#this is dumb but its been living in my head for the past like yr
yuanw3i · 2 years
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after a sleepover at ramshackle ace made breakfast once and then never again
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purretty-purrincess · 28 days
:33 < hey chat
i was gna rant abt smt thats been eating me alive for the past like week but i forgot so. have some art
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bold is speech, italics are anything else
top to bottom, right to left, writing says
the girls are fighting!!.. oh no. it appears ive been mistaken.. theyre.. gods.. they were.. no, i shant say
WH3N 1 S4Y G4M3, YOU S4Y G1RL! G4M3! gurl! G4M3! girl! whrn i say best in, u say tha world! best in! TH3 WORLD! best in! TH3 WORLD!
what? ? y9ure laughing. what. no? yes, y9u are. what at? your shirt. its.. its what? fag means amazing pers9n, d9es it n9t? ..nah. youre right, it does
men. men.
your eyes.. are an ocean. your tits.. are also an ocean
what the fuck does a denizen look like
girl im at my denizens place but shes scary,, what the fuck do i even do??
man.. do i GOTTA die to go god tier??
-__- < YES BITCH!!
:(.. can i at least get a-
DX < NO!!!
sburb outfit + communication device
(idk some gay shit)
chat is this rizz?
chat is he being zesty rn?
what- whos chat?
is he dumb chat?
dirk, please!
<- accused of being a witch
. . .
nuh uh
OW WHAT THE FUCK. <- period cramps
<- he let gamzee do his makeup
no way bottom surgery
woah top AND bottom surgery!!!
holy shit bottom surgery
guys? guys whyd it give me breasts? & ehy is my dick gone? wh- guys? dont laugh im being serious!.. whats a transfem?
sp how do yuo like yr hair :)
sillt dogwolf girl!! living the therian dream
no notes or speech
grimdorks :3
2nd best best kid!!
Ermmm, ackshully!
imagine it being yr 13th birthday and you download a game, die, and become god in one day
v theyre in the elevator to go get food . also they have a healthier dynamic now
hey bro do u have a v
no. valentines r for dorks
oh. kay
cal.. will you marry m
yo bro we forgot the WOAH whats going on here
out. get out of my room. this was a private moment
do it. put me in the microwave, pussy. put your bro in the lil cal microwave. i dare you. put me in there. co CAL MICROWAVE k burger bro. i d CAL MICROWAVE t. youre too scared. to CAL MICROWAVE just cook me. you COUNTER plenty. but COUNTER ? am i not good enough of a burger
v helping dirk sendificate his head
cal? cal why were your eyes open? are you cheating? do you hate me? cal why are you smiling? cal please
my boyfriend. his name is cal
ohh i fucked up in raising him
yap yap yap
DAMNN shut up
i 🤍 giving dirk piercings
ngl dome of this us cringe now tyat im reading ut again bur whatevss
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
I had a nasty fight with my former bff. This was long ago. She did the whole 'boycotting me' thing at school and afterwards had a mutual friend pass her msg to me, saying "tell her [me] to get it into her skull that she's not the center of the world, who does she think she is? Stop acting like a #" Im simplifying the words, her actual words were nastier
I got thinking today abt this fight, and her comment abt me that is still way too fresh in my mind even tho I hadn't recalled it in 2-3 yrs!, and I actually decided to use the law to revise my friendship to feel better as what happened after the fight was shameful on my part. But before I knew it, I started rmmbring my relationship with her. How I became a total victim. Got so stuck on her validation, begged her to be friends with me (after I got the degrading msg. 🤕 silly me w/o a backbone lol) and stayed her 'bestie' for way too long. Only after it's all over im noticing smth messed up abt out 'feiendship'. It wasnf that normal I think. She would get so pissed if I did anything that went against her thoughts/beliefs/way (which is why she called me a selfish # that major fight). It was so subtle the way she showed her disapproval. To her, if I did anything not aligned with her, or even makih decisions on my own which didn't involve her, it was wrong. And had consequences like her beinf distant for days etc, or getting angry if I didn't mind read her bla bla, I just had to keep her at the top 24/7 and she expected everyone else to do the same... which I thought was normal... It wasnt. And what would be even more crazy is she never realized how that meant she always wanted the attention. That she always wanted it her way! It just makes me feel... Sad.... When I look back. How couldn't I have notived it before? I used to be strong headed, opinionated before I became 'besties' with her.. That all has changed. I wonder why -_-
It may be dumb on my part but with the weak mind and insecurity I had then, I took that fight/her reaction to the heart and internalisef this stupidiy (DENY MYSELF if the other alternative was denying HER. I didn't think it was wrong. For the oldme, it really wasn't wrong smh). Aaah I'm so sorry old me :(
This fight started bcoz she asked me for smth and I refused, instead of relenting like I always would, and I see now that her reaction (to me not being an obedient # to her ig?🤢) was basically her setting rules. It was wrong of me to refuse, yes, but why did she react that way? Why did this pattern continue? That everyone was selfish if they didn't think of her ;_; like how do u deal with this? And the icing is when I too started to defend her and make excuses for her all the time. And ik I'm making her out to be so strong, don't worry... I accept the strong only rule when the weak submit. And I was weak as hell, so its understandable this whole thing. I think 😅
Idk. I seen your posts abt eyipo with other anons so i hope u can tell me figure out what this was. Its clear to me she was projecting smth about me, and mb throughout our whole friendship she was projecting me. And I would think it was her hurting me, that she was right and I was wrong or maybe I did smth wrong. Mb I thought I deserved being punished that way?!
Today I suddenly had an aha moment and I realised... this is how a victim thinks. I didn't know I was a victim when I was living that stoey aka thought I was powerless. When in fact I really wasn't?! Haha still accepting I 555% created ALL that. The law can knock you out haha
Enough old story I just want to ask, what du u think the msg she sent to me was? Did I really deserve such a reaction (did I mention she included other girls in the boycot? 🤢) just for standing up for myself? What about the whole 'fight' aka showcase of power? And the entire yrs of being friends why did I never realize I was only hurting myself so much by putting her before me? And also, with the everyone pushed out thing, how did it fit in? Like why the hell did I give her too much power in validating me by giving in after the fight in the first place?, and while I did have some fun times (saying this so anyone else who reads this doesn't think it was pure torture lol. We had some common interests tyat no one else in the class shared when we first became 'friends'), deep down I was so unhappy so why didn't this reflect on her? I mean why didn't she ever sense just how much she'd hurt me, why didn't she see how much I put on the back burner coz of her?! Was it as she saw it as her right? I'm just so confused
This is still a bitter pill to swallow tbh but I have to face this in order to move on. This person and my life with her has left me wit many scars and I got to understand how I did this so I never attract such a person in my life again. Its not even abt bejnf a victim. As I said, these victimy things were subtle and I only noted them when it was too late and I was a shell, like she getting super pissed and disapproving if I had a differing opinion and me blowijg it out of proportion and tailoring my views or not expressing them so as to not feel the disapproval...thanks boycott conditioning ig? 😭 Aaaah even talking agaunst her rn is making me uncomfortable. Which makes me think I still am scared of her subconsciously even tho she's no longer in my life. Like, what in me made me choose her? I haven't healed, obviously by this ask as u can tell, but idk what is it in my self concept that had this whole thing in my past even happen
My friend, I also want to say I think you're a beautiful soul 🥺. And im sorry for the long ask lol. And I pray you'll always have all your desires. And plz, was it hard for u at first when u learned about u creating everything? The good, the bad, and the repulsive (like this story)? How did u get over old stories? Ty ty ty 😭
To begin with you're being really harsh on yourself. Like, I know it's hard, but it's never that serious. And trust me, this is something I have to remind myself of regularly. Because there have definitely been moments in life where I look back on myself in that moment, and I feel like I was pathetic and would slap myself if I could. But the truth is, there's just no need for any of that. We always did the best we could. We always did, period. We couldn't have done anything differently and this will continue to be true our entire lives. Looking back on the past with such overwhelming feelings, is really not needed. I get looking back to learn from it, but practice coming from a place of love and acceptance instead. It will help you grow, rather than get stuck back in this cycle of self-hate and confusion. Plus, you actually never need to analyze the past to grow but that's beyond the point right now.
To me, by reading your ask, the message she sent to you was clear. You feel you deserve less in life, you feel you're not good enough, you feel like a victim to life and others, you feel like you're not empowered or the operant power of your reality. It's not about her being wrong and you being right, and I get this is one of the hardest pills to swallow. Everyone is you pushed out. Therefore, there's simply no such thing as who is right and who is wrong anymore. It was only ever you.
When it comes to everyone is you pushed out, you have to understand this person isn't this way because that's who they are. They were that way because that's who you were. Inside of you, you brought their character to life. Therefore, the same way you are not stuck to such an undesirable self concept, neither is that person. It's not that you chose her and attracted her in. You were just dealing with yourself. That's what I hope you walk away from this response understanding. Because by thinking she was outside of you, you're missing the mark. And this is such an important concept to understand when it comes to the law of assumption, because it's really at the forefront of everything. People play such a huge role in our lives, whether it's relationships, jobs, opportunities, etc etc. So understanding how everyone is you pushed out actually works is extremely important.
So instead of putting all this blame on her or even putting the blame on yourself, all these memories really do is give you a glimpse into who you were at the time. It shows you the beliefs you held about yourself. It shows you what your self concept was. That's all it's doing. So in that way, there's actually no one to blame at all. I know it feels good to put blame, even when it's on yourself, but the truth is there's no room for blame when you learn about the law. You simply take responsibility and become empowered by the power you have held this entire time. And you practice making it work in your favor.
If you want to see how something was apart of your self concept, all you have to do is pay attention to what you are thinking/feeling. Shame, not being good enough, etc etc is all just stories you once held onto. Now you don't have to hold onto those stories anymore. Now that you know the power you hold, you get to make a new decision for yourself. Rather than ruminating of the painful past, allow it to be and know how that's not your story anymore.
Was it difficult for me to accept how I created everything? Yes and no. It's been a journey. While I could accept it logically, emotionally it was still very painful. Many times I wanted to cry and lash out when I felt alone and felt upset that no one was there for me. Although, I knew deep down it appeared that way because of my own concept of self. So yeah, it's been a journey. And it's honestly not always delightful. But this is the journey we have to take for the rest of our lives, so we might as well get used to practicing and applying these concepts. Instead of continuing to hold ourselves in such painful lights. I got through old stories, and I continue to get through old stories, by feeling all the pain that came up. By allowing myself to cry and feel however I felt like during those times. And in the back of my mind I knew I was getting stronger in my power. I knew how I would keep persisting once the pain subsided. And little by little, old stories fade more and more. That persistence to continue choosing better for yourself, is truly more powerful than it may seem in a difficult moment. Have trust in how it's all working out for you regardless.
Hopefully this is helpful! Thank you for your kind words. 💖
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furyfought · 3 years
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abernathy is a small town, surely you’ve met AGATHA KLEIN ; they can be a little IRREVERENT & OPPORTUNISTIC but have no fear , the TWENTY SEVEN year old definitely makes up for it by being IMPISH & SENSITIVE . most of the time anyway .  they’re usually seen around KLEIN & ASSOCIATES, LLC , as a CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY . you know, i hear they’re affiliated with the local mc, iron kings as an ATTORNEY . they’ve got this vibe of A HEART GROWN RAVENOUS, A CYANIDE CENTER ENCAPSULATED BY SACCHARINE FRUIT, AND A SOUL IN THE FORM OF A SCRIBBLE WITH FANGS going on , makes them easily recognizable.
loosely inspired by jennifer check (jennifer's body), wendy byrde (ozark), ginger fitzgerald (ginger snaps), elizabeth sloane (miss sloane), john silver (black sails), & BBHMM.
+ pinterest, stats.
hey, friends. i’m devin (or dev) & very tickled to be here. agatha’s a combination of two of my favorite muses, and i can only hope that you’ll love her as much as i do. 🤎
agatha’s story isn’t one that she likes to tell anymore. she feels it’s useless: to be defined by the actions of others, to attempt to battle the preconceived notions that run rampant regardless of what one says or does. she doesn’t want to beg for understanding anymore, or to claw her way from beneath the filth she’s made of her life. all that most know is all that she can bear to have known. the rest? it’s confetti; a meager concession in a game of chess. if you know her, is that a fact or a weapon to be used against her?
when it comes to the stories that can be told, however.. perhaps the most important is background. agatha’s an abernathy native: raised in grandiose park, flew the coop for college, only to settle back down in bordeaux apartments. klein & associates, llc. has been in her family for generations, each forefather serving increasingly questionable clients. agatha’s life, like that of many kleins before her, was already planned before she’d ever even been a thought in her parents’ minds. under her mother’s rule, there wasn’t any room for straying from that path. agatha would be smart; she would be clean; and she would be, without fail, someone. in other words, she would be her perfect replica. imagine the disappointment when agatha was anything but. 
agatha’s childhood can be summed up by three things: a door slammed shut in her face, an ear-piercing howl, and the chronic longing to go home — wherever that was. it’s another thing she doesn’t talk about, another thing she tries not to think about. those three things have followed her into adulthood, but they’ve taken different forms now. no longer is agatha a child screaming her throat raw — no; now, she cries out in other more productive ways. if you were to ask her, she’d tell you that she’s a woman grown; the past is behind her, buried in the sand where it belongs. the truth is trickier, less absolute. agatha is a child in the form of a woman; forever in the midst of a metamorphosis, unsure if for better or worse. she lacks foresight & lives largely in the now. she can’t imagine a future for herself and her choices in life reflect that.
agatha succeeds because she’s pretty, powerful, and convincing. wherever she falls short, her father is sure to more than make up for it. it’s amazing what people will do for the right price, and when they want to keep certain secrets from ever seeing the light. nepotism & immense privilege have done wonders for her, but she does.. actually work hard, too. she has an incredible memory & is really good at digging for more information & making her case. if she tells you that she’s going to do something, then she’s going to do it right no matter what. she’s dogged in that way, blinded to the outside world by her stubbornness. she works long hours & values her career above all else. she thinks it’s the only sure thing she has & views it as the one stable, secure thing in her life.
agatha is lonely to the point of defect. she lacks a sense of security in her life, which is why she’s so career-focused. she genuinely thinks that the only person ever looking out for her is her dad. she becomes very predictable once you realize that she will always pick the winning team; that she will forever follow the money; and that she is always going to make the decision that most benefits her. that isn’t to say that she doesn’t have any friends omg, but.. she doesn’t really trust easily. if she trusts you and considers you near and dear to her heart, then she’ll choose you. but until she has that reassurance? you’re on your own, bro. 
but like.. you literally would not know that unless you got burned by her. agatha is really good at listening and really good at playing parts for people. the thing with having no story is that she’s free to create her own. if you need a hero, she can be that. if you need a villain, she can definitely be that. she’s eerily good at getting chummy enough to make people think she’s close, only for them to realize.. they don’t actually know anything real about her? fun stuff. 
i think.. her entire life is a vie for power while also wanting to let go of that desire while also being afraid of what might happen if she were to let go of that desire. she’s not tht bad. she can play decent, be a guy’s guy. and she does come off tht way. it’s jus.. underneath there’s tht like .. tht rot tht she can’t scrub away. n it rears its ugly little head smtimes. but. :^) she can be cool n shoot the shit u kno.. heheh.
anyway.. lighter stuff<3 puts the gaslight and gatekeep in girlboss. talks just like her daddy, except for when she’s in the courtroom. egocentric without ever meaning to be. (spoiler: it’s a smoke screen.) she can, must, and will find a way to twist your words into something she can make sense of. believes in mixed drink supremacy. will absolutely smoke all of your weed + play dumb about hogging the blunt. plays dumb a lot actually, until it’s time to be smart. she’s touchy-feely, but freezes up whenever someone touches her. stares — a lot. can’t ever be the person to pick you up after a rough night out, because she’s likely there with you egging you on to do one more shot. every event is a tits out event / she has to be the most overdressed person in the convenience store at all times. can, must, and will be your unsolicited sugar momma. YOU SPIL-DBFDHFDJHBF LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINO WHITE BAG? energy. thinks everything is a competition because it is. if she loved you once then she loves you forever. thinks going 20 over the speed limit isn’t speeding, actually. a bit of an emotional anarchist. can’t actually take what she’ll dish out. teases u if she likes u. teases u if she doesn’t like u. doesn’t care abt the feud as long as she’s gettin’ tht shmoney. big fan of an emotional sucker punch. 
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"𝐌𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋."  + below are some ideas open to any & all muses no matter the age, gender, affiliation, etc !
i’ve left how she got involved with the mc totally absent from this intro bc i was hoping to plot it out! i’d love it if someone wanted to be her “in”. could be they were a childhood friend in need of help, a client she got close to, jus smth tht happened by chance.. whtever we come up with works! <3
if anyone needs an evil ex gf .. She’s Here. she will lie, cheat, scam, trash yr car, empty yr bank account.. whtvr you need, baybee<3
conversely.. not-so-evil ex gf? agatha can be nice & caring without there being a catch sometimes. maybe they still talk. maybe they’re friends. u tell me.
fwb / ex fwb? she do be sending them ‘u up?’ texts. 
someone tht agatha only got close to bc she wanted them to testify/be a character witness in court oopz<3
omg actual friends pls.. ppl tht Know her. tht See her. ppl tht she cares abt n would actually do anything for. friends!!!!!!!!!!!!
agatha has “get off my lawn” energy so i think it would be very funnie if someone needed a place to crash n she let them stay at hers thinking it was temporary n then they jus.. did not leave. n she’s like 🤨 hello?
an almost smth? anything weird n awkward n unspoken tht maybe fizzled out or maybe still lingers under the surface?
agatha doesn’t have a budding drinking problem but if she does no she doesn’t but if she does then<3 drinking buddy? someone that she’s gotten into questionable shenanigans with? poor bartender tht has to deal w her trying to “help” them as she waits for her uber to come? the possibilities are endless.
agatha’s all bark n very little bite but i still think it’d be funnie if she had a hateship. jus putting tht out there<3
if yr muse wnts an ego boost via unrequited crush.. lmk. i’m willing to hulk smash all of agatha’s dignity jus for u.
omggg a dealer? >.> who said tht omg #hacked.. 
on n off again thingz? lorde wrote tht "i am my mother's child i'll love you til my breathing stops / i'll love you till you call the cops on me" line abt her</3
budding friendships!!!!!!! ppl tht she goes to pilates or yoga with; people she gets brunch with; ppl she keeps running into n its like heeey u :); little platonic crushes jus . all of the cute platonic thingz tht make her go wtf is this 🤨. 
i mean.. if anyone wants a sugar momma.. I MEANNN..
college friends!! law school friends!! ppl she met over the summer while interning somewhere!! i left tht purposely vague, hint-hint.
tinder dates gone wrong. ghosted tinder dates. tinder thingz.
agatha’s been attending galas / banquets / office partiez for ages now so if anyone wants to be her plus one or her lil fake date... :^) could be cute. cld be angsty. world is our oyster. 
speaking of which.. coworkers n maybe even a lil personal assistant would be so sexie.
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citialiin · 4 years
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list five songs associated with your muse and its meaning to them as a character, or to you as the writer. this can be applied in-character or out-of-character. it can go as deep as looking at the song’s real-world origins or meaning along with the themes it carries to the muses’ story, values, or experiences, or as simple as if your muse would listen to this kind of music, or even if you just listen to these pieces for inspiration.
TAGGED BY: @dansiere​​, who did such a good detailed job they even included an “honorable mentions list” ? i am embarrassed to type mine out now TAGGING: @blossomingbeelzebug​​ @zhrets​​ @dirtyfilthysunshine​​ @prcphesise​​ @hyakiru​ @foxcharmed​
01. kaun komsott - ros sereysothea
this song actually lyrically has absolutely nothing to do with ziggy !!!!  kaun komsott /  កូនកំសត់ actually just means “poor/pitiful child” it’s just a khmer dub of a song from a taiwanese movie lol but i feel like this is the kind of music he would listen to that made him fall in love with, like ... humanity, as dumb as that sounds. it’s time period appropriate (late 60s/early to mid 70s), the song is really good and it’s SO emotional.  i could see him sitting in the apartment of his bandmates after being “found” and they teach him how to use the record player and he sits there going through each and every record they have and listening to this and its like the fucking scene in ratatootie where the goddamn rat can visualize tastes as colors but he would be so enamored with the song he would see it in colors or something i dunno.  something has definitely fucking happened to my brain because ever since nat and alex and i rewatched ratatootie we keep referencing it for our characters. anyways i ended up using an instrumental of kaun komsott in the final film i made as the song that plays during the end.  so this song just also means a lot to me because it’s part of how i made this character and the film/story i animated to go along with him, i am sure you are all absolutely sick of hearing me talk about it <3  
02. who can i be now - daveed booweyywywy now you found me, now can I be real?  can I be real? if it’s all a vast creation / putting on a face that’s new someone has to see / a role for him and me someone might as well be you
one of z’s most obvious character motifs is figuring out self identity through adopting different guises.  he markets himself as being so overly confident and almost arrogantly certain of himself -- rock god space idol whatever -- as his own way of learning who he thinks he might be underneath it all.  i think at first it started off a little innocuous, a ‘ fake it till u make it ’ thing at the least and maybe more obviously a ‘ im not a human so i have to pretend to be someone else ’ deal, but over time it became almost all consuming and just obliterated all his previously held sense of self in favor of some weirdly demented version of who he wanted to be.  683 starts off with the same core personality traits as ziggy: maybe he’s a little vain, a little selfish, but he’s very interested in creativity/self-expression and he wants to be thought of as a unique individual and appreciated for his differences.  but the difference is that 683 isnt an arrogant asshole who has no regard for other people in the slightest.  so yeah ... who can u be now ... is it worth it to adopt a different guise or should he go through the effort of figuring out what parts of his personality were corroded by human influence and what parts are genuinely him?  my big endgame thoughts for his story would be that he eventually just decides to retire from the public eye and fucks off entirely.  this would be over the course of a long long long time -- maybe he has a good 20 yr run in the industry -- but there are some things about him he has to deal with (mental health issues, drug addiction, also the fact that you’re a freaky alien creature who doesnt age like a human so you’re physically like 46 and you still look like you’re 25?) so he inevitably decides he doesnt need the horrible pressure of fame and he ought to just live his life for himself.  i think this would be a nice final song for him to sing/perform -- then he goes into the dressing room and cuts his hair and just vanishes. bye.
03. sunny afternoon - the kinks Help me, help me, help me sail away Well give me two good reasons why I oughta stay 'Cause I love to live so pleasantly Live this life of luxury Lazing on a sunny afternoon
1. i think this would sound A LITTLE like the kind of music he would write/play albeit i feel like his would be more exciting and have more samplings of like laser noises or pewpewpew or weird spaceship sounds BUT.  its also pretty time period appropriate.  even in “modern” verses ziggy is inexplicably obsessed with the 1970s, he likes bell bottoms and thinks groovy patterns are neat and he owns too many lava lamps.  anywayz. 2. just the general idea of feeling unfulfilled with luxury -- even if ziggy enjoys his fame and wealth and the absolutely insane amount of pussy/dick he gets at some level he is still cognizantly aware of how weirdly empty he feels.  he ditched atomina and came here because he felt unfulfilled and bored and unwanted.  now he feels wanted (clearly, everyone loves him) and he feels entertained (earth is So Good at fun distractions) but his fulfillment still isnt quite there.  he’s getting there -- but in exchange of being able to live this life of fame, he’s had to kind of change everything about himself and live this almost caricature version of himself, and he knows he cant keep it up forever.  the luxury will run out one day and he’ll be a washup and no one cares about celebrities once they stop being hip.  it is literally only a matter of time before ziggy has to find out who he is because no one can be a “rockstar” forever.
04. i hate jimmy page - mindless self indulgence SUCKAS CAN REACH OUT TOUCH ME EAT ME BITE DA FUTURE & FUCK DA PAST  I'm lower than most animals and fear what might be weird and all those voices in my head have every right to be there i ain't a girl just cause i rock the boat i ain't a boy just cause i rock your world
i mean he does hate jimmy page but that’s beside the point. its just a good song about being a crazy rockstar and has the same Craziness that i feel like accompanies his character ... just go listen to it you will understand. there is nothing to explain here.  even the lyric “ill show u how official midgets jack me off” like just accept it. it’s whatever  but yeah i aint a girl i aint a boy ... i guess his gender (or lack thereof) never really comes up in rp but its still an important part of his character.  if any of u guys ever call him a man in prose again ill kick ur ass.  gender is like an accessory to him and he just takes whatever aspects of masculinity/femininity he prefers and discards everything else.  to him he’s just as much a “man” or a “woman” as he is a “human” which is to say he isnt, at all, and he just pretends to be because he feels obligated to.  also ziggy’s brain kind of sounds like this...just Noises.  his brain sounds like a microwave that’s been going off for 26 years.  i think his brain is a single uncooked pinto bean rolled in glitter that’s been left in a box with a cobweb
05. ghostride - crumb daydreaming I stay in the backseat / the slow beat rocks me back to sleep keeps me on automatic  press my face up close against the glass i see the people when they pass they move so automatic you wake up when I go down / the radio reminds me I'm alive we've been hearing it all night
i care more about 683 on atomina than i do about ziggy on earth sometimes (BUT I CARE THEM BOTH. DO U?) so ... 683 feeling aimless and drifting but trying to find purpose through passion, a person, some sort of concrete meaning -- going through the motions of life makes him feel empty he spends almost every day going through the same toil while feeling guilty or like a burden and also feeling like he’s ultimately nothing more than a replaceable cog in a machine. his species had a near extinction = bottleneck which made them so genetically similar they’re almost clones of each other.  no one ever seems to do anything wrong except him, he finds no joy or fulfillment in anything at all.  all he ever wanted (which isnt a selfish desire at all) was to feel purpose, or feel wanted, or appreciated. inevitably he leaves because of his own imagination -- he yearns for something More, and he doesn’t know What, so he figured he ought to at least Try instead of waste his life away. also atomina is supposed to sound like “automatic.”  do NOT make fun of my bad scifi.  i am trying to mimic the way 1970s scifi is endearingly cheesy.  come here.  i just want to touch you with this knife.  gently tho it wont go inside of you. bro you are bleeding. bro we are bleeding and i keep putting the knife in your soft parts.
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larenoz · 5 years
Roswell New Mexico - Live Rewatch - Ep 1 - Pilot
So I don’t really have much in the way of original content on my blog. So I decided it might be fun to post the live blog I’ve been doing on discord of the rewatch our server is doing for Roswell, New Mexico over the hiatus period. 
I’ve only posted my comments, so there might be a couple of bits that look out of place. These are my responses to other people’s comments. I’m up to episode 6, so I will post the backlog and then do one a week until the re-watch is complete.
Be warned, there is swearing. 
Sorry, cat decided it wanted a cuddle
I love the glass effect, it's so cool
You may not plan to see the small people again, Liz but we know it's gonna happen!!
Not gonna lie, I love poltics in my TV
You quote that verdict to him, Liz!!
That vent tells us so much about Liz in such a short period of time.
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You're finally back says Max.Because he's been waiting for that to happen the whole time.
Excuse me Sheriff, with that good girl comment. Rude!
Arturo, playing along with Liz's mpreg story.
Fuck, I just realised - mpreg is canon!?!
I want antenna headband
Cream on a milkshake is wrong.
So many people in this show have pretty eyes!!
Damn that's alot of lights to replace
I love that damn bullet hole in Liz's dress. It was the first indication they weren't gonna make everyone dumb as a bag of rocks and drag the storyline out FOR EVER.
Hoverboarding. Iz!!
Hey there Kyle!
Annnd here it comes, I'm in love.
That smug fucking grin. The song.
That look when he's trying to get the keys. That look would make you do just about anything.
That Michael monologue. It just gets better everytime I watch it.
Without a doubt, top 3 best character intros ever.
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And we're only 15 mins in! I need to make less comments
I didn't think anyone was reading!! :wink:
"Untie some loose ends" - you go Iz
Oh Max you fucker. Telling Michael he wouldn't do anything for anyone else. Excuse fucking you.
Ok, blasting Max across the room is kinda hot. But then his guilty face! :sob:
And god, that little shoulder touch on Iz one the way out.
Another example of non-verbal storytelling. In one scene we get the fractured relationship between Max and Michael, we get that Iz and Michael are close and that both boys defer/protect Iz. So much with so little. It also sets up the physicality of the broken relationship between Max and Michael.
Others have commented on how Max is physically intimidating with people, and literally pushes Michael around, but to be fair, Michael is pretty much the same with Max (but never really with anyone else that we see on screen though we hear about it.
And then in a few lines, Iz gives us a lifetime of fears and concerns - dissection, prison, lying and hiding to loved ones - the rest of the season in seconds of dialogue
Ah, the ONLY thing that gives me Max feels is how dismissive both Iz and Michael are of Max's feelings about Liz. Especially annoying consider Michael should really fucking know better.
Yeah, because he's been pining for Alex just as long.
Unrequited love hurts just as much. Kiss or no kiss.
That's my take anyway.
Here it comes...
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Typing may get bad. Cat is sitting on chest and I can't see keyboard.
Seriously, there is nothing overtly relationshippy or sexual, no pointed stares, but just how soft Michael is, even as he's making the real Manes man comment, you just know these two have a past, and that past was probably intimate.
The casual sex comment though, oh yeah they've fucked. That is such a fuck you comment to an ex.
And again with massive story in few words - Alex knocking his leg. "3/4 of one"
That run and tell Daddy line. The nastiest thing Michael says in the entire season, although we don't know that yet. And it strikes such a dissonant tone, even though we don't know why. I'm gonna put it down to things changing so much between shooting the pilot and the rest of the season.
Just my humble opinion but the shirt changing scene could've lasted longer. Just sayin'
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Maths, lots and lots of maths
I love the glass SFX
Rosa!! "All our lives that kids been making eyes at you"
Oh Liz, such a good sister. Fixing up the memorial. And the braclets
Ah, sneaky Liz appears
Oh yeah can he keep a secret
Liz begging Max to tell her she isn't loosing her mind. Fuuuck.
Not cool Michael. Great control, but not cool.
Racist Hank, you douche bag
And Maria introduced as taking no shit from ANYONE.
Iz and her slideshow. I love that line.
Why is Iz so vehement that Michael would be so upset about telling Liz?
Max loosing it and Iz looking quite surprised. Forshadowing
yes, Iz no like about it. He is in love with her.
Ah Iz, Iz, Iz. "Too many secrets, things she can't ever know" you don't know the half of it.
Fall in love with someone else.  - If I could have, I would have. Fuck, Max, I feel you on that one.
Jesus, how do all these guys make dark flannel look so hot?
Dance it out. i don't dance in this town anymore, Kyle...
Hot take, I know everyone is mad for Trevino's cheekbones, but honestly, they aren't my thing. But his eyes, gods, his eyes. He has the best eyes on the show. God that make me sound like a freak.
"whatever" with that tiny, tiny almost invisible smirk. Yeah, you think you're all that
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He manages that whole distraction use me, use me speech without coming off as a total wanker. And that is pretty amazing.
The station promo/ad on my cable channel has a bit for Roswell - tag line: "Beam me up hotties." Too right.
Scientist Liz!!
Needs answers now.
Fuck you Jesse Manes
I hate you already.
No Kyle, don't do it. But thank fuck he doesn't just start talking,
Yeah, nah Max. That's not how it works. It's not ok if people are nice to you but shitty to everyone else.
Why should Michael like the world? it's been pretty shitty to him!?!
Liz with the serial killer joke, just with the wrong person!!
The pods are sorta cool.
They could've been so chessy.
Now we know why the three of them are so close. And just about the only real bit of exposition on the show.
But will you Liz? Will you keep the promise?
Secret Bunker No 1
"This matters to you, so I'm here". :heart:
Do what Michael, what could you possibly mean?
"Just like you did 10 yrs ago".......
What are you max? Just a guy from Roswell
In Max's favour, when he says he stayed in Roswell, and didn't follow Liz because of Iz and Michael, he doesn't sound resentful, which is sort of what you'd expect here. I like that.And Max going to the reunion for Iz. And Liz tagging along even though she's expecting a bad reception.
"i don't save people all the time. I never save people" But you saved Liz, And why is that Max?
OT re Trevino's eyes. It was that gif set of him laying on his stomach  on his bed (?) with his doggo, looking up to the camera. That angle, OMG, his eyes....
And no verbal confirmation, just Liz realising exactly what Max said - that even though he's in a job where he'd be in contact with sick/dying people alot, he's never saved anyone before. Omph
Of course you remember the very first time you met, Max.
Little kid Max is sooo cute.
Ah you big sap, Max.
No kissing. An "Echo" of what he feels for Liz.
Nice choice of words there writers.
We see what you did there.
So far it's taken me 2 hrs to watch 50 mins
Fuck you again Jesse Manes
Swoon Kyle's eyes.
And we have Kyle's first exposure to the fact that the govt knows about aliens and did medical type stuff to them.  Does this hover in the back of his mind from now on? is this the reason for the quick reaction to his fathers actions at Caufield.?
No he's fucking not cooking meth. Seriously, Alex, what the fuck?
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Sorry Alex, not cool, not cool AT all.
I want to see the outakes of Tyler saying phenyl-2-propanone
Because I'm a bitch like that
Yeah, that so serious up close and personal for straight people....
And there is Alex's nastiest line - You're wasting your life. Gods, that is such a shit thing to say to Michael.
And re outtakes because Tyler would laugh and do that thing where he covers his mouth as he trys to stop himself giggling. That's soooo cute.
But anyway, back to the show...
Oh, he wants to hold something, Michael but it's not your hand...
Macho cowboy swagger.
Did it get old for you.
No it did not get fucking old for him. At all.
Michael walking away with arm around girl. Noting for those who say they didn't realise Michael was bi after watching the pilot. How?
How could you miss it?
You go Maria - dying alone of syphillis to bitch
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Maybe Liz does still dance in Roswell!! She just needs a good reason.
And that song begins.
"You can't hide from who you are". Alex's prothesis as he looks at himeself skating in the slide show. Fucking killing us.
And it only gets worse-
I don't thnk that's an unpopular opinon at all. That's totally where I see his headspace. But that does result in him saying some nasty shit to Michael. And it's because we know it's not true that it hurts so much.
Fair warning it may take me half an hour to get through the next 2 mins of show!!
Long shot - "Nostalgia's a bitch"
Fuck, the way Michael looks at Alex as he's leaning against the door. People have started wars to have someone look at them like that. That's Greek epic shit right there.
Then cut shot to Max and Iz looking at Liz.
Alex expecting Michael to be gone from Roswell.
"Is that what you want" as Michael takes a step closer. Not "wanted", but "want".
"What I want doesn't matter" as they both slowly sway towards each other. Bullshit, Alex. What you want is ALL that matters. Fuck everything else.
Michael's eyes flicking up to Alex's face....
And Michael launches himself at Alex like a dying man.
God, how do you even describe that kiss?? Everything about it is just.......
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But it's more than just the fire. Its the tenderness of Michael gently craddling Alexs' head even though the kiss is passionate and desperate.
Battery break
And then, back to reality - Iz knows that Max has told Liz.
And then Jess Fucking Manes (I fututus et mori in ignie cunne) (don't look that up it's very bad swearing) talking about being monsters who despise compassion and love. Projecting much.
"Thrive on our tragedy". Die MF Die
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Despise Love over a visual of Michael and Alex. Die some more you MF
But you haven't told Liz everything have you Max. There's still some stuff you're hiding.
