#this is my first time writing for Ben
kaylazer · 5 months
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back on my bullshit (meeting men im in love with). Ben Schwartz is so kind and tall :-) I didn’t totally freeze like when I met the Jonas brothers but the selfies we took are blurry so 😔
(at least I have these bc I told sam to record the whole thing heheheh)
#also the show was great#I had to slap sam many times bc she was choking from laughter#ben schwartz#bro how did i forget my personal tag for ben#ben schwartz my beloved#me#also forgot me tag#editing tags after the fact to recount the entire experience#so we waited outside for about 10 minutes and I had no expectation of how long it usually takes for him to come out and take pictures#he comes out without a mask which is surprising to me and says ‘you guys wanna take some pictures?’#we all just kinda form a non sensical blob (there’s maybe like 10 ppl total) around him#Brandon Katie and Eugene hang back towards the stage door unsure if anyone wants to chat with them#I’m gushing over how tall and handsome Ben is to my sister who is ready to record our interaction once he gets to me#as I listen to him chatting with the other fans I can’t help but smile and say to my sibling ‘he’s so sweet’ every minute#he meets someone who has a cool sketchbook of the skits from the show that he wants to take a picture of#but they need to write their handle so he says he’ll talk with some others and get back to them#so he does and then later I see the girl ready to talk to him again off to the side#so I tell her ‘you can go ahead and finish talking to him”’ and she’s like ‘are you sure?’ and I’m like duh!#finally it’s my turn and he looks at me and says ‘hi I’m Ben’#yes Benjamin Joseph Schwartz I know#he sees me holding my phone and immediately sides steps to get into selfie mode as I ask him if he’ll sign my Jean Ralphio figure#he steps back to Be in front of me ‘yes of course!’#what insane media training he has#he says ‘I’ve seen this! this is the first one I’ve ever signed’#upon seeing the figure he says ‘it’s beautiful’ lol#he’s concerned that the sharpie I brought will not show up and I mention that it was probably a bad one to bring because it’s pastel#he signs and holds it up (as you can see in the first photo) to make sure it’s visible#he hands it back to me and I thank him and he says ‘do you want to take a picture?’#and I say ‘I would love to!’ and then I hold the Jean Ralphio figure and he looks to my sibling assuming she’s taking the picture#she’s like ‘no I’m just here for moral support!’
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fbfh · 1 year
The ending to chapter 11 of LUTD reminded me of this, ngl...
Nico: Y/N, you're going to have to stop screwing around if you want to be Leo's girlfriend.
Goth Shawty: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Girlfriend? I don't want to be Leo's "girlfriend".
Nico: Well... what do you want then?
Goth Shawty: I don't know. I just wanna be with him all the time. I wanna hear about his day, tell him about mine. I wanna hold his hand and smell his hair. But I don't want to be his stupid girlfriend.
Nico: Y/N, what you just described is a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.
Nico, under his breath: And a pretty clingy one at that.
JLKGJSLKJSSLKSDJD LITERALLY. anon you just described Leo and goth shawty perfectly. reader really said "I don't want to be his girlfriend ew no I just want him to be completly devoted to me and not touch anyone else or be attracted to anyone but me."
nico: "...so you want to be his girlfriend."
seriously though once Leo gets goth shawty to really open up she's going to be the clingiest motherfucker on earth but like same bc it's Leo. who wouldn't be clingy as hell with him.
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trans-xianxian · 9 months
in high school I would write little poems after almost every therapy appointment about what I talked about in them and I have them all in a google doc and reading through them I'm like damn. he doesn't even know that cql is going to kill him
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rk1v-e · 2 years
Footnote - a benlos oneshot inspired by Conan Gray
Carlos is in love with Ben. Its not an opinion, its a fact. Everyone knows this, including Ben.
There's only one problem though, the feelings aren't mutual. Ben loves Carlos, but only as a friend. No one knows this, except Carlos. They're best friends, they spend every minute together, you never see Ben without Carlos by his side and vice versa. It's no ones fault that everyone thinks they're together, and neither one ever corrects them.
It hurts, both knowing that Ben doesn't love him the way he does and that everyone else assumes he does. He doesn't let it get in the way of his friendship though, he never will. Yeah, it hurts but that's reality. It's not like the novels, no 'Pride and Prejudice' at all.
Carlos is in love with Ben, but he doesn't act on it. He knows how Ben feels, and he will never cross that line.
Ben knows that Carlos is in love with him, he's known since high school. He doesn't know if Carlos knows that though since the first time Carlos did confess to him was in their first year of college. They've known each other since freshman year of high school, the two shared a couple of classes and decided to become friends. They became inseparable ever since.
