#this is literally shotor
lvtvr · 6 years
idk if anyone remembers that time i made a list of the fic ideas i have but
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this is the current order of priority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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theofficialshotor · 7 years
More headcanons because I’m overwhelmed with shit
Height difference where Lotor is about 6-8 inches (15.2-20.3 cm)  shorter than Shiro.
Lotor being the big spoon despite this.
Lotor being a stuck-up royal brat and Shiro having to teach him to be thankful for the things he has.
Shiro and Lotor trying foods from each others’ worlds.
Lotor discovering the joys of Earth arcades and begging Shiro to go to one with him so they can play 2-player games and vs each other.
Shiro beating Lotor at every game.
Lotor spending hundreds in Earth money to train and be better at games, then going against Shiro again and winning months later. Shiro never suspected this. Like... at all.
Shiro going swimming one night and Lotor following like 20 minutes later, afraid he’ll seem too clingy.
Bad movie dates. Lotor doesn’t understand the point of them no matter how hard Shiro tries explaining it.
Shiro and Lotor.
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okaybutvoltron · 7 years
I have to study tonight...send me some smutty headcanons/asks to get me through? 😏
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dent-de-leon · 5 years
Did someone say thoughts about Shotor??
Yes I have a lot actually!! To talk about them first, I think I need to talk about Keith–because Lotor saved him, and that must mean the world to Shiro. Takashi, of all people, has always been the one trying to protect Keith and shield him from his own self destructive tendencies. We see this a lot when he’s younger, actually. Keith stealing Shiro’s car and just taking off, deliberately trying to tank his chances of getting into the garrison, that’s all willful self destructive behavior. And back then, it’s done in a desperate attempt to try and regain control in a situation where he feels he has none. They’re saying he’s a lost cause anyway, so why not go out with a bang and show them just how much damage he can do. As a reckless teen, this is all stemming from abandonment issues and profound isolation. 
“I won’t give up on you, Keith. But more importantly, you can’t give up on yourself”–Shiro reassures and comforts him, convinces him that he’s worth more than he thinks, that there’s so much good he’s capable of. As Keith matures, years down the line, we see that he’s more at peace with himself. Rather than “acting out” in response to his trauma, we see him neglecting his own future in favor of something entirely different–self-sacrifice. He is, at heart, very noble and giving. He is also fiercely dedicated to what he believes is right, to his duty, to the mission, etc. We see him all too readily try and fight to the death in his Marmora trial. He volunteers for a “suicide mission” at the end of season 2, and later Kolivan berates him for always putting his own life on the line. Lotor saving Keith in the way he did speaks volumes about how badly Keith needs a support system, and I find it hard to believe such a striking act wouldn’t immediately endear the prince to Shiro in some way. 
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We actually don’t see any followup for that, which is incredibly unfortunate. But given that Keith is willing to risk dying with both Shiro and Lotor because he’s so driven to save them, I have to believe it certainly left an impact on him. And I can’t help but believe Shiro would, at the very least, be eternally grateful. He’s as cold as everyone else when he first addresses Lotor in the following season, but I still like to headcannon he had a bit of a soft spot for him after that. 
It’s really interesting actually, because Shiro was the first–and for a long time only–supporter of Lotor out of all the Paladins. You can’t tell me there wasn’t a certain kind of kinship there, particularly when Shiro was driven enough to literally let Lotor “give away” the Black Lion at the Kral Zera. All or nothing, Shiro wanted Lotor up on that throne. Of course, things definitely begin to drift into this grey area as to how much of Shiro/Kuron’s desire to back up Lotor was out of his own volition and how much of that’s Haggar just manuevering the pieces. 
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Either way, I think that some part of Shiro definitely had stake in this game. I’m willing to believe he was genuinely moved by Lotor’s commitment to the team–unlike the other Paladins however, it didn’t take Zarkon’s fall for Shiro to take a leap of faith on him. He gave Lotor his bayard. The only other bayard exchanges we see are between other Paladins. For Shiro, in that moment, Lotor was a Paladin, he was worthy enough to wield that sword and do what was right. Shiro would have never let Lotor go into that hostage situation unarmed, which honestly, is a very Shiro Thing™ to do I think. Even when all the other Paladins called out Shiro for acting on his own and doing something so reckless, I don’t think he would have ever played it any differently. It’s in his nature to try and see the good in others and to never leave an ally defenseless.
