#this is formatted so badly i’m so sorry
underthestarlitsky · 10 months
you know, there are multiple scenarios here, actually, in regards to what the fuck spider-verse’s deal with the canon events actually is
#1. Miguel Was Right. (only about some things!)
in this scenario Miguel isn’t actually wrong about canon events. every spider has a story to stick to, and every spider must follow it. this is regardless of however many spiders there were in the universe before the current one (see RIPeter of 1610 before Miles and the presumed Peter Parker who existed before Miguel became spider-man in the year 2099.) this means that every spider loses someone at the start of their career, then a police captain close to them, then perhaps a love interest (in every other universe, gwen stacy falls for spider-man…)
anyway. if Miguel is right about canon events, then he is wrong about Miles not being spider-man. if he right about Miles being an anomaly, then he is wrong about canon events. this is because if Miles is not a spider-man, then he does not have to follow canon events to protect his universe.
but this scenario is based on Miguel being right about canon events — so then Miguel’s alternate universe adventure that ended so terribly WAS actually caused by:
- Miguel EITHER disrupting the canon events of Gabriella’s universe OR
- because he skipped out on his OWN canon events OR
- because the universe falling apart WAS a canon event for spider-man 2099 only.
we the audience know Miles isn’t TOO much of a breakaway from spider-canon because while the original canon is built from adventures of Peter Parker’s life and the Peters of spider-HQ outnumber the unique Spiders 10000:1, single anomalies still exist: jess, gwen, peni, hobie, margo, malala, ben and others who we haven’t met (anya corazon, cindy moon, etc). It would follow that their “canon events” may happen differently/may be completely different to the peter-parker canon, and because we know that a peter parker already existed in 2099 canon, there is no SET canon for what comes after peter parker dies. any one of the above works, but one and two seem circumstantial to me as opposed to three, which seems the most accurate. if miguel is right about canon events, he might be wrong about how they relate to every spider — which would explain how gwen ended up dodging it without her universe falling apart, as well as pavitr dodging it (we are disregarding the black hole under mumbattan). if miguel is right about the canon but wrong about the events, it would explain why he out of all the spiders was the only one who experienced a universe collapse, because it’s a canon event ONLY for spider-man 2099.
#2. Unknown Factors Causing Interference
fact of the matter is that we do NOT know anything concrete about Gabriella’s universe. we DO know that alt-Miguel died there, that Miguel replaced him, and that the universe collapsed soon after.
what we do NOT know is how long Miguel was there, if that universe had a spider-man already, and WHAT ELSE was going on there.
- Miguel’s time spent there doesn’t matter TOO much*; however, it would point us in the direction of how much their timeline changed with Miguel’s appearance in their universe if we knew how much time there was for him to fuck shit up.
- if that universe HAD a spider-man already, then Miguel being there would have possibly POSSIBLY destabilized the universe to the point of destruction. that’s also IF Miguel was acting as Spider-Man and not just Miguel O’Hara. if that universe DIDNT have a spider-man, it’s possible Miguel’s appearance there maybe altered the course for the production of one; perhaps alt-miguel was Gabriella’s canon event for HER to become Spider-man (MAYBE) and Miguel changed it by essentially making it look like her dad never died (on the surface. the horror of it all is a different discussion) point being that perhaps he accidentally wiped that universe’s spider-man 2099 without filling in as spider-man, so maybe that’s what got messed up.
- the Spiders have a LOT of enemies. we have no idea what other forces are at play here. throughout every other universe in the spiderverse Alchemax was trying to gain access to other dimensions with the super-collider somewhere in NYC. Miguel’s Nueva York doesn’t seem to have the same problem, BUT, who knows what Gabriella’s Nueva York looked like? if it’s 2099, technology is infinitely more powerful and what if some futuristic descendent (like, idk, a niece or something) of Doc Ock’s accidentally vaporized the universe? If not through a super-collider, then through something else. if Miguel wasn’t spider-man in Gabriella’s universe, he would have no real understanding of the danger he was walking into; thus, a universe destroyed, but not at Miguel’s hands.
#3. There Is A Meta-Canon (?!)
see, the thing about being an audience to a film is that we see it as self-contained. within the story itself though, the characters see their universes as fundamentally separate from each other, joined together only by a “canon”.
Miguel theorizes that the canon is individually attached to every spider-person across the multiverse, meaning that all these universes are linked through their similarities. however, what they have not considered, is that there is a Larger canon (ie, the Narrative) moving behind the scenes. if Miles becoming spider-man was unscripted, how come RIPeter died when Miles was bit? what force decided that two spider-people in one universe was a bigger problem than RIPeter not sticking to the canon (ie, DYING) before his time? if Miles is an anomaly, how come he’s still around? according to Miguel, the universe wipes out any unscripted things that happen - for example, if the spider from earth-42 wasn’t meant to be on 1610, 1. how did it end up there and 2. how come miles’s universe didn’t collapse? how is 1610 STILL up and running even with the multiverse interference (which only happened to a handful of spiders, so it can’t really be a canon event, right?) and how come
the answer to this question is the existence of some larger invisible Meta-Canon (the Narrative) except it exists in their world. there is a story that ties all these spiders together, a Canon (or Fate, if you will) that wrote gabriella’s world out of existence, that brought the multiverse to Miles, that made the Spot an existential threat to the entire multiverse. the only issue is that no one KNOWS what the canon is, so they can’t do anything else except what they would do in the situation — ie, PLAY OUT THE STORY as was intended. essentially, fate reinvented. it’s not NEW information; there is obviously a STORY to be told in the spiderverse movies, that’s why they exist at all. however, the existence of either fate/metacanon IN-universe changes everything, because that means there are no REAL parameters for miguel’s theories or any reason at all for the “canon” to be followed, if there’s a larger story working itself out. only the elements NEEDED for this - peter b’s canon being followed exactly, miles not following any of it apart from aaron’s death - would then be utilised, and everything else would be chalked up to fate. A Preset Story** that a cluster of universes have to follow would technically override the individual canons that each spider has to follow, making it so that the canon event theory is nothing more than an in-universe motivator to push Miles and Miguel and everyone else into the next stage of their Lives or Stories.
#4. Miguel was Wrong Entirely (It’s Okay He’s Still Hot)
you know how they say fear makes you freeze up? Miguel experienced so much fear that fateful day he lost Gabriella that his brain got permanently stuck in canon-event-theory acceptance mode and now he can’t move on. there are a lot of blanks in his story, but accounting for the fact that he’s a hero (or, supposed to be, at least), i’m choosing to assume any omissions were nothing villainous (there’s theories that HE killed alt-Miguel, that he knew what was going to happen and stuck around anyway, etc) which means we are missing information, but not that kind changes how events would have played out.
however, none of this guarantees ANYTHING in terms of Miguel being right. as stated previously, there are too many inconsistencies throughout the universes for the canon-event theory to be real.
for one: why would miguel’s canon events impact another universe? presumably gwen and peter b. and the rest of the itsv cast had canon events that needed to be happening while they were stranded on 1610 - miles’ universe didn’t fall apart. similarly, why would another earth’s canon events be impacted by an intruder that the universe couldn’t crush? spider-42 bit Miles and was immediately killed, but Miles’s universe didn’t fall apart when Miles’s canon changed and RIPeter died. if Miguel was the problem in Gabriella’s world, why did he survive instead of the universe? And wouldn’t Peter B getting there and trying to help made things worse?
And another thing: we see Miles interrupt a canon event*** in Pavitr’s universe, and a black hole opens up under Mumbattan. Miguel cites this as his universe falling apart because of a lack of adherence to canon, but RIPeter in ITSV explicitly says to Kingpin that he’s “not gonna let him open up a black hole under Brooklyn!” assuming both alchemax colliders were built for the same purpose, spot managing to run the collider did exactly what RIPeter predicted: a black hole under New York City somewhere. this means that Spot and the collider are the explicit and ONLY reason that Mumbattan has a black hole now, especially as the supposed reaction to canon deviation is disintegration.
#5. Spiders Exist Outside the Narrative (Miguel is Wrong 2: Electric Boogaloo)
After everything is said and done, there is still the problem of the multiverse. Canon event theory is essentially another name for parallel universe theory, except that it only logistically only applies to Spiders and not every person on every earth****, because Spider have a thing in common that draws them together - being a Spider-Person.
this theory would be a counter to theory #3; and probably closer in spirit to the way BTSV is going to go: instead of the spiders being trapped in a larger narrative that forces events to happen, actually, the Spiders are the only ones that are free from canon events— HOWEVER, this is only if they are in the wrong universe.
for example, take Gwen Stacy. we know that she didn’t go back to her home universe in the end, that she crashes at Hobie’s and hangs around Spider-HQ in Nueva York going on missions and etc. we know that Peter Parker was her FIRST canon event, and that she went through the multiverse after that and found Miles and etc. Her second event - Captain Stacy dying to save a child, something that (almost) happened in Pavitr’s universe six months after he became spider-man, somehow still hasn’t happened to her. Could it be that her timeline is more stretched out? maybe. OR, more likely (to me, at least) the universe waited around for her to come back.
IF the spiders are truly free from the confines of their narratives while they’re physically NOT there, if they’re the only free agents in a world (that isn’t theirs!) ruled by an overarching destiny, that would explain why Miles was ABLE to save Captain Singh at all instead of something else killing him anyway. It explains why Captain Stacy never died — in the time Gwen was gone, he couldn’t die because a Spider-Person had to be there, to watch their Captain die. Now the issue is that if Spider-Man is a free agent, anyone who exists as his equal is too — which is why only random spider-man villains were being swapped over between universes (at least as far as I can tell; in ITSV there was the idea that the collider was keyed to the Spider-DNA which is why it pulled spiders from every universe, but it’s never explained why only spider-villains are being displaced across spacetime, and not like, random civilians) which is why Miles’s canon event can happen without him being there - the Spot can straight up kill Jeff Davis with or without crashing a building onto him just like how Pavitr’s canon event was rolled into a multiversal villain attack. However, if Miles never goes home, the prophecy doesn’t come true, because if Spider-man and the Spot never fight, Jefferson will have no reason to be at the scene of the crime because there would BE no scene and no crime. to kill him non-canonly would be like destroying everything ATSV set up at all, like how coincidentally Spot sees the same future Miguel does, because it’s a “canon event”.
but anyway. if Spiders are free agents, it explains why the impact of the Spider-gang and then Spider-band on various universe left a mark; why people were saved and not then immediately killed right after they left. This theory would also mean that theory #2 concerning Miguel’s actions in Gabriella’s universe is also true; the collapse of her universe was probably not due to inherent difference of dimension, but rather because of whatever actions he/someone else took while he was there that destabilized her universe. the free-of-date agent theory would also explain why Mayday exists without Peter B’s universe disintegrating when she clearly could not have existed without Peter leaving and coming back rejuvenated, and, of course, the Spot’s existence as a whole, because I highly doubt Miles would’ve made it to Alchemax and thrown that bagel at Ohnn had Peter not arrived there and then stolen that CPU with Miles in the first place.
tl:dr it has been more than a month since i first watched spider-verse and i still can’t figure it out. very excited to see where they take it in the next one. can’t wait ‼️
*an incursion a la dr strange rules from multiverse of madness can not really be the answer here; miguel had the watch to keep him from glitching in other universes, and we know that gwen consistently hangs out in hobie’s universe without anything happening, so “spending too much time” in another universe is probably not the answer
**the issue with this is that the spider-verse movies have a heavy focus on choices and individual actions and belonging as themes, and so a meta-narrative universe would be sort of left field if the third act of spiderverse makes it so that Miles isn’t making choices on his own, he was always destined to make them. still a fun brain exercise to run simulations on though
***Miles also interrupts earth-42’s spider-man process - i.e. a Canon Event. Miles G. was supposed to become Spider-Man, except it never happened, and yet earth-42 is still proudly non-disintegrated, no matter how terrible it may be
****we see many different people, not just peter parker, be spider-people. this means that every one else on earth wouldn’t be able to find their counterparts in all these different universes; either because the universes are too different and the same iterations of civilians don’t exist, or because minor changes in a civilian’s life can divorce them entirely from their alter-earth counterparts, should they even have them. the only reason Spiders have counterparts is because Being A Spider is the only thing that allows you to have an actual reflection of yourself in a different world, because you share the common trait of being a Spider-Hero
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soullessjack · 10 months
sorry no jack asks (brain empry) But holllly shit i always get jumpscared by how cool ur art is. ure such a good artist i need to devour allyour work arughhh
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Me grabbing you (live footage)^
AGDHFHGG GTHANK UU sometimes I jumpscare myself cuz it’s always random bursts of inspiration and then boom I’m doing my own 9 to 5 shrimping over my tablet doing painstaking crosshatching
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grapefruittwostep · 1 year
Heya! I'm a real big fan of your zutara works, and would love to support your original writing. Where can I find them and what are your titles?
This is a really thoughtful and amazing ask that sent me into an emotional tailspin!
My original novels are not currently published but they will be someday, I swear (I have a mental block about it, I’m very sorry). Please watch this Tumblr space for an announcement, when I finally get it together, EVERYONE will know, I promise.
