#this is long and convoluted so sorry
murdleandmarot · 4 months
Can you info dump about bluebelle, I’m very curious about her :3
Hi hello!!!!! I will very gladly talk about Bluebelle, she’s the love of my life forever :D 💙💙💙💙💙
Important note: I’m a very um dramatic person when it comes to creating oc backstories. I am nothing if not a little bit pretentious, and giving ocs weird and angsty backstories is my passion project, and that’s part of the reason it took so long to collect my thoughts, and come up with something concrete, (or as concrete as possible)
I’ll start with facts about her that I like and then backstory regarding the fabled music box :))
-her design/colors are based off of a stuffed animal I bought in Munich :)
-the songs I most associate with her, (I have a playlist because I wanted one), are probably A Dangerous Thing/Everything Matters by AURORA, The Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker, and I came to your party dressed as a shadow. Adore those songs
-the only jellicles that she has met, (by choice), are Victoria, Misto, Plato, and Demeter. Or rather, Demeter knows of her, but Bluebelle doesn’t know Demeter
-this is mostly bc she’s pretty paranoid about meeting new people, and prefers to stick to her people. It took her a while to warm up to Plato, but eventually she got used to him
-this is also despite Vicci’s best efforts to convince Bluebelle to at the very least meet Jemima
-SPEAKING OF JEMIMA, if you haven’t heard, here’s my little jellicle magic theory: The cat’s magic relates to their eyes, just vaguely. Jemima and Misto each have white eyes, and you may have noticed, Bluebelle has those eyes as well. Because she’s. Blue. And that’s not a typical cat color, I figured I should just run with it. I see Bluebelle’s magic as a combination of Jemima and Victoria! Yes, Victoria is magic to me and that’s not just because she’s lovely and beautiful, but because of the way she uses the music in the show, and the way some productions seem to use her as a metaphor for the Jellicle moon, relating it to her dancing. This is especially true for me when I hc Vicci as deaf, because it implies some sort of magic when her solo syncs with the music. Bluebelle has the same sort of music and dance magic as Victoria, and the same sort of eerie unearthly-ness of Jemima. Basically I combined all my favorite girlies into one and made her <33
Really incoherent n convoluted story under the cut lolllll
I’ve always imagined the music box has something Bluebelle has had since she was very young, as in some of her earliest memories are of the tune it plays. Her mother probably gave it to her before both of her parents disappeared like they were in a Disney movie. The point is that it’s one of her favorite things, and she loves dancing to it. Victoria loves the song as well, and they sometimes practice using the music box, and things continue as so until Misto appears, and starts practicing with them.
Because Misto insists that no music is coming out of the music box. He can’t hear a single note.
Neither can Plato, or any of the other jellicles, when Victoria borrows it, and plays the song for everyone else in the junkyard, (Bluebelle doesn’t go with her-she’d rather not meet the others, for fear they won’t like her, or will tell Victoria to stop visiting her).
No one else can hear the music. No one except, of course, for Jemima and the psychic twins.
Bluebelle starts to ask around town, playing it for different cats, until she finds an older tom, not far, though she doesn’t know it, from the Junkyard.
He can’t hear the music box of course, but he tells her that he’s bit of a collector of magical artifacts. Perhaps he’ll have something similar in his collection.
Would she like to take a look?
Bluebelle declines. Declines at least, to visit him on this night. She hands him the music box, and instructs him to take it back to his den, and look for himself. They will meet in the same place the next day, and if he cannot find anything, then she will go and see for herself.
The next morning, they meet again. He tells her that he’s sorry, he couldn’t find anything that matched the box, and that in his haste to meet her on time, he’d left the box behind. The tomcat invites her to his den, and again, she declines, saying she will visit on a later date, that she already has plans.
Bluebelle follows him home, and hides in wait. She watches as his friends gather to scheme, and doesn’t notice the staring of a golden queen hanging off the arm of a blood orange tom.
The acquaintances leave, and the old cat retires to his den. The fire is almost out, leaving her to sneak into the other tent.
…blood seeps from every item in the cramped space, leaving it to drip from the walls and stain the ground scarlet.
He is not only a collector of magical artifacts, but a collector of queens, as well. The music box is the only thing unmarred by the red, so she steals it back.
She swears she can hear him howling the whole trip.
Bluebelle doesn’t tell Victoria what happens. She tells her to steer clear of the cat who could very be Bluebelle’s father, with a coat as vibrant as the sea, and Victoria doesn’t ask any questions.
Bluebelle doesn’t want to meet any of the other jellicles after that. She barely wants to talk to anyone ever again, with the exception of the few cats she already knows.
She and Victoria still dance to the music box though. Misto tries to follow along.
