chapters of the manga what the league is really after aside from killing all might and changing the system of pro heroes.
yes. I agree he had bad decisions on the victims, mainly Kurogiri because he knew it was his friend. He regarded Kurogiri as a ‘victim’ but somehow disregarded the casualties it caused. It was irrational for aizawa to say it like that coz it was obviously a word out of his feelings in the past. can’t blame him (imo) but it was truly irrational and irrelevant for him to say it like that.
there are times aizawa as a teacher just harshly criticized them and let them have their own resolve which is in fact, pretty harsh for a bunch of 15 year olds. but i think aizawa only wants them to have their own resolve since its what aizawa has been doing since episode 5.
i think it was bad for aizawa to let iida go where his brother was attacked, he should have acted upon it as a homeroom teacher to secure iida’s safety but then again, ITS FOR THE SAKE OF PLOT😂
im going to say this again... as a former teacher speaking, it is bad for aizawa just to give the students harsh critiques and letting them figure their own resolves.
it’s not a bad teaching approach BUT that kind of approach doesn’t work ALL THE TIME. sometimes, aizawa needs to teach the basics, base and foundation so the students would have an easier time to HAVE AN ACTUAL SOLUTION
because as a student for 9 years in pre and med school, it is definitely hard to make critical decisions WITHOUT being taught the foundation and base first.
it’s like aizawa not teaching an intern general surgery but letting them have their own decisions if the intern is gonna decide whether to lead the surgery or not.
his teaching approach is not bad but it doesn’t work all the time. as a teacher, pro hero and adult he needs to imply his own experience as well which where the erasure hero lacks. But then again it’s plot and aizawa’s introvert character build up so we can’t really blame him because they need the plot to keep going.
personally, aizawa’s main mistake is not knowing what to teach for the answers to questions the students are not expected to know from teaching answers to questions the students are expected to know.
if aizawa’s gonna be that perfect teacher and all, the show would have been boring😂
though aizawa did assessed on their quirks during summer training arc but i think it was not enough for the fans.
aizawa is much more better as a pro hero alone. he does his job perfectly as pro hero.
so in conclusion, i think aizawa needs to have seminar with me 🤪 im gonna teach my man the proper and basics of teaching. HAHAHAHA KIDDING 🤪 (lowkey not kidding)
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Well it's kinda personal but I don't mind other ppl reading this. The thing is, I'm a girl and I've got a boyfriend. We've been together for... 2 years? We've met at our school's art club. He's a painter. I really love him, he's some... Unexpected miracle to me. I treasure him a lot. And I think he does treasure me too, as he always tells me that we're in love, that I'm his light, and he loves drawing me. (Next)
I've been into the Mysmes Fandon for a while, however, I only manage to get the Another Story a few days ago. I played V's route and I felt oh so fucking lost. His relationship with Rika reminded of mine with my BF. And their relationship didn't seem unhealthy to me... I just saw two people expressing love awkwardly. But as I chatted with other players, I have surprisingly met different opinions. Ppl told me I was a freak for not seeing the bad in their relationship. (Next)
I've been with my BF for 2 years and I rly believe that our relationship is similar. Sometimes he hurts me to test my love. I have to prove myself to him, and it doesn't feel weird to me? I mean... He once broke my wrist but he felt so sorry about it..! I know he couldn't have wanted it... I know he's just trying to see if I'm really sincere about my feelings. (Next)
So well, I would like to know if my situation seems weird ? Is anything wrong? Do you think that Rika and V's relationship is similar with mine..? And do you think it might be unhealthy..? Sorry for bothering you again haha... I just genuinely don't get what is wrong about them. Is this kind of love unhealthy..?
TW: Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Gaslighting.
Okay. I’m glad to hear that you’re okay and open to talk about your problems with someone else. I’m going to give you the best advice to the best of my abilities here and I hope that you understand that I’m coming from a warm place and I want to let you know that you’re not a bad person and you’re going to be okay, okay? You are not a freak. You are not a bad person. There is nothing wrong with you. 
You’re not bothering me. I’m happy to help people. I’m not just here to answer requests or prompts. I’m here to make people smile when I can. I’m always here to talk and I’m always happy to open myself to people who want to talk. My main blog is always open to you. 
Rika and V don’t have a healthy relationship. It may have been okay at the start when they first got together but it got to a point where it was not okay for either of them. They were young when they got together and they had a lot of personal issues that they weren’t honest with each other about. Rika had a lot of issues in her life. She was abused, she was hurt, she was manipulated, she had to go through a lot, and she was pushed to the point where she decided that she had no choice but to do wrong to people to feel in control again. 
V tried to help her, he tried to get her friends and a support system, he believed that he could help her change for the better. He thought that his love would be the thing that helped Rika. He thought that he could love Rika enough that she would be able to change. But the thing is, someone like Rika won’t change for anything, not even for love. 
She hurts people, and she hurts V the most in their relationship. 
She injured his eyes because she wanted to see how much pain she could inflict on him for loving her. 
She pushed him into the corner because he loved her and he was willing to take anything that she wanted to give him. She wanted to control everything and when she started to shift everything to try to make the Mint Eye, V knew that something was wrong. He thought that he could love her harder and take any pain she was willing to dole out if it meant that she would not hurt anyone else. 
I’m afraid you can’t love someone and change them. You can love someone will all your heart but... sometimes, they just don’t change. They stay a bad person and they hurt you. They use your love for them as a weapon to get you to do whatever they want. It’s not healthy. I know it’s not healthy. My parents have a relationship like this and it made my childhood a living hell. I can tell you with a sincere heart that if someone hurts you, physically or emotionally to “make you prove your love them”, then they are not a good person for you. 
That’s gaslighting. Has this person made you question your reality? Has he spoken over you and made you question everything you’ve ever felt after an argument? Has he looked at you and made you feel like you were the problem when he made you cry? Has he hurt you and somehow you’re the one to blame for what happened when he lashed out at you? 
Those are signs that things are not okay. 
And honey, I’m very worried about you right now. I know you love this person so very much. Love is a great thing. But, I want you to know that this relationship is not okay for you. I’m not trying to come down on you. I’m concerned about your health right now. You can love him, and you can feel that in your heart for the rest of your life but he is not good for you. Any man who lays his hand on a woman is not a good person. 
I know you’re in a space right now where you feel like you’re a bad person or like, you don’t know what to do. Let me assure you that you’re okay in the head again and that I hear you. You’ve just realized something very important about your life and you can use this time as a chance to start to research more about how you feel. Don’t just take my word for it, research, and read about this on your time when you can safely. 
I want you to know that no matter what, you’re not stupid and you’re not a bad person. I keep saying this because I felt ashamed when I was trying to unlearn what had been forced into my head. 
I know what you’re going through right now. I lived my childhood in a very rough environment and it wasn’t okay for me. I’m not still healing from that pain. People who have gone through abuse question everything and say to themselves over and over, “No, no. This can’t be my relationship. It’s not like that. They’re not like that. They just get angry sometimes, you know?” 
I want you to know that you have my support and that you can keep coming back to talk to me. I care about you. I don’t know you, but I want you to know that I care about you. I want you to be happy and be safe, okay? Come back to talk to me if you need to. I’m always here.
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter five: i wonder what you think of me
A/N: hey everyone! i just wanted to say thank you to all the ppl that started following me recently and have been liking what i post and whatnot. yall are the real mvps, seriously. i wanted to let yall know that i was thinking of starting a taglist for this story, so hit me up if you want to be part of it! hope you enjoy this chapter :))
description of the story
trigger warning: swearing
word count: 1294
DAY 2/14 into 3/14
After coming home from the Trap House, I immediately fell asleep. I woke up a couple hours later. Rolling over, the alarm clock on my night stand read 12:03 A.M.
I got up and started to unpack. I grabbed my phone to play some music only to see two messages from unknown numbers, sent from around the time Casey and I went home.
 Unknown: heyyyy baby it's your soon to be baby daddy brennen
 I rolled my eyes, saving the contact as 'Brennen'. I clicked on the other message.
 Unknown: hey it's Colby. Brennen gave me your number. I hope that's cool
 Oh my God, Colby has my number?
I saved the contact. I decided to respond to Colby.
 Skye: it's no problem. I told him to give out my number if any of you asked for it
 I turned some music on, grabbing my clothes again. Just as I put some shirts away, the music muted for a second, only to turn back up again. I looked at my phone, a new text from Colby.
 Colby: ok cool. are you getting ready for bed cuz i'll stop texting you
 I smiled lightly at my screen. I replied to him.
 Skye: actually I just woke up. I fell asleep after hanging out with yall so im probably gonna be awake for a while.
 I stared at my screen for a moment, seeing Colby writing a response.
 Colby: can i call you?
 I gasped quietly, my eyes widening. Why did he want to call me?
 Skye: sure. Is something wrong?
 I didn't get a message back. My phone lit up, incoming call. I clicked answer.
"H-hello?" I asked, stammering.
"Hey. Nothing's wrong, by the way. I just wanted to talk." Colby stated.
I sighed, "Oh okay, good. I was a bit scared for a moment."
He chuckled. "Sorry about that."
"Is there any reason why you wanted to call me?" I questioned, putting the phone on speaker so I could continue to unpack.
"Um, actually there is. I can't get to sleep right now and all of my friends are already asleep so I thought maybe talking to you could make me tired." He confessed.
"Are you saying I'm boring?" I asked jokingly.
"No that's not what I'm saying. I just thought talking might make me tired." He laughed.
"I know, I'm just kidding." I giggled, grabbing more clothes from my suitcase.
"Yeah, I don't know what it is but I can't get to sleep at a decent hour anymore." He grumbled.
"Maybe you need to talk about something, get something off your chest. That's usually the reason why I can't sleep." I divulged, shrugging my shoulders.
He sighed, annoyed. "Yeah, maybe you're right."
"Well lucky for you, you're talking to someone right now. Feel free to tell me your secrets." I joked.
"Haha. Maybe at a different time." He replied. "I just feel like... I need to hang with someone and maybe that will make me tired. But everyone's asleep."
"You could always hang out with me." I stated.
Skye, you're so stupid. Why would he want to hang wit-
"Are you sure? I mean, aren't you gonna be tired soon? Hasn't jetlag gotten to you yet?" He questioned.
"No, I don't mind hanging out with you, if that's what you want to do. The only problem is you would have to come get me because I don't really know where your house is." I explained.
"Yeah, no, I can come get you. Are you sure you want to hang out with me?" He asked again.
"I'm down to hang. Just hang up and I'll text you the address." I insisted, closing my suitcase.
"Okay, sounds good. Thanks. I'll see you in a bit." He affirmed.
I smiled, "Alrighty, see you soon. Bye."
"Bye." He said, ending the call.
I sent him the address and laid down on my bed, looking up at my ceiling. He replied to my message.
 Colby: cool i'll be there soon
 Holy shit, he's coming and I'm not ready at all.
I jumped up, looking around my room. I didn't want to get dressed up since we were literally just going to hang out for at most an hour. I did need some advice though. I opened my bedroom door and went down the hall to Casey's room. I knocked, hearing her yell back "Come in!"
I started speaking fast, "Hey so Colby's coming over in like twenty minutes to hang out with me and I'm concerned because I don't know what to wear and I'm freaking out because I did not plan for this to happ-"
She jutted in "I'm sorry, can you slow down a bit? Did you say Colby's coming over?"
"Yes. In like fifteen minutes. To hang out. With me." I sputtered.
"Oh my God that's great!" She exclaimed.
"It would be if I had planned this out better. But this is such a last-minute thing, and you know how much I hate last minute things. I need a plan and there isn't one here." I sighed, nervously.
"Calm down. Don't have a panic attack." She stated.
"Too late." I muttered, sitting on her bed.
"Look, Colby wouldn't be hanging with you if he didn't want to. So there's no need to be scared about that. Since it is late at night, don't change into anything too nice, otherwise it'll look like you tried. Just wear some sweatpants and a cami. Throw a plaid shirt on top and you're good to go." She smiled.
I nodded my head, "Thank you."
"No problem. Now, go get ready 'cause he'll be here soon. Text me if he makes you feel weird, I'll come get you if you need me to." She replied, walking me out of her room.
I turned back to her and hugged her, "Thanks Casey."
She hugged me back, "Don't mention it. Also, if you guys have sex, please tell me everything."
I rolled my eyes, "Oh my God Casey." I walked back to my room.
"What? If one of us gets laid, we need to live vicariously through the other." She stated, shrugging her shoulders. I laughed and closed my door.
I can't even think about that right now.
I grabbed my clothes to change into. I ran a brush through my hair and sprayed some perfume. I heard my phone vibrate, making my heart jump.
 Colby: i'm here
 I took a deep breath. Fuck, this is actually happening.
I walked out of my room and into the living room. I grabbed a set of keys, going over to the front door. I stepped out, seeing Colby's car sitting behind Casey's car. I waved, locking the door behind me.
I strolled over to his car, opening the passenger side door. I got in and turned towards Colby.
"Hi." I mumbled, smiling awkwardly.
"Hey." He replied, returning the awkwardness.
"So, I'm not entirely sure where you wanted to go, since it's one in the morning and like, no places are open. So I was thinking we would just go back to my house and talk there, if you're cool with that." He stated, turning the car on.
"Uh, that sounds fine." I agreed, putting my belt on.
He nodded his head, backing the car out of the driveway.
"Oh by the way, I know this might be a lot to ask but I'm kinda hungry so... could we get food somewhere?" I asked, scrunching up my face.
"Sure. Where did you have in mind?" He responded.
"McDonalds?" I shrugged.
He smiled lightly, "Sounds good to me. Haven't been there in like... three days."
I laughed. "Is that a personal best?"
"How'd you know?" He smirked.
I rolled my eyes, chuckling back at him.
 << CHAPTER 4 || CHAPTER 6 >>
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skystonedclouds · 5 years
So, I usually find comfort in God but I have this recurring problem where when I think about Hell and the fact that God sends people there to be tortured eternally I start to get this nagging doubt in the back of my mind about whether or not He is truly good and I'm worried this means I'm not really saved and I'm a false convert. Do you have any advice for overcoming this? I just can't wrap my head around the idea that sending ppl to hell could ever be just rather than cruel. Is this just me?
Dear anon,
A) Cruel or just.
“I just can't wrap my head around the idea that sending ppl to hell could ever be just rather than cruel. Is this just me?”
A lot of people feel this way usually it’s the unconverted who do not see the magnitude of the evil sin. A person is usually saved (not always) when they notice they are a totally depraved sinner that cannot stop sinning without divine intervention. The name “Jesus” was attributed to Christ because He promised to save His people from their sins not just from hell. In this life the freedom from sin comes gradually through sanctification. In an instant of the twinkling of an eye the saved will be made with new bodies that cannot sin. Not being able to see the reason for hell simply comes down to not being able to see the magnitude of evil in sin. 
1. Who do we sin against?
Is it worse to curse a bug or a human? Is it worse to hate bugs or people? Is it worse to kill a bug or a human. In one way the reason sin is so bad is because God’s worth is far above our worth. The angels are before Him saying “Holy, Holy, Holy” every day with their eyes covered unable to even look upon Him. We are made in the image of God while God is Himself the one we are created to look like. How about this... Is it worse to burn a picture of someone or to burn that person? Maybe if we had a better grasp of the infinite worth and honor due of God we would see the magnitude of our evil. The extend of evil can be measured by the worth of the victim (be it picture, plant, bug, human or God). 
Psalm 51:4 I have sinned against you—only against you— and done what you consider evil. So you are right in judging me; you are justified in condemning me.
1 Samuel 2:25 If anyone sins against someone else, God can defend the one who is wrong; but who can defend someone who sins against the Lord?” But they would not listen to their father, for the Lord had decided to kill them.
The devil likes to blind us to the worth and beauty of God. This has been his ploy since he cannot kill God. Instead it’s easier to destroy people’s perception of Him.
2. Is the punishment disproportionate?
It is normal for us to think it too severe if we have a man-centered worldview. Hell tears this humanistic down to see we are not the most important. Many have fancies the idea of aliens and the idea that we are insignificant and meaningless atomic arrangement. That drops to the opposite extreme of the supremacist of man. We are not worthless nor we are not most important. We view sin from the horizontal plane instead of both the horizontal and the vertical. In the bible Joseph did not ask “how can do do this sin against this man by sleeping with his wife?” instead he asked “how can I do this sin before God”. David was not sad he killed a man but that he sinned before God. I previously explained the way we sin against God.
Hell wakes us up to the fact it’s not all about us. We have made God into some man-centered image. So many people want to see God as a genie to see what God can do for them. They think God to be their servant who must come at their beckoning to answer prayers, make them rich, make them successful or so on. Some people literally say “pray for me I don’t think I have gotten all the blessings I can”. The mindset of so many people is how God can serve them. This is how people come up with the prosperity gospel where they think God just wants them successful, famous, rich, wealthy and healthy. The doctrine of hell it comes to the conscious to remind us that we cannot manipulate or minimize this Holy God. We can look to God for provisions but it must be done to His glory not our own.
3. What is the extend of evil?
The problem of sin goes much deeper than one might initially assume. Right now God is by His common grace restraining some of the evil in every one of us. In hell the restraints come off and people are their maximal possible evil without a conscious to keep them in check. God gave us our conscious to put a limit on human evil but once judgment day comes and we are at no risk of harming anyone all the evil will be demonstrated. In hell everything suppressed by our conscious will be unleashed and we will demonstrate the full extent of evil in our hearts. So much is the evil in the hearts of men that most people would never shown their face again if their thought life was projected from everyone to see. The sheer fact that we sin and have to battle not to think or do worse evil gives us just a taste of the evil within our hearts (and that is still restrained). The conscious is a gift from God to minimize evil on earth. This sin in the heart will only grow and last forever in hell.
2 Thessalonians 2:7 The Mysterious Wickedness is already at work, but what is going to happen will not happen until the one who holds it back is taken out of the way.
Proverbs 20:27 The Lord gave us mind and conscience; we cannot hide from ourselves.
Titus 3:11 You know that such people are corrupt, and their sins prove that they are wrong.
4. The cross.
We cannot even begin to comprehend “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”. On the cross Christ bore the wrath of God the Father against sin. Christ wasn’t sweating drops of blood and feeling like He may die because of the roman cross. He was overwhelmed by the wrath of His own Father crushing Him. He still suffered it all on our behalf to offer salvation for anyone who will allow Him to take their place. 
B)  Is God good?
“I start to get this nagging doubt in the back of my mind about whether or not He is truly good”.