It was their junior year when Ben started to realize Carlos had a crush on him, and he didn't really mind. If anything, he thought it was cute. He never confronted him about it, he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. So he waited, but Carlos never said anything. Eventually he forgot, until their senior year.
Their senior year was coming to an end, and everyone was throwing parties to celebrate. There was a party on the beach, and both boys showed up together. As the party continued, they were eventually separated. Ben was dragged away by his jock friends, and Carlos by his dance friends. When the two eventually found their way back to each other, it was dark and the stars were out.
The two didn't say anything to each other, they found a spot a good enough distance from the party and sat down. They didn't say anything for awhile, they just looked at the stars together. It was a comfortable silence, the two could always communicate without having to say a word to each other.
Both boys had a bit of alcohol that night, but Ben was the more sober one between the two as Carlos had also gotten high with his friends. Ben could feel Carlos staring at him, and so he turned to look at him.
"You're beautiful, Ben," Carlos whispered, he didn't look away.
Ben smiled, but before he could return the compliment, Carlos spoke again.
"I love you."
Ben continued to smile, but he felt sad in away. He knows Carlos is intoxicated, but he also knows Carlos meant it. He knows that this 'I love you' is different than the other ones they've said to each other. This one isn't meant in a platonic way, but in a romantic way instead. He feels sad because he loves his friend, but he doesn't love him.
"It'll pass."
Carlos never knew it happened, and Ben never brought it up. So the two graduated and left for college, together. The two decided their sophomore year that they would go to college together, and luckily for them, they got into the same school. As first years, they had to room in the college dorms, but unfortunately they didn't end up being roommates. That somehow ended up bringing them closer than ever. The school year started, and they met new people and had different friend groups, but that never stopped them from seeing each other. Their new friends met the other, and they got used to always seeing the two together.
Finals came up, and the two didn't see each other much as they were too busy studying. While studying for finals, Carlos had a lot of time to think about Ben and his feeling towards him. He had decided that after finals were over with, he would tell him how he felt.
So finals were over, and the two decided two met up at a party one of the off campus fraternities was hosting. They hugged as if it was the first time in years when they finally found each other in the crowd. And so their night began, they talked, drank, and danced with each other and with their friends. The night was going well, the perfect way to destress after all the tests and assignments they just had.
The nigh progressed and the two decided it was time to leave. They said their goodbyes to their friends, and left. Neither had a car at the moment, so they had to walk back to campus. They didn't mind though, they both loved going on long walks at night. The noise from the party died down once they were both a good enough distance. It was silent, a comfortable silence. One they were comfortable with and loved.
Carlos was deep in thought, contemplating if now was the perfect time to confess how he felt. 'Now or never' he thought, and so he did.
"I like you," He doesn't stop to look at Ben, he continues walking or else he'll take it back.
"I like you more than a friend. I always have, and it's okay if you don't feel the same." He finally stopped walking, but didn't look back.
"Sober up." Nothing in Ben's tone told Carlos how he felt, but it still stung.
"Why would I lie? It's so clear I'm in love with you."
Carlos didn't mean to say that, at least that's what he told himself but it came out too quick to be an accident. He finally turned around to face Ben, this was a conversation to be had facing each other.
"I like someone else." Carlos didn't let that get to him, he was always there when Ben had a crush on someone and it never lasted.
"If I waited, could that maybe help?" Ben wished he could say yes, but he knew better.
"Patience won't change how I feel."
It hurt Ben to say, and it hurt Carlos to hear.
That night didn't change anything, they walked back to campus and wished each other a good nights rest. Life continued for the two and that was for the best. They were in each others life and that's all Carlos wanted. It was like that night never happened.
Except, it did happen. It happened and Carlos can't forget it. He tries to ignore the ache in his heart whenever Ben is near him, when he initiates physical contact, or even when he thinks of him. Ben is his friend, his best friend, and that will never change. No matter how much it hurts, it won't change. He'll learn to get over it, but that will always be easier said than done.
They were in their third year of school when they decided to finally move in together instead of staying in the dorms. Things were better now, Carlos felt like he was starting to move on and he was happy with that. They were back in their hometown, the two were in Ben's childhood room packing up his stuff. It was late at night and they were drinking. They were finally twenty one and could legally drink, so they decided why not drink a few beers as they packed?
It was nice, until it wasn't.
"I met someone, she's from our hometown and goes to school with us." The ache was back.
"That's nice, I'm happy for you."
After that, life moved on too fast for them. They were in their last year of college, only a couple of months left until they had to go out into the 'real world'.
