#this is from an episode i hadnt seen until today
vampryn · 9 months
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all these young people on ricki lake in the 90s didnt even know how many future alt kids theyd inspire
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stealingbones · 2 years
can i just,, rant about south park? (spoiler warning obv)
I never thought id be into basic american adult tv buthere we are- I recently got into it, feb 19th i started watching and finished the whole 26 seasons and two games (sot and tfbw) in a month. Just finished tfbw game earlier today and almost lost my mind fr bc wth man.... anyway, theres your background for how mentally ill i am, now-
South park characters have so much detail in their characters, right down to the little things, like cartman having to finish singing sail away or kenny liking oragami, like??? i love the little character details that nobody thinks about hello??
Its so hard to take them seriously with that stupid artstyle (the artstyle has grown on me and i love it sm but still, theyre hella goofy) but seriously some parts cut deep- especially the whole fucking covid thing, never in my life did i think id cry at fUCKING SOUTH PARK ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? I see a lot of angst and it actually makes sense??? And just,, a lot of stan's stuff is really depressing, i hate the episode(s) 'youre getting older' holy fuck. The fact that stan knows how to drive at 8 years old most likely because his dad is an alcoholic who drives drunk too is graaAAA,, I feel so bad for butters too, the innocent child who gets all the trauma dumped on him 💀 none of the kids in south park are safe from trauma, not even 'new kid' (they fr made you choose a parent, dude.....) one of my favorite serious moments though actually is when kenny tries to get them to remember his deaths, the like "TRY AND FUCKING REMEMBER." is so dramatic and im fbedhunfinjecnijef
also cartman being the only one to remember kenny's deaths waa,, Cartmanland he says 'what kenny? he dies all the time' and when kenny tries to make the others remember,, cartman isnt there so á, then cartman isnt shocked when kenny escapes wherever tf cthuhlu sent everyone. cartman did drink kenny's ashes so that could be the reason he remembers epic
also also, i didnt even think about it before until i seen just kenny and kyle at the bus stop, but stan and cartman moving away and just having two of the main four left at the iconic bus stop scene is so upsetting,, I enjoy the older seasons best 💔 Like season 10 and earlier man,, their early seson voices too omg <3 When they started doing season long stories was kind of annoying (edit bc new episode dropped, they put cartman back lmao,, still missing stan though man...)
Switching topics- No wonder style is more popular than stendy, it has more content than stendy even though theyre cannon dating 💀i think cartman and wendy interaction more actually. Wendy's kind of cool and i wish theyd make an effort to show her and stan together more often (even small things like they do with creek) and a few times its even shown how little stan cares, like with the texting thing or the time they broke up for a bit stan had said he hadnt talked to her for weeks... Stan doesnt deserve wendy tbh, i also always forget she killed someone for stan lol, they really dialed her crazy back,,
I probably have more random thoughts but these are the main ones,, the little guys have been doing laps around my brain for a month straight and i feel like im going to explode
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oncominggstorm · 10 months
My sister & I are both autistic and both share a special interest in Doctor Who (I got into it first, about 3-4 years before she did).
She has a HORRIBLE habit of texting me her live reactions whenever she watches something, even when she KNOWS I have not yet watched whatever it is she's texting me about.
Whenever she does this, I tell her yet again to stop doing it, and suggest that in the future she type her reactions into notes app and then send me the note. That way, she can still share her reactions without feeling like she has to bottle up her excitement, but I can wait to read them until after I've watched the episode so I don't get spoiled. Every time, she refuses and just texts them to me anyway.
She did this today with the new episode of Doctor Who. I've been sick and was still trying to sleep while the episode aired, so she watched it first and I woke up to lots of texts about it. I am HEARTBROKEN that she spoiled it for me. It feels like a gut punch, or like I was a balloon that was suddenly deflated.
I explained to her that I was upset, and asked her to apologize and promise to not do it again. She refused, and got upset at ME and said that I was purposefully trying to bring down her joy and excitement.
Word for word copy/paste of our text convo about it under the cut if you want more context/want to see exactly what was said:
Me: Am extremely unhappy because you texted me a million dw things and just from skimming push notifs I can see that SEVERAL of them are things that I would consider spoiler-y which is why I have told you HUNDREDS of times to NOT live text thoughts, and idk why you thought it’d be ok for this episode of all things. Like I have explained to you multiple times that we have very different definitions of spoiler-y Me: Like one of the MANY MANY MANY reasons why I hate when you live text things I havent watched is cuz your reactions to things are very different than mine, and so I see your reactions & make assumptions about what’s gonna happen, and then when it doesnt meet those expectations I get disappointed. Vs if I hadnt seen your reactions I’d have had no expectations & thus would’ve felt ONLY excitement. Me: Your reactions to things are ALWAYS over the top/make things seem even more amazing than they are, so when I see them my expectations get set REALLY high, so then what I watch only ever meets (or in some cases, fails to meet) expectations. Whereas you get the pleasure of having it exceed expectations. But I don’t, because seeing your reactions sets my expectations much higher than they would otherwise have been. Like I get you are excited, I do. But there is absolutely NO REASON WHATSOEVER that you can’t put your reactions in a note & send me the note, rather than text, so that I can remain spoiler free. Her: My reaction to this was TAME. Me: It feels like you are purposefully trying to miss my point/like you are not at all sorry about what you did, & it is really upsetting me. Like do you seriously not realize how not at all ok texting me all that was when you KNEW i hadnt seen the episode yet? Her: I feel like you are purposefully ignoring everything I said earlier about how I literally felt like I was about to die and needed an outlet, and I feel like you are purposefully trying to ruin my excitement and bring me down so
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saltnpepperprentiss · 2 years
Payback is a b*itch
Hope x fem reader
*not my gif*
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Sunmary: You're Hope's best friend and she's finally got her humanity back. Which is great except the tribrid has been ignoring you and you don't know why.
A/N: so I wrote this before the episode where Hope actually turned her humanity back on and also naturally I assumed Landon would come back to life so he is in here too, briefly... And then forgot about it😬 anyway I hope you like it. Thought I'd post something since legacies has been canceled. Also I've never posted a fic on Tumblr so if this isn't right, I'm so sorry.
The music is blasting so loud you feel the ringing echo in your ears. The party Lizzie Saltzman had planned as a welcome back for Hope and herself got more rowdy as the hours ticked closer to midnight. Yet you hadnt seen the tribrid anywhere all night. Ever since her humanity came back and she finally returned to the school (after taking a break to physically be with her family) you hadn’t really had the chance to speak to her , let alone see her.
It's as if she had busied herself with enough tasks to help around the school to make up for what her no humanity self had put them through. Not that she had to , everyone had forgiven her and found ways to move on yet it had never been easy for Hope to do the same.
You knew she’d been on a mission today with Alaric and Landon in recruiting some potential new students. Though you’re pretty sure they’d been back for a while and yet no sign of the auburn haired girl had been in sight.
Until of course you catch the tail end of a conversation between her and Landon,  not so far off from the party.
“I know I said I’d give us another shot but I don’t think it’s a good idea” you heard Landon say.
“What? Just because we got into an argument during the mission? You’re giving up that easily?” Hope answers and you can hear the hurt in her voice. You don’t mean to be listening in on what seems to be a very private conversation , but you also cant stop yourself. Neither can you stop yourself from slowly moving towards their direction.
“of course not! But between you throwing yourself into hero mode and your weird obsession with y/n lately I think you're just using us as a distraction for what you really want”
What?- was that your name? Did you really hear that or was your brain messing with you. Your cheeks felt warm , your heart racing at the idea that maybe , just maybe your secret crush you’ve had on Hope Mikaelson all this time could lead to something more.
By the time you try to refocus on the conversation its over. Landon's gone and Hope is left staring into the dimly lit  part of the woods leading back to the school. It’s then that you realize you’ve stalked your way towards the tribrid and that she probably knows you’re behind her so it’s not like you could just turn around and pretend you know nothing.
“How much did you hear” Hope asks , her back still to you , no way to tell if she’s mad or not.
“Not much” you start, “actually enough, is this why you’ve been ignoring me?” you decide you might as well be honest.
“I haven’t been ignoring you!” Hope exclaims.
Your brows furrow , her back was still towards you and you could tell her shoulders were tense. What was wrong with liking you? You move closer towards the tribrid with determination. Suddenly the frustration of her ignoring you all this time comes bubbling to the surface. So what if she doesn’t like you , you were friends first, best friends even. You don’t just ignore friends.
“Then why won’t you even look at me Hope?” you ask , your voice rising slightly when  the tribrid still wouldn’t turn around.
“I’m scared of what I’ll do to you”
What does that even mean? Her humanity was back on , why would she hurt you? Even when her humanity was off she barely touched you instead making you unconscious when you tried to stop her from leaving. So why would that warrant such a reaction from her?
You’re standing close enough now that you can see the way the shorter girls chest is rising and falling faster with every breath. Was she upset? If only she’d turn around and actually speak to you.
“I’m more scared of what you won’t do” you finally answer. Maybe Hope realized that your friendship just wasn’t enough for her or that she didn’t need you. But why would Landon mention her having an obsession with you if that were true? What did he know that you didn’t.
You’ve had enough of this , you grab a hold of Hopes wrist but before you know it she’s spinning around , eyes flashing golden before you feel it. The softness of her lips pressed harshly against your own. You barely have a chance to reciprocate before she pulls away , her eyes now back to blue searching yours for any sort of sign.
“I- Hope” you try to speak but you can’t find the words. What could you possibly say when your long time crush who you thought had no interest in you that way just kisses you?