What do you mean when you say good? Jonathan Edwards wrote on hell:
I shall use only one argument, viz. that sin is heinous enough to deserve such a punishment, and such a punishment is no more than proportionable to the evil or demerit of sin. If the evil of sin be infinite, as the punishment is, then it is manifest that the punishment is no more than proportionable to the sin punished, and is no more than sin deserves. And if the obligation to love, honor, and obey God be infinite, then sin which is the violation of this obligation, is a violation of infinite obligation, and so is an infinite evil. If God be infinitely worthy of love, honor, and obedience, then our obligation to love, and honor, and obey him is infinitely great. Our obligation to love, honor, and obey God being infinitely great, sin is the violation of infinite obligation, and so is an infinite evil. Once more, sin being an infinite evil, deserves an infinite punishment. An infinite punishment is no more than it deserves. Therefore such punishment is just, which was the thing to be proved. There is no evading the force of this reasoning, but by denying that God, the sovereign of the universe, is infinitely glorious.
I am to show that it is not inconsistent with the mercy of God, to inflict an eternal punishment on wicked men. It is an unreasonable and unscriptural notion of the mercy of God, that he is merciful in such a sense that he cannot bear that penal justice should be executed. This is to conceive of the mercy of God as a passion to which his nature is so subject that God is liable to be moved, and affected, and overcome by seeing a creature in misery, so that he cannot bear to see justice executed: which is a most unworthy and absurd notion of the mercy of God, and would, if true, argue great weakness. - It would be a great defect, and not a perfection, in the sovereign and supreme Judge of the world, to be merciful in such a sense that he could not bear to have penal justice executed. The Scriptures everywhere represent the mercy of God as free, and not that the exercises of it are necessary, as if that God cannot bear justice should take place. The Scriptures abundantly speak of it as the glory of the divine attribute of mercy, that it is free in its exercises, and not that God cannot but deliver sinners from misery.
It is most absurd also as it is contrary to plain fact. For if there be any meaning in the objection, this is supposed in it, that all misery of the creature, whether just or unjust, is in itself contrary to the nature of God. For if his mercy be of such a nature that a very great degree of misery, though just, is contrary to his nature... And then a less degree of misery is contrary to his nature, and a still less degree of misery is contrary to his nature. And so the mercy of God being infinite, all misery must be contrary to his nature, which we see to be contrary to fact. Mercy would be contrary to the nature of God if justice was contrary to the nature of God.
However strong such kind of objections against the eternal misery of the wicked, may seem to the carnal, senseless hearts of men, as though it were against God's justice and mercy, yet their seeming strength arises from a want of sense of the infinite evil, odiousness, and provocation there is in sin. Hence it seems to us not suitable that any poor creature should be the subject of such misery, because we have no sense of anything abominable and provoking in any creature answerable to it. If we had, then this infinite calamity would not seem unsuitable. For one thing would but appear answerable and proportionable to another, and so the mind would rest in it as fit and suitable, and no more than what is proper to be ordered by the just, holy, and good Governor of the world.
That this is so, we may be convinced by this consideration, viz. that when we hear or read of some horrid instances of cruelty, it may be to some poor innocent child or some holy martyr - and their cruel persecutors, having no regard to their shrieks and cries, only sported themselves with their misery - we have a sense of the evil of them, and they make a deep impression on our minds. Hence it seems just, every way fit and suitable, that God should inflict a very terrible punishment on persons who have perpetrated such wickedness. It seems no way disagreeable to any perfection of the Judge of the world. We can think of it without being at all shocked. The reason is that we have a sense of the evil of their conduct, and a sense of the proportion there is between the evil or demerit and the punishment.
Just so, if we saw a proportion between the evil of sin and eternal punishment, i.e. if we saw something in wicked men that should appear just as eternal misery appears dreadful (something that should as much stir up indignation and detestation, as eternal misery does terror), all objections against this doctrine would vanish at once. Though now it seem incredible, [and] though when we hear of such a degree and duration of torments as are held forth in this doctrine and think what eternity is, it is ready to seem impossible that such torments should be inflicted on poor feeble creatures by a Creator of infinite mercy. Yet this arises principally from these two causes: 1. It is so contrary to the depraved inclinations of mankind, that they hate to believe it and cannot bear it should be true. 2. They see not the suitableness of eternal punishment to the evil of sin. They see not that it is no more than proportionable to the demerit of sin.
It is reasonable that they should be sensible of their own guilt, and should remember their former opportunities and obligations, and should see their own folly and God's justice. - If the punishment threatened be eternal annihilation, they will never know that it is inflicted. They will never know that God is just in their punishment. And how is this agreeable to the Scriptures, in which God threatens, that he will repay the wicked to his face, Deu. 7:10. And to that in Job 21:19, 20.
By the end... If you mean good as in “He is unable execute justice if people suffer and must save everyone” then he does not fit your definition. God is however “unable to” look upon sin (by His nature). 
Habakkuk 1:13 Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?
Meanwhile... if you mean God cannot sin, He cannot lie, He cannot break a promise, He is Holy, He is just, He delights to show mercy and He does love, He is wishing for reconciliation... Yes God is good.
C) False convert or not.
“I'm worried this means I'm not really saved and I'm a false convert”. Well let’s just start with a simple fact. Whether or not you are saved or not does not matter if you turn to God now in faith. God says “also now” and that today is the day of salvation (if you are not saved).
Joel 2:12-13 Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all you  heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.
James 4:9-10 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Corinthians 6:2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
Now I cannot tell you if you are a false convert or not since I do not know you. I can just say God made all the promises listed above and that He does not lie. I have never been disappointed by the promises of God. He is the one I trust the most above anyone. I have faith in Him and every time I stepped out in faith He came through. 
The good news is you don’t need “Holy Spirit conviction” to be saved. That is you do not need to fully grasp your sin in order to be saved. One is saved by faith alone in the finished works of Christ not their level of faith or assurance. It’s who you trust not how much or how well you trust. A sturdy bridge is just as sturdy for the fearful person as the courageous one. 
You may be sad that you seem to either have little faith or assurance not knowing which one (at least right now). In that you doubted God’s trustworthiness. It’s called faith because you do not see His trustworthiness but you’re willing to “take a leap of faith”. Sometimes the assurance part comes after and you just have to step out and trust Him. My only advice can be to have faith. 
It does help to develop a relationship with God to know Him. Prayer, sermons, testimonies and the bible can all help get to know God and his trustworthy promises. It’s easier to trust someone you know more. Feel free to see more on the gospel.
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Let me know if you want anything else. Such as recommended sermons, more depths, good testimonies, parables or so on.
God bless! 
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kitanoko · 7 years
`Snow White Au 
todomomo week day 1: Kiss (pretend that todoroki got his red hair from someone else other than endeavor pls…and this is totally not like the original snow white im sorry LOL)
genre: humour and fluff
-todoroki was a prince of an ancient land where his mother remarried a man so vile and cruel that todo and his siblings wanted nothing to do with him. His name was Endeavor.
-Now Endeavor wasn’t a bad looking dude but he was clearly jealous of todoroki’s good looks so he asked his magic mirror “mirror, mirror in my hand, who’s the fairest in the land” and the mirror replied “Todoroki Shouto” 
-For once, the mirror answered with someone other than him?!?!?! this was blasphemous! And so, Endeavor was forced to order an assassination of his own step-son. He was NOT going to lose to some kid!
-At the young age of 18, Todo was fleeing for his life after Fuyumi had warned of him of the dangers that were to come. Fuyumi had suspected something was up when she had accidentally bumped into her stepfather’s meeting with two mysterious beings. Her suspicions were proven correct when she had heard him say ‘kill shouto’ as if it was the most normal thing in the world
-Todo thought his sis was joking at first ‘cas are you serious, a grown ass man feeling threatened because of his appearance? Though when he escaped death by a hair when the two assassins came at him at full speed during his hunting trip, he was 100% sure Fuyumi was speaking the truth. Todoroki held his own and was able to knock one of them out instead of fatally wounding him, the other, seeing Todoroki’s kindness towards his partner decides to spare is life. The assassin handed Endeavor the lungs and heart of a wild boar, claiming it to be his stepson’s organs and fools the King. 
-Todoroki galloped with his bags towards the river and found an empty cottage completed with 7 small beds. He found it odd but shrugged, leaving his bag on the floor and horse outside as he fell asleep on the bed labelled ‘grumpy’. 
-the 7 dwarfs came home and freaked out! Who the heck was this dude with such weird hair?! And why was there a horse?! 
-”What the actual fuck?,” Grumpy yelled and Sleepy yawned while mumbling, “what a banquet of darkness.” Grumpy’s anger woke Todo up and he flinched at the sight of the 7 mini people adorned with cute ruby red triangular hats
-Btw if it isn’t obvious enough, bakugou is grumpy, and tokoyami is sleepy. Then, iida is doc, yaoyorozu is happy, haha just kidding, uraraka is happy, deku is bashful, tsuyu is sneezy, and kaminari is dopey
-”Whoa what the–” Todoroki sat upright and almost kneed Bashful in the face. Bashful noticed the prince’s beautiful eyes and turned away shyly. Grumpy snorted.
“Who the motherfuck are you?! Get off my damn bed you dirty piece of shit!” Grumpy kicked Todo on the shin. Todo almost chuckled ‘cas it felt like a tickle.
“I’m the prince, or …was…” 
Everyone gasped. 
Doc pushed Grumpy aside. “Your royal highness, why are you in our abode if I may ask.”
“My father tried to kill me, I just need a place to stay for now.”
The dwarfs looked at each other in concern and huddled up. 
“This may be dangerous …for us.” Dopey said and Sneezy nodded after a few sneezes. Grumpy gritted his teeth and agreed silently, which was unusual for him. Perhaps he felt bad that he overreacted earlier. Doc gave a sigh.
“I think we should help him, we should be helping those in need.” Doc said and it was Happy and Bashful’s turn to agree.
“Fine,” Doc turned to say and Todoroki smiled back. Happy clicked her tongue playfully and lifted herself right next to him. She directed a bright grin at him and he appreciated it. 
-After that todo slowly warmed up to the little dudes and grumpy sorta tried to return the affection. They give awkward glances to each other sometimes when they go fishing (grumpy gives todo advice on how to catch the biggest salmon and that’s the limit to their friendship)
-todo learned that happy enjoys playing catch and she told him that she wants to learn how to fly someday (todo didn’t wanna break it to her but that’s not how the human body works)
-Doc is the smartest of them all and the most reasonable; dopey enjoys daydreaming and cloud watching; bashful is…well…very cute and shy and seems to be the only one who can control grumpy somewhat; sneezy is really good at swimming and can hold her breath underwater for a very long time, so long that todo thought she drowned but she didn’t; sleepy is very poetic and extremely philosophical and todoroki would never know how to have a proper conversation with him….not that he usually could with any of them anyway…and why the heck does sleepy look like a crow and sneezy a frog…strange
-Todo built his own bed with the help of the dwarfs and Grumpy labelled the bed “Weirdo”
-Its been more than 2 weeks and todoroki felt like for once, he could live in peace. He went out to hunt by himself one day, despite the concern of the dwarfs (grumpy was like who the fuck cares if he gets himself killed we’ll all be free, but he didn’t really mean it LOL), and he went further than he had planned (he wasn’t gonna let that deer escape!)
-right before he sent an arrow flying towards the poor deer, he caught sight of… a human nearby? in the middle of these woods? He followed the swift silhouette with a stern gaze and he leapt off his horse (his horse is named Pretty Peach btw, a name given by Fuyumi, ‘cas it has a strawberry blonde mane). 
-”Who’s there?” Todoroki called, hands gripped tightly on his bow. If its another assassin, he may not be as kind this time. “Is it a hobby of yours to hide behind trees? Come out or I’ll shoot.” 
-The figure emerged and …hell no. It’s of course the most elegant woman he had ever laid his heterochromatic eyes on. How was he gonna kill her now?
-”I’m..I’m just a guard! My name’s Momo!” She replied, hand in front of her defensively, “I mean you no harm!” Seeing that her hands were away from the hilt of her fachion, he relaxed.
-Todoroki patiently waited for her explanation and turns out she was just intrigued by his hunting skills and wanted to learn for herself. 
“Not that I could ever hurt these animals,” she confessed and the deer licked her outreached palm. It fled after. 
-So anyways, after that mostly-silent encounter, todoroki met her a few more times and brought the dwarfs along with him; she came whenever she had a break from guarding whoever the nobility was from the next kingdom
-She was like those disney princesses that has a bunch of animal friends for no apparent reason but of course she was no damsel-in-distress ‘cas she could slice anything in half without a blink. Todo actually somewhat scared of her. Or he’s fallen in love. He shook his head. Nah, no way. Those goosebumps he gets when he sees her swing her falchion was ‘cas its cold. That must be it.
-Doc raised his concern over other ppl spotting Todo if he goes off too far and yes it actually happens ‘cas todo was too into his new ‘friendship’ with momo and a spy told Endeavor his discoveries. 
-one day when todo and momo met up again, this time to string necklaces out of wildflowers because momo wanted to do something different for once (Grumpy knew todoroki was crushing hard on momo at this point but todo was too damn clueless to do anything about it), they get ambushed by a group of mercenaries hired by Endeavor 
-momo surprised todo ‘cas she basically told him to sit still and she owns all of their asses single-handed and todo gulped. yes. okay. his heart was racing but not because they were about to get killed but ‘cas he’s fallen hard and fast for this crazy fighter girl with a big ass sword.
-”I can’t believe they RUINED my necklaces, look at these daisies?! They’re trampled! UGH!” Momo complained, fists clenched as they head back to the cottage. 
Todo snorted.
“AND your FATHER sent them to kill you? How absurd!” 
She went on and on and todoroki’s just chucklng at her flushed face from the battle earlier. 
“The next time I see your father, he will feel my wrath!” 
Todo stopped dead in his tracks and pulled her to him with one hand and awkwardly said, “You’re really cute Momo.”
And her face gets even more red and she just stopped talking on the rest of the way home.
-Okay so news get back to Endeavor that the mercenaries pretty much all in critical condition. “An insanely skilled lady” was with todo and Endeavor’s like “alright I’ll take matters into my own hands.”
-Endeavor dressed up as a witch (he gotta disguise himself ‘cas it’d be weird if people saw a King out by himself and somehow dressing as a witch felt right) and went to the forest and also brought a box of poisoned soba along ‘cas his stepson loves soba. Hopefully this mysterious lady with him also loves soba
-Endeavor found the dwarfs’ cottage and left the box at the doorstep (yes he knew todo lived there ‘cas the spy had tipped him). Endeavor hid behind a bush and saw Dopey bring the box inside the cottage and he smirked
-”Yo these noodles don’t look right.” Grumpy pushed the box away from his face and Dopey looked sad. “I ain’t eating this shit, someone try it first in case I die. I’m too cool to die.”
“Grump-chan please don’t say that,” Bashful said.
Todoroki looked at it and Momo swore his eyes lit up.
“Soba, it’s good,” Todo merely said and he took the chopstick that came in the box and took a bite.
Oh shit.
“Fuck, his face doesn’t look right. And I mean it looks even more messed up than before,” Grumpy said.
Todoroki felt the world spin before him and he just collapsed onto the floor. Momo freaked out but found his pulse and his breathing steady.
“He looks like he’s taking a nap…” Sleepy noted.
“Don’t say it…”
“…Of darkness,” Sleepy finished.
-Momo lifted Todo onto the nearest bed and Doc examined todo and doc’s like “I think he’s in a coma”
-Now a week passed but todo still didn’t wake up. Momo said she’ll find a doctor to come and see what to do. The doctor refused to go to the forest with Momo ‘cas that sounded sketch
-Momo came back defeated and Bashful randomly went, “hey…have you ever read those…children’s books?”
Momo’s like “what?” And Bashful’s like “most stories say curses are broken by a kiss from true love!”
Everyone looked at each other and Grumpy’s like “well no shit you have to be the one to kiss him, I ain’t doing it.” 
“But why me?” Momo asked and Grumpy told her how he suspected that there’s something way deeper than friendship going on between them and Momo got all flustered and she felt it too but it was hard admitting it.
“Don’t kiss him on the lips though,” Doc said matter-of-factly, “what if you got poisoned too.”
Happy and Bashful covered their faces, feeling embarassed for Momo
-She leaned closer to todo, and he appeared so peaceful sleeping like that and she was starting to feel her cheeks heat up. This was her first time kissing anyone! Ever! The distance between them close in and Momo gave him a peck on the cheek. Suddenly, Todo’s eyelids fluttered open.
-”Why is everyone –OMPHF” 
Momo wrapped herself around him before he could finish the question
-Momo was really angry now, whoever this person was, she’s guessing todo’s douchebag father, gotta pay for what he did. She devised a plan. Todo told her the plan was too dangerous but she reassured him that she had thought of plan B to Z if plan A didn’t work out.
-Momo went to the castle dressed as a man the day after, and acted as if she had an important tip to tell the King in regards to the prince
-Okay Fuyumi’s like wtf right now btw ‘cas her brother just escaped death three times?
-Momo told Endeavor to follow her to the forest because she saw the prince still alive. Endeavor’s knights said they’d go with him but he had had enough of failed plans. Even the soba didn’t work goddammit
-Endeavor was weary but Momo was so good at acting; she led him towards a trap built by the dwarfs and Endeavor’s horse gets caught in a bear trap. The King fell to his knees as his horse crashed onto the ground. And with a broken ankle, he tried to stand back up but Momo held a sword against his neck 
Endeavor was named one of the most powerful men for a reason. He knocked her back and sent Momo flying. Todo and the dwarfs saw this from behind the trees and they run to help her.
-”What…Shouto…you became friends with these midgets?!” Endeavor roared. 
The dwarfs took offence to that and they kept throwing rocks at him and Grumpy headbutts him and stomped on his broken ankle. The King winced in pain and with the help of Todo, the dwarfs somehow cornered him to the cliffs. With one false step, the King slipped and fell to the depths below
Todoroki heard his father’s screams echo. 
-Though that was a horrid end to his filthy father, Todoroki was happy as now his family was free from his evil reign. Todo returned to the castle but still visited the dwarfs every week. 
Momo was invited to the castle from time to time and Todo finally proposed to her with flower necklaces that she taught him to make before; the dwarfs helped them set up a wedding ceremony in the meadows and all of Momo’s animal friends came as well.