"After we're done with school, we're moving." Carlos stared at the coffee in front of him, they were in his favorite coffee shop. All three of them.
"We're moving to New York!" She squeezed Ben's arm to control her excitement, and Carlos raised his gaze towards the two of them. She was a carbon copy of Carlos, even she knew it.
"You hate the East Coast." Carlos knows he shouldn't have said it, he should've congratulated them and moved on. He couldn't help himself though.
"He says he hates a lot of things, but he doesn't. He said he hates olives, but the other day I saw him eating them off your salad. He's so odd, but that's what I love about him." She pinches his cheek before kissing it, but Ben doesn't react.
"Carlos hates them, and so I eat them so they don't go to waste." Carlos smiles at that, and that's his first genuine smile since he arrived at the cafe.
"You guys are perfect together! Makes me miss my best friend even more, I should call her !" She gets up from her seat, gives Ben another kiss on the cheek and heads towards the bathrooms. It's the two of them alone now for the first time in awhile. It silent between the two, but this time it doesn't feel comfortable like before.
"I'm sorry." Ben says after a minute, the two are looking at one another and there's pain behind both their eyes.
"You have nothing to be sorry about." Carlos knows why, but he rather it not be said out loud.
"I want you to know that I want you in my life, from now until forever. You're my best friend," Carlos wanted him to stop talking, to stop everything from happening. "I know things have been weird lately, but I need you to know that."
Carlos looks at Ben, he's known him long enough to know when Ben is being sincere. He means every word he's saying, but there's something else. There will always be something else behind his words. He just doesn't know what.
"I know and I do too. I'll stop being pretentious, and loathing our friendship. It'll take awhile, but I'm sure one day we'll go back to how it used to be." He means what he says, but it still feels like a lie.
"I love you, dude."
"I love you too, dude."
It hurts knowing that Ben doesn't love him the way he does. He let it get in the way of his friendship though, and that's no ones fault but his own.
It's just like the novels, side characters end up alone.
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pausegame · 2 months
Did nothing but play Inquisition yesterday and it was ✨ magical ✨ 🥲😭🙏❤️❤️
#le whiny text post#I was a lot better at this game when I was younger 🥲#I also figured I'd be able to beat Inquisition before whenever Veilguard comes out#but now that I'm Olde and my free time is less free I'm actually not sure 🥲#not that I mind though bc a tight fit before whenever Veilguard drops would be nice#good fresh mind into DA before the next installment#but I did want to fit in an Origins playthrough after Inquisition though#Dagna talking about the Warden made me emotional 🥲🥲🥲#also still need to finish reading Tevinter Nights#which: Patrick Weekes' writing style is probably my favourite tho everyone else I've gotten to thus far is equally as good#I could use the refresher though. I was explaining DA to my friend a while back bc she played Inquisition at my place#and I completely forgot most things flgdlhfhlfh forgot what The Calling was forgot the names of places forgot The Joining#forgot a ton of terminology for the GWs despite them being probably my favourite aspect#was reading Tevinter Nights and forgot what the fuck the Ben Hassrath are when they were mentioned#all I remembered was that Bull was one fhrkfbfkfbfj#forgot that the Qun has like a caste system#also the more I play through I forgot how much of a pretty little liar both Blackwall and Solas are flhdlhdlhd ily but fuck u guys 🥲🥲🥲#remembered on my first playthrough how noncommittal Blackwall was about Darkspawn like aren't your spider senses supposed to tingle??????#iirc man was also in my party most of the time and like????? ur not gonna elaborate on the Wardens??? my warden????? talk about my Warden#also in retrospect Weekes really put all the suspicious dialogue in for Solas fgodhld#the way Bull talks to him in banter
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thechaoticfanartist · 8 months
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Grim was alone for the first time in her life. She had been lonely before - of course she had, and a part of her always felt alone, but she was never truly alone.
Now she was.
Grim stood in front of a house. Cold winds made her cloak sway and her body shiver. She wasn't used to this coldness. It was almost isolating.
Her long hair rested on her breast, and she was very aware of the small braid she had wrapped around her head like a crown. Absent-mindedly a hand reached up and undid her braid. The extra hair fell softly.
She let out a sigh. She was cold in the dark night, and there was the chance a stormtrooper could pass by and wonder why she wasn't yet inside. Somehow, this felt like the final step. She felt that if she opened the door to her new home and stepped foot inside then she really would be alone. She wouldn't be able to return after this.
Logically, she already knew she couldn't return. She had said so herself, and her final choice had been made when she left Tatooine. Now she was on Naboo, and surely buying a home here meant that she had already crossed that line. She had already crossed the point of no return, yet entering her house would be to confirm that.