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sntoot · 1 month
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i dont have context to give bc it would take about three years to even try to explain (cat crying thumbs up emoji)
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rolandkaros · 6 months
i've been ruminating a lot on it because i think i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words but i need y'all to understand that while there are absolutely a lot of Not Good Things about the finals being held in saudi arabia for three years...the way people seem to treat is as morally black and white is shortsighted and unhelpful.
realistically the players traveling there will be protected. it may be uncomfortable, it's certainly not ideal, but they will travel there for a few weeks, play their tennis, then leave. there are a lot of women, a lot of queer people who actually live in saudi arabia who cannot just leave, who are actually subjected to laws and social climates...and to me it just seems very disrespectful to that actual lived experience, for everybody to sort of turn their noses up and get on their high horses. of course, if the players wish to opt out, that is their choice, but that is their choice to make. that's their judgement. not ours.
and then, what about a tournament like miami? florida is literally experiencing one of the worst active regressions that i've seen in the us (granted i'm young). things like critical race theory and lgbtq+ ed are being removed from curriculums, rights for trans youth, trans healthcare, etc. are going backwards. abortion rights? gun violence? and yes i know that the laws and climate in saudi arabia are different gravy, i understand that, but my point is, no one would ever DREAM of arguing against hosting a tournament in miami despite all of these issues. and we can extend this to a lot of other tournaments! i mean, all the outrage about fifa hosting a world cup in qatar, but we don't have any of these sentiments about doha? i've seen other people bring up that the finals were hosted in singapore when gay marriage was still illegal there. we've already talked about italy's fascist prime minister. and i could go on and on and on about the war crimes of countries like the us or the uk - is the us not participating actively in genocide right now? where is the standard? if you argue against hosting the finals in saudi arabia for the reason of human rights, to me it seems you have to uphold that standard for the location you do land on. and i can guarantee, you will not find a single country in the world with clean hands.
i want to be clear i am not arguing that hosting the finals in saudi arabia is a good thing, especially for three years, especially because it's definitely going there because of money, and not for any of the "good" reasons i think some people want us to believe about "improving the region" (which is very weirdly white savior-esque anyway). i don't really have an official "conclusion" to this discussion.
what i am arguing is that i think a lot of the protests against saudi arabiahosting the finals are more an example of implicit anti-arab bias and islamophobia, rather than genuine discussion. key word implicit: i don't think most people are purposefully trying to be anti-arab/islamophobic. or at least, i'd like to believe nobody is. but i also think, particularly in the west, there is already so much of this xenophobic sentiment ingrained. and this is why i think it's really really REALLY important to check ourselves when we talk about it instead of just jumping straight to the human rights conversation without a second thought.
i'll say it plainly: i don't think the finals should be held in saudi arabia. but for me, it has more to do with sportswashing, with the dangers of the way money is thrown around in sports, and because i think it's more evidence that the wta doesn't care about player welfare but rather about making a profit (what else is new). human rights are absolutely a concern of mine, but how is it fair to hold saudi arabia to a standard that we don't seem to care about for literally anybody else?
literally look at the us's ugly ugly history, past and present, and tell me why we deserve to host a tennis tournament.
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lautity · 1 month
1, 4, 5, 11, 15, 16, 17, 23 with lautity/holyphone for the otp ask game :3 (no pressure to do all of these btw, i'm just really curious to hear other people's opinions on them since i dont see to many lautity shippers in the wild </3)
Ask game
HEHE its totally okay you could have sent me the whole book.....im so obsessed with them rn its not even funny. i <3 my niche ship nobody else thinks about. and im so sorry for how long this is...stuck it under a cut for safety
also note many of these answers are in the context of my silly fic/AU  but u do not have to read it to understand i included context where necessary. mostly i think abt them in terms of my AU but i think most of these are canon applicable as well
1. Who most initiates PDA?
Funny question for these two. Steph is by far more comfortable with PDA and treats it very casually, but she would probably have to slow down and match Grace's pace while she's still adjusting to being visibly in a queer relationship (especially in Hatchetfield/where she risks bumping into family or people from her congregation).
I think Grace is extremely affectionate though and once she's more comfortable (or just living somewhere she's less well known) she would probably initiate at least as much as Steph, if not more. I think she would get into the habit of hand-holding every time they're outside at some point and it would just be muscle memory to grab Steph's hand when they're walking side by side.
4. How did they first meet?
In Slow they met in middle school! Grace joined in 7th grade after attending a religious primary school, Steph failed 7th grade (too many skipped classes) and was taking it for the second time when Grace got there. They don't really interact significantly until a year or two later, but they're in the same homeroom pretty much every year in school, so they're always aware of each other in passing.