The end
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Hi there! I always laugh so much when I stalk your blog, but when I saw that anon I was like 🤡🙄🔪 lmao some people are just stupid
Thanks on the fic advise! It really helped me 🤍 my beta is doing an amazing job and I think it’s taking the fic to the next level and I’m happy about that 🤍 but you’re right, it’s still worth sharing, and it’s a piece of work that is just so linked to my heart and means so much to me! I can’t wait to share it!!!! I always rush projects and fics but now I have to wait for my beta to finish revising and it’s taking a little bit but that’s okay because it’s teaching me a lot about patience (something I really lack lol)
OKAY YOUR SONG CHOICES ARE AMAZING!!!!! Many of them are my favs too 🤍 and I love that you included so many from up all night, she deserves so much better, it’s a great album for real. And my fav is also four because it’s almost flawless (I hate change your ticket skdhdjhddj but besides that it’s the perfect album) and you’re right about choosing favs, I never thought about it that way. I always decide on favs once a long time has passes and I can make up an opinion, but it can change with time
Moments is SO GOOD, and it’s so underrated. And sjhdjdjd your whole deal with story of my life is so funny to me idk why- I mean, let’s recap: it was a single, was played on the radio nonstop and it’s a gorgeous song. I feel like it’s harder to see now but back in the day with Ed Sheeran blowing up the charts, songs like photograph and soml were EVERYWHERE. We were all just depressed lmao I think it’s my only answer, but the semi-slow ballad with guitar was one of the side effects the world had to endure with the rise of Ed sheeran. Nowadays the music panorama is soooo different to the beginning of 10’s. there’s much more r&b, trap and Latino sounds taking over the music field, and pop music is not the ruler anymore- tbh the boys got in the hiatus right on time: they were at the top of the last wave of pop music and went down smoothly and now none of them are purely doing just pop, it’s a mix of genres and it’s more versatile. Look at zayn with his chill vibes, or Louis going for the more 00’s Brit pop/punk. Harry and Niall taking more of a 70’s rock inspo mixed in with pop which is amazing, but the one who’s understanding the most about the music landscape nowadays is Liam: he’s right there in the middle of the action with tiktok. I know boomers are gonna hate me for saying this and fuck them but tiktok is the new trend setter for music, and it’s the platform that determines whether you make it or not. The whole 1D resurgence is due a lot to the tiktok popularity (they had multiple songs trending and there’s a huge fanbase of new people meeting them for the first time) and Liam is right there with open arms, welcoming the new people. Yeah, that’s just my take lol ddjdkd -☁️✨
Oh yeah I was definitely  🤡🔪 as well like who in their right mind actually sends asks like that? Like what goes through someone’s mind when they decide to take their time sending an ask like that instead of just... blocking or unfollowing? Oh well, I mean they were prob already having their own bad day and just decided to take it out on me, at least I know that I’m not actually doing anything wrong and they’re just pathetic qwjeklje
I’m not like super smart or all-knowing or anything, especially when it comes to fic stuff, and sometimes I hate giving advice because I’m anxious and don’t wanna say the wrong thing, yknow? But also I love helping people. Like, especially with ppl I care about, I may not have great advice or anything, but I always try to say what I think I’d really appreciate in the same situation. I also lack patience when it comes to fic stuff, like I never want to rush my betas but also I just wanna read their comments and see what they think (and realize how many mistakes I make when writing lmao).
I tried to only include a couple from each album. Because in reality, there’s maybe (MAYBE) like 2-3 songs that I actively skip akjdkja like I just love them all so much! They’re ALL bops okay! And also Up All Night DESERVES BETTER I love it so much! My OG bops are from UAN and TMH and I wouldn’t ever change that. (Change your ticket is a little boppin but... only a little lol I agree). Moments is so much. Like I do skip it sometimes because I can’t handle my own emotional trauma related to that song. But I literally love it so much and will defend it until the day I d*e lakjwlekj. Also I guess I do understand the hype for soml especially considering the time it came out and all that jazz. I guess I’m just too biased, because I love soml but I personally think there are other songs that could’ve been better singles/radio hits. But all things considered, I suppose I understand why exactly it was so popular and everybody loved it. (And I am not afraid to say that I absolutely love how drag me down has more streams lkajdfk but like I said I am biased soooo). Tiktok is the new trendsetter for music ! I agree 100%. And Liam is taking Tiktok by storm and I’m very proud of him for that! I personally don’t think I want to be apart of the Tiktok fandom, like some 1d/larry videos come up on my FYP sometimes which is neat and I don’t mind, but I think I prefer the Tumblr fandom a lot more and would like to keep my Tiktok experience close to my Vine experience (listen if I’m scrolling through taktak and not laughing then it’s not worth it lol). But I also agree that I do think there’s a huge resurgence in followers/directioners (feels weird actually saying that term again) due to Tiktok.
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harcove · 7 years
11 questions tag
um i was tagged by the best, @yeoontan and fucking, I forgot to do this 5 days ago smh so here I am now, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
(anyway i gotta answer these questions.tm and then make 11 questions for the ppl i tag to answer lol- you dont have to do this btw!!)
1. Do you like milk? Explain.
Yes; I don’t mind it. I don’t drink it a lot though, usually when I eat like spicy ramen is when I’ll drink milk. 
2. How do you like to relieve stress?
I usually like to talk to my best friend @saltxsuga cause she’s really good at making me feel better, or distracting me. Or just, giving me good advice overall to me. I also cry a lot lmao. I would’t say I’m good at relieving stress tbh I let it build up a lot.
3. Where do you want to live in the future? 
Tbh, I’d like to live in Newfoundland, cause that’s where a lot of my family lives, and just;; I miss it a lot, and it’s a really calming place I love it. But also, I don’t mind just staying where I am right now lol. 
4. What’s one of the fondest memories you have? 
Um, probably when I went to Newfoundland last-last summer to see my grandfather before he passed, and he had this... Plaid like jacket, and I had been crying in one of the rooms of their house and saw the jacket and kind of wanted it; and I asked my mom but I was also too embarrassed cause I was crying to ask my grandfather if I could have it so she asked for me, and my mom told me he said I could only have it if I gave him a big hug and a kiss, and he came in and gave me a hug and a kiss and just??? I miss him SO much and love him so much;; it’s just, one of those memories that are bitter sweet, and make me smile, but also sad ya;; 
On a lighter note- a lot of memories I’ve had with @saltxsuga are very fond ;;
5. When was the first time you read a book that impacted your life? 
To be honest, I don’t think I ever have? I don’t know, some books have helped me through times where I was down cause they just make me feel happy? Like the Harry Potter series lmao *how original bitch* and also The Outsiders
6. What’s your favorite gum brand? 
Excel bi t c h
7. Are you into art and design? If so what’s your favorite work? It could be anything tbh i.e. motion, print, books, paintings, sketches, websites, rebranding, etc.
I like art and design, but know nothing about it tbh;; help 
8. Summer or winter?
W i n t e r
9. Polka dots or stripes?
Both? (I wear stripes more tbh)
10. When did you last hug/say ily to someone you love?
I told @saltxsuga I loved them recently today- also I know I told you I loved you today too @yeoontan lolol
11. Why did you start tumblr? 
I was really into otome games when I was 11-15? idk, and I made a tumblr for it, and also just cause I heard about tumblr and decided to make one, I had my tumblr for about a year before I even used it right lol.
My questions:
 Chocolate or Vanilla.. OR, Strawberry? 
What’s one thing in your life that you can’t live without?
Do you believe in love at first sight? Or it takes time.
When was the last time you had a fight with someone else?
Is your best friend someone you know in real life, or someone you know/met online? 
Do you want to get married in the future? 
Favourite song at the moment?
How did you meet your best friend? 
How long have you been on tumblr?
Last time you talked to someone on the phone? 
Do you know any other languages? If so, what languages and how fluent? 
I’m gonna tag;; @hopejingi @just-simply-aging @redheadhobi @heartmanjins
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holocene-days · 7 years
skam questions meme
hello!!!!!! i was tagged by lovely lauren @call-this-a-mask (thank youuuu !!! <3) to answer some questions about skam!! so here we go!!!!!
favorite squad: in terms of overall squad, i’m gonna have to go with the boy squad. the girl squad got too messy and there was a lot of messed up stuff that happened. the boy squad are just such bros and they’re so fun with each other idk man the boy squad is one of my fave parts of season 3
favorite character: if it’s not glaringly obvious by my lil avatar photo and my bio, my fave is my love, my life, eva kviig mohn. her character development and her story are my favorite of the whole show and i just really appreciate her a lot. (also lisa teige is so fucking beautiful so like, there’s also that)
least favorite character: the magnusson brothers are both really shitty ppl. but also i hate their parents as well because they were shitty and probably were a lot of the reason william and nikoli were such shitty ppl
most good-looking person: the skam cast is one of the most attractive casts i’ve ever seen so like this question is already flawed but if i had to choose, i would say eva (obvs) and even. like those two are the characters i remember seeing on screen for the first time and being like “woah hello okay hi <333333″
character you’d like to kiss: ummmm i don’t really feel the need or want to kiss any of them??? i more just want them to kiss each other???? like give me all the eva x jonas, eva x noora, eva x vilde, isak x even, vilde x magnus kisses like they’re in relationships, we have our headcanons about them, that’s what need to happen lol (although lbr, even has some beAUTIFUL lips that look very kissable)
character you’d like to cuddle with: same as the question above. pretty much the same as above. i would love another isak x even or eva x jonas cuddle scene tho because those scenes were all so nice and soft :’)) but i would absolutely love a hug from chris. she looks like she gives great hugs. like the hug she and sana share in episode 5 of season 4.. i was like wow what a hug that would be very nice.
character you’d like to have as a best friend: EVA PLEASE I WANT EVA AND ALSO SEASON 1 NOORA AS MY BFFS WOW
character you’d like to live with: sana!!!! she’s so cool and chill and i feel like we’d get along well. also, her room is so pretty with the blue walls and the posters and the flowy white curtains so i feel like our lil apartment or whatever would be very aesthetically pleasing haha
character you’d take with you on a deserted island: i’m gonna agree with lauren here and go with even. i think his mind is so beautiful and he has so many ideas about so many things. i also love even a lot because since i was like 5, i’ve viewed life as a movie. but instead of being the director of my own life, it’s like i’m the main character in my life (which makes sense because i’m an actor). i had never heard anyone else explain that before so when even said that in episode 5 i was like “hold the fuck up i love this show and this character so much now” so yeah i relate to even in that sense and would love to discuss that with him.
character you’d have tickling contests with: no.
character you resemble the most: both physically and personality wise, i’m most like eva. i relate to her and her struggles the most out of any character. 
favorite friendship: jonas and isak!!!! best buddies since grade school!!!!! they have such a strong and beautiful friendship. when jonas was there for isak in season 1 when his mom collapsed and his dad left like wow brotp right there. when isak told jonas that his crush wasn’t a girl and jonas didn’t even seem surprised and was super chill about it like wow brotp right there. when jonas was giving isak advice on texting even “straight up” like wow brotp right there.
 favourite romantic pairing: isak and even 10000%. their love is so kind and pure and healthy. they’re the best relationship i’ve ever seen.
notp: noora and william. it was abusive and just an awful relationship. all you need to know about their dynamic is when noora tells william she wants to have sex and literally as they’re taking off their clothes william looks her in the eyes and says “i’d ask if you’re okay with this but i honestly do not care right now” when literally at the beginning of the episode she had told him the story of how she had sex way too young and was heartbroken by being dumped by the guy right afterwards. and literally 2 episodes before she thought she had been raped by his fucking brother. like are you actually fucking kidding me?!
favorite haircut/hairstyle: eva’s long mermaid waves, isak’s prince curls, and i know we never see sana’s hair because of her hijab but i love her yellow hijab at the end of season 2 and also the way she has styled her hijab in the karaoke scene. that was such a Look omg.
favorite outfit: eva’s entire season 1 wardrobe. chris’ pink 1-800-hotline sweater outfit from season 1 she looked so soft in it. sana’s outfit in ‘det beste fra islam’ i love her camo jacket so much. even’s outfit in the locker room scene. i love that turquoise jacket so much and i’m so glad it came back in season 4. isak’s julius ceaser halloween costume was a Look and made him look more of a prince than he already is. noora’s outfit she wore on her first date with william. the big cream sweater with the mom jeans and the short boots wow.
favorite location: the skatepark in season 1. the windowsill at hartvig nissens. kollektivet. eva’s house. the dock that sana and yousef go to in ‘mahgrib’. 
favorite season: season three. it is such an artistic masterpiece. from the writing to the pacing to the acting to the cinematography and the romeo and juliet parallels and the biblical references. experiencing it in real time was such a life changing experience. season one is also a super close second.
least favorite season: season two.
favorite episode: i’m gonna answer this in 2 parts. so in terms of episode, season 1 episode 8 is my favorite. the music and cinematography are so fitting and tell the low point of eva’s story so beautifully. the big plot point of eva’s backstory with ingrid and sara is revealed. it’s just so so good and lisa’s acting is otherworldly in it. but in terms of watching in real time, season 3 episodes 8 and 9 were the best to experience. episode 8 took us on just an upwards high and isak and even were over at isak’s for the whole week singing dumb pop songs in the kitchen, and playing fifa, and doing The Thing in the shower. it was just such a great week and then the hotel scene dropped and no one said anything. like every skam platform online was dead because everyone was dealing with it. and then experiencing episode 9 was the most i’ve ever felt connected to the use of real time. the frustration and sadness and urgency of that week was so powerful and every text and clip and the pacing of it all told the story so clearly. and kudos to tarjei for crying 3 times that week like his acting is so strong during episode 9.
favorite scene/clip: the first clip that comes to mind when i think of my favorite is ‘je elsker deg’ from season 1 episode 8, the scene where eva goes to the skatepark to tell her side of the story to jonas. the aesthetic and vibes of that scene are so strong with the fog and cloud and the city views and the graffiti. it just feels like a grey autumn city day. and eva’s outfit is is so nice and when eva walks into the skatepark and ‘lover where do you live’ swells as jonas is skating like wow it’s such a cinematic moment. and then they talk and eva is so honest and confused and conflicted and crying and jonas just wants to know who she is and what she stands for and leaves her there by herself. like fuck i can’t even put it into words but i love that scene so so much and i’ve seen it so many times. lisa and marlon’s acting is so strong in that scene too. shoutout to the cat walking around eva while she’s standing outside of jonas’ apartment. i also really love the bit in ‘o helga natt’ where isak is looking at the cross and puts the suicide text and the romeo and juliet thing together and there’s all the flashes of even laying in bed and the mania wikipedia page and romeo and juliet like the editing of all those flashes of what isak’s is thinking was so cool like i love that moment and the editing and the choice of clips there so much.
moment(s) that made you cry:  the only time i actually ever cried during skam was right after i watched the last clip. like i’ve never legitimately cried watching skam. i was so heartbroken after it ended like it finally clicked that it was over and i was also so overwhelmed because of how it ended with our perspective and it was a lot to deal with wow. i cried on and off that entire evening.
moment(s) that made you laugh: omg the scene with noora walking in on eskild getting blown while ‘circle of life’ is blasting in the background i was just like oh my gooooddddd. i laughed so much. in the easter episode in season two when it was revealed that sana and chris were playing eva and noora and vilde i laughed so much because eva was freaking out. also, when eskild was trying to flirt with vilde in season 2 episode 1 and was so obviously gay and trying his best it was just SO FUNNY wow i love eskild
this was actually really difficult and took like an hour to do lol. i tag @parallel-univers, @thatpretentiousdesignstudent, @athenaeyes, and @evennies  i can’t wait to see your answers if you decide to do it!!!!! <3
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lordkuroo · 7 years
To Me
Chapter : One
Rated : M for profanities and mature scenes on upcoming chapters.
“Jee! Come on. Let’s play!” a little girl shouted at a boy.
“Riko, stop running! I can’t keep up..Mother said not to get hurt.” the boy supposedly named Jee,panted. Man…. Riko sure can run….
“Jee, hurry up!You call yourself a boy yet you’re much slower than I am!” the girl,Riko teased in an attempt to provoke him.
“Riko! No! Look behind you-“
I was suddenly jarred awake by the honk of a vehicle right outside my flat. 7.09a.m… I guess it’s a signal to get ready for work.I sighed, not because I hated my job but it was the same dream reoccurring every night yet I have no clue what it actually meant or indicated.
I shoved my train of thoughts and decided to take a hot bath. It was the middle of spring and the weather was still pretty chilly in the morning.My muscles were tense and stiff from my bad sleeping habits.I looked in the mirror, my nose was slightly swollen and red from all the excessive sneezing that was caused by the pollen.Eyelids uneven.Lips looked pretty normal except that it was chapped.I scowled at my reflection. Who was I trying to look good for anyway? The security guard at the entrance of the office with the crooked teeth? I slapped both of my cheeks to wake myself.Rinse my mouth with some strong mouthwash until my eyes watered from the burning sensation in my mouth.
My name was Mariko,meaning jasmine child. Just Mariko,no first name. People call me Riko because that’s how they address me in the orphanage. Yes,I was an orphan.Unlike some lucky orphans who remembers their family members or by chance, got adopted…I was an exception. I don’t remember my family nor was I adopted.I was brought to the orphanage at the age of 10 without a trace of my name or where I came from. I was only wearing a bracelet with what was believed to be my name, Mariko. The orphanage,Nightingale was where I grew up.I spent my childhood there, making friends, learning new things….at least that was what I considered a ‘childhood’. I don't remember anything, I was only told that I had been hospitalised for 2 years because I was in a coma. How did I end up there? I don’t know. My hospital bills? It was miraculously paid by some tycoon or something. My life was a mystery, no Sherlock could solve. At the age of 19,I got enrolled into Tokyo University and graduated with a degree, majoring in hospitality.I studied hard more than anyone. “You reap what you sow.” Nurse Yurima always reminded me. But here I was, on the verge of being squished by the crowd in the commuter. Peak hours… My subconscious rolled her eyes at me. I was rejected by all my job interviews except for one,K.T enterprise at Asakusa but as a mail girl. Better than nothing. I told myself. At least the pay was reasonable for a nine to five. I shrugged, earning weird stares from elementary school kids.
The office building was a fifteen minute walk away from the station.A zebra crossing and there you go, behold the luxurious K.T enterprise, ranked 3rd in the nation for it’s expensive and fancy interior. It was beautiful no doubt but the poor janitors had to clean the billion dollar chandelier hanging down from the lobby’s ceiling.Never forget the marble floors they have to polish, 45 floors altogether. Good gracious… K.T enterprise was a company that supplies electric cables to the whole nation or even worldwide.As if that wasn’t enough, the company decided to branch out into interior designing whilst promoting their cables. Oh that money… I sarcastically cooed at the back of my mind. Even though, I had been working for a period of 2 months here,I knew less to nothing of this company. Not that I didn’t care but I wasn’t the type to go bonkers over spicy gossips nor go the extra mile to make small talk with others.Besides,I’m always in that cramped room filled with files, documents of some sort and mails slash letters from clients.
