#this is not a piece of art keep your watermarks off
I want to fucking scream, I spent hours working on a resume so I can get out of this shithole and lo and behold there's a goddamn watermark
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cookii-moon · 1 year
can’t stress this enough but I’m sure some of you have seen this person around lately
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this account basically takes ninjago art (or what they think is ninjago art) from artists all around the internet without permission and posts them on their account in batches. When asked if the art was theirs, they said yes
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This is a bold faced lie. Whoever this person was didn’t take the time to remove watermarks and it’s incredibly obvious they’re stealing other peoples work. Some watermarks are blatantly obvious.
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One of them wasn’t even ninjago art, it was ATLA art I believe.
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Included the full image for this one so y’all can see the account for proof (though honestly you could easily go to the account and find one with somebody else’s watermark within seconds) and also see how this person is gaining off of other peoples work. This stolen art should NOT have 35 notes.
Don’t support this person. Support the actual artists the art belongs to. Many of them can be found by the watermarks!
I recommend people block them, or if you want to keep an eye on the situation I recommend you always check the account posting the art before liking or reblogging right now. Going off of style or recognizability will NOT help you because they’re stealing from other artists with various art styles - and some of them are also here on tumblr.
I don’t like doing this and I don’t know how many people it’ll even reach but PLEASE be careful of who you support right now.
It also goes to show that you might want to do background checks if someone is acting suspicious! Obviously don’t make your judgement off of a vibe but if someone is posting with little to no words and just posting art at insane frequencies with watermarks or styles that don’t seem to line up, maybe you should look into it before supporting them. Of course, sometimes it’ll be a false alarm, but it’s better to be safe than sorry!
It’s not just this person, I’ve noticed other instances of art theft recently, so I would also like to remind artists to watermark their works!
My recommendation is to have an obvious watermark that people WILL see if it gets stolen by someone careless (I.e like this instance) and I recommend having it overlap with several different colors and shading and such so that it’s more difficult to edit out. I also might recommend hiding smaller watermarks inside your work that are less obvious so that if more careful people do edit out the first watermark, you can still have a fail safe.
UPDATE: Im pretty sure the main person behind the theft was either banned or deleted their account. I will be keeping this up for a bit so people can learn from this instance. While the original person is gone, art theft is still something that can and will happen. Let this be a reminder that you should always watermark any art you post to the internet if you don’t want it stolen! An unwatermarked piece of art is harder to trace back to the artist than a watermarked one. Even if watermarks can be removed, they discourage people from theft. If a work has no watermarks, people can and will try to get away with it, and the only way anybody will know is if they’ve seen the original artist post the work before. Of course, some people might not care while stealing, but it will tell people something’s up.
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malecdiscordserver · 7 months
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Welcome to the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024: Presented by the Malec Discord Server
We are so excited to bring back another year of artists taking the reins, and writers finding inspiration with their incredible works.
You might be asking yourself, what is a reverse bang? The Shadowhunters Reverse Bang is a collaborative fandom event that combines fandom talents! Artists create never-before-seen art that writers will find inspiration in and create an entirely new story based off of, and together, they create magic.
Who can participate? In order to participate in this reverse bang, you must be a part of the Malec Discord Server. You must be over 16 to participate and over 18 to create explicit works.
All other rules and FAQs can be found here or underneath the cut!
The schedule as it currently stands is below. This schedule is subject to change depending on the situation. You will be notified of any changes.
Artists Sign-ups Open - March 9 Artist Sign-ups Closed - April 6 Writer Sign-ups Open - April 7 Artist Check-in #1 - Due May 1 Writer Sign-ups Closed - May 16 Art Submissions Due - May 16 Art Claims Open - May 18 Art Claims Closed - May 20 Matches Revealed - May 25 Writer & Artist Check-in - Due July 1 Writer & Artist Check-in - Due August 1 Final Check-in (Fics & Art Due) - August 25 Posting Begins - August 31
Artist sign-ups will open on Saturday, March 9th. Join the Malec Discord Server for an immediate reminder, or keep an eye on @malecdiscordserver!
General Rules:
You must be part of the Malec Discord Server to participate in this event.
You must be over 16 to participate and over 18 to create explicit works.
All content must be brand new and never before posted to any forum. All content must be polished and finished. No unfinished works or WIPs that you plan on continuing later will be accepted. Works that are added chapters/continuations of previously published works are not permitted unless they can be viewed/read as a standalone.
All AI content is prohibited.
Artists are asked not to talk about their projects until after claims with anyone participating in this event to keep writer claims fair.
All content must focus on Shadowhunters universe characters.
All Shadowhunters characters/ships are accepted. OCs/borrowed characters will be accepted as minor characters.
AUs and crossovers are accepted as long as the Shadowhunters characters are the main focus.
Content of any rating and subject matter is accepted, but participants must make sure to include any relevant warnings and properly tag their work.
No blatantly hateful content of any kind.
Artists must communicate readily with their assigned writer and vice versa. This is a collaborative effort and writers must be open to the ideas the artists have. The same courtesy is asked of artists.
When you sign up for this event you are making a commitment to yourself, the Mods, and your future partner(s) to meet all posted deadlines and to communicate with the Mods and your partner(s) regularly. Please don’t sign up for the event unless you are confident that you can fully participate and be honest with yourself about what you can commit to.
Please respect the Mods and anyone working with you throughout this event. Certain complaints may disqualify you from this event.
The password to make sure you understand all rules is SHRB24. Remember this when you sign up.
Artist Specific Rules:
Artists must create at least one finished project and no more than two finished projects for this event.
Accepted forms of submitted art include:
Digital/physical art: 1 piece, 500px minimum
Photomanipulation: 1 piece with significant editing
Gifsets: 4 gifs (without watermarks)
Moodboards: 6 graphics
Video: 1 minute
Playlists: 10 songs and a graphic
Abstract art/line art, original songs, and poems will also be accepted as long as the prompt given to accompany it gives a clear picture for the writer.
Artists are expected to be respectful of the writer’s ideas. Artists are expected to be in contact with their writers about specific changes/ideas they might have along the way.