5. What is their love language?
I think for Grace the thing that makes her feel most comforted is probably physical touch, but the 'above and beyond' thing for her (and what she holds as a sign of the utmost commitment, at least on her part) is quality time. She's really punctual because she feels it's the best way to show that she cares and wants to be there + she's pedantic about attending her friend's events to show her support. She's also clingy in a 'following Steph around the house' way, she just loves to have company and another person around. Especially if that person is her girlfriend (someone who wants her around. She has not experienced much of this </3)
Steph probably appreciates words of affirmation quite a lot, especially if they're well thought-out. Also enjoys quality time (though she does need Some alone time) and is usually cool without fancy going-out stuff. Prefers casual, appreciates when people make time for her and enjoys the attention of being alone with someone. I think physical touch and being touchy is like breathing to her, just second nature with her friends and especially her partner. Throwing herself across laps and using people as pillows, always bumping shoulders. Stuff like that. it's very casual to her and it's a language for her in that it's how she says 'I feel safe and comfortable around you".
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?
I sort of already talked about this LOL but I think Grace is more intentionally affectionate and is more likely to initiate cuddling or kissing (once they get over the Afraid To Initiate bit of very newly-out Grace). But obviously Steph is always just touching her anyways, often unconsciously (initially this makes Grace's head explode. but she figures it out eventually) so while everything Grace does is thought out Steph is just always being touchy without realizing it because of how relaxed/comfortable she is. I think they're pretty equally matched on like volume but Grace does initiate more Big acts of affection
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Steph has ADHD (to me.) and bad impulse control so she tends to be very spontaneous. I think a lot of the time she'll do things on a whim, even if they're risky, and say whatever comes to her mind. Grace is good at talking her into more safe activities and derailing her when she's feeling righteous and wants to pick a fight with someone twice her size over an insult to one of her friends.
Grace tends to be really unpredictable and impulsive when she's emotional at all and Steph gradually gets better at handling this and calming her down as they're together for longer. Not so much a voice of reason as a source of comfort for her.
Steph is the one online shopping and showing Grace her phone every 5 minutes just for her to go "no, we don't need another one" LOL
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Steph and her fuckass sleep schedule from parties and arguing online vs Grace, who has never stayed up past midnight, wakes up at 6:30 AM on weekends, makes her bed every morning, never snoozes an alarm... I think even when Grace drags Steph to bed "on time" (still an hour later than she'd like) Steph is just not a morning person and loves getting to sleep in and wake up slowly. Grace eventually learns to appreciate being cozy in bed for a little bit longer, but she never really stops waking up earlier than Steph and getting tons of things done before she even stirs.
17. Who fell in love first?
Hehe. Grace fell first, Steph fell harder/faster. Grace had like... this steadily building crush she didn't know was a crush. I think it probably started when they were in a group project together and Steph kept bumping their knees together under the table. She called them friends once and Grace pretty much did the entire project to please her. And even once Steph started ignoring her in class again she remained unusually fixated on her salvation and helping her. Around Abstinence Camp (summer before sophomore year/10th grade) Steph catches on to the fact that Grace genuinely wants to help her and tries to be nicer. They get more hostile again when Steph is outed as bisexual and Grace discovers what gay people are and that she isn't supposed to like them (but she can save them!). At the point where NPMD begins (around the beginning of their senior year) Steph has not had a non-religious interaction with Grace in over a year, and she is extremely sick of it.
(Slow is an everyone lives AU that has Max sleep with Grace before most of the events of NPMD, and the Waylon prank is both revenge and blackmail so she can force him to 'admit' to lying about it, hopefully preserving her reputations + preventing it from getting back to her parents. Everyone else is in on it for the same reasons as canon, and only Steph knows that Grace slept with Max at the point of the prank)
After finding out about Grace and Max, Steph just starts kind of pitying her because she knows how vicious gossip of this nature is and how cruel people are. So she's like okay, this girl really needs a friend, I can do that for now + being friends with Steph Lauter does give you some level of social standing which she figures she can lend to Grace for awhile. And Grace is still sort of annoying at first. But seeing her passionate + happy during the prank, orchestrating everything, awakens some really long-buried feelings about the weird girl in her homeroom who always tried too hard to relate every book to God, and who had come over to her house and described every research note to Steph while she assembled their poster by herself; Steph had SpongeBob reruns playing (which Grace was apparently not allowed to watch, so she sat with her back to the television) and was mostly tuning her out. They got 100% on their poster, and Steph stopped talking to Grace when her friends started to comment on it.
She feels bad for treating Grace that way + she is genuinely letting herself know this person for the first time and finding that she likes her. Like. Genuinely finds her smart and funny and interesting. She's sort of insane under duress, but it's endearing. But Steph does not pursue people, people come to her, so she sort of brushes it into the back of her mind, because there is no world in which Grace Chasity realizes her obvious queerness before she's 30.
Once she knows Grace likes her shes giggling and kicking her feet and extremely extremely excited about everything but she is trying So Hard to be normal and not rush her. She's sort of flattered about being Grace's first girl(friend?) and really really wants to give her a good experience and treat her well (the way she wishes her first partner had treated her). She is very happy and the only thing she really wishes is that Grace would apologize less and trust her a little more.
