#this is more my headcanons for what went down in the bad timeline
dreadfutures · 6 months
and a final stealth prompt for dirth: “technically you won’t kill me, because i gave it to you. do it properly, then.”
thank you friend
for @dadrunkwriting
Dirthamen committed the first sin of the Evanuris, setting his lordly family down a path of slavery and megalomania when he first shared with them the secrets of the vallaslin. He learned well thereafter to keep his secrets to himself, but his regret remained for what became of the People under his invention.
When the Rebel Wolf gave him a chance to atone, Dirth knew how it would end.
He just hopes that this secret will die with him.
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Image: statue found above Flemeth and Kieran's ritual in the raw Fade, identical to "The Watcher" and "The Raven" in the Emerald Graves/Exalted Plains, associated with Dirthamen.
Dirthamen flies, and his shadow follows.
Through the furthest reaches of the Fade, Dirthamen leads his twin; he is a streak of starlight, and Falon'Din is the hungry darkness that lurks behind. They are inextricable, and that is why Falon'Din was tasked with chasing him down when his treason was discovered. Yet that bond is also why Dirthamen can stay one step ahead.
Dirthamen knows what Falon'Din doesn't, but Falon'Din knows his brother.
The God of Secrets will not outstrip his pursuer, but that is not his goal--not that the God of Death knows *that.* All Dirthamen can hope to do here is keep his family's attention as best he can, while the Pride of Elvhenan orchestrates its fall.
He's fairly certain that even Solas doesn't understand that that, truly, is what he will enact. And Dirthamen, poisoned by his sister's arrow, feathers scorched by his adopted father's mighty rays, pursued by his brother's bloody maw, and forsaken by all the rest, has neither time nor desire to open Solas' eyes.
Time is running out for them all. Mythal's death is unraveling him, and Falon'Din, for though they took on bodies at her instruction, they were born of her spirit. Andruil and Sylaise alone out of their family had been bodied first, then awakened as Spirits, and this they were the only ones with the ability to destroy their maker without destroying themselves. But while Mythal's death did not threaten Andruil's existence, the Huntress was already well on her way to ruin already thanks to the Void magic that tainted her existence. Even Sylaise could not heal what was broken and breaking inside her sister. She had tried--and it had cost her her sanity, and probably her life, though Dirthamen was not witness to it.
Everything in existence was on its way to join he if Solas did not act, and Dirthamen could not have risked Pride staying his hand. Foolish, brash, despairing Pride--he would be at once the doom of Elvhenan, and the savior of the world.
Time would tell how he would be remembered.
Dirthamen hoped they would all be forgotten.
He would do his best to drag them with him, into oblivion. His own plans had been laid long ago, and he believed that his family was still ignorant of his trap.
It was his greatest secret. He had worked hard to keep it, until now.
Through the Fade he fled, leading his brother along a path only he knew. Falon'Din would think him simply desperate prey, hopeless and afraid, but Dirthamen planned every step, every warp, every twist, every portal, with care. Their path ventured, then returned, and once again they careened through the glittering domes of Arlathan.
Andruil, maddened and with a thirst that had not been slaked with Mythal's blood, joined the chase, and Ghilan'nain followed--now, little more than one of the monsters she had sired. Elgar'nan's wrath turned toward them, focusing on the traitor to his own treasonous plot, and gave pursuit with all his might.
Dirthamen was fleet, slippery, a shade. But his strength was not without limit, and he could not hope to stand against them all.
He felt Pride's song begin, far away at the court of Justice where Mythal had once appointed her his steward. It was far enough that the Evanuris would not be able to reach him, having gone so far astray in their pursuit of traitorous Dirthamen. They knew--as much as the lucid ones could know--that they had been caught in a trap.
The only thing left to do was to tear apart the bait.
In the central square of the city, Dirthamen crashed to the ground. Feathers and blood rained down around him, and the serpentine monstrosities of his kin followed with landings that shook the island to its root. Civilians and soldiers alike fled in terror, and watched, horrified, from afar as the Evanuris gathered for a final time.
Dirthamen staggered to his feet, his cloak of shadows and secrets all that remained of his regalia. His armor was scorched and tattered, metal hanging from his body like ripped fabric.
But still--the First of the People were not easy to kill, and of them all, Dirthamen was the Eldest.
"HE'S MINE," Falon'Din bellowed to their maddened kin, and Dirthamen smiled a bloody smile in the shadow of his hood.
"You won't kill me," he chided. "I gave you that body, my brother, and you gave me mine."
"I shall," Falon'Din said. "I will have no brother, no reflection--I shall stand alone in glory, purchased with your blood!"
"Then do it properly!" Dirthamen roared in reply. His eyes darted to his other kin, circling him. "Let me be your final sacrifice, O Death, and seal your fate!"
"Hold him still," Falon'Din barked. "Do not let him escape!"
Dirthamen could not brace himself in time for the blow. He rocked forward with it, staggered, and fell to one knee in a hail of blood. Elgar'nan's sword jutted from his chest, streaked with red, and as Dirthamen gasps, more blood pours from his wound and from his mouth.
He will not, cannot die from this--but the agony is beyond anything he has ever known.
He bows his head, gagging, face shadowed beneath his hood.
Falon'Din stands before him.
This was never going to be the victory the vain god wanted. This was never going to be the peaceful venture Dirthamen has dreamed of.
Falon'Din looks into his brother's eyes, hatred and a vicious love reflected back at him.
"No more secrets," Dirthamen whispers.
"No more journeys," Falon'Din agrees.
Falon'Din slits his own throat, and Dirthamen dies.
And dies.
And dies.
Time unwinds from the world, but Arlathan remains frozen, and Dirthamen's blood anchors the spell--the moment held like an extended note in an aching melody, a life preserved in Solas's song.
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helluva-high · 11 months
jax headcanons!! involving kinger, queener, and ragatha!!
so i’m hooked on the idea that jax joined the circus as a child, so i decided to be silly and come up with my own headcanons for it
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jax arrived in the digital circus very young, maybe.. 6 or 7. he, of course, was confused and panicked, but queener immediately helped to calm him down. and as time went on, kinger, queener and jax ended up becoming a little family in the circus.
they would read to him before bed, help him eat, run around with him, everything loving parents do!
but, as he got older, maybe around.. 13, he wanted to leave. he wanted to leave the circus and find kinger and queener in real life, since his own life was awful. him entering the circus was a way to escape.
unfortunately, the two had to explain to him that there’s no exit, and he’s stuck there. but that they were with him! and that they’ll take care of him.
he had a breakdown that day, and it lasted a few days. and queener felt absolutely distraught that her son, her prince, was going through this. so what did she do?
she looked for an exit.
from when jax was 13, to when he was 18, queener kept looking for an exit. at first, kinger helped, hoping that she’d give up after a while. but she didn’t. during this time, ragatha joined (dont take this to heart ill change it up when we get timelines of when everyone joined), and her and jax grew close, having a sort of unspoken older sister, younger brother relationship.
but eventually, queener drove herself insane to the point of abstracting.
everyone; jax, kinger, ragatha, gangle, kaufmo, zooble, and a few others (who later disappear before pomni appears), witnessed it.
and jax? oh, the poor boy. he was broken. caine ended up coming around as gangle went to grab him, and he opened up the cellar. he picked her up to put her in, but jax didn’t want that.
he reached out, grabbing ahold of her, being lifted off the ground. kinger panicked, reaching to grab jax’s feet. with the help of ragatha, they pulled him down. kinger held onto jax tightly as he reached out to abstracted queener. caine sealed her away, before turning his attention to jax, who just cried out for his mom.
he just sat there, his condition.. not the best. due to the contact, he started the pre-abstraction phase, his entire body quickly being consumed by the glitch.
caine reacted quickly, this being the first time he’s had to save someone before they abstracted. due to this, some of his coding wasn’t back to normal. he can break the filter, but chooses not to unless need be. it also explains all his keys. he didn’t just find them laying around. (i’ll add a few more things when i think of them.)
the rest of the day, everyone was quiet. kinger locked himself in his room, wanting to be alone. jax did the same, but often just hid around, hoping not to be found.
and that night, jax stood in front of his mirror, just staring at his reflection. he almost didn’t recognize himself.
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he was crying.
he hadn’t cried in years, much less any serious tears. queener and kinger were always there for him, to help him calm down.
but this time? he was alone.
he couldn’t understand why his fur was wet, why he couldn’t stop crying. it wouldn’t stop. the tears wouldn’t stop.
so he went to the only person he felt comfortable with.
knocking on her door, ragatha answered, looking up. “jax..?” she asked, a look of shock on her face.
jax stood there, a hand feeling his face as he stared down at her, utterly confused. “my.. my face is wet. it won’t stop.”
“why won’t it stop?”
and ragatha just pulled him in to a hug, and jax didn’t realize he was audibly crying until ragatha rubbed his back, and cooed, “it’s okay. just let it all out. you’re okay, i’m here.”
he spent the night in her room, and they talked.
“why does it hurt so much? it- it's like.. there's a pit in my body, it's so hard to breathe?"
"because it's a loss, jax."
"but i lose a bunch of things-- i don't know why this hurts so bad."
"because it's her."
"you're hurting, because you lost her. your mind knows she isn't coming back, but your heart- doesn't. you watched her be put into the cellar, she's gone, jax. and it's hurting because you know she isn't going to come back."
"..but.. she's still alive.."
"..i know."
"..why does it hurt so much..? she's not-- dead, i don't-"
"it's just the way things work, hun. it's.. it's going to be hard, but you'll get through it. we're all right here with you, it'll be okay."
i’ll summarize the rest.
jax ends up hating how he feels, he hates crying, he hates being so sad. so he starts to cope differently. he makes jokes, he becomes more sarcastic, more cold and uncaring for the well being of others. his grief turns him into who he is when we see him during the pilot.
writingn this while sick killed my eyes cuz im not wearing my glasses LOL anyway judt had to thrownhis out there when im unsick ill draw more ok bye guys 🎉
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mari-lair · 1 month
Something I found especially interesting after this chapter was the difference in views between Teru and Akane. More specifically I think it’s interesting how Akane claims to hate supernaturals, just like how Teru does but he still goes out of his way in this chapter to defend Mirai and Kako… Obviously we’ve seen in the court arc that he clearly does care for them but still I just think it’s interesting and was wondering if you had any good thoughts and analysis on it (after all your so good at that kinda thing :))))
Akane has a reluctant soft spot for the clock keepers, deep down, but I'm a firm believer that his lackluster attempt to defend Mirai and Kako wasn't born from a place of faith or care, it was out of fear. He shares the same fear as Teru. I talk about why I interpreted it like that here.
But the chapter still show a very interesting diference in view between Teru and Akane when they learn Yugi Amane used to be a teacher.
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Akane is the one who calls this teacher a murderer. Teru's focus is on how he is an adult here.
Teru also calls him by name. Consistently.
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Usually, he only refers to supernaturals by their role or their seat position. Doesn't matter if he is happy, angry, or neutral. It's never by name.
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This shows Teru is still separating one timeline from the other. It's hard to say if he believes Amane is a bad person or not, but Teru does seem to have decided Amane Yugi is a person, not a supernatural.
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He brought up Amane's happiness to make Nene reconsider staying in this world, 100%, but I do think there is a hint of honesty to this question. I wonder what he think of the idea of a ghost, a doomed being, having an actual life, with a job, and such.
