#this is actually the first ask I’ve ever gotten on this blog haha
jojo-schmo · 10 months
Jojo I've been listening to the Kingdom hearts 1 title screen music non-stop because a friend of mine told me that It was good and now I actually want to start playing the entire series like you don't understand. The song just gives off a calming atmosphere and I'm legitimately curious on where to start.
I know that you Played Kingdom hearts before because I see you mention it on your blog multiple times. And I was wondering where you first started on the Kingdom hearts series.
(I know Kirby is your main priority at the moment but I couldn't resist asking this question, also FNAF rules ngl)
OHOHOHO. OHHHHH. These are floodgates I have yet to open on this Tumblr but I am a huge, HUGE Kingdom Hearts fan. I am not currently in a Kingdom Hearts phase (since it’s been a few years since we’ve gotten anything new). But when I am, I am utterly consumed hahaha. It was the first game series I was a truly a fan of. Years and years before I learned about Kirby.
Kingdom Hearts music is INCREDIBLE and I could talk forever about it. I’ve been to three of their World Tour concerts when they came to the US. The OST albums on Spotify consumed my top statistics this year :P with every new game, I always quietly sit and listen to the new version of Dearly Beloved on the main menu for a while before I begin as a personal sentimental tradition. :’)
I started playing Kingdom Hearts almost at the very beginning. I followed the series across all the different platforms it released on over the years. Thankfully it’s easier than ever to play now! If you’re interested, I recommend getting your hands on the “All-In-One Package” for the PlayStation or PC- whatever you happen to have (however I hear the switch version is extremely flawed. I don’t have it but maybe be careful with that one).
Some people would recommend playing them in chronological story order since it can be quite a wild ride. You can look up the chronological order out there. But my personal recommendation is to play the games in the order they released so you get the same experience as the people who followed the series from the beginning like me hehehe. But do whatever you’d like! I love this series very very much, through all of its triumphs, and even for its flaws and the absolutely wild story it has,
…because where else can you have a frame with a realistic looking Orlando Bloom as Will Turner Pirates of the Caribbean, with a cartoonishly bright Goofy staring blankly in the background? Or Yao from Mulan socking Donald Duck in the face?! I love it I love it I love it anyone can talk to me about Kingdom Hearts whenever they want!!
Here’s a condensed version of how I got into the game. Just for fun. :)
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Free games?! I already loved my PS1. Now could I pass this opportunity up?! Thanks EJ, for changing my life with your generosity. If you ever see this, hope you’re well. You rock.
Anyway- The life-changing part of the game happened to me almost immediately lol. Like in the opening of the game and the tutorial section haha
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I was instantly hooked. It’s been a huge positive influence in my life. 20 years later, I still remember the emotions I had playing each of the games for the first time. I’ve probably played KH2 a few dozen times, just on the PS2! I can’t wait to see where the next game takes us- but if there’s one thing you have to be as a Kingdom Hearts fan…. Is patient! xD
TLDR: I love Kingdom Hearts and I hope you do too.
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after-witch · 1 year
Okay, hold on because this?
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You’re spitting nothing but facts. I’ve said this exact same thing on both of my previous blogs (not this one, not yet xmdkxkdnd) about how x reader just was not a thing in Ye Fandom of Olde. I don’t know if people really believe me or if I just sound like a hunch backed crone standing on her front porch waving her cane at the neighborhood kids, yelling at them to appreciate what they’ve got because back in my day … but it really was such an incredibly different landscape. There are certain aspects of it that I miss for sure and others I’m glad to leave in the past.
The completely random conversations between the author and the character(s) among them, GOD, the way that still activates every single one of my cringe reflexes. 😂 Actually my all time favorite fic had those for the first dozen or so chapters, but she thankfully left them in the fore and afterword, not haphazardly placed in the fic itself, so it was easy to ignore haha. I can laugh at it and maybe even look back at it fondly, but I don’t think I want that particular trend to make a comeback any time soon xmxmdnd
It’s kind of surreal in a way, finding someone who knows exactly what I’m talking about and sharing that mutual experience. I know there have to be more of us out there but I feel like a good chunk of them have probably moved on from anime fandom content so I’m very glad to have found you like this. 💕
I unfortunately got busy with one of my own projects yesterday and didn’t get a chance to read anymore of your stuff, but I’m really looking forward to diving in once I’m done. When I tell you I am 👀 eyeballing the hell out of your Sesshomaru fics cmdkxmdmd
Also, if I may ask, are you by any chance a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho? 🥹
"I don’t know if people really believe me or if I just sound like a hunch backed crone standing on her front porch waving her cane at the neighborhood kids, yelling at them to appreciate what they’ve got because back in my day … but it really was such an incredibly different landscape."
We can both be crones, in that case! But no, I completely get what you're saying. It was SO different. I am genuinely appreciative of the fact that "reader fic" is so popular and the distaste I see for it is mainly "it's clogging up the regular tags" rather than the absolute nastiness that used to be associated with any OCs or inkling of "hey I like these characters, wouldn't it be neat if they wanted me?"
OCs in general were considered taboo enough, but reader fic was just… not a "thing" back in the early 2000s, really, not in the style we know it today. When second person was used, it was usaully meant to be stylized (rather than today where the intent of second person is "reader fic," to pull the reader into the story in a different, visceral way) and second person fics would fall into the OC bucket.
Gosh on that note, I remember "Mary Sue Hunter" groups that would find any OCs on ye olde fanfiction.net and leave reviews with forms to determine how much of a "Mary Sue" someone's OC was.
If you were going to attempt an OC, it felt like you had to make them Super Super Boring and Normal and Ordinary and No Actual Characters Ever Fell in Love with Them (except maybe non-important side characters) in order to get people to leave you alone.
Not that there's anything wrong with writing characters who are ordinary but it rarely felt it was an organic decision from the authors, but rather a reflection of what was "okay" to write.
Fandom is so different now. As you said, there's some things I miss ("don't like, don't read" and "you're responsible for what you read" being the standard etiquette, for one...) but plenty that I don't, too.
Also, if I may ask, are you by any chance a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho?
Yessss. I love it. I have so many discarded OCs from my teenage years from YYH, they were all ridiculously self-indulgent ofc. I do want to at some point write a few yandere YYH characters, but I haven't gotten any inspiration for it yet.
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the-ranger-parable · 2 years
Hello! It’s park Ranger here and I’m making a blog to house one of my newest obsessions haha! The Stanley parable haha I plan to post a lot of art/my own lore or interpretations/ocs
I’ve really gotten into the game and have fallen over the idea and seeing peoples artwork has made me hype haha!
This first post is just a master post of my tsp designs/ocs lol
I have my own lore/have mixed lore with cannon so things are different slighty.
Idk if I plan to design more characters but for now I’ve got these guys!
Oh also your free to ask questions!
First up in my designs is the narrator/Elliot ! I really like his design I did haha it’s one of my favorites
I’ll include everything about him below his picture!(
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[C]🍀Basic info🍀
[C]Name: Elliot
[C]Nickname: Narrator
[C]Age: Who knows
[C]Hight true form: 1 ft
[C]Hight human form : 5’5
[C]Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
[C]Gender: Trans male
[C]🌿Human Appearance 🌿
[C]When in human form he’s mostly ever wearing a black turtleneck sweater with a baggy brown jacket and a long yellow scarf. He always has a set of headphones always cat theme and pencils and paper stashed in his jacket or holding onto these items. He wears also black pants and brown boots. For the most part he keeps himself and his hair looking neat and presentable. His stars still stick away around and mostly hover near his headphones. He has a lil tail and mouse ears still too
[C]☘️True form☘️
[C]Very mouse like and tiny his body is mostly yellow with two star like things floating around his ears.
[C]🐝Personality 🐝
He’s pretty confident and self assured tries to play off being calm and collected. But easily can get exited over things he loves to ramble on about things and he’s usual pretty happy go lucky even way to nice sometimes for his own good. He’s also pretty easy to fluster over praise for things and has a pretty big ego.
But that can change pretty quickly if he feels he’s been slighted when mad he starts to get petty and complain and will go out of his way to annoy and will do mostly anything to get some control back.
[C]🌺Likes and dislikes🌺
[C]Making up stories
[C]Praise for his stories
[C]Negative feedback
-His lil stars change colors to his mood if he feels strong emotions
-he’s actually pretty shy when around others and can get embarrassed quite easily
-his organization is a bit rough sometimes he misplaces papers or imported peices to his scrips and has to find them.
-He can only really use his powers when in his true form other wise he’s out of luck. He dose not really have control over the times he changes forms it’s a bit random and has left him in very dire situations.
-Over the many stories and resets the narrator and Stanley have reached an understanding with each other and at most times are cordial and willing to cooperate with the others whims(most of the time)
- His most embarrassing moment is him writing the 200 page bucket plot that made him and Stanley look like idiots
-has opened up to making new stories and places Stanley can go and his office is mostly a hub for the two. They honestly goof around a lot now or relax while Elliot makes new stories
-more to come
Next up is Stanley/negan he’s a funky lil dude
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[C]🍀Basic info🍀
[C]Name: Negan
[C]Nickname: Stanley or Stan or Ne
[C]Age: 25
[C]Hight : 6’5
[C]Pronouns: He/Him
[C]Gender: male
[C]🌿Appearance 🌿
[C]Black hair and 2 different color eyes(blue and green) with two cat ears. He always is wearing a black jacket with whitish shirt with a orange tie. He’s always either a bit neat or scruffy looking. With black dress pants and a cat tail.
[C]🐝Personality 🐝
[C] He’s very rough a bit easily agitated and quick to anger most times. He’s cocky,arrogant and self assured and stubborn . He’s the type to push back and press buttons. He dose not like to be told what to do but will go along with things if he feels like it.
Not one to scare easily he’ll stand his ground no matter the cost and will take extreme measures to get control back, pain rarely bothers him and sometimes he takes joy in it very rarely tho.
But when he gets to relax or wind down he’s pretty chill and nice to be around he dose have feelings of caring and will feel guilt if he genuinely thinks he’s hurting someone he cares about. He loves to cause a bit of mischief here and there as well.
[C]🌺Likes and dislikes🌺
[C] exploring
[C] doing lame stories for nar
-He’s not exactly sure why he ended up in this place with the narrator and the other won’t elaborate either. He has no memory if he had an old life but he really doesn’t care anymore. He dose wish he could get away and do things he wants to. But he’s content for the most part to play story piece as long as his adventures get changed up once in a while.
-has definitely lost his mind at one point and very much went on a patch of self destruction and breaking anything he could in rage. He will admit it was his lowest moment.
-he actually dose like some of the stories nar dose but will pretend most time they suck or are okay sometimes he is honest tho.
-He actually really liked the bucket plot it was so dumb and ridiculous it still makes him laugh and he brings it up as nars best work in jest.
-he dose actually care for narrator a lot and is willing to go along with things to hear him be happy most of the time.
-they’ve both understood that they can’t be at each other’s throats all the time and must cooperate tho it doesn’t stop negan from doing irritating things every once in a while.
-he really likes it when nar takes human form mostly because he can mess with him without immediate retaliation but it’s also fun to hang out and work on things.