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hopetatic · 11 days
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i had no clue i would draw him again. but well, what am i gonna do with 3 hours of newfound knowledge about this one arg? Nothing? AS IF
Close ups below
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egberts · 1 year
girls wake up there's a new worm bike playlist in progress
alana said the new one is way more funky, I've noticed a lot of punk bands are piggy dippin in a funk/punk sound more than a pop/punk sound and honestly? I'm so obsessed.
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captaindarkiplier · 6 months
Soooo how did your idea of dark being the captain started ? how different would his role be compared to the y/n captain in iswm ?
Alright... Let's get into it
Question 1: It actually started as a theory that I gradually believed more and more in a short span of time as everyone was consuming ISWM part 1, and when part 2 dropped, it both lead me on further, as well as disproved it. … (but really Markiplier's live stream on it disproved the theories for real) But that didn't really bum me out, because I had been ready from the start for it to not be true, so I just converted it to an AU, because I was projecting my own measure of story/characterization into it anyway.
Question 2: I don't have 1 answer for this! Either a complicated one, or one that enables any kind of headcanon… Answer A: The captain's choices and behavior doesn't change because we are sharing a body with Darkiplier('s parts) -- I just really like the idea of "What if we (D/A) stayed with Dark" and how that would be like a dramatized version of DID (of which I have! /info) of the "D/A" part (us) (…on top of likely forgetting the events of WKM due to AU stuff, but then remembering after gaining the multiverse abilities of the paradox…) forgetting or not knowing what Dark is doing in other timelines, (my favorite characterization idea of Cpt.Dark is that he's fronting in the routes where he throws Mark around or generally leads us to demise that might benefit him in the looooooong run- aka how he somehow canonically "finds" the paradox gem for the box at the post-credits) … while the Captain chooses to get along with Mark in other routes, doing something childish as sharing candy, which is much closer to my personal "D/A" characterization, not at all what Dark would be doing ahhaha
Answer B: If I wanted a timeline to occur differently from the "Canon" events of ISWM, to characterize Captain Darkiplier as separate from Canon Captain… well, Dark could just do about anything he wanted,
(from here onward is rambling, not relevant to the question!:)
… if he could .. If he somehow escaped the inevitability of the causality of meta-narrative events of what has and will occurred in ISWM via the writing of Market Plier- lol Kind of like how Damien and Celine can't outrun their fate or Actor's bullshit as seen at the end of DAMIEN, which I think holds some thematic power or significance over the future events after the "seal" is broken on the multiverse stuff- aka everything After WKM. … Mark has said a lot in live streams but one thing that stuck with me is how he explained the "timeline" noting that moment when Dark picks up the staff , as the exact moment where the events of DAMIEN is condensed. IIRC. And then for this AU I kind of added more onto that- AHWM ISWM ADWM could have happened in a condensed fashion similarly… The glass breaking in the first video of ISWM, the ice breaking in DAMIEN twice… The lines Head Engineer speaks at the canon ending mirroring the lines spoken by Damien and Celine at the end of DAMIEN… It's as if it's like, a loop, or pocket, or spiral, some kind of non-linear shape… Whichever way it is, I guess the most important point is that it's non-linear. I like to call it wobbly time (a theme in my OC's as well) It's not essential to consume nor understand a story by understanding how its universe works. After all, we as people in real life don't know how our universe is shaped. Is it infinite, or does it loop? (Can you tell I'm a bit autistic about space?) But the desire to adventure and discover what's out there is sometimes commendable and a beautiful instinct of human life… other times, not so much. We could all learn from Head Engineer's mistake. But yea, Dark is powerful but not God of this Universe powerful… I think it'd be funny that if Dark tried everything in his power to defy the laws of the universe, once he finally got a hold on the time paradox that literally allows him to traverse the multiverse to find any timeline that gives him an upper hand on his #1 Enemy, when he travels to literally the ends of the universe, Mark (The Real Life Author) is like "no" so Dark has to go back to the main story line (or at least close to it, there's plenty of legroom for fanon things to occur around the "main timeline") Dark's like "ugh fine" and completes the ending of ISWM like it's a videogame to gain back his agency splitting from D/A (You and your choices in the "videogame") again, and to get away from Head Engineer- even though he's one of the more tolerable Marks, I GUESS- (Frenemies trope x The Unlikely Friendship trope x Doomed trope, and some other dynamic or development that can't really be similarly labeled as a trope, which hopefully I will be able to share to everyone who will want to know about it) I also like to think that's why he's dangling the box in front of us in AHWM instead of actually using it for anything. He can use us to get what he wants quicker than by doing it alone. Using the anomaly gem in the box for his own needs a second time would not work nor worth the risk of ISWM 2.0
What I love about Markiplier's cinematic universe is that it involves both distortion of identity and distortion of time/space- anything and anyone can happen. I relate to it and my chaotic (and also very analytical and ""DeeP"") creative style is very compatible with it. :)
Thank you for the questions !! Feel free to ask as many questions as you like about what I said here if it didn't make sense, because damn it's compact. It could be explained better if paced out (or storytold?) instead of all dropped into one post heheh
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wtfforged · 3 months
Hello, Sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask if you do request? (Art) i really like your style
no worries! no need to apologize. i dont have the energy to do requests, and id feel terribly guilty about taking so long to get to them. thank you for the interest though, thats really sweet 🤧!!!! im happy youd like my art enough to ask
edit: yknow what. changed my mind. if its anything about any of the fandoms i post for, maybe you can send it anyways, cause i dont usually have a lot of ideas for fanart (<- he has a crippling case of can-only-draw-guy-standing-there-itis)(<- hes an oc artist at heart and hasnt drawn fanart publicly like this since 2016). its like i said, i might not do them, and if i do i will be slow cause of my terrible energy, but why not
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flebus · 4 months
my problem with new Knives Out movie is that Glass Onion was already just barely jutting up against the edge of my tolerance for Rian Johnson Clever-isms. and since watching Glass Onion my partner and i also watched the first fourish episodes of his Columbo-style mystery show, which stopped being entertaining very quickly as the plots got more & more complicated in the interest of staying clever. i think mayhaps we have shades of the Stephen Moffat Sherlockisms occurring, wherein he is maybe not that good at actually conceptualizing satisfying mystery plots and is instead overcompensating with a lot of flair + self-aware plot twists. this works for two movies just fine, of course, when both of those movies are more genre pastiche than actual played-straight genre films. however i do not think it will be sustainable for anything more "serialized" than that.