It contrasts with how Akane is treating this timeline as a reality. deciding 'Hanako is still Hanako so he is a murderer' despite not knowing anything about Professor Yugi, and 'Aoi is still the same Aoi at heart. I love her' even after seeing her differences from og Aoi.
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Akane is just following his program. ("Aoi is doubting my love!" -> "I will reassure her she is the only one for me.") Which falls on their old pre-severance routine, since the original Aoi main issue used to be her lack of belief she is lovable and while the New Timeline Aoi was acting differently, she still displayed the same possessive and insecure behaviors as pre-severance Aoi used to, not wanting Akane to be too close to a girl. Still, Akane has no way of knowing if this engaged Aoi is the same as the og one. He is just assuming based on the old timeline.
(unrelated but it's interesting that Akane went from "I'll love you my whole life" to "I'll love you my whole life... No, even after that" cause he is the last person to think about becoming a supernatural. It makes me wonder if part of him is aware each timeline is a completely different world, a different life... but I don't have enough insight on him yet for that, is just food for thought/headcanons.)
The main gag of this chapter is Akane treating others like their old selves while Teru treat them as separated from their old timeline counterparts.
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Teru is being a brat here, but he is right. This Aoi has none of the experiences Akane has. Akane needs to adapt.
Similarly, when he talks about the person Nene fell in love with, he isn't talking about a teacher Nene never met, he is talking about the ghost murderer we are familiar with.
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I think if I were to put the difference in their view (not their approach just their view) in a very simplified box, I would say Teru sees supernaturals as unsavable and dangerous, while Akane sees them as unforgivable and dangerous.
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nxghtstxne · 1 year
JJ Maybank before he was your boyfriend headcanons
Warnings: None
Pairings: JJ Maybank x reader
Word Count: 993
*based in the same timeline as the JJ as your boyfriend headcanons so some things may be similar*
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-The moment JJ first saw you walking along the beach with Sarah, he knew he needed you.
-He didn’t understand what the feelings he was feeling were at first; never really liking girls for anything other than a quick fling, and if he ever did then he pushed the feelings away before they could grow to anything else.
-He couldn’t do this with you though, the pogues had become quite attached to you, your personality and energy filling a gap they didn’t know they had.
-Even JJ couldn’t deny that it was refreshingly nice whenever you were around.
-You were new to the area so he took it upon himself to show you around, he took you to some of favourite areas, saving his most favourite ones for another time.
-You rather quickly became attached to the boy, finding him bringing you out of your shell, JJ was the first person you went to whenever you needed something. 
-Sarah and Kiara would tease you all the time about how blushy and happy you got whenever JJ would text you or send you a snap, you obviously denied everything but even deep down you knew you had it bad for him.
-Likewise John B and Pope would try and get JJ to admit he had feelings for you, at first he was still partly in denial, not wanting to make himself vulnerable. But after a big heart to heart with the boys he was finally comfortable admitting he liked you. 
-After that it was almost impossible to get him to shut up about you, he was constantly “guys look at what y/n sent earlier” and “oh this is y/n’s favourite song!” 
-Not long after, JJ would take any chance he got to be close to you, sitting on the couch at the chateau, grabbing the seat close to you in the twinkie- most of the time he would choose the seat opposite you in the van just so he had an excuse to glance at you every now and then, walking to the beach on a surfing day, he would happily walk next to you and offer to carry your stuff even though you denied more often than not.
-All of this wasn’t one sided, you would do the same towards him and he would be lying if he said he didn’t get butterflies or flustered for a few seconds whenever your hands brushed his or your gaze lingered a little too long for it to be platonic.
-He was caught by the other pogues on multiple occasions gazing at you with the most lovestruck look on his face, especially when you were reading or softly singing along to your favourite music. 
-The rest of the pogues knew the two liked each other, they’re best friends and the girls spoke to the boys about ways to get you to admit feelings for the other.
-There were three moments in particular that made JJ realise he truly loved you, not just like. 
-The first was when you excitedly made your way over to him when he and Pope got to the beach, handing him something with the most beautiful smile he’s seen yet, you walked  away before you could see his reaction, you didn’t wanna see if he didn’t like it, but you missed the way his mouth hung slightly open and his eyes glazed over a little as he held the handmade bracelet in his hand. You had used sea glass and beads and some little gemstone chips and wrapped them all up in coloured thread, just for him. It was the first time anyone had handmade something for him and just for him. 
-The second time was when he was woken up by the sound of your voice as you walked in the chateau talking to John B. When he came out of his self claimed room rubbing his eyes he definitely didn’t expect to see you with a bag of t-shirts and a hoodie or two, you handed them to him and at a closer look they were his clothes. You had washed his clothes for him? This was when he realised that one of your love languages was acts of service and it made sense. When he asked you about it all you had said was “just taking care of my boy yeah?”  you had said it like it was the most natural thing in the world- your boy.
-The third time was when you had noticed on multiple occasions the rumbling of his stomach (as well as John B’s) and the way the kitchen at the chateau was never stocked. Coming back from a bike ride with Pope, JJ was surprised to see you cooking, the shelves a little more full then before, with some of everyone's favourite snacks too. You had turned to glance at them and made eye contact with JJ before giggling and focusing back on your cooking. 
-You were taking care of him in ways that no one had before, and at first he was ashamed, he should know how to cook and clean his own clothes for god's sake, and maybe he could if he really tried but he never really had the motivation to care for himself before you came along.
-You had reassured him when he brought this up to you during an emotional talk that you didn’t mind doing some of these things for him and the rest of the group, you were good at looking after people. 
-It was after this that JJ decided he was going to show you he loved you too, becoming more comfortable with hugging you, and putting his arm around you any chance he could.
-Eventually that grew to hand holding and he swore it felt like your hands were made to be held in his.
-It wasn’t long after this that the two friends finally admitted they were in love with each other. 
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
What are your favorite headcanons you have? I notice you always have asks about specific characters, but I think a post dedicated to miscellaneous headcanons you especially love would be a nice break!
Like out of the ones I've already done? I'd say these ones are my favourites
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Yuzuha offered to get a bike and drive Hakkai around (not to mention learn to drive) when she realised he was constantly riding with Mitsuya. Hakkai quickly said no though.
Kazutora likes his hair being played with but is too nervous to ask anyone to do it (luckily baji noticed this a while ago and occasionally when they're just hanging out and lying around Baji will play with it).
Izana anonymously donated to orphans in the bad toman timeline
Ran and Rindou both using Koko as their middle man when they're arguing. "Koko, please tell Ran to get his job done" "Koko, please tell Rindou his outfit sucks today" "YOU TWO ARE STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER"
Baji gets extremely excited for zoo visits, as a kid he actually used to frequently get lost at zoo trips since he'd run off to look at all the animals faster then his mum/ class. 
Kakucho used to make Izana crayon birthday cards each year as a kid
If Akane had known Koko had manged to save Inupi then she would've been happy that her little brother got out.
Hanma's the type of person who can fall asleep anywhere, chair, bed, floor, laundry pile. He can sleep on any of them.
South kept accidentally mixing up the Haitani brother's names when he first met them. 
The first time Mikey's toman friends heard him say "please" is when he was desperately asking them for some of their food. (After they said no the first time, he sighed then suddenly got serious and just said "please"
Sometimes when it rains, Chifuyu will glance around for anyone without an umbrella. Wondering if he'll get to have a manga moment with them.
While Sanzu was in tenjiku he kept his hands in his pockets a lot. This was to hide the way he'd clench his fists whenever they mentioned taking Mikey down. 
One time, after the Kawata twins learnt about the classic trope of twins switching places for a day they decided to try it. Despite their obvious differences they were so sure it was going to work too (it did not work).
Inui once called Shinichiro big brother by accident, Shinichiro was thrilled.
Shion couldn't read the room when it came to South, he thought they were good friends.
Rindou had a teddy bear as a kid that he was super attached to, so attached that he still has it (it's hidden in his room). Ran still teases him about it.
When Benkei's training people in the gym he can seem a bit loud and aggressive but he's actually very supportive, cheering people on and practising them to help with their motivation (he's just very enthusiastic).
In the good timeline Ran thinks signing a few pieces of paper for a few minutes count as a full days work.
Kazutora despises any kind of violence against women, it actually reminds him of the situation with his mother. So because of this he always steps in to beat the guys up stop the situation. (In the good timeline this actually causes problems between him and Senju since he frequently steps into her fights).
Yuzuha can hold her alcohol very well, Hakkai thinks this is unfair (he's more of a lightweight)
Kazutora secretly talks to the animals at the pet shop, telling them about his day.
Baji went to visit Sanzu in the hospital after the incident, he brought him magazines to try and cheer him up. 
South doesn't understand the concept of a water fight, will start punching 
Kakucho wasn't sure of his birthday so Izana assigned him one
Taiju hates hospitals, they just remind him of his mother and her death.
Hanma has stolen Kisaki's glasses to try on before (and did a Kisaki impression while wearing them)
During the good timeline Sanzu hinted he wanted a pet once. He was thinking like a dog or maybe a cat but Senju got him a hamster. He still ended up loving the little guy
Chifuyu was kicked out of a library once for having such a loud reaction to a twist in a book.
It actually took a long time for Wakasa's friends to figure out what he's scared of. They tried testing him with lots of different things and actually gave up before a house centipede just so happened to crawl by, scaring Wakasa.
Kisaki has yelled at Hanma for eating and leaving crumbs on his bed many times.
Sometimes while sleeping at school, Mikey will talk in his sleep (Draken always glares at the other students and teachers if they dare turn around to look at Mikey)
When Mochi's grocery shopping he normally gets asked by people to reach things on the higher shelves, he always gets them what they need.
Mitsuya has a few burn scars on his hands from where he learnt to cook at a young age and made a few mistakes 
The first few times Rindou decided to drive his bike, Ran forced him to wear a helmet. (Ran said he didn't need one though, only Rindou)
Mucho didn't actually give Sanzu his jacket, he just let him borrow it. But then didn't have the heart to ask for it back when he saw how much Sanzu loved it.
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neverchecking · 1 year
I have a brain rot for sage, hes challenging the chain for their time with player/reader, he basically wants all His/Her/Them's attention, of course none of the chain and sage are going to "play" fair their going to cheat no matter what. the only ones he might not win against is time, FD and maybe twilight. wind, four, Hyrule, and sky would do sad puppy eyes to get cuddle time, twilight and legend turn into their animal form to get pettings, sage and wild would cook food to get points for being delicious. (etc.etc.) just some yandere shenanigans for attention. the challenges he did were sword fighting, bow and arrow targeting, sparing, arm wrestling, and so forth.
Okay, last one for the night! I figured since this isn't really a request, I could spitball some more of my headcanons for our beloved Sage.
Jk it delted itself so I gave up and went to bed bc last time I tried to push through I wasn't happy with the end product, so sorry for the delay!
For those of you who don't know, Sage is another name for the Tears of the Kingdom Link--dubbed Hero of the Zonai-- should we decide he is not in fact Wild.
For the Wild and Facesitting request, it's in progress I promise! I try to go in order with my requests, but like I said, this is more headcanons versus a scenario. It should be out tomorrow later today so look out for that ;)
Y'all. The amount of Sage requests in my inbox right now? You guys are feral for this man and I love it. So I'm here to feed you guys.
TotK spoilers below!
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・❥・Okay, so lemme start this off by saying. I have done you all wrong. And for that I apologize.
・❥・Because our wonderful @wayfayrr has opened my eyes to new possibilities that I would've never even thought of. So everyone say thank you rn >:(
・❥・So let's make some amendments!