- he has really completely feelings for the guy that flip on a dime. Like they could be best buddies then mortal enemies
-he actually really likes listening to him when he’s angry or he decides to go villan mode or just him on a power trip. The narrator can get very entertaining to him when pushed.
-he can transform into a cat but it’s rare he dose.
-more to come
Timekeeper (they don’t appear much lol )
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The timekeeper is an oddball
They’re mostly around whenever the narrators watch is able to gain sentience and then it’s chaos from these lol.
The nar is not able to do any resets on his own when this guy is out and they have to chase him down to revert him to a reg watch again
He dose not like that lol
There’s not really much to em tbh haha he’s just an oddball who really doesn’t get or do much pfft
Time is a pretty nice if not chaotic and pretty hyperactive.
They really love pizza a lot too like a lot
Next up the glitch (they appear very rarely)
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One of the most dangerous entities in the office.
They only really appear when a bad glitch happens. This glitch revolves around the narrator and him messing with something causing his powers to separate from himself and gain sentience.
While his powers are spilt he’s just like Stanley and basically a human
While this entity is made up of his powers it has a mind of its own and it hates and downright despises him for being so “weak” and stupid with his powers.
It goes out of its way to hurt the narrator and always rough him up in someways and has attempted murder on occasion.
It’s main goal whenever it’s out is to try and possess Stanley seeing him as worthy for his powers. He has used the narrator as bait before as they know he cares for him somewhat.
It is possible to defeat him by glitching/resetting a specific way but it’s always a hassle and has a low success at working lucky the glitch is only a rare occurrence
And lastly the curator!(diane)
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The curator is a very reserved figure. For the most part she is always calm and collected with a calculated stare.
When she speaks it’s usually with authority and a stern motherly tone. She’s no nonsense and doesn’t like disputes or fights.
She’s consider the boss/one really in charge and ranks high above the narrator in power and authority but she doesn’t really do much and is always in her little museum doing something the others aren’t quite sure of. She’s not one to really help unless it’s like extremely dire and quite literally will perma kill.
She keeps a lot of different things and not just stuff to the nars story in her museum.
She doesn’t show it or say it much but she enjoys the nars story’s a lot and is a fan of pretty much anything he dose for the most part. She thinks it’s cute he gets invested so much into it. And will sometimes if he’s in a bind with one will assist.
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t4t-levihan · 2 years
Here for the who would you rather date!
Levi or Erwin
Ymir or Historia
Armin or Connie
Woah thanks!
Levi or Erwin— I’d have to choose Levi. I love them both, but personally, I’m a little freaked out by Erwin’s risky schemes. He feels like the kinda guy where you’d never really know what he’s thinking. I also just love Levi with all my heart haha
Ymir or Historia— I love historia! I just adore how she doesn’t care about what anyone thinks of her. She’s a very strong person, and knows with confidence who she is, which I admire. To be honest though, I don’t think I’d date either 😅
Armin or Connie— okay okay this is a great one… armin reminds me a lot of my irl s/o (both in looks and personality), so I already really like him, but I think Connie is just so much fun! I really empathize with his early-season struggle of being less smart than everyone else (even tho it was usually played as a joke), and to me he seems like one of the most openly kind-hearted member of the survey corps. I’d choose Connie!
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sunatooru · 4 years
Hi🥰i loved your blog! Can i request a headcanon for Asahi, Nishinoya and Kageyama (and maybe Aone if it's not too much) with a secret admirer who leaves chocolates and sweets (milk for kageyama) and cute notes to their desk like "don't forget to drink water today" "you look so cute today" "you make my heart go boom boom" or "Don't mind! You can work harder for the next match, i trust you!" if they lose a match. But somehow they never can caught her? Thank you!!!
Thank youuu xx I had to cut some parts so Tumblr could let me post it haha
* You'd seen him around school before, I mean with his height it was hard to miss
* He seem so mature as if he had his life together, you thought he was cute but nothing worth acting upon
* Then one day he was standing at you classroom door stuttering as he ask if he could borrow spare notebooks
* You watched how he always had a soft yet nervous smile, how as intimidating as he seemed he was just a soft boy who didn't want to let others down
* When you heard about how all his spikes were getting shut down against Dateko, you took it into your hands to hold him up
* You would wake up a few minutes early to buy some treats to give to him
* You waited about 5 seconds at his desk before you chickened out and wrote down a quick notes next to the small tray of chocolate
* Cue panic 'Someone left their things on my desk' 'omg what if this was for someone else but got our desks confused' Yeah heart was pumping
* When he finally opened the letter he was shocked
* "Don't mind! All your spikes will make it next time, Ace x"
* But he didn't go back to the club so You would leave something every day
* "I'm sure you'll play again one day x"
* "You hair has gotten so long, it suits you x"
* He once saw you leave his classroom but didn't add the two as he nervously avoided your gaze
* And then the day finally arrives where he played once again
* "I told you, you're my ace! x"
* He's blushing hard at this. He kept all your notes, keeps one on him whenever he need reassurance
* And this time he writes something back
* "I hope to hear your voice one day"
* The boy is grinning like full on cheeks in pain grinning
* "You're the best libero I've ever seen! You make my heart go boom boom boom"
* I'm telling you right now he's walking with so much suave the whole day
* He's showing off this note to everyoneeee
* Shows his bestie Tanaka and laughs at his friend getting jealous that he didn't receive a note too
* you would pick stuff up after school ( sleep just triumphs anything else ) But also you wanted to add a little touch to it, seeing as you wasn't ready to tell him things face to face
* So now you leave him a couple of lollipops and another note
* "You're very cute when you're happy"
* He looks forward to a note everyday now, he wants to know who you are
* Tried to use some weird tv tricks to uncover clues. Flopped of course
* And then the game against seijoh happened where they lost
* You could see the whole teams mood bring down, especially with Yuu it made your heart break
* The guy who was always lifting everyone up was trying so hard not to break
* You left a note "I know you'll win the next game!""
* He didn't come in that day but that didn't stop you
* "I can't wait to see you play again!"
* "I love how brave you are to receive like that. It's amazing!"
* You motivated him so much
* He couldn't let you down, he needs to be his best if he wants to meet you
* One day he came late and was only met by a note
* "I hope you enjoy this desert, it's actually my favourite"
* Huh? Where is it?
* Did someone take it? He's annoyed, he wanted to eat what you loved
* He sees Tanaka looking guilty
* He's trying to rolling thunder over Tanaka now (don't worry he kept your note safe)
* At first you was intimidated by him, his presence was just huge
* He would usually be alone and he didn't seem phased about it
* You found out he has a milk preference
* He was buying it from the vending machine everyday, you laughed at the boy with such a intimidating face who could become so soft from a simple drink like milk
* You started leaving notes for him and also bought him his milk drink every Monday (you'll be broke if you did everyday)
* "The vending machine is ripping you off! Here's some better and cheaper milk "
* Confused, what do you mean ripping off?
* And then he tasted the drink and fell in love (with the milk)
* "You're very skilled at setting"
* "You're weird quick is so cool!"
* "Don't forget to drink today!"
* Okay he's starting to like you now, he's not sure who to talk to about having a secret admirer (which is something he realised after his sister told him)
* "Kageyama how comes you always have a drink at your desk?" Hinata ask
* "Uhh someone leaves them here"
* "What??? Someone just buys you milk and that's it?"
* "Yeah"
* You accidentally forgot one day and he was really confused
* He was actually a little worried so he decided to leave a note at the end of the day
* "Hello there was no drink today and I hope you are okay. I mean the drink is not that important really but I did miss your note today - Tobio"
* You squealed when you read it
* "Sorry about yesterday! I'm okay and I missed not giving a note too "
* He's smiling as he drinks his milk
* Protect him at all costs! Please he's so sincere it makes me want to cry at people judging him by his appearance, he's a kind mannered boy and an absolute gentleman (unrelated but important)
* You absolutely adored him. You found him so interesting in how he wasn't a man of many words yet was so kind and respectful to others even if they are initially scared of him
* Your heart actually aches when you hear people speaking about him and how he needs to open up and be more social or else people will leave him (the urge to fight them is real)
* Once you saw him smile when Karasuno's Hinata spike won a game and you vowed to get him to smile like that again
* It started will a short note on his desk accompanied by a small tray of chocolates on a Friday
* "You're instincts as a middle blocker are so sharp! I hope you have a great day today"
* He was a bit hesitant with the gift but whispered a 'thank you' as he shared the chocolates around
* "I hope you like the chocolates. I just wanted to say I think you're very sweet x"
* Aww he's blushing
* He keeps this note. It made him happy so he's keeping it
* "Don't forget to drink water today as it's really hot! x"
* He listened to you, made sure to keep his water near him as you told him
* He now has an allocated section in his room that has all your notes
* He sometimes think about how you would sound like, he really wanted to meet the person who liked him in the way no other had, in the way he has never liked anyone else before
* You once left some food for lunch
* "Happy birthday! This is for you x"
* He was so happy like you took your time to cook for him specifically for his birthday
* Also, unknown to him, you could always know how he reacted to your gifts and notes thanks to your friend taking pictures for you
* You saved his reactions they same way he saved your notes
* One day when you was about to leave your note and gift you saw a wrapped up present
* "Thank you for treating me so kindly - Aone"
* This cutie made you lunch! And not just that, no no no, he bought a little teddy bear keyring!
* So now every time you go to leave something, he has left you something already
* Does he know who you are? No
* Will that stop him from falling for you? No
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darqx · 3 years
You gotta go straight down
Some more Rire answers for your thirsty souls! And a quick sketch of Demon!Strade if you get to the end lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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He would quite literally enjoy that
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No no, it exists lol: [here] :D
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Sunglasses XD
He has a small collection of sunglasses he acquired through the ages (each went from being a “necessity” to a keepsake of sorts as major shift in styles happened lol) 🕶
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I would say gambling yes but more so in the games that require skill more than luck. Either way “The Game” is the most extreme form of it haha i don’t know what else would top that XD
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He’s usually kinda neutral about it, but i think he does enjoy kissing if/when particularly used as a means for people to find out how sharp his teeth are. Like, surprise!
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Oh yes many people challenged him, esp in his first like...30 years it was chock a block lol. Sollicio demons aren’t designed to look threatening per say and he was a new King, so lots were trying their luck to overthrow him. Since he kept winning the Battle Royales’ though potential challengers have wisely backed off and he doesnt get as many of them now.
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For this exact kind of reaction
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If by “fall” you mean “fall in defeat during battle” then yes, that is quite possible.
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There are a few ways to take “play nice” XD He generally is “polite” to people (well, we know his version of it lol) so he would be as charming as ever. But no he wouldn’t need to, as Rire’s main enemies are potentially other Royals so the most effective way of hurting them would be politically. Any other people he has issue with he can pretty much hurt directly as they are not as strong as he is.
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Oh i remember that one! It was actually someone’s rendition of what they thought Rire might sound like, not necessarily what I think he does haha, but it was very fun and i enjoyed it ^^ Tumblr blog search function sucks balls but i managed to find it for you: [here]
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Of course you may! I can’t guarantee how everything will pan out though lol.
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I, unfortunately, cannot draw animals lol. But in keeping with his colour scheme he would be a black and yellow/gold one.