She took a deep breath in, and held it for a moment. She thought about the life she had just left behind. She thought of her father, and their grief, and their mourning, and their laughter, and their love, and their bond, and their home. She let her eyes search the sky for the stars in it, wondering if she could spot the suns of Tatooine from here. Her heart searched the galaxy for her bond with her Master, trying to send him some last comfort, some last warmth, before she would never reach him again. Then, she let go of everything as she released her breath.
A Jedi must always let go.
She opened the door to her home and walked inside. For the first time in her life she was alone.
When she entered her home, Grim Kennet died once again. She had only been reborn the night before, when she had gone to her grave and taken the life that was buried there back into her hands. Her intention had been to join the Rebellion. She was never a person who could sit idly by, otherwise she would have never become a Jedi.
Something had happened however, something she couldn't really explain. A feeling, a call, perhaps a whisper from the Force itself that she couldn't join the rebels just yet. There was something missing, something she didn't yet know about. Something told her she had to be alone.
And so she had decided to go back into hiding. She was still Grim for several more hours, and that time was the most free she had felt in the past three years. But she wasn't ready yet. She didn't know how she wasn't ready, her heart burned with a fire from her past. A fire that would follow her through her dreams and nightmares.
Now Grim was dead again and Rue Kenobi took her place. It was somehow easier to pretend this time.
She had little belongings with her. A sketchbook, a journal, the clothes she wore, and the lightsaber that was carefully concealed. These were all the things that remained.
She took off her cloak, and carefully placed it down. She removed her bag and set it down on a desk nearby. Then she unclipped the lightsaber at her belt and held it carefully in her hands. She felt the warmth of her crystal in the Force, and she heard the quiet hum from inside. She found a small box and placed the lightsaber inside. Such a weapon was too dangerous now.
It was already late, and she was tired. Rue walked to the bedroom, not yet hers. She would have to make it so. She got in the bed, laying her head on the pillows, and sleep overtook her.
For once, she did not dream.
When she woke again, the sun was still rising in the sky. She had to adjust to there being only one. She walked to the kitchen, again not yet her own, she began to prepare breakfast. When she was done, she realized she had made enough for two people instead of one.
Her vision became blurry as unexpected tears began to fill her eyes. Until that moment she had not fully processed being alone. She had not fully processed, that she was on her own. She faintly whispered, “I'm sorry, Obi-Wan.” Because at the same time she knew he was also alone, entirely alone, for the first time in his own life.
She got her breakfast set up and then sat at the table. She looked at the spot ahead of her. It was empty. It would always be empty now. Who was left to join her? Ahsoka had left first, and Grim had pushed her away the second time. She likely believed her to be dead anyways. Anakin was…well she liked to tell herself he was dead, but she knew the truth. She always knew the truth. Now Obi-Wan, the last person she had, she had abandoned.
She recalled their first breakfast together on Tatooine. They began discussing the future now that the Jedi were gone, and they could no longer be as they were. They discussed their aliases and the story they could hide behind. That was when she had admitted to him she had seen him as a father, and Ben had replied that he had seen her as his daughter.
She blinked and the tears began to fall. Rue had taken his last name - Kenobi. Rue and Ben Kenobi were not the same as Grim Kennet and Obi-Wan Kenobi, their identities were lies. However, their story, a story of father and daughter, was true. That was one of the few things that had given her solace during that time.
Now she doesn't have that. Now she is alone.
She finished her breakfast and washed her plate. It was easier to focus on something else, a distraction from the overwhelming loneliness. She truly was alone now.
She went to her bathroom and looked in the mirror. The girl who looked back was not the same. She wondered when her reflection changed. She washed her face and her hair. The face in the mirror still was not her own.
She began to brush her hair, going through the long strands. When she was done she prepared herself to braid it. She once again thought about the father she had abandoned.
Years ago, when The Clone Wars still raged and the Jedi were alive, Obi-Wan had been the one to give her her Padawan braid. He had been so gentle, and he listened to her as she rambled on about her excitement to be a Jedi, to be sharing the same universe as him, and how grateful she was that he chose to train her despite their first encounters.
Later, when they had to disguise themselves, Obi-Wan had carefully woven her braid around her hair so that it wouldn't be recognized as what it was. She felt a shiver down her back and became painfully aware of her scars that marked it, that memory had brought back another far more unpleasant one.
Then, in hiding, Obi-Wan would once again help her with braiding her hair. She wondered if he ever realized why she kept that braid.
There was no Obi-Wan to assist her here. She was alone. She had abandoned him. He was alone too.
