#and the music makes the poetry more powerful
thewafflewhat · 2 years
i would like to propose a new leah headcanon (using the knowledge that she likes both writing/poetry and music/musicians*coughfatincough*) and say that she definitely had a spoken word poetry phase
specifically for shane koyczan and his work with the short story long, hannah epperson, and dan mangan
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harmoonix · 3 months
Astrology Observations
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She comes from the favela
Hills of Santa Teresa
Underneath the Redeemer
And the sun in the sky
🌴 - Pisces in your big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, and Mars) make the native to be a big dreamer! Their dreams and spiritual world is endlessly beautiful 🥰🥰
🌴 - Why do I have a feeling Libra and Cancer placements cry at happy endings?? Is their energy right there! They don't like when good things end 😀💔
🌴 - Sagittarius Placements especially Venus/Mars/Mercury so blessed, these planets give a tropical aura to the native 🦋🦋🦋
🌴 - Taurus/Pisces/Libra Placements need to live artistic lives, life is poetry, life is art, life is music, you are a muse in your own world 🪭🪭
🌴 - Jupiter/Saturn in the 9H or at 9° 21° degrees are blessed with very good knowledge! They're always the wise one in the group! 🏛🏛
🌴 - If you have multiple aspects to your Sun, you can often have personality disorders lime bipolar disorder! Always in a change of a mood💣💣
🌴 - Those with fewer aspects to planet Mars in their chart don't get angry that fast. They're more calm and peaceful 🦭🦭
🌴 - People always say sister signs belong together, yet here I am a Capricorn biatch always getting in arguments with Cancer placements!! I got enough!! No hate to cancers tough!! Everyone is different 😊🫶🏼
🌴 - 2025 will be a very changing year for me omfg😭 I will have Scorpio Rising in my solar return next year! If I'm gonna make it out alive I will make more solar return observations
🌴 - Imagine having a favorite planet in your birth chart and that planet is being the one with the less aspects 😭😭? Sun is my fav planet and I have like 3 aspects this is bullshit already
🌴 - People with Venus - Mercury aspects are appreciated for their voices! You have a very beautiful one!!👏👏
🌴 - When you have Saturn in late degrees like between 20° to 29° usually means Saturn has to finish something in this life💞
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🌴 - Moon in your 8H and Moon in Scorpio natives are the first ones to heal you! Usually, when you have people around you with those placements, it means you need healing💆‍♂️💆‍♂️💆‍♂️
🌴 - Venus in the first degrees between 0° and 10° need to focus on themselves first! You should always be your biggest priority
🌴 - Mercury at 9° and 21° is so talkative, and they always speak so fast and jump from subjects to another
🌴 - Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces in the 2H usually become addicted with the thing they buy/spend money on
🌴 - Moon in the 9H is a very beautiful placement to have if you love traveling around the world this placement gives you the chance to do that (Moon at 9° 21° too)
🌴 - It is known that people with Capricorn/Aquarius Placements have beautiful legs! Take care of all your body parts in order also in order to love yourself take care of your body
She come from the favela
Ask me 'e aí beleza'
🌴 - My Mom has her Venus in the 5H and she loves to do a lot of sports, she is so hard to beat at any ball game like she always wins 😭😭
🌴 - Moon in your 10H or at 10° 22° degrees can indicate your feelings are exposed to the world or the people around you! And you may be afraid to show them your true feelings
🌴 - Saturn in water signs always make sure to not speed the natives healing process! It always comes with the time
🌴 - Aries/Gemini and Leo Placements are possibly the most curious people you will ever meet because they learn things everyday
🌴 - Moon between 5° and 10° can be the most active moon placement when they're surrounded with things they enjoy
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🌴 - Juno asteroid between 10° and 19° degrees can indicate a spouse who's gonna teach you a lot of things
🌴 - Lilith between 20° and 29° is usually when Lilith feels the most powerful because she feels like she can run the world, is empowering
🌴 - Capricorn and Pisces placements can find comfort in isolating themselves if they actually need it!
🌴 - I don't think there is someone who can understand Aquarius Moon natives feelings better than themselves, because is their inner world after all
🌴 - Not an astro observations but since this post is targeted around travelling, there is a legend that says when your soul is in love with a country/place is probably because there is someone waiting for you in that place or country Do you think it is true guys?)If the theory is true my soulmate is living on the other side of the globe 🤡🤡🤡
🌴 - If Gemini or Mercury sits in the 6H you probably like to talk or to spread awareness and warnings about specific things like maybe a conflict or a war or any other crise
🌴 - Sagittarius Mars can have a good accent when they try to speak a foreign language it work if your Mars is also in the 9H or at 9° or 21°
F A V E L A 🇧🇷
🌴 - If your Pluto sits in the 11H or at 11° 23° you can attract envy from people around you especially friends are the first envy targets
🌴 - Saturn/Capricorn in the 12H can feel so tiring! Is usually because it is a very deep placement to have for the 12H topics make sure to rest
🌴 - I love how ambitious are natives with Saturn in the 6H or Saturn in Virgo/Saturn at 3° 15° 27° degrees, they really make the job done
🌴 - In my opinion Saturn really loves the middle houses like 5H/6H/7H/8H because it teaches the native hard lessons through learning where in other placements Saturn will mostly do lots of practice with the natives like the 1H or 2H
🌴 - Saturn in Aquarius/Saturn in the 11H/Saturn at 11° 23° will teach you how to value your true friendships and in the same time to learn how a friendship is suppose to work
🌴 - Lilith in Sagittarius/9H and at 9° 21° Most times can end up losing their faith or beliefs or simply changing them! (This can not apply to everyone)
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🌴 - In the Vedic astrology placements in the 9H and 12H like Venus, Moon or Sun can find their spouses usually a bit more later in life
🌴 - In the Vedic astrology your nakshatra plays a big role in your personality, appearance, beauty, which one is yours? Mine is in Chitra 🫶🏼 find your nakshatra here! You'll need to do a nakshatra calculator first
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🌴 - Aries Sun/Moon and Rising natives are so naturally charming, I swear their faces play such a big role in their beauty, especially the eyebrows
🌴 - I think is easier for mercury in fire signs to call and tell you everything instead of writing messages, I think they wanna say it face to face
🌴 - Moon and Sun can be introverted in the 2H/4H/6H/8H/ and 12H because these planets usually are more mysterious in those houses
🌴 - Jupiter in Virgo/6H and at 6° 18° have so much luck when they're looking for a job! It might actually be manifested into your subconscious
🌴 - If someone has their Jupiter in the same sign as your Venus, they can be so much into you without realizing it is something that grows over time
🌴 - Virgo Moons think more logical than others because they loveee to keep it in order, everything has their own time in this space
🌴 - If you have your 11H connected to the 8H your *fake* friends may want to use you for money, take care of such people (How they can be connected? Look if the ruler of the 11H is making an aspect with the ruler from the 8H)
🇧🇷 Deep in the colors and the streets
Lost in the funk favela beats
Prisioneira 🇧🇷
🌴 - If your 7H is connected to the 10H can indicate your spouse can be the breadwinner and the provider in the relationship (How they can be connected? Look if the ruler of the 7H is making an aspect with the ruler from the 10H)
🌴 - Your 7H Lord/Ruler and its aspects can also tell you a lot about your spouse and your relationship with them.
🌴 - Mars in the 1H/3H/10H tend to really be turned on easily, I swear they're always there ready for something to happen
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🌴 - Chiron in Virgo can indicate someone who may be very controlling and strict even with themselves but also with other people
🌴 - Virgo south node can indicate someone who worked in the favor of service and devotion in a past life
🌴 - I honestly love the trio of the natives with horns like Aries Taurus and Capricorn?? Horn creature - like are so beautiful!!
🌴 - Saturn in the 1H natives are more comfortable being alone than with people who stress them 24/7
🌴 - Leo and Cancer placements usually have very shiny skin, or their skin color might be really pretty (it can be any skin color) it will just make your appearance charming
Chorando estará ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia não soube cuidar
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Canção riso e dor, melodia de amor
Um momento que fica no ar
Damn this post took so long, but it ended so good! Let Venus to bless the aether! 💞🦋 Harmoonix
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elysiansparadise · 3 months
With the gentle caress of Neptune's blissful hand, a dreamy aura evolves. In the dawn's soft embrace, and twilight's whisper, pisces paints the sky with a suspire.