Artists will need somewhere to host their work so that it can be embedded on AO3.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you are in need of stock images for your project please make sure that they are open source and that you provide the proper credits and sources. For gif creators using online gif makers, please remove watermarks before posting.
AI art is strictly prohibited.
Writer Specific Rules:
Writers must write a minimum of 4,000 words to participate in this event. There is no maximum limit but please keep in mind the time constraints of this event.
Writers are expected to be respectful of the artists’ ideas, likes, dislikes, and rating preferences. Writers are expected to be in contact with their artist about specific changes/ideas they might have along the way.
Writers must base their fics off of the art prompt they claim. For example, if the art features Clary as an art student, the fic should not be Malec-focused with Clary attending an art school in the background. The fic should be primarily about Clary being an art student.
Writers signing up for the event may not get their first pick when assigned art. Please be mindful of this! Ending your commitment because of this is not permitted and if you feel this will be an issue you should not sign up for the event.
Plagiarism and AI content will not be tolerated. All content must be the writer’s own original work.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I have to be a part of the Malec Discord Server to participate? All continuous communication for this event will be provided in a special category in the MDS. This includes all announcements, reminders, and ongoing requirements. If you want to join but don’t want access to the entire server, you can be given a Discord role based on your role in this event so the rest of the server is not accessible to you.
Sign-ups haven’t closed yet but I’m so excited about this challenge and really want to begin. Can I start working now? Artists are free to begin their piece(s) as soon as they read through the rules and requirements! Writers, unfortunately, will have to until they are matched with an artist, but we appreciate your enthusiasm for this event!
Can I sign up for more than one role? Absolutely. Many bang participants sign up for multiple roles as long as you believe you can complete all pieces before the assigned deadline(s).
What if someone doesn’t have a match? In the event that the art prompts outnumber writers, we will do several rounds of claiming so that every art prompt has a writer. If writers outnumber art prompts, we will open up the art prompts so that more than one writer is assigned to the same artist or ask artists if they are interested in completing more art. Every artist will be matched with at least one writer and vice versa.
What if I’m matched with an art prompt/partner I don’t want? The Mods (and most artists) would never want someone to create something that makes them uncomfortable, so if there is an art prompt that you don’t want to be matched with, don’t choose it during claims.
If you have any legitimate concerns about a partner (i.e. harassment or rude behavior), we ask that you please notify the Mods. Intervention by the Mods will not occur simply because of disliking story/design choices or the content they’re producing. Mods will not allow any rude or dismissive behavior by any participant. Please just be nice and work hard to help each other.
Can I repost old art or reuse/add to a WIP? No, All content must be brand new and never before posted to any forum. More on this in the rules.
What if I’m not around when claims occur? Claims will span three days and will not be on a first come first serve basis so as long as you are able to submit your interest in those three days, chances are you’ll be matched with one of your top three choices.
What if I’m not positive I can finish within the deadline? When you sign up for this event you are making a commitment to yourself, the Mods, and your future partner(s) to meet all posted deadlines and to communicate with the Mods and your partner(s) regularly. Please don’t sign up for the event unless you are confident that you can fully participate and be honest with yourself about what you can commit to.
What if something comes up after claims and I need to drop out? We understand that dropping out due to unforeseen circumstances can and will happen. We are/have always been very understanding when this happens and are willing to work with you. The quicker you let us know, the more options the Mods have.
How can I contact the Mods? Send us an ask on here or join the Discord server where we are more accessible.
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caswarrenart · 2 years
I know a lot of artists are antsy about art theft right now (myself included, I literally just had a terrible nightmare about fighting the physical manifestation of AI, The Mitchells vs The Machines style…). I can’t claim that any of these things can prevent it. But here’s a few things I’ve found useful:
Opening a free account on Pixsy.com. This website does a decent job at letting me know when my images have been reposted. 99% of the time, the results are just Tumblr-copying zombie websites that just repost everything that is already here. But, it’s sensitive enough that it alerted me when my old college posted my work. They were harmlessly using my stuff as an example of alumni work- but I was glad to be in the know, AND they had mistakenly credited my deadname, so I was able to reach out and correct that. I would have never have seen it otherwise. The website has subscription options, but you can ignore them and still use the monitoring services it provides.
Reverse image searching my most widely shared pieces on haveibeentrained.com. This website checks to see if your work has been fed to AI.
Looking up legal takedown letters and referencing them to draft a generic letter for my own use. This takes a bit of the stress off what is already a stressful and often time-consuming ordeal. Taking time to craft a Very Scary, Legally Threatening, Yet Coldly Professional Memo has been worth it.
Remaining careful about what and how I post online. My living depends on sharing my work, so I have to post it. I’ve learned through trial and error how to post lower resolution images that still look good, but aren’t easily used for anything beyond the intended post, and of course, strategic watermarking. Never, ever post full res, print quality stuff for the general public. Half the time it ends up looking unflattering on social media anyways, cause the files get crunched for being large. I try to downsize my images, while set to bicubic smoothening, to head that off. Look up the optimal image resolutions and proportions for individual sites before posting your web versions. For some work, cropping the piece, or posting chunks of detail shots instead of a full view, is a more protective measure.
Look out for other artists! Reach out when in doubt. Don’t steal from others. Learn the difference between theft, and a study/master copy/fanart/inspiration. Don’t assume that all posted art has the same intended purpose as a “how to” instructional like 5 Minute Crafts. Ask permission. Artists are often helpful and supportive towards people who want to study their work! And, the best tip-offs I’ve received have all been from other people who were watching my back. Thank you to everybody who keeps an eye out for my work, and who have been thoughtful enough to reach out to me when they see theft happening 💖 y’all are the real MVPs. All we have is each other.
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zytes · 6 months
Question from someone just starting with creating and then posting art to Tumblr, do you think I should be watermarking my pieces?