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choccy-zefirka · 8 months
a random OC ask for you: what is your OC's favorite memory?
also: if they were dropped in a random city for a day with a pouch full of gold/relevant currency and no obligations whatsoever, what would they be doing?
Ooooh I will answer this for Cinder, one of my BG3 Tavs, who's a half-Orc, half-Tiefling!
Here's her as a child, hastily painted over Renoir's Girl with a Hoop.
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I mentioned before that Cinder's family, particularly her grandfather, was obsessed with preserving and genetically solidifying their infernal heritage, deliberately seeking out marriages with other Tieflings from long family lines with lasting devilish traits (her grandmother was a draconic sorcerer to boot, also seen as a huge plus for the pedigree).
Cinder was born looking entirely like a Tiefling, and before her milk teeth dropped and the new teeth started growing into tusks (revealing that she was a product of her mother's one-night-stand with an Orc), her grandfather spoiled her rotten. His attitude post-reveal changed dramatically — like that of Alma Madrigal from Encanto when Mirabel turned out to have no gift, I am now realizing, but on steroids. Eventually, his insults and physical violence and denial of the domestic comforts, which he'd previously lavished on her, pushed her to run away from home and become the outlaw she is at the moment of tadpoling.
Cinder knows now, both from learning some of her family history and using her adult brain, that her grandfather was a terrible person who, in his quest for perfection, also emotionally abused his children — her mother and uncle — and outright killed her aunt (uncle's wife) in the midst of family drama before Cinder herself was born. She realizes that, even if she did not turn out looking like an Orc, he still would have found ways to make her feel broken and not enough... But even so, the memories of that picture-perfect childhood are her happiest ones (until she makes new memories with her Tadfool Gang and Halsin), and she still misses that time in her life, and hates herself for missing it.
One thing that she associates with her childhood is reading books in her grandfather's library, and she is still quite fond of reading, though now it's more of a well... cringe hobby for her, given that she's found work as a typical bighuge intimidating Orc muscle. So if dropped in a city with a lot of gold and no-one looming over her shoulder to ask questions and wonder passive-aggressively if she even knows what books are for, she'd go to a book store. Maybe visit a couple of museums and raid their gift shops while she's at it.
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thelegendofhino · 1 year
So. An explanation of who hino is. Apologies in advance for the lack of pictures, i dont have access to them at the moment but i will make a better post with all of that in the near future.
Hino is an npc in botw that stayed at the dueling peaks stable. Every day starting at 12pm, he stands outside the stable, thinking to himself. He really likes the moon and is researching the blood moon phenomenon. He tells you what the phase of the moon will be that night. Starting at 10pm, he will start to watch the moon in the sky until 2am, where he'll just stand there looking sad until finally going back into the stable at 3am to sleep until 12pm the next day. He does this every single day. If it rains, he'll stand inside the stable by the entrance and complain about how he wont be able to see the moon in the rain, and he wont tell you what the phase will be if you ask him while it is raining.
During a blood moon, he continues his regular routine until the blood moon starts doing its thing at 11:30pm, where hino will take off running around the stable. If you talk to him, his text is all red, and he will be... very excited, to say the least. Its almost as if hes worshipping the blood moon, but also as if hes just straight up possessed. During this time, his focus seems to be more on the "blood" aspect of the blood moon, which is further emphasized in totk. He even growls sometimes. Its awesome. He doesnt really seem to reguster the fact that you are speaking to him. After the blood moon passes, at around like 12-12:30 ish, he stops running and goes back to his regular spot, completely unaware of how he was just acting (or very much aware and just actubg really normal about it), and will continue to watch the moon as he usually does before once again going to bed at 3am.
