#this is canon jonny. no one can tell me otherwise
immortal-stowaway · 6 months
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Here you go, mechs tumblr, me as Jonny with a sword.
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girls-are-weird · 2 months
MASTER LIST: One Fic for Each Fandom [J-Z]
continued from this post. please read that one first for a detailed explanation of how this list came about and just why in the seven hells i've spent so many (many, MANY) hours of my life compiling it.
back in the day, i had hoped this format could catch on as a meme type of thing, so that other people could take it as a template and make their own fandom recs lists. so i'd love to see yours! be sure to tag me if you decide to do this. :)
after an afternoon, by angelgazing.
joan doesn't get it.
jealousy (and sequels!), by debbie kluge.
the story that started it all. a new acquaintance causes jonny quest and jessie bannon to re-evaluate their relationship.
and i didn't like the ending, by readdyfreddie (M).
as soon as the post box came into view, she saw him there, reading the letter. and then, as if sensing her presence, he looked up, and jo knew nothing would ever be the same again.
on the symbiotic relationship, by hundredacresky (M).
somehow they ended up doing everything backwards.
a glass of wine rebuilt, by toasterman.
shinji and asuka learn about themselves and fall in love, causing massive ramifications. a remake of the late 94saturn's quintessential shinjixasuka story, it is part tribute and part experiment, taking the structure and plot of the original wacky shipping story while attempting to maintain series-true characterization.
if you need, come build your home in me (and side stories!) by yrbeecharmer / @yrbeecharmer (T).
even though the world keeps falling down around him, will solace can't seem to help but keep growing up.
(a series rewrite starting with the events of titan's curse)
hooking up with jesse by catswandsandwalkers / @catswandsandwalkers (M).
when aubrey said to beca, "your attitude sucks, you're a grade-A pain in my ass, and i know you're hooking up with jesse," she was actually correct. slightly AU where jesse and beca are secretly friends with benefits throughout the movie. follows canon otherwise.
destiny, by nova.
carla says: this is a fic i read a long time ago, loved, and then lost track of. the plot is rather similar to the plot of the… second? third? movie (the lugia one!), but it was written pre-movie and the author takes it a whole different way. the characters are grown up and more mature (errrr… except gary and jazelle, maybe), and the story's AU (they all have different backgrounds) but it's very good, filled with action and adrenaline, and even some funny and romantic moments. good read. sadly, now i can't find it anywhere else in the 'net so i wonder if it's been finished since then. if anyone knows, please tell me.
me and you (is my refrain), by naladot / @naladot (T).
when he finally gets to the restaurant to meet his friends for a birthday dinner, the television mounted to the wall has the news on, and there’s mia disembarking from her plane, waving to the press with a practiced smile. he hasn’t seen her in five years—no, it’s got to be six, now—but he can still read the exhaustion written across her picture-perfect face.
years later, michael reunites with the love of his life. future-fic for first movie canon.
against all odds (take a look at me now) by shuuuliet (G).
ever since they broke up, shawn and juliet have done their best to keep their distance from one another. but now, one of their old cases has been blown wide open. a criminal that evaded arrest is back…and he’s targeting them specifically. can they make it out of this case alive? and can they find their way back to each other along the way?
(set during season 7, a few weeks after "deez nups".)
beasts of all kinds by aroguegambit17 (E).
wolf and shepherd are ancient enemies, opposed in nature and design. a wolf breaks into folds a shepherd guards; a shepherd is duty-bound to fight and perhaps kill a wolf for what the beast cannot help but do to survive. but what is a shepherd without sheep, a wolf without a pack?
free, of course. what a terrifying proposition.
ranma .05, by darren demaine.
carla says: ranma smut, and believable at that. lots and lots of story before the sex, so it's not plotless at all. and the characters are very in-character-- and that's a lot to say if he can have ranma and akane sleep together and still be in-character!
christmas and chaos, by nooziewoozie (M).
his shirt opened down his front, showing golden skin like some kind of blue-collar wet dream come to life—he was brown even in the middle of winter and he smelled like motor oil and had hair that spiked out from his head, bushy and unruly and ridiculous. he radiated heat. some idiot part of her hindbrain wanted to soak it up. -megumi, sano; family, christmas, and sex on couches.
adventures of the chibi-scouts, by "tuxedo" will wolfshohl.
many wish to be young again but how will the girls handle it when they get that wish?
la batalla de los doce tresors (aka el MEGAFIC), by marijose diaz.
carla says: sorry that it's in spanish, guys, but it really is THE best saint seiya fic EVER. written pre-hades saga, but they fight against hades-- just in a completely different way. the cycle has ended, and it's time for athena to die. only hades doesn't want to let her, and it's time for the saints to… save her? so she can die? i LOVE this fic. seriously, i've read it a thousand times, and that's a lot to say because it's HUGE! (it's not called the MEGAfic for nothing!). she manages to put in most of my favorite couples, which is quite rare, and well-- i was reading it a while back and this was actually what made me start this whole list. lol.
nenju, by 3jane.
where do happiness and ever after intersect? post series, complete. fuumugenjin.
these are the days of their lives by howardtduck48 (M).
maeve wiley deserves to be happy. if only she can give someone a chance to explain.
i know you wanna go higher by orphan_account (M).
the first thing simon lewis saw when he arrived idris high school was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. however, he later discovered that if he wanted to date her, he would need to get a date for his grumpy brother, alec. and that's where magnus bane appears.
the 10 things i hate about you AU that every fandom needs. simon is new and pining for isabelle, and then he has the worst idea of his life. somehow, things work out. kind of.
hygge, by fruitysmell / @fruitysmellz (G).
hygge. a danish word used for a special feeling of coziness and contentment, whether with friends or alone and at home or out.
SKY HIGH (2005)
the language of flowers by evergreeen / @everrgrreeen (T).
“i think he deserves to sweat about it for a while,” magenta said, reclining back in her chair. “maybe if he thinks that another guy is interested in you, he’ll come to his senses and see what’s right in front of him.”
layla’s head snapped up to look at her shapeshifting friend.
“magenta, that’s it!”
“what’s it?”
“i’m going to make will jealous… by pretending to date warren peace.”
you don't scare me anymore by misschatelle / @misschatelle (M).
chief holbrook calmly held her glare for a few seconds. “do you mean to say that you have no memories of the past eight months?”
allie shrugged. “maybe it was all a dream.”
“can you tell me what happened in that dream?”
“why does it matter now?”
“because some of you never returned. and we’d like to understand why. We have parents who, for a second, were given hope, only for that to get brutally taken away. they’ve seen all the other families reunite with their lost children, and they didn’t get to do that. they want answers, and i don’t have them. i’m hoping you can help me.”
(four teenagers never made it back to west ham. emily warner. cassandra pressman. greg dewey. campbell eliot.)
be brave and kiss the girl by fatechica / @fatechica (T).
el hopper: beautiful, sweet, and instantly one of the most popular girls in the hawkins’ high junior class when she moves there after her dad takes the job of police chief for the small town. mike wheeler: king of the nerds, A/V club president, and completely invisible to girls.
naturally, mike notices the new girl - how can he not when she’s the most beautiful girl he's ever seen in his entire short life? but she’s so far out of his league, it’s not even worth dreaming about. so it’s completely and utterly confusing to him when el takes a lot more than a polite interest in him.
el, for her part, is instantly smitten with the cute nerd with gorgeous eyes, adorable freckles, and the most beautiful smile she’s ever seen. no one understands when she decides to pursue him, especially not the popular kids, but it’s harder than she bargained for to get mike to trust her, to let her into his heart. guess it’s a good thing she’s as persistent as she is popular, isn’t it?
her everything by fabulist / @thatfabulist (M).
being the part-time boyfriend, part-time babysitter of the princess isn't all it's cracked up to be, but eugene fitzherbert is up for the challenge. besides, he loves her. now rated M for extra sauciness.
the orion protocol by annie174 (M).
in the immediate aftermath of the final bomb, veronica finds out things are not as they appear. a fix-it for the veronica mars season 4 final. spoilers for season 4.
kissing friends, by pirate turner (PG).
friends surprise each other under the mistletoe. kurtty.
playing with fire, by taekwondodo (M).
kurt (nightcrawler) and kitty (shadowcat) managed to get things worked out between them - mostly - but things have taken a decided turn for the worse and are only going to go downhill from here.
and each slow dusk, by loyaulte_me_lie / @if-fortunate (M).
“he wishes for a time machine to turn back the clock, back to a world where his mother wasn’t on the end of the phone, saying grimly, “wilhelm, you need to come home. it’s starting.””
two months after wille’s arrival at hillerska, war breaks out. when his and erik's last-ditch attempt to leave the country goes badly wrong, he ends up stuck in bjarstad - with simon.