I’ve always disliked watermarks as they naturally tend to dissuade people from interacting with art in a natural manner; it depends very heavily on the size and placement of the mark, obviously. BUT, often times an artist will overzealously obscure their work with identification and it has a somewhat repulsive effect on the average viewer - a wall has been erected between the viewer and the art, in a sense. Watermarks, to me, exist to prevent very specific situations from unfolding with your work - almost all of those reasons seem to be financially motivated, like preventing strangers from printing your art out at home or reposting without attribution. Situations that could affect your ability to profit off of your work.
Admittedly, much of my perception about this issue was inspired by an article included in the book “Context” by Cory Doctorow, wherein he writes about how he’s benefitted from “thinking like a dandelion”, which is an idea that was inspired by conversation the author had with Neil Gaiman — I’ll try and summarize the parts of the point that are more relevant to visual arts; since portions of the allegory refer more specifically to certain qualities of written media.
He begins with, “Mammals worry about what happens to each and every one of their offspring, but dandelions only care that every crack in every sidewalk has dandelions growing out of it. The former is a good strategy for situations in which reproduction is expensive, but the latter works best when reproduction is practically free — as on the Internet.”
So how do you “think like a dandelion” then?
“Your work needs to be easily copied, to anywhere whence it might find its way into the right hands. That means that the nimble text-file, HTML file, and PDF (the preferred triumvirate of formats) should be distributed without formality — no logins, no e-mail address collections, and with a license that allows your fans to reproduce the work on their own in order to share it with more potential fans. Remember, copying is a cost-center — insisting that all copies must be downloaded from your site and only your site is insisting that you — and only you — will bear the cost of making those copies. Sure, having a single, central repository for your works makes it easier to count copies and figure out where they’re going, but remember: dandelions don’t keep track of their seeds. Once you get past the vanity of knowing exactly how many copies have been made, and find the zen of knowing that the copying will take care of itself, you’ll attain dandelionesque contentment.”
The rest of the allegory more specifically applies to written work, but I’ll link it here for the sake of posterity. Essentially: every wall or pre-requisite that you establish before allowing a fresh set of eyes to fall upon your work actually may deter people from engaging with the work and sharing it with others. Signatures, subtle watermarks that are “baked” into the work, or maybe like.. a well-placed QR code that links people back to you — all of those would be my suggestion for someone who wants to leave a lasting, linking thread between a given work and it’s artist. If the right person sees your art and connects with it, there SHOULD be a way for them to follow that thread back to you and discover more; but if you over-prioritize demonstrating ownership over your work, you’re likely to drive those coveted genuine connections away.
On the other hand, if your primary goal is to sell prints or other products, brazenly watermarking your work will protect your bottom line from the kind of low-level art-scraping that drives all those shady redbubble shops and etsy stores that sell stolen works on cheap t-shirts and hankies. For me, art is a primarily social interest in which I prioritize the sharing of culture and ideas. I don’t want financial factors to take precedence and alter how/why I created something; it feels like I’d have to take much of myself out of my art in order to make it palatable for consumer spaces.
You should determine your priorities and then strive to make art that fulfills those priorities without compromise. I think you’ll find that self-satisfaction manifests readily at different points in the midst of that process.
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xitsensunmoon · 1 year
Main FAQ
First of all, let's make it clear - this blog is my home. You're not a "customer" and you're not "always right", you are a guest. If you don't like anything that happens here, just leave, scroll away or block. I will not change anything just because you don't like it.
Before sending an ask, please also check my bio. Surprisingly a lot of people don't do even that. Let's go.
Can I use your work for a profile picture/wallpaper on my device? Can I print your stuff?
You can take my work for personal use if you don't get any profit from it. If it's online - credit me.
Can I dub/translate your comics?
Yes but with few conditions.
1. You credit me as an original creator. If it's a video you put the credits in the video, not in the description. If it's a post you put them in the post itself, not in the comments.
2. You do not put your watermark on my work/do not erase my watermark. You also don't colour it/don't "fix" it. It's my work and my work alone.
3. You do not change the dialogue/add phrases that weren't said by the characters. Again, it is my work, it's my interpretation and I will not tolerate you taking my work and changing it to your liking.
4. If you want to profit from my work - you don't have my permission.
5. You take down videos/posts with my work if I ask you to.
If any of these don't suit you - you don't have my permission.
Can I make an AI bot of your character?
Hard no. Roleplay bots are almost always using public fanfiction without the consent of the authors, not paying for their hard work but using it for profit, it's theft and I'm not going to contribute to that. I'm already considering removing my own bots from Character AI, as ch.ai still doesn't tell the public how they're training their bots so we'll see about that.
Anything that is absolutely off the table when sending an ask?
- Please don't vent to me. I'm not a professional phycologist and I never agreed to play the role of one. I also avoid questions like "I had a bad day, can you draw[ ]?" because after them my inbox becomes a venting place. Please seek professional help if you feel like every day is worse than the previous.
- Please do not send me anything NS///FW. As much as I can support suggestive content, explicit stuff will be immediately deleted and if you make me uncomfortable I probably will block you. No hard feelings but Tumblr is an SFW place for me. If you see me reblog something not SFW, it was probably made by my friend or with previous discussion and proper mature labels for everything.
Can I send you a DM, not an ask?
After some not-very-pleasant experiences that made me uncomfortable, I closed my DM's for everyone except my mutuals. But you're still free to send me asks about anything(within reasonable limits ofc).
Can I write a fic based on your art? Can I use your ideas in my works?
About ideas - ask first. I can get protective over one idea but completely don't care about the other one. If I said yes, credit me as an original source.
Can I draw a fanart/write you a fic?
Of course!! I'm absolutely happy to see anything! Also please tag me when you're done. If it's one of my au's - use specific tags for fanart so even if dumb Tumblr doesn't send me your tag, I will eventually bump into it browsing the tag!<3 (you can also tag me again if you think I didn't see your fan work, I absolutely don't mind!!) Also, feel free to drop an ask with a link too!
Can I tag you in other stuff?
As I already said you can absolutely tag me for any type of fan content(it doesn't even need to be yours). Memes are fine too, just don't do it every day alright?
Why don’t you answer my ask?
