#this is for:
bloopsalot · 5 months
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hes a simp point and laugh!
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does anyone else pull up episode transcripts while writing fic to make sure you're getting character voices as accurate as possible?
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dinosaur-stickers · 1 year
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i love alignement charts
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mudkipper · 2 years
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Mocap suit and a beanie, nice
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hoodie-prince-kid · 2 years
nonbinary gremlin islander names, go
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pippytmi · 2 years
I really love what you wrote for prompt #5 for supercorp , if you are still accepting them how about #10 for a fake dating clebrities? Love your work!
While Lillian Luthor is being arrested in front of every new station in the country (and fucking TMZ, of course), Lena is facing an equally humiliating form of punishment: a business meeting.
“You can’t be serious.” Lena looks right at Jack when she says it—he may be her manager, but he’s always been her friend first, and she needs that side of him now.
Jack merely shifts uncomfortably in his chair. “Lena, you know we wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think it was right,” he says quietly.
Abruptly, Lena turns to Sam for her opinion. Sam gives her an emotionless shrug in response, takes another long drag of her cigarette that no one will dare tell her off for smoking. The stuffy old man beside her has no qualms in showing his disgust, mouth twisted into a sneer, and Lena almost longs for the days where Lillian would waltz in and fire anyone who she didn’t like the look of.
(Almost, because Lena could never be so cruel, and besides—that is why she’s in this mess, halfway to agreeing to date Kara Danvers).
“You want me,” Lena repeats, still in utter disbelief, “to date…her.”
Kara Danvers, the honest-the-God childhood star turned America sweetheart sitting across the table, glances up as if startled—she has been texting on her phone for quite some time, and at the sight of Lena, kind of flushes red. She has not been able to keep eye contact with Lena for more than two seconds, as if Lena is decidedly beneath her, and Lena hates her right away.
“Just for a few months,” Winn Schott chimes in, taking on the mantle of another equally overbearing manager. “And not for real, obviously.”
“Oh, obviously,” Lena all-but-mocks, and Sam has to hide a laugh behind a fake cough.
“Lena.” Jack is rarely solemn, but with the serious expression he’s donning now, he looks older than he is. “I hate to say it, but this is damage control at this point. The tabloids are going to go crazy over you because of your mother, but we can shift some of that attention towards a relationship if we play our cards right. You know unlikely Hollywood couples sell papers—maybe even more than a scandal does.”
Lena swallows thickly, suddenly feeling like a little kid all over again, fingertips grasping for a hand that briskly pulls away every time she’s close. “I don’t want her controlling my life,” she says. “Let them run as many stories as they want, Jack. I don’t care anymore.”
On her right, Sam wordlessly holds out her cigarette, and Lena accepts a drag if only to stave off the stupid, burning tears that threaten to bubble over. On her left, Jess places a gentle hand on her wrist, and Lena shuts her eyes because now she really is in danger of crying.
“You know I don't want you to go through that, Lena…”
And with the taste of smoke heavy on her tongue, the burn in her chest slowly easing, Lena opens her eyes. This time, she pointedly makes eye contact with Kara Danvers. “And what do you get out of this?” she asks.
Kara blinks back at her, tell-tale pinkness forming on her cheeks. “I—well, nothing. I just offered to help,” she says, as if it’s as easy as that. This woman won an Emmy when she was twenty-one, but she is an awful liar.
Lena turns back to Jack. “What was your pitch?” she demands. “Clearly you had an idea how they'd spin this on her end.”
Jack sighs. “Come on Lena, it just makes sense,” he says. “All we want are headlines—good ones for you, good ones for her. With the Oscars coming up, any extra press is good press for Kara, and it will turn the tides on your story. It’s the best solution we can think of.”
Kara nervously adjusts her glasses—ones Lena cannot remember her ever wearing in public—and she does not smile.
“Fine,” Lena says. “Fine. I’ll do it.” And she does not wait around for the outcome of her announcement, merely stalks out into the hall to suck in a much-needed breath of fresh air.
Seconds after the conference door clicks shut, Lena hears it groan with the effort of re-opening, and she huffs in frustration.