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gunpowderdtim · 3 years
Talk to me about narratomancy? Just whatever you want to talk about it I'm deathly interested
!!!! Today today i had so many Thoughts. To many. It almost rivals March 2020 thoughts
My current running names for the four pillars of Narratomancy are as follows:
Universal Story
Narrative Role Filling/Casting Call
Story Echoes
Narrative Flow/Narrative Imperative
Each of these refer to VERY different things within the concept of Narratomancy. I will do my best to describe them. I have coined every term here but narratomancy, to which I believe the honor falls to @lucky-sevens
Keep in mind this is 50% theory, 20% headcanon, 30% canon, and that you do not have to agree with me.
Universal Story
Universal Story refers to the story of the universe, not stories in the universe, the story of the universe. In other words, the story of ‘Dr. Carmilla & The Mechanisms’
This section of Narratomancy is a tad more meta than the others, as it does in some form rely on real-world events to define it, as well as having little to no in story inpact on anything. Maki created the mechanisms universe, clear and simple. She founded the band, and hashed out the earliest lore. Dr. Carmilla is the main character of the universe, not of all the stories, but of the universe. Essentially, Universal Story refers to the fact that Doc C is the main character of the universe, and that the mechanisms are her side characters, in the story of the universe. I have taken to viewing it as doc carmilla stuff is the story of the universe, and the mechanisms is a spin off of that. Both are just as canon, but not specifically canon to eachother. Regardless, the universes story is Carmilla, from starting on Terra, to Aurora, through Loreli, into creating The Mechansims, all of that. All of that is the story of The Universe. The Mechanisms backstories are included in this, of course, because they are part of Carmilla's tale, not the other way around. Through this, I conclude that The Mechanisms are a spin off, focusing on the mechs rather than Carmilla. After all, The Mechansisms are a vessel for telling stories, for fleshing out the universe.
Narrative Role Filling/Casting Call
This refers to the mechs penchant for falling into narrative roles similar to troupes that they represent, or basically acting as a crutch for a story to continue. In OUATIS, Jonny acts as The Prince figure in sleeping beauty. He saves Briar. In being The Prince, he allows Snow's forces to attack cole, and win the war. Without that whole escapade, its likely the war would have stretched on years longer, and not have ended as it did.
Or, Ashes as Hades. What do mythological Hades and Ashes have in common? Hades was eaten by his father, Kronos, because there was a prophesy that told Kronos that his children would usurp him as king of the titans. Ashes figured out Mickey was the snitch, Mickey realized beforehand and lead Ashes into a trap. Killing them because he knew that they could ruin him. Basically, a parental figure betrays the child figure due to them knowing the child could ruin/destroy their position of power. As well as, if Ashes were not Hades, the Suits would not have met, and because of that the story of Ulysses Dies At Dawn would not have happened.
Continuing, while I am not nearly as much of an Arthurian legend person as I am a greek mythology person, some quick google searches revealed a similar similarity between Merlin and Brian. Basically, Merlin and the lady of the lake. She was basically his apprentice/a lady he was in love with? She basically betrayed and killed him after learning all out magic from him. Brian brought a priest back to life, only to have the priest betray and kill him. The tying together point here is clearly the "someone you helped betrays and kills you." That or, the fact they are both magical. Beyond this, If Brian were not on Fort Galfridian, Galahad would never have sought out the grail, and the entire plot would not have occurred.
In The Bifrost Incident, the Mechanisms do not take narrative roles in the way they did in prior albums. But this does not exclude them from being vital points in the story, after all, if Ivy were not present Lyf would not have been able to recover the data on the Black Box)
In all of these situations, (barring Jonny as The Prince) the Mechanisms have had some sort of connection point in the Roles they assume, as well as in their roles, changing the story so that it can continue to the ending presented in the albums.
Story Echoes
Story echoes are, to be blatant, simply canon. No argument, no theorizing, just canon. Refers to the fact that in the mechanism's universe stories 'echo' or basically repeat. In Kofi's fiction for HNOC, its shown rather blatantly that there are more Arthurs in this universe than just the one in hnoc.
In those burning instants, he’d feel the weight of it all, and know it was true. The golden age that never came; the city that stood at the dawn of a world instead of in its dying embers. And beyond – to a myriad of Camelots and a thousand thousand Arthurs, unfathomable worlds apart, each different, each fighting the same hopeless battle.
I know there are other examples of this, but they do escape me right now.
Narrative Flow/Narrative Imperative
This one is also directly canon. On the mechanisms blog, this post defines it rather well.
In the ask, the asker asks "...Do you heal injuries at an abnormal rate, or can you not be injured?"
In the reply, it is stated.
It depends on the narrative imperative - sometimes a Mechanism might die for a while, and only come back later when it becomes more fun, other times they’ll just heal/ignore wounds as they take them. It’s not something they can control, but tends to follow a rough logic of whatever works best for the story.
This is just canon, no arguing or stating otherwise. A mechanisms ability to heal depends entirely on what's best for the story.
Other examples in canon where this comes into play would be as follows:
GPTVTMK. In gptvtmk, Jonny's severed head is there. Is talks. It moves. In one of the fictions, it's stated Jonny cannot separate his heart from his body. Therefore, these are contradictory. Under normal circumstances, this would be a plothole. It is not here. Under narratomancy, Jonny was capable of being a severed head due to the fact that that would be best for the story.
OUATIS. Jonny walks through rounds and rounds of bullets.
HNOC. This example is a bit different from the rest, as it is not about a Mechanism. Galahad does something pretty fucking impossible.
And so Galahad stood and walked into the corridor. The guns trained on the preacher and opened fire. 
Say what you want about faith, but it can have powerful effects on those that have it. It can keep you from faltering as the bullets start to slam into you. It can keep you walking as your legs are shot to bloody stumps. It can keep you laughing as your lungs are filled with shrapnel and lead. It can keep you smiling as half your face is blown away. It can keep a man like Galahad standing tall until the guns clicked dry.
It is my belief that this is another example of narrative imperative. Under normal rules, Galahad could never have done this. But his faith, his beleif, kept him going. And that was good for the story.
So. That wraps up my narratomancy ramble for today. hope yall enjoyed.
*EDIT: Nastya does say it's nanobots. My opinion is: it's both. The nanobots are narrative driven <3
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
mechanisms basics & lore
welcome to my updated mechanisms intro post! this post will cover both the topics discussed in my mechanisms basics post, which is geared towards people who don’t know what the mechanisms are, and my deep lore post, which aimed to be a comprehensive compilation of all the important character and world lore. this post should serve the above group, but it’s geared towards people who have listened but feel there’s a lot of lore that seems to be common knowledge they’re missing. we’ll start out with a basic introduction, and then go into crew lore and a semi-comprehensive guide on where to go for further information.
the mechanisms were a steampunk concept band, known for their queer representation and their tragic stories. they are no longer together, their last performance being january 2020, but several of their members are still creating related spinoff content.
they follow the trope many steampunk bands do, which is albums that tell a story; think similar to listening to a musical soundtrack, but geared to a visual-less experience. what distinguishes them is 1) narration tracks between each song, making the plot very easy to follow, and 2) being meant to be watched live, meaning there’s layers of meta that are more easily understood by watching recorded gigs rather than studio recordings of albums. specifically, there’s a focus on the narrators, known as the mechanisms or the crew of the aurora, who are immortal space pirates telling the stories and occasionally inserting themselves into them. though they are tragic figures themselves, their banter serves the purpose of bringing a lightheartedness and dark humor to the stories. if there’s an aspect of the lore you’re confused on, it’s probably related to the narrators!
to watch the mechanisms live, you can find recordings on youtube, dropbox, google drive, soundcloud, or vimeo, which are all compiled in this post (including transcripts!). if visuals aren’t your thing, i’ve linked the studio recordings later on in this post when they come up, and here are the mechanisms’ official spotify, bandcamp, and youtube, as well as an unofficial comprehensive lyric videos channel. 
the albums
regarding the albums specifically, there are 4 main ones (once upon a time (in space), ulysses dies at dawn, high noon over camelot, and the bifrost incident), 2 that are compilations of miscellaneous songs (tales to be told 1 & 2), 1 single (frankenstein), and 1 album that’s a high-quality recording of their last live show, including an alternative performance of the bifrost incident, 2 songs only performed at live shows, and 'the deathsong’, which details how they all eventually die (death to the mechanisms).
as you might have been able to tell from the titles, they’re all based off of various myths, folklore, literature, and/or fairy tales, using different genres on top of a sci-fi setting to add a fresh twist to them! for example, high noon over camelot is a western based on arthurian mythos, set on a space station. (the albums are known for all ending in tragedy, so be careful if that isn’t your cup of tea!) if your goal is to get into the mechanisms, i’d suggest sitting down and listening to them all in full; links will be provided below, or alternatively you can watch once upon a time (in space) live here, ulysses dies at dawn live here, or the bifrost incident live here. (there is no full live recording with visuals of high noon over camelot, sadly, but there are partial and audio only recordings.)
