#this is considerably one of the funniest asks i've ever gotten thanks
beanghostprincess · 9 months
This is a wierd headcanon, but which Strawhats do you think have the "cilantro tastes like soap" gene? And who actually enjoys it? I bet Luffy would still eat it if he had that gene
I gotta be honest with you, I had to look for that thing on Google because I had no idea what were you talking about. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOME PEOPLE HAVE THAT???????? IS THAT A THING????? Okay, so people just- They just eat cilantro and it tastes like soap for them or???? WhAt- But, anyway, I was talking with a friend about this because it's a really specific ask and we basically said:
Luffy definitely has that but he doesn't even know. He just eats soap one day and says "Oh! This tastes like cilantro!" and the crew looks at him with the most judgemental faces in the whole fucking world. To him, it's: Soap tastes like cilantro gene.
Sanji has that gene but only because it would be extremely hilarious for little Sanji to just- Fucking hate cilantro for no reason and Zeff going insane. (Also, he'd be the only Vinsmoke to have that it would be another proof of him being different from them and a mistake, yadda yadda yadda)
Idk if more straw hats would have it because, gotta be honest anon, it IS very specific and I have no more ideas left. I do think Robin would end up telling them about the gene and Sanji would be like: Damn I called my father very nasty stuff for this shit. And Luffy would just keep eating soap.
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audioaujom · 17 days
7: The Horse Knight Catches Up
CHTangled Hub, < prev, next >
So sorry for the delay on this! Had another AU come up so me and my partner were full force ahead on that and these updates got sidelined, plus I had a week of vacation that interrupted everything. I can’t promise a prompt two weeks for the next one (since classes have started up again), but I'll do my best! I know it's short, but I'll make it up to y'all soon. No warnings, just strangely fluffy violence and the best, funniest line of dialogue in the entire movie made funnier by this new context. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1126
Zac didn't really want to sleep. 
It probably helped that no matter how hard he tried he couldn't, so he found himself sitting on the stump in their makeshift camp long after Emily had gone to sleep.
“What do you think I should do?” Zac turned to his outstretched hand where Lou had not-so-gracefully plopped himself down. He was beyond thankful that the chameleon hadn't been washed away in the river, and was overjoyed when Lou had climbed up to his usual perch on his shoulder after Emily had laid down to sleep.
He needed the advice.
Lou stared back at him with wide, disbelieving eyes, gesturing out around them at the forest with one of his front legs.
“You're right. It is everything I've ever wanted, but…” Zac trailed off, the darkness between the trees becoming impossibly darker as a shiver of fear ran through him. “What if he's right?”
Lou stared at him, annoyed and unimpressed.
“I know…” Zac heaved a heavy sigh, his friend’s gaze turning a little smug. “He has been wrong about everything else.”
The glare Lou shot Zac was a clear and slightly exasperated, That’s what I’ve been saying.
“You've gotten me this far.” Sighing again, Zac had to acknowledge that Lou really did seem to always know better than him. And all the wonderful things he’d seen, heard, and experienced so far with Emily would never have happened if Lou hadn’t encouraged him to leave the tower in the first place.
Lou grinned, still smug. Zac laughed a little as he then stuck his tongue out, distaste obvious.
“Yeah, believe me, I know you don't like Brennan.” Zac rolled his eyes. If he knew anything about Lou, it was his hatred for Brennan. Lou had spent the better part of the last couple years mocking him whenever he got the chance. “You've made that very clear. But that doesn't mean he's completely wrong…”
Lou shook his head, climbing back up to Zac’s shoulder with exaggeratedly slow steps. When Zac turned to ask him what was wrong, he saw the challenge in his friend’s eyes and caved immediately.
Lou is right. I can't just turn around and head home now.
“Okay.” Zac sighed, putting his hands up in defense. “Okay, you're right. We’ll go see the lanterns, and figure things out from there.”
He still didn't want to sleep, but he did feel a little more confident in himself now.
Emily awoke quickly to the sharp prick in the back of her mind of being watched. She rolled over and blinked her eyes open, only to find Sir Murphy standing directly overtop of her with a feral grin and a brandished sword.
“Well, I hope you’re here to apologize.” She yawned dismissively, before rolling over to go back to sleep. He really didn't scare her in the slightest.
It was an enraged shout from above her that had her waking up fully, rolling to the side as his sword stabbed down into the ground where she’d been lying. “What the fuck are you on about?!” 
Emily grinned as she popped up to her feet, glancing around and sighing in relief as Zac wasn't nearby. He was safe then, for now. “You’re quite rude, you know. For a knight. I thought you guys were all about manners.”
Murph swung the blade high, Emily easily ducking underneath it. “You’re not worthy of such consideration.”
“Whatever you say, dude.” Her attitude clearly irritated him to no end, his anger making his attacks wild and quite easy for the experienced thief to dodge. Their fight came to an abrupt halt, however, when a voice interrupted them from behind.
“Emily!” Zac froze in his tracks when he saw the knight, holding a handful of berries he’d been forging for ever since the sun came up. Emily turned to him, more confused than anything.
“Did you even sleep?!” She yelled, Murph staring at the two of them.
“Kind of!” Zac offered sheepishly, Emily frowning. “I wake up early every morning, though. That's not new.”
“Oh great. You're a morning person.”
Murph huffed loudly and waved his sword up in the air over his head to get the attention of the two, who stopped bickering to turn to him, annoyed. “I'm still here!”
“Yeah, well, that’s your choice.” Emily scoffed and started to turn away, not managing to hide her grin in time as Murph exploded, “No it is not!” 
“Can you cut it out?!” Zac cut in, setting down the fruit in his hands on the stump he’d sat on before getting between the two of them. “I need her, okay? I've got to see the lanterns!”
“The… what?” Murph lowered his sword a little, careful not to aim it at Zac. He had no idea who this guy was, and didn’t want to hurt him by accident. 
Or, well. If he kept interrupting his attempts to catch Emily, maybe it would get violent.
“Are both of you crazy?”
“I didn't come this far just to have to head back now.” Zac spread his arms out protectively, Emily sticking her tongue out at the knight over her friend’s shoulder. “And she's my guide, so if you want to arrest her or whatever it is, you're going to have to wait!”
Murph deadpanned. “Wait?”
“Boy’s got a point.” Emily shrugged, grinning wide. She lounged an arm over one of Zac’s shoulders, leaning forward onto him. “This is a super important thing for him, and I'm the only one who can help him. So if you want me, you'll have to wait.”
Seeing that Murph wasn’t willing to budge, Zac offered, “You two can go back to whatever weird chase thing you're doing after I see them, okay?” 
“I am not going to aid a fugitive!” 
Murph really wasn’t having it. He was this close to catching her, and now he had to wait a full day before he could do that because some guy wanted to see the festival?
Zac frowned, looking sideways at Emily before letting it morph into a childish pout as he turned back to Murph. “Well, also, you know, it is also… kind of my birthday.”
The three stared at each other in a deadlock for a long moment, Zac trying really hard not to give in to the knight’s cold stare before the latter suddenly heaved a loud, pissed-off sigh.
“Okay, fine!” Murph sheathed his sword, fuming. “But just until you see the lanterns!”
Zac and Emily turned to each other with a loud cheer, her pulling him in for a hug as Murph stood nearby with a scowl. Lou, who had watched this entire exchange from Zac’s shoulder, turned to grin at Murph—who scowled harder.
“Oh, what are you looking at?”
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