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Also, that Soft Look™ that Lotor gives Shiro in that one scene where he’s struggling with Haggar’s control to try and remain calm? Where he just walks away after voicing his support for Lotor? That’s some good stuff. It honestly looks like Lotor cares–and I’d like to think he does. Shiro’s the only one 100% on his side thus far, after all. 
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And I mean, I’m also really biased because I still remember the old Devil’s Due 80′s Voltron comics where Sven/Shiro is also mind controlled by Haggar, and ends up working with Lotor. They end up getting pretty close, have some nice bonding moments, and Lotor even tries to tell Sven that he’s being manipulated. Pretty good stuff, and I’d love to see a take on VLD where Lotor goes that route with Shiro.
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Also, and this is HUGE to me so I just have to bring it up–Lotor was literally introduced as a champion in the arena just like Shiro. The thematic parallels there are just chilling I love them. It’s also so jarring to see both these warriors taking down much larger and formidable foes with their cunning and skill despite the polar opposite tones. Shiro is cornered, scared, reckless, backed into a corner and fighting for his life. Lotor makes it all look so flawless and effortless, basks in the applause and has them all practically bowing down to him. He’s charismatic and entirely in control while Shiro is just trying to get through it, just live to fight another day. 
They’re also both looked down upon as “inferior” for their race, but earn some sense of Galran honor in the arena. I would love to see the kinds of conversations they can both have about their experiences as gladiators, how that shaped them and what Shiro’s reputation as “Champion” would mean for someone like Lotor. I can’t help but imagine Lotor would want to spare against Shiro in a similar setting just to test his reputation, Shiro likely abstaining do to his trauma and questioning Lotor as to why prisoners are made to fight for entertainment, philosophical and ethical discussions as to how Lotor should rule differently, etc. 
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I mean, and this is all sounds well and good, but things would obviously come crashing down eventually. I don’t think anything Lotor could ever do would make him worthy of redemption honestly after what he did to the Altean colony. And as we do see, Shiro is immediately ready to defend the rest of his team from Lotor once he hears what he’s been up to for the last few centuries. I can’t imagine a scenario where he’d actually stay on VLD Lotor’s side to the end, but the logistics of what could’ve been in a deeper relationship until then are definitely super interesting to me. I really wish the series would’ve considered elaborating on their potential bond more–and I have very much the same feelings about Lotor and Keith. The three of them could really be one hell of a team. 
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mermaider00 · 5 years
lotor lotor lotor!
- How I feel about this character:
I feel for Lotor the same way I feel for Ariel, who has been my best girl for literally my entire life, and that’s 30 years. I know his story didn’t end well, but the fact that I could relate to him as much as I did as an abuse survivor was everything. He’s magnificent and he’ll always be a prince to me
- All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ventor is my OTP! I also ship Lotura, Shotor, Merlot (Lotor/Merla) and there’s a sad part of me that still loves Lotacxa, even if it’s just past Lotacxa
- My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Shotor Brotp most def, and Lotor/Generals. Also friendship Lotura if I’m in an AU where they were not romantically involved
- My unpopular opinion about this character:
For regular canon alien Lotor (certain AU’s not included), I don’t care for him being... submissive? Not sure if that’s the right word I want, but a lot of the time people make him out to be this blushy shy guy when really he’s a guy who don’t give a shit who’s watching him. He’s sneaky and sassy and manipulative when he wants/needs to be and does what he wants. He’s dominant and that’s the way I like him.
- One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
Well this goes without saying, doesn’t it. I wanted more than anything for Lotor to be alive and happy. I wanted him to be the emperor and be acknowledged for saving the Altean race. I wanted him to have Altean markings and be seen has the strongest of the Galra. I wanted him to know someone how there cared for him. He deserved better, more than any of the other characters
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barbitone · 6 years
Do I have any Chinese followers?
I’m writing a shotor Firefly AU, and they use Chinese in firefly (mostly to curse tho) and I’ve been trying to keep up with that by using the firefly wiki.
HOWEVER, I would like for certain characters (Narti and Acxa if it matters) to call Lotor “brother” but in like a... respectful platonic way?? It’s my understanding that this is A Thing (correct me if I’m wrong)
The context is that Acxa and Lotor were fuck-buddies in the past, but now they’re best friends forever, meanwhile Narti and Lotor are just best friends forever.