“I’m sorry I should’ve asked first but ever since my emotions came back these feelings for you just wouldn’t go away— I didn’t even know I had them until a few weeks ago when I saw you at football practice and realized I really , really wanted to kiss you  after you winked at me- winked! You just winked , you’ve done it before and I never felt that way but then it happens now and all I could think about was kissing you!”
You’re still staring at Hope , eyes wide. First the kiss and then a rambling confession , your brain was still processing realizing Hope liked you.
You’re still holding onto her wrist,  your grip tight but not enough to hurt her. Well you don’t think you could even if you tried. Her gaze lowers to where you’re holding onto her then back to your lips , they linger there for another second before she is looking back at you waiting almost pleading for you to say something, anything. Her cheeks are practically red after that ramble and all you could do was stare gobsmacked.
But you still have no words. So you do the only thing that comes to mind and tug her into your chest. The shock is evident on her face not expecting you tugging her closer but then your free hand caresses her cheek and you feel her eyes on your lips once more once it settles that this is happening. You are going to kiss her. Hope leans in even more , a chill running through her as your hand trails towards her neck and then rests at the nape before pulling her in and just before your lips touch you ask “is this okay?”
The way her breath fans your face as she let’s out a breathy chuckle makes your stomach do somersaults. This was really happening. You were really here in the woods , inches away from Hope Mikaelson's face ready to kiss her. And have her kiss you , AGAIN.
“More than” She whispers out before connecting your lips once more. This time it’s softer , this time you kiss back with no fervor like you can feel Hope is trying to induce. Instead your kisses are languid , you savor each touch ,every taste you get from her lip balm. Bubblegum , not what you expected but not like you’re complaining.
You break a part minutes later , the fire in the tribrids eyes tell you she wants more. Craves it. And sure you want it to but not tonight. Tonight all you want is her and you spending the night catching up on lost time. And if you maybe decide to tease her with lingering touches or skillfully placed kisses through the night or even cutting off the makeout sessions when you feel it starting to heat up and it makes her blue eyes shine golden  in frustration. Well let’s just say she deserves it for ignoring you all this time.
Payback is a bitch.
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mangobone · 4 years
I just watched ep 13 and I’m stunned! Finally, the fog is clearing away and the information shown in the earlier slower episodes is paying off! This time is the Seo’s case thats finally coming to light along with some other things.
This is going to be a long post so go get some water and a snack if you’re willing to read and share your thoughts!
Also, If you haven’t watch the ep, please wait until you do before you read this. You’ve come this far, it’d be worth it:
-I don’t want to rewatch any of the earlier episodes until this season is done, so the Park Gwan-Su case with Hanjo, Choi Bit and Woo Tae-Ha is a little muddle for me so I’d give it a pass, just to say that I loved the acknowledgement to the late Chang-Joon and his incredible efforts, that still ripple through various people. He truly was incredibly smart in that aspect; however it didn’t stop him from turning into the mastermind of 2 serious crimes so I’d love to know how Si-Mok feels about him, 3 years after the whole ordeal.
-The Seo Dong Jae case OH! MY! GOD! (I’m turning into Janice from Friends, sorry) I wasn’t expecting that, but I do remember seeing the young man in the beach and thinking there was something off with him when he was being question by the police and he looked like a deer in theheadlights when he saw Si-Mok; however with the onslaught of information from the rest of the cases and the fact that he was a sort of “victim” from the couple that burndt the restriction line, I completely removed him from my possible culprits mental list. I was shocked today tbh. And I suppose Chief Kim has something to do either with him or the fake witness, that much is clear, but I won’t speculate too much there.
-The scene with Kim...JESUS. Hwang nerves of steel Si-Mok! He truly gave absolutely NOTHING away as he kept apologizing while looking at Kim straight in the eye and wasn’t that INTENSE?!!; I was repressing a scream throughout the whole scene. Btw whats with the forgotten garage control? I wonder if that’ll be significant.
- I really hope Kang Won-Chul won’t get too damaged when the shit hits the fan, with the whole Hanjo business and the war between the Lee’s. I’m also interested to know who was Park Gwang-Su’s younger brother.
My guess is that Si-Mok will have to make a decision between helping Kang Won Chul and following his strict moral code in the end. It’ll hurt whatever the decision, as can see that the appreciation between those two is sincere.
-I hate Oh Ju-Seon. So. Fucking. Much.
-The Eun Soo reference? Jeeeeez that was painful (great scene between CSW and Bae Doona btw) I think self-reproach, guilt and regret are Si-Mok’s kriptonites, as we can see since the Tongyong “incident”, and the fact that the “surviving” student is the abductor will only worsen the feeling for sure as he didn’t suspect him from the beginning. (I have a theory about this but it’ll be way below.
-NOW the scene between Yeo-Jin and Choi Bit? (Aside from the horrendous product placement) Well, Choi is holding back nothing eh? But I like that she doesn’t really tease her, she just asks honest questions (though a bit out of place, IMO) says what she feels she needs to, in order to “protect” both Han and her own interests. On the other hand Yeo-Jin GIRL YOU DIDNT DENY THE STATEMENT! Though I think we all knew she had something of a crush on Si-Mok from the first season, she indeed looks a bit more invested now. And I could guess that one of the reasons why she wanted to be in charge of the Seo Dong Jae is because of Si-Mok’s need to catch whoever hurt another one of his fellow prosecutors.
-Boy! Finally a scene where they find that son of a bitch! The moment when Yeo Jin presents her ID and the musical punk looks around to see if he’ll be able to knock her out and kidnap her JESUS OMG I WAS SCREAMING AGAIN and dismayed that our prosecutor hadnt gone with her! but thank heavens Hwang Si-Mok’s elegant shoe made its appearance, along with the rest of him and I was able to breathe!
-BTW I’m not too sure that Si-Mok will be able to catch him without Han’s help (We know that’s not his forte) by the looks of the teaser but he sure will be yelling at him, and for that I’m more than glad! He needs some catharsis and we all need the information.
Also, I love aggressive Hwang Si-Mok 🙃 (Sorry for the shitty captures, but I didn’t want to invest much time in them)
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-From the teaser: WHY THE HECK ARE THEY LOOKING UP? Is there something horrible up there? AND WHERE THE HELL IS SI-MOK?!?
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-And also...whoever decided to add a scene from episode 14 (to be confirmed) way back in the teaser for other episodes?!? That’s not cool and I’m sick of being cheated.
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-NOW! onto why Si-Mok didn’t suspect the Tongyong “survivor”? Two theories that could be seen as one but here we go:
-Unknown emotions getting in the way:
In the first season the media was trying to destroy his credibility and Yoon Se-Won told Chang-Joon that Si-Mok had undergone brain surgery when he was younger and it was possible that he could be temporarily suppressing his emotions; so what if In these past years and everything that happened with his colleagues and with meeting someone like Han Yeo-Jin, changed him subtly but enough that he could actually empathize, if only for a bit, with Kim Hu-Jeong? And that all of these questions and doubts on his professional capacity are because he’s too worried about his college but he doesn’t know it, just like Prosecutor Kim suggested it, when he suggested that he’d tell Chief Woo that he wasn’t ready to take Seo’s case.
-Mental turmoil
Or what if he’s actually a little bit...depressed? Contemplative? Unsatisfied?
When we start the season, for the first time we see him more as a lonely man rather than an outsider. He’s actually got a farewell party thrown for him that he clearly doesn’t look forward to, he’s watching couples and families stroll by, he admits openly to Kang Won-Chul that he “may never fully understand the things that he should know by a certain age”, he doesn’t let his mother know that he’s back in Seoul and the promised visit is clearly not his idea, and the talk with Yeo-Jin about Eun Soo and the simplicity between living and dying got me wondering about his state of mind. He’s got questions he won’t ask to the only authoritative figure he still respects somewhat (Kang) and he’s more defiant to Woo Tae Ha.  So he’s more self-isolated with the only exception being Yeo Jin, to whom he asks questions about her obvious attitude change.
These things, along with Han Yeo-Jin’s change in attitude really got me wondering about both our protagonist but we don’t really get enough time with her to venture theories on what is going on and why she keeps quiet when Si-Mok questions her about her life choices, just that she’s miserable on her desk job with her bureocratic collegues. 
Also, I could be mistaken BUT anyone noticed how this is the first time Han Yeo Jin mentions someone from her family in the series? (grandmother).
I’d go on and on writing on the possibility of a Hwang/Han relationship but I feel that those two ending together is just too unlikely, as much we as audience would love it. They truly are made for each other, like a perfect yin-yang, and this season only confirms that she’s the only person who manages to make him eat in peace and make him smile.
Well I’m sorry for offending your eyes with this sea of text but I had to get it all out before tomorrow’s episode!! Going to sleep and hopefully I’ll open my eyes to the new ep!
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5) Bolin is cuter than Mako. PeriodT.
8) Idk how I feel about Asami. I knew her dad was up to something from the get-go but I can’t tell what the writers are trying to do with Asami besides pitting her against Korra for fucking Mako’s attention which is DUMB
9) Tenzin and Lin dating in the past is hilarious omg can you imagine Aang, Katara, and Toph when they found out I bet Toph pissed herself laughing so hard at her daughter dating Twinkle Toes Jr
okay that’s all for now
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strayneoculturekids · 6 years
High school AU Lee Mark x Reader
A/N: The idea for this fic isn’t completely mine, I got it after seeing a post and I’ve wanted to do it for a while so credit to whoever that person was ALSO I go to a school that has free seating so I have no idea how the teacher’s assign desks so forgive me for any mistakes
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Highschool AU
Summary: The person who sits at your desk the period before you in class always left you cute little notes. At first, you think they’re just being sweet, but as the notes start to get a little more specific, you realize you might have a secret admirer.