In totk, he is no longer at the stable. Occasionally, a newspaper npc will mention a person who was researching the blood moon who was excited to visit a monster fort. In this game, hino is captured at 4 different monster forts (as far as im aware), and a 5th one for a quest at zoras domain. He is still researching the blood moon, but this time hes focusing more on how it revives monsters, and he gets captured because he got too close. He will be sitting inside of a cage behind the boss bokoblin in the fort and will be completely unresponsive to anything going on unless you take the cage off of him (you can put him back in the cage and he'll comment on it too). Saving him will cause him to give you 3 things, the first thing being either salt-grilled meat or mushrooms or fish, the second being sneaky meat and seafood or hasty fish skewer or energizing fish skewer, and then the third thing being hearty elixir, enduring elixir, or fairy tonic (or if your inventory is full he'll give you 20 rupees instead. Also, it seems he will continue to only give you fairy tonic if you still have the previous elixirs that he gave you). He will talk about the phase of the moon and then disappear to another monster fort. Saving him from all of the forts will cause him to disappear entirely until the next blood moon refreshes everything, putting him back into the forts.
When the blood moon starts at 11:30pm and hes still in the cage, he will start to mumble about blood. Honestly, to me he sounds kind of miserable. If you rescue him and speak to him during the blood moon, he will hurriedly give you the 3 items and then.. he will begin reacting physically to the blood moon. He wont run around or anything, but he will start breathing heavily and then it seems like hes in a bit of pain. He will then say one of three things, very excited and possibly agitated, text red once again, and then disappear again. If you speak to him only after the blood happens, he will comment on how it makes him feel alive.
For the zoras domain quest, he doesnt give you the 3 regular items but will instead give you a diamond as a reward. From what i can tell, he doesnt show up at that monster fort again. Unfortunately, i dont have his dialogue for if thats the first time you ever save him or if you save him during a blood moon (or its the first time and its a blood moon)... im gonna have to make. Two extra save files or just one if i do it right just to get that dialogue. And i absolutely will do that, eventually.
Im currently working on getting all of his moon phase dialogue, but im not very good at keeping track of that and you can only save him 4 times before each blood moon, so im not actually sure if i have it all or not.
Through my... stalking him in totk, i figured out you can postpone a blood moon for the next night if you go to the depths and wait in there. The blood moon will not activate at 12am and will instead happen the next night and you can just keep postponing it by going to the depths each time.
Overall, he seems to be fairly different than he was in botw.. my headcanon is maybe the upheaval did something to him. I mean, the blood moon is cooler than ever in totk, so i wouldnt doubt it. Its definitely affected him somewhat. He just seemed a lot calmer and more reserved in botw so its very interesting to see how hes changed a bit, though to be fair he has a lot less dialogue in botw than he does in totk. Hes awesome either way, i used all my travel medallions on 3 of the forts he can be in (since one of the locations is actually in a place that has a shrine) just so i can see him if i ever miss him enough, lol.
Thats my somewhat disorganized summary of hino. Ill make more in depth posts with pictures of his dialogue soon. I just have to get the pictures from my switch first..
I do have this picture
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I was VERY excited when i first found him, but it was before i had my own copy of the game so i had to wait a whole two weeks to see him again.. i was ITCHING to play
Important edit: if its your first time saving him for the ja'abu ridge fort quest, he doesnt give you a diamond. Im currently figuring out what caused him to give me a diamond when i did that quest.
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buffyspeak · 1 year
there’s a notable (but very understated) miscommunication between alec and clary in 2.05. which is that when he comes to her room to apologize, and she tries to get him to stop - he thinks she doesn’t want to hear it because she blames him. but she told jace not long before that she was tired of people pitying her, speaking in quiet voices and telling her it was okay to grieve.
which is why when he continues she actually hears him out, because that’s NOT what he’s doing, he’s not speaking around the edges of it, he’s facing it head-on. just. “i’m sorry, i would do anything to change it.”
and so would she! so a common goal aligns them!
which is exactly what she’s looking for and why she tells him about her plan to go see iris. which is a plan that is. understandable but a little bit manipulative on her part. in a way that ironically reminds me of what magnus said about jocelyn. because she understands alec’s guilt here and doesn’t (*entirely, i think) agree with it - but also doesn’t say anything to dissuade it because it’s to her benefit.
and i get that she has a lot going on! this is not a clary slander post. i just honestly think it’s a really interesting moment that shifts their dynamic a Lot.
and this miscommunication is why in the very next episode, clary will say she doesn’t blame alec and he needs to stop blaming himself (and it’s notable she says that to izzy and not alec himself), but alec still (likely quite subconsciously) believes she blames him in 2.08 and that’s what drives him to suicide when under iris’s spell.
