#this is not a strawman
Listen, if you go digging through a transfemmes blog, looking for reasons to cancel her, and then find a post about her lusting after trans men and prop that up as evidence that she is transphobic and all trans women are predators, then you are quite frankly being incredibly transphobic and are playing into a callout based culture that has a history of prosecuting trans women just for the crime of existing.
However, if you go digging through a transmascs blog and find a post about him lusting over trans women? That is clear evidence that he is a predator, and it is your responsibility to take up a torch and pitchfork and rally a crowd to warn everyone about this dangerous person that no one is safe around. For the children.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
thinking about terf proshippers who write shipcest mpreg
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m3rricat · 5 months
Thinking about how much I love the spawn Astarion graveyard sex scene (well, 'scene' is a generous term, since it's fade-to-black, but that's part of why I like it). I personally headcanon that it was pretty spontaneous--that Astarion didn't bring Tav there for that purpose, that he had originally intended just to show the one he loves the place where his life first ended to talk about his new life beginning. But, when the mood shifted just right, Astarion took a chance and grasped the feeling.
If it was spontaneous, it would probably have been the first completely uncalculated sex that Astarion can remember having. Sex that was far more about the emotions surrounding it than the sex itself. Yes, it's in the open on a grave, but it's not played off as done for the thrill or anything like that--if the place that held meaning for Astarion had been indoors, he would have done it there. It was about overwriting this place of horror with an act of love and intimacy and enjoyment (and there's an edge of defiance to it that is so Astarion, ugh I love it), a first step in Astarion writing his new life. And, with the fade-to-black, reinforcing that he is done with performance.
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ceasarslegion · 3 months
Infuriating: guy whose entire political ideology hinges on the idea that everything will be perfect and good if all the Good People just Win the One Big Battle is calling you naive for saying that you have to at least like, try to make positive change work with what we have now while we work on how to make it better
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itsapmseymour · 3 months
I’m in a curious mood,
What are the weirdest “strawman” moments you’ve seen or heard of?
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disteal · 7 months
Me: man it’s kind of terrifying to live in the frontier of AI generated media. Like as if it wasn’t hard enough to navigate a hypernormalised late capitalism, already so full of misinformation it’s basically pure noise. Now there’s hundreds of cheap, dubiously sourced generators for everything from art to nudes to eerily accurate replicated voices. It’s not hard to imagine the worst case scenarios for any one of these, as it just makes existing fraud/scalping ludicrously easier, faster and more accessible, but on this scale? It seems inevitable that ai generated images overwhelm us to the point not trusting any images or videos you see of war, or a country, or a classical painting, or a historical event is a future that is rapidly approaching. And I especially don’t like how many of these data libraries are being managed and owned by nazis.
Some booger on tumblr: omfg the misinformation I can’t. Actually if you knew anything about ai you’d know the sprinkl.io and grimble engines are ethically trained and this is pure fearmongering. God it’s sad to see how much female hysteria exists on this website 🙄 hope you don’t wrap everyone else up in your period meltdown
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hollow-dweller · 1 year
i think it's time for fandom to accept that some AUs are simply A Bad Idea. your lilo and stitch au with two white dudes is a bad idea. your portrait of a lady on fire au with men is a bad idea. your encanto au with a white family is a bad idea. culture and gender and race *matter* in many source texts, and erasing or appropriating that in order to see your two favourite white guys hug is, you guessed it, a bad fucking idea.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 7 months
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Canadian Newspaper Globe And Mail: Conservative Leader wants harsher jail sentences for repeat offender auto thieves.
Nora Loreto, self-described Socialist: Stealing cars is a victimless crime!
Loreto: Also, most people in our jails are innocent!
Loreto: As long as you use the extremely technical definition of “jail” that means “a place where people are usually held before trial and are therefore legally innocent”, which is not how it is generally used.
Loreto: I say this while ignoring how car theft means there is a victim, by definition.
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Some idiot also claimed the real issue was car manufacturers making a ‘defective product’, and the “logical step” should be the government going after them for obvious collusion with insurance companies.
The intellectual titan agreed.
Even though about five seconds thought would go “wait, wouldn’t having an insecure car reduce sales? And don’t insurance companies try to avoid paying out money? And isn’t car insurance mandatory anyway?”
She has a substack post about it, and it’s, uh, special. As in Ed. (archive)
>For me, I understand a victim to be someone whose life is irrevocably impacted, negatively, by forces they cannot control.
>You’re not a victim if things can be made well through consumption.
If someone spills my drink in a bar, I'm still a victim even if they or I buy me a new drink. It doesn't un-spill the drink.
Even if I get a new car, that’s a lot of trouble to go through.
>You’re a victim if you’ve experienced something that means that you’ll never again be the person you were before.
Because no one's ever been permanently traumatized by someone using force to take their stuff. Even leaving aside the times where the thief assaulted and seriously injured the car owner.
>My immediate, half-serious reaction, that jailing people for a victimless crime is ridiculous, caught a lot of heat.
Ah, yes, the classic "I wasn't serious (except when I was)" dodge.
>Thousands of men told me how much they love their cars, how their cars hold them at night and make love to them. My emails and direct messages filled up with lots of “if you steal my car I will kill you”s and “where do you live so I can steal your cars”es. The people were mad that I could assert such a thing.
Along with the classic "let's make this a gender issue, for some reason" and "talking about the harassment so I look more like a victim while ignoring the actual criticism".
>It’s the formulation that this object is so premordial that anything that may befall a car, whether a jacking or an overpacked highway, is a personal attack on the car’s owner. It’s silly.
And naturally, a red just starts making up entirely new arguments for and assumptions about the critics from thin air instead of addressing the actual criticism.
A carjacking is a violent theft of an occupied car.
Which means the operator must a) be removed, by force and/or threat of force, or b) become a hostage of the 'jacker. Sometimes both.
It's amazing that this intellectual titan can even type while she's staring so hard at her navel. Or...another body part. From the inside.
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saturncoyote · 1 year
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So how do ya'll feel about doomed toxic yuri
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
“Pride is for perverts” man I wish ppl weren’t as fucking acephobic as they were, what abt sex repulsed aces? Ppl with sexual trauma? Ppl who just don’t want to see sexual stuff? I’m not against wearing harnesses and leather at prides, rock on, but you can’t be doing straight up sexual acts (like full on sex) and then get mad when people don’t feel comfortable around that
Fuck yeah leather daddies but don’t suck dick on a public street, this whole “actually all queer people are perverts and that’s a good thing and we should laugh at those pRuDeS who don’t like sex” is just…. Kinda gross and acephobic
prude/pervert is not about having sex but whether your relationship to sex is normative & restrictive (square?) or non-normative, expansive, & queer. asexuals can be perverts. maybe not you though
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reality-detective · 6 months
So many seeds dropped 🤔
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honorthysalad · 7 months
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Seems like Yoshiki’s eyes are starting to lose shape whenever he’s stressed out, starting with his left pupil getting more jagged when he’s putting back ‘Hikaru’s head in ch22, and then in ch24, his left iris moves to the side.
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t1sunfortunate · 8 months
I truly do think one of the largest pitfalls among the "media consumption is my passion" crowd is the tendency to treat characters as human beings with agency rather than narrative tools manipulated by the author
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notanerdyprude · 4 months
“hUrDy HuR wElL iF sAmS sO aWfUl WhY dOeSnT cHaRlOtTe JuSt LeAvE?!?!” what if i kill you huh what then bitch
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murderofsomeone · 1 month
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I swear I won't maul you like a wild animal if you engage with me, I will be normal I promise
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ballpitbee · 8 months
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