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No he would actually find it vastly more entertaining to see how they deal with the issue on their own. Maybe at some point he’d step in and offer a deal just to see how desperate they’ve gotten...and we all know about his asshole genie tendencies |D;
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Is this a good smile or a i’ll murder you smile? We’ll never know.
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FFFT realistically going by rock/paper/scissor ideals Angel!Rire would be the OTR (One True Rire) winner but if we go according to the og results of josh fight then the OTR would be...Baby Rire lol.
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I have once before in a Rire answer dump, actually! [here]
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I would absolutely love to do this some day! Like Gato’s cute little laser cut acrylic ones. Unfortunately at the moment it’s not very cost effective to have them made overseas and shipped to me for sending out, I’d either have to sell them at somewhat expensive prices or sell A LOT to break even |D But maybe one day (and with some BP characs perhaps)!
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Dying for it eh ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Seems like Patreon isn’t very NSFW friendly anymore though, from what i’ve been seeing on the sidelines.
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Have some “suggestions” for me probably.
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I dont know, why can you XD
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DnD (5e) Classes for my Trolls
Look, I’m bored, because I can’t draw right now so imma start assigning DnD Classes to my kids! Feel free to reply with yours too! Let’s make it a meme lol!
All my kids and their classes (and maybe some reasoning if im feeling like it) under the cut:
Look, I have a lot more Characters but these are the ones I’ve already gotten onto this blog more or less fully. Plus I’m picking these entirely on Lore/Flavor, because who the fuck cares about stats here?
Aitreo - Immortal Half-Elf Rogue - Assassin He has no idea how he turned immortal, he’s kinda pissed by it, but he can’t change it. It’s fine... he’s found ways to deal with the boredom of existence. Taking Assassination jobs being one of those ways to deal with it, heh...
Alfadi - Elf Sorcerer - Divine Soul This one was kind of hard to pick actually! Alfadi is by nature a healer and a creator of things, but I just can’t see her in heavy plate armor! That just doesn’t work for her! So hey, a sorcerer with a focus on healing and party support!
Athokk - Human Warlock - Great Old One Pact A man which holds so many goddamn secrets... and so much information... and all that information... it could kill you... it could drive you insane... it could destroy you... beware this one. He looks friendly and unassuming, but behind that ever neutral face of his, is a vast array of unfathomable dangers...
Elyzia - Aasimar Bard - College of Eloquence Elyzia is not a fighter. At all... they would rather talk through issues and resolve things peacefully. This class seems most fitting for that task. And hey, they are an Aasimar with a celestial parent that most definitely would have their hands in the domain of love and emotions in general.
Etatio - Half-Orc Barbarian - Path of the Berserker Easy pick for this one! Boy is angery and gets himself into trouble with it! What else is there to say really? The rage makes him stronger, but it has drawbacks! For flavor I think he’d be Half-Orc and Half-Triton (Shark) maybe?
Rodisa - Changeling Bard - College of Glamour She’s a performer first and foremost! She can do anything that is asked for her, change into any type of personality, she can be charming, she can be intimidating, she can be anything and everything! And this choice definitely describes her extremely well. I love this woman.
Sintai - Human Artificer - Alchemist This girl is creative as fuck, but she doesn’t like the spotlight or getting too much attention, or fighting... She prefers being in the back, playing support for those she deems more important. That creativity of hers is so well developed though, that I see her coming up with so many amazing items and consumables and other ways to help others! She’d definitely be a major asset to have around, even if she would disagree on that. She’s not afraid of experimenting with new concoctions, trying out new things as long as its in the safety of her workshops, with all kind of precautions, of course. Whatever ails ya, she can probably make it!
Somnee - Shifter Ranger - Beastmaster Somnee grew up most of her life away from civilization, learning to survive out in the wilds, with a fuckton of wild animals. She’s learned to understand and befriend whem. She doesn’t care as much about protecting the land as she cares that the creatures in her homelands can live a life worth living. And her gryphon lusus basically already functions as her beast companion. There really was no choice to be made here, haha. The shifter genes would probably be weretiger.
Striga - Daywalker Druid - Circle of the Land This one was pretty easy to pick, since Striga already is a druid, haha. She already protects the land deemed her domain and is very eager to preserve all the knowledge given by her parent. It’s all about balancing things out, being one with the land while at the same time satisfying his own wants and needs.
Xiento - Eladrin Wizard - Order of the Scribes Xiento is fucking DILIGENT in literally everything he does, so I can see him being an extremely potent Wizard, always on the hunt for new spells, expanding his repertoire on the daily, if possible. He’s very smart with the use of his spells, often thinking outside of the box and proactive with everything else. He’ll prepare resources before they are needed and isn’t afraid to spend his money where he deems it necessary. He is however physically on the weak side and needs others to keep his back clear so he can do his work properly, so Wizard seems very fitting.
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intheticklecloset · 4 years
Pressure Points (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
Happy New Year’s Eve! WE MADE IT THROUGH 2020 EVERYONE!! :D
I have officially caught up on the MHA anime (movies included!) and I am so desperately in love with this show and these characters, I can’t even explain to you how amazing discovering this new fandom has been. I’m PSYCHED for season five in just a few months! In honor of what is definitely the best anime I’ve seen this year - and to celebrate surviving the year of the devil 2020 - I thought it fitting to wrap it all up with yet another MHA tickle fic! (For the record, I counted, and this fic makes the 45th one I’ve posted on this blog in 2020. That’s a crazy number! Haha!) I hope you enjoy, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
“Give me your foot.”
The words were so unexpected that for a moment Bakugou just stared at Todoroki, whose eyes were still trained on his textbook.
“Give me your foot,” Todoroki repeated, glancing at him. “I need to practice these pressure points.”
“Like heck you do,” Bakugou growled. “Practice on your own dang foot.”
“It’s too difficult to get the right angle on my own.”
“Right angle? What are you talking about?”
Todoroki sighed. “What’s the problem? You have to learn them, too.”
“I am not giving you my foot.”
“Bakugou.” Todoroki tilted his head, watching him with that ever-cool, nonchalant expression. “We’re really behind the others. We’re the only ones who didn’t get our provisional licenses. The only way we won’t fall further behind is to stay on top of the game academically. So again I say: give me your foot. I need to practice.”
Bakugou knew Todoroki was right, and he hated that the half-and-half hero always had to bring it up. But still he growled and trained his eyes back on his own work. “And again I say: like heck you do.”
“Why are you being so stubborn about this?”
“I’m not. I just don’t want you…” Bakugou trailed off, shaking his head. “I just don’t want to.”
“Don’t want me to what? Are you afraid I’ll tickle you?”
Bakugou glared at Todoroki. “I’m not afraid of anything, idiot.”
“Then give me your foot, hothead.” Todoroki smirked. “I promise I’m just practicing pressure points. Nothing more.”
The blonde grumbled, but finally did as he was told and propped his foot up on the couch cushion between them. “Hmph. Hothead. You’re one to talk, Icy-Hot.”
For a solid few minutes Todoroki did exactly what he said he would and only focused on pressure points, gently massaging and kneading into Bakugou’s foot, watching silently as the explosive teen reluctantly relaxed and even sighed once or twice. When he was finally off his guard, Todoroki paused for a moment to scan his textbook, as if searching for something.
Bakugou had returned his own focus to the work he’d been doing, having gotten to the point where it no longer bothered him to have someone touching him in such a vulnerable area. In the next moment, however, he jolted sharply, nearly dropping his workbook from his lap as he tried – and failed – to pull his foot away from Todoroki. “Hey! Back off!”
“I’m not done yet,” the other replied in an even tone, betraying nothing. “I still have a couple more.” Again he swiped a finger from Bakugou’s heel to his toes, and again the blonde jolted.
“Agh! You said you were just doing pressure points,” Bakugou growled, trying to free himself from his classmate’s surprisingly strong grasp.
“I am.” Todoroki lifted his gaze from his textbook, eyes and features as serious as before. “Now I’m testing how much pressure is needed to actually relieve pain rather than…tickle.” He swiped again.
“That’s bullcrap and you know it!” Bakugou shouted, letting his book fall to the floor as he fought against the half-and-half hero. “Let go of me now, or I swear I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” Todoroki asked calmly, scribbling all five fingers into Bakugou’s sole.
“Hrk—hehehey! Stahahahahahahap!” The giggles spilled out of him before he could stop them, his face flushing a deep red within seconds. He tried to tug his foot away but there was no point. Todoroki’s grip was firm; vicelike, even. “Stop! Icy-Hohohohohohohot!”
Todoroki reached down while Bakugou was weakened and distracted to grab his other foot and pull them both closer. Then he swung his own legs over his ankles so the blonde’s feet were pinned down and scribbled his fingers along both soles.
Bakugou shrieked, hating himself for it. He quickly covered his mouth with both hands, writhing on the couch, trying to conceal his growing mirth. “St-Stop, Tohohohohodoroki—stop it, I d-don’t—ahahahahahaha!”
“You don’t what?”
“I don’t like it!” Bakugou yelled, trying desperately to pull his feet from Todoroki’s trap. “Gah! Stahahahahahahap it alreadyhehehehehe!”
Instead, Todoroki dug his fingers into Bakugou’s toes.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAGH NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Bakugou cried, tossing his head back with laughter that he couldn’t stop no matter how hard he tried to. His writhing became thrashing and he pounded the couch cushions. “FRICKING—STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“Interesting,” Todoroki mused, the smallest of grins beginning to tug at his lips. “I applied more pressure, yet this still seems to tickle.”
“CUT IT OUT WIHIHIHIHIHIHITH THAT CRAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! THIHIHIHIHIS ISN’T FOR SCIEHEHEHEHEHENCE ANYMORE!!” Bakugou howled with laughter, trying to twist out of Todoroki’s grip so hard he ended up toppling off the couch, landing awkwardly on his side with his feet still trapped and tickled. “YOU’RE JUST MOHOHOHOHOHOCKING ME NOHOHOHOW!! QUIHIHIHIHIHIHIT IT!!”
“Mocking you?” Todoroki quirked a brow. “At what point did I ever imply that I think less of you for this? Tell me one thing I’ve said or done to give you that indication.”
Bakugou knew he was blushing furiously, but he couldn’t help it. This was humiliating, being stuck helplessly like this, unable to control the shrieks of laughter that burst from his lungs from the sensations Todoroki was creating. He pounded on the couch desperately, unable to do much else.
“Can’t think of anything?” Todoroki shrugged. “That’s because I’m not mocking you. I’m just helping you lighten up.”
“Others?” Now Todoroki was smiling fully. “I’m not the first to tickle you?”
“SHUT UP!!” Bakugou wanted to remain defiant and angry, but the longer this went on the more he just wanted to get out of it. He started pounding the floor. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAT DO I HAHAHAHAHVE TO DO TO GEHEHEHEHEHET YOU TO KNOHOHOHOHOCK IT OFF?!”
Todoroki finally stopped, lifting his legs so Bakugou could free himself and curl into a ball on the floor, gasping for breath. When he’d recovered somewhat, he pushed himself up into a seated position and glanced at the half-and-half hero, who was watching him silently, a small smile on his face.
“Wh-Why’d you stop?” he asked.
Todoroki’s brows shot up. “You wanted more?”
“No!” Bakugou didn’t mean for it to come out as a panicked cry, but it did, and he blushed even harder. “Of course not, idiot! Just…what were you trying to do? Why humiliate me like that? Just for fun? To prove something?”