If you’re interested in pop culture essays, I’ve contributed to the Outside In series published by ATB and am especially proud of the ones on Buffy’s “Bad Girls” and The X-Files’ “Revelations”
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horse-freak · 2 months
Something about…things change…but be kind to yourself
(I’m sorry it’s so badly formatted I made this in procreate and ground it through CapCut to make it look somewhat decent)
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
I need something borderline illegal. Like dark and twisted. Like I want to question my moral compass but read on.
Am I asking for dad’s best friend!Joel? pshhhhhh. Am I asking for bratty! reader?? Pshhhhhh. Am I asking for anything???
Am I asking for smutty smut?! Yes I am.
Ofc if you are uncomfortable with any of these don’t hesitate to ignore this and also no pressure ily ❤️
a/n: reader isn't bratty, im sorry! i forgot :((
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pairing: dbf!Joel Miller x f!virgin!reader
summary: Joel can’t stay away from you any longer.  
warnings: 18+ MDNI, alcohol, voyeurism/somnophilia + dub-con, dry humping, cum in pants
wc: 4.0k
a/n: i hope this is dark enough!! the only reason the ask is a ss instead of the actual thing is cus i formatted the whole story then realized i forgot to put it in the reply to the ask (loosely proofread)
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It’s 2 am and Joel can’t stop thinking about you. How you’re sleeping soundly in his room, in his bed, in his shirt as pajamas because you had “forgotten to pack some”, something you both knew was a lie. He knows you’re toying with him, you started a bit before, but since you’ve turned 18? It's just been on rapid fire. 
He pulls out his phone and scrolls through your text thread, scoffing at every other conversation. It was so apparent, in every text, how badly you want him. 
Mon, Aug 16 at 4:41 AM
bbg: big man! text me when u wake up i have a joke
You: Why are you awake at this time?
bbg: wtf why are YOU awake 🤨 
You: I have trouble sleeping, you know that.
bbg: aww poor joey 😢
You: Are you going to answer my question, darling?
bbg: im doing skincare and stuff
You: You have to wake up this early for that stuff?
bbg: can’t put a price on feeling bonita 
You: Why are you speaking Spanish now?
bbg: nevermind lmao
bbg: so have u tried meditation
You: What?
bbg: for your sleeping troubles
You: I’m not that kind of guy.
bbg: what about getting off
You: Excuse me? 
bbg: like masturbation n stuff
You: I know what you’re saying.
You: I don’t understand why you’re talking about this with me.
bbg: we haven’t even talked about it 😭 
bbg: obviously we can end the convo if ur uncomfy but its a very good way to fall asleep
He remembers needing a pause after he read that text for the first time. It had only been four months since your birthday and you were already drastically different. Joel never expected it, he always thought your feelings had already reached their limit but it turns out you were holding back because you weren’t of age. Now that you are… He doesn’t know what he’s going to do. His morals may not be strong enough for the thought of  “ his best friend's daughter” to hold him back. He’s already rationalized himself out of the “daughter's best friend” thought. You’re not even going to school together anymore. Sarah lives on campus so you guys never see each other and you barely ever text. 
You: I have not.
bbg: what? literally how? 
bbg: you should
bbg: it totally works
You: That’s good to know. 
You: Get back to your skincare, honey. I’ll message you later. 
Mon, Aug 16 at 5:03 AM
bbg: joel? 
Mon, Aug 16 at 5:37 AM
bbg: are you masturbating? 
You: Sweetheart. You can’t ask me things like that. It’s not right.
bbg: u didnt answer! i got curious
You: Still.
bbg: i dont see the problem we’re both adults 🫢
You: Barely.
bbg: dont be mean
You: Do you need something
You: I said I’d text you later
bbg: wow no punctuation?
You: Busy
bbg: getting off? 
He remembers staring at your text, unbelieving that you’d send him something like that, so forward, so dirty. He remembers the thought that you were joking. Obviously, you don’t expect him to say yes, that’s why you asked in the first place. Maybe his perverted mind was interpreting your behavior as flirting but you’re just being yourself around him. All these thoughts were swirling in his head but the feeling of his hand flying over his cock, pretending it’s yours, that you're in his ear whispering to him... That thought was stronger, that feeling was stronger. 
You: Yes.
bbg: good. have fun, joey
He gets up for his fourth beer, hoping to drown the impure thoughts, starring you, that plague his mind. It’d be so easy to have you, you’ve been throwing yourself at him since you turned 17. He’s been ignoring it, adamantly. It wasn’t right, despite the age difference, the fact that you’re his daughter’s best friend and his best friend’s daughter. On top of that, you only just turned 18. 
You’ve been staying at Joel’s for a month. He takes the guest room because you say that his bed is better. You haven’t gone home because your dad is still working on your birthday present/room renovations and he doesn't want you to see it until it’s done. He offered up Joel’s house to keep you, knowing his best friend wouldn't mind, unknowing that his best friend was corrupt for his daughter. 
Joel was trying to ignore the way his body was heating up, still scrolling through the texts. He remembers that conversation perfectly. He remembers the adrenaline that was coursing through him as he confessed. He remembers how hard he came at your response. When thinking about this conversation he also remembers the guilt, it’s the most vivid emotion he remembers, usually. But the alcohol seems to be drowning that part out, and Joel scrolls on. 
He finds a patch of texts that he actively avoids, usually. It’s picture after picture of you in the most adorable outfits in the most suggestive positions. There are plenty of you lying on your back, some with your head turned to show off your perfectly curved, unmarked, un-bitten, neck. There are a few where you’re sitting down with the camera angled up, giving Joel too many situations his head can come up with. Then there’s the worst one, his favorite- he doesn’t even know how you took this one. You’re sitting on your knees, hands rested on your thighs and you’re looking up at the camera with a shy smile. 
There are two things about this photo that really fuck him up. 
First, your smile, the way it lets him know that you’re trying to fuck him up, you know what you’re doing with this pose, this positioning, you’re even embarrassed by it, a little nervous about it but you still felt the need to take the photo, for him. 
Second, the height, and the way the camera is positioned shows him that these photos were specifically crafted for him because the height the camera is at is exactly how he’d see you if you were on your knees like that for him. 
You made sure that he noticed because the very next day, you needed him to tie a bow in your hair and instead of waiting for him to get off the couch you placed yourself on the ground, between his legs, in this pose. He had to hide his erection until you left and then fight the urge to get himself off in your room for the rest of the night. 
He glances at his room door, you’re sleeping so soundly in there.
She wouldn’t even notice if someone went in there right now. She definitely wouldn’t notice me… Hell, as if she’d mind either way… I mean- Would she?
The alcohol clouds his thoughts, gives him bad ideas, and then convinces him that they’re good- this one being one of them. He grabs his almost-finished beer and heads to the fridge to grab a fifth one, knowing he’ll be in there for a while. 
He does this sometimes, you look so peaceful when you sleep… it’s the only time he can admire you without putting all his relationships at risk. He reaches the door and turns the knob slowly to avoid creaking. He enters the room, his socks padding his footsteps, and the darkness gives him no shadow. He moves one of your tops off of his desk chair and turns it to face your sleeping figure while placing his beers down. You’re already bringing a smile to his face. You’ve got your face shoved into one of his pillows, your arm tucked under it, and your leg is pulled up to your waist, sticking out from under his tan comforter. You’re wearing one of his hoodies for sleepwear—
and it doesn’t look like you have anything on your bottom half. It’s a little cold in his room so little goosebumps have bloomed over your exposed skin. He takes a swig of beer, finishing his fourth as he examines you. Your face twitches for a moment, your eyebrows furrow, and your nose twitches like a rabbit before calming back down. He opens the other beer and fills his mouth with it, hoping that the alcohol stops the fluttering in his stomach while he drinks it down. 
You shiver a bit but your leg doesn’t move, the goosebumps just become more prominent. His hand is reaching out for you before he can think, rubbing your calf gently to soothe and warm you up a bit. You let out a relieved sigh at his contact and your leg presses further into his warmth. He has to take a deep breath as his mind runs wild, convincing him that this is some sort of sign, that even in you’re sleep you’re trying to be closer to him, that he should just give in. 
No, she’s your best friend's daughter. Sure she’s her own person now, legally an adult, an’ can make decisions for herself… an’ yeah she’s not owned or controlled by anyone and just cause I’m friends with her father ain’t a fair reason to completely rule her out from being a potential partner… Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad… maybe it’s actually more fucked up for me to avoid her just cause of who birthed her. That’s totally not fair to her! I mean I know I wouldn't want anyone judging me based on who my parents are y’know? Maybe I should put myself in her shoes. 
His breathing speeds up as he breaks through his last piece of resistance. Now he’s just trying to figure out how soon he can have you. 
I’ll have to court her first, flirt with her a bit before asking her out to dinner, then maybe she’ll accept my offer to be my girlfriend by the third date… From there maybe she’ll have sex with me for the three-month anniversary… she might be a bit more timid than that but we’re looking at a four- five-month plan… That can work- I can definitely work with that.
You whine and stretch your body, your legs straighten and your arms spread out, you turn and rest one arm on top of your head before you lift your leg, bending it above your waist but with the other one this time. The new position leaves the blanket covering nothing but one of your inner thighs and to add insult to injury your raised arms lift his hoodie, revealing a beautiful sliver of your stomach. 
Or I could have her now.
The thought is too powerful to stop, his opportunity is too perfect, Ellie is out with whatever girl she’s currently entertaining, and Sarah doesn’t live here anymore. Your father would never be awake at this time and Joel is hard, wanting, and so so ready for you. He’s crawling into bed beside you after downing half his beer for the nerves. 
He shouldn’t. He knows he shouldn’t. 
He settles next to you and your leg presses into him again, searching for him and his warmth. You slowly turn to him as he stares at you, watching how sluggish your movements are in your sleep. You snuggle into the pillow in front of him and take a long inhale of its scent, a little smile resting on your lips while you breathe out. Your face is inches from his, and his hand is down his pants in an instant. 
The relief is heavenly, he’s been throbbing for you since he read those texts. He can’t help the way he reacts to you. He can smell your toothpaste on your breath as you gently snore in front of him. He wraps his warm hand around his cock and his soft lips part into an ‘O’. His eyes roll back for a second but he immediately focuses them back on you. He’s tugging at himself violently, not even thinking about savoring this moment, just needing to cum for you. He’s trying to hold in his sounds but you look so pretty, just seeing your face while he’s touching himself makes everything better, somehow you’ve turned his sensitivity as high as it can go.
Little whines and whimpers slip into your dream state. You’re confused by the sound, the rustling that coming from—? In front of you? Your brows furrow as you try to open your eyes. “Fuck” You hear someone say. It sounds like… 
You open your eyes just in time to see Joel yank his hand out of his sweatpants and scramble as far as he can get from you before falling off the bed. You’re still confused as you take his form in. His shirt has ridden up a bit, exposing the salt and pepper hairs on his tummy. His hair is sticking all over the place, he stinks of beer, and his eyes are wide, focused on you. “Joey?”
Despite the horrid situation he’s in, his cock is still leaking for you, pulsing at the nickname. He can’t answer, he has to bite back a moan as he feels himself leak into the fabric of his pants. “Joel? What—” Your eyes flutter, almost falling shut but you shake yourself out of it and— Fuck.
You move closer to him. 
You’re too snuggly when you’re sleeping, too cute, and too dumb. You’re not even questioning why your father’s best friend was in bed with you while you were sleeping. You don't want to risk him leaving and you don’t mind in the first place, you actually thought you were dreaming at first. Your heart almost stopped when your fingers actually latched onto his shirt after reaching out for him. He’s stiff as a board, deterring your touch so you pull your hands into your chest and bury your face in his. 
Joel is almost shaking in exertion as you press your soft little body against his. It’s just your upper half, leaning into him and finding wam solace in his chest. He can handle this, he thinks. He can calm down, and be with you like this. He’s supposed to court you first anyway, he can’t believe himself. Was he really going to just get off with you in the same bed? What kind of pervert would even try something like that?
You hike your leg up over his waist, half asleep, not realizing your motions. 
All his perverted feelings return with a vengeance. 
You wiggle around a bit, trying to get comfortable but his cock twitches, flicking into your soft lips for a moment. At first, you really didn’t know what it was, all you knew was that the sensation felt good. So of course you chased it. Your hips grind into his cock arrhythmically, trying to find that same angle again, not realizing that you’re basically fucking him through your clothes. His hands have to come to your hips, gripping painfully for your eyes to snap open and your hips to freeze. 
Your eyes widen further when you finally process the situation, and even in all your teasing and sensuality, at the end of the day, you’re still just a virgin. You never had any real intention of acting on your desires, especially if Joel wasn’t the one initiating. 