It can be one of these reasons:
1. I want to answer your ask with an art piece/comic. It takes time.
2. Your question contains spoilers so I'm keeping it for later when the truth can be revealed =]
3. I'm busy. Yeah.
4. I've already answered something similar/I don't want to answer your question so your ask got deleted.
When will you continue working on [insert whatever]?
When I can. I'm not pausing my things just to spite you. Most of the time I'm just busy or I simply don't have the energy to do anything. To everyone who says stuff like "oh well we've been waiting for a few months already!!" - I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to have fun and share it with other people and you're currently ruining it. I will block anyone who is doing this continuously.
Can you draw my characters?
For free? No, I don't accept requests like that. You can commission me though. When my commissions are open of course. I will open DMs when it happens.
What content are you okay/not okay with?
Admiring of any of these in real life: terrorism, racism, rape, war, sexism, misogyny, transphobia, homo/queerphobia, pedophilia, sex trafficking, mental illnesses. If the content tries to show how terrible these things are I am mostly okay with it.
Is there anything I should watch out for on your page?
Dark themes, suggestive themes, and sometimes negative ones. I'm not afraid to draw violence, blood and gore. Dark humour. In general, I don't recommend anyone who's under 16 to be here but it's always your responsibility for what you're about to see.
In your bio, it says russians DNI? Is it about every russian or only those who support the war?
I don't care if you're a good russian or not, I don't care about your opinions and worldview. I don't want you in here. I have no time nor desire to try and understand how good you are. As a Ukrainian, I have all the right to tell all russians and people who admire anything connected to them to go fuck yourself. It's my safe place and I don't feel safe with zz's in it. Do you feel like I'm being "too categorical"? Don't make it my problem and leave. End of conversation.
Even WITHOUT war context (which I actually huge and should NOT be ignored) this post explains pretty well why this boundary exists.
What is your stance on reposting your artwork/fics?
The only cases when I allow reposting are dubs/translations with credits and all the other rules that I mentioned earlier. In other cases, no, do not repost my artwork. Doesn’t matter if you credit, I said no.
I saw your art somewhere but I'm sure you weren't the one to post it.
I post on Tumblr and Tiktok, my nickname always contains "xitsen" in it. You also could possibly see the dubs of my stuff on YouTube, as I allow these. Please send me an ask with a link to the repost if it's somewhere else. I will try to solve the situation myself.
Can I use your work as a reference? Can I trace/copy it?
Reference? Yes. If it's very obvious - credit me too. Trace/copy? No. No. And no. It's straight-up stealing.
What pronouns do you use?
She/they. Please don't refer to me in masculine terms.
What art program(s) do you use? Drawing tablet? Brushes?
For art pieces 90% of the time it's Paint Tool Sai 2, sometimes Photoshop and Krita. For animations, it's rather Toon Boom Premium or Krita.
My tablet is fucking 6 years old, Wacom something. They don't sell these anymore so I couldn't even find the model lmao.
Brushes - standard SAI brushes, watercolour for shading and brush for line art. If it's textured I use my custom one, you can create it yourself if you use SAI.
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Don't mind the text quality please lmao. I literally had to copy it from Google for English translation. But the settings are mine yeah
Your "r" looks like "z"-
I know. Just let me be with my handwriting please lmao.
If you struggle with reading it this post with my alphabet can help you.
Why do you call [character] a whore??
It's an inside joke that suddenly became bigger than we expected. A silly, a funny, a goofy. It's not slut shaming if you thought it was. I love to joke about characters being whores in the most affectionate and lighthearted way possible even when the character clearly has no bitches. It even doesn't need to be sexual. Just a hee-hee ha-ha.
Probably gonna update it in future because I'm fucking sure I forgor something.
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runawaymun · 9 months
Okay. Third time just this week seeing my own art reposted and/or seeing my friends’ art reposted. I guess some people need a do’s and don’ts of sharing art. I’m tired of seeing this.
Reposting looks like:
Posting artwork that you took off of Pinterest, or other social media without permission from the artist to do so.
Yes. Even if it has the artist’s watermark
Yes. Even if you have tagged the artist and/or linked to their external page.
Why Artists don’t like it:
We have our own accounts where we’re posting our art, and would like those posts to receive engagement.
We didn’t consent to our art being reposted.
You are not entitled to repost someone else’s art and get likes/reblogs/retweets whatever on art that you did not make.
Read that again.
What you can do instead:
Understand that the vast majority of art posted to Pinterest is stolen. If you like a piece of art you see there, You can do a reverse google image search to try and find the original artist, or search up the name listed on the watermark if there is one. This usually takes about max 5 minutes to find the correct source.
Reblog/retweet/etc the art directly from the artist’s account. This means that the engagement goes to the artist! Happy artist!! We’ll make more art!!
If the artist is not on the social media platform that you are, you can ask them if you can repost to yours with credit.
If they say yes, feel free to post away! Just mention that you are posting with permission and make sure you keep your receipts in case someone asks
If they say no, fear not! You can still enjoy the art and share it with your friends. Just DM your friends links to the artist’s post! That way they still get the engagement and remain happy artists, and you and your friends get to enjoy art.
Once more: even if art is posted with linked or @‘ed credit — if it was not reposted with permission, it harms the artist. Cut it out.
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missis-maple394 · 6 months
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04pril-9inth D(@)Y (My birthday!)
Author’s comment:
Happy Birthday, to me! Yes It is my birthday, good day to you all! I want to say, thank you all so much for supporting all these years of following my art journey. It's far off, but I wanted to keep going and take frequent breaks. My biggest goal is to try working on personal projects to be published soon. I don't want anything in return, All I ask for greetings. If you are feeling generous, you can always go for donations via ko-fi, ask for commissions or make fan arts to tag me. It doesn't have to cost that much, or make big pieces out of it. As long as I'm happy, and you are too; I'm always appreciated it in the end. <3
Author’s note:
DO NOT start a roleplay using direct messages/comments & replies with my artworks.
DO NOT add your playful or direct rudeness to my posts such as replies, reblogged with comments, hidden tags and private messages.
DO NOT tag and marked as a kin/me/morally questionable content etc. Aesthetic or Inspiration tag is good enough.