once upon a time (in space) - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
ulysses dies at dawn - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
high noon over camelot - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
the bifrost incident - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
tales to be told, volume 1 -  spotify/bandcamp/youtube
tales to be told, volume 2 - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
frankenstein - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
death to the mechanisms - edited video with the stream corruption fixed + subtitles / stream / spotify / bandcamp / youtube / transcript pt. 1 / transcript pt. 2
reading the fiction is integral to understanding both the albums and the mechanisms themselves. the fiction is a collection of short stories set in the mechanisms universe posted on their website here and compiled by me here, with an extra high noon over camelot story here. (there are also audio versions for ‘mirror mirror’ and ‘a rebel yell’ included on both the website and the compilation).
the crew of the aurora
as for the crew, at their peak there were nine members played by people, as well as the ex-member dr carmilla, who has extensive solo lore and is still active (which we’ll touch on in a few paragraphs). there is also their ship, the aurora, who is sentient and has her own lore. in fact, every member of the crew has their own backstory, set in a different genre or historical period; for example, nastya rasputina's is historical, jonny d’ville’s is a western and marius von raum’s is a mecha anime. however, they’re all still different flavors of steampunk! below, i’ll list each member, their performer, and the main sources of lore about them. for the majority of them, they have their own song in tales to be told, but there are a few outliers. everyone also has their own bio up on the website, which can all be found here. 
the aurora (n/a, ship)- on aurora (meta)
jonny d’ville (jonny sims)- one eyed jacks (song), jonny before he was mechanized (meta)
nastya rasputina (anonymous)- cyberian demons (song)
ivy alexandria (morgan wilkinson)- archive footage (fiction), crew bio
ashes o’reilly (frank voss)- lucky sevens (song)
drumbot brian (ben below)- lost in the cosmos (song), crew bio
the toy soldier (jessica law)- the story of the toy soldier (fiction)
gunpowder tim (tim ledsam)- gunpowder tim vs the moon kaiser (song/minialbum)
marius von raum (kofi young)- the death of byron von raum summary (blog post)
raphaella la cognizi (r l hughes)- crew bio
if you’ve noticed the crew bio doesn’t say much about raphaella, that’s because we know little to nothing about her backstory. the only thing we have to go on is a quote from the tv tropes page, which looking at the edit history, was likely written by one of the mechanisms. the quote is ‘Science officer who may or may not have cheated her way onto the ship after becoming a little too interested.‘ and the page is here.
the majority of fandom content is about the crew, working off of what we get from the tales to be told songs, the live gigs, and the fiction.
dr carmilla
speaking of characters with obscure lore, let’s talk about dr carmilla! rather than linger, i’ll just link my carmilla basics post, which is a comprehensive summary of who she is in and out of universe. to summarize, she’s a character based on the novella ‘carmilla’ by sheridan le fanu, commonly regarded as the first vampire novel, but her lore has diverged heavily from that original starting point since then. she is the oldest out of all of the crew, and made the majority of the other crew members immortal. she, as well as aurora, is from a planet called terra, which was destroyed partially as a result of her actions. her character is defined by her immortality and how she deals with it, her experiences on terra, her relationship with the mechanisms, and her dysfunctional relationship with her ex-girlfriend loreli, the last of which is the most covered by her songs. out of universe, she is played by maki yamazaki. all her lore lines up with what happened out of universe, and ties to the fact the mechanisms were originally dr carmilla and the mechanisms. she has two solo albums and two singles, which i’ll link below.
ageha (prototype edition) (album)- bandcamp | youtube
exhumed and {un}plugged (album)- bandcamp | youtube
the city {nex:type mix} (single, in-character cover)- bandcamp | youtube
eleven (single)- bandcamp | youtube
the majority of her lore is still to be officially revealed, and will be in the trilogy of albums maki yamazaki is working on.
further reading
if you’d like to delve further into the lore, there are a few sources i use! there are official, in-character, blogs, as well as things that are harder to dredge up; i won’t link them here, but some sources include @/thedreadvampy (the band’s artist, as well as morgan wilkinson’s sister and kofi young’s partner; don’t bother her for lore or anything, but she’s previously made posts sharing previously unknown information), old websites and deleted content found on the wayback machine, the tv tropes pages, and most notably the lore doc.
the ‘maki forbidden lore doc’ is an archive of all the lore maki yamazaki has shared on the mechscord, the official mechanisms discord which she’s on, and her own personal server, where she’s running an arg (alternate reality game) as a way of relaying more lore about the dr carmilla universe. for an idea of the scale, the doc is currently 91 pages and 28346 words, and recontextualizes much of what is known about dr carmilla and maki’s canon of the mechanisms universe. it is confidential to anyone not in her discord or the mechscord, as she’s said that this lore isn’t thought out nearly as much as the albums and is subject to change, so she’d rather it not be out in the open. however, information on how to join the mechscord can be found here. there is also a non-canonical fan project based on the arg in progress, but information on it is also confidential for now.
with regards to the above phrase ‘maki’s canon’ it’s worth noting that all of the individual band members have their own idea of what counts as canon and what doesn’t, and as you foray deeper into lore that division becomes more and more apparent.
with that, here are the mechanisms’ blogs. they are all both run in-character by the main nine band members and inactive unless i note otherwise.
website/wordpress (run ic by tereshkova’s ghost, the blogbot, for the most part)
carmilla twitter (active, run ic by dr carmilla)
now that we’re coming to the end of this, i’d like to thank whoever got this far, and to say a few words. my interest in the mechanisms has been slowly fading, and i’ve been writing less and less meta and lapsing in keeping up with new lore myself. honestly, i’m pretty worn out by how much i’ve done on this blog and in this fandom, and the commitments i’ve assigned myself. i do have plans for future meta, but it’s unlikely they’ll come to fruition. so, i thought i’d do a new version of my two oldest posts on this blog, and hopefully enable other people to look into the lore and theorize themselves with the new information.
to find more information, remember there’s a mechanisms wiki, and that my askbox is always open.
thanks for reading!
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equalseleventhirds · 3 years
Been reading your posts about TMA and racism and I am in this weird place where as a PoC I want very much to re-imagine TMA with different themes (because let tell you stuff like John *Amherst* hits way differently to actual Native Americans). But I'm also aware of like, how much white fandom isn't thinking about it all?
My own HCs for the main characters are a lot more white than most people's and I found it weird until I started reading your stuff. Jon and OG Sasha remain PoCs in my head but everyone else is white aside from those stated otherwise and I think what you've said is why? Like so much about Tim especially just doesn’t work for me unless he's white, you know?
I have read fanfic where someone has very specific HCs of characters as various backgrounds and I can tell it's from their own experience and I appreciate that but a lot of the fanon is just so clearly coming from white people and I have... SO many thoughts about Jon in particular getting almost fetishized as either some sort of near-infantile trans PoC or demonized as "can never do right" in the same vein.
Anyway I'm not sure I have a point beyond damn being not-white in fandom spaces is weird. There is enough pain in the world and I want to just enjoy my comfort characters but I do not have the option to do so uncritically.
yeah!!! like, i ENJOY my headcanons of most of the cast as poc. i LIKE indian jon, and i have strong feelings on filipino martin, and like... it's fun. it rly is fun as a person of color to use these characters to sometimes tell my own story.
but then like, what's fun for me as a fan of color is not necessarily... good practice, on the part of the creators OR on the part of white fans, bcos jfc white fans are! the worst!!! there's the treatment of jon, there's tim being widely headcanoned as a poc and then made way more promiscuous and angry and into this like, scary stereotype of aggressive over-sexualized irresponsible moc, and like... y'all i hate it. and actually most white fans seem to consider martin white, which with his status as the uwu soft super caring 'more human than jon' one as well...... hm. suspicious, one could say.
you're also right about how it would change the themes of the story so much. if jon was consciously written as a person of color, the way his white boss treats him, his clinging to what power he has, his treatment at the hands of police and white people, even his relationship with the fears in the context of, lbr, a bunch of ancient white british ppl having defined them as they are understood by him--all of that would be VERY different. there would be a fascinating nuance! but he's not written that way (and lbr jonny sims, good intentions and all, is not the person i would choose for writing it), and fandom does love to ignore like. what those implications are, in favor of a very casual, sometimes offensive, headcanon.
like, i said i like to use these characters to tell my own story. but sometimes, as a poc, i have to ask myself like... why am i using a white man's undefined, written-as-white-but-not-named-so characters, to tell my story? they were not intended for that. they, in their actual canon, do not have my story, not really. they lack the life experiences i fabricate for them.
it's fun! but if there was more media for people like me, and if white fans actually got INTO media with real representation instead of 'aracial' media, it wouldn't be necessary. there would be like, more options. i still might do it! but maybe not.