“No.” Todoroki shrugged. “When you asked what you had to do to make me stop, that’s when I knew you really needed me to. You never beg.”
“I wasn’t begging!”
“No, and I didn’t want you to.”
Bakugou frowned, climbing back up to his seat on the couch. “You’re not making any sense, Icy-Hot.”
“I wanted you to lighten up.” Todoroki looked at him. “You and I are alike in many ways. We both take things seriously. We do our best to make it to the top. But sometimes in the process we forget we’re just people. We need to relax and take breaks just like anyone else.”
“Tch.” Bakugou reached for his fallen textbook, straightening out some of the crumpled pages. “Maybe you do. I’m fine on my own, idiot.”
“My intention truly was just to help you relax with the pressure points,” Todoroki admitted, glancing at the open page that detailed where said points were. “But then I thought about Midoriya, and how he always seems happier after he’s tickled, and I wanted to help you that way, too.” He averted his eyes. “I’m sorry if I went too far.”
Bakugou stared at his classmate, unsure what to say for a moment. He didn’t enjoy being tickled, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a bit lighter after what had just happened. He growled out a sigh. “I’m nothing like Deku, Icy-Hot. Get that through your head before you try something like that again.” He glared at Todoroki. “And do not breathe a word of this to anyone, you hear me? Not a word!”
Todoroki smiled softly. “Not a word,” he agreed, before adding, “But wait – who else has tickled you, Bakugou?”
Bakugou pulled his textbook up to his face and groaned.
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trashlie · 3 years
!!! omg yes yes i’d love for you to write more about that!!!! and! the first post from you i saw about kousuke and how he subverts the trope of the ml??? it was SO GOOD!! and you got another ask that mentioned how people saw yeonggi as the happy go lucky character! it reminded me of this ask which is very long i sent to @somebody-909 😭 i was just gushingggg about secondary male leads bc i for some reason always end up rooting for them and how yeonggi has the vibes even though he’s a main character 😩 and also we talked about other characters like kyo but i forgot that tohru also had dealt with abuse from her own family so in the end it’s like. it’s a story about two survivors finding happiness etc etc 😔🥺 idk idk all of you guys who make analysis are so cool
I hope you don't mind me answering these two asks separately, because I just know if I didn't I would miss too many things, haha!
I'm not sure if I could write a very good analysis of Yeonggi subverting the secondlead trope, but I sure could try! I feel like it's a little more biased because I DO ship Stalkyoo, but I think I can try to work with it! I also remember seeing that ask (I was going through their blog the other day) and I really enjoyed it! Like you, I tend to favor secondary leads, which I think is also because I have a tendency to love the act of yearning and pining lmao and man second leads sure do pine a lot, right? Also because second leads often (though mercifully not always) have a tendency to hesitate and miss their timing or just plain don't act on their feelings, and it creates a big sense of what could have been, and I think when you are someone who favors underdogs, you really fall into that "what could have been" thing, right?
(I think there's also a conversation to be had about first vs second leads and traits of masculinity, but I am admittedly not well-versed enough to do this, but some general food for thought is: often in the case where I favored a first to a second lead, it's because the first lead evoked a lot of traits of masculinity that I don't care for? Jealousy, possessiveness, being cold and not showing their emotions esp compared to a second lead who was often portrayed as gentle with his heart on his sleeve, kind. In a lot of these cases, the second lead is often not favored by the majority of the audience because "he just feels like a friend" aka he lacks the masculine traits people think a man should have~ or blah blah blah. I wonder if this is still a prevalent thing these days? I tend to avoid love triangles so I'm not sure, but, it's something I would like to throw in if I talk about Nol subervting the second lead trope aaahhhhh now I'm just on a whole other tangent lmao)
Here's an embarrassing admission: in the past, when I was young, back in like, 2007 in my first year of college and I started reading Fruits Basket and I watched the original anime lmaooooo I actually really favored Yukki, because I'm a gross sucker for gentle prince types lmaoooo but as I've gotten older, being able to understand what made Kyo and Tohru work so well was really satisfying!
I've become really enamored with the idea of Nol and Shinae as mirrors to each other, able to help each other identify and work on the parts of them where they are weaker or struggle, and the idea of these two people coming from uneasy lives and finding comfort in the sanctuary they create together? WHOLESOME. I live for that shit. (I don't ever want it to read though like I want Shinae to "fix" Nol or anything like that - he has a lot of work to put himself, just like she has for herself, but I like the idea that as they become people who heal themselves, they help each other heal, too, in the ways that they reflect each other, if that makes sense?) Survivors creating their own sense of home, out of the mess that they've endured is.... AAHHHHHH satisfying! There's something so strong about survival, let alone finding comfort in the wreckage of all that tried to destroy you, isn't it? Shinae has been dealt a bad hand in life, lacked opportunities others had, was judged mercilessly without anyone getting to know her; the idea of her becoming a person who can face the world without feeling like she's ill-fit, without feeling like she's out of place, because she's finally learned her value? Hhhhhh I love it! And likewise, Nol being able to face his awful family knowing that he is more than they ever saw in him, that he was never the villain he was made to believe? PLS my heart!!!!!!!!
(You know, my first time I read ILY, before I realized it was deeper than the surface and than I gave it credit for, I was also convinced Nol was a second lead interest, simply based on the fact that so often characters like Kousuke are coded the first lead and that characters like Nol are there to make us sad lmao. I think that's what made writing the Kousuke analysis so easy for me! At one point I decided to a read where I did not view anything through a romantic lens - not even things like the hospital balcony scene or the wac hand holding - to try to judge just what else could be going on under the surface, that's when I started to realize that a lot of scenes are kind of kind of a couple things superimposed over each other. Kousuke and Nol look like they're competing for Shinae's favor when they each remove their jackets, but what does it REALLY mean. Ironically enough, reading without a romantic lens made me favor Nol and Stalkyoo EVEN MORE lmao because I was finally able to pay attention to the nuanced depth and character development, and the way their relationship progressed as she came to trust him and their friendship solidified really made the framework feel obvious. But the point is: like you I tend to favor second leads and I was already favoring Nol on the principle that he's so sad and I just wanted to see it all turn around for him for once lmaooooo)
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gb-patch · 4 years
Ask Answers: January 5th, 2021
How exactly can we get the option to gift cove a bracelet at the start of step 3? I really only get that option with having a ponytail-black shirt-black pants-no accessories cove but i dont know the specific requirements for the option to show up
Cove’s gotta wear a bracelet in Step 2. If he doesn’t it means him liking bracelets isn’t a very long-standing trait and so the MC wouldn’t think to get him one as a gift.
I am very sorry if this was asked before but I have noticed "Our Life: Beginnings and Always" and "Our Like: Now and Forever." Did I miss something? Is "N&F" going to be a sequel or DLC? Are we going to see a geriatric Cove? (haha) Thank you in advance for the reply. ^_^ 
Our Life: Now & Forever is a new game in the franchise, but it’s not a sequel. It’ll have a new cast, new story, and new setting. It will still have all the best features of the original game and be about creating your own character/growing up from childhood!
Is there a specific reason why Cove gets so flustered and has to jump out if bed and walk it off when they share a bed in step 3? It seems a bit over the top for something they've already done twice! Once with the late night visit when Cove finds out his mom is coming and once in the RV.
Is just because they are older and the implications are different, even though the crush was already there in the RV/latenight visit scenes? Or did I miss something that made Cove more reluctant or more apprehensive towards sharing a bed/touching?
Sharing a bed with the person he likes/love is different for him at eighteen than it is at thirteen. Some things get easier when you grow up, like he’s more comfortable sharing food, but some things get harder/more complicated to him. Sharing a bed is one of those for Cove. It feels a lot more intimate and meaningful as time goes on, rather than less of a big deal.
Hello! First, I wanted to thank you and congratulate you for this amazing game. I enjoyed every single second! In a year full of stress, this was a little cozy light. Do you have any plans to make it available for other languages? Thank you again 💕 
Thank you! I’m afraid the game is still in pretty active development so we can’t consider translating the script in it’s semi-incomplete form. And we’re not a big enough company that we can promise translations will definitely come when the game is done, unfortunately. We can see what things are like when all the words are truly set, though.
Did Cove's name come from that Cove restaurant on Holden beach? Whenever I search up his name I always get those results haha 
No, haha. His first name was based on his character and the game’s theme, his last name is a reference to something of a personal joke.
Will the NSFW DLC have CGs too?
So, to start off, I need to thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart, for creating Cove Holden. I want every single one of my MCs to be able to get engaged and married to that precious angel, so I was wondering how transitioning into step 4 using save files will work? Will I be able to load up a save file saved right before the end credits after step 3, or will I need to load one from before the transition section after step 3? I’m sorry if this has already been answered somewhere, but if it has, I haven’t been able to find it. Thank you!!!!!! 
Thank you very much c:. You’ll be able to load any save file, unless it was taken as the credits were actually rolling, and the Step 4 epilogue will simply start going once you’ve played through whatever was left of the main game and seen the credits. There are rare cases where a save file breaks between updates, but generally continuing where you left off should work for people.
Hi! I absolutely adore our life, and I was wondering is there a way to have Shiloh remember the MC and Lizzie in step 3?
I’m glad you like it! Sadly, no matter what you do Shiloh will act the same in that scene.
Hi! I'm the Australian that asked about ever including an Aussie VA, do you have any future plans for Our Life 2 or any other games to include an Aussie character and VA? 
Right now we don’t have any guaranteed future Aussie roles. But we don’t have fully developed character lists for our upcoming games yet, so that may still change.
Will OL2 also follow the tradition of "Blonde Adult That We Cannot Date"? 👀
Haha, maybe. There isn’t one right now, however we still have a lot of side characters to plan.
Hey, are the houses in the game furnished based on items in the Sims 4? I’ve noticed some similarities, but I’m not sure if it’s just a coincidence. (If it is, that’d make me building it in TS4 MUCH easier...)
For me, I use real world pictures as references as well as text notes. I loved Sims 2 when I was young but haven’t gotten into a new Sims game since. I don’t believe the artist checks Sims 4 when creating their work, though it’s not impossible. Maybe they do.
is it possible to still get your name in the voiced dlc [I'm not sure how you would do it, is it from patreon ??] or is it too late ?? 
Currently there’s no way to get your name voiced. But we are looking into opening up a method for that one more time later this year. You can keep an eye out for that!
Will we be able to ask Derek out to the dance if we get his DLC? Not a Derek fan but I'm planning to surprise my friend with this 
Yeah. Taking Derek to the dance is part of his DLC.
Hi! I have a question I've been curious about, if you're comfortable with answering! If Cove and the MC remain just friends into Step 4/MC dates one of the other guys, will Cove canonically be in a relationship with/interested in somebody else at that point or shortly after? Thank you!
He won’t. There’s not really anyone in his school, and certainly not the neighborhood he grows up in, that he’d be into other than the MC. As a pretty newly independent adult he hasn’t had enough time to truly find a special someone in Step 4. It takes a while for him to make that kind of move, haha. It’s totally fine to headcanon that sometime after Step 4 he finds love with someone else, but it won’t happen in-game.
i just wanted to share this cute little playlist that i made about cove! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5wM7GNiJh5eRqhvLBperfQ?si=4FocdBsNTpeF053yOwaLSA
Cool! Thanks for sharing it with us.