I’ve got a very specific matrix of pet names going on here, and I just thought that would add to the whole thing :) I’ve tried googling but didn’t get results I was really happy with. Like, it all seems too specific? There’s big brother and little brother, and I wouldn’t want to go with something that LITERALLY means brother i.e. relative. Ideally I’d like to go more vague with just “I respect you brother”
But if it has to come down to it, maybe “big brother” works best?
I do know that “sister” is meimei (so, probably that’s what Lotor would call them back)
IDK. Please, I’m looking for suggestions and advice :) If I’ve got something super ass-backwards, please let me know too!
(And if you’re up for looking through my glossary and correcting the pinyin I would be super down for that. Someone left a comment like that on part 1 and it was super helpful tbh)
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✰ The Important Rules ✰
Greetings, lovely visitor.
Allow me to thank you for taking the time to read these rules I have carefully incorporated for the safety of all those who choose to participate with this blog. Understand that these rules are constantly changing as time goes on, though I will reblog it occasionally to remind the public of certain rules which must be followed. I have created this blog for every single one of us to have fun, so do try to keep that in mind when speaking to me, yes?
Do not ask about my opinion in regards to real life events such as the Holocaust, concentration camps, political discourse, and genocidal events. 
Going off of that, do not call Lotor any derogatory terms such as racist, genocidal, misogynist, etc. for I do not see him as such NOR portray him as these insults.
Do not overshare personal information. 
Do not appropriate real life culture and race within your ask/request.
Do understand that I do not ship Lotura and most, if not all, ships in Voltron are viewed as friends or acquaintances in my eyes.
Following this, take note that I despise Allura with a passion. If you are not okay with any critical opinions I have of her, then interacting with this blog is not suited for you.
Do not tag my Reader-Insert stories or art of Celeste and Atlas as Lotura.
★ Asks ★
Absolutely no requests/asks that involve real life tragedies. Understand that there is a line between fiction and non-fiction. Please refrain from requesting/asking anything that have happened in REAL life, specifically terribly tragic events dealing with real people’s lives. 
Do take care of how you present your words to me and to the public. Understand the implications of what you say beforehand.
For example, comparing Lotor’s Colony to concentration camps of WWII is not in any way respectable to ask. This is a real life horrifying event that happened. No opinion from a space alien Prince should even be considered where real people have suffered and died and continue to live with those haunting traumas.
Keep race strictly prohibited from your ask. Especially when vaguely, or purposely, mentioning a race in a poor regard. This is an example of a disrespectful Ask.
I am of Asian descent and my ancestors have literally been bred to look pleasing to the point where unwanted sexual advances are a daily occurrence, even in front of their wives and children. How do I deter such harassment when my boundaries are constantly being crossed?
This is implying that those of Asian descent have only one defining quality: their beauty. Any of my followers who are Asian may read this and feel very uncomfortable about it, especially if they are already self-conscious of a well-known stigma among the public. It may even make them disgusted of themselves knowing that they were bred to simply be put on display for perverse eyes, whether the original historical statement stands true or not. Do not do this. As much as I wish to know about you all, please keep your in-depth personal history associated with race out of Asks. Instead, simply asking like this is a much more safer, conscious route.
Prince Lotor, you are beautiful. Surely you have had many suitors who overstepped your boundaries in your lifetime. How do you deter unwanted sexual advancements?
I am perfectly fine with anons telling me their race. I encourage sharing public safe traditions or funny historical blurbs regarding their culture purely for educational purposes. This is the exception I will allow.
Questions regarding Galran disabilities, cultural customs, and other topics are accepted since this is not a real race and 100% of the answers I give are simply headcanons (example).
★ Request ★
I am willing to accept requests regarding headcanons / imagines at my discretion due to time constraints concerning my educational goals. Here are a few examples of how I answer imagines / headcanons ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ). 
I only specifically keep close to x Reader in my stories, though I am open to canon character-centric interactions.
I will write gore and NSFW for certain characters. The only exception is, well, Pidge.
As far as shipping goes, my main ships are x Reader, Shotor, and Lodak.
I am not a fan of Lotura and I do not ship it. This is a personal preference of mine. If you ask why, I will answer. Please respect my decision on this and refrain from inserting Allura in any of my work, even as tags. 