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Pisces Rising: Divine Charm
They look mysterious and distant but their gaze, like the ocean, deep and profound, reflecting the emotions untold. A wise mind and soul, with a gentle and caring heart, remains protected from the dangers from outside. Many of them tended to isolate themselves, as the tensions of their early environment could be difficult to deal with. They seek calm, and would love to live in a world where they felt at peace and free to be who they truly are. They have the ability to adapt to their environments and the people they meet, making the number of people with whom they truly feel like themselves very small. Their beauty lies more in delicacy, like angels fallen to heaven, their skin is soft, their gaze slightly sleepy and many of them give an unapproachable vibe. 
From a young age they learn to achieve things on their own and we can attribute that to Aries in the 2nd house. They greatly value their independence, being able to do things their own way, because these natives highly value their independence and that clearly includes financial independence, which is why they like to make their decisions for themselves when it comes to money. Some of them may have a tendency to be somewhat impulsive with their spending, especially if Mars is making tense aspects to Jupiter or Neptune. Ambition to find stability in their lives, they fervently desire to feel powerful and not with respect to others, but with themselves and the management of their lives. They are people who have that entrepreneurial spirit, since they were young, they may have defined what they want to achieve, be it a certain status, economic position, or simply a set of things to have in the future. Some of these natives are prone to becoming demotivated quickly if they do not perceive or have tangible results, so it is necessary for them to find a way to motivate themselves. It is a kind of challenge to be more constant and persistent in your productive projects. They may possess a certain level of competitiveness and winning and/or achieving things can increase their self-esteem, especially if Mars makes tense aspects to Sun or Jupiter. It is possible that at some point in their lives they feel that to be valuable they have to achieve or have things, they may equate success with the idea of ​​"I have to create or do something.”
Talking to them is one of the most comfortable things in the world, they are responsible for not only talking to you and giving you their point of view, but also listening to you carefully, and we can see that with Taurus in the 3rd house. These natives take their time to process what is happening around them, they do not jump to conclusions, they are observant, capable of sensing when things are not as before, when there are changes around them, nothing goes unnoticed, no matter how minimal the change may be. They like clarity, that people speak with bluntness, that is, without losing tact if the situation requires it. They have a very attractive and soothing voice, and their way of speaking, the words that come out of their mouths can be a caress to the soul. They are sensible, rational and patient. They calm others with ease with their words and voice, there is something simply magnetic about them. Talent for singing and taste or interest in music. They have a great facility for creating and generating ideas, and not only that, but they also materialize them. They have aptitudes for poetry and any genre that allows them to express their feelings through letters. They may have hands-on skills, from sculpture, drawing or any form of design. They are constant people when it comes to learning something that catches their attention. They easily move the people around them, as they seek to say what they genuinely feel and think. They tend to be somewhat reserved with their thoughts at first but when they express them, they will not express them abruptly or shouting. They take their time to learn, they like to do things at their own pace and not feel pressured, as they are susceptible to stress. It is difficult to change their mind, because even if they listen to yours, it is likely that they will not stop thinking the way they do.
Since they were children, these natives questioned everything, from what surrounded them to the actions or behaviors of those who accompanied them. Pure and present curiosity for as long as they can remember, a clear representation of Gemini in the 4th house. A desire to understand others at a deep level because of the feeling of never having been understood themselves. Many of these natives experience constant changes in their home, from moving to issues of family dynamics. They may have grown up in a chaotic or changing environment; one parent may have been emotionally distant. It is likely that since they were children they have had problems, whether it be excess mental and/or physical energy, nerves or anxiety in some cases. They may have closeness and constant communication with a particular member of their families. They are very reserved people with their past and emotions, they hardly feel that they can talk about it with others. They do not enjoy small talk much, they tend to prefer deep and more meaningful conversations. These natives are fun, spontaneous and very expressive, but due to circumstances and experiences, they have learned to hide this side of them. They prioritize fluid communication with those with whom they have an emotional bond; they will always seek to make the other person comfortable to speak freely about what they feel. They may have had tense experiences in their childhood, such as dealing with people who were hypocritical or overly critical of them. They find comfort in the idea of ​​learning new things, yes, but most likely these natives have comfort series, books or movies that they return to when they don't feel well. Many of them express their discomfort, or in general any type of emotions through writing. Journaling, making poetry or simply writing can be activities that allow them to feel better and more liberated.
These natives are incredibly romantic and attentive in their relationships. They look for a relationship that allows them to be emotionally vulnerable and that is related to Cancer in the 5th house. Love with them feels like a warm blanket, which gives you warmth, protection and reaffirmation. For them there is no better sign of love than dedicating time, energy and devotion to the other person. They nourish their relationships a lot and always work on them, making necessary changes both in the dynamics of the relationship and in their love language, since they adapt to their partner's to make them feel loved. They prioritize the comfort of both themselves and their partners. Its beauty and appeal lies more on the tender, tender and soft side. They usually have attractive and sweet faces, as well as expressive eyes. Regardless of how they show themselves to the world and how they decide to face it, in their relationships they are softies, and they tend to attract people who become attached to them. They attract mysterious and reserved people with their emotions who have a huge heart. For them, a relationship equals comfort, unconditional support and a deep connection. Their partners' past matters to them as a way to understand them better. Caring and being cared for is important in the dynamics of romance for these natives to enjoy.
With Leo in the 6th house it is very likely that the native has excellent creative and/or artistic abilities. These are people who can gain a lot of recognition through their work or a skill they have worked on for a long time. In the work area they may be very loved or appreciated, they are seen as talented, capable and charismatic, however, that natural brilliance that they possess can attract envious people or people who want to steal some of their light. They are generous people par excellence, they will never hesitate to help, support or share with those they love. Having a strong work ethic, being responsible, honest and devoted are values ​​that have been instilled in them since they were young. It is likely that from childhood they were taught to work hard and value not only their own efforts but those of others. Many of these natives tend to prefer to be given compliments about their abilities, the way they do things or their results, not forgetting to mention that they can be modest or dismissive with other types of compliments, not knowing how to react to them. They like to do things that they can put their whole heart into. They need to see the importance behind a task to want to do it and will not waste their time on things that they do not perceive as genuinely useful or important to them. They have this way of doing things well or not doing them at all, they can be very demanding of themselves and of seeing tangible results. Many of these natives may experience pain in the chest and/or back if they are subjected to a lot of stress. For them it is crucial to truly love their job, because they feel that hating their job is no longer bearable for a little more money. Passion is important for them when starting a project, so if the passion runs out they will not hesitate to drop the task in question.
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With Virgo in the 7th house we can observe what these natives look for in their relationships, especially those they want to maintain long term and this is reliability and mutual support. They are so used to giving a lot to others and supporting them fully no matter what, they are extremely devoted and giving to those who have the place of their heart, but it is highly disappointing when that is not given back to them. They tend to be so hard on themselves, overly self-critical of their actions in a relationship. If Mercury makes tense aspects, it is very likely that after breakups they will think that they are guilty or have a feeling of responsibility about it. They will always seek to improve their relationships, frequently asking their partners about how they feel more comfortable or how to make them feel more loved. They are looking for a reliable partner who supports and motivates them, someone who looks after their well-being and who accepts them without conditions, someone who makes them feel sufficient and happy with who they are. With this placement the natives will have a future spouse dedicated to them and the relationship, someone modest who will work hard and know how to appreciate the natives' efforts and intentions. It will be a relationship that will emerge little by little, they will get to know each other more and more and along with this, not only love but admiration will grow more and more. Both will try to resolve any issue that arises, knowing how to listen to each other and proposing solutions. Both will arrive at a point in each other's lives where they are focused on themselves whether it is improving, healing or working.
Giving and receiving equally is an internal desire that lies in Libra in the 8th house. That longing to show oneself completely to their special one and fully know the other, that fervent yearn, the need to be transparent with someone willing to be genuine with them. There is a set of internal conflicts between wanting that intense, passionate and extremely devoted connection with the fear of being vulnerable, the fear of becoming dependent on someone or that someone becomes too absorbed with them. The fear of giving everything and being betrayed. It is difficult to trust opening up and there is nothing that terrifies them more than the risk of doing so to the wrong person. Having them as a couple is an experience like no other, not only because of the passion and sensuality of these lovers, but also because of the intense and genuine devotion that they give you. They are able to love you completely, to form a connection that feels real, one in which you do not pretend to be someone you are not or one in which you do not feel like you have to be someone else. They experience great transformations during and after their relationships, they have a tendency to seek or attract deep relationships where there is a strong bond between them. They are fascinating lovers who manage to make you feel desired with a look, who through their touch transmit the whirlwind of emotions that you provoke in them. They love intensely, there is no doubt in them, all or nothing, I love you or I don't love you. They think a lot before entering a relationship, and once they are in one, they immerse themselves completely. 