No, no, no create longer ask answers please. 😌
The ask answers are not too long. If anything I'm greedy and wish they were longer... I'm already subbed to your guys patreon and I still can't get enough 👀 I'm in love with you guys 
Will you post more of those long form ask posts? I love them 🥰
Haha, thank you for these messages. I’m glad you’re enjoying the content.
Thank you very much for all the questions! Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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breanime · 5 years
Theoretically if rio's cute neighbour, the one that watched his son, was being harassed by an ex or just some creepy guy. What would rio do?
So you can find the first neighbor headcannon list here. Also, this headcannon list got long as hell... haha, sorry?
*gif not mine*
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Rio had been out of town for the last week, handling business
He’d texted you to let you know he’d be back soon--
--partly to be a good neighbor, and partly cause he wanted to see you
The two of you weren’t dating, but there was definitely something between you
(sexual tension)
And Rio was eager to see where it would go
He walked down the hall to his apartment, his bag slung over his shoulder, glad to be back in his own space
Then he saw your door
The wood was cracked, as if someone had punched it or something, and Rio stopped dead in his tracks
He knocked on your door, eyebrows knitted
You answered with a bat in your hands
“Huh...” Rio said, eyes roaming your body--from your tense posture to the bat in your hands to the tired, exhausted look in your eyes. “... Rough week without me, mama?”
“Oh, Rio,” you sighed, and Rio watched your body relax, “Sorry. I was just--”
“Expecting someone else?” He asked, walking into your apartment. 
He dropped his bag at the foot of the couch and turned to you, frowning
Rio watched as you locked both locks on the door behind him; he’d been in your place about 100 times now, and he’d never seen you do that before
“Yeah, kind of...” You answered. “How was your trip?”
“Fine,” he answered, sticking his hands in his pockets, “but I don’t wanna talk about that right now. Let’s talk about you.” He titled his head. “What’s going on here?”
You sighed again, and Rio wanted to hold you. You were stressed, and he longed to fix it
“I’ve just...” You crossed your arms, hugging yourself. “I don’t want to bother you with it.”
Rio took a few steps forward, until he was in front of you. He eyed you seriously. Someone so beautiful, he thought, shouldn’t look so sad. Not when he was around to help. 
“Bother me,” he said softly, his voice firm but low
“Last year...” You began, looking down. “...I dated this guy, and he was just...” You shook your head. “He was an ass. We broke up, and I never heard from him again... till a week ago... The night before you left.”
Rio’s eyes narrowed; he remembered that night. He’d taken you out for drinks before his trip, spending the night smiling and laughing with you. He’d gotten a call in the middle of it, and when he came back to the table, he saw a man walking away. But you hadn’t said anything about it, and you seemed fine, so he didn’t ask about it.
“The guy from the restaurant...” Rio said, nodding to himself. “That’s your ex.”
“He saw us out, and when you stepped away, he came up to me--but all he did was say hi. He wasn’t weird or aggressive or anything,” you said back, “But then he... I guess he found out where I lived...”
“Yeah,” Rio licked his lips, “that his handy work on the door?”
“Yeah,” you nodded back, “Every day since that night, he’s been calling me nonstop and showing up here, pounding on the door. I called the cops, but they said there’s nothing they can do unless he actually hurts me, so--”
“I got you,” Rio said, grabbing his bag 
He turned to go, but you held onto his arm.
“What are you gonna do?” You asked, eyes wide.
He looked down at you
On one hand, he could lie to you, keep up the polite charade that he made his money the legal way, that his business was simply in “providing capital” like he’d told you once before. The two of you hadn’t ever explicitly discussed what he did, but Rio knew you knew his vague descriptions of his business were just that: pointedly vague
But on the other hand... he could tell you the truth. Maybe you’d be cool with it.
Or maybe you’d shy away and turn from him. 
Either way, he was going to handle this for you, but he couldn’t deny--
--he wanted you to be ok with it. With him. For some reason, as Rio looked down at you, he saw something special, something that made him feel protective of you, something beyond the lust and friendly affection he had for you
When he looked at you, he saw a partner
 “I’ma tell him that the next time he so much glances up at this apartment,” Rio answered evenly, “I’m gonna put a bullet between his eyes. And if he doesn’t like that, I’ll put him down then and there.”
“You... You’d do that for me?” You asked, pretty eyes wide
“I’d of had this handled already if you would’ve told me before,” he confessed, reaching out to cup your face in his hand, “but since I’m here now, I’ll handle it personally.” He leaned down, his mouth just inches from yours. Rio wanted to kiss you so badly, he felt the desire in every part of him with you so close. “Stay here,” he told you, “I’ll be back in a few hours.”
He didn’t move, though, and neither did you.
Your hand flexed on his bicep, wanting to bring him even closer. “Rio, I...thank you.”
He smirked. “Don’t thank me yet.” He leaned in closer, about to say something else
And then you kissed him
Rio had kissed a lot of women in his life (a lot...like a lot a lot...)
But never had a pair of lips felt so good against his own. 
Rio’s arms wrapped around you, and he silently marveled at how perfectly you fit against him. He titled his head, slipping his tongue into your mouth, and you moaned into him. 
Chuckling, Rio’s hands went to your waist, and he led you towards the couch
You took a hold of his collar and dragged him down onto the couch with you, your legs wrapping around his waist as he laid on top of you
“Baby,” he chuckled into your lips, “I gotta go.”
“I know,” you said back, grinning, “I just need a few more minutes...”
He laughed. “For what?” He asked, even as he dipped his head down to start kissing your neck. The little sounds you made when his lips ghosted against your skin were driving him wild. 
...the ex might have to wait a bit.
Rio was kissing your collarbones while lifting up your shirt when a loud band sounded behind him
You jumped, but Rio just turned lazily, one eyebrow raised
“It’s him,” you whispered, and when Rio looked down at you, he could see the fear in your eyes
This, he decided, would be the last time you would ever look like that
“Relax,” he said, his voice low and calm. He leaned down and kissed you sweetly, and he felt you relax under his touch. “I got this. Just stay here,  mi bonita chica.”
Rio got up, kissing the top of your head as you sat up, and reached down into his bag.
“Y/N,” the banging was louder now, “I’m not playing with you--open this damn door right now!”
Rio grinned--it would be his pleasure
Rio opened the door and leaned on the doorway, a lazy smirk on his face. “Hey,” he greeted the man, “you know this is a private residence?”
The man blinked, taking a step back, and Rio chuckled. He knew this type: big, loud, and bad--until someone badder came around. 
“Wh--what the hell are you doing here...?” The man asked, craning his neck to try to peek into the apartment. 
“Yo,” Rio stood up straight, shaking his head, “What you lookin’ for? Huh?” He stepped up, and your ex stepped back again. “Y/N?” He asked. “She ain’t your concern no more, homie. I am.”
“I--I don’t--”
“Oh,” Rio chuckled, “That’s right, I’m sorry. I haven’t introduced myself.” He whipped out his gun, pointing it directly at the guy’s paling face. “I’m Rio. I’m the man Y/N’s currently seeing, and she wanted me to let you know that this shit,” he waved the gun, the smile no longer on his face, and the man backed up into the wall, eyes wide with terror, “Is done with. You stop callin’, you stop comin’ around, and you definitely stop trying to intimidate her into talkin’ to you. Matter of fact,” Rio went on, “the next time you see her, you better get the fuck away, cause if I hear about you even breathing in the same space as her again,” he stepped up and pressed the golden gun into the guy’s forehead, “I can’t promise I’ll stay this controlled. Is that understood?”
The ex nodded, looking like a bobblehead with his huge eyes “I---”
“No no no,” Rio smiled, “don’t speak.” He glanced back at you, you were standing in front of the couch now, watching. “You got any cash on you?”
He nodded
“Great,” Rio said brightly, “let’s see it.”
The guy reached into his pocket and took out his wallet, handing it over to Rio
“Mm...” Rio eyed his ID, memorizing the name and address for later use. “This looks like just enough to cover the cost of repairing the door,” he said, taking out a wad of bills, “and a lil extra for emotional damage.”
Rio threw the wallet back at your ex, who caught it, eyes never leaving the gun in Rio’s hand
“Okay now...” Rio grinned. “Run.”
He didn’t have to say it twice, your ex scurried away so quickly, that he fell half-way down the hall and just crawled into the elevator. If Rio didn’t know any better, he’d say he smelt piss in the hall now...
Rio closed your door, tossing the gun--which was empty--onto his bag on the floor
He turned to you, laughing when you launched yourself into his arms
“Thank you,” you said, your head buried in his chest, “thank you, thank you, thank you--”
“I told you,” he said, smiling down at you, “I got you. And yo, I was thinkin’...” He held up the cash. “...why don’t you use this on some self-defense lessons, just for fun?”
“But what about the door?”
“Ah, baby,” he leaned down, kissing you, “that’s what we got a super for!”
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think! 
Everything Taglist: @encounterthepast @jigsawlover10 @gollyderek @charlylama @realduckvader @whovianayesha  @lexxierave@loveintheroyalfamily  @fanfictionrecommendations-com  @maxslime-blog@songforhema @lucielandss @themadhatter92  @christinawxxx @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @luminex3 @ashkuuuu @luckysstrikes@carlaangel86 @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso @iaintnofurry  @ymariejp@its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli@stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @leahnicole1219 @evanlys19 @binbons-is-theloml @aikeia @bitch-imma-head-out​  @witchygagirl@geeksareunique @sparrows-books  @nyxxnoxx​ @justvnash​ @truly-insatiable​
Rio Taglist: @gemini0410​ @sweetybuzz25 @glimmerglittergirl @gensneverland @jamielennkeeler
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
badger primary + very burnt lion secondary (bird model)
Hi, I’m a Badger primary and stuck between Lion and Snake secondary. I model Bird and Badger over whatever my (probably pretty burnt) secondary is. Would you mind helping me figure it out?
As a kid, I remember being a total joker in class. I thought it was really funny to trick my friends. I got everyone to start chanting at the teacher once. I’d do something daring (for a first grader) like look up “sex” in the dictionary. It basically just said gender and I was confused about what all the fuss was 🤦🏻‍♀️.
Definitely see why you’re thinking Improvisational secondary. One of the old-school SHC bits of wisdom is that when proud rule-breaking is a personality trait, that’s usually the sign of a Lion secondary.
My mom didn’t want me reading all night so I hid flashlights under my bed and would pretend to sleep if she checked on me. I’d lie and would only feel bad about it if threatened with consequences. If I got in trouble, I’d lie or pretend I didn’t know what I’d been doing.
But I could also see Snake. Being very proud of your ability to lie or pretend is very Snake to me.
In middle school, my learning disability really began to show and I started having anxiety and possibly PTSD after 9/11. (I’m from NY). That’s when the Bird model kicked in.
As it does.
People at my new school didn’t get my humor and took my trolling literally and it was really uncomfortable. Honestly middle school sucked and most of what I remember is just snobby, awful social stuff.
I’m definitely getting Lion secondary here. You are YOU, it’s very important that you be you, and the problem is that other people don’t get you. Snake secondaries aren’t so binary.