Genre: Fluff
It was only the last period of your first day back at school, and you were already fed up. Due to the sleep schedule that you completely ruined over the holidays, you didn’t get to bed until around 3am last night. The bags under your eyes were very evident, but no one questioned it, because everyone else had them too.
Except for one person. Actually, he did have them, but did that stop him from being the most loveable person ever? No.
Mark Lee. The boy who always seemed to be so shining and bright, no matter the situation. You had never once seen him in a bad mood, not even today, on the first day of school. This was one of the many, many reasons you had a tiny little crush on him.
Despite Mark’s charming personality and outstanding looks, not a lot of girls were going for him. It was high school. A lot of girls wanted a bad boy and a relationship with no meaning, just for the thrill of it. You found this completely fine, you understood that they just wanted a little bit of relationship experience and to know what it felt like to have a boyfriend like that. 
But some unknowable force just dragged you towards Mark.
You walked into your classroom, being met with the teacher and a few other students.
Ugh, why is the teacher here so early You thought dreadfully
She instructed you to your seat while you put on a fake smile and nodded, walking towards your assigned desk.
You plopped yourself down on the seat before looking down at your desk, not very surprised to see that it had already been graffitied on, it still looked fresh so you assumed that the person who sat at this desk the period before wrote it. just a short sentence.
I know it’s the start of the school year, but keep your chin up! It read
For some absurd reason, the cringey little message left on your desk by the mysterious person put a smile on your face and left your hear a little warm. You were aware that you probably looked like an idiot just staring at your desk and smiling, so after a few seconds, you instantly went back to your resting face.
During the whole class, you kept looking down towards that little note, and it actually helped you study a bit harder. You didn’t know why, but you really enjoyed it.
The next day, the same thing happened, where you saw a new little encouraging message. This went on for a few weeks before you got a message that particularly got your heart racing.
I saw you walking in the halls today, you looked pretty tired. Maybe you should try getting a bit more rest, but I like your new hairstyle!
You tried to think of any possible way as to how this message might not be for you, but alas, when you wiped your fingers across it, it left some ink on you, indicating that it had just been written.
And coincidentally, you had just started styling your hair differently today. You frantically looked around despite knowing that the person who wrote the note would be long gone by now.
A million thoughts were racing through your mind and the period felt like it passed in 5 minutes, but you didn’t retain a single piece of information.
By the time you left school, you were still in a daze but tried not to let it show when you arrived home. You decided that you would sleep on it, and crashed on your bed, falling asleep straight away despite having unfinished homework.
The morning came around far too soon and you got up and dressed slowly, a little bit less sleep deprived due to your extremely early night last night.
You went downstairs, finally noticing the time. It was 15 minutes until school started.
“FUCK” You shouted out loud
“Language” Your dad shouted back
You threw a quick sorry at him, almost deciding to skip breakfast, but weirdly remembering the little note you had gotten a few days previously.
Make sure to eat well!
You cursed yourself for remembering that a time like this and quickly went back to grab an apple from the fridge, racing out the door as quickly as possible, running as fast as your legs could possibly carry you.
You arrive at school in a huffing mess, but you arrived before the bell and that’s all that matters. You quickly went to your locker, instantly noticing the bright pink sticky note that was stuck to it.
You stared at it for a while before finally noticing the small crowd around you, whispering and pointing towards you and the note. After a short episode of dread and embarrassment, you took the note off your locker and read it.
Did you enjoy my notes? I hope so! You’ve been looking a lot healthier lately, I’m glad. Could you stay back after your class this afternoon? I wanna talk.
Your heart was racing at top speed and you felt a blush rise to your face. You gulped but before you had enough time to switch into full panic mode, the bell for the first period rung. You quickly stuffed your things in your locker and got out your books for your first class.
The day felt like it went on forever, you just wanted it to be over! The anticipation of meeting the mysterious stranger leaving you notes was killing you, you couldn’t focus on anything but the sticky note that had been left on your locker.
When the last period came around, you looked down at the desk, noticing that there was no new note. Of course, it was no surprise, however, you were still a bit disappointed.
The period itself felt like it dragged on for days, you kept looking to the clock every five minutes only to discover the time actually hadn’t changed.
Finally, the end of school came around and while everyone else was leaving the room, you were sitting not-so-patiently at your desk, tapping your foot, waiting to see who would come into the room next.
You heard footsteps coming towards the room and your heart was suddenly throbbing in your chest. You started to squirm in your seat until you saw someone walk through the door, that someone making you freeze.
Mark Lee.
His bright, signature smile was lacking for a few seconds, but when he saw you, it returned immediately and you could see his face becoming slightly red.
“M-Mark?!” You almost screamed, standing up from your chair
“S-surprise?” he said, timidly rubbing the back of his neck
Before you could even process the fact that Mark was the one leaving you all those notes, you ran up to him and wrapped him in a bear hug. Which he reciprocated after a few seconds of surprise.
“I can’t believe it was you” You said in a hushed voice
His beautiful smile echoed in the room and you stopped hugging him to look him in the eyes. Both of your faces were almost bright red.
“So...does that mean you do wanna go on a date with me?” he asked, a nervous smile spreading on his perfect face
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marginalgloss · 6 years
vapor lock
I picked up Open, the autobiography of Andre Agassi, in search of something good to read about tennis. There aren’t a great many books about that sport, but this one now seems to be generally regarded as a classic of its kind. And though it does suffer from some of the usual traits of the ghostwritten celebrity autobiography, it has enough charisma to carry itself through. As well as being the document of a fairly extraordinary life, it is also a pretty good book about the playing of tennis in the modern era.
More so than some other sports, tennis seems to demand a near-infinite level of commitment from the people who play it at a high level. It is not only the level of athletic prowess it demands, and it’s not just the densely-packed pro tournament calendar which leaves little time for anything else — it’s that any kind of player response which differs from monotone bright-eyed optimism is immediately singled out and condemned for lacking commitment, passion, professionalism, or any number of other vague signifiers that suggest the person in question simply isn’t adequate. You need only look at how Andy Murray was treated throughout his career for the most minor of transgressions; in his case a certain tone of voice was enough to do it. Or look at how Nick Kyrgios attracts the ire of the press whenever he admits to a kind of indifference towards the sport, or when he insists that the people who write about the sport don’t know how it feels to play it. Neither of these should be considered radical statements, but somehow they’re seen as a sign of a deeper malaise.
Agassi’s book seems different because so much of it is incredibly bleak. It goes entirely against that tone of bland sanguinity which we normally hear from players under scrutiny. To begin with, Agassi is insistent throughout that he never wanted to be a tennis player — not only that but he actively hates tennis. For most of his career this takes on the feeling of a terrible secret, which he only shares with a handful of the closest people in his life. He hates tennis because his father forced him to play it from a very young age. Any resistance was effectively beaten out of him. One penetrating image from the early chapters is of a young boy standing alone in the tennis court his father built in the yard of the family home, struggling to return shots fired down from a ball machine propped up at an adult height — and doing that for hours and hours — until his father decides that being ankle-deep in balls is perhaps not conducive to the progression of his son’s skills. 
For the young Agassi there was no choice in the matter, and really no alternative. As he grew older his father drove him to tournaments and even pushed him into passing contact with the great players of the day. Later he was sent to a tennis boarding school, the depiction of which here makes some of those classically bleak British boarding schools look cushy by comparison. From then on, he is on a steadily upwards trudge through the rankings till he is playing with some of the most talented players in the world. Along the way he picks up a regular team, some of who (like his physical trainer Gil) stay with him right through to the end of his career.
If this is a rags-to-riches story, it’s a strange one. It would be difficult to cite this book as inspirational, simply because for much of it Agassi struggles with his own essential indifference to thing which (to the outside world) seems to be his reason for existing. Often it seems he’s less driven to win than driven to avoid failure. Again, this is not something we’d expect to hear from a player today, but with all those Grand Slams under his belt Agassi seems content to be candid. Refreshingly, he doesn’t seem to care if he admits to losing countless matches because he was mentally preoccupied, or (perhaps more often) because he basically didn’t care whether he won or not. And all this is before we even get to the unbelievable struggle against his own physiology: he was born with an issue in his spine which gave him a flat-footed walk, and eventually caused an incredible amount of pain when playing in the later parts of his career.
But it’s also a very funny book. There are some amazing anecdotes here, many of which feature the bewildering array of the great and the good with whom Agassi socialised at the zenith of his career. There’s an incredible story about the episode of Friends featuring his then girlfriend Brooke Shields, which I won’t spoil. Naturally, the rather more serious Pete Sampras comes in for some good-tempered ribbing (at one point Agassi brings a parrot to a joint interview). His much-discussed relationship with Barbra Streisand is here, and is rather cute. He explains why he started playing in denim shorts (because McEnroe thought they were ridiculous).
But even under all that this levity there’s a terrible sadness. That oversized mullet he wore in the early part of his career was partly fake — a complex concoction of spray, wig and bandanna, intended to hide his fast-thinning hair — and it’s painful to read of his anxiety over whether it could come loose at a crucial point in a tennis match. And there’s one story about the time he was caught taking recreational drugs that seems like an astonishing admission of his privileged position at the time, and of a lax drug culture within the sport.
The effect of all this is enlivened by the style, even while it renders it all somewhat harmless. It’s lush, cinematic, and impossibly detailed. It has the ‘author as protagonist’ feel that’s almost the definitive characteristic of a certain kind of autobiography. It would make for a pretty good Wes Anderson movie (and I like Wes Anderson movies). Complex events are mustered into neat little stories and scenes that don’t have quite the feeling of real memories. And that’s fine, I think, but it has the (perhaps unintentional) effect of making the whole thing feel like it couldn’t quite be entirely real. 