These natives are constantly searching for a deep meaning to the world around them, something beyond the visible, and that need to see beyond what simple sight allows them to do is thanks to Scorpio in the 9th house. They feel a growing attraction for complex topics that mark them in some way or leave them introspective, since they spend a lot of their time in their heads, analyzing and trying to understand what seems intriguing to them. A desire to investigate topics that seem mysterious to them, inclination for spiritual topics, psychology or solving mysteries/riddles of all kinds. A lot of transformation through travel and chances of traveling to distant lands. Physical and spiritual journeys, many feelings of epiphanies throughout their lives. Fascination or fixation with a specific type of culture. A complex relationship with religion, being either very devoted to their beliefs or having experienced complex things thanks to the religious beliefs of their parents or family. Inquisitive minds, however they do not make it obvious that they know many things, they are very humble people regarding their knowledge, but they firmly trust in what they know. In them there is more knowledge than what is seen, they are very astute and although they seek to see the bigger picture, it is difficult for the details to go unnoticed, since they have the mixture of perception and strong intuition, which makes them perceive things that can be subliminal.
Natives with Sagittarius in the 10th house are curious souls by nature, people who aspire for great things and constantly dream of obtaining, achieving and being. They look for jobs that allow them to expand, intellectually, or expand their joy and emotional well-being. Many people tend to see them as genuine people who are easy to work with and people who, regardless of whether they are introverted or extroverted, will always be cordial. They can become very influential people in their work, since Jupiter, the planet of luck, rules this house, making them prone to finding success at work and easily moving or influencing people. They are likely to travel constantly and come into contact with foreign things thanks to their work. These people aspire to do good, to do the right thing and in many cases to contribute positively to the lives of others through their work. Some jobs for these people are teachers, artists, journalism, international relations, human resources, work in travel agencies, lawyers. In the eyes of the public they have charm, as they have a mixture of charisma, ambition and authenticity. Despite wanting to be recognized for their abilities, many of these natives can find it overwhelming to have a lot of attention, so they need that balance between alone time and public time.
Precisely because of their energy and sensitivity to other people's vibes, they are very selective about who they surround themselves with. Capricorn in the 11th house makes them accept their friends as they are and seek to give them a lot of support, but it is difficult for them to give that title to anyone. They prefer closed and stable circles, they take friendship seriously and can be very devoted to them. These natives have a tendency to attract friends with greater maturity or age, and they will admire the maturity and abilities of the natives. Friendships with long age differences. They may see it as a strong support for a friend/certain group of friends, finding a sense of family more in them than in their biological families. They can have great economic gains thanks to their career, from having high or important positions, or even a lot of prestige in their work. They aspire for big things and it is not enough for them to just dream, they like to make them come true and work hard to achieve them. Contrary to what one would believe with this placement, they are very ambitious and hardworking dreamers, as they will always be thinking about how to materialize everything that they have always longed to have. They believe in the power of hard work and many of them are not naive or excessively overzealous as they are projected.
The noise out there has become overwhelming, the looks of some have become heavy, all those times you felt judged, underestimated or left out for being your precious self has led you to lock yourself away, that beautiful and enormous heart and everything. That which makes you unique in a small world, where you can be safe from being viewed with disdain. People with Aquarius in the 12th house are reserved with certain sides of themselves, be it their thoughts, hobbies or in some cases feelings, on some occasions they may feel separated and different from others, the feeling of being an outsider can be common with this placement. In them lies a creative mind and an accepting soul, which seeks to know others deeply and remove from their lives everything that is superficial. They always seem very perceptive of their environment and those around them, they even generate interest in everything that allows them to know themselves and others better, as a result of a feeling of not having been understood. They have a high creative potential and can excel enormously in a hobby or one of their passions, but they may fear criticism and little acceptance from others. These people fear rejection from people, especially from those they open up to, thinking they are different. They have an open personality, they do not run away from or criticize minds other than their own, they will always try to understand and accept people. They feel that impulse in them to accept and include others because of the wound of not having been accepted themselves. In these natives lies a beautiful being, with unique ideas and emotions, who will hardly show himself completely to others, only those who inspire true confidence. Their longing and desire is to be free from these internal chains and cages that hold back those sides of their being that they feel will be judged.
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azure-cherie · 6 months
PAC : Who of the nine Greek muses do you embody ? A message from the muse
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➪Pile : 1-2-3 ☟︎︎︎ 4-5-6 ☟︎︎︎ 7-8-9
Hii loves how have you been , I'm back again with a reading, I hope you enjoy this please choose with your intuition and take what resonates , Reblogs, comments feedbacks everything is highly appreciated ❤️
If you liked this and would like to book or would want a bigger reading on the same topic :
Masterlist , paid readings , paid readings 2
Pile 1 :
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Muse of music and lyric poetry
Channelled messages: " let go of societal restraints " , " paint the canvas of your life , write a poem about a wall " , " often see yourself as an ancient women of honour " , " feed the doves "
She comes forth to tell you about your potential how you're a very meditative being , you are so good at chanelling and you should do it more often , ask her to be your guide and write down all that comes through to you flow in your thinking and the ideas that come forth
Lean more into the devotional aspect of your life , see everything with the vibration of love. The trees the humans the animals , devote more into self love and worship the gods you already do .
Learn the right way to connect to the moon , you're in your journey and this is one of the crucial times , you're almost at the end of a karmic cycle stay stiff and strong
Don't get into arguments , if you do have mishaps with someone , lean into releasing the anger through creating music or producing tunes .
Take practical approaches to life , if someone says no to you do the thing on your own , your guides are always taking care of you .
Pile 2 :
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Muse of dance and choral poetry .
Channelled messages : " learn about the folk music and dances where you stay " , " when in the blues play the beats " , " give more to the society in forms of art " , " start the YouTube channel"
Your devotion towards your deity or your guides is really admirable and that is something that's one of your best qualities people online or in person admire your liking towards a deity you inspire them .
The calmness of mind that can be attained through yoga is something she wants you to do , imagine a blue beam of light when you meditate , she tells you to connect to your primordial life form your soul .
Know about the necessary sacrifices one has to do in their life , your sacrifices now will bring you rewards later , don't fall for instant gratification
Abundance is soon to come in your life but work on cultivating a sense of detachment towards money , obsession ruins everything.
There might me a rock bottom moment in your life soon , she asks you to remain in your path as a human and as a soul take the lessons and move on soon you will alchemize your pain into passion and glory . You transform everything you're a becon of light .
Pile 3 :
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Muse of hymns and sacred poetry
Channelled messages : " Levitate " , " dream big " , " nice downtown tshirt " , " the life that one has is a sum and minus of that they do "
If you're interested in writing do it , there might be an opportunity approaching you soon in this sector , though there's a warning about a setback if you don't take the opportunity at the right time don't worry you'll do great believe in the power of wishes.
You might rekindle a childhood bond on the basis of liking of movies or songs .
Business sector might have new opportunities your fortune is about to change you're gonna have the power to do what you want in your life because you're the creator of it , your destiny is now on hold make the best use of free will.
Connect more to the oceans and moon , fireflies etc , be in nature more and stay grounded .
Honour your soul by serving the temple you're in your own body , take care of your body give it ample rest and food .
Pile 4 :
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Muse of tragedy
Channelled messages : " Dwelling on past has no rewards " , " crazy is as good as the sane" , " time flowes and glows and you grow "
Don't choose a hard life away from your desires because you're scared of disappointing people your path is enlightened more as you connect more to yourself .
Give into dark feminine energy and live in your truth , if you remain often confused or scared work on your root chakra .
Connect more to your guides through paintings and leave offerings of metal , feathers , corn etc
It's time to finally shine you're going from the hermit to an influencer you're gonna be famous it might start small but it will build up .
Keep away from external influences that stop your growth drop bad friends and family .
Pile 5 :
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Muse of love poetry
Channelled messages: eat healthy and enriching foods , read about the love you already behold , the depths of see are beautiful and so is your heart of depth.
Abundance in the sector of love is coming soon you're gonna make the haters jealous , might even win a pagent or competition.
You might have felt Beauty is your curse but life's gonna show you how it's not you're gonna be so hight so uplifted I see you shining like a star
One has to prepare for glory start by saying affirmations and working on your third eye and root chakra .
Read more about lovers from mythology like Persephone Hades , Aphrodite ares , Radha Krishna etc
The boons served by the goddess are yours to keep and no one can question that , you're being divinely blessed and you'll be happy and dancing soon .
Pile 6 :
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Muse of comedy and Idyllic poetry
Chanelled messages: Search for the small joys, poppies , these boots are meant for walking , spring equinox fairy
There's a confirmation in case you wanna go for the acting sector , this sector will require a lot of hardwork .