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zykaben · 4 years
Martin Blackwood Is Gonna Live Manifesto
Okay this is a thought I’ve had since the end of S4 but now I am pretty much absolutely certain of this.
Martin Blackwood will not die (or otherwise be neutralized in such a way that is equivalent to or worse than dying). My reasoning for this is largely based in meta more than like, canon signifiers so bear with me here.
First of all, I am making the assumption that Jonny Sims isn’t going to kill off the deuteragonist of his story without laying some goddamn groundwork and making it feel earned and fitting for Martin.
Why is that? I trust Jonny Sims as a writer to deliver satisfying and cathartic arcs for his characters. Beyond the fact that he’s outright stated he cares more about character arcs than he does being Mysterious and whatnot, he’s done a great job handling the death of some of the main cast. You could see Tim’s death coming from a mile away and he went out in a blaze killing the things that had killed his brother; it was tragic but it was fitting and earned. Peter’s death was so goddamn cathartic, you can’t tell me it wasn’t. Daisy’s death was tragic and harrowing but, again, it wasn’t cruel or anything. We could see it coming, knew it was going to happen, and it made me cry and it felt right.
So yeah, Martin’s end, if it were to happen, would have to be impactful and fitting for his arc.
Taking that into consideration, let’s look at ways Martin could satisfyingly die at this point in the narrative. I’m sure that people’s instant gut reaction is to go “oh, the Lonely! Obviously.” But the thing with that is if it was going to be the Lonely, it would have already happened. Jonny had the PERFECT chance in 159 to write Martin out of the story, have him lost to the Lonely forever. And then again in 170 when Jon literally asks Martin if he’d like to stay in that domain. So both the initial threat of the Lonely and the threat presented by relapse back into the Lonely have been addressed and shot down in turn. Martin getting Got by the Lonely in the back half of the final season after distancing himself from it again not even 10 episodes ago… it just doesn’t seem fitting.
“But Daisy relapsing,” you may point out, to which I will say that, firstly, Daisy was never pulled from the Hunt in the same way Martin was pulled from the Lonely–Daisy was cut off from the Hunt during her stint in the Coffin and from there worked to stop feeding the Hunt until the attack on the Institute where she jumped back into it. Meanwhile, Martin was confronted with love and care in the heart of the Lonely and was pulled out of it and, when the opportunity for relapse was presented, it didn’t come to fruition. Taking that  (as well as the fact that I don’t think Jonny would basically write Daisy’s Arc again but with Martin) into account… yeah, I don’t think Martin is going to get Got by falling back in with the Lonely.
So the Lonely doesn’t really present a satisfying end to Martin. Okay, what’s next? How could Martin die win a satisfying way? Self-sacrifice comes to mind, dying for the greater good, going out in such a way to save Jon or the world at large. But considering that Martin’s entire arc in S4 was “hey self-sacrifice is Bad, actually” I don’t think Jonny is going to just walk back on that in the last 21 episodes of the podcast, especially considering I don’t think Martin’s arc is one about relapse, as stated earlier.
So dying for the cause and relapse into the Lonely are out. What does that leave us in terms of something that fits Martin’s arc? I… can’t really think of anything. Could he just be killed without any solid reason to prove the world is mean and unjust? I mean, yeah, but that doesn’t feel right either, nor is Martin’s arc set up to illustrate this point very well. It’d feel more like a “gotcha!” than an actual satisfying arc.
And, honestly, that doesn’t leave us with many other options. None that I can think of, at least. That doesn’t mean that he definitely won’t or can’t die, but if he does it’s gonna be MEANINGFUL and I can’t think of many ways to do that as of right now.
In my mind, it would be far more fitting, far more painful and satisfying and tragic, if Martin were to be the Sole Survivor. If he alone survives while everyone else is gone. And that would certainly play into Martin Not Being Okay. It’s not gonna be regressive either, I think the tone is gonna be "Everyone is gone and I am alone. But this is not the end. This hurts and I will grieve and I will live." He is alone but he is not Lonely. He has grown and changed and it hurts but he will live. 
Of course, I don’t know for sure if that will even happen but… well. I think it’s far more plausible than him dying to an Entity or in service of Jon.
Also this doesn’t take into account everyone dying and them just wholesale not saving the world, Total Party Kill style. Which, obviously would throw this whole meta out the window but I can’t really predict for that and, again, there hasn’t been a whole lot of setup for it yet, so I’m going with this.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
Don't feel like you have to make a list or anything but do you have any specific fic recs? I just really enjoyed that one you mentioned!
Jonny Recommends a Bunch of OP Fics
(i know you said no need to make a list but i’m gonna anyways, here’s a bunch of junk grabbed from the mess that are my bookmarks. most of these will be gen and G/T rated unless indicated otherwise cause that’s how i roll. i feel like i’m not very good at describing things to make them sound appealing but i will try! if nothing else, know i’ve read everything on this list at least two or three times.)
Oneshots, AKA Most of What I Read
Ring Around by Maldoror_Chant - ~600 words - Platonic kisses!! It’s just so goddamn cute please read it.
Underwater by ThisCat - ~1000 words - In which Luffy almost drowns, and thinks about some stuff, and the author has one of the best grasps on his personality and attitude towards death I’ve ever seen. Also every time I reread this I find myself holding my breath, which should tell you something. 
✖ by Faktory - ~1000 words - Vivi gets a tattoo, for remembrance’s sake. We need more Vivi in fic just in general, and this one is just so warm and meditative and lovely.
reach up to me (if you even can) by guiltylights - ~1500 words - Look it’s just a fic about Ace getting to see tiny Luffy post Gear Third and laughing his ass off for a solid five minutes. Good shit. Brothers. 
In Another Life by marimoes - ~1800 words - Hey I know you guys love Doflamingo and Rocinante do yourselves a favor and just read this one? It’s not happy but man it sure is something. Closure? I dunno but it’s good. 
tomorrow never happens by midnightluck - ~2000 words - Pre-canon, Sabo runs into a Vice Admiral who seems to know him for some reason and everything works out pretty well. 
Back So Soon by Moriohno - ~3000 words - Post-canon, Brook keeps his promise, just go read it right now it might make you cry but like for happy reasons. 
A Way to Reach the Future by JadeFlicker - ~3000 words - The Strawhats accidentally land on the frozen wasteland that used to be Ohara. More hopeful than you’d think. Also one of the few fics I can’t read in public because I will cry. 
Interlude for Eight Straw Hats and One Giraffe by Maldoror_Chant - ~4000 words - Kaku has a terrible horrible no good very bad day, and probably has to falsify a mission report. Honestly just hilarious from start to finish. 
paint the flag and fly it high by Codedredalert - ~4000 words - Pre-canon fic about the baby Heart Pirates stealing a submarine, designing their Jolly Roger, and largely failing to paint said Jolly Roger on said submarine. 
disaster in the making (we’re not sorry for it) by guiltylights - ~4000 words - The original fic I recced that prompted this ask, but I’m putting it here again now that I’m making a proper list cause it’s just excellent and needs more appreciation. Law crashes a Shichibukai meeting with a big sack of hearts and Hancock and Doflamingo get to bear witness. 
Deliverance by Sarcasticles - ~7000 words - Listen, I know a lot of you who follow me love Sabo and Koala. Read this fic. Pre-canon, they have their first mission on their own, everything goes wrong, Sabo does some arson, it’s excellent. 
Prospects by BrambleFuzz - ~9000 words - Katakuri joins the long list of people who did not get the heads up that friendship with Monkey D. Luffy isn’t optional once he’s made up his mind about it. Rip.
Birds of Alubarna by kurgaya - ~29000 words - The Strawhats go to a masquerade and that’s kind of all I can say about the plot on this one- and okay listen I know it’s long and also kind of baffling at first but YALL this author’s prose is so floaty and magical and it goes so well with the sort of unreal fantastical nature of events and it’s just good?? It’s just good. Also Vivi is in it and that’s always a bonus.
Chaptered Fics, AKA Half of These are Fix-It Fics and I’m Not Sorry
Lionheart by cyan96 - ~28000 words, Unfinished - tbh I nearly didn’t put this one on the list because I feel like most people who follow me have probably already read it, since I read my tags and I know how many of you love Law and Cora, but, on the off chance you haven’t, go read it rn. Go. Do it. 
Sea of Monsters by WhirlyBird70 - ~32000 words, Unfinished but it’s more like a bunch of short stories anyways - Bunch of fucked up stuff in this one so mind the tags but like, it’s a The East Blue is Full of Demons AU and it’s good weird shit so if you’re into that go read it. 