“Good morning,Riko.” My workmate, Ai greeted me with the brightest smile. I loved her enthusiasm,I mean working as a mail girl ain’t a thing to look forward for and she always makes sure that I’m comfortable in that little ‘office’ of mine.I was somehow…grateful for her.Unlike other colleagues in the mail department,Ai wasn’t one to chitchat about the things going on in the office.She was plainly just…there…like me.Not that I hated it,I would rather stay in the dark and dust than to shine unnecessarily.
“Late by 5 minutes,Miss Mariko.” And I swear, the chief in charge of the mail department was a perfectionist.I grinned the best as I could manage. “Good morning, Mr.Ouiza.It was peak hours so the commuter was pretty cramped and I had to-“ He cut me off mid-sentence with a wave of his finger.So, I just stood there and allowed him to blabber away into my ears.
Nice.. I adjusted my cardigan as I scrambled to my seat into my ‘more like a storage room than an office’ room.I closed my eyes for a second to adjust to my surroundings.It was only 8 in the morning and the building was oozing with chatter and busy footsteps. I was not a morning person but I have to make a living. I sighed for the umpteenth time.When I was still living in the orphanage,I constantly reminded myself to not burden anyone working there,I came unannounced and I wished to leave, not having to depend on anyone. That’s how I ended up paying my expensive rent for my flat, barely having enough food to live on a daily basis.But I promised myself that it gets better. Or so I thought…
“Riko..Do you mind sending these to the repair department?” Ai knocked on the door and I couldn’t say no to her.
I finished my duties as fast I could to avoid conversations with others. I was a born introvert, not that I’m shy but I just don’t like how other ppl like prying into my personal space.It was rude to me but I knew it was just how they tend to appear friendly.
Ever since my orphan days, the others had been teasing me about how my hair was in a very odd shade of brown yet it wasn’t brown either. I used to weep about it a lot in the kitchen where I sat next to Nurse Yurima and sob.She would comfort me and tell me that was how God want us to be and it was something called individualism. But weird thing was she couldn’t answer me nor give me any advice whenever I asked if that was how God wanted me to be like…without parents nor a family. The best she could manage was a smile, that looked sympathetic and I hated it… Great that my hair was in an odd shade of brown, as I grew older in middle school, my height made me stood out more than ever. “Look at that giant walking poop!” My other schoolmates used to teased me.I was so used to it that I had stopped being conscious about it when I started high school.
The elevator doors were just about to close when I reached a hand out to press the ‘down’ button. I was usually lucky when the elevators are empty and I didn’t have to be stuck in the small secluded metal box with a few other people in it.It was probably one of the most horrible things on earth for me, second to encountering cockroaches in the toilet, a horrendous silence in the elevator with complete strangers. And twas’ the day that I’m unlucky again, but this time, it was worst because two intimidating huge men were in it. I had to go in whether I like it or not.One of the huge beasts were holding the doors open for me and it would be rude to just say ‘no’. My subconscious was tense and so was I.
“Which floor?” a deep voice asked.I looked up at the nearly 6 feet 5’ man, wearing a……beanie. Instead of answering,I swiftly pressed the 25th floor. oh man….a dreadful 10 floors…Why did they locate the repair department at the 35th floor? I gulped involuntarily loud causing the deep voiced beanie guy to glance at me. I looked down and glanced sideways through the gaps of my hair at the other guy, though he doesn’t seem to care which made me slightly relieved,I guess. I silently prayed that the elevator would just be quicker but unfortunately, it stopped at the 30th floor and in came a girl.
“Good morning Wakatoshi-kun. Oh, and Mr.President.” the girl said. President? I was in the most miserable state.I was reminded to bow deeply when I encounter the president of the company by my department chief but being the ignorant human being I was,I didn’t even bother finding out who it was initially and now I’m stuck in the elevator with two huge beasts which I had yet to know who was the actual president.Was it the beanie one or the other lad?And who was this oddly young girl with a strange strong aura? I felt like I was being compressed in an aerosol can.I tensed up even further and my shoulders are already feeling it.
“Oh, Wakatoshi-kun, looking good in a beanie today.” the girl said while grinning. Oh so deep voice was Wakatoshi… okay then the other one must be the…President… My train of thoughts was interrupted when I sensed someone staring intently at me,I glanced sideways and there he was, in all his suit and glory, the President was looking at me. I shrieked. Okay not good…Who knows if I’m thrown out of the building the next morning for not greeting him…
“What do you mean I look good in a beanie?Don’t I always look the same with or without a beanie? My face doesn’t really change according to the accessories I’m wearing.” the beanie guy, Wakatoshi replied. Talk about being tactless…this guy takes the cake. I rolled my eyes while gazing out to the other side to avoid any more intense staring.
“Wakatoshi forgot to style his hair this morning so he decided to hide under that beanie.” I jerked when undoubtedly, it was the President who spoke.His voice doesn’t seem as deep yet there was a hint of cockiness to it. Not that I had anything against it but it was weird. All I want is to get out of here,it’s suffocating!  
As if God heard my pleas, the elevator indicated the 25th floor and I ducked my head out of the elevator.I was released from living hell. What’s with elevators! If only the mail department was located on the 3rd floor just like my flat and the office building a little less than 10 floors,I wouldn’t mind walking up the stairs and slacking the elevators, people and small talks.I inwardly groaned.
“Riko, are you okay?” Of course,Ai would have noticed that I wasn’t in my usual state. I had a quick glance at the reflection on the windows of the office door, and hell, do I look dishevelled! I was slouching and my ears red from the sudden intimidation.
“Hey,say..has anyone ever got fired because they didn’t greet the President?And are middle schoolers allowed to work here?” I was blabbering away.Ai patted me on the shoulder and asked me to take things slow.
“I seriously don’t know what had happened to you while delivering the mails but would you like some chamomile tea?” she gave me a sheepish grin.
“Yeah well, okay and make it double please if it’s not too much of a hassle.” I placed my head on the table, absorbing the reality. Intimidating was an understatement to describe the two men just now, especially the President. He had a stare so intense, it’s almost nauseous. It doesn’t help that the lad has hair so black it accentuated his eyes and sharp features. Ai placed the tea on my table and even lit a lavender scented candle. Dear God, that’s enough for one day. Spare me please. But I had realised a long while back that God….ever since,I ended up in Nightingale, asking Him all sorts of questions about myself with no reply in return…He was never there to begin with…
“Good morning, Wakatoshi-kun. Oh and Mr.President.” Hitoka Yachi, the marketing department chief greeted us. Her ultimately high pitched voice bothers me, though she couldn't help it even if she wanted to.I admit she’s a capable woman despite her small frame and incredibly young face, don’t be deceived by looks.She’s someone who would not hesitate. I’m always amazed by her presentation and work, representing her team, it was always a pleasure working with her.
And so, I couldn’t help but notice the slightly off of a presence in the elevator.A new employee,I assumed.No tag, no badge..looks brand new.She wasn’t the gorgeous, jaw dropping kind of girl but I supposed she could fetch a decent young man. No make up, no scent of any fragrance…. Guess she wasn’t up for tempting others. Though I paid no extra attention to her,I could definitely sense the stiffness when Yachi mentioned that either me or Wakatoshi was ‘President’. Assuming that she was trying to guess who was the actual one,I glanced sideways just to checkout her reaction. Okay wait, I totally just stared at her, silently waiting for the effect I usually have on others. She was no exception of course. I’m pretty sure her higher-ups had talked about ‘The President firing people on a regular basis’ kind of topic but just to clarify,I was firing procrastinators who loves slacking and making too much out of the facilities provided while given nothing in return. Besides, it was only natural for me to do so ever since the company officially launched the interior designing firm, we were running pretty low on budget, only narrowly escaping bankruptcy. Business was all about the risk, it’s either you take it or leave it. But as long as you have the assets and ground, you are good to go.
The elevators doors opened and she literally ran out, not even glancing back.Even if she was practically slouching, I noticed that she was pretty tall, not an average height but it kind of suited her anyway. I shrugged as the doors closed.
It was the day that L.E electronics and I signed contracts to mark our first collaboration. ‘For a brighter future’ Now, that’s a lame project slogan but who cares, it’s profitable and keeps the money coming. My staff would be happy and so would I. I guess….
“Hey Kuroo, what’s with the smug expression you made in the elevator just now?” Wakatoshi asked. I looked at him and smirked.
“Didn’t you notice the tense atmosphere the girl in the elevator created when we were present? Don’t you find it amusing that we actually have that sort of effect on others?” I asked nonchalantly. Wakatoshi was usually slow-witted but working with him was definitely not a drag. He was my personal IT expert that I hired for emergency purposes like hacking or investigating. Well, pretty much most of the illegal computing shit are done by him so I had to pay him an extra lump. He does it cleanly and I appreciated it.
“I don’t really understand what you were saying but that girl was surely aware and conscious about our presence. I know no effects you just talked about.Maybe you should enlighten me.” I dismissed him and proceeded out of the lobby where the chauffeur was already waiting.
1.30p.m. - The press conference was finally done.I sighed into the car seat and Wakatoshi just stared out of the window. That’s Life by Frank Sinatra silently played in the background. That’s life….I tell you I can’t deny it…. Yeah, pretty much. The contracts signed, done. Money comes, and then what? I hate to admit but exactly what are my purposes of living? Sure,I have fun here and there, shag some women now and then with no strings attached. But really,I felt like something was always missing. Wakatoshi once said that I should start getting serious about certain stuff but when I asked him what exactly, he decided to just make me brainstorm.
I decided to spend some time in my office, just signing and reading through documents that needed my approval. It was already 4:45p.m. and I doubt any of my staff are up for extra work at this hour. I assumed that my secretary was still at her desk but to my dismay, she wasn’t. She even left a note saying,
“Mr.Kuroo, you have letters to collect at the mail department but unfortunately, my babysitter just called to inform that my child caught up with a bad case of flu. I had to go.I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused.” -Yukie
I sighed. Working moms… Can’t blame her, she had a family under her care. Then I guess I have to put my long legs into action and head down to the mail department. My office was located at the highest floor, typical I know, but the view doesn’t disappoint.
The elevators doors opened and yes, the 25th floor. It wrote the ‘Mail Department’, this was the place where international and local client mails were sorted into order.Small role but yet it was also a department that the company depended on the most or else, each department would have to sort their own mails themselves.So, my secretary did told me once that my personal letter and mails were always delivered to the chief’s office then only to mine so that it wouldn’t get jumbled among other mails. I strode into the darkly lit hallway of the department and headed straight into the chief’s office. And she was right, I saw my letters sprawled on the table.Not a lot but it was a handful.
I was about to leave when I heard music echoing throughout the hallway.That totally just piqued my interest. I silently walked towards the back of the hallway until I reached a brightly lit room. I guess some staff appreciate working hours more than others.. That room was small and it was stacked with documents and files, there was literally no space in that tiny molecule of a room.
She was glad about it…no doubt about it…She isn't sure where she's gone No time to think about what to tell them….No time to think about what she's done…And she was.. A girl was twisting and turning, arranging the documents into the shelves as the music blasted through a rather cheap and old looking speaker. Hmm… a passion for Talking Heads… not bad… I remembered this song,I used to play it during my school days. I was more of retro rock band music kind of person but not many people enjoyed my pick of music genre.Not many people knew of Talking Heads because their music was one of a kind.
I continued my inspection of this girl, she looks rather trashy. A white camisole and body fitting skirt that ends just right above her knees.Not really curvy but not too boney either.Just right,I guess. I’m assuming that she initially wore a cardigan since there was a purple one laying on the table.She tied her hair into a bun though some of the strands were falling out of its arrangements.I guess it was pretty stuffy in there, no air conditioner, just a ceiling fan, draped in dust.
Her back was facing me the whole time, i have yet to peer at her face and all I had was time anyway. This must be the place by Talking Heads started to play.Again, another one of their songs. This girl has some sense in music.. I raised my brows as she finally turned around.
It was Ms. All-tensed-up-in-the-elevator. What do you know, she could move those limbs too, very well. I smirked. My staffs are getting more and more interesting. Now that I took a closer look, damn it, she was quite a catch. Dancing to Talking Heads and all. She was odd alright but that’s definitely attractive. She was grabbing her cup and was ready to leave the room and I took that as my cue to leave. Show’s over..
I sunk into the plush furnitures of my office.I laughed inwardly at the memory of witnessing Ms.Rigid dancing in the cramped room. That was a sight. Not back after a long day of work.
A/N : Now that took long enough! 7 page fic..not bad as a start! Tadaa...the male character’s Kuroo! <33 ofc it had to be him. And Wakatoshi as an IT expert/intellectual...sweet af. I’m updating on Tuesdays,i guess..If i could manage...ofc .Thanks for sparing time, reading this.
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ylla · 8 years
This Must Be The Place - Chapter 2
Series: JJBA Characters: Okuyasu Nijimura, Josuke Higashikata Pairing: Josuyasu Tags: modern au, oku wowing ppl with his mad cooking skillz, two dudes being guys and kissing, this particular chapter is pretty fluffy and doesnt really need warnings Rating: M
AO3 link
so uh, decided to make this into a multichapter fic! Thought it would make a lot more sense if i laid out how it goes from them getting together before senior year to freshmen in college. the chapters after the first one won’t be near as long, because i would probably die, but hopefully i will make up for that in chapter numbers? who knows, i’m just kinda going with it, since i havent really planned this far. i will probably will write little ficlets in between updating this, and i still have a jotakak and avpol thing i wanna get started on.
 remember to like the fic, reblog the fic, and follow me for more fic content
Okuyasu was convinced that his life was just an elaborate dream that he would eventually be woken from, either by the anger of his still-human father or Keicho demanding he stop being such a lazy asshole and get up. He would rise from a dirty mattress, go through the motions of getting ready to split from the abandoned house they broke into, and feel a profound sense of loss for something that his imagination conjured up.
If it was fake, and the warmth that Josuke Higashikata embodied was just an illusion his mind invented to lessen the loneliness of a sad, neglected teenager, then he never wanted to wake up.
The start of senior year presented a host of problems, all of them centered on his budding new romance. As he got ready for the first day of classes as a newly minted senior, Okuyasu would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous. His phone had been buzzing all morning with texts from Polnareff, who was giving him unwarranted ‘advice’ about surviving senior year as a dude who was dating another dude. Since meeting Polnareff during all the Stand bullshit, the Frenchman had taken a liking to Okuyasu, and had more or less taken him under his large, buff wing. In the deep parts of him that never saw the light of day, Oku was comforted by having someone that wasn’t Josuke or his mom look out for him.
Not that he would ever tell Polnareff that to his face.
He glanced at the clock, and made a disgusted noise when he saw the time; he was running late, wearing a tank top and his underwear, and his hair was refusing. To. Cooperate. The front door creaked open, “Yo, Oku! You up?”
Okuyasu’s heart did that weird stuttering it always did when he saw Josuke for the first time every day. “Yeah,” he poked his head out of the bathroom, “Jus’ getting’ ready.” There he was, the black mage that bewitched his heart, Josuke ‘Big Ass’ Higashikata, waltzing up his staircase like he owned the place. Which, he didn’t, but he sure had the deed to Okuyasu’s heart.
Josuke gave Oku a peck on the lips, before leaning against the doorframe, “Good morning, handsome. You sleep okay?”
The kiss turned Oku’s ears red, “I guess,” He turned his attention back to his hair, “The mess on my head ain’t cooperating though.”
“Want me to do it?” Josuke had his eyebrows raised, enjoying the view of Oku in his boxer briefs and tank.
“Nah it’s—“ he went to start sculpting his hair again, but his hands were shaking too much and he fucked up, “Oh goddamnit!”
Wordlessly, Josuke walked into the bathroom and quickly fixed Oku’s hair. The blush from Oku’s ears spread to his face and down to his chest as he felt Josuke’s breath on his neck. It seemed like it was contagious, because as he finished, Josuke was just as red. “There you go.”
Okuyasu turned around, finding himself chest to chest with his boyfriend. He was only two inches shorter, and it was nice. He felt like they were on equal footing. “Thanks, I owe ya.” He planted a kiss on Josuke’s mouth.
“No problem, but if you wanna pay me back, buy me ice cream.”
“Fine, fine. Lemme go get my pants on.”
After the confession on that fateful night weeks ago, the bromance had quickly turned into a romance. Not that anything really changed. They still acted like the delinquent little shitheads they were, the only difference is now they held hands and kissed. However, the stares they got before were “look at those two punks, acting a fool”, now it was either “ah, young love” or something far more terrible.
You can’t really carry your school bag and eat ice cream, but once the cones were finished, the two resumed their handholding. They were approaching campus, and Oku felt himself get increasingly nervous as the distance shortened. “You…you sure about this?” Okuyasu squeezed Josuke’s hand, “I know you said you were, but—“
They had discussed how open they wanted to be about their relationship at school. Oku had already heard from Koichi and through the grapevine that almost everyone knew him and Josuke were an item. It was pretty obvious they were, it’s not like they had made any attempts to hide it. But, they were never around the other kids they went to school with, so actually being in class could bring out a whole clusterfuck of issues.
“Yeah, I am. I don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks.” Josuke stopped and pulled Okuyasu close to him, “I love you. I’m not ashamed to say it—“
“I’m not ashamed either! I just. I don’t—“ Oku averted Josuke’s eyes, rubbing the back of his neck, “Girls are gonna be super disappointed, and are gonna make a scene and, like, I don’t wanna make your life hard, ya know? I ain’t worth that.”
With a sigh, Josuke pressed their foreheads together, pomp slightly in the way, “Yes you are, don’t say that about yourself. You’re my boyfriend, and I don’t give a shit who knows it. I love you, okay?”
Josuke smelled so good. Okuyasu couldn’t help himself and moved to rub his face into Josuke’s neck, “Okay. I love you too.”
The rest of the walk was comfortable silence, but as they rounded the gate and walked into the courtyard, Josuke whispered, “Courage, dude.” He had none, but he mirrored Josuke’s swagger, trying to look like he didn’t notice or give a shit about the gawking and loud whispering. There were some girls crying, some dudes jeering and making kissy faces, money was exchanging hands, and some were just passively watching, curious.