・❥・First off, let's talk about nicknames. I love the idea that Reader, and only Reader, can call him anything other than Sage. And calling him other herb-related nicknames? Kills me. He is a flushing red mess the first time it happens. You had deemed him worthy of a nickname? You considered him person enough to have a moniker that wasn't also a title? If he was down bad before, it's so much worse now. Because you see him as a person. He's sure the others just see him as a means to the end. The second one of them, maybe save Wind, try it, he's shooting them daggers and snarling at them for even daring to try and impeach your privilege. (I also love the Calm, Wild and Feral thing, I thought that was so freaking clever.)
・❥・And you know how each of the hero's have their own 'sword' right? Well, what if Sage's was the Master Sword Remastered? Like Sky's (Like most of their Master Swords actually) but now it's been boosted by ten thousand years worth of direct light magic. (Does the Zonai time fall before Skyward Sword or after? I have no idea where they fall on the timeline tbh.). Just a thought. It could also be a gloom sword which probably wouldn't effect him as hard in other timelines because there's no demon king to power it, but it probably does hurt the others if they try to touch it.
・❥・Now, the juicy part. Let's retouch on Wild's and Sage's relationship. I originally said that Sage was okay with him? I lied. Wayfayrr has opened my eyes.
・❥・Sage probably can't fucking stand Wild. As they said, this is a version of him that didn't have this second adventure. Got to rest and distant himself from the Hero Title. And that just pisses him off. Why did he get the shittier hand? Why did he have to do it all over again? Why when this failure got to get off easy? Why couldn't he have the same grace, huh? What made them so different?
・❥・And if we're using the past oneshot (Here!) as they're 'canon' meeting, this filth let you get hurt. You were hurt before meeting him, which means that they can't be trusted with you. Especially Wild. So Sage cannot stand you being near Wild. At all. It eats at him and he doesn't last long before splitting the two of you up.
・❥・Calamity is even worse. There is probably an active hate towards Calamity (In this Yandere world, in a normal, not toxic world? They probably work out their differences a little better). This was a version of him who didn't even have to die to complete his quest. And this just shows that Fraud has favorites and it's not him.
・❥・You know who else he probably doesn't like? Twilight. Now, hear me out. This is purely me just spitting this out, but Sage has to be aware. He listens when they don't think he does, he's awake when they think he's not, he's watching when they don't even know he's there.
・❥・So he probably picks up on all of their little secrets. Meaning he knows Twilight is Wolfie. And (I think this is Canon is LU but I'm not sure) Wild had Wolfie as a guide. Which means Sage had Wolfie as a guide. The difference? When he needed him the second time, left stumbling around like a newborn fawn crawling out of the shrine all over again, he was left alone. He was fighting robots with a fucking Stick. He fused a mushroom to a shield just to buy himself more time. At one point, he was fusing a long stick to another long stick just to fight from a distance to save his battered body. Rauru did as much as he could, but there were some times he wished he was left for dead.
・❥・Not anymore as that means he would've never met you, but then? different story.
・❥・They also brought up that Sage probably doesn't stop at just cooking your food and I agree. When on the road, he for sure goes straight to the source. If he doesn't know exactly where it came from, it's not going anywhere near his Goddess. Nope. Not a chance in the gloomy depths from hell.
・❥・He's going to farmers themselves rather than merchants for produce, hunting any protein himself, climbing trees for eggs, he probably even makes his own butter. Now, because he's also cooking savy this for sure makes the rivalry between him and Wild widen. Wild is set in his cook for the chain, not you. Sage can't trust them to not hurt you again. Whose to say they don't over spice the food? Or undercook the fish? Or drop shells into the egg?
・❥・He can't trust them and may force you to pick one of the other. Depending on who you chose, he'll either hold his victory up high or work even harder to separate you from the chain. Can't you see, Reader? They aren't good for you.
・❥・When it comes to the Gloom, he for sure uses to his advantage. You know he's been infected, but you don't know how much light he's gathered to dispel it. At this point, he's probably gotten most, if not all of it, out, but you don't know that. And he preys on that fact.
・❥・Oh, the Traveler wants to down to the river with you? But, Reader, there's something rotten in his chest and he's stumbling against trees, exaggerating his steady steps just in case to really sell it. He needs you by his side, can't you see?
・❥・Oh, the captain is trying to get you to settle with him for the night? But, Reader, he's tossing and turning, feigning sleep and acting just enough to catch your attention. He's listening, ears pricked, just to hear you swiftly apologize before your gently hands are laying on his shoulders and he's won again.
・❥・And because his Hyrule is one of, if not the most dangerous Hyrules, he's given so much ammo to keep you tethered to him. You can't trust anyone, don't you know? The Yiga uptake has skyrocketed and they are everywhere, along with Ganon's new ability to make puppets? Can't you see how you can't trust any of them?
・❥・He even entertains you when you come up with the idea to have a secret saying between just the two of you as a fail safe. (It's probably something like 'Deforestation Enthusiast' because of how the two of you met.) Anything to have you pulling further away from the Chain and into his arms.
・❥・If it begins to take longer than expected, Sage is not above letting you wander just enough in his Hyrule. Maybe you set off a bit of Gloom hands (Or maybe he nudges them in your direction, hard to tell, really) and they go charging at you. The others don't know how to deal with them, but he does. He saves your life before the others even know what hit them. He's cooing into your ear, reassuring that where the others fail, he would never dream of it. He's whispering that he knows how scary the feeling of those hands are. He knows how freezing the feeling of sudden restriction, only accompanied by the burning sizzle of malice, is. He knows and he understands, but he's right here. He'd never let anything happen to you. Not like the other frauds.
・❥・Now, all that being said, Sage for sure does not play fair. Oh no. He does challenge them in his own ways, but does it in a way that can only reflect badly on them should they call him out on it.
・❥・He's fighting (Picking apart) with Wars and Calamity on their sparring routines, angling it in just a way that should they snap back he can turn on the innocent little look with a 'But I'm just trying to protect you. I don't know how any of you fight, I'm still learning.' Just in time for you to catch them barking at him to 'Learn faster' and it just falls perfectly into place.
・❥・He's calling out Twi and Four every time they try to wander off (Probably to bring out Wolfie or split to relieve a headache of sorts) because 'The woods are dangerous, what are they doing going off alone?' and now they can't leave because all eyes are on them and he's restricting their movement without even really trying. They wanna go foraging? But he and ...Wild were their best foragers and they were busy with dinner (That was something bitter to get out).
・❥・And wow, Time, Legend and Fierce have so many secrets, can you really trust them? Sage has laid down his entire adventure to you, and regardless if Reader is a LoZ player and knows of them regardless, Sage told you. Those two are trying to hide from you. He would never.
・❥・Wind, Hyrule and that filthy disgrace want to drag you along to go Shield surfing? Reader, do you know how dangerous that is? Especially with someone's track record. Here, you wanna go riding on this motorized wagon he just happens to have on hand? (Between the Zonite in his Purah pad, he can build any component necessary.)
・❥・Not even Sky and First are safe as he uses carefully laid words to sully their once golden image towards you. Afterall, they're so close to Hylia, whose to say they aren't behind all of this?
・❥・Now, you said that the only ones he may not win against are Time, Fierce and Twilight, but like I said, I can imagine him loathing Twilight, so instead, may I suggest First.
・❥・Time and Fierce are both pretty burly dudes that demand some semblance of respect and while Sage has muscles, he's not overly tall. So while he doesn't bow, he may just back off from their forefront for a while.
・❥・Now, First. He's probably the only one who can put Sage back in his place of the hierarchy. It's the first in the timeline, versus the last (As of right now). And it's not pretty. They probably go to blows a few times when you're out of ear shot.
・❥・The problem is that First can only push him back when you're out of ear shot and Sage makes it a point to keep you as close as humanly possible.
・❥・And while yes, some of them may use puppy eyes, Sage is not above using pity to get what he wants because he just hurts so badly don't you know?
・❥・He unfortunately can't do anything about wolves or rabbits. If they manage to disappear before he can call them out on it, he's left bitterly sulking as Wolfie laps at your cheeks or dumb rabbits nose at your hand. He may know who they are, but not even he's cruel enough to call them out (Yet) because that would just pit you against him. They weren't his secrets to tell, you would scold, and he just couldn't handle that possibility.
・❥・The biggest difference between Sage and Wild, one that the chain will fail to realize right away, is that Sage is much more experienced. He is on his second, THIRD if you count the pre-calamity, adventure. He knows everything Wild does, and more. Wild knows how to improvise and adapt, Sage can do it faster. Wild knows how to forage and concoct incredibly potent elixirs? Sage can do it tenfold with half the ingredients. He knows all the little tips and tricks and is not only backed up by the champion's gifts-- should they have remained-- but now he has the sages with him.
・❥・Like imagine their mid-battle, they had forced you away from Sage just to create some distance (At long last) and mans comes rolling in a giant fucking robot. He's using Sidon's sage to shield you over and over again and decimating a battle field using nothing but Riju and an arrow. Hell, the bigger enemies are struck down by Yunobo crashing into them. Sage alone is enough to cut the enemy hordes in half through recall and sending their own attacks back at them or fusing together weapons they wouldn't have ever dreamed of with new abilities. Even his outfits give him benefits far beyond anything they could think.
・❥・You saw him as someone more than just Link. He wasn't just the Swordsman to you when that was who he was to everyone else. You dubbed him something far beyond what a damned sword made him.
・❥・And he would have to be four days dead before letting you go.
・❥・And as he's proven before, Not even death could truly kill him.
I am so glad I waited bc I like this one so much more than the one that was deleted.
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ozziethegreat · 3 months
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but what are your Delta headcanons? :D
so I am usually terrified of these questions because of my crippling social anxiety, but I love Delta too much to NOT yap about him..
Alright so I’ve seen some other people (howls and sandee) talk about how he would have toxic masculinity and have difficulty dealing with emotions. I COMPLETELY agree with this, he absolutely would.
He would most definitely overwork himself in an attempt to prove his bravery and whatnot. He gets himself badly hurt in fights and proceeds to brush it off because he doesn’t want to look weak. (Loser)
So I like to headcannon that he eventually gets a service dog to help him with this issue, since the injuries were very inconvenient, and Epic and Color were worried for his physical and mental health.
If he ever overwhelms himself by running around and constantly helping people, the dog would do its job and force him to take a break :3
(I drew him with the doggy once) (its name is Zorox) (take a guess why)
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Anyway obviously he would be opposed to the idea of a service animal because “that’s stupid, service animals are for disabled people, I’m perfectly fine” but Color and Epic forced him to for his own good.
He grew fond of the dog after a while, and accepted the idea since it was actually helping him.
Anyway enough of the dog, I wanna talk about him and Color.. 😣
So basically I’ve drawn ship art of them and I’d like to say I headcannon them as exes. Howls at some point said they could have been roommates in the Omega Timeline and I’ve just stuck with that because I’m not original.
I think the isolation Color went through made him very touch starved, and he attached to Delta because he was one of the first people he saw after a long time.
Delta, on the other hand, in general is a very social and friendly person (in his own ways), so he was just nice talkative to Color as he is to most people.
Anyway I think they dated because roommates lore /j
It ended up not working because Delta wasn’t very good with relationships, and his personality and morals clashed with Color’s. They broke up and stayed on good terms as friends 😋😋
As for Delta and Bravery, the two are literally just besties.