It is only Agassi’s eventual mastery of his field that would get this book shelved amongst the other sporting autobiographies, and not alongside the volumes about parental abuse. But I kept thinking of what he might have become if it hadn’t worked out. I thought of his brother, another victim of his father, who tried for years to turn professional without ever seeing real success. There is something of the sausage factory about modern tennis. If we knew how it was made, the idea of inflicting it on any young person might come to seem intolerable.
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yuugo · 6 years
an essay on homura takeru
logs onto tumblr for the first time in a year just so i can post this
a seriously long post ahead
anyway this isnt a ~formal essay~ i’m sorry in advance but i’m just trying to dump all the stuff i’ve wanted to talk about for a long while because i really like takeru in vrains and the new ep reminded me that i still hadnt really wrote out my thoughts yet
(not formally anyway, just in stray tweets)
three points to this essay:
- explain takeru’s backstory and how it relates to the present - the way takeru dealt with his trauma and why it’s important - a little bit about soulburner
for archive purposes this essay was written after episode 59 aired and does not take anything past ep59 into account (because at the time of writing this it didnt exist yet)
the way vrains has showed how different characters deal with childhood trauma is extremely interesting to me because every single character that we’ve seen involved in the lost incident so far has dealt with it in a different way, and it perfectly parallels how people respond to trauma in real life. i have a lot of thoughts on this matter bc it’s also personal to me but that really doesn’t matter right now. for today i just want to talk about homura takeru
i’m going to assume everyone reading this is familiar with the lost incident, but quick tl;dr anyway: six kids got kidnapped and held in solitary confinement for 6 months where the only thing they could do was duel. and how well they dueled determined if they ate or not
all of the kids involved in the lost incident came out of it differently: kusanagi jin never truly left the lost incident, as he’s still in a psychiatric hospital to this day due to it. spectre fully embraced what happened to him and decided to return for more after finding out the only thing holding him to the “outside world” (his mother tree) was gone, because the lost incident was the only time when he felt needed (eps35-37, playmaker vs spectre duel).
yuusaku underwent therapy and rehabilitation but never actually recovered. he still suffers ptsd from it to this day (ep19, playmaker vs akira zaizen), and had become (rightfully) angry at what happened to him, leading him to team up with kusanagi shoichi (kusanagi jin’s brother) to deliver justice/revenge.
takeru came out of the lost incident also traumatized, as he mentions he never dueled again (ep52).
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takeru is something of a special case as we see in his backstory that not only did the lost incident traumatize him, but due to his disappearance, his parents died while looking for him. in a sense, takeru came out of the ordeal with not only the trauma of the lost incident, but also the trauma of losing his parents at a young age (6), both happening at around the same time
the way takeru dealt with these two traumas was to completely re-invent himself. he “sealed away” his memories of the lost incident and completely changed who he was in order to avoid having to actually deal with it. takeru says this himself that the time after the lost incident to the end of season 1 of vrains--that was not actually him, as in his true self
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however, what most interests me about this exchange is the way kiku (the girl) responds to his declarations that he’s “not himself”
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after the lost incident, takeru had to relocate and live with his grandparents in another town because his parents were dead and could no longer tend to him. that means that everyone in the town never actually met takeru--that is, who takeru was before the lost incident. everyone in town knew only the post-lost incident takeru
kiku’s responses to takeru’s declaration that he’s going to leave give us a lot of context as to who takeru invented himself to be and how long he held up this facade. kiku is obviously someone who is close to takeru, as she shows worry for him not attending school, and he entrusts her with taking care of his grandparents. he even tells her that he’s been faking it this whole time
however, even despite all this, takeru never once dropped his facade around her before this moment (this moment being takeru reading the news article about playmaker/blue angel/go and the knights of hanoi), which is why she shows such surprise to his declarations and doesn’t understand what’s going on.
but she supports him, because
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this is the most important part of their interaction to me. it implies that kiku has never seen takeru so resolute and full of ambition before this, and it’s been a long 10 years since takeru moved to this town. 10 years of keeping up the facade of being someone else in order to deal with what happened
this scene also goes to show just how much the news article about playmaker, blue angel, and go onizuka fighting the knights of hanoi meant to him. he’s willing to completely undo 10 years of his facade because of it. here was someone else from the lost incident (yuusaku), who fought and confronted his trauma head-on. completely opposite of takeru who ran away from it
takeru could have, arguably, gone to den city to meet any one of them, but he chose yuusaku because they know what each other went through
the complete image change is also super interesting, because takeru looks much rougher and tougher, like a typical japanese delinquent, than what he looks like now. the opening for this season even has a still to highlight his persona
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and kiku confirms in their aforementioned interaction that he actually doesn’t go to school a lot (she was super happy when takeru said he’d finally “go”). it completes his whole delinquent persona nicely
this image is a COMPLETE 180 from what we see him as now
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tamer hair, glasses, and his blazer is even buttoned! yuusaku doesn’t button his or wear his shirt properly (the top button is open). takeru looks much more put together than what he used to be
even the body language of these two are different. the delinquent persona takeru looks aggressive and unfriendly but the takeru with yuusaku and kusanagi is much more open, much more happy
and it’s not like we haven’t seen this style of takeru before, because
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he looks exactly as he did when he was younger, before the lost incident occurred
why choose this look? why of all the images he could have remade himself into, why did he go back to what he used to look like before the lost incident?
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because he’s finally making up for lost time.
because takeru is finally being who he was supposed to be, or in better terms, who he actually is, not his delinquent persona
in a sense takeru is regaining all the years he missed from his life pretending to be someone he isnt. he felt truly and genuinely inspired by playmaker, go, & blue angel because they fought his oppressors and the people who caused him pain. they fought while he did nothing, and this inspired him. he was truly super happy to duel go until he realized that go had completely changed from what takeru saw him as (a hero)
but reading the article made him realize: i cant keep hiding forever. like playmaker, i have to face it head on, because otherwise it's never gonna leave me. he's still haunted by the lost incident & you can tell because of just how much the article meant to him. takeru reverted once he read the news. he needed to do something
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flame & the ignis gave him something to fight for. teaming up with yuusaku gave him something to strive for. he left his town & went back to den city because he wanted to make a difference and confront his past, and that’s exactly what he’s doing now, after all these years of running
and it’s really major! you know why? because dueling is his trauma
and here he is, dueling again after all these years of never touching duel monsters. 10+ years. his drive to try dueling again despite it being his trauma is his first step to getting out of his bubble. & meeting flame in the link vrains helped him realize he could actually do something
takeru is really an amazing character to me, someone who broke free of his self-imposed prison and decided to finally stop running. confronting his trauma firsthand is something that takes a lot of courage to do, especially for someone like takeru who has spent more than half of his life pretending like it didnt happen. it’s harder to convince yourself to do something than it is to convince others
and despite all this, he’s here now. he’s fighting.
and he’s really... someone to be admired. it’s hard to put into words the reason why this character means so much to me. he’s very inspirational
there’s a lot more i could say about how different takeru’s personality is in real life compared to when he’s in link vrains as soulburner (he’s much more shy irl, but soulburner isnt) and how this all relates to who he is as a person who’s just starting to get back on his feet.