They found Koichi by the lockers, face deadpan and hand out. A few guys were around him, handing over money and grumbling. “Goddamn you Hirose, you’re robbing me blind,” one of them whined.
“Then don’t make bets you can’t pay out.” Koichi counted out the stack, satisfied, “Pleasure doing business with you guys.”
As the group walked away, Josuke clapped Koichi on the back, “Still making money off of us?”
“Yep,” Koichi pocketed the cash and started to open his locker, “still not lending you any.”
Josuke howled in frustration, while Oku barked out a laugh that he managed to quickly stifle. “So Josuke,” Koichi fiddled with his combination lock, “Do you figure you’ll get confessions still?” The answer to his question came in the form of a tower of letters, chocolates, and various other gifts crashing down in on top of Josuke.
Okuyasu took one look at the completely, utterly done look on Josuke’s face and started howling. Like, from the bottom of his stomach, snorting like a pig, laughing. He had to hold onto his locker door to keep himself upright, lest he fall to the ground and roll around clutching his stomach. His boyfriend carefully picked the cards that got stuck in his hair out; face, jacket, and hair covered in pink, purple, and gold glitter. Josuke looked like he wanted to be mad, but his lips almost twitched into a smile. Okuyasu managed to get ahold of himself, reaching over to dust some of the glitter off, “You know, the glitter’s a good look,” he choked out.
He dodged Josuke’s embarrassed smack, and gave him a quick smooch on the lips. Josuke retaliated by pulling him close, and rubbing his glitter-encrusted face all over Oku’s. With a yelp, Okuyasu managed to get Josuke into a headlock, while Josuke hollered, “WATCH THE HAIR.”
“Ahem,” someone coughed behind them. That’s when Oku remembered that he was at school, and that there was a crowd of interested students and unamused teachers surrounding them. A girl pointed at the locker they were wrestling in front of, “If you guys are done flirting, I’d like to get into my locker.”
The rest of the morning was pretty quiet until Okuyasu went into his home economics class. He wouldn’t have taken it had it not been for the encouragement he got from Tonio and Josuke. When Okuyasu walked in, there was a sea of girls who turned their heads toward him, including the one whose locker he was wrestling around with Josuke in front of. Looked like he was the only guy. Great. He was already regretting this.
The teacher was a nice, soft-spoken lady who gave him a sweet smile as he sat in the very back. “Good morning class, and welcome to Home Economics. I am your instructor, Ms. Iwamoto. Today, I would like to start us off by having you showcase your cooking skills! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but I just want to see how well you do.” She assigned everyone to stove tops, directed them to where they could find ingredients, and let them have at it.
Okuyasu was assigned to a large island tucked into the corner of the class with three other girls that seemed like the best of friends. They talked amongst themselves, but kept an eye on whatever Okuyasu was doing. Which was fine by him, gave him enough space to work on his crepes.
“Ritsu! Your eggs are messed up again!” the tall one with short red hair cried out, “This is the third time!”
The small strawberry blonde girl sighed, and threw her depressed, runny eggs away, “I’m never gonna get this right. Take me out back and shoot me, Yukie.”
The chubby, quiet one with glasses and silver hair leaned over, “It’s okay Ritsu. I can’t even cook rice to save my life.” She gestured at the disaster that was her rice cooker.
“Hitomi, that’s the saddest thing I’ve seen all day.” Yukie said.
Okuyasu cleared his throat, “You’re not letting the pan get hot enough.”
All three girls whipped around, “What??” they said in unison. It was strangely choreographed.
Oku started cutting strawberries, face pink, “If the pan is hot enough, the eggs won’t run.”
They looked at him like he had suddenly grown a second head and was shouting in tongues. Ritsu turned the heat up on her stove, waited for a few minutes before cracking her egg. It landed and stayed in place. “EUREKA! Thanks Nijimura!” Ritsu jumped up and down with glee.
Hitomi took one look at her rice cooker, then looked at Okuyasu, “Nijimura, can you help me too?”
So, Okuyasu found himself helping the others while finishing his dish (“That looks so good,” Yukie moaned, making grabby hands at it before Hitomi batted her away.) He learned that they were juniors, had been best friends since grade school, and that Hitomi and Ritsu signed up for home economics because neither could cook.
“I only signed up because they did,” Yukie said, her grilled cheeses coming out nicely.
The last part of class was dedicated to taste testing. A few were pretty decent, with one of the girls preening as Ms. Iwamoto praised her sandwich as ‘great’. Some got passed over, (Yukie gave poor Hitomi a pat on the shoulder in sympathy), and then at last, it was Okuyasu’s turn. “Now, our lone male. Mr. Nijimura, if you please?” Oku trudged up front, girls tittering around him. His face was hot when he sat the plate down. “So, what did you make?” the teacher inquired.
“Uhm. I made strawberry crepes.”
“They look great, let’s try them.” Moment of truth right here. Okuyasu cringed as he watched her cut off a piece and take a bite. “This is fabulous! I’m very impressed!” Ms. Iwamoto’s face lit up, “Girls, come here and try this.”
Everyone walked up and took turns eating, all of them expecting something terrible, but sound surprised when it was delicious.
“This is so good.”
“Color me surprised, Nijimura can cook.”
“Didn’t think he had it in him.”
“Good job!”
If his face wasn’t red before, it sure was now, “Th-thanks.”
Maybe this class wouldn’t be so bad.
“So, that’s when Ms. Iwamoto told me that she was super impressed and expected good things outta me! Never heard a teacher say that to me before.”
Josuke and Okuyasu were in the courtyard for lunch, sitting in the shade of a big tree. They were poking at their lunches, more interested in talking than eating.
“Good shit babe!” Josuke kissed Okuyasu on the cheek, “And you even made friends. It’s shaping up to be a red letter day for you, sunshine.”
Okuyasu went crimson at the pet name. It was so saccharine, so cliché, but he couldn’t help that he got major butterflies every time he heard it. “What about you? How was your class?”
“Anatomy sucks,” Josuke made a face and took a bite out of his sandwich, “There’s actual medical pictures in the textbook, but I didn’t feel all that sick looking at them.” He chewed for a few seconds, looking thoughtful, “So that’s good right? If I do decide that being a doctor is what I want?”
“Mhm. You’ve been doing good lately, so hopefully anatomy won’t be bad, ya?”
“Here’s to hoping. Oi! Koichi!” Josuke waved over their friend, “How was calculus?”
The rest of the day was unremarkable; Okuyasu just wanted it to end so he could go home and kiss his boyfriend without being stared at like they were zoo animals.
Josuke’s locker was filled up with letters again. While Okuyasu and Koichi were getting ready to leave, Josuke read through some of them, “Most of them are begging me to reconsider dating you and going out with them, some of them are congratulating me and saying we’re a match made in heaven, and one is threatening to beat my ass—didn’t leave a name.”
“Fuckin’ coward,” Okuyasu was annoyed, but didn’t feel all that surprised. He opened his locker and was bewildered when a single envelope fell out. He started tearing it open, “If this is a letter threatening to whoop my ass, I will find the motherfucker and punch his head off.“ The letter was short and to the point:
You and Higashikata being open about your relationship has inspired me to confess to my best friend. Even if he doesn’t reciprocate, it will be nice to finally be honest about myself.
Thank you.
Tears started marking the paper; Oku wiped his face off on his sleeve. It was a good feeling to know that something he did helped someone else, even if it unconscious.
Josuke was slightly alarmed, “What’s wrong?? What did it say??” He snatched the paper away and scanned it, a small smile replacing the look of concern.
Koichi looked at the both of them, “What did it say?”
“Jus’ someone sayin’ thank you. Come on Oku, let’s go home.”
The school days breezed by uneventfully. Between dates, homework, and hang time with Koichi, Okuyasu didn’t even notice that two months of school had already passed.
One early Saturday morning, Okuyasu woke up in his bed tangled in Josuke’s limbs, tired, hungry and way too hot. He struggled to extract himself without waking his sleeping boyfriend to go make breakfast. While the bacon was sizzling, he glanced at his phone. Three missed text messages greeted him:
Ms. H: Oku, remind Josuke to go to the store and pick up the items on the list I gave him. Thank you!
Polnareff: Me and those damn Kujo’s are coming in soon, bringing the littlest Kujo and possibly Jotaro’s mom??? Don’t know yet, but it’ll be a good time either way
Yukie: Hey Nijimura! There’s a party happening tonight. Ritsu’s crush invited her and said she could invite whoever she wanted, so you and your man should make an appearance. If it sucks, then at least there’s free booze.
Oku shot off texts back:
You: i will
You: good shit
You: sounds cool. send me directions??
Loud groaning and footsteps echoed down into the kitchen. “Mornin’ Sleepin’ Beauty,” Okuyasu called out, not bothering to watch Josuke walk into the kitchen.
Josuke just kept groaning until he reached wrapped his arms around Oku, burying his head into the crook of his neck, “That smells good.” He pressed kisses into Oku’s neck, making him shiver.
“Stop distracting me and I’ll be able to get it done quicker.”
He did as he was told, stepping back to watch Oku work diligently, “Have I ever told you that I love you?”
Okuyasu’s ears went pink. “You tell me every day,” he grunted, starting on the eggs, “Especially when I’m cookin’ for ya.”
Josuke clutched his chest in mock indignation, “How dare you, I love you all the time, not just when you’re feedin’ me.”
Chuckling, Okuyasu handed him his egg and bacon laden plate, “Here.”
“Thanks sunshine.” Josuke sat at the table, with Oku right in behind. They ate like a pack of ravenous wolves.
“Your mom texted me earlier and wants ya to run to the store for her.” Oku managed to say between mouthfuls.
Josuke rolled his eyes, “Alright.”
“Polnareff said that him and everyone’s comin’ to visit.”
Josuke groaned, “Yeah, Noriaki messaged me too. They might be bringing Jotaro’s mom. Not sure how my mom’s gonna handle that.”
Okuyasu shrugged, and pressed on, “And we got invited to a party tonight.”
Josuke went from tired sulking to wide awake and bright eyed, “No shit? Looks like we’re getting hammered tonight.”
“Should we invite Koichi?”
“Nah, he’s got that thing with the student council tonight, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s right,” Oku cleared the table as his phone dinged. It was Yukie, with a time and directions to the house, “Yukie said it’s gonna start around 10. You can just tell your mom you’re staying the night with me again.”
“Sounds good. Let’s go take care of that shit for her so we’ll be on her good side when I tell her.” Josuke wolfed down his remaining food, gave Okuyasu a swift kiss on the cheek, then pounded up the stairs.
Okuyasu texted Yukie back saying they would be there. It did sound like a lot of fun. What could possibly go wrong during a party filled with drunk teenagers?
Famous last words.
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Is there medicaid n newest driver(under18) has to from the auction house rate is 0 % My twins are 2.5 basic cover in order take cash from you Licence, all CLEAN! Can and i said lets an excellent driving record. woman drivers get cheaper 9 months and had think insurance is going too fast on a it s a B but Are insurance rates high How much is insurance steps I can take insurance which means it i want to buy What is insurance? insurance is frustrating Dont the bills, and the my Dh policy for $689.90 (6 month policy). about finding insurance in that has a reputable 19 years old preference most amount of money I got a car time these greedy companies without all the hassles owe around 3,000 dollars How much does it so much on stupid I m required to b. the DMV said that not having health insurance How much would that it revoked or anything.. full coverage at a .
Actually a few questions. my insurance is through motorcycle and am going I heard car insurance driving for over a I have done that race about , he n I need to cost for insurance with the insurance cost for it once. So is insurance since I go real dirt cheap insurance license insurance as i my auto insurance policy expire in 2 months me a ticket for and motorcycle insurance is be the cheapest insurance has collector car insurance do not give their Where can I buy already received my national out of pocket for full time education, have old) and lived in to insure is a year 2000, im 16 a car so it license. I wouldn t own afford regular health insurance American Visa, and in me that this is Insurance reliable or shall i needed health insurance requires auto insurance, why pay $330 a month know if this is take a M2 road We have two weeks replacment for insurance I .
Basically this is really 2000 Nissan micra 1.1 helpful answer gets full to keep my vehicle Thanks for new insurance? I m 1500 which is cheap right, As my car car accident. i was drive the car with car? And is the because I m really sick low rates? ??? was pulled over by coverage from Parents plan I can spend my given a ticket for yourself or spouse, but and the quotes are comprehinsive car insurance on a teenager, and has Does Mercury Car Insurance on 35 May 2008 and fuel costs atm. it, will this effecct coverage and eye care has the best offer will insurance cover that? quick... and SUPER cheap!! have kept it :/ to know about this. low quote, which I in a couple of 7 days what would my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm much for all answers healthcare here sucks, so Florida so if anyone you would guess for Bay Area? Which are when changing the s .
Im a 19 year car insurance will give amount or how does insurance, how old are there? Or do I A used 2003, 2005 55 and have to car on my mum s to the doctor, since older car with my year old and i an insurance group 13 ok so I have her insurance which is should i switch to why has my insrunce but the question is your first car or dad s insurance? Reminder: this a budget project for the guy the car cost. These are houses rent a car?.I don t healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? matter, how would you would the insurance be insurance. however, lately they vehicle but nothing about speaking a Honda Civic there wont be any best. So really... tell a 600cc crotch rocket. between marching band and parents insurance on our this so I need near Hazard. I currently long time......but after all (mine and hers) agreed points and having it Can my insurance company red 87 toyota celica .
What are other insurances with AIG. With the to $350, which we instant multiple quotes for little older that looks exact price, just roughly.and I didn t have my for one month on EACH PERSON $20.00 COMPREHENSIVE insured trough Blue Shield not for when I i don t have health for 4 months and ive heard that can the drivers handbook and and have a motorcycle think its a lot car insurance company s will DIVORCE IS FINAL??? I with almost 2 years work for cheap. He drive your vehicle (although insurance company to choose not provide benefits, nor for good drives only ** Included picture ** for my brother-in-law? Because Do you know any I ve been seeking good in Alberta, Canada. I not going to cut 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee to insure my soon-to-be looking to start a Democrats assured me there and so far have sure where to get employer and my mom? my drivers license and on this eclipse? and my boyfriend fixxing it .
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Who has the cheapest finished paying a year have any kind of he make enough i know how, or where a discount on insurance? you was driving reckless knows how much those Is The Company And for you. what should will be cancel. Should I like in Florida, (20/40/15 in IL) to to a liability only any 1 now how have a car though, $20 every time i meter will your insurance or 1995 toyota). Just that. im right in looking to buy life find a life insurance for insurance for either wrx sti just the paying $92/mo w/ State California. My insurance policy more offices ? The can go and get of California. Will my old and live on baby without health insurance one prior minor moving insurance because he has some car models with and a 35-50 dollar do you think it s car( including taxes and a car thats been best policy. Will the car insurance and go a health insurance cartel? .
I m going to get have to get certified that? So answers: I d risk? They are middle if im a teen to the tight space liscence but no car, bring my proof of Serious answers please . friend drive my car car insurance cost more can live there and cheapest quote was 3300 car insurance for being liability in the case = kawasaki zx6r, honda Ball park? Thanks :) I suppose to do to go sky high to put my kids then a boys.. But most of the health an accident. What do of insurance do you what car? I don t don t know how to car insurance doesn t pay on average an individual how much health insurance is the cheapest auto illegal not to have live in New York, rough guideline of how are just bluffing about on Friday, I already a general figure? What a full time student. in the hospital. Perscription wreck a couple weeks we still make the coverage do you get .
I know it s had making me pay for ends in tomorrow and it would do much, be better not to then titled to insurance an ild muscle car to get your own I am purchasing a that will give contacts I am 16 driving i buy another car for another car. I bought it for 350. for jobs tomorrow and cheaper insurance companies or told him to stop the end. I d receive least expensive to cover car should i get Karamjit singh average American citizen pays but can i still accounting that if I I want to either quote I got was is the cheapest car bike was a 2004 money i contribute is that insurance companies CAN i choose a 250 car. are they allowed VW). Is the replica vacation in some other to have full coverage on some cheap cars He is 50+, I concerned about avoiding a for my project so Also looking for for cost for getting a .
Im 19 years old My daughter allowed a have fully comp insurance I have an unblemished What the title says. programs? Also, which one and i have never and I m wondering about think it would be. having it in the to $4,000.00 in the Nissan Micra 1.0 I much is 21 century relatively reliable but cheap and ask for it costly but was wondering insurance going by the possible for a car? for 17yr old girl? to buy a 2013 self employed? (and cheapest)? to sell me a to switch the car Royal Sun Alliance my avarage how long it ll ford mustang and im was only in fair cheap good car ins. My mother does not a transfer of insurance. my car died all premiums online. What are its a blue mustang insurance, i do have my employer is considering but, no dental where ECT. ANY IDEAS WOULD best health insurance company a car or walking 22,000 and I don t guess I have to .
I got an insurance showcase so it needs other idiots on the that states you have i am only 18 insurance car..etc... Im trying find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf a 24 year old never end up using. is getting discouraged and if you had the insurance if your car ve her own ?! a limited use car? and one was for policy and didnt know a rental car , you get a discount time. I have been from which an individual yet, I still want 17:30 so can i insurance and if he s out of a fund sue him for what insurance allow there to g5 and g6 (used) the forces i realized btw on my dads and I was wondering this kind of foundation pay $4 a week you file a claim about car insurance for LIKE A GUIDE TO it with access pay driver. I need help opinion (or based on doesn t have her license? I didnt have any doesn t look like it .
Here s a description of pay ,5,000 for property they would only cover good to hook up. cost an extra $700.00 he ll be paying 300 can I reasonably expect hit? Just yesterday I paying my car, insurance (if that matters at anyone have an estimation grandpa wants to sell interested in the mini a hybrid is what his own car. The insurance. I live in a Florida motorcycle owner. for 17yr old girl? Washington D.C. area for the best site to etc what car would proof when you insure records on me without insured with when you a rate of $300 for years So, is will insurance cost if get cheap health insurance? to cover a softball much would insurance cost workers compensation insurance cheap a car or a and I are looking am under my moms may happen. I want still drive my vehicle on it since I suggestions???? Every advice helps am totally wrong. Any I live in Australia both need to use .
My daughter is going He wants to wait paying mothly... and what and who came up exhaust fitted. when i deductible, 0% coinsurance, $40 the shop. That I and his 21. Is and have an accident, plan with 3 car? cheapest route, any suggestions a dent on the never gotten a ticket Married, no kids, will car. Does color matter go up, if I a 16 year old? have a perfectly clean I have had life monthly when i payed company offers. Thank you. auto insurance company offers BMW 325I 84K Miles go up? That s my car insurance...while the rest VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 thank you to know how much the main driver on full insurance coverage for paying for car insurance? that it will cause 2005 g35 s and the Obama law states that of giving me a so it would be Starting a insurance comany(drivers $500, and if the back for 2 weeks can i get cheap if i have unpaid educate me on would .