“Jess, I don’t need a pep talk right now,” she says without looking back, already forming an escape route in mind: first the elevator, then a Lyft, and then a bar. Any bar.
“Oh, I…I’m not…”
Lena has to pause just to exhale. “Well fuck me,” she mutters. “What else do they need?”
Kara Danvers stares, bewildered, right back. “Nothing, I just,” a pause, “wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Right.” Lena shifts, back against the wall, for a better vantage point to scrutinize her new girlfriend from head to toe. “Is that you asking, or your manager?”
“Me?” It comes out posed as a question, and for all of her faults, Kara appears sheepish. “I’m sorry. You know, for the record. I know I must seem like an insensitive asshole for agreeing to this.”
“As long as you’re aware of it.” But as much as she hates to admit it, Lena’s anger has begun to thaw; she can’t blame Jack for this, really, and she can’t even blame Kara Danvers’ management team for jumping at the opportunity when she knows her own team would have done the same. In retrospect, the only thing she hates is that it was a surprise—she’s had a few too many of those lately. “God, no, I’m sorry. I don’t mean that.”
“You sure?” And as Kara smiles, it strikes Lena that this is a rare sight; this is not the picture-perfect Hollywood smile, it is decidedly softer, genuinely nicer than Lena deserves.
Lena sighs, and her whole chest seems to ache with the effort. “You’re not an asshole,” she says. Admits. “I might be, for overreacting. It’s just…” She pauses, can’t seem to find the word for what this is, until: “Acting. They’re just asking us to act.”
“But not for a paycheck,” Kara points out, while Lena does not resist the urge to give a dry, curt laugh in response.
“Sure we are—in some way or other.” Lena goes quiet, and Kara looks at her, with eyes that are blue and curious but ultimately understanding. “Why did you really agree to this?”
“Will you call me an asshole again if I tell you?”
“Probably,” Lena says—can’t resist smiling back—and Kara bites her lip but goes on.
“I don’t think I was on the list of options, originally. My sister mentioned that your team approached one of her exes, and she was telling me about it…” Kara trails off. “Anyway, Maggie said the word was getting around that no one could really commit to the agreement, so…I offered.”
It feels strange, after the truth is revealed, that Lena can’t decide if she should be offended. “Wait,” she says. “They wanted me to fake date Maggie Sawyer? That's even worse than you.”
“That's what you're taking from this?”
“Well, obviously,” Lena mutters. “It would be such a cliché for me to date Maggie, she's like—every gay girl in Hollywood���s first relationship.”
Kara tilts her head and considers this. “She was my sister's first gay relationship, actually.”
“Not to mention no one would believe it, she's not really my type,” Lena adds. Pauses. “Come to think of it, you and I might be in trouble. You're not exactly the type I go for either.”
“Wow, okay,” Kara laughs, but not in a manner that seems hurt, just amused. “I'll try not to take offense to that.”
“Not in a bad way.” Lena watches as Kara moves to mirror her stance, back against the opposite wall, as if to appraise her right back. “You're the kind of girl I would take home to my parents, but unfortunately, I'm in my rebellious phase. I only date anyone they won't approve of.”
Kara smiles again. “So would your parents like me?”
“Maybe not,” Lena relents. “My mother likely won't add me to her visitor list so I can ask, but I imagine she would hate you for being blonde alone.”
“Darn,” Kara says, “foiled by DNA.”
Well who knew—Kara Danvers is charming. The worst part is, Lena can't figure out if Kara is even trying to be. “My dad might like you though,” Lena says decidedly. “I'm pretty sure he's a fan of that…what was it…war movie you were in.”
“Why do I feel like you weren't a fan?”
“Probably because I wasn't,” Lena says unapologetically. “We might as well be honest with each other now, since we're going to be together 24/7 for the foreseeable future.”
“That sounds fair,” Kara agrees, shoves her hands in her pockets in a way that Lena can only categorize as nervously. “And also in the spirit of fairness, you know…if you don't want me to do this, I'll pull out. Anytime.”
Lena crosses her arms and considers this offer very carefully. “So you just told me you gallantly saved my ass when no one else could,” she says, “and now you're saying you want to dump me?”