I think Delta initially had a father/kid relationship with Frisk, and he was extremely crushed when he failed to save them. It was like losing a kid basically, and he probably forced himself to help people all over to make up for his mistakes.
He ended up exhausting himself, and Core found him when he was having a mental crisis due to all of the guilt and stress he was put through, and he was later relocated at the OT.
As for Bravery, as Delta was recovering from his little guilt trip, he got to know the kid better and learned about who they were, their backstory, how they died.
He felt bad at first, convincing himself that he was just trying to replace Frisk to get over their death, but Bravery urged him not to have those thoughts because he wasn’t being “brave.”
Whining about the past wasn’t something a brave person would do. He should move on because dwelling on it wasn’t going to help him get better, or stronger.
Poor Bravery accidentally convinced him to push down his feelings 😭😭
But other than that, they just act like father and kid all the time, like best friends. Bravery offers him battle advice, keeps him from falling apart when things go wrong, and they work as a team.
In return, Delta takes the kids places they always wanted to see, lets them try new things, basically just letting them experience being a curious kid again, as they died WAY too early.
okay I’m done yapping because my phone’s about to die and it’s almost my curfew at camp 😣😣
PLEASE add to this if yall have more headcannons I love him :3
Delta belongs to animatedzorox
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the-au-collector · 8 months
Epic: The Musical and Linked Universe
So I’m sure someone else noticed this already but Epic: The Musical gives off Linked Universe vibes. So I’m honor of the Circe Saga releasing next week, I thought I’d put in my 2 cents about what songs I associate with each Link (+some non-canon LU Links). There’s a bit of another LU-Links-reunite AU building up in my head but there’s no real direction yet so have this brain vomit instead:
- The Horse and The Infant - Warriors. So this goes into my headcanon that Warriors is the hero of 10,000 years ago. No I have no foundation for that theory. It just IS. Anyways he’s fighting the Yiga with an army of Gerudo and Hylians. He has to kill the Yiga leader’s son, who’s the new incarnation of Ganondorf. The kid is an infant. I don’t think I need to explain more but yeah.
- Just A Man - Hyrule. This song is the ultimate Hyrule song for me. It explains his character in my Relinked AU too. It’s just… it’s Hyrule’s song. As for the story based off of Epic: The Musical itself, I think he’s running from some sort of war in his Hyrule (either a civil war or a war with Calatia). The details aren’t that clear yet, other than he kills someone and feels bad about it.
- Full Speed Ahead - Wind. Need I say more?
- Warrior of the Mind - our first non-canon Link: First! I Imagine First and Hylia kicking ass together during this song
- Polyphemus - Okay, we’re getting into true AU territory with this one, but this is Twilight’s song. He’s trying to piece together the Mirror of Twilight again and accidentally angers a Hinox or other large monster. With him is Dusk, Rusl (or maybe Colin), and Dusk is stabbed at the end. That’s all I’ve got for this one.
- Survive - Time. And this one has a Story. Ganondorf attacks Time’s castle town with an army of Gerudo and monsters. Time and the Sages fight him off but at the last second he breaks free and slaughters everyone, including Time. However, just as the song ends (the point where Polyphemus falls asleep), Zelda rewinds time and sacrifices herself to seal Ganondorf into the Mirror of Twilight. This is the moment the Downfall Timeline is created too.
- Remember Me - Our second non-canon Link, Shadow! He, Four, Dot, and others are fighting this monster. The Four Sword shatters, Shadow takes charge but in the end wants to do the noble thing. Oh and he gives his name as “Link” and not Shadow (or Shade, as Four’s beginning to call him in my headcanon)
- My Goodbye - Legend and Fable have a falling out. Legend’s sick of feeling used because he’s the hero, so he decides he’s had enough.
- Storm - Our third non-canon Link, Age! Basically a Tears of the Kingdom scenario except Age and his Zelda (Fauna) never went down below the castle. He never loses his arm and Fauna never goes to the past, but they have to evacuate Hyrule to the sky with the help of the Light Dragon who clears the way.
- Luck Runs Out - Sky and Groose. Idk what went down in Sky’s Hyrule but they’re having a disagreement about how Sky’s handling it.
- Keep Your Friends Close - Our last non-canon Link, Spirit! This one also has some story behind it to make the song fit. Idk why, but he and his Zelda (Phantom) have gone to speak to their Wind God, Zephos (the same from Wind Waker) who gives them a challenge. They fail and Spirit gets separated from the group. I imagine it might have something to do with Ganondorf who’s still stuck under the receding Great Sea.
- Ruthlessness - This absolute bop goes to Four. It’s also a follow-up to Remember Me, so that means the monster Shadow refused to kill is Special. Related in some way to Fierce Deity special. So the story here is after the encounter with the monster, Four, Shadow, and others (I’m debating giving Vaati a redemption arc?) decide to try to get help from the god Fierce Deity. Except Deity is pissed because he thinks Four is a weakling when it was actually Shadow who took the blame for what happened to the monster. Fierce slaughters all of Four and Shadow’s men, Four seals himself into the Four Sword to distract/hurt Fierce, and Shadow escapes but feels really guilty.
That’s all I’ve got for now. I’ll add the Circe Saga when it comes out.
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semisolidmind · 1 year
I just read the story of reader's reincarnation! And I love it!! ❤️ I'm curious what the boys will do after they learn their wife had reincarnated?
I had a headcanon in my head that maybe reader remembered her past life during the journey, and finds it funny how the story was adapted in the modern world. Then when her two husbands came to pick her up, she just went from extremely happy to full blown crying/scared/guilty for not being there with them for so long.
(im glad folks like it. :) im always worried i cut my drabbles off too early, but when im done im done.)
and while the idea of a happy reunion is a sweet one, it's not as plausible as one would hope.
see, the modern aus of both bad end and twice as bad take place in the lmk timeline, so reader, as a reincarnation, wouldn't have the memories of her past life at the forefront. there'd be some of the stronger ones buried deep in her subconscious, but it'd take some powerful magic to bring those to the surface.
the safest bet the boys have is to start over. they really can't just pick up where they left off; and in a surprising turn of events, wukong acknowledges this. he's not deluded about it this time, he knows how it works. the reader who knew them is gone.
and he sees an opportunity.
wukong knows the reader from the past was scared of him and macaque, even if she got good at tamping that fear down while in their presence. this new reader doesn't know them beyond the tales he's sure she's heard about them. he figures he can spin those as bad faith interpretations of their intentions.
he knows how compassionate she can be. and he plans on using her empathy against her.
he and mac could play the "misunderstood anti-heroes" card, and win her affection back naturally. macaque would be on board with this, understanding that this reader is socialized by her time and their ancient demon courting methods (outright kidnapping) won't be as acceptable. so, they get to romancin' their soon-to-be wife the modern way.
they could set up an instance where they save her from another demon, or they meet her by chance while "patrolling." they hide their identities; less extravagant armor, slightly more modern outfits. the two monkey demons can be quite charming when they want to be, and reader, while naturally suspicious of their intentions, finds herself crushing after a few chance meetings (she will only privately admit she finds the two demons handsome; she gets the feeling their egos would run with any compliments she could give).
reader keeps her feelings to herself, too embarrassed to bring the two suitors up to her friends or boss. they notice her change in attitude but can't get her to tell (although mei doesn't give up trying).
mk figures it out pretty quick however, and is suitably weirded out that his dad and uncle are trying to woo his friend/coworker. the poor kid gets sworn to secrecy (not that he wants to get involved with his caretakers' personal business). and nothing he says could sway the older demons from their goal.
...he can't help but be worried for reader.
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crguang · 1 month
not fuckboy Kafka being a fuckboy on accident, that is honesty kind of funny, but I am still running…towards her.
ok but Kafka in the firefly animation was kind of funny for some reason. she was also really hot in the animation but Elio definitely told her to be there, so she’s just sitting on a space while waiting for something and she’s just drinking. I was looking through firefly’s story and there was nothing about Kafka 😔 except for when she’s recruited and only mentioned as “the woman” there was stuff abt silver wolf and blade, so obviously everything abt her is going to be plot relevant when she shows up very soon in the main story.
Also Kafka at the interrogation scene was so silly. Like they took her jacket, her contacts and wiped off her lipstick for what? her back and her shoulders do be looking fine tho people like me are why there’s dress codes in school and her eyes are gorgeous, like she looks so much softer when you can see her pupils, she’s so pretty.
your post abt how Kafka slows her speaking was very interesting and I’d like to know how her va was directed for those scenes, and I definitely need to rewatch the interrogation again I’ll def get distracted
Speaking of her voice actor, Cheryl texiera was so good on the white night cover. Her belting was amazing. Definitely feeding my headcanons for my university au. In aural class you have to sing notes (from my research) to prove that you can tell the difference or smth, and I just think it’s be funny that reader would be so mad at Kafka for having perfect pitch and having a good voice and generally just being good. I’ll write whenever my actual uni isn’t kicking my ass.
fuckboy kafka’s lowkey a loser when you think about it… that’ll make more sense in the next part but the unnecessary things she does as proof that she cares are so silly. firefly’s trailer was so good i remember losing my mind when kafka was shown at the end because it was so unexpected 😭 but she did look gorgeoussss, my timeline was just profile pictures of this for a while hdjdhdj. she needs to put that glass down she’s always gotta be drinking something like let’s start carrying a water bottle baby (i love exaggerating her unhealthy habits). i also love that the trailer confirmed kafka was the first SH recruited even tho i already knew like yess prove me right hoyo
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TRUST ME KAFKA’S COMING BACK 2.7. like she is just trust me she’ll be back so soon beautiful as ever i just know it…
i love the interrogation scene of the luofu i think it’s my favourite, i remember squealing when she walked in the frame without her coat like i was a victorian man seeing a woman’s ankles for the first time— at the time i hadnt checked anything about her so when i saw her without her coat i realized that she was mostly wearing it to look good (she cut holes into it to pass her arms through them instead of it being over the shoulders like himeko bc she wears fancy long sleeves… just unnecessary?3!4?) then i read her character description in the archives and it said she loved collecting coats i was like “i knew it…”
SHE DOES LOOK SO MUCH SOFTER RAHHHHHH. she’s much less intimidating and i love it so bad because we were seeing her without her defenses for the first time + we got to see her full design (it’s my favourite). they took her jacket and contacts/wiped her makeup cause she actually got arrested so they likely needed information like eye color and fingerprints etc, plus she was hiding three grenades, two rifles and a sword like i’d confiscate that stupid ass coat too. i think the funniest part is that she went back for it afterwards 😭
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ALSO YES THAT WHITE NIGHT HIGH NOTE CHANGED MY LIFEEEEE LIKE HSR IDOL/BAND AU WHEN???? i need that university au im gonna email your profs to cut you some slack so you can write because im itching just at the idea of an academic rivals story with her… hope your classes aren’t too stressful tho!
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alltheyoungmoons · 4 months
The Gift
G - WIP - Part 1/? - 1k words - ATYD timeline compliant.
Is this a fic? Because there's barely any plot. This is the first part of one single scene and it's already long as fuck, because I am nothing if not verbose. Based on this headcanon. Hopefully I won't drag it out too much. Enjoy and lmk what you think!
Sirius Orion Black the Third had heard his best friend singing the praises of one Lilian Jasmine Evans for so long that he never thought there would come a day when the two of them would amicably be having a private conversation. 