Do not tag any of my Reader-Insert writing as Lotura. 
Do not tag any art and writing with Celeste and Atlas as Lotura or relating to Allura. Celeste and Atlas are the children of Lotor and Reader. 
My Ask box will always be open, but I will be selective about which questions I answer. My chatbox is also open, though I rarely reply to them. In regards to why I have not answered your question(s), there are many reasons behind it.
It has already been asked by another previous anon.
It has already been answered or is in the process of being answered, as in I have not thought of a worthy response yet.
It was excessive spam. 
It was rude and broke one of the rules.
I thank you again for taking the time to read these vitally important rules. If you have any questions in regards to the rules, do not hesitate to ask. Fret not, for I will still answer NSFW asks on Sunday. This blog is NSFW/18+ so do be responsible if you decide to follow me. In the event of explicit messaging, I will raise the age restriction to 21+ for personal preference and I will ask for proof of age. This is for both of our safety.
★ Please do remember that kindness and respect go a long way. ★
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shotornetwork · 6 years
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🌟 Shotor Week 2018 🌟
What is this?
Shotor Week is a week dedicated to the Shiro/Lotor pairing! The type of content you make is 100% up to you, whether it’s fanart, fanfic, edits, playlist, fanvideo, headcanons, cosplay, etc.! 
When is this?
November 4 - November 11, 2018.
What are the rules?
General blog rules apply, which can be found here. In addition to those: 1) No character or ship hate/bashing. 2) Side pairings are allowed, but the main focus must be on Shiro and Lotor’s relationship. Everything will be tagged, so if there is certain content you wish to avoid, you can easily block it! 3) No poly ships, i.e. Shiro/Lotor/Other characters. However, “Lotor/other versions of Shiro” ships are welcome, including poly ships with multiple versions of Shiro + Lotor. 4) All interpretations of the Shiro/Lotor pairing are welcome, including platonic, queerplatonic, or darker interpretations.
How should we tag our works?
Please tag your work #shotorweek2018 within the first five tags and/or @ this blog directly, so we can reblog your work!
What are the prompts?
Day 1 (Nov. 4): Monsters & Mana OR Date Night Day 2 (Nov. 5): Alternate Reality--Altean Empire OR Role Swap Day 3 (Nov. 6): Travel OR Training/Sparring Day 4 (Nov. 7): Soulmates OR Flowers Day 5 (Nov. 8): Dreams/Nightmares OR History Day 6 (Nov. 9): Supernatural AU OR Trust/Betrayal Day 7 (Nov. 10): Hero/Villain OR Picture Gallery (link) Bonus Day (Nov. 11): AU/Free Day
Descriptions of prompts below:
Some of these are self-explanatory, but for those that are less-so:
Travel: Time travel, dimensional travel, physically traveling, road trips, etc..
Flowers: Flower meanings, Hanahaki disease, etc.
History: Their history as a relationship, as individuals, literal history (like the kind you learn in books), etc.
Picture Gallery: A group of pictures that you can pick and choose from to base your work off of, or to somehow incorporate into your work, or simply to be used as inspiration for your work.
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trappedemperor-blog · 6 years
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//so this past week has not been the greatest week.
Found out I have a GIGANTIC cavity. Like, need a $2,000 root canal giant.  Happily, getting my face numbed and having it pulled is only $250, so. Yeah. I’ll be missing a tooth but at least I won’t be in fuckin’ debt. I literally am barely squeaking out after next week with around ~$20 for myself after paying off college this semester. Thankfully, the cavity hasn’t quite hit my nerve yet, but my entire tooth is nearly gone, so pretty soon I’ll be in immense pain. I have a paypal.me link here, if anyone would like to donate to it so I can get this rotten tooth out of my head before it causes infections.
I will also happily do fic commissions for anyone for VLD, if you’d prefer to get something out of it rather than just donating. I write for a penny a word and I am comfortable writing many things. My limits are scat, vomit, parental incest, abuse within a ship I enjoy, MCD (Major Character Death). My NOTPs are Shlav, Keitor, Lotidge, and Lodak. (I may discover more limits depending on what you ask, but this is what comes to mind).