There's also a warning regarding someone in your job your boss or your guru they might take credit for some assignment you did beware and if possible say no because that thing might get your superior a promotion
You are to search bliss in satisfaction about what you already have the moon is to be admired by you the power to be soked it , are you ready for the full moon .
You're intelligent and people really admire you for that , gemini energy.
Move in your life in your true path of light don't be afraid or dim your light , your aura might have hints of white colour .
Pile 7:
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Muse of epic poetry
Chanelled messages: Blow the bubbles up , get into kitchen witchery, Artemis , cry me a river
Don't give people the benefit of the doubt if you don't like someone let them go .
Fame is eminent in your energy, life coaches might help you , your aunt is giving you good guidence follow her .
Do your school projects and specially eat tangerine and other fruits that make you feel happy
Serve the world and create peace each small step is a long one in the collective , small things create big impact do your part and be sure of the effects .
Moon water energy and full moon is great for you to invite luxuries in your life , ground your root chakra and connect to your third eye your ancestors will be sending you messages.
Pile 8 :
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Muse of astronomy
Chanelled messages: Fly me to the moon , peals and sandbox , honesty is the best policy , go go cheerleader
The first message for you is to balance all your chakras it's crazy my oracle deck pulled all chakra cards omg I feel like there soon will be a kundalini awakening for you
You're almost in your last stage of awakening get into the cosmic dance of life your life is about to change , abundance is coming
Hard message to get through but someone in your relationship might be cheating or there might be someone who has an eye on your partner and might try to frame them . Only for some people
Listen to your higher self write a letter to them
Your path from now on is of the hermit it might be lonely but it's worth it discoveries are on your way in fields of history, psychology, quantum mechanics etc.
Pile 9 :
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Muse of history
Chanelled messages: 13 missed calls , glow up is loading , search in the Egyptian archives , glow and peach coloured cheeks
The number six is significant, also specifically for someone there's this person who is delaying your glow up by doing some nasty as spell , might be a close friend
You are ignoring some signs from the universe , they're coming again and again and you're ignoring it look into it closely , you're elevating in your consciousness.
Your energy levels are high and you're matching ahead in your journey setbacks are never the end the sheer power of desire iss enough to keep going .
You're slowly climbing the stairs of life to become confident and assertive you might even call upon a partner soon who is very sure about themselves.
You should plant more trees and learn about them about their origination etc , i specifically get about Tulsi and the lore behind it . Some others would be eucalyptus, basil and marigold.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this
Have a great day/ night ♥️🌹
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farmerstarter · 1 year
The Bachelors on their Wedding Day
Hi Hello have this short list of my little Headcanons of the bachelors on their wedding day. Hope you enjoy it! Reblogs and likes are appreciated!!🌷🤍
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ʚ🏈ɞ ˚ · . Alex :
🏈 Fiddles with his tie relentlessly and ends up ruining it. He runs to Evelyn to ask her to tie it up again. The only other thing he fusses over is his hair.
🏈 Alex keeps a rabbit's foot in his pants, wanting all the luck he can get.
🏈 Spent literal days writing his wedding vows. Ends up opting to wing it. It wasn't the most eloquently worded thing you've heard but it was sweet.
🏈 He gave himself a pep talk in his bedroom before the ceremony. You only know about this because George was complaining about how loud he was to you.
🏈 Dusty the dog is the mermaid pendant bearer, I decided.
🏈 Also, the song that plays during the wedding is the same tune from Alex's music box. 🥺
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ʚ🪶ɞ ˚ · . Elliott :
🪶Beach wedding. You guys have a beach wedding. You've expressed your interest in one and Elliott, with the eager help of Willy, clean up the beach for your special day. Elliott's shoes would fill with sand but his discomfort is overpowered by his delight when he sees you all dressed up.
🪶 He reads you one (of many) of his poems about you. You later learned that he's got a whole book of poetry about you that he's been writing ever since you two started dating. The poem he read on the wedding day was the very first one and is the first page of the book.
🪶 He spent hours trying to make himself look good. Asking for Leah and Willy's input on what he should wear for a solid 3 hours.
🪶 Aside from him worrying over his appearance, Elliott is more excited than nervous. He's on the verge of creating a new chapter in his life with someone else. Gone are the days of his lonely shack and the empty (well, not as empty since you moved into town) beach. Honestly, to say that he's excited is an understatement.
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ʚ🛩️ɞ ˚ · . Harvey :
🛩️ Gets awfully shy when reading his vows, stuttering his way through his words and being a blushing mess. He has no problem with the one-on-one check up sessions he does with the other villagers of Pelican Town, but to read aloud in front of all of them at once threw him off. But he kept his eyes on you and managed to power through it.
🛩️ He considered shaving off his mustache for the wedding at least twice. But he decided against the idea.
🛩️ Insisted that you eat Farmer's Brunch the morning of the wedding. Even during your wedding day, he wants to make sure you're feeling healthy.
🛩️ Holds your hands throughout the whole ceremony. Whispering apologies for how clammy his hands are.
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ʚ🎸ɞ ˚ · . Sam :
🎸 He wrote a whole song about you and played it on your wedding day. He made it a surprise for you and the moments of him hiding his guitar and shoving music sheets under his bed when you visit his room were all starting to make sense to you.
🎸 Couldn't sleep for the whole night before the wedding. He worried over the ceremony and wanted to make it go smoothly. He's not one to meticulously plan every detail, opting to engage in spur of the moment decisions, but he tried his best to make everything as close to perfect as he can get.
🎸 Jodi tried to gel Sam's hair back, but no matter the amount of gel and hours, his hair would always spring back. Sam wasn't a fan of dressing up in a "dorky suit" but he did anyway, for you.
🎸 Sam didn't want to see you until the wedding so he got Vincent to play messenger for the two of you. He wouldn't do it at first but only agreed to do it because he likes you (Cue a dramatic gasp from Sam).
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ʚ🐸ɞ ˚ · . Sebastian :
🐸 Ends up smiling through the whole ceremony, looking at you with such a brightness in his eyes.
🐸 He isn't one to wear anything fancy. The closest thing he ever wore that is considered formal was the suit that Lewis got him and the rest of the dancers to wear for the Flower Dance. He asks his mom to help him dress up for the wedding, asking her about it while she was building furniture. Sebastian doesn't want to admit it, but he liked watching his mom so happy over something that was so mundane to him. He makes sure to keep the suit in perfect condition throughout the ceremony because of it.
🐸 He tells his very heartfelt wedding vows. And while he does, you could hear the faint "that's good," from Elliott before a grunt, inevitably elbowed on the side by Leah.
🐸 You and him ride on his motorcycle after the wedding. He drives you two to the cliff overlooking the city, the same cliff where he confessed his true feelings to you. Under the full moon, the two of you would look at the stars with Sebastian occasionally pointing at a constellation that Maru taught him to find.
🐸 Consider: winter wedding.
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ʚ🐣ɞ ˚ · . Shane :
🐣 Genuinely doesn't believe that you want to marry him. He thinks it's a dream at best and a prank at worst. It wasn't until you were tying his mermaid pendant around his neck for him to know that you do love him. He still has trouble understanding it sometimes.
🐣 Shane asked Marnie to teach him how to waltz for your wedding day. Sure, he's danced in the Flower Dance countless of times but he wanted to learn something new to surprise you. And he did. After dancing with you, he dances with Jas. Well, it's more of Jas standing on Shane's feet while he walks and glides around.
🐣 He gave his chicken, Charlie, a bow tie for the wedding and everything. Even got a picture of you and Shane with the little guy. The picture ends up being hanged on Shane's side of the bedroom for many years to come.
🐣 Has his pocket full of corn chips, let's be honest. He offers one to you before the ceremony starts.