A sudden fierceness struck her. She did not want a braid. She did not want her hair so long. She did not want these memories. She did not want-
She blinked and the girl in the mirror matched her reflection. Her hair was short and messy now. She combed her hand through it. It felt nice. It felt right.
But it felt wrong.
She looked at the ground of the bathroom floor. She sat in a mess of her own hair. Tears filled her eyes again. She couldn't feel the whispered memories of Obi-Wan’s touch. She was alone.
She blinked them away and stood carefully. She had to clean the mess she made.
She had to-
She had to change. She could not be Grim Kennet or Rue Kenobi. She was alone. She had no connections. Grim and Rue had connections, lives, and a past.
She changed her look, she no longer resembled either girl that she was. She should change her name too.
She didn't. She remained Rue Kenobi.
To change that name, was to remove the last part of Obi-Wan she had. She had abandoned him, but she still loved him. He was her father and she was his daughter.
She was alone. He was alone.
But if she kept that name, if she kept using Kenobi, she would not truly be on her own.
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Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @shinhatigf @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @aiylasdrawings @keoxus @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @amelia-song-pond @it-was-rose @saturnsokas @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo @veradragonjedi @arrthurpendragon @shrinkthisviolet @thebrainofoctavian
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readandwritesilver · 1 year
i just want to mention this really fast, bcs i've been getting a lot of fic requests recently (i assume because i've been a lot more consistently active the past few weeks than i have been in about a year or two, tho i'm still a bit confused because my bio does still say that im on indefinite hiatus and u have to click past that to send me an ask😭 idk) but i still really have no significant plans to start writing fic again, possibly ever !? it's something that brought me a lot of joy, and i do love to write (i actually spent my senior year writing a whole entire play, that i then directed a performance of for a play festival in my country, as well as a bunch of other stuff including a piece for a magazine in my city😁 so ive been busy lol), but to be honest i had been getting really burned out for a long time, and then a bunch of things happened in my life and i just really didn't have time, and by the time i did have time anymore the inspiration for it was just gone😭. i'm still very proud of a lot of things that i wrote, and i actually went through my Ao3 profile like six or so months ago and took about 20 or so works out of the anonymous collection so that my name would be attached to those as well, so pretty much everything i wrote from 2020-2022 is still very much available and i have 0 intention of changing that. im soooooo forever grateful to all the people that were so lovely to me while i was building my skill during that time. i know fanfic is kinda silly as a concept but like. all that writing stuff IRL that i was just talking about ?? i NEVER would have had the confidence to do that without all the feedback i spent the years leading up to it receiving. love u all, and deepest apologies to the sweet people who are still trusting me with requests for the stories they want to read, but i really don't think i'm coming back to it anytime soon<3
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vocesincaput · 9 months
“ eat your soup before it gets cold. ” ( caleb @ ben )
caretaker prompts
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It was getting late in the evening and Ben still had far too many things to go through. Too much to plan and too many reports to read. He had been sat hunched over the large desk, head rested in one hand with elbow rested upon just some of the papers that lay over the surface.
He was almost completely zoned out going over a particular report when suddenly a bowl was placed on top of the papers. The smell and heat from the contents quickly rising up to meet his senses and breaking out of his stupor. Blinking a few times, Ben breathed in through his nose and raised his head. Looking up to see the eyes of Caleb looking down at him. It took him a few moments to hear what the other had said and he managed a slight smile before rubbing a thumb and forefinger over his eyes.
"I appreciate the food Caleb, I do. But I have far too much to do before tomorrow."
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chelseachilly · 10 months
i am actually incapable of writing anything actually short lol. anyways first ben christmas/winter fic coming tomorrow 🥰☃️
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thewafflewhat · 2 years
i would like to propose a new leah headcanon (using the knowledge that she likes both writing/poetry and music/musicians*coughfatincough*) and say that she definitely had a spoken word poetry phase
specifically for shane koyczan and his work with the short story long, hannah epperson, and dan mangan
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realnielsbohr · 2 years
I love getting into new media. looking at stuff for the first time is so much fun
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exilae-moved · 1 year
NOW SHOWING, exilae & @fraegiles ... you were hiding this from me?