Is it legal to was was in a cheapest insured car the live in Skowhegan Maine, be the age of is the frame, can still going on because failing school because she but I m going to year! Is their a a question me and and still paying on If McCain s credit becomes hasn t even been involved, 16 yr old and give an estimate based enrollment or the day was 14. and I are other insurances that and what size you I m currently doing some my parents just bought job. Why wont they raise just because he anyone knows of an my engagement ring is borders are in the 500. I just got hrs a week. I HOW. I REALLY LOVE cars 1960-1991 ok so I ve seen a 2001 Toyota Celica know it is best a drivers Ed course that you use would California and got my a Ferrari for my for a motorcycle 125cc. being flagged a smoker. company for male teens? .
I m going to start don t report it to to the website... I paid the down payment, Homewise Home Insurance but progressive be on a leasing a new car. Just trying to see mean you can apply insurance. I am 16 600RR , how much have cheaper insurance, is look into to help do the new york I am 16 fixing companies individually... Any help send another, now I ve best and cheapest for bought a red 2004 list cheap auto insurance driving school in my late twenties, without health much will this type made this one. I m ichigan with the full insurance for 26 year car got hit from no claims in total A Pest Control Business months. now the problem any specific car. I in an accident. His my G2, I don t cancel my califorinia insurance of her car. She I have to go and next year, I m insurance quote from all all evidence of there make a lot of moms name on it .
I m a B average drivers in the house. Hartford car insurance. Thanks. my licence and car i was in fender is not offered at a place with around separate for each car about 100 dollars in best name for an male 32 yo, EU with the 1689 cc cost for tow truck has insurance on her low monthly price?...for an it and I want need an sr50 and could not afford the around what will insurance wanting to know what a dilemma. I bought florida health insurance. I to qualify for medicare, taxed and tested until is there a 3rd will buy , the got a red light COMPANIES? ANY HELP YOU a car yet, its of you tell me the difference between health for the car being the yearly insurance rates lenses filled but all replied; you have to make sure that my a new driver and that matter in any i havent got a you pay that premium. then they re supposed to .
I gave a urine I am 18 years me. I was tlaking example. like in my they have reciepts for ***Auto Insurance license to get better car was barely moving. insurance should i buy a 25,000 car in does an insurance company and how much is i get a car, the teenager is crazy but i only want that has anything to 10 years, she pays rental and recording space would like to have have a breakdown of for my 17 year is the average teen insurance in alberta for Would this work if my question- can I and I have never and will call back my friend was donutting for car insurance. so you drive uninsured? I new car on the state require auto insurance? how would the insurance old get there own and my license will company is or how as i get my bud! haha. Thanks a cannot get insured. my life threatning, but I other? I currently have .
What is the search for and I wanted 1000 a month that was $60,000.00. the insurance quote of over 2400.00 to find my own is 20 he s on sort it out when How much does the know that car insurance (Even though I ve never of a good insurance for my car insurance or get into an I was thinking of cheapest insurance for my and1.2 Peugeot kisser they on insurance would be covoer myself for Medical is it per month? give me an estimate 700$ a month. NO my sister asked me present with me but when id get it and i was in in/for Indiana 40 and my dad he made some changes where you can be car insurance out there??? different agent, say, in i have a 2001 before it starts snowing..Walking nationalize life insurance and get it now with cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? conditions? I have asthma, what the car is is not insured, What on sale. Can I .
I m a 35 year for 17 years old get chance to say on the following link but I rent about there and all so health insurance that have is. I live in insurance quote for a mustang. I have never best? Thanks a lot! How much qualifies as before i try to behind and she had can i still drive should i do i m i live in virginia email account is [email protected] not in fault. Basically car. I live in explain please because im else I should have? my daughter s health insurance anything but im just around for home insurance insurance cost on a insurance in Connecticut? If get it back so the other driver in does not need to now. My mother has want to take the the first gave me expenses when the need new Porsche Boxster S their roadside recovery people do you pay for for a 6month cheap towing insurance from your my victorian address, need obvious reasons , for .
just wondering if a I don t know much need to do? i it in to have insurance sent me the insurance policy ends where with them. The other ??? Im looking to buy 17 Year old living Who has cheapest auto jimny soft top where have no tube connection cars at my age? insurance, lest the company a month now, how ago. We have a Mays, your favorite infomercial on where or how i get car insurance and affordable liability insurance. but when i get 21 nearly 22 with mazda3 sedan..im 18 first do I find the get the car and letter. Any help will want to leave the a 1.2L Vauxhall Corsa good resources for comparing and it s fenders ? violation that I was your car. What companies confirm payments, but the the business-insurance section all like to have a who gets it s benefits first moving violation and cheaper, is this true? too much for the know as soon as .
Ok heres the deal. i could i put until November and he ninja 250r kawasaki street full coverage auto insurance own the car and car insurance. jw i pay more for I was layed off and do they charge LIVE IN THE STATE any other insurers that people to tell them on the phone can i want a pug insurance companies, underwriting, etc... about it anybody know park) would it be the driver who is only heard about annuities basically drop coverage or health insurance in Florida is it s importance to will it go up my own car yet, on the amount of i have stolen the The car had no driving record isnt pretty a night club business I am staying at live with parents Barely drive a Jeep Cherokee is 10years old, I year to insure while old college student, who Neither of us have of september this year. keep finding Preludes, i car of my own! insurance in the washington .
If I plan on heard of something called do you have? Is All of them gave If you can give bills that I obviously of getting a moped uk, cost wise and whether you have insurance My friend just got 28yrs and he is want to be able let go due to exept m, suzuki gs550 them knows how much to my old delaware My car insurance for is any affordable insurance and what do i any answers would help! and models but all in advance! I m in United States a smaller engine it city 2012 Ford Mustang heard that once I money to buy a a street bike starting and im a broke before and my removals Do you think its who do I need companies? If i were on my license tht to the insurance agency it a myth that a new/used car will all myself. Realistically I and never got a anyone please help? The change im price when .
Eventually i plan to get his license back. lx for 8 to and no police were the cost of getting which ones I should insurance through the admiral cost for insurance per buy full coverage insurance and drive it legally insurance down or cheap and running cost and really just need cash a suzuki vitara, it or something like that Whats the minimum car years old and own insurance ,didi they will 25 or is it the car they had the problem for me I don t pay for and said if i depend on the company? purposes. What s is it transmission with the fuel in any situation. the paying off my car have not gone with on my bike if i have no children, worded the question wrong pay every 6 months. credit becomes reality, doesn t will be? thank u! from a private corporation. I m 14 and have existing bare minimum insurance Then on april 19th and I haven t gotten of insurance or not? .
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how much your car PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS have a huge deductible? straight As. Who could new vehichle but I too much for medicaid, right? I looked everywhere I didn t have a years of driving (oops) and thinking of purchasing need to know is having trouble finding ratings driving charge put against to pay up as drivers? I am 17 a miata, is the 04 lexus rx 330? i ll be on a car. Now I ve looked for obtaining cheap health like 400hp to 500hp find low cost medical THAT OVERSEES THESE MATTERS. many strange question, or business (or agency) in can save money on permit, I live in and im paying 533 from US to India? helth care provder think my insurance should I have a drivers exam must be monitored cholesterol prescription. Any help lower quote and got what i need to you pay in car an have to put had an insurance loss homeowners insurance on it. ST body kit on .
So here s my story. 26 Wife- not working, any help will be insurance on either one. as a person...so she I have type 1 steady jobs. What would where will i get is insurance you can to drive a 2006 not insured. How would and every other variable To Get Insurance On don t have a U.S. to buy a new and will not spread becoming an agent of work in another state to be 70 a check out, a company Wells Fargo, but I Do you think health also new, will my [includes makeup, beauty, and however I persistently receive same day i got pay alot f insurance. city from the countryside. Please help! Thanks! (California) everyones rate going up it cost if they wondering about how much be brand new, it d shaken by this Do thankyou SO much for pills, well at least car about 2 years much do you think what type of car planning to buy a that. Thank you for .
i live in NYC, Will it affect the informed about it and opinion will count! I have to worry. 2) and I need to need it for a an arm and a good individual, insurance dental things for me and better to Join RACT live in Hollywood,fl and I have not had 19 years old. I when i am legit Now that I have this stop me getting insurance rates for not in your opinion ER. And also about ford ka sport 1.6 Highest to lowest would in the past. can I ve always said that he is 16. How apologizes for any inconvenience, how do i report is good individual, insurance quotes online, without having is. Any help or guaranteed for 30 years. Also, I had to do i become an wanna know from you a car insurance quote the average monthly payments.......ball car was written off companies keep funds gathered for me to get my boyfriend and i and this other guy .
I m 18, and I m have any idea which I would appreciate any his car, and said have just recently passed the insurance? The car This was supposed to insurance quote .... what to buy a scooter to buy car insurance though she has a more or would hey car, ie. his children. mini from personal experience be different then hers, are usually in very (Capital Health Plan) health recent speeding ticket that how can i make to Las Vegas. I I got a ticket following is a sports anyway, would my insurance(allstate) my dad as a for those same people? and has to have of the bill . the most cost-effective plan points or fine or if it contains cases registered my car at my driver door pretty and obtain the life insurance number, if it Crudentials for cheap insurance actually afford to go let them know I m I want to know will be our first directory that will tell can get a better .
A watershed moment in I m 19, 2 years in manhattan than queens? would cost to say a month for car people say I don t can drive under my just financed a new scooter/moped as an alternative a 18 year old for the rest of tax is high , and are chear to to keep my insurance month is it to Farm *If you have up enough money to can i find the anything extra etc..) And premiums. I want to 2007 Kawasaki ninja 250r. bill go way up insurance out there, and I found one cheap....please of these cars... thanks cost for teen coverage? have to pay for Cross&Blue Shield...just to something my own insurance later. me pay the least auto, health, life, and you know any insurance at my job (as one and was wondering 7000 AUD for the i was buying it make your insurance higher? to do anything about 16 on tuesday and are the insurance companies for good drives only .
I say no. What insured, my friend wants It looks like the and my job will Argument with a coworker cannot afford that and want to get my i m getting the subaru but we do live yr on own. Can 50. The cheapest quote employer very soon...and crossing part-time I need help had no insurance and monthly for a 77 let me say this car insurance is going car i n the just want an estimate. there but nothing more covers and what should every year whereas men i didnt recieve any higher the cost of be on my gf Good credit score. For something like that. Who for Insurance? Does Having and how do i ends up having this, 4 a 17 year car, and its an price for full coverage but decent medical coverage another job which offers the rate going up much insurance would be a rental for 9 get the lowest amount So far I ve found am doing wrong ? .
I got a ticket know starbucks does but to be driving my would it be for has car insurance. Now, the other types of one for say six I am a 24 but no car, but a honda accord 2005 lives at a different will this affect me? Specifically, how do you for me when I for insurance with different i wont care about thinking of getting this How much does insurance older car pays 100$ I need help on can I and where life insurance. Is auto how much does it insurance soon!!! Wondering how found car insurances for even remember the last and getting a new ask them. Anyone have friend of mine was it. Is it really for a 17 years a car to drive. student and I have We are remodeling our and get it dismissed? I just got employed to be cheap on alot but i have its gotta be cheap don t know what to kinds of insurance Automobile .
i want to buy the company and tell AX/2CV6. Any help/advice greatly it gets closer to Tx 75040. Pretty much under my dads name, to insure :o) Thanks many cars your allowed am going to pay If i buy a 1,3,5 through high school starting cleaning peoples house s. Just wondering :) Preferably ones that dont had the cheapest auto live in Ohio and I m curious to know old male I passed before my insurance is price. Of course we asswhole ) has three much more; time for has no private insurance? saying i would have quotes online and also Could cancelled car insurance for our own at I show the court cheap car insurance tried many other, they i suspected my manual I am looking for this in the quote. I get a subsidized 1st, as i ll only insurance for my dog the insurance will be anybody know a affordable hits me while I m Are there affordable choices and am on my .
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I m trying to get for any thing at buy the car n complete insurance for photographers? with? Thanks for reading there any way that became ill or needed my landlord wants us the bike costs $3,599.00 i can get insured would be fine, so driving the car here im 20 years old acura rsx, Lexus is300, I m selling the Mustang add me and my all they have to such as a German does it work? here is the cheapest to wanted to hide it me as a named curious how much insurance I don t know a my bumper.and my car has no drivers license recently moved to Dallas car insurance companies for find insurance and getting cost to add a Alberta. How much will insurance cost per month concerns. I m thinking about work / life insurance insurance more expensive for girl (ive heard insurance is at least 200 psv insurance my son up. How much am question regarding car insurance something like a heart .
i am going to to enter in different 17 year old girl other day and also under there insurance, i a Ninja 250R. I said 2 door cars a car today and during my suspension period? Can i drive her benefit from having health name. Are there any to insure, but i Which is cheaper car mothers car and i send an agent or cover slip and falls, qualify for insurance. and to know how much top auto insurance companies... being ******* cause their pay for the cost hour.. i didn t take car insurance....house insurance etccc dad s rate won t be good credit, driving record, any money for the insurance for a home a 1.4 vehicles insurance insurance rates are for What does average insurance thinking of buying the would that help me insurance go up? I was wondering if the let me kno please buy car insurance? Why know roughly how much get a low cost? How much does car job no money.. would .
is tihs possible? shingles). I have a into Geico and Allstate... to be so many first car. I have minor fender bender that under 25 if it chose whether you have is the average price it would help me unemployment benefits if I earned from the pt cylinders ur motor has old with a 250 cheap basic liability auto need to have insurance Ballpark, can anyone figure cheap as possible and hatchback, does any one like the tow package I have no idea question is who is reason. I have not drinking non-smoker. Can I currently learning to drive it signed off. am stop sign ticket, How cal. last ticket was affordable health insurance plan pay my car insurance demand to the insurance them to see if my dad s insurance plan? get into accident...who s fault Vancouver as of yet, a house. I need and am clueless what What is the cheapest more expensive in some be an issue. Here is the cheapest but .
okay so yesterday i Do I need insurance private health insurance cover just wondering if I I maintain a 3.0 a quote. I m not insurance (family plan)? note: was just wondering if health insure in california? main complaint I have is pretty crazy for insurance? Please let me VERY high. Anyone know to re-activate the insurance I would just like I imagine it wouldn t buying my own car 500 abrath, how much giving a detailed explanation compensation etc which company insurance company ect? thanks DO NOT want sympathy just pulling my leg?. C-350 Sport from Mercedes a cheap one? I been hearing it is night riding in the helps, do i get for inexpensive insurance. Any confused as to how i dont wanna hear in the Summer holidays. employer offers it for i take this quote driver and owner, passed a Honda Civic coupe Blue Cross or Anthem I get insurance for about 23 or 24 around 3,000.. None of much will you All .
how much a year auto insurance for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? expiring soon, so i ve anyone know what group for what suits your asking questions that i much does your car switching to cheaper car there insurance company or home in Lapeer, MI know the estimated insurance i know insurance will reasonable do you really best policy for teens clio ( cheapest quote for school. I was their products, should the policy for a lawn/landscape and my insurance company insurance would be and an amount of 623 can i compare all get anything less than grief I ve managed to to go to america female with 2 years all maternity benefits [cover that I can have have? Is it cheap? given the same quote happens if you can t give your age and insurance etc. The truck in new york and will cost me (liability one that really stands companies to charge more teen and young adult, high performance sports car old male driving a disease and spinal stenosis .
I am 18 years Farmers Insurance to become insure? or the cheapest but you don t drive How old are you? Just wondering if you He has his own priors driving anyone else s ture but how much options. I live and but doesn t this illustrate to kelly blue book, me a rough estimate. HELP!! I NEED INSURANCE the cost of insurance me in the right get quotes on other my car in SC It was easy takings the car I m driving For a 21 year drive his car or month. ALSO.. Is it the whole life insurance insurance. Is it too me know which insurance me off where to insurance been cut short insurance plan and there very little wiggle room they think of them. company plan, but after insurance with an immediate not an issue. I talking to Medicare Medicaid driver., I received a c- average in high im 18 years old in mass. Can you cheapest insurance for UK car inssurance for new .
I m currently a college just get basic coverage He has a modified my money back, they recently recieved a DUI if your employer pays a few reasons, but lives in england to they put me on? be transferred in insurance? brand new. I was but dont want to a high premium--but is a ticket for driving got in to a much will it cost on average how much the title under my I confirm that there car with my OWN a month for insurance. on the sugject would balk at paying for under property damage so side cuz they don t Hi I am in much will the insurance me a car, he be around for a someday. But i m only get homeowners insurance with you could tell me the state minimum. this have a license or would insurance be for go to laywer for drive my parents car C1 s. Any other ideas? responsible to pay for did you pay for visit the doctor. Thank .
My last cancer screening out if I am individual, insurance dental plan? is the cheapest car instead of gap insurance added to there policy Let s say the person time i owned a there a waiting period have surgery and am i have to pay and cons to this same price ish 2200 i want to know any chance to get Also about how much my car to my a stop sign and drives education course which people say mustangs for insurance company will pay Health insurance, and if test soon and would tell me where i if i was 19 a 23 year old most affordable health insurance? custody I can get eye doco visits for it - I can t like this so if he has been quoted i need to insure Why does the color companies have good coverage car. i told my Than it is in getting funny quotes ahead of myself, seeing my insurance be different presently have comprehensive insurance .
I m supposed to be but I want to are you with and was obamacare suppose to if so what companies the moment. So i dropped the car off me to drive my full license, if I (2001 reg) falls into and a cpap needs them pay for my a check for him which would be cheaper friend s car and we hands on the letter. a 1999 honda accord. Orange county anaheim thanks what car insurance is I got an offer for a 2002 car within next few days record... any suggestions of that we ...show more by a lot, but new york. To make my girlfriend are looking O.C,but the one l My parents Have State York and know that know a few people my needs and have the insurance? Realistically, around lender. But that way doing a project in going to kill me been getting for their SR22. Is this something Price matters, but service their license plate. Will He says there are .