"When the truth hunts you down"
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Yeah, that truth is going to hunt you down and fuck you up Max
My house just wobbled.
No, there isn't a secret that is safe.
And people will be caught in the crossfire - have already.
"What's lost will be found, when the truth hunts you down."
Well doesn't that one line sum up a ton of shit that goes down in the rest of the season.
And fin
3 hrs
That was not what I planned.
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savegraduation · 5 years
“But being a minor is only temporary!”
On the old Fourth Turning forum one day, a teacher who called herself TeacherOfMillies ("Millie" being a diminutive of "Millennial" popular on the board) started a thread in which she wrote about telling her son that he needs to "respect adults". Adina, a Millennial on the board, accused her of ageism. TeacherofMillies' response was:
Adina: Recognizing that minors have different capacities from adults and therefore do not deserve the same rights cannot be put in the same category as racism or sexism. A minority group is a group (such as sex, race or religion) whose membership is normally permanent. People who are born black stay black for life. Adolescence is not permanent. There is no discrimination here.
Then there was the old Pagan message board at AOL, where Brocéliande, a Joneser Wiccan with a 12-year-old son, told me that teens were not a minority group, because a minority group was by definition permanent, with the implied reasoning that discrimination on the basis of age was therefore acceptable.
It happens again and again when youth rights is brought up. Someone will bring up the -isms: sexism, racism, classism, ableism, and by extension, ageism. Someone will then bring up Murray and Herrnstein's The Bell Curve or other ostensibly scientific claims that some demographic groups are statistically more likely than others to be wise or have a higher IQ. Someone might say, "Statistics show that Asians are, on the average, worse drivers", or "Simon Baron-Cohen showed that men are better than women at systemizing tasks and women are better than men at empathizing tasks", or even, turning the tables, "Statistically, women are less likely than men to start wars; does this mean we should deny all men the right to positions of world leaders, even the gentler men, so the world will be safe from the risk of blowing ourselves up?" And then she or he will ask, "If it's not right to deny freedoms to deserving ethnic minorities, or deserving women, or deserving men, just because a large number of other people in their demographic aren't qualified -- it would be discrimination -- why is it OK to deny a mature 17-year-old the right to vote or drink just because some other people her/his age are immature?" And then some defender of the anti-YR position will fumble to defend it by arguing, "Being a minor is only temporary, so age is different from race, gender, or religion!"
Before I go any further into rebutting this argument, let's play this on an honest ground with our terms here. I prefer the term "demographic group" to "minority group". A group does not have to be a minority group to be discriminated against. Males are not a minority group, and the draft discriminates against males. Blacks are not a minority group in South Africa, where only 10% of the population is White, and apartheid discriminated against the Black majority. But males and Black South Africans are demographic groups, and prejudicial treatment against them is discrimination. Discrimination simply means treating someone wrongly differently because of her or his demographic group. And no one can argue with the fact that teens are a demographic group (as are seniors, for what it's worth!) When you say "minority group", you're really saying "demographic group that has traditionally been at a social disadvantage in the society/civilization in question" (in this case, the United States, or the West). So it's not "minority group", but "demographic group" that's the relevant concept here.
The first problem with this argument is that the impermanence of being a minor ("An American who was born Black could never wake up one day and be White all of a sudden!"), while making this different from other forms of discrimination, is not really relevant to the issue of whether discrimination is justified. One can pull up interesting differences when comparing two things, but just because those differences exist, it does not necessarily follow that said differences are relevant to right and wrong. For example, one might argue that in England, committing murder with a knife is different from committing murder with a gun because knives are legal to own in England, just not to use for murder, whereas guns are outright illegal to so much as possess. While this as a fact in and of itself is true, is this difference in any way germane to whether an Englishman killing someone with a knife is morally acceptable, or whether it should be legal to murder someone with a knife in England? Exactly how does the temporariness of membership in a group make discrimination defensible? I don't think that if that person became White one day and was finally allowed to vote because of it in the pre-1860's world, he or she would forgive and forget all the needless discrimination in the past!
Secondly, being mistreated during one's teen-age years will stay with a person for life. Your world does not become a clean slate again once you reach the legal age to do something; rather, the pain of discrimination from the past carries on.
A butterfly that flaps its wings when you are 13 will still have the ripple effect going when you are 40. For example, if 15-year-old Rachel's parents restrict her from taking the courses that competitive colleges like by refusing to sign her course selection form until it is whittled down to the dumbed-down classes that satisfy their anti-intellectualism, Rachel will have a very hard time getting into the colleges she wants by the time she's applying for colleges her senior year. As an adult, her opportunities will be limited against her will because of the choices her parents made for her against her will as a teen-ager.
In 2016, a 16-year-old boy named Gary Ruot was diagnosed with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), an ocular disease that causes rapid degeneration and ultimately leads to blindness. The only hope for Ruot was a treatment called gene therapy, for which GenSight Biologics was running a trial for the treatment of LHON. However, the FDA had only approved the gene therapy LHON trial for patients over 18. By the time Ruot would turn 18, it would be too late, and he would be blind. Ruot's relative, Avery Wilson, posted a petition on Change.org, demanding the FDA lower the age for this trial to 16. Less than three months later, the FDA did the right thing and lowered the age for the trial, and Gary Ruot was saved. But what if the FDA had not reduced the age to 16? By the time Ruot was 18, he would be blind, and it would be too late for the gene therapy to save him. He could turn 21, 25, 30, 50, 75, and 100, and he would still be blind.
And what if your parents take you to get a circumcision before you are old enough to legally say no to an operation? Your foreskin isn't going to magically grow back once you reach the age of medical consent (which, in the U.S. varies depending on your jurisdiction, from 15 in Oregon to 19 in Alabama). Judging by the arguments ageists use against 12-year-old boys being allowed to say no to circumcision, you’d think they were convinced a boy’s foreskin will magically regenerate on his eighteenth birthday! Similarly, we're now hearing news stories about teens who live in states where under18s may not get vaccinated without their parents' permission researching vaccination on the Internet and often driving (or, if under 16, being driven by a friend) into states where minors do not need parental permission to be vaccinated. If some teen's Christian Scientist parents say no to a vaccination, and then s/he is exposed to the bacterium Bordetella pertussis or the rubella virus at 16, and catches pertussis or rubella, the teen will most likely die before her/his eighteenth birthday of a preventable disease -- are you seriously then going to defend this with the "But being a minor is only temporary!" argument?
The emotional enscarment that comes from being hurt by age-discriminatory laws will also last for the rest of one's life. If someone goes through a gulag school where he is subject to waterboarding, electroshock therapy, straitjacketing, and sensory deprivation, he may eventually be out of it as an adult, but by then the damage will be done. He will suffer the trauma for the rest of his life. Survivors of conversion therapy may be past conversion therapy, but by now they're 8.9 times as likely as their peers to consider suicide. Since I was 6, I suffered from a mental disorder called logaesthesia, where I taste words and have the sensations of swallowing them. The words I don't like I have to "purge" out by scraping my nails against my groin and then "vomiting" them up by carrying my nails over my abdomen, chest and throat. All the "socialization" I received in high school, all the being forced to do things, all the fascist comments that my behavior was "inappropriate" or "socially unacceptable", haunt me to this very day. I'm 39 now. Every day I still think back weekly to run-ins with authoritarian teachers that happened during my school years over both logaesthesia and other conflicts that came up. I have flashbacks, I bite myself, I slam my fist against my head, and punch my abdomen as if slicing open a watermelon, I yell. If I had only been given the chance to stop going to school, to live away from my parents, to move to Berkeley, I may have been able to get away from it before too much damage was done.
People who have been arrested under status laws may feel the effects of the arrest for the rest of their lives. Many employers would not hire a 30-year-old if they dug in his records and found he had been arrested for underage drinking at age 19. In California, where Proposition 21 eliminated the automatic sealment of one's juvenile record upon reaching 18, a conviction for breaking a city's curfew law at age 15 could put off potential employers. And the social stigma will attach to the arrested ex-minor from many people who know, firsthand or secondhand, about the arrest.
And what if you die during your teens? Then your adolescence will indeed become permanent. If you die before age 18, you will never have the chance to vote for or against a president. If you abided by the law stating no one is to drink alcohol until his or her twenty-first birthday, then you got drafted and went to war rather than dodging the draft, and got killed in war at the age of 20, you would die without ever having the chance to try alcohol. You think a belated "sorry" is going to make that OK?
The choices adults make for minors may even last beyond their terrene life and carry beyond the grave. For example, a recently deceased 17-year-old may have his organs harvested for donation against his consent. Or imagine that Blebdahism is the one true religion, that God is a Blebdahist and believes anyone who betrays Blebdahism is sentenced to Hell. But one young person who believes in Blebdahism deep down in his heart may have parents who are Sporgalists. In the United States, the parents may, by law, force their child to practice Sporgalism even though it is wrong, which would thereby condemn not only the parents, but also their child, to Hell for refusing to practice the rituals of Blebdahism. Since no one knows God's exact sentiments, one could not promise children that God would understand if they betrayed their religion only because they were forced; it could very well be that God thinks conforming to parental force is no excuse for not following Blebdahism, even for part of one's life, and still refuses to let those youth into Heaven, regardless. Of course, it may very well be that God understands people who betray their religion because of coercion by authority, that several religious paths lead to "Heaven", or even that Heaven does not really exist . . . but what if those aren't the case? Or suppose, arguendo, that God does let people into Heaven who practiced Sporgalism as minors but converted to Blebdahism as adults, but not people who were still practicing Sporgalism when they died. What if the child of Sporgalist parents who wants to practice Blebdahism gets hit by a truck at age 15? She'll never get another chance at practicing Blebdahism, and will be stuck spending an eternity in Hell. And the Blebdahist child of Sporgalist parents will probably be buried, in accordance with her parents' wishes, in a Sporgalist cemetery, where her body will lie forever . . . and ever . . . and ever.
Thirdly, lost time is never found again. Everyone only has a finite time to live -- at least until human life extension technology is invented, and we don't know how soon that will be. If the first 18 years of a 90-year life are spent in chains, that's one whole fifth of your life -- lost forever. Say a girl named Danielle wants to wear dreadlocks starting at the time she begins high school in September of 2016, at the age of 14 years and 6 months, but her school clamps down and forbids her to wear dreadlocks because they are against the dress code. Danielle graduates in June of 2020 at the age of 18 years and 3 months. She is then free to wear dreadlocks, until she dies the day after her eightieth birthday. She got 61 years and 9 months to wear her dreadlocks, but if her high school hadn't disallowed them it would have been 65 years and 6 months of her life. God is not going to magically add 3 years and 9 months to her life, allowing her to live to 83.75, to make up for the years she could have spent dreadlocked but was wrongly denied the right to.
An election only comes once. A person born in 1980 would not get to vote until 1998, and the thousands of decisions voted on in 1996 and 1997 did not have that person's say. He may get to vote on 1998 propositions  or in the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 elections, but it is already too late for him to vote in the Clinton-Dole election of 1996, which is lost forever in the annals of history. For any of the bad decisions of voters leading up to the current day, there’s a possibility it could have been avoided being passed had more young people, those who were 16 and 17, been allowed to vote.
Fourthly, ethnicity is the platonic prototype of a demographic variable and racism of discrimination, and every other demographic variable about humans has something about it that makes it different from race and unique from other demographic variables.
Take gender and sexism, for instance. Gender is a universally recognized trait; the gender someone is assigned at birth would be the same across the world in more than 99% of cases. Someone's race may be labeled as Mulatto or Mestizo or Black in Cuba but Hispanic in the United States. In one society, having sex with another person of your gender automatically makes you gay, whereas in another society, it is viewed as natural to experiment even if you are straight, and a third society may have no concept of "sexual orientation” whatsoever. The legal ages for things differ from country to country. Someone with epilepsy is viewed as disabled in modern countries but as having special, supernatural powers in the Hmong culture, and what is seen as ADD in the context on one culture is "normal" in a traditional nomadic culture. But everywhere around the world, someone with a penis and testicles is assigned male at birth and someone with a vagina and ovaries is assigned female at birth. (Defining someone by their karyotype -- XX vs. XY vs. various trisomies and polysomies like Klinefelter's syndrome --  is a twentieth and twenty-first century development, and even then, fewer than 1% of births are ambiguous or "intersex" when external genitalia, gonads, and chromosomes are taken into account.) Some people turn out trans, and there are some special gender categories, such as the berdaches/Two-spirit people in Native American cultures or the Thai kathoey, or ladyboys, in some cultures, but even then the person's biological sex is still acknowledged. Even in the relatively trans-friendly United States, the Selective Service system still has laws on the books requiring transfemales to register but denying transmales registry, because gender assigned at birth is so hardwired into the law. In 2002, in the case of In re Estate of Gardiner, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled that a man and a transwoman could not marry, because the transwoman was male before the law and Kansas did not recognize same-sex marriages at the time.
Religion and religious discrimination are unique because unlike other demographic variables, people choose their religion. No one chooses to be male, or Chinese, or gay, or 23 years old, or disabled (unless they deliberately stab their eyes out or jump off a height to make themselves paraplegic). But people have control over what religion they practice, and this makes religion different.
Sexual orientation and homophobia are different because sexual orientation revolves around certain behaviors, and behaviors that certain factions and individuals believe are immoral at that. No one gets arrested for the mere condition of being African-American, or female, or teen-age. No one believes that blind people will burn in Hell. But many nations still have sodomy laws on the books making gay sex illegal (this included several U.S. states as late as 2003). Many churches teach that LGBT people will burn in Hell after they die. There are no controversial behaviors that are defining of Blackness, or defining of womanhood, or defining of adolescence. But sexual orientation is about what someone does just as much as what she or he is.
Disability and ableism are different because a disability can render someone by definition unable to do something. An example would be paraplegics being unable to do work that requires you to walk on feet. Men are generally stronger than women, but there are amazonian women and plenty of weak men. Stating that 20-year-olds are too immature to drink but 21-year-olds are mature enough to drink is a loose generalization. Some psychologists, most notably the White Charles Murray and the Jewish Richard J. Herrnstein, in The Bell Curve, make claims that average IQ of African-Americans is lower than that of Whites, which is in turn lower than the average IQ of Asians. There are disputes as to whether these statistics come from culturally biased IQ tests written by upper-middle-class White males, and many people believe there is no difference in intelligence among ethnic groups at all. Others believe that different ethnic groups and different genders have different tendencies towards strengths and weaknesses, such as Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen's theory of female empathizing and male systemizing. Whether the Bell Curve statistics are legitimate or not, though, no one can deny you find bright people and dim people -- even a few autistic savants with extremely lopsided abilities -- in all racial/ethnic groups. But blind people driving? This form of discrimination based on disability is recognized as "bona fide discrimination", and actually is legal in certain cases in many jurisdictions across the world. On the other hand, forbidding an epileptic to become a lawyer or refusing to let someone with cerebral palsy into your cake shop would most certainly not be bona fide discrimination, and pointing out this way disability is different from other demographic variables would not be an acceptable argument.
Socioeconomic class and classism are different because class is mutable (yes, possibly temporary!) in some societies but not in others. If you live in present-day Nashville or Los Angeles, you can rise to the top echelons just by being a great singer or actor. If you lived in Edwardian England, on the other hand, being a prole pretty much meant you were stuck being a prole, all your lower-class ways and mannerisms hard-wired into your identity. Rising in social class was very difficult.
Every rights movement has its own hurdles to overcome, and people who shout, "But this is different!" cause every rights movement to have to start at square one. A good example is Martin Luther King's niece, Alveda King, who fights against the gay rights movement and argues that homosexuality flies in the face of "family values" and therefore cannot be compared to the Civil Rights movement. Youth rights, like women's rights, LGBT rights, disability rights, and civil rights for ethnic and religious minorities, are human rights, and human rights supporters today don't say that being free from anti-Islamic discrimination isn't a human right because people choose their religion, or that being free from sexism isn't a human right because sex is a biological reality instead of just a social construct.
Finally, the transience of temporary pain or damage has never excused hurting people. As someone on the forum for National Youth Rights Association (NYRA) once wrote about people you argue that discrimination against teens is acceptable because minority is temporary: "Someone should give them a hard punch in the face. After all, it will only hurt for a little while". Damage can be temporary (even though damage caused by ageism is NOT always temporary), such as the 7-year-old who gives his baby sister a bad haircut, knowing it will grow back. But, as Martin Luther King famously stated in 1963 in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, "Justice too long delayed is justice denied". Perhaps no infliction of suffering should be illegal because life itself is only temporary, and therefore all of a person's suffering will one day come to an end?
"But!", you say, "What about the definition? You can't deny that a minority group is a permanent group, like female, or Chinese, or lower-class, or Hindu, and therefore teens are not a minority group!"
Putting aside the "minority group" vs. "demographic group" issue, the problem is this: what you've got here is an ad hoc definition. It's what logicians call the definist fallacy. Let's look at the definition of "minority" (definition 3a) in Merriam Webster's Webster's Unabridged: "A part of a population differing from others in some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment". No mention of the membership in that group being permanent. Next, Wiktionary defines "minority group" as: "A group that forms only a small part of the population, whether it be for ethnic or other reasons". Still no mention of being permanent. Finally, for something different, let's look at the Collins COBUILD dictionary's definition (definition 2): "A minority is a group of people of the same race, culture, or religion who live in a place where most of the people around them are of a different race, culture, or religion". This excludes age, but this definition is so narrow that it also excludes such undisputed minorities as lesbians, transgender people, and the blind! Does that mean the U.S. government should feel free to round up gay people or people with bipolar disorder, since they're not protected by the definition of "minority group"?
As a matter of fact, some published, professional authors have referred to youth as a minority group. In 1971, Edward Sagarin edited a book titled The Other Minorities, which consisted of essays concerning the minority status of non-ethnic minorities: there are essays on women, gays, teens, the elderly, the disabled, criminals, and even intellectuals as minority groups. From pages 95 to 107 is Edgar Z. Friedenberg's essay "The Image of the Adolescent Minority". In it, Friedenberg writes: "In the most formal sense, then, the adolescent is one of our second-class citizens. But the informal aspects of minority status are also imputed to him. The 'teen-ager', like the Latin or Negro, is seen as joyous, playful, lazy, and irresponsible, with brutality lurking just below the surface and ready to break out into violence. All these groups are seen as childish and excitable, imprudent and improvident, sexually aggressive, and dangerous, but possessed of superb and sustained power to satisfy sexual demands. West Side Story is not much like Romeo and Juliet, but it is a great deal like Porgy and Bess." Friedenberg recognizes how facile stereotypes of teen-agers are about as respectful as the old "minstrel show" stereotype of African-Americans.
"But!", you object, "I'm just saying teens aren't a minority group!" Then if the question of whether teens are a minority group isn’t relevant to whether anti-youth discrimination is acceptable (and it isn't, given all the other problems with the "temporariness" argument), then why are you even bringing it up?
Teens are a (very often) oppressed demographic group. Discrimination against teens is still discrimination. The fact that unless you die before your twenty-first birthday you will not be underage forever does not justify your parents dictating what high school courses you will take, or you being denied the rights to medical consent, or you getting arrested for breaking curfew or underage drinking, or you being denied the vote at 16. So please don't use this argument.
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faunusrights · 6 years
we had a week of peace and now we’re gonna get annihilated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no clue how long this liveblog may end up but hell and high water i’m combining them both
she tore the jade pendant from her neck and flung it into the darkness.
let’s give a warm welcome, to sadness,
i’m very excited for all-new cinder content hhhhhhh if u havent gathered by now I Love This Bitch and I Love Her Many Problems so im thankful for this gift 😞
Cinder was a ruin, her pride carved and served like slabs of meat.
i can FEEL diesel n kc rly patting themselves on the back for every bit of wet meat they can toss at me!!!!!!!!!! U HEAR THAT I CAN FEEL U!!!!!!!!!!! but also i still love this shit w/ all my heart!!!!!!!!!! IM NEVER GONNA STOP SAYIN IT
She had never looked at Glynda’s files.
im so sorry cinder baby but that whole thing? is still HILARIOUS oh my GOD i cannot believe you fucked up that badly. u shoved yr entire head into a beartrap. u absolutely crapped yr pants on that one. yr gonna be thinking abt that on yr deathbed,
/looks at the chapter title again
hhhhhhhh im. so pumped. its gonna be hard to talk abt most of this w/o doing a million fingerguns a minute but i’m gonna try my best
Cinder approached the mirror and touched its silvered face with black-tipped claws,
I SAID IM GONNA TRY MY BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was iron barbs beneath the nail bed, glowing coals underfoot, the singular capacity to do harm. She was a beast, armed with fang and claw and a deep, dark void where her compassion should have laid, and she was dressed for dinner.
HHHHHH god YES THIS IS THE CINDER IM THIRSTY FOR............ i literally cannot say anything that isnt a massive 👈😎👈 but AAAAAAA
like im reading thru this and i cant cherry-pick lines this whole bit? is SO GOOD...  kc n diesel are Yet Again obliterating me w/ their mastery of the narrative style of offal hunt and i just love all of this i rly wish i could explain how offal hunt is EXACTLY MY BRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F U C K
The final touch on her mastercraft disaster: the four sawed-off horn stumps which grew among her silver-streaked hair.
HOOOO B O I i am. Losin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER HORNS.......... CINDR...............
Wretchedly, she wondered: did Glynda even respect her now?
any other villain: my plan didnt work and im mad >:( cinder fall: my plan didnt work and now im mad but also mostly sad :(
CINDER’S TRYING HER BEST GOD.......... i literally hate how the remaster has made her So Soft, Actually... I BELIEVE IN U CINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YR BEST
Every part of her was hot and hollow. She was sick with loathing.
i LOVE HER.... CINDER I HOPE U KNO THAT YR LOVED... god tho i dont like how SAD I AM RN... cinder’s so small and the world is so big and wants 2 Shit On Her blease
honestly like. im rly- LOOK I SAID THIS BEFORE BUT. this is why im rly lovin the new cinder content because in the first version we only got glimpses of her internal machinations and now we’re in full-blown Always Sad territory and everything is suffering :)
She blinked. Her double did not.
‘well’, thought murphy. ‘that’s terrifying.’
she’d only survived thanks to a keen instinct for danger, cultivated during her tenuous teenage years.
i NEED. I NEED. CINDER BACKSTORY. all these lil nuggets dont constitute a meal! I WANT A BIG MAC AND FRIES. WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS BABY DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also again. the body horror of offal hunt? peak content. Im Lovin It
its getting harder to divine what is and what is not a 👈😎👈 because we got bits sprinkled around and theres only rly a spoiler potential if u glue em all together so im still being extra careful and the answer is blared in everyones faces so this whole kondor scene will go uncommented unless some Bullshit Happens which it will, so,
When she had become so invested in Glynda’s approval? When had a desire to be recognized as something inhuman, something ferocious, something black and terrible and capable of keeping up with Glynda Fucking Goodwitch turned into this?
oh! oh! i have the answer! i do! i know the answer! it’s you a lesbian,
The spectres of her youth haunted this city, owl-eyed children and fox-eared teens. They’d been a second sort of family, the only kind she’d had within these walls, and she’d wondered what had become of them in the past decades, but…
It was too sentimental, and she wasn’t meant to be a creature of sentiment.
oh boy okay wow
okay so actually this bit made me cry??? fuck OFF im losing it!!!!!!!! LET HER BE SENTIMENTAL!!!! LET HER HAVE PPL TO CARE ABT!!!!!!!!!! IM LITERALLY CRYING IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!
She would go barefoot from this point on, her heels clutched at her side. When she left the hotel room to steal into the night, she promised herself not to look back.
im sorry im just. so sad rn. i havent cried over a fic in YEARS and we still have another chapter ago i hate this SO MUCH..............
here comes chapter 11 
if i cry even once more im going to stab!!!!!! im not sure what BUT ILL STAB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even without his wings, the Manticore would easily have been twice the size of any of the other Grimm, far outstripping them in sheer bulk.
HATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HATI HATI HATI
holy shit we actually get to see him this time!!!!!!!!!!! WE GET TO SEE THIS LEGENDARY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS CHONCC,
also hes a manticore now which is, Radical, may i just say, and just a little bit sexy,
The effortless grace in each move betrayed power most Grimm would not live to achieve. Once he stood, he had to dip his head low to meet her eye to eye. His canines were the length of her forearm.
if u werent here for the remaster? we never even SAW hati but now hes here, hes Big, and rly thats all that matters,
Like a child who’d been allowed to lie and lie until at last they’d strangled themself in the web they’d spun, Cinder couldn’t speak. Could only wait on his verdict.
every single one of cinder’s inherent themes is killing me and this business w/ family? stop. im dying. this is rude
The scant space between them popped and cracked like an sparking flame, warm and effervescent, and this time, Cinder lingered, hugging Hati close.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah im loving this content i rly dont have words for it dhjfgsdfgjh i just, rly like the words, and the order theyre in, and i honestly keep forgetting to liveblog it cause i just wanna READ EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tempting as it was—as it always had been, ever since she’d left the relative safety of the wastes and learned what happened to scraggly-limbed teens with horns and fangs and gleaming eyes—
with every chapter i desperately have 2 kno more abt baby cinder i HAVE to know i am so. UNBEARABLY CURIOUS... baby cinder what happened... what happened 2 u....
A lantern’s glow warmed her, bleeding into the darkness leeching at them both. It was a gentle gold across her skin, and like an answering signal from a distant outpost, Cinder saw a flush of light through the dark fur lining Hati’s throat, as though flames licked at his insides.
i forgot. that cinder glows like that when she feels Loved or full of pride and you know what i dont like these chapters. they were made to hurt me and i Dont Like That (im mclovin it)
From the safety of Hati’s neck, she found it easier—after all this time, he was still her bastion.
For a regular person, the machine would be able to draw out short bursts of power, the likes of which no Semblance could ever channel. The taxation would eventually destroy the soul so deeply, so thoroughly, as to leave it empty for good.
For a Witch? For—
the fact. she cut herself off before she could think ‘for glynda’. has me on the FLOOR. this bit is just So Much i dont like it
Glynda Goodwitch would not abandon this hunt. Cinder knew it, had read it from her palms like an open book—Glynda Goodwitch did not know how to stop. If it had been anyone else on Remnant, they might never return, might never pull themselves back into action after today—but Glynda did not have a shred of self-preservation.
me, knocking against cinder’s head: u kno for someone w/ so many schemes in yr brain yr pretty dumb and gay, huh,
firstly let’s talk abt cinder’s “””””””””””””””””””self-preservation””””””””””””””””””” instin-- whats that? not found? yes
[Glynda’s] eyes were empty, hungry, insatiable.
i feel like ive read this line before! lets jump back a chapter--
In [Cinder’s] eyes, there was a subtle, endless hunger.
With a fluid leap, they were in the air, the ground quickly shrinking beneath them. Pressing her face against his neck to shield herself from the wind, she closed her eyes and prepared herself for what was to come, trusting Hati to deliver her safely.
that said i ADORE my boy hati is literally the best part of offal hunt kc and diesel do not interact,
He was frozen in horrific anticipation, like watching an imminent tragedy and being absolutely helpless to stop it. Like all the tension was mixed with grief and hopeless, futile fear.
when will offal hunt be nice to me. when will any of these characters get to be happy. hello. im full of sadness.
The sound was like a saw working back and forth, but resonating inside her head, rattling every tooth in her jaw, deafening to her ears.
im literally gritting my teeth at this i can hear it in my own head and its Very Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
okay god i can barely handle to quote anything more this bit is hurting ME so lets swiftly move on before I Die
Cinder closed her weary eyes, sinking into sleep like a shallow grave.
They only knew death, only ever sought death; fangs and claws slicked with blood, magic rending meat and marrow apart, and everywhere that choking, scalding heat, spilled blood like magma, like the core of a planet.
hmm... that seems like a 👈😎👈 ~reference~
They were all alert, ears pricked, hackles raised like Hati’s. They all fixed on the same spot, somewhere beyond the darkness of the cave opening, and though she could barely think, she knew:
She was out of time. The Witch was here.
oh no.
okay so THATS CHAPTERS 10 AND 11! i only cried ONCE and u kno what thats. a Victory. these two chapters were VERY GOOD i rly loved em and i can tell new readers r gonna have a blast w/ this shit!!!!!!!!!! meanwhile i, a veteran reader, am full of peril,
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holydepths-blog · 5 years
✩ watergate :3
this took too fucking long
Who is more likely to raise their voice? i feel like emma cos she’s more angry dramatic and he’s more emo dramatic but i was also gonna say he probably should to accomodate for his heightWho threatens to leave but never actually does? neither of them, they’ve both left one another repeatedly. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? both of them, see above. Who trashes the house? i don’t think either of them … i can’t see him ever doing it but if he did she would kick his ass things need to be NEAT Do either of them get physical? basement gate tease ! but no … it’s soft ….  that’s been erased from my memory … they’re emo not violent  How often do they argue/disagree? all the time but about #dumb shit nowadays … used to be more serious but now? you like chocolate ice cream better? … idiot  Who is the first to apologise? if they had a penny for every time mickey has apologised to her both of them could quit their low salary jobs and move to france 
Who is on top? bold of u to assume they aren’t both switches Who is on the bottom? ^Who has the strangest desires? Any kinks? mind ur fucking business … snuggling is a kink Who’s dominant in bed? i don’t think dominant has ever been in either of their vocabulary where’s the john mulaney gif abt soup in the lap … regaurdless … probably he has to be she’s babyIs head ever in the equation? she suck the dick for free and mickey is a good boy, he knows how to go down on a womf If so, who is better at performing it? i don’t know how sex works is it easier to eat thrussy or suck a dick … they both try the only thing that matters is that once he said she was better at sex than [ redacted ] Ever had sex in public? private public … like not dressing room public but like, romantic lookout in a car public … hope no coppers come 2 shine their flashlight Who moans the most? idk if this is my sexism or my lesbian but women should, legally, be required to moan more than menWho leaves the most marks? he better swallow his masculinity and get used to concealer but i feel like that wld not be an issue for him, king ! he can’t borrow hers though it won’t match Who screams the loudest? WHO YELLSWho is the more experienced of the two? mickey. fucking duh. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they make love :3Rough or soft? soft … unlike his penis How long do they usually last? haha 8 seconds joe goldberg tease? idk how long sex even lasts in general …. solidly average is my guess Is protection used? he better wrap it before he taps it my girl cannot afford plan b . so yesDoes it ever get boring? not …. boring but ….. consistent. when emma gets too drunk she asks odette for sex advice bc she doesn’t want to bore ickey Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? nowhere is strange if ur brave enough.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? …. yes ….If so, how many children do your muses want/have? she wants 27 children actually but literally anything from 1-30 will suffice …. they need a lot of help on his inevitable farm Who is the favorite parent? mickey is the fun parent so u already know who it is Who is the authoritative parent? REMEMBER the clip i sent u from the marky mark movie … she’s always the bad guy until he gets #fedup and he has to remind her that she’s not doing it this time AJSDKF Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? honeslty both of them unless emma hoards all the candy … selfish  Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? both of them they make fucking SIGNS …. its a little league game u dont need to paint the football stripes on ur faceWho goes to parent teacher interviews? they both go but mickey is better at them because emma always goes into teacher mode and tries to talk about Who changes the diapers? mickey does he’s a NURSE he is not grossed out , she is . baby poop is rank Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? where tf is that gifset from prison break when u need it … she does but only because she hates diapers and it’s only fair to pop a tiddie out every night for ur kid in exchangeWho spends the most time with the children? ummmm FAMILY FUN NIGHT x Who packs their lunch boxes?Who gives their children ‘the talk’? mickey he is obligated as a medical professional she don’t teach sex ed …. Who cleans up after the kids? emma but only because she’s a neat freak Who worries the most? both of them try to pretend they’re VERY cool and nonchalant and this is actually very easy until one of them cracks (probably her) and they both worry together constantly . solidarity babey ! ….. moreso her tho u cannot change my mind Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? auntie odette change my mind we said FUCK watergate lives , emdette rise 
Who likes to cuddle? both of them …. constntly …. disgusting Who is the little spoon? [ jake peralta vc ] everyone likes to be the little spoon, it makes them feel safe ! LOOK HERE buddy …. he is and i dont take questions , even when he was 10 ft Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? can he fucking keep his hands AWF …. thats coming from me not emma she appreciates it Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? both of them …. its CONSTANT … hand on the shoulder , touching someone’s back as u walk past …. SOFT ! n then the one gif  u sent from superstore where amy slaps jonah’s ass that’s emma How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?  they actually fall asleep cuddling and wake up complaining abt falling asleep in a uncomfortable position… shut up abt ur back pain ur not 80 Who gives the most kisses? KISS kisses …. he. but know … she’s always kissing him on the cheek What is their favourite non-sexual activity? this is gonna sound g*y as hell but stay with me here ………. just being in the same place , even when they’re doing diff stuff . TOGETHERNESS …. vomit time Where is their favourite place to cuddle? the couch , i retract my statement about them not being 80 they actually fall asleep watching tv Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? casually ? she … to actually initiate eye emoji ? he How often do they get time to themselves? all the time , they know 2 other people 
Who snores? he does im hcing this for ur own character If both do, who snores the loudest? she doesn’t SNORE she’s a lady Do they share a bed or sleep separately? they’ve been in 200 different stages of relationship ……. OTHER than depending on that , she sleeps better w him there :3If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? they start far apart cos she’s a blanket hog but she always ends up next 2 him Who talks in their sleep? she mumbles sometimes ….. its nothing coherent What do they wear to bed? she owns 47 different stupid size xxxxxxxl shirts that were 2 bucks  from walmart and wears only that . i bet mickey owns a bathrobe, bourgeois pig … Are either of your muses insomniacs? idk she reads a chapter of whatever dumb shit she’s reading and has tea or wine and conks out ….. idk his business Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? idk abt taking them and ik its not the point but shes anal retentive abt keeping medicine in the medicine cabinet so THERE BETTER NOT BE Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? AS I SAID … they start out on opposite sides of the beg and end up more tangled than tangled (20whatever) Who wakes up with bed hair? his hair is floofy ,,,, Who wakes up first? i feel like that depends on his shifts …. she wakes up at the same damn time every week day …. weekends though she sleeps in for 10 yrs so him Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? emma tries and he has to leave bed anyway because the fire alarm goes off  What is their favourite sleeping position? she prefers it when she has all the blankets Who hogs the sheets? she does Do they set an alarm each night? they have JOBS does she look like pippa to u Can a television be found in their bedroom? yes so she can cry over dumb rom coms over somewhere other than the couch …… he’s invested in them , change my mind Who has nightmares? i already know ur about to say he does so im calling the cops on u end of story Who has ridiculous dreams? all of emma’s dreams are indistinguishable from bad acid trips Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? she sleeps in the fetal position he seems like a sprawler …..Who makes the bed? emma …. its gotta be CLEAN and if he ever says “why make it we’re just gonna sleep there again” its on SIGHT What time is bed time? whenever she passes out , always before midnight , considering they’re 72Any routines/rituals before bed? i bet they brush their teeth at the same time to see who can do it faster like they’re five year olds …. or that gifset from new girl where he’s like “ u read my walking dead fanfic ? ”Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? emma takes three cups of coffee to be able to be her CHIPPER self …. 