Regarding “abuse within a ship I enjoy”, if I take great pleasure in a certain ship (Sheith, Klance, Lancelot, Punk, Hance, Hunk/Lotor, Shotor, to name a few), I will not write abuse for that ship. I WILL write, for instance, a villain!Sheith AU, but Shiro will not abuse Keith or vice versa. They can be bad - just not bad to each other.
Seriously, guys, if all my followers donated at least a dollar, I’d have $170, more than half the cost of the procedure. That’d be enough combined with my paycheck to get me into the chair and my tooth gone by the end of January, hopefully before any more damage can be done. That’d be awesome.
Even if you can’t donate, that’s fine, and I won’t stop roleplaying with anybody just because they can’t - or even simply won’t. It’s your money, who am I to tell you what to do with it? I only ask for a little help. Pass the word around if you could. If you decide to commission me, DM me first before paying anything so I can go through the proper channels of sending and invoice and all that yada yada. 
Thanks <3
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angel-nero · 6 years
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I love shotor, funky pals where one got literally destined to take care of the other and spy him, give him rides and trust him the black bayard to kill the dudes dad who hurt em both and the universe
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phoenixyfriend · 6 years
Got into a conversation about High School AU Lotor in the Lotor discord. It started off with me talking about an AU based on the Bring It On musical where Lotor was Campbell and Romelle was Eva but anyway it evolved from there and the only actual thing that remained the same was Lotor being a cheerleader, possibly captain of the squad. Below are some ramblings (all from me and @myhyperfixations​) on the subject of Lotor in a high school AU:
Lotor is one of those kids that's good at Basically Everything but nobody likes him because they think he's full of himself, or betraying them by associating with a different clique.
The jocks think he's too short and skinny to be as good as he is, and too Classy Dressed, and too queer.
The theater kids think he talks down to them.
The physics and robotics clubs are resentful because Lotor couldn't join in on competitions since he'd previously agreed to do the musical and some sportsball games.
The lit club is okay with him for the most part, but the debate club hates him and loves him at the same time.
Lotor does everything and has zero free time and has all of four friends.
(His friends are the Gals and they’re the art club.)
(And all five of them are queer as hell.)
Or it could be an AU where Lotor and Allura are childhood friends because Alfor and Honerva used to work together, in which case Lotor has FIVE friends, and those five are consistently going "stop this, you're going to Literally Die Of Exhaustion."
Lotor's just... very insistent on being good at everything to prove his parents wrong and also maybe take down his dad.
But also, specifically, when people try to punch Lotor?
He catches their fist in one hand and Glares Them Down.
He did martial arts for years before hitting high school and toning it down a little for other clubs.
Lotor is Classy Goth and that's another point on the Weirdness Meter. Like, everyone wants him involved because he's GOOD at what he does but nobody wants to... actually be friends because he's Weird As Shit to them.
He's just so many things at once and it makes people all ????? Because he's the ultimate Goth/Prep/Nerd/Jock combo and people just??? don't understand??? how can he master the four elements like that??
By not sleeping, mostly.
Lotor's going to have a full scholarship to Harvard, so help him.
(Because it's not like he can count on his parents for any sort of support, so if he wants to go he needs a full scholarship.)
I also got prompted to go into either Ryotor or Shotor with this (because the Lotor discord knows where I’m happiest), and:
I like football captain Shiro BUT I don't like erasing his disability and IDK how forgiving the football team would be of a prosthesis that isn't as magically uber-functional as the ones he has in canon. Track might be better, except track wouldn't explain his upper body build.
We eventually decided that Shiro is the soccer captain.
Ryou, on the other hand.
I want Ryou to be a Bad Boy
Like, not legitimately bad.
But he dresses like a punk and really loves his car.
He’s the “bad boy” punk that does things like rescue kittens from trees.
High-key, he knows how to pick locks and hotwire cars (and maybe helped Keith learn a few tricks).
Also please just imagine punk Ryou leaning in to flirt with Classy Goth Lotor (while Varsity Jock Shiro and Valedictorian Allura watch on in interest, because Shiro wants his twin to be happy, and Allura is childhood friends with Lotor and is a wee bit tired of hearing him talk about not having a datemate).
(Allura isn't valedictorian YET.)
(She's two years behind them.)
(But everyone kinda... expects.)
We also need to consider the  very nice mental image of Ryou leaning against a motorcycle.