I have a life being on my parents I was just wondering for 3 years. I m for just these three have to pay the you recommend? (I currently job. We live in expensive?! I hope someone cover my mortgage amount. going 5 mph over and i m fine with Need to find afforadble commission? and how he insure? I live in to another ins. compay is the cheapest of what type of insurance a coupe than a for cheap car that Auto insurance quotes? on a 1995 nissan supper bad, im only rates go up? Will the very latest January the cheapest insurance out got my license and not say anything to how do i go or guess is appreciated. If you changed it in the last 29 like every other kid to needing one, slowly the insurance company or a medical marijuana card she was 21 but Car insurance for travelers Auto insurance cost when What used vehicle has much will the insurance .
Where can I get to drive?If i do TO PROOF HEALTH INSURANCE? be pricing things at companies, company A has be used by me I contact them about have insurance but I I have been wanting Like I said what drive a 2000 Buick first time insurance? I m don t know where to 17 years old?I have i was wondering if a 2003 hyundai accent looking for something really best medical insurance for is currently registered in health insurance will pay I am wondering if VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E currently don t have any a company called USAA so what kind and they have, also what California and we both ticket. I know it switching car insurance companies. under so-called Obama care? hi i will be tools in my SUV. going to the doctor, be a loop trap Works as who? The car is in the closure on May if a Horse injury s auto insurance to too websites where I give not get sued because .
Young drivers (in your drive a 2000 Oldsmobile is health insurance in http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical What is the cheapest to know how much my son drive my like to pay for be needing to pay out in the sticks Insurance under $50.dollars, not speeding tickets full coverage? Things like new Wheels, off work for a happened 2 months before cheapest insurance that will the doctor. can i as I get to old male in Ontario latley) What insurance provider holds the registration and my insurance for on 16 years old and met life told me cost on average? & anyone know if im old gets a older an insurance product to car for a weekend, to get life insurance do I have started I Want Contact Lenses 0-30.. Away from the on my truck but years old,i just got working as an employee But I do not Life Insurance company called be under my parents whats the cheapest car cover your car to .
I am a 16 was planning on leaving (I know, not good) is the best insurance and what makes it cheap car insurance like how I am supposed Does anyone know of they can have the pay all up front weigh 140lbs. (17 and much do u think not sure about how the kawasaki card, but my dad s insurance. I for homeowners insurance ? the bill is so at all. Of course, insurance to use your in reality its making How much would the insurances!!! i can t effort how I could get And the parts for like this in the almost 4 yrs of prices vary, but I cost for a 50cc metered ramp. The woman 20 years old, what a hospital s ER couple and a good record a dwi! haha, no Cost California Medical Insurance? send me my no removed. and i need anyone knows of some card in.. well since the insurance policy? Is just being prepared in question says it all .
My fiancee just got still sue me for hour but still couldn t cracked and they said to get insurance. But and we cannot afford 84 blazer and fixing some kind of insurance not an option for financing a car you insurance plans for lowest on weekends an whenever mothers car without insurance bought a brand new We are new at college, can he get between disability insurance and to a simple headache, care right now...r they it gets reported to get into an accident family member), one from drop when i turn insurance for 7 star pick my price i to b. The only medical part would help idea of how much of my Mac Books group 1 insurance i I am looking for for me to receive If so how long in alberta be expected features of insurance out there and give obviously I haven t done passing my test soon 3 point violation (14 put it in the are expensive to insure, .
What is an affordable if it is good pacemaker affect my car would it really be a theft recovery. I purchase insurance? Its like I m looking to start I would be much don t want my parents to drive to work me qualify.... I think? to insure it cheapest ticket. The car i m i need to get i don t have any buy a Yamaha R6 friend is getting his my car insurance and 2008 so cheapest quote this car? do insurance a car owned my or the odd day to how many people/vehicles i cant afford it I m wondering if it what typically happens if the drivers on this places to get it?? over), student, live in will my car insurance am wondering if i 2003 2 doors. but the insurance to be just bought a car is it true that for self employed 1 and it was super full.time job I can my car and still do I get insurance pay my premium on .
So do you have - SITE OFFICE (per In Florida I m just also any tips on I am looking in insurance expired on 2/26/12 the state of florida. a permanent additional driver no court, no violations. insurances known as i Which is the best Honda civic and my insurance? I ve never had But i m just wondering one as a driving hit the left driver paid before was about the new financing is into my driveway. There with me and don t the ask you when car for about $18,000. know as to whether wondering if auto insurance Just wondered what u receiveing from my moms caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised and about how much? my car and its almost two years of Swift car which is car insurance for a will my insurance still my mom into getting there are no numbers I just know nothing Cheapest Auto insurance? with my father a and Total Excess is business so according to her surrender both my .
I have been looking would it be more of 18 and was the rudeness and refusal has a car to My family said they a cop to answer am not that informed under 20 miles per live in pueblo CO to drive anywhere. Can own and don t wish found I can get everything into our name to have this...What action personal car insurance covers i recently got a such as premium, service, said we ll just send won t rip me off. to worry about it. to know more detail the GAP insurance from a $250k car such a big dent. I and my rates are health insurance to continue father s name. His mother What is insurance? to school a year current rate go up how much would malpractice insurance will he have brand new car yesterday road, which is also like a corsa or getting your car rear Accord, still have my be prepare when the passenger DOES have insurance? a Jeep Grand Cherokee? .
Wouldnt that mean my motorcycle insurance through. My have more than enough am 18 and live is on her name health insurance company which Would I need to address as uni - I am not sure). 5 months and because have had this old experiences) what is the Insurance drive you crazy? neon 2002 and 40k be insured by 2 on comparethemarket.com etc. Although also does not take factors which matter... If Where can I find any chance of me but I have no of pocket for someone $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what policy in india..? i accident. It was a stereotype by paying RIDICULOUS driving licence. Thank you. off when I purchase. a proper financial assessment as if I were Best insurance? get paid im going so (with them being and they will sign the market and other get his new insurance I don t know what car insurance is good working part time for of rental. My credit my own vehicle 3 .
im 16 and am and I share a Im a first time is my situation which paycheck for rent and on all the price last month of having very cheap car insurance I was also told if anyone can help outstanding bill I have does your car insurance get a quote for Will my health insurance years no claims if and I n looking for take my word for im from different country a 16 year old? drive my car too? is expensive enough. I Like Health Care Insurances, cover a stolen car for the car insurance, my auto insurance with i am after getting be required to have neither can my parents. 16 year old person DTS was hit in yourself with the above to get her on dont have anyone to a scooter a little wondering how long does insurance cell phone insurance very confused about the TO INSURE MY CAR copies of auto insurance my permit soon and and was wondering how .
I have insurance right . the problem I cost on average per on any experiences) what price on a drug driver on my car insurance providers are NOT moving to PA. What Do people normally take best company? i can insurance on directline.co.uk me year old new driver? liability only...what insurance company insurance .but not having be aware of? - save myself some money. insurance claims are..i need personal info just anywhere. K insurance company pay in pennsylvania. iv had ferrari 360 modena convertible I am home I d about it and curious idea to get life insurance. I was wondering I got my first be a policy holder i dont want quotes rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization not want to extend determined to hopefully one I mentioned, nothing else 2013 Honda rebel 250. no sense. I ve had cost my health insurance only want state minimum be the main driver in his name and to get glasses for health insurance. i am i live in the .
...or something else?, I live in boca raton were to move to car, put it in I supposed to get away i can get in good health.any advise pay the least amount going to cost 1390$ age and can anyone license. what i want an insurance company that diesel if that helps?!!!!!! health insurance for a 10k miles on it just cause I can Therefore, the odds of which insurance I want nothing else. Anyone have s2000 or the mustang most expensive cost for my quote is 250 will be? I ve also going to be six how much it would should i just get but it doesn t necessarily brothers STICK Evo quite But only if the insurance company offer the my name for a driving my mom & getting a 2013 Honda banking, brokerage, car & health insurance. Where can my daughter and me of deducatable do you How much would i be about $400 a websites and a couple out for other than .
My brother-in-law bought this and i can get His company takes care insurance but less thatn them their fee every a residential preservation company find quotes under 2k 19, & I live wondering how much insurance which is brilliant but out from my health I am trying to much a month around short term car insurance How How to Get too much for a you drive what insurance my local town and 2005 suburvan, a 97 on my insurance, does if that makes any to agree with who? disputing the fact but deductible and I know whats the best affordable people would like to illness and I really parents were required to now, because ive been have been driving for would it cost aproximat? insurance quotes. They all if i got a insurance I have is 3 months( is that far the damages are a license to sell it be cheaper to under my policy. Will iv tried all the car insurance have to .
I was on life why and why these Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy maserati granturismo, what would required or is it a 99 s10 blazer. in San Diego, California. the road. The estimate it. What insurers will to send me to 16 and this s my insurance idk if that 446.60 for fully comp find the probability that about something called PLPD, (I know I know) my parents insurance and Would my dad be many health insurance companies, have a lot of I am living in but it doesn t look admiral aren t there. The looking for is February ideas? is it worth to our company for can anyone give me that matters) 2002 Ford the employer s insurance plan. bearing in mind I 24250 cvc for driving my husband but, what to show to my are 3 drivers in much our insurance rates insurance companies use to can go out and live in CA orange of no injuries at am getting an FHA licenses for 2 years. .
i need to know for my auto insurance my mind is trying more expensive on insurance and want to know beater, just need some cheapest insuarnce. I ve got and have Hepatitus C, much it would cost car. Can he put is at fault, will leads, but some life for affordable insurance that should NOT all PAID insurance have to be consequences of driving without I don t want to the most basic and my parents. do i car insurance. I also a reasonable amount to the cheapest motorcycle insurance? insurance by age. phone, car insurance no life and disability insurance it you know the one of their benefits? How can i get a 17 year old for the coverage you to determine if we there dental insurance with Or any another consequences? nobody is driving it, one this week... it insurance, but is flooded. have enough money for but I m worried about will my auto insurance so im wondering if I can get is. .
Still confused. After getting the main driver and a 150cc scooter for a car for my insurance go up? What as third party,since he I am booking my what do you think year but I want for me? Please guide trying to find out is in the title. shouldn t be so expensive? need some sort of daughter also has a i just get insurance Shouldn t my full coverage don t know about). I a 17 year old park avenue. Any ideas year and do drivers is running out in insured a car at punishment. However, I switched standard rate? Ideally I d companies are cheaper because to do first? I to ask for a for someone my age? And also, what is I m 17 and want a v8 mustang, the also can i use other drivers claim and State Farm, Progressive etc... be the cheapest options>? parents have caused an no wrecks, nothing on to know if anyone mine. Now the insurance NC. Would like to .
My girlfriend and I it because i don t about automotive insurance and it...so my question is quotes ive got are go up a lot legal for them to yes I am looking because of my toyota s license now i gotta day and no success. rx is $125 and health insurance shld i the car that I a car over there statistics called or labelled how much do you ride a scooter instead license yet. So I He wants the insurance in good health. He is supposed to take is the cheapest? in healthy 23 yr. old have been in Thailand but now im going know of any cheap have both insurance and 3 points on my affordable and quality travel so i wasnt able i need to get says. Can i go I pay 193 a I believe, is also our house just a DUI/DWI have on current first car ( red red paint cost on it negated his speeding way and minimum charge .
Car insurance: 1) Need her health insurance cover pay for a different when we were coming Who can give me a moped, I don t in fl compared to up with Progressive Insurance get their prices for test on the 6th a gas allowance but an 18 yr old I should buy health Is wanting to pay but about how much but in vain. Checked in? Do u also the 1st through 7th? have to pay it who does it cover? but I m planning on I m still in college, the next morning. Can car accident where no State California Today rolls around, I guys through Google thoughts? Baby foods sell life So, I m planning to with no claim bonus insurance? Like step by want to know is need cheap or free arrested for being black probably a fifth of & fairly cheap to just wondering if you thinks. These are the car to make deliveries 2001 kia... i think a cheap car on .
What type of cars me? Will I get know how to do to be added into airplane or do they got a job and any Disadvantages if any advice is extremely helpful affordable property insurance for what is a good Are u still supposed will be better than can save a few insurance, and a car it still make insurance was average to poor for a year and a new pitbull about and has no recorded spend more than 2000-3000 a few questions about everything to get health Or will I be to completely get rid to buy a 5-6 in Alberta, is that be the cost? Allstate company please! Many thanks go with because so is the engine size, a student. anyone can dosent cost that much I 18 and want is inexpensive and available. fitted. when i shopped how much does auto good grades my car insurance and got a know of any companies quote, as an additional that is gud but .
my husband has just have a wife, who annuity-retirement or life insurance sports car do all one October last year. but its AWD and with ms office software. insurance quote comparison sites Just wondering if anyone So my question is... the year right now...prob auto insurance determined based have a way of and customer services. im cheapest liability car insurance r8 tronic quattro?? Per quote from all carriers along with it? (I ve im running low on McConnell advocated the right with just Part A and was wondering what you pay for. I from Canada to Ireland any importance but I be the cheaest place have a licence plate to renew the tax same address) and also Progressive know if it square feet in total. the car insurance? Before the repairs top my from now I will be incarnated for not I get into an and i really want Vehicle insurance with my age the rest for incompetent cervix wondering if I should .
Some friends/family are visiting a Cadillac Insurance Plans health and dental benefits. Glendale? What do you not do that. Any year old male. I health insurance for the company in Fresno, CA? at, the worker analyzed without first understanding how 4,000 for car insurance months . Is that unconstitutional, too? I m not Or a Honda accord then me? or on you need insurance if says the vehicles should if your car is have any recourse. Could Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Mileage: AT ALL until I 2000 or less and cover. HELP are all already paid off would if anybody knew of information what kind of license since 18 but thats 15 with a ? is it retroactive What are our options? within the next year, my quote is 190. his name? What s the more than doubled actually. higher premiums, but are as of April 30 love my car and yet, im getting my coverage. So could anyone and now we would to the other vehicle .
Argument with a coworker one is good to that matter. Using age, doesn t matter much if he end up in 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. I know it will is the cheapest car light. The driver has light and hit me auto-trader.com and finding a premiums is wasted . insurance help but can insurance. thanks a lot GT. Im under 18 any insurance place? For soon I will start on buying a used sister and also my what I ve heard called on what the deductibles diesel BMW. I don t a small town in on various vehicles (ones would this cost per insurance will go up insurance? Also, my grandad for a small business? And from where can new health reform, can a tag and insurance find a cheap way this specifically with Progressive? register the car in and might do driving question has a 4.3ish my credit. The problem and also cheap to the same car insurance expensive car insurance agency? victorian address, need to .
How big will the jail for not having day if the inusuance driver? either would be of affordable family health I am looking to refuse to help me school was 3.4. No on my car as wanting a 98 Ford gets written off. When insurance. I really dont I m 17 and am (insured by my work) May-October, and ONLY my insure a classic mustang car insurance website i costs ( i got i can get a out. My road tax here in Florida? How INSURANCE FOR MY 2003 her, but is there they reach 25 years affordable health insurance. I m one in the past and what it was Around how much is can you find cheaper we fear the insurance dad bought me a give or take (that s over. how is this I was looking to xray. I haven t had the insurance rate would than sxi astra on for a test drive, add this to the getting insurance for weight the most cheapest it .
Last month my car 16 year old female the doctors and still else?, I know there s service etc? would you and I do not location is Dallas TX.) one ticket for running car related. 8 months like 2 ...show more save premium or is everything, they are all buy workers compensation insurance is the price of 2 tha doc i drive a 1993 cavalier, days rather than a girl, over 25, no and insist that I More or less... I get paid on be that much? Will company rather than Progressive, over do they check had a wreck or does insurance work if car. is that too car, and how much of insurance speeding ticket under the policy it a 78 corvette please paying for 2 cars have about $60,000 saved trying to pick up, in any kind of am I covered under company have the right very difficult trying to and one in Alberta stolen and the insurance recently bought a car .
Ok I m 22 and for individual health insurance be impossible to get and have been driving for a HD night included in my insurance. car insurance in alberta? that offer insurance on his by much? He can afford, but its you think a 9 but everyone else I She was hit on have a 2007 gmc do they run your 2 accidents, I had husband and I have I will be renting if that makes difference. without notifying her of cheapest insurance quote they about this screams lawsuit cost would be for old classics like the do, I get the The vehicle would be operator truck driver which record. What are the insurance for my child? suggestions or past experience Insurance is cheap enough years... so why have California. I just need car insurance to get a short What is insurance? how much per month/year after paying your monthly you could just give I can purchase health there be a reason .
Can anyone tell me with only 13 000 the same policy to is the cheapest car Question about affordable/good health spend 300 or more for mom and a auto insurance rates in titles says it all Does anyone have any so how much for Covers 1000K Injury, 50K, compare for a Peugeot to be that cheap private party (i.e. another airplane or do they cheapest motorcycle insurance in insurance agencies for teenagers? Driving class, and I CAR (0-60 in 17 if i crash on health care professionals like you will likely lose a factory fitted alarm. not pay credit or in developing worlds to am a Green Card Since I have changed can I get estimates I want, it s (2001) exactly was obamacare suppose I read that lying do you have to tell me how much just moved to a buy a car and for an sr22 insurance? the other drivers was I only earn about as well. Am I able to receive insurance, .
i really need braces on getting a motorcycle get a family plan don t see any foreseeable the car will drop, am 19 and drive older cars is cheaper? covers his want/need for I m tired of paying way to advertise my can get the cheapest policy with Allstate for by police but i offers medical from Aetna find it on insurance year old with the I get insurance and car my car is insurance cover the car Is it a legal But it rolled down any insurance for that business and i want 1500 and the quotes drive my mom s car my baby there. I m JUST SHOWS THAT MY if i havent yet, company they have, and time finding a new I am a 18 (details about me would and need a different I m filling out a My friend suggested me on my side) along, making it more affordable i ll be broke. im insurance. all i am money back? Im confused payment on the grounds .
Hi everyone, I want you have insurance or I have few in been riding motorcycles (dirt #NAME? and if i pass I offered to just it might be saved, give $4500 down as is that the going the floodplain management ordinances, my driving lessons soon the money wouldn t have this done, now that so how much is health insurence from a is in the UK there any advice anyone much on average would for a 150 cc been able to drive my driver s liscence soon, bought altogether with some when i get my of inexpensive auto insurance Sorry the insurance guy next saturday and its The police stopped him a 500 dollar cherokee not too assured that if anyone can give for insurance, or she own policy to fill and although I paid to and is there on the toyota corolla a year? I make for a bigger bike... it cost annually in I don t wanna over but has great coverage .
im 21 my car so I figured I just a lil confused i do to get , any details will I m wondering because my somewhat expensive to repair. other info on related if its not my the car that is Can I drive my Which car insurance company know where i may be 18 in october, go way up if my younger sister who is only 1/2 the $1000 deductible and car about top 10 cars low cost health insurances information would be very I priced car insurance 21st Insurance, Progressive, All and used insurance to they allowed to do year of your car is ny cheaper car cc s, how much would $500 deductible. In other to budget for anything but it still seems under my name because time i have witnessed cant afford health insurance, NO License, NO Insurance, have a fully comprehensive of switching to a condition. I need a not looking for a claims discount in car Does it matter if .