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" it did not feel important to tell you at the time. " your answer is straightforward, a leftover nature of the life you once lead before. honesty was at the forefront of your life, even if not verbally executed: there was honesty somewhere hidden within. a hand moves up to rub gently at your chin, a habit, as your gaze looks away from the mask of the man stood before you. " i assure you it was not my intention to not tell you as it brought me any pleasure, there is still much danger simply existing. " & time doesn't numb that fact, it instead makes it more painful... you've only become greater at hiding it, swallowing it down behind your facade & newly formed memories. " i am choosing to trust you, a choice i do not take lightly. " spine straightens & you look back to him once more. " if you betray that trust, i will know... though i'm sure that won't happen. not from a man of your honor, will it? "
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monetilly · 2 years
• Would That I •
Finally posting my fic!! :D very excited to start sharing this slow burn time traveling monstrosity!! ♡♡♡
Pairing: Benjamin Tallmadge/Original Female
Summary: 15 year old Chloe Woodhull crashes back into time, specifically 1770, where she is found and taken in by Hercules Mulligan, working in his tailor shop and with no way of going back home to her time, will she find herself on the same path as her great great grandfather Abraham and survive the upcoming war through acts of espionage and deceit or will she be able to avoid the war conflict entirely and die as an unknown spinster in peace and quiet?
( https://www.wattpad.com/story/330666706-would-that-i? )
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luke-shywalker · 2 days
let me know if you need anything
“Hey, Solo!”
Ben looked up. The sudden motion triggered a dull ache in his right eye—he winced.
“Uh—sorry.” Amalia came to a halt in front of him in the grass. The tall, bulky Togruta girl always looked like she was going to barrel right into you, but always managed to stop a few inches short. Back when they’d hated each other, Ben had thought this was some kind of intimidation tactic. But now that they were something like friends, he realized that she was just…well…awkward as heck.
Amalia peered at him and at his covered eye, then tapped her own cheek. “You look like one of the deep space pirates.”
“Wow,” said Ben, deadpan. “I’ve only heard that about five hundred times since I came back to Jedi school.”
“What’d they do to you, huh?”
Ben juggled the air with his hands, trying to figure out how much detail to go into. “Uh…they cut my eyeball open, and sewed a synthetic band into it to hold it together and make it stop falling apart. Basically.”
“Whoa. Sounds gnarly, dude.” Amalia paused. “…Can I see?”
Ben laughed. “Bro. Do you want to see?”
“I mean? Kinda? Will you like, die if it’s exposed to air?”
“Listen, I’ll show you, if you want to freaking see so bad.” He lifted the patch. He had to manually pry his eyelids apart—they were still swollen. He closed his left eye, just to see how well he could see her—everything was sort of a bright, slanted blur.
Amalia made a face. “Ew. It’s all red. Is that blood? Nasty. I see a coagulated mass of—something. There is straight-up slime in your eye, dude.”
Ben put the patch back on. “Yeah—I’ve been trying to, like—cry it out, but I can’t think of anything sad enough to make me cry. I dunno. I’ve had a hard time feeling emotion lately, in general.”
He said it, and then realized he hadn’t wanted to say it. He backtracked as quickly as he could.
“But now that you’re here, Mal, all I gotta do is look at your ugly mug,” he quipped.
Amalia rolled her eyes so hard she pretty much just rolled her whole head. “Hardee har har. Have you looked in a mirror? Geez, Solo, you can’t say shit like that to girls.”
“Oh—you’re a girl? Oh my Force, I didn’t realize. Sorry, miss.”
She wound up and punched him in the arm. Hard.
“Ow! Bruh. I’m already injured.”
“Well, you weren’t injured enough,” Amalia huffed. “Fixed it for you.��
“I’m telling Uncle Luke.”
“Yeah, go run and tell your Uncle Luke. Pissbaby.”
Ben tried to think of something clever to retort, but then his eye started hurting again, and he felt kind of sick. He hissed and lowered himself down into the grass, which seemed to initiate a truce.
Amalia leaned down. “You okay, bro?”
“Are you still allowed to train and stuff?”
“I’m not supposed to do any ‘strenuous activity’ for four weeks.”
“Well, you were never getting any, anyway,” Amalia snickered. “Now you just have an excuse.”
Ben wrinkled his nose. “Ew. No, I mean…”
“Does lifting rocks with the Force count as strenuous activity? You’re not technically lifting them physically.”
“Eh. I always give myself headaches when I do that normally, anyway, so…maybe just littler rocks.”
“When are you gonna be able to see again?”
“Out of this eye?”
“Yeah, well, which eye do you think I’m kriffin’ talking about, dumbass—“
“I don’t know.”
“…Damn.” Amalia sat down next to him. “Sucks.”
“Yeah, I mean…I know it’s gonna be months. Maybe a year. And I don’t even know if it’ll ever be the same. Probably not.”
Amalia twitched her lips to one side. “Does it bother you?”
“Like, what, the pain? Or…”
“No, like…losing your vision. Like, coping with the loss.”
Ben shrugged. “…I dunno. Sure ain’t the biggest thing I’ve lost. It’s hard, I guess, knowing you’ll never be the same, but…I was already never gonna be the same, so…” He trailed off.