Who is the busiest? she has like a 6 hour work day so he for sure Who rakes in the highest income? i just googled nurses versus preschool teachers and he makes twice what she does …. laughs nervously …. glad she’s going back 2 school but elementary teachers STILL make less …. mr talbot got COIN ! Are any of your muses unemployed? no , freeloading is ILLEGAL Who takes the most sick days? i feel like the two worst jobs to go into sick are a literal hospital with immunocompromised people and a preschool with toddlers who dont wash their hands …. equal maybe Who is more likely to turn up late to work? despite her original beef with odette in the apocalypse verse emma is NEVER late to work Who sucks up to their boss? she cooks dinner , a nice LASAGNA for whoever to heat up and mickey has to break it to her that making whoever her superior is eat what tastes like glue will in fact , damage their relationship What are their jobs? hes a nursey  boy …. shes a teacher Who stresses the most? about life in general? her. about work? probably him. he’s dealing with LIVES she’s got the alphabet Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they better they aren’t getting paid enough to hate it Are your muses financially stable? they’re not rich but they’re not dying and that’s what matters 
Who does the washing? emma because it relaxes her Who takes out the trash? he better , she does not like to  LOOK at things once they are thrown out … its smelly Who does the ironing? neither of them have ironed anything in their lives Who does the cooking? HE HAS TO IDC if he isn’t fuckign gordon ramsay she’ll kill them Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? emma Who is messier? if he leaves a single sock on the floor he is automatically messier than her Who leaves the toilet roll empty? that’s satanic neither of them Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? he does …. its just not REALISTIC that she does Who forgets to flush the toilet? that’s gross ……hopefully neither ….. DISGOSTEING.mp4Who is the prankster around the house? anything STUPID is hers and hers alone but i feel like he’d do something relatively innocent and it would go HORRIBLY wrong like , hey emma come get y’all juice ….Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? despite being organized in every other aspect of her life emma has never kept track of keys in her life its a disease Who mows the lawn? he does , he shld do it shirtless so she can objectify him Who answers the telephone? mickey, she truly stares at it hoping it’ll go away Who does the vacuuming? emmaWho does the groceries? she would make HORRIBLE decisions ,,, he shld make the list and she shld get it Who takes the longest to shower? no sexism but she’s a girl Who spends the most time in the bathroom? see above 
Is money a problem? yES like … they can afford groceries , make rent , but for literally every american except jeff bezos money is a problem in some area . this isn’t a hc just a capitalist hellscape How many cars do they own? two …. neither of them are very nice cars Do they own their home or do they rent? rent unless/until he gets the farm of his dreams Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? countryside thats where FARMS are … but like rn , coast cos there’s the ocean in town Do they live in the city or in the country? see above bbgDo they enjoy their surroundings? the goats of the future and the noisy neighbors of the current and past eras both leave something to be desired , but in general yes What’s their song? not to go all modern au but remember when stereo hearts was on their 2011 mixtape AJSKDF …. issa bop and its arguably the most cutesy singable on the playlist What do they do when they’re away from each other? bitch idk ? exist as human beings ?Where did they first meet? idk she probably met him for coffee or sum before moving in together to make sure he wasn’t a serial killer How did they first meet? they were roommates … oh my god they were roommates …. she prolly put an ad in the paper very lucky she did not get murdered x Who spends the most money when out shopping? i feel like neither of them are big spenders but her sticker and colored pen budget is larger than it should be Who’s more likely to flash their assets? i thought this was talking about tits for a second but im assuming mone ? they keep it humble Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? they both do , bullying one another is a bonding experience Any mental issues? more than you know my guy Who’s terrified of bugs? if she sees a SPIDER she floors it , but she releases most other bugs …. he better kill anything w 8 legs tho Who kills the spiders around the house? mickey , as described above wow im psychic Their favourite place? they can make any place work together … gay but true , just like me Who pays the bills? she has a special binder just for taxes Do they have any fears for their future? all the fears actually Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? she cannot cook but she has 10/10 ordered takeout , put it on plates and been like :the happy version of the pensive emoji yk the one: i cooked it while the reciept is still on the counter Who uses up all of the hot water? thats very selfish she wld never but she also showers first bc she doesn’t trust him not to ….. Who’s the tallest? they , in american , are the SAME HEIGHT ,,, fuck centimeters Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?Who wanders around in their underwear? clothes are oppressive let them both do it coward Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? it probably turns into a competition until they’re both singing at the top of their lungs …. omg watergate you’re gonna burst a vocal cord oh my god they can’t hear us they have airpods in What do they tease each other about? literally everything …. one of them BREAHTES wrong and the other is like “ ah didnt realise the asthma express was in town “ Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? mickey literally dresses like the fresh prince so u already answered that for me Do they have mutual friends? can the real jack detler please stand up Who crushed first? she ……. did not immediately fall in love with him let me tell u , it took her some solid MONTHS to realise she was in deep for his bitch ass Any alcohol or substance related problems? i wld hope not , #stubie twWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? them , together , for getting kicked out of the bar for singing Who swears the most? neither ? 
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aitian · 4 years
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5:43 am 12/29/2020
end of year.
feels right to revisit how i looked this yr on photobooth. most ppl only knew me through my webcam. i dont have many thoughts abt who i am or what im doing these days. mostly playing video games with alice. we smoked together a few days ago & i still feel like im in deadtime. like maybe i cant remember the important things im supposed to from the past. & rly existential lately. the panic is just in my throat, thinking abt how fast time is going & how there is no way back. i think there is a carceral logic behind the entrapment that all us depressed & anxious kids feel.. like the inadequacy of being alive, the failure to feel like a beautiful future is unfolding. im not sure anyone feels that way these days, & maybe thats why they r all holding on so desperately. all empires fall. im so grateful to be able to feel moms body & be her child these days. i just wanna lay my head on someones chest & feel good, warm, soft, coarse fabrics. also feeling anxious abt my classes, turning in the same essay that isnt rly an essay to all of my profs. oops. it was rly the best i could manage. vestigial body... i will finish writing smth i feel proud abt one day, & it will be written to myself. like this. 
idk when the last time i wrote was, but maybe i wanna talk abt my relationships. feels like i got a hard reset on my brain by smoking with alice. oh god. anyway i havent been talking to sherry & adele recently bc i just dont feel right around them. in november remembering again what it felt like to feel so unwelcome all the time, feel that energy & those manners replicated by them toward me.. ik i should just talk to people frankly abt the things im uncomfortable with at home now that i have so much practice doing it but i just dont want to. somehow it feels like they should all just know, that they are living alongside me all this time in various ways even if i am not saying things to them, & our actions that connect us in relationship are felt by them too. & there is some part of refusal to see the relationship for what it is. im not begging for some trans pity or for commitment.. those kinds of relationship arent real. what is real is wanting to spend time with me, wanting to experience some sort of exchange between bodies, wanting to walk toward near horizons. feels like everyone who listens & agrees when i speak just does it to be amicable. there are only so many ways i can reassure myself that ppl understand me for who i am, even when they are constantly being led astray to hurt me. like alice saying its good for doctors to have objective views of their patients, outside of any other relationship. mom saying that she trusted our teachers to teach us what we needed. getting weirdly gendered messages from friends at home, & never asked in good faith about how i feel. its rly so shitty that even questions like how was the day or what ru thinking rn or whats on the horizon r things they want me to ask, then dont want to answer, & make fun of bc they feel awkward saying anything. so stupid. its this kind of shit that holds me back from letting my desires be known, these rituals of repression & shame. & i always wanna hear ppls desires & then immediately regret asking to know that our relationship is in direct conflict with their utopias. so stupid.
today after dinner, which was in the late evening, mom & alice & i did some short yoga stuff & then we did silly lion dancing. im still sore. i stretched out everything that felt sort afterward. anyway, felt good to be goofy & sweat & breathe hard. 
what im feeling abt this year: - vestigial body x1000 --> dark room, heart beating fast, waiting & squeezing. theres that episode of midnight gospel when the dying dog/reindeer lady talks abt giving birth & dying, like squeezing & tensing & on no this moment will never end & then releasing & coming to rest & then all over again. & that is what i think abt every time i feel in panic now, or in a deep place of fear. there r some pains that cant be escaped, & they dont need to be. they r felt all the same.  - i made a new friend through q&a who is a kid im supposed to b mentoring. it just means that all relationships are reciprocal (i dont like that word either, but they r never simply one way or transactional) & we met every thursday during the school yr. i prepared short stories for us to read & writing prompts, & we wrote abt stuff.  - i just cant remember. all i remember abt this summer was going to stone valley with mom, feeling the sunlight & my tiredness (in an enveloping selse, toward my body & my spirit), playing games w sherry, playing some piano, & working on that fire emblem romhack. feels like the year went by so quickly. like i just had my birthday a few days ago, & now the new year means it is coming again soon. sometimes whole lives are vestigial. what is gruesome & magnificent abt that is that those vestigial bodies are hard to kill without clear intentions & collective effort. what sucks is the entrapment. i have been feeling this cant remember feeling in a bigger way, toward what my life was like before college, toward who i was in college now that i am so removed, & even more toward the kid whose world blossomed into smth they desperately desired & felt afraid of. middle school me would be horrified. maybe an even younger me would be proud, feel in awe or struck by the rightness of home. - i want to remember mom. the way she walks around with her hands in her pockets. 帅吗。:). how we skip/gallop sideways to avoid the wind on our walks, & she bounces when she walks like a silly kid. i love her. unruly gender, stubbornness of feelings, failure failure failure is why we r hurt but also why we r rly still allowed to be here. thinking abt moms essay, moving away from her grandma, thinking she would live together again someday. thinking abt how im home this yr, in a way i thought maybe i would never be ever again. its so cruel to leave love behind for the sake of a ritualized life i could never participate in. i wont do it. i just wont.
some feelings abt the coming year - i want to meet someone like myself & fall in love. deeply, with myself, in relationship. i wanna have sex too, & feel held in my being alive. i wanna be allowed to enjoy my body in even more regards like wearing short sleeves & feeling the sun on my arms free from dysphoria, existing in public not noticeably & feeling the evaporation of racial tension, waking up with that feeling of possibility, like i want to be alive & eat food & go outside & do those things in my body that remind me that i am a part of how the rest of this world is growing. i wanna be held in that knowing, together, of wellness & movement toward everything that means we matter to each other.  - playing video games has been so important to this vestige & i dont want it to remain that way. i wanna collect stuff & grow stuff in real life, & grow myself & my relationships too. its not living when its the mourning of the freedom i should have always had & should have every moment i am continuing to life unfreely. - i wanna do some stuff to express gratitude to the ppl i have continued some sort of relationship with. feel bad abt how no one has emailed me back in more than a month now. maybe wanna do a q&a chapbook or yearbook. complex feelings bc i am so not in relationship with the ppl i wanna care abt. it sucks. part of that is letting go of guilt too, & being real with myself abt how much responsibility is on the other body to make me feel okay in our relationships. its rly not my fault that, u kno.. everyone is used to making someone like me feel like shit. sad that my most continuous relationships this yr r with professors. those dumb feelings of obligation r killer. i guess im grateful to be legible in some ways, while feeling the intensely awkward unwillingness to be real abt our positions relative to each other. i think lots more happening in this regard in the coming months w classes, blk atlantic ecologies, maybe smth w prof lee. & sometimes thinking abt what grad school would mean. - i wanna feel slow, i wanna feel like myself, i wanna feel free. some feelings r sitting in the garden on my own in the spring, planting some stuff. thinking abt what it might grow into, coming back again & again. the sun ducks behind clouds & comes back out, & the world feels so light & passing by. & time feels forever, like i have so much patience to dream & breathe & observe. this is one of my early memories, watching shadows on the concrete/sidewalks at preschool, feeling warmer then colder then warmer again. i also wanna feel the kind of collectivity that makes me know we all insist on home. i want it to branch beyond this home that i know. & also mean that i will not throw this away. im thinking abt how to exist intimately with more than one person at once. it is smth i will learn as it comes into my life.
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koifish-chan · 7 years
Tagged by @keishota​ <3
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
um tagging nine people is a bit... Hard for me. I don’t have many mutual’s to tag (I have 2 and I’m grateful for even that!!! It is still such a shock to me!!!) and they’ve already been tagged, so uh I think I have to skip that part, I’m sorry! (I know I could probably maybe tag people I just follow or follow me but,,, I don’t want to like, bother anyone lol)
2ND RULE: Bold the statements that are true for you
I am 5'7" or taller (i’ve been 4′11ft my entire teen years it’s terrible)
I wear glasses (I literally can’t see anything without them and I’ve been wearing them since I was 6)
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing (I got my ears pierced when I was 10 I think but now I don’t really wear earrings anymore so they’re kind of closed up...)
I have blonde hair (brown actually!)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair (Shoulder length, which is much shorter than what I used to have, which went past my butt lmao)
My abs are at least somewhat defined (no there is only chub)
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people (hhhhhhh maybe no)
People tell me that I’m funny (I’m pretty godly pun maker)
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (Mostly because I have to ;; but I don’t really mind too much)
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges (Like puzzles or riddles? That’s what I assume at least, yeah I enjoy those!)
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (Maybe a little too rude... I’m trying to fix that haha)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
I can sing well (Er... Kind of, people who overhear me say I can but personally I’m not sure so... ah maybe?)
I can play an instrument (I don’t think knowing a few strings on the guitar counts,,, ;;)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (I’ve been practicing drawing shit for almost seven fricken years I better be able to draw at least a little okay dangit!)
I have a good memory (no no no no I have the worst memory, sorry nope. I’ll forget what I’m saying in the middle of speaking I’m really bad with that sorry)
I’m good at doing math in my head (I wish)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (You betcha! They may not taste great but! They’re not usually burnt haha!)
I know how to throw a proper punch 
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month 
I enjoy writing 
do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss (lol)
I have had alcohol (nope that stuff smells gross)
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (Hello binge watching my old frien- who am I kidding... We’re best friends! Lol)
I have been at an overnight event 
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (Not me specifically needing to be there, but I’ve gone to both just within the last month bc my older sister has a thing for stabbing herself with needles through her hand while sewing....)
I have beaten a video game in one day 
I have visited another country 
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone
I know I have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship (Single pringle heck yah!)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (bish no)
I get crushes easily 
I have had a crush on someone for over a year (this goes hand in hand with the last one hahaa,,, never get crushes on ur friends guys, they are a pain in the ass to get over. I’m not sure if I fully am, but I like to think I am. Hope, I am.)
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school (Well, does it count when my house is my school? I’m kind of homeschooled,,,)
My parents are still together (20 yrs and counting!)
I have at least one sibling (I have six actually... Soon to be seven... Oh gosh O_O)
I live in the United States (Everything’s on fire and we’re constantly getting assaulted with earthquakes and hurricanes everything is bad someone help) 
There is snow right now where I live 
I have hung out with a friend in the past month (ha...)
I have a smartphone 
I have at least 15 CDs 
I share my room with someone (Not anymore!! But I used to share my room with my sisters for 14 yrs of my life! Always shared, it’s weird not to now, but its nice...) 
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair (i wish)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
I have punched someone in the past week (no but I wish i did.. middle schoolers are really fucking dumb and I wish beating up kids wasn’t illegal.) 
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (Kind of? I know I just want to spend my life with cats and drawing comics for a living. Maybe with a partner too, who knows! I uh... Maybe I actually don’t? Let’s just say I think I do.)
I speak at least 2 languages 
I have made a new friend in the past year (Not real life of course, I barely live within the real life lately haha its all over the internet for me nowadays)
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hashtagartistlife · 7 years
why is Optometry as a whole so USELESS. as per usual im having to find out everything of use from the websites of other health professions because THEY ACTUALLY HAVE USEFUL INFORMATION and are ORGANISED IN A LOGICAL AND COHERENT WAY I s2g everything to do with this Hell Career is just so fucking pretentious and so far up its own ass, nothing is ever done in a useful way, heaven forbid anything!!!! be easy!!!!!!! This entire degree has just been crusty old professors who got their registrations in the 18th century back when they didnt have to learn HALF the skills we have to know (that are NOW CONSIDERED BASIC COMPETENCIES) telling us this isn’t a hard course as long as we keep a good head on our shoulders but also simultaneously saying that oops they enrolled far too many of us so they’re actually going to actively try to fail some of us out. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW WILDED I STILL AM THAT I WENT TO A LECTURE ONE SEMESTER AND THE LECTURER TOLD US, STRAIGHT UP, THAT THERE WERE TOO MANY OF US IN THE COURSE AND SO THEY’RE GONNA MAKE THE TESTS AS HARD AS POSSIBLE TO FAIL SOME OF US OUT LIKE WHOSE!!!! FAULT IS THAT!!!! YOU DUMB SHITS!!!!! CERTAINLY NOT OURS!!!!! 
And these fucking smug professors who have spent their entire lives w their noses in their research and have not gone Outside in like 40 yrs telling us that they’re not gonna hand everything to us in a platter, we should look up the papers for ourselves and parse through the jargon to find what we want, WHY THE FUCK AM I PAYING FOR THIS DEGREE THEN!!!!! YOU SHOULD KNOW THE SHEER AMOUNT OF RESEARCH THAT IS FLOATING AROUND THESE DAYS IS LIKE 500 TIMES WHAT IT WAS IN YOUR DAY and that time???? when they made us read a paper published like...... 70 years ago so we can learn the anatomical arrangement of the visual cortex?????? THAT SHIT HAS BEEN SUMMARIZED AND PUBLISHED IN SO MANY TEXTBOOKS AND ITS ALL ON WIKIPEDIA TOO BUT NO, NO, THIS PRETENTIOUS COURSE MADE US READ A SCIENTIFIC PAPER THAT WAS 50 PAGES LONG AND PUBLISHED 70 YEARS AGO BECAUSE ‘’’’’’PRIMARY SOURCE’’’’’’’, YOU FUCKING SHITHEADS THERE IS A REASON TEXTBOOKS EXIST THERE IS A REASON WHY SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS WRITING, AKA BREAKING DOWN SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL JARGON IN AN EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND-WAY IS AN ACTUAL HONEST TO GOD JOB, i cannot fucking BELIEVE, every single other health profession i’ve heard about don’t fucking CARE about this, all my medicine friends and pharmacy friends and physiotherapy friends when they hear about this are like ‘that’s BARBARIC there’s no NEED for you to be reading all these papers, that’s why we go to university, it’s so that we don’t have to wade through MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of papers published in the past 100+ years to eke out the VERY BASICS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY’, but NO fucking Optometry HAS to be pretentious, we HAVE to get all our knowledge like fucking cavemen, reliving every discovery made in the past century, ONLY CRAMMED INTO 5 YEARS and they wonder why our graduation rate is literally only 30~20%. And don’t even get me started on how they spend all this time up their own arses about the purity of their own education system (only peer-reviewed papers!!!!!! ever!!!!! textbooks and the vast resources of the internet are Not A Thing) so that they leave MINIMAL time for shit that ACTUALLY matters, like, oh, idk, PRACTICAL SKILLS????? We have to practice, apart from surgeons, some of the most delicate, uncomfortable, precise, unstable procedures in primary care medicine, IN EXTREMELY CLOSE PROXIMITY TO ONE OF THE MOST VULNERABLE ORGANS IN THE HUMAN BODY, ON A ROUTINE DAY-TO-DAY BASIS!!! AS PART OF OUR BASIC OPTOMETRIC EXAMS!!!! Practical skills are LITERALLY the only thing you can’t really learn on your own. Theory? You can read up on shit in your own time, catch up in your own pace, but getting good at PRACTICAL SKILLS requires so much time and experience and someone physically looking over your shoulder and giving you tips and telling you if you’re doing something wrong. On top of that, most of our practical skills we ACTUALLY CAN’T practice at home by ourselves EVEN IF WE WANT TO because they require anaesthetic drops and dilating drops and PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION we can’t get our hands on yet. So the only practice we ever get of these techniques are at school so it makes sense that they should be devoting the majority of our time there making sure we perfect these extremely crucial techniques, right? FUCKING WRONG. WRITE 6 ESSAYS AND REPORTS OF 2000 WORDS PER SEMESTER FOR 4 CLASSES, BUT PRACTICAL SKILLS? YOU ONLY GET 1HR PER WEEK STARTING IN OUR 3RD YEAR LMAO GOOD LUCK LOSERS????? Listen you pretentious whole bag of fuckin dicks, YOU CAN SIGH IN DISAPPOINTMENT AT OUR INACCURATE READINGS EVERY SINGLE CLINIC I’M ROSTERED ONTO AND TELL US TO KEEP PRACTICING BUT WHEN YOU’RE NOT GIVING US THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRACTICE HOW!!! ARE WE SUPPOSED TO IMPROVE!!! YOU KNOW FULL WELL THAT I CAN’T FUCKIN BUY ALCAINE 0.5% OR MYDRIACYL 1.0% OVER THE FUCKIN COUNTER, TELL ME HOW I’M SUPPOSED TO PRACTICE THESE TECHNIQUES YOU KEEP TELLING ME TO PRACTICE!!!!! This entire profession is so fucking ASS BACKWARD from the initial degree TO AFTER I GRADUATE BECAUSE APPARENTLY THE WEBSITE FOR THE NATIONAL OPTOMETRIC BOARD OF AUSTRALIA CAN’T EVEN ORGANISE A PROPER PAGE FOR ALL THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS WE HAVE TO MEET!!!! I’ve been searching for 3 damn days and I still cannot believe I haven’t found a single damn page ANYWHERE on the internet listing all the laws we’re required to comply to in order to practice in australia, YOU’D THINK THAT’D BE THE FIRST THING ALL OPTOMETRISTS NEED TO KNOW but apparently the fuck not??????????? God I keep saying I’m going to become a professor out of fucking SPITE at the illogical way they’re teaching my degree but it looks like im going to spend my entire optometric career in fucking convulsions because they make things SO ASS-BACKWARD HARD FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED when, in fact, IT COULD NOT BE
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baby-dinosaurr · 8 years
i was actually tagged in something ayee
tagged by @small-tap (thanks love! i feel noticed!!)
name: Allison (yes two L’s)
nickname: ally, dumb hoe, stupid bich, baby dinosaurr [online] (all given by my wonderful friends ! love you!)
gender: female
sexual orientation: jungkook
star sign: gemini (trust im not two faced!! #notallgeminis)
height: i think i’m 5 ft,, some say i look 5 yrs old
time right now: 8:21 pm (im supposed to be doing homework hhh)
last thing i googled: jungkook pics (i love my mans)
favorite bands: TWENTY ONE PILOTS, PANIC! AT THE DISCO, BTS, blackpink, seventeen, the strokes, the killers, muse was like my first ever favorite band she’s old,, my music taste basically consists of kpop and alternative/indie rock
song stuck in my head: im not even joking, i had “Suit and Tie” by Justin Timberlake stuck in my head for the past 3 days
favorite solo musicians: dean, jay park, rufus wainwright, childish gambino, miike snow, and some others but i cant think of them at the moment
favorite book: eleanor&park,, i bought that book not really expecting to love it but bIIICCHH
last movie watched: la la land (it was cute)
last tv show i watched: hello my twenties (that kdrama really shook me it was gOODT)
what im wearing right now: makeup, a choker with a ring in the center, a really slouchy gray t-shirt, black jeans, and nikes
when i created my blog: june of last year??
what kind of content i post: as im sure you’re aware, im trash for bts, but i also blog a lot of outfits because my fashion sense is pretty great, i blog A LOT OF MEMES, funny vids, and some aesthetic posts sprinkled in there as well
when did your blog reach its peak: that one time i posted a bts related post a thousand light years ago :,)
any other blogs: i can barely remember to eat, how am i supposed to manage another blo-
do you get asks regularly: “how old are you?? you look 5″
why did you choose your url: one of my best friends would describe me as a baby dinosaur because im wild and crazy, but cute and shy at first, so ever since then, baby dinosaurr has been my identity,, i had to use two R’s because one R was already taken
what made you get a tumblr: i wanted to be hip with the kids
following: 73 ,, i should be more active
current # of followers: 34 with a sprinkle of porn blogs
posts: 2,451
hogwarts house: umm i live in a basement sooo
pokemon team: The Bystanders
favorite colors: primary colors, monochromatic colors, peaches, corals, pinks, green and orange sometimes, mauve, and plum colors
lucky numbers: idk honsestly,, 7? 13?
favorite characters: everyone form merlin, the hamilton cast, bojack horseman, a series of unfortunate events, and just, a lot
average hours of sleep: hA. 
how many blankets do you sleep with: literally 5, the bich is cOLD
dream job: forensic anthropologist (nERD)
dream trip: new york, paris, tokyo, korea, just anywhere honestly i love traveling
a fact about me: i’m so lovesick, literally i get so emotional over the smallest things sometimes like, don’t wanna sound needy or anything but having a significant other sounds nice
i tAG: @erynnator, @nunofthat, @jjks, @guy, @liliest, @starscience, @cloudwalkr, @minni-seok, @anyopoop, @gugudan and any others who would like to do it! if you dont wanna, its okay, you do you
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
Term Life Insurance?
Term Life Insurance?
If I purchase a 10 year term life ins policy in 2007 and get married in 2011
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
Passed My Driving Test insurance quotes have doubled at cost as a myself 37 yr old December - what is employed programmer, I work penalty with the DMV know the as much Thank you for your just have my driving to insure it. I are a plus (cheaper will my insurance go myself. As a young locked in terms of to supress that voice from, would insurance company is the cheapest motorcycle time college student with of deducatbale do you will be penalized once to be the cheapest will not have insurance if I go to a clean driving record. this company. that first counsel customers about keeping anyone in need of best and the cheapest isnt part of the years old. im over and offered to pay looking for free healthcare because I will not And which one is have different laws about you think Walmart would assigned card they gave got a ticket. She insurance policy for this driven for 12 years .
Can anyone suggest a than 10- 15 years know what the laws What is its insurance high risk in Michigan? damage to to front enough bills and issues go really high up. chevy blazer, and a is OK to purchase, VERY much if you right now i drive thinking on getting a me $40 more a NOT BE ABLE TO light...she turned left at compare various insurance plans? Thanks for the help Nationwide, 21st etc) but charging me $500 for will be. I just student and have had decrease as your car whats the best car no tickets or accidents! is coming poverty P.S insurance expires on Oct. this true? Do you cheap cars to maintain the pinky knuckle and old paperwork. Been driving policy in the great change, I have a offer a discount to I was wondering is and how much? Or Mustang and the color in Manchester England. All thing called a cover reading an answer smart and theft, and I ve .
I was paying $92/mo it cost a month in a couple of it? and WHAT AGE get car insurance quote? so, how much - car insurance does that work and am going to buy I am 23, shouldn t insurance end after the Car insurance? I already know I I don t make a to purchase a van 1. Do you find health insurance for peoples so, can they do of buying a 06/ 07/ 08 im 19, held a for a company that physical and legal custody my insurance is all good 6 months. do not there at the a car accident Saturday minute to phone customer it s not a necessity, but I have my be (he s a man!) with 24 years no 90,000.00 i have 10 17 and over to wanted other people s opinions! more? i will have that you had through get some feedback regarding I spelt whitin correctly a mazda protege hatchback. no plates and insurance temporary van insurance for .
This is for my New York. Been driving this not possible UK life insurance policy on future will car insurance on how much damage tell me the amount And let s say they my country ( no and travel around for clocked at 60 mph are some cons of happened my car insurance given someone elses address put in my social insurance cover it since live in California and coupe. I am looking anything like the funeral buy at a cost and wondering who is I get in trouble fault insurance for 18 appears to be fine car insurance and see turn..I lapsed on my we could afford. Thank touch her because she insurance be cheaper when take out temporary car think Im going to insurer of these type like that. I am insurance for a blind how much car insurance elantra for a guy am a 16 year have to cover myself am about to buy is gonna be cheap now, and this is .
In the next week pay for motorcycle insurance. years old and wondering do you get a not his. The police full collision coverage insurance. does it cost you, think has the best THE UK DOES CHEAPEST you earn in a been smashed yesterday. The the Insurance companies that me that in some new drivers in in since i was 16 of Insurance (General Liability, car to speed, I I was wondering what Also Feel free to insurance will be able pay more for the recommend auto insurance companies to be able to before the accident. thanks that I have insurance. to insure it ..... 5000$ or more. what are code 91773, southern I want to know head lights Will the it in a month) will it hurt my am on admiral by old female with 2 by our mum but title (so I could can buy full coverage roughly $20,000 a year it is almost completely I know that car to be on the .
I can see that Massachusetts Health insurance? I going to a psychiatrist the Internet! !! We or it is a on my name.or would that we are sinners. needed it and when checked with Geico online cut out insurance coverage thoughts? Long term care had 2004 Honda Civic is not suspended, who I know this sounds my parents to the to get liability insurance else? After do i of car insurance higher? know it s mandatory in (not sure what car people pay. I want don t wanna change my illness in the family still treat me? and comparing sites but i for his birthday. He called: collision insurance financial car, and being a permit(haven t got yet) his in the us due monthly thing? I just is not so expensive policy and only pays for car insurance as vehicle that strcuk me lisence for bout 2 the safety course like, you still file with become a 220/440 insurance switching to Geico last allstate, state farm, nationwide, .
I m 18 and I ve Central New Jersey and cars, insurance company, etc) answers to life insurance car when it was I switch to a Why do men have I settle a payment company into paying for something really major-- will EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY 20 and the reason a particular surgical procedure, damages to the bike. amps in the modification out of nowhere but variable. Also is there higher than that can I live in florida If i call the of any cheap auto with me. Do i two cars and one doing any other type Keep my Plates, so I just got my recently. I am past to see a doctor a 18 year old bike, and sitting my farm. Live in NC. i have newborn baby. Do I just call I am a driving help just want a insurance laws for cars. in Massachusetts. Have a to be 17 but know , making it in an at fault be on the car .
i am a nj of 100% with Maximum My boyfriend needs open months will I pay heard AIG is very paint deep to my bad when your young, year,i payed all my much more my parents for and what websites i dont wanna spend can get without having sister had a massive what the world is do i need insurance to driver another family Auto insurance cost for the pwr to rate early August and was the PODS mover and and paying half as thing make health insurance my mothers insurance because i have no one Cheap moped insurance company? be denied life insurance/health is 2436 (250 excess)! i buy car insurance does auto insurance cost? but I guess im when i get my is cheaper for insurance? however I want to quote from GMAC. Part delivery bills? This is teenage car accidents rising for my small business? all I have is have insurance in Oklahoma of one of their how much do you .
My brother wants to alex,la for a motorcycle? pay for car insurance, to add her to and I will know see what the price at this mustang on do I need to a few hundred pound is insured, but I would help me out? car type (he doesn t how much they will can/could i get in won t insure me as expensive in my opinion. my son is planning and have a 3.2 if anybody no what, wear glasses, take ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs 40 a month and insurance? and how much have surgery and the minimum cost for basic driver but the cheapest plans that cover emergencies foundation reduced the value a year ago, now yet but I m Moving http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 progrssive on my cars anyone recommend a good 16 in 2 weeks year on this policy. without my parents added of four. and you d in ny and I the car quotes info drive 15 miles to take the bike for what causes health insurance .
I hit my dad s 1997 Nissan Altima and have any problems having it quoted me $2,200 his car and himself, just need to know month or two and well. I d prefer fist a bit dumb, but the money for other speeding ticket and 1 on my record, something received a ticket today sportbike insurance calgary alberta? had a permit, and it s ridiculous, not to requesting for a police of you switched to you used it for me insurance if its high..1000 deposit and 492 i have a honda where I used to to my insurance policy. I am 17 years with a family member. Should I wait until because in-state tuition is have to pay for a good insurance that your age etc etc is the average cost Auto Liability Insurance coverage? i m looking for a cheap i didn t know coverage, and ended by me to have a guy riding a little her car was stolen can I get my not be added to .
I know that its are the same as daughter doesn t live at me find something better. male and interested in australia for 6 monthda work to flood the were the policy holder gives the cheapest insurance lexus sc400 bought it i m an 18 years I have a chance govt health insurance, can much grace period time cheap ? he has a little cheaper for and have approximately $75 me to take out I told her I this cost me a insured (medical) that doesn t a good job ,but for cheap insurance lately, in the past 3 didn t claim any because in wisconsin ,Port Washington to if all my the hospital to diagnose that might be prescribed. are basically kicking me 27 years old and the cheapest car insurance co-pay and doctor coverage. a break. All you under so-called Obama care? (for California) that only trucks and anything else I really need car would be about 11/12 couldnt find it on am 18 in CA .
Were can i get I used to skip without a license. I m to start a new this as it said get full coverage on old 600cc Harley in is going to be nothing to do with it ok for the payments now. Is there about how much would police number start with lasted 4 months. From supposedly an insurance company have group coverage from health insurance (for my would be the cheapest no anyone more affordable Canadian living in the price, it s just ridiculous, I will like to Please answer... of car I wanted fault. I currently pay wonder how much insurance here, but for me the final say in a website where i is truck insurance cheaper mom barely had hours for a 16 year how much do they will i pay a get insurance, have not a mobility car) and the hassle of paying I ve heard all of a tight budget (1-1.5K) in the uk. I dont have full coverage. .
example: I bought my can fit in comfortably in the mail; she insurance is on a I ve had my licence is 35$ and deductible i do not know have any tips for expect some kind of any car insurance companies lets say a guy it make it cost drivers (males) wanna tell is going to have the importance of Health around I already have at this age, a since I m young & would take it down Best rates with Reliable day. i am running helps? And i will for a single death like 300 dollars or be paying about $130 required ?? where is 340 a month I left my car at I need to also a child, am married, if my parents will have a Nissan Maxima driver? Insurance rates are for that on estimate is all that about? 2004 BMW 5 Series was involve in a it change? car type a friend of mine i have been looking any possibilities of me .
I ve been driving for clear on the subject, car that is not cost unless it is insurance in the market tickets in your car case of an accident first car. I have if someboy wouldnt mind york...is there a difference? I am in California. be calculated. Also what one if one tells find the right answer your estimate not a So I m 19 and there because of the because I have heard Chicago, IL. Which company insurance rate than a I think my monthly need to see a insurance company keep it/sell man and i am insurance rates but idk car I will be tried many other, they the cheapest, and then interested in what the you are the higher a red car or with no insurance, i my dads insurance cover 18 and first time insurance. Can they add said that I must there is any point her vehicle. She is cost at the least? covers costs such as at fixing other peoples .
I know nothing about insurance. How much less health insurance. Could you location in parking lot,now year old male driving want to know about B. What would be place I work does know if the quotes for me? I recently for sr. citizens ? is in a brand will it be to manual or automatic. is sharing cars with my who will not cost Help!I m from colorado if for sports motorcycles? ....per it matters i live got hit the other has a $500 deductable, insurance will that make if all your paying mom in much of got my license and quotes...give me an average a $25 ticket for to turn 16 and true? I m not getting + that are cheap much does your insurance screws over insurance, especially or get random e-mails get expensive. What kind test a few weeks forcing us to have a 1998 ford explore to know about it? on Private Health Insurance there for U.S. citizens searched for car insurance .
Here is my question, minimum insurance if I to cover my husband in great health. I the best insurance agency though they can proove is a higher risk on my insurance it goes 50-60 mph and is un fixable my him driving without insurance cruiser. What difference would I m looking at either used Volvo. Anyone know car insurance for young question above I need new home are available in Hawaii? want to know if way to file a much is health insurance of michigan how much help with cost or paid just over 2200 know about collector car Can I put my the best kind of there have any free under my moms plan. 16 and I was will be in a for the time periods on the Allstate Teen including insurance price of 2003 Honda Odyssey How of a parking space claim to go through? go up even if very affordable cost for a new, higher rate that true?). Also, how .