Small Changes by sweetscentences - ~37000 words, Finished - More Law and Cora. Honestly this one is just… so happy and domestic and good?? Also it’s got baby Heart Pirates, and they’re fucking adorable. (Also the author says they’re working on a sequel, so go support that!)
our shores of starlight (come sailing in) by kurgaya - ~46000 words, Finished - First thing on this list to not actually be gen- it’s Zolu, kinda, but not really focused on that? Mostly it’s just about Zoro. He’s a ghost in a sword, which is absolutely not gonna stop Luffy from recruiting him. I already talked about how great kurgaya’s prose is somewhere above this and that applies here too, it’s just gorgeously written. 
Scylla by missmungoe - ~50000 words, Finished - Technically this one’s not gen either, it’s Makino/Shanks. Makino marries a pirate, becomes a pirate, gets a sword, nearly gives Garp an aneurysm. Please read it. 
Overcoming an Era by Beyond_Kailani - ~60000 words, Unfinished - Ace bumps into a very familiar blonde in a top hat while searching for Blackbeard and ends up dragging him along. Maybe my favorite ongoing fic? I’m a huge sucker for canon divergence with regards to the ASL brothers and this is just, that, and it’s wonderful. 
Within Risk of Reason by Depths - ~60000 words, Unfinished - Another Sabo-centric ASL fix it, I’m a simple woman with simple tastes- but really. It’s got time travel, and crimes, and vaguely dubious adoption. What more do you need? It’s so so good. 
Obligatory Shitty Self-Promotional Note
I’m not narcissistic enough to make a whole nother list here, but I also write OP fic and my ao3 is Origamidragons if you want to check that out! 
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gothic-safari-clown · 4 years
The Mind’s Power Over the Body
Part 8: Acceptance
Story summary: They only ever had each other. It had been that way since high school, ever since Elianna transferred to dreary Arlen and took Jonathan under her wing. They go separate ways for college, and when they're reunited at Arkham Asylum professionally, Elianna comes to find that they've both changed during their time separated. Can she look past the promise of danger and stay by Jonathan's side as they slide further and further into the darkness while she grapples to come to terms with the truth about herself? Can she accept what needs to be done in order to hold onto the only person who holds any meaning in her life? This is a very self-indulgent AU that draws from several different canons of the DCU and ignoring others, starting in the Batman Begins Nolanverse. This will follow the plot of the movie, although the timeline has been very slightly tweaked.
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven
Word count: 1986
Minutes after Jonathan left, Elianna was still staring at the wall, unable to think about anything other than the sudden and jarring conversation. She couldn't help but feel astounded that she had even agreed to what he was suggesting. Why would I do that? If she hadn't accepted his proposal, would he have gone along with the plan on his own? And what would have become of had she refused?
Her clock glared at her from its place mounted on the wall, reminding her that she didn't even have the distraction of a session to rush to. Damn it. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork...
Finally forcing herself into action, El gathered all of her files and situated herself on the floor with them, playing music on her smartphone to help her focus. She ended up with papers stacked around her as she reorganized all of her files in an attempt to occupy her mind with something—anything—else. Honestly, there hadn't been anything wrong with the previous system in the first place, and now she was just surrounded by mess as she reshuffled the notes in each folio to justify her decision.
Two hours later, her office was spotless, and she had gone through at least three new filing systems. With nothing left to do for an hour, she found herself still sitting on the floor against her desk, desperately trying to unwind her conflicting feelings over the new situation.
She knew that she should care about the moral implications of her decision, but the more she thought, the more she realized that she just...didn't. Not for lack of trying. For God's sake, Scarecrow had gotten Jonathan to kill his granny when they were teenagers, and she hadn't even questioned it. The old woman did have it coming, just like she had thought earlier that morning, but did that way of thinking make her a bad person? She had never been one for philosophy.
And now, when the opportunity presented itself to exact horrible, torturous revenge on Victor Zsasz, she had taken it without even fully thinking through the consequences. She hadn't even been able to through her confusion. If it comes down to it, which seems likely, can I take a life the way that Jonathan did? Do I even want to?
Yes. She did. Each thing that she came to realize about herself sent El spiraling into a new set of questions. When had she become this person? Had she always been like this, keeping busy to avoid confronting that reality?
She couldn't tell how much time passed as she took inventory of herself until finally, another look at the clock told Elianna that her first session began in ten minutes; today, she had been scheduled a series of low profile patients to be seen in her office. Sighing, she finally lifted herself off the floor. She would have time to re-evaluate her life later. For now, she needed to get to work.
"In my opinion, Mr. Zsasz is as much a danger to himself as to others, and prison is probably not the best environment for his rehabilitation," Jonathan spoke into the mounted microphone on the stand with steady resilience. It was getting difficult for him to ignore Scarecrow, who had become practically giddy from the anticipation of getting to "play" with the newest batch of the toxin. He was almost exploding, insisting that Elianna would finally give in to her dark side.
Both Jonathan and Scarecrow had known that it was there for a long time. Jonathan had had his suspicions when he had told her about Scarecrow for the first time, and she had accepted it, and they had been confirmed after Granny's "accident," when she had helped them cover it up and had stuck around to boot.
At a glance, someone less close to the situation would say it was denial (which she was good at, apparently), but she had no qualms talking about it when the topic came up; she simply didn't care about most things that she should. She had somehow managed to convince everyone else—including herself—that she did, and that was the part that mattered.
The trial ended quickly after Jonathan's testimony. Falcone had already paid off the judge to rule in favor of whatever Jonathan said, and the rest was just formality. As such, he had already filled out all of the appropriate paperwork for the admission and transferred the deranged man to his care.
Finally, it was over, and Jonathan was on his way to the parking lot to make it back to the asylum when he was stopped by the most irritatingly incorruptible person on the planet.
"Doctor Crane," Rachel Dawes's voice rang through the courthouse lobby. Unable to ignore her, Jonathan paused to look at her, barely breaking his gait, suddenly needing to focus extra hard on keeping Scarecrow under control; he hated her as much as Jonathan did, possibly more.
"Miss Dawes," he acknowledged, having nothing else to say. That was passable as polite, wasn't it?
"You think a man who butchered people for the mob and attacked an innocent woman doesn't belong in jail?" Right to the point with this one, always so straightforward. Ambitious. If she would only take advantage of the ample opportunities that the city provided, she might even be able to make something of herself. Unfortunately for her, she didn't have the drive.
We don't need her sniffing around, Jonny. Let me take care of this now.
Not a chance, keep quiet.
"I would hardly have testified to that otherwise, would I?" Politeness be damned, the insufferable woman could chalk it up to a bad day if she wanted, just as long as she didn't notice the distaste rolling off of him in waves.
"This is the third of Falcone's thugs you've had declared insane and moved to your asylum, and the fourth time you've done so for Zsasz individually." Dear Lord, was she implying that he was corrupt? In Gotham? Never. Impossible.
"It isn't my fault if our security officers have yet to discover his means of escape. As for the rest, the work offered by organized crime must have an attraction to the insane." There, a safely noncommittal answer, and one that held basis in fact too. He turned to leave, having just about reached his limit with the conversation.
"Or the corrupt," Dawes's heels clicked on the floor as she took a few steps after him before he stopped in his tracks again. So she wasn't implying anything, just outright accusing him. Jonathan ignored Scarecrow's outraged (and far from empty) threats and caught sight of Dawes's boss in his periphery. A little childish perhaps, resorting to involving her higher-ups, but at this point, he was willing to shoot himself in the foot to avoid continuing this tiresome discussion. Interrogation, more like.
"Mister Finch," the suited man looked at the sound of his name. "I think you should check with Miss Dawes here just what implications your office has authorized her to make." That captured his attention; Finch's brows raised as he aimed a pointed look in the direction of the woman in question. "If any." That should do it.
I'm gonna get our hands on that one. Pick her brain and spit in it.
There's something we can agree on.
As desperate as Elianna had been for any kind of distraction earlier, each of her sessions had been more boring than the last. She was still of the opinion that people with simple anxiety disorders didn't belong in an asylum; she had half a mind to sign them all out and send them back into the world. But until she learned more, she had to operate under the assumption that they had each been admitted for a worthwhile reason; but the second she was shown any sign of real-world competence, she would sign all of them out to keep them from taking up any more space. God, what's wrong with me today?
Before she could ponder on her behavior any further, a knock on her door signaled Jonathan's return, and she let him in quickly.
"So it's...you did it then?" She asked, still unsure of how to address the situation.
"He'll be transferred back in by tomorrow."
It was done. At this point, all she could do was trust in the combined efforts of Jonathan and Scarecrow to keep her safe with some...foolproof evil plan. No matter how much she tried, she hadn't been able to bring herself to feel guilty for wanting revenge; she couldn't help feeling justification in her decision, and it was clearly justified in Jonathan's as well, and really who else mattered in this scenario? Zsasz? Certainly not.