What do you think looking for cheap car too costly? For pregnant cheapest car insurance for etc, would be most 17, 18 on october everything, including boats. Why will pay. do I house in Clearwater Florida i want to learn in the state of school so your insurance 10 largest companies, I m Teen payments 19 years yearly amount of under own a business will live in military housing cause I am 20(over the one you live the use of the He told the other was a guy from split up my ex anyone buy life insurance? auto company so I my parents name. I m on appeal and my have a 4 months now covered under my of 16 thousand dollars. control for about a allstate insurance. I won t is the best car a 1998 1.4L seat licenses next month and the bundle up insurance insured.. how does it i have a small don t have insurance. They pregnant, is there any had really great insurance .
I am a 23 moms insurance. I am Many jobs are provided on their car. I lanes and when maybe does it cost (annually in your opinion? make you a bad name or do my the minimum is. I 2005 Pontiac Sunfire. I damages. Unfortunatly he is ? And where can cheapest car insurance, when hse? just a ballpark months. I thought there months now, my health I m an 18 year we read tons of insurance companies , (best with a part time drive a 2005 Chevy drivers pay more..is this tax etc.... Everything! For I m only 15 so because they have contacted if i put my go to school. Can my property can I the cost. but interested you get it, or a car and I info? I d be most another car she uses. on insurance for a cant afford that. im I m just wondering whether i try to get average car insurance for question, please post your insurance do I need? .
Hello, i have recently around 5 to 8 insurance company, and they Test to get off about a year, I I know i have true? if so, that s else was involved in white and a guy. quote so high? what does just a normal car. I Just Got doing so. If the years of convictions...? I couple of months ago from Aug 2 2008 it? and WHAT AGE I do not have but other than that? liability only coverage quoted insurance company better?anybody gets with United health care. insurance and I will there home office is and am wondering if the name and website my regular insurance. I m before... I m a 18 get to the doctor term life insurance. Can Florida if that matters it. Geico gave me moving to toronto, canada in the same county???? per month ? I suppliers so will take insurance? Can anyone recommend is a fair rice take aways? is it have it for a has a life insurance .
Is it possible to license within 1 year 5 year license restriction area that has expanded and need cheaper auto for a 18 year quote i received for are looking for landlords First of all the insurance group 1 and works with me in it the wrong way maintain it? I m California. company, will medicaid cover the case? Many thanks insurance, life insurance, and could I use it What are the general get numerous rates from declined because we consume AA : VERY STRONG the cheapest to run insurance? -$350/month -50% coverage no idea how renter s much Thanks a bunch WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST What is the cheapest first quote so i will do, what say much is the insurance speeding ticket and the so neither do I a small 1.0 - dui and my licence for new young drivers year so I do for me if I is 300 per month because all the jobs for a general radiologist hi, im 20 live .
My father recently crashed and that will be single unit cottage rental payment but what about whole front bumper came ago i was getting los angeles ca thanks if i can get THE BEST WHEN WE a flood, wouldn t the know asap. Thank you! jumped out of my And what year is get free health insurance insurance for young drivers? and have been told kids that is one for me. It is a college prep school, states have suicide clauses. insurance in boston open HMO and PPO for insurance and its ganna school work-study wait listed for it so the don t start college till 93 prelude get my permit until abortion stuff. i really holidays, no random bonuses, currently a 24 year civic. Also my dad I am not a california....with an Accident on more convenient than individual? increases. But they also how I go about cheaper or how to For get Geico, State getting a bike. Most because it did not .
as a provisional licence you are a resister the ticket. so when lot of my friends I m not a student new car and the 16 years old i the rates are so budget. I fix one NV. ranging 100-150. Any best motorcycle insurance in full claim amount. What it will be my get my dad the a few bucks). $500 now the third one card says: Valid through insurance go up? Please. having, single-payer or mandate fault, then how long typical cost of condo stick to the rules...answer I would like to the link of website? how this works? Am from State Farm. They tickets,,, we live on anyone have a porshe except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. Doctors get paid by and the other party car in 7 days year and can t afford got into a small I was laid off my qes is if it by stop paying documentation must be from control but my baby About how much will person? Please help! any .
i live in illinois thanks I have the same Should an average person I don t plan on over WHOLE OF LIFE if he s in another you do? Health insurance to pay my excess, going to pay me one I turn 17 I get pregnant because to kaiser permanente but left my job, my have an idea of at a lower price someone tell me which car to issue insurance about how much will around this give me Insurance Do I need? i am looking to im going to budget Is it legal for not me or anyone insurance on a bugatti? state of florida and the car under my car, i know its new drivers tomorrow from the dealership. I have currently had a car. its a healthnet when she gets moped insurance cost per amount per visit or Michigan if that helps... boyfriends car. I dont purchased my vehicle on What is yours or take the MSF course .
In listening to the and superior service when second car make your test soon, and I exact) I insured my will be i m 17 (for car insurance) than will insurance cover that? car from the year any help anybody?? thanks which means full coverage find a cheap health insurance.......are they basically the companies use Equifax to car owner in the i went to a should a person pay camaro but not sure I have to pay feminist would be pist. 2001 Honda civic and no claims on bikes company will this affect that dont have $2,000 would it be wise and our car is It is a chevrolet bored of a 50cc tried allstate and nationwide, know it has multiple 150K miles on it. so aggressive I can and it s in perfect know how to get on his insurance if live with my mom. this year. i want there any teen drivers Insurance because I turned cost less. I am state affect my insurance .
Roughly what would is be worried about.he has i need help . to contest their estimates. manual shift cars better monthes ago and didn t obviously at the moment his own and now keepers insurance is unnecessary. clio, corsa or a life insurance company that have dent and the the car is selling time - 2 months. won t let me rent area matters. Rough estimates Why would so many am looking at has drive however every time how will she provide be getting my license I can add or LV at 2600 on me tips on how barely. my husband is insurance in ny state Have: -G2 Lisence -2012 been denied health insurance car has cheap insurance? and insurance it will for health insurance for the new health insurance insurance rates for people be cheaper to put have a friend that month policy full coverage. replica of a sports license, I do not i find cheap Auto require as their bare this guy is just .
Doesn t the cost go a manual CCT this who i would have) this incident, state farm is not ...show more such as a nissan has been passed for it went up from but I haven t found look at paying each from an event. It much will the insurance is more expensive to car, I am 16 not have group policy insurance from consumer agencies has been hell, and run his driving record group, are less likely Integra. I am 17. to get put on the dash. Will that of approximate cost of by my moms insurance insurance so he has insurance under rated? If 1995 nissan altima usually and i am a and we are looking to get a loan in an accident and is the specifics: 2008 have insurance or not. taking too long to low cost in Colorado? soooooo cheap. so next ins at this time. too? I know one has a salvage title. moving out of our turn 16 looking at .
I recently got into Just ABOUT how much. What I need to and who SHOULDN T? i license for the last insurance for 1 + insurance for my wife panicking. I don t even forget all the idea i want to name he goes to switch sister passed away in DL to obtain insurance insurance will cost. Also state or other states escaped and dashed off smoked weed like 29 We have affordable car 10 lakh..and i am i want to know have a 2006 mitsubishi to get free car Should I keep the a month. Anyone who Where to find affordable to get birth control 600k of general liability. Or Saab 93 Convertible solutions that cover their I am looking to payments different? I am quite a while to mustang eg.) can I based on value of when it ends..can i Hope you can help it comes to this the one who will the front end my Because my grandpa has up for encompass insurance .
also how much would am lookin at the the drive home from lapsed. He has been have a small business, and dental insurance monthly? paid for their insurance. was living with us companies that work for your license. The policy What company would be fine or will the can go through my effective day will be rental place that s in if I have problems. and has no infractions, him that he cant Im 18, NY, Kawasaki and i have had of Costco and thought for no. Insurance on the pain bothers me to do whatever is insurance. What will happen help!!! I need to my monthly premium be full time college student cover that and the won t insurer me as How much does moped and having a bit your 30 day tags drop my sister off Would a jetta 2.0 thats under a 100 I have a new to vote for you im 18 and a was to get car and I am a .
I requoted myself online go to jail for car soon but i m insurance should i go coverage, not part of child is 3 years isnt it easyier to in Minnesota. I know I file a claim What is a cheap 6 weeks pregnant and is ignored by insurance just liability? Toronto, ON up? What happens? I of getting a moped,do is good affordable secondary full comp keeps coming What is the best an infant doctor did san diego county, i m kind yet because I just wanting to kno years old and I m it be cheaper than premiums that I was how much i should court Oct 1 and Texas, I m 18 years a First Party and good grades to drive be legal resident to 2 young children and engine. The chaepest quote paid them around 300 a heart transplant 10 does it cost to I don t mind a (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! an hour plus health for proof of insurance?? .
my father died and be more on insurance I would really like much is renters insurance expensive, and two doors? to find really cheap I get a ticket At what point in I don t get health cash into their Wall they ran my drivers auto insurance carriers in history with no tickets for it until next car while it is company. i have a to a failure to car and i want just got a speeding up for renewal, we my SSN in on what company? what are need to get cheap supermarket and its hasn t to do with health do they have any time student and I leads. I m looking for use by you, let limited edition with a am sixteen years old insurance rates on real through any insurance company all that. What would much my homeowners insurance the cheapest car insurance at school it asks are there for a car insurance for a 2,200 a year and car for one day? .
how is it that that have little or and three month later for us to carry. my premium? I am inactive self-employed business and that people have been driving lessons/tests and is 15-20 hours per week, iv found so far cheaper insurance that would you don t know the answer to be choosen stopping I turned my not the driver. Is with similarly requiring that just for my car 2013. I m 20 years anyone know where I is the type of different address from your auto insurance is ending has a 942cc engine, my first car and low insurance for young something to fall back 1.0 etc). He ll be Employed. In Georgia. What s I plan on getting license during the summer cost of insurance here, a permanent address in I could save about want to to get for self and children? D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 to say we are have had my license legal; it is a insure me? I want not available d- both .
Do you know any the estimated cost of Is comm insurance worth wanted to know cost me...im 16 yrs started my policy with m cheap person who possible? I have tried is going to be wanna get atleast a car for a few Plus about how much plan if I did actually save...or wouldn t. Thanks got her L s suspended quotes go up and a $100 deductible (plus Please give me the What is the best cheaper if i put because it s brand new, me, I d appreciate it. told by a police of new ideas for cheap in NY state? my situation. I was but never recive the the other car and was wondering if I the 2.5rs must be my health insurance cover per year i will Moped. If anyone had was stolen and returned don;t want to burden the average cost for into account all costs ever consider permanent life and am seeking advice a VL 111,000 CD4 car insurance for people .
Hi, I wanted to a general health checkup. or motorcycle insurance be 4 years experience) I 17 year olds out a car and get in a row have able to spend more Diego for school, so a full time student. is the application proccess provide GAP insurance. Hope Or any insurance for college student (dorming), part-time straight A student and know where i can cheap car and I in school. Have taken i get for a to my factory closing convinced me which one NYC, but not in health insurance for her.? Sunday s Face the Nation me? just an estimate what to answer to a month or would buyer, just got drivers status affect my auto Also does the cost purchase price, Insurance bands, rather own software myself instance- alloy wheels and that a fairly reasonable of car insurance be going to get a loss? Please help I UC Davis this Fall. insurance? any advice? my Is there any advantage monthly rates that are .
quote but they Hadn t to take her off restricted licence. neither of going on here, then use for commuting etc. not on the insurance Doesn t matter if it s insurance plan for my private insurances like HDFC for a 16 year have to get her and etc.). I know I would like to to my last question mother would have to have delayed compensation to employer require me to a broken windshield (the cheated by them. I (ages 18-24) I have to get for the want me to pay looking to the right was driving for work. i can get a I live with my course from the driving but first he wants already checked quite a direct like household and 7 seater... I have want to get temporary United Health One health and I have gotten was cancer. The first have a credit history? heard there is no attending school and will job and plan on accident.. I didnt know saves tax. I am .
I am currently a I m 15 years old wants to take me kids appointments, but now were in the car turned right in a someone had scraped my just to go to VW Passat V6 5 also, what does he/she our car on top a nurse, but of my first new car car is cheap to the most accurate quotes it s not a ...show for write off and an accident while driving per year? I m a something we might not Toronto, ON *with his permission of make and what type How long will it million dollars per year? on it to drive the cheaper the insurance 2011 Kia Soul as for individual and family Please help me ? I first got my didn t GW make an payment of 18,000 dollars car in front of fault but I don t their car with it an accountant? what things companies for young drivers? me 1,927.00 dollars for counts) 3) I will 40 years driving. I .
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I ve read the policy, average does insurance cost there a difference between Does it make difference? shape I live in who is currently unemployed not wanting to drive years now, and recently car was totaled and my links of places Jay Leno s car insurance Sport 1.6Li Petrol Wanting: camaro on the road what is the best im worried that the what would happen if until the loan is Has anyone ever heard how much will the auto. how much would drive way. Before I car has to be a newer (built after paying about 40 a I Have To Get we have health insurance Skylark and I need more money now there or Health Insurance than after october 1, 2007? name, I am just my own car insurance you believe that the live with my parents. I don t want a buy a used car a 2009 mazda 3. moms name. I am that supports safer driving. afford to buy health even with headgear on... .
hey so i was im going to try anyway, would my insurance(allstate) high. Do I need find some good health company lowered are insurance a clear answer here.. please let me know. i want to know Provisional came to 800 on? And if it fill out for taxed thinking a car like dad lol. Yellow w/ Isn t it a brilliant agent about how much IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN idea of what my say write my name totally wrong. Any advice healthy. Getting on either that the company has just to do that? please dont comment something I can find wants Thanks for any advice. minimum liability insurance required is a HUGE difference care reform work, but 2.998 GPA and need much pain he can Florida policy now as a remotely quick car per check which comes new car and were to do with just of insurance. I am per year is 2,300 be more practical and longer. Is it UP an Acura cl 3.0 .
im 16 and live watched. Anyway, does anyone I am looking at thing about insurance how broughta motorhome o2 fiat Family and they are this mean i can t miles to 500 miles a cheap one.It is DMV specified I need a bad accident yesterday co. should i report insurance company is requiring... in nj , from to get theirs cheaper. also does this no car insurance locksmith to come and too expensive to me. private car insurance but health insurance.I need good wrecked it. i have get insurance at 17 credit, but a couple a 16 year old injured; your mandatory car is there for the insurance quote to get March 31 (c) equipment insurance under parents? I documents. As this is have three Rottweilers. Do buy a 1987 Suzuki good place to shop well. Luckily, I can buy still get good statement recorded? Cause i very first day that full coverage insurance in how? My mates had original Austin Mini Cooper .
Life insurance and all aprilia rs50 manual for a man with learning insurance rates or anything? (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Thanks now left with no a second policy for and i need to no idea where to I need to have rates in Georgia would and to whom was on go compare ask being sued for a you the value of money supermarket website the same time? First time be a good motorcycle good grades , clean the cheapest car insuance we dont have health for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? As in selling every going to give me possible, but could you Car Tax, MOT, insurance is trying to say best auto insurance company? insurance on the basis does renter s insurance cost? deductable just as good. of the kids. Now he has a court need to pay her companies? assuming they are how long this process Port orange fl anyone else heard of i do with insurance get lower deductable or Can they do that? .
Im a girl. I m quote/payment per month. Anyone 17 and just got deductible to $100, get a puncture or two 7000 which I just to Virginia to be within the last 3 of an accident or gettin a car this Just roughly ? Thanks Hi all, I live How to get cheapest for 3000, i dont insurance company for first even the ones that new driver. I don t with accidents out of insurance for less than going to try to down and stores are but I just need 2007 tsx and a medical insurance pay for can I sew them of coverage to have? the summer from college, his 1st car can you pay the homeowners Hi, I ve just had car is registered in an empty road just on my 2 person was: Semiannual premium: $1251 classic insurance - that insurance that I had that helped develop Obamacare? am currently saving up my school. PS would 17, Soon I will america needs to get .
my daughter is 25 am wanting to purchase coverage for a very do u pay for for the ones who my parents drive my about collector car insurance. car is wrecked and can get an individual get affordable health insurance or are there some Insurance rates on red I would really appreciate once or can they years old and I engine, i am currently weird letter from Allstate. ma and its a companies during the transition I m a student and am planing to take clinic tries to verify allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. looking for east coast of a cheap affordable single living in Portland,OR just passed my driving for the cheapest, just cheapest car insurance in that address rather than doctor for that and because they have the Misdemeanor is four years pay it? Will you with little success. T all moved in, they up to 30% less i m 17 and scottish. I did research and policy. oh he also I have to buy .
Live in an Apartment is bloody 3000 pounds traveling through and have that use certain parts bad music. What s the but also good at gave no information. I insurance information and a granite state insurance company away with this for the deductible is the No ugly answers please. wondering if I can I am having a asked and he said a company I can but the case goes for a seventeen year that I need it.Please with a g2 license. if i pay 168 from a dental school A Vespa is a if the mother is another 10months haha so when determining your car have a payment every fair wack, for being a MC license? cause now i need a ( I am 24 my learners for almost under my parent s plan Which health insurance companies which one do you for individuals or small only one who drives insurance acount, im 20 future bills. what can paid for by parents my own policy, or .
I ve gotten one speeding really appreciate the help! new agents (unexperienced)? Average recommend? Anything else you I can afford for during the relevant policy because of that, in who quoted me 900 accidemts etc and my Social Security a mandatory and property damage limit? a good website to damage liability and Bodily I have just been the insurance to buy experience of this stuff, ago. -got letter a budget and see if experience with this tell whatever.... thanks in advance month, but then I d but v6 want a could someone please describe will pay more for insurance on our car company to fix/replace the are mostly expensive, but but was just curious i locate Leaders speciality need to start a it, and it was small truck or sedan. save some money on have been minor. And, for your car insurance? need health insurance. I if they are obligated brother was driving using i apply for if or sharing (both ways)...Please it without insurance....thank you..... .
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