Oh I did manage to get a teammate’s cell phone number and pranked them. And I hacked into someone’s AIM account. And one time I got in a fist fight with someone on a different team of mine and then we were best friends. Which is weird, looking back.
awww Lion secondaries making friends :D
High school was really hard because I had a really hard time with the schoolwork (learning disability was still undiagnosed) and with finding good friends. I got in trouble a few times for offending people by repeating things I didn’t know were offensive, I dressed up as someone kinda controversial for Halloween which is honestly still one of the highlights of my high school experience. I tricked this creepy guy who wouldn’t leave me alone and embarrassed him in front of the whole school. But wouldn’t ever insult someone to their face on purpose unless I completely lost my temper.
Obviously you can have a hot temper and not be a Lion secondary… but I’m already skewing in that direction, and everything you’re saying here is supporting it. Kind of getting a kick out of offending people (or making them uncomfortable) is VERY Lion secondary.
I joined the Political Union club and didn’t really debate because I’m terrible at it.
Lion secondaries tend to be pretty bad at formal debate. That’s more a built secondary thing. Great at giving speeches, though :)
I just watched everyone argue and trolled people. I remember one meeting, people started throwing books at each other and it was amazing. That “agent of chaos” answer on the quiz is me haha.
The “agent of chaos” answer is the Lion secondary answer.
I knew the perfect way to get this one teacher to go off on a tangent about the Soviet Union for the entire lesson. I couldn’t keep up with the schoolwork so I’d BS a lot of it and manage to get by. Participation was key to your grade so I’d read just enough to discuss parts of it and then just make throwaway funny comments and ask good questions to beef up my contributions.
I’d say that gaming the system in this particular way (which I completely support) actually sounds like you Bird secondary model. Which makes sense, if the *purpose* of that model is to help you out in an academic setting.
I think I burned after a traumatic event at the end of my senior year. I started modeling Badger secondary hard. Basically just be sweet and helpful and everything will be fine, right? When that did not, in fact, make everything be fine, I pulled out the manipulation to make damn sure people were on my side.
I’m interested in what you mean by “manipulation.” Because while that’s normally a Snake secondary word, I’m not getting Snake Secondary from you. I suspect you may actually parse your Bird secondary as “manipulation,” which is sort of unusual.
I did still troll sometimes, but I haven’t felt playful and fun in so long. I’ve been really depressed over the last few years about some serious medical problems that can’t really be resolved. I just feel flat like a car stuck in park.
Oh ouch. Yeah, that’s a burnt secondary all right.
I’m scared of failing. I’m scared people won’t like me or that I’ll get in trouble. I don’t have the energy to lie convincingly or put on a show but I also don’t feel safe enough to be blunt. I’m reluctantly forcing myself to be diplomatic while screaming inside.
This is portrait of a Burnt Lion secondary. You’re afraid of failing, but failing is necessary and important to Lions. It’s how they change direction. “Being yourself” had gotten you into trouble and made some people not like you, so you’re scared about going there again. You want to be blunt, but it’s too scary. Instead you’re being diplomatic and putting on a show, both things you define as “lying” (very Lion secondary) but it’s incredibly energy consuming.
I don’t know how to go back to how I was. (I am trying to find a good therapist but it’s hard to find one who specializes in all the things I need, not to mention a good fit personality-wise). When I’m not Like This, I can be really charming. I miss it. 
Well, a therapist is the first step. I guess my tiny little piece of advice in the meantime, is find a place in your life where you *can* use your lion again. Make that place as tiny and as low-stakes as you need to. Maybe you have an anonymous blog where you shit-post. Maybe you bring out your Lion for just one person. Maybe go to a weekend convention - if it’s three days with people you never see again, who cares if you get in trouble or offend something. Check out the SHC discord server, and see if any of the other burnt Lionsecs have tips. I know Lions are very all-or-nothing, but I’m a Badger. Baby steps are steps.
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
now hear me out,,, an au where lan wangji is an editor who works for an erotica publisher and wei wuxian is essentially chuck tingle. (also lwj writes romance novels on the side)
wei wuxian didn’t plan to write erotica he wants to make that really clear, he was actually studying like biomed or something equally “oh wow my parents can brag to the other parents about this”
but, as frequently happens in wwx’s life, he got drunk with nhs, like really drunk and they woke up the next morning with a laptop on the floor beside them and loose paper strewn everywhere
they don’t really remember what they were doing or thinking last night but they’ve both drawn a bunch of really shitty and weird porn (the less said about the anthropomorphic version of wen chao’s pet turtle the better) and wei wuxian has like 20,000 words of an erotica story on his laptop
when he starts reading it, at first he’s like haha what the fuck this is so weird but then it turned out to be really good??? and nhs blushed at some of the ~sexy~ scenes so that’s how wwx knew he was writing the good stuff
anyway they’re sitting there, eating their hangover food and wei wuxian goes so uh my story was good right? and nhs is like yeah it was, top stuff i would buy it and wei wuxian goes what if i actually wrote it,,, haha just kidding,,,,, unless?
and in his defence he doesn’t actually write anything for the story for another like three months but then he finds himself in the middle of exam season and he’s like fuck it stress relief let’s write some erotica
he finishes the book and his exams (which he does well in but whatever) and then spends his summer holidays editing the book
when he comes back, he slaps down a paper copy on nhs’ desk and is like i finished it. nhs, thinking he meant his latest lab write up, opens it up to a random page and starts reading it out loud which was a Mistake
he trails off mid-sentence, and whips around to glare at wwx with all the wrath he can muster. it’s raunchy nhs says and just read it wwx tells him so nhs does
like 2 hours later nhs turns to him and says if it wasnt for you and the librarian staring at me the whole time i definitely would’ve felt something and wwx is like so it’s good? and nhs is like fuck yeah it is but i dont get what you want from me?
pretty much wwx passed out after exams, slept for like 20 hours and then woke up and went i should publish this and decided that nhs should draw the cover art.
nhs agrees of course and a month later wwx self-publishes bc there’s no way he can walk into a publishing house with his porn and not just combust on the spot and he decides to go by the name yiling patriarch
wwx clicks the final button to upload the fic and nhs just toasts him and goes yknow what,, this is the closest you’ve ever gotten to having sex and i’m proud of you
wei wuxian is the man who guarded his first kiss for the first twenty years of his life for someone special,,,, wwx definitely wants his first time to be special and there’s no way he’s putting out for someone he doesn’t think is important & despite having dated before, he’s never gotten close enough to someone to go yeah let’s do it so our boy is still a virgin
so wwx’s entire erotica writing inspiration comes from porn, nhs’ way too in-depth answers as to how his latest date went and uh more porn
wwx blusters about a bit bc how is he meant to respond to that and nhs is like maybe you’ll finally move on from reading those trashy romance novels and read something more exciting and wwx is like how dare you call them trashy!! hanguang-jun is a master of the romance novels!! he understands the heart in a way that no other person has ever!! 
and nhs just chugs a bunch of wine and is like yeah hon okay, do you still blush when the main characters hold hands? and wwx is like no! of course not! (it’s a lie, he blushes a lot)
so nothing really happens with the book at first and wwx forgets about it for the most part but then he wakes up one morning and he’s got an extra like RMB 1000 (i dont actually know much about currency so it’s roughly $200 if my quick interneting is legit)
wwx is like wtf? and once he finds out it’s from his novel he’s doubly like wtf? but then he finds out that someone had purchased his book and did a dramatic reading on youtube bc wwx decided that regular erotica was boring and decided to make it satirical or whatever and people loved it??
he’s got nothing better to do so he just goes hm yeah remember that Author i dated who had an “incredible idea that would absolutely amaze The Critics and helped explore his own convoluted mind” let’s make something of that and he writes another book kinda mocking that idea in a very horny way.
he publishes it and someone writes a review of his two books on their blog and now he’s actually starting to get popular - he’s got more money from those two books than he did by working at the local cafe for the whole week
wwx is poor and broke and semi-disowned anyway by this point so he goes fuck it and spends every moment he’s not studying writing erotica. 
he publishes another like five books by the time the year is out (i know the maths isnt working here but this is a book world where wwx can just do that via the power of loneliness and friends who egg you on)
also?? he varies his books. some of them are porn parody things a la chuck tingle and some of them are genuine porn and one book was just him writing a recipe book but making it sound as horny as possible
by the time he’s published his like 8th book or so he starts getting reviews that are critiquing his book and most of them boil down to the fact that he needs an editor or something 
he ends up asking nhs for help and he’s like oh sweet my brother’s boyfriend works for a publisher who does that sort of thing
cloud recesses actually specialises in erotica and i hate the idea that lqr has spent years reading and editing erotica but sacrifices must be made
(side note that i know nothing about the writing or publishing process so pls don’t judge me too harshly)
wwx goes in with his latest manuscript and ends up arriving like ten minutes late, he rushes into the room sweaty and hot, takes one look at the guy sitting on the other side of the desk, flushes an even brighter red and runs back out of the room. he checks the plaque on the door and walks back in slowly and goes hm i didnt expect you to be so hot
cue lan wangji
lwj has always enjoyed being an editor. what do editor do specifically? idk? edit? regardless, he enjoys it. 
while most of the time he’s happy working from this side of things he also likes writing
lwj fucks. he deserves it tbh. but, while he’s had a tonne of one night stands and fuckbuddies, he’s never actually dated someone. so the fact that he’s writing romance novels under the pseudonym hanguang-jun makes his friend jzx laugh a lot
he tried writing porn once and he just couldn’t do it. it was always too clinical or vague and lacked any actual passion bc he was always going oh okay mc sucks a dick but the guy i slept with last week was like a 6.4/10 when it came to sucking dick so maybe mc should also be bad at it or whatever and it just ends up falling apart,,,, but romance he can do
as an editor lwj has pretty high standards for good erotica but he’s really found himself enjoying yiling patriarch’s work even though he’s clearly just been editing himself so when the guy sent cloud recesses an email asking whether they’d be interested in his latest book lwj was ecstatic. 
he also didnt expect wwx to be so hot
anyway,,, we now get to enjoy a week of lwj thinking that wwx is super hot but even more annoying and then him deciding that annoying is hot and now wwx is just absolutely amazing and wwx is just panicking the entire time 
i want my publisher to rail me so hard wwx texts nhs and nhs just responds has he read the bdsm scene with the alien who has a tentacle dick and a knot yet? and wwx is like no??? nhs just goes shame, it will give him so ideas for if you ever grow a backbone and just ask him out
they publish one book together and nothing happened between them the entire time other than yearning and horniness,, of the heart and body. 
when wwx realises this means that he won’t get to see lwj again he immediately writes a new book and like a month later he’s back in lwj’s office, lying on his couch while whining about the cafeteria prices at university
lwj is very enamoured by the fact that wwx is writing erotica and studying biomed bc wow
they do this for like another three books and wwx’s eroticas evolve from here’s a dinosaur man fucking a politician while a mary sue watches on to be like here’s a dinosaur man with black hair and golden eyes and a stern look to his face fucking a politician while a mary sue watches on
and hanguang-jun’s latest book?? i dont want to say that this au’s version of wangxian is hanguang-jun finally finding inspiration to write porn (his muse is wwx of course) and writing the most amazing porn with feelings and plot novel ever,, but it is. 