Kara's mouth falls open. “Um…”
And her panicked look is enough to make Lena crack; maybe Kara Danvers is not as stuck-up as she thought. “Kidding,” Lena takes pity on her. “Despite what the tabloids think, I have a sense of humor sometimes.”
“Oh,” Kara laughs, just soft enough to convey relief, and she shyly rubs the back of her neck with one hand. “I just mean, I know you don't want to do this at all, but if it's me you have a problem with—”
“Ten minutes ago I would have taken you up on that,” Lena says, delighted by the way Kara seems to stiffen, “but I think I’ll keep you, Kara Danvers. Even if it’s only for a few months.”
Slowly, Kara begins to smile again. “Because I’m not your type?”
“Exactly—unless you get a few tattoos and flip off the paparazzi within the next hour.”
“I’ll work on that,” Kara promises, and Lena can’t figure out if the flirting is intentional too, but she decides she likes it, so the world must be ending if the prospect of dating good girl Kara Danvers just might end up being fun.
(And also, for the record...Kara very much is Lena's type).
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besmirchthis · 5 years
:3 :3 :3
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ialmostdos · 7 years
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look at you…
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suicidle · 10 years
First of all, you are a beautiful person. Both on the inside and out. You are pleasant to the eye and you are lucky enough to have the ability to radiate warmth and joy onto others. And if anyone tells you otherwise, it is only because they have forgotten this fact and are using you in a futile attempt to get it back. Second of all, you are important to this world. You have the ability to dream and make your own dreams come true, and never forget that. You are the ruler of your own destiny, as clichéd as that may sound, and if you want something bad enough, then you exist to make it happen. We are born with a mind which generates dreams, and those dreams are not for scrap pieces of paper or corners of long forgotten notebooks. They are for the world to see. Third of all, stop thinking of your body as a cage and start thinking of it as a tool. It is your weapon and your staff; it what gives your soul, your true self, the ability to exchange ideas and bring things to life. Remember that your body is a gift that allows you show love and hate, joy and sadness. Treat your body well, as it is your vehicle on the road to success. Fourth of all, never forget that although your body is important, it is but a mere symbol of the fact that you are alive. Your soul is a universe, and your body was designed to hold that universe and show it only to those who are willing to come closer. Hating yourself means hating a whole universe - you only hate it because you are looking at the one planet, your Earth, the one you think of every day. There is more to you than that one Earth, and at any given moment in time, you can pick any any star, and live a day as that star. Fifth of all, remember that all of those around you are universes too, and that many of them think of themselves as 'simply Earths'. They have their own Earths and their own stars. You cannot compare one universe to another because you simply cannot know a universe. Do you truly know yourself? Sixth of all, I can assure you that you too will one day find another universe, one which has planets and stars like yours, but also has many other things, things which you could never even imagine. You will find that universe and you will want to get to now it, just as it will you. You will exchange planets and stars, and quite possibly, create some of your own, some which you might share with them forever. Seventh of all, some of those universes may disappear from your sight. You might want to take back the stars you exchanged and destroy the ones you created, and that's okay, because you will find another universe and it will happen all over again. And every time it happens, don't feel the need to blame - you cannot ever target blame at a universe, but you may see the faults in a planet, one which is destroying itself and made you think that it is taking everything in it. Soon, another will take it's place and the universe you thought disappeared will come back. And if it doesn't, then maybe it was never meant to be. Lastly, I will tell you again and again - do not put blame on a universe. It is impossible to define a universe through one planet or star or black hole. You will have your self-destructing planets and your black holes, and so will others, but could you ever truly call yourself a universe without them? They are parts of you that will come and go. They are parts of others that will come and go. Analyse the details, but also step back to see the whole picture.
8 things to tell to a friend, and 8 things I need to remember myself.
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coherences · 11 years
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rayydor · 11 years
me singing: when the people are cute together, what do you do? you ship them, ship them, ship them. When the people are cute together, what do you do? you ship them, ship them, ship them. When the people are cute together, what do you do? you ship them, ship them, ship the -
sister: CAN YOU SHUT UP!?!
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huntressed · 12 years
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addiney-blog · 12 years
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