but that’s a lot of words that i can save for another essay
anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk
catch me on twitter
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mceproductions · 6 years
June 2018 Blurbs
6/1/18 Spent morning with mom at Kohls, nice time just wished it hadnt prempted my intended plans. Looking forward to Sophie and Marks wedding, tomorrow. 6/2/18 The rain fell, but the spirits wern't dampened as Sophie and Mark tied the knot, beautiful venue. Great party, only wished they'd played my song choice before i left though. Not sure if they had showed my video either. At least I got things squared away with Lisa. 6/3/18 Dad's problem with Casinos becomes more and more apparent. Just wished he possibly wasnt doing this intentionally to rile up Mom. 6/4/18 Well, my eye was giving me issues all day, and the store had more of them. 6/5/18 Well, my vest vansihed on me and i panicked for nearly 2 hours until I saw it balled up inbetween crack on reciving desk. Got to be careful where i see that thing. 6/6/18 Andrew grows clingier by the day. No Connor around really must aliviate his bordeom about being a burnout. Also peeved about RWBY Volume 5 Blu-Ray being produced so crappily. Not a fan of Rush Jobs, see Solo A Star Wars Story for Rush Job example. 6/7/18 Schedule at the store now really getting pressed with issues. But in terms of secrecy. Began DuoLingo application Hoping Tick can help me with cover letter as he did with Dad. Glad Ovechkin finally claimed a cup, even more so for Jared somehow he is a die hard Caps fan. 6/8/18 Ocean's 8 Was a lot better than i thought it'd be. Lebron on the other hand, down in flames. Worst NBA Finals Ever. 6/9/18 Quiet saturday, helped them with garden, then spent day painting shelving units. Material though may not support paints. 6/10/18 Ive seen only bits and pieces of the original FLCL, but even then you can tell the visuals and sound outplayed the story. But FLCL Progressive ups the game, and yet still seems lacking. Maybe the girl with the Cat earphones, has something to do with it. But will see the other 4 episodes to make sure. 6/11/18 Welcome surprise came today with early digital release of one of my favorite shows of last year Sakura Quest. Only the first half of the show mind you, but yoshi and company still had some great moments in this part. 6/12/18 Trump somehow ups himself when it comes to doing what we consider, career killing. Today its his meeting with Randall Park in Singapore. Somehow all the hype once again dilutes his realities. Better at making nice with our worst than being respectable with our best. Like the e3 shows i watched today as well (Yay Fortnite and SSB Ultimate) Im cautiosly optomistic. 6/13/18 On a day when i was set to work on stuff my mind was on two things, 1 how Doug Walker aka Nostalgia Critic managed to defy the odds and not sink that Channel Awesome company. and, that racoon in St. Paul climbing that building with an audience that size. I surly wouldn't be climbing that high. 6/14/18 Andy, Grandma and that loser of our president all came into existence today. At least Gramps classic story about the flags of flag day all being thier to welcome her to our country still rings proudly today. Although that just makes me wish I had known my other Gramps. 6/15/18 Incredibles 2, it may have been 14 years later, but this was well worth the wait. Holly Hunter and Sarah Vowell were the easy standouts once again. Really glad this came out this year instead of that Toy Story 4 nonsense. Also Fortnite on Switch, not that great a start, Andrew seemed more taken to it, especially when he officially got his hands on my Switch. Hoping to get better. 6/16/18 The washer finally gave out, they grabbed a new one while i retuned outside for a shift in the heat pushing carts. The guy helping out though, Josh seemes miffed nealry every time im outside. 6/17/18 Dad's day, loving the new washer even though its top loading, not loving all this rain coming with it. Watched Andrew seem to master the switch controls and get really good, really quick. Not sure what to do or invest in second dock station so i can rotate between the two tv's. 6/18/18 More work on DuoLingo and moved around nearly all my movie posters, Yay Ant Man and the Wasp. Wish the other 20 items i had on ebay were selling like my other stuff. 6/19/18 Trump, i thoughtd id seen it all, this just seems inhumane by his standards. Glorified concentration camps. Securing borders may be imperative but losing our humanity to do it makes me wonder what we've become in 18 months of him. The midterms cant get here sooner. 6/20/18 Pickup today, somehow an additional 6 hours doesnt make up for stuff that i need to get done. 6/21/18 Always a good day when packages addressed to me show up. But 5 at once, yay me. 6/22/18 Connor's 18th and me forgot a gift. Also dont like Friday trucks. 6/23/18 Quiet at the store, more so in the back. 6/24/18 Jurassic World does make an impressive sequel. Baffling Logic though but it is visually neat. 6/25/18 Not Much for today. Trump sucks the usual stuff. Hat for all star game showed up though, yay me. 6/26/18 First of 3 before wedding, and last in the back for 3 weeks. Really love doing time lapse shots with Ipad, though theft risk is high up on the list. 6/27/18 Doing carts from 2-11 is no picnic. and somehow Gabe is back. 6/28/18 Hot day with it being hotter tomorrow, that boat better be worth boiling over. 6/29/18 Watched Troy and Sarah W. get married on a boat. Very hot day, worse with having to help Grandma getting around Waupaca and Amherst. It was enjoyable being out on the lake. Not so much, having to constantly refuse sleeping in the same bed as your parents and grandmother. Im 30, people dont do that at age 30 ill gladly take the floor. 6/30/18 Unforutantley due to Grandmas night episode, our 2 day excursion just turned into a measley 28 Hours. Ambrosia does look nicer than i pictured. But we just absolutely could not stand the heat at all.
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multiply-xxx · 7 years
Join our live chat with 'Social Network' stars Andrew Garfield and Jesse Eisenberg
PatrickDay: Hello and welcome to our live chat with Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield, the stars of "The Social Network"!
PatrickDay: This chat is moderated, so there will be a delay between your comments being entered and them appearing on the site.
PatrickDay: To keep things manageable for Jesse and Andrew, we may slow down the rate of questions as they appear in the chat.
Jesse_Eisenberg:Hello? andrew_garfield:testing eisenberg can you hear me?
Jesse_Eisenberg:I am here in space.
andrew_garfield: hello
andrew_garfield: so hows it going?
PatrickDay: Hey Jesse and Andrew! Thanks for joining us. One of the biggest questions everyone has is whether you two are in the same room right now...
Jesse_Eisenberg: We are in different rooms, but they look the same
andrew_garfield: i designed my room to look like his kitchen
andrew_garfield: the chicken got shorted
PatrickDay: Facebook has been in the news quite a bit since the movie came out. Developments with the Winkelvoss twins, etc. Have you two followed the latest or have you been busy with your own careers?
Jesse_Eisenberg: I follow the facebook news as a layman. I'm interested like everyone else is, and I don't feel that I have any special insight into their business.
Comment From Karen :Congrats to both Jesse & Andrew on their brilliant performances & success in "The Social Network", Andrew, your performance in "Never Let Me Go" blew me away. As an acting coach you totally moved me. What type of preparation as an actor do you do to bring about such emotionally moving characters?
andrew_garfield: well karen thank you
andrew_garfield: i find it very difficult to be an actor to be honest. to access emotions on cue is an inhuman thing to achieve. so its never simple
andrew_garfield: i trained at a great drama school and had great teachers and i am constantly inspired by other people s performances
andrew_garfield: and if you are in a scene with a great actor opposite you your job is easier. like jesse was incredibly useful
Jesse_Eisenberg: i agree with Andrew; it is easier to act opposite someone who is good and taking it seriously. Performing can be such a strange and silly thing, but if you're working with people who treat it seriously and are thoughtful it can become wonderful and a lot of fun
Comment From Joan :Hi Jesse! How do you do?
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Joan, I am all right. how are you?
Comment From steve :i loved the scene when you smashed the computer, how much did you enjoy that, spidey??
andrew_garfield: steve yes it was very fun.
andrew_garfield: i have a lot of rage as a person which i didnt realize i had
Comment From Brandon:hey hows spider man andrew
andrew_garfield: brandon spiderman is great fun thanks. and really tiring, but mostly fun as hell
Comment From Vik :You guys are wonderful! what were your favourite movie of 2010?
andrew_garfield: vik i really loved the fighter, toy story 3, carlos, a prophet, how to train your dragon, the karate kid........many more
PatrickDay: Social Network seems to be a triumph for something people say was endangered in Hollywood -- the adult drama. Did you guys ever wonder while making it if there was an audience for this?
andrew_garfield: yes patrick constantly. we never thought anyone would watch it or see the point of it
andrew_garfield: maybe cos we were so close to it
Jesse_Eisenberg: To Patrick: While we were shooting the movie, I thought it was going well and would be good (the script was phenomenal) but I was actually a bit concerned that it might be too clever or too complicated/fast moving to be followed and enjoyed by many people
Comment From Simi :Is there any special director you would like to work with that you haven't yet? Either of you?
andrew_garfield: simi i love ken loach, paul thomas anderson, mike liegh
Comment From Andrea :Jesse, you said you listened to a lot of musicals growing up. What's your favorite musical?
Jesse_Eisenberg: To Andrea: I like Pacific Overtures, Floyd Collins. You?
Comment From Amy :For Andrew: I recently rewatched a lot of Doctor Who episodes, and noticed you were in Daleks in Manhattan - what was it like working on Doctor Who?
andrew_garfield: amy, it was great fun, i love david tennant, hes so talented and i am a big fan of the show so it was just pure fun
Comment From Nora :How are your cats, Jesse?
andrew_garfield: how are your cats jesse?
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Nora, my cats are weird
Comment From Mel :Hey Andrew, how has it been working with Emma Stone so far?
andrew_garfield: mel she s very special. and hilarious and sweet. its been pretty great i really like her. you d get on i think
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Mel: the score perfectly suits the film and these characters. There is a strange and off putting musical buzz through a few of the tracks that coincides with mark's inner life -- never shutting down and a bit dark
Comment From teapot :has there been any point where you've seriously reconsidered acting as your profession? i'm about to start uni this year, studying graphic design and have had a few doubts about starting a career in the creative world.
andrew_garfield: teapot. yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesy all the time. i always have doubts about what to do everysecond of my life. read if you havent already, letters to a young poet by raine maria rilke
andrew_garfield: that helped me......a bit
Comment From Michelle :Hello, Andrew and Jesse! Would you ever consider co-starring in another film together?
Comment From Erica :Jesse, what is you favorite Andrew Garfield film? and Andrew, what is your favorite Jesse Eisenberg film? (My favorite is Red Riding and Adventureland!) =)
Jesse_Eisenberg: To Michelle and Erica: I would love to be in another movie with Andrew! It was a thrilling and challenging experience. I love andrew in everything I've seen him in
andrew_garfield: erica i feel the same way
PatrickDay: Fincher's talked about making actors shoot scenes until they flub up and create something spontaneous. Can you both give an example of a "flub" that made it into the movie?
Jesse_Eisenberg: To Patrick: We would do many takes of each scene, but it was more about being able to try many different things, rather than trying to screw up in an interesting way. We said every line in the script word for word, so there are no improvised lines and very few improvised moments.
Comment From Ally :Were there any scenes you were scared to film or that were difficult for you guys?
andrew_garfield: ally i was scared to film the scene where i smash the computer, and the scene where brenda song goes down on me.
Comment From Jenina :how many takes did the laptop smash scene take?
andrew_garfield: jenina, a bunch. all told in the 60 s probably???
Comment From Allen :Hi guys, I was wondering if there were any paricular rituals you went through to get in the mindset of Mark or Eduardo while filming? What types of activities get you in the role or scene?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Allen: I liked to listen to mark's voice during the day on an ipod. He speaks with such assurance and conviction that it helped me get into that mindset
andrew_garfield: allen, i danced alot. in my trailer before most scenes. and i listened to alot of samba music and the city of god soundtrack
Comment From Ali :do you ever suffer from character bleed when filming? like fi you're character is in a bad headspace, that follows you out of the studio? or are you quite good at shutting off from your character?
andrew_garfield: ali, i find it hard to drop the scenes from the day, especially if we hadnt completed a scene and were gonna shoot the next day. that was hard.
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Ali, If you're spending so many hours a day trying to experience the character's life, it necessarily bleeds a bit into your life even though you know it's not real.