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janesgms · 1 year
< How you act when you're in love >
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5H/7H house ruler in scorpio/8H house/8°/20° degrees: can, at its worst, make someone very obsessive, possessive, explosive, jealous and even an stalker when they're in love with someone ☠️ help. at its best, can make someone very passionate, intense, powerful, protective and sensual when in love, the type to go to the moon and back just for their lover. it's giving very ride or die vibes. The same definition can apply to venus aspecting pluto. Songs:
Him and I - G-eazy & Halsey
Woo - Rihanna
The whole Reputation album - Taylor Swift
The Weeknd songs
Paparazzi - Lady Gaga
Collide - Justine Skye
Middle of The Night - Elley Duhé
Babydoll - Ari Abdul
Animals - Maroon 5
Crazy in Love - Beyoncé
The whole Ultraviolence album - Lana Del Rey
Unforgettable - French Montana
Heaven - Julia Michaels
The whole Badlands album - Halsey
Killbill - SZA
L.E.S - Donald Glover
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5H/7H house ruler in cancer/4H house/4°/16°/28° degrees:: can, at its worst, make someone extremely manipulative, moody, vengeful and irrational when in love with someone. at its best, can make someone very caring, loving, protective, nostalgic and nurturing when in love, they really like to spoil their partner emotionally. The same definition can apply to venus aspecting moon. Songs:
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez
Highschool Sweethearts - Melanie Martinez
Reminder - The Weeknd
Paparazzi - Lady Gaga
Part Of Me - Katy Perry
Te Amo - Rihanna
Alejandro - Lady Gaga
Sweather Weather - Arctic Monkeys
I wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
Cinnamon Girl - Lana Del Rey
deja vu - Olivia Rodrigo
Outside - Calvin Harris
Earned It - The Weeknd
The whole Born To Die album - Lana Del Rey (including the paradise songs 😘)
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
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5H/7H house ruler in pisces/12H house/12°/24° degrees: can, at its worst, make someone delusional, blind, influencial, escapist, and moody when in love. at its best, can make someone sensitive, empathetic, dreamy, empathetic, creative, profound, feeling unexplainable feelings, and VERY romantic when in love, they're probably the types to write poetry and imagine a fairytale with their loved one. The same definition can apply to venus aspecting neptune. Songs:
Love you like a love song - Selena Gomez
Love Story - Taylor Swift
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga (a song deditaced for their terrible taste in men, specially, but in women too 💞)
Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez
I'm yours - Isabel LaRosa
Renegade - Aaryah Shaah
The bridge of What a Life - Jhene Aiko
Why'd You Only Call Me Whem You're High - Arctic Monkeys
#icanteven - The NBHD
Happiness Is A Butterfly - Lana Del Rey
I Love You - 2ne1
Loonatic - LOONA
America - XYLØ
High Enough - K.Flay
The whole soundtrack of Euphoria - Labyrnth
Psyechedelic Addict - Anuka
As someone with these 3 placements (scorpio/pisces/4th/8th houses), I really liked doing this post since it's something very personal to me! 💕 Also, one thing I notice is that all these placements usually listen to a lot of music, more than the usual, when in love.
Mini tutorial in case you don't know how to see your rulers. Look at the signs in your 5th and 7th houses, then look at where the planets who rule these signs are in your natal. For ex: I have a 5th house in sagittarius, so I need to look at my jupiter, sagittarius ruler, who is in scorpio in the 4th house. For this, I indicate for you to look at the modern rulership, but in case you don't identify with the characteristics, look at the traditional ruler.
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seat-safety-switch · 11 months
I've spoken about it many times before, but being a handyperson is a sort of curse. Once you can fix things, then it's hard to give up on fixing things. There are lots of broken objects in my home that would have been better off lining the inside of a dumpster, rather than been blown apart my living quarters for months on end while I traced some ultimately-irredeemable fault that would only fill me with rage when I found it.
Of course, nobody expected that when all the rich people left for the space station, taking capitalism with them, folks down here would just plain ol' stop working. All the factories went dormant as we realized our bosses were powerless without their bosses. Now if something broke, you'd have to come crawling to a local repair person. Can't just go buy something new from the store, where nobody wants to spend their days working so they can show you which box to buy. Nothing on the shelves anyway. Gotta fix what you have. Cruel warlords like myself now held sway over an entire neighbourhood at a time, using our exotic powers of "knowing which way to turn a screwdriver" and "put some grease on it."
Now, I spend all my days fixing other peoples' things, as opposed to before, when I spent all my time fixing my own things. Don't worry, it's not a bad life. I get paid in food, mostly, although some neighbours have offered me now-worthless money and gold bars.
Sometimes I think about heading down to the park, enjoying humanity's first free days since the industrial revolution. Art, poetry, music, free love, hand-churned ice cream: these are all things they took from us. Then I realize that the park rangers expected their sprinkler array fixed a couple weeks ago, and I can't well show my face there if it's still leaking through the improvised cork o-rings I had to make for it.
At night, I look up at the sky and see the exhaust of the space station glowing as it ejects spent rods from the reactor. I think about the mean-time-before-failure statistics of the oxygen scrubber. I wonder if they have anyone good at repairs up there. Probably not, but I'm sure they can tell someone to tell someone to make a new scrubber from the materials they don't have in their superterran prison. More valuable skill, that one.
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prettyboypistol · 7 months
merc Valentine headcanons if you're up for it?
no art for this post because I've posted 3 times todayyyy
ridiculously corny and a tryhard- you're getting the whole shebang with him! Flowers, dinner(?), a teddy bear!
gets really frustrated/anxious when things don't go exactly as planned
you thought his planned pick up lines were cheesy? just wait til you put him on the spot. You could probably quote them all from specific books of pick up lines.
He'd make an honest effort to try and romance you- but nothing would really turn out as you would expect traditionally. With your luck, the date will be fighting a pack of bears for more of his honey stash!
In the end though, you can tell through Jane's actions that he loved you with all his heart. Even if the romance was a bust, he's still going to be your ride or die forever!
The day would end with you two covered in various ratios of blood and honey staring at the setting sun. So I guess that's a win?
Doesn't really have a concept of Valentine's Day, but once explained to them, they are so on board with pampering you the entire day!
Of course, the way to make their day is to just relax by a bonfire and snuggle up next to a radio.
They give you one of your shirts back as a gift- only to see that they embroidered little rings of fire around the cuffs! (who let them touch needles????)
definitely a lot more relaxed about valentines than most of the other more "passionate" mercs, but he's still earnestly sweet nonetheless.
His gift to you is a little music box he made and a rose he welded together out of sheet metal.
Dell probably had your gifts done ahead of time then subsequently forgot what day it was (you had to remind him of the dinner date that you two planned earlier that week)
Mikhail lust loves kissing and loving on you, he will play coy about valentine's day until the evening, where he spoils you senseless.
Dinner and drinks get shared over a movie and cuddles. Nothing feels better than your big teddybear of a boyfriend and the smell of mulled wine as you laugh at some stupid movie you two are barely paying attention to.
Once you fall asleep in his arms he murmurs poetry to you in Russian, all of them written just for you.
He... well, honestly, he kinda blows it.
He remembered the special day, but he's really just lackluster. Valentine's day is just another day to him and he thinks he doesn't need a specific day. When he realizes that you are hurt, he overhauls it in the next few days. He shows off the multimillions that he actually does make and pampers you rotten.
Apologies and kisses and wonderful dinners aside, Tavish holds you close and murmurs just about how much he loves you.
He trained his doves to do little tricks just for youuuuu awww
Remember that shitty ex you had? Yeah, that's their heart. Mhm. Yep. Go ahead. Stab it. :) (Gift giving, act of service, quality time)
Puts a record on and dances you around the medical room with little kisses and flirtatious lines of how cute you look when you're flustered and trying not to step on his feet.
Romance KING! The fright of commitment is still there and paralyzing at times, but he powered through it for you! After all, you see him at his worst every day and to see him, he is slightly more comfortable to be honest with you.
Roses and a bottle of wine are in your room, along with a card signed by "Your handsome rogue"
You two go to dinner and then to his smoking room to really relax, those parfaits were perfectly handmade just for you two.
He invites you out to camp with you and hunt, but he really liked showing off his survival skills in front of you. You ever had gator?
Mick loves cooking in front of you and really putting on a show. It feels like the one time he can really accept praise is when you look in awe.
Everything is done for you whenever you try to do something. Making coffee? "Nah love, I'll get it." Your back hurt? "Lay down, chickadee, I'll give you a massage."
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thealtoduck · 3 months
Being the Son of Calliope, headcanons…
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PJO x Male Reader (No romantic pairing)
Warnings: None…
Summary: You’re the son of the goddesss of epic poetry and eloquence and One of the Nine Muses…
(A/n: I know I was meant to work on other stuff but I got distracted.)
(Song is unrelated to the story but it felt Muses coded so…)
You were the only half-blood at camp related to one of the Muses, specifically Calliope, the Goddesss of Epic Poetry and Eloquence.
When you had gotten to camp you used to stay in Cabin 11, even though you’d been claimed, there was no cabin for you. So you ended up bunking with Travis Stoll.
But after the war with the titans and Percy’s demands to Zeus to the gods, a cabin dedicated to the Nine Muses had been built.