"Okay. Well, are you alright? You seem tense." Jonathan rolled his eyes to the ceiling and shook his head.
"Everything is fine, just this...tedious woman from the DA's office tried to give me some trouble, but it's taken care of. I, ah," he checked the time on the clock, "I just need to go finish some paperwork, and then we can go back home and talk about this some more."
"Sounds good. I'm almost done here myself; when I'm finished, do you want some help?" She offered, and he seemed almost grateful for it.
"If you don't mind, I wouldn't say no."
"M'kay, then I'll see you later. Oh, wait, actually," Jonathan looked at her expectantly, unsure of what exactly she was bringing to his attention. "How often would you say security looks at the footage from our offices?" Good god that made him worry. What now?
"...Can I ask why you want to know?" She looked embarrassed, and any ideas he had had of her doing something that might incriminate them went out the window. Dear God, what now?
"I...may have been sitting on the floor for a long time today." She said sheepishly, and Jonathan pinched his eyes closed briefly before casting his gaze up, fully exasperated by the fact that she had found that important enough to bring it up right then. "And I'm a little embarrassed about it." Scarecrow, on the other hand, found it hilarious whenever El caused him even the slightest bit of undue stress.
"It's fine; they really only review the footage from sessions. I doubt anyone will even know." Elianna seemed relieved and nodded, a tiny smile at the corners of her mouth. "You still sit on the floor when you're worked up?"
"It helps me think," came the defensive response, and Jonathan gave her a look that said that he would tease her about it later, and finally turned to go.
Jonathan left her office for the second time that day. Only this time, she had finally realized that her conflicted feelings from before were due entirely to outside influence. For as long as she could remember, she had found it impossible to feel truly concerned about the things that mainstream society seemed to want her to be. Why should she try to force herself into a box that she didn't fit in? She could at least try to keep her mind open to revenge.
Elianna's hesitant resignation to her anticipation for revenge began to chase away any confused reservations that she had had before and gradually replaced them with a hazy excitement bubbling under the surface.
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citrucentric · 4 years
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The ideal Holmes is tall and dark with sharp edges and an intelligent look to him, but also posh and with a sense that you could fold him into origami if you really tried. Dresses well, but wouldn’t look out of place sprawled dramatically over a couch in a dressing gown with a pipe and surrounded by drug paraphernalia. Once made a pillow fort and sat in it to think. Caught somewhere between handsome, pretty, and weird looking. Emphasis can be on any of the three. CANNOT have facial hair.
Holmes Adaptations
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Miss Sherlock (Yuko Takeuchi) - 95%
You’ll notice, of course, that nowhere in the earlier description did I say Holmes needed to be white, a man, or even human. None of those qualifiers or the lack-thereof prevent someone from looking the part -- it simply becomes necessary to compare them to the characters around them. And when I picture a female Sherlock Holmes, Yuko Takeuchi embodies the exact image in my mind. Her sharp edges, piercing eyes, and impeccable fashion, along with the powerful weird energy she brings to the role, fit Sherlock perfectly. She does look more than a bit like she could kick my ass, but more in the manner she dominates the room, which is perfect for the character.
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Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett) - 85%
I haven’t watched this adaptation, though I’ve been meaning to get around to it. So this ranking is based solely on screenshots and promotional images. And honestly, as ugly as i find this guy, he totally nails it. He even kind of looks like the illustrations in the stories. I won’t give him a perfect score because his hair could be darker and his face is a little small, and there’s just barely something missing. But as far as “canon” Holmes adaptations go, he’s the cream of the crop.
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Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (Benedict Cumberbatch) - 80%
Definitely the more accurate of the two Cumberbatch Holmes designs, the sleek fashion and slicked back hair complement Cumberbatch’s angular build and “somewhere between pretty and just weird” face. He’s tall, dark, and posh. If there’s anything holding him back it’s simply that even dressed up properly, there’s something still a bit modern looking about him.
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Fate/Grand Order - 78%
Given that his design and presentation are a direct reference to both Brett and Cumberbatch’s portrayals, it’s a given he’d place so highly. It’s really hard to nail down a 2D Holmes, especially in the anime style this game employs, since it has a tendency to prettify characters by default. True to form, FGO Holmes is far neater and more precise than I’d like. But he’s by no means a bad design, and depending on the image he can really hit the spot for me; he’s definitely a chart topper in the realm of 2D Holmes.
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Sherlock Holmes: The Furtive Festivity (Gregory Johnstone) - 75%
There aren’t many Holmes that we only get to see as an old man, in no small part due to the ACD estate’s notoriously malicious copyright practices. Johnstone ranks so highly not due necessarily to the details of his look, but the overall feel he embodies. This Holmes is soft, affectionate, more than a little floppy. His hair and costume portray a man well grown into his eccentric life, and his face is sharp and mature enough to suggest the brains underneath; even if that’s more wisdom than intelligence in this particular story. This is a Holmes designed by someone who really loves Sherlock Holmes, and it definitely shows.
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BBC Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) - 75%
Cumberbatch’s features still naturally suit Holmes well, and he’s tall and striking enough to cover the rest. But this isn’t a rating of his acting performance aside from the visuals it supplies; it’s hard to modernize Holmes, especially since it makes perfect sense for Holmes to gel well with the changing times; he was always a man ahead of his era. BBC Holmes’s trademark trenchcoat and curly locks aren’t traditional Holmes, but they suit him well enough.
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Yuukoku no Moriarty - 73%
The long hair is an unorthodox take, but I'm certainly not complaining. YnM's Holmes definitely nails the youthful scientific exuberance of an early Holmes. It's clear they were going for a sort of BBC/ACD mix, but with their own spin. Pretty -- he is an anime boy, after all -- but all sharp edges and full of energy. Decent, way better than most anime Holmes designs manage.
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Basil of Baker Street [The Great Mouse Detective] - 70%
Comparing the character to those around them is especially important when it comes to non-human characters, who naturally don’t have the same features. Putting Basil next to Dawson makes this abundantly clear, as they make a perfect portrait of Holmes and Watson. For a mouse, he’s thin, angular, even a little ratlike; all decisions that suit Holmes well. I have some complaints about his ensemble, though; while the dressing gown suits him well, his normal brown coat and hat don’t work so well with his fur; the monochrome look makes him come off a bit scruffy and unrefined.
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A Study in Black - 68%
Rules are made to be broken, they say; here’s a Holmes with well maintained facial hair and who’s shorter than Watson, and yet I can without question say they were the right decisions. This Holmes takes a very different design approach than any other on this list, even the other modern takes, but he embodies the spirit of Holmes much more than if he’d tried to match every detail. Holmes is still gaunt and striking, eccentric and fashionable. He looks absolutely great.
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The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (Robert Stephens) - 62%
Stephens in this role is, I have to say, far too soft. But he’s playing a different sort of Holmes, and I can’t resist keeping him here. There are some parts of the look he has down; he certainly looks high class, and the softer elements of Holmes’ character look good on him. Holmes’ traditional costume, the hat and coat, look out of place on him. But that suits the message of the film, and may very well have been intentional.
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Dai Gyakuten Saiban - 58%
Not the only blond Holmes on this list, but it doesn’t suit him as poorly. From a character design standpoint, it looks very good. As a Holmes, it’s unorthodox. He’s not gonna be a chart topper with it, but I wouldn’t rule it out. This Holmes’ real problem isn’t his coloration, merely that he’s much too conventionally attractive. His jaw is a bit too wide, curls a bit too lovely, the peek of lavender under his coat a bit too rich, and I can’t look at him for too long without blushing. Do some cocaine and get back to me.
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Sherlock Holmes (Basil Rathbone) - 55%
Now, this one might be controversial. I don’t think Rathbone Holmes looks very good. I can’t put my finger on why; his head is the right shape, his nose very sharp, though his face looks very smooth and he seems overall vaguely packed in. Like he was plucked out of the sky just before walking on set. The shapes are all right, it just seems off to me. I guess what I’m getting is that his look is too obviously produced. He looks too much like an actor portraying Holmes, rather than Holmes. But I know he’s gonna be the guy a lot of people swear by, so I won’t defend this placement too hard.
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Sherlock Hound - 45%
Really, what is up with the monochrome design on some of these cartoons. Sherlock Hound has the darker hat to make up for it, though, so it’s a little better. Applying the same rubric as Basil to him... doesn’t get the same results. As far as I can tell, this just looks like a normal dog. And a scruffy light-furred one, at that. There’s a contrast between him and Watson, sure, but it could’ve been pushed further. At the end of the day this is an average guy dressed as Sherlock.