DO NOT claim my artworks belong to you, and removing / cropping my watermarks away.
DO NOT sell my art for monetary profit.
DO NOT dub my artwork / comics, especially A.I. voicework.
Please DM me for inquiries such as commissioned work or reporting my artwork has been reposted or edited.
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Hii! If requests are open could I request Heath ledger’s joker with a digital artist s/o? They’re constantly ranting about their OCs and showing him drawings/animations of them, etc?
Hey hi anon 🖤✨
Mad respect to digital artists!! I love you each and every one of you and the work you share with the world!! Keep on keeping on!
As someone who can’t draw a straight line I be envious but I’ll stick to what I love. Which is why you’re here 🤭Let’s get into it! Please enjoy to your hearts content!
Joker is used to you bent over your drawing pad, stylus in hand (wrist brace on; carpal tunnel ain’t no joke! I know from experience 👀) that the visual of you is second nature to him when he walks through the door
He knows when you have your headphones on and your tongue is sticking a bit out of your mouth, that it’s drawing time.
Joker leaves you be until you come to him to ask for constructive criticism. J is always honest and tells you things no matter if it hurts
You shove the pad into his face and begin rambling about if the shading is off, are the lines too harsh? What about the anatomy because you HATE drawing (insert) maybe you should focus attention away from that by drawing a secondary figure?
“I could add more to the background or maybe soften the edges? What do you think? Should I just start over?”
Joker knows you’re the toughest critic regarding your own work so he genuinely tells you it’s great.
The shading is amazing and he personally likes the outline still visible through your signature style. It makes the whole piece feel more natural that way than full on illustrated (he’d hate for you to be called out for using AI) 🙄🙄 he’d probably kill someone for flaming you.
He subtly reminds you to add your watermark signature to the artwork in a unique way because you forget to when you critique your work so much.
You are constantly on your drawing pad day in and day out and it’s not the latest tech so… you run into a problem early on: it breaks.
You don’t tell Joker since you’re been saving up for a new one for a while now but…. you’re not quite at your goal. It’s all good, you take a break from drawing and focus on another skill
Rest assured Joker instantly notices you’re not drawing (how dare you; he adores your work!) and goes out and buys steals the most state of the art equipment for his bunny.
I’m talking a rig that the professionals use with all the bells and whistles. It’s already set up at your workstation the following morning and your head over heels thanking Joker with hugs and kisses
Joker fully supports your craft and knows it’s your source of income sooo he uses different accounts to commission you for the most random artwork so you stay getting paid and he helps you draw out of your comfort zone while ultimately improving as an artist
You are none the wiser and people start to notice your work with the endless flow of commissions Joker asks for.
He may or may not leave your username/digital card in the most random places across Gotham. It’s free exposure at this point.
Joker doesn’t get tired of listening to lore about your OCs and their world.
He knows so much about each character that Frost, Mac, and Neo are fully convinced they’re real people with how much J talks about them.
“OC’s name went viral the other day. I think it’s because of the new uhh, underwater.. ani-mation Y/n made. Very err crisp.”
“Is you talking about Y/n’s drawings?” Mac asked.
“It’s noT just a drAwINg!” Joker quickly defends your work.
Mac’s dumb comment prompted J to threaten ask them to pull out their phone and subscribe to your Pateron account. And it better be the highest tier or risk J’s wrath.
He pays them enough to afford a monthly subscription and it’s worth every penny
The four of them spend the rest of the night scrolling through your online portfolio. They oo and ahh over the hard work you created. You are beyond talented.
A low level goon knocked on the door and got their attention but was floored by the illustration shown up on the projector. It looked like a literal masterpiece. It was so detailed and some elements were animated, he asked for the artist’s link.
Joker was forever grateful you used a pseudonym for your work so he had no issues of your identity being compromised by association
Neo provided them your username, lith0useart, on all platforms and told them to get back to work. They did while spreading your work like wildfire amongst the others.
That same night you called J screaming in joy to tell him about all the new Paterons and commissions you got! You were on your way to being an artist full time and Joker couldn’t be more proud.
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lavsprout · 3 months
⭐ lavsprout commissions open ‼️
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🌷 YES 🌱 ocs, fanarts, ships, humanoid, etc. !
🌷 NO 🌱complex bg, mecha, nsfw, gore, furry, hateful content
🌷 Mode of Payment 🌱 paypal, gcash, kofi
🌙 Lineart
bust = $10
half body = $13
full body = $116
🌙 Flat Colored
bust = $11
half body = $14
full body = $17
🌙 Shaded
bust = $15
half body = $25
full body = $35
simple bg will cost additional fees.
transparent or flat colored bg are free!
payments will be done upfront or 50/50! (done before sketch, and after the finished piece!)
🍄 TAT ✨
3-10 days! but i generally try too be fast with orders unless something comes up, so don't worry!<3
1. All commissions are for PERSONAL USE only. Please note that I am not taking any commercial-use commission as of now!
✓ - Things that you are ALLOWED to do:
Posting it online, setting it as icons and/or banner as long as it is properly credited.
Printing it for your own use.
X - Things that you are NOT ALLOWED to do:
Profit off my artwork and reproduce it as merchandise.
Usage of art for any business related work.
Major editing or NFTs or AI usage.
Claiming it as your own and/or posting without proper credit.
2. I have the right to decline any commission without explanation.
3. I have full rights over my artworks. You are not allowed to claim, edit, trace, or copy my artworks without my permission.
4. I will be posting them on my social media sites with my watermark. Please tell me beforehand if you'd like to keep them private as to avoid any issues!
5. It will take 1-3 days to finish your commission. (May vary due to technical & personal issues.)
6. I will allow up to 3-4 revisions during these stages:
sketch (poses, expressions, props, etc.)
flat colors (base).
shading (minor changes).
if you're interested, please dm me! either here, or my other contacts, @/lavsprout in twitter, instagram, and discord:)
if you'd like to help me out, you can always donate through my kofi. of course, any amount is appreciated!! thank you so much 🫶
╰┈➤ https://ko-fi.com/lavsprout
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malecdiscordserver · 6 months
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Artist sign-ups for the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024: Presented by the Malec Discord Server are OFFICIALLY OPEN!