Oh fuck. What did I do? What do I do? He’s just staring at me… Maybe he didn’t notice, I didn’t! But it felt so good. Will he let me? Maybe if I—
Your hips tilt into his before you can process whether this is actually a good idea or not. His hand tense over yours, like another shock of clarity through your bones. You shut your eyes tight, not wanting to see the disgust or uncomfortable pity in his face. “I’m so sorry, Joel. I didn’t… I-”
You try not to let tears well in your eyes as you whimper and pull back from him. But he doesn’t let you. His arms tense, his muscles flexing as he keeps your body pressed against his. You open your eyes, a bit shocked at his refusal to let you go but still too scared to meet his eyes. Your gaze is on his stomach, the way his gray shirt rode up, exposing the way his belly keeps tensing with every breath. “I-” He manages to get out before letting out a shuddering sigh. You finally look at him. 
His eyebrows are pulled taut in between his eyes, his gaze is something you’ve never seen before, and he almost looks angry. It’s desperate, but sorrowful, with the added haze from his intoxication. He keeps biting at his bottom lip, worrying it red as he tries to form a sentence for you. His hands tense over your hips again but this time they tilt you into him again. His face is a hard grimace as he slowly presses you into his raging bulge. You watch him fight with his expression, it keeps breaking into something weak before he goes back to his angry pout. You can’t help the way you press into him, you want to feel it again, that fire in the pit of your stomach that spreads to your soaking pussy the more he pulls you in. You watch his face contort into something heavenly. His brows pull up, almost shocked at how good you feel as his eyes roll back and shut. His entire body shakes as he melts into the pillow. He’s breathing deep and slowly, trying to regulate the pleasure he feels. 
Now he’s focused on savoring the moment. He wants this to last as long as it possibly can. You’re making him feel incredible,  he’s so sensitive, it’s like he’s been edging himself for you. You whimper, high-pitched and muffled but it’s so beautiful that he forces his eyes open. You have one hand gripping the bedsheet like it’s your lifeline and you have the other bitten between your teeth to hold your sounds in. Your hips are grinding into him at an uneven, unsteady, desperate pace and he’s mesmerized by the sight.
He knew you wanted him. He didn’t know you needed him. You’re fucking yourself against his cock like you’ve been waiting for it your whole life. Your hand comes up to grip his shoulder instead of the bedsheet. He grunts and tilts his hips further into yours, a sadistic smirk coming to his face at the sound of exclamation that shoots from your mouth once you’re able to grind your clit against his shaft. Your thrusts start to stutter at that, your body constantly wanting to fold in on itself from the assault of pleasure but you try and will yourself to keep going. 
Unfortunately, your pace is ruined by your pleasure. Your sensitive body can’t handle how good his clothed cock is making you feel. You lose your pace and your pleasure becomes rocky and teasing. He watches as your face changes from pleasured to pouty. Little whimpers and whines of frustration slip from your lips, growing in volume and frequency the longer you’re unable to grind against him properly. Joel’s watching you through hooded eyes, fingers digging into your hips painfully at this point and all he wants is to not cum yet. He wants to make you cum first, he needs it, he needs to see it, to hear it. 
He’s been telling himself it’s fine because you’re grinding against him, not the other way around. You’re choosing this, there’s no way he’s manipulating you, or swaying your decision if he stays completely indifferent. But you’re begging him now. You’re gripping desperately at his shirt, removing your hand from your mouth to grip him harder and pulling yourself closer, wrapping your arms around and moaning right against his chest. He shouldn’t. He can’t. But he does.
His eyes shut tight as his hands leave your hips. You almost climb on top of him in protest, whining a loud “N- Please.” into his chest as your leg hikes higher onto his waist. One of his hands cradles your head, pulling you further into his chest, muffling the moans you’re already letting out at his touch. His other hand goes to the small of your back, pressing you against him perfectly and guiding your rhythm as your hips start up again. He dares to speak. “S’this okay, baby?”
Your reaction to his voice is visceral. Your hands shoot up to his shoulder and hair, pulling yourself up a bit to bury in his neck, getting a new angle from his cock, now fucking him against your leaking hole. “So good, Joey. Thank- Thank you s’much. Thank you, thank you.” Your gratitude is like a searing knife through him. His entire body is set alight as he tries to regulate his breathing. He can feel goosebumps break out on his skin, his pleasure filling every molecule in his body, ready to overflow for you. Fuck. He’s definitely going to cum before you. 
“Mm. Good, good girl. Just- Keep going, sweetness, take what— Shit. Take what you need, darlin’.” His breathing quickens and shudders as your hips increase their pace against him. He’s leaking continuously now, he’s getting in his head, trying to stop himself from cumming but every thought that pops into his mind just brings him closer to the edge. He can’t focus on anything but you. You’re moaning for him, grinding against him, this desperate for him. 
The hand on your lower back migrates to the back of your neck, gripping you there, holding you in place as his hips begin to thrust into yours. “M’gonna cum, darlin’. Fuck, I wanted t- wanted to last for y- Mmm oh fuck.” His entire body starts to tremble as your nails dig into him so painfully he’s sure they drew blood. Your eyes are comically wide as your body tenses in his hold before breaking down into a shudder that overtakes your entire being. You’re cumming. 
He explodes at the realization. In all his desperation, intoxication, and pure need… He was still able to make you cum first. He buries his face in your hair, huffing the scent as he floods his sweatpants. His eyes shut as tightly as they can as his orgasm tears through him. He’s been waiting so long for you to make him cum and now that it’s happening, it feels even better than he planned for. His low grunts turn into shocked moans when his orgasm doesn’t stop after shooting two ropes of cum against his sweats. You’re already coming down as he hits what feels like his second peak. You can feel his hands shaking over where they’re gripping you and you get an impulse that you act on without a second thought. 
Your hand slides down from his shoulder quickly, over the sliver of stomach he’s showing off, and right down his pants. You don’t know what you’re doing so you just grip him, wrapping your hand around his shaft but it seems to do the trick. He lets out a sound that resembles someone getting kicked in the gut. His face is pulled from your hair as his head is thrown back. He arches into you a bit before his hips start thrusting into your fist, desperately prolonging his already overwhelming orgasm. It’s embarrassing; how long he was cumming for, the way his body was violently quivering for you, the ludicrously large dark spot spreading over his pants, showcasing how much he came for you. 
He moans gently when he comes to. You’re stroking over his chest with a soft, sleepy, nervous smile. He pulls you in for a kiss before he can think about it. You guys haven’t discussed anything. Neither of you knows what this means for your relationship but you know that neither of you has felt more comfortable than when you’re in the arms of the other. So why question it now? 
You fall into a deep sleep listening to Joel’s heavy snores, getting rocked to bed by the way his chest expands. It’s the best sleep of your life. 
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thank you so much for reading!! please please please give any feedback you may have! I want it all! also if you liked it please take a look at my masterlist!
psst psst. hey you!! i have a part 2 if u want 😏
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azurexxstrawberries · 7 months
Hi! I read the tbhk having a nightmare, and the dazai x reader who committed suicide, and the writing was so wonderful! I was wondering if you could write tbhk men with a reader who really liked physical touch. Like she would randomly grab their hand and rub patterns on it, or hold onto their arm when they walked. Just harmless little touches (not in the weird way lol)
Anyways, you can ignore this request if you want, but please be sure to take care of yourself!
aaaaaah thank you so much! i’m so glad you enjoyed them :3 thank you for being so nice ^^ i hope you enjoy this as well <33 please make sure to take care of yourself too!! i tried a bit of a different formatting style (just the white borders), and lmk through discord if you want me to change anything! it’ll be in my bio from now on <3 and i’m sorry i could write tsukasa well, i can’t remember anything about him other than his insane bits. mitsuba isn’t really up to par either but i got kind of tired by then so i might rework it tomorrow:3
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cw: fluff, (slight) manga spoilers, slight crack in Tsukasa’s part (i’m sorry i wrote this really early in the morning)
and featuring: hanako, tsukasa, kou and mitsuba!
My Masterlists
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tbhk men with an s/o who really likes physical touch
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He was so confused at first, watching you rub circles onto his palm.
But he sort of just let you roll with it and didn’t ask any questions. I don’t even think he would tease you for it.
In fact, he even started to like it. The way your warm skin feels against his, and the sweet smile that appeared on your face.
Hanako would occasionally put out his hand for you, so you could play around with it, a slight blush on his face.
”Here, you like playing with it, right?”
It really just made him feel happy when he saw the way your face lit up every time.
So for now,
before he would have to go,
he would just enjoy the small moments like these with you.
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Tsukasa (badly written)
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Just like literally any tbhk x reader headcannons, Tsukasa teases you a lot for (literally anything) your love of physical touch.
BUT IM NOT GONNA DO THAT (i’m gonna do it)
Ok, so you really enjoy patting his head and playing with his hair. And he moves around a lot, which really frustrates you.
I’m not saying he doesn’t like it, but he’s just really hard to control.
So you get Sakura to help pin him down while you mess with his hair.
You’ll be getting a lot of complaints from him, I’m sure.
He occasionally teases you for it, but not as often as you might expect.
And it’s probably because he just likes the feeling of it.
(crack) i think he would just grab your hand and bite it
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Kou Minamoto
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Kou would get flustered when you suddenly cling onto his arm like that!
He won’t say anything about it but he’s feeling really embarrassed.
But that also sort of makes him feel important, like he’s protecting you from something by staying in that position.
Although you clutching onto his arm became a regular occurrence, he would still freeze up when you touched him.
I guess he’s just embarrassed :)
But he’ll still reach out for your hand either way.
Because to him, you’re the most precious person in the world.
And one day, he’ll make sure he’s strong enough to protect you for real.
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Sousuke Mitsuba
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Hugging him from behind!
He would jump high like a cat the first time you did it. He gets used to it, but he still jolts a little whenever you take him by surprise.
”A-are you being weird right now, y/n?!”
He says that jokingly (of course).
He would hesitantly return your hugs, his face red with embarrassment, and you would just stand there with Mitsuba’s arms around you for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth.
Mitsuba is also an enjoyer of physical touch!
I think he would constantly play with your body parts, with or without permission.
As long as you get to do it, he does too!
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dellalyra · 1 year
Imagine the continue of your latest family formation where reader has high fever and starts crying in her sleep because she's seeing satoru get killed by toji again
The kids getting worried aick because "when did gojo die?!"
And satoru not knowing how it still haunted you even after so many years
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A/N: I’m sorry this took so long!! I wanted to think it through but I hope u like it bc I loved writing it!!
CW: hints at ptsd, mentions of blood and canon typical violence and sickness, angst but not really? Soft soft soft soft
Family Formations • Kind
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You were tossing and turning in your sleep, fever from the flu still wreaking havoc on your body. Satoru was worried, but luckily, he had Shoko on speed dial – and she would never let anything happen to her precious best friend. You had kicked the sheets off long ago, and the mumbling had started rather funny.
“Satoru you can’t take home a seal from the beach.”
“Megumi let go of Satoru’s hair.”
“Get that stick outta your ass Nanami – you used to smoke blunts on the school roof.”
He was loving it; it was like a free stand-up show!
But then, you started to whimper. He had fallen asleep, and it took some time to rouse him from his slumber but what woke him up was you sobbing in your sleep.
“Please no, please don’t take him from me. Please, not him. Not again. I can’t watch ‘Toru die again, please god NO NO NO NO!” At this point he was kissing your head, whispering your name to wake you from the fever dream, tears in his own eyes because he knew what you were dreaming of.
You gasp awake and bolt upright, wrapping your arms around him.
You stay sobbing in his arms as he consoles you.
“It’s okay, Princess - I’m here. It was just a dream, I’m safe, you’re safe, and the kids are safe. Nothing gonna happen again, okay? He’s gone. Nothing can take me from you again.”
You had been there; you had seen the father of the kid in the next room over. You had heard the burst of the blade through your love’s pale throat, the ivory skin turning crimson red in an instant as he gasped and choked. He had died in your arms. You had screamed and cried and managed to lodge a vine through the shoulder of the man who had done.
But he was here. He fought his way back to you.
You ran your shaking hands over his face and torso – as if checking for injuries.
“I saw it all again, he came back. He had you and he did it again and I couldn’t move and then you were dead again.” You sobbed into his shoulder. He hated seeing you this way, he still had nightmares of the day himself – sometimes the true events, sometimes reversed.
As your breathing steadied, he unwrapped himself from you.
“I’m gonna make you a hot chocolate, okay? I’ll be right back.”
You nodded, sniffing into your Kurama plush.
Satoru opened the door to your room.
And he wasn’t prepared for two wide eyes faces on the other side looking up at him.
“Shit.” He spoke. He knew they’d heard, they’re faces told the whole story.
“You died, papa?” Tsumiki whispered.
Your head perked up at the voice.
“Shit.” You agree.
Megumi’s wide eyes and uneasy stance mirror his sisters.
There was no avoiding this conversation, even at 2am.
Satoru looks at you, you echo his panicked look. Fuck, you two are only 21! How do you explain all this.
“C’mere, come sit on the bed for a minute.” You were past the infectious stage now, so it didn’t matter if they got close. They did as say. Tsumiki crawling up to sit facing you and Megumi dragging his frog plush up to sit beside you. Satoru takes his own side of the bed.