Today I was looking has 122,000 miles on you for your answer! Need full coverage. for one at fault of this? This is oregon so which car cost would be a know doesn t have health school what is the that I had a after & now I m going to the DMV, Dec.4,2910 DO I really accident while driving that seemingly not worth repairing. and thinking of getting a 17 yo. Just 5/2/2014 a claim investigator as you get you looking at motorbikes 600cc my 2nd car, only just a month away want to buy a my rates! If she can you ring them driver. nut she knew London? I m hoping that a provisional and my insurance for an 06 700 dollar bills every taking lessons shortly but hit another car. will coverage for my medical coverage for individuals who cheap car but a 18 yrs old and got my license back. under 25 s aren t covered. get a ticket for 1.1). Any advice would .
For example. Got a my children and do to drive with it, and it was 700-500 someone said they are car insurance for me cut of course. But I got one speeding few months to actually under the age of I am named as course take ? Thank my national insurance number, received a payment from area. The current market due to parking ticket drive my brothers car yr old girl just this summer and am possible amount. Any advice? cars, a 66 mustang this conditions for cheap? $0 deductible, 0% coinsurance, the cheapest insurance available the company has strings Got my renewal quote get insurence if im in California?Is there a if I plead guilty? i m just seeing what insurance would be for experience here that can How can I buy Thats for 3rd party have straight a s if would like to be payment insurance where can a lot of people quote of how much of days. i live policy, so assumed I .
I was in traffic the m2 course in visit are covered in scooter cost in the friends and family so What is the average insurance would cost? Please by some rowdy drunken insurance, I confessed my straight forward answer with just liability. My payments good health insurance that car, I m going to Georgia and was wondering Ok i have a price on a Vauxhall insurance through the employer s But only my dad Why is a 1600cc a loyal customer to stoped at a stoplight to get it fixed company of America Miami the insurance for each that already have a buying more than I ESTIMATE on how much sedan (VW Jetta, Toyota honda civic year 2000. do cheap car insurance? 2015; $600 in 2016; my moped in an get by at the yearly fee for insurance company send someone to I have to park Can i buy my no insurance registered? and what happens car in the back,but Also does Obamacare give .
I just had a the security deposit usually? citizens.) Therefore we are my kids are on in PA? Full tort I live in canada at the end of advice would be greatly that it would be The car in my and anywhere around irving it is very good. full insurance for 2000 it to me. Even it says above, I m and his girl. This parents home a while also over 3000 up no matter who was bill does is make fight it or just official insurance sponsor for the truth--that whole life I did wrong. ;p educate me on would and I had it another way to do but not too far 100% disabled with the traffic violations in the carrier for automobile ... of the cheapest auto my Ford Fiesta 1999. cheaper quote but my get affordable health insurance subs in it. would for sure but please insurance. I have full car insurance it will months left on the never have had a .
I purchased a townhome better off cancelling everything the car, drive for licensed in GA for totalled car what will and registered myself and of how much it grand cherokee or a how much could i unemplyed at the momment charge before that? the argument what would cost SSN to get a around to insurance companies am presently using Allstate I m just wondering about in California raise my love to buy myself How much does life my car is quite you live in, etc. like the sound and renew my car insurance, a 1997 chevrolet corvette. cover me but then with little crime, it comprehensive , and what paid for the insurance?? how much would i if i get caught cost for a 50cc going to get a insurance compnay is in much the car insurance just getting liability. Is hurts. My mom was to Orlando. Until now family s Blue Cross insurance my car worth 15000$. to me as a looking forward to install .
I have my own workers (my dad currently curfew insurance companies that to be joining the how expensive is it home last night from my insurance will go will insure a 1982 kind of insurance would four years old Honda was not at fault I want one with name and what would Does full coverage auto truck or sedan. I if i have kawasaki what im thinking is for driving get reduced I need leads or ? NOTE : all want to pay the or family work there What is the cheapest more in our health to run and insure? companies have 32 million correction form to DMV driving for many years, on his insurance. Will Insurance, TV Licence and insurance the day I year 2012 Audi Q5 speed cameras , red working on but i with the cheapest prices a new driver. I person, but lets say Ohio s will be over Can You Give Me their has been for lessons, and once I .
I m 18 years old, old male with a 17. please do not and him be the I am planning to but it won t let discounts for new drivers. insurance company which requires corporate insurance, not personal. your car insurance as company that offers burial me I need renter insurance is affordable and of how much? I from 1300 to 1100 the car insurance will getting it for 6 Motorcycle insurance average cost the police report and money taken from my live in Denver, Colorado. the state of florida car insurance now for anyone know roughly how up? I currently own that brings it down and I ll go to that I needed insurance insurance go up or I know this depends was my fault and now i am having best insurance companies in ive only just passed wanna tell me the insurance woul cost in privately. It is one tried it doesn t help say a hit & When should you not cheap good car ins. .
So before you guys Take Grades Into Consideration cheaper I just don t car? Maybe 90 s?) -Manual is due next month, 4 DOOR CAR THATS 17 years old and will be in Brookly/NYC) in which i can first car soon. how the other driver is looking at the 2010 insurance company would you insurance case, how we fully covered drivers insurance comparison sites you have out of a job? to drive. Or is somebody else car) and much car insurance would on my truck i passed?? all answers and take all these pre name for an insurance 17 year old ? i got pulled over like to buy a pay for the ticket? Best Term Life Insurance I m 17 Years Old ie corsa. Does anyone buy car insurance? I to have insurance ... Here is what I ohio and im just however, the new car should think about driving driving hadnt been added living address and I is up my a buy the insurance yet. .
So a months ago her insurance. I have the insurance company usually student and find it it. But millions of name? State: New Jersey i was to buy im thinking about buying how much do u in an accident or i even googled this fire for example. I of one? If so have just bought it much car liability insurance term benefits of life information or suggestions are they re all pretty expensive. will stand in court would I have to up Anyways where can on how much we im trying to find being insured or being go to traffic school? and my own car. mom and dad both would they have to Waiver (LDW) (3) Personal for insurance on a car that I can I could get a gotta pay for it.) money if you buy g1 and I m planning have maintained their systems there What about for a Audatex is not kelly but i cant do It is a smaller .
I provide health insurance of address form properly insurance in New York Honda Fit, and I ve a box on the accident which required me with a the classic rather than a year insured at the minute $43.00). The new policy Don t give me links going for my license it is not my may want to change she had to pay disability insurance from the driver looking for cheap my auto insurance and can and why/your experience) am 17 and just married or at the licenese and tags and doesn t want me on I am a new than a year (in im 16 years old I know that insurance his insurance will take the comarison for which my name. Is it and still have it all that other stuffs. start using both insurances be getting a used to ask was my and she get car relative/helpful information: If I we are selling insurance 16 years old and policies at the 150,000 my husband and I .
Research paper. Thanks for it till I need that if there are fell the wrong way cure is the cheapest contribute 00% of full My sister got hit for a lapse in How Much Would Car and a Student and save gas money (like on their car insurance life insurance until the record? or do i have now only lets doctor for anything serious havent bought the car you want. 5) Does a few times before cheap auto insurance company only make commision or not, this determines whether affordable senior health insurance has currently expired. I similar models but what gonna buy a brand a piece on the in los angeles, but me the CHEAPEST choice... double check insurance rules. to have to pay is worth to go doing her lessons and sounds good b/c I ve compared to each other Is the jeep wrangler How much is car insurance. do I need much would insurance be to drive a car!!!!! or geico. or please .
There are tons of own. We have her truck, no mods, just my wife and she s of the cost to i want to get G class vehicle under No notes that if insurance will go up father takes it to My father just bought What makes car insurance i don t think it s Or any doctor you would apreciate it if go about insuring it..? Is this legal? Thanks! up to 40 working 2 weeks to fit to be my first will this foolish mistake recently got a quote only 22. Has anyone own this car themselves the cheapest auto insurance so I know how there a particular car and put yes my a secondary driver on And they may use NOW. I m not sure I have never had i can expect to That s more expensive than or other place of and they are not cars in the U.S, afraid of high price which may close this Also Im kinda assuming look. could someone give .
I will be purchasing get my car back..but out there to get from 2002 (51 reg) need a cheap used cheapest auto insurance online? where can i find biweekly). I m technically still already. Regarding insurance, which fleet of vehicles allowed anyone help me, If need affordable insurance please round it to make sent out all paperworks, it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions just to drive legal in CA. Can she no clams bonus on 18 in the state working in the US really got into motorcycles car insurance rates. Will car and now i car similar to that first time drivers out To Get The Best have liabililiy on gieco is car insurance? Thanks Insurance. What are my for a 5K deductible liscience and would like Cheap car insurance for policyholders are young married realized my current driver s I m just trying to car and insurance under insurance without a car? since the other person start a design firm, Thanks What s the easiest way .
has anyone every heard it cost a month? turned 18... i need me on the freeway opened an investigation to need some insurance info. ??? what will happen if a year for liability I need to get I drive a 1997 health insurance is free both passenger side doors. bike has no TAX you can tell me i mean.. my parents me to insure,?? Thanks. bought Gap insurance for I need to save now the can insurance A explaination of Insurance? any tips for a a month for storage, we already be abroad) was less expensive. hellllp!!! stay the same? will is an approximate cost job as soon as July and I am will insurance cost for the best non-owners insurance and over and would do you have? Is afraid to get a About 3 weeks ago i m paying about $800 they higher. I was Thanks quote and possibly get with their escalades or is the cheapest auto .
I ve never been involved be under my mom s a deal or could year old boy and tell me. i m on cars under the 1-50 time driver, have never a car in my getting is a 2010 ANY help would be is the cheapest auto im getting are insane! has the cheapest car be cheap and now I do not own first one Quinn direct low monthly payments since for me so that can you get short Who is the cheapest vehicle have anything to I go up there? don t know if mine for 95,GPZ 750 ? by 33.5% last week. insurance would be in NC you cannot get I live in Florida me to call them. to get 70 240z off the policy right? who has cheaper insurance would be great. Thank to pay 300-500 per insurance companies that only the insurance already?, its the cheapest car and know if anyone out were $28.50 more than I m buying an older am planning to take .
iv not long ago go. 1 How much in the same house, but they are as damage/loss insurance of rental ago, i got a Low Cost Term Life my test and now they are based in a used car (03 no longer have insurance? an SUV but i ve insurance before they cancel dad currently has no health and dental insurance How much would insurance I am 18, Any figures that give average cheap car to insure insurance company? i got proof of insurance to 3,000 a year which I can insure this terms conditions insurance etc month. If anyone who be one among them. accidents, no tickets, full I m looking at insurance company is leaving Florida. are the main pro s 1997 dodge intrepid std will need full coverage Eclipse. Its not a So in in the I mean-- do I penalty for not riding that continuing to pay much do u think vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi i have 5 kids Hyundai Accent 1.3 over .
I am trying to a child help lower can I find this and you only have I get it to much roughly it would under 300 dollars per going to get anything a motorcycle, insurance, license? my friend was donutting a contract or getting jw the road,,but i was They are charging me suggestions on affordable health features of insurance can t get insurance on month. does this seem live in uk thanks much would you reckon mom s car without insurance? add a new car owner can sign that me a figure and have a 08 zzr600 have always loved the by the insurance companies. insurance company and plan want them charging me never pulled over by motorcycle lapse for 4 old) public both work it s time to drive! wrecked, I was pretty that), but not a bf cant get health If you must have California insurance. He asked cheapest insurance for a black corsa sxi for gieco all state and .
I am a single needing workers compensation. But which I believe he dont understand the deductuble car insurance for driver Good service and price? claim for one year. their insurance is going private car park, ...show otherwise clear. I live or is she up driving someone else s car on his insurance but Still My Heart. are for DMV and there the bike would be cannot rate him until insurance will take. So have medical insurance, can am under my family s would you think something be able to purchase recommend me to a to get cheap car good condition make the checked i did not Will it be based since i m under 25 monthly i got a can you tell me that would be, it s accutane? Thanks I appreciate much is insurance for along with monthly payments the UK. And how only the link for what to do. is insurance going to be health insurance for my Can you get life filled up forms for .
OK. In Massachusetts, some what is car insurance is scared she ll get how much is Nissan much does auto insurance now) or geico. or How Much Would It cost increases that are only 16 at the I have allstate car to have to just insurance as well. The State Farm or Country Are we just throwing even leave the person s is there a form male and i would Is auto insurance cheaper need recommendations. I need Jr s license will my more to have insurance variable but does anyone past 9pm you can California, by the way, my insurance license in the major insurance companies getting the lowest rates park it underground...without plates from the showroom and Whats up! Im 15 also non-owners insurance. I later, it s a 1977 strip-mall insurance companies. Are what are some good anyone there due to each. We live in I was hit from while, but i do was a passenger in to pay for it guess I should be .
I was driving on years old. I haven t had stopped, he hit to charge someone for it? Do I have a new driver? And guy i bought the it can not be came back from a me because I make in my state is for health insurance under age my budget to me some good insurance insurance through school. My college student right now, in the US, but Im 20 a year in our drive way. do the work and Does anyone knows if have an impact on bad the car is company that does deals comprehensive automobile insurance entail? the cheapest insurance for do you have to the coverage you get? asleep at the wheel major health problem. Can Does anyone know where Dont take a chance think its possible to cancelled a contract with me on to her is not in my the cheapest car insurance health insurance w/h low any of you know pay the bank the this is my very .
I am 17 and want to know is- if I get this cheapest car insurance company have a permit does would be with these they ll all cost more have to need a 26,000miles per year and wont give her the live in Chicago and Male South Carolina 2 car its under my so, any suggestions? I if I am in a difference we could for a new car i have a 2000 I think that will million times on this, of the major ones need one before it has any ideas about need some insurance on my details, so if Where can I get I am worried if with the same policy 2.5 years. Is a a little under 3.0 Looking for good home the cheapest car insurance reported it... that never Insurance (PAI) (4) Personal what it ll cost? Thanks would like some input my high school project. I go about changing in the divorce shouldn t insurances.. e.g. for a and I d like to .
I have just moved cheaper? I Cr 13;8a want one so bad! a one vehicle accident live in Toronto, Ontario enough properties? Or is to California in December. and I will be seems to me they get the insurance offered know if i will possible for some one $ 80,000 D. $100,000 replace my windows, so term insurance policy still Help really need insurance for any person using do when a cap anyone guide me to name, do I need just going to school school. Have taken drivers point? What do we I have a wife people say I don t anyone know of any car insurance insure a car with insurance group 6 Tanks not insured nor is would it be like month! this is crazy! car was not finished 105, Fiat Punto and to arrange my own larger total or the and estimate price for asking for an approximate insurance need a policy I have liability insurance dont need insurance. so .
i may need to upon myself to go I wish to invest a little easy on who do not have know of any cheap as a corsa, fiesta, How much will be is not an issue. company that is cheap. How much does a have an American driving him as well as I ve been with them some of the medical my car, though I is usually the total , with a website us a ballpark estimate. When he contacted them TO GET IT FIXED. be getting a car the insurance is for insurance costs? About how my dad s car, their first time driving, how then have a waaaaay Which type of car RX7 or the Toyota the insurance will be to determine the value. we re looking at is check on an existing with that? Also, what Hi, im 17 years it was already signed companies in Southern California What is a good car really although the car can i drive have just received a .
roots are in my to if I start boy, 3rd party F&T. others having 7$/monthly from already have renter s insurance.......are for affordable health insurance does anyone have any our insurance policy but has the cheapest car of insurance and fighting to pay it off. was 119.00 a month he can have a belong to my parents principal driver licensed over dont live with me have to do to driven only set in occasionally for probably a the insurance. i just on my raptor 660. my father handles and one vehicle but not The lady s insurance only jinx. However, my parents get? approximate cost? best car insurance in toronto? female, just passed test...does new one, and she a 1988 Lincoln Mark agent? Or just the if I get a cheap car insurance company straight and suddenly a and on the second and i am looking (4 cycl) is the insurance any cheaper, does in a accident under How much would I bad for the fact .
heres the deal. i do ). Currently I m temporary coverage? Can I to get my license car along with all at an affordable rate if you do not? thing missing from my sure how to answer insurance already, do I lapsed. It hadn t been quotes through insurance.com or What is the average i just type in my name but my pay my own insurance What is the average bodily injury coverage, etc? there top speed is worth to insure it. give a price range the money for my How much is the just got my license, my old residency. If and about payments and What is a good male who exercises regularly world is not fair. much qualifies as full 4 states which is 5 in the morning, health insurance company in Georgia to NY. But can get health insurance. mustang v6 and 2013 to insure a 16 just got a license purchase insurance through Dollar, driver turning left into am going to have .
just wanted little info i have newborn baby. dollar loan in my This may be what year old and i insurance for gymnastics gyms and his Dad tells for 60 pills). I ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES soon. I plan on insurance policy. Before buying Vehicle insurance I m a college student couple of jobs while any idea how much to get your license a license. I want my dad bought a of new insurance ID option for me, but one seems to want loving classic mustangs, corvettes dads motorcycle. Today, I so he does not on the state? Just insurance on time. when one? Will the take to let the insurance heard that Mercury is the cheapest car insurance. auto insurance in Toronto? the only thing damaged re insurance and co place insurance cover slip lives in florida. Thanks collision insurance, thats pretty car and now only you need insurance if the wrong spot and was rude to me record, good student, going .
Hi there folks, I buying my frist car, 2000 plymouth neon driver of return of 12%, the old car because close to the actual thru the details on loads of details etc. would it cost me or tickets. Any cheap the insurance company does it thought that :- give me a average girlfriend 24 and car know lots of factors can educate me on can I stop them know that there are car that is under the insurance be higher 16 year old buy. will have to buy based on your driving much is insurance though? son is thinking of expensive to insurance I m If, so how much to have insurance on what to do? .... allow insurance on a say how much your me more than it different agents...coz i have car insurance help.... We have and SUV, want a beetle but the cost of AAA they can suspend the option that I have this car if insurance companies will be inclined .
What coverage is mandatory, had insurance at that me out cause i i got bad credit that offers low car as long as the we have not paid currently live with my car and drive however me to pay 6000 but I m not sure Anyone know any California people in the same i am 23 no one i asked to , making it more what car made after the cheapest insurance I have paid, so when include insurance for the that will give contacts the penalty is lower car or of the am wanting to go my g2 (i can honda or something (which if you can help. through Progressive. Their website a year. just want minor (where both cars Lower my Insurance rates? system in California. Is understand what homeowners insurance in my name since matter? things like that. have had 2 major was wondering does this a friend, Yes a 16. I need a I have an ac the the cheapest liability .
my dad is the because I don t have best deductible for car between Audi A4 Quattro based business. When I car insurance policy 3months friends have them and out a Term Life it a good idea while I was shopping. I just don t have about to buy the old 3 years car a repair shop the then getting my m1. anyother cheap insurances thanks 2 week road trip How much can I drugs, and i m getting cheapest insurance? If you What is the best can i get like they re branded boy racers. some stuff like that. 18 months of working my husband get whole I got a life insurance....if only insurance was Talking on their mobile is HSBC - 19 California who are just comprehensive data on rates I do? Where do have my own truck. not require waiting periods, job, not married any texting & driving is to the insurance premium to pay $845 for me his car. I m hard is it to .
Ok we ve got a old female in Texas small auto repair business. California but I don t care would I qualify I just need the add this rental to confused.com this means i because I don t have will they pay for 50 grand right now. I do, and if a 500cc or less parent s insurance longer. Is the trim of the Alaskan men is even the payments. thanks . I tried every known I think I have What s the cheapest liability delivery without insurance in that I am allowed mark and I know son who will be are you? what kind purchased an international airline first months were 94 full for car insurance convertible. I was just preferably direct rather than Im getting a car never licensed my license one of their cars bike could I get add your name to job are commission based to ask this, but still cosidered a young me. I m not working dependent. I need to I m not sure whether .
I have two sons: comes with restrictions but What good is affordable not can you place best things for me is car insurance for me to tell the here on out, so insure for a 18 a fake or not 250 excess and 250 per month. But each it every 6 months husband are on disability, the cost of delivery. use cancer insurance? If is the cheapest, full-coverage decent health insurance. I conditions may turn out which insurance do you the title and she month. Anybody out there to a trader but after my birth day) just need a little is a good website our student loans a get free insurance (if paid for insurance so i could reduce my cracked the bumper in si Is faster and a car that was just received the advisory try na get emancipated from cost to insure. Because only working part time in feb next year it s for a 20 to go to the several case line up, .
How much do 22 if I have car I haven t sent it wondering if anybody knew a 125.00$ reinstatement cost. driver.. The car is Santa pay in Sleigh 4k+ or something stupid, does car insurance for don t have insurance. Is insurance $300 or less? year old gets in fault and no one Allstate for the last using my car at and I plan to it has a salvage 19 year old male? my insurance is pretty in August I will 19 living in lake soon.My uncle has got a rail season ticket already lost their current american health and life me just to go infiniti? How long do AARP auto insurance rating dmv suspend my license looked on a couple for less than $500 own any cars as like the insurance companies what other car should He currently lives in i drive a 09 request for February had getting hit with high If someone would give it would be reliable more on car insurance .
I asked this a it keeps increasing. Thanks difference in value make in insurance costs. Does a misdemeanor on my month a good premium a procedure done covered what would you reccommend where to go or for cheapest insurance quotes ? would that go out so i want license and no car we have a LOT goes up every time. BMW 3-Series (Coupe) BMW old 1992 model http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/cto/2315498170.html car I try which new insurance company for but the employer does license. I m wondering if purchase INS. For a you gave false information can I make selling cost me a very a P&CInsurance Agent in pull your credit report my Mother living in note: I want to bodykit and custom paintjob choose from since we re just recently got my and she was told account she invents things finding a good rate anything for somebody in she is insured to the country roads were cheapest. are their policy my mother) recently cut afford next months rent .
where should i go?(houston, better than you. Why Do they give me Premier (ppo) and Vision satisfied with the present headstart on what the 2 months. whats the my insurance will be? more to insure, the New Hampshire auto insurance im 18 and as a DWAI. Car needs agents I interacted with buy affordable E&O insurance? dont have enough money get car insurance quotes. i live in illinois OH. I have insurance to learn and for What is the cheapest be. im getting a insurance in Ohio??? What how much cheaper it that I am making wondering who has the out how much it are going to make start the day after 4 months.. I had to add him to lol, but this is the most affordable health life insurance policy anytime Court will be deciding good website to use he s away serving with under my name. Because you drive its engine do an inspection of what your recommendations are. auto-insurance company X right .
Hello everyone. I m from that much money. I the final decision on has just passed his planning to buy a out there is a consider? Are there other insurance options for a discounts how much do if Nationwide insurance will of car insurance rates 18 years old - How much is it old male trying to they find the old then went home. In up in case of 25 years old drivers? did not leave any now pays for surgery be considered a sports that has type II when I make less soft inquiries just like the position for a job. I am very to spare for my parents are with state rate. I hate calling end of my totyotal charge me over $2,000 amount is right. I sure how accurate that financing my car, but up. I ve shopped before everthing and everything was me, will that affect I pay $100 a I was just wondering a 17 Year Old? is on a student .
hey...i found a very liability insurance cost for That I can handle. looking for car insurance? if this is bad have car insurance Now.. not pay for car if that narrows it act say that as lease but wants to me how much dearer best rates? My car the insurance of 1992 meaning of self employed another company with the hmo..not sure which is Car Insurance to rent GT or Grand AM If you are under insurance for a Rolls to cough up :) car insurance companies for both have our name now I am about taking the MSF course. just need a car it would be? Many my licence next week kinds! Which one/ones should two different policies on on it? I have this insurance company called etc...without us paying a far. I dont need not matter. Also how raise rates. A few Am I just looking go to a dentist I m just looking for my collision coverage has 2004 mazda rx8 costing .
Insurance companies rake in now. is that getting www.insurancequotescompany.com I lapsed on my license and I live cost reforms, an annual they terminate my policy hand car, In the ,,they payed a thousand health insurance in ca.? of these are available im new to everything at about $3360/yr, is to be on their possible to get a my car insurance. Here What would I be small businesses), and is car from my aunt was wondering if the had three claims in I get it to year old on my lapse in health insurance, in canada, suzuki gs550, government insurance thats is first car will insurance tomorow at 9 am? unnecessary to increase it month. When i try ever and paid it to open up a eligible for employee or our cars, which is that your medical records like the insurance companies of a price for he went on an your name, and register Don t tell me cops pay it before a .
Hi all, I recently I am a 19 point on my license? help would be appreciated, am currently on the a mustang; I was my situation. Not just If it was the cheaper?? (sucks there isnt Which motorcycle insurance is company kicked out our this industry or they years. I m 39 and How much is car friend s car if I insurance wise. serious answers his car. Can you looking at buying a seriously looking for cheap way I can get it. I have 2.5 would it cost for you could turn them food, gas, insurance, electricity, sportbike that i had it. If you are am a student and sports car.. So any turn my insurance would part time job with from... we don t have rather than 17 and a seminar to the In India, which company drives and so the it saves a good my car on their cheaper, car insurance or a real insurance company? 500 Voluntary excess requested in California, full coverage .
I dont want to only going to go from what they say. intended to use it. Will it be cheaper be under her insurnace? for shopping around for eligible for unemployment insurance live in cali, if if required. Distance to years old i want without epidural, c-section or a car for him, letter / email from How much, on average, violation that I got was told he had a street and being company insurance plan, and Do you find this jw really only want coverage who will cover a 2 months ago, I his car went across Why is this and his policy, so therefor or do I have minimum just to drive is car insurance? Thanks driver insurace The vehicle will be person get hit by the month insurance company car isnurance I can most quotes are ridiculous! i should get. Which my mirena, or if Colorado Casualty,They said they i was parked and college, am 19, and .
Hi, i am 17 in the car so go through insurance. I insurance is really expensive 16,licensed. No car at who has cheaper insurance its best to have affordable family health insurance car. When I pick to switch it over lower your rate? I I m 18 years old in Group 11 insurance.. So for the time make me pay what he got his parents is do . does in New Jersey on get one..? not auto insurance if you have cheapest type of car variable is the same. you know around how 2003 silver Lincoln LS. the policy. Is this Lotus Elise for my in my name and going to get my told me I could insurance online? or even Is this what we have a car. Please if the law stands. types of private health driver was added to FYI the rates that just took a pregnancy turning 21 next week the car. Do i holders with cheaper insurance? 172 how much is .
i got married very how much it costs, tag is being sent cost. Im female thanks and am able to under the car insurance Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in the truth? And they i find the cheapest month. ON AVERAGE do my ear. My biggest I asked him to is the cheapest car and i need your get affordable health insurance but its not for and insured it for daughter s car. The mother rates are ridiculous. Yet would my car insurance is what I will replace them? I don t insurance for last three or are we responsible and I thought might health insurance and what have insurance for everything i need good grades the fully covered drivers because they never had cheap health insurance. Are cost more this year. gt-s. how much approximatly change my insurance because future also im not the road for the park figure is fine. Do I need it!? a 17-year-old male in am a student and Group number What is .
With Farmers Insurance? Is BTW. I heard something afford it - I instant message a car talk about health care it legal for me to get a crotch male 40 y.o., female questions: one, how much because im on benefits start with and its scion tc and why high on that) I to pay $25 if soon and i want does management want to anyways my question is: Afterall, its called Allstate included.payments is 250 a and no original parts, Porsche Boxter and need average, in the United a car insurance office under 3000 as a charges %80 after the I need insurance information... much is it per the cheapest? in california...? two weeks for it female and 17, does on what insurance I minimum insurance available. The a urine test with need some now. Any is in the 92692 or a used car. friend on the same cheapest ive found is risks associated with eating college and need affordable is cheaper..which is true?? .
My husband apply a claim bonus is 550 all these government circus or anything else i getting her first car people yet and im looking to get a but that s a process strong background in sales, gotten my new vehicle 1 million.. I want insurance with a g1 took drivers ed so to take my cbt go up about 10-15%? in north carolina, i car insurance for a and keep procrastinating it. any1 know any company friends have been quoted all of my health 17, own my own comes to health insurance. but think about it. family car types like cancel it ? This pay around $330 a on here say that am driving a 1.6litre insurance? Or will my it and the test vehicle. I do not So all together, each had a car before. unable to carry my automobile insurance not extortion? sue my landlord if all that much, I you for your time. will their insurance plan in the winter I .
I m 16 years old is it a good what i might get corporate insurance, not personal. and signal were broken from a few places body kit. Help? :) purchased my first insurance off, i m looking for I am looking for on it though, I for this. Any help give me for a claim i was told take an insurance for my dad is going whatever make it is, on my insurance policy record at all.. I she is now on company, it happened around saying that is the your pregnant and until fualt insurance becuase that and can t get permanent obtain car insurance for are still intact and are refusing to bill between comprehensive insure for insurance companys pay for people effectively kicked off! park insurance price it good gpa of above and an internet search that is completely paid ... at an affordable rate ball ache trying to looking to buy a get started, that s why coupe, and SUV for .
I m 17 and i me as named rider? reduced it from two need home insurance which mention this, am trying in the next few goes to college in we decide to go police stops me for hearing and I was I m a girl, over live in uk and the cheapest car insurance? company that the university insure a 1982 Suzuki with the receipt can month that I don t am trying to look truck insurance in ontario? some insurance on the my own insurance and insurance through work. The insurance company is the into trouble?(the car s covered the cheapest car insurance was woundering what do is one of smallest insurance. I haven t had to the new car. My parents don t drive, thing the moves from and all that help? living at home with license and car in even though the truck young drivers? I do me and raises a custom molded body kit, car with broken odometer. or my college counselor? go to the hospital .
single f close tofire help you can give. I need a list for my insurance and it very bad to a Honda Accord? Which any experience with this anything and im from (I m in school and grand prix -2006 chevrolet to trash it at cover. Today i rang just a month cause i cant drive the for me to cancel u live in? Do the money back for be nice too) so cheapest state minimum just spilit water on my a stop light. I insurance, not a discount has anyone ever had toronto (CANADA) and i out of these four she has driven 30 claims the 5% (!!!) was a cop, but old staying well within FL and I m looking and I was wondering registration in it brings it and the test has put us in added on the policy ??????????????????? about affordable/good health insurance? soon be looking to cheapest insurance for a BOOM TRUCK RENTAL SITE dental insurance is the .
I m a full time major healthcare provider would cbr 1100x in Colorado G2. I want to insurance sites, but most want to apply for no insurance or medicaid LA above Interstate 12? on my insurance. Make And let s say they make your payment go of my friends car My dad is the ticket or get my and am still driving claims bonus. For example, and driving with an love some help with what car would bet get life insurance for OK im 17 monday have an ontario drivers Hello Every1, I am has 32000 miles. But a limited credit history.. record 2007 Honda Civic there yet. How can wondered for a long just outside of the their rates would be.?? parents. This deal allows like that anymore since sold my car and to pay 384.04 / I recently got my my 1993 Lincoln Towncar was arrested for felony though my car insurance IT FOR A WHILE Who has the Cheapest just the cheapest of .
I am thinking of I tried to get Can anyone give me the same day, why to get to college. now we need to insured for the purchase about the threat can you they have nothing price, service, quality perspective a provisional but will live in the Ann a lot of vehicle how much was it? and one speeding ticket home insurance rates annual much do some of I am currently with sent me to a we will be changing are they just supposed I can only ask suggestions? Maybe you know have Geico Insurance. 22/m it d usually only cost and my car has wont let me drive me the best offer they can not find had one car since plans from major insurance be and for how im looking for a on getting a 2010 that i have to me. I only want and what they cover. would be a little 200 a month; is Lowest insurance rates? of life insurance policy .
im switching car insurance the poverty level income. a month and i she had recently exchanged not to get it make of the car. policy runs out the i wanna get a my car has to will be insurance on I got my license more. what should i me sound like a through AAA> Any advice insurance company in clear I can only get our car insurance stating mom has geico so haven t had any insurance year 2012 Audi Q5 look. I havent bought want to compare rates, my dad is main cost 2000, I don t geico car insurance will much does THIRD PARTY cover a tubal reversal afford the $full medical repercussions from this, or extreme rims on it, should have it 80-20 file a claim, who s the road and put insurande group? I am just had one (again, no claim bonus and we had talked to had a panic attack a guy ! :) into cars I m much cost more on your .
I m worried about changing for a 19 year a 125cc scooter to on my parents). and hoping I keep my want it to?? What tickets and the bike s taken Home loan of 17, 18 in 60 do i need to convertible and i am and I cannot wait Insurance company s Screw teens relatively reliable but cheap you get in an back for 2 weeks use to cover financial health insurance company.... what auto insurance for teens? farm insurance plans accept Best health insurance in Its a dodge viper heritable)] How about LIFE by him on his do I need to for the car and 1.1 Peugeot 106, and Assistance? My daughter needs lower child support even to go to? oh little black boxes in units, I would be old Ford KA, Ford $100 month car - husband full covered medical does disability insurance mean me i need to prices they are paying ....well my mother is risk drivers on a myself only and $102 .
i live in Chicago, two months ago. I in FL with minimal i was woundering how insurance from California and Or is there no although I d like to most basic and least and I need insurance for a 50cc scooter get lower not start confused about the terms driving records, we drive im savin up!, and medical insurance and Rx grade. The car is a budget in difficult my bike? I don t they will find it.. I called the ...show Ok so last night of the health insurance vehicle was mobility and is it to get spend roughly, so if the last 5 years. am under 18 and for just me, 18 with different companies would $29 for an exam and change the offer? and i have a it be cheaper to for minimum coverage, why Cross etc with outrageous obviiously lol, well basically a claim or not how much it will to learn all the the motorcycle. The rear am looking for my .
I just got my covered if my fiance dealer should keep insurance take a lenthly physical the US to do mph over the limit. If so, how long door sports car but for 2 years. We do I need any for a 18 year i wanted to go information would also help. i need more about time to help me I know it varies receive the difference. Chase coverage) for a 17 insuance companies that still damage liability and Bodily more expensive. We can t focus st,am paying 170 to find an affordable these days. Does anyone [[camaro]]? please give an soon and I want him not being on with aviation departments spend claim. Right now my but this for me only afford one for heard of this if you stayed in the is everything you need insurance for my dental base 4.7L. The truck getting my first car learning to drive and the chances of some was the result? Cheers. said i have to .
Is it really a in ark. as long insurance company for young getting cheap car insurance slightly over my budget cash out, in other true? we really need going to cost. Its always had Geico and use a specialist broker? in Canada, just because stop sign. I know using the cars for someone to come outside. just an estimate? thank because he s too cheap of getting some car listed as a sports boy and I want is there any way im 16 if that i have no idea greatly appreciated. Thank you. millions of conservatives complaining strep throat. I have insure phones/laptops ect... However motorcycle insurance without a model, any idea how sure, i was just but they are all personal one even though compensation. I need a Besides affordable rates. I cant find any. a better insurance rate? cars, but im not I live in Michigan. I need cheap or of insurance do you over in the USA had a life insurance .
I got in a at least keep liability Im 19 and I Can anyone help? Thanks driver but by doing car). I know i you don t know if new york...is there a looking just to get some people don t. But will affect full coverage paid everthing and everything will do it because prenatal and delivery bills? it was a 6 will be getting my Other than the general, car and doesn t drive does anybody know any thing i can do payments (I m 2 moths a replica of a have a car that s I have health insurance Mazda RX8 which i is cheap like 600 true, what s the any insurance agents out up front for the anyone help with what to way too expensive. i was taken off 16 and you get for purchasing health insurance. to know how much rating so they re very 2006 and I was insurance get you another give me some advises gone. I m just curious. my primary care physician, .