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Herlock Sholmes [Code: Realize] - 40%
This is a very pretty anime boy. I’d pick him first in whatever dating sim this is. ...Wait, this is supposed to be Holmes? How can you tell? Look, I know it’s hard to make an anime boy Holmes. Holmes’ key design elements aren’t his costume or his hair, they’re the things that make him unpolished. And anime dating sim boys don’t like to be unpolished. But really, this is just a steampunk boy who likes tea. Nothing here reads as Holmes to me.
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Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) - 35%
Now, I love this movie. RDJ got me back into Sherlock Holmes when I was younger. And as this character, he has a very specific and well designed look. ...Does that look gel with canon Holmes? I don’t think so. He’s rough, he’s scruffy, he’s short and wide and strong-jawed, and he refuses to go for a clean shave. I like him a lot, but he’s not very Holmesian. He does, however, nail the eccentricity and his costume design works for him well. I do like a messy Holmes. So I won’t go any lower than this.
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Basil [Blush Blush] - 28%
So, he’s got the outfit. There’s that. But otherwise... This is just some soft ugly anime boy cosplaying Sherlock Holmes. He doesn’t have a single trait that works in his favor. On top of that, he’s got the same problem the other Basil on this list had -- the all monochrome light brown just looks weird, and not Holmesian at all. And this boy doesn’t have the excuse of literally being a mouse. This is just an ugly design.
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Elementary (Jonny Lee Miller) - 25%
Now, I've only watched a few scattered episodes of Elementary. Partially because I'm morally opposed to shows that only gender-flip half of the duo, partially because I’m absolutely outraged by the travesty they made Moriarty. But this isn’t a bad character, per-se.
But, like, this is just some dude. This isn't Holmes.
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Sherlock Holmes [Clue] - 23%
I love Clue so much. That probably doesn’t surprise anyone. I have the season pass in this game, which automatically gives me every DLC character they add for free. So I was super excited to hear there was gonna be a Sherlock crossover. ...But this is just ugly. Another light haired square-jawed monochrome asshole pretending to be my favorite character. There’s nothing Holmes about this. (The rest of the designs in the pack are no better, but this isn’t about them.)
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Skylar Holmes [Blossom Detective Holmes] - 20%
Now, Blossom Detective is a show that I famously disliked so much I immediately sat down and screenwrote my own Holmes cartoon on the spot. And Skylar certainly feels like she should be in the “part 2″ of this list, but a Holmes she is.
She's cute and she accessorizes well, but she's just not Sherlock Holmes by any stretch.
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Sherlock Shellingford [Milky Holmes] - 10%
Now, look how cute she is! Sherlock Shellingford, present and accounted for. She’s got TWO Sherlock names so you know she’s the real deal. Now, this is just an objectively good design. She's exactly what she needs to be to serve the role she plays!
And that isn't Sherlock Holmes. Sorry.
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Holmes & Watson (Will Ferrell) - 0%
Get out of my house.
Holmes Archetypes
Not all Holmes’ are meant to be the Canonical Sherlock Holmes, of course; some are just neat references, or characters who naturally fit into his role whether the author intended it or not. Let’s address them here, and remember that not looking the part doesn’t really reflect negatively on these ones as they’re stand-alone.
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Dylan Reinhart [Instinct] (Alan Cumming) - 90%
Dylan is so point for point Sherlock Holmes that it’s hard to call him an archetype and not a straight adaptation, or possibly a rip-off if I’m being harsh. But I’m not supposed to be rating him by portrayal, just looks - and he’s really good. He’s the exact right blend of weird looking, though not as angular as he should be. His sharp eyebrows and nose and high hairline work fantastic, and he wears a suit very well. He’s a perfect little bundle of posh and nerves, and though he’s not perfect the fact that this isn’t actually supposed to be canon Sherlock Holmes makes this placement very unsurprising. He wouldn’t look out of place on the other list.
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Hubert von Vestra [Fire Emblem: Three Houses] - 85%
Oh? What’s that? You don’t think Hubert von Vestra is a Sherlock Holmes archetype? Okay, then explain to me why he uses the word “sentiment” exactly twice in his supports. Atheists 1, Church of Seiros 0. Anyway. Let’s start with the obvious. Hubert looks like Benedict Cumberbatch. But, he looks like a vampire Benedict Cumberbatch who did a lot more cocaine. And if you don’t think Sherlock Holmes should look like a vampire, youre lying.
None yet. Please submit your Holmes and I will add them.
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Heinwald [Dragalia Lost] - 67%
I would never look at this design and think "well, that's Sherlock Holmes". Heinwald looks more like a zombie or the bride of Frankenstein, very Halloween. His look being so specific does come at the expense of his Holmesness, but he's still got more than a few traits down and he’s an absolute treat.
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L Lawliet [Death Note] - 65%
This is a very, very weird looking man. Key points: dark hair and eyes. gaunt, sharp, and mostly angular (though with a softer face). Extremely foldable. This man could 100% pass for Holmes, if someone else was dressing him. Put him in a suit, comb his hair? Yeah. It’d really work. But until then, he’s just most of the way there.
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Kyoko Kirigiri [Danganronpa] - 63%
Kirigiri really gets jilted here, because she could be much higher. Unfortunately, she has to be part of a series that with only a few exceptions just reuses the same face and body for most of its female characters. Kirigiri definitely has the sharp and focused feel she needs to pass for Holmes, and she dresses well. The white hair is the opposite of the dark he usually touts, but it’s striking. Unfortunately, put her next to any other character in her series, and she blends back in.
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Miles Edgeworth [Ace Attorney] - 60%
Feels a little weird to put Edgeworth on here when the actual Sherlock Holmes is in his game, but he fits the character much better if not the narrative role. So let’s go over the looks. His jaw is a bit wide, but he’s very pointy, and I certainly have never gotten the impression he’s a physically strong man. He’s very fashionable, and with his big cravat and sharp hair he makes a cutting silhouette. I’d say he needs a bit more to really nail the look, though.
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Will Graham [Hannibal] (Hugh Dancy) - 45%
Despite being a noted Hannibal Lecter fan and possible homosexual, I still haven’t watched Hannibal. I’m taking people at their word that Will is a Sherlock; I definitely would have assumed otherwise looking at him. He reminds me deeply of BBC’s John Watson, and it’s hard to see anything else. But I don’t hate his look; he reads as clever, he looks good in darks, and I wouldn’t complain to see him cast as Holmes. He’s better than some of the lower-tiered canon Holmes actors, anyway.
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Ranpo Edogawa [Bungo Stray Dogs] - 40%
This is another submission, and I don’t know who this boy is. I really doubt he’s actually a Holmes, given that he’s named after a real non-Doyle writer, but I was begged to include him. Let’s go. I really like his outfit. He’s got an aesthetic I like. Is it Holmes’? No. This kid looks like he’d fit way better as a Baker Street Irregular; maybe he should audition.
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Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) - 35%
Take everything I said for Robert Downey Jr, and just mess up his hair a bit more. House is scruffy, poorly put together, and not wearing anything that costs over $100. As a Holmes, he’d work as one of his disguises; I wouldn’t be super surprised if this guy suddenly cleaned up and looked the part -- but it would take a lot of cleaning. I love his look, though -- again, he isn’t trying to be canon. House is an explicit Holmes parallel, but he’s still his own character.
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Walnut Cookie [Cookie Run] - 20%
Given how much “Holmes costume” and “Detective costume” are conflated, it’s possible this gingerbread baby isn’t even supposed to be a Holmes reference, but I’ll take her. She’s an excellent design - but a standalone one. Shes too soft, warm, and curly looking to pull off canon Holmes.
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Tell me something interesting about your Crane. Does he like libraries? Does he go fishing? What's his favorite animal? I just want to learn more about him please!
thank you!! i have several Cranes so i will outline my personal one in the universe with @lightbeyondthegrave (and thus the first Crane), DMS (Doublemint Scriddler, with Pockets), and HIstory of Birds (with Jase).
Jonny does like libraries. he doesn’t get out to them as much anymore, though. he’s a busy man nowadays. in his normal universe he has been working tirelessly with Jervis on a more potent fear toxin that incorporates severe hallucinations and vertigo before causing the victim to be violently physically ill. he’s really sore about being injected with the previous strain of fear toxin and being in Arkham for the subsequent six months in his own living hell, screaming, fighting the staff, and trying to cause himself harm. he’s uh.. doing.. b.. better? but he’s still walking with a cane. Nightwing really fucked him up.
with @pocketyoursnotrags in the DMS universe, Crane’s a daddy!! not biologically. he’s a father to the twins Holly and Noel (christmas babies!!) and he’s reformed. he’s back at Arkham as a psychiatrist. he’s very, very happy. unfortunately, not much time for libraries. 
with @agent-jaselin that Jon met Toby in a library, he’s pretty sentimental about them. and a very, very frequent patron!