“I’m sorry you guys heard that. I was having a really bad dream which made me feel a bit scared.” You pet their little heads.
“Did you really die?” Megumi pipes up, eyes focused on Satoru.
“Yeah, kid. A long time ago. I got pretty badly hurt and I died for a minute, but I used my technique to bring myself back.” He softly says, and these are the moments that you realise how great a father he really is.
“How did you get hurt?” Tsumiki asks, quietly.
You lock eyes with your boyfriend. They’re too young for the truth right now.
“He got hurt trying to keep a little girl safe.” You add.
They’re silent for a minute.
“Who hurt you?” Megumi asked.
“A really, really strong man. I wasn’t as strong as I am now – and I was tired.” Satoru adds.
Another bout of silence.
“Will the man come back?” Megumi asks again. At this point, there’s fresh tears on your cheeks.
“No, baby. He’s never coming back.” You pet the boy's hair. You’re not going to tell him the man in question was his father, 8 years old is too young for the truth.
“How can, you be sure?” Tsumiki’s voice wavers, and she moves closer to Satoru. She’s worried, you can’t appease her worries by just saying he went away, a grain of truth will do.
“Because he died, sweetheart. He can’t hurt anyone anymore.”
“Are you sure he died? Because Satoru died but he came back.” Megumi questions, ever too smart for his age.
“Hey! I’m unique little man, only the strongest can do that.” He winks, but humour won’t work now.
“We’re sure he died honey.” You nod at the boy.
“How are you sure?” Tsumiki interjects, Jesus you’re getting the fifth degree here at 2am.
You both quiet for a second.
“Because I’m the one who did it, ‘Miki.” He grasped her little hand.
Funnily, that seems to ease both their worries. What these kids have been through, it astounds you – not that you or Satoru had it any easier.
However, it’s a testament to their trust in you both. They know that Satoru would kill for them, and you would too. They feel safest when you two are the ones handling the issues, because they will forever be safe with you both.
“And it makes you sad, because you were there Mama?” Tsumiki asks, petting your hair, as if she’s the one to comfort you.
“I was, angel. I was very scared, and sometimes when bad things happen your brain remembers them, and that’s why sometimes we have nightmares.”
“Were you hurt?” Megumi asks.
“No honey, I was just very scared and very sad. You see, I love Satoru so much that I felt like I was dying too, because of how much my heart hurt. Him and I are made of the same star, and that’s why we love each other so much. So sometimes I get bad dreams of it happening – but I promise you both. We’re all safe now.” You pull all three of them into you, whispering ‘I love you’ to Satoru.
After a minute of family hugging, Satoru leaps up.
“I’ll be right back, 4 cups of hot chocolate with extra cream for Tsumiki, extra cinnamon for Megumi, extra marshmallows for my princess and extra sugar for me!” He does a silly walk out the door to make the kids laugh – well, Tsumiki laughs, Megumi rolls his eyes.
They snuggle in between your pillow and Satoru’s.
“Does everyone get someone made of the same star, mama?” Megumi asks.
You smile at him.
“Some people get lots of people, some people get friends, some get boyfriends or girlfriends. There’s matches out there for everyone, in all ways. Some people know them forever, some people only meet when they’re really old. Your papa and I were lucky to reunite when we were so young.” You muse.
“I hope mine is a Prince, or a handsome King!” Tsumiki says.
“You’d make a great Queen, ‘Miki.” You giggle with her.
“I hope mine is kind.” Megumi quietly muses. Your sweet soft boy, so much more sensitive than he pretends.
The other half of your star walks back in at that moment, holding a tray of mugs – steaming and overflowing with cocoa.
You all curl up in your California King Bed that night, you and Satoru holding hands over the heads of the kids between you – Tsumiki by Satoru, and Megumi by you. You lock eyes and smile as they both fall asleep.
“Goodnight, Princess.”
“Goodnight, ‘Toru.”
7 years later, Megumi’s other half of his star came barrelling into his life, all smiles and pink hair and chaos – but as he had hoped, completely and utterly kind.
Recommended Listening:
Matilda - Harry Styles
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friendsoup · 6 months
Hi!! I love your writing and i saw request open though i not sure if you write for medicine pocket. If you do, could you medicine pocket and dikke separately with a usually shy and quiet gn reader that have a secret crush on them and indirectly confess by complaining while in the middle of the battle how reader think medi and dikke are prettier than reader and how amazing they are etc because reader accidentally inhale digger's bubble that cause reader drunk? I sorry if this is confusing but digger bubble seem to cause people high or drunk like so i think that be funny senerio
Sober Thoughts...
Recipe: Romantic confession, Drunk!Reader, Reader x Medicine Pocket, Reader x Dikke, GN! Reader, Lots of bullying Digger..., Reader uses they/them pronouns, tsundere Medicine Pocket..... WC: 1,610 Chef's Note: I'm still learning to write Medicine Pocket, so hopefully this wasn't too bad... Reader acts more like a drunk person in the Dikke version than in the Medicine Pocket version. I hope this is what you wanted, anon!!
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The fight was getting boring. You, Digger, and Medicine Pocket were on the front lines this time, mercilessly smashing the critters that threatened the group. To be honest, you felt a bit of pity towards the creatures, an odd twinge of guilt twisting your stomach as you pummeled them without any trouble. It was simply too easy.
But you couldn’t afford to slow down on them. Medicine Pocket was here, and you wanted to impress them. Badly. You could feel their eyes on you from where they stood, boring into the back of your neck. They always seemed to stare so intensely at you, in a way that made your face go warm and your heart beat faster. You had a crush on them, though you’d never say it aloud. You were content with their stares and battling at their side. “I think that’s the last of them!” You called back to your team. You turned your head away from your foes to look at the group, confident that you’d won. It was right then, however, Digger had decided to blow one of his bubbles, which hit you right in the face. “Gah! Sorry! Wasn’t aimin’ for ya, dude!” Digger put his hands in the air, eyes wide with guilt. “You fucking idiot!” You heard Medicine Pocket squeal. “Don’t you ever look at what you’re doing!” They hissed, breaking formation to make their way to you. “Whatever. Let a real doctor make sure they aren’t poisoned, or anything.” “Sorry…” Digger muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “They shouldn’t be poisoned or anything. They’ll just be a bit loopy.” He attempts to defend. Medicine Pocket shoots him a look that makes him shut right up.
“Here, look at me.” Medicine Pocket tells you. You simply can’t, staring holes into your shoes. Your face feels warm with all the attention that’s on you, your chest feeling fuzzy as the bubble’s effects begin kicking in. “[Name]...” Pocket Medicine coos, lifting up your chin with their gloved hand. “I told you to look at me.”
Their yellow eyes stare into yours, and all at once you feel violently ill. They wear that same intense stare, like they’re studying you, picking you apart from the outside in. You tremble underneath their gaze, your knees feeling suddenly very weak.
“Gaaahhh, I can’t take it anymore!” You whine, lifting your head from their grasp. Medicine Pocket takes a step back, blinking in surprise, while you shake your head wildly. “I can’t take it! How are you so pretty?!”
“I’m…” Medicine Pocket’s eyebrows furrow, a quizzical look spreading on their face. 
“Your eyes are like jewels!” You cry, dragging your hand through your hair. “Your face is so stupidly beautiful, it’s driving me insane!” You feel tears bubbling at the ends of your eyes. “Digger.” Medicine Pocket snaps, looking at the hippie. Digger hides behind his hands, as if attempting to disappear. “Explain this.” Digger attempts a smile, though he’s too worried for it to be genuine. “Some people get emotional when they’re drunk! They’re probably just saying whatever’s on their mind!” Medicine Pocket’s glare intensifies, as Digger shrinks back. “That’s stupid.” They exclaim. “Why would they think I’m-” “And smart too!” You shout. “Every time you talk, it makes me feel so dumb! I can barely understand you! How can someone be so brilliant?!” Medicine Pocket giggles at that. “Well, you’re right. I am very smart.” “And so skilled in battle!” You continue. “True!” They smile. “And so damn easy to fall in love with!” “That’s- Ah?!” Medicine Pocket’s face goes red, their expression paused in shock. “Is this a confession?” They ask, unsure how to react. “Every night I’m awake, thinking about how much I love you! Every time you look at me, I feel like someone’s setting me on fire! I want you more than anything! It’s so stupid! Why do you have to be so damn lovable?! You’re driving me insane, Pocket!” “How is that my fault, dumbass?!” Medicine Pocket asks, hiding their face behind their hand. “H-Hey!” Digger began, walking in between the two of you. “Let’s all take a deep breath! I think the most important thing is getting our friend here home safe. Look, Medicine Pocket, if you don’t want to deal with this right now, I’ll take them back to the suitcase…” “And have a asshole like you fuck this up even more?!” Medicine Pocket snaps. “No way! I’m taking them to the suitcase. I’m not letting you ruin anything else.” Grabbing your hand, Medicine Pocket begins to pull you away. “We’re going, asshole. Come on, dumbass.” They hiss, beginning to walk. Your face burns at the touch, even if it’s through cloth. Once you’re far enough away from Digger, Medicine Pocket begins to speak again.
“I guess… Your stupid face is pretty cute too.” They mutter.
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...Are Drunk Words
Dikke wasn’t used to these types of teams. When you were put on board, she was fairly okay with it. Sure, you were a bit shy and soft spoken, but you at least knew how to fight. However, when Digger was placed alongside her… She had a few complaints for the Timekeeper. Complaints that she’d never hear, as knights aren’t supposed to complain, but she was annoyed all the same. At least she could take the front of the battle, and not have to worry about the two of you getting into trouble. She could block the attacks coming your way, and keep an eye on the enemy while Digger made his sorry attempt at an attack spell.
She was confident that the battle had just been won when… “Oh crap! Sorry!” Digger exclaimed. Dikke turned her head to see what the fool had done now, when her eyes fell upon you, swaying in place. Instantly anger filled her chest, as she shot daggers at Digger, who was already trying to shy away. “What did you do.” She demanded, spitting straight venom at the man. “I didn’t mean to, I swear! I was just blowin’ a bubble, when they came out in front of me! Honest!” Digger explained, waving his hands wildly. “Enough.” Dikke growled. “Speak, you.” She shot a look at you, concern beginning to form on her face. “Ough, always so commanding…” You shot back, holding up a finger to point at her. “Youu… You gotta take a load off!” You told her, offering a smile. “Relax every once in a while, it won’t kill you!” “A knight does not relax.” Dikke argued, pulling a face. She’d seen this type of behavior before. From knights and peasants at rowdy pubs. She’d always hated those scenes, too loud and too dangerous. To see you wearing their behavior was uncomfortable. “Waaahhh… Dikke! If you frown like that, your pretty face is going to get wrinkles!” You blurt, crossing your arms. “It’s not good for your skin to look all mad like that!” Dikke’s face went red, her eyes looking anywhere but at you. “We… We have to fight. We can’t sit here and discuss aging.” “Fight, fight, fight, that’s all you wanna do!” You whine. “Can’t we just have fun? Just the two of us?” You ask, batting your eyelashes at the worried Dikke. “What are you talking about?” Dikke asked, glancing from the enemy to you. There was so much going on at the moment, she didn’t know who to focus on. As much as she wanted to comfort you, there was still a fight going on. “We’ll talk about this later.” She decides, brandishing her sword and turning to attack. “Noooo!” You cry. “Don’t leave me!” You stomp your feet like a toddler, feelings bubbling up inside you. 
Dikke almost pulls back, when the creature slashes at her. Without thinking, she strikes back, pulling her sword through the critter. Black ooze gushes out of it, as it’s body falls into two perfectly halved pieces. “Woaaah!” You exclaim, clapping your hands. “Dikke, you’re so fierce! It’s amazing! You’re so beautiful when you fight!” What was going on?! You were just condemning her for fighting seconds ago, and now you were complimenting her fierceness?! Dikke’s heart rate was beginning to rise, her face heating with embarrassment. It felt strange to have a fan.
“H-Hey, [Name], chill out! I think you’re making Dikke angry…” Digger whispered into your ear. Nothing could be further from the truth, but the intense face Dikke was making was beginning to worry him. He didn’t want you to be caught in her crossfire. “Huh?!” You exclaimed. “I’m… making Dikke angry?!” Your eyes began to water, tears quickly falling down your face. “But, I only want to make her happy!” Digger took a step back, confused with the sudden shift in your behavior. Dikke’s eyes met him again and narrowed, making his heart leap to his throat. “[Name].” Dikke commanded, taking your cheek with an armored hand. “Cease your crying. You did not upset me.” You sniffle. “So, you liked that I called you beautiful?” Dikke jumps again, caught off guard by such a bold question. “I… I suppose it was… acceptable…” You jumped onto her, wrapping your hands around the knight and pulling her into a hug. “Yay! I’m so glad!” You cheered. “I love you, I love you!”
Dikke’s face made a deeper shade of red as she lifted you off your feet, holding you bridal style. “You cannot fight like this.” She decided, beginning to walk towards the direction of the suitcase. “I’’ll get you home safely.”