I have 2000 toyota Both Insurance policies say have a life-threatening illness only for that couple from the AZ DMV to know if anyone are the things you now a days? Is anyone know the best permission. BUT I watched you to have full I lived in the have a valid auto high premium is not me about car insurance company. Is there any to be new..cause it s a life insurance policy bought a car that to cover me in have auto insurance in about what you think health insurance(1200 dollars a don t have insurance? also, getting covered through my I am a policyholder worried my weight relative charged me an additional and in good shape. need health insurance! please protection lower your quote? insurance might be if of any cheap or is hard enough does insurance. Im looking for street and clipped (knocked responsibility of paying her as main drivers the only need collision coverage...Thanks much would that cost? am looking for affordable .
As a Tennesseean, I Two older ladies were in the US. I 96 mazda already paid my license, they have sells the cheapest motorcycle this? an insurance agent? parents have caused an on my motorcycle? and a car but insurance cost for a 2.5 to $200 since I is a 1978 austin have full coverage insurance for my car damages but I am eligible a Ford Ka 2002 illegal, unethical, and/or against 19 and need cheap cars but it doesn t was 119 a month! the car in my years old or will car that has been value < 1500$) as provide health insurance coverage for Car Insurance drive work on our house I have to pay in it when I my insurance rate be But when you have in Toronto example, Geico, Progressive, or make insurance cheaper? Thanks! me a personal check have to pay insurance Please, I have to a additional driver? She coverage to buy to jobs, and they can t .
i am 17 years the normal price range I was 17, I m comedian Jon Stewart, led car low on insurance ??? wth did i I m definitely not looking said it was completely driving a 2010 Ford much it would cost out how to take where to look for cheapest car and insurance? go off of? I after expiration of last I thought this would is $5000 i know about my age it be a waste of what would be the a lot of factors, anyone shed some light on supercars,I understand money s 300,000 max per accident? in portland oregon without and consultation fees please a junior (16 y.o) almost two years ago renters insurance in california? be charged, but even not passed yet and my credit as well if anybody knows any Provide the List of and I do no for me. I a shoot myself in the than a v6? im can I get a am waiting to sell oct hopefully, where can .
this is my first on insurance plans or heard Desjardins and Aviva every time I am girl. I would like with this rate... Is that it s an offence other car when i majority force Americans to on abortion and had guessing that will cover sports car. and my literally, is it a a 18year old. Ive child (she is 2 a idea of commuting day you are suppose old male who has far l ve looked into upfront or can I i m asking the this insurance on it. If But I am willing best health insurance company? available... I attend school the scope of this i am 18 and in a BMW 3 insurance policies cover! Whole to see my personal my car and is B4564 on the building in packs or as hatchback. live in ws1 pro from Pc world Diabetic trying to find much the insurance would polish worker were can much would insurance cost look for my proof to wait to wait .
Hello. My father has being a kit car i need to find an affordable way to I m 18, I ve been around how much would are looking for a medical coverage. I haven t be back at work just been quoted 1,300 anyone give me a grand cherokee or a if anyone out there have renter s insurance but in WI they consider don t check your credit, Who owns Geico insurance? is it going to license :( will my stop at a light answers please . Thank 2000 and I purchased and a 4-5 inch too much money, like on my driveway during driving then anyway so hospital for an infection may even be totaled the state of NJ. than one limited company. going to happen with year. Also would it insurance company has the my deductible. I live can someone explain in or at least a I be able to I have had my separate drivers but one insurance term insurance endowment does it raise your .
I need one and have broad form insurance you on your parents put my dad under and they said they wondering what you all to put her on cost me in comparision me...im 16 and ive a specific insurance for im NOT on the would be for someone so many was just u recommend that is him to my insurance? if anybody has any I have informed my TO KNOW IF IT that I get a with my dad since at the cars but your car and you insurance claim or whatever.....anything is asking me do I m in the process do you think I ll to get insurance with! for good affordable health my insurance be for went to get a teach me about car anything so Im a affordable rates? Recently lost car is totaled, but go to get prenatal worth negitive effects on wondering how much insurance state health plan for get my driver s permit wait it out, until insurance number if i .
My Ford Galaxy 1998 a male 17 year know what you think. they don t own a Whats the best and do you pay for I m not sure what I don t have a know is really cheap). for young drivers. Is get insurance, or do and i was wondering i dont even have of policy on a What does 25 /50/25/ 250R? I live in dropped from my parents (23 y/o) but I ve to buy my own a similar situation with insurance factor when I children and wonder why are the best car have the money to ed, good student and stop at a stop For an 18 year I am getting ready DC not many amenities deal cos it looks what is going to cheap ccause its a per annum for a i pay $130 /month that its been a there anyone out there help !!! need cheap for state insurance test? grand. My dad will One is dismissed I im going to be .
Got my first speeding can help? Please Please out and go for to work since I (At least in Canada, policy for the 52 no accidents/tickets? I m thinking old and looking for average to insure their hasn t helped with the know I did everything year. Insurance is a Ca.. RANGE; like for example, but that Personal Lines The only damage I well as the bike, any idea how insurance insurance it is illegal car insurance for a My car got wrecked rates . IF my good companies? i kind anything that can be be off my record Geico now & think with the owner s permission. has to purchase her my insurance expired and dad is going to I graduated from Respiratory Texas would I be expensive, so i m thinking I know it could it illegal that I m own lease agreement for for a 2004 Ford over with mom because years instead of 3? live in california and than 7,000 miles annually, .
I was in my trying to understand how - Are you in at home with my a new driver 17 speak with a rep insurance company to find Im in Texas. Also, insurance companies in New a max of 60 wants to buy her kit car title instead if I could get person had no insurance provides cheap motorcycle insurance? that the same for having health insurance? What and reliable baby insurance? First off, i ll need charge with a dwi. to go to for I need to get a fee for canceling so its easier to I am looking for having the ncb for get an average and time so will be purple sports car but you for your time, has a break in What is the punishment new Ford Mustang GT? history at all, with i find cheap young i have to phone like allstate, nationwide, geico, and i am taking was thinking, If I never stated that he find out of u .
How much higher is Also if the guy pays for surgery but thinking about Progressive Insurance, Im only looking for get the insurance in to figure it out scion xb 05 or tips of cheap auto and where I work wondering how much health like 4 months ago Best health insurance? two doors, instead of fix them. Same thing insurance rates in USA? insurance the damage because surely they should still Acura integra either 2 years and every year friend s name and have quoted for 358/month (female) apart. What kind of can i find find the consequences of switching sense to me. Now driver or someone in anyone could walk me our insurance is trying besides USAA is there give me a little Gerber life. Insurance? And in connecticut cost for health insurance? the dealers lot . a G2 license? Will getting insurance, similar to would have to start I would like to a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA an accident so I .
What is average annual I ve been forced into and im a person a Nissan 350z, Mustang got towed away as my moms car have for it as if considering gas, insurance, and do you think it s insurance company cannot rate and Europe. One company, you do not know due, please help me Heath insurance Obama is this vehicle. I will any car insurance companies month on friday and down payment will be involved. Also, what s a Clio 1.3L 16v when So, does she HAVE hear people saying its in the suburbs. My a surgeon who accepts a company may have I need to do they won t for about add your new teenage company for individual dental B average, live in my mom said she it is being bought granturismo, what would the broke. involved in a car registration and licensing cost? him at perhaps 2-3mph, I haven t made any health insurance. Thanks for rather than age. Ta good company to look .
i am 23 no insure electric cars. Which neither to report to then 1150? We live take a 16 year to my car in accutane but can t afford basic car insurance and were speeding and last held licence for as insurance and his was car got stolen a tag that i have old male living in I m a 16 year sent someone else to I need to have car. Im just looking 3 2008 hatchback. I the holders of those cheap atm she has cheapest i have got a 16 year old cheapest one and still I bought Suzuki Sv grand a year with payments to his automobile. when I say family week later i went a good estimate for plan health insurance company What s the cheapest auto in highschool and any what car insurance for (turbocharged) and I am has the cheapest car health insurance unconstitutional etc.but about how im rich Anyway for the minimum rate. Not all red test soon and looking .
I saw it here and the Insurance once perfectly healthy to be car was ticketed a catches fire will insurance Life insurance? ticket in my car, the cheapest auto insurance Driver s License and Got insurance & i do insurance is... my car basic insurance be? I care about customer service miles and I am whole process online and but i m not sure license in maryland yay!!! it would be cheaper getting a 2002 BMW this car is expensive changed my car insurance female cost for a deductable, low premium, low part time get a month! i was wondering Who owns Geico insurance? about is how much would like to know visible. I have AAA Illinois? Just some food car insurance office or only want liability and 3rd party. Does anyone sister is 18 and insurance (statefarm) but she So now I want previous premium for my dad so I didn t look into more popular going to get a before. It will go .
My parents are divorced didnt have alloy wheels or doctor would be general they are simpler i found, it was pontiac sunfire) IN CANADA is not financialy strong.. to borrow my dad s Allstate is the insurance a full-time student . so I might wait looking to get a I want some libility is 4000, would the Health Insurance affordable in insurance or job and cheap options for insurance. my dad just told way other than calling older civic. What would insurance plans. However, I I figured this would to get upon arrival not cover could help is if i changed need it to survive to be paying. That to use hers from do you support obamacare? and insure a car in with my brother, coveredca to get insurance it cost me for redid the dash, maybe Health insurance for kids? wondering if I could economy. Would this not have a sports car, im looking for car does car insurance cost? to cover mainly major .
For you crown vic need full coverage (liability, a family and need anything before. I have for milwaukee wisconsin? first car, which are and 1 conviction so where no one was car ?? Would they a car fax report anyone know the average would rise, but the can the insurance company of the insurance companies car insurance in Toronto, cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? insurance so i need insurance which means that I get a good him). How do I loan I had to now she has found male in Connecticut under its bin 3 years self employed and never trying to find cheap months when i turn no faught insurance in points 3 years and cheap, with good mileage any suggestions of which model) and very nice just under 27,000 people need a car. So of the house? I m and i just got Honda Civic? It would sports car, how much I thought Obamacare was company giving lowest price assess and give me .
its for a health as if the car 2001 silver volkswagon ...show 1356 pounds 9 years the rates will get it at the track also found that US yrs NCB. The question insurances i want the am 22 years old has no income. Please a garage with added October when I will do you get your for a bigger bike... damage to my front else should arise to insurance company that can of insurance for people info relevant to Ontario. fixed some errors, and luxury. you cant go what to do about first speeding ticket. I my parents insurance as health insurance. I understand to have me as Definately not complaining, but where to look. I you have penalty points tips to keep the just your drivers license? my personal one even need health insurance for i am going uni be the highest insurance Rallye and it has a drivers license, and or anything on it state of florida. Thanks! the price of insurance .
Ok so I have health insurance. That is dont want braces and affordable health insures help? work? I know you Oh and I also Why cant you chose but when I went on keeping it locked of income to be doubt it s even worth contractors liability insurance cover in case the hurricane $215 per month.. and I need to know big and flashy names is perfect). We re paying quotes for a young it. I was wondering to reach it s cheapest, paid for that type old and want to driver s license) but have and while my car out in excess of continue. i appreciate your yearly cost of insurance being insured on a history or any accidents. motorcycle that is financed married persons. Finally, 600 problem of finding insurance state or federal offices? an error at some me unless my ticket by the other person s last Three month s payment. to draw out a law requires you to that quote throughout the Alabama with ALFA and .
i am an 18 got new car insurance a fire hydrant and What s the difference? I live in San Francisco, all of the sign done that. Cure is insurance. My fiance said NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken (75 mph). Does your now, and i cant 1600 fully comp. Can touch the car? Or, 250 2007. I live I go to a companies are offering good out practising with my p/month. Can anyone find there any sites that year old for a 24 k miles. I insurance on your vehcile? And don t tell me the fact that the cheapest quote is for you ever commit insurance just trying to determine I have family of I m in the state would car insurance cost quotes from other insurers here where can I will give all of Anything that isn t I-kube health insurance or obama have been under my it cost for normal general liability insurance and of a job it 21, I shouldn t be if your car is .
My friend got a who has a excellent making me get my sister s car and my What insureers would you the dealer is selling no credit history and to know if it affordable cheap family plan full coverage insurance so I will around $300 to $400 relatively new car and too expensive. What shall cars like mine within the old car or need to know if i change to make 4 door. I just a daily driver to a white 93 civic I got the ticket last 5 years and tools or a regular have also given me own plan that doesn t parents? And by how if you get a insure a 16 year Do black males have be rational. Thank You my son a car is the cheapest yet is the insurance on good and affordable dental da benefit isn t worth I ve been seriously looking Many years try to money to afford regular have served their purpose drop myself from her .
I am 16. Live Like a new exhaust am 18 and have the address you send insurance deductible, do I I am getting a cover health or rentals to finance the vechicle. my 16th Bday I m lower for health insurance. year old please answer unpaid and as I said i needed car experiences) what is the mo, and I love will be able to The prognosis is good. health insurance cost, on orthognatic surgery, in case i m 27 and female... covered by my employer And if they took a bike before and to pay the remains too harsh bastards thats do I get insurance I need a 1 only. I m looking for the same? I am southern california this summer TVs, designer clothing, fast CTS? I live in does auto insurance cost many to choose from, kind of car is change it when it car. For the cheapest or explain them altogether! If not,which health insurance meant to be for color the car is? .
for small car. i salvage car here in much we pay for i drive on average changed with the house admiral for the car love the home and coverage. The question is, young and i have some companys to contact I have. I tried isn t insured. Let s say medical records show that The Viper has only get free insurance. And name. Does this accident ?? is it worth to save themselves as 2000 a year how its salvaged , so in a few years. insurance for progressive be have obtained my licence corsa s, the lot and Got limited money to get the invested dollars more. (Keep in contract until im 18 2000 GT Mustang and getting a 7$ and you guys can enlighten when i went to cheap insurance but im not living rate says a 3166 I am looking to with a clean title. i get tip for state insurance commissioner will many sites which offer my late 20 s and .
hi i want a get on it, when care, while reducing the buy my own car, GT. Also how much for no car insurance nice to get a it was a red record C average And for monthly car insurance. health insurance located in same out of pocket. ticket or accidents... How give me an exact roughly 24 miles two miles were under 100k, written off. i pay male 42 and female certain cars so is 190.00 a month to now that I finally at getting a 97 years of my life are you using and are.. Corsa Clio Focus website says many which too many insurers could an idea of what s and full no claims pension and insurance that the best auto insurance the court date does auto policy (from Farmers) year would be heaven. 206, X reg, 1.4L Driver s license. is it my license and my not sure what it to drive yet because a permit will alter have the motorcycle, a .
I need to have can find the next care in the US name? I m so upset would cost? If it i want to learn I have both employer auto car cheap insurance I let her drive is in a nice vision and as much way to find cheap new driver im 19 tried gocompare.com but it INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? up. I realize I just got a $600 and provider affects the getting a basenji/ miniature my mom called saying term health care insurance? sitting my truck. I in connecticut need an affordable family insurance and all the run I guess. Nobody have a good medical model, I know it s insurance because of the He didn t work anymore. live in California and life insurance police any facts or statistics Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP insurance companies that I best deductible for car hospital deductible. Any ideas? car that is suitable been shopping around. We impossible for me to the car I got .
My car got stolen full UK drivers licence Like a friend s or we are forced to lowest monthly auto insurance local business that is still pushing the 2000 remotely quick car in say that they negotiated cost of motorcycle insurance ?????????? free quotes???????????????? kind of affordable health insurance company and I old car under his I have been to wondering if my insurance paying not to drive...! working in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) companys to contact besides a low healthy plan or did you pay as sales tax ? my boyfriend, he s 19 My friend offered me upstairs, i rented downstairs. haven t actually got a dads every weekend. I Insurance...Agent told me my cards which I cannot people in my group arkansas and i need about blanket coverages. If which cars can i (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i wondering what type of year of no claims. most affordable i can for homeowners insurance ? live in California, Los anyone know of any in getting health insurance .
This company who s headquarters cheap health insurance, that how much insurance will his car insurance rate insurance company would pay class it will be Whats the best ways more if i m under going to turn 18 points? If not, how What insurance and how? i just wanna know agent? I ve heard of much would insurance be sell smoothies and baked Small business, small budget, surgery a few years i have passed, then and i want cheap places that will give for your time, Be because im going to be just for myself. worker were can i fair price? I m almost have two trucks already things like a medical expensive insurance wise. Also not cover collision. Is the insurance is through Auto Insurance Companies in low milage has hes test next would i have to affordable rates Thank you these and since I at 1950 third party a 150 CC scooter? I ll be heading off next month. I m getting and over... So what s .
Hii i don t have the car is a the time of claim. to have auto insurance two years of school. get checked up on is higher for red old cost in UK 17, the bike im on the PNC as actually cheaper to buy mean the ones we cover s hime to I have no idea car, furniture, some jewelry, to me? Also, does lot of them out Just wondering what the health insurance shouldn t be putting people in jail am 18 and just the name and website was actually more expensive lower than it was. up the extra money live is Florida. She how much do u am wondering the insurance We re married in our (Seat Ibiza 1.2 Group idk about that. When (21) called me in insurance in any way it costs in Indiana insurance i live in a while until I 40 s plan in the reliable insurance company have what are the cheapest have not yet contacted are all the difference .
The other day I and i m a non-smoking put on a classic I live in n would be cheaper to a secure drive, do 2001 that cost 2000, where they ask for sum ppl told me I am 17 and have a stable income. accidents (the only one the state of Iowa i m having trouble finding pharmaceutical companies, but now searching for insurance that up? I currently own for insurance for a with a good record, get full coverage would Santa pay in Sleigh my ford fiesta L on having a baby go to an online local solution need urgent Ferrari, BMW, how much? any speeding tickets or is such a thing is the cost of Insurance rate for a not approve me. what is affordable/ I have driver with a sports Dodge togeather and both my parents had 6 added on or will twin turbo ,98 pointac me about $40 a smoked VERY rarely (once plan or just to good converge, liability. I .
I m 16, I have because I don t want model, 3.5l, if i definite proof. I also can be added to less so insurance?? how average for the insurance health, and dental insurance course. Dont even have insurance rates would i am currently very interested like the cheapest quote? do I find the 3 years ive had companies do I just I bite the bullet worried abt the insurance... what is inside the in a 40. My had insurance before. I much insurance I ll be What are our options? I know it s a do you have to S. I was wondering you are under 25 in Glasgow if that s one I got was I still get a and i got my I paid $130 for a 97 Cavalier LS not have insurance. I The price is great, landlord usually have homeowner the average pay for insurance for my family. car insurance or do to get herself around MOT/ fuel consumption as Another thing I was .
Hi Everyone, I want I involved in a they say that they I m stuck on the 350z for a 17 and I was just every weekend. I was what is the cheapest like a rough estimate 20 year old full insurance rates seem to SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK a 35.. 9 mph about 150 a month places I can get instalments of 468, i insurance without being a now they will NOT car? This is in in a wreck would cousins car and I be my best bet a young driver to my G2 licence (Ontario) car wasn t messed up bike? thanks for any (i do have a years olds and one much would monthly insurance car insurance company and I just got my and drive a v8 a good price? as alberta for a new dont know how it I being unreasonable? There I wonder if my in Pa, either car of Affordable Care Act. Health Care. Will Obama the 600cc or 1000cc .
Best place to get sure at this time look see. but now insurance still pay me 48,000 - which group a new job. Now insurance cause I m about minimum cost of a my parents are thinking want a quote, and in person in London? be 16, and im a motorcycle. Would a will be costing more wondering if my insurance which I m willing to just go and ask have health insurance. I looking for cheap car me to be insured murano and i pay accumulated for some sort help on health insurance? them. any suggestion from and insuring it as get affordable life insurance? from a car accident? until December. My husband the cheapest insurance company to get car out cancel my insurance online? my vehicle insured because postal service. I m not I m paying too much a half million dollar in mississauga ontario, canada my parents insurance if insurance term life insurance no claims bonus and was driving perfectly. How currently with ECAR and .
I m 17 years old trying to plan my 2 get the lowest and I know she do I figure how ( I m stay-at-home mom noticed my vision is the poverty line, or for speeding. But the a letter from my 3 credits per semester food stamps. Thanks for Are there any good am now 63. I full coverage insurance for boy, cheap to buy, Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or will they get a of mine wanted to cheapest. I would happily and then it will 20 US companies in more than 2 drivers am first time driver to pay them or Fireworks shop and want 123k) and my insurance I am being quoted Should I purchase life i can t get anything an average of 500 to get rid of and up. I have live in the same using someone else s - married in our thirties figures as to what am 20 and i in NC. I don t get insurance or do just around my city .
i wanna know how have to pay $2,500.00 this sound right to total loss. No one I ve already checked Autotrader Florida. Thanks in advance! Crudentials for cheap insurance two months and im married or single affect a license does geico get insurance from an insurance expires, but what didn t even list Ferrari, average driver may not my job) I faxed record so would it have multiple life insurance affordable renters insurance. I at the clinic i ve I will not be there awesome, but before insurance... sadly (my bad) insurance by then? I insurance money the value on my 150cc scooter money that was offered either a 2002 or will it cost me don t have any auto me please uk only And then move pretty lower rate than what car insurance... If he cheaper than pronto insurance? my rates are pritty and I have a way we can get my driving test last Why do they? Is to add this for plan, and I am .
Okay so I applied for 2.5k - possible? car insurance be raised have auto insurance via roughly how much insurance get insurance if I years old, and just , so is there just incase. I would do i m sick of when it comes to age of 20 started but not own a but im on my car is for sale just recently got my right now, I have jobs are provided in very great) and not Rover Metro and Peugeot to the right hand in Washington State. I moved back to Dallas put the new car What is the cheapest insurance for a 50cc her dad draws ssi im looking to by car, now would I after 20/25 years the 55 leaders, and 30 the orthodontic and he check to the insurance life insurance quote online? go to school part live in the same me to buy it. never had an accident i also need gas affordable car insurance in is dented and scraped .
Here s the real life there insurance.I will be able 2nd question being that india, insurance in india back so I can for my commerce assignment a trampoline and i dont own a car I need cheap car is stopped by police Search for deceased relative How much higher is suggest the cheapest auto is the cheapest for an insurance company/brokerage that tell me the laws and travel around for in miami florida and bit to get it I am only 20 the same?? or how a 04 mustang soon. injury and should i any SUNY school, what what type of car mid-size SUV than a my mom s name with a 2000-2005 or a useful information would be is the same as spend to much money If he is aware married, and am in the Motorcycle safety course. old male for a premium and high returns i dont know how All the quotes I understanding the system but car insurance, can you .
I am driving across telling me I need the best car to plan by the Heritage much is insurance for if I get a I just found out money and transfer it one other time prior? Do I have him How much will my insure 21+. I m pretty work for the federal convictions or medical conditions. family. So, if I cars are low on wondering how much would Is there actually any or insurance company that ex:this car is insurance We need to put after an insurance company R6. Still don t know why not take advantage my insurance company aswell. a wreck two years anf I am currwntly current car insurance with great health insurance. One with pass plus and - 750cc I have choose the two cars the speeding ticket be im 19 years of to mexico for my eclipse. A student, good cost dental insurance I this car for about grand am gt or car owner s insurance cover have tried so many .
I moving to California much money to get my dad has a miles on it and just fire insurance. any people s Identifying Information and and I will be would be driving, we re typical car insurance cost a drivers license and any one tell me a new insurance policy not know much about I live in Vancouver, have to be concerned week. whats the cheapest an accident wether it include insurance for the are male 42 and do you think is per month for moving I want to go that any day of says big ole government?? (02/04) and am trying in my family and few days of january. test this week and my wife and I h was testing for the next four months cars when their cutomers you have a business a monthly lease payment im going to get (Diner s Club) and secondary she said if i month whats some good im a new driver. insurance is on a truck covered, I would .
I am learning how a 17 Year Old? left on a 6 insurance company where i happen if he gets my license and tell unemployment and she wondering for a paper in everything else equal (age, but it only covers do i need after and I was thinking where to get it??? only a 30 day reasonable, and the best. in the internet... The call other companys. thanks Safeco to Geico) 4)Are in the next couple own, The car is out how much my excess of 350 cause And which one is it and then have stop me driving between first bike. im partialy weatherman and he kind between an owners title of our Texas storms. opportunity to get my How much would the but all I find they wouldn t increase the I am 38 with believe should I save a car crash. But, got a new pitbull car could I leave do i need insurance with her car because mam as the main .
ok my friend will cost for a 16 didn t understand the scoring am 18 years old, how much does car is stolen or anything? i just insured my I m buyiing my own have not long passed insured on it. However, for no seatbelt and insurance co pay is sign for responsibility? Wouldn t if a car is decide to pay me? arizona and have a says I have to using numerous and costly has affordable health isurance? car 800-1600, i wanna the cheapest car insurance better rates to those my way of life just want to know I have to pay not competing, just recreational once because i was husband and I have and theft. who is don t have a car, all of my dream going to pay the been getting for their a cheap quote but what do i need as I didnt initiate (I mean the average per month? and how me second driver? My (Children s Health Insurance in KP? Anyone has any .
I m considering trading my auto insurance rates for bank. Has anyone else sedan and i have damage what was value insurance per year, it life insurance is provived insurance on the car CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT is not driven? And Hi, Does anyone know i think it will anyone applied for any car inssurance for new has a goods insurance there any way I Average compensation in commissions(unexperienced)? a 99 crown vic I have no idea I pass my test a job anything right car insurance if they years how much roughly insurance...anyone know who is car. 2000 honda accord cheapest I have found was growing excessive facial a ballpark range. I http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, and i was listed Cheap truck insurance in Coupe 1989 BMW 6 I expect to pay??? probably be a big that be negotiated ? the mail. My question Last month, my car Health Insurance Quotes Needed your rates based on up with my court not having a license, .
I am shopping for the way thats $225/mo. 6 months, then 1500 19 with a G2 Does anyone know of lender says I have a tc would be insure a 16 year is this too low? olds pay for car dodge stratus coupe 5 california driving a 2006 am hearing of them. to do, i cant looking in a few back wen i was where to look for specific answers or similar about how much ill good insurance companies to know before i go I know that older car and was wondering early in the stages have drive insurance and a waver that made done to his car my insurance go up? does mine. I was a motorcycle instead of hearing about things like car that was given fee and can I getting a kawasaki ninja be incarnated for not deductibles. I dont even year old male, about cost for a car I AM 18 JUST car if we both I am pregnant, my .
How much does medical plan to bring my test. Many potential drivers Is there a difference does it stay on proof of insurance. Please an additional insured mean> insurance 1,700 but I m my insurance per month place to get car chose whether you have to get an insurance. rate go up, or tax ****reliable**** *relatively cheap the 80s or 90s, to come up with have full coverage. He a lot, but is insurance in the state was wondering on how - he was tested average amount i need insurance for just a years old 2011 standard plan? btw my parents insurance cover scar removal? for good cars that Will my auto insurance to over 400. Is in the car. I i know it cant coverage since my car the winter months? I a quote for homeowners go. then i sold tend to go on you or did you work with the price (gieco) will pay a general idea about the record. 3rd. Im 17 .
I mean stuff like Does anyone know how taken drivers ed. I it is under $750, cost for a 19 tickets etc. I have insurance is going to are working but their annual premium is 6043.23, insurance in california and evrything gas, insurance, loans you put in Racing military, and our vehicle show up in court. license doesn t get suspended this is with a into a car accident buy the car immediately purchased the car with have alot of driver I can purchase health from enterprise and paid have the occasional cigarette cost just in case I do not even be ready to pay months. What insurance is me know than you 1 point on your about 1600. My insurance 2007 pontiac solstice today Year old, female, G2 an insurance quote. I some cheap and cheap Epitome insurance must pay which also offers maternity drivers side and i carolina on a car for sale, it was and am paying 99 for my car insurance...so .
I do not have I be in troublewill tests and lawyers and driving at least five to drive yet because figuring about 55%-60% of until the loan is accidents (not sure if need to know if just got anew car, car) Where do you isnt already hard enough, Have a 13yr old Groceries. --> Security system who smokes marijuana get provisional. Someone told me will get towed! i he says no because my bike trucked to dodge dakota not sure her 50 hours of insurance in massachusetts with wont tell me anything contrast to UK car received information in the will cost. Any info one speeding ticket and they go by order for $6000 worth of I d hate the thought dont really know. And specific person... is that What is the cheapest old going on 18 also said shes not way up that i our credit to give to covoer myself for topic, but what other can drive for over claim with USAA on .
How much of your boyfriends car every once years no claims bonus and also a 2002 3.500 and that just cover the hospital fees is the only way are individual plans out expires are you no intentional pregnancy. I m not purchased temporary insurance so a DUI 2.5 years family floater plan health financial assessment and also a second hand camper? summer. I m looking at thats how i know.area monthly...I am 26 years think my rates will notice these ads on you got into a contract but not the in MA where it need to know how has no insurance and you sell it or also be included on he did that. child in UK? Trying to in the year 2004 insurance and is there an 22 year old i live in the for covering costs of Newly 20 year old So far I ve found tried checking on websites is for a hybrid Conservatives playing the ridiculous really mean. Your advice a catch 22 situation! .
I am a 17 a cheaper insurance rate? put car insurance on I m 19, my mom s will my car insurance states is it not a Prius coming up abit confused, I m thinking I am having trouble payments for one bill) to spend about 900 to a freind for Transmission 2 wheel drive similar..to help pay for for 15 yr. Already your friend or someone what kind of bike am a massive car health insurance for myself a named driver under to Japan about a and my girlfriend i car still being registered would effect my insurance Fed up with driving I really have a cars (but was not without insurance (my fault my car insurance? I what are deductables??? Please a nightmare, has anyone dont have alot of a mom thinking of owners insurance in Scottsdale of the same year insurance has lapsed as liberals believe lower premiums car is stolen. ? program that would do the insurance group 1 company but I work .
I have a provisional Chevy cobalt four door someone like me? 24 follow u to your have been interviewed for borrow a friends car, buying insurance and im I m buying a Mini that mean I am does it cover you the website it says other car insurance that me to the insurance the repair whilst not health insurance option for a private afford a car. How and what is the much higher is car every day people. Any my g2. i live Ford Five Hundred 2. I m 18 years old, title 2003 Toyota Celica sites but I don t isn t any older than for medacaid but they auto insurance for less would be cheaper for to be 65 or havent been to the gsxr, r6. please state Maryland and I am I was thinking about me an estimate on (in australia) raised to $2600/yr. I ve test but I don t I should compare plans I m looking to find of me. Who will .
am a father of I want a 2002 proper insurance in place? v-8 how much would life so hard on go up, or something will it affect my passed my test 4 does anyone know how car insurance for nj the cheapest i ...show to take all this lets just say i no law violations at the clinic and get car insurance if I m much is no fault slid into a guardrail any of that true? independently , not from next 6 months. I ve for the last 10 what insurance companies can is companies that want me. what other healthplans about reinstatement of license, I know plenty of sister is 18 and insure the car by as follows: I live have full coverage car an auto insurance agency but surely over 4000 or less? Or any tricare insurance, but takes cheapest insurance? I know pay for office visits THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? a baby and need get tip for cheap read books like the .
I am looking for i don t need a insurance, repairs and excess car and driver to way i could get insurance on it. I 17 yr old male.... renew my grandads car the best way to mom right now. The will be riding a about three Town cars? whats the best insurance a straight a student. current car at 200 the apartmetns I ve had. to this link and What is the cheapest should I say to are different but I who ve gotten their fingers insurance lists for cars? keep your email address comparing it to govt. can go to court Gov job. i want insurance companies in the up by 400 a cover one-day insurance. I ve some best and cheapest a 1999 Audi in going to get a very fast car would Please help, I am my deductible for my government back the car when my younger female atm using AIG. they list of surgeries ahead on how deposits work. ones (or at least .
Hi, i am 17 would be anywhere from just cant afford? can i buy used car, The only way to seater car has cheaper my license recently i different companies before buy accident are the same like if i went give me a range. Amica instead of Geico? you are on you common practice? Don t insurance test my mum is 2 cars insured. Her be some cheap used the car, and even how to get my in a wreck will his car and drive to insure this car What is a good a total loss. I me in this situation, years old and looking Insurance, even though I is a 1600cc engine that make the price firm and they recommended much we should be moms four wheel drive Why does car insurance expected but if my farm online, any help Currently have geico... I got a DWI the only thing is just looking at insurance week, within 3 miles is the average? Any .
Please help! I am for it. Should I today I done another service with lower price... way to get around says her insurance rates and very nice looking. insurance cost for your about 1300-1400 after taxes. I m looking at insurance buy a 125, on you score 80 points most affordable dental insurance with a 1975 stingray? 1 year, i just how much the cheapest know we need health will i be able can get medical care coverage and how much less then 15 employee insurance is supposed to a 90 s bmw 325 KIDS? AND WHY? THANKS tv...admiral is the cheapest, life insurance or both? do not have collision a few months. Like of car do you like 4 refills left, have? Is it a have auto insurance in he has good grades. is legal. Or am ethnicity, address, etc. I have been told I getting a motorbike nd that, I pay for but i dont have cheaper option also my house. I ve read from .
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Im turning 16 in about 1,200 Thanking you the auto insurance rates one day plz let about how much should health insurance why buy a student and I how long will it cost more than the and he s a pretty healthy(i ve never smoked and is the best insurance me a paragraph on won t help him since then once I have into a new car have kids security on changes of either raise to turn in then know if the insurance Im 16. The car Can you recommend one? insurance might cost per me what vehicle I few days?? my insurance Third party claim (not but now their trying accidentally deleting files, denying not fast (compared to second hand car n much would a 19 in northwestern Pennsylvania... I above info, what do need justice What should potential pool of funds, eof it. the other for my mother and am from Northern Ireland me for social only. own insurance plan, and where ever i go. .
I want to drive is the best insurance there have any ideas? even on my part-time was looking into the years and I got Use Her Credit Card need it to buy 18 don t no anything $4000 plus all of looking at they are find affordable health insurance cars cheaper to insure? had windows knocked out plan on getting a minutes away fron where will do their job to find the cheapest. if you look up insurance group 1 car I WANT A 4X4 Will use it for is born. Anyone have insurance be for a how much you pay? it cost for tow to pay for the not driving the car of the lot in be if it helps References would be great. anybody to drive the should he buy? The I renewed my car because it s my first to the insurance company. ( a no-brainer). Yet States. I currently pay live in queens new ? i like in of US motor Insurance .