wwx read it five times in the first week and when nhs finally tried to read it he was like uhhh wwx are you a narcissist, the love interest is exactly like you? and wwx is like ??? no???? he’s nothing like me??
anyway one day wwx gets called into lxc’s office and lxc is like so i’ve read your latest book (not the dinosaur man, a serious one with like normal people and not overly humorous thank fuck but still full of lwj yearning) and wwx is like okay? and lxc goes yes, see i was worried that you didn’t care very much for my brother but after reading your book i’m not so sure and wwx gets the weirdest shovel talk ever which is interspersed with like compliments for his porn writing skills
anyway lxc accidentally mentions that lwj writes books too and before he can take it back wwx is like who??? and lxc is like are you fucking stupid?? you told lwj to his face that you loved his books,,, he broke his theme of tender romance to write kinky sex with a character that’s a lot like you and wwx is like .,,,,,,,,, hanguang-jun??? HANGUANG-JUN???!!
lxc barely manages to confirm it before wwx is sprinting out of his office and across to find lwj.
regretfully for everyone else, lwj is in the lobby so thirty people get to hear it when wwx comes in and shouts LAN ZHAN!! back then, i really wanted write porn about you! ... i think i have actually? but i want to write porn about you and i want to be able to do the research to make it accurate! and i also want to go on dates and hold hands and feed each other food! and i love you a lot! 
lwj is dying inside bc his brother’s bf is there, his uncle is currently waiting for the elevators and a whole bunch of staff are also there but also wwx likes him??? dinosaur man was lwj??
he goes over and they make out for a really long time right there in the middle of the lobby but no one wants to get between them when they’ve been pining for so long
after that they start dating and they do all the romantic stuff but also,, let’s just say that the next book wwx publishes is a lot more creative than all of his previous books
and they become some writing power couple with horniness of the heart and body and sometimes wwx will be like hey lwj i don’t really know how the logistics of this sex scene will work and lwj will be like we could try it out ourselves? and wwx just pats him on the head and is like im sorry but you dont have enough dicks for it to work ),: better luck next time
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
20 MORE old asks that I should’ve gotten around to answering ages ago.. 😅
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Aww! Thank you so much!! ♡ඩ⌔ඩ♡
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There is no need to change your mind, I see no lies here.
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ᵀʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ ᵛᵉʳʸ ᵐᵘᶜʰ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᵘⁿᶠᵒʳᵗᵘⁿᵃᵗᵉˡʸ ʷᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ᵍᵒᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵃᵍʳᵉᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵈᶦˢᵃᵍʳᵉᵉ...
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Thank you, I’ll try to take it easy.. I appreciate the devotion haha, even through all this change my blog is going through atm. <:}
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Aww thank you, <:} I’ll try to heal up quick. And hey! That’s not a bad idea! I’ll be sure to keep that in mind..
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Oh I know, I know, but I just don’t take naps. I will just end up with a headache and feeling bummed that I wasted so much of the day away sleeping.. (︶︹︺)
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More Octonauts OC drawings..? Uhm.. I’ve never made an Octonaut OC before.. I’m not sure what you’re referring to..
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It wouldn’t join the crab rave, because it is already the embodiment of the crab rave.
As for my favorite, that’s probably gotta be the Gup-X. That thing is basically an underwater military tank, its so friggin cool. 
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Thank you!! I’m so glad you like the angst and fluff! I always have a blast drawing it! :D
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*LE GASP* Kirby right Bask At Ya!! I LOVE this show! I used to watch it all the time growing up! :DDD That’s actually what series my Kirby OCs were based off of!
This show is fantastic! Its got its weird quirks but overall I loved it! :}
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I cant find any clips to make a gif out of, but I can quote him. Octonauts movie spoilers!
There’s a lot of Kwazii scenes that I really like, but the 3 right off the top of my head that I cant pick between would be these three moments.
In the movie, Grouber is talking about a mango or something and Kwazii goes, “Arrg enough about the mango! What’s it gotta do with Barnacles and Peso??” In the most dramatic and frustrated way possible XD
The second one, after they discover that Barnacles and Peso are in the caves, Kwazii says this. “Common mateys, we gotta hurry! If I know the Captain as well as I think I do.. he’s not having a great time down there..” With a worried expression. So friggin C U T E
The last one is when the Octonauts have to crawl through a tight passage way to get out of the cave. The Captain is stressing out and nervously says, “I don't think I can make it through there..” Kwazii then swims over and says quietly enough no one else can hear, “Old fear of tight spaces acting up again ey Captain? Don't worry, we’ll go first, then you can follow.” Like, Kwazii is the coolest friend ever. Comforting the Captain without making it seem like he’s babying him or judging him. Friggin love this cat man,
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I read this and was thinking “Oh you know? Yeah that’s a pretty good idea. He’d be so worried and just trying to keep his cool and stuff.”
But then I thought “..well wait.. The Captain would most likely keep everybody calm and surly resolve the situation.... hmm.. what would happen if Captain Barnacles went missing instead?”
You see, everyone looks to the captain for guidance. So what happens if he vanishes? Imagine the panic they’d all experience when they realize that they’re on a time limit to find the Captain before his battery dies and he dies from heat stroke.
Kwazii is the Lieutenant, its his job to take over when the Captain is gone, but how would he hold up under that kind of stress? His best friend has been gone for more than 24 hours. The Captain always has a plan, yet Kwazii doesn’t even know where to begin! There’s so many possibilities for angst its crazy! 
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Specifically of the water like, sky like, light, soft and pastel variety :}
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Hmmm.... let me see.. I imagine since cooking is the Vegimals main job, to not overthrow the competition they wouldn’t participate.
Captain Barnacles would probably want to make his favorite food, Vanilla kelp pudding! Even if he looses the contest, he still wins to him because now he has an entire bowl of pudding to eat! 
Kwazii would probably whip up a Pirate pie for the contest for the same reason the Captain made pudding. Even if he looses, he’s still a winner because he’s got some pie to eat.
Peso would maybe make some cupcakes I think? But with like, very pretty and delicately placed frosting and sprinkles.
Dashi might make kelp kebabs, to everyone's surprise XD.
Tweak might make something that she’d call mud pies, when actually they’re these like cookie shaped chocolate chip fudge brownies.
Shellington would probably make something simple? Like a kind of pasta dish maybe?
Professor Inkling might bake some kelp cakes, but alter the recipe so they’re super fancy looking and packed with more flavor.
In the end I feel like Tweak would take the cake, but everyone is impressed with each others cooking skills and they all get to eat some good food in the end so no one’s complaining. 
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Pff XD I remember that episode, poor Captain Barnacles. Peso has no idea what kind of black mailing power he now has over the Captain.
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Hey, I don’t blame him. I was just as confused as him the first time I watched that episode XD.
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I personally don’t uh.. ship anyone and don’t have any headcannons of anyone having crushes on each other.. b-but thank you! I’m glad you love my artwork. :}
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Hmm.. I’m going to assume you meant one headcannon for Dashi, and one for Shellington separately..?
1. Dashi is the only crew member that can correctly use chopsticks.
2. When Shellington gets very stressed or scared, the only thing that really calms him down is to have someone hold his hand. It has everything to do with being an otter. Everyone knows this, no one judges him for it, and anyone offers their hand to him when they can see that he is stressing out.
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Dawww you’re welcome! I’m glad my art could help! ♡♡♡
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I love your blog! Have u ever considered making a side blog with rp for the binary bfs? If not/you don’t want to, that’s fine! It’s not for everyone, although if you could link some that do that’d be awesome! Anyways, how do you think Hawk and Demitri met? What was their first date like? Do the karate dads know?- Cherry
Oh my goodness, my inbox has been blowing up lately! :D Imma have to answer like 2 questions a day to have any hopes of keeping up lol
Hey Cherry! OMG thank you so much, I’m so glad you like it :D
TBH idk if I have time to run a full-on RPG sideblog at the moment--truth be told, it’s enough work keeping this one as active as it is! Haha XD I’ll still give all the snippets of that sweet, sweet Demetri x Hawk content that I possibly can on this blog though :D
BUT I think @sipping--snowflakes​ recently started a Demetri RPG blog and is actually looking for someone to roleplay Elimetri with them :D If any of my watchers are interested, hit them up!!! There is much binary boyfriend roleplay fun to potentially be had!!!
My personal headcanon on how Demetri and Eli met is that on the first day of kindergarten, Demetri absolutely would NOT shut up about dinosaurs and Star Wars to their class (I mean, come ON, little Demetri HAD to have had a Dinosaur Phase...I know it deep in my heart to be true). He wandered around to basically every table during Center Time/Arts and Crafts Time/Whatever the fuck they call that “free wandering-about-the-classroom-doing-whatever-activities-you-want time” in elementary school and chatted the ear off of every boy and every group of boys in the class (remember, this is Tiny Demetri, who DEFINITELY would not have the courage to speak to ANY girl XD). And every single boy, every single group, without fail, responds with “Oh my GOD shut UP go AWAY you’re so ANNOYING you weirdo” and poor little excited Demetri is just crushed that no one wants to hear about tyrannosaurus rexes and lightsabers--or worse, tyrannosaurus rexes HOLDING lightsabers and dueling with them. And then, finally, he gets to little Eli, sitting all alone (because no one wants to befriend the kid with the messed up lip), and LO AND BEHOLD! Someone is finally listening to him!!! And seems to actually care about tyrannosaurus rexes with lightsabers!!! Little Demetri is beyond thrilled to have someone to talk to. Little Eli, meanwhile, is also thrilled, because did this kid just talk his ear off about Obi-Wan Kenobi for 20 minutes straight and not mention the lip scar once? Demetri, meanwhile, is so caught up in his rambling that he doesn’t notice the goddamn lip scar is even THERE until they’ve already spent half the day together XD “ANYWAYS I THINK ONCE THE JEDI ORDER COMES BACK AFTER RETURN OF THE JEDI THEY SHOULD RIDE STEGOSAURUSES AND--oh, what happened to your lip?”
As for their first date...had to think for a while about the perfect first date for them would be. I was originally gonna say they’d just go down to Santa Monica Pier or something and just goof off, but I think Demetri would want to make it more special than that. I ended up headcanoning that they’ve always wanted to go to Universal Studios together growing up (mainly because of Harry Potter World, of course!!!), but neither of their families have ever really been able to afford it. BUT when Demetri and Eli finally get together, Demetri is like “fuck it, we’re finally gonna do this” and he saves up basically all the money he’s made at summer jobs and buys tickets for both of them to surprise Eli. Eli is so happy he starts crying, and then he gets angry he’s crying in front of Dem and is like “GOD DAMMIT STOP LOOKING AT ME THIS IS SO EMBARASSING, I’M TOUGH” and Demetri thinks it’s the cutest, funniest thing ever XD Then Demetri drives them both down to Universal and they both just have the best goddamn day of their lives and buy WAY more merchandise from Harry Potter World than is in any way wise XD And becoming “Hawk” has, for better or for worse, laid bare Eli’s inner adrenaline junkie, and he drags poor Demetri on every. Single. Roller coaster. Don’t worry, Eli is more than happy to hold his hand during the scary drops XD But Eli will not rest until they’ve ridden EVERY fast ride in the park and Demetri whines about it but secretly he just likes seeing his boyfriend that shamelessly excited about something! Also Dem takes a million cheesy couple selfies and posts them all over social media bragging about his cute bf, much to Eli’s embarrassment.