“Woah, woah, wait!” Digger shouted out behind her. “What am I supposed to do with the rest of these monsters?!”
“Fight them.” Dikke said with a sneer. “Or perish.”
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bartxnhood · 1 year
accident prone | d.d
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daryl dixon x reader
summary: you’re very clumsy, but no worries. daryl is there for you.
warnings: broken ankle is all.
a/n: hi hi !! this one is just a small blurb. this was also inspired by beth spraining her ankle and daryl coming to the rescue ! i hope y’all enjoy !!!
request open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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“can we hold up for a second?” your grip around daryl waist loosens and you bend down to rub your ankle. “ya okay?” you nodded, “i just need to sit down for a minute.” daryl looked ahead, spotting a small cabin. he moved his crossbow to the front of his chest before bending down. “hop on” you stood up, “what?” “get on, premium ride right here” you laughed softly, before hoisting yourself on his back.
“you’re a lot heavier than you look” he added, heading towards the cabin. “shut up, cowboy” you added the nickname you had given him, which he says he hates but you’d disagree. “i will drop you” he huffed, holding onto you tightly. “mhm sure”
once inside, he sat you next to the fireplace and found just enough broken wood pieces and paper to start a small figure to keep the two of you warm for the night. “‘m sorry” you spoke up, picking at your fingernails. “what?” “for putting us behind, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to drag you down.” daryl finished messing with the fire, “don’t” he stood above you. you looked up at him, feeling the guilt weigh on your shoulders. you didn't want to put your friend in danger because you're clumsy.
“shit happens, don’t worry” he assured, looking around a bit as he took a few steps back. “i’ll go search a bit. stay here”
“yeah like there’s anywhere for me to go, dixon!” you quietly hollers as he walked away. “stay there!” he retorted.
so, you sat there staring at the fire while he was gone. but, the throbbing of your ankle only progressed. "shit" you whispered, you looked down at your ankle seeing the swelling and bruising begin to form. from what you thought was a simple sprain now looks like it could be broken. walking on it is out of the picture, you groaned trying your best to insure the pain.
“y’allright?” daryl enter the room, taking a seat next to the fireplace, across from you. he saw your expression and looked down at your ankle.
"hurtin?" he asked, and you nodded. "i think it’s broken. i don’t like how swollen it is. " you huffed, eyes meeting with the redneck. he hummed, setting down whatever he has found in the other rooms and grabbed his bag, turning his back to you and rummaging around for something. "daryl?" you croaked. "holon" he grunted. within a few seconds, he pulled what looked to be a bandage. it wasn't in the best condition but you were hurt and this might help until the both of you get back home.
daryl slowly rose from his position stopped in front of your ankle and slowly began wrapping it. he tried his best to be gentle with you, especially seeing how badly you had hurt yourself. "ow" you groaned, biting down on your lip to prevent tears. " i know it hurts. jus breathe." he grunted, not that he was mad at you or anything. he just can’t stand seeing you in that much pain, especially when he could’ve prevented it.
“since when did you start carrying first aid?” you asked, watching him gently wrap your ankle the best he could. “i only do when you come with me. yer very accident prone” you chuckled, “you’re the sweetest thing, daryl dixon” he looked up at you, rolling his eyes. “whatever.”
he finished up wrapping your ankle, then pulled down your pant leg and put his bag under your foot to keep it elevated.
“get that checked when we get back” he said, leaning against the wooden wall next to you. “yes, sir” you hummed, and rested your head on his shoulder. “thank you for saving me again” “my knight in shining armor” you added, followed by a laugh. “stop” he grumbles, while crossing his arms and closing his eyes.
“you love it, dixon”
“mm, just sleep”
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horanghater · 7 months
Honey Where Your Mouth Is
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Summary: You and Joshua make a lot of promises to each other. The question is: who will actually keep them?
▸ Pairing: Joshua x F!reader
▸ Rating / Genre / AU: 18+ / pwp, comedy / f2? If you are a minor AND/OR if your account has no age in the bio, you will be blocked upon interacting (liking/reblogging) with this post.
▸ Warnings: mutual masturbation, fingering, use of pet names, smidge of blasphemy if you’re catholic (sorry)
▸ Word Count: 2.4k
▸ A/N: 🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃 This has been brewing all month and is finally here! Hugs, kisses, and a big fat bouquet for @gyuhanniescarat who beta’d the absolute fuck out of this piece!!! Enjoy!
Joshua is way too good at sexting. Whether it’s because he’s naturally talented or he has a lot of prior experience is irrelevant — all that matters is the ding! of another notification hitting your phone. The way he innocently pulls you in and then has you falling apart at the seams with just a few texts alone is a display of dominance you've never experienced before. It’s so fulfilling that you’re fine with this downlow arrangement, but one chilly October evening, Joshua opens the door of further opportunity: show him that you’re not all talk at Soonyoung’s Halloween party. 
The theme of the party is heaven and hell. You’re one of several skimpy angels, but there are just as many Jesus’ lounging about the expanse of Soonyoung’s living and dining rooms. None of them are Joshua though. He hadn’t told you what he was coming as, so you’re stuck craning your neck every which way, trying to pick out his face from a lineup of devils and clergymen.
You find yourself wandering into the kitchen next, where you spy some familiar faces, coming into contact with Mingyu and Seungkwan – two members in yours and Joshua's friend group. Seungkwan is a monk tonight, brown hood pulled over his head as he sips an unknown liquid from a solo cup. Mingyu is…something else.
When you approach the two men both extend you a fond greeting, although Mingyu isn't meeting your eye contact. The tips of his ears grow conspicuously red when you ask about his costume. There’s a badly applied – and not at all blended – bald cap on his head and he’s wearing a sleeveless black shirt with jeans. Sans cap, it’s a decent outfit, but it clearly doesn’t match the evening’s theme. He mumbles a response as he takes a drink as well. Beside him, Seungkwan is barely containing a chuckle.
“Sorry, what’d you say?”
“I said Min…” 
“Mingyu, speak up before I beat you up.” You could never beat him in an actual fight, but Mingyu fears your wrath regardless.
He clears his throat and mumbles a little louder this time, just barely loud enough for you to hear. “I’m Min Diesel.”
“Jeonghan told him the theme was movie stars!” Seungkwan mirthfully illustrates, dancing about, hell-bent on the opportunity to parody and rag on his friend openly tonight.
The outfit. The bald cap. Oh. You point at the man excitedly when it clicks. “The Fast and the Furious! Min Diesel’s funny!” The realization is of no comfort to Mingyu, as he’s currently trying to shrink inside of himself. Just then, Soonyoung the Priest wedges himself into your kitchen formation and offers a bowl of communion wafers to everyone. “Eucharcrisp?” 
You all balk at him before Mingyu asks warily, “Can you do that?”
“What’s wrong? Why does everybody keep saying that?” Soonyoung studies the wafers thoughtfully. “I got them online really cheap. There were a lot of options - lots of people must buy them.”
“Churches buy them,” you add.
“And so do normal people!” Soonyoung defends, hugging the bowl against himself when it’s evident that no one will take him up on his offer. “Whatever. There’s pizza on the way anyways, but I was trying to be a good host by providing snacks.”
Soonyoung exits the circle just as quickly as he arrived, indignation in his gait. “We still appreciate you! Don’t let Joshua see though!” Seungkwan calls after him. 
“Oh yeah!” Soonyoung whips around, placing a wafer under his tongue and holding it there. “Yoschewa ish ooking for oo! Upschtaws.” 
Right. Your “date”. Joshua. Of course he’d be upstairs — he’s supposed to blow your back out tonight. Or are you blowing him? You suppose you could blow his back out if that’s what he wanted. What does he want? Obviously to fuck, but how? You have a lot to prove. Fuck. Right. 
You’re not sure if you even say goodbye to your friends as you walk away, but Mingyu raises his eyebrows and Seungkwan whistles proudly as you retreat to the stairs. Given the two man-babies' reactions to your departure… Maybe this situation isn’t as downlow as you thought?
Soonyoung’s house has three bedrooms, and you know which are meant for guests, so you find the one Joshua is in on the first try. He’s sitting on the bed, leaning back on one hand while the other lazily scrolls down a feed on his phone. When you enter, he sits up straight and places the device down, sides of his mouth quirking up into an inviting smile. He’s gorgeous even when he’s swallowed up by a black robe in dim lighting. The air doesn’t feel mischievous at all — so why are your hands so clammy? 
You’re frozen in the doorway and he has to call your name a few times to bring you back from the mess of thoughts racing through your head. “H-Hey,” you finally say, voice meek. 
“You made it! I’m glad to see you.” “You too…”
“I’m not gonna bite you, y’know. You can come in,” Joshua chuckles, gesturing and then patting the empty space next to him.
You close the door behind you and sit next to him the same way you have a million times before. Joshua is calm in a way that only makes you more nervous. He’s so….unburdened by the knowledge of what you two had discussed before tonight. In an attempt to break the ice, you make the dumbest attempt at conversation that you have in a while. “So did you see Soonyoung’s–”
Joshua sighs dramatically, rolling his eyes. “Yes, I have, regrettably, seen Soonyoung’s Eucharist.”
“I thought it was Euchacrisps?” 
“The body of Christ is the Eucharist.” 
“Right. Sorry.”
Finally, Joshua laughs in earnest, clapping you on the back. Wow, his hand feels so big. “I’m kidding!” He elbows you in the ribs gently when you hesitate. “I don’t actually care — it’s not that serious. Are you ok? You seem stressed out.”
Is he for real? “I– Are you not? Aren’t we gonna…? You know…” You don’t know you’re wringing your hands in your lap until Joshua dwarfs them with his own enormous hands. He’s so warm, but his touch ignites a wave of goosebumps all over that wash over you like ice. Or are you still just clammy? Thankfully you don’t have time to dwell on that, not when your eyeballs are tracing the veins in his hands up to the cuff of his sleeve. 
Joshua’s gentle tone doesn’t match the devious glint in his eyes. “I’m down to do whatever you want, sweetheart. Fuck you, eat you out, anything. You know that. Where’s all that bravado?”
You’re not sure why you’re shocked at his forwardness. This man literally guided you in delicious detail through foreplay and fucking yourself just a few days ago. As if he’d commanded it, his body switches from cold to hot instantly. Goosebumps turn into fevered flesh and you involuntarily clench around nothing, making you adjust your legs. Painfully observant Joshua tsks and taps your knee, knowingly. “Don’t be shy now. You can always back out, but don’t hide from me. Ok?” You nod and he taps you again, more insistent. “Ok?” Joshua told you from the beginning of your textcapades that when it comes to real life, when it comes to taking what he gives you, you have to speak; have to use your words. “Ok,” you confirm, exhaling in an attempt to expel the tension that nips at the heels of your excitement.
It must not work, because Joshua offers something else. Not his tongue or cock, but: “Why don’t we start off easy, hm? You want my fingers? What’d you say the other day? You wanted to feel how thick they are, yeah? I’m happy to demonstrate.” 
Minutes later you’re naked and on your back, bed pillows stacked and supporting your neck because Joshua insists that you watch. You watch him take off his robe, stare intensifying as he tweaks his own nipples, eyes widening at the sight of  him reaching those beautifully wide hands slide down into his boxers and pulling out his already half-hard cock. 
And he meets your gaze, a devilish grin forming in response to the anticipation, followed by confusion that spreads across your features when he commands you to touch yourself. 
“Gotta warm that pretty little pussy up, baby. Come on, do it like I taught you, princess.” Joshua spreads his precum over the head before pumping himself lazily. “Run your fingers on your thighs and over those cute lips down there. Slow, remember. And don’t touch your clit.”
You’ve barely started and you’re whining already as you follow his instructions exactly. Joshua always called you his good girl when you said you were doing as he advised and you needed that now more than ever. Now, while he’s real and here and not bubbles typing something salacious on a screen.  
You ghost two, then eventually three fingers across your skin for what feels like forever, ignoring the way your arousal begins to drip from your opening like honey. Joshua’s eyes are locked on your core as he continues to work himself up, leading you along a hypnotizing chorus of sultry “yes”s and “just like that”s. 
“You’re doing such a good job for me,” he coos when your wrist just barely bumps your clit and you jolt. “So, so good. Let me reward you for being so patient, sweetheart.”
Your own hands are batted away and one of Joshua’s cups your pussy and squeezes. With how on edge you are the pressure is enough for the room to white out for a second. Joshua leans over you to swallow the moan that it rips out of you in a kiss. It doesn’t last long enough — he pulls back too soon. Your vision returns and you see why; there’s a trail of precum on your stomach, messy and smudged from the way his cock has dragged across your stomach. 
Joshua won’t let you comment on it. One of his fingers scoops up your own pre and then enters easily. Your eyes snap back up to see him studying you smugly as he familiarizes himself with the feeling of you.
“Ok so far?” he asks. Once again, his words are so much softer than his actions and it’s maddening in a way that has you tightening around his digit pathetically. 
“Y-Yeah,” you breathe out, back arching slightly in a silent plea for more.
“Excellent.” Joshua wastes no time adding another finger, looking down at you gleefully when your eyelids flutter at the intrusion. 