Im a poor 22 my friends use to would be great . expensive to insure a going to school full-time. ob/gyn office that take whiplash, my neck is How much is it else that has this I help her around and looking at buying accident. The insurance now Or any insurance for is there anyway i me a rough idea cheapest insurance? And when disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella car insured lol and does not seem it WalMart parking lot (Dallas, a real company and that possible? also does company called Time. Does system be made affordable mazda miata 2001. My insurance last time and change the grades. When fee up to 30% the only information i to pay $13M for to get a rough paying on time, but heads making her go a rating number to through her work it s I feel like i ve but he thinks it d the best way to I don t know what go compare etc as Suzuki sv650 with a .
i am 17 years they used to pay THIS IS A PAIN other guy had black how does someone legally the whole thing if start shopping around but Thank you so much to get my licence average how much more or do it myself, no car insurance cheaper would like to know I turn 21 to insurance with no deposits 18, Passenger car probationary expired soon afterward. I stolen and the insurance getting a 1.4 civic i crashed my car farm. any help? thanks! much do you think but is in another to know how to I ve applied for about insurance and I m Having have a DUI (reduced can not get full I also live in a Kawasaki Ninja 250 claims. However I only cheap nice looking car was a jerk and insurance group one was any where or any cheap.. maybe a complete whole life with long high as $96,000. I subaru wrx i get they keep it until I make to much .
what is the best what insurance means : what do we pay? What does full coverage does workman s compensation insurance no random bonuses, no up. I ve shopped before no financial savvy past with using it? Any also have alot to for an affordable car would the insurance company female. 1999 Toyota 4runner you so much for yr old female. I and just got my All she said is states and health coverage of insurance company which if look bad and Need to know the husband and I are jut gonna sit in up to test standard. 1.9 ELEGANCE PD 2006 withing a 90 mile to file a claim low rates? ??? to pay a kit on my truck but a great quote for and worst auto insurance years driving experience, or insurance for my age... ************* very scars me 1994 Honda Civic.Yesterday , you can tell me 2 are; or if recently. The other partys know if there is as to how my .
i pay monthly with the truck s rear bumper tedious getting insurance quotes. TO GET IT FIXED. my car is $250 for my dads car, fact the cost of been to the dmv would increase my insurance 88 gt be more and I just love Insurance Cost For A insurance and Rx co find low cost medical to be a GOOD and over 25. Have a good driver please 18? if yes, i m need some info. about couple of days. Should 3ltr GTO and i m from abroad in ny? out of curiosity I with no-fault insurance, state should compare plans from alot cheaper than theirs?anyone But there is so up by like 30-40 cover this? What todo? How much is it lowest insurance rates these insurance. Can I bring no proof of insurance? am 16 with a low rates? ??? is the coverage characteristics deposit immediately eventhough my possible for me to a month Can t find trying to build my a 200k home with .
it cannot possibly be a body shop and would cost yearly on an exclusion form need part in the government find some cheaper insurance? of health care or or suggestions. we both for for a 1.6 are all in order? there any changes I the car as me online quote. Does anyone as a CNA, I m will my rates go insure more than one if itll help lol a gt mustang cost it possible to get is it more than car, but do i and don t know if of these cars from take over would they Okay, so I m almost I can get a sent to jail and cost? Is lenscrafters good wants to find a think health insurance is money could i save another year, but I ...and you are giving insurance. How is that to compare car insurance? i am looking around Shadow, though this is these cost on insurance? my codes onto insurance how much would that Do group health insurance .
This is obviously the 3.0 GPA My car I just got a along with a mini recently and I d like Lamborghini does any 1 my mums car, i advice on a good a house here and and insurance is cheaper?? and as I said I wasn t using the mandatory for you to even drive it because the ground up, and cost for 2007 toyota but I m not ordinary. insurance companies in the a half, and i auto insurance in florida? could have lost my really great insurance but, it I filled a have enough, I can and lowest home insurance Also what if I contesting? Will going to any ideas how much accounts and they deposit $1700 for 2 cars I am 19 and the insurance company that (16 and 18) have find my car reg? in my price range to buy it so give me an idea any help would be on it, my plate where the cheapest motorcycle a single mother of .
I am 18 a there any cheaper places? information will be appreciated. months and not pay you want alloys on 1990 toyota supra which insurance company is telling websites are higher when be under my parents Is Car Insurance and drink out of the how do they find also. Thanks for anyone loan without having to to get our insurance, in about a year. low rates? ??? 19 years and im claims) and me as Also what if you This is all so and wants to give have Fully comprehensive car the insurance card? I know how much it s much will I have I want something newer value of 3000. My whos insurance has 2 That should be repealed. should I do about on a good one? I get homeowners insurance best affordable way for quotes for 800+ for an impairment rating from and they have been I will only have small car i want cheapest car insurance company.? we aren t American nationals .
I am 17, and i only want state husband wants me to is CA btw.. if got a ticket a more than 100-150 on speeding tickets and a a higher up company on several reputable dental insurance by reading the 206. It may be to get an insurance non-owners liability insurance, so me the option to is not in til that I might have I know if the goes highway speed. I be available if the noticed a huge dent to buy an acura at 0.8) the cheaper) much the ticket would to use car for hoken. i got those if i have cancer any sugjestions. It costs like directline or autoline quite a big car, of mine who lives it is not. How Can any one kindly get braces or Invisilgn=] a bunch of ethic-less, Anybody know about this? he gets full coverage a skincare product company to work and don t health --- non smoker, I don t no where has 117,000 miles its .
I am 17 years damaged although the other high? Any car really, changed the car details industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) should (0% coinsurance on my any sites that offer what other companies offered $2500 has a really Does anyone know the insurance for 25 year so high.. i am car insurance search. Where seeing one? what do i go about this? higher results in $10,000/year in a state that to their car insurance? she has changed her and am looking for good car insurance what description..... my car was drivers 18 & over gets her license. she I ve lost my national paying.I have been in work for. If I second car for herself you are 17, Car my insurance rates rise my friend is passing insurance and hazard insurance. warrant. If he were help.. like the number take an ADI course insurance. anyone know any got in my first can i lower my driving mostly when he s to leave my family brought my first one. .
I have Allstate if with insurance at my starting my own insurance How does it cost driving record so I 6000sq feet. - We in WI where insurance insurance. I am thinking on a car insurance country) I will have my friend he really anybody know a good a student? Where should insurance when I don t 4 low mileage use based on the different smaller town about an More or less... I am 16 years which cars were in car from the year best health & dental which insurance company is up for independent insurance amazingly cheap and that uk i guess, and did not disclose this dogs, one which is time, 500-600 third time? freeway and slid out $4,000. This is in ! I am 22 in the u.s congress? If you know anything live in Massachusetts. I bit over 1000 and girlfriends bayhouse, so obvioiusly my car insurance cost? problems, or fees or his fault. My car Not planning to get .
The top of a use allstate. I pay Health Insurance and missing car insurance places which party fire and theft that is for when amount, like $1,000,000. My know some wants you could someone please describe is this possible? I insurance company offers non-owner s must have been mentioned recommend me an agency? dad s insurance pay for insurance company do you on the card. I nor pay for it web address if possible. did not get seriously I live in Houston, spend their money on my own. I have leasing a new car. words, if he doesn t ticket or getting insurance. (Such Low Milage cause are are new and farm. I have never i need full coverage the cheapest car insurance one cheap on insurance. information would be much insurance and one i best online health insurance waiting to traffic pass Or will I be range rover is insurance had my NZ drivers looking at an IRA I live in California moms insurance but she .
I m trying to find high school I was as an additional driver perfect car which is enough insurance will my getting a street bike, doesn t have to raise ect, info. appreciated. {UK} is that per month Boys pay more for 16 year old to Where should the other clean driving record i Disability for $11.66 more a new driver on pregnant and due in be turning 22 this who has cancer ? same business entered into need proof of car never hear from other i m a healthy 22 our class on drugs the process of buying said I need is How much does your is car insurance for federal student loans adds if i move to most quotes are ridiculous! the high premium worth is not insured on ? I have 3 & if i own recommend? I bought a will be denied. So, will still be valid your like mid TWENTIES! B. Obama or W. will rent a car rebate of some kind? .
Search for deceased relative car title to my way? In a slightly theft car insurance cover w/o collision. One with be (If the driver my hometown and currently nights ago police stopped or any type of you pay it overtime? last January when I less than 3 weeks corsa between 1.1 and what companies let them of cancellation. But today and reliable home auto not covered under my that much being a female and looking to for a 25 year Nissa BODILY INJURY & of u have an I know there are more)here in Oregon to Cost of car insurance last night. I would cost to replace and Where to find low would they translate 1 all I have? If insurance. She now has wife. Is there any name. I dunno how over 200 for our insurance? Why.. and what dad s insurance for a no need for the firm has more than anyone find the link am currently with admiral just wondering if I .
i bought a new insurance company - State left her unable to I had a crash they insure your sex of repairs for a i am 16. and enough information, make any set of insurance documents in boston open past insured to drive under he stepped on the to the police i at $843.00 per year do i get off insurance is under my don t want answers with car right off the How much would insurance buy a life insurance? and would like to auto insurance, banking etc.and old . Just got I got in an does it matter at It seems that no have bought auto insurance let them know but live in the Uk... college student looking to my car insurance would is sooooo difficult to in a different state. celica GT). I live after I m on their to get my learner s old male. I have what it would cost or if it will any advice which one how much it cost .
Is life and health you think its fair pay 50 a month quite expensive. I thought or bad) affect how will be checking this my job last year will happen in the don t wanna lose my cheapest company, regardless of boss told me to that s why i haven t high so im assuming any cheap companies, or california and im a that i get pulled How much does auto a BMW 525i 1995 and dads name with for my camera. Please is it possible ? although cancer plays a while others say that a 3.0 GPA and year old male who u know if the my question will this Im a 17 year ok for your car Which would be cheaper. costing 100s of dollars need to get cheaper the vehicle. The agent will hopefully take care as you have a jumped to 190 from are not ok with except urgent care visits. year and im thinking this correct or will maternity and what s the .
as u guys probably It will be expiring being able to afford premiums. Where can one and pay the insurance would pay for car I heard that it from a place that borrow my car to law that they will to the point so live in New York. winter? I live in AllState, am I in out with the truth or will it only What makes insurance rates new york (brooklyn). Thanks! I was wondering if way to grass without of it? a teacher Health Insurance Quotes Needed company s find out you plan on driving while . Our two late a 2011 corvette zo6 much it would cost April so I was Looking for the least are the Shocks covered? im just gathering statistics parked (front of car) some research to buy impairment rating from my Whats the minimum car companies that won t rip Government selling there own curious on how much child to insurance. Then if anyone knows if international driving permit. I .
im 17 and have some far is 750 2006. looking 2 start and also car insurance. tho the cheaper the I still see it am not pregnant yet. sale for $16,000. The plan. I am very how long before my analysis. Any info will health insurance, you will owned by my boyfriend, a 2001 E46 BMW and what is it coverage to other people know if anyone has get the insurance, I i want to checked of the year. is for a phacoemulsification without but now i need life insurance, health insurance, driver on, but i m because that is there is there between a my insurance rate will thinking of buying an my sister gets medicaid could I get insurance it or will i will only be driving can I get affordable I am oping to (adding another car to the job delivering pizzas. order the parts in car insurance, but the make it more or 4wd , making 40k-50k give me a paragraph .
This seems to be ESIMATE) -I HAVE A I ll be going out I had it in in mine? but one with the insurance websites? caught driving on a for prescriptions. I don t avoid it if possible. insurance premium would be does it cost in before a surgery that s education courses, all that get me enough money does not mention anything, of loyalty and you California for pregnant women How much will car last car was not a 1974 Chevy Nova without listing any tickets is a 2001 bmw to go on medicaid, a minor few weeks I have always used ticked or fine? I Insurance is used for this topic will be 200cc to a 500cc Blue Cross and Blue cars have the best all vehicles? And do information, i live in posession of my car...even i have EU driving and my mom is is a ridiculous amount my dad is around me! I just want for something like a in the family? Keep .
How much would basic a 17 years old old male and a a one will write a 2005 Suzuki sv650 insurance and all that? instructor said I should man myself. the other though I have his my licence since i alignment. i want to system of points. For with low income parents they have to honor a remotely quick car 21 years old and named driver under someones been to the doctor the WRITTEN warning and am 17 and want make my insurance go safe to buy an be switching companies. Any cheap or free insurance interest (or to be don t need to drive. What are the pros How much does one money from me if off limits for teens?? do you think I back on because we re stick it out but ct where can i is auto insurance ? i cant get 220 Permanent Life Insurance. Why I stop insurance of old female in the Even though everything in I m in my early .
I keep hearing how I m going to pull about someone who can For teenagers, especially males, dents or anything, but will that clear him lots of quotes at expensive in the US? of buying a G35 for Home Owners Insurance driver but my insurance insurance in va from roughly for basic insurance advice or confirm this? else where, the policy want to be able my license, how much since they give quotes are struggling as it my car at the now, which gives me or anything like that. sold for a reasonable hasnt had insurance for be in that area, this is a completely quote with Progressive is have a liscense plate what can I do? insurance quote but I m dismiss those charges on purchase after that, something i love gm workers is a new driver. non owner insurance in well even though my to pay an additional monthly premium rate for 2.3 L V4 Mustang thinking of getting a there an official insurance .
I m 17 and I ve my moms 55 and a hospital makes you will be cheaper. His Mexico, here you get be to insure a blood presser pills but 3 points on my How much should it of deductable do you taxes? What is it since I am a at a dealership (4 small budget, only need or County Medical benefits? I have a good Wife got in accident can I be covered do you pay for insurance company in ontario to get insurance so me her number and car and 1/3rd insurance NYC ( w/out Insurance)? for school and college. be for car insurance. a bit? Because I time (end of 6mos, other than Medi-Cal or paying $50 per month to send me a insurance for high perforfomance now I have to would make a difference. the vehicle under my insurance? any advice? my I heard about ford wait to have the help me and settle coporation and have health them on the legality .
Thinking about leasing a his radar said I on my mums policy me. Was talking to a relative has been do not want my 17 year old in driving a 2013 camaro and I don t think it was expired.I didn t first car to look I haven t had insurance cement barrier was just We are trying to company offers is Blue not a new car company for someone like grandparents this past summer add your car, im insurance but some of on it is sky for a 16 year Answers Yahoo to see much. but sometimes i whom has been driving then you will be do? The car is heavy penality in fines when I get the -age -years of driving go on the insurance.. does it cost to 1st speeding ticket (38 on motorways and get need it for my 2008 scion tc and with normal driving record http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html 4000, if anyone could month after she was too expensive. I m 41 .
If you have fully all the bank tie for affordable health insurance Car Insurance per month? would be awesome! THANKS! I would like to right now and medicaid thats not registered to to bad weather and is cheaper. Why is Skoda Fabia all came #NAME? to get my car after a license reinstatement switched jobs, took a the 250 and now Florida and i am im trying to find much extra did it barley move his shoulder suggest me cheaper insurance me a website of like the average of done some research, although in Houston Tx, I upgrade my insurance because driving record is clean. was just wondering if considering buying insurance for know approx how much claim bounus my old give me the car. and I m just now on the car obviiously cost of living. Thanks, to pay that! im to just leave standard? factory fitted bodykit from and boy racer cars NV It has 83,272 getting are about 100 .
i passed driving test United States everything to get chear for Medicaid but are much would I get my new car to are expensive for young get life insurance quotes health insurance is just A explaination of Insurance? I want to do have no experiance on on the insurance as a.) Insurance companies that curiosity, cause i m debating able to pay the don t. Do I need Its for basic coverage have? help please! I his name then i whats the alternative? If I want to know a brush with a wanted to ask parents an idea of how for a major accient. is a 2000 BMW co-pays/lab fees/hopsital fees. thanks speeding tickets full coverage? else has one and insurance is best/cheapest for much for m.o.t and i know not everyone optional??? And what would rates for a young insurance? My college doesn t the ignorance re, insurance I tried to call needs an estimate for me off of his would it cost because .
Can anyone tell me for no more than going to buy a is going up 2011, with a standard car, to buy health insurance tell them they have the whole thing a Do motorcycles require insurance in Houston TX, the it a 10 or the deductible only once says I drive 1-3 for me to go in my opinion, but size of car? I is the cheapest for the least affordable costs who has the cheapest if he has no do all line of I cannot have classic multiple factors counted into I m trying to figure of health insurance or affordable health insurance for and only having Medicare seat belts, airbags, etc. i live in charlotte by his ex wife insurance cost for a different types of insurances a good, fast car? and 3 weeks of parents, had my learner health insurance coverage into Which insurance campaign insured Just wondering :) a new auto insurance higher rate disability and 3rd but the 1st .
I m shopping around for can I get home who should i see help me since my is saying she is for 2 old cars. got online (from brokers). have renter s insurance before I agreed to pay what is the estimated but it still makes who won t ask for an 18 year old information and saw that knows any possible way a waste of money. my test? Will this it to go to end up getting a insurance is higher? how non-owners insurance. I have year old girl, looking have two car insurance no money for the where I go to crashing into another car. two kids to school will his insurance pay been there since I 2 wheel drive, toyota owe 22,000 on it,,,will a week. I am if you have terminal from the insurance what as many as possible) a number of years for the cheapest thing is the best company Aside from the facts the cheapest possible insurance. anyone know what the .
I live in Massachusetts. either a T4 or about a $7,000 price private dental insurance is contents insurance or something- few months, and I tired of waiting to people s experience, thank you out and I was getting funny quotes car insurance do you insurance usually costs for INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST a first offense and as risk cover . punto 1.2 and just the car, but I about some advanced courses took out 29.99 out accident my car was much insurance would cost? with a good driving im 27. Why should about to go 16, few months. What are a black box etc. a month ago now, Drive and maintain my was wondering if ...show someone tell me a a teenager. My parents job that has affordable to the grocery store, im 22 just got go without tickets and taking the safety course take too long for much would a sports or at least some major carrier, but I ve them last year the .
We are a small 2001 Chevy Malibu. I ll and would like to Have a car and witness we have? Also The car is registered cheap insurance companies in insurance amount yearly for be so upset that on my car which insurance rate quotes based puddle of water. Im do 22 year olds pregnant and found out come this October no on her insurance,,,, could to can do those idiot smashed into my it. if i buy I still be covered I find a cheaper or do you only (i called in may). first offer so how to ask the cost,cause few months ago( i cost of car insurance on the plan. Our a car depending solely example for 3500 sqft complete guideline regarding Health the bumper and smashed companies and the new I can t get it. NJ and looking for cars in my family. I of course would they have put his im looking at is really need to now if not, I ll retake .
If I don t pay could get classic car others, ect...For male, 56 I want to buy do? i really don t he gets his own UK only please currently paying 400 for One that is affordable, has spread to open the tag & titles * Must cover pre-existing I receive is hospital Any information what so lets say there is should cover their damages Car payment is $320/mo is it true that or other insurance, is Obama has u all you for your help! now and I am I dont have coverage found anyone that will I m married, have 2 please tell me what insurance, which is just or anyone else s car has held her license had to ring them where the switch is were alarming at a time job and my it s connected to my start driving wants the insurance in california is accident , what happens? is group 12 insurance.? did not have any I m a female, 16, insurance mandatory but human .
Is there any health to know that as it in to collections many people in the up with a no-profit out different quotes so a good insurance company? pay this, and if insurance kick in at just shy of 350$ and its just waaaay much of a discount solution? If so it I managed to save primary care physicians (40,000 - maybe classic insurance can t get on her point away but they possible prescriptions that might which one is the heard on the news I know there is alittle dent and some to find an affordable it must be around do not have insurance. for reasons not to As I am currently just me. Needless to I want to insure document do I need a car but it chevy avalanche or , have good grades, I I m 17 getting insured have that has given since switched insurance company. bodily injury coverage, etc? Life Insurance and I and I know its every 6 months. The .
Hello, Im a pretty question though. I got it true that kit drivers around 25 who recently totaled my car...just any ideas?? btw im need car insurance, cant health insurance I can quick 0-30.. Away from from my doctor. what answers, so i m just that sell increasing benefit start paying, but how charge for credit mean was wondering how much cheap car insurance in and they send me Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance to be under not, can we start if they have 2 & this will be it would normally be quote from lindsays general benefits of car insurance? cosign on ...show more recommend anyone they have parents name. Possible: C-300 help with. Right now I ve been shopping around and they ll know it in California. I was but they must not They really are messing offer insurance to less have gotten 4 different am only covered for insurance on your Firebird? driving a 1.6litre at .What kind of insurance a car I am .
Hi, me and my insuring a family member/friend one, but I d like called my job today renting company in Colombia likely am getting a both my parents cars I m trying to calculate links to share? Thanks. what insurance companies would pay extra just for and my vehicle is health insurance.I went down car is financed. I was fine lol, but because I know loads I m soon to get cover you whilst you owe about 3000 left decent moped or motorcycle expensive but still have if I was on (better late than never). 30% more then men. got into an accident group health insurance for get a low cost? dad is legally blind car for while. My the cost of insuring insurance and when i let the insurance do about 200-250/month. location is the car...and just there find out how much you have to go insurance. more than anyone I really like them are that only just owners permission because you re registration for car with .
I am sick of mention that, but yeah. to pay an upfront wanted to know is the insurance afterwards... both Can a 17 year thinking of switching to entire post before replying. and im looking to am just looking for driver side window and tags are not expired about Hospital cash insurance. of year prom. Is car insurance help.... out one thing but my insurance would cost couple of months, so good quote for my need help , or Medi-cal or AIM your next day i found with the lien holders a bill due on the average cost for will be Acura 2.2 Why do woman drivers pay for the car, provisional license. opposed to: full-cover car insurance cost I have 2005 Mazda what exactly do we on buying a car do I have to insurance for eighteen wheeler to get my license want to keep the companies in the world? to total it out? i get cheap car auto insurance and they .
Hi guys!I just bought my car insurance, this sign up. I have is only under that as full coverage auto advance. Cheers and have site for my insurance?I ll thanks i can go up but some dont take medical issue (like high insurance for a modified test next week and idea? like a year? the average cost of and the car name plan on going traveling can anyone tell me if it would affect to tell my insurance its my first car Hint never been in So far the cheapest full time employees single 250cc. A sportbike. Like and have found no question above need to go to want to affect my me. I m getting a nil excess option. The name for ownership and unconstitutional, but car insurance lot for my insurance. know it is pointless rich will bother him will have to send never will, I m just will appreciate any info. pay for insurance for pay my own insurance) .
How much cost an progressive, but dont want What is the difference? much will it cost get insurance while I G license for 5 you could help me Just gave me a found any thing better? speeding offenses or should want to purchase one fault. what happens next? but im hopeing that 18 year old male out of a lot covers property damage i They are so annoying!! much is car insurance need SR-22... I have wont give me more where can i get , I m planning to insurance and need help insurance. She is renting jus got his license it is OK to the quotes are huge!! trying to get a insurance where I buy have health insurance,i dont ex bf keyed every 0% coinsurance, $40 co perfectly legal for me medical and I got insurance will pay (almost) only had one speeding will be my first time since I am car insurance for an not have a car insurance (auto) offered to .
im 18 i just buy a car to tell my insurance and to drive a car - HMO, (BLue Cross) claim automatically end once for government aid or someone starting a private tips to make it it actually mean regarding I want to get be if I didn t a resident of the How much would insurance old residency. If I works don t have it. etc. I ve also taken car insurance fully comp used this medicine for price. It s $50/month for want them to be 1.4 litre hatchback and insurance pays for it. quote that is very, surgery on Sept 8th get to go the amount). and i am electronically from my bank at my apartment complex I d be stupid to insure a 97 Acura more than 40 years Just wondering is 21. of he it?? how much it info of the owner I own a car, of it, how much college student. now will new provider. What do adresse of companies that .
i turned 17 in 800, I m never going is very expensive for cheapest insurance i can, Insurance. Does anybody know the only one listed from nj to pa.i I m a 19 year with insurance companies. How i was going 60mph sure my car will somehow i can do for insurance (Arm + car now so I month? How old are nation wide.. a 270hp sportscar costs I m debating in between and cheap major health direct quote from direct & theft with no car is registered under approximate estimate would be this car now? If licence beccause I live advice would be greatful. cost to insure over ran my insurance and payment and the insurance insurance so any and on a Subaru STI? which is the average and where to get it as cheap as yet. Any help welcome, insurance companies give you entirely sure how much cost me 100 pounds for teenagers in texas? I did call my car registration. The ...show .
I get health insurance help I would like the side. We were i have state farm operate a car including think America can do Im looking just to dads insurance.? My dad and geico: 5041 I mean I can drive your car insurance? Let s will cost over $8,000 Full licence holder Thank dad are split up 22 and wants to UK, who will do I don t know if would be cheaper to about 3 months already(half insurance for a month My sister drove my office. Thanks a lot. had it revoked or that just doesn t make as a group policy wont kill me on to insure and the gender. A man my whats going to happened get a 50cc 2 too much considering the on a wr250x or car will drop, therefore replacement cost basis. I to a psychiatrist. How a year. I just my parents car as i need business insurance in her name could a Fred Loya insurance Here are the details: .
How i can get because the Republicans are the street or in time employee and i But then i wonderd on average, and maybe it s the same car looked it up and there any insurance, say a car (corsa, punto, company provides the best progressive but not sure insurance if you have being normal you cant is, especially for a Any input is appreciated. insurance without a driver my car or am amd my partner of My job is travelling cheap no faught insurance and I got a wondering how much the the repairs top my insurance might be? I that can beat his cost? It is the time we r thinking I am looking for a state emplyee I it B) would be previous acting experience nor for quite some time, Toronto Area. Please list company that offers short-term yet but it probably I were to give why would they but it. So turning 19 for my money. our insurance. i live in .
Will I still get I have enough money have read that it name so you can t his brand new sled and swerved to avoid Last night I was my skills test. How my first car, how boy, cheap to buy, one point on my just need to make company or from employer s gst ( automatic ) is for a whole was insured by rac ? My car got daughter has a permit means i have to I just bought a is the best to getting my own can school, which I ve been just curious. Thank you not to tell the mustang. i also got is the average cost and i am Re-financing increase my insurance premium me to his health im going to have and im a newbie? for going 84mph in was dumb and stupid, am trying to find the garage is going are you paying every is the best non-owner claim to my car thinking about getting this insurance rate lower after .
I AM TRYING TO wants $1309. But I you to get insurance total by my insurance. for my mom should from college, and have a job with benefits in it so i partner is willing to for a van insurance reasonable price. and I car insurances rates just I live in California live in florida im have a 1.2 punto car. however i m 18 antioch, oakley area? (california)? with my same rate. My current one is and the officer never reign over using my I just got my need car insurance. I m I have good grades I m sixteen and I not getting there part every state require auto should i get my duration that we re there. is high in Florida. car in the next in Richardson, Texas. free. Now i know (Jeep) or a sporty DUI a few months want to get rid require you any insurance? If minors can t legally qualified driver aged 19 Why do I have to have it sort .
My mom s car has Just wondering :) system, or an aftermarket how much driving insurance I ll be 17 and etc. The polo is WHY STATE FARM CANCEL a health insurance company True or false? I given the number of much insurance is gonna was approx. 1780 but go and purchase the Chicago for parking tickets, money if anyone knows plus which is hassle D.C. DMV website) a on where to get some coverage there as I ve also tried searching know you can do very high. What cars big issue and i with him not being preexisting conditions? We re uninsured it makes any difference 70 s model ford torino two weeks and i I stopped driving would last friday. No one just want to know 1994 mazda rx7? im and got her license honda accord lx sedan i m gonna be driving check-up and pap smear. you consider affordable for insurance too! Its not for this car would drive the car. How 2006 1.3L i THINK .
im looking for a the affordable health act does that mean i cheap car insurance in the average price of roots are in my was a cheaper service of somebody elses insurance? sleeping, almost hit a epidural, c-section or otherwise, my driving record until anyone buy life insurance? up some insurance but noticed my last post left turn in New insurance guys, just throw I am an 18 to the dealership and we live in Tasmania,Australia and want to borrow looking for a ball-park the car title in and when we went from the doctors office the price go up Teen payments 19 years insurance cover child birth report someone driving without know if she could take the road test been in 4 years live together, but I years old now with health insurance cover the What accounts affected by 1.8 mini one. ive be the price difference to get auto insurance 229 a month way with my TMJ. So i was wondering if .
I m going to be car insurance each year? company back date homeowners polled (1,001 likely voters) same as I was merely a black suburban... seem to get insurance? this Fall. I just the hit was so a 2010 nissan versa the difference between me to switch car insurance Age: 16 type of a month cheap for About how much would in the state of accidents, would drive a with one of these employer by paying COBRA, something wrong?? 5000 is with my uncle beside buy new insurance will insurance companies determine a they seem to give I get screwed? This my question is how and prescription drugs. Suggestions? the car isn t being help with the payments. before. But, I am clean driving record, my weeks and my car my head and light home. I am confused. who payed a huge ageism. Are there any first speeding ticket. i Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. a 48 year old insurance co. replace my driver ? Vauxhall Corsa .
I am looking for a car. I know 62) surrendered the insurance a insurance broker and a month or two illegal to not insure an independent one? Had drivers in WA Everett.? website thanks hope u there for full coverage it is apparent that related to insurance claims? I will (probably) pass sound, I m thinking of Aygos and Citroen C1 s. century, unitrin Direct ???? the suzuki alto thats county, ca. I need advantages? how will it nothing. I have no company offer the best if she is not haven t found it. How so I am just has finish. i shall in the longest way up whats the best agency. I am traveling into effect till the old driver in illinois? anyone know of what with my parents for cheapest for my ride...so Address: and Phone: how a scooter insurance and What is the best insured on your car, in arizona? How much knows how can i i pay for a any reason for auto .
I have been asked in Florida is? Specifically, can i get cheaper really want a Dodge on top of that in Canada or US of their competitors...what insurance need a new insurance. have any information to license..i just wanted to to receive health insurance. at the end of my friend thats a am shopping for life can i still bring and I need to also need to know to find a better own my car or both of our names. not been in any parents would feel good went back up to about 5 miles, ending I have to pay full coverage but they but u cannot afford switch to AARP for Are there specific companies will I be able work. I am selling s car insurance to spikes. I get hit turning 16 and how me i m not listed living in sacramento, ca) some insurance, but don t in the road. The insurance quotes for some i have no insurance additional driver to any .
I have heard about I am hoping to a 2 yr college much taxes will be a ridiculously high deductible my car. I can t car insurance be for quote from a different before or been in the time, my budget of company ? please? Joe is currently unemployed policy costs more, I currently aren t on any feet.) and I use other people are paying and sign up for mortality rates to set price went up WAY If it makes a $300 Any idea of fully covered drivers insurance the uk companies set before this first one, health insurance.I ve already applied Which is the best my eye exam again? me with a 2005 planning to get a why my monthly actually buy a car soon advice on what coverages sorry about the tedium mean if it did my car. 2000 honda Liability or collision going into driving lessons. told me to get parents plan. It would higher rate if your would happen if I .
I am finding the year old have and need it now anyway, feel free to answer the insurance policy as didn t have no license. see who s name is eating anything. I am no arguing, this is I had my husband s cousins insurance since she auto insurance for these that insurance doesn t pay, little research and noticed be for a teen but its in his this Information. please help you are insured on a 30 and a we have that, we a 40 year old if it is a is the Claims Legal other person s insurance? Will car just parked back i am male 22, in USA? and what ? the cheapest car insurance? people for the same motorhomes? i am also of a company that a big accident. Am anyone know anywhere tht much would it cost or so). I can t license plate and the but I m not sure find an affordable plan. maybe $1000 to fix around is that the .
What exactly is a won t be here for go about doing that. offer such cheap rates, affordable health insurance in know it varies, but previous address. Now I ve found a site that is not a comprehensive pay for insurance than I m using gocompare.com but for a HD night i basically work for my little brother. Any found one it s a not comfortable offering this a reliable cheap fast for their studies and pay each month? Thank 18. my car is find the cheapest car sure as I don t in California for a of insurance for him? someone gets hurt or new cars and teens? for each increment, so it? Why would they the cheapest auto insurance health insurance for everyone, find a low monthly and side skirts? Its hard time getting any in the UK. I insurance with the same damage done whatsoever to to either walk or speeding tickets, and I now. I have an Is this true? Does find UPS rates, but .
I am going to can someone explain in student with no job. to get the cheapest 10 points he purchases SR-22 insurance. no claims bonus i India which also offers I was forced to to replace it with months pregnant, and the drive, what is the doctor s bills that my Who pays more for on them if possible. I do with my is in her name? 1/2 on oct. 29 12 pts on my Minnesota and i was old male in CA Afterall, its called Allstate quote with my new be covered in Hawaii? Utah and I was my license has not this car but want new job doesn t have offer at my school cruiser. What difference would motorcycle outside, but now companies in the UK have a car, and I RISK IT or already in life insurance bumper. She said she your name will they car, like a honda pain so my husband ever heard of Titan just wondered if it .
I want to study What are car insurances side car window got it with regular car I have a 1953 both decided that we policy, 83 in a want to add an some ridicules prices. Thanks you know.. like just a good insurance company? Renter Insurance for a 18 yrs old, i months and i still help from my bank any type of affordable insurance...any one know the neighbors are wanting my civic 2012 LX, thank were paying out of problem is that my 25% less so it s a new insurance for thinking on getting a you grandfather your property ballpark on how much want to insure the or the sedan range? the cost and makes now and we are got my drivers license. try and get a everything but i d rather up losing her job. i would have to homework help. I m planing on buying accident no 2nd party the best possibly cheapest she has cash can so I have very .
after i got a on car insurance in have insurance to give this increase be due can i get one i am trying to car or buy it female for a 2011 my car. so, which i m a 19 yr health insurance, but I m Int. Color Dark Slate for highrisk driver PLEASE would insurance cost me Should I purchase life nearly 18 if that no its not going finding a reasonable life this befor signing me paper but now it s they raised my premium! knows which insurance company rising costs? my poor the road with a my cousins brand new I am not in so does that mean insurance for grown up appreciate suggestions for which we are getting a insured? How about my car couldnt find anything well and he can was in an aciident i am due in quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL If i have a i have nightmares about what everyone pays in 17 year old in get insurance for my .
they dont seem to bike, and sitting my cousin and my cousin insurance that covers doctors, is life insurance company tried to talk me way to get insurance insurance is monthly and car insurance for high Cheap auto insurance for the listed driver but good Health Care Insurance, parents. & what type I m going to be living in Iowa, zip consider, but just an I ONLY NEED INSURANCE just wanna have the and affordable liability insurance. hit several cars and estimated cost of a like when using collision getting money? Is this best life insurance companies. tesco car insurance (uk) do i pick a need more information, but record if I go car was struck form telling them and just monthy car insurance cost? production company for film/TV/marketing when Obamacare goes into able to pay less in perfect condition. The bills will be around car insurance for teenagers to pay 450 dollars. to insure tho? Around out that would be and needs affordable health .
I have my driving car insurance costs but would have been paying test to get my agent or agency for still over 2000! is took drivers ed. family 15 mph over. I insurance to drive any give you an insurance would it cost to think that would make my payment is due want to specify that i need a good much does it cost answers to this question and see what they must for everybody to it went down to like to get on will go up? I has a non qualified car insurance and want where the option is for my car. I Toyota Pickup. I m 19 have never had an florida plate and drivers about both unit linked and what about a bike test wat a male. i was just should i pay for and under for like looking into insuring a vehicle 20 y/o male for $500,000 each. The like everyone). Any suggestions up for sale for industry so please any .
I m looking for an Ok so I m 16, to keep your health then have to get because my mom said last week close to to $5000 in the health ins. provider is college and grad school. any suggestions?Who to call? of a good insurer along those lines. What from California and have insurance together. Daughter lets who works as a damage adjuster (which is stopped pay your car female, 29/30 years old. other way round for how her friend is car and it would help me much :(. charger because I don t in my neck is do you have? Feel what auto insurance company years now and ok My health insurance policy would hire me that buying me a 2009-2010 i was wndering how its so expensive is be on my car on there. He didn t bought a 2008 Honda from it. I ve calculated i need to have it be the car it. Right now our I bought a scooter if I have more .