He maybe he suggests taking Lotor for a little joy ride.
And he's totally not doing this to go a little faster cause it makes Lotor hold on tighter, nope, nuh uh.
And then... I was going to say Milkshakes but that's the wrong ship.
Fruity ice pops, maybe.
And Lotor gets Very Distracted by the way Ryou eats his.
Ryou notices and probably does something even more suggestive than whatever he was doing but acts nonchalant.
Final note:
Ryou absolutely does Kabedon to Lotor.
Lotor goes red.
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lynfantasy · 6 years
(For this character ask challenge)OOF. Alright, prepare yourself for salt, because I absolutely love this character no matter what, and that is precisely why I am very mad at the official crew about him. (Though I swear this isn’t ALL salt.)
The last time I did this ask challenge, I answered these questions for Lotor here, but that was before season 5 even came out. Now…
(Putting this under a read-more because this is LONG – there’s two long playlists under the “song” section, and I added a ton of screenshots at the end.)
Favorite thing about them: I loved how complex and out-of-the-ordinary he was. He wasn’t a hero, he wasn’t a villain, and he wasn’t even a traditional antihero. He wasn’t good, but he was altruistic; he wasn’t bad, but he was willing to do things that no one else would. He was neutral, and he didn’t need to be redeemed into goodness. He certainly didn’t seem to have any reason to fall or rise – he already knew what he wanted and how he was going to get it, and both his motives and means were shockingly pure.And then…Least favorite thing about them: Season 6 just completely ruined him. That colony thing?? I’ve vented to many friends about this, and there’s a post I have half-written that I might put up sometime, but it just doesn’t make sense to me. The creators of the show said that they wanted him to be a morally gray character, but then they had had him commit a truly evil act? And he doesn’t even seem repentant for it? I just can’t forgive them for doing this to him. This wasn’t some “cool plot twist.” I’m not sitting here, thinking, “Wow, I really fell for that, didn’t I?” I don’t feel like Lotor betrayed me. I feel like the writers betrayed him and did him a disservice.Favorite line: “All I ask is that you judge me by my actions rather than your preconceptions of my race.” This line was just… wow.Also: “My father’s blood is not just in my veins. It’s also on my sword.” Damn.I also still very much love his opening speech in season 3, and a special shout-out goes to his speech in the beginning of season 6 until Sendak interrupted it.BrOTP: Mmmm, well, Team Sincline forever. In a better universe, they’re all still getting up to their own shenanigans together.I also still wish that Lotor and Keith had gotten a chance to bond. It could have been great.But let’s all take a moment to acknowledge what a great and supportive friendship Lotor and Shiro had in season 5. That was good. Good on you, (clone) Shiro.OTP: Lancelot. I can’t really explain why, but this is my favorite ship. In a close second place comes Polycline, the ship of Lotor and his generals all together in a romantic sense, which just warms my polyam-loving heart.As for what I would like to see in canon, well, I was pretty happy with Lotura, and I’m still holding out hope that they might have some dramatic redemptive reconciliation.NoTP: Eh, I don’t really do NoTPs. I can’t say I’m fond of Lotor/Throk, though.Random headcanon: I think Lotor’s ships are perfectly capable of making it through the Quantum Rift without being subjected to the time dilation effects. I also think that, on more than one occasion, Lotor has purposefully turned down the protection against time dilation because he can’t afford to take time off but he really needs a break, and what better way to accomplish that than to take a trip that will give him weeks or months to himself but will only cause him to miss about a week in regular time?Unpopular opinion:
Song i associate with them: Hoo boy, I have not one but two playlists for him… Instead of linking a playlist, I’ll just list the songs for you all to find at your leisure, since everyone uses different music services (and honestly, I just pirate off of YouTube 99% of the time).
My “canon” playlist, in chronological order, is:
Natural by Imagine Dragons – I’m so glad this came out recently, because if there’s any singular theme song that fits Lotor in every canonical aspect, this is it.
Who We Are by Imagine Dragons – Team Sincline. Need I say more?
Best Day of My Life (minor key) by Chase Holfelder – If you only know this song in its major form, you might very well be wondering why it’s here, but Chase Holfelder’s minor key version has a very different tone to it, and I think it fits Lotor quite well for season 3.