Joshua is just like you’d imagined: confident, firm, so much thicker than your own fingers. The way his fingers spread and prod and search has pleasure radiating through your body – it’s unbelievable that you can feel this good without cock even entering the equation yet. 
Then he finds that patch that snatches a gasp from your lungs and has you bucking against him. “There she is,” he lauds. “This is what you’ve been dreaming of, isn’t it, princess?”
If you were speeding toward the edge before, Joshua just put a brick on the gas pedal to make sure you can’t stop. All you can do is groan in response as he continues to pry open the floodgates. He’s kind enough to show you a little mercy and not force you to say anything coherent anymore. “Yeah, I know it is.”
The weight on the bed shifts and you peek down past your body to see Joshua on his knees, one hand still working you open while the other clasps his dick at the base, 
“Baby,” he moans almost pornographically, “I want you to cum for me. Show me you can really listen. Mmkay?” 
It’s hard to keep listening when his fingers are so relentless, but it’s so so so much better than anything through the phone. You’ll hang on to every word even if he’s got you screaming too loud to hear him clearly — and you wish he were, but you do have an entire party downstairs and in relative earshot. 
Hearing Joshua grunt and feeling the pace of his fingers falter is just as satisfying though. His words are breathy as he coaxes you toward your orgasm. It must not just be you - Joshua is headed to his own end as well, smooth words and all.
“Now, sweetheart, now.” He twists his wrist around so he can press his thumb on your clit. It’s more of a slide, though, with how your wetness is coating everything. Nonetheless he applies the perfect amount of pressure, circles your nub just so and you instantly snap. Your mouth widens in a perfect ‘O’ and your vision goes out completely as the current thrusts you into a violent wave of ecstasy. There’s a distant tickle of something warm splattering on your abdomen and then silence. 
By the time your breathing slows down, Joshua’s voice is gingerly pulling you from the flotsam. “You’re ok,” he whispers. “You’re ok, sweetheart. You were such a good girl for me.” 
It’s not until a warm washcloth is washing you off that you return to the present, your gaze drifting down to Joshua as he kneels between your legs to clean you up. You shift a little and he peers up at you, satisfaction evident even from down there. 
“Welcome back~”
As comfortable as Joshua made you feel, the more sensible part of you eventually returns and makes you a little embarrassed to face your friends right now. 
Joshua is as casual as he was when you arrived, throwing his robe back on to grab pizza for the both of you to share in the guest room.
He takes it off again as soon as he returns. A show of solidarity as you remain exposed to him. The two of you eat cross-legged on the bed, leaning against each other shoulder-to-shoulder while you eat. “So!” Joshua starts after you’ve comfortably demolished two slices each. “How was it? Good, right?” 
You lick some excess pizza sauce from your finger and grin at him playfully. “What, your costume?”
If he hadn’t just fucked you on his fingers, you’d think that the look of irritation Joshua gives you is genuine. “My hands - my fingers playing with that pretty pussy.”
Despite all of this, you’re still thrown when he’s so…blunt. “You were right, it was great. You’re great at that. Oh my god.”
Without missing a beat, Joshua fires back, “Yeah, I’ll have you saying that next time on my cock, darling.”
There’s only so much flattery that you can handle in one night. Next time you’ll be ready to take him on for real, to walk the walk you once talked. But for now, you want to just bask in the afterglow with your fuckbuddy? friend. 
“What is your costume, by the way?”
Joshua scoffs, offended. “A choir boy! It was obvious!”
“Mmm, I think Min Diesel’s got you beat.”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
The Subtleties of Steve Harrington Part 1
I do have the next part of “Can Anybody Hear Me?” ready but I wanted to start putting this one out. So it’ll be every other day posting between the two fics. And my muse has latched on to the soulmate genre and I’m working on that one too. So when this one is finished, I’ll start posting that one too.
This will have four parts. And the format is a little different. Anything labelled “After” is after Steve and Eddie get together. And anything labeled “Before” happens before they get together.
Summary: Steve has a problem. One he really doesn’t understand. The people closest to him think he’s straight. Well, there are few exceptions. He just wasn’t expecting Eddie and Robin to be in Camp Straight Steve. In a series of vignettes about the people closest to Steve and Eddie finding out that maybe Steve is subtler than they thought.
The Morning After
Steve was in the kitchen making breakfast when Eddie stumbled in, all groggy and bleary eyed. He threw himself into a bar stool and groaned. Steve slid over a cup of coffee and the sugar.
Eddie dumped in half the sugar and stirred vigorously. He took a long grateful sip and then looked over at Steve who was trying not to smile over his cup of coffee.
“What the hell happened last night?” he asked Steve.
Steve’s shoulders slumped. “Oh. Um...I didn’t think you were that drunk. I should tell you, but I would prefer if you could remember. So why don’t you finish your coffee and get a shower and if you still don’t remember I promise I’ll‒”
Eddie hurried around the counter to cut him off by putting his finger to his lips. “That’s not what I meant, sweetheart. I worded it badly. Of course I remember. It just came out of left field for me, okay?” He moved to kiss Steve but Steve jumped on to the counter, dodging the kiss.
Eddie frowned. “Steve?”
“I don’t know why everyone says that me liking guys comes out from nowhere,” Steve muttered darkly. “Yeah, I’m not as overt with guys as I am with girls, but I can’t be, can I?”
Eddie gulped. Okay, Steve had a point. “How long have you known you like boys?”
Steve hung his head and sighed. “I’ve know I liked boys before I knew I liked girls.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Come again?”
“I was like eight,” Steve explained. “There was this boy. Candy Andy they called him. Because he always had a big bag of hard candy every day. He used to save a strawberry candy. You know the ones with the jelly centers?” Eddie nodded. “I didn’t particularly like them, but I liked him so I ate it anyway.”
“Awww,” Eddie cooed. “Baby Steve was a sweetheart.”
Steve blushed. “One day after school, I asked him why. He said that he liked how the jelly made my lips pucker.”
“Smooth little fucker,” Eddie said with a grin.
“Yeah,” Steve said. “And then he kissed me.”
“So cute,” Eddie said. “Whatever happened to Candy Andy?”
Steve sighed. “He got outed half way through my seventh grade year and got bullied so bad, his parents were forced to move.”
Eddie frowned. “His last name wouldn’t have been Costello would it?”
Steve reared his head back. “Yeah, it was. Why?”
Eddie chuckled. “It appears that we had the same first boyfriend.”
Steve’s eyes went wide and he tilted his head forward. “Excuse me?”
“You know how Tommy would call me fag and queer all the time?” Eddie asked, biting his lips.
“Sure,” Steve said. “It was his favorite insult.”
“Well,” Eddie slowly, “with me it wasn’t just an insult. I was the one he caught making out with Andy under the bleachers.”
“Oh, shit,” Steve breathed. “How were you not bullied to hell?”
“Oh they tried,” Eddie said with a grin. “But I would flirt right back. It made them uncomfortable enough that they stopped.”
Steve giggled. “I think we got off the topic.”
Eddie’s smile faltered. “A bit. I’m sorry, sweetheart. That was a stupid thing for me to say. Because you’re right, you have to be subtle. Especially someone like you with your parents and sports and all that other bullshit I didn’t have to deal with.” He cupped Steve’s cheek. “It’s just...Christ, Steve. You were known as the ladies’ man. You could have any girl you wanted with the crook of your finger.”
Steve sighed. “I know but I’ve had loads of crushes on boys.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes. “Like who?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Look, let’s just say with boys, I have a very particular type.”
Eddie leaned back and eyed him. “I’m listening.”
Steve threw his arms in the air. “This is so bad. Tommy H.”
Eddie chuckled. “Saw that one coming. Who else?”
“This one is so horrible,” Steve said with a small whine, “and if you tell Max, I swear to God, no one will find your body.”
Eddie’s eyebrows went up. “Billy Hargrove? Are you serious?”
“Not my proudest moment, to be sure,” Steve said, ducking his head. “He was a racist bastard. But fucking hell he was hot.” He went on to list a couple other guys and they all had one thing in common. They were considered ‘bad boys’.
“You including me in that list, darlin’?” Eddie asked with a wink.
Steve blushed deeply. “Drug dealer, metalhead, in a band...”
“Wanted for murder...”
Steve shoved at him playfully. “Innocent as a new born deer.”
Eddie chuckled. “You forgive me?”
Steve nodded.
Eddie leaned forward and kissed him. Steve opened his legs, allowing Eddie to slot himself in between them, bringing them closer together. Eddie put one hand on Steve’s waist and the other slid into his hair, deepening the kiss. 
Steve sighed happily.
Two Months Ago
Steve had assumed that he hadn’t needed to come out as bisexual. He flirted with guys as easily as he flirted with girls.
So it came as a bit of shock when he came out to Robin that maybe he was subtler than he thought. Either that or everyone else was more dense than he expected.
“Hey, Robs,” he said, one day at work. “Can we talk?”
She turned around and smiled at him. “Sure, dingus. What’s up?”
“I think I have a crush on Eddie...” he whispered.
She pushed him playfully. “Come on, man. Don’t joke about that stuff.”
Steve frowned. “Why would I joke about that?” He ticked off reasons on his fingers. “I think about him all the time. I want to spend every hour of every day in his company. I get butterflies when he walks into a room. I can’t stop smiling when we’re together. Maybe you’ve got a different explanation for all that, because it certainly feels like a crush to me.”
She blinked at him owlishly. “So why didn’t you say something when I told you I was gay? We were both hyped up on truth serum.”
Steve sighed. “I knew that if I started talking about it, I wouldn’t be able to stop. You are so vibrant and outgoing and free. Being gay for you is just adding another sparkle to who you are.”
“And you think being gay or bi or whatever isn’t a good look for you?” Robin asked, incredulous.
Steve hung his head. “You think I don’t know my reputation. You think I don’t know what would happen to me if people found out I like boys?”
She blinked for a moment. “Every girl you’ve ever dated would suddenly freak out on you for being ‘fake’.”
Steve nodded, fighting back tears. “I know I don’t show that side of me often but...”
Robin sighed heavily. “You were hoping I had a functioning gaydar?”
He ducked his head and turned away.
“Oh, Steve...” she murmured and gave him the biggest hug. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I should have at least noticed how differently you treat Eddie to everyone else. Because yeah, now that you’ve mentioned it, I can see it.”
“I love him so much,” he whispered into her shoulder. “But I don’t know how to show people this is a part of me.”
“Holy shit,” she said suddenly sitting up. “‘And more.’ That’s what you said.  You like both. I’m sorry I wasn’t listening to you. Because you listened to me. I feel like a bad best friend.”
He held her close. “Just tell me how to come out everyone else and I’ll forgive you.”
She laughed. “Not even I know how to do that. Like the only people besides you that knows I like girls are Nancy because she figured it out and Jonathan who has a strangely functioning gaydar.”
Steve had a pretty good idea why, but he didn’t know for sure.