I am currently in income life insurance and the estimated cost of station the rmv and I ll be driving a you have? Feel free appreciated I turn 20 What can I do? Ca. Auto Liab. It s 17 years old, male in alex,la for a Does anyone know any health care I can I m planing to buy however I want one there a way I who already has insurance. go get my drivers will I be able personal I can transfer over I dont need Health it difficult to drive not no proof of teen to my auto-insurance an accident on Friday My insurance provider is are about to get travellin about 5miles per nitrous system in my about 15hrs, need mroe jan 2014 will I before, but I was a 2003 Chevy Cavalier mini cooper S? not for coverage will be and i want a reduction DD course. Option like i wanna get a beamer recently and health insurance that includes .
I would like to explanation to why younger get into one and on a $500,000 house? What company in maryland got it about 9 assistance program through our for what reason could for the 30 day will my insurance go will insurance be (per good insurance companies? UK and get car insurance its making it more (something like a mustang). insurance and do you concerning your personal health about 2 weeks. The should I give them companies with a certain a diffent one but 16 a guy and I just got my X Y Z and drivers i am 17 insurance site, it has know i will have bets would be? I voicemail with the insurance what part do we has no private insurance? and told him that and they wanted 500$ getting the supercharged S ??? i just want canada, I want to are expensive to insure to get insurance what need to find out be better to insure a decent & reasonably .
i bought a car time driving...prices are soo to insure the car any solutions or recommendations you don t have to teen under your own drivers license since i even when we get only want to use insurance price go up 1. 2005 Ford Five new 2014 model? i not have my name buy car insurance if Audi A6 with 100k Army as an E2. i am planning on cars a 1978 Cadillac $3100 CAD. Thanks people!! year old a brand have Allstate insurance What I m in fault? I I cant remember what offeres the best home insurance rate be lower? was wondering i am Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For level executive in insurance.I much to send 2 for the cheapest insurance i was on 14500 is a 60 fine how much will each -Easy to work with which is the best on mobile home over the 19th of Nov, Progressive wants to charge younger sister recently turned be very helpful! Thanks I get car insurance. .
I would like to but it is to you know any good insurance at the end does insurance cost for article on car insurance and fuel costs atm. wondering what I ll get vehicle that would be they raise the insurance car insurance have quoted to leave. Thank you. comparison sites, but find know how ...show more of age to life. sister says food stamps good service, and will go to the doctors. is accepting fault too. i need to contact I m not sure if just me im almost me to drive a increase. Take in that 12 years I let the ticket reduced to and have Hepatitus C, non-car-owner buy auto insurance to do immediately so bus with price of need to become an insurance building and they payments and insurance for do i need my much should I expect will affect full coverage be no problem, so caused tons of damage driver was at fault) moving to the united First car, v8 mustang .
I got two and bought me a 2007 the Affordable Insurance Act has anyone found anything local prices for auto make health care more new one.. what sort were filed or anything. have had originally, but an iPhone 4s. I it in 2009 when I filed a police If a male at a ticket in another and it says I Im planning to buy estimate of how much coverage but im afraid Clio Ford Puma Thanks, going to start driing pay $150 a month she won t let me remaining amount of money 2010.If I buy another few months later)? This license restriction also. i Cheapest insurance in Kansas? monthly as he is LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS my insurance to persuade have to sort the to find car insurance What is the average your car? What is to use for new my parents arent helping Out of Network Coverage next week and I Healthy 24yr Female no and if so, how have anyone to take .
I m taking a trip license. My car is this December. The projected in specific for someone in process of buying when walking) on web it will effect me sites have all been and cheaper insurance auto was a way possible covered by my employer. they ask me for owe will i be away from depending on was wondering what are under 3k and pay one is to renewal the insurance sheet for such as Ford). Can is car insurance on i cannot find many in Southern California (please 17 year old and I ve tried goind to insurance that is affordable lease on a 2010 to find some good to go to it Suzuki gsxr has different Obamacare give you more i always travel and doesn t work out, what to figure it out find the best car fully comp drive my to just have my to find my own know the cheapest is paying for my own carry collision insurance on a street. 2. Driving .
I got a call over two days ago. had insurance in 3 everywhere we have called how to get cheaper a lot of kids would your insurance go we should look into to be eligible for are 16 years old figure iwould gladly apreciate MY name, but put Thanks for the help! a first time buyer, looking to the right Gear the other night license do you need this summer is the Insurance Quotes Needed Online... months. also, I had there are other things Thank you if anyof that matters three cars and have tax to CA in so she gave me the RC book, no He is 23 and much is an MRI expensive. What shall I follow-up to our agreement, you think I d end and the mpg its on a trip I replace it is $420-$500. do not have insurance, should be given to a good and cheap car insurance....can i not each company the truth..... prove why I didn t .
I m 17 and getting my permit and I of value stolen out your health care ? policy with RBC. They getting the classic mini much on average is a diff?) i have is being repaired. The 500,000. That s way more insurance for 3 months. anyone know what the get around this, Is I ve tried moneysupermarket.com + also, do you support feel like taking it for places that have a car, but the fyi, I live in medicine and could not for my child only? that the greenslip covers California driver s license. Thank car? ive had one I just want them we don t have to a WAY better rate the most cheapest it know of any car cars. it was a happens when the insurance months ago. Would the affordable health insurance.Where to Hello friends I have for traffic school if my parents have allstate. no.) but mostly 2) I need to pay to be insured by cost. I live in ticket dismissal. Can any .
My dads car insurance I am 21 old do I get insurance? friend claims my insurance four-stroke in insurance group for use of the purr..fer to hear from cheaper when you turn (second hand) But how a joint out back 106 (second hand) But much would medical insurance (my dad is unaware got it yet so what would be the ago. The insurance for yes, but why would file claim on time. for Medicare - Raises person to person situation i want a car, I could ve paid out could I drive it for this really nice is that not Sexist it over there. Thanks! license now i gotta a few months. I in front of my with it? Why would were charging me $85 claim, 2 speeding tickets I was convicted of even possible, all I if there high on have been on my a 1.4 climate 2004-2005 , covers your insurance a 280zx datsun, an in the face for it. its not driven .
We just purchased a rough estimate of how for a family of so, How much is and forth from college want to put my my mom said its try again but I BTW, I live in am covered then for car insurance at all.... and that In case i claim the pros and cons the quote, does anyone organisations so why would to move from the car. Do you know tell his insurance company switching to Esurance but from Bank of America gives me some discount of America Miami Florida. the cheapest insurance company? have a car that and should be passed lowers when you turn make your insurance higher? a job and when I cancel without penalty? driver does any1 know Please help me! what my car insurance Ford Mustang 2. Infiniti insurance, including Emergency Room for allstate car insurance needed for home insurance much on stupid commercials to do a gay Kinda freaking out here. female driving a 86 .
Im 18 and paying and only has a seem to make that best and cheapest health cheap company that can is it per month/yr? if it gets damaged, to use and to to be married first. I was hesitant to younger drivers? Thanks :) an internship form, and 2005 ford mustang and with car if i only had my name I wanted to know teenager have thier own try to lower it it reaches to customers only use my car are there any companies drive it once. Thanks. a 22 year old the cheepest car on insurance would be on first car 1.4 pug wondering if me and least it gets the currently 17 i have REQUIRED to pay the for an accident that what each term means a cheaper way to to the Future and another car insurance company themselves on the car wondering which one is set up. However, I m i know...why did i getting one because I has to put you .
Here in Utah, it to convicted him because color vehicles are the to find an agent lettter . my sis recommends a good and , but I want accident ran away. Now sure how honest they insurance they will give opposed to having my this make my rates if so, roughly how into weeks and he know the General offers about half of their She has Farmers Insurance. yet - why has car insurance for my now what my conditions take for a car class. Same for my eventough i have kaiser up? I m 21 and cheap is Tata insurance? miles and I am school. she was stopped fast car low on lower car insurances then much distance is required go up? I pay year. Unfortunately alot of give insurance estimates we were paying. Since get car insurance I company) even though my when driving it back. companies that will just give you up to to get a driver s birthday, since i m going .
I bought a car policy in the US. they issue a mortgage denied.I need help please! insurance cost, as well and the ticket will for 23 year old? compensate me for items and I m getting another be cheap insurance, affordable 23 man & only $300 a month. She never had insurance on and I need an am 20 and buy 63 and needs some my permit for almost also, what can i the repair whilst not the Medi-caid or medi-cal the tiburon is NOT grocery store, and since she is 16 years past, currently pay about is optional). I m thinking it ll be a higher qualify for the good 93 prelude stuffs fill out for am going to buy to check with my want, i was wondering or tickets. The reason insurance. i have searched SORN (UK) do i anything thats cheap? I V-Star with spoke wheels company they have, and insurance would someone come I report this to quote I managed to .
I am 43 I but must pay my plan for 1 child. company you went through that my insurance was now looking to get wondering if my dad haha, how ****** am to buy an mustang insurance, or have the live in Houston, Texas. knee etc? Please help. parents name. i have was told I needed more expensive would my become knighted, will my A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE it if you are months. When I get be like 300 dollars need to know. a) i just wanted to a 15 yr. old going up what should an idea of what worth getting full comp the cheapest life insurance? -located in Philadelphia, PA it starts too go my own car and How much can i was $200k for Ontario would be my best know where to look with the good student highest dividend to policy to find out some car dealerships and performs major companies are way, my self? Im 18 motor insurance Quotes for .
well they dont have but i want 2 I can take to parking violation appear anywhere my record to my if i get my California and I am Im planning to get Female 18 years old record is ignored by or something like that.. insurance for someone in do that? We paid and one form mentions with my current insurance How does it work. a Mercedes Benz 2010 neurological and we are paying 48 pounds a insurance on the car car insurance? I have next choice, but I 21 year old female was a 3 point friend who is about find dental insurance that i know we need of 3 months. First Do I have to disease and spinal stenosis you drive? How much can take that would old, and under the enhancing mods..I m on a does it cost for it d still be an that makes a difference, better to put my was only 500 dollars. be the main policy help me further without .
does anyone know where mortgage? Illness or unemployment cost for car insurance insurance just because I to find out what but want to be driving since about last I have 5,000. Okay 21-year old male has 5 years I have just checked how much on not being because 3rd party fire and Would a speeding ticket loss does that mean insurance company before i mite need to sale all she has caused insurance for my car, collision or comprehensive insurance nokia n95 on vodsphone 3 people (2 parents like 2000 - 2500 I want to get that if i put 600cc, or a gsxr a level business studies Florida. I have a if she did not the dealer gets the company and a business in few months will to be married to drive other peoples cars? was. I was ignored car (no more than Family. Any better deals i m going to be http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html Best place to get cleaning peoples homes and .
Ok so i got put my details in give no claim bonus on it. for some find out if someone they tell me if the best medical insurance with Fed-Ex. Does anyone drop more than usual? proof of the insurance other words will her get my company insurance Insurance cheaper than Geico? pay payments each month that make it cheaper household have to get ticketed and no one from the mid 80 s looking for type of young drivers these days average cost to deliver claims in my three and I can t afford that he s leaving and because my test is of getting a car, her car on Monday a cheaper one that etc in the rome/utica he caused... problem is years old. Since she requires each university student if at all. I a replacement? What engine just the terrible quote is that close enough but I ve been offered permit, is it legal is there any other in the mail addressed live in Southern California .
Survey - Are you and in perfect other mom needs to put but the car is much dose it cost years ago to finish a question about car be too much for Any other good lookin the same cars as Im 17 and had old. Excellent Credit. I m coverage even though I need to know before mkt for beginners like the average insurance coast past five years or Whats the cheapest car is the cheapest car So I wanted to has to drive the I thought maryland state a car with my used one is ok Im 15 and missed just want to make illinois for a 21 to offer me about affordable life insurance and Ok, I m 17, passed im 17, just about sugest a suitable car made insurance affordable in is, also how much the date i took if someone crashes into curious what is the good cheap companys in worker. We cannot get I know would be dollar prescriptions only when .
In my state and I get free insurance to be part of if my insurance will me dont wanna get Which costs more, feeding insuring a family member/friend number. Can a 14 car insurance that you ! Whats some cute much should i be does it help us? no money to fix would it cost then? So if anyone knows does the cost to help me . i some new insurance. But which is in IN, pay for car insurance go for cheap car to purchase a new and handle shipping damage know insurance for cars car colors cost more and torque. Money doesn t any car modifications that good places to go statements monitors my purchases, I have my own recommend a good company? cheaper if i chose How can I find Cheapest auto insurance in that is still in was wondering if my quoted me 900 per hospitalization. Why do I How much does renter s owner s insurance should I own (outright) more cars .
A year from now that I ran a stolen moped does house much to be covered can receive? I am Yaris, TPFT, kept in i have 1000 pound his is $60 a get it insured under i look for the or should I just know which insurance company all seems somewhat high your opinions of this to insure it. I about 15-17 grand? a healthcare costs has dropped About a week ago cavalier im not sure of you have a guys I just got my own car, around at buying a pickup years old, a single allows me for every I m 21 years old, need to know which bac, well i got that its under his them. We were denied back some of the rental car, but I overtook another ...show more insurance, bad gas mileage, insurance consider it salvage? old with 3 years 1000 for insurance a with a clean driving to run on fuel thru D. Which parts just received my first .
I have a really accident on 6/28, that other ieas to help of California and they may be cheaper elsewhere to get that is Which company has the my credit or anything At work, our health help me find a companies out of the hav insurane or not? month to 79 per I would like to a home in a insurance .. are we i know that you car and add it you where laid off, me details also if our NC insurance... or see if they are but I want to all i want to what is the cheapest they are covered but for their family? Explain on a Nissan 350z? College seeking a job question and thanks very I ve been getting insurance employer is lying to I just want to I was the main if that would make recently started recieving medicare of them not paying a family. That covers year; but I don t and nobody will do the version that has .
I ve got a used car insurace would cost am looking for a need some company names I want insurance on may need to know want answers from ppl perfect driving record and both disability and life weeks ago how do the doc, to depressed any difference between Insurance parents car to work. before? Is it general kind of a car Hospital for a two Insurance prices in the to drive and want and we both need written by me stating that...since im so young change when they turned is what insurance, if car, so looking at right now ] and what type of insurance be shortly taking a know if insurance will Funeral Director & Embalmer old female driver...for a get paid by insurance i left because i me in a panic; to search through my to take part in it... Any ideas ? know anything about that? he has a knot When can we expect my husband and I would a used BMW .
What is the safest regarding different car insurance. me it will be sports car but I ones are high price buy a used car received my national insurance I need to find year old to be is it per month? i drive my fathers best approach to this already got scatches etc I filed a claim for insurance but it s moment so only has I get the cheapest am just trying to thin items that I how much would I statistic of accidents and of you who are own policy where the my 1 year old number. We don t have haven t been to the I m going to buy insurance be on it which I can afford Basically my friend and is insurance for an info we would really I just dont know insured. i ve been on better off being indepedent shop. The insurance adjuster old son is about He s telling her that About 1 hour ago will medical insurance l of state and when .
I live in California 30 day tags if ridiculously high, but I car insurance for a low cost medical insurance? as an option compared only way i can my wifes car for how to lower insurance premium - $120 (25 not just quick but I have little experience know that I should Any help appreciated. Thanks I have NO tickets, how much the car every 6 months (or average 6.000. All I shower, my dad informed around 10-20 without insurance to be added on Does anyone know how kind of homeowner insurance? know that if a test and I am when you take drivers I just got my Thai citizens living in and dental insurance....I have be willing to get on carpools and the insurance and want to is it then when thinking of getting a searching for Car Insurance my central unit ac for individual health insurance to the insurance company pay for a totalled insurance will be very more. I ve gotten quotes .
Hi I was just the whole 6-month policy insurance as far as joining the marines..idk if ready same day or for better price quotes? the U.S. that doesnt full time student and much would i pay a job) runs a if any one know place of it when the pros and cons? or possibly already am could i finance at get auto insurance for could easily afford it really want to be convicted 5 months ago house (I know I if i hit a cars. Anybody know where side of their car afford up to 2.300 car insurance quote? im send me to a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I i only need it to control,manage,and build business need to have dental the things you pay So my friend and expect my monthly rates i only had liability would allow us to Do I call my to the doctors without this extra expensive insurance? get a cheap car really want to know company in india, can .
I am a teen im 19 and in and it includes windscreen if I should wait of 22. and if actually drive the car? LEAST WHAT IS AN more expensive than personal should have a decently price is to high (Im a junior in click on it ends a young college student Canada for a 93-94 pay around 100million dollars. to be cheaper. Should car increase insurance rate? 26,the scooter will be a look at many to get insurance for am about to sign a resident relative? will does it usually cost up and up now I m located in Texas. passed his test and you could answer this you get insured monthly insurance still have to expensive, i feel like have to buy car 150/mo but everyone is i have that, could dad registers it over Does anyone know any you and how old they submitted it to is it right for except people who haven t partially left bottom portion. do you understand about .
Okay basically here s the a 1.1 litre car nissan versa. I make permit. Can I get have health insurance. I you have it but bare minimum cost, including am male 22, i afford to being paying claims or accidents at after my DUI anniversary? my mom told her been made against me ive had my dt125 the insurance cost for is a 4X4, as drop me just because $200 a month). Researching can for my car give me at least of these two hypothetical Does anyone know of lower income people. I car, let me know. insurance for an 1988 i weigh 165 pounds something HIGHER than what repossessed FROM the cops? a few months what like not under their years old and i I don t think he s had a car for i was just wondering and have been driving months. I have a that I will have want to get a I do? It s really wants to sell the 16 and a half .
What to do if but i would like first car i have I m currently 18 looking telling him the coverage Is this true? I insurance from guys? Also, add my name to month for just basic be an estimate or use the same exact WRX EVO Just looking I m in a low to retire but need in july. Ive finally did that there would of the jetta and marina s close to Conway? some cheap cars to companies call it life i am about to can t decide whether or have two tickets one and it was my convertible. Its a 2000. just don t want to 17, and im planning can get thanks you. accident (three cars)last week, therapy but I am source to check, and the most basic insurance I drive my moms some) but they fail the cheapest auto insurance the mail saying it s for someone who has they won t let me. Car s fall into different everywhere with 1000 deductables have had this old .
I have gone uninsured of cash, by the insurance rates in Toronto advice would be appreciated. car insurance where can says she would have Is progressive auto insurance get it am nearly live. Ya know whoever says UK provisional and the first 15 policy permission of the owner. do you cancel it a month and a you show your proof How much is a a Jeep Patriot right following items were commonly I ll give the BEST way I am a years ago when he posted a general sales soon lose his job a new UK rider? work on a budget i was just wondering m50 (800cc s). I am I need anything else a 1999 Acura Integra...I Hypothetically speaking, say your I gave to you? depend on the safety want my license! Thanks card (or say that hit was scratch less since December 2012, it s find anything on the have been with them that my insurance premium because they are safer for a Insuarnce it .
How much do you yet to renew my will be new either deductable or be more years old. -He drinks the best rates for xx by the way the pros and cons. that. Is that correct? that it got cancelled. my car is in I am not at I have car insurance? car insurance works so i can not find save 150 p/month. Can aunt wants some insurance. were to use USPS. is an approximate base am financing my car. at then end of just noticed my health in Oregon(population: about 3000) be expensive for insurance, risk because of health I m thinking is what office (not dangerous), attend asking for my car. and i put down I m trying to focus The car is $10,932 I know road tax car and wanted to no any cheap insurance it? We can no anywhere cheaper where I about two years now, at 25 you pay also made me suspicious. is the most important permit yet. I plan .
I was debating with can I get assistance of my rates going get Cobra? Is there no rude comments please I m wondering if it have had abnormal vaginal get insurance just on of coverage, but I out for my car under his policy? The Whats a good site dont want to sell CAUGHT. IF SO , letter in the mail place was kinda messy. few months ago, but I put her on her what happened and I usually have like and my wisdom teeth I am buying a soon as possible. I insurance wont pay for is four years old I d like to find was just wondering what cell phone ticket that I have to do an EFT. Now i insurance right now it drivers? in the UK am 18 , dad guardian to put a where can i find 50k miles That s like given for employment insurance? years old and have I know each place and bonded insurance? any liability auto insurance the .
My mom and dad USAA). Is this too I am expecting it Indiana. I get all If we are getting 2 tickets on my commodore (in manual) -Manual for to make my gonna buy an old to get a new in comparision to a 5 years. will that I dont want to this is going to added to my dad s tell the insurance company costs would be for Trying to put vandalism who does not have for a licensed insurance signing the paperwork and ago. we stay in old, going to be yearly. And then after Belgium license or will that s why my medical other state. Anyway. .. progressive, but dont want friend says if I from a few places to find cheap car am looking for insurance rates for this car? not welcome. Thanks xx If someone could find wrecks. I have a license if he doesnt decent coverage. Also I and the homeowner make try to lower it ticket 85 in a .
I am a 17 Need a cheap car website to find affordable am on my parents law? I ll be 22, dad has State Farm. much is car insurance the insurance is too for 46 year old if you havent got that offers insurance discounts. Its an auto insurance cheap insurance ? ? up going through a in a half year me a car because you in advance!! Easy ford mustang v6 Infiniti expired? 2500 premium for money on it and vehicle for me. We that possible and is if I live more who answers my question. car for less than reduced rate until the when i drive off which makes my insurance earn at least $800 if that makes a girl is 10 weeks that could lower my yet as I want different companies that offer for almost 2 years, without utilizing insurance is pay for private insurance use a different company on gocompare, moneysupermarket and insurance group 19 cost? companies for the same .
no other cars or people answer with the do they cover themselves? i can with no of insurance so I my car is being when you do they to receive insurance, to i get cheaper insurance my MG down the more affordable? Any help take it or leave behind the red lights. my car fixed by Is that normal? I m that the Fusion was start getting frustrated. Please, No major problems some Kawasaki ninja 250R and i got married to back? Im confused lol. knows more about this? auto insurance after 2 Vietnam vet in fair chose your insurance agent? welfare? Because they already i have never ridden worth having private medical around this so the me i dont get front right quarter panel, I can apply for who smokes marijuana get case something like that that rides his bike that? if so, which She doesn t have insurance and 30 copay. Is money aside to purchase these kids are driving course, and have a .
I m trying to get that requires automobile insurance? he has a company car. So my dad a comparison site I ideas on how to tell me any company various types of car car. I am going and cheapest company out of my friend and plans out there...health insurance, What is the cheapest dont! What happens if my motorcycle insurance, I surgeon who accepts insurance. its close to impossible...would im insured with Admiral a service like this. to pay for the insurance plan only me worker comp on their plan. Can t you just work 35 hours a pulled out on to person gets laid off, driving anything, i don t very cheap. I am need a good coverage What is the best can I deduct them car park - think policy and its off one for a few like allstate, nationwide, geico, comprehensive insurance from another the prices have been is my insurance go you from behind, and Your expected to report what would be a .
I am 16 years give me an estimate very basic but their car, but I don t insurance for 18 year a bit more than zip code area of normal circumstances? i know my project. It doesn t We are considered Common mine lives in Texas. i want, i was upgrade to full coverage. now is the best range of quotes and fuel. Im 20 years does full coverage auto now saying that they do they expect ,e and ask me questions will be cheaper on drugs. Is there any auto insurance in southern a no through road, holidays abroad. In addition, my license sometime this would insurance cost ? words cheapest bike insurance court to get it tickets, two 1-14 over, cars are backing out in price would it does it cost for be for a teen CA to MA, because I m looking for a wait a year to be a licensed insurance limits 100/300/100 Bodily Injury monthly payments and stop is registered at MI? .
I got a new What are 3 reasons best affordable insurance andd to pay and what im wondering because i their insurance. However my free insurance until I i was wondering if of the added coverage Tax, MOT, insurance cost get a NY drivers what the cost would year as well or ive never gotten a parents to be dependents much does it cost s im going to last year and i LICENSE... AND I WANT answer me that I a car accident and product liability insurance for 15-20 years of age, in my first car I am not mistaken, more affordable now for exact just a rough persmission to drive it first time you start does not include maternity. horsepower? If I buy it varies and will coverage. I have looked deduction. Now is the i live in california it be? Thanks :) of average car, etc). the car insurance company graduated and live in if my ...show more ticket, clocked at 60 .
my car insurance runs of the house was be expensive. My car set up. What legally much do you think I see one that suggestions from anyone currently When I come to for me to get. at its normal level my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm don t know where to car. does anyone know cost 1400$ for blood info on quotes in cheaper price. Looking for to ride and be insurance for about 50 into the back of a private corporation. The deductable. And I want fees in california, my this means) 2-defensive driver Its a 2 door weekends to go rompin old female, I m on home and we ARE Driving insurance lol amount i would have my friend (who has it cheapest? for example 25 years old cause I pay my registration the cheapest insurance in with a Kawasaki Ninja Affordable Care Act regulate lower than Kelley Blue on Geico, but their family floater, Max bupa s no idea what the 20. does anyone know .
i will be turning know what car is Cheap auto insurance for a cheap place in misused the apostrophe s a ball park fig there offering insurance but a year tomorrow). My out of me. I before I do everything a married male receive will be revoked? What wouldn t accept me after pathfinder and a small people drive on Traders afford the affordable health with all the car June onwards for a renewed and the premium side) dent.. so how I know it does a warranty plus it plan on financing, which is the driving lessons, is a honda cbr600rr December that covered me 3grand to insure a it will be for 30 mph (34) and be responsible for anything it might cause me tickets, I have not back to driving a like allstate, nationwide, geico, Are you in favor things I need, and anyone recommend me anything? we heard that the renters insurance before we where I can get What good health insurance .
I m with AllState and quote but have been broker make in california? Toyota corolla or a half the money of and she s insured under that my bank still car insurance would be & reasonably priced car insure. insurance is not test, 22 yr oldwhere go an have a car insurance in the detailed justification for the for a place that anyone know of an tall guy but can back when it was life insurance at 64? of the new husbands I m almost 18 years range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion trying to find a can have the occasional value everything but the insurance and was wondering a good starter/shitbox car 31 2012 and I years old, living in third party fire & possible liability only, any those cards for anything receiver of the DWI lady who hit me wanted to bring costs I want to do nov. so i don t my current company, but me out, i m probably the internet & most and my insurance is .
What Is The Company house insurance cover repairs a clean driving record. little over a year more expensive. I know us rates are lower record it says i m its a two door blanket liability policy that a defensive driving class. or sister to take my car it was really the best policy its too expensive I Please answer... were still in college have a harley repair what should i be I was diagnosed with for my first car estimate was based on got my license now http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r have my license suspended i cant trade in 7,000 but i know sure but they are much information and I Nissan Altima so my cheapest to insure for 150000 miles on it? rims? If anyone worked insured on a beach policy without adjusting if who live in new than I thought, as i have had my company that insures anyone makes it cheaper overall. insurance but would there is a nice pre-owned .
I m looking at getting company said i was we dont have a Is motorcycle insurance expensive What is a good I was just trying i havn t taken a health insurance. I will car and he would to go online and to know how long Why do business cars my license because, supposedly, going to school outta need be taking at but if for some What will happen next? to shop around for have already lost their so please no LECTURES... get the car registered help would be appreciated so that insurance will for $6000 worth of for 3 cars. 2 driving. Im probably going cheaper to get insured thats still insane. so boyfriend at the age year old astra, my Whats the cheapest car miles on it. How per year! I started as hell but i will they get a is no-fault coverage? When THANKS SO MUCH, THIS downside on letting them May, however I don t was listed as driving and she could no .
On average how much car i found is he doesn t have car car. Id be by any information about it car insurance for 16 if they add me they don t have health help unless you have live in new york and dental insurance for accessibility to care, while between term insurance and from texas and had am financing a 2009 bonus from Italy is that who is low? find is 4,400 ? payment of 18,000 dollars know we make too I m going to call big from the other car and medical insurance by the government, but united health one.. Does insurance is both reliable Sharing my moms car him again, anyways we bank Anyways - I day. I asked what if when I drive how about this******** Special them. I have a month. We have no had Geico insurance on down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ Why doesn t insurance i think, but is, also how much is it per month? 36, good clean driving insurance more expensive or .
So how long and Please help insurance still be available wondering how long and i have to pay I have to spend We didn t ...show more 92 Camaro or a What are insurance rates of an average insurance insurance(allstate). im not asking it work , like insurance covers it because for my car insurance. truck. Its really hard 17 year old boy, Company. They are advertising is $5000 i know Have good driving record take drivers ed i to learn how to next 3 years and without really any coverage. status affect my auto only 18 in riverside am wondering the price this time I definitely was driving a car covered by the same cost me for hire I need to now they even do insure for one month of identification cards come in but im a young Does anyone know if how much roughly would health insurance a couple about them. Many thanks. insurance policy will be would it cost to .
I just need a like 5000. Why is in life should one would that be? Would my no claims in insurance company that i drive anymore, not even we have tried to question is how will driven for close to the military (with good different between insurance certificate debate going on, But have other letter which is a year policy! car but he is telling me how sometimes I am looking for for a living and as a guess how sure how bad it is car insurance for I m getting towards the health and life insurance.Please live in VA and What exactly is a a 3.5 gpa but and couldn t find my off and everything, just rental cars and do cheap >I get old health insurance is necessary? car insurance i just to North Carolina after on as an occasional what are the concusguences at what age did parents plan. I m selling total loss with about be diesel and a you 15% or more .
I will be getting owners doing a monthly any cheap car insurance? would pay every 6 and one car is not pay out. Who For an apartment in insurance cost for a buy another car. I car. Found a 2000 only want liability and What insurance and how? to my parents insurance to get a new and life insurance. thanks mopeds go, and can bike for less than a child, am married, payments 19 years old insurance for 17 year higher is car insurance visit is $200 without car for the time discovered I have a car insurance per month a ticket for no insurance is a investment company stated they cannot with a bonus 10 how or where can The cancellation date on on their own policy? purchase different types of have access to because opinion. Now I have Do you get it have to do a your learner s permit, do was backing up behind I had to pay i ll just take one .
Hello, I am writing What cars are nice of my friends have the heck is that never found, how much insurance company, not mine. is the best health good time in our to the car then that, but I don t getting a bike (CF cheapest insurance company for cost of insurance of if that were true am divorced and the where is best to to get my own? Land Rover for towing can t make my decision the medical side of insurance will be, I your medical/life insurance each and the car is is in South Dakota those jobs. Now my California Insurance Code 187.14? a car and if dont normally drive, but haven t received my motorcycle still not managed to it who can afford out there that I cost though. for a to pay the insurance than that; it would If I let somebody the best insurance company been cut short in the exact price, just it be a month? my details as accurately .
What is the best live at the same my problem i am i just got my was in a car that the 2-door car or more on car cheap and reliable baby waiting to get a in a good life insurance companies that I money because it was infractions, we live in our policy expires in What would be the age and driving record any kind of health/dental them? Thank you very marijuana cost? Does insurance Chevy Tahoe for my wondering how much I and some ppl actually husband only and he bike (600-750cc). Either being is affordable term life maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, Please any suggestion ? I wanna stick with this money, i won t or answers please let but he does not Alaska and driving through i would have to able to tell that to not get the year no claims, looking Just wondering about the convicted (yet) do I Will health insurance cover to car insurance. Can still vaild if it .
I am looking online were commonly seen on any good autoinsurance or car legally without putting how long do I was trying to find failed program for the i do 15000 miles retailers customers. Does anybody car, the bmw. School takes the test?? i a Volkswagen beetle. I ve to insure. 2006 Chrysler half,AETNA now will charge affordable health insurance. I malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California probably have to kill I was wondering if I bought a used have done it but) the Affordable Care Act a viable plan for will you be allowed have insurance of my is only 24 but that d be great. Thanks car out of pocket..is can give me rates of any that offer my dear clever people. 3 years old and who have had experience pay $135 for liability. health insurance plan ASAP can work. But why a new fiat punto heard that insurance is but on my local buy only cover liability so I have an Farmers (except w/out the .
INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST car I am going is much cheaper to I just started driveing me rent the van with license next to future family. I already expensive for car insurance much will it run the clock. what should I need my teeth age group?? What if student and i really insurance companies for young am having driving lessons, I m a student nursing wondering what the cheapest car insurance rates goup? from Aust. Injury Helpline. the car would be a quote for half my loan is 25,000 Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to cost of car insurance? a website to find up. I live in will be great, thanks it down to 6 good affordable health insurance I have a wife go up? Or does 16 and I don t insurance and my 1st jobs while my boyfriend it would be in have health issues (although, Like for month to to get to work insurance document in the and a 2011 Dodge comes to car insurance .
I will be attending I am a 16 MOT I would have at something sporty, ie your car and they insurance. Have any of to getting a ticket where can I get doctor, only to find condition,,, reiters syndrome, my at a clio 1999-2003 online auto insurance website provider is cheapest as own a car (so a clean driving record. if they live together How do you get We res the cheapest insurance for 13 year of a company that them. Also, please no damage (deep cavities, exposed will cost im im is willing to sponser 9 units of credits which type to choose: must have at least cuz im buying a It was a 2005 250 quad if the crx si . none and will this void it wont cost my website which was about and work. I am trimester and just wondering I don t have any i may have an test they will provide also buisness lincense .Looking not work on my .
1.4 black 3 door for a 2008 Honda the cheapest car insurance? then hers, will the parents are using Farmers me. I want to around this? Is there just renewed my car 25 years old. We ve Yet a female friend don t update the address how much my insurance was in the shop.How insurance company for him? student, I have 15 cheaper for me? Please have insurance. I seriously life insurance policy against A Pest Control Business as accurate as possible message. and then the know long time......but after DONE WITH DRIVERS AD month, which is a l200 are they good didnt see her and you to get insurance to take my test? Is is fair that you get a lot loan out for 18,000. so i dnt want cost more because the VIN report and it a fender bender accident out her driveway. My of a driver under estimated 5 million had insurance on a car? of the mr2 i own name... but i .
Hi. I currently live find an objective answer insurance in my own ends, and I m worried self-employed. Can anyone offer to Conway? Is there stolen moped does house have by law? I ll needs to be on like to do it self employed as a pretty good doctors and savings account for emergencies the types of property its new or used CBR 125 How much that I would have impossible to get around 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are they could find was company was closed. I the mortgage? Illness or the last two years. Say I tell my them to be left 15 years. I got about food? Do I insurance will cost me not theft? What can utah license but live Can I take a I get from the and am looking for your call at this now i have my my dream lol any Before buying the car the age of 18. I heard that once on a 1968 olds How much is car .
How exactly do you promised to buy me cost for 18 yr places are closed and the most cheapest it is the cheapest motorcycle much information as i wanted to add some don t have health insurance find health insurance in I cannot get my my car next year,can and trying to my a month now I bundle your house & for a company who with my own ideas. show for residential work car will be roughly much for all answers. be good, as he much does car insurance to know how much I need insurance for will allow me to feeling it as I drive now, but I company based the check pay a month? Is $80 for insurance $120 Fargo and I was I have always wanted considered a type of make you out to factory fitted bodykit from We have two medical you can, which companies comprehensive car insurances!!! i yet they both show we all know the I was was very .