Artist sign-ups will close on April 6, 2024 at 8:00pm EST. That gives you three more weeks to read the rules, the FAQ, and the schedule to convince yourself to join.
We are so excited to bring back another year of artists taking the reins, and writers finding inspiration with their incredible works.
You might be asking yourself, what is a reverse bang? The Shadowhunters Reverse Bang is a collaborative fandom event that combines fandom talents! Artists create never-before-seen art that writers will find inspiration in and create an entirely new story based off of, and together, they create magic.
Who can participate? In order to participate in this reverse bang, you must be a part of the Malec Discord Server. You must be over 16 to participate and over 18 to create explicit works.
All other rules and FAQs can be found here or underneath the cut!
The schedule as it currently stands is below. This schedule is subject to change depending on the situation. You will be notified of any changes.
Artists Sign-ups Open - March 9 Artist Sign-ups Closed - April 6 Writer Sign-ups Open - April 7 Artist Check-in #1 - Due May 1 Writer Sign-ups Closed - May 16 Art Submissions Due - May 16 Art Claims Open - May 18 Art Claims Closed - May 20 Matches Revealed - May 25 Writer & Artist Check-in - Due July 1 Writer & Artist Check-in - Due August 1 Final Check-in (Fics & Art Due) - August 25 Posting Begins - August 31
Sign up as an artist here!
General Rules:
You must be part of the Malec Discord Server to participate in this event.
You must be over 16 to participate and over 18 to create explicit works.
All content must be brand new and never before posted to any forum. All content must be polished and finished. No unfinished works or WIPs that you plan on continuing later will be accepted. Works that are added chapters/continuations of previously published works are not permitted unless they can be viewed/read as a standalone.
All AI content is prohibited.
Artists are asked not to talk about their projects until after claims with anyone participating in this event to keep writer claims fair.
All content must focus on Shadowhunters universe characters.
All Shadowhunters characters/ships are accepted. OCs/borrowed characters will be accepted as minor characters.
AUs and crossovers are accepted as long as the Shadowhunters characters are the main focus.
Content of any rating and subject matter is accepted, but participants must make sure to include any relevant warnings and properly tag their work.
No blatantly hateful content of any kind.
Artists must communicate readily with their assigned writer and vice versa. This is a collaborative effort and writers must be open to the ideas the artists have. The same courtesy is asked of artists.
When you sign up for this event you are making a commitment to yourself, the Mods, and your future partner(s) to meet all posted deadlines and to communicate with the Mods and your partner(s) regularly. Please don’t sign up for the event unless you are confident that you can fully participate and be honest with yourself about what you can commit to.
Please respect the Mods and anyone working with you throughout this event. Certain complaints may disqualify you from this event.
The password to make sure you understand all rules is SHRB24. Remember this when you sign up.
Artist Specific Rules:
Artists must create at least one finished project and no more than two finished projects for this event.
Accepted forms of submitted art include:
Digital/physical art: 1 piece, 500px minimum
Photomanipulation: 1 piece with significant editing
Gifsets: 4 gifs (without watermarks)
Moodboards: 6 graphics
Video: 1 minute
Playlists: 10 songs and a graphic
Abstract art/line art, original songs, and poems will also be accepted as long as the prompt given to accompany it gives a clear picture for the writer.
Artists are expected to be respectful of the writer’s ideas. Artists are expected to be in contact with their writers about specific changes/ideas they might have along the way.
Artists will need somewhere to host their work so that it can be embedded on AO3.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you are in need of stock images for your project please make sure that they are open source and that you provide the proper credits and sources. For gif creators using online gif makers, please remove watermarks before posting.
AI art is strictly prohibited.
Writer Specific Rules:
Writers must write a minimum of 4,000 words to participate in this event. There is no maximum limit but please keep in mind the time constraints of this event.
Writers are expected to be respectful of the artists’ ideas, likes, dislikes, and rating preferences. Writers are expected to be in contact with their artist about specific changes/ideas they might have along the way.
Writers must base their fics off of the art prompt they claim. For example, if the art features Clary as an art student, the fic should not be Malec-focused with Clary attending an art school in the background. The fic should be primarily about Clary being an art student.
Writers signing up for the event may not get their first pick when assigned art. Please be mindful of this! Ending your commitment because of this is not permitted and if you feel this will be an issue you should not sign up for the event.
Plagiarism and AI content will not be tolerated. All content must be the writer’s own original work.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I have to be a part of the Malec Discord Server to participate? All continuous communication for this event will be provided in a special category in the MDS. This includes all announcements, reminders, and ongoing requirements. If you want to join but don’t want access to the entire server, you can be given a Discord role based on your role in this event so the rest of the server is not accessible to you.
Sign-ups haven’t closed yet but I’m so excited about this challenge and really want to begin. Can I start working now? Artists are free to begin their piece(s) as soon as they read through the rules and requirements! Writers, unfortunately, will have to until they are matched with an artist, but we appreciate your enthusiasm for this event!
Can I sign up for more than one role? Absolutely. Many bang participants sign up for multiple roles as long as you believe you can complete all pieces before the assigned deadline(s).
What if someone doesn’t have a match? In the event that the art prompts outnumber writers, we will do several rounds of claiming so that every art prompt has a writer. If writers outnumber art prompts, we will open up the art prompts so that more than one writer is assigned to the same artist or ask artists if they are interested in completing more art. Every artist will be matched with at least one writer and vice versa.
What if I’m matched with an art prompt/partner I don’t want? The Mods (and most artists) would never want someone to create something that makes them uncomfortable, so if there is an art prompt that you don’t want to be matched with, don’t choose it during claims.
If you have any legitimate concerns about a partner (i.e. harassment or rude behavior), we ask that you please notify the Mods. Intervention by the Mods will not occur simply because of disliking story/design choices or the content they’re producing. Mods will not allow any rude or dismissive behavior by any participant. Please just be nice and work hard to help each other.
Can I repost old art or reuse/add to a WIP? No, All content must be brand new and never before posted to any forum. More on this in the rules.