It’s not that he thought bad of her - they had just never seemed that compatible. She had been an annoying swot in their early years at Hogwarts, and she was friends with Snivellus of all people, which, in Sirius’ book, couldn’t be a good sign of character. Thank Godrick people change, and if he had been surprised when James and Lily finally got together, imagine his shock when he realised he had, in fact, grown fond of the redhead himself. 
Remus, of course, had predicted it. The bastard was always right.
The clever bastard was, incidentally, the topic of conversation that morning in the library. They had come back from Winter break a fortnight before, but the third years already managed to wreak havoc in the dungeons - Slughorn had previously confessed to the seventh years how the Slytherin-Hufflepuff third class was particularly inept this year. So class had been cancelled for that morning, as the Potions professor tried to take care of the sour batches before they exploded all over his classroom. Potter used the free hour to take care of some Quidditch business, and since neither Sirius nor Lily had other urgent plans, they decided to spend the time revising in the library. As he glanced at the freckly girl across the table, Sirius thought it was probably the first time they were spending time alone, ever. He couldn’t recall any other instance anyway. 
They had been sitting quietly for a while, reading, but the novelty of having a spontaneous hour off was evidently bothering Lily:
“Ugh I just can’t focus at the moment, this free has really thrown me off my schedule” she sighed, rubbing her eyes. Count on Lily to look at a free hour like a hindrance.
“That’s exactly what Moony would say” he chuckled. He found that now that all his friends knew, it was so easy to make comments like this, without worrying about the implications. Still easier with Lily, who was similar to Remus in many ways - both analytical planners, worryingly devoted to their to-do lists, but who crumbled under pressure if anything didn’t go to plan. Sirius and James, on the other hand, were the think-on-your-feet types. He privately thought they had all paired up quite well. 
Lily had blushed slightly at being compared to Remus; she probably thought it was high praise, and Sirius was inclined to agree. He could only have intended a compliment, if the other boy was involved. 
After a moment's silence, Lily’s eyes widened a bit, as if she had just remembered something, and leaned forward across the desk. Sirius put down his book, glad to be done with the pretence of doing something useful and instead turning his attention to something more exciting than the legislature around Veritaserum. 
“Speaking of Remus… his eighteenth birthday’s coming up,” Lily said, somewhat expectantly.
Sirius raised an eyebrow at this. Sure, March was more than a month away, but did she think he didn’t remember?
“I know, he’s my boyfriend.” He stumbled through his defensive tone. It was the first time he ever referred to Remus as such, out loud anyway. He felt the top of his ears warm up - he had surprised himself with this choice of vocabulary. Lily’s cheeks had become bright red as well; it was new territory for all of them. 
“Of course, I was just wondering…if you have anything planned? Gift-wise?” There was a tinge of nervousness in her voice “I know we went all-out last year, but eighteen is when you come of age for muggles, and I thought he would maybe appreciate if someone put some effort to celebrate this…I know it sounds silly, but I would…” she shrugged. Sirius could see she truly cared about this, and that she was putting a lot of thought behind it. He always held in high regard all his friends who didn’t abjure their muggle origins, even more now, in the middle of the war. Moreover, any birthday was a good enough reason to spoil your loved ones, no matter the cultural implications of the age they were turning. 
“Yeah - I, um, already got him something, actually” he answered apologetically, remembering the detailed instructions he wrote to the Goblin goldsmiths. Lily’s shoulders slumped at this,
“Ugh, I should’ve known,” she looked very defeated “I have been wracking my brains for weeks trying to come up with a gift, but with everything that’s been going on I never have more than five seconds to properly think about it…” Sirius tried to now dwell on all the things "everything that's been going" could entail.
“Well… I’m giving him a cigarette holder” he supplied, expecting Lily to disapprove. She and James were always giving out to him and Remus for the terrible habit. 
“That’s perfect!” She gasped. Sirius was stunned. She then buried her doll-like face in her hands “That’s perfect for him. He’ll love it. I’ll never find anything as good.”
“Aren’t you putting too much pressure on yourself? I’m sure Moony will appreciate anything you give him.” This was true, but unfortunately didn’t sound as comforting now that he’d said it out loud. 
“I know he will, but it’s not just that… I want this to be special, you know? Something useful, yes, but also meaningful.”
Meaningful. Sirius was looking into Lily’s green eyes, her gaze tired but solemn. 
Since the Diagon Alley attack, meaning had been an elusive concept to capture. It wasn’t the same as purpose, it was much more fickle. In the face of the terrible evil that was making itself increasingly more present, meaning seemed to escape entirely. Asking "why" wasn’t an option anymore, if any answer to it seemed impossible to conjure. The lack of certainty in the present translated itself into an imbuing of meaning in the small, mundane things. Thus, a simple birthday gift could, and did, hold this much weight. 
He straightened up, a fire newly lit within him.
“Ok, let’s brainstorm.”
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
GHOST MC CAUGHT ON CAMERA REAL NOT CLICKBAIT EMOTIONAL (headcanons for the olba boys with a ghost mc please)
Ooh, I don't know if this means like a Casper thing where MC met the boys as a ghost or if MC turned into a ghost then sees the boys that way, so I'll do a little bit of both!
I hope this is at least sort of what you wanted OP because I kind of went off lol
-- If Cove is 8 and moves to a new town and a ghost lives across the street, well, that's going to be a lot. He's not going to question it -- ghosts are real, obviously, he sees one right there -- and he's going to be a little scared but more intrigued.
-- No difference in friendship level between human MC and ghost MC with Cove, btw. You're the bestie regardless.
-- This Cove is going to be more studious because he's going to do tonnnnns of research about ghosts. He wants to know everything there is to know. When he's like 12 and getting to that awkward stage, he asks if you need to be released somehow, to let your spirit move onto the next stage.
MC: Yeah, go ahead and burn my bones and set me free, you dork. Put on a movie I'm bored.
-- But if MC is a ghost because they died, ohhhh that's bad. The first time Cove sees you he knows that can't be quite right, but he doesn't tell anyone because even if it is some kind of mental break, he still gets to see you again and he's not going to risk someone putting a stop to that.
-- Maybe in this situation you should have a talk with Cove about a healthy ghost-life balance, because he is not going to want you out of his sight in the worst way.
-- OK, but if MC was a ghost when Cove met, then when he's 13 he's like "Hey, new buddy Derek, my bestie is a ghost, wanna meet them?" And Derek is too polite to say anything but "sure," but then Cove brings him over to his house and you come over and Derek LOSES it.
-- 13-year-old Derek, best most polite boy in the world, rattling the neighbors' windows with a "WHAT THE FUCK"
-- But then everybody gets to chatting and he settles down. He likes Cove a lot, and Cove likes you a lot, so you must be ok. He slowly gets the hang of it, and before long he's like "Do ghosts need anything? Can you eat? Are you hungry?"
-- If you can travel and go to visit him too, he feels SO SPECIAL. Part of him is like "Derek, it's a literal ghost" and another part is like "Yeah but they came to see ME."
-- If the MC dies and becomes a ghost timeline, ouch. He needs to know that you're not in ghost form because you have some kind of unfinished business or you're trapped (it's a big trope ok!). He's struggling because he wants more time with you, but he wants you to be in the best possible place.
-- Dying at the thought of Baxter moving in at the beginning of Step 3 and meeting Cove outside his house when he pulls up for the first time. He's just chatting him up, trying to flirt like he does, then Cove is just like "Btw, there's a ghost that lives across the street."
Baxter: That's ... that's very good to know, thank you, I'll keep that in mind.
Cove: OK.
-- Then MC uses their ghost powers for a little fun, going invisible in Baxter's condo and pulling some poltergeist stunts -- chairs stacked on the table, things in different places than he left them, they turn the tv on and off. Baxter thinks he's losing his mind and then MC un-invisibles and is cracking up.
Baxter: I'm sorry, may I help you?
MC: You've already helped me more than you know, buddy. *mimes Baxter freaking out* *laughs more*
Baxter: I hate it here.
-- I feel like I'm giving ghost MC too much personality for this to be like real headcannons but I'm just along for the ride at this point.
--Eventually Baxter gets the charm of ghost MC, and they make friends. They tease each other a lot, but it's all affectionate. At the end of the summer, he still tries to cut them off, he does the whole "I'll be on the other side of the country" song and dance.
MC: Lol I'm a ghost goofass, if you don't want to be friends anymore than just say it.
Baxter: It's for the best.
MC: And I thought I was the ghost! Get it? Do you get it? Do you get it, Baxter?
Baxter: *wills a piano to drop from the sky directly onto his head*
-- Ok ok, but on the flip side, with human to ghost MC, Baxter actually transforms into like an old woman living in a cottage by the sea, coming down to the village for supplies every once in a while while other townsfolk whisper about how she went mad.
-- Does that make sense to anyone else? It paints a very vivid picture in my head.
-- Baxter will go on with his life, he'll keep working and keeping everyone else at a distance because he's got his dead lover to go home to at night.
-- Is that kind of creepy? Yeah, it is. It's not a great plan, but it's Baxter's plan and he's sticking to it.
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autisticlalna · 2 months
Skyblock Kingdoms species headcanons: expanded edition
okay so a while ago i had a post with an overview of my headcanons for the SBKers, but it was very basic bc i only had ideas for a few people . however, here is me now going completely insane. enjoy
Dark Oak:
catboy. has ears under his hat, which is why he never takes it off.
i cant decide if he has a tail or not. itd make sense with the catboyism but not with the "able to hide it" thing
sometimes partially phases through things, and his elytra wings arent fully tangible. also: elytra are Very green.
not a species headcanon but, as is typical for when i write about Vikings: his compass points somewhere, and that somewhere is Down. if he holds his compass horizontally, the needle spins in place, but otherwise it's always pointing to the Void.
is extremely normal. like, normal to the point where everything else just kinda.. fizzles out.
(Milkman is able to push it, but still doesn't get a strong reaction.)
if it somehow canceled out, something would be extremely up with Fix. like, this guy is Not human, hes just been made human by... whatever is causing this.
i don't know what he'd be, though. ccViking mentioned gryphon and i think that's fun considering there's a few other mythical creatures in here, but Solar has also been prodding me with the alien Fix agenda so
pointy-eared allay hybrid
...although that's usually overwritten by her mimicry. shifts species and aesthetic often to better blend in with whoever xe's spending time with
might be an issue related to the timeline instability-- bleedover from other timelines where he's island partners with someone else instead of Vintage.
hair is made of gemstones, and injuries can show up as cracks or chips to reveal crystal underneath. (so, basically the same as my take on tRuby.)
has allay wings, obvs
dryad and guardian of the cherry grove biome
the original cherry tree on the island was Her Tree, and has now regrown into the big tree
i keep thinking [elora from spyro voice] "im a FAUN you dork" so . i guess she's a faun also??? dryad taking form of a faun
what if a deer was a person. and pink. and a tree. and a luna moth. and had cherry blossoms growing on her. and was bi
has everything wrong with him.
i dont know how to describe whats going on with Avid besides "it was BAD". the deeper he got into dark magic the more screwed up he got mentally and physically
got a white hair streak from stress of being trapped in incendium and his eyes gradually went from purple to red after selling his soul
nonhuman in the sense of "was human once and we have no idea what the hell he is now"
now he's monkey! this is an improvement. still has the hair streak though, and his eyes look red in some lighting
the actual only human on the entire server. Fix doesn't count
..and now he's monkey! oops lmao
im gonna be real most of my headcanons for who he is and where he came from are gonna hinge on me remembering to rewatch Shadow of Israphel. thanks mallow <3
full title Skylord Doovid, although nobody calls him that
elytra are a wood-and-canvas style glider
covered in cracks and held together by gold seams, like broken pottery
bleeds liquid gold
can be mistaken for a marble statue if he stands still.
