#this is my 16th reason
sasswonfp · 1 year
Truly u can never feel more disgusting than when u have to use random paper esque shit for tissue bc u dont have any/cant get any when u need too. Use a post it note to blow ur nose even once and you will understand what it is like to be in the 9th circle of hell
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bedupolker · 2 years
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Got roped into doing the invites for the annual Ranger Prom
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climbdraws · 8 months
growing up with an almond mom is having her bake you a cake for your birthday and then throwing it in the trash after you've had your 1 slice because "you don't need that much sugar"
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dr3amofagame · 4 months
Look. c!Dream got humanized a lot pre-Pandora through c!Techno’s POV and that’s what made me like him. I would’ve been an inniter otherwise. You put respect on c!Techno’s antics
skill issue
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7roaches · 7 months
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assorted old and somewhat unfinished oc art (except the second one thats recent)
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velcryons · 15 days
Actually now i am thinking of the implications* of a matrilineal marriage between Daemon and Laena
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chidoroki · 1 year
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May 16th - Happy Birthday to Vanessa Enoteca
(with one Vanessa from almost every chapter she appears in)
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wewontbesleeping · 1 month
He’s so obsessed with me but he avoids me like the plague! I’m so obsessed with him and boy I understand.
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forgotten-daydreamer · 4 months
sometimes i tell myself i'm fine, then i realise i've been thinking incessantly about watching winnie the pooh while cuddling in my parents' bed like i used to do when i was six, and i realise that maybe i'm not fine.
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litany-writes · 9 months
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reasons (draft that stays on the doc)
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pikslasrce · 1 year
i <3 pretending real life people are of my nationality
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the-punforgiven · 11 months
Hm, do I try and make a new cosplay build in Elden Ring or do I finally get around to getting the Frenzied Flame ending 🤔🤔🤔
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thefabelmans2022 · 9 months
i thank god everyday for the "ancient manuscript translated into english" framing device of the lord of the rings because could you imagine reading three books that length where they halfheartedly replace every idiom with something fantastical or futuristic sounding. thank fucking god.
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hinadori-chan · 11 months
low key wanna like
set up a queue for posts i like that don’t circulate anymore so that way the recirculate but also i don’t spam but like
i don’t think i’ve ever used a queue before tbh lol
#listen i’ve always been the kind of blogger where you just know what i’m about when i’m about it#but since this is more of a fandom sidespace than my actual blog maybe that’s the better route?#cause there’s a lot of really good fanart and fanfics and analytical pieces that just#don’t get as much love since they got burried by time and i wanna bring them back to the forefront becuase they’re GOOD#and people put their heart and soul and time into them and i want them to be appreciated becuase i love them and they make me happy#but also i’ve hit post limit multiple times becuase if this blog and i’m scared it’ll happen again#cause i think you still hit it with the queue too#and like#i do actually use my main blog a log and the posts come from the same pool#(pro tip for new users btw if your side blogs are connected to your main account all your posts come from a pool that your account gets)#(kind of like a deck of cards that has to be distributed between all players)#ANYWAY it might be the better move for now#i’ll stew on that while i try and get myself out of writers block#cause i’ll need to get the first draft of peghawks2023 done this weekend if i want ot done in time for the 16th#need to figure out how to trick my brain into working#had this problem in school also#the only reason i passed is because most my teachers loved me and wanted me to succeed in spite of my executive dysfunction#and my other two teachers hated me so much (adhd kid with a pension to cause problems) that they passed me#just so they never had to see me again lmao#it’s okay feelings were mutual fuck those guys#(or love those guys for the teachers that adored me)#(hope they’re doing good)#what was i talking about#RIGHT queues and writing#yeah i should go do that okay bye for now!!!
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boag · 1 year
Flashbacks to sitting in my history class freshman year of high school with my earbuds in to drown out the voices of all the kids that would just verbally torment me for that whole two hour chunk of my school day
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bo0zey · 2 years
manic mixed depressive episode on my bday is so fun especially when ur going on 2 days no sleep n have a 12hr shift starting at the asscrack of dawn in 6hrs
#idk if i want to sleep like i do but i don’t i just keep walking in circles n staring off blankly#also bursted into tears for no reason bc i missed my mom and remembered how much i hate my fucking birthday#was in the middle of a borderline argument w my family then just zoned out n glanced at the time and tears welled#6:13???#then i pretended to go to the bathroom to hide my tears from my dad cuz he would’ve yelled at me if i went to my room w/o saying anything#so there i am crying like a pathetic loser on the toilet trying to suppress n swallow down ugly sobs#and there i am crying in my dumpster fire of a room on the floor#i literally go the entire year without crying abt her but every time december hits i always get into this weird funk#and idk why it’s still happening it’s been 7 years#i think my subconscious mind is influencing my body to release the trauma stored inside it bc i was never allowed to grieve her properly#so now in blips of time leading up to my birthday and the next day of her passing i’m 15 turning 16 again#i wish i didn’t have to work tomorrow so i could go visit her at her grave instead like i never go to the cemetery but i really want to#i guess i can go on her actual death day but i don’t want to go with my dad and brothers i just want to be alone#they don’t understand the feeling of losing your mom and best friend on your 16th bday#they don’t understand what it’s like carrying all this guilt and trauma and holding her hand and feeling her hand go limp at my words#i told her it was okay she could let go i would take care of my brothers and protect them from my father and i would be strong for everyone#meanwhile i’m listening to my dad n my aunt throwing all her clothes in trash bags upstairs#i didn’t even get to pick out what clothes i wanted to keep of hers im so angry my dad refused to let any of us miss her#“i miss mom-‘ ‘she’s dead get over it!’#i got over it alright but then this time of year rolls around and i’m under it all again#i miss her so much i wonder if she’d be proud of me i wonder what it would be like to feel her hand in mine again#ooos im crying again lol#im so pathetic i’m literally 23 in less than 30 minutes why am i behaving like a crybaby child#23:33 when i was typing that btw n 333 is my angel/life path number lol#i wanna saw my arm off but i won’t#i debated staring an iv on myself instead but i’m too drained i just want lay down n cry lol#pathetic loser crybaby girl can’t function can’t shut up making everyone uncomfortable with her sadnes n tears stupid stupid stupid#drown in them and die nobody here loves you anymore nobody cares you’re the problem always the problem#i can’t remember if my mom loved me or not everyone says she did but i forgot what it feels like#i wish i never told her it was okay to let go i lied to her i said i’d be okay but here i am manic depressive
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