and it’s why the culmination of this arc isn’t someone confronting alec about his self-harm (which never does get quite properly addressed imho, but at the same time, i understand that that’s hard to do naturally im a genre-show and would probably come off very PSA), but clary and alec having a quiet moment where she tells him she doesn’t blame him, he touches her arm, and they come to a very simple understanding. they’ve been operating under two very different understandings - clary under the assumption that they both know she doesn’t blame him but if he feels guilty anyway, then hey! why not help her try to get her mom back - and alec under the assumption that of course she blames him and trying to help her in 2.05 was all he could do to even start to make up for it. that quiet moment in 2.08 is clary realizing - after seeing alec on the ledge and knowing what he was hallucinating in broad strokes - that her assumption was wrong and realizing that alec needs to hear her actually say it to correct his own assumption. and they come to a new understanding.
(* this is already so long but. (and this is reading into a things a lot) it’s my personal interpretation that while not wholly, some part of clary does blame alec a little. not enough that she would ever say that or that she thinks he SHOULD feel as badly as he does. but she saw the video of ‘alec’ killing her mom. she knows alec and her have had their own issues in the past. she likely knows alec didn’t like jocelyn. it would not be hard (or even totally unsympathetic tbh) to have some amount of resentment toward him for it. so to me, 2.08 isn’t just “oh i never blamed you alec.” it is in that moment choosing to move past any potential blame or resentment she feels towards him that she’s left unsaid, because seeing what he almost did, she realizes not only that he needs to hear it, but that she would rather let go of that feeling than potentially lose another member of her family. because alec IS like family to her, albeit in very different ways than jace or izzy.)
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acrazybayernfan · 1 year
I think he could perform anywhere, he is literally THE people person but would his heart be in it for another club? Nope (and I'd rather not find out). He is 100% Bayern
For sure, considering his temper, Thomas would have no difficulties with making new friends and in general with getting along with new teammates, that's for the social aspect.
On the pitch though, it's harder for me to determine how it could possibly go. Thomas' abilities for adaptation are quite mysterious for me (as always with him), he is both versatile and not versatile. He was able to reinvent himself over the course of the years, to go from being the one scoring goals to being the one providing assists, but at the same time the way he plays never changed. He was able to play successfully in all sort of positions (if we could say that Thomas' plays in any position considering how much he moves on the pitch), on the right side, as a support striker, as number ten... but in the recent years he is more and more in need to be the player positioned behind the striker. He can't play in any sort of teams, he needs a point of reference with a striker and wingers or offensive left and right backs to support him. I would also ad that he needs to be in a well organized team which will give him a structure upon which he can rely on to express himself. Finally he had been able to adapt himself to a lot of different coaches with different styles but he also wasn't able to perform with Carlo or with Niko (which is probably more their fault than his).
One last aspect to consider is how he will enjoy living somewhere else, there is a lot of example of players to which a change of scene was good and a lot of example to which it was harmful, so there is no general rule on the subject.
So in conclusion of all these considerations (sorry for the rant 🙀) I really think that it's impossible to know how Thomas would perform in another club. However, it's clear that his love for Bayern is so deep that even somewhere else Bayern will always be his club.
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ultramori · 1 year
Boyfriend girlfriend weekend they all have end but y'know what doesn't OFF FANGAME HOME
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vamptastic · 1 year
i genuinely don't understand what capitalist countries stand to gain by fighting each other instead of collaborating economically. like why does the us warmonger against china when we would benefit more from trade? ostensibly it's for moral reasons, but regardless of the veracity of any given claim i think the united states has shown itself to prioritize economic success over human rights on a number of occasions especially during the cold war. i suppose i assume most wars are waged on the grounds of economic gain (natural resources, global political power, straight up money in the form of the military-industrial complex) but you could make an equally solid argument that just as many are waged over purely social and political issues- ethnic and religious conflict, blind nationalism, the whims of a dictator. it just confuses me at times, i guess. i have a hard time believing that the united states is bound and determined to wage war against china over human rights abuses, infringing on other countries sovereignty, and neo-colonialism in africa when we've propped up fascist dictators in many a country who've done far worse. is it literally just the association with communism? because surely whatever evil fuckers actually want war know that china is very far from communist right now. is it just nationalism? the idea that we must be on the top of the totem pole, even if our economy would stand to gain from trade? because i suppose i could believe that, but i think if that was true we wouldn't have gotten to where we are today in the first place. blegh. at the end of the day i am also ignoring the fact that many many different groups of people want war against china for reasons ranging from sinophobic jingoist nationalism to a genuine belief that the united states is a global moral watchdog determined to establish ~democracy~ worldwide. but there is a definite slant to media coverage on china right now, genuine attempts at disinformation, and given that the media in the us is so deeply tied to corporate interests it leads me to believe that there has to be some economic motive here, and it frustrates me that i can't figure out what it is.