Comment From alice :how your lives changed after the social network? I mean, you guys were famous already, but that was kinda huge.
andrew_garfield: jesse gets mobbed at whole foods now
PatrickDay: And playing off Alice's question: judging by the attendance in this chat, you guys have a lot of female fans. Have you noticed a lot more female attention in real life?
Jesse_Eisenberg: by my mother
Comment From Arline :Have either of you done any theater and if so how does a film's stop and start (non?) momentum differ from the constant concentration of theater acting?
andrew_garfield: i prefer theatre acting, it is more of an extreme sport
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Arline: Theater has it's own difficulties, but gives you more opportunities (and more time) to try things
Comment From Lauren :Andrew your American accent was brilliant! How much practicing did you have to do for it?
andrew_garfield: lauren thanks. my dads american so i cheated
Comment From Adriana :will you guys be at the palm springs festival today?
andrew_garfield: adriana yes. will you?
Comment From Laura:what was the first and last scene you shot?!
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Laura: The first scene we shot together was exiting the Bill Gates speech (although it was reshot several months later). The last scene was the final deposition room scene.
andrew_garfield: laura my first scene was with the silly hat outside the carribean party, and my last scene was getting the phoenix envelope slipped under my door
andrew_garfield: jesse you lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesse_Eisenberg: i stand corrected
Jesse_Eisenberg: I'm now standing
Jesse_Eisenberg: its harder to type
andrew_garfield: hahahahaha
Comment From fede :i have to ask this to jesse, How was shooting with flip flops?..it seems brutal with the weather
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Fede: running with flip flops is painful and dumb. my legs hurt for months.
Comment From Andrea :Did you make up that little dance you did Andrew?
andrew_garfield: andrea, that was coreographed by the bolshoi ballet
Comment From Joanna :Have you ever had any fan experiences that kinda made you go, "Hmm, I should install more locks on my door"?
Jesse_Eisenberg: i was stalked by a locksmith
Comment From karatesluts :Andrew, do you know that most of Tumblr refer to you as Bambi? How does that make you feel inside? Warm, I hope.
andrew_garfield: bambi? like the deer? cool
Comment From Jenina :Who would you cast to play yourselves in a movie about your life?
andrew_garfield: jenina, i would cast fela kuti
Comment From anna :Is JT actually that suave or is it all an act
andrew_garfield: anna, jt is the best.
Comment From Diana:andrew: congrats on that hair award you got from esquire!
andrew_garfield: diana thanks x
Comment From Jenny :Andrew, did you get to learn anything about Brazil/Portuguese? And Jesse, did you learn anything about programming? Also, your opinions on Persian cats, please.
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Jenny, I tried to learn about computer programming, but it is very difficult. I stopped trying early on and just focused on mark's walking style, which is less difficult
andrew_garfield: jenny, i hung out with a bunch of brazilians in la before shooting, i went to some capoiera classes and learned a tiny bit of the language
Comment From steve :how was it working with a guy who had to act as two people in the movie? how was that experience?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Steve: Armie Hammer worked with another actor named Josh Pence to create the twins. They are both great actors, though Josh's face was replaced by a computer generated Armie's face. It was confusing a bit for me, but far more difficult for Armie and Josh
Comment From Patrickk :Andrew, what was the fire scene with Brenda like to film?
andrew_garfield: patrickk, it was really fun. shes so adorable, and yet so terrifyingly intense, so my job was really easy. i just watched her
Comment From Stan :Andrew, what's it like going from a film like Never Let Me Go, with a 15 million budget, to a film like Spider-Man?
andrew_garfield: stan. its not that different. only i feel alot of pressure and responsibility and i have never been this busy or tired. but im really enjoying the challenge
Comment From jennifer: Jesse, was it challenging being socially awkward and starring in a movie about social networking? How was that self-discovery process?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Jennifer: mark does not fit easily into the normal social structures of school (and life) but because of his alienation, was able to develop the perfect insight into how other people want to interact with each other. It is not paradoxical or ironic -- it is totally fitting that he would create this site
Comment From starwarsfan013 :what are your favorite books?
andrew_garfield: starwarsfan, i love catcher in the rye, amazing adventures of kavalier and clay. i am reading a book by elia kazan right now, which is great
Comment From Michelle :What was it like filming the scene with Aaron Sorkin?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Michelle: Aaron was very funny in his scene. he's a good actor and actually began his theater career as an actor.
Comment From Nora :with great power comes great responsibility, andrew
andrew_garfield: nora, i know. i really know. it sucks
Comment From Anisha :Andrew, how draining was it working on such an emotional movie like Never Let Me Go?
andrew_garfield: anisha, it was great actually. the extreme emotional scenes are fun once you ve shot them. you feel a sense of release and relief
Comment From Jennifer :Is it hard to go from seeing your co-stars every day while filming and having that bond with them, to not seeing them after you wrap?
andrew_garfield: jennifer, i miss jesse
Comment From Nicka :Do you guys find it weird watching yourselves on screen? I feel like that would take some getting used to.
Jesse_Eisenberg: Dear Nicka, it's very strange to watch yourself in a movie. Andrew says it's like hearing your voice on an answering machine times a thousand. I try to avoid it as much as possible. we have seen this movie one time.
Comment From Alice :Gosh, Andrew, we have similar taste in books :)
andrew_garfield: alice, cool, maybe we should meet and get married
Jesse_Eisenberg: i also like those books!
Comment From Mel :Andrew and Jesse, are you both excited for the Golden Globes and who would you like to meet while there?
andrew_garfield: mel, id love to meet christian bale. he blew me away in the fighter
PatrickDay: As the stars, are you guys usually privy to all the storyboards, plans, etc. Or does the final form of the film come as total surprise?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Patrick: the final product of a movie is always different than I pictured it to be while filming, so it's a jarring thing to watch something you've seen a million times in your head in a completely new way
Comment From Sara Jabeen :Hey, Andrew. :) Can't wait to see you in Spidey
andrew_garfield: sara, thanks i hope i do you proud
Comment From Deirdre :Jesse and Andrew, who were some of your favorite actors growing up?
andrew_garfield: deirdre, michael j fox, daniel day lewis, tom hanks,
Comment From Charlotte :Is it difficult to be working on a movie and promoting another? I can imagine it's strange being asked to talk about a film you completed a year ago.
andrew_garfield: charlotte, yes. its difficult for men to multi task
Comment From Vicki :none of my comments are showing up and i am crying
andrew_garfield: vicki, dont cry. we are here for you
Comment From Shirley :Andrew, hi! Can you reveal anything about the Spiderman plot yet? Like villains and such? Pretty please. Also, I love your work. Keep it up!
andrew_garfield: thanks shirley. of course i cant say nothin
Comment From NICOLE and chloe :Andrew when I finished reading Never Let Me Go I watched it instantly after and your performance with Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley had me in tears almost instantly. I have such love for the way you all portrayed the characters.
andrew_garfield: thanks nicole and chloe. i love your work too
Comment From Charlie :Do you ever regret going into acting because of the publicity side etc?
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Charlie, the public part of this is overwhelming and strange and uncomfortable. it makes me question several life choices that were made by a teenage me
Comment From Adriana :Jesse, I'm a big fan of yours and my sister is a big fan of Andrew. We really hope to see you guys tonight in Palm Springs.
Jesse_Eisenberg: why does your sister not like me, Adriana?
Comment From lisa :andrew, what is your response to people who say you are too old to be playing a high schooler version of Spider-Man?
andrew_garfield: lisa, my response is you are entitled to your opinion, and thanks for your thoughts. have a nice day, eat well, and get enough sleep to be effective in the life of your family and friends. and climb trees as often as possible
Comment From Patrickk :Andrew, do you find an American accent hard?
andrew_garfield: patrickk. yeah i find most things hard.
PatrickDay: Hey everyone, some of you are upset that your questions and comments are not displaying. There are so many that we can't have all of them go through. But we'll do our best to make sure as many appear as possible.
Comment From Ray :To both Jesse and Andrew: what made you decide to become actors?
andrew_garfield: ray, i wanted to pick up girls. then i realised acting can be a generous act
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Ray, I did children's theater when I was very young (8 years old) and found it to be a comforting way to avoid having to see friends on the weekends.
Comment From Paulette :Andrew, just read and watched Never Let Me Go. Every aspect was perfect. I'm sure you'll be a great Spider Man
andrew_garfield: paulette thanks alot
Comment From teapot :andrew, have you worked with rhys ifans yet? is he as awesome as he seems? :D
andrew_garfield: teapot, hes rad. so funny, and warm and talented
Comment From Kimmy :any favourite perks of being an actor?
andrew_garfield: kimmy, you get to sit around alot
Comment From dan :what is the one song that you guys jam out to in your car or at home?
andrew_garfield: dan, month of may, by arcade fire. and anythng by louis prima
Comment From Emily :Are there any questions that you've wanted people to ask (while promoting a film or campaigning for awards) but never have been asked?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to emily, every question I wanted to have been asked was asked by the journalists in japan. without exception they asked the most probing and psychologically astute questons about the characters
Comment From Katy :Jesse, can you do a british accent?
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Katy, I'm doing a british accent right now, I am.
Comment From Allie :Do either of you have any tips for people that want to become actors themselves, or any suggestion as to where to begin?
andrew_garfield: allie. find out why you want to be an actor maybe. and take some classes with a great teacher that suits you instinctively and study plays. read shakespeare and miller and chekov. read all the great playwrites.
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Allie, my advice would be to try to be involved in as much as possible. local theater, friend's readings, improvisation groups, etc.
Comment From Tammy :I'm really sick right now and being in this chat is making me feel better. I love both of you guys, never stop making movies.
andrew_garfield: tammy, get better
Comment From Linda :Andrew and Jesse - Did you both do the commentary track for the DVD?