Gold by Imagine Dragons – This works for his rise to power in season 3 and fall in season 4, as well as hinting at his eventual rise and fall again in 5 & 6 and that final snap at the end of 6. It could honestly go at the end, but I thought it fit best here, as the season 4 song.
Icarus by Bastille – I associate this song with both Keith and Lotor in seasons 3 & 4. Honestly, if you listen to the chorus, it sounds like them both at the end of season 4. Icarus (Lotor) is flying too close to the sun… Icarus (Keith) is flying towards an early grave.
Blame by Bastille – This isn’t a perfect fit, but it reminds me of Lotor’s pleading with the Paladins at the beginning of season 5 to not hand him over to Zarkon. Honestly, I sort of picture Lance as the one singing the scathing verses. There’s no room for you here.
I’m So Sorry by Imagine Dragons – This could also go anywhere, but I can picture this as a backdrop to Lotor’s final confrontation with Zarkon. It’s so scathing and sarcastic, except for the bridge. I imagine the bridge as being addressed to Lotor’s generals.
White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons – Canon Lotura. Just… just listen to it. It’s so tragic and fits them so well for season 6.
This Is Gospel -> Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco – Initially, I was going to put just Emperor’s New Clothes on here for Lotor’s breakdown in season 6, but I listened to these two back-to-back, and I thought that This is Gospel fits in a tragic way if you think of it as the sane part of Lotor’s mind trying to warn Allura, knowing that he cannot fight the corruption of Quintessence.
Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing by Set It Off – …I mean, in light of season 6, how could I not include this one. The bridge is basically a summary of that final confrontation.
Viva La Vida by Coldplay – Initially, I had this as a song for season 4, but I couldn’t leave this playlist on such a bitter note. I like to picture that Lotor will eventually come out of the Quintessence field and, alone and without resources, will have to hide out somewhere and rethink a lot of things, and this song is perfect for that.
I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young – Following the thread of an eventual redemption from the previous song, I think this would suit a redeemed, post-s6 Lotor very well. It’s also simply a very bittersweet and beautiful song to end off on, and it stands in very strong contrast against Natural, the first song on the playlist.
My other playlist is for miscellaneous songs that don’t fit into the canon timeline and for ship songs. In no particular order:
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy – This is such a Lotor song, but it technically doesn’t fit canon, since he did become emperor. However, I’ve got an AU story that this fits perfectly, and I think it suits a lot of other Lotor-centric AUs I’ve seen. Besides, thematically, it really does fit Lotor pre-s5.
Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons – The meaning of this song is ambiguous, but if you interpret the “crown” here as literal, it could suit Lotor pretty well, especially in an AU where he refuses to rule.
Therapy by All Time Low – I think this would fit a human AU best, but it could work for any version of Lotor who is introspective about his own flaws and problems.
Battlefield (Meet Me on the Battlefield) by SVRCINA – I’m a little iffy on this one, but someone else recommended it to me as a Lotor ship song, and I do think it could fit a few different Lotor ships quite nicely. The song is primarily about revolution and altruism, both of which fit Lotor, and the romantic aspects would work well for a Lotor/paladin ship.
I Walk the Line by Halsey & Walking the Wire by Imagine Dragons – These two songs work well as two sides of the same coin. I particularly imagine them for Lancelot. Lotor sings I Walk the Line, talking about the difficulty of maintaining a balance between his relationship and his loyalties in the war but declaring that he will be true to Lance above all, and Lance sings the far more optimistic Walking the Wire, saying that although this balancing act is difficult, they will come out on top, together. It could theoretically work for another Lotor ship, but Walking the Wire is such a Lance song that I really picture it for the two of them.
Hold Me Tight or Don’t by Fall Out Boy – Funny story, I pictured this as a Sheith song first, but then @noirsongbird recommended it to me as a Lancelot song, and… yeah, it fits. It also specifically fits one of her (very good!) fanfics, so that’s cool.
King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men – Technically, this could sort of work for any Lotor/paladin ship, but I think it would work better for Keitor, Shotor, or Lancelot. It was recommended to me by @noirsongbird as a Lancelot song, and I have to agree that it fits them very well.
I Don’t Know Why by Imagine Dragons – Again, this could work for multiple Lotor/paladin ships, but I picture it for Lancelot. It’s a great forbidden love song, so it would suit a secret romance across battle lines quite nicely.