You being made the counsler… not that there were any other options…
The cabin was great tho, it was decorated with statues and carvings of the muses and their symbols. There were paintings hung of their famous demigods too such as Orpheus, Hyacinthus and Linus
The cabin had a big book case with novels, plays, comedies, tradgedies, poetry. A soundproof dance studio, a spundproof music room with a bunch of instruments, a sky window to study the stars.
Basically everything associated with the Muses.
If you had a nickel for everytime someone had tried to pick you by saying ”you were their muse” or that ”you had inspired” the poem, song or novel they wrote… you’d be richer than Hades.
You were particullarly popular amongst the Apollo cabin who seemed to think you were some kind of key to overcome creative blocks. Will Solace, their counselor, needed to keep them in check since they all seemed interested in you in one way or the other.
Athena’s and Hephaestus’s cabins were also drawn to you for your creativety.
You would however end up being paired with the Apollo cabin to lead the campfire sing-alongs, you usually end up with a solo song telling the dramatic story of some greek hero.
Imagine something like ”The Gosphel Truth” from ”Hercules”, with the Apollo cabin acting as you back up singers.
As for your powers, you were far from the strongest of demigods, but you were by no means weak.
You had a natrual talent for the arts, singing, dancing, poetry, instruments, etc…
As the son of the goddess of Eloquence you could cast minor short lasting curses on people that would effect their speaking, that could for example cause them to only speak in rhymes and limericks or make them unable to finish long sentences before drifting off.
Your swordfighting style would be noted by the other campers to be quite different, while they fought normally with their swords, Percy described your style more as a ”VERY deadly and sharp dance”.
Being related to the muses you also had an aura that could induce inspiration and creativity in someone (so maybe the Apollo cabin was on to something with their interest in you).
Though that power worked both ways as you could also curse someone with creative block.
Unlike most demigods, you’re mother showed up quite often to advice you whenever you had a problem… and she didn’t come alone.
Let’s say you’re in your cabin and you’re sad after having an argument with a friend.
Well… then all the 9 statues of the Muses in the cabin come to life and start singing a pop-soul number about why friendship is important and you should make up with your friend.
It’s was quite terrifying the first few times it happened but you get used to it after a while.
Being one of the Muse’s son is pretty much like being all of their son.
(A/n 2: Sorry, this is shorter than i usually write and is more so a collection of small headcanons for a Son of Calliope!Reader than a full on fic.)
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Not sure if you've answered something like this before, but how do I write "prettier" sentences? I know one thing that will help would be expanding my vocabulary, but a thesaurus only seems to get me so far. I feel like when I write, especially when I'm describing things, my sentences are so basic. Idk if this makes sense, if it doesn't I can try and find examples from other writers to help describe what I'm talking about!
How to Write "Prettier" Sentences
Pretty prose is something many writers aspire to, however, it's not as easy to achieve as looking up words in a thesaurus. It's something you have to train yourself to do through both learning and practice.
Learn By Reading/Listening
First and foremost, making sure you're reading/listening to a variety of books and stories is essential if you want to learn how to craft prettier prose. Reading and listening to stories helps train your brain to: recognize the cadence of pretty prose, understand the structuring of pretty prose, understand how to craft meaningful imagery, and fills your head with vocabulary.
Expanding Your Vocabulary
Vocabulary is also an important component of crafting pretty prose. Following web sites, pages, and apps that have a "word of the day" (like the Merriam-Webster website) is a great way to learn new words. You can also purchase a word-of-the-day desk calendar for 2024. Some writers like to flip open the thesaurus every day on a random page and read a few random words. You can also read creative articles in newspapers, magazines, websites, etc. to learn new words. You can also look up the specific vocabulary for something you're describing, like if you're describing a house, you can look up the architectural style and general architectural terms to learn how to describe specific things like the style of home, the trim, the windows, etc. Finally, in addition to the thesaurus as a source of new words, you can add other word references to your collection, such as The Describer's Dictionary, the Random House Word Menu, The Writer's Lexicon, etc.
Learning Poetic Cadence and Imagery
Listening to music/reading song lyrics, and reading/listening to poetry are great ways to teach your brain how to craft descriptive imagery. Poetry has to say a lot with few words, so it helps you understand the power of using just the right words in just the right way.
Effective Description is Important
Effective description is of course another piece of the puzzle. Not all writing is description, but a lot of pretty prose is descriptive. So, when you're describing things in your story, make sure to consider the senses--what can be seen, heard, tasted, smelled, felt/touched? You don't want to incorporate all of that into the description of one thing, obviously, but if your character is walking into a forest, considering all of those things can help you come up with a vivid, beautiful description. Sometimes, looking for photos or videos of the thing you want to describe can be helpful, too.
Practice Makes Perfect
And last but not least: practice. Once you've started to train your brain using the methods above, when you go through a draft to revise it and come to a sentence that needs sprucing up, try out different things that you've learned. Don't go overboard with the thesaurus, but perhaps your sentence describes twinkling stars... is there another word you could use instead of twinkling that's more surprising and vivid? The thesaurus suggests: glimmering, shimmering, sparkling, blinking... cross-checking each of these in the dictionary shows they're all appropriate choices for describing the twinkle of a star. You can also read the sentence out loud to listen to the cadence... are there longer or shorter (yet appropriate) words you can use instead to make the sentence more lyrical? Improving your sentences in editing helps you learn to craft pretty sentences as you're writing them the first time.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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girlkisser13 · 21 days
dating klaus hargreeves would include
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• klaus loves to take you on spontaneous and unconventional dates. from late-night walks through empty streets to exploring abandoned buildings, each outing would feel like a mini-adventure.
• he isn’t one for structured romance, so expect lots of random hugs, kisses, and cuddles. he’d always find a way to touch you, whether it's holding your hand, resting his head on your shoulder, or intertwining your fingers with his.
• you’d need to have a good sense of humor and be comfortable with dark, often morbid jokes. klaus would use humor as a way to cope with his past traumas, and he’d appreciate someone who could laugh with him, even at the bleakest of times.
• over time, he would open up to you about his ability to see the dead, his struggles with addiction, and his fears. your relationship would deepen as he slowly lets you into the parts of his life that he usually keeps hidden.
• despite his carefree nature, klaus would be surprisingly protective of you. he’d be the first to stand up for you in a confrontation and wouldn’t hesitate to use his powers if it meant keeping you safe.
• being with klaus would inspire you to be more creative and think outside the box. His unconventional approach to life would challenge you to see things differently, and you’d often find yourself getting involved in his artsy and eccentric projects.
• klaus is full of surprises, and he’d love to keep you guessing. from surprising you with your favorite takeout when you’re having a bad day to bringing home a stray animal because he felt sorry for it, life with klaus would never be boring.
• he has a unique way of showing love. It might be through acts like letting you wear his favorite band t-shirt, insisting you join him on a spiritual retreat, or simply holding you close after a nightmare.
• klaus is known for his mood swings, often shifting from joy to sorrow in the blink of an eye. dating him would mean riding this emotional roller coaster with him. you’d become skilled at reading his moods and knowing when he needs comfort or space.
• your home is a reflection of klaus’s eclectic personality. it is filled with mismatched furniture, various thrift store finds, and an array of colorful decor. klaus’s style would make your space feel more like an artistic expression than a conventional living area.
• klaus has a love for music, and your relationship would be filled with impromptu dance parties. he’d put on his favorite records and pull you into the middle of the room, dancing with abandon. these moments would be some of the happiest, where you both let go of everything and just enjoy each other’s company.
• you're the first person who has made him feel important and valued. you listened to him, allowed him to be himself, and never judged him.
• klaus is dramatic by nature, and your life together would be filled with theatrical gestures. he’d quote poetry at random moments, declare his love in over-the-top ways, and make even mundane tasks feel like scenes from a play.
• you’d develop a collection of inside jokes that no one else understands, creating a bond that feels private and unique. klaus would also love giving you nicknames, often humorous or slightly outlandish, to make you smile.
• he 100% calls you pookie.
• klaus has had struggles with addiction, so if he’s working on staying sober, your support would mean the world to him. you’d encourage him through difficult times and celebrate his victories, no matter how small. your patience and understanding would be key to helping him stay on track.