he's still flesh and.. uh, not blood, but looks a bit Off
mimic shapeshifter like Ruby but, like. worse. guy who has realized he can use his abilities For The Bit and has never looked back
cannot be killed in a way that matters
humanoid alien with pointy ears, a tail, and bioluminescent freckles
eyes and blood also glow. M1G is very glowy.
has paws :3
dragon elytra
space piiiiig
anthropomorphic, can be easily mistaken for a piglin
has the gift of opposable thumbs
ccRuby mentioned the idea of Marm having hooves and i think that's neat.
drifting further away from human the more times she falls into the Void
maybe some demon vibes? idk. in the category of "not a specific species, just has nonhuman traits" but Avid probably considers her demonic lmao
eyes have a slight glow. when doing magic or listening to the Void, the glow gets brighter / her eyes entirely change color and have a light trail
kitty :3
like. Viking is catboy. Tea is cat.
human... right?
not human. eldritch entity that's knitted itself together into a human form. either the original Trog is still in there somewhere, or was never there at all.
glowing eyes, sharp teeth, face always somewhat in shadow. movement either too fluid or too stiff. nearing the uncanny valley
has triangle pupils and their eyes reflect light like a cat's
bleeds black gunk (if they remember to bleed, anyway)
is "stuck" as human, but when stressed, too close to the Void, or losing focus they can start to glitch out into a chaotic mess of triangles and polygons until they're grounded again
red panda hybrid! ears, tail, paws
very sculk-y under the hoodie. has the exposed soul-heart-cage thing the Warden does
sensitive to sound, but hasn't made the connection that it's a sculk thing and thinks she just has misophonia
completely unbothered by everything Wrong with Trog. it's all perfectly normal, says entity who is also not normal in any way shape or form,
was previously a squirrel in a raccoon mask
after the void jump, she's now just like.. kinda a mishmash of small winter-y animals. squirrel, ermine, fox, snowshoe rabbit, etc
congratulations! youve gotten promoted to "embodiment of winter". im sure that wont have consequences
does not have facial features under the mask. it's fine she doesn't need them where she's going
has arctic tern elytra wings
sculk is still surface-level, but it keeps regrowing when she tries to pry it off
android, looks human unless you play close attention - most SBKers haven't figured it out yet
used to overheat easily (especially with glasses off), but after his hair started changing color he's now freezing cold to the touch
glasses are an external attachment that lock into place, so Anathra taking them off is Very Intentional and they can't be knocked off by accident
is usually able to repair himself, but sometimes has to go to Trog or Neon for help
currently unbothered by the sculk, although he's getting a bit concerned about what damage it might do to his components if it continues spreading
solar i am holding a hand out to you. elffebrine
(translation: what if Elffe was Herobrine. glowy eyes, teleportation, cryptid energy)
has mushrooms and crimson vines growing on him. that's probably fine
in contrast to Spruce being unnaturally cold, Elffe is unnaturally warm. radiates heat, melts snow and ice, etc
god i wish i knew literally anything abt artemis. please log back on all i know is that fallow thinks youre cool
cyborg, but in a cassette futurism way. 90s clunky electronics.
hard to tell how much of him is organic and how much isn't. has large bulky metal parts, but also faint lines of neon green circuitry that show through his skin.
is a bit run-down and weathered after being stranded with Leon. he was starting to rust :(
chinstrap penguin :3
non-anthropomorphic because it's funny. scaled up to be average human size, though
has ender particles drifting off him
slowly transforming into more of an End creature because of his dependence on chorus fruit
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leiflitter · 3 months
about our saltburn boys, idk in what universe/timeline but i'd like to hear about their first proper date from you 🖤
So I am doing a minor bend on this prompt because at this point it's always the YAH!canon but look. Can you blame me? And if you want to read their INTERRUPTED first actual romantic date in YAHcanon, then behold:
Also, to the assorted Saltburnites out there... Feel free to send me art prompts, ficlet prompts, headcanon prompts, YAH questions... Whatever you want, I love answering em!
OXFORD, 2007.
Felix had a suspicion. It was one of those little niggly ones that you couldn't quite put your finger squarely on; a hunch, that was the word, and he'd been tossing it around in his head for long enough to want to act on it.
Oliver was, clearly, inexperienced.
It wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Olls had clearly spent too much time studying, and had neglected his social education. Felix couldn't blame him- after all the stories about his parents, Ollie not being a Casanova was pretty much par for the course. If he had gotten a girlfriend back up in Liverpool, then where could he have taken her? Welcome to my house, it's full of rats and used needles would send any decent lass running in the opposite direction.
Ollie probably needed a girlfriend, too, just for a little bit. It'd be a learning experience. Even better, he and Oliver could go on double-dates with whoever his flavour of the week was. Felix's code of ethics regarding relationships was fairly... Lackadaisical, true, but he had morals. So, yes, he'd shag a girl and be her boyfriend until she got boring, but really... What did they expect? He wasn't about to look for a Future Lady Blabla Catton until at least third year, but this was groundwork. He wanted to find out which girls were the most bearable- and if he didn't go out with them, then how would he know? Besides, there were some right nutters out there. The ones who said I love you after a week, or went all doolally when he called it quits. Or ended up, well... Felix didn’t dwell on that, though. It wasn't his fault; if he blamed himself for everything other people did, then he'd never get out of bed in the morning.
Back to the matter at hand. Oliver Quick's love life, or lack thereof.
Oliver, inexperienced with the fairer sex; happy enough to shag 'em but not confident enough to bag 'em. Besides, he had it on good authority that Ollie wasn't shagging properly. He'd been eavesdropping, yes, but that meant it was far more likely to be true.
Oliver Quick? We hooked up... Well, sort of, he went down on me for ages, I think he was too drunk to get it up, but...
Why else would you do that, other than avoiding the main event? There was nothing in it for Oliver; Felix was a devotee to the snog, finger, fuck pipeline for a reason, and it was mostly because if he had his hand up a girl's skirt, she'd be giving him a little action through his jeans. Quid pro quo- and if she blew him, well, that was her choice, wasn't it? Didn't mean he had to venture down south and get his face all slimy.
Felix didn’t want to ask Ollie if he was a virgin, but he definitely wasn't fucking before Felix took him under his wing. Again, it wasn't bad, just... The first time was always a big deal, and Olls probably wanted to have an actual connection or something girly like that. Farleigh had agreed, slyly, smirking all over his face when Felix had asked for a second opinion. Farls seemed to think of it as somehow insulting; Felix almost thought it oddly nice. Ollie took things seriously, that was all. He probably wanted to do it for the first time with someone he loved.
That made Felix feel a little nauseous, but why wouldn't it? All that mushy stuff triggered his gag reflex. Besides, Felix didn’t want Olls to get all long term committed. He just wanted Oliver to get his dick wet, because he was a good friend and hated anyone missing out. Oxford was heaving with skirt; he didn't want Olls to have a reputation as an overly-licky limp noodle.
Said noodle was trying to focus on an essay while Felix lay on his bed and slowly deconstructed his crisp packet in the hope of finding some more crumbs of salt hidden in the creases. He jammed a finger into his mouth; nothing, more's the pity, and Felix let the packet fall to the floor as he wiped his greasy hands on his jeans. "Olls."
Ollie was ignoring him, but he was sitting a little straighter. Felix rolled over, resting his chin on his hands. "Ollie-Ollie-Oliver, earth to Oliver, s'terrible manners to ignore your host, mate..."
"Just lemme finish this sentence, Felix, then I'm all yours." Oliver lowered his head determinedly, pen scratching against his notebook.
"Oliver Quick, I know how long your sentences can be. You'll get semi-bloody-colons involved, and I want to ask you something."
Oliver sighed, put the pen down, then gave a cursory glance behind him before flopping to Felix's grubby carpet. From this angle his weird eyes looked awfully big; Felix smiled down at him, the plan firm in his mind. Train Ollie up, turn him into a proper Romeo by the start of second year, and then they'd have loads of fun. "Would you like to go on a date, Oliver?"
Ollie's face screwed up. "Y'wha?"
"Fuck off, not like that, mate, I'm not bent. But I bet you've never ever been on a date before, yeah?" Felix was using his most reasonable voice. "It's like Rocky. A training montage."
"I don't want to date, Felix. Got enough on my plate as is." Oliver was still all scrunched-looking. "I'm fine as I am. No montage needed."
"And that attitude is exactly why you need my help." Felix pushed himself up, crawling off the bed to jab Oliver's ribs with one bare foot. "C'mon. Off you trot, put on something nice. I'll pay- fucking starving, up for Chinese?"
Oliver went all floppy, like a recalcitrant toddler, before nodding, slowly hauling himself upright. "Fine. But only for free food. Don't get any ideas."
Felix thought that Ollie might only have one nice shirt. It wasn't even a decent nice shirt, that blue plaid thing, but Felix had excellent manners. He'd smiled as Oliver begrudgingly opened his dorm room door. Now, seated across from each other at a two-person table, Felix was going to teach Oliver how to carry on a polite dinner conversation.
"I have to say, Ollie, the colour of that shirt really brings out your eyes." Felix shoved another complimentary prawn cracker into his mouth, giving Oliver his most attentive smile. Ollie took a swig of his beer, nodding slowly.
"Thank you, Felix. You look... You look lovely, too." That was coupled with a very grim little smile, and Felix shook his head.
"I told you, Olls, you've got to pretend I'm, y'know, a fit bird. Not me. Try it again, mate, with feeling this time."
Oliver sighed, loudly, before reaching over and putting his hand on Felix's wrist. The eye contact went from fleeting to intense so quickly Felix felt as if he'd been pinned to some metaphysical wall; Oliver smiled at him, dimples puckering his cheeks, going all squinty and bright. "You look lovely tonight, Felix."
"Oh." Felix blinked, and the glow faded from Ollie as he withdrew his hand, returning to his usual, friendly little self. "Christ. No, you- you've got that down, mate. Good job."
It was a good thing Felix wasn't a girl, else he'd have gone all giggly and flustered; a result which meant there was nothing Felix could teach. A shame, really, but after that it definitely felt a lot safer having dinner as mates.