What if I’m not around when claims occur? Claims will span three days and will not be on a first come first serve basis so as long as you are able to submit your interest in those three days, chances are you’ll be matched with one of your top three choices.
What if I’m not positive I can finish within the deadline? When you sign up for this event you are making a commitment to yourself, the Mods, and your future partner(s) to meet all posted deadlines and to communicate with the Mods and your partner(s) regularly. Please don’t sign up for the event unless you are confident that you can fully participate and be honest with yourself about what you can commit to.
What if something comes up after claims and I need to drop out? We understand that dropping out due to unforeseen circumstances can and will happen. We are/have always been very understanding when this happens and are willing to work with you. The quicker you let us know, the more options the Mods have.
How can I contact the Mods? Send us an ask on here or join the Discord server where we are more accessible.
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thornwood-arts · 6 months
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Hey look, I remembered this account exists! I also actually made some art! It's been 884 years... (that was a typo but I'm keeping it)
Anyways! I made a clock! This is Night Jewel - but it'll brighten up your wall no matter what time of day it is!
Available on a range of products, not just clocks!, at my RedBubble shop
(I would apologise for the rather extreme watermarking but this is a piece of art that I am both really proud of and actually trying to make money off of and the internet has completely lost all my trust when it comes to NOT. STEALING. ART. so yeah)
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
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a little collection, all one right after the other, picked up last week, not sure why i didn’t post it then 🤷🏻‍♀️
i also saw a tweet saying that it shouldn’t even be called “art”, which… yeah, i agree. it’s scraping art and treating it as if it’s gum on the bottom of a desk and throwing it into a blender at a whim when it should’ve been put to good use and made a natural evolution of digital art—i keep saying it but it’s the biggest missed opportunity in the history of missed opportunities. ai had the potential to build upon digital art and to be worked with, but that’s not what’s happening, though. moreover, way too many people are doubling down and supporting it, often knowing the nefarious nature of it, which makes them complicit in the abuse of hard-working artists and their life’s work. i’ve also been seeing accusations of ableism against human artists—these comments are often oblivious to the fact that disabled artists have existed for centuries (look no further than frida kahlo)—even accusations of racism and sexism.
excuse me, but taking the art from a black artist or a female artist or a transgender artist or a guy who paints with his feet and using it without their consent in your k00l ai app is a million times more discriminatory than anything any artist has ever done (bonus if you know about all this but keep contributing to it—if anything, that’s worse).
even if you aren’t active in the art world, all this alone should piss you off.
i’m also seeing more things about slurs thrown at artists (”paintpig”, “drawslave”, and “drawcel” being only three examples), and i’d say “you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that” à la cosmo kramer, but i don’t think that’d suffice, tbh—as i said before, they almost feel like compliments, like yes! i am a drawslave! i am a slave to drawing and my craft! 😂
and yes, ai replacing humans has already long begun: go read about disney, and also book publishers like tor books. replacing human artists and their digital art with soulless robotic ai with watermarks included has already whupped up and let a bunch of diligent people go on their own for the sake of $$$$ and mass appeal. it’s very quickly approaching the point where, unless you have a very distinct, visceral style that’s heavy on textures and just looks different like mine, digital art made by a human being and a digital piece by a machine will have no distinction between each other, and traditional art will be the only truly human art left. mind, every human alive is capable of making art no matter what the excuse is—there’s no excuse. if you’re human, you’re an artist. you can create something. it’s part of who you are, as unique as your fingerprint and your dna. “but i’m not an artist!” BULLSHIT. B U L L S H I T. you are as capable of making art as i am. if you can pick up a pencil with any part of your body, you can train yourself—go read about the guy who draws with his feet, he’s amazing. “i won’t be as good as you, though.” yeah, and? that doesn’t mean you can’t be good in your own way. i tried making tutorials or how to draw like me before and i wound deleting them because no one was willing to try it out, and i soon learned that it’s because my art is unique to me, as well as cop outs like “not an artist”.
the rise of ai art tells me that people are way too lazy and entitled for their own good now. our ape bodies are too reliant upon technology, and technology is advancing faster than any of us can keep up. it’s not only the biggest wasted opportunity ever, but it’s a sign of not caring about your fellow human and what they can make with their bodies and brains, especially with their hands. we have spent millennia using our hands to build the very advancements that brought us to this point in history… and we’re willing to throw it away, and what for?
bitch. my hands have used pencils, pens, paintbrushes, turpentine, metals, heavy machinery, wood, axes, hatchets, knives, ceramic clay, acids, bases, chemicals that can leave blisters on the inside of your lungs, literal fire, rocks and minerals, a fucking Geiger counter, soldering irons, welding torches, heavy tools like table saws and sledgehammers, bicycle chains, one of those old rotary telephones, typewriters, fucking floppy disks!!, all kinds of fabric, a drum kit, a piano, guitars, microphones, xylophones, baseball bats, hockey sticks, basketballs, volleyballs, and some of the most delicious food i have ever eaten… i got to touch pitchblende (uranium ore) with these hands. i got to touch lead soldering and broken glass. these hands have gotten to touch silver ore and 24-karat gold. i even got to touch things from the softest cat fur to the skin of a snake and the exoskeleton of a scorpion. these hands have shaken the hands of teachers, famous people, and people no longer with us. these hands have fired guns and shot arrows. these hands have helped me climb up hills and small mountains. these hands have been cut, scratched, burned by both fire and dry ice, stepped on, slapped, but also lovingly held and massaged. these hands have written millions of words of literature and poetry. these hands have written words in english, french, spanish, german, italian, danish, latin, japanese, russian, and most recently portuguese. these hands have fixed houses, planted gardens, even built a car from the ground up. these are working hands, and they always come back to art.