• you're his anchor; the one who grounds him when the chaos of his life becomes overwhelming. <33
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harmoonix · 1 year
Peaceful Astrology Observations
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Venus - Ascendant aspects make the native to come as pretty and charming, most of times these natives have something unique about their style and the way they dress. They can also show and embody an gracious personality 🌺
Venus - Mercury aspects can make the native to be gifted/talented artistically and to have talents or interests involving art, music, poetry, acting and so on.. singing and acting (or voice acting) can be very good since those people have really magnificent voices 🌺
Saturn - Mars aspects natives have really a great body and muscles, men with this aspect usually tend to be muscular or to have muscles/abs early in life. If you want to go to the gym and have this aspect, it can help you to gain muscles fast and also these natives have a great body structure 🌺
Moon in Scorpio/8th house can make the native to have trust issues because most people with those aspects were betrayed in the past so be sure they won't trust new people coming in their life that easy 🌺
Mercury in the 8th house/Scorpio/Sagittarius/Gemini can literally talk about all topics going around without shame, even taboo things. Is actually very admirable because they can talk about literally everything without being ashamed for that 🌺
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Scorpio and Aquarius Risings both have this "Sirene eyes" thing, usually because they look very promising and intimidating. Don't blame them tho they know how it works 🌺
Capricorn and Cancer Risings on the other side have this "Doe eyes" because of their angelic face features and these people are attractive and attract people very fast cuz' of this thing 🌺
Sagittarius and Taurus Risings have this pretty body figure thing and a very nice appearance due to their nature and personality these people can catch your attention very fast 🌺
Virgo and Gemini Risings have something very unique about their voices, their voices might also been very pleasant to hear and these people are very good at communicating their feelings which is so good because they will always tell you what made them upset or why they are in a bad mood. They can also be very expressive while communicating and like "going straight to the point" 🌺
Pisces and Libra Risings both have this "dreamy" eyes kind of thing, you can get lost in their eyes and their magnetism 🧲. These natives are soooo charming and is so hard to not fall for them (Boys with those Risings are getting shy fast😍). 🌺
Aries and Leo Risings both have this "dominant" energy power upon others like you can feel they are so strong, when they enter in a room all eyes are upon them and people usually tend to call them out for being very beautiful 🌺
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18+ Jupiter - Mars/Venus aspects can amplify the native's libido and make it to be more sensual/to seek more for sensuality and intimate
18+ Neptune - Mars/Venus aspects on the other side can make the native to have sexual/intimate dreams and to think a lot about sex but can also create an illusion of what sex is for them. (Attention for those with Mars - Neptune aspects can sometimes have dreams about violence and aggression)
Earth Moons have this thing for nature aesthetic and them being nature lovers is better 1000x times because these people need the connection with mother earth and seeking for better understanding of their inner worlds
Virgo Placements/Saturn in the 6th house can struggle a lot of with anxiety/panic attacks and in some cases even overthinking, they tend to stress a lot, sometimes stressing over little things and making them agitated.
Neptune/Uranus - Moon aspects can have something unique about the way they express their feelings, Neptune - Moon aspects tend to express their feelings with emotions while Uranus - Moon aspects tend to express their feelings based on the mood they have.
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It's been some days since i posted my last post and i wanted to make a new one 🌺 aesthetic - nature kind of thing, i love those nature inspired gifs i think they are amazing! 😍
I hope you all have a good day and a lot of blessings for the news days and week coming!🌺
For those who are at school/highschool and have exams soon i wish you very much luck!🌺
Harmoonix 💋
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agirlwithglam · 5 months
Motivation: things to like about these subjects
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Isn’t math kinda magical in a way? See, the thing about math is that it’s the same in every country! Every equation, no matter how hard or complex or long, can easily be broken down into much easier ones, (like simple adding, multiplying, dividing, or subtracting) Once you know what’s going on, it’s not really that hard. (+ take cute notes!!)
Ookay, honestly? Science is genuinely so interesting! How your body works, how plants create their own food, how the whole solar system was made/ operates, whether there’s other life out there, chemical reactions & experiments? If you actually tried to be fascinated by it, you’ll be surprised how incredible it all is! (+ take cute notes!!)
Me personally, I loveee English. You can too by trying to romanticise it!
If you’re doing poetry, like what’s there not to like? Poetry is such a beautiful language, it’s a way of expression through gentleness.
Writing short stories? This is my favourite. You can write it about anything, the possibilities are endless! Doesn’t it excite you?
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Don’t try to remember facts and dates of events, try to learn the story behind it. You’ll find that it actually becomes so much more interesting if you remember the story, the emotions, the plots of the event.
Romanticising: hot chocolate or some hot coffee, studying at home, hair in a messy bun, playing some classical music in the background.
(+ also in class when you’re taking notes, you can doodle pictures of the people (stick figures for me lol), how they’d feel like or events on the side to add a bit of fun to it)
And honestly, history is such ‘romance subject’ (like arts, music, literature, languages)
Become good at it. If you don’t already have an interest in geography, then what helped me was becoming good at it. Paying attention during lessons, taking cute notes, etc. becoming good at it made it so much easier and less scary
This is also what I’d call a “Romance language”. Also dont you want to learn new languages? So many people decide to learn languages later in their lives because they find out it helps you in one way or another, but in school they’re already teaching it to you in the BEST WAY! Also knowing and being able to speak more than 1 languages fluently makes you SO powerful bc then you can speak in more countries. And also imagine how impressed people would be?!
Have fun with it! It mostly depends on what you are doing in your music lessons, but what you would normally be doing is learning/ practicing an instrument. Don’t be immature and play it at random times when the teacher is talking, but just have fun with it! Again, like i said earlier, so many people start to learn music so much later in their lives and here it is being handed to you on a silver platter. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!
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Art / art&design
Personally, I LOVE art!! It’s another “romance subject”. It’s a beautiful form of expression. Even though you may not be doing what you want to be doing, still have fun with it!! Be creative! And importantly: loosen up! Art, like beauty, is very very subjective. One person’s scribble can be another’s MASTERPIECE! So stop bring so worried with it being “correct”. Just have appreciation.
P.E (physical education/ sport)
I just don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t like PE. Like you don’t even have to learn anything, you just run around playing fun games. And as a bonus u get fit!
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xoxo, vanilla
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theyanderespecialist · 5 months
Base Yandere Apollo Headcanons: Sunshine Muse (Greek Mythology)
[Hello My Sexy Muffins, we are back with a new chapter and in this chapter, it is Apollo as a yandere. I hope that you all enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: To my knowledge, Apollo is not canon to be a yandere in greek mythology does not make him a great person though. Most gods from many mythologies played by different rules. They were Gods and were in the past and the past was a freaked place. Simping for greek gods and fictional yanderes is fine as long as you separate fiction from reality! Greek Gods and yanderes are not ideal partners to have, in real life.) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Apollo-
.Apollo is the god of divine distance—the god who made mortals aware of their own guilt and purified them of it, who presided over religious law and the constitutions of cities, and who communicated with mortals his knowledge of the future and the will of his father. 
.He was also a god of crops and herds and the sun. 
.He loved music, poetry, and dance. 
.He would watch the herds and play sweet music. 
.It was a simple life. 
.Though just like most gods Apollo was a frisky thing. 
.Chasing women around some transforming themselves into trees and such to just get away from him. 
.He also was an oracle seeing the future. 
.Now in the modern day he has a still love for music, mainly rock music. 
.He wakes up at sunrise every single morning and plays rock music. 
.You can see him in a leather jacket sunglasses and a smirk on his face. 
.He is a ladies' man and a player. 
.He knows he will never settle down. 
.Well that is at least what he thought he would not do. 
.That was until he met you a mortal who was at the same rock concert you were at. 
.You may have chosen to be there or dragged there by a friend either way you bump into the greek god in his human form. 
.He has smitten with you right away, trying to flirt with you and hit on you. 
.At the time you were not impressed by him. 
.He of course did would not take no for an answer. 
.He let it go though but you would consume his thoughts he could not stop thinking about you. 
.He used his powers to see into the future to see your future. 
.At the first time he did it you ended up with your partner happy and it made him so angry. 
.Who was this person that they thought they were worthy of you? 
.He could not stand it. 
.So he made it so he would change the future. 
.First, he worms his way into your life making him have a friendship with you. 
.Then he is the type of yandere that would not kill his rival, your partner right away. 
.No he is going to manipulate the situation so you start to not trust him and you and your partner start to resent each other. 
.He is a crafty yandere and has an advantage with seeing how things will play out. 
.When he finally gets your partner to break up with you he is the one there to help you back up and to make you feel loved. 
.He has manipulated all of this to make it so you accept his love. 
.He would deal with other rivals by making them commit unalive he is not taking any chance of any more rivals. 
.He would make music for you, as you are his muse. 
.He will also see you as his sunshine and the light of his life. 
.He is also a persistent yandere. 
.So it does not matter how long he has to pursue you, he will wear you down until you can no longer resist him and then you will be his and his alone. 
.So it does not matter if you say yes or no he will wear you down and chase you like the sun chases the moon. 
.You are his sunshine after all. His muse.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!] 