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twistedtimeline · 5 hours
Twisted Timeline AU
This Alternate Universe starts off the same as canon. Ford and Fiddleford became friends in college. The former calls the latter to come work with him on the portal. The memory gun is built and Fiddleford uses it on himself a bit. Fiddleford does get pulled into the portal when they test it. The poor engineer is deeply disturbed by what he saw in the portal. They end up having that fall out and Fiddleford leaves Ford to his devices. Of course Stan comes to see his brother. The fight goes like canon until Stanley pushes Ford. Fiddleford had come back and saw what was going to happen. Adrenaline filled, he managed to push Ford out of the way into safety while getting himself sucked into the portal a second time. Yet this time he went through completely. The portal was destroyed when this happened. This further causes a rift between Ford and Stan. Stan felt guilty and tried everything to make up for it. It doesn't do anything to fix the rift though Ford can't handle being alone this time. The cabin is gradually turned into the mystery shack that we know. Since Stanley faked his death, they share an identity. The guilt Ford felt because Fiddleford saved him from the portal began to eat away at him. The regret that he never listened to his friend and lab partner. He copes with this by becoming obsessed with anomalies. He of course doesn't attempt to bring back Fiddleford as he feared causing the end of the world according to his old lab partner. Ford wants to know everything. He accidentally started a cult that also becomes obsessed with knowledge and anomalies. The society of the all seeing eye. Ford's sanity and mind deteriorates. He and Stanley are both called Old Man Pines by the time thirty years has gone by. They are used to Stan and Ford by then. Assuming Stan is Old Man Pines good days and Ford is his bad days. They brush Ford off as a crazy old coot with conspiracy theories. Going into Fiddlefords side of things. The poor guy was also hunted down by Bill. The dream demon hated him so he wanted Fiddleford to likely torment him to his heart's content. The poor guy survives by stealing scraps of technology and making versions of the shame bot, gobblewonker and the pterodactyl for self defense against Bill and the henchmaniacs. He survived all that time in different dimensions, shockingly getting through it all without major injuries. Bill still bothered Ford in his dreams. Leaving notes to encourage him to work on the portal but it doesn't work as he doesn't have leverage. Until thirty years later. When Mabel and Dipper come and begin to mess with them. Ford protects them from Bill. What causes Ford to build the portal? Fiddleford got caught by Angie. Bill's friend. She's not a dream demon nor was she evil. Fiddleford was the first human she had seen. She shows Bill the human she found. Unfortunately for the dream demon, Angie had become fond of Fiddleford and treats him like a living doll. Dressing him up and feeding him. Taking care of him. Unfortunately Bill now had the leverage he needed against Ford. He tells Ford that his friend was now in danger if he didn't fix the portal. Poor guy was a bargaining chip. Out of guilt, Ford agrees. When he does finally gets out operational again, Fiddleford is sent into the portal with two unexpected passengers though only one makes it through. Bill tried to get through by holding onto Fiddlefords arm. The force caused the poor engineer to lose a limb in such a painful manner. Though this also meant that a little piece of each other was left in the other. Fiddleford makes it through the portal in pain and in need of medical help. They hadn't noticed the strange cloud that followed after Fiddleford. Fiddleford is angry, not because of what happened all those years ago but because Ford opened the portal now. Almost letting Bill escape into their reality. This raises more questions for the young pine twins.
Headcanons I used were made by my friend and Angie is her OC as well not mine @melodythebunny
These are drawn by her as well.
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c-cw-f-saeko · 7 months
tell me your name (tesso and seonhee headcanons 2/3)
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they moved out of the way so i could take a picture of mt. fuji -> loose recreation of this image 
hi !! i thought i’d finish this tesso and seonhee (separate and together) headcanon masterpost. it covers their individual backstory, how they met and how their relationship grew.
btw i made another headcanon masterpost about the liumang here 🤩 it wouldn't be a bad idea to read it before this one !
i warn that this is the ultimate yapping session LOL so it's long and very image heavy OOPS! there are more than 30 images, i wanted to add more but will stop there for now. check the bottom of the post for some straightforward headcanons (and a TLDR).
also, please pretend the entire timeline makes sense.....i won't beat myself over ageless characters not fitting 100% with documented events 😭 (imo seonhee is 34 and tesso is 37 currently) nvm my guess for seonhee but tesso is surely 37
also, the two fics i wrote heavily tie to this (don't mind the last one). i won't say you need to read them to understand, but i recommend reading them (BC I COOKED!) it'll be linked when needed.
- wang tielin
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not completely accurate because he shouldn't have his scars but i'm too lazy to re-do the texture from scratch... sorry tielin 💔
birth name is wang tielin
born in japan. lived in the countryside with his uncle for the longest he could remember.
vowed to his childhood friend to live on the straight and narrow no matter what (hahaha)
a promise to keep was to become rich and share with their family when they grow up.
went to school just because, but had no plans nor dreams in particular. never stirred trouble.
was always kinda bland, but made an effort to become and dress "cooler" after coming to kamurocho (look at the fit please 😭 it was definitely a phase). this is part of the stuff tesso left behind (including his real name). would've preferred no one he knows today met him during that time.
zhao tried time and time again to make tesso show him pictures of him when he was younger but tesso claims to have none. zhao even got seonhee on the task and was ready to put down a good chunk of cash to make it happen. unfortunately for him, tesso was a nobody that truly came out of nowhere according to the geomijul (seonhee just lied 🤩 sorry tianyou).
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-> long before the liumang
he came from some city in the country side where nothing really happens. his aunt and uncle took care of him and sent went to school. he was expected to take on his uncle’s restaurant since he was helping out from time to time and that’s what his uncle wanted anyway. 
how can i put it… as long he found a way to feed himself and have a roof over his head, he didn’t have a goal to attain (like a goal career or whatever). he had no aspirations as in “i guess i’ll live” 😍 
though, he had a close friend called liwei. they spent most of their time at school and outside together doing whatever. unlike tesso, liwei had big dreams of finally making it out go the “boring” countryside and establishing himself in a big city, becoming the wealthiest person of his family to provide for his parents. he had a passion about going to especially kamurocho because it was the complete opposite of their current lives. tesso's response to liwei was mostly -> “i support you!” he kinda admired liwei for having determined ambition. 
-> a bit before the liumang 
though, liwei ended up getting killed because a hit was ordered by a bunch of strangers on seemingly the wrong person. not a lot of clues were left behind, but tesso was adamant about it being a mistake since the two of them always swore on being on the straight and narrow (ironically).
so, tesso decided to leave his hometown in the countryside to find out what happened, who killed liwei and how the mix-up happened in the first place.
it lead him to many big cities (like kamurocho) though he navigated a bit clumsily with his words (talking a bit too carelessly about “i’m looking for such such that killed such and such, not knowing the type of place he was getting into), tesso ends up getting jumped by the local chinese mafia at least twice 😭 the clues he finds leads him into yokohama and bro gets jumped again 😭
all to figure out the true culprit was guys from yokohama's chinatown and going up front to them was the worst idea ever. instead, he joins the liumang (at first for refuge as outsider chinese people were vulnerable to trouble between seiryu/liumang and liumang/chinatown). then, in hopes of giving another meaning to his life and eventually seek justice for liwei’s murder.
-> in the liumang 
won't go too much in detail here, but tesso ends up being recruited personally by zhao as a liumang officer through a fight - given the exploit of him being able to scratch his jacket with his claws (and zhao scratched his face across his nose and cheeks with his sabre 😍)
- sakura, the number one hostess
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long ago in kamurocho, seonhee used to be an hostess called sakura. remnants of the jingweon mafia rejected by mainland and local koreans (that later formed the geomijul) survived  the best they could with low-level information dealing. they used cabaret clubs to get info out of the local population. 
moving left and right with her mother, it was lucrative enough for her to be able to fend for the two of them — even if it was temporary, she would be doing it until they’d be able to find some sort of stability. 
eventually, the cabaret club was disbanded due to more prominent gangs taking over kamurocho, basically forcing the geomijul out of the city (to later end up yokohama).
in the move, the geomijul was very unstable; most members falling into despair as they were forced out of of home one more time.
seonhee was one of the few people to step up to rally the remaining people together. if they were wavering in the faith of surviving their predicament, the geomijul wouldn't even survive. she did everything she could to make sure fellow members wouldn't walk astray and find them a new home.
being one of people that proposed lodging the geomijul between the seiryu clan and the liumang and reprise their information dealing activities. it was through her sheer determination and in the success of securing the geomijul in yokohama that seonhee was made leader (despite being that young and a woman) jumping over all the oldheads.
fun fact, after leaving the cabaret club, she vowed to herself to never do that type of work ever again.
- meeting for the first time in kamurocho
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bro came dressed like that to the luxury club 😭 first timer spotted!! fresh meat here!!!!!!
one promise he made to himself was to realize one of liwei’s dreams, no matter how futile it was. so, he gathered most of his money and decided to light it up for one night in kamurocho in his honour. he ended up going to the first cabaret club he laid eyes on - the one owned by the geomijul.
given the way he was dressed (lol) and the fact he had never been in the city before, seonhee (the number one hostess at the time) was tasked of  tending his table. she usually handled the most "suspicious" customers. 
that's what she thought at first, but past their initial talk, she really did find out he was just young random dude trying out the cabaret clubs for the first time. 
“is it your first time here?” “yeah, there isn’t stuff like this where i live” and so on. funny enough, he turned the conversation back on her a lot so she could ramble about the city and the type of work she did (life in the countryside is boring and uneventful anyway). it caused her to indirectly talk about the geomijul — tesso couldn’t know, her words still applied to the cabaret club dynamic. “the streets are competitive so we are working hard to stay on top!” and how teamwork was the most important thing at the end of the day, etc.
they had a good time talking and tesso was glad to find out city girls were so friendly. he had the impression that he’d be eaten alive, but he was doing ok so far. 
he touched briefly on the real reason he visited kamurocho (thought to himself it would defeat the purpose to not mention it). though, seonhee was smart to not make him linger on the subject by proposing to toast in his honor. tesso agreed, he was there to celebrate and she had made the right call. 
[sorry for the lack of continuity here but i can't being myself to write more atm. will evetually expand that part into a fic.]
- meeting for the second time in yokohama
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tesso was always one of the officers zhao relied on the most. for example, he was leading the men sent by zhao after nanba through the city.
so, after mabuchi's overturned coup-d'etat and seonhee taking over the liumang, zhao named tesso as the most reliable man under him and could definitely provide great support in mending the geomijul and liumang together - zhao assured seonhee she could rely on tesso to bridge the two factions.
seonhee was quick to recognize tesso right away, thinking hard about where she had seen such a familiar face before - and the options were very little. it didn't take long for her to realize that it was the same guy she met at the cabaret club years ago. she thought about playing it cool and pretending they never met before, "he probably forgot anyway" and it's not like she looks exactly the same as she did. but she couldn't really shake off the possibility of him remembering. still, she plays it off in front of zhao
for as long as tesso remembers, the geomijul was a very secretive organization and most liumang didn't even know who the boss was and what they looked like. so he rolled with the assumption of having never met them before. so, of course, when he officially met seonhee for the first time, he didn't recognize her. at least at first 😭
- the underworld post mabuchi
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because of fusion of the underworld, there was a lot of re-structuring to (such as combining certain cashflows, identifying businesses to assign new leaders to look after them, etc.) it was challenging especially after mabuchi basically left the liumang in shambles and with a lot of defecting members.
tesso helped out sorting out the mess with seonhee personally; it was easier to go through everything with someone that new the ordeal from top to bottom (thanks to zhao). the little time they had was dedicated to fixing the whole organization. at that time, seonhee relegated a lot of leading responsibilities to joongi while tesso did the same with his subordinates.
that's all it was; hours in a corner of the geomijul (usually in the middle of the night) sorting through hundred of files.
at first, it was awkward. tesso had never seen who led the geomijul before and the reality was very far from this expectations. starting at the fact he didn't even thought the geomijul had a woman at its head because of the rumours running the liumang. a detail zhao never bothered bringing up before they met.
zhao's funky and malleable nature was replaced by something more rigid, stern at times but always stood on business. it was different, but tesso went along with it. her style was definitely gonna bring the liumang and geomijul back on its feet.
still, he spoke to her with the same clumsiness as he did with zhao. distant in his words, just like a subordinate should be to its leader. she didn't mind, especially when she did most of the talking anyway.
that's how their routine was at the start: meet, sort documents, leave — there wasn't anything else more to it.
but, something didn't feel quite right.
the more he heard her talk, the more he was sure to have met her before. the words she used, her tone... it felt so familiar. and he had plenty of time to think about it. there was no doubt, she definitely was that girl from the cabaret club...
he kept it to himself and vowed to pretend he's mistaken. the last thing he could do was to bring it up first and be wrong. he would continue to behave the same as he ever did. given their circumstances, he could assume she had left her old life behind as well.
though, irony seeped from his pores, it was stronger than him. the coincidence was a bit humorous; the two of them meeting again with different names and under these unlikely circumstances. he kept his stun under wraps - or at least tried to.
from lingering gazes when she wasn't looking to the way she held herself, tesso recalled the selfless woman he met long ago in kamurocho. despite the heavy facade she always wore, she played it off well, how, in the midst of her words, always passed others before herself.
even with her bolder style, and it's not like she changed much: she was still as beautiful as ever and had that unwavering aura fit of a born leader.
perhaps, he had made his realization too obvious.
ever since zhao presented tesso to seonhee, she knew they had met before. thus, sat quietly with the intent of pretending she was someone else. however, tesso's demeanour changed out of the blue. he seemed a bit more awkward and careful in his words.
though, seonhee resigned on pretending. "tesso? is that how you call yourself these days?" shortly followed with his real name. she asks, chuckling a bit. perhaps, he could've picked something more subtle. he did abandon his birth name for this alias he wasn't really sure whom give it to him. but it doesn't really matter. it just meant was a completely different man now.
it was a bit ironic; they are able to have to shy laugh about it, the ice is starting to melt between them.