“Karate Dads” fksljchcbduswvc I love that this is like...the universal term for Daniel and Johnny now. I honestly could not be happier about it XD Daniel I’m sure would pick up on it first (Johnny, though I love him dearly, is just so very DENSE sometimes), either just kinda by reading the room or hearing about it through Sam (who probably has mixed feelings on it herself). I imagine being as protective of Demetri as he is, Daniel would pull him aside at some point and be like “Demetri wasn’t this guy the reason you pushed yourself to learn self-defense in the first place??? And now you want to DATE him??? Are you sure???” and Demetri of course would be like “Yeah he was in a really dark place then, but I’ve known him basically my whole life and I know he’s got a good heart!” and Daniel would probably be wary about it, but ultimately decide Demetri’s a smart enough guy to handle himself and trust him to make his own judgements. And of course, he’d figure if Sam can vouch for an ex Cobra Kai like Miguel turning over a new leaf and trying to be better, there’s no reason Hawk can’t, too. And seeing how much Eli cares about Demetri and how protective he’s gotten of Dem helps too, and Daniel would probably warm up to Eli eventually. Although, like Sam, I imagine it would take a cool minute. Johnny would probably find out through chatting with Hawk, and Hawk just kinda...accidentally lets it slip he and Demetri are dating, and Johnny just quizzically raises an eyebrow like “Oh? You’re dating the mouthy kid?” And Hawk just goes bright-ass red and Johnny remembers how Demetri went off on him on the first day of Cobra Kai all those months ago for making fun of Hawk’s lip, and he breaks into this HUGE shit-eating smirk like “yeeeeeah that doesn’t surprise me at all. Eh, it’s probably for the best. If anyone can toughen that kid up, it’s you. Although I hear he DID hand your ass to you when he kicked you into that trophy case, so maybe he’s not as much of a pussy as I thought.” (sidenote: Yes, I do think Johnny ended up hearing about Demetri’s KO kick...and was grudgingly impressed XD) And Hawk just...gawks at Johnny being THIS nonchalant about all of this and he’s just like “Sensei? You...don’t think it’s weird I’m dating a guy?” and Johnny just looks him dead in the eye and says “I don’t give a fuck if whoever you’re making out with has a cock or a pussy, or whatever, as long as it’s not gonna distract you during training. Just play Hide the Salamis on your own time.” And Hawk, now a blushing mess, is just like “Y-YES SENSEI” and stumbles out of the room XD Ironically I think Johnny would probably vouch for the relationship to Daniel later on, and be like “I mean, the kid DID switch sides MID-FIGHT to save that scrawny little nerd. That takes some serious balls, LaRusso. He clearly cares about the wimp, you can stop hovering over them like Demetri’s gonna keel over and die any second.”
Thank you for the ask, as always! More to come!
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panharmonium · 3 years
Hi!! this is really random, but I’ve been meaning to send in an ask/a message ever since I saw one of your posts on Naruto.
I also started watching Naruto last year (at the beginning of 2021, late to the party, because at first I thought shonen and the fights and everything wouldn’t be my thing. I was wrong.) and I absolutely fell in love with the show and its characters. I’ve never been this invested in a show and it’s characters before (and felt so much for the characters before, to the point where it literally hurts to see them hurt), and I totally didn’t see that coming when I started watching. (even want to get a tablet to make fanart)
I read one of your takes a while ago about Kakashi’s past and how it’s similar to Inari’s situation (just after I watched Kakashi Gaiden actually), and I’ve been thinking about it for a while now as Kakashi is my favourite character.
I friggin love how you point out narrative parallels. (I still wanted to ask by the way, do you think that Kishimoto intentionally made Kakashi and Inari’s situation similar? Because it’s so early on in the story. I think it’s really cool either way.) Haven’t read that many posts from you because I’m still somewhere around 330 in Shippuden, but I’d totally look for your other takes if it weren’t for the spoilers.
Like I just saw a post from you from somewhere at the end of 2020 (I think one of your first posts on Naruto?) Can’t comment on the post but it’s the one where you mention how at the end of Part 1 Sasuke wants to unlock the Mangekyou and gain more power by killing Naruto, and how on the other hand, Kakashi got his power probably not even wanting it in the first place. But I was honestly surprised by how on point you were about Kakashi’s sharingan and in what kind of situation he aqcuired it, and especially how he feels about it.
I was also writing down some of my own theories back then and a few seasons in I think I only gathered that it wasn’t originally his own, since Sasuke’s sharingan could deactivate and because of the scar. At first I thought he must have gotten it from someone, probably another fallen shinobi. I think there was one scene where Kakashi stood at Obito’s grave in the first part of Naruto and talked about ‘this eye’ to Obito & I think I made the connection then that he might have gotten it from his friend. (I always imagined Obito as a young adult or adult though, never would have though he was only a kid.)
How far are you into the show right now? Cause I remember your blog said you were trying to avoid spoilers. I think you’re much further than me though.
Oh and btw, do you read the manga too? & do you ever rewatch episodes to understand them better?
I don’t know many people irl who are interested in Naruto and discussing it, and the internet absolutely filled with spoilers😭 I’m honestly so sad about some spoilers, because some things I’m pretty sure I would never have guessed and… well there’s not much I can do about it now :’) The constant urge of wanting to talk to people about it and find more content on the internet but also the fear of being spoiled randomly on literally any social media platform😭 My little brother has been watching the show for the first time too, but he doesn’t really like to discuss it or talk much about it.
It makes me so happy to see other people who are also invested in the show!
Anyways, I loved your takes, and wanted to say hi :) Sorry for invading your inbox!
Would it be alright to message you about Naruto or send in other asks? And I would totally follow you if if weren’t for the potential spoilers.
PS: I just found out that tumblr archives are a thing! I didn’t really use my tumblr account that much before so didn’t know how everything works. I’m so happy haha! Now I wish I’d found this blog earlier.
PPS: I just saw the ask @dreamersescape sent in about watching Naruto for the first time with her brother (though I didn’t read her take under that because I haven’t got to that part in the show yet) and that’s..that’s exactly how I feel😭!! It’s the same with my brother😂! I’m overly invested and he’s just doesn’t care that much.
I’m on a short trip with a friend for a few days and I was going to wait until I got back to send this, but I was literally too excited to wait.
Hi there!  Seems like you, me, and @dreamersscape should start a “My Sibling and I Watched Naruto for the First Time in 2021” club - we could get matching t-shirts! :)
I’m very similar to you in that I completely did not expect to enjoy Naruto as much as I did - or at all!  I haven’t watched much anime in the past (Fullmetal Alchemist being the exception, and even that I only watched for the first time a couple years ago), and the only thing I knew about Naruto was what my friends had mentioned when we were much younger and they were watching it as it aired - the only snippets I remember were them talking about who could beat whom in a fight, so I kind of mentally equated Naruto to DBZ in my head and wrote it off, assuming I would hate it. X)  Nobody ever told me that it was really about radical compassion, and breaking cycles of violence, or the duty of adults/teachers to protect children, or the power of love and community to save us from despair - if I’d known that, I would have watched it ages ago.
Kakashi is my favorite character, too.  It took me a little while to actually get invested in the show as a whole (I didn’t really start to be fully compelled by it until the post-Chunin exams arc where Itachi first returns to the Leaf, aka the point where the plot picks up and starts actually moving faster), but Kakashi’s character kept me interested long enough to reach that point.  I was fascinated by him right from the beginning, and I fell hard for him after that Inari scene you mentioned.  (Re: your question - I don’t know whether that parallel with Kakashi was intentional or not, but I guess I don’t really feel like it matters - it’s there in the text either way, and for me it really adds something to that whole arc.)
Re: Kakashi’s eye - that was actually the only thing I was vaguely spoiled for before I watched the show, because my sister had started the show before me, and I’d seen a couple things via her blog before I ever planned on watching it myself - I knew that he’d gotten the eye from a friend who died, but I didn’t know under what circumstances or the details of how the eye transfer went down.  I didn’t actually mind this spoiler, though, because it added so much resonance to every time I saw him use his sharingan and it helped shape the way I was interpreting him in the early days, before I knew the rest of his history.  But after I started watching the show, I completely isolated myself online so I wouldn’t learn anything else.  (For me, spoilers are more than “what happens next” - I also really don’t like hearing people say “oh, that season was bad” or “the writers failed at XYZ” etc etc - I just don’t like having my expectations shaped in that way; I prefer to experience things on my own.  So I was really careful to learn NOTHING about Naruto online, and people like @dreamersscape were incredibly considerate and amazing about talking to me about the show without revealing anything like that.)
Re: “how far are you in the show right now” - I’m done!  My sister and I finished it together a little less than a month ago.  And yes, I have read the manga, too (I would usually read a few volumes at a time after watching the relevant episodes).  In general, I’ve enjoyed watching the show more, but there are definitely a few scenes in the manga that were left out/changed that I think should have been included/unedited - I haven’t posted about all of them, but some of them are in my naruto manga tag (I think there’s one post in there that has a minor, non-plot-related spoiler for an upcoming scene, but everything else deals with stuff you’ve already watched.)  On the other hand, there are “filler” arcs in the anime that I actually think are essential to the story and that I consider part of my personal canon (though there are certainly nonsense filler arcs, too) - so in general, I take a comic book reader’s approach to the manga/anime canon question (aka the “take what you like and leave the rest” perspective) - I’ve consumed both versions, and I accept the parts from each of them that I consider to be well-constructed, in-character, and consistent with the story’s previously established narrative and themes.)
Re: rewatching - yes, I do sometimes go back to rewatch episodes for a variety of reasons - sometimes because I’m making a gifset, or sometimes if I want to check things while I’m typing up various thoughts.  There’s also one season that I’ve already rewatched in its entirety because I enjoyed it so much.  I’d like to rewatch the entire show at some point - it’s going to be such a different experience watching it knowing everything I know now!
The constant urge of wanting to talk to people about it and find more content on the internet but also the fear of being spoiled randomly on literally any social media platform😭 My little brother has been watching the show for the first time too, but he doesn’t really like to discuss it or talk much about it.
I totally understand this feeling!  That’s how I felt when I first started watching - I was lucky in that I’m roommates with my sister @padmerrie, and she gets just as invested in fictional universes as I do, so we talk about Naruto a lot (she’s both a fic writer and a fanartist, so we get to geek out together all the time).  And, partway through my watch, I was lucky enough to meet @dreamersscape, who was watching for the first time just like me and whom I really vibed with, so we were able to be outlets for each other’s enthusiasm.  But other than that, I avoided the wider internet and stayed inside the bubble of my own blog, specifically to avoid hearing things about the show.  
If you've gotten up to approximately episode 330, then anything prior to April 2021 should be spoiler-safe for you to browse in my archive.  And, yes, you’re totally welcome to come talk to me about Naruto anytime!  I’ll give you a heads-up that I’m usually better about answering asks than I am with the messaging function (which I suppose makes sense, given that offline I’m bad at texting but good at email XD ), so feel free to pop in for discussion anytime! 😊
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