i have toiled in obscurity since 2006, and to a further extent, 1999. i refuse to ever work with art shops anymore because they continue to rip me off and take my money, and they’re making me vulnerable to scraping. i have had my art insulted, mocked, patronized, laughed at, called dumb or stupid, rejected from art competitions, lost out to trashy artworks that look like they were done in about five minutes in total darkness, soiled on, burnt (yes, for real), thrown in the garbage, and yes, even stolen, not once but twice—the second time around, the thief is still giving me shit two and a half years after i called her out on her bluff. yes, me. the person she took from. she is continuously giving me shit and being a bully—and, get this, two and a half years later, you can see how miserable she is from a mile away.  so, let me ask you, ai people and those who (un)willingly support it: is that what you want? to become increasingly miserable as tech advances and you sit your own hands to the point you become so idle that your brains scramble themselves and you don’t even know how to function anymore? plus, you’re going to look at me dead in the face and tell me that i deserve to be shat on and everything my hands have done is all in vain all because i refuse to ever use any ai app for as long as i live because i know what the hell is going on?
have your fucking precious ai. play the victim and be complicit. if you don’t care, then i don’t care. but know what you’re doing. know that it all comes with a steep price and a dark side more foreboding than you can ever fathom. karma is a bitch, and a bigger one than i ever will be.
and this is not even touching on ai infiltrating fan writing or actual published literature, or music for that matter, but—i’m not even touching those ones.
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
A sign of AI-use in an image (that may be a little less obvious since I have seen it happen a few times, but I don't think I've personally seen it mentioned before) is if the signature/watermark is stylistically incongruent with the rest of the image.
As in, if you see, say, a beautifully rendered, complex painting, and the watermark is something like an "@username" written in a very commonly used (or even a default Windows) font that's laid over a small portion of the image? It's likely that the watermark is only there because it's meant as a misdirection, and it's trying to lend the piece and its creator the legitimacy of an actual artist seeking to protect their art.
Of course, this is not an absolutely surefire way to tell (there are a million and one reasons why someone might make one aesthetic choice over another), but this, along with a suspiciously high volume of work over a short time, and the use of a variety of otherwise inconsistent styles, it can be something to keep an eye out for, and something to help tip you off- even if you're only taking a passing glance, or don't feel like you have an eye for other, more technical signs like lighting inconsistencies, anatomical issues, or problems with perspective.
Keep your wits about you, friends, and if something looks off, clicking into someone's profile and taking a cursory look never hurts!
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ghostly-gifts · 1 year
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👻 Ghostly Gifting Guidelines
All KinnPorsche the Series (TV Show) characters and/or ships are welcome, no matter how rare the pair!
We will not be allowing RPF.
Explicit content is permitted. You will have an opportunity to specify the ratings you are comfortable with when signing up.
Gifts must be a new creation, made with your Haunt's preferences in mind.
Gifts are encouraged (but not required!) to be themed after spooky or autumnal vibes.
Gifts should be sent to this blog as a submission, or to [email protected] with a message containing your and your Haunt's tumblr urls. If you'd like to include a little note for your Haunt, feel free to add that as well!
Please do not publicly post your gift on your own blog until after your gift is revealed on the big day! Both you and your Haunt will be pinged in the reveal post, so you don't need to keep checking back if you don't want to.
Feel free to send questions as asks to this blog. If you think you may need more personalized or involved assistance, you can email [email protected].
🧛‍♂️ Fics
Fics should be a minimum length of 1k.
There is no maximum length, however please keep in mind what you can realistically accomplish during the time period given.
If your gift fic explodes into a giant, you may post just the first or first few chapters. But gifts should be finished or nearly finished behind the scenes, and should update regularly until they are complete. <3 Think of how sad you would be to receive just a first chapter that never gets completed.
Fics can be added to the AO3 Collection, which will be set to Unrevealed until the Big Day! Please also submit via the submission page or email so we can be sure to mark off that you've submitted! 🖤
🍂 Art
Art should be at least 720px in width and height.
If your muse gets carried away with you, you are welcome to submit multiple pieces for your Haunt. Please submit them all at once, and (though I doubt this requirement will be necessary) please keep it under the tumblr maximum of 10 images!
You are welcome and encouraged to watermark or sign your work however you usually would.
🦇 Gifsets
Should contain at least 5 images in a set.
Maximum of 3 sets.
If you have any specific layout requirements for the gifset, feel free to send an email or a private post describing them.
You are welcome and encouraged to watermark or sign your work however you usually would.
🎃 Fanmixes
Each fanmix should include front and back cover graphics.
Minimum of 10 songs.
You are welcome to break it up into multiple smaller fanmixes as appropriate/desired.
You are welcome and encouraged to watermark or sign your work however you usually would.
🍬 Fanvideos
Minimum length 45 seconds.
Files can be sent via submission as a link or embedded video, or sent via email.
You are welcome and encouraged to watermark or sign your work however you usually would.
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shinxeysartgallery · 7 months
still think AI shouldn't be banned? Also are you going to stay on Tumblr despite this bullshit?
No, still don't think it should be outright banned, but I do think there should be regulations on it. There are a lot of ethical problems with it, especially in cases like this where consent doesn't seem to matter much to people scraping the data to feed to the AI. I still think AI in a general sense can be used for good as a tool for actual artists. It should never be used as a replacement for artists, only as aid, if anything.
How can it be used as a tool? I can think of a few ways. For one example, you could use it to generate prompts for a background if you're having trouble thinking of one and reference what the AI comes up with for a real piece of art. If you can't draw, but still want to support artists, maybe you could use AI to generate an image of an OC to use as a reference point for a real artist you want to commission to draw your character. A real artist could potentially use AI to figure out how shading/shadows would work in their piece if they're struggling.
Obviously, it's inconsistent and shouldn't be relied on, but those are three examples of how it can be used for good and as a useful tool for artists. I don't think that potential should be overlooked, despite the ethical concerns surrounding it in general right now.
As for the other question, no I'm staying. I ticked on the opt-out toggle in my settings, though I don't 100% trust Tumblr to honor that. I think I am going to make a new watermark just for Tumblr and start posting my art with that watermark to help fuck with the scrapes. Also probably gonna go through my entire art tag and edit the stuff I've already posted with the watermark, too, at some point. It's probably already way too late, and it won't edit the reblogs, obviously, but it'll keep poisoning stuff grabbed off my blog specifically.
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