Jonny has not been fishing and the concept is nice in theory but i don’t think he’d enjoy it very much. i think he could enjoy the atmosphere for a while, get restless, and leave within a couple hours.
DMS Crane has not been fishing and would love to give it a shot. 
HoB Jon actually loves fishing thanks and would like to be in nature as much as possible. luckily, he and Toby have their eye on an old lodge that they’d like to buy and fix up, and turn into a resort.
Jonny’s favorite animal is, actually, snow leopards and panthers. who woulda thought?
DMS Crane is predictable with corvids (that sure does include blue jays!). he’s also a dog fan, really. there are two cats in the household and Jonathan doesn’t like animals much other than his grumpy orange cat Pumpkin. so no dogs.
HoB Jon likes those crows and ravens, and is also a huge fan of vultures. 
overall, my Crane’s backstory does divert severely from canon, though it’s also (TW: child abuse, tw: sexual abuse) fairly controversial. that includes his profession and his time at Arkham Asylum.
WARNING: tw: suicide tw: abuse under the cut.
he specifically went to school to become a psychiatrist. his mother had succumbed to her mental illness and he saw it in his father and he genuinely wanted to help people. he wanted to end stigma and improve conditions for institutions and educate the public. it was important and extremely difficult work for Jonny. when he was hired to Arkham as a psychiatrist he worked tirelessly. patients liked him and he slowly climbed the ladder to Head of Psychiatry.
when he was about 48, the Scarecrow first manifested. the Scarecrow presents as a hung and drowned man; his head rolls on his neck like it’s broken, he staggers and his body seems to have a hard time keeping itself level (a ragdoll effect), and he moves like he’s wading through water. his voice also changes, become raspy and gargled, as though there’s water and muck in his throat. this is drawn from the ways he’s tried to commit suicide through the years.
the Scarecrow can masquerade as Jonny as he sees fit, so he used him to basically turn all his work right on its head, conducting experiments on patients, etc. Jonny was fired. he didn’t even know the Scarecrow was piloting his body; he had no idea he had a DID. he found out when he saw himself on the TV robbing a bank, and since his life was already in the shitter, he decided to just accept his fate. that’s how he became aware of the Scarecrow.
the Scarecrow personality is NOT protective of Jonny, and instead encourages him to hurt himself/commit suicide. he also will purposefully put Jonny in danger otherwise in an attempt to kill/maim him. the reasoning behind it is deeply psychological, though perhaps you can guess..
anyway he’s Edgy and Dark and i love him very much thank you for your support and your interest!
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
In this wonderful display of animation the Ed’s go careening through Peach Creak forest spitting multiple trees in two. 
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This opening is so different from all the episodes. The episodes open up with a calm, fun, or mischievous atmosphere, They immediately get to the point drawing viewers in. Big Picture Show has viewers on the edge of theirs seats the second we open up to a very silent cul-de-sac. That is unheard of. Nobody lives in silence.
The car is getting more and more damaged as time goes.
I don’t know if anybody has ever read or seen Stephen King’s, Christine, but this car reminds me of the evil car. Thank God this car is not cursed otherwise it would have brought the Ed’s to their ultimate doom. The car may look like Christine because it belonged to a bad person. It doesn’t do the Ed’s any good nearly getting them killed.
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I really recommend that you sit down and study all the frames of this one little scene with the Ed’s careening through each tree.
Their expressions and reactions are the best.
Cartooning is a very unique world. So much goes into it day after day to come out with one frame to bring this show to life. You have to admire the time and commitment that goes into making a cartoon. Especially Ed, Edd n Eddy where they had to make the lines all wiggly. No matter what sort of talent anyone has at drawing it is still the most difficult process. It’s very easy to mess up.
Cartooning is art.
Art is life.
Ed, Edd n Eddy may be a cartoon but it deals with serious topics. Viewers can relate to this show. Especially the Eds.
Wow, the Ed’s screaming is done so well. Their expressions and reactions are priceless.
My favorite reaction has to be Eddy’s. His hands are practically clawing at his head. I believe that he is arguing with himself in his mind why he got themselves into another mess. Mostly Ed and Edd. Eddy knows that Ed and Edd would be better off without him. He doesn’t understand why they’ve stayed by his side even after countless times where he has insulted or abused them. Eddy’s lucky that they are there because he’d be on a much darker root.
As I have mentioned before I love the Ed’s physical contact throughout this scene. This is a show about friendship. A dysfunctional friendship which grows. Fans and even myself found season 5 distasteful for how the writers displayed the Ed’s withering away friendship. It becomes an important plot point. No friendship is perfect. We learn different lessons about our best friends day after day.
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The car jumps over a cliff
Is this the same hill from Mirror Mirror on the Ed?
In each episode there are different locations around the neighborhood. Houses are placed differently, the streets or lanes lead out to different locations, or new surroundings pop up. 
As I have analyzed the kids don’t have a good sense of direction. They rely on their parents to tell them where they are. It’s usually around the time where we’re all studying up for our licenses that we start to have better judgement on our locations.
The Eds and kids get a better sense of the world as they make their journeys.
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The car snaps through the gateway of the junkyard where the remainder of the car chase happens.
Many fans can agree with me is saying that the junkyard is one of my favorite places within the show. 
The Ed’s went there so much to have fun and get away from the neighborhood. It’s there safe spot. Kind of ironic seeing how it is a dangerous place to hang out in. Anyone see Brave Little Toaster.
That part doesn’t matter. Even to Edd who hates any germs. There’s always something new and different in the junkyard. The Ed’s can think up their plans in peace. 
I notice by around season 4 they stop coming to the junkyard. Season 4 began the difficult period of time where the kids brutal actions became too much for the Eds. Eddy’s obsession with scamming became unhealthy more due to the fact that Bro is looming through the shadows of his mind. Each Ed forgets how to be a kid.
Background Info: See those trees in the background? Are those the same trees we’ll see later on when the Ed’s are in the forest?
Remember, the Ed’s don’t go that far. They’re practically outside Peach Creek roaming around until they walk three towns over to where Bro lives.
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Ed resumes as the motor running through the junkyard. I applaud Ed for taking his friends away from danger. For sometime he believes that he can no longer think for himself. Ed believes the nasty words that come out from his mother’s mouth.
Edd and Eddy also play a part in Ed’s low self esteem. They stop relying on Ed and leave him out of the activities or conversations feeling that he may not understand. Edd and Eddy’s friendship has been a major subplot over time. Ed is very important to the group. He’s the reason why the three of them have remained together.
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Kevin is perched high above like a hawk scouting out for its pray.
Does anyone work in this junkyard? There’s always the same amount of junk piled up.
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The scene suddenly cuts to a shot of Nazz feverishly roller skating to catch up with the other kids.
Many believe that this one shot is filler. This is an important callback to my favorite trait about Nazz. She loves physical exercise. 
Remember how Nazz was once fat in Every Which Way But Ed? Depending how fans feel about this moment it says a lot about Nazz’s character. 
I head canon that her parents are divorced. We never got to know Nazz because she was always smiling and not doing much to help the plot. What if that was what her character is supposed to be? Nazz is trying to figure herself out over the course of the series. 
Think about it. Do you remember Nazz in her little speaking parts from season 1-4 or do you remember her more when the writers turned her into a dumb blonde in season 5? I view this as Nazz testing out different personalities in order to get the kids attention. 
There are multiple signs that she doesn’t want any part of the cul-de-sac clan due to their cruel treatment on the Ed’s or anybody else. She’s afraid to speak up because she doesn’t want to be left out. The other character hardly interact with her seeing how they’re so distracted by her looks when she has a very smart intellect and a caring personality.
Physical exercise is very important to Nazz because it makes her happy. It takes her mind off from the stress eating away at her mind. I can see Nazz being a gym teacher some day. She looked very happy in Hanky Panky Hullabaloo.
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While Rolf has Wilfred, Kevin has his bike, and Nazz has roller skates Jonny is left to make the journey on foot.
Technically I feel he’s the most hurt out of any of the kids.
I like the detail that Nazz and Jonny are together trying to figure out where the Ed’s took off to. They aren’t the greatest of friends. I like whenever they interact though. Nazz may find Jonny strange but she always acknowledges him unlike the other kids. That’s what she dislikes about being around the kids. They don’t understand what being different means.
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Look at that bear trap squeezing his head.
This is where the poor treatment on Jonny begins. He has the worst ending out of anyone in the movie. It’s not fair that he’s the one beaten up and left in the park when he is already suffering from a mental breakdown. Did the writers do that on purpose. This story line has been leading up for a while now since season 5 started. Jonny’s mind has slowly deteriorated until he is in his own little world. It becomes so bad that he’s hallucinating. 
We’ll talk more about Jonny as his story line goes. 
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