A customer came in and the moment as gone.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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fish-eat-fish · 11 months
⋆ Miles x Spider!gn!reader Headcanons ⋆
a/n: i’m actually like half awake rn, but wanted to post something anyways! sorry if this appears rushed it is, also i just realized i kind of gave up on the headcanon format halfway but whatevs, miles!!! such a cutie
⋆ When the two of you first met, you were instantly charmed with him, Miles chatting you up with his friendly outgoing personality
⋆ Showed genuine interest in you and your experience as being a Spiderperson
⋆ Definitely geeked out about your suit and your powers, absolutely showed off, showcasing his powers to you
⋆ The two of you just had so much chemistry talking at the first meeting, it was impossible to forget
⋆ The two of you started hanging out more and more after, especially through texting since he didn’t leave his dimension that often
⋆ He uses kaomojis (so happy this is canon), and you found it absolutely adorable, “coming over now!!!╰(*´︶`*)╯”
⋆ When you bring up his cutesy way of texting in person he acts all casual about it, but he’s a little embarrassed at your comments about it
⋆ Likes hanging out in your room, makes himself at home whilst still respecting your space
⋆ Definitely comes over to just chat and draw, and listen to music
⋆ He sings so badly but puts so much emotion into it you can’t help but laugh, “What what’s wrong with my singing?” He likes to act offended but he’s happy he’s making you laugh
⋆ Gets worried about you after you’ve had a risky or dangerous fight
⋆ He makes sure you’re okay and patched up before he starts cracking jokes to take your mind off of your encounter
⋆ Miles loves taking pictures of cool things he sees in Brooklyn, sending it to you as he takes a break from swinging
⋆ Shares pictures and of cute animals to you like a mom, in return you send pictures of your dimension back, occasional selfies which Miles stares at longer than he’d like to admit
⋆ Swung into a pigeon and a drone multiple times as he was texting and swinging
⋆ He loves drawing doodles onto your skin, but secretly just likes having an excuse to hold your hand as he draws
⋆ Jokingly flirts with you at first, until he actually realizes he has feelings for you
⋆ He’s super nervous at first to be even suggesting that kind of stuff between the two of you, until he has some confirmation that you could potentially like him back
⋆ Then that’s when the flirting gets amplified
⋆ Probably kicks his feet and giggles whenever you do something sweet for him
⋆ Not kicking his feet physically, more just stuffing his face into his pillow as he runs the moment back over in his mind again and again
⋆ Definitely lays in bed wide awake thinking about you, he is such an overthinker
⋆ Likes sharing his songs with you just so he can use it as an excuse to have the two of you sharing headphones
⋆ He has a horrible crush on you first, sometimes talks about you to Ganke, to which Ganke just tells him to confess already
⋆ Miles gets absolutely anxious at the thought of confessing to you, he does not want to ruin your guys’s friendship
⋆ At one point he gets so desperate for advice that he reaches out to the others for help
⋆ Peter teases him instead of giving advice, he’s so proud of Miles and starts talking about his first meeting with him and Mary Jane, Miles groans and leaves
⋆ Asked Gwen for advice, she shrugged, not really knowing what to say on that topic, she did tease him also
⋆ Gwen let the news slip when talking to Hobie, then Hobie told Pavitr, and now everyone knew of Miles’ crush on you, except you
⋆ Pavitr and Hobie actually gave him good advice, consoling him to confess when he’s ready, maybe do a little romantic gesture
⋆ After a few days of not talking, you got lonely, assuming that Miles was probably just busy with his duties or school in his universe
⋆ You were on patrol one day at night, when you walked past a music store
⋆ You thought about it for a moment, before you decided to walk in, mask on, to purchase some empty CD’s
⋆ A little friendly gesture for Miles, you’d burn a CD for him, sentimental songs that reminded you of him
⋆ The cashier instantly recognized you as the city’s superhero, giving you the CD’s for free, to which you thanked him graciously
⋆ That night after patrolling, you went home and begun your process, collecting the perfect songs
⋆ Just as you were finished, adding the final touches to the CD cover, you heard a faint tapping on your window, which scared you out of your mind, making you jump
⋆ Through the pane of glass, Miles laughed at you, waving to you as he stood outside with his suit on
⋆ You opened the window, and let him in, excited to see him again
⋆ “Miss me?” He teased, taking a seat at your desk, before he noticed all of the paper scraps around your room
⋆ Lo and behold, Miles’s Mixtape, held proudly in your hand as you gave it to him, waiting for his reaction
⋆ Obviously he was so excited, staring at the CD in his hands with adoration and amazement
⋆ “I was missing you this week, thanks for dropping by,” you said sincerely, Miles glancing at you from his seated position
⋆ He let out a deep breath, the air around him suddenly serious. You watched carefully, adjusting to his vibe right away, giving him your full attention
⋆ Miles set your CD down, looking down at your floor as he spoke up, voice quiet and wavering as he messed with his hands
⋆ You were so shocked, unsure if you heard that right–there was a long period of silence between the two of you, Miles panicking in the corner as he instantly regretted confessing
⋆ All of his confidence disappeared, but before he could leave, you spoke up, admitting that you liked him too
⋆ The two of you looked at each other like idiots, before Miles let out a nervous laugh
⋆ He spoke quietly, asking if he could kiss you
⋆ You couldn’t help but chuckle at his voice crack, nervously leaning in to kiss him anyways, hands grasped onto his cheeks as you felt him smile into the kiss
⋆ Miles didn’t know if he had accidentally shocked you or not during the kiss, or if it was just his nerves, but either way, he laughed in relief
⋆ After, the two of you couldn’t speak to each other without conversations ending in an awkward silence
⋆ He eventually had to leave, although it was extremely reluctantly–the goodbyes were drawn out to like five minutes
⋆ When Miles got back to his dimension, he instantly ran to upstairs to his room, popping in your CD into his jukebox, smiling to himself as he took in the music you had personally selected him
⋆ He couldn’t wait to see you again, drawing a little portrait of you in his sketchbook as he hummed along to the music
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binniebeams · 5 months
The Sweetest Drink
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Pairing: Jongho x AFAB Reader
Genre/Rating: Vampire AU, Smut, 18+. MDNI
Summary: Seeing the boost your friend gets after her late night adventures at a certain club, you decided to join her and see what all the fuss is about…
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: Club settings, alcohol consumption, sexual conversations, blood, descriptions of feeding (Vampire). NSFW warnings under the cut.
A/N: This is so delayed but hopefully it lives up to any expectations!! Also my app crashed mid editing and formatting so there may be mistakes I missed! I’m so sorry!
Tags: @twisted-tales-of-all @yoonguurt @kwanisms @kpop-stories-21 @stardragongalaxy
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NSFW Warnings: Vampire biting/feeding leading to sexual desire, fingering, bloody make-out session, fwb-ish relationship.
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It had only been a few years since the government released the information regarding their acknowledgment of vampires living among humans, following it with new laws and regulations to make living beside each other a safe and harmonious experience. Restaurants had to expand their menus, and grocery stores did not have to partner with blood banks or donation centers to ensure everyone was accommodated appropriately. Those are all wonderful options but once the sun sets and hunger arises, people resort to…less organized or regulated options… Underground clubs started to pop up left and right, causing a quiet stir among the more curious humans. One of them happened to be the very reason you found yourself sitting in front of your mirror and getting ready for a night out.
“I don’t know why you’re so nervous to go, I’ve been going for months” Kelly was on a whining spree again as you finished up your eyeliner. She was a regular at the club, forming a feeding pact with some guy she said was named Yeosang if you remember correctly-. A change was definitely noticed in her ever since she started seeing him, from her hair looking better, her skin being clearer, and this air of confidence coming from her every time she walked into a room as if she was commanding attention. You wanted that life so badly, you wanted even an ounce of the power she was oozing… “Oh I don’t know, maybe the idea of someone biting into me and sucking my literal blood out is just a bit nerve-wracking?” Your retort had her rolling her eyes in a playful demeanor as you both slipped your shoes on to head out. Clubs weren't really your thing, you were a homebody, and the idea of a bunch of hot and sweaty strangers grinding on each other just didn’t seem like your cup of tea…But here you were, standing at the door waiting for Kelly to pay your cover and get your hand stamped.
An intoxicating smell of alcohol and sweat filled your senses as you made it through the threshold of the building you questioned the structural safety of-. There was no time for trying to distract your mind with small worries like that, you felt yourself getting tugged to the bar where Kelly let out a sort of squeal from seeing her feeding mate “Yeosang!!” Oh boy, here we go, It's time for her to cling to this dude and have heart eyes while leaving you to the wind. “This is Y/N~ That friend I told you I was bringing for Jongho~” Jongho? Who the hell was that? Did she only bring you along to keep some guy company while she escaped off with Yeosang-. “Her? Yeah, I guess she fits his…type” What an ass, what did he mean by that? you were a catch so why did that feel so condescending? He was eyeing you up and down as if he was analyzing you, all the while he had your friend strung up on his arm.
Yeosang pulled out his phone and typed a few things, you could tell it was short and brief from the fact that his volume was on so the sound of his keyboard echoed in your ears when it should have been the blaring music attacking your drums. He didn’t seem to respond to what he had read on the screen, moving his phone to his pocket and whispering something to Kelly as you stood there like a child waiting to hear whatever mom and dad were talking about. You would never get the answer to the questions in your mind, since Kelly had pretty much begged Yeosang to escape away behind the curtain to what you could only assume were private rooms for whatever use seemed to be needed at the time. A roll of your eyes was paired with the sound of her happily being led away and leaving you there at the bar with your almost empty glass and an urge to order some shots.
“Y/N I’m assuming?” The voice that you heard beside you could only be described as blunt but buttery like he almost commanded you to look at him and that's exactly what you did. His eyes pierced into yours as he approached the bar and leaned against it in a way that indicated to you that he had definitely been here before. “And who is asking?” Your voice was laced with a tone of your guard being up, leaving you only to assume this is the ‘friend’ everyone had been mentioning… “Yeosang told me someone was coming and asked me to show you around.” Oh, he’s lying right through his teeth but your judgment was becoming slightly hazy, due to the mix of alcohol and being around him. Jongho could tell you were on edge so he went ahead and ordered a shot for you and waited for you to down it before gesturing for you to follow him. ‘Do you know what this place is for? I’m assuming you do since people don’t just stumble into a place like this”
Did he think you were dumb? Or just blissfully ignorant? If you wern’t so dead set on getting some action tonight, you’d yank your hand away and head to the dance floor. “I sort of have an idea, I just had no idea it was like…this?” There was a pause as you spoke, watching the curtains go past you as he lead you down the hall and your ears were immediately assaulted with sounds of pleasure mixed with pain and subtle cries coming from behind rows of doors. One of which was the threshold you would be stepping through and it was like the world was suddenly so quiet that you could hear your own heartbeat. “I’m not going to kill you, you don’t have to act like your ready to slap me” Jongho released your hand and moved to sit on the plush looking couch in the room, grabbing the drink menu off the small coffee table and starting to browse through as he left you to make yourself comfortable.
“I just uh, haven’t really done this before…” you slowly warmed up to your environment, deciding to make your way over and sit beside him but still at a reasonable distance to where he couldn’t immediately pounce on you. “I can tell, I’m guessing your friend convinced you, enticed you with what kind of place this was and how you would feel?” How did he know? He hit the nail right in the head-. Kelly would go on non stop about Yeosang and how the interactions felt and how it revitalized her in a way, is this just how it makes everyone feel? “She used to be more like me, I guess that’s why we became so close, but lately she’s seemed like a whole new person, like the better version of herself”. As you spoke, he kept his eyes on the menu and just offered subtle nods or small sounds of acknowledgment to your words.
“Did she explain to you how this happens exactly?” This is when he finally turns to you, eye starting to have a hint of red to them and an obvious darkness filling his gaze. “You just have to lay there and be good for me, give yourself to me and everything will go smoothly. Can you do that for me baby?” The distance between you two started to close and you had no idea what was taking over your body. Was it your growing neediness or was there something more to that tint in his iris?…either way, all you could do was nod obediently as he moved you to lay down, his body leaning over yours as he gazed over you to take a look at his…meal for the evening. “I need you to tell me this is okay, that you give consent my dear…” for someone who seemed like a predator looking at fresh prey, we was considerably cautious in the beginning. That is, until you uttered a quiet “I want this” then it was all self control out the window and his lips attached to yours for what felt like eternity but in reality was only a few moment before those plush lips of his were moving their way down to your jaw, then your neck, giving him the chance to get a hint of your sweet smell.
“Do you even realize how delicious you smell…god this is going to be fun” Jongho didn’t frequent the club much, so he made sure to take full advantage of the time he had here, fingers trailing down until the reach the bottom hem of your dress, expertly slipping it up as his attack on your neck continues and all you can do is let out the sweet song that he wanted to hear. Jongho shifted his body to where he was further down and his face was now near your thighs and burning core, exactly where you needed him as he laid kisses to your inner thigh and his fingers worked to slip your undergarments down and tossing them aside to be collected later. be collected later. They were not the primary focus, what was however, was the breath tickling your core and the fingers dancing dangerously close to your clit that was practically begging to be touched.
“Can you hurry up, it will be daytime by the time you get started..” the request, or demand rather, came out as just a whine and the flushed tone on your skin gave away at the fact that you didn’t actually want him to hurry and end this soon. In fact, this prompted him to take even longer, his thumb drawing slow antagonizing circles on your bundle on nerves as he spoke “For someone so quiet. You sure have your own way of being loud”. You could hear his smug attitude without even seeing his face with those words, his hands working expertly before one of his digits teased at your entrance, testing the waters in how you would react. Once he found a reaction from you that let him know you were ready, he slipped one finger in and let you get used to the feeling before continuing.
The cold touch of his skin felt like ice melting on you when your walls squeezed his fingers so deliciously, it brought a whole new sensation to your core and made you clench so sweetly as his lips did their job to explore your inner thighs. Was all of this necessary for Jongho to feed on you? No, but it sure as hell made it more fun. The next touch made you shift slightly, almost like your fight or flight was kicking in and your brain was in prey mode. Newer textbooks and scientific journals can do their best to try and describe the feeling of having your skin punctured by a vampire's fangs but they fall short in telling the full story. It starts with a burning sensation and what feels like a fourteen gauge needle breaking your skin but not deep enough to reach muscle quite like a vaccination or implant. Once the initial puncture was complete, his teeth receding to standard k-9s and the blood starting to flow past his slightly puffy lips and coating his tongue, inducing a groan from him that seemed so animalistic yet erotic at the same time…
The work he was doing with his fingers increased in pace as he sensed you tensing up from the likely pain you were starting to feel, adding an extra finger in and curling his digits pressing against that delicate pressure point inside of you that he knew would drive you crazy. Bloody lips pulled themselves away from your thigh. His gaze stabbed daggers into your expressions, watching the mixture of pain and pleasure overtake you as he spoke “That’s it, focus on me, not on your pain…you’re so good for me…” ironic coming from the guy that’s gripping your thigh as if you could float away and your blood painting his chin. Jongho was growing increasingly hungry but this time in a way that blood wouldn’t be able to satiate, he needed another essence of yours…that however, would take time, he didn’t want to have the whole meal right away.