Jesse_Eisenberg: Andrew and I did a commentary track, but he recorded it from different rooms. He made his kitchen look like my bedroom
Jesse_Eisenberg: the early years
Comment From marilynmay :Is there a person you'd love to portray in a movie?
andrew_garfield: marilyn may, id love to have a crack at portraying denzel washingtons life
Comment From Steph :Besides each other, who has been your favourite co-star in your career so far? Who would you like to star alongside in the furute?
andrew_garfield: steph, i love jesse, peter mullan, robert redford, heath, tom waits, carey m
Comment From Amy :So it seems both of you are into music (albeit, different genres); would you ever consider putting out a record or track (like how Carey Mulligan did a brilliant song with Belle & Sebastian)?
andrew_garfield: amy, we have been working on a rap album. neuroses based rap
Comment From Tom :What is the one classic film you wish you could have starred in, and why?
andrew_garfield: tom, would have loved to have been in kes by ken loach
Comment From Yiannis :Jesse, is Zombieland 2 happening?
Comment From alexis :Any websites you guys go on daily...that are just your favorites
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Yiannis, I really don't know. Hi Alexis, yes go to oneupme.com. i started this site a few years ago.
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Andrew: you would have been a great kes
andrew_garfield: jesse would have liked to to have played the eponymous kestral
PatrickDay: Jesse, in talking to people about Zuckerberg, have you found opinion split by age? (Younger find him admirable and exciting. Older find him selfish and petulant?)
Jesse_Eisenberg: the reaction to zuckerberg in the movie is all across the board. my mother said she wanted to slap me and then hug me. this has been the most common reaction. It makes me happy to hear that because it means people are invested in the character in a very real way
Comment From betsy j. :do either of you plan on making a twitter account to please your large fanbase ?
andrew_garfield: betsy, i dont know about twitter
Comment From Kimmy :Are there any personal favourite films you'd consider to be guilty pleasures?
andrew_garfield: kimmy, i love TEEN WOLF!!!!!
Comment From Emily :Andrew, can you come back and do another episode of Doctor Who please?
andrew_garfield: emily, i love matt smith so maybe
Comment From Diana :To Jesse and NAdrew: Any favorite foreign films of yours? :)
andrew_garfield: diana, i love michael haneke, i love audiard,
Comment From Victoria :TEEN WOLF is not a guilty pleasure! It is straight up pleasure!
andrew_garfield: victoria, hells yes
Comment From Kim :Andrew, to prepare for your role as Peter Parker have you read Amazing Spider-Man comics that have been made in the recent years? J. Michael Straczynski's run is a really great read.
andrew_garfield: kim, ive been reading em all. i love it
Comment From Sara :Can you both PLEASE give a shoutout to the people in Pakistan!?
andrew_garfield: sara, ok. i love pakistan!!!!!!!!!!
Comment From Michelle_E :Have either of you seen any of Sorkin's other works? Thoughts? I'm particularly fond of Studio 60 and I felt I saw a lot of the same struggles in both
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Michelle_E, I used to watch sports night all the time. I would video tape the episodes so i could re-watch them multiple times to catch all the wonderful dialogue. I think people have had similar reactions to this movie, going back to it multiple times.
Comment From Shannen :Andrew and Jesse do you guys google yourself?
andrew_garfield: shannen, i try not to. cos people hate
Comment From Laura :Jesse, I had the same reaction as your mother, I have to say.
Jesse_Eisenberg: thanks Laura, please do not slap me at a whole foods though
Comment From Stephanie :Hi Jesse and Andrew :) Greetings from Peru!
andrew_garfield: staephanie, hey peru
Comment From Olivia :How can a socially awkward person get involved in acting? Any tips?
andrew_garfield: olivia, i think being awkward helps greatly in being an actor, it means there is alot for you to discover with in yourself.
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Olivia -- you are the perfect person to act! One of the wonderful things about acting is that it can allow someone who is a bit uncomfortable to take on a persona that is different from yourself. it's a nice respite from your ego
Comment From Justin :Andrew, what's Marc Webb like? I'm really excited for you and Marc's version of Spider-Man! I'm a huge Spidey fan!
andrew_garfield: justin, marcs great, really talented and smart
Comment From Carolina :Jesse, Andrew, are you Tarantino fans?
andrew_garfield: carolina, yes
Comment From nina :are you going to be wearing peter parker glasses at all in spiderman, andrew? from the on-set photos i've seen i'm a bit dissapointed not to be seeing any four-eyed love...
andrew_garfield: nina, i hate to dissapoint you
Comment From Novus&kyle :Jesse&Andrew : In Asia, you have so much fans. Please remember this.
Jesse_Eisenberg: In Asia, there are so many more people. It's just a numbers game
andrew_garfield: hahahahaha jesse made a funy joke
andrew_garfield: hahahahhahaha of all places
Comment From Raph :what are you guys doing now besides this?
Jesse_Eisenberg: on the internet
andrew_garfield: good job jesse
Comment From Winona :you guys are fast readers
andrew_garfield: winona, thanks alot
Comment From mary :was the scene in the beginning of the movie hard, jesse? was all that shot in one take or was it split up?
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi mary, the opening scene was filmed 99 times, so there are lines and moments from many different takes.
Comment From steve :jesse, i saw u on leno, what's up with the facial hair?
andrew_garfield: jesse wut up wit de facial hairs?????????
Jesse_Eisenberg: you dont
andrew_garfield: me dont like thems
Comment From Rivers :How do we know if you're really Jesse & Andrew?
Jesse_Eisenberg: how do we know if you're really rivers?
andrew_garfield: rivers, this is in fact justin timberlake and armie hammer
andrew_garfield: maybe im rivers
Jesse_Eisenberg: maybe rivers is in all of us
andrew_garfield: maybe jesse is an automated joke machine
Comment From Laurie :Andrew&Jesse: Do you guys still hang out? I mean, besides going to film festivals and the what-not.
andrew_garfield: laurie, no. jesse s disowned me
andrew_garfield: silence ensues
Comment From Lex :i have a feeling that if you guys aren't friends forever the entire world will explode.
Jesse_Eisenberg: thanks Lex!
Comment From Hannah :Maybe you guys should just talk to each other and we can sit back and watch the WONDERS UNFOLD.
Comment From Marisa :yeah you guys should have your own tv show or something
andrew_garfield: i want to do a richard pryor gene wilder thing
andrew_garfield: both me and jesse will play the gene wilder role
PatrickDay: Have either of you had a moment to relax or has it been go-go-go? Especially now that "awards season" is here?
andrew_garfield: patrick, i am not relaxed. i am working out as i am typing
Jesse_Eisenberg: we have been traveling a lot in the last few months to promote the movie. but it will be over soon.
andrew_garfield: doing deadlifts
Comment From Ted Mosby :What are y'all most looking forward to in 2011?
andrew_garfield: ted, i wanna travel this year
Comment From sarahh :my questions aren't showing up. so i'll just try again. what can i say to convince my friends, who don't value my opinion, to see the social network?
andrew_garfield: sarahh, their loss
Comment From Camillionaire :Hello from New Zealand!!1! I love you both so much
andrew_garfield: camillionaire, is that really you????????
Comment From Kit-Kat :Where do you want to travel?
andrew_garfield: kit kat, africa
andrew_garfield: or south america
andrew_garfield: or thailand
Comment From Katy :Greetings from Israel :)
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Katy, thanks for logging on at 10:58
Jesse_Eisenberg: it is nearing the end of this discussion. many truths were unearthed and stories shared. thank you for waking up early to be here, except novus&kyle who are in asia and have just stayed up late.
PatrickDay: Thank you both for joining our chat!
andrew_garfield: we love you all like you were our own mothers and fathers.
andrew_garfield: good luck everyone.
PatrickDay: Thanks for joining our chat everyone! Apologies to those whose comments didn't appear.
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Random Ramblings (about) Robots:Introduction
hi,for purpose of this course i will be monthly rambling about the things i like most in science fiction in general,that being ROBOTS.I like them robots and in explaining the why and how i hope to explore more deeply in to what makes them relevant in sciencefiction (or if everithing goes wrong realize why they actually dont matter but we will see).
As you my avid reader may have noticed this is the introduction but its not only the introduction to this mini-series of sorts that i will be writing, since we also are gonna talk about the introduction OF science fiction in my  generation.
so before TV there  already was a lot about science ficiton(comics,movies,novels,etc...)however ,as far as im concerned,they were mostly targeted to adults or on the best scenarios teens. As far as i can tell (and based on a bit of research) the science fiction genre wouldnt be massively broadcasted to kids until the robot became a hero.The earliest example i was able to find was none other than Atom,known as Astro boy on the west published in 1952. The robot as a hero for kids would keep apearing here and there most notably (at least as far as i can tell) Mazinger z(1872, we may talk more about this one later), Transformers(1982) and megaman in videogames. And althought its arguable if its even science fiction also of note is doraemon(1969) and (although none of them were robots)  the mavel plethoraof superheroes:Iron man, Spiderman,The fantastic 4 The x-men and many more. All of them also had scifi traits in them and were plenty popular both in comics and in their own tv series.
Now my avid reader you may be wondering "but where are the gigant robots?" well since the insertion of Mazinger z and the Gundam franchise(again ,we will talk more about his ones later) the idea of gigant robots had been plenty popular.....in the east. You see the idea of gigant robots hadnt really bloomed as well in the west however ,fast-foward to a beatifull and magic time....the 90s.
Yes the 90s to be specific the late 90s when i was but an impresionable child. Now if you asked anyone from my kindergarden playground how they got introduced to science fiction there would be two resounding answers:
1-you were lucky enought to catch an episode of Transformers at the right time in the right chanel(or just had seen one of the billion hasbro comercials).