So… yeah. A lot of music. Sorry? I’m sure this isn’t even everything, haha.
Favorite picture of them: Oh gosh, how could I choose…
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Like… damn.
But also…
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He’s so cute and pretty??
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I mean, just look at him.
For favorite fanworks, I’ve got to put this one up, of course (and please follow this link to the post for it and give it a like!):
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This was a gift to me for my very recent 20th birthday by my amazing friend @honestlyprettychill (thank you again babe)!!
There’s a lot of other really good Lotor fanart out there. Check out @itsnotdoneyet and @invidiaesc for some great stuff.
Annnnd that’s it! Sorry this took so long. I hope I answered the questions to everyone’s satisfaction! I have an ask for Keith that I’ll work on next, but I don’t have any after that yet, so please feel free to send in more!
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hashtag-anthems · 6 years
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So I can’t fucking draw and I felt kinda shaky today but it was my first day of classes for the year so to deal with the stress I drew some cute shotors and a paladin!Lotor (from memory so they’re probs not very accurate lol literally the only thing I remembered about Lotor’s armor is the lil cape) and this Shotor was the best out of the bunch, bc it was based off of a ref from this post. I might post the others later, but yeah! I was proud of these.
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One of my friends is writing a Shotor fanfic and let me read the first page and it is literally perfect and I have been thinking about Shiro and Lotor all day. I mean, she has single-handedly made a Shotor shipper out of me. 
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lvtvr · 7 years
Hey so like...... tell us all the fic ideas u have for shotor 👀👀👀
god tier ask anon… god tier ask…
human au based off that one fanart, where lotor is a rich brat and shiro is his bodyguard and has to put up with this snarky piece of shit he eventually ends up desperately attracted to (also surprisingly Darke backstory and some A N G S T)
canonverse where lotor is on the castleship and feeling trapped and restless and shiro’s feeling the weight of responsibility and his older age putting distance between him and the other paladins, and eventually they both realize this and help each other……….. relax ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) what im literally saying here is theres so much ust and shiro starts grinding on lotor and it goes from there. based on a conversation i had with @blessedkeith that im still fucking distressed and wailing about holy shit
au kinda where lotor somehow ends up crashlanding on earth and uses altean abilities to shapeshift so that he passes for human. shiro picks him up as a hitchhiker on the side of the road and ends up realizing he’s literally got an alien in the passenger seat of his car whom he has to teach about earth customs and introduce to the wonders of fast food also they look at the stars together and start to fall in love
them as a brief side pairing cameo in another au i have (k/ance bc im basic), where lotor is the local barista and shiro’s a personal trainer and they’re both single and horny and hook up. in the process they traumatize keith (lotor’s high school nemesis slash regular and shiro’s bffl). (it is just a casual hookup though, /otacxa is endgame in this au!)
i fucking LOV E this ship palio if theres actual interest in it i may actually love it enough to Attempt™ writing one of these jglsdgsgag
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paxgalra-blog · 7 years
just so everyone knows where this blog stands on ships
lotor getting whooped by team voltron and/or dying without any romance or sex or shipping of any kind 👀
lotor joining team voltron without any romance or sex or shipping of any kind  👀
lotor getting an EVENTUAL redemption arc without any romance or sex or shipping of any kind  👀
shotor 👀
keitor  👀 
acxor  👀 any general/lotor  👀
lancelot  👀 
lotura (no gross dotu dynamics) 👀 
lOCor  👀
lohunk (?)  👀
latt (???)  👀
pidgetor (unrequited cute/innocent pidge crush, or AU where they’re closer in age, or the future when pidge is grown up)   👀 
lotor and any galra 👀
OT3s  👀 👀 👀
any of the above platonically  👀  romantically  👀  sexually  👀
any of the above with lotor as a villain  👀 or if he gets a redemption arc  👀 or if he recruits a team voltron person to his side  👀 or if he joins team voltron  👀
shipping in altean lotor AU 👀
shipping in human lotor AU 👀
shipping in paladin lotor AU 👀
empress allura’s knight lotor  👀 
really dark stuff involving his altean heritage and the lack of alteans capable of reproducing right now and desperation and survival  👀 
anything i haven’t thought of  👀
literally anything between adults and consensual and not incest just pitch it to me in an IM 👀
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