- the bridge between the geomijul and yokohama liumang
overall, the union between the geomijul and liumang was welcome by its members. given the situation they both were in - one left without a leader and the other very vulnerable to outside threats. it was worth leaving residual animosity behind and cooperate for the sake of keeping yokohama safe.
so, antagonists to seonhee taking over after zhao were far and between - mainly geomijul oldheads (like seo hancheol 😍 rip bozo) and the few remaining mabuchi enjoyers (like zheng because yes in this timeline bro didn’t get banished out of yokohama).
so, not only did tesso assist seonhee in the merge of the two groups, but he kinda became for the liumang what joongi is for the geomijul: the first commander under the leader and first rep for the liumang. so, in case of trouble or any reference needed from geomijul members, they could ask him if needed. tesso is known to get along with younger folks (canon) so it helps a lot!
overall, the underworld is structured like this:
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- factions subordinates (tesso and the geomijul)
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yeona calls tesso liumang oppa 😭 she's the one that got tesso to read manga
i feel like yeona would get along well with these two LOL she can get info on joongi from tesso since they work on another level (joongi hides his cringy side from his subordinates). also, she tends to tease seonhee a bit about not being single anymore 😭 in a little sister-big sister type of way. bc like it's not like they ever announced anything, but yeona just picks up on vibes like that 😭 there's banter between seonhee and her, but it's in good faith!! there are so little women in the geomijul, so yeona made sure to stick with
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"seonhee unnie, that's your boyfriend isn't it?" she didn't say that, but her eyes kinda did 😭 yeona always knows when something is up about her big sister. this whole exchange happened while tesso was reading his notes LOL 😭
well kinda... because now that seonhee is taken, han-sama (joongi) can stop worrying about seonhee's relationship status.
- advisor to advisor (tesso and joongi)
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"Tha- That's not possible! She couldn't have a boyfriend! Some random man from who-knows-where!?" (direct canon quote istg 😭)
"some random man from who-knows-where" that's literally what tesso was to joongi for awhile. 
of course, he knew tesso was one of the closest subordinates of zhao. but he wanted to dig out his history as much as he could before even asking zhao about it. surprise came when he didn’t find much out of the geomijul surveillance system — there was no way to know for sure how nor when he got in the city. however, joongi was adamant about not asking seonhee about it just yet. 
sure, tesso and seonhee never announced they were together (for a very long time). but joongi picked up the smallest changes of seonhee's demeanour and her mannerisms. she tried her best to conceal it, but nothing went past his eye. and it was very clear to him... seonhee was indeed dating that random man.
at first, it was veiled concern but joongi believed seonhee could do better. he thought seonhee could aim for someone more or at least just as good looking than him (im sorry LOL but exhibit A) and someone as refined as her and not so… contradictory in looks and personality (tesso looks rough with a lot of distinctive features but is rather simple). so, first impression wise, it was off to a rocky start. 
despite being the two most important members of the geomijul and liumang, joongi and tesso didn’t really get along. tesso thought joongi was arrogant and preferred dealing with his subordinates instead (like yeona with whom he was able to work well with). 
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“don’t mind han-sama. he’ll get over it eventually…” tesso still has no clue what she means by that
the impression of tesso and joongi not getting along wasn't setting a good example for the fellow geomijul and liumang members. while tesso was unsure about the whole thing, joongi struggled moving on for a bit. even seonhee wasn't sure of what was going on between the two.
it took yeona telling on joongi's business back to seonhee for her to set the record straight. no one knows for sure what she has said, but their short discussion was followed by a shy apology from joongi, blaming the geomijul's eternal lack of trust of others for his behaviour and vowed to be as reliable as ever. actually, that was a move from seonhee where she wouldn't let a reason so petty cloud joongi and tesso's relationship further. it was better if tesso didn't know (lol).......
in joongi's opinion, there was too many red flags or dubious points about tesso and couldn’t figure out where nor when they even met (as seonhee never mentioned him before). so, everything came to him as a surprise. 
deep down, the hurt joongi felt was because seonhee didn’t tell him about it first when they shared pretty much everything. he took it as a sign of being unworthy of her trust. understanding it didn’t come from malice, joongi slowly opened up to tesso - it was iffy at first, there was still moments when he was a bit rude despite him. it took time, but joongi trusted seonhee in her decision and agreed that tesso wasn’t so bad after all (“albeit a bit goofy and doesn’t have a presentation as neat as I do”). all that mattered at the end of the day was seonhee’s wellbeing and she seems happy. bro got over himself…
- relationship ladder
(i'm not gonna extend myself too much on this but) the particular thing about them is how the closer they got, the place to work on business changed as well.
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this is the fish shop next to eomoni's vow 😭
it started at the corner of the geomijul but surely became eomoni's vow (which is just my first fic LOL) - right at the time when the city was as calm as ever and the liumang and geomijul were combined together. members were more comfortable walking the streets so the need to remain miles of tunnels under the surface wasn't as needed.
still, they usually met in the middle of the night to work on stuff, but just end up eating and drinking the hours away. they got in the habit of playing mahjong against each-other singing karaoke on rare occasion (amongst other things).
next location is qing jin.
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omg bro with the three piece suit 😭
it's upgrade from eomoni's vow since the top floor has a dress code 😍 you have to be put together to get in there so dresses and dress shirts are a must.
tesso debated for awhile before inviting her. it was a bit of a bold move, but he knew qing jin would be more of her taste (more spacious, luxurious and an entire different palate) AND it was still very private.
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tesso actually picked the artwork (see the tomato picture below) and the room divider is from lin lin
they went a few times, and that was then tesso told seonhee about zhao's apartment complex and eventually advanced the idea to share a spot there. won't go over the details again LOL but you get the idea 🤩
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knowing she'd be coming, tesso leaves her sweets 🥹 he's usually more busy on foot (you know assassination quests 🤩), but will drop by before she does if he has other stuff to do for the day.
seonhee definitely spends more time there since she doesn't have to be out carrying missions out on the streets and enjoys the privacy. it's seemingly normal when compared to the gloominess of the geomijul and restaurant row.
- trip to kyoto
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this is basically the fic i wrote last year - tesso and seonhee go on a trip to kyoto. (PLEASE READ IT I COOKED!!! 😭) the fic in a nutshell:
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i am kidding of course
despite being a higher ranked officer with more responsibilities, he’s always stuck at the “uhhhh taking some time off like that kinda feels unfair” but was bullied convinced by zhao to take some anyway. yokohama had been peaceful for awhile now and his subordinates could run well without him around for a few days.
so take the bullet train to osaka only to come back three days and four nights later. notably, they visit the nonomiya shrine (the shrine of love woooooooohooooo, no it is actually!), tesso dedicates her a poem and they stay in a machiya.
funny enough, i managed to make 3d models pretty close to the original drawings (iykyk) so it's fun!
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pretty!!!!!!!!! 😭
- miscellaneous
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funny thing they do -> rock paper scissors and they talk to each-other the native tongue of whoever wins for a day. seonhee tends to win often; she's just built like that.
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during yua's first year at seiryo, tesso and seonhee attended the parent-student meeting together in place of her uncle (yua's legal guardian at the time). to meet sawa-sensei (yes she lived).
negative trait
tesso : can be too passive | seonhee : lacks humility
positive trait 
tesso: dependable | seonhee: diligent 
strength against the other
tesso: resistant to dominatrix energy | seonhee: resistant to tianyou
their weakness coming from the other
tesso: her cute mannerisms | seonhee: him calling her a specific petname (b......ba......omg i can't [dies of cringe])
serious complaint about the other
tesso: sacrificing health for the sake of fashion | seonhee: sleeps too little
unserious complaint about the other 
tesso: lacks stamina | seonhee: grandpa mannerisms at 37
random quirk
tesso: can fall asleep anywhere | seonhee: rarely laughs from her the pit of her stomach
seonhee: enjoys anything from koda kumi | tesso: either tone deaf or decent, nobody knows… won’t do anything more than adlibs
hobby they got because of the other
tesso: skincare | seonhee: gardening
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seonhee enjoys growing tomatoes, amongst other things. on his part, tesso grows nappa cabbages somewhere on a rooftop in restaurant row (mostly for kimchi ofc).
hobby they don’t share
tesso: shopping | seonhee: running
hobby they tried together for the first time
dancing (thank you yagami)
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seonhee is pissed bc yagami made them do something really hard as a tryout. it's not easy, but it's simple at least so they managed!
thing they do when sick
tesso: eats lemons like oranges | seonhee: drinks tea with every single aromatic she can find (ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, peppercorns, etc.)
last thing they fought about
seonhee being frustrated at tesso’s reluctance to take over the liumang, leading her to talk ill of zhao’s ways of leadership. though, seonhee is too proud to apologize first and they didn’t talk to each other for two weeks. even zhao and saeko picked up on the fact they were kinda avoiding each other. 
one thing they struggled with
(especially tesso at the start) treat each-other on equal footing. he was kinda confused at how to behave, whether to be or to not be subservient, like.....
not that it was his second nature, but that's what he used to for the longest time. so, he didn't mind at all.
seonhee was a bit frustrated at the need to spell it out, but it was better that way. at least, everything was clear between them from that point on.
for zhao's costume party [i'll write about this later? maybe?]
(actually seonhee convinced tesso but) they did matching costumes of leon kennedy and ada wong from RE.
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TL;DR: i think there are moments when seonhee shares more of herself to someone on equal footing, moments where she's more vulnerable and has room to step away from her idolized self.
i think there are moments when tesso has to put himself first, moments when he must learn to not overextend himself at his own expense.
despite the unlikely circumstances and complicated conditions, i think they would be able to do that together. tesso and seonhee are polar opposites on so many things and i think they can learn a lot from each-other.
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i'll make another post with all different outfits they had soon because the volume of models i made 😭
next headcanon post is either going to be ichitesso on dondoko island or yua.....idk yet........
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and yes in my book miku was on dondoko island LOL
and before you ask, yes i smoke crack! thank you for coming to my ted talk!
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