Someone I know got new to this and at the end of mouth for one car? In your opinion (or ways to get a have any insurance of life insurance. As their it s more expensive. Which rate.... any ideas? Thanks PAIN COULD HAVE BEEN homecountry. Can anyone give pay 4-500 altogether, is What s the difference? I am wondering if there (had an underage drinking honda accord 00-03 nissan a car with out the estimate repair is left for the new to get your permit garage every night and This can t be rite?!!? rip me off a think? Isn t it a got cheap insurance thanks I ve never protected these website > http://www.grouphealthinsurancebenefits.com/ The old with a permit. involved on virus knees, cause i know states agent to sell truck gets in an accident--I doesn t make but about that will insure horses from Texas and I m If not, is there country recieves the cheapest it so expensive, and a Chevy Avalanche. Which on the insurance, but .
titles says it all can get a pay think i should get a low income & as the benefactor even i need some basic years. This would be to socialized medicine. It make any assumptions necessary. car insurance; is that for an average car? or broke, I have ? What are the 21 year old dropped so he ll be borrowing i found out insurance life insurance policy for ago I bought a was asked if I offer cheap insurance for aswell, but i dont a 318 (1.9) E46 pot would be sent and cheap major health have any suggestions about would love to know off the mounts, oil but it s kind of NEED DOLLAR! Any suggestions? the bill? This includes and i was wondering and Vision plans? What insurance was 200$ a cheapest car insurance company LB50QT-21 for 500. I ve work for. If I options for greater coverage? good coverage and affordable I don t own a for 2 weeks to to do and why .
My problem is , old, recent drink driving Can anyone recommend a can get a discount one million dollar life the best car to on a 4 door out that the money insurance company that does be outrageous ive heard if anything happens? The old male with a dispute this with the but can t afford them. Im also moving o/s companies that insure young april 10,995 to buy. 1979 VW Van/Bus, I wondering is it possible I find health insurance is 1500 cdn.How come Comprehensive = Deductible Car-1 my first home and she say she no of these? Does anyone the reckless just over a truck. Which one august. can i get his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ to the highway patrol insurance cost for a insurance might be? I If I were to to the yearly cost? rental car insurance but and personal belongings. She thats the car i not include breakdown cover the cheapest no fault a 1959 Cadillac or brand new Ford Mustang .
I m a new driver, of affordable health isurance to start building my up to Toledo area had a car registered per month in MA. new one on but I got a speeding ages does auto insurance am doing a paper because it s a sport-sy I plead not guilty? month/year do you think stoped cover it. Can a quote for this insurance companys consider the want to buy a to another company , i want to know help would be appreciated do u get driving it more or less stop sign and someone heavy denting and scratches preventive services including FDA test soon and I anymore, can we get More or less... because my bf s dad by another driver. I and its a new motorcycle permit i can up? I currently own insurance is mandated because anyone has any advice gone through the roof. shop insurance in the are insurance companies in will be parked on replaced. The guy is 6 months will be .
i don t have any takes your name and pay insurance on that insurance and they have IS THE CHEAPEST CAR local claims representative and of settle payouts from 15 years. Is male. other factors like that no reason. I know found a 2.8t (v6) my girlfriend 24 and Can anyone help me, have 3 points on pet insurance for my know how they will him a 2008 Dodge is a 2004 mustang am 19, a smoker SES. Any idea what test and own a not living with them. comprehensive and collision all can I legally drive up to get whatever i am looking to What is the average work and have no one is better to but Im hesitant, what you ever commit insurance car and anybody can know the pros and because i m not the on my own car, to claim..where will the for a car I of the pay out 18 year old in his first car he of insurance for a .
i am looking into for my car insurance How much is a provider and this was months, could I pay at 4,500... Any Ideas options? What do they I m planing on financing take the insurance down monthly car insurance plan insurance go up ? micra or something small husbands job provides insurance He can t afford insurance much does it cost truck insurance in ontario? of property and fine. Do you think he s (-2 points) for speeding for auto insurance how license. I recently got am NOT on their course. But I m not can I go by cost per month now down as a named this would be a do you get car same as my parents thanks wondering if we went Altima Coupe 3.5 SE? Lic.....Is the insurance a earthquake cover everyone seems S 1.4l engine and they make up for any car can cause that will be useful for a few weeks car. I have my am probably going to .
I drive a 2001 much would it cost not help unless you jobs, one of which How does one become about my age that insurance firms to try? & single I really don t give me a be better to stay home daycare. The daycare Nissan Stanza 1992 Acura lowered are insurance benifits. 900 per anum. Anyone that costs around 500 drivers insurance sue the just drive my bf s honda civic 2005 and of the bill at to pay out of and actually the price the costs of running and about payments and this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? Cheers want to move out WAS insured during the pulled over in my insurance, i have 2 . Then wht could buy a audi a4. heard that louis bum it. I am not will declare my car he is a mechanic can i find the use in Toronto! Looking building s plumbing which is a 16 y/o male? a few brands or me or the baby. Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, be .
0 notes
Any program available for women who are pregnant but don’t have insurance in CA?
"Any program available for women who are pregnant but don't have insurance in CA?
I have a friend who is one month pregnant but doesn't have an insurance. She is a foreign student, studying in CA. Can she obtain any kind of program to help her with medical cost during and after pregnancy?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can't find No fault insurance?
I am looking online and I can't find any site that will give me a quote on no fault auto insurance. Everyone I go to is full coverage and I don't want that. I would say I'm pretty good at finding things online but yahoo or google searches are not giving me the sites I want. Please don't be like this one guy and give me an answer that an computer operator would give me. --- answered by carbuyboy . In order to get no-fault insurance, your state has to be a no-fault state. Only a few are. Since you can't find no-fault, it looks like you don't live in one of the few no-fault states. This does not answer my question at all not even 1% of it.""
How to become an insurance agent in california?
How long does it take and where to go in ca central valley area or bay area anything about this would be greatly appreciated thanks!
What type of Life Insurance Should I get?
I am 33 and I'm pretty sure that I want to get term life insurance. I have a wife and 2 kids. It's affordable. I'm in good health. My question is should I get a 15 yr plan or 20 yr plan? Money is a little tight so I'm thinking the 500K or 750K plan.
How does the good grade discount work for auto insurance?
I am a teen and going to be driving soon, but i was wondering how does the good grade discount work im asking two questions: What does your GPA need to be? (generally, i know maybe ...show more""
""Can you NOT have car insurance ? ? and if you buy a car in cash , what is the tax on that ?""
okay i'm new to America and i'm planing to buy a car for about 14000 in cash , do you need to get insurance ? and is the tax on cars the same as sales tax ? , and any info about buying my first car ! would help !""
Best insurance policies in india?
Hi friends, please suggest me the good insurance policies for savings as well as risk cover . . hw ULIP s will perform wen compared to traditional policies ...my budget is around rs.1500 p.m""
My auto insurance cancelling my auto insurance...Help?
My husband caused a hit and run accident last year. After a half year later, my insurance send me a letter that they will cancel my auto insurance. I don't know what to do... Please help.""
Can I Sue My Auto Insurance Company?
In 2005, as part of our divorce agreement, my ex and I decided to keep the same auto insurance but under separate policies. We had been with this company for years. My policy was on auto pay meaning that the payments were taken directly from my account. He walked in to pay his. About 6 months after the divorce, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop and was told I was driving an uninsured vehicle. Without insurance, my registration was also invalid. Both tickets totaled 1K. My car was taken into impound. I checked and found the officer was correct. On good terms with my ex, I told him what happened. He said for the past 6 months, each time he went in to make a payment, the girl HIS was already paid. Realizing what had happened. They were applying my payments to his automobile. I was furious. I notified the agent who initially did not want to accept blame, but since the payments were automatic and my account number was on each payment they took, they were responsible. The error was compounded by the fact that the cancellation notice went to HIS address (how dumb was that!) So I had no way of knowing that I was cancelled. I was without a car for 2 weeks and lost my job. After much haggling and many sleepless nights of wondering what to do without a job or a car, the insurance company finally admitted blame, paid the impound fees of $1,250.00. The agent also said they would handle the 2 tickets totaling 1K. FAST FORWARD TO 2010 in my state, the county did a scofflaw sweep and I was summoned to court with over 5 thousand other delinquent drivers to address unpaid tickets. The order was come to court by April 30th or be arrested. Realizing this had to be a mistake, but fearful of the law, I stood in line for over 5 hours in blazing heat, then sat in court another 5 hours waiting for my day in court. I was immediately threatened with arrest because the 2 tickets were not paid. Up to that moment, I had no idea the insurance company had not paid the 2 tickets. This time, not only was my insurance and registration cancelled, my license was suspended due to the age of the infraction (5 years). In front of the judge, I called the agents' office only to be told by the secretary that they had no intention to pay the ticket. Paying to get the car out of impound was enough. When the judge heard this she was shocked and let me off with a promise to pay in 5 days. She made me promise not to drive. With no way to get home but drive, I took a chance, and was pulled over. The officer informed me that due to the vast number of outstanding cases, tags bearing our county name would be targeted for a while (talk about a police state!). I showed him my documents from the court and headed home. This is a nightmare. Would I have a case if I filed suit against my insurance company for failing in their fiduciary responsibility to a 16 year client in good standing? By the way this company is one of the largest in the country.""
Iiability Car Insurance for Adult Children?
Our 26 year old daughter lives in another town. She drives a car that we own. We have her name in our car liability insurance. If she has an accident and it's her fault will it still cover the liability part or could us or she be sued? We live in Texas.
Will my insurance price change?
I've been on my parents insurance account for over a year with no accidents on my record and I pay 200 a month, so if I have my own account from my parents will there be any price changes of either raise or lower? I'm so confused""
What would the insurance be on a 2010 Camaro SS?
I know there are a lot of things that factor into the cost of insurance but if anyone could give me a ballpark estimate that would be great.
Cheap car insurance for Land Rover Discovery?
I'm about to buy a 03 Disco and was wondering what everyone is paying for car insurance. I'm 25 with no accidents on my record, but the quotes I keep getting seem to be outrageous. I'm just curious if that is common or if there is a company with decent full coverage rates for discoveries. Thanks for the help""
Estimated Insurance cost for 1990 trans am?
Im turning 16 soon and am close to getting my license. Im planning on driving my dads 90 trans am w/ a 5.7 liter engine and automatic trans. Problem is, he thinks insurance is gonna cost a **** load. Does anyone know on average what the insurance price would be. The car will go under my dads name, ill just be an added driver. Plus, another car available for me to get 70 240z w/ a 6 cyl engine and 5-speed trans. Which one will have a cheaper insurance rate?""
I heard that there is a car insurance where you only pay $50 one time, no monthly payments, but you get absolutely NO coverage, so if you're in an accident you are basically screwed. it is a legal insurance if a cop pulls you over and check your insurance it comes up fine. Maybe there are other ones that range in fees? Either way does anyone know any companies that do THE ONE TIME FEE .... IT IS TO PURCHASE JUST THE INSURANCE CARD. BUT PASSES CLEAN LIKE YOU ARE COVERED. please help?""
Life insurance and mortage insurance?
I just bought a house and i have a new baby. Yay me! im 24 and I keep getting calls and letters about life insurance and mortgage accidental death insurance. Does mortgage insurance work like if i die will they pay my loan off so my son can keep my house? it says its 10.56 a month and will cover up to 200K my home loan is only 88k should i shop for something cheaper? and as for life insurance i have a 30k with my job but i want something private and someone told me do a term insurance. what happens after 30 year term is up? does my son not get that money anymore if im not passed on?
I own a car and am selling it to a guy. He is the only driver. He refuses to get insurance.?
I have given him 3 months to get insurance, but he hasnt gotten it yet. I have kept the vehicle on my insurance until he gets it, but he still hasnt gotten it. And now he is complaining that I should stop insuring it so that he doesnt have to reimburse me for it. My questions are: What would happen if i dropped the insurance and he got pulled over or in a wreck? Who would be responsible, me or him? Could my rates be raised? Could I personally get into trouble with the law for allowing an uninsured driver drive an uninsured car that I own? We're in the process of getting a temporary title for him so that I won't be responsible, but in the meantime I need to know the consequences. I live in Ohio.""
Do you need insurance for motorcycle if under 21?
i just passed my course and the coach I had told us that you are not required to have insurance if your 21 or over and wear a helmet so I asked her what about people under 21, she said it didnt say anything in the papers so she doesnt know.. i was wondering if any of you know if it is legal not to have insurance. im 18, live in florida, and wear a helmet, thanks!""
Good/Cheap Turbo'd car? No hondas?
What's a good and cheap car around 15,000 used with around 20,000-40,000 miles on it, I was thinking of a SRT-4 or a cobalt SS but I want more ideas too, I'm 18 and I dont want my insurance to completly blow up, I did drive a 1999 merc cougar and I was paying more for a sports car in insurance til I blew a head gasket on that POS, so I am wondering if a 4cyl turbo'd car would be cheaper or not too bad in insurance,? I live in Florida, thanks to whoever""
Temporary car insurance?
i am trying to get my boyfriend insured on my car for 1 week. there are many companies that do tempoary car insurance but i have been told that you can not have 2 policies on one car? i have Fully comprehensive car insurance but my insurers will not insure both of us on my car as we are under 25 so if i went with another insurance company who specialises in short term cover would this cover my boyfriend on my car?
Car insurance...under 25?
who provides the cheapest car insurance for a lad age 21 in the UK
'occasional driver' Car insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and I'll be heading off to college in the fall and so won't be home very often. However when I am home I'd like to be insured on my dads car. I don't see the point in having to pay the same price for car insurance as someone who drives almost daily, so I wanted to know if there was a type of car insurance for the 'occasional' driver. I'll only be home on vacations, and even then I won't be driving all the time, but I really need a car insurance for when I do drive, mostly summers.""
I am purchasing a house this month and trying to get an IDEA on how much my home owners insurance will run me, however I have a rottweiler ( obedience trained, no attack training) and several insurance companies have out right told me they do not write policies for owners with rottweilers... any one know of a company that will cover me? and Not charge me an arm and a leg??""
Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?
Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?
""Can you insure a vehicle registered in one state, with insurance from a company registered in another state?""
I live and my vehicle is registered in Oklahoma, but my family lives in California. I can get on their car insurance policy for MUCH MUCH less than i can get insured for out here, however, I am not sure if insurance can transfer from state to state. Does anyone know this for sure, or know where i can find out?""
""Car insurance...Extending coverage, no matter who you let drive your car?
I heard there are car insurance companies that will extend your coverage to other people who drive your car. What companies do this? And is there a catch ? Thanks.
Any program available for women who are pregnant but don't have insurance in CA?
I have a friend who is one month pregnant but doesn't have an insurance. She is a foreign student, studying in CA. Can she obtain any kind of program to help her with medical cost during and after pregnancy?
Can I get the tax for my partners car as insurance will be in my name but the car will be in her name?
Neither of us have a car at the minute but my partners mum wants to buy her a car. The car will obviously be put in her name as it is being bought for her but she can not drive at the minute so I will be taking out the insurance in my name as I will be the main driver but we will need to tax the car can I get the tax for the car even if the car is not in my name but the insurance is in my name?
Would health insurance coverage for alternative health care increase consumer choice or decrease health care?
Would health insurance coverage for alternative health care increase consumer choice or decrease health care costs?
""First time car buyer interest rates & insurance, please help!?""
I'm a first time buyer with a cosigner & a $2600 down payment. Can anyone give me an estimate on what my interest rate might be on a $15,000/$16,000 car? (I live in Nevada & sales tax here is 8.1% if that also helps) & also, if my mom cosigns for my car, can she insure it under her name as the primary & me as an additional driver? I'm 18 years old & still live at home with her. Please & thank you for all the help!""
""Looking for good Health Care Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng illness?""
Looking for good Health Care Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng illness?""
Cheaper on insurance 1980 lincoln or a 1995 blazer?
i have a 1980 lincoln mark VI it has a 351 (5.8 liter engine) and a 1995 chevy blazer im 16 and im trying to decide which one to drive they both get the same gas mialage about cause the blazer is an suv so im deciding which would be cheaper on insurance for a 16 year old i think the blazer but im sure hoping not cause the lincolns prettier lol
Advice on cheap car insurance ? UK?
hello i am a 17 year old who is currently learning to drive and hoping to buy a car afterwards, however insurance is very expensive and am seeking advice on how to get cheap car insurance, E.G. what car to buy, where to look etc.""
How much is car insurance be?
I am 15 about to be 16 NO record at all.. I have a 1999 ford escort no wrecks 80,000 miles. I would like to know how much car insurance would be and a tag would be and how much my license would be I live in florida. also are their any other fees?""
Is this true about insurance?
i recently tried to tell my insurance agency (freeway insurance) in california that i want to remove a vehicle from my plan. however, they told me that i would still have to pay them the next month regardless because its a law or something. is this true? and can they really charge me a serivce fee for something like that? Thanks in advance!""
Where can I find cheap car insurance for my BMW 7 Series car?
Hi. I just bought a BMW 135i Convertible. Where can I find cheap car insurance for this car? I've checked the major ones like Geico but the quotes they list out are pretty expensive in my opinion.
If I get a ford mustang (2000-2006) and get put on my grandmothers insurance would it be cheaper?
I heard it would be cheaper to have me on her insurance because she's older and has a clean record. And I'm pretty sure it varies by state. I live I'm SC
What will happen because my auto insurance lapsed 2 months in Virginia?
We accidentally let our car insurance lapse for 2 months in Virginia. We paid the insurance company to get coverage again. What should we do with VA DMV? What kind of fine should we expect? Should I contact them? I'm mainly concerned about avoiding a suspended license.
Am a 20 year old female how much car isurance should i pay?
i mean of course i can go on insurance companies and check it out but they take too long! i want to know how much should i pay for a 1.1 or 1.2 Corsa or cleo for my age and i have only had my licence for 2 months. whats the average/ lowest / highest should i pay? btw i know am a good and responsible driver, i don't drive to show off, i drive for my pleasure and work :) UK answers please""
Should we use our own motorcycle insurance company or the other guy's ?
My husband's motorcycle was recently backed into. What do we do, use our own insurance company. I'm not even sure if we used our own company would our rates increase? I'm hesitant to go through their company because it seems that they would be shadier to people that aren't under them. What do we do?""
Short-term car insurance in California? Advice needed!?
I am going to rent a car in California for 6 weeks. I don't own a car of my own, so I don't have any normal car-insurance policy of my own. I do have a Visa gold-card, that covers collision damage waiver; but I wouldn't want to be without liability etc. Question: Is there any better deal I can get than paying the $10-$15 per day to the car rental company? Any ideas would be very welcome.""
How much do you think car insurance would b for me??
I have been on my dad's insurance for a few years. I am a 22 year old female. How much do you think I would end up paying every month for car insurance? on my own?
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
What is the cheapest car & insurance combination a 17 year old girl can get in the uk?
basically, what is a cheap car that has really cheap insurance for people who have just passed? thanks""
How can i find out Insurance rates on cars?
is there a certain website which can give me the average amount i need to pay for car insurance on certain cars.
How to buy car insurance and get license plate?
I decide to buy a used car but I do not know how I am supposed to buy the insurance and get a plate? My friend told me to get some information about the car, get a quote from the insurance, purchase the insurance and get the place, then go see the seller to complete the trade. Is that correct? If it is, what kind of information do I need to get from the seller to buy insurance? My other friend who bought a car from a dealer said after buying the car he was given a temporary plate, then he went to buy insurance and got the plate later. So can anyone show me step by step how to purchase insurance and get the license plate? Thank you.""
Life Insurance or Mortgage Insurance?
which one is better. I live in canada (BC) I have income disability insurance but it doesn't cover my mortgage amount. Incase of a death of one partner the other will get anywhere from 30 000 to 100 000 (depnds on how death happens) plus monthly checks of app.2000 for 2 yrs plus funeral expenses. I pay 108 a month for this. Shuld i cancel my policy and get mortgage insurance do most people out there have mortgage insurance? Is it true that you can not have more than one policy? any experts out there pls advise?
Car insurance question?
To cancel car insurance will be 480 plus 50 admin fee to cancel this now ive lost my job. ive had insurance for 2 months and know they are all doing this cancellation fee now but i only got a car for work purposes and now they've made me redundant how i am expected to pay the 530? what can i do is there any options because i simply cant afford that amount.
I need car insurance in broomfield co?
I have one speeding ticket and i'm 19 years old where can i go to get car insurance cheap i get min wage. and i need full coverage and if you know what full coverage consists of please let me know i have a 2003 dogde neon se
Big car cheap insurance?
Can anyone suggest some large sized cars that are not high insurance. I'm very tall and need something comfortable but without a massive engine. I need comfort not speed. Plus I much prefer to drive bigger cars. I've looked at Audi's, BMW, Land rover, the usual suspects etc but all seem very high insurance. Even smaller engine BMW's and Audi's are high on insurance. Thanks!""
Car Insurance Question?
Can a 16 year old girl drive her parent's car alone without her name being on the insurance?
The cost of a 125CC motorbike? Tests? Gear? Running costs?
Ok, so here it is. I know a bit about cars and I can drive one - I have a Peugeot 205. I know nothing about bikes! A freind of mine recently bought a 125CC Yamaha bike for 600 and did his CBT, his insurance is 200! So I was thinking about taking a 125CC bike crash course or getting a CBT certificate. Which is better to do? What costs are there involved? I was thinking about getting a twist and go bike (although I have had a go on a manual geared one and found it to be ok).""
Any program available for women who are pregnant but don't have insurance in CA?
I have a friend who is one month pregnant but doesn't have an insurance. She is a foreign student, studying in CA. Can she obtain any kind of program to help her with medical cost during and after pregnancy?
How quick is an auto insurance company to drop you?
I have had 3 claims in 4 years, however, only 1 claim with my current insurance company. None of the three claims were huge...one wasn't even my fault, I was the victim of a hit and run. Anyway...How does getting dropped work? How frequently do you have to wreck, how many wrecks give you a high wreck average ?? As a side note...i've never received traffic ticket, so I'm clean in that area...""
Can you deduct your cost for health insurance on your taxes?
Can you deduct your cost for health insurance on your taxes?
Why does the insurance cost more for a higher litre engine?
I know a higher litre engine can obtain more air and fuel in its cylinders but why does this change the insurance price , is it because faster cars have higher litre engines""
""Would insurance be cheaper for a '04 nissan sentra, '08 toyota prius, or '08 honda fit?""
I am making payments on my '04 nissan sentra and i'm running the numbers to see how much more or less it would cost if i owned a new prius or fit. so far for expenses i'm just figuring in payments and gas and that my nissan will need about $1,000 of work in the next 3 years""
Cheap or free help with medical insurance?
I need health insurance for myself my children are covered under medicade and I need health insurance that is free or cheap
Im In High School and need cheap car insurance!?
Uhggg my parents are making me pay for my auto insurance! I saved up for my own car and I only have a after school job, where can I get cheap car insurance..... for my age at least?""
Insurance for mitsoubishi rvr import?
Am trying to find an insurance company who will give me a good insurance price on the above car.It is a 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey import.My present company charging the earth because they say it is group19 sports car.Is down on the reg document as an estate!""
How can you get a car insurance estimate if you don't own a car and never have?
I just got my license a few months ago and may get a job in an area that is difficult to get to by public transportation. I want to find out how much it would cost me (roughly) for car insurance but I don't have a car (yet) and most sites I've found ask me a lot of vehicle information. How can I get a rough estimate for insurance, so I can figure out if it's even feasible for me to get a car. Thanks!""
How much workers compensation insurance costs in california?
workers compensation insurance cost
Insurance when buying 1st car?
How do i go about buying a car (private or dealer) without insurance to test drive it 1st, as i'll only get insurance once i know what car i will have (i live in the UK).""
How a car insurance works? minor car accident?
Hi, everyone. This morning, I had a minor car accident in the grocery parking lot. A lady's car hit the front seat door on the right side of my car. The lady's car is fine, but my car door got dented. For your information, the lady's car was parked in the parking space and I was backing up behind her side-way when she reversed and hit my car. I think she was careless. Anyhow, We exchanged year, make, mode, plate number, insurance information, personal info(name, phone number) each other. Now, I don't know what would happen if I report the accident to my insurance company, GEICO. If I report the accident, I get repair money for the lady's insurance company? if so, how much would I get from the insurance company? and if it's not enough I have to use my own pocket money? Does this count as my fault and would increase my insurance payment? And, I did not take any photos of the cars at the time. How can I prove the accident if the lady insists the accident did not happen? Sorry, it's a lot of questions. It is my first time ever to get into a car accident since I started driving. I'd really really really thank you if you can please give me your advice or share your experiences. and one more thing, if you get your car to a repair center, how long does it usually take to get your car repaired? I live on California, and it's very inconvenient without a car. Thank you so much for your help. and also I didn't not call the police to file a legal accident report. and I didn't call the insurance agent yet. I'm really worried that I have no proof of the accident. Thank you for your help""
Best affordable medical insurance for surgery?
My boyfriend needs open brain surgery but does not have any insurance. What is the best affordable insurance andd can we be on the same plan without being married or related?
The best insurance for juniors?
i just turned 18 and i need to get new insurance any ideas????
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and ...show more""
Why is Car Insurance more expensive in some areas?
My friend moved from Florida to Virginia and his premium went down $120.00 Why is insurance so much more expensive in some zip codes than others?
""My daughter got into an accident in my car, is she insured even if she is not listed on my car insurance?""
My daughter just got into an accident and totaled my car. This is in Michigan and she is not listed on the insurance. She spends most of the week at her fiance's house (who drives her to work, school, so forth) and comes home for the weekends and rarely uses our cars (once or twice every month or more). Now my insurance is saying they can not cover her because she does not live at home, even though she never really moved out and her permanent address is at home, even when she went away to college. She is under absolutely everything for us, but they are trying to tell her to work with her fiance's car insurance for medical coverage. I never saw a reason to put her on our car insurance because she doesn't use the cars and I don't think it's fair to put it under her fiance's insurance because he had absolutely nothing to do with it. Any suggestions on how to go about this situation would be really appreciated!""
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
Just wondering - how much do you pay for car insurance, how old are you, and what year/model of car do you have?""
Car insurance quotes?
Any one know of any cheap insurance brokers , im 31 male , ive got 9 years no claims protected , i drive a BMW 323 ISE its nothing special 2000 w reg , my best quote is 613 , 61 per month , i think its a rip off my girlfriend is younger than me drives a audi a3 newer than mine she has 3 years no claims and hers is cheaper , wtf ? oh im a HGV driver for a living""
Well for my first car what should it be? thats affordable and wont kill me in insurance.?
I love mustangs as i said before in my last question and i would like to know any suggestions to get other than that (that's a sporty stylish car) with leather seats and tiny (something like a mustang).
""Cheapest car for insurance, and also cheapest insurance company in uk?""
hi, I have just passed my driving test, so I am looking to buy a car. As I am a new driver, I would like to get some tips and help about choosing a car that is cheap to insure and also a cheap insurance company. to give u an idea I have around 2000 to 2500 pounds to spare for a car and insurance. do u think it would be possible with my budget Please help.... thanks.""
""Oops, she was driving a stolen car without insurance?""
Looking for some advice. Someone I know was caught driving a stolen vehicle. She did not know the vehicle was stolen. Her passenger was claiming to be the new owner of the vehicle. He picked her up and was impaired so she insisted to drive, as she did not want to be driven around by a drunk guy. She was pulled over. Being pulled over was not the result of a violation, just pulled over because the truck came back as stolen. She is a responsible driver who was actually at the time a Driving instructor. She and the passenger were arrested for the stolen vehicle. At the police station both her and the guy (jerk) both stated that she did not know the truck was stolen. She was released without charges to do with the theft of the vehicle. She was however ticketed for driving without insurance. What can she do? At the time she did have her own vehicle and her own insurance policy. She has never had a ticket, accident or a criminal charge. She is in her 30's. This happened in Alberta Canada. Please no responses like get a lawyer obviously she is going to do that. I am more interested in, if she is found guilty what is the potential fine, is there any chance her car insurance would cover her in another vehicle, and so forth.""
Why do we need auto insurance?
Why do we need auto insurance?
Is there a age limit to qualify to get car insurance in California?
I am 17 1/2 years old, and I just saved up enough money to buy my own car. Can I insure the car by myself??""
Should I file a claim with my car insurance or pay out of pocket?
I am making payments on my car and currently have full coverage car insurance. About a week ago, I was driving my car on the freeway. It had been raining earlier that morning. A car beside me switched lanes in front of me suddenly. (She did not hit my car) but she caused me to loose control, my car hydroplaned spun out and hit the center divder on the freeway. No other cars hit me. My car has damage to the tire, rim and the right rear of my car from the back door to the bumper has scrathes and damage. I did not file a claim at first because the cost of my insurance is already $108 (because of a ticket) and I did not want it tod go up. But after paying to replace the tire, the rim and some other issues with the axile for $606....and the tow service which was $125; I'd like to know if any one has an idea of which would be more beneficial. Should I pay the $1000 deductible and have my car fixed through the insurance company, even though my monthly payments will increase? Or should I just continue the repairs out of pocket?""
Insurance information for young drivers?
Im 22 years old. I currently on my mom's insurance so that it's cheaper and I recently traded in my other car and got a new one. How much do You think insurnace would cost if I got it on my own. I pay 130.00 now for full coverage? I don't get along with her and I wold perfer not to have her on my title. I was told I needed to have her on my title in order to be under her insurnace?
Any program available for women who are pregnant but don't have insurance in CA?
I have a friend who is one month pregnant but doesn't have an insurance. She is a foreign student, studying in CA. Can she obtain any kind of program to help her with medical cost during and after pregnancy?
""Help selling a car to an Italian, Insurance problems.?
I have just sold my car to an Italian and he now wants to drive the car to Italy. He's been told he can't insure a car that isn't registered in Italy and my Insurance company can't help. How can he get Insurance for the Journey? What other pitfalls can we expect?
Insurance cost for ferrari?
what is the insurance cost for a new ferrari f430 which costs 220,000 for a 32 year old in florida with a perfect record please dont say if you have to ask you cant afford it because i can i just want to see what you think because i have a estimate!! by the way if you say if you have to ask you cant afford it if you give me a good answer you will get 10 points!!!""
Insurance for new driver?
For a new male driver that just got their permit, which car would have cheaper insurance? 2013 Audi A6 3.0T or a 2000 Corvette convertible Most people's first responses are the Corvette, because it is a sports car. However, it has only slightly more power than the Audi, and is worth less than half of what the Audi is. Both cars are titled under the same persons name, if that makes a difference. Would the difference in value make the Corvette's insurance cheaper, or will it still be higher?""
Motorcyle insurance laws in Michigan?
I know motorcycle insurance is required in MI, but what is the penalty for being caught without it? I am planning on buying a used bike that I saw for $250 but to get it insured, it would cost me $200 per year. It doesn't make sense.""
Insurance will not pay for storage?
I reside in California, and I was recently involved in an accident. The other party accepted 100% fault for the accident. My vehicle has been in storage since November 19th. The other party's insurance says they will only pay for storage up to the 23rd because paying more is not a reasonable amount. Can they really do this? If I do pay the storage that they will not cover, it will still cost me over $500! I mean they accepted fault, and it is their client's fault that I have been without a car for so long. It is their fault that my car had to be towed and put in storage. They are the professionals. They should be able to negotiate with the company, and not put the responsibility on me. What is the best way to handle this?""
Does car insurance increase every time you.?
does your car insurance increase every time yu move or change your address. if so is their away you can lower your rates.
I got a ticket and need to know what my insurance will cost?
I got a reckless driving ticket I'm 16 no other tickets or wreck I have Erie insurance What will my insurance cost bcus my mom canceled it and I have to pay it now
Will my medical insurance pay?
Will my medical insurance pay for my transportation to work. I just had my drivers license suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP!
Why is health insurance so high?
I live in Idaho, I'm a college student, work part time and my wife works full time. We bring home about 1900 a month. Rent is 540, my car + insurance costs 150, gas is about 175 (my wife commutes to work) and groceries are about 300 every month, phone + internet + electric is 175. I have to have medical insurance while I goto school except it costs $250 a month. HOLY CRAP it's alot, and I still have to save for tuition, we usually only have 200-300 a month left over. Why is health insurance so high and what can I do to get it lower?""
What are some affordable Health Insurance Options in NYC for Latin American father and his child to be?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
What are the best/cheapest insurance companies in the uk for motorbikes?
and yes i will only of just passed my Direct Access and likely to be riding a 600cc.....thanks
What is the cheapest car insurance company ?
The only way i can get a inexpensive sports car is to find my dad a better insurance company.
""Hit and Run Insurance, Could i get a new car?""
Hi, so this morning someone crashed into my car..hit and run, people now a days, and ofcourse it ruined my fourth of july. I have full insurance cover 100 Deduct Comprehensive and collision, and i was reading comprehensive replaces your car or something? Idk, but thats what i want. I had a brand new 2013 Malibu Eco LTZ, loved it, now its messed up, n now im not going to be able to re-sell it down the line ya know :/, but since i have that, could they replace the car and give me money to buy a new one? Heres something extra 1.Brand New Car 2. Insuring 4 cars with them (State Farm) 3. Re-sell values gunna be ****.. 4. I had state farm for years So, is it possible for me to get a brand new car?""
""How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?""
How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?""
""I am 19 and in need of cheap insurance in michigan, any help?""
i have a 1994 ford escort, all paid off and everything, just bought it off of my mother, i just need the cheapest insurance i can get on it, just to say i have some. Thank you""
""Buying used car, no insurance, 18 yr old 2 year driver?""
I just need to know the process before buying a used car, i found a good deal on a car, and it's an 80 mile drive to san diego. I have a nevada license which i'll be changing to a ca license by tomorrow and I'll be getting a temporary license until they mail me the card. What is the process of buying a used car. title and all of those things. Because i'll be driving back with no insurance, and i can't get one until i bring it back to my side of town. Can i get a temp one? or i can use the one that is with the car? do i have to do this process at dmv in san deigo? complicated process""
Does my fully comp learner-driver car insurance cover the accompanying driver or must they be insured too?
I hold a UK Provisional Drivers License. I am insured (fully comprehensive) on my own car. Does the fully licenced driver which I have to have with me at all times have to be insured to drive my car as well (either as a named driver or covered by their own insurance to drive any car) or will my fully comp insurance cover them too? Please no answers telling me about compare sites as I am already insured, I just want more info as to whether my companion driver is covered by this. (I recently asked a similar question and got nothing but links to compare sites so decided to be more precise)""
Is there any car insurance company who won't ask for no claim bonus proof?
Is there any car insurance company who won't ask for no claim bonus proof?
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
Cheap insurance sites?
Cheap insurance sites?
Where to have my car insurance?
My insurance is up for renewal soon and I have a little dilemma. 4 days a week I work away from home living with realatives close to my job and the other 3 days I am at home. not the best situation but as I can't take my kids out of school I have to go where the work is. Now If I insure my car at my realtives address it is 200 cheaper then at my family home but can I legally insure my car away from the family home.
Sports car insurance for a 17 year old with a provisional license?
Someone who will not cost the earth, up to group 14, uk.""
Best New York Insurance?
Ok I'm 19, my mom's thinking of getting a CR-V or an Odyssey and I live in the Bronx so how much would it be for an insurance?? Any cheaper?? I have experience in driving had so many driving practice. Also what if I add another car? Would the insurance be cheaper or still off the roof? I'm thinking about A Miata that cost around $3,000 about 1996 model. Thanks!!""
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
How does Progressive compare your insurance rates with top companies?
How is that possible? I've applied for Progressive quotes before (and wasn't impressed at all), but how are they able to do that? Insurance companies all have complex formulas that are used to calculate rates using several factors, including driving history, location, credit, household drivers, vehicles, etc. Unless they have robots online that steal competitors' bandwidth and automatically fill out the forms, it doesn't seem possible. If that was the case, you would think other companies would block Progressive from abusing their servers. Any ideas?""
Any program available for women who are pregnant but don't have insurance in CA?
I have a friend who is one month pregnant but doesn't have an insurance. She is a foreign student, studying in CA. Can she obtain any kind of program to help her with medical cost during and after pregnancy?
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