#this post is long and convoluted and circuitous. sorry.#please do not try to like. publically own me or erupt into moral outrage over this post if you're reading it btw.#suppose i would be interested in hearing others takes on this but im just curious i genuinely don't have answers here#i don't want to argue or be accused of being immoral for not taking a hard stance on an incredibly complex issue.#anyway. i am also not trying to say that either the us or china are ' good ' or ' bad '#insomuch as any country can be good or bad. particularly a country millenia old or one that changes leadership every four years.#individual actions taken by each government are undeniably bad. yes.#but as a us citizen i find it very difficult to find reliable information about what is happening in other countries.#our media has become so wildly polarized that you can often figure out national issues by looking at both sides#but when the media is unified on portraying one falsehood both left and right? you're fucked.#often media that claims to be neutral could be more accurately described as western#i trust ap and the bbc on us politics - not global politics.#all that being said when it comes to things like the treatment of uighur muslims or the political situation in hong kong and taiwan.#i'm not entirely sure what to believe.#and i also believe that if every single immoral act the us claims china has done is real... we still wouldn't wage war based purely on that#...i do genuinely think the claims that china is colonizing africa by offering loans is horseshit though#even if it was itd be fucking rich for european countries that wrecked africa in the first place#to moralize about the means by which another global power allows them potential economic power#the problem arises from capitalism on a global scale itself i mean#there is no way to build up infrastructure and trade routes for an entire continent without#in some way eventually profiting from it#i do see the comparison to the us and latin america and i think that's kinda apt but#the way ppl talk about it you'd think they were doing what france did to haiti good god
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
Hi, first I want to tell you I really Ioved your story "persist and resist the the temptation to ask you"
Second what are your thoughts on Ginny being head girl After war like James potter( I mean without being perfect).?
People says it's out of character for her or Mcgonagall will never make anyone over hermione headgirl( my problem with hermione being Head girl is that i think she will not connect with children especially after what those kids have gone through during war year at hogwarts( she has her own trauma not discounting that but she wasn't at Hogwarts she did not know what happened last year, I think for her Hogwarts is still wonderful place)
I am not hermione hater whenever I say this people think I am bashing hermione. I do like hermione.
Shouldn't head be the one who can connect and empathize with children better( esp. Younger ones) ?
Ginny co-led Rebellion last perhaps she will become better head girl.
Please share your thoughts on this.( only if you want to ofcourse) sorry for the long ask and my bad English( really love your ginny weasley tag by the way)
ahhhhhh this was so sweet of you anon! I'm so glad you liked persist. i had a fun time writing it, that's for sure.
to answer your question, hmmm i guess i never really thought about if ginny would be head girl. if i did, i was also in the same boat as the others that it wouldn't fit her laidback/rebellious vibe as much as it would hermione.
HOWEVER, after reading your message, i began to realize that this perception i had of her was circumstantial, such that that would be the case if she was prefect and not head girl. but you are completely right. because she had gone through the war and had to serve as an automatic role model and leader to the younger population, i can 100% see McGonagall advocating for her to be head girl over hermione.
whether ginny would choose to do so is still under debate because let's think about it... the seventh year was - of course - a tough time for everyone, but in ginny's case, what with all of her responsibilities in the DA, all of that extra burden must have built up over time. there's an interesting variable in sociology called weathering, in which one's allostatic load - or "the wear and tear" of the body - builds up cumulatively the more one experiences stress. there's no doubt that there was a lot on her plate, and she must have eventually associated hogwarts itself as the emblem of her trauma. thus, i feel like she still may not have chosen to be head girl because she is in a completely different headspace after the war...she is no longer in fight or flight mode, yes, but i bet she's still hypervigilant all the time. because, unfortuntately, our bodies don't get the memo and have trouble differentiating life-threatening stress from other types of stress. bottom line is, she's in the midst of healing and processing grief from the death of her brother that i don't think she'd want to once again put herself into a direct leadership position that could only bring up all of those emotions full-fold. so she'd probably say no, but if a student ever comes up to her for support, then obviously i don't think she'd turn them down, if that makes sense...
on the other hand, not much is seen from canon about how ginny copes with stress. all we get is her reaction to the dementors in POA following COS and that she was supposedly "cheerful" at the end of COS and, of course, the "Lucky You" scene in OOTP. this is, of course, unrealistic on the behalf of JKR (and Harry, if we were to analyze this from an unreliable narrator's perspective), and i certainly don't headcanon that she has little trauma reactions, but it still brings up the question of her coping mechanisms and if she would indeed take up the role of head girl.
summary: it's definitely possible given some characteristics from canon, but from the few instances we do see from canon and the general knowledge of what trauma does to an individual, i can also equally see her saying "no" to being head girl. i still don't think hermione would be asked to be one, though, like you said, but who knows, maybe ginny offers it to her. or maybe ginny would hand the official position to another girl entirely their year (maybe parvati, eh? @foreverginevra) but still serve as moral support when needed.
either way, anon, i am in full support of your headcanon and love your reasoning for why :)
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