Amalia nodded at the horizon, picking a blade of grass apart with her fingers. “Yeah…I get how that is.”
They sat there in silence for a few moments. A low breeze came and rustled the grass.
“…Maybe I’ll gain some kind of extra Force sensitivity,” Ben said hopefully. “To compensate. Or something.”
“Yeah,” said Amalia. “Or…maybe you won’t, and you’ll just be half-blind.”
Ben threw her a tired glance. “Thanks, Mal. You’re a real pal.”
“What can I say? I try to offer a realistic outlook on life.”
“But, for real though…let me know if you need anything. Okay, Solo?”
Ben raised an eyebrow. “Like what? Another punch in the arm?”
“Well, yeah, if you need that, I’m your girl. But, uh, seriously. Like if you need to talk, or…” She gestured vaguely at nothing.
“No offense, Mal? But you are not great at talking.”
“Hey. Never said I was. Just said that I would. Or if you wanna, like, just go throw rocks in the pond together, or something. Go look for weird bugs. Climb that cliffside Luke said not to climb. You know?”
Ben smirked. “Ha. Okay. Yeah. Gotcha. And then I’ll bang my head real hard, and knock out my other eye.”
“Exactly. You get me.” Amalia stood up and dusted the grass off her tunic. “Well…I’m on kitchen prep with Fannie and Meliko tonight, so…guess I gotta go. Do an extra meditation for me, will ya? Fannie drives me nuts.”
“Really? She’s so nice.”
“Yeah,” Amalia scoffed. “That’s what drives me nuts.”
Ben snorted. “Well, okay, Mal. See ya at dinner, then, I guess.”
“Will you see me though?”
“Dude, shut up!”
#looking into the multiverse and ben solo’s eye gets fricked up in every one#except for the askbensolo canon because. yeah I project onto him but that would just be embarrassing.#amalia#my writing#ben solo#askbensolo#(kind of)#ok what I don’t get about my own au and my own oc is:#amalia is supposed to be Luke’s first and best student but like. how.#her character is so…not light side so how was she the most accomplished jedi.#me. explain.#maybe she just knew all the correct jedi teachings but never figured out how to implement/embody them#maybe that was what was so frustrating for her. knowing all the right answers but not feeling like it clicked for her.#anyway so I know there are canon jedi students now but I MADE MY OCS FIRST BEFORE THAT#that makes my OCs more real than the canon ones. that’s how that works.#nah just kidding but what I mean is I’m too attached to my OCs now to get into the canon jedi students#sometimes…I wonder…if ben and amalia are shippable#I think she kinda likes him#I think he sees her as one of the guys#I think they would be extremely toxic to each other and it would never work#I think they’re too similar of people and don’t have enough to offer each other as complements#and also that they’d literally kill each other#it would be hilarious if they like. tried dating once.#and then for the rest of their lives joke about how terrible of an idea it was#amalia’s such a disaster. like. even worse than ben. somehow.#I honestly kinda hated her for a long time#mostly because she’s based on me in ways that I hate lol
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rtnortherly · 6 months
Tagged by @transselkie to share the last few lines of a current WIP.
All things considered, I figured I'd prove that I am working on Good Intentions Chapter Four, albeit so so slowly. Also, this made me realize that there're a lot of folks I'm moots with over art and fandom, but I don't know for sure how many of them write. So for science I'm tagging any of y'all who have writing you are comfy sharing with others! I wanna see what y'all are working on! Words are cool! I wanna see 'em!!! Hand them over! Let's go! This is a stickup!
Anyways, here's Arboren being tired and stressed and unhealthy:
His hand curls against the wood of his shield, soaked in blood as it is and tries to ignore the wave of dizziness that chases the haze of exhaustion he suddenly can’t ignore. When was the last time he stopped to sleep? To eat? The thought of food offers no enjoyment to him. Perhaps the last time had been an apple tossed across the clearing by Ifan, bruised and fished out of a dead Sourcerer’s satchel. It’d gone down like Arboren was eating chunks of sandstone, and he’d only forced himself to eat it all with the cutting eyes of his human companion cutting into him with something unspoken and vaguely threatening.
Which isn’t good because if he can’t remember eating or sleeping, then he’s probably been pushing his ramshackle squad of fugitives just as hard.