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lyralit · 1 year
romanticizing academia writing prompts in honour of @lovelaceandco
cramming for your test the next day the night before: sheets and sheets of scrap paper, pacing around to get the ideas right, muttering to yourself and glancing between your notes and the presentation
writing the same notes over and over to get it in your brain
teachers that can quote poetry off the top of their heads & students who will sit around to listen
holed in your room for hours with impromptu music breaks and a hot drink going cold
academic rivals (because who doesn't love them) Anne-and-Gilbert-style:
"what did you get" and not hiding your grades when you did do better;
trading away the coveted position for a job you know they will do better at and you will love less & congratulating them for the awards they win and they you;
bringing them notes for a class they missed despite them being your competition
prioritizing your friendships.
school skirts in the dead of winter, cardigans buttoned loosely
having an idea in the middle of the night and getting up so it won't escape you again
going down research rabbit holes on topics much different from where you began
joining competitions that require studying for the sake of learning;
doing it all for the sake of learning
weeping over grades only to grit your teeth and promise to do better
sneaking in women in suits and powerful women here because academia is indispensable without them
burning energy in between-class exercise: sprinting down the hallways and climbing up the stairs to the old building; swim practice before and after school; chasing the wind out the doors as the final bell rings
getting swept away writing research papers on subjects you didn't know interested you; writing much more than you expected you would
finally understanding a subject that kept evading you; the click when everything finally fits into place
a braid falling out of place and smudged lipstick
the wide-eyed mania after emerging from a particularly grueling subject
jumping from club to fair to meeting
strings of code and students gathered around a singular laptop, muttering to themselves in hopes of finding their error
looking for a book in the library and finding a dozen that interest you
a dazed student stepping back from a chalkboard of illegible handwriting; triumphant with their answer
one student arriving early and working quietly in the commons; their classmates trickle in one by one, making small conversation, until the place is full and the sun is high in the sky
inside jokes in Latin from the ancient studies class you dropped two years ago
thick coats in the winter, jackets zipped tight while you run for cover in the snow with your precious work, ringed hands around warm mugs, cheeks flushed dark, snow on lashes
the golden rainbow of fall, the crimson trees on your way home, the traffic lights lit up through rainy windows, coffee and early mornings, chemistry trips to the ravine, catching the sunset after classes
spring flowers breaking through snow, baked goods and getting the hang of things, lazy spares in the common room, hoodies and boxy headphones, warm enough for the nice shoes, the soft patter of rain, the chirping birds
the last stretch before summer, unbuttoned collars, legs slung on furniture and frantic note-taking anywhere possible, eyes fluttering closed, chasing down the bus on the way home, rolled-up sleeves and tucked-back hair, "okay so".
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1111jenx · 1 year
what are underrated fame indicators?
This is a lot of fun! Lets dive right in:
Some Underrated Fame Indicators:
Cancer Rising: To me personally, this is an extremely underrated fame indicators. With their MC being placed in Aries, people may forget that these people are HUGE trend-setters, go-getters and can attract attention effortlessly. Especially if their Moon and MC ruler is well aspected! Cancer Rising to me just simply radiate this influential yet ethereal and very relatable energy, this is the aspect where these people, despite being famous, doesn't feel out of reach to their audiences and can easily gain the masses' love. Cancer is often associated with nurturing, mothering, and caregiving. A Cancer Rising individual might exude a protective and caring aura, making them approachable and trustworthy in the eyes of the public. This can be especially beneficial for roles or positions that require a sense of reliability and trust.
Pisces Rising: Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality. This gives Pisces Rising individuals a mysterious and ethereal quality that can be very alluring. Their presence might be felt more as an undercurrent rather than an overt display of charisma. Pisces is often associated with the arts, especially music, film, and dance. Many Pisces Rising individuals have a natural talent in these areas, and their unique perspective can lead to groundbreaking work that captures the public's attention. Unlike more fiery and assertive rising signs, Pisces Rising individuals might not seek out the spotlight aggressively. However, when they do find themselves in it, their genuine and unassuming nature can be a refreshing change and draw people to them.
Venus 3rd House: Ahh I have discussed this before but the 3rd house, another social house, is soooo underrated comparing to the 11th house haha! The 3rd House also relates to one's immediate social environment and connections. Venus here can indicate favorable relationships with peers, neighbors, and especially siblings. These positive relationships can provide support, opportunities, or collaborations that lead to public recognition. Venus is also associated with the arts. In the 3rd House, this can manifest as a talent for writing poetry, lyrics, or any form of artistic communication. Such individuals might have a knack for creating beautiful prose or scripts that resonate with audiences. While some astrological placements indicate worldwide fame, Venus in the 3rd House might bring popularity or recognition in one's immediate community or local environment. This can be through local media, community events, or social networks.
Mercury sextile/trine Venus: This blend of communication and aesthetics can lead to success in media-related fields, such as journalism, broadcasting, or acting. The individual might have a knack for presenting information in a way that is both informative and aesthetically pleasing. Mercury sextile or trine Venus can also indicate an ability to learn languages with ease and grace, which can open doors to international fame or recognition!! Venus bestows a natural sense of social etiquette and grace. When linked harmoniously with Mercury, this can translate to excellent networking skills, allowing individuals to build beneficial relationships in their professional fields.
Pluto-ASC harsh aspects (conjunctions, square, oppositions): This is a very fascinating one to me! As individuals with this aspect often undergo significant personal transformations throughout their lives. These transformations can be public and can captivate an audience, leading to increased attention or fame. Going back to that idea, Pluto's energy, especially in hard aspects, can sometimes be associated with controversy or taboo subjects. While controversy can be challenging, it can also bring fame or notoriety. Pluto's association with power can make these individuals influential in their fields. They might be seen as trendsetters or as people who bring about change.
Aquarius Sun: Not sure if you guys expected this haha but I think it should definitely be discussed!! Aquarius is known as the sign of the humanitarian. Many Aquarius Sun individuals are drawn to social causes and activism. Their dedication to making the world a better place can lead to public recognition and respect. Those with their Sun in Aquarius might be at the forefront of technological advancements or digital trends, leading to fame in these sectors as well. Interestingly, instead of traditional media, Aquarius Sun individuals might find fame through unconventional means, such as viral internet content, niche communities, or unique platforms. While they might not seek out the spotlight aggressively, once Aquarius Sun individuals gain a following, it's often fiercely loyal. Their genuine and consistent nature can create a dedicated fan base or audience:D
Sun opposite Moon: The opposition can lead to a profound emotional depth and self-awareness. This can be channeled into creative endeavors, making their work deeply resonant and relatable to audiences. This creates a dynamic and multifaceted personality. These individuals often possess a captivating duality that can draw attention and intrigue. The struggle to balance and integrate opposing parts of oneself is a universal experience. People with this aspect might openly grapple with this tension, making them relatable and authentic in the eyes of the public. Point blank being extremely comforting for others!! The Sun represents the public self, while the Moon represents the private self. This opposition can lead to a life where one's private matters become public or where there's a significant interplay between public and private life, often seen in the lives of celebrities:D
Mars in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th): Mars in water houses gives individuals a deep emotional drive and passion. This can be channeled into their work, making it deeply resonant and impactful. Their creations, whether in art, music, or other fields, can touch audiences on a profound emotional level. The water houses are often associated with hidden or subconscious themes. Mars here can indicate a hidden reservoir of strength and resilience, allowing individuals to overcome challenges and rise to prominence against the odds. The 8th house, in particular, is associated with transformation and rebirth. Mars here can lead to intense and transformative conflicts or challenges that, when overcome, lead to significant growth and public recognition. With Mars in the 4th house, there's a strong drive related to home, family, and roots. This can translate into public ventures related to real estate, family businesses, or anything connected to one's heritage or background. Mars in the 12th house can give an individual a mysterious allure. Their actions might be behind the scenes or not immediately visible, but when they come to light, they can captivate the public.
Sun aspecting Neptune: The combination of the Sun and Neptune can give an individual a dreamy, mysterious, and ethereal charisma. They often possess a magnetic allure that can't be easily defined, drawing people to them. In the world of film, theater, or any profession where "illusion" or "make-believe" is central, these individuals can excel. They can effortlessly slip into different roles or personas, making them exceptional actors or performers. The visionary qualities of Neptune combined with the Sun's drive can make these individuals ahead of their time. They might introduce ideas, trends, or concepts that are initially misunderstood but later gain widespread acceptance. Neptune's compassion and desire for unity can drive Sun-Neptune individuals to champion humanitarian causes, leading to public recognition for their efforts.
Here are some that I can think of on the top of my head:D Thank you for such a great question beautiful!
saint jenx
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