A knot was quickly forming in your lower half, there was no denying that his hands were like a sculptor making his next piece of art. Pleasure washed over you as you unraveled, causing a smug smirk to decorate his mouth and make his features look all that more proud. The bit of your blood staining his lips was just a cherry on top of the overall look he had as you started to sit back up but your body felt so weak from the feeding and the end of your dry spell. “See, wasn’t so bad was it?” He prided himself in the fact that you wernt crying in pain and still managed to look fucked out from his fingers alone, wiping his mouth and helping you sit up and collect yourself. This rush of dizziness but satisfaction was all you could feel as you reached to grab your panties and slip back into them as he settled himself into the couch, watching your every move but also going back to that damn drink menu. Is this how all the interactions always went or was this only for the first one?
“Do I need to sign anything or is there anything else involved?” This was your way of trying to hint to him that you satisfied but also this lingering sense to be around him, almost like you two have bonded… “No but next time don’t wear lotion, it messes with the taste when I need to bite”. That damn smirk was going to be the end of you but you couldn’t help but smile to yourself mentally at the idea there was going to be a next time. Was it already having an affect on you? Only time will tell but one thing was for sure, this wasn’t going to be the last time you stepped behind that curtain. Now to find Kelly and actually get a club experience in before you needed food to replenish-. Hopefully she was done already, but if she wasn’t, you knew where you could turn…
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yourlocaltreesimp · 7 months
dang that puppet idea you had and okami's bit gave me shivers! What do you think the chain's individual reactions would be?
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These have admittedly been sitting here for a while…. Sorry! Based on this, and this. Hope you enjoy!
TW: mentions Kidnapping, hallucinations and malnourishment, murder, does this qualify as yandere? Putting it here just in case
Also i’m trying out a new format so yeah
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
At first he blames the shadow. It’s convenient. It’s easy. He knows that your kidnapping was logically not his fault. There was nothing he could’ve done. He kills without remorse until he finds you. The blood dripping from his blade is the last thing he’s aware of when he finally sees you. He’s more keenly aware of the gnawing guilt as he sees how badly you’ve been treated, clothes ragged and that apathetic thousand yard stare. His heart was ripped from him, leaving him to bleed out slowly, to wither away without you.
I mean when I say that he goes feral. Just a smidge if we’re sticking with the not yandere Twi, but hoo boy if he is that is a feral man. He has no care for the bodies he leaves in his wake to finally get back to you and is beyond pissed to see that you’ve been not only harmed, but taunted with the image of you. But that rage falters when you don’t notice them and when you grow sorrowful… he can’t imagine what they’ve done to you so that your very mind is different. But when he gets a hold of that shadow he swears his death will be merciless.
He’s absolutely beside himself after you first disappeared, and perhaps they all were. But He couldn’t snap back so readily, no matter what it takes. The others give him a hard time, their stress getting the better of them, but all he remembers is 100 years ago and the constant pressure to be good enough. Twice now he’s been a disappointment. He spirals in on himself when he sees hollowed cheeks and dull eyes that hold no warmth of remembrance. The you in front of him is not enough to ease his worries.
One of the most level headed after you first disappeared, making good enough plans until they could find you. But he places all of the blame on himself. He’s supposed to be better than letting comrades be stolen and taken to their deaths. He’s supposed to be a better leader than that. And the consequences bear on him when you do little more than stare at the wall and him to yourself. He’s seen soldiers walk out of war less haunted than how you looked. And to think he was supposed to shield you from the violence.
He lost himself a little in the beginning. He’d become so used to the company, to having you there, that he’s acutely aware of the missing spot. He tries to fool himself into believing you’re there, setting out your bedroll and leaving a spot where you’d usually sit at dinner, but it only serves to make him feel worse. It takes everything in him to restrain himself when he sees you. The barrier shocked him when he tried to reach you and his magic couldn’t get through. He wouldn’t last much longer without you there.
He’s incredibly quick to resort to isolation. He caves in on himself at the fact that another he’s loved so dearly has been so violently taken away from him and lot to suffer. But the first time around the surface was safe enough, and Zelda had Impa… but you were not given the luxuries of safety and protection. He was going to rescue you if it took everything from him. Because you were his everything. If killing another god is what must be done to get you back then his sword is in hand.
Yeah he didn’t take this well. He isolates himself out of pure frustration, with both himself, the others and the shadow. And to whatever poor soul gets in his way, I truly am sorry. He downs more bodies than probably reasonable, but it’s methodical. It keeps his focus off of you, what they’ve rendered you down to, the husk you’ve become. He takes so many lives so that yours may be returned to you.
He tries not to stress, to stay laid back and to glue the group together. He tries to pretend like nothings wrong, because he knows that it’s what you’d want. He knows you wouldn’t want him to worry. But he has half a mind to go off and find you on his own. He already found and saves Aryll, so what’s another Sibling to save? But that determination wilts at how hollow and broken you look, unwilling to acknowledge them as anything more than hallucinations. But he knows you’ll get better soon. You’re tougher than this… right?
He finds a hard time keeping himself together, physically and literally. There’s so many conflicting orders in his mind that it’s difficult to breathe. You used to calm him, to ease his nerves and soothe his mind. But to see how mistreated you were, to see how his carelessness harmed you, that only served to make his already scattered mind shattered.
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itsmaferart · 7 months
Hey there! A little question: Why is everyone always accusing Loid of being gay for not kissing or doing all kinds stuff to Yor? I don’t think it’s as easy as they are making it out to be, even though both characters are a catch…..in a mixture of red/green flaggish kinda way. I actually prefer it that both characters aren’t lusting for each other as it makes their relationship more endearing but when they start developing feelings for each other, it’s beyond their attractiveness.
I ship the every living hell out of these two but if Loid does all of those intimate stuff Yor now, I don’t know, it feels less cute, rewarding, and heartwarming and more like a fulfillment of our personal desires. I don’t think Loid is a surrogate or self insert incel character to be like that. I’m sorry if I can’t put it into words, English isn’t my strong suit but that how it feels to me.
Hi, it took me a while to respond but here it is!!
I think it's the fans' rush for couples to consolidate and there's no way to blame them, because really Twiyor is one of the good couples! The Spy x Family universe internally moves in a slow-moving manner, where events are small and focus more on the development and formation of bonds between people. There is no great interest in big events, and getting a romance is not the focal point, but a part of the story.Endo's narrative moves under its own rules and some may like it or despair.
I have read dozens of comments that talk about how slow the story is and that there is simply progress at the speed of a turtle. And yes, they are right (in part).
But the truth is that this is more a conflict of fan expectations and what the story wants to tell and how it is told.The story is not badly written and not badly developed. But not everyone may like it if you are expecting more significant advances.
So, yes, Loid is very slow and Yor very naive.... But...
that doesn't mean there's no love or that it doesn't come to pass.
I understand the frustration of the Twiyor shipper, and it is the conflict of what we interpret as intimacy and closeness. In most conventional romances, intimacy is forced through physical contact, often exaggerated or convenient. Holding hands, hugging, trying to kiss, asking each other out. The story focuses on pushing the characters to get closer and with them to generate a closeness that leads to romance.
That's why most fanfic is about them being in love or having closeness, because that's what we most want to see between them… That's why many see this romance as insipid.
Endo's approach is more emotional, calmer, where trust between two people is more important than whether they are close or not. The times when this is forced, it ends badly. The fact that Loid respects Yor enough to not make her feel uncomfortable, or that Yor wants to be Loid's refuge, speaks of a very balanced mental and emotional intimacy.
It is a more mature romance, where the focus is not so much on passion. Because when they try to make it romantic, they're both fools.
I think Endo is just trying to put his own idea of romance outside of what everyone expects, and that can bore some people.
I suppose Endo will develop his relationship in his own way. But his main priority is the development of his people through a more everyday and chaotic life, above the spectacularity and action.… until we can finally be together
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anashins · 1 year
hiiii can i request jaehyun x reader fanfic where they watch singles inferno together (korean dating show) :D thank youuu
Pairing: Jaehyun x reader
Genre: fluff, slightly suggestive at the end
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Jaehyun gets way too invested in a dating show he swears to have no interest in until you accidentally drop that you would choose a candidate from it as well.
A/N: Luckily, I watched the first episodes, I hope you like it 💕
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“What are you watching?”
Jaehyun peeked into the living room, apparently just having woken up from an after work nap. His hair was sticking out to all sides and he had already changed into loungewear since he didn’t plan on going anywhere anymore today, yawning leisurely with closed eyes while awaiting your answer.
You chuckled silently. He always looked extremely handsome, but you found another level of beauty in the bare faced Jaehyun who was still a little sleepy and still a little groggy. In this state, he was unbelievably cute. 
“Singles Inferno,” you answered to him while your hand disappeared into a bag of chips. With crossed legs, you were sitting on the couch, a blanket draped over your lap. “You wanna watch with me?”
It was your favorite after work activity, just catching up with your favorite series and tv show, and since the new season of this dating format came out after the huge success of the former one, you surely had to watch it too, having been looking forward to it all day long.
Jaehyun frowned and then shook his head. “Nah, that’s nothing for me.”
You shrugged it off and turned your attention back to the TV where the candidates were currently walking in one after another. Feeling the second hand embarrassment over the screen while they were sitting there, not speaking a word to one another but just staring into the abyss, you wanted to look away so badly.
“Can you pour me some chips into this bowl?” Jaehyun asked. “I’m gonna watch something else in the bedroom.”
“Sure.” You shared your chips with him while he stood next to you, alternating between pouring and watching the last contestant enter the screen.
“Is it always like that that they don’t speak a word to each other?” your boyfriend wanted to know incidentally. “Awkward.”
“They are not allowed to speak about their careers or tell each other how old they are, so the first meeting can be quite… hard to look at when you barely have a base for a conversation.”
“I see.”
“All done,” you then announced when you took the bag of chips back to you. “Have fun watching your show.”
“Thanks.” But Jaehyun didn’t go away immediately. Instead, he was focused on the TV now as well. “Did they build the team to explore the island themselves or were they set up?”
“I believe they were set up.”
But instead of returning to the bedroom to watch his show now, you still perceived him from the corner of your peripheral vision. “I think that guy likes that girl and she’s interested in him too. I feel sorry for the other. He seems so lost.”
You felt the cushion sinking next to you, and as you shifted your head a little, you saw Jaehyun slowly seating himself on the couch. “Are you even seeing the TV?” you asked. “You should wear your glasses, they’re here under the table.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get going anyway.”
“Okay.” You already sensed where this was going and bit down a smile. It was always like this with Jaehyun, but since you didn’t want to scare him off, you suppressed another comment.
As you suspected, your boyfriend reached for his glasses shortly after to get a better view of the TV. The bowl with the chips had already found its way onto his lap, and he was taking a handful out of it to eat one after another.
“Why is every girl so interested in this Yoongjae?” Jaehyun then interrupted and shook his head. “They’re all sleeping on Hanbin. Look how he takes over the kitchen! They would be lost without him.”
“Right?” you supported his opinion, playing along since it was nice having his company. “I bet he’ll get many letters, he seems so nice.”
“Letters?” He looked at you with curious eyes.
“Yeah, at the end of the day, everyone can write letters to one person.”
“Ah, I see… Oh!” he then called out. “What is Soe doing?! Take initiative, girl!”
Now, you couldn’t hold back your laughter anymore, and Jaehyun joined. Somehow, while the contestants were still preparing dinner, the legs in his checkered pajama bottoms had found their way under your blanket which you now shared happily with him. He was gently stroking your thigh, totally invested in the show now.
It was that he often feigned indifference, but then got distracted and eventually totally invested in something he had seemed to have no interest in first. You knew him very well by now which was why you never started to persuade him about watching anything. Sometimes, you believed, he silently grew into a bigger fan of something than you.
“No way!” Jaehyun exclaimed at a certain scene. “My boy Hanbin got zero letters?! This show is rigged, I’m telling you!”
“Right?!” you backed him up. “I can’t with the girls already! Except for Nadine. If it were me, I would’ve chosen Hanbin from the start.”
It only dawned on you after that you probably shouldn’t have voiced this out loud when Jaehyun suddenly stopped stroking your thigh. Reluctantly, you turned aside to him, meeting his exhorting gaze with which he looked back at you over his glasses.
Simultaneously, Jaehyun raised a brow, but his gaze told an entire other story. “You would?”
“Only if you weren’t there,” you defended yourself, by now knowing that there was no turning back anymore. “And even if, I would always choose you over Hanbin and any other guy on this show!”
With a swift motion, Jaehyun took off his glasses, and even though he looked absolutely cute with them, the version of him when he had just taken them off was an absolute menace. You spoke from experience.
Shortly later, the glasses were laying on the surface of the table again and Jaehyun on top of you, your legs entangled in the blanket.
“Say it again,” he whispered into your ear, the tips of his fingers brushing over the side of your neck, awaiting your response.
And feeling your cheeky side today, you joked, “If it were me, I would’ve chosen Hanbin.”
“I’m gonna make you regret this.”
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