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captainreecejames · 3 months
So Long, London || My Ex is a Footballer MV1
[masterlist][my ex series masterlist][written version]
summary sometimes your childhood sweatheart doens't work out, and that leads you to your true love.
pairings ex!ben chilwell x reader, max verstappen x reader faceclaim danielle campbell
warnings cursing, j*s mentioned, some hate
notes I love this so much I hope you guys like it too. Also this is now going to get a written version because I need to write the angst of ben x reader and how we got to max x reader
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ynusername posted ------
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liked by maxverstappen1 benchilwell and others
ynusername thank you to redbullracing for having me in the garage! always love visiting the paddock
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redbullracing we loved having you for the weekend! stop by soon
username1 what did you get maxplained about? ↳ ynusername huh? ↳ username1 it's when max traps people into conversations cause he can't stop explaining stuff to them ↳ ynusername ooohh lol I just asked him about sim racing ↳ username1 NOO girl got roped into simracing
username2 Ben in the likes 😭😭😭
username3 benjamin come get your girl!! She's being rizzed up by a vroom vroom man
redbullracing send us those pictures you took of max on the podium 🙏 ↳ ynusername I gotchu!
maxverstappen1 loved having you! ↳ schecoperez yes yn! Visit again soon 👍 ↳ ynusername if you two insist ☺️
scuderiaferrari stop by our garage again, we have the good gelato ↳ ynusername don't threaten me with a good time
username4 yn tifosi real? ↳ ynusername well I can't argue with the goat Sebastian vettel so 🤷‍♀️ ↳ redbullracing yeah but we had him first
mercedesamgf1 yn we have another goat if you want to hang out with us ↳ username5 yn really has f1 admins fighting over her in the comment section
chelseafc don't forget your first love yn ↳ leicestercity she won't. we love and miss you yn 💙 ↳ username5 no now she has football team admins here 😭
max's whatsapp messages -------
max emilian charles, is alex going to the jeddah gp?
charles perceval dude, he's driving
max emilian you know that's not what i meant
charles perceval ooooohhh yes, she's going
max emilian cool can we introduce her to yn
charles perceval is yn making her debut as a wag
max emilian you know i hate that word
charles perceval oop yeah, we can introduce them
max emilian thanks
twitter --------
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ynusername posted -----
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liked by charles_leclerc, schecoperez and others
ynusername not how I expected our relationship to be revealed but okay here goes nothing, everyone meet my boyfriend max
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username6 charles is not beating the lestappen allegations, why did he like this so fast? ↳ username3 especially on post just of max
username7 why yn making max kinda...? ↳ username8 i was not a max girlie but now I see it
username9 how am I f1 girlie now?? yn you've bewitched me ↳ username10 the vampire diaries to f1 pipeline ↳ username9 don't forget the pit stop at chelsea fc
username11 yn is making me a fan of sports by dating these men, stop that
redbullracing new max verstappen fan account?? ❤️ by ynusername
scuderiaferrari I guess we won't get you in the garage anytime soon? ↳ ynusername can I still get some good gelato? ↳ scuderiaferrari we guess ↳ ynusername ❤️
maxverstappen1 schatje 😒 ↳ ynusername love you babe 💙❤️
username12 yn... you were supposed to get him away from the skinny jeans, not wear them as well ↳ ynusername oops! 😅
username14 clocking in to start my shift as yn's biggest defender
username13 moving on real fast ↳ username14 I know you're not saying that 18 months is fast
username15 homie hopper ↳ username14 bitch? max and ben aren't friends, they barely even know each other
carlossainzjr no mention for the race winner? ↳ landonorris or me? ↳ ynusername i mean, congrats? 😅
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ynusername posted-----
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liked by landonorris, masonmount and others
ynusername congrats charles on the Monaco win, but we come back in Canada 💪🏼
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maxverstappen1 why those pictures? ↳ ynusername cause you're my cutie pie
charles_leclerc thank you yn! see you in montreal
username21 yn feeding us max girls with the boyfriend content
masonmount missed you yn! save me a ticket at silverstone ↳ ynusername ill see what i can swing mase 😂
username22 did you see what ben said about you? ↳ username23 girl she literally talked to him, of course she knows what he said
username26 not ben and max fighting over our girl yn ↳ username14 they're not fighting, max already won
username30 cause of death? that last slide
benchilwell tough race for red bull, but good to see you yn! ↳ ynusername thanks ben ↳ username26 she used to call him benny or chilly or b, never ben 😭😭 ↳ username14 tough shit, she's with max now
username27 the difference between her comment to mason and to ben, bring our family back together please
username28 congratulates charles on the win but not carlos in australia, she really is part of the lecfosi ↳ ynusername I've versed myself in the fan terms since mexico, sorry to disappoint but I'm just happy for the hometown hero ↳ charles_leclerc I'm not sneaking you anymore gelato ↳ ynusername booooo 👎🏻👎🏻
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