2-you had seen one episode of tthe MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS  CUE THAT INTRO SONG!!!!!!(funfact composed by mettalica)
Yes the good old power rangers were all the rave back in the day although they werent exactly robots ,they did in fact had one gigant robot that they piloted daily(as in every episode) so close enought right?. the power rangers were this idea of an "adaptation" of sorts of the super sentai (basically the power ranger but in japan) that had been airing since 1975 but it wasnt untill 1993 that it was adapted into the power rangers we know today.
The mighty mophin power rangers where extremly appealing to kids everywhere for a number of reason, the action was great for the time and it didnt take much to understand what was happening (and unlike Transformers it actually had a story easy enought for a kid to follow but thats another thing entirely because plenty of kids did in fact follow it but not in my country ot to my knowledge and this parenthesis is already long enought) but most importantly the gadgets!,yes The power rangers wouldnt be what they are without the awesome gadjets:
The trusty morphers.
And our favorite talking sword.
And of course never forgeting that sweet sweet ever evolving gigant robot THE ZORD.
Hufff.....well i think i have rambled enought by this point and have also succesfuly explained how many kids got introduced (you thought i had forgotten of the tittle didnt you) to the scif genre and more specifically to gigant robots.
i leave you then with my favourite intro theme of all power ranger and maybe of all series in general EVER.
Power ranger IN SPAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!.
Hoping you had a good time reading this and that the videos loaded properly.
  -diego corvalán PS:sorry for any grammar mistakes.
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loveandra0314-blog · 8 years
All my tweets since August 29th, 2016
Currently renewing my unhealthy obsession with Harry Styles. Seniors- have a fun year knowing that all the people older than you in school get to sleep in on Mondays If it comes in rose gold, I own it Lol @ seniors who think they're the shit All of my stories start with "well first of all, bitch" I love myself. Thought you ought to know. When your roommate is THE SAME DISNEY PRINCESS AS YOU My mom keeps sending me pictures of her food Still in summer mode Drew some nice pics of myself getting electrocuted in math today I can literally find someone on the Internet in .002 secs with just a first name, but tell me to hand in my assignment online and I'll die LOOK AT THE LITTLE HEART #GreysAnatomy GREYS FOOTBALL AND HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT If you live tweet next weeks Criminal Minds season premiere, I'll report you for emotional abuse I have not lost my voice, my voice just doesn't like me so she moved out. I send my parents paragraphs and hundreds of pictures of school and I am repaid with one word sentences and blurry pictures of my dog. I come home to find that my parents literally did everything they could to conceal everything that has anything to do with me in my room ALSO MY BATHROOM SMELLS LIKE CLEANING FLUID AND I KNOW DAMN WELL IT SMELLED LIKE "sweet peony" WHEN I LEFT Anthony's favorite hobby is absolutely roasting people on the Hudl app MUZZ WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE ANTHONY THAT HE PEED ON THE COUCH On a scale from 1-10 of brokenness, I'm a $34.72. I'm really proud of myself because I finished 1/8 of an essay that's due on Thursday #overachiever Btw, Anthony replied to my hint with pictures of his papa I know it's the law... But could the train maybe not blow the whistle 6 times through a campus of sleep deprived college kids????? Spagetting to know you Julia and I are in bed watching a movie and wondering why it's so loud... ITS 8:00 PM But how the f is it October in like 2 days We're over here acting like its the damn ice age I've been coughing all over everyone and everything and IM A TERRIBLE ROOMMATE IM SO SORRY WTF "5 Crazy" I love you, SVU Women before us fought to have the right to vote - don't take that for granted #VOTE My bed is absolutely COVERED in pillows, blankets, wires, school supplies, clothes and Tide pods etc… This woman started vaping and then another woman told her to stop, and now they are full on screaming at each other. ON THE COMMUTER RAIL. Guys, this clown thing is REAL I'm having a hard enough time sleeping without all these inconsiderately loud people outside my building clown hunting The dangerous part about college is going back to your bed in between classes WORDS LITERALLY CANT DESCRIBE HOW EXCITED I AM FOR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Belle is my Disney princess and Emma Watson is my all time favorite actress I'm crying Constantly waiting for the 12th of each month so I can have some data You can now get a life sentence for animal abuse. Justice. When your roommates make fun of you for complimenting an absolute FIRE selfie of yourself <<<< SUNDAY SHOPPING SPREE I fcking love candy corn You don't understand... our school and social lives have to fit around the voice and grey's. Sometimes my hand slips and I accidentally share something to my Facebook page We're gonna miss you #ThanksPapi It would be fun to me Harley Quinn for Halloween, but I refuse to be one of "those girls" Never be afraid to be yourself!! Happy National Coming Out Day everyone Julia and I have been watching Netflix in bed for 5 hours. COME BE OUR FRIENDS OMG Tmlt I fcking love Evan Peters and AHS Netflix for dayyyyyyzzzz May god bless you and may your eyebrows be forever on point Dear very high people in the hall, please talk even louder! And continue to walk around in your underwear! Please! I'm DYING. As soon as josh got home he immediately told everyone not to ask any questions about the dance My baby brother is almost 14 and he's like a foot taller than me and his voice is deeper than my dad's My little brother got a 30 yrd touchdown and 40 yrd run Mo and Julia are asleep and I'm just laying here laughing my ass off Literally the worst thing in the world is realizing you have a hole in your leggings Backless dresses are just so incredibly beautiful I love them The girls are asleep and I am laughing like a fcking psycho. What's new? Sorry that I retweet a lot, I just feel like sharing the things I find awesome or funny are worth making your day too I love reconnecting I have heart failure walking to class when I start to hear a longboarder behind me Cookies and Gilmore Girls with my babes It's 11:00 and we're trying to sleep pls enforce quiet hour or I will Julia and I suck at life so we put it on the internet. #relatable "Omg have you seen @JeffreeStar new black highlighter?" "Isn't that just a sharpie?" NO JULIA IT IS NOT A SHARPIE I love late night phone calls with my man Rewatching greys is my fave thing to do Meeting guy friends at college is easy until you bring up your boyfriend I told everyone in my kindergarten class that I was a boy. So, surprise everyone idk what that was about Life update: the heater in our room is making loud, evil noises. This started yesterday and has not stopped. This heater needs medical attention I am honestly concerned for this heater's health. She's clearly leaking or dying or something College is not being able to afford a stapler and the professor refusing to collect unstapled papers. Derek Shepherd has been setting unrealistic expectations since 2005. Feliz Dia de Los Muertes! I'm so excited for Beauty and the Beast I'm actually crying. Real tears. I'm seeing it MINIMUM 10 times in theaters "THIS MEAT IS SO RAW A GOOD VET COULD SAVE IT" Anthony wutttttttt No Makeup November JULIA AND I ARE CRYING (not happy tears) The sun rose this morning and it will rise tomorrow morning My dad has had a variation of the same car since 1995 "You are SO loud" "I just don't care" lol k Anthony Scooby doo I cried twice today, first because I watched the Beauty and the Beast trailer, the second time was when I re-watched the trailer. My dream job is when it's always Friday Also no makeup November is going swimmingly, I may never wear makeup everyday ever again All the bathrooms on my floor are being cleaned and I've been holding my pee for an hour and a half. Can I be someone's creepy older prom date this year? I had some real good coffee this morning and I feel absolutely fantastic, this may be a new me Anthony is snapchatting me live from his room where his roommate is keeping him captive and asking deep questions about life College is being awake at 11pm which is just enough time to squeeze in a few more episodes of greys before 12 COLLEGE IS BEING AWAKE AT 12:30am BUT THERES ONLY ONE MORE EPISODE IN THE SEASON Hobbies include: coughing loudly and rudely when I pass people who are smoking When I'm actively trying to not laugh my ass off at stupid stuff because roommate Just a reminder to be careful and safe this holiday season I want a pretty case because the life proof one is too much but I can't afford a new phone sooo.... TMI: I threw up all over a bathroom stall today. I warned you. My professor shaded me in front of the whole class. I don't have room for embarrassment because I high key gained so much respect. Savagery Hahaha at least my eyebrows are fleeky The weather today is less than ideal. Julia made a tinder and then promptly deleted it when she saw an attractive man. THIS IS WHY. THIS IS WHY. True friends snapchat from across the room If the wifi would stay connected, I wouldn't run out of data every month The temperature was in the single digits today and I honestly don't know how I've ever been able to live like this for so long There is a full on absolutely raging party down the hall from my room. 24 hour quiet hours what College made me addicted to tums Sleep is great, but have you ever watched Netflix? Prof almost made us stay past the two hours like... fuck you thought?? Oh annnnnnd I woke my ass up at 7:00 this morning to get a waffle AND THEY HADNT PUT THE STATION OUT YET Why does my brother constantly ask what we got him for xmas?? Like we're not telling you and if we did your xmas would be ruined Trying to save up...but Sephora I can't even put into words how sad I am about Carrie Fishers passing. Rest In Peace. Someone get me on the slopes Can't stop won't stop crying at the Beauty and the Beast trailer. What did I do to deserve this Every time I lose a snapchat streak, I die a little on the inside I'm such a daddy's girl tbh Setting that 4 am alarm is absolutely killer Hey at least the Cubs won the World Series in 2016 Thought about making a resolution to go to the gym and eat green stuff, but I'm just gonna do me, eat cookies and walk occasionally Tmlt- moral: be happy, and do what makes you happy I really just slept until 5pm Traveling through Hoth in my damn Jetta was fun I should have just skied home from work smh These are the days that I wish my dad's Outback was automatic. Smh I share a bathroom w two teenage boys. There is a pile of underwear